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-9,"'AaWX OF A TWO-MUCLOW STSigi C I- FCMI Rimut,~jMd itea inst. io, xzmffiw~ B*Vtet L1a--8--S-roa*-ka Wi l Phys. JLTP 6, 489-00961) Oct. Tha types of exparltneaft needed for doetermInstLan of all elements d Um the ring mzftix aii favestIPU& It Is shown thal because of the unitarily candition the required atunber of sqierfmairts equats the nu=bar of co=pkx fima- tione edart;q tala the seal rft matriz. Par ewlew- twolean scaMaIng, the Inelastic Nes' dMnq matrix -.,In be determined an the basis at five experiments measuring tho a sectlon, polarlsatloa, marmil com1wments rf the po- rizatton correlation tensor and of the trIple scattering ors (for the scattered and react] partiales). It Is shown t experiments 1=1ving spin rotation W a mapette field not necessary for a phus sMA anslygta. (sutb) Role '7 7 Y ~ AUTHOR PUZIKOV,L, 11Y1TDIN,,R., SMORODINSKIYJA,~ PA 2976~ TITLE: The Setting up of a Scattering Matrix in a System of Two Nucleons. PERIODICAL: Zhurnal EKS-Derim, i Teoret, Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 3, PP 592-600 Receivedt 6 / 1957 Reviewed, 7 / 1957 ABSTRACTt The present paper is destined to show what experiments are necessary for the determination of all elements of the scattering matrix. It is further shown which of these experiments are independent in the sense that in the case of known experimental results the matrix can be completely constructed, For the reasons of better illustration the authors begin with the two most simple cases: scattering of particles with spin zere in a central field, and of particles with spin 1/2 on spinless nuclei.. The scattering of nucleons on nucleons is then examined. The case with any spin and the scattering of photons are examined in later reports. The present paper is confined to the examination of the scattering matri in--the case of an assumed energy. Also the problem of the energy dependence of the matrix elements require additional investigations, The scattering of spin-less _particles: Measuring of the scattering cross section in the case of an assumed energy is at all angles a complete test in the sense that the complete construction of the scattering amplitude is made possible (perhapsapart from the Card 1/3 Pk 2976 The Setting up of a Scattering Matrix in a System of Two Nucleons. fact that two signs are possible). The scattering of a particle with spin 1/2: In this case a complete test consists of measuring the cross section and of polarization. The ambiguity in the determination of the phases due to the existence of a certain transformation can be eliminated for small energies by the examination of dependence of the cross section. Ambi- guity mayg by the wayj be eliminated by the investigation of the triple scattering. The scattering.of nucleons by nucleonsa The tests necessary in this case are described in short. An unpolarized nucleon bundle is as- sumed here. In this case the first scattering determines the differ- ential cross section. On the occasion of the second scattering polarization is measured on hydrogen. Ba means of a third target it is also possible to measure polarization of the particle after the second scattering. Thus, two orders of magnitude are obtained for the particles participating in the second scattering. This def- termination of the scattering matrix does not necessitate the measur- ing of four-fold scattering acts or the introduction of a magnetic Card 2/3 field.. (1 table). M AUTHOR _RYNDIN,_RM.,S'JORODINSKIY, Ya.A. 56-5-33/55 TITLE The Minami Transformations for the Scattering of Nucleons by Nncleons. (A-eobrazovaniya Minami dlya rasseyaniya nuklonov'nuklonami-iussian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim,i Tecret.Fiziki,1957,Vol 32,11r 5,PP 12ou-1205 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT The paper under review shows the following: The transformation of phases.which leaves the scattering cross section invariant- this transformation,having been demonstrated for the case of sea- ttering of pions by nucleons-has no analogue for the case of sea- ttering of nucleons by nucleons Although such a transformation exists it is not sufficient in the light of thephysical conditions , of the problem. As a matter of fact,the symmetry of the system re- quires that the phases do not dpend on m(the magnetic quantum num-. ber of the system).But the phases obtained by the transformations investigated here do.depend on IJ.Unlike earlier expectations,the- re thus does not exist any a mbiguity of phases imilar to that in a system with the total spin 1/2.Furthermore,theauthors of the pa- per limit their investigations to the examination of the scattering of protons by protons, because the more general case of the sca- ttering of neutrons by protons does not bring out any essentially new aspects of the problem. The amplitudes andthe differential cross section of scattering:.~ This chapter contains a brief discussion of a methodfor the des- cription of collisions between particles of the same kind having Catd 1/2 the spin 1/2.Thi3 chapter also contains the amplitades,of the The Minami Transformations for the Scattering of. 56-5-33/55 INU laons by Nucleons. scattering ofprotons by protons in a form which can be used for the investigation of the behavior of the amplitudes at reversal, of the spins.It is possible with the aid of the usual methods for &'he investigation of the asymptotic bahavior of the wave functions to express without difficulty the amplitudes by the elements of the scat tering matrix S.For the scattering amplitudes FOO(r~ ),.F1(V) ~ j are given. The secon chap- j(0) explicit expressions ()),Pj F1 ,_ O tei- of the paper under review deals with the transformations of the scattering amplitudes Fs,(V) at refersal of the total spin of the system and of the spin of the differant protons. This chapter furthermore contains substitutions for the elements of the scat- tering matrix which lead to the same transformations of the ampli- tudes.In the case of nonrelativistic particles the reversal of the spin leads to ambiguity of the phas es only in a systemwith the to- tal spin 1/2 if the data on the scattering of unpolarized partic- les are analyzed.(No reproductions). 1S S OC IAT ION Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. PRLSENTED BY SUBMITTED 12.7-1956 IVAIIIABLE Library of Congress. Card 2/2 LUTHOR I SMOROD1N3XI*,',Ya.A. 56-6-49/56 ' V~ ! ~ ftk TITLE - ,s _cr tha 31astic th rity Relatior J of Particlea wii Arbitra--f Spins. 4ootnosheriiyakh unitarn-ast-1 dlya uprugikh stolknoveniy chastits s proizvolfnymi spinami, (Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki 19579 Val 32, Wr 061 pp 1584-10135. ABSTRACT The authors first study collisions off particles without spin. The energy of the impinging particle is assumed to be such that only elastic scattering is Dossible. In that case the scattering amplituda- fM according to R. GL-AUBSP ~rd V. SCHOI,=SR (Phys. Rev. Vol 89~ p 667, 1953.1 in-tegral equation. The pre6ent paper this integral relation for elastic collisions of partioles with the random, spins si and.s 2 and proves the following: Besi -des the, optical'theorem there exists a nuraber or relatione which...aonnee,t the elements of the scattering matrix. which do not vatish at k' k with thu various spilu characteristies. The unitarity of the 8-matrix causes-the ways functions T of the CARD 1/2 k scattered wave to satisfy the same orthogonality- and On the Unitarity Relations for the Elastic '~uiiislonu of Particles with Arbitrary- Spins. 56-& 49/56 normalization functions as the functions of theIin- ciding wa:Te. At r -> oo the .y form a complete system,of functions with respect to the angle irariables. After, some computin,-,"the required integral relation for the scattering matrix is obtained. He reform there follow integral relations for the coeffic-ient,s of the development according to the irmiriant spin matrices. Also a generalization of the 0-A-cal theorem for particles with a spin that is different from zero is obtained, _4~ 1 4 n Im Sp M (k9 k) k (2 a + 1) (2 l 2 (No Illustrations) ASSOCIATION: United Institute for Nuclear Reaearch. (Ob "yedinennyy instit,.it yadernykh issledrbvaniy.- Russian) PRESENTED BY: - SUBMITTED: 20-3. !Gc;7- ' - AVAILABLE: i Library n Congress.. CARD 2/2 BIIENKIY., S. M.) IAPIDUS. L. I.) PUZIKOV) L. D. and RYNDIN., R. M. "Phenomenological Analyeis of Reactions of the at a--7b b ITypels Nuclear Physics, Vol. 7, No. 6, p. 646-654, 19,58, No. Haliand Publ. Co. Abstract: Conditions for the construction from experimental data of the matrix for reactions of the a 4- a'---,-b +- bI type are considered on basis of general principles of qunntum mechanics. The reaction matrix M is expanded in a complete set of irreducibie tensor operators TJm (jb* ~a ) and the number of complex scalar, functions which determine it is comDuted ~Vor he case when invariance under space rotatiaons and reflections is taken into account.. Time reversal invariance of the interaction leads to relations lietween polarization effects in the direct and ~ inverse reactions. 'The number of experiments required for complete construction of the reaction matrix in the presence of several channels can be determined dn basis of uniterity of the S matrix. The general form of the azimuthal dependence of the angular distribution of the reaction products (for arbitrary spins) is derived in the appendix. Joint Inst. of NuclearResearch, Lab. of Theoretical.Physics, Dubna., USM. A'j A-" 56-2-45/51 AUTHORS: Zastavenko, L. G. , Ryndin, R. M. Chzhou Guan-chzhao TITLE: The Non-Uniquenesses of Phases in the Scattering of Nucleons s (0 neo dnoznachnostyakh faz v rasseyanii nuklonov PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1958, vol. 34, Nr 2, pp, 526 527 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The cross section of the scattering of mesons by nucleons remains unchanged in the ansatz shown by Minami (mcerence 1). Two sets of phases by means of this ansatz originate from each other can be distinguished either by polarization ex- periments the investigation of the energy dependence. of the cross section Yrith small energies. The authors dis- cuss analogous transformations for the case of the'scatter- ing of nucleons by nucleons. The elastic scattering of nuc- le ns by nucl4pns is completely descri4ed by the matrix 4 , 01. -Y Her a4d , 0, ) i . denote the Pauli 1,1( k Z ; 0 2 a2 l and k the Vyro nucleons and k respectively, matrices o Card 1/3 0 of den 0t e the unit-vectors in the directions motion of anter-: 56-2-45/51 The Non-Uniquenesses of,Phases in the Scattering of Nucleons by Nucleons ing and scattered nucleons. The cross section of the scatter- + ing of non-polarized nucleons or SPID 3 46 invariant in relation to the substitution o M R, k 0 2 171 $ 0'2 ) by one of the three matrices qen oned here. hT is then expanded into Jm( 4~ spherical harmonics Y k) which describe the states with certain Values of4he total angular momentum j, its projection m, the orbital momentum 1 a nd the spin s. The values 1 and s are determined by the addition law of angular momen- tum and -with S = 0 (singulet) 1 = j, and with s = 1 (triplet) are 1 = j, j � 1). Then the authors,investipa4le -IN one -I> of i1. the above-mentioned transformations, namely M l=( 0,1 k)II(a 1 0), , and, mention the expansion of this matrix into spherical harmo- ,nics. The matrices occurring in this development are dis- cussed moreOttai4eA and are me4t_~?ne4 4xplicitly. The ma- k - trices H =(Cr k IA(a k ) and M 2= (a2flll (Cr2 k ) lead to singu- let-triplet IransilioOns. Therefore the foirst two transf~or- .mations cannot in the case of a collision of nucleons of the same type where the singulet-triplet transi- tions are excluded by the Pauli Drinciple. This also applies Card 2/3 to the (n-p)-scattering, if the hypothesis of the isotopic 56-2-45/51 ttering of Nucleons by Nucleons 17cn-Unicue-nesses o~ Phases in the Sca The invariance is correct. There are 3 references, 1 of which is Slavic. ASSOCIATION; United Inotitute for Nuclear Research (Obl'yedi.nennyy institut yaderny.1i issledovaniy) j'L'"_U!I'2TED: J"Overiber 26, 1957 AVAILA"JIL: Library of Con.-res3 1. Mesons-Scattering 2. Nucleons-Applications Card 3/3 21(7) AUTHORS: Bilen'kiy, S, M,, Ryndin, R. M. TITLE: A Possible Method for the Determination of the Polarization . of a Hyperon in the Reacti on TL+p-~Y+K (Vozmozhnyy metod opredeleniya polyarizatsii giperona v reaktsii-M+p_1~Y+K) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreti cheskay fiziki, 1958,1 Vol 35, Nr 3, pp 827 - 828 (USSR) ABSTRACT: One of the most important characteristics of interactions leading to the production of strange particles is the. polarization of hyperons. The present paper suggests a method of determining the polarization of hyperons in the reactionaTC+ + K, K + p ij) +Tr. This method is based on measuring the asymmetry of K-mesons and pions withthe polarized proton target in the aforementioned reactions. The matrix of a reaction of the above-ment oned 4 type can bewritten down i n the general form M - a + b 6 (spin of the hyperon - 1/2 , spin.of the K-meson.- 0)., For the densiytr matrix of the 1 initial state it applies that where # ? . (1+ , a)12 denotes the polarization of the.. ~ 0 o 0 Card 1/3 target-protons. An expres s-Ion for the differential cross- A Possible Method for the Determination of the SOV/56-35,-3-60/61 Polarization of a Hyperon in the Reaction w,+p->Y+K section is given, and the polarization of the hyperon for the case of an unpolarized proton-target is calculated. According to the internal polarity of the particles partici- pating in the reaction two cases may be distinguished: 1) Internal polarity does not change, i.e. it applies that Ir'I -.IYIK* In this case the aforementioned matrix i 5 a scalar. The corresponding expressions for3land P are written down. 2) Internal polarity changes, i.e. it applies that I Ip = I I.. In this case the matrix is a pseudoscalar. TC Y Measurement of the asymmetry of the initially mentioned the case of a polarized target would permit the ,determination of the polarization P of the hyperon in a reaction with an unpolarized target. If the parity (KY) with respect to (-mp) were known, thi. experiment would,.at the same time, make,it possible to determinethe sign of polarization. If, on the other hand, thesign of polariza- tion is determined from thedecay of the hyperon, the experi- ment suggested.would make it possible to determine the Card 2/3 relative parity (KY). There are 2 references. S 0 V/!~ 6 - 8 S U., Lapi~us, L. I.,. L. D., _Ryndin, R. TITLE: Oil tlie Determ-L--,tion of the 11atr-'x for "eactio-il -+a' b+o I (Ob opredelenii matritsy real:tsii a+--'---Yo+b PERELT'DI'AL: U fiZ4!:i, rN5,7, 6hu-,ral eks-.)erime,tallnoy i teoretichcskoy Vol 35, lir Pp 950 - 061 (USSR) AB S T R. 1. C T Wolfe-ctein (Vollfenshteyn) and As!-Z--in set up a ~ellierai e-cprezsion for the scatterinZ; ampli-tindos o--" 1jarticles with z~~--;n 0 and 1/2 on particles -6-.,ith spi-n 1/2 or. t`-e basis of the invariz~nce con(~itions i, and reflections and ti~Lo revers:~!. Proceedin- frori flhe:~e expres-sions, and by the unity of the S--matrix, Puzikov, Ryndin and S,-.iorodinslliy (Ref 2, i-nveEti---ated the question as tuo ho--w many ex- perimerts a2e neces~-ary in order to obtain a complete determination of the scatterinG amplitudes in these cases. The -uthors of the present paper invest i,,ate Card 1/3 the General case of a reaction of the sc-eme a+a' --Yj+bl. On the Determ.,ination Of thc Matr*x for thn Reaction a+a b+b The number of complex scalar functions defining the reaction matrix Ll is determined with the aid of tLie conditions of invariancP -ith respect to space rot-,-~tions and reflections. Time reversal invariance leads to relationsbetween polarization effects in direct and inverse reactions. An expression for the amplitude of the process and another for the ratiobetween the matrices of direct and inverse direction is first given. On the basis of an example of 2 channels,the number of experiments is determined that is necessary for a complete deternination of the reaction matrix. In conclusion the authors thank Ya.A.Smorodinskiy for discussing the problem dealt with. There are 3 references, of which are soviet. ASSOCIATIO't: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy United Institute for Nuclear Research) Card 2/3 21(l.8)) 24(5) PRASH I BOOK EXPWITATION SOV/3369 Vassoynznays mszhvuzcv3k&ya konferentalyn po kv&ntovoy taofti poley I toorti alamentarnykh clazatits. Uzhgorod 1958 OfFteoril elementarnykh ahaaZitS. No 2: Trudy Problemy sorremenn rob 1=3 In the Modern Theory of El;mdnt tiI J r . .... kon eran Particles. Mr, 2t Transactions of the All-Union Inte.-Vuz f h eory o , Cc ference on the Quantum Field Theory "d the T Elementary Particles) Uzhgorod, ZAkarpatakoya oblastnoya izd-vo, 1959 . 214 p. 5,000 copies printed. Ed.: To. LoaaaAxe, Docent. Tech. zd.8 N. Belous. c PURPOS13 This book is Intended for Physicists, parti ularly those concerned with PrQbl=3 In the field or elementary particles and the quLzitus theory. COVIMUs This book contains articles on el=entary psrtleleg Tnter-Vuz Conference hold at Uraon ~ oriKinally read at the All o Vzhgorod 3tat* UnIver3itY n Oct bar 26, 1958. Among the topics ; - " ' ' _ disousmad'are: the spindr-field theory, the ru3IOn theOrY. -~; 11 14renta contractions, parity studies, nucleon-nucleon scattering. ota. ZnglIah abstracts accompany each &rticle. References h article. *&c fOllqw ` - - SokolLk, G.A. NowYormulation of Fusion Theory ' - , : I Iisadze Xuulq~ and B. I. KV4AIm4~,ApplIcation of -)Wib WE VarlatId- d th p n o to e &1r heory 30 !10kolLk. O.A. GeneralIzAtton of the Lorentz G. roup 'Tantak3ya-Z04. aene=llzed F4uLvalent Potential and --3i t7h r i f e quence o n initesimal Iortntz Contractions Under notary Notion Sokolik, G.A. Representation or the Complete Lorentz Group 52 Sokolik. 0.A. Connection Between the I'AnOmal' Representation of the SP44*-TIRO rnvcrslcn Group and the PAULI Transformations 56 _211hkantu_ BV _a-A-JLuLLnavA-Y&. and A.P. Rudlk NOM-COMNOrvatlon or Parity in Rag . 58 atlevilkly. 3.M., &nd 4!&=XL-in. Determination of parity _ a articles 63 148"Ixe, Yu.X. The Possible Versions of the Decay Theory 69 R-ql--t;on. or the Second Order for 3PInor one so cons:rvatlon or the Combined Parity, An a "r'n m- ~u - 0 f kh SYI=dtry.1n Nature 83 Geshk9nbOyn, B-V- Polarization Or Electrons of the Inner COnYdrelon Subsequent to .0 -- Decay, Taking rtO Account thO ItlGatric Field or the Nucleus 89 A 0- Polarization or the Nucleons Under the tM A h i r 11 9 mention in the 11191a Rnergy Region 99 Y791ane,, Khe -Y&va Iquat;lona for Elamdntary Particles B&Mmhenkov; V.s., and E.X__B=jQshOv. 3008 Remarks on the Inner structure of the Ruclaon 117 V G O h . . n t e Superfluld State Of an Atom Nucleus 126 24(5) AUTHOR6: t! Ryndin, R. M. SOV/56-36-5-72/76 TITLE: On the Relativistic Relation "Polarization - Asymmetry (0 relyativistskom sootnoshenii "polyarizatsiya - asimmetriyall) PLRIODICkL: Zhurnal eksperimentaltnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 5, pp 1609-1610 (USSR) KBSTHkCT: The usual method of determining the polarization of particles consists in mea suring the azimuthal asymmetry of the scattering of polarized particles and is based upon the equality of the azimuthal asymmetry of the polarization of the incidem.' particles and that occurring in the scattering of unpolarized particles. For the nonrelativistic case Wolfensteinand Askin (Refs 1, 2) already investigated conditions, and in the present "Letter to the Editor". the authors give a short report on the case of the scattering of relativistic particles. The case of the elastic scattering of particles with spin 1/2 on --)inles's particles is investigated: The density matrix is given + by )_01P where Ap- 1~1 P +im)/2im is Card 1/3 On the Relativistic Relation "Polarization Asymmetry" SOV/56-36-5-72/76 ~he projecting operator, m - the restmass of the particle, isp a space-like pseudovector orthogonal to p p 0). The degree of polarization is P tL J/1 This matrix for the final state has the form Yscatt =APIM3 M+13.k . Herefrom a formula is ine p derived for the scattering cross section of the polarized beam, and for the polarization - asymmetry rel-~tion + inc, ;: o) is obtained; T is the scattering cross 0 0 section of the unpolarized particles, the vector of the polarization occurring in the case of the scattering of unpolarized particles, and zinc the correspond Iing vector in the scattering of polarized particle S. This equation applies also to the case of a reaction of the type 1 2 + 0 --~k 1/2 - 0 if the internal parity of all particles is +,1; if it is - 1, also the sign of the product of the Card 2/3 polarization coefficients changes. The asymmetry is thus 210) i "a.diu, L. F. Iyadin, R. U., TITLE, Inter o%ian Between Protons and Atouic liclal at Icoralea of 660 U:Y and the 1ntr%-zutIftr Distrib.tion of the Nucleon Hoaenta (Tzalmodeyntyly. protonow a otcwVzl yadraal pr$ 660 U.V n.triyad.rao:. r.a;r.d.l*nly. PERIODICiLs :au,"I lt.-t1ch*.ko7 flilkl. 1959. Vol 36, Nr 6. pp 1651 - 164(USSR) ABSTRACT, Apart frva theoretical dlacudsloAso this Y*rjF detatl*d paper 7 sa,v .11 deal. with the momentum distribution in tto .ZXIp%i In proloa*n4olooo *a no, ,Ad 4 c r I t . 8 as s zaab or of r ad a I Ahe : ..portmontal data concerning the ..gul.r distribel to" sod nergy spectra of secondary ;articles (matnly protaz* with zorglos orz 60 IZOV) emitted at anal" of T.12.2. la. 24 Z'i ~00 in reactions between 660 Us%, ;rate" &ad va*2*1 of : ) si-s for .11 4 %h. do/dw 2-, C, Cwaad U. TxbI Card 1/4 4" ourad for 8 differ t .lotion angles ~ between 7 4-6 400- :a .01 . following see 70- for e ", has 111 0 2 1 10-240.2/st.r.dlaz 074!0-O04)- our 40 (O : : . r., 'a I'. . j rIt in form of & diagram. It I- Ound t t A.. . ; a jh* dependence afda/du an L decrease Itb & d*arwas. of 0. The 4 di-gra" in figure 3 show, %b-ewra sp*.%ra of the charged a#cond^ry particle. at 70, the fOll"IAS ligaZ" 094% the other 6.620.. (14 A the an p7ctra fox 2 sbo. :rEj a 10-27 2 %.r 4t. X.v / c. # a u, 0 . Athe ch racteristic p k (d 0 dl4dX in t 7 IA,asardi .:to) 1. n&rra~ ad Is practically hear 660 U611 a 01*~ tlo Second -.Jam 1. only diI Ad . ask .141." 4.0 be be&reed only in the Case Of C-4 . .,.out 500 Now. At 12-20 the P, k I-Ir,,dy broader and shlft:d somewhat t.vards & " u.1 she aI.-_* mark" .7 AO & r lower enorgi ! . P- all 11 Ia* the& M. . 5C I.In.. of somewhat b-lo broader and or* found already at anargi *a of r 600 U" I the t.lly I.- In th a ..a. of Cu ..d vat bout ,IA$- are sp Card 2/4 v 400 koe. 1% 24 the broad maitza ('lly in the Of V) or. at about 500 N.T Iho so are dl.11-cur l t " & boat 400 Rev, In h. O:!: ofV. Ord,=&to v use are : . % b t E C 200 Key above the ..Zjza~. at _ 500 K_. L% 30a this d*vsIcpv*nt 10 more morkedl the oaAlma are flat and are at 4D0 Mevj Cu ad U he,. very high ordi~%* value. at Int :b *.t j norg a., which decrease to a ajnt=~. at about 5oo Us,. art*, which they again increase to=twhat And a.ln door".. sharply towards zero with Increhatzg tnorg-.ts. la 4entral, the c"~. ~ too& for the usibstOu Of such 44coadary ;trtiajoa I=r.&.# 1Z, : 1 h atecr as.. of the eagle. Posting fr- high to Ia- -rorgit.. the op-.;r.1 regions Of the icvtstl8-t-4 *Iwctat* correspond I. di of pro,.- a nuclei (Asell scale east.. Isotic GuIll.ions. plan Pro d4ctiOA On bOund nu-16ons ad iatranaoloor cascade pracas*gs, npt.r 5 of this paper ". out 13-~s compare ~t he . y r a. ,, toy pectra proton. aa : Quaaaoat% art no itb h. 0.1 " a.4 spectra (in smoutas .pPr sization under varloam assumptions with zo.pool to the Card 314 No,*:1. distributions of the IA the muclsus) (pigs a .ad 9). In the C..* af p-Bo- and agreement 1. t found (between ozperlm~n and ., or,) shoo ",no a G4-614. momentum distribution hoving a.% at,-% 20 Va.' veblah 1. 1 ko pla.Ith the ro.ul%a obtained in D,rk.jay. rho ..,bar$ j1 flasythock S- 1. F-darova and 1. V. Pop.,, for pragra-LA, , ad ..rrylog oat emleal.tians, and further also S. S, jllea,kly' I- P. Klopikov, L. X. So,olo ad ;. 1. Che"lkov for valaeblo di-cwNsic", There are 9 f1guros, I tAbI14, and 25,ea... 6 at -blab or* Soviet. ASSOCIATION, Ob "Y*41n.abyr Institut Y.d.rr4kh A..1.40V.41Y (Jedat Institute .1 Nuclear 8 ... arch) SUBMITTED$. December 20, 1958 Card 4/4 16.8ioo, 16.8300, 24.6000 76992 Sov/56-37-6-32/55 AUTHORS: Bilen'kiy, S. M., Ryndin, R. ,,-Smorodinsk�y, Ya. A., Khe Tso-syu TITLE: Theory of /3-Decay of the Neutron PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teo'eticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37, Nr 6, PP 1758-1763 (USSR) ABSTRACT-: Calculations were performed for corrections to.various effects in 9-decay of the neutron. The corrections originated from the account of terms for theelectron, and nucleon masses - m/M. These terms are due to the, 11weak'Gell-Mann magnetism" and proton recoil. It was shown that for electron-neut-r6no correlation. and the up-down symmetry of electrons,,these corrections may reach severalpercent. Thus, the correction for the (e-l/)-correlation for the total Card 1/3 energy of electron of 0.71, 0.91, 1.11, 1.29 mev, Theory of/~-Decay of the Neutron 76992 SOV/56-37-6-32/55 as compensated for~ieak magnetism" and the recoil, was, respectively, as follows: 0.4, 1.4, 2.4, 3.3%, and 1.9,2.7, 3.5, 4.2%. The correction to the asymmetry of electrons for the total energy of electron, 0.71, 0.91, 1.11, 1.29 mev, as compensated-.for:weak magnetism" and the proton recoil, was found to be, respectively: 1.3 , 1.8, 2.4, 3.0%, and 0.3, 0.5, o.6, o.8%. Corrections for the polarization were found to be'small and at energies of 0.71, 0.91, and 1.11 mev were, Irespectively: o.14, 0.08, and O.Q.7%, V. Telegdl participated in the discussion of this work. There are 2 tables; and 122 references, 1 Soviet, 1 Italian, 10 U.S. The 5 most recent U.S. references are: R. P. Feynman, M. Gell- Mann,.Phys. Rev., 109, -193, -1958; M. Gell-Mann, Phys. Rev., 111, 362, 1958; J. Bernstein, R. R. Lewis, Phys. Rev., 112, 232, 1956; M. Morita' Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 4, ',,230 Dll, 1959; S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev., 112, 1375, 1958.1 ,ASSOCIATION: Joint Inst. NuclearResearch, USSR (Obledinennyy institut Card 2/3 21(l) -AUTHORS: Bilenlkiy, S.,M., Rynding R. It. SOV/20-124-1-17/69 TITLE: On Determining the Parity of Hyperons and K-Mesons (ob oprede- lenii chetnosti.giperonov i K-mezonov) PERIODICAL; Doklaldy Akademii naukSSSR, 1959, Vol 124,.Nr 19 pp 63-65 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The present paper investigates a possibility of determining the parity of hyperons and K-mesons that is not connected.with any condition concerning the spinslof hy p;rnuclei and K-mesons. Besides., in the case of this procedure , the reactions niust.not . be investigated nearthe threshold value. The authors suggest investigating the reaction p + He4 ---~He4 + y + K with a polarized proton beam. The matrix of this polarization has the form M - a + b,,where the quantities a,and b depend on the momenta of the initial- and final states. Next, the expressions for the differential 'oross section of ~the above-mentioned reac- tion and the polarization of the hyperons produced by the re action are givdn".--The product of the internal parities of the proton, hyperon.-,and,K-meson may assume the two values !Card 1/3 I I I In the case I I I + 1 the matrix M is a p Y K p Y K On Determining the Parity of Hyperons and K-Mesons SOV/20-124-1-17/69 scalar and is then a pseudovector..At I M is p IY IK V a pseudoscalar and Va vector. The formulae are then also specialized for the special case in which the momenta of the proton, K-meson, and hyperon are in one plane. The polarized proton beams are produced by the scattering of unpolarized beams by nuclei, and their polarization is orthogonal with respect to the momentum of the scattered protons. By measuring azimuthal asymmetry in the above-mentioned reaction with polarized protons, the sign of Ip IY IK car. be..uniquely deter-, mined if the sign of the polarization occurring in the reaction with unpolarized protons is known. When deter-mining asymmetry it is necessary to select such cases in which all particles are in one plane. The authors thank Yu. A. Shcherbakov for an interesting discussion of the problems dealt with by the present paper-There are 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet., Card 2/3 ,On Determining the Parity of Hyperons and K-Mesons SOV120-124-1-17169 RYNDIN, R. M., BILENKIY, S. M., 22134 S/056/61/040/003/014/031 B112/B214 AUTHORS: Bilen'kiy, S. M., Ryndin, R. M. TITLEt Emission of soft gamma quanta in electron proton scattering PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 40, no. 3, 1961, 819-825 TEXT: The bremsstrahlung of soft gdmma quanta in elastic electron proton scattering is considered in this paper. The amplitude of the process is, calculated approximately and then the differential scattering cross see tion. The approximations are in each case limited to the first two terms of a series exDansion in.powers of the exc hange momentum k, that is, the momentum of the gamma quantum. The amplitude of the scattering process is d.etermined by a method proposed by F. E. Low (Ref.3.' Phys. Rev., 110, 9749 1958) for the soft gamma radiation. This,method requires a special -treat.- :ment of the part of the amplitude possessirig a pole for k-).0 (renormaliza-.. T II tion). The amplitudes T, and T appear in the S matrix: S(p~j q1j k, pp q) 4,(b,2m2 1 1/2 1 11 (21E) /2k pop qo-q ;;;~,'(T + T,_,, 6 (p + q + k p q). M is 0 0 0 Card 1/6 22134 S/056/61/040/003/014/0311 Emission of soft gamma B112/B214 the mass of the proton, m the mass of the electron; p,pl and,q,ql are the four-momenta of the proton and the electron, respectively, before and after collision; is the polarization vector of the emitted gamma quantum (p0 . ip q0' = iq The amplitude TI is expres .sed by . the 41 4 anomalous magnetic moment /t. and the electromagnetic form factors F and F of the proton. 2 TIL = it (q') PeT, i. (q'+ k) + - 'FeT~ 4- ieT, 1T N - k) + -leT~] it (q). x X v (p') ie IF, ((p'- p)2) tv ~tpiWIF2 ((P'-P)'I) 13-1 (P'-P)"] V (P) (P,-P)--2. (2) The amplitude T contains operators which may be expanded in pbwers of the exchange momentum k. A T~~ (q# q)-2. (3) T~ u (q) iey, u (q) IT; + Tv", = v (p') I ier,'(p', p' + k) S (p' + k) ier. (p' +k. p) + ier. (p,, p k) s (p k) ier,, (p k, A I v (P) - ,in each case, the first.two terms of the expansions are substituted into CardW6 22134 S/056 61/040/003/014/031 Emission of soft gamma.... B112 B214 .Finally, with the help of.the expressions for T and the differential T~ scattering cross section d6 d6 A) +,da is calculated where d6 and daI 0 1 0 correspond to the first and the second approximation, respectively. dcr. w.da a any--o d0jdwdap. (27) Ulr~-Flk)- pIk PI. where d6 is the elastic ep-scattering cross section for an electron p 2 e is given by: nergy q 0 a e /4% 1/137. ddi a3 dal 'xk[fl(?M2 +!x2)-2r-x']--LA`%kfjk2- JA P 2 2AqAp(yk) (fjM2-f2x2) + f, (pq + pq') (Aq - A,) !L -j- -n (pIk + pk)-II I(q'k (qk + I'k) 4 (p, - q') 2 (Aq -Ap)2 f, [(Pq) (kq) P'k Pk + (pq') (kq) + 12(pk)' xs']-. 2(yk) (A.- Ap)Aq[4(2FF,'+ 2 ("P )'F (pq) (pq') cos2 21+ff'x ~-]+~A,- A,) 4 (2FF'lx2.+ 2 Card 4/6 + Gp- F-Y) 22134 201 + 61/040/003/014/031 '4-2 ("P )"F,FXt+ F,) X, + fl) (pq) (pql COS S/05 2jVl 2M B112YB214 k+ f;0 (fx: h Lq- -L (a qco [Y'q,M2 (I + 2H' sin' + d(o lu-0 a [/jxk -~T (A q - A p) A,7c.) + (Aq 2 0 6)1 + F2. -Ap)2 (I+ Lq- sin At 2) +: 2 + - w] do) dQ, dap + Plk + 2m + -I,, COS .1 p'q' (p'q) (q'k) (2.,t)" Fq;k): VAY' in w cos 0' qq' p'q' p Al'q'k q' + k pk) k (pk) (p'k) (q'k)-q, (p'1,)3 (pp;) Wk) M2 '7q' d' (01 dcodPhdGp. (pk (plk)" I (q'k) (p'k) (p'k) it ld-.o v L-0 3AeCb Aq q'I (q'k) q (qk), Ap p'l (pk) p (pk), F, ppF., F2 + (ppF-. 2M)Ixl; ol dq. Lo 2 [,Vl,(l + 2qo sin! 0' s n 2qo sin2 dw qo qi~ Al 2 m Card 5/6 F, dF' 11 T. A. dxl S/05 61/040/003/014/031 Emission of soft gamma ... B112Y3214 S. S. Gershteyn, P. S. Isayev, A. A. Logunov, and Ya. A Smorodinskiy are thanked for discussions. There are 2 figures and 7 referencest 1 Soviet-, bloc and 7 non-Soviet-,bloo. ASSOCIkTION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh.issledovaniy (Joint institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: September 1, 1960 S/056j62/043/006/041/067 B183/3102. AUTHORSi Bilen"kiy, S. M., Ryndin.,R-M- TITLEs Production of slow pions in pion-nucleon and nuol eon.~hucl eon collisions PERIODICALs ZhurnRl eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v- 43, no. 6(12), 1962, 2204 -2207 TEXT: How invariance of the S matrix under time reversal affects the pion production in nN and NN collisions is studied for cases where the energy~ of the pions produced is negligiblysmall. Strictly, this .study 9nlyholds-1 i for the limiting case where the four-momentum of the resulting meson vanishes. The conclusions drawn from the.T-invariance requirement concer)i- ing the amplitudes of the process are investigated for eadh process in- volved. The production of slow RO the process n + P-01 + p + RO is studied first. Information on particle polarization is derived from the, amplitude of this process. The polarization of~iecoil nucleons, for' instance, is zero at all angles if the protons are unpolarized. The following holds for no production in pp scatterings' If both protons 'are Card 1/2 31056/63/044/001/054/067, AUMIORS: Bileask1jr 5, V., Hyndin, R. M. TME: Soin determisation of the X -ifteson PERIODICAL%, Muroal I teorsl1clitakey fizikil v. '449 'TXXT: When the Ban bad been detacteo CM. Alstart, 9 t al. Phys. Rev. L961.0 6, 3001 T961), Wd ito Bass 885 Mev and i t* isoopin T - 1/2 determined. asveral aetheds *ere suggeste4 for the 4etermination of the spin of thiv* elementary particles ( M. Schwartz, Phys. Rev. Le tt., 60 556, SP61f V.0. Caldwell, Phys. Rev'. Lett., 1,- 251, 99k6l). In the present papers a seSbod la 41scuseed for delprminUS: the spin of the r-menon ~Q ot 9). It is~~ based 0u a stutly of the (tell-) or (k, Kf) pair praftetion on-aellialon of elect ron-positron beams jWwimg in opposite 41rectiono. N., -daUbbo and A. Zatto,frhyd. Rev., 124s f577# 19161) discUR004 the peastbilitj of condmating auCh exgertatat6; ,Thar matrix GUS"t ok the pr"098 # ~# i*- -;-4 9 + K",- (it + i ) to atudied in single- phaton agyreximallow. An. estfwtion of the total pailr psvduction cross Card 1/2 7 SD/A~MD :~51 j." AiCCESSiON .14R: o 0 369L`- S/000/64/694/09/0243/636 Y~ dik' UTHOR: ndifi:~ eulkiy, S.- 'A i7Z TI h fifil h~ rp c es onla tr TLE.-~* Polarize Prot mperlmeht6.wlt d In rge 9 g enerM 7, -SO CE: - I UR 190ekhl fW666kikh nfii& TAGS:'~ I ti -r-'stron I - - - I A' t 16 f i In eractloti ---,0a I erJLn&.,.,.pro n. pq a topic po ariza on,-.. rt r ed Me$- n' icatterlng~ p t6no6ditering,'inu~1 0 p meson, men are' - i - hiiAb 6 00bbibilit --bfr' tA - Aemicri *ith th pmp , 4 op Y. Wo taw, - Rk .7r WM f y" ouq~ .0.0men yr,vqr,( g -Ahelicattering r bclii~ sea e -000-cm es ---------- s s 0 -req ,' emipitis, bf l6vulanc ace roti . . . . . . .. oh e j6heral utt P li k and under me' evers e main eorezns-tisedAnAhe!Au4;l 0 -- PO btronk I&ei 6' -bf "tiiin:7are d on b"ili j2 .7-1 U. ....... ACC NR: AP7011379 SOURCE CODEt UR/0367/66/004/,005/1063/1066 AUTHOR: Bilen'My, S. M. Bilenky, S. m.; Lapidus, L. I.; Ryndin, R. M.; Shekhter, L. Sh. ORG: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Obl'yedinennyy Institut yadornykh iss"adovanly) TITLE: Isospin conservation and polarization effects SOURM Yadernaya fimlksv. 4, no. 5, 1966, 1063-1066 T07IC TAGS: electron spin, strong nuclear interaction, particle inteaction SUB CODE: 20 ABS TRACT: The reactions a + a' b + b' are treated, vihere tha particles a and a' (or b and bQ belong to the same isotopic multiplet, and the total isotopi c spin of the final (or initial) Farticles my take only one value. Re-!~'uonships have been obtained between polarization characteristics of such reactions at the angles 0 andir - 0 ( C; is the c.maso angle)* These rela- t-ionships are based only on isotopic invar-lance and invariance under rota- tions and reflections. Their experiinental verification.would be, a detailed test o' the isotopic invarimco of strong interactionse C.,d 1/ 2- ACC NR; AR70009-12 SOURCE CODE: 'UR/0273/66/000/010/0037/0038 AUTHOR: Ilyndin, V. V. TIT LE:. of fabrics for filtering diesel fuel SOURCE: Ref. zh. Dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniya, Abs. 10. 39. 271 REF SOURCE: Tr. Gos. Vses. n. -i teklinol. in-ta remonta i ekspluat. mash. - trakt. parka, no. 7, 1965(1966), 114-125 TOPIC TAGS: diesel fuel, filtration, impurity level, caprone ABSTRACT: The most effective way of extending the service life of fine filters in diesel engines lays in the filtration of the fuel during the machine refueling. Fuel filled into tractor tanks should have anAmpurity level not exceeding 50 grams per ton. Fabrics are the most suitable material for filtration purposes. Among them, caprone has particularly valuable physicomechanical characteristics. The purifica- tion efficiency of a fine fabric can be increased by using it folded in several layers. Thick fabrics should'not be used in folded form, since the fabric's resistance also increases proportionally to the number of layers while its purification efficiency Card 12 UDC: 621. 436-634 2:66. 067. 12 ACC N" AR7000942 increases very little. The rate of increase in the fabric's hydraulic resistance during the filtration of impure.fuel is directly related to the initial resistance, purification degree, fineness of filtration, and the concentration of mechanical impurities. A high smoothness and electrifiability of caprone fiber promote rapid separation of the sediment and helps in restoring the hydraulic permeability of the fabric. The nappy surface of cotton fabrics hampers the cleaning process. While caprone fabrics maintain their filtration efficiency after.five uses, cotton fabrics can be used only 2-3 times. The art. 23008, caprone fabric VLth low hydraulic resistance and 9276 purification efficiency, is highly recommended for the filtration of diesel fuels. Also, unwoven filter materials having low-hydraulic-resistance: characteristics and a high purification, efficiency may be used on a larger-scale. A further investigation and search for the most. efficient filtration fabrics for diesel fuels is necessary. IKPI SUB CODE; 11. 21 Card 2/2 OIZYNICBEDKO, V.I.; RYBDIN, V.A.; MARKELOV, G.A., aspirant Economic effectiveness of herbicides in winter wheat fields; from tha ni ,practices used on the Le In Collective Farm. Zaahch. rast. ot vred. i. boi. 4 no.2:10-12 Mr-Ap 159. (mm. 16:5) l.-Predsedatell kolkhoza imeni Lenina Yievinnomysskiy rayon, Stavropol'skogo kraya,(for Oleynichenko). 2. Starshiy agronom 'kolkhoza. imeni Leninn.,h levinnomysskiy rayon, Stavropol'skogo krayu,, (for Ryndin), 3, Voesoyuznyy institut zashchity ra steniy (for Markelov). (Herbicides wheat) v RMP!, s. D. , Cand Agr Sci (diss) -ways of and mixtures in b-14- in the central zone of tiie RSFSR., Michurinsk, 1957, 2h pp with illustratior6(fMin of Agr (I\ / ge table Ins t im I. V. Michurin) 100 US,,R. Fruit an Ve copies (KL, 50-56, 127) ~9h C ou ry CATEGORY - A JOUR S -,To. 195#, mo. 8,7153 . - , - A TNST TITLE r,-%vs of Gu,~;nut and cuality of . Fumeceous Stock Plants ?,' 1(J:7 No rca r OR 1G. PUB. ,"c l -jrjer~~s wt~r& cunductE-Ll ~-;t 'he of 'J rm./ing stock rvhavd ~ - thE' use a:~ licatiorn of an 1th P . w grown. J, - Th e ow . rAx,11ure wh.-Jdh J-5 placed. in a furi at c m ing, a horse-:d,-,- b . g y * - t p1 - t ech:!Itize L i -,5, ~ o J. -C -s ~ !,ih-ich make-S i For pearl* 's Ue St t~c; 9f0;,-' Del- z h , -,Lu~inates h. -irs have Of t-E s eds in uous to 1. ant 2-3 e dva-nt k a ') z;tr)ck plunts t ut by 37 t h i, .. .- , - o e ou t -re -,r-ixtu in I w cat or, r) -H 19 c4~, 37 53 RZB~ol-, NO, C"FIG. PUB. : :f urrows . dcvelof .-octs that are mcre 'frost- ranz - rcsist!~.nt- e rec--.-d i'l v ".uaLl*er- on --cy bc-con-k- -'- 0 A- -. - . I. ir% the field. !~Iantc one year old, grown in pct-* s I -cre, or 'l-e averace 15 cLii thur, grown Jn t r-e V, Va S'- reb Ov-a . CARD- 4 4M . . . . . . . . . -Wtr 4M 7TY. o it i I? ki w it 16 It to I a b it a A a a 9 v 1, t -J -I A A f-,Q I f M-A. -A-I-X- a M a lot ul Plant futsiall. ,,,ftysical cbemlatty 00 /A, A. Wrol-Ity S11,11 A, P. Adc lillkill- 6411 2, KII-11MI.W), FracOullal Pill". IOY NJCI 31141 tractiatis,if vclv~tiij and 2 fraclims of ili&tvist and twttolic presiurrs. it. C. A. 54 0I, S L A .(TALLUAGICAL LITIR,TLAC CLASSIFPCATM, WOO -T77 -T-- -F-' 0 1 v u x AV so LV; . ft 0 1, v I I I t It u 0 -t ,t K No n I AO a .1, 1 59 9 0 0 * 0 go 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 1 1 !IGTISM 0 0 4 41 0 0 0'a 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 so 0 @1& 0i -[is J11,19 a a 1 9 w a I ids I is vallullutsisil x it 'a 15 a lbi I W. I a f I a K I L L A T u jig I I I M-4 U i - 0 4 fir ..0 j..C 69096t 1.0 ..D .1. C.D1.1 Psec[lill ..a ..C.(.T.lI ~Cl. 00 ;-go .00 411MOINflUVA011 Of NY F"ifift's- go &q. Nael d6ftJvtti up to 40`~ of tile Pnv- -00 ejnpemRtlnuybftnfitw. ValLwzof ilaud the surface .00 lmdon of Avrinin hvdrcmolf am 1'"I'ded. 11, C. A. 00 ti, moo =00 0 age go 00 re 0 00 JOS, 00 Jr 00 b!j --00 !moo ~.oo A S S L OtAILUWGKA~ Lifew"t CLASSIFICATIC* tie 0 It C.( an 01 An I 1 0 Od 0 a I Ar so 5 a 3 1 U TS IV 1C as It CE-V9 ~lt as n, V. dna 0o0 o0 off 006 0 0 go ac P 0 0,411 a 0 0 0 0: "o 00 0 0 0 0009 00 0 1.48 ~ 0 0 0 00 0 10 00000 go 0000 00 0 0 0 0 ojo 0, o 0 0 0 0000 00 M~i . y 41 .1 L J is w Is 1. l is it is 1# 11 16 17 of " 111 11 it 17 11 19 W. It u L " 1 1 f I I 1, L PA of CC W It 4 t 4 1, .. Is I I L - __ L it 11 -1 ___ A A F U I L Mynicochilmical charmiclorfetfirs of InFlAnde And r" o rder . p P I i A " %j I .11KNAl. III?), MAI). I (is "'HOPI. (Of 111c IWCentlige 411 Ilosklurr. (at. I no. &vj,j J,reentagr 4 prolt,in alld viwo,,itv of fortallu.- Weir 7.3~7. 04 12.71, 7-1.12 -,.S.27, 1.09 2,314. U.14 ao.1 1,74 Is#-, 09 w'p.. .11.1 "f,),g #L7.3f...'. "Iftil, 71 1, It'll 411.11 And LINK Vilt 00 I-itOrt If ... u fron-is -gg. foul S,76'~ slws~hsrv. 3:01", 06 Ot. with an I no. of 1-42. an acid no. of 4.12 mol wi- .00 -i1v --t I M0. Melmigr frolo ft---o xg- Imd *41 mm.loj~, 7-IVV,; (at. isn't 1 411.1 avid It.. .,( 77 1:1 "11.1 -p. llw 1%-of.K~ oI -1, a I Ow 1,11 ' III-Irt W"W AUNP r Noll 7,7, F4-11 1.11 l1rill.411.1 00 o~ ........ ~rg~, COO 00 1: 7 zoo so , 00 so see , roe lie sit ;bee 00 IT IT 11 IT to IT IT 6 000 6 0 0 a 0 W 0, 9 0 0 0 0 : : : : :1 0 19 0:: 0 6009 6e9490900 6999*9 0066006 PEVZNER, L.M.; Prinimali uchastiye: IVANOVA., A.K.; PALIADITEVAq M.V.; RYNDINA, A.A.; HOGOVSKIY, N.M., otv. red.; LYSYY, A., otv. Z& 'vypu9k7,-IQitff, Z., tekhn. red. [Excursions around Moscow., its suburbs and museums]Ekski4raii po Moskva, prigorodam i muzeiam. Moskva, Profiz4at, 1947. 103 p., (MIRA 15:12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy tsentrallnyy sovet professionallnykh soyuzov. Turistsko-ekskursionnoye upravleniye. (Moscow-Guidebooks) -) ---- - - --- - - -- --- -- -- - ---- - - - - - -- -- - - 4( 13 AGRAMOV, laon Alaksa ndrovich, kand. ekon. nauk, BREGELI, Enokh Yakovlavich. doktor ekon. nauk.; DVORKIN, Il'ya Naumovich, doktor ekon. nauk,; dots.; KHAFIZOV, Rafael' Khatynovich, kand. ekon. nauk,; KURINA. Ye. A., red.; BERLOV. A.P., tekhn. red. [Griticism of preBent-day bourgeois economic theory; a collection] Kritika sovremennvkh burzhuaznykh ekonomicheskikh teorii; abornik. MosIcva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1958. 95 P. (Vsasoiuznoo obahche8tvo po rasprostrananiiu politicbeelcikh i nauchnykh znanit. Ser. 3, nos. 27/28/29). (MUU 11:12) (Economics) ABRAMOV, V.A.; ALEKSEYN-1, A.11.; ALITER, L.B.; ARAKELYAN, A.A.; BAKIANOV, G.I.; RASOVA, I.A.; ALYM4111. I.G.; BOGOMOLOV, O.T.-. BCR, M.Z.; 3REGELt. E.ya.; W.MfTSHAN, IT.R.; VIU-11TIYEEV, A.I.; GALITSOV, A.D.; GERTSOVSKAYA, B.R.-, GLADKOV, I.A.; DVCRKIN, I.N.; DRAGILEV. H.S.; YEFIMOV, A.N.: Z "HAMIN, V.A.; ZHUK, IA.N.; ZAMYATNIN, V.N.; IGITATIYEV, D.I.; ILlIlT, M.A.; IVIN, S.S.; IOFFE, Ya.A.; KAYE, V.A.; KAKWITSER. S.Ye.; KATS, A.I.; KLIMV, A.G.; KOZLOV, G.A.; KOWANOV, M.V.; KONTCROVICH,. V.G.; laAYEV. M.A.; bTONROD, Ya.A.-. LAX11MAN, I.L.; LIVANSKAYA. F.V.; LOGOVINSKAYA, R.L.; LYUBOSHITS, L.I.; KALYSH, A.I.; MFNZHITISKIY, Ye.A.; HIERAYLOVA, P.Ya.; MOISEYET. -H.I.; HOSKVIN,,P.M.; 110TKIN. A.I., PARTIGUL, S.P.1 PFRYUSH111. 8.P.; PINROV. A.L: PETRUSHOV. A.M., PODGORNOVA. V.M.; WSINOVICH.,K.A.-, RYVKIN. S.S.: Ay INA M.N-'- SAKSACAIISKIY. T.D.; SAHSONOV, L.N.; SMM(HOV, B.M.; SOKOLIMIN, S.I.; SOI-I-INT111SKAYA, Ye.l.; SUDARIKOV, A.A.; TATAR. S.K.; TERENTOYEV, P.V,; TYAGAY. Ye.Ya.; FEYGIN. Ya.G.; FIGURNOV, P.K.,- FRUMKIN. A.B.; Tb-fRLIII, L.M.; SHAMB12G. V.M.; SHAPIRO. A.I.; SHCHIMUCOV, S.A.; M,BLIMAN. B.I.; ~M[Ill, P.E.; MITROFANOVA, S., red.; TROYANOVSKAYA, N., [Concise dictionsY7 of economics] Kratkii ekonomicheskii slovarl. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1958- 391. P, (MIRA 11:7) (Econc)mics-Dictionaries) KARATAYEV, N.K., prof.j POLYANMCIY, F.Ya.. prof.j,RNMI, A.Lep prof.; AFANASOIEV, V.S., doteent; BOBKOVA, X.I.e dotsent; ZANYATIIINA, V.N., dotsentj-_AWINA,_.K.M,,_ dotsent; BAKOVNSKIY, 0., red.; CHEPELETA, 0., [Curriculum for the course "History of economietheory"; for economic institutions of higher learning and facultiO83 Programma.kursa "Istoriia ekonomichaskikii uchenii",dlia skono- micheskikh vyssh4kh uchebnykh zavedenii i fakulltetov. Koskve. Izd-vo sotsialino-ekon.lit-ry. 1960. 48 P. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Ruenia. (1923- U.S.S.R.) Upravlaniye prepodavaniya obahchestvennykh nauk. 2. Komissiye Upravlaniya prepodavaniya obshchestvennykh nauk Ministerstva vyashogo i srednego spetsiallnogo obrazovaniya SSSR (for all, except Bakovetakiy, Ghigins). (Economics--Study and teaching) RYNDINA. Kariya Nikolayevna; VOROITIKA, N.V., red.; RAUMOV, K.M., (Criticism of the economic theIories of the revisionists] Kritiks ekonomichaskikh teorii revizionistov. Moskva, lzd-vo YM i AON pri TsK IM* 1060a 66 p. (MIRA 13:7) Occonamics.) TOKMALAIEV, S.F., dotsent [deceased]; KUZHELEV, N.S., doteent; OSTROVI- TYAHOV, K.V., akademik; ALHKSETEV, A.M., dotsent; KUDROV, V.M.; LE014TITEV, L.A. Prinimali uchBstiye: BELTATETA, Z.N., kand.ekon. nauk; MRACHKOVSKATA, I.M., ksnd.ekonom.nauk;__RTXDI9A, M, N- kand.ekonom.nauk; SHIRINSKIT, I.D., kand.ekonom.nauki red.; IUMASHEV, A.I., Imnd.ekonom.nauk; PROKOPITEV, S.P., red.; NAUMOV, K.M., [Capitalist production method] KapitalisticheBkii sposob pro- ,izvodstva. Moskva. Pt.2. 196o. 357 P. (MTIRIA 13:10) 1. Kommunisticheskaya partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza. Vysshays partiynaya shkola. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Leont0yev). (Economics) ALITER) L.B., doktor ekon. nauk; BINUMIN, I.G., doktor ekon. nauk [deceased]; KARATAYEV, N.K., prof.; REUEL', A.L. doktor ekon. nauk; STEPAN011, I.G., doktor ekon. nauk; SHTETII, V.M.) doktor okon. nauk;.POLYANSKIY, F.Ya.., doktorist. nauk; BOBKOV, K.I., kand. ekon. nauk; VASILEVSKIY, Ye.G., kand ekon. nauk; MOROZOV, F.M., kand. ekon. nauk; PONOMAREV, ;e.I., kand. ekon. nauk; RYNDINA,-P.--N.,, kand. ekon. nauk; FIRSOVA, S.M.) kand. ekon. nauk;lT-S`A'-G-A,-'V.F., kand. ekon. nauk; ZHUK, I., red.; VOSKRESENSKAYA, T., red.; NEZNANOV, V., red.; ULANOVA, L., tekhn red. [History of economic theories] Istoriia ekonomicheskikh uchenii. Moskva, Sotsekgiz, 1963. 549 P. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Akademiya nauk'SSSR. Institut ekonomiki. KUYJMOVAy L.L., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik-; LAVROVA,, L,.Pst kand, tal-hn. nauk; SOLOVIIEV, V.I,, kand. kUm. nauk; FREYDLIN.. Y~.K., kand. voter. nauk; PERM, P.V., kand. voter. muk; SADIKOVA, I.A,, kand, biol. nauk; KRYLOVA,, VS., starshiy -auchnvy sotrudnik; BUSHKOVA, L.A., starshiy mauchnyy sotrudnAk; RYNDINA V P., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; TRUDOLYUBOVA, G.B,t nauchnyy sotrudnik; KARGALITSEVp I.I., assistent; MIKHAYLOVA, A.Ye., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KARFOVA, V,I,., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik;.POLETAYEV, T.N., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; MERKULOVA, T.K., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik. Directed use of microorganismB for the improvement of the uality of sausage products. Report No. 1. Trudy VNIINP no.16-. -75 164. (MIRA 18:11) Z 1. Kafedra tekhnologi:L Moskovskogo tekhnologicheskogo instituta myasrmy i molochnoy promyshlennosti (for Kargalltsev).. lAVROV&T A.P., kand. Lelrhn, rauk; GNGYEVOY, P.S., inzh.; K&LENOVA, M.S., sta-rshiy nauch-a-yy sotrvdniY-; GUSEVA, A.N., mlidshiy nauchnyy sofxudnil; MORMOVA, L.I.N mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KHARITONOV, V.A., inzh.; KANAREVSKII, A.A., inzh.; MAZYAKIK, A.V. inzh.; LISHFAY, V.M., inzh.; ILIYASHENKO, M.k., kand-veter. nauk! RYNDI-N&,-VjP.'inzh.; LOGINOVA, M.M.,, mladshi-y nauchnyy sotrudnik; MD"'INA, S.A., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; TRUDOLYOOVA, G.B., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KARGALITSEV, I.I., assistent; M'lY,llAYl,OVA,.A.Ye., mladshiy nauchnyy sotmdnik; KARPOVA, V.I., mLadshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; MERKULOVA, V.K., z1adshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; POLETAYEV, T.N., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik- Study of the heat treatment conditions of smoked and cooked Sausage. Trudy V`NllKP no.16t24-63 164. (MIRA 18.-1l) 1. Kaf-,&-a tekhnologii Moskovskogo teklinologicheskogo irs titu-ta myasnoy i molochncry promyshlenno-sti (for Kargalltsev). KASAVINA, B.S.; LAUFER, A.L.; POZIIARIYSK-,kYA, L.S.; RYNDI1NA, V.P. Occurrence of collagenase in animal tissues. Dokl. AN SSSR 142 no.3:?06-708 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:1) 1. TSentral'nyy institut travmatologii i ortopedii i Vsesoyuznyy nauctino-issleclovatellskiy institut myasnoy promyshlennosti. Predstavleno akademikom A.I.Oparinym.. (COLLAGENASE) 336,4o S/038/62/026/001/003/003 B112/BI08 .16. 300 0 AUTHORi Ryndina, V. V. TITLE3 Approximation by Laguerre polynomials in the complex domain PERIODICAM Akadimiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya seriya Matematicheskaya, V. 26, no. 1, 1962, 143-160 TEXT: A domain of completeness of the Laguerre polynomial system ,L(c")(z)~ with lim(jlj~~) Z