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MUROV, A.K. Gruup colulectivitieS Of absolutp. v,a--allzi,:Arr-, rt!all--~-ablto- on L -L t lin, hypeniurfaces of an aff-ce space. Vev Mat., zaakh. 10 rio.4:30-41 TI-Ag 1.7:-- 1. TSIPARIS, I.N. [Cip&ris, I.];,DZIIHKCHIORYUS, L.M. [D2mrkciorius, L.]; KAPITALINYY, Mctractive rectification of raw acetic acid using sodium acetate. Gidroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 17 no-4:16-19 164 (MIRA 17:7) 1. Litovskaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya akademiya (for TSiparis,,, Dzhekzhioryus). 2. Dmitriyevskly lesokhinicheskiy zavod (for Kapitaltnyy, Rybnikov). A.h., k.~,nd. tckhn. riauh; YEF-111CV, A.U., R*lBlllKOV, inzh. IOLKOV .................... Studying the correction of the d-Ynamic Properties of. mne excavating mach.Jnes 'by Tnathematuical modeling. Izv. -,rys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. na.T,171~-1.79 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Kharlkovskiy instital; go-l-nogo mashinostroyeni a, avtomatiki i vychislitellnoy tekhnikt. ReRor-endovana kafedroy tekhnicheskoy Vibernetiki. Z EFI-1110111' tekhn.nank~_.Eij~!~OL, E.N., inzh. E*"--' *'r' ol Sve rigidity olf the traction link on the d7nEr'~~^C properties of a chain-type actuating mechani-r-ri of a wrilng lrai:nine, Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. 8 no.llt89-91 '65. vskiy ,,stitut, gorriogo mal~hinostroveniya, nat, k! Fhar I ko j - avtwi - vy--hl~!Itellnoi ',ektinjkl. Rekomendorana ka"edroy tekh n i ~~htsko,i ictberne'.-Jkt. Submit.ted Jam--ary 28, 1965. r:-zh of z a 2, A, -,fy;--'; oli t c I-,,,o yz, alkhr, Jk -i ~k,.-ir~ndovara V iberne t _i "J, IVANOV, A.P.; KMLWV, SIROTOV, K.M.; SOROKINA, M.I., red.; ZAR I.M., [Hydrometeorological observations made on the OSlava-150.:vhaler of the Antarctic.Wha3ing Fleet in 1955-58 and deep-sea hydrological observations carried otit in 1950-51 and 1953-58) Gidrometeorolo- gicheskie mbliudeniia na kitoboinom sudne "Slava-150 Antarkticheskoi kitoboinoi flotili. v 1955-58 gg. i glubokovodnye gidrologicheskie nabliudeniia v 1950-51 1 1953-58 gg. Moskva, Gidrometeor. izdvvo (otd-nie). 1960. 319 P- (Mowcow. Goeudarstvennyi okeanograficheskii institu.t. Mrudy, no.58). (MIRA 13-11) (Antarctic regions-Meteorology, Maritime-Observations) (Whaling-Research) (Antarctic regions--Deep-sea sounding) -'orl of I-'Ia-lYt.Leal -ae ary Dr Ph. - at, ie ir -s t0 le .:V -Ln,(,t;-jns a., ic iL ; I nosov, 2-5 jall! ',,Imt,;h-n~fa~ya U-1 V. L r o-- State U 'Tun 510 S' Dec. 1954 318) ARRAMOV, A.A., redaktor; BOIIrYANSKIY, Y.G., redaktor; VASILIYAV, A.M.. redaktor; MADMICY, B.V.,,redaktor; MYSEKIS, A.D., redaktor; NIKOLISKIY, S.M. 11 otvetstvennyy redaktor; POSTNIKOV,:A.G. redaktor;. PROKHCROV, Yu.V., xedaktor; redaktor; ULI;A~OV, P.L..~ redaktor;. USP.WSKIY, V.A.'redaktor; CECRTA~ZV, N.G.. redaktor; SHILOV, G.Ye.,..redaktor; SHIRSHOV, A.I.., redaktor; SIMKINA, Ye.11., tekhnichaski7 redaktor [Proceedings of the all-Union Mathematical Congress] Trudy tretlego vaeaoiuznogo Matematicheskogo s"ezda; Moskva ituni-liull 1956. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii Inauk SSSR. Vol.2. [Brief summaries.of reports] Kratkoe soderz1hanie obzornykh isektsionnykh dokladov, 1956. 166 p. (MIRA 9:9) 1. Tsesoyuznyy matematicheakiy s"yezd. 3. Moscow, 1956. (Mathematics) ABRAMOV, A.A.,'redaktor; BOLTYANSKIY, V.G., radaktor; YASIL'YEVIOAX.. redaktor; MEDVEDEV, B.V.', redaktor; MYSHKIS, A.D., redakt NIKOLISKIY, S.M., otvetstvennyy redaktor; POSTNIKOV, A.G., redaktor; PROXHOROV, Yu.V., redaktor; FMNIKOV KIA A redaktor; ULIYANOV. P.L., redaktor; USPINSKIY, V.A., re- r;.. redattor; SHILOV, G.Ye...redaktor;,SHIRSHOV. A.I., radaktor; SIMKIIL, Ye.N., tekhaicheskikh redaktor [Procoedings of the third All-Union mathematical congress] Trudy tretlego vaeaoiuzaogo matematicheakogo s"ezda. Mostva, Izcl-~vo Akaclemii nauk SSSR. Vol.l. [Reports of the sections] Sektuionnye 'doklady. 1956. 236 p. (MLRA 9:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy matematichaskiy s"yezd.3rd Moscow, 1956. (Mathematics) MIKO.-,FSKIT. S.M.,; ABRAHOT, A.A., red.; BOLTYANSKIT, T.G,, red.; VASIL'YEV, A.M., red.; KIDTHM, B.T., red.; MTSHKIS, X.D., red.; POSTNIKOV. A.G., red.; PROKEIOROV, Tu.T., red. ; JLTRKLKoy- K- red.; ULITANOV, P.L.,.red.; USPICNSKIT, Y.I., r red.; SHILOV, G.Te., red.; SHIRSHOV, A.I., red.; GUMA, 1.108, (Procee"s of thm Third All-Union Mathematical Congress] Trudy tretlego Vasuoiuznoge matematicheakogo z6azda. Vel-3 DYNOPtie papers]-Obzornys doklady. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.usuk SSSR* 1958, 96 p. (MIRA 12:23 1. Ysasoyuznyy matematicheskiy s4yezd. 3d, Moscow, 1956. (Mathematics--Coagresses) r%,c L: m n ri, 16(l) FHASR I BOOK EIPLoOrTATIM 3(IV11366 Istoriko-matematichasklys loslodavanlya, rip. 11 (Rosearth in xathowatical xistory, Nr 11) PD~*ow, ?I castals, 1958. 792 p., LOW copies prlnttd. Wo. (Title page)t rqbktn, 0.7. wA YushkovIch, A.P.i VA. (Insi4a book)t Ranoviyahkin, A.A.) Tech. Md.i Wrashova, N. Y&. FW052z This bo3k to Interd4l :*r mathematicians w4 others Interested in the history of mathematics, " may serve as the best a for a suitable wtiversity text an the history of mathematics# thereby filling the most serious gap In Soviet mathematical literature. CGVMalz This book contains reports zMe by members of the section On the h1dtOr7 Of ma~haffatlcff at the ThiM A12-Uhlon Mathematical CwWome which dlWuAW problems of the history Of m4thANAtIcs and various articles an the wignifiesnoe or the history or mathematics Core 1/8 Wlkpv. X.A~ (Mosea.). on the Subject Matter or th-e-ItMory or mothemetlog 209 (M-). an Woo ""braie Mate of KONOUXOV, Arkadiy Fedorovich; VOVCHMKO, G.D., prof.,; BERN- SH=, S.B., prof., red.; VIIENSKIY, D.G., -ornf., red.; GORDETV, D.I., prof.i red.;'-GUDZIT, R.K.,-prof.; red ;.?ATON- CHKOV~KIT,.F.A., prof., red.; NECEMITAN, S.V., prof.: red.; POLYANSKIT, F.Ta.. -prof., red.; RYBHIKOT, K..I., prof., red.; 9.KAZKIN, S.D., akademik, red.; SCLOVITEV, A.N., dotsentr red.; ZATTSETA, M.G., red.; GRORGITEVA, G.I., Petr Ivanovich Strakhov. Moakva, Izd-vo Mosk.univ., 1959. 91 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Strakhov, Petr Ivanovich. 1757-1813) LV.AConstantin. Alekseyevich, KLTARKIN, Boris Vesillyevich, prof.; prof.; BASHWKOVA, Izabella Grigorlyevna; YUSMVICH, -A ofl_r:vi Pavlovich-, YANOVSKAYA, Soflya Aleksandrov-na;~SFASSKIY, Boris Ivanovich, dotsent; MIKHAYLOV, Glab Konstantinovich. starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KATYNOV, D.Ya., prof.,; GORD9YEV, D.I., prof., red.; IVAIUMO, D.D., prof,, red.; KUBRYAVTSSV, P.S., prof., red.; KULIKOVSKIY, P.G., dotsent, red.; KHRGIAN, A.Kh., prof.. red.; SHZVTSOV, N.S., prof., red.; VERIUMV, V.M., assistant, red.; KONONKOV, A.F., red.; YERRAKOV, M.S., [Programs of,courses on the history of the physicomathematical sciences] Programmy po istorii fiziko-imtematicheskikh nauk. Moskva, 1959. 40 p. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Moscow. Universitet. 2. Orgkomitet Vaesoyuznoy mezhvuzo-7skoy konferentsii po istorli fiziko-mtera8ticheskikh nauk (for Kukarkin, Rybnikov, ;ipasekiy, Gordeyev, Ivananko, Kudryavtsev, Kulikovskiy, Kikhaylov, Khrgian, Shevtsov, Verkhuj~ov, Kononkov). (Physics--Study and teaching) (Mathematics--Study and teaching) f 1 -1 f~ 2t C rzrr,~ t ac!-';: RI -1 .V l - a Val r2. or ;,-.~iizr N.Y.. =d ..I Is thi, Fira~., F*a--t-u1-,.n Ln~f of - n2 Action, a Co---all&r7' a: %;:i of Con3ar7aticn and T1.-=z.1o=--,ticn or the 1" 0: c4zs4llt:r PART 21 -TICS] Roots or vir arentill Calculus nl,,q--ILA, Alzetralo f PAYst-or L.Te. Dineordant Vle.o of Mterialism and Idealism on t7 102 ~rrukcv, B.V. 7-ge's Contributions to the Philosoph7 of Fathe- A-A.P, U11=tz's Theories on the Correlation Between I th- IMAU65 and 1,.49 L~r . 17 PART III [M=13TRY] DIalectica of the Concept of-'Chemical Sub- stea. 213 Certain rundawntai Concepts of Thermodynamics 22T arrilov, 9.1 Problem of Albumen (Its Chemical Structure) 233 AVAILAIMEt Llbru-7 Of Corgress (QM02.F5) AgIr-1 lbo Card 4/% 8-2 2- LXVSHIN, Leonid Vadimovich; VOVCHEIIKOD G.D., prof.,; BERNSHTBYN, S.B., prof., red.; VILENSKIT, D.G., prof., red.; GORDEM, D.I.. prof., red.-, GUDZIT, H.K., prof. red.; ZATONCHKOVSKIT, .P.A.. prof. red.; KECHMOTO, S.F., Iprof., r;d.; MM-NIKOVIA, K.P., kand.nauk. red.; POLYANSKIT, F.Ya., prof., red.; MNIKOY.K.A., prof., red.; SEAZKIN, S.D.. akademik, red.; SOIOVIYEV. A.N.. dotsent, red.; ZATTSEVA, M.G., red.; GE:ORGIYH:VA, G.I., Sergei Ivanovich Vavilov. Moskva, lzd-vo Mosk.univ.,.1960. 101 p. (Zamechatellnye uchenye Moskovskogo universitets, no 24). (~IILA 13:6) (Vavilov, Sergei Ivanovich, 1891-1951) RTBNIKOV, K.A., prof., red.; SPASSKIY, B.I., dotsent,.rod.; GORDETEV, Moo red.; IVANENKO, D.D.. prof., red.; KORTARSEY, P.S., prof,# red.;.-KUKARKIN, B.V., prof., red.; KULIKOVSKIT, P.G., dotsent, red.; MIMILOT, G.K., starshiy nauchnyy,sotradnik, red.; KHRGIAN, A.Kh.. prof., red.; SHIVTSOV. N.S., prof.'red YRREHUNOT, V.M., assistent, red.; KONONKOV, A.F., red.; MALIK;VA. X:A., red.; SOROKINA, L.A., red.; TERMAKOV, M.S.. [Summaries of papers and reports of the Iateruniversity Conference on the History of Physics and Mathematical Tezisy dokladov i soob- shcheali Nezhvuzovskoi konferentaii po istorii fiziko-matematicheakikh GORDBYjW, D.I., prof., glav.. red.; DVORYANKIN, P.A., prof., red.; KONONKOV, A.F:, red.- RYBNIXOV K.A., prof., red.; SOLOV'YHV, A.I., doteent red. 5 oteent, red.; FIGUROV- SKIY, N.A., prof., red.; SRVTSOV, H.S., prof., red.; KELRGIAN, A.Kh., prof., red.; %AYTSZTA, M.G., red.; YMUIAKOV, H.S.. tekhn. red. [History and methodology of the.natural sciences] IstoriiA i motodologiia eatestvennykll nauk. Moskva. No.l. [Physics] Fl- zika. 196o. 221 p. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Moscow. Universitet. (Physics) BANVALOV, Sergey Vladimirovicb: VOTCHENKO, O.D., prof.,; BIRNSHTNYN, S.B., prof.,- red.; VILENSKIT, D.G., prof., red, [deceased]; GCRDBYICV, D.I., Prof., red.; GUDZIT, I.I., prof.. red.; ZIYONCHKOVSKIY, P.A., prof., red.; MHNKIYAN, S.F., prof., red.; KSLINIK07A, K.P., kand.uau3c, red.; POLTANSKIT, F.Ta., prof.., red.; RTBNIKOV, K.A., prof., red.; SrAZKIN,. S.D., akademik, red.; SOLOTIYU. A.N., dotsent, red.; GOLIDBNBIRG, G.S.,.red.; GIORGIYRVA, G.I., Nil Aleksandrovich Glagolev. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk.univ., 1961. 29 P. (Zamecbatelinya uchenye Moskovskogo universiteta, no.28). (MIRA 14:12) (Glagolev, Nil Aleksandrovich, 1888-1945) (Nomography (Mathematics)) (Geometry, Projernive) REKEZOV, Nil Petrovich VOVCHENK09 G.D.9 prof.., otv. red.) GOPDEYFV, D.I.p prof., red.) VILENSKIY, D.Gi, prof., red.; BERNSHTEYN, S.B., prof., red.; GUDZIY, N.K., prof., red.; ZAYONCHKOVSKIY: P.A.p prof., red.; KECHEKIYAN, S.F., prof., red.; MMINIKOVA:, K.P., kand. geologo- mineralog. nauk, red.; POLYANSKff, Y.Ya prof.-p red.;-RYB IKOV A., prof.9 red.; SKAZKIN, S.D.; akad.,-r~ed.; SOIDVIYEV, A.I., dots., reC; KOROBTSOVAI N.A., red.; MASLENNIKOVA, T.A.9 tekhn. red. (Vladimir Vasillevich Gemmerling] Vladimir Vasille~-.-ich Gemmerling. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1961. 57 p. (MIRA 14:7)- O~mmerling, Vladimir Vasil'evich,-1880-1954) RYBNIKOV, K A * prof%, red.; SPASSKIY, B,.'(., dots.,red.; KUDRYAVTSEV, +iS_.._T'rof.J. red.; KULIKOVSKIY, P.G., dots., red.; LITINETSKIY, dots., red.; MIKHAYLOV, G.K.,q at. nauchnyy Botr., redq, VERKHUNOV., V.M., kand. fiz.-matem. nauk, red.; KO.ONKOV, A.F., kand. fiz.-mAem. nauk., red.; SOROKINAI L.A.,, naudhnyy:red.; VERKHUNOV, V~.M., nauchnyy red.;GRIDASOVA, Ye.S., red.izd-va; GOROKHOVA, S.S., tekhn. red. [Problems of the history of the physical and mathematical sci- ences I Voprosy istoril . fiziko-matematicheski-kh nauk. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo I'Vysshaia shkola," 1963. 522 P. (MIRA 16.7) (Physics) (Mathematics) .RYBMIKOV, II.I.; DIMANT, M.I. Complications in corticosteroid treatment. V~rach. delo no.2t (MIRA 1714) 147-148 F164 1. Kafedra propedev-tichaskoy terapii ispolnyayushchiyob- yaz zaveduyushchego - kand. med. nauk R.I.Boydyk) Vinnitskogo meditainskogo instituta i terapevtichoiskoys ot- deleniye Uzlovoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy stantsii Vinnitsa. G va3CUlar chan4e5 a5 an nf the eff;,!-,Av-Me s E! C., re r- a ~7 'i t,;s IOf - - . - I I , 1- vc. ,Olya ,,,g,- I cus e ti 0.1c97 "-; ti- ~.f:Mp A I rL - 'l. ar~~ r~o. 63 iyat.~.S. vop-kw~ fizioter. i lech, fizz. 3C.~ S ~,, 165. 1. YAff-,dra propedevticheskoy tarapji (zp-;-. ief"101, aitsln--kogo lnnt ,4;ilmcvk,q) Vinnit'skogo me, AUTHORt Rybnikov, S. (,Deceased) SOV-2-58-8-5/12 TITLE: A Method of Computing Amortization Deductions in Percentage (0 metode raschle"ta. protsenta amortizatsionnykh otchisleniy) PERIODICAL: Vestnik statistiki, 1958, Nr 8, Pp 40 42 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author disagree's with those economists who consider it necessary to accumulate an amortization fund sufficiently high to acquire appropriate new equipment. He maintains that if the entire expenditure for labor, which is invested in the equipment, is not fully included in the prime cost of the material produced, then at the end of the wear and tear period a part of the property will appear on the ba- lance sheet as total loss. Deductions for amortization Card 1/2 must be made to an extent that would fully ensure compen- SOV-2-58-8-5/12 A Method of Computing Amortization Deductions in Percentage sation for wear and tear of the basic funds' initial cost. The other question dealt with in the article is the method of computing the percentage ofthe yearly assignments to the amortization fund. An example quoted by the author gives a percentage of 7 The article contains 2 tables. Card 2/2 36954 s/196/62/000/007/007/007 E 194/E435 AMiORS: Kolpalcova, N.P., Rybnikov, S.I. TITLE: A method ofselec+-,*r-t ~Qci~rcuiiparameters of controllers PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotelchnika i energetika, rio-7, 19621 1,5-16, abstract 7L62. (Sb. "Avtomat, regulirovaniye aviadvigateley". no.3, M., Oborongiz, 1961, 66-72) TEXT: In designing automatic systems it is often necessary to develop a controller which ensures a-given quality of control. method is proposed to determine the transmission function of the controller 11 P(p) from the~given transmission function of the, object Wo(p) and that of the system as a whole 'lic(p). . From the structural diagram of the control system (see Fig.1) where:. X(p), Yo(p) and Y(p) represent respectively the disturbing and controlling forces and the controlled quantity', the*following expression is readily obtained bysimple conversions W~(P)--W~-(P)- W Card,1/3 0- -'Cl tj 47-a 6j AF Z4 ce'Re 38735 S/194/62/000/005/016/157 d, go'le AUTHORS: Kolpakova, N.P., and Rybnikov~ S.I. TITLE: A method for choosing the circuit and parameters of. regulators PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 5,,1962, abstract 5-2-74 ts (Avtomat. regulirova- niye aviadvigateley, no. 3, M., Oborongiz"1961, 66-72) T -7"T: A method is presented for deriving the transfer function or the amplitude-phase --frequency characteristics of a regulator from the kno,.ni transfer functions and amplitude-phase-characteristics of the object of regulation and the system as a whole. Using an automa-' tic control system as an illustration the procedure ofderiving the transfer functions of the regulator is presented for given transfer ,functions of the object 'of regulation and a closed system in the re- gime of stabilization and control. In a number of cases,,aftei- the transfer.function,of the regulator is determined from the required operation conditions of-the system for one condition of operationt e.g. stabilization, it is then necessary to check the quality of the. Card 1/2 S/194/62/000/005/016/157 A met -hod for choosing the circuit D256/D308 transient Drocess for another condition, e.g. control. For transfer J-unctions determined with a sufficient degree of accuracy it-is use- .Lul to employ the following coupling equation:.V7 r(p),= WC(P)/,gs(p)f ahere V/r(p) is the transfer function of the reguAator; V10 (p) and W. (p) respectively the transfer functions of control and stabiliza- tion for a closed system. If one finds that the transfer function Ior one of the operating conditions does not fulfil the require-.~_ men-us - the calculations leading to the choice of the regulator sys- tem have to be repeated in order to 'obtain a.compromise solution.,,To. estimate the requirements and properties of an automatic system, one can use the relation between the transfer functions-of the object 11,10(p) and the functions of the closed system operating in stabiliza-: tion and control regimes 7.1i (p) 1 - V C (p) J .,US (P'),. A numerical examule is included showing the derivation of the transfer function for an automatic pitch control sfstem and a diagram of a possible version of the system is given* Abstractor's note; Complete trans- lation]. Card 2/2 S/68Y61/0OO/OO3/oo4/oo8 A6, 0 d 0 3// /13c~) D234 D302 AUTHORS% Kolpakova, N.P. and Rybnikov, S.I. TITLE- On a method of choosing structural diagrams and parameters of regulators SOURCEi Avtomaticheskoye regulirovaniye aviadvigateley; sbornik statey. no. 3, Moscow, 1961, 66 - 72 TEXTz The authors offer a method of determining the trans- fer function or the phase-amplitude frequency characteristic of the regulator (securing a given quality of control) of an automatic sys- tem from the transfer function or the characteristic of the whole sys- tem, stating that this method is simple and advantageous in some cases. If the transfer function of the controlled object is n n-1 W a0p + a ip + + an (6) 0 b m b1 M-1 b 0 ip M Card 1/2 S/682/61/000/603/001+/008 On a method of choosing D234/D302 and that of the system in astabilized regime Wc(p) K (p + , )m-n the transfer function of the regulator is found to be p + bOP + blp t + bm Wp(p) n n-1 (8) K a0p + alp + + an The structure of the regulator is determined by its transfer function. The same relations can be used in designing the frequen- cy methods. It is stated that elimination of the obje ct of control from the problem may lead to a false solution. Two numerical examples are given. There are 6 figures and 2 Soviet-bloc references. Card 2/2 3' 00 0 3319h I V-10 S/535/61/000/139/oo6/oog AUTHOR,, Rybnikov, S.I., Engineer TITLE., Certain problems of the theory of linear automatic control systems of several quantities SOURCE.- Moscow, Aviatsionnyy institut, Trudy. no-139, 1961, Voprosy avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniya dvizhushchikhsya ob"yektov, 119-128. TEXT, The article considers relationships useful for the analysis and synthesis of multiply-coupled linear automatic cont-rol systems with respect to deviations, The equations are established in the absence of regulation for perturbations, The following operations are possible on the basis of the expressions, obtained, 1. On the basis of the object and controller equations, to obtain the equations of the closed-loop systems 2. On the basis of prescribed process equations, to obtain the relations among possible transfer functions.of the closed-loop system in.the control and stabilization regimes. 3, On the basis of given process equations the regulator equations may be obtained for which.the equations of the closed-- loop system will have a prescribe-d'form, i.e. where a certain Card 1/2 3319h S/535/61/000/139/006/0091 Certain problems of the theory E140/E435 transfer function of the closed-loop system is required in either stabilization or control regime. The treatment is conducted and all results are given in terms of a general matricial analysis, Several particular.cases of the general system are considered briefly,- autonomous control in Voznesenskiyls sense; quasi- autonomous control in which the control system carL be separated into individual subsystems, each of which has several controlled quantities: the mathematical difference between quasi-autonomy or quas-i--invariance and the analogous conditions of autonomy and invariance is that in place of the conditions for vanishing of matrix elements being applied to the operational coefficients of Lhe equations or transfer functions of the system, they apply to submatrices of such coefficients; syIstems for controlling a single quantity%,, simplified multiply-coupled systems. There are 4 Soviet-bloc references. Card 2/2 01 zlqo 84056 10. S/147/6o/oOO/003/0 15/018 9022/B-420 AUTHORS: Kolpakova, N.P. and R)rbnikov. S.I. TITLE.* on a Method of Selecting the Parameters for Damping the Angular Motion of Aircraft PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, 1960, No-3, PP-107-109 TEXT.- The note considers.the means of improving damping properties of high-speed aircraft (which usually are underdamped, when flying at high altitudes) by employing some.automatic device such as that shown schematically in Fig.1, which represents a manual control based on forward velocity. The system consists of, the aircraft (1), an instrument (pitch indicator)(2)~ Pilot (3) and the kinematic loop of the manual control. The pilot receives the- signal compares it with the desired,setting and depending upon the difference (tro - 149') actuates the elevator% (either directly or through a booster). Ref.2 gives various methods of employing closed automatic circuits fo'r the regulation of the control system which take into account various characteristics of the aircraft and the amount of regulation required. But when the transfer functions of the aircraft and of the total system are, Card 1/3 84056 S/147/6o/000/003/015/018 E022/E420 On a Method of Selecting.the Parameters for Damping the Angular Motion of aircraft known, it may prove useful to employ an arrangement as shown in Fig.2. Thetransfer function of the systems aircraft -,damper manual control loop for. W. is given by Eq.(I) in which: Wo(p) is the transfer function of the controlled member Wd(P) is the transfer functionof the damping device (P 3-5 the position of the pilot's control column 6B is the position of the elevator. Wz is the angular velocity of pitch K is the transfer coefficient (gain factor) ofthe kinematic loop of the manual control (usually determined when the .aircraft is designed). .Eq.(l) is then transformed into Eq.(2) or, in terms of the amplitude phase (frequency) characteristics, by Eq.(3). - With the help of these equations it is possible to determine the transfer function,(or the frequency characteristic) of the damping devicel if the inverse,transfer functions of the controlled member and the total system (or their frequency characteristics) are known. This .i s illustrated by an example, Fis.3 is a schematic diagram of the Card 2/3 71 T. 44206-6() ACCNR, AN6010534 ?A-1/4)SOURCE CODE:' TJR/9008/65/000/287/0002/0003 AUTHOR: Rybnikov V. - Babakov_A.(C.1o.,eJ) ORG: none TITLE: Rocket nuclear war and policy SOURCE: Krasnaya zvezda, 07 Dec 65, p. 2, col. 1-7p p. 3, col. 1-4 TOPIC TAGS: military science, nuclear war e6y, milittar-rtae4~es w~&-k~j eU-"6 ABSTRACT: The authors discuss. the Marxist-Leninist idea of war, which i& considered to be primarily a continuation of political action on another plane and which does not exclude other means of struggle. It is a manifestation of class conflict, even if it is used as a weapon of national policy such as a national war of liberation. War is therefore not to be identified exclusively with military action, but is an extremely complex phenomenon, especially under nuclear conditions. If a nuclear war is initiated, political activity will not cease nor even decrease. Con- tradictions between the socialist and imperialist camps are the main caus6 of the present world political situation and will affect the course of hostilities. General C.rd 1/ 2 RYBc' KOV, V.l.: S'Al-,fR4(,V V.1'. Separati on of nickel fror, cobalt in arrnor-ia solutions. Tzv. rys. ucheb. zav.; L_-vet. met. 7 no- 4.*73-1,8 164 (MIRA 19:1) 1. Urallskiy poli-teklmicheskly institul., kafedra metalluraii tyazhelykh tsvet-iykh metallov- 85-58-7-13/45 AUTHOR: R IT Senior Glider Pilot of the Irktitskiy aviat s ionno -sport ivnyy klub -Irkutsk , Aviation-sports Club) (Irkutsk) TITLE: Irkutsk Glider Pilots (U planeristov Irkutska) PERIODICAL: Kryllya rodiny, 1958, Nr 7, p 10 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author reports,on the intensive training engaged. in at the Irkutsk Aviation Sports Club which has trained more than 60 publicinstructors, more than 60 glider pilots and 24 sportsmen 3rd rank. An independent aviationsports club was opened in Cheremlchovo; glider teams operate in Angarsk, at. Zhilkino.settlement, at the aviation tekhnikum, and at the Plants imeni Stalin and Kyubyshev, under public instructors G. Zaytsev, M. Yevteyev, V.,.Popo.v, A. Tyullkov, and.sportsmen A. Makiyenko and A. Khebnev. Irkutsk glider pilots will participate in the Spartacus Games* ASSOCIATION: Irkutsk Aviation-sports Club Card 1/1 1. Gliders--USSR 2. Pilots--Training S/137/62/000/004/028/201 A0061AI01 AUTHORS: Smirnov, V. I., Rybnikov, V.J. On the problem of the complex processing of oxidized nickel- cobalt ores from Central Kazakhstan PERIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal, Mletallurgiya, no. 4, la,62, 27, abstract 4G166 ("Metallurg. i khim. prom-st' Kazakhstana. Nauchno-tekhn. sb.", 1961, no. 303) 28-30) TEXT: In a 2-liter laboratory autoclave the leaching out with H2-S04 Of two oxidized Ni-Co-ore samples.was investigated. Optimum results were obtained 2SO4 weight to the ore weighi in the pulp was 0,25; at 24OOC; the ratio of H V Ni was extracted up to 98.5%; that of Co to 95%; H2S04 consumption was 16-21% of.the ore weight. The lixivation residue was melted in an electric furnace to Fe-alloy with Wp Fe extraction. A. Tseydler [Abstracter's note: complete translation] Card 1/1 S/081/62/000/005/040/112 B151/B101 AUTHORS: Tits-Skvortsova, 1. 1.T. , R"Ybnikovs, ...... Kuvshinova, N. IT. TITLE: Transformation ofr-,-decylthiophane in the presence of an aluminosilicate catalyst. ?ERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 5, 1962, 264, abstract 5Zh238 (Sb. -'Khimiya seraorgan. soyedineniy, soderzhashchikhsya v neftyakh i nefteproduktakh. v- 4". M., Gostoptekhizdat, 19611 136-140) TEXT: The reaction between furfural.and C H MgBr is used to obtain 9 19. (I)I(here and later the calculated yields in b. p. in 0C/mm Hg, M. P. in OC, n 20 D and d 20 ):176, 144-145/5, 3-91 4 1.4665, 0.9326; by the action of HC1 and C H OR I is converted to the 215 ethyl ester of,,--keto-tetradecanic acid (11), 35, 142-144/3, 17, 1.4508, 0.9227; by the reduction of Il with LiAlH tetradecandiol-1,4 (III) is 4 Card 1/2 D". ILCIIVI~ C; YO 1! insCoripations of 2-phenylthiophane r- nall-,minosi-I ice, catal-yoLo. YeSIL. !~:Osk. un. (IdL, 18:3' nefti un 41vr Lc a . 3/08 101000102310161061 B!17/B!47 R.Yiinikova.. A,. A-- Tits-Skvortsova, T. N, Nordov, E. '1,rdrogenolysis of 3ulfurorganic compounds on aluminum-.cobalt- molybderium catalyst -40 'IC)D I C' L Refera-tivnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no, 23, 1961, 11 191, ER I absiract 23Zh128 (Neftckhimiya, v. 1_no. 1, 19611, 100 - 104) T, X,;, Fc- the -F:Lrst. conversions of thiolene, sul-fides, and disuLfi-d(,s o e ,c and arcrzniaLic seriea on an alu~Tirum-cobalt-i-nolybderum ma ca- n , )F s r e s t. u c it s a static. system at .4. dT-Oge Ily v r s u r e Binder condit~-oris of nartial hydro-genolysis., DecoMPosi tion d i a r s cf : 'a) thiolene (n-nonyl mercaptian and thiopheriol), and (b) ,,.i)l fiAes d,- ln-non,yl sulf)de and dipheny' suAfide) are suggested. According (a)~ the pro,;ess takes place in two directions: a g r L!! E S R 7H a n1d 2RSH--*-NF, S -~- RSR. It was found that the hydra-; 2 9 2~ of Sulfur compounds of the alivhatic and aromatic series proceeds 3-,ng -,o s-,m-~`nr dingrams. It was shown that some sulfur comDounds were-- partlY .ntc. other ones the desulfurization on AMC and Ca rd 1/3- S'051/61/0,00/023/0106/061 H:vdrof--,ellOlYSLF of ~,~)Jfjjrt)r-ganic, B117/BlA7 h:jrdr~)carbons were the final product; sulfur was preciDitated as I f, d e T ~l e sulf'ur compounis usi?d in this study were c: 1, c" rf t C, o~cr'bedl ir tne literature (Tit-q- Mp *od obski-Ir.. khi rill 242 Zh. obslv~h, 51 -,--ttev pc) ob7jh-%-hey 7 M, I r-ii all 1953, 54 1 and in~ 7~ o a a n t s Com~tant!; of ~he;'p fompounds a cv '13 1 )~Abl -,shed data . Apuroxim~at.ely :')0 g of the 05tall,7e I n r- s pra t e d a ri d of AMC are heated in the autoclave fcr 9 hr C 117 i al nydi rp -,su re _i :-, 40 a t ip After coo`ing, H S 3~ R 2 F~ i, su I . a 1-~zv -ion, zlome ettier -is -,Lddpd ~c, the c a -a 'A e -ate ys,, s fl te-rsd off , and th ataly - it-,, t o n I d I T a -1.0-1-T-ance, ~,.oriversinn p2rc!entage, Oroduct3 r- e a d., d r, m. (11 c- s n e r 10 0 molles Df converted substa-il,,? fol S, n-nonarve, (III, d i - n - n c- n.%..-.,l 2 "IV). 72~1~ H sl~ c d i r.':' e 'n 2 6H6' R B 9 il-S, (I)~ 52.2,108,5~ 1 73. 76.5, 10. 7 d z-n--nony! di-ul-fide, C'a,-d 2/5 84877 2,%) S/07 60/030/010/018/030 BOO1Y3o66 AUTHORS: Tits-Skvortsova, I. IT., Rybnikova, A. A.,,and Kuvshinova, N. N. TITLE: Synthesis and Catalytic Transformations of a-Decyl Thiophanelby Means of an Alumino-silicate Catalyst ~PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Ashchey khimii, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 10, pp. 3316 3319 TEXT: The authors synthesized the hitherto unknown a-decyl thiophane (V) by applying the general method of synthesizing a-alkyl thiophanes by R. D. Obolentsov and V.,G~ Bukharov (Ref.1). The present paper de- scribes these data and contact transformations by means of an alumino- silicate catalyst. The following intermediates were obtained: a-nonyl-furyl carbinol (I); ethyl esterof y-ketotetradecanoic acid (II); 1,4-tetradecanediol (III); 124,-dibromo-tetradecane (IV) (which have not been described as yet). They were synthesized in the following way: Compound (I) from furfurole according to Grignard, by the general method of synthesizing alkyl-furyl carbinols (Ref.2); compound (II) by boiling Card 113 8h877 Synthesis.and Catalytic Transformations of 3/079/60/030/0'-0/018/030 a-Decyl Thiophane by Means of an Alumino- B001/B066 silicate Catalyst a-nonyl-furyl carbinol in anhydrous alcohol to which HC1 was added (Refs. 2 and 3); compound (III) by reduction of the ethyl ester of y-ketotetradecanoic acid with lithium-aluminum hyd-ride; compound (IV) by reaction of 1,4-tetradecanediol with dry HBr. a-decyl.thiophane (V) Na S dissolved was obtained by reaction of 1,4.-dibromo-tetrade ane w. 2 in alcohol. This reaction offers a good yield and gives a pure end prod- ~uct. a-decyl thiophane decomposes on an alumino-silicate catalyst at 3000C to give hydrogen sulfide and.tetradecene-1. Unchanged a-decyl thiophane was found in the catalyzate. The cleavage of a-decyl. thio- phane may be illustrated by the following Scheme: Card 2/3 64877 Synthesis and Catalytic Transformations of S/079/60/030/010/018/030, a-Decyl Thiophane by Means of an Alumino- BOOI/H66 silicate Catalyst H2 C CH 2 H S + H CH CH CH C H 2 IC 2 10 211- H2 CH C10H21 C S CH2 CH (CH 2)11 CH 3' The behavior.of cyclic sulfides thus differs from that of aliDhatic sulfides, which form mercaptan. sland alkenes under the same condition's of catalysis (Ref.4). There are 6 references: 5 Soviet. ASSOCIATIOIN: Iloskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (ly,oscow State University SUBMITTED: October 26, 1959 Card 3/3 z/oll/62/019/ool/ol4/o17 E073/E136 AUTHORSt Rybnikova, A.A., and Tit-s-Skvortsova, I.N. TITLE: flydrogenolysis of organic sulphur compounds on aluminocobaltomolybdenum catalysts PERIODICAL: Chemie a chemickl technologie. Pr*ehled technicke' a V hospoda'rske' literatury, v.19, no.1, 1962, 35, abstract Ch 62-483. (Neftekhimiya, v.11 no.1, 1 1961, io4). TEXT. The conversion of mercaptans, sulphides and disulphides of aliphatic and aromatic compounds under conditions of partial hydrogenolysis is studied. For the aliphatic and aromatic series, a similar conversion scheme applies. It is a complicated process, during which the sulphur compounds become mutually transformed and the final result is the formation of .hydrocarbons and of hydrogen sulphide. 3 tables, 7 references. ~Abstractorls note: Complete translation. Card 1/1 1) is W It 11 11 Alil, 11 11 It t-- -,. :` 0 Is Ai I/ I. IT c 'I Oro A 4 cc- W. -pO.p-t., Del# millation of until quantities of suarnic its water. 13, 'Akf 5101 Jill. s."t,F omtj %miml, 02 arrits. of A% allit 10% Sohl. Of Ammonium irois alum mid 00 IF allitnotiLt to Solell. shake, ht%tt to t"ling.and filter off the iron hydroxide ppt. corlig. the As. Di-)Ive in hot IICI 00 00 (1 .10); the vol. shoutil tint exeevil 5--7 nil. and As content i -90 0.01-0.0S nig. Add 1-2 nil. of lei; CuSO, solti. in IICI 40 00 (1.10) and a fill. IICI sulll. of Kk IIYIX)1)11(XI,Ilitc. Ktvp If 011111 the 5olit. unit standards on a lx)ilitig water lkith (or 31) 1-00 niiii. victs conti~,v the mills. with rtandards. StAnd- .00 itt& are prejul. with 0.01, O.Q!, 0.113, 4101, 11.05, 1).ib*,. 00 11 Jr. WIN". A,.2 3drots,4 10`~ ~Ao.of irmimid, in I ICI. I(*l, ". ml N. hVI-1. dlojv~ of Is- Cost 1. -hs i's I ourls IlCI Ow oov Vol. ph-phit". ;111,1 ell 0 The As can d- I.- lith I, the t-t 1 lie seii,i =0 0 I'm a biligh- V.Xtll. id not ri-move all the As., tiv-,tvor it,, to,thso joic-ins~11ople. It. Z. K. b1 zoo S LIT TVA 1-k1sr!CLAIIWICATFON too- 11'.. Its,. - - 4 3re 0 U a AT act Ill; IT Aft L a IT at Of K a tr It of n Ar IN 2 IT a 3 4 1 0 0 10 Ties '0 : 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 00 0 0 009 00 a as Is 40 41 a $1 0 1! 0 AL ~111-%.Pp a --OFT,- S r a 41. 1 .-1 a L-L lit 00 conductamistrk method for the determination 01 Oullaliall In water. -A- I-Ityl,i4ova ato I- suamova. Zih%fskoya Lab. I I.- MWITIP ot Sisiflatris call tic 11traird VOll list. IOAOI In tic. %,1n. of roncils, all SAIJ - 111XI141 claA.1 It. o0 stig1l. A,I,tn.,,t la&F4's. 1,cf.wr tit, iiii,41iol a. l b I V &III- Int-piNiel ltrin pr-flic"I oo favifflable tV't1It%' y ,; tf t d i Il Atcs cats ic rill. n natural watc-ril by liar colldijklo- inctric inctliml if the coners. of chhriales (fort not eictCd 20-5 m Titratim i /I th f l . s g. n e prewnce o purr a r- were Carried o t d th ll f i fi i un er u ow e o ng coat- t stris: add an equal vial of ale to th , -In I (d h 4 f I . . t . errin" ng t e u y. o NSO,). litriate with H OA l i f It C its. o issai vax ist ous "nicts.. (.I'Pr(l-Ij11K on tile corarn. sit the unit tIct. lite circ. cqm& 2 3 win- after liar addo. of standard lla(OAc)l -,In. C-i,al Ir. r;8 t 1. At lower rontti,, lite le,alika wrte mi"lkhatliry, o0 tarts. with flenaturated RIC. gave unutti'lactoly t"ittk. 111rce larfrirriltrii. W. Wall, zoo at LITEN.TLA9 CLASSIVICATI(IN tree L 0 'Jill as's t -9 r-I 414 ; 0 I -1A An I 1 0 'W 0 x 0 0 0 0 o L 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 : : : : :1* 0 0 0 0 1 oo 00 '00 so 0 0 go l-j D N 2s 3' A A- C a E I Is If -61-V 2k-29 ja 3`7-7t -fjW TTS -f. W X T Z AA N Q 4 '* ~A is, jk~ 6 -.L k-jm. ".1113 00 ge Determination of phenols In sefloali'll tristOrs- A. 1. Ryb- '00 0'o nikova. M. R. K&C.An, and L. S. D9J'zAInorvA- 7-le"d- '0. 1 3&A -00 :0 let 1 I'S6. 11. % ' flair 6(1915)' --The tuctlitA4 of ilile if Kres (C.A. 2S. .11k1). 14 h ((.,1. 25, -1107), &ull to( .00 go , 1 0 :ihaw (C.A. 23. 41113) vall he Uord for th-111, tof Phor"I'l it' 04j, conctit. higher than 30 thit-A. 'rhe crrt)r,4 lit datiol. to( '60 00 00 1' - phenol in solns. to which had been aildcd t.atious cottipo- .0 or nents that can be, neratingand coke- 0 "Veit Wt"lle water's 0 TI viatious of :0 JIM of f"1111. lietwern parlilIVI Ilctilit, %vorre approx, III tile alm- Itriler, Thr 17frill'.1 ,I still VIII tiltallill (Ifer. 23. age V.5411010)) mad all It% proloo,rd nuolilleation% oraumd lit! 46 0 ucd for the tictn. of Phcntol in waste toatters front ga%- generating plants. Anton tile culorilmetric lllctht%l3 0 to, -sof phestol. that of Itinden .,fit# for tile detn. of stuall q tic 00 (.1111L bib. raefeffks Shidt, Zuriek 7, cf. 00 Nolle. C.A, M M19) is lllt~t cot"Ive"i.-Ilt, .-i"It 1. it, COO sPrater ~Cllsitivity; it call [tv ti,etl role colifil. Out OR-1 ing./l. Ili phenol. Como,. as low a, 0.W5 Ing. 1. 0 vian he dett-vtord 1)), this fnetli(Xi. Tile norptichmictric loo-flitool I- 1111,13itable I.,- detil. of phellOs twcau- fill, it.,- I,i,lltv figntrit toy file 1, illill4r- Ilmlictil. 21 forfricil"I'l W It III-Im A S 0 - I L 4 METALLUrGICAL LITERAT1,1111 CLASSIFICATION Cleo NO.'fl, Ito U t$ 11 LS! 434111 Mot no R 2 K ff it It (f An I I is ?W 0 al. p 0 0000 00 00 00 114 11 00 .00 00-11 0 0:0 *00 0000 0 wx I I u m A 6 C 0 IF 6 4 A L a 11 0 PQ a 1 1 UV W m J, a x J? il N 4 41 a a a a L f . ~ . k . . . . , , ST 04 AT m Ts Iola fiv ..D AD Ltitim 126CLITIf.1 )iV APO 47* V*Dj*j r. c4v4ups UT.O* ..DE. lftDfl, 3mnlvV]Iil ivNq8njjjjj~ v'l$*FIV 11F 0 O*r 00, 1 , 1000 "I" zoo sa-mmisqns tos-auoian la*l-mn ul 563"a w4) 10 1"4u 00 q3ljw uv %I aANi iwqj imi Ns Aq patioddw sl m-,!A 9q. 00 so. llO!jWPaUAAjOd 101 Jn 91003ttd 3q1 10 UO!13nJ)S4P Aluo anp s1 momsaaa ad row-tuAc4q uKuj ua)%VA iml-3 00 ul,*- louaqd ul dojp d-W 3U-L", '1] '096 00 . '51 Vol 00 ,-Y~forv,l -041110m .1m -ON uo ftp :0- 1 -"do smajaga so umuj sm"A so" lo mpWWO sqj 00 0 00 00 0 iT 0 'MIR. N-YA, b C.St -A~ Wy moultini al