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ARMLANGELISKIi, P.Ye., inzhener; ARKHIPOV, P.P., inzhener; VA-SIKOV, M.P., agronorp; ZIIMUDSKIT, D.A., arkhitektor; IVAIIOV, A.P., arkhitektor; KIBI- REV, S41., arkhitektor; KRYWV, N.V., inzhener-arkhitaktor; KULAWY, D.V., nlrkhitektor; MARTYNOV, F.F., inzhener;,NIKIFOROV, V.S.,.inzhener;. IIOSXOV~ B.G., arkhite.ktor; PETUKROV,.B.V.,.kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; RUD~rF, M.L., kandidat tekhnicheskikh,nauk; RYAZAIIOV V.S., kandidat arkhitektury; SOKHRANICHF.V, N.S., inzhener-ariihitetit~o ~,"t OV, D.I., arkhi~ektor; SHMIDT, N~E., kandidat arkhitektur7; KHOMUTOV,, arkhitiektor; VOLIFOVSKAYA, V.N., redaktor; FEDOTOVA, A.~F., tekhniche- skiy daktor. 1955~43 Oland ook on the construction buildings] Spravoc'hnik po sellsko- khoz istvennomm stroitellstvu. AvtorBkii kollektiv: F.E.Arkhangellskii i dr , avtor-sost. N.V.Krylov. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkh6z.lit-ry.,Vol.3 8 p6 (Farm buildings) (miaA 9:6.) 15 34388 S/682/61/000/003/002/008 D234/D302 AUTHORS: Bodner, V.A. and Ryazanov, Yu.A. TITLE: On the problem of synthesizing structural diagrams of. self-tuning systems of,control of turbo-jet en- gines SOURCE: Avtomaticheskoye regulirovaniye aviaiivigateley; sbornik statey. no. 3, Moscow, 1961i 33 50 TEXT,: The subjects treated are effect offlight conditions on the dynamical characteristics of the engine; synthesis of optimum parameters of control devices;.analysis of the control system of1the engine operating under variable external conditions; synthesis of structural diagrams of self-tuning units varying the parameters of the correcting devices. It is stated that optimum transition process, under all flight conditions can be obtained by varying the,parameters oDthe correcting circuits of regulators of the number of revolutions- and gas temperature. The choice of optimum parameters of the correc-. Card ACC NOt AP6d-~-O-3T-,------"-----SO-UR-CE-CO-D-E-:-UR-/O,"1-3/6-6/ocio/o,14/0053/00F5~, INVENTOR: Ivanov, Yu. K.; F~yazanov, Ye, IM. jl~/ ORG: none TITLE: Method of.preventing an erratic arc. Class, 21, No. 183854 A SOURCE! Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 14, 19665 53-54 TOPIC TAGS:, arc welding, metal welding, inert gas welding ABSTRACT: This Author Certific ,ate introduces a method of preventing an erratic.arc in.welding of thin articlesi~vhere the distance between clamp s is,equal to-the widths of the weld. To improve e.quality of welds, the clamps, which are madeout of..J material with a resistivity lower than that of the welded material, are covered. with a 40-120-v coat of material with a resistivity several times,higher than that of the welded material. In a modification of the above method,.the clamps are made entirely of a material with a resistivity several times higher than that of the.. material welded. [TD1 SUB COIE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: 27Jan6)j' ATD PRESS: 5066 --Card 1/1 um 621.791.856. 0 THOR t Korobeynikov, V.P. and 11yazanov,ye* V. 40-22-2_17/21 Moscow), TITLE% The Construction o,f,Rigorous,, Discontinuous Solutions for the. One-Dimensional Equations of:Gas Dynamics and,Their .ur&V- Ap Iplications (p, ostro yeniye tochnykh razryvnykh resh eniy 1, , neniy odnomernc, gazodinamiki i ikh prilozheniya) PERIODICALs Prikladnaya matematiks. i mekhanika,1958,Vol,229Nr 2Y pp 265 26e (usn) ABSTRACT.- During the last timedi6con.tinuous solutions obtaineUparti- cular interest in the investiRation of one-dimensional motions of real gasbs in presence of shock'vraves.r Only few similar solutions could be foun&till now in this case. However, new *th the aid of a kinds of solutions can be.constructed wL has., rigorous solution given by-Sedova This solution of Sedor the form 1 d - r p + BP(x) 2 + 2 Cs ). 112 lk 2 (A+B ~"P' (X); TdA Card 1/2 t I -The Construction of Rigorous, Discontinuous Solutions 40-22-2-17/2,11 for the One-Dimensional Equations of Gas Dynamics and Their Applications here P(x),is an ar b Ji t rary . fun c; t i on, 'PuQa funcUonlof t i is a certain con Lme, s stant, r/a is a,.Co-, s+2 ordinate, furthermore it holds ppli,e3:this7 o r to cons'ruc-l-, The author a rde rigorous solutions for~the asse Iwhen~the.shock,wave ~ moves in a resting gas with variable density'nstart pressure Here at first the functions P(x) and, r(t), which deno-,es th.~: radius of il-he shook wave, are. calcula ted .- From these -7a.~LuSs the other magnitudes interssti,-Z for -the flow can b_-, del',~ termined..There are 3 references 2 of which are Sovies cnd 9 1 Amer-ican. SUBMITTED: October 22, 1957 1. Gas flow--riat-hematical ana-IL,7sis 2. Shock wa-ves---mathematical analysis Card 2/2 2. (7) AUTHORS: Korobeynikov, V. P., Ryazanov, Ye. V. ~SOV/20-124-1-13/69 TITLE; On the Solutions of Equations of Magnetic Gas Dynamics in the Case- of Vanishing Temperature Gradients (O,Iresheniyakh~uravneniy,magnit- noy gazodinamiki.pri nulevom gradiyente temperatury) PERIODICAL: Daklady Akademii, nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124,;Nr 1, PP 51-52:(USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors.inv,estigate one-dimensionalmotion.s of: an electrically conductive perfect gas with'cylindrical-and plane,wav es. The con- ductivity of:the-gas is assumed to be infinite, and viscosity is disregarded. The magnetic field is vertical to thetrajectories ot.. the gas particles.:In the the magnetic lines of force can be,straight lines,.which,ar*e.parallel to the symmetry axis concentric circles-with.-their center on,the axis, or also helical lines. The equations.ofmotion.and.their particular solutions are explicitly,,written'down-and.expla.ine'd. The solutions obtained are a solution with~shock waves. In conclusion.'an equation is given for-the motion of shock,waves. There are 2 Soviet references. Card 1/2 10 (2) LUTHOR: Ryazanov, Ye.' V. SOV/20-126-5-11/69 -,TITLE: Examples of Exact Solutions of the Prob,lems~Concerning the Propagation of~Explosion Waves ina Gravitating Gas When the Temperature Gradient Is Zero (Primery tochnykh resheniy zadach o rasprostranenii vzryvnykh voln v gravitiruyushchem gaze prill nulevom gradiyente temperatury) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr.5, pp 955 957 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The problem of.applying the law of similarity,to the unsteady~, adiabatic motion of stellar .-as masses~was set by L. I. S,edov9 who presented also exact solutions of thecorre'sponding equa- tions. In the apply the law of similarity-:to some i particular phenomena occurring in stellar eruptions he:obtain-. ed solutions of:equations of.motion w-hich describe explosions... These solutions are shortly discussed in the introduction.,The, author of this article investigates the-case in which the tem- perature gradient is,zero within the,ran-e.of disturbed motion of the gas and deduces.ex.act solutions of this problem in a way similar to that.of Seclov..This kind of flow is termed "homother-,. Card 1/3 mill". Similar'motions.were investigated a.1ready.earlier (Refs -Examples of Exact Solutions of the Problems Concerning SO'1120-126-5-11169 the Propagation of ExplosioA Waves in a Gravitating Gas When the Temperature Gradient Is Zero ~3-6). The one-di,mensional homothermal~ (9T/Rr-,= 0),, ideal gas in the natural field of,gravity in,the case.of spherimw.... cal symmetry is first described by the system OfLequations (i):.::.L j It is then assumed.that-at the instant of.time t 0 a shook wave is propagated from the I center of gravity in the resting gas (4), and It. i ashownthat (1)LI takingthe conditions (4) into account,:has.the.eXact solution (5) which is.simi)ar to that.of Sedov. The functions r,(t), C(t) ana,ft) are, Wrf-tten down (r2,US'LC the velocity of'propagation 0LfL the sho ck wave) asLwell as an expression for theLtotal energy. contained between the rad'i r0 and,r". Finallypthe difference between.the total energy of the L Moving gai:within,the sphe Ire limited by the shock wave and'the energy.containedLprimarily: in the very.vo 1 UMe at t= is w rit ten'down (7) and special cases are investigated-There are 6 soviet references, Card 2/3 10(7) AUTHOR: azanov,: Ye. V. SOV/20-126-6-19/ ~7 TITLE: Some Exact Solutions of the Equations of the.blagnetic Gas, Dynamics in the PrL-sence, ofYorces of Intrinsic Gravity and With Zero Gradients of Temperature (Nekotoryye tochnyye. resheniya uravneniy magnitnoy gazodinamiki.pri.nalic,hii sil sobstvennogo tyagoteniya i nulevo goI gradiyenIta temperatury) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii, SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr,6, pp 1224-1226 (USSR) ABSTRACT: When clarifying the problems arising with the motion of cosmic gas masses,.inter6st is devoted to the investigation of gas motions in the presence of forces caused byintrinsic gravity and a magnetic field. The adiabatic.motion.of gravitating masse s:. had been investigated in other 'papers (Refs 1,~2 and 3).'The present papersupplies some exact,sollutions of,equations in gas dynamics, rhich describe one-dimensional nonstationary, motions,,:-, of gravitating ideal gases in.cylinder symmetry. The temperature-~ gradient is,assumed to be.,equal to,zero..For the,case assumed here the equations of -are given in and three different:types:of,particular solutions,are given. Card 1/q 16.76oo 7798 S OPI;6f, 0 -221-1 -15/2 8 AUTHORS: Korobeynikov, V. P., Ryazenov, Y-e..-.-V. (Moscow) TITLEz -Solutions of Equations of One-Di-mensional Magneto- 11ydrodynami,;s, arid Their Appilcation to Problems of Spreading-Wave Shocks PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 1960, Vol 24, Nr 1,, pp 111-120 (USSR) 'ABSTRACT. Various cases are presented in which the equations describing the plane or cylindrically symmetric motion of an electrically-conducting gas given by: ;IV ()P* 21 1) /1 1dp V P + 1/,, (V- V lit Or r _57 ~_Card lAr) i _57 Or solutions of Eauations-of One-Dimensional 7798 .7 -Magneto-Hydrodynamics, and Their Application Sov/4o 24-1-15/28 to Problems of Spreadin-g-Wave Shocks (IP TP Ov + v -iF [-5- ')-2(T-1) (it Or r ,)21 I)r + h, 2 (P'= p h hz + h, k, canbe integrated. Infinitely conducting stationary motions; tinsteady automodel and non-automodel motions with shocks; motions in which the velocity depends linearly on r; isothermal flows, as well as the problem of an impulsive gas discharge are considered Tiie research done here Is a continuation of prior work done by the authors both jointly and independently. Ca-r-d 2/9 Here, H and.H. are the components of the magnetic z Solutions of Equationa of One-Dltrien:;Ional 77987 Magrieto-Hydrodynamics, and Their Application SOV/~0724-1-15/?B, to.Problem3 of Spreading-Wave Shocks field Intensity; V Is the magnetic viscosity; m V 1, 2 correponds to,the plane and cylindrical case, respectively; and the remaining notation is Standard. The magnetic field is always perpendicular to the velocity vector,,and for V 1, h 0. For infinite conductivity I/ = 0, and for isothermal m flows, the fifth equation is replaced by aT/c)r 0 or p = (9(t)p The shoek conditions for unsteady motions coilresponding to the conservation of mass and momentum and the continuity of the electric field and energy are given by: pill, (t.5) hjp12, h;: + + _P2 (1.7) Card 3/9 Solutions of Equations of One-DImensional 7798.7 MaL~,rieto-iit/cli-o(lyii~iniles, and Their Application sov/4o-211-1-15/28 to Problenis of Spreading-Wave Shocks for a medium at rest. ~The subscript 1, denotes the quantities in the undisturbed flow; the subscript 2, their values behind the shock; u is the shock speed and r 2(t) is its radius. For the stationary case with 1,,~ 0 and 1/ 2, the authors give five integrals: p cipy, pvr c, h. c. r"-pl, 11, C 0 2h (2.1) z C6 P P C are arbitrary constants. This was where cl."..., 5 also:solved by K. Stanyukov (Zli. E. T. F, Vol 36, Nr 6, 1959) * There ex*ist two*asymptotIc curves on which ar a ~V/ (,o and v p ~ + 2h Vp i.e., the gas speed is equal to the t6tal.sound speed. A flow is possible only in the region between the t wo cylinders corresponding to these curves. Let r 0 Card 4/9 and r be the radii.of these limiting circles. Solutions of EqMltioni-, of One-Dimensional 77987 Magneto-Hydrodynamics, and Their Application SOV/40-24-1-15/28, to Problems of Spreading-Wave Shocks In a subsonic.(supersonic) setup, as r varies from r ~o up to r the speed decreases (increases) to aminimum (maximum) and then increases (decreases) to a The authors note two algebraic first integrals of the system- for the case of finite conductivity which has not been completely solved as yet.' The isothermal steady case for V 0 and 1/= 21eads ordinary M differential equation which can be integrated when h 0. F or I/ =~ 2, Vm 0, it is shown,that the.. problem separates into one which is purely,hydro- dynamical and one for determining the magnetic pressure.. For a strong blast along a'line in aperfect gas, the motion of the shock is similar to, that in ordinary gas dynamics. Next considered is the motion of piston moving in a gas at rest with a speed Card 5/9 Solutions of Equations of One-Dimensional 77987 Magneto-Hydrodynamics, and Their Application SOV/40-24-1-15/28,~ to Problems of Spreading-Wave Shocks U Alt the piston.radius being zero and the other, flow quantities being proportional to negative powers of r, initially. For 1/ = 0, the problem is m automodel, if these.powers and n obey a given relation and the solution can be obtained by numerical methods. (given by the first author: Dokl.~ An SSSR V01 1.211 _Nr P,1958). Several graphs aregiven d.epicting'the dependence of.the flow quantities on the space variable. A condition is also given insuring, the automodelness of the-problem for finite con- ductivity. When thevelocity is a linear function of-the radius, a solution for adiabatic gas flows without shocks was obtained 'by Kylikovskiy.(Dokl. AN SSSR, Vol 114, Nr 5 ' 1957) * For ar'bitrary a solution is written down containing an arbit4y function of the space variable for the axisymmetric casa. For 'Y= 2 an analogous solution is written Card 6/ which was ddrived by the second author (Pri-klad. mat. SolutioRs of Equations of One-Dimansional 77987 plagneto-Hydrodynamics, and Their Application S OV14 0 - 24 - 11 /2 to Problems of Spreading-Wave Shocks 1. mekh., 1959, Vol- 23, Nr 1) in terms of two arbitrary runctions of the space variable. The authors state that these. two solutions can bo used, by suitably choosing ,the arbitrary copstants apd functions, to connect the flow a~'roo,s a shock frond. This was:carried out In several cases in Priklad. matem. I mekh.,,1958, Vol 22~ Nrs..2., 5. Here, the a~xthors discuss in detail the solution for arbitrary Y for the problem of a strong shock (in the gas dynamical sense) starting from the ccnditions across a shock front given by G. Whitham (J. of Fluid Mech..., 4,:PP 337-360.,.1958). The flow quantities and piston radius are then found for the compression of gas by a piston. In a previous paper (Ddkl. AN SSSR, Vol 124, Nr 1, 1959), the authors showed that exact solutions exist for isothermal, infinitely conducting gasesdepending on an-arbitrary function of the space variable or time in which the velocity also was a certain linear function of the space Card,7/9 variable. The problem.with shocks was solved usino.; a~ ~Solutions of Equations of rDne-Dimensional 7 i,7 1087 Mawneto-Hydrodynamics. and Their Application SOV/ 4c-24-15/28 to Problems or Spreading-Wave.Sho.oks solutloti containing an arbItrary function of the t1ine. For isothermal flows in which V I/ (t), one can find m particular solutions of (A) when~"h or hy is absent. and which contairi.arbitrary constants. Starting from a particular solution involvin~zz an arbitrary function of the space variable, the authors discuss- in detail and construct the solution across the shock. This, solution is then used to obtain an exact solution ol the CCLILowing problem o~ an impulsive gas discharge: At time t 0, Lhere is a cylindrical column of gas whoseassumed high temperatu e makes the gas infinitely conducting; a magnetic fiel with given intensity is assumed to be "fixed" in the column and directed parallel, to the cylinder axis; t~ie initial density is constant at- 0 and pre~;sUre, in the, gasis assumed to be~. constant; at t = 0 a current begins to flow through the Card- 8/9 cclurrin in the, axial direction aclCording to,a. criven law.. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION S V/5711 Korobeynikov, ViktorPavlovich, Nina Sergeyevna Mel Inikova, and Yevgeniy Vasil'yevich Ryazanov Teoriya tochechnogo vzryva (Theory of Point Detonation), Mo scow. Fizmatgiz., 332 p. 5, 000 cooiesprinted. Ed.: S. N. Shustov; Tech. Ed.: L'Sh. Aksellrod. PURPOSE:. This book is intended'for, scientists interested in shock-wave propagation, and for aspirants and students in advanced courses in gas dynamics at schools of higher education. It may also be used by engineers concerned with problems of detonation.. s - f work by Soviet and non-S COVERAGE: The book contains the re ults 0 oviet scientists on the theory of point detonation. The point7 detonation theory in connection w hi h take, arose ith the necessity of describing phenomena w ic place in uniform media during detonations,of char ges of small.:volume and weight, but which develop high energy. The, point- detonation'theory makes it suffici ical pur possible to obtain, accuracy ent for pract poses, Card 1/14 Theory of Point Detonation SOV/5711 much necessary data on the nature of the unsteady motion developed during,,,.., a detonation. It should be mentioned that this theory may also be applied to problems of the flow of a superhigh-speed gas stream around blunt-nosed slender bodies and to problems of shock-wave propagation during electrical, discharges and detonation of fine metal wires through which a pulsed current is passed. Over the last few years many works published mainly -in various~ Soviet and non-Soviet. journals have dealt with investigations of the motion of a gas during point detonations' In view of the absence of a complete presen- tation of the point -detonation theory, which is important in investigating various problems of gas dynamics,. the authors of the book have endeavored to give', a systematic presentation of its principal conditions and the more hinportant results of research employin this theor The book contains eight 9 Y chapters. Chapter I sets forth. general equations of o n e 7 ~d i m e n s i o n a unsteady motions and some mechanical and thermodynaImic relationship s. Here the problems of, point detonation are formulated and the main results. of studies dealing with this problem are reviewed. In,Chapter 11, self-, Card 2 /14 Theory of Point Detonation SOV/5711 simulating fautomodeling] problems, of an ideal gas having constant and. variable. initial density are reviewed, and the solution is given to the problem of the motiort of a gas expelled by a piston. The probl ms which, are not self-simu-, approximation method of calculating e lating is given in Chapter III. This method is based on the linearization of a gas-dynamics equation' about a self-simulating solution. The stated method is used to solve point -detonation problems by. taking into account. counter-pressure and density variation with altitude,. and also, to solve problems of the motion of a gas expelled by a piston.., The application of the point -detonation theory to the aerodynamics of thin bodies is reviewed Chapter IV contains the results of the numerical solution of a,non-self- simulating spherical -charge detonation problem, and a comparison of these results with some, experimental data. Also examined in Chapter IV are the proble:ms of the asymptotic behaVior of the solution nearthe detonation center and the laws of shock wave attenuation at great distances. - In.Chapter V. approximation formulas are derived for calculating the parameters of spher--- Card 3/14 Theory of Point Detonation SOV/5711 ical, cylindrical, and plane detonation waves. In Chapter VI a method is given for setting up_ some exact solutions.which descIribe.the one-di- mensional unsteady flow of a gas with shock waves- The application of this method to detonation phenomena is. discussed. The aforementioned chapters review problems.of adiabatic'. motions of an ideal gas with constant heat capacities. The last two chapters include problems formulated on the b.asis of other assumptions. Thus, in Chapter VII, problems of powerful detonation in an ideal gas under conditions of nonadiabatic motion in a disturbed zone are studied. One, of the methods for calculating radiation is shown here. Chapter VM deals with a, number of problems connected with point detonation in a slightly compressible uniform medium, e. g., water. An investigation of the general characteristics of solutions to problems concerning powerful detonations is given for a broad class of self-simulating media. The book does not deal with questions connected with the calculation of gas viscosity, the effects of gravity, or ionization, and dissociation processes since there are still many unsolved problems Card 4/14 Theory of.Point Detonation SOV/5711 in this area. A number of results obtained by the authors and published earlier in journal articles are included. Many of the subjects covered in the book were topics in a series'of reports delivered at seminars on hydrodynamics at the Moscow State University. A. biblioLyraphy, of Soviet and non-Soviet literature is given at the end of the book., The book was written as follows: Chapters, IV, V, Section 3 of Chapter II, and Section 6 of Chapter JI V. P. Korobeynikov; Chapters III and I were written by VIII, by N. S. Mellnikova; Chapters II and,Vl,. by. Ye. V. Ryazanov. Chapter 1, by Korobeynikov and Mellnikova; Chapter VII, by Korobeynikoy and Ryazan.ov; and Seci--ns 2, 6, 8, and. 9 of Chapter 11, by.Mel'nikova and Ryazanov. The authors participated jointly in compiling the .problems... reviewed in Sections 3, .4, and 5 of Chapter IHO Sections 2 and 6 of Chapter IV, and Section I of Chapter VIH.: It should be mentioned that Sections 3 5J* 6, 7, and 9 of Chapter VIII werewritten by N1. S. . Mellnikov and N. N. Kochina mainly on the basis of their. articles. The authors thank Leonid Ivanovich Sedov for his valuable remarks concerning many of theproblems Card 5 /14 buga-~-VMZ~ vop;psy7l, m9q~!;,noy7-&Lqr! -d --soves -41thin*4~ :, - ~. - _:. ~' * ---strpn9:-Ir-) --EWTLCULLWTLILLF-K,~~l -WWTtU-/UIJ-- -- --- --- - - ---- -- .ACC NR: AT6017619 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/165/000/000/0296/0308 AUTHOR: Belkin.-Yu. .S. Bodner. V. A.; Getsov. L. N.; Mart_!ygnovae T. S.; Ryazanov, Yu. A~._ ORG: none TITIX: Adaptive systems for the optimization work regimes.and transient a t SOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po teorii.i praktike.samonastraivayushchikhsya~' sistem. Ist. 1963. Samonastraivayushchiyesya sistemy (Adaptive control systems); trudy konferentsii. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 296-308 TOPIC TAGS: optimal automatic control, turbojet engine, thrust optimization) Z ABSTRACT: Synthesis and analysis of an adaptive system to optimize and control vari-4 ous parameters of a turbojet engine is presented. The equations of the system awe written out,in detail and numerical data aretabulated. The analysis was performed ~.s- ing analog simulation and the graphical results are presented. The control parametqrs considered were the rpm of thiturbo-compressor, the inlet and afterburner tempera-%:,- tures and the turbine pressure.gradient.- The.control Inputs considered werethe mab. fuel consumption, the afterburner fuel consumption, and the nozzle cross section. art. has: 16 formulas, 7 figures,.1 table. SUB CODE:' 12,13,21/ SUBM DATE: 22Nov65, Card 1/10,0 lI&u6n of: i6iiiance -thid" el --Tff Ll n,o e~parame rs.otw lb, 6bub r n~ ye :227 teo.. ~SOUR ses h' ~eneamv.~_ nope-soves c ayto -atIchp_jqkikh gliqtemakh~- 2d ~,Xiev-`_4962 - -Teo#y, m -'eheskago up , --A n'au ma (Theoryb invar ailce _#yleniy* f w~~ llzd4.v -Nai"l-`- -Moscc 4 `lidC ..... ..... . ...... ... --TOPIC.TAGS. lp t c:j c Sys Iiil 4 ght bdiitr6. J~ var dainp anpo _pW ing- --Th F 0 app ~ca 0n,0 e., ABSTRACTe ti- f, - t! -of La lot C6 -1. Sys - n i~ 6 bO i utro tidin; s, ves gi ift,:.o evatabii tour Is ethr btainin --e4rcibsion~ drct q ami - I- g.cpn d n n --pertieb of ir aftlhyaw iixii~ors -obtal-i e ua Tms. or-:-, e-sele an a er in ti kk. h g~jmo a _q -A st6_ _"l$i0 one. y( of.theparaineters. -i "a" M of d rib to, it t tbI -th- _iA- '' ese ing-the au p o ~,-From' e. a -or-s-,-; bs6d:sjsten quati6fi- froiii whieh e er fudetions- or An drq ~jd are ya-- MIR A de - a on: of afltks~:,o a .-a's articleconclu&4 l4itjio 66 PP. f c,c,omW6 P c 5, 7-1 ACCtMON-NRe: 4~M on- MPOnlen -tbim wid4' A f.-flight.'contrd SyS. --th V -ILI; I------ mjj&i~W When,, e P~ -of-invaliance can 0- of d14 ihek~ of th' chimeng wao fi k~d 17:16iriri ures 9 --COD] MID. a -NO~REF SGVi 17 7 - ZPIZ j~ 2 36985-66 EWT(m)/T/E1dP(t)/ET1 1JP(C) JD ACC NR: AP6012220 SOURCE CODE: UR/0032/66/032/oo4/o457/0457 AUTHOR: Kleyner, L. M.; Pilikino, L. D.; Ryazanove, A. N.; Flent"~O' Ve ORG: none TITLE: Determination of grain size In bigh_strengtb steels of the martensite type 715 SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v, 32, no. 4, 1966, 457 TOPIC TAGS: grain size, martensitic steel, high strength steel ABSTRACT: The proposed method consists In oxidation f the metal-at a temperature somewhat lower than Acl.(600.-7300C).. Tbeooxidizer used'w,as~. 194nO which decomposes above 2000C, evolving.stomic oxy .gen. A sample was.Mdized at a temperature of 720 or~60,OOC for 2 or 4 hours. After cooling in air to room temperature, tbe.oxide film was.removed, Etching was carried out wIth,a reagent consisting of 4 grams CuSOIL; 20 ml~,Ml; and 20 ml R 20, witb the addition,of a,surface active subs'tane,e--synthol (10:6). The article shows microphotos f the polished samples. Origo: ert.,ibas.: 1 figure* SUBCODE: 1i/ SUBM DATE: none. Z 19 PI ()Yh F, -A .1.37 - 58 - 4- 766 1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiyd, 1958, Nr 4, p 186. (USSR) AUTHOR: Ryaza,nova, F. D. TITLE: A Statistical Method of Monitoring for Heat- treatment Shops (Sta. tisticheskiy metod kontrolya v termicheskikh tsekhakh) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn~ tr. Belorussk. politekhn. in-t,. 1957, Nr 57, pp 81-86 ABSTRACT: Experiences in and the results of the introduction.of statistical control (SC) in heat-,treatment shops are set forth. Prior to the introduction of SC, bearing parts were inspected forhardness and microstructure. 5 percent of each lot of balls'and rollers and 100 ~ercedt 6fthe'ra-c'es were inspected for hardness; 1.5per1cent of the total output was checked,for macrostructure (fracture) C-And,mi- crostructure, and this required a large laboratory, and Department of Technical Control staff. After the introduction of.SC, selection of parts for testing was made at specified time intervals appropriate to the production cycle, and hardness measurements and the results: of microstructural analysis are entered into a statistical control chart., Simultaneously, the adherencle.of process technology:to that;, Card 1/2 scheduled is'monitored. The statistical charts constitute' documents, Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya,, 1958, Nr 2, p 173 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ryazanova, F.D. TITLE: An Oil Bath With Quick-change Heaters (Maslovanna bystro- smennymi nagrevatelyami), PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Belorussk. politekhnich. in-t, 1957, Nr 57, pp 87-90 ABSTRACT: A brief examina tion is provi .ded of the.advantages and short- comings of furnaces (F) for low-temperature tempe ,ring IF with electric heating, also small-size shaft-type F and oil baths (B)J.l Inthe treatment practice for bearin g parts of ShKh6,. ShKh9, and ShKhl5 steel subjected to tempe IriIng in electric belt F where:the difference in air temperature around the heaters and in the middle of the F is held to 10-'150C,,a reduction of.RC from 63-65 units to 60 is observed-The elec- tric oil bath is widely used to assure uniform heating of parts and also because of its. ready. usability: for. low -temperature processes in general and because of its,simplicity of design, and cheapness of manufacture's The author's design of a '12 kw Ca rd 112 electric oil bath, for tool temp~ering and aging has its hea,ter in. ACCM-SION UR: AT4035465 8/2789/64/000/052/0060/00W~, ALTTHOR: Ryazanova, L. A. TITLE: Characteristic-8--a the temperature regime of the 25-50 km layer SOURCE: Tsentrai'naya aerblogicheskaya observatoriya. Trudy*, no. 52, 1964. Rezul'taty* rakeLny*kh.issledovaniy atmosfery*,v period.MG i NGS (Results of, atmospheric investigations by means of rockets during the period.of the Internation- al Geophysical Year and International Geophysical Cooperation), 60-66 TOPICTAGS: meteorology, air temperature, upper atmosphere, stratosphere ABSTRACT: A study has been made of the-character,istics of'the.temperature regime in the 25-50 km air layer, divided into two,parts--25 to 30.35 km.and above. The study was further subdivided into theseicharacteristics in the polar,zone (80-600) and temperate zone (60-400). The data-usedlwe're the results of Soviet and American rocket launchings during the-IGY-and IGC periods; the total number of launcMngs analyzed was about 150, approximately evenly distributed, between the two zones. -It ~.Was found that the temperature field of the stratosphere in the latitude range Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4035465 80-40' in the 25-50 km layer can be divided into the two mentioned sublayers on the,_', basis of the peculiarities in its diurnal and annual variation. The boundary between these sublayers can arbitrarily be considered the lower base of the inver- sion. Brief changes in temperature are caused for the most part by nonradiation factors. With an increase in elevation above sea level the influence of nanradia- tion factors decreases. The only exception to this rule is the upper sublayer (35-50 km) of the polar latitudes in the winter season.. The cause of the great temperature variability and the presence of A permanent inversion of this layer, is unclear. The annual temperature changes in both latitude zones-correspond for, the most part to the annual variation in the radiation balance. There is a noncon-:. formity in the upper sublayer of both zones: iIn the polar zone -- a displacement,of, minimum temperatures from the winter to the autumn months, and in the temperate zone a shift of maximum temperatures from the summer to the spring months. The ~causes of such displacements arecompletely unknown. The greatest amplitude of."the annual variation in temperature is observed in the,30-40 km layers, With an increase Cord, 2/3 ACCESSION UR: AT4035466 S/2789/64/000/052/0067/00741- AMOR: Petrov, A. A.; Ryatanova, L. A. TITLE: Three caaea of sudden warming of the Arctic stratosphere SOURCE: Tuentral'naya acrologichookaya observatoriya. Trudy*, no. 52, 1964. Razulltaty* raketny*kh tonledovani7 atmosfery* v period MGG i MOS (Results of atmospheric investigations by means of rockets during the period of the Tnter- national Geophysical Year and International Geophysical Cooperation), 67-74 TOPIC~ TAGS- meteorology, stratosphere, stratospheric warming, upper atmosphere iUSTP_&CT: Three cases of stratospheric warming in the Arctic are discussed in detail (February 1958, January 1960 and January 1961). The phenomenon of sudden war m. In January 1960 and February rming can be traced to heights not less than 40 k 1958,it was apparently limited,to this height, but in 1961 and January 1958 the warming apparently took place at great heights. January 1958 observations at Fort Churchill revealed that the warming was limited to a height of 65 km. Various, data indicate that the process of temperature change begins at.great heights and then extends to lower-lying layers. Sudden warmings of the stratosphere arenot .~associated with processes occurring in the troposphere, with the active Aayer'iii C, ,Card 1/3 'Nai) !B1J`- 't /:7,WPW t I J-1:1T! i 'j P 11 nu S ", j D 13 D ACC NRt j~-16024965 SOURCE CODIE: UR/0000/651/0001000/0008/0017, Pi AUTHOR: Kudryav-tsov T askey V) Ye. V.; Rylzanova ~L. 14~. OiG; none TITLE: Electrolytic preparation of finely divided. leaZand zinc oowders SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otdeleniye obshchey i tekhnicheskoy khimii. Zashchitn3rje metalli- cheskiye i oksidri, ekt 0~- .lye -pokrytiya, korroziya metallov i issledovaniya v oblasti: al r. k-hinii (Protecti-ve meiallicand oxide coatings, corrosion of metals, and studies in electrochemistry). 1~bscovr, Nauka, 1965, ~8-17 TOPIC TAGS: electrodeposition, zinc, lead, metal Dowder AUSTRACL: Finely diviqed lead and zinc Dowders were DreDared electrolytically from alkaline ectrolytep. tj The effect of moial concentration inthe Ielectrolyte, c Iathodic f current density, cathoA material, and organic admi--ctures on the current effficiency.o the metal and the dispersity of the-cathodic deposits was st died. The effect of var- U "u ious inhibitors on the degree of oxidation of the finished products was determined., The experiments shaued 'that as the zinc concentration increases from 0.1 to 0.3 N, the current densities being the same, the current efficiency of the nowder rises, I but.the. inhomo.-oneity in the size distribution of the powder particleslincreases. 11he-zino pod er wa found to be less hon. ogeneous than the lead nowder in I)article size; its Da L'Acles we e coarser and had a branched dendritic shape. A certain.increase in the Card 1/2 SO:, LETOPIS' NO. 40 A UTHOR: Ryazanova~, M.Ya. SOV/21-58-2-10/28 TITLE: ~a Beam Under the Effect of a Load Moving Along It (0 kolebaniyakh balki pod deystviyem dvizhushche- gosys, vdoll,neye" gruza) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii na uk Ukrains1koi RSR, 1958, Nr,29 . pp 157-161 (USSR), ABSTRACT: The problem of the vibrations.of a.beam under the effect of., a moving load has been,considered by many scientists:but::_~, solved only.f.or case's-containing certain: simplifying con-,, diti6ns concerning the law of.motion:of the;load.or the ra- tio of themasses of.the load,and the beam, etc. The pre-,, sent paper treats this problem in a general case.without any.restricting conditions. It is reduced*to,,a system of first.kind.- two Volt6rra integral equations of,the , t t 4F J, This system is,,solved approximately:by the substitution of example the author a system of.algebraic.equations. ~As an Card 1/2 , discusses the case of uniformly accelerated motion of a NIR, AP6034201 -DE U.R0-2 4 07 6 AUTHOR: Ryazangy.& TAo Mo zORG: scowAlygiene Research institute im. F. F. Erisman (Moskovskly ~~nauchno-isaledovatel'ekly Inatitut gigiyeny) T I T L E tToxicity f zineb pesticide k SOURCE: Gigiyena I sanitarlys, no. 10, 1966, 25-29 TOPIC TAGS: pesticide, toxicity, toxicology, plant disease control ABSTRACT: Zineb, the zinc salt of ethylene-bia-dithiocarbamic acid used for control of plant pests 'shows no.cumulative.effects in chronic toxicity studies. The average lethal doge ranges between 1700-and-.1 2000 mg/kg when adminis to red orally.,in.single doses. Such effects as decreased cholinesteras,e,,act,ivity, total acidity of gastric juice ~hemoglobin and differential.blood count produced,in long term adminio-.-. tration of the co Impou-nd,IIn da.Ily does a of 100'ag/kg were reversible- ,after ceasing to give.the compounds Origo art* has; 2.figurese (WOA9 50.1 SUB CODEt 06/ SUBM DAM,: IOJun0t, ORIG REY: 007/ -OTHREY: -002 Card- in VDC: 613.63t632.952+615,7770-932-099 -0 /-0 0 2 5 1-0 02 T- ACd,N'R, AP6034201 CODE I UR/614 ~6fC6fCOO 01 AUTHORS Ryananoval Re A. ORG: Moscow.Hygiene'/Research'Iniitituts In* Fe Fe trisman (?(oakovekLy nauchno-issledovatellekly Institut giglyeny) TITLES Toxicity of.xLneb pesticide- SOURCEz 'Giglyena I sanitailys, no* 10, 1966, 25-29 JOPTC TAGSt pesticide, toxicity, toxicology, plant disease cant ral ABSTRACTS Zineb, the zinc salt of ethylene-bia-dithi.ocarbamic acid used for control of plant peelts,'shows no,cumulative effectainchronic toxicity studies. The-average lethal dose ran'ea between 1700.and 9 20,00 mg/kg when administered orally in single doses. Such effects as decreased cholinesteraae activity, total acidity of.gastric juice hemoglobin and differential.:blood count produced in long term adminism'. tration of the coupound In daily,doses of 100 Mg/kg were reversible after ceasing to give the compound. has: 2 figures. (W.A. -50 SUB COD&I 06/ SUBM DATXv Wun6SV ORIG~REFt OTH REFS 002 Card 1/1 VDC 613e63s6 32.952+61 5.777o9 32 -099 27500 S/063/~1/006/0o3/o04/co4 12,0(. A051/A129 AUTHORS: Ryazanova, R.M., Dolgopol'skiy,,I.M., Klebanskiy, A.L. TITLE:. Perfluorobutadiene in the reactlon of diene synthesis PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Vsesoyuznogo Rhimicheskogo Obshchestva im.D.I.Mende.leyeva. v.6, no . 3, 1961, 356 357 TEXT: The authors have studied,the behavior of hexafluorobutadiene in diene synthesis reactions, characteristic for a conjugated system of double bonds.- They investigated.the reaction of hexafluorobutadiene with mhlaicanhydride, 1,4-1 naphthaquinone, acrylonitrilS styrene, methylmethacrylate, divinyl and isoprene. Hexafluorobutadiene was synthesized according to Ref. 4 Ch. Slesser, S.R. Schram, Preparation, properties and technology-of fluorine and organic fluoro- compounds N.Y. Toronto- London, It was established that hexafluorobu--, 1951. tadiene does-not react with maleic anhydride nor with i.4-~naphthaquinone, both". without a solvent as well as with a solution of toluene. The reactions with styreneand methylmethaer7late resulted in the production-of ad- ditiIon products with satisfactory yield s,.boiling within a narrow temperature range. Theoretically it was expected that as a'result of the interaction bet- Card 1A "DOTOVA, Takaterina Aleksandrovna; RTAZANOTA. T., rodaktor; RLMV,.S.I.,