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Publication Date: 
December 31, 1967
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-7 a 0 a a I # I I - I A -,4---f ~L.A- L p P, F. -Q -VIA IF - sped& cmdwovity of bmt 4WmAmm *m. oo 0: J. PAnAl 664-*-04tWEA~(7. ZwAaW.-Cmechoslov.. eu*J., 1IM38i 386)e- -: i h i wm n t e Tb. k beats gm. In dyknut mp"t ~ so mmh gmatii vOkUsn d" moo ko&Wy Is mb*i to - 00 fithiW! -t6 eoutent or~ the - jafimi~ dry =,Juke., imam the S"fqe dewaks-di ng&f Content Ott the SAM@ ~ eq)Sdamstal add t "did I between 0-34 and 0-W1. and the reffiWtOnleirk dq substaum, between 0-44 and 0-86, but the or bihmen 0-54 and 2-55%. J. P. 0. 00 !q ~~4 1~167 1 147 .1&.11 4IM a.. All 'W 0 e, x it K a if if it it cc a I wool -00 -00 moo --44 goo r4o so* 00$ goo I moo tie 0 Rol Soo 0 0 V: - - - -- - - - . a . . . . a a A - I I 14 6 #I a Ea A 0a I i 5 Ii Is is V to 0 a I ; i I a IIL V 11, ii CoanposlUon of sager-beetroot bOlj*ft ad A -1H in 1936. J. PIUAX anil A. Z" -- r=kZ " j;: 7 I . 4 . Owhoplov., 1037, 62. 1 2%= 914 P i 1142; Cf. H. 1034. 902).-Ounpared with normal got lit-ets, " boli;rs " h0 a much lower avmp wt. of nx)t, a rather loweO % of sufar, and the mine or " " h h h rat or er purity of Jules. 'Copping the 4t bol-1, " f t J l i i ff r0 0 er" u n .e., catt thib Rower "ka about ng o y, =06 3-4 in. above the root crown, had a very unrarour. too 00%, able rifeirt, lowerin CA harv"ted, their _g the wt. of roo siu mr ronlent alit] the urit f th l i 008 e ce r ju . y o g p J. if. r'. goo VISA goo VW I Go( #Mot ""A" BILAII dot a.. 419 r I- - --- -- 7-6- 1 on Igo pfu~ N a W-W 16a , ' ' ' 6 z 0 t X DOIP 41 : 0 9 01 0 0 0 0 00 a 0 0000 0 000000 4 ' RUZICXA, Arnost, XUDr, Z. loc. silver amalgam as filling material. Prak-t. zub. lek., Praha 2 no. 8:169-174 1954. 1. Z klinilcy pre choroby zubae celustne v Xosiciach (IMITAL KATERIALS amalgam, silver, as filling material) RUZICKA, B-,huslav; REHOR, Frantisek FarathlTis n. gen.~ a new pelecypod from the Ostrava-Karvina coal district (Pelecypoda). Vest ust geol 39 no.2:137-140 Mr 164. 1. Katedra geologie a paleontologie, Vysoka skola banskap Ostrava; Uhelny pruzkum, Ostrava. W W 4 IF IF IF IF w 0 w IF W GF-W-W- . 31 a So M A I& V A a r 11-I I a A tit -.0 o ~ to :,( i-V c % ' - - - A L~-.qipj-o A, j7r .~wj S ~ go A A report opm tb* with best h C h d f 00 00 o. t e rec seeds conducte by I sty o alovski" Sugar Industry during 1934. 1. The sugar A go A, beet he... . contest of somillaor and yield of sugar. ],Pwf :: PArlr, A,.RaWka,.J. D&kk. J. VaMtko and F. fWk. doolo a Cxkromr. S3, M) SR-, Z. Tatheristd. Irrhodawk. :00 00 A!J, tN)D 31 OWL%).- Nine varieties of sugar beet% were 00 grrmit in " .0 expil. plots in the rtzimmi of the republic wh#rr milar beef I arr grown rrgubuly. The beet& were of harvi-med stul analyzed clwm., but the ormits front only 'j? 00 W plots we-resultable for comparativestatisticallinalysts. - - - b D i X t o mv r Thrav. wt-s. of Itert ro A Ax In q. perhoo. were: g S410 06 V.UI.I A. 2.24, litil,rovice N 371.4 - 1.11, Kirinwatir- ' kAwovicr C.Itro.4 ~ till, Zapotil 10mm N.W0.5 ~ 0.72, r N' .1114.2 - 0.94, Zapiodl 2 W2.2 - 1.229, Wohanka ZR r . WA A I.-Y). ~wlectos W.3 ~ OJO and Kle4norantlelorn 00 7.Tr.1,4 ~ 2.49. The sugar cumem. in percentage for the = Gou brel% were: Wobanks ZR WAS mA 0.040, Dotwnvk-e C see 00 a MIND a O.M. KWnwanzkl)en Z 19111) ~ O.W. Dohro- " R - 0 1 02R 1 Z 10 S l i e ecta 1 - 0.02# , . vice X 19.71 . 1, 7apot f , 00 111.7.5 * 0.048, Dtibrimire V 19.117 & 0.=. Kicinwanx- It4mrn N IOJUI & 111.10t and Zalmill N 191M - 0.141). The av. yields of sugar In q. per ha. were: nobrovice V - - l tI l i m N W 0 t If .3.42 - o o mov ce r ,4.!P- - 0.62. I)ol nvk . MM) - II.W, Kleinwanaklorn N 72.M - (1.21, Wollanka ZR =-M - (1.32, 7apatit Z MAR - OM. Zapootil N 76 m 0 wa ii t 41 ~ 0 29 d Ki i n 27 S 67 7 l O T w . r n ri e . ects an e . 1. , w i th r 77 - 0 bl th l d Z W 53 T i o' " OS e stil motio ea e ve P. . a s. . e9 g ys -00 rondititim and the analysis fror each variety at every e2pil. all III Frank Ntmr-h At IL PI ITA 11111 A CIN 1 W AT 1 tt .- A - 4 KAL 1. IC I LLU 0 CL SS A see 00 V'- W049 80 -1 Is U n if 6 ~ 1011411 It Ohl 'j*E oilItoIad 00 -mrdr a to L PC a It it x Kul to I ilt, An L I I Od 0 9 a I W 4 3 0 1 AMC, 69 "g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 T 0 1 _i _0CM a W W W IT 1 -00 R2R I I 0 0 go 09 09 is bottom (L . I. 0 0 0 OciI wo, a higher Ong" "ad More havatiag tiw will Con vid it,"'t Pug" 000 go al "3140, Ujim Sah abolting late in the Down too 0 0 but becto Woody b-1,l 0 fibre. but WON 0 t and punll- than 00,31 Oacrome Ounton Lf ha" a lowfir so naerably higher 00#1 In"A OuPt' 0 00 may h6ve IL 00 it nvot* "d More P. 0. 0 0 becits, thoug 00 $00 WOO t:60 WOO w'mil of r tilt I 3 INA a It it Is 0 0 a 0 a a 0 * : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0Oro 0 0 a 0 0 4v0 AIL9_0-9-9.0 0 0 g 0 0 100 0 0 o 0 0 Go __4F3_F _T 11 ,j W 11 M 11 U A A- IF A V X IF 11 1: U It IS 36 V j$ IN I, are a A L It.-A-1-A M 0 A A~V'JR_Rtot" ltk--,J-L-~t--A-J-~L--t--A-,-~---! -00 00 1-00 00 1~9.Aa= 08 -Wstl4v exPedments with beat "a III. Th. datemi"ti. of be Ura AMINO altralitist by by U" Central Bodely of the Catichodanklan W Skaft-Paviss mathotf. 1b4. 2"1,7-73._Tbe beets on An 8 Plots in various regions of the coamtry Anti lot 0 varieties -0 I bla Indus" during 1934. U. Solids In the beet juice 00 a I showed 30.78-45.1r, Inc. amino N P- 1W parts of beet an theqUOU601foliludlY. J#.%elI`WcraudAnt.Rufi&A. 1A$tY CiskPinar. 53, 2-'A) VIOM); cf. C. A. 29, 4WP:-t~" ronu And 0.182-0215 mg. per 100 parts of "W. How- lim 0 harvested tin 12 ezptj. plot* throughout Czechn. ever. the standard dcvi&titm of the amino N detus,. Was III ed iuke " times " large " that for the sugut-cown. detan. and 4 4tvftkia Aba"M av. --lid ontents In the digest 1,44- Wt)h&OL& ZR 23,03. KIcinwanxtirlien Z, 22.47, Dolmnicr C Z1.4d, Met (a ZI.:D;, Zapotil Z :rj.2A. times As large 42 that for the ykld of beet rootu. The Dobrn- Amino N dettis. of the varieties Used could not be corrdxtvd vice N 22,25, Kicinwansleitt-n N 22.18,7apoW N 22. 16 and Tho~cvark Ihtbrovice V 22AW7,r. 'the my. sugar concus. were; which possessed large fresh I I ics 91'ems it harvest time had a roe W Aanka Zk 2%).45, Dakirn ice C MIN, Kleinwantleben Z low amitio-N content; these which had Stnall awl wit hed 19 t& 19.73. 9"M$ were hich in amino N; f(w Intermediate values the 'Z, lkiticovice N W.748, Zapotd Z 19.78, Selec -a ZdPotil correlation did bold. The ordrr of the varictles changed V 110.67. Kkinwunsleben X 19.dd. Anti The quotients of purity fnr Ifit my. alu" when the rewils were r1prcs" in jems a, beet yield or V M.31, lkilicovitt, C Xwig, WWv OvIce sugar yields of lix) 1. The VAIUVI .)r Amino N were more ...Ur V MN .97. Wolianka ZU M.84, lapotil Z N8.79, Selects characteristic fur the varims plots than for the various ;::0 0 V1.71), Kirinwarultimn N V11-68, Zapotil N 811M anti Varittin. Ftstiliters. hoth Artificial and natural. bad an a* 0 so I Kkinvaiulittmo, Z KKA7. The order of the varieties effect uPoss the Amino X of the beets, but it was modified 00 1 chisaxod for the different analyari, and to correct the stilar by the Character of the "I. lmgtb of the season. tru=. .0 0 lie Cotten. P. multiplied the sugar conco. by the ratio of the PirstiOn- etc- 011 3 Plots the total N by the K~I qtko# ient ot the particular vsjkty over the highest quo. method for all vadeties WAS 221-2711, the Amino N WISLS 110 6 licut. The corrected comms. are more uAdul to beet MC- Per 100 Parts of beet, or20-29,2rrv of the tot&] N. A i=oe Is sr,,w,,rs, although the wax. correct' as -0.14~~. direct Itlation lirtween the total % anti Amino N could not be tabulated. Frank Maivsh bo a S I, L *tTA4,LvfGKAt 1,111VATURt CLA511FICATICO z 00 43. 1 Sea ..... 0 Y I W 14 9 J3 0 31 2 7 G U 9; IF on it to IF %1 39 419 a It K a Cf Qc wn 1 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 6~11 0 1~0'48 in, : 0 * 0 0 0 L* a 0 * 0 0 * a 0 a ~_ 0 0 0 0 00 010 0 0 o * 0 0 o o 0 a o o 6 6 a 0 I v Ifuum"Mampf a n a a it s a 9 a JW a -A--S-J- I I IF k I k . 1 ! . . ONG(Ij 00 of -041 .00 0 4 4 lull =tbi of mWr.boa The Tepid Old the COMPM l the a% t- -00 o 4 a Io =c"" =&m e -00 W C.A. 33. It". Flank )61amsh see ov a no* 00. 00 a ore* 00 do : me* M*411 ISO411 ILOR CLAIWICAtION see go. 91 It I low 94.1fiv - T 11111,143 -If d-V 1149 -- am ~. &S. 'A go a I a F r U a 10 % P., p a it a it w , ; l - " o; T, .' ad 0 a I I v a 9 AM a a v & . ; ;: - - 61 do do 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 do 0 00 0 1 0 0 0 0 a 0 a o do o 0 : 0 . 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 do 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 it 11 a 1, go it m a 16 11 is 11 of &I C Of 61 A A L -a 1~ I : .1i. A. A lopult On the -401110,414tive espollulliftle with beet .00 ir $fed& conducted by the Central SorAtty of Cho CS'dw , slow&k Sugar Indugiry In 1037. 1. IlAzler, Ant. R6144s., , _ -00 00 *l. '- 881 Vine. l%fichA and jar. tern$-. Lbly Cukrattai.13Y. 116 0 beet varieties were gmwn, harvested mid -J."04). -Ten allidys"I separately from 15 expd. plots distributed 0 ifititsilth."it Crech,.hivallis. The rrl%wt inrlittle,% tablem -os -,it A-141YAlool, O-etlis-lr -ite. hu VaCO.. N. PAN amf 0 to to., Jet 44.-1l1 plot", 1.4 j: 0 0 :ze 0 to f .1. A. A AW,( T- I-so 100 0 04 a 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 Of 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Of 0 0 0 Of 0 0 0 0 0 At 0 0 0 ei* 0 q 0 0 9 0 0 goes* 0 0 UDDJDJI U3334 &Ams M4414LIJUSA AT 16 IS a CIPO$$ I ! to V A 1!. !f14 J-40LOTIA lop A%V of- r-Lial Go 0 gig 9 00 00 r C, o o 1, 00 '4A8 :00 Iuoiw* qvv alp 00 Jai 1jupoi vO!I'j&Mu3 Pup -.)Inl Iffq POPOW jvj 903M j 0o -*nPu- 29padq -M -MI On Mi V"v *6116PU 0o 0- Ja*q qJIM, P313"PI103 91301191hISOAt" alp 10 &nrWWTT, V go 00 00 00 x w w- -1 r'-7 9 1 1 v S - -It al 30 $1 IV *:To IT to n it a 0 K It x a PC a 11 11 0 It 44 It is vt %I In if 11 of 04 1 Do A. 7 7 7 7 7 7 A 13 w is it if It if AD III a n m V I 1 3 Id a ft v is is a 41 42 .1 66 4r J-ZAA 0 CC W LEO__ - - 1 L w 9 b~ * t td1T itfb 0tU C*X pttiWmeSc d'b1u 1C093MSP&bM bd !d='dt -00 se ut e k e en o et w * w y y I l ndustry In Cuchoslova Sups tia. 1. Thebettharvest. 11, Ir concestredoe and dw mW yield. jowl Antrinin R61P , - Lilly Cakromy. 54. 241-71 kruk Arp. 60. 257-M. Ima); Z. zwkerisid. ech;l Frank Nfamsh 0 1 2 F Zee 1 00 00 00 so so -tTALLOGICAL LItINATWAII! CLASSIPK.TICX I 00 3 WO* Of It i~ti-Zii; T Nit& a t &d'~.. A., I I V I I , 0 0 0 n It '7L '.n I S I two 0119115 a a 3 2 U . it K a 01 a It a a KX' - IF 0 - ama l 0 1 0 0 0 0 0~0 0 0 0 e 0 0 Ip 1 e 0 p : 1 : . o 0 0 0 00 0 c 0 :1 0 MUMIANUUMS', 61 are I A 0 A f I t � 4 1 . . , go 13W f I Pat of Comparative expirnments w0 beat Pmds -G* the ceirtral Sod of dw qwx Isdulary IS :-60, -O in t A o= 09 on n during 19m. omef Pirler and Cmcbd 1~ kilty. CakrVmr. 3s,301-29jJIxr,).---:An&fytS--' .00 00 rid and y1eld data art given for K beet bmndt -plant il bi t Iv -00 ans no w onexPO.PloulaWdifferrotretiorm. Ta -00 w4 characteristics, tn.. temp.. cliatate, etc.. are I IT 00 ts and rrgions u( the typt ' given fur the individual 11 of b Frank Mateth 00 of co 0 coo so 00 'Zee A 00 00 00 j go !-so se". 00 00 It g fog 00 too 001, to a or K is 9 K it t, 14 CW 'a 0 4 it Aj 4 'r. or 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 . 00 g, g eig, g 0 32 "1, 'In I'm 11 0 m to a is at a &I to a x L A g - 1 F A 0 I-A Al 111 (9 W. u y a x A L r l i I ja G 0 - go A 0 0 so r The compowtim of mmu-best brands In comparative subt The dr d I9JG 1 i 1933 d -06 , an w isportments ng y .00 00 NO stanza of best )Wc~a and Me quotient of pur% ,j I I -00 f 3 lks. Ujty Cukrowe. , nxier mf Actonin RM - - SIntown on 10 imptl. pkv(s lot twMIT , 1113's).-Nive beef go a Iiffrfvnt ttert-afowing rrg4m* cwt Csrch,-&mmkia flarvestrot stut onalysal (sw the migar cown. strul for th. ~utjtl w4kl mutaimitcrq Its the filleml luk-v, The slati- 1 1W l d . .,to illijid tically swerattril MIZAI Wilt 1 p l o, tile Individlial analyw. ble i T i W 0 600 l v a yen, mise pl s Mul IO I.W each I-IMIA Im ~A.h -11. plot bw Im.111 yrat.~ 11. M. 0 0 goo 0 o 00 00 0 0 00 0 g 19 =00 goo 00 0- 00 If t 40 - I L A01TALLUMIGICAL LIMIAIL-Ot CLASIL-KATIC. to if: ".;0.. via.. 410"OT 4.5., " ,-M ~IDD 1100 9A ml I I I Ow a 0 a I ff of 9 La 0 POP wig ads "S Kan 110114108% ClIm lop -W 03 1 Isis I -61lujisil; as v as a as 1. a 41 = as !I W s r a L I 00 4 a... 2 r- a z Ae -s- I IL- r-, . , ;o .1. coooles -00 t t The composition of beet brands tested in the campers f 1 i i d -00 l v@ exper meats o 935 an 106. M. The specific Of conductivity of dipsted beet juices and the coffetation .00 o0 factombstsed upon ash content- * -00 sokro"s,. 56, HOOLA. boy C so it [net firAuds scrovin .-n I.I. c%liil- Isloi to 09 t1woolthoot Crerhoo4oomkia in MU, aod 111ca; t,te AI'4- - 00 a t . ~'ifixrtlrtl lwrt Juice vatitil toofe than 1hr %niar roult-to or 00 9 1 llic m441% drill, skills A bill k3livil Iv'4 th.111 .00 , the Infusion's sollinto *~ I'l NIn 111M anti so lIK16. 11,1, . so it the 4tandard devixtion,, rantiril file the %p, cirod. twiser, it moo ilis.; :1.02`7%. anti Lslfi-2.81%. film omictit 11.:15 omlc~ ool 41,6647, dry inAtirr lo,37 0,711o-~ and 11.37. ' * ' ' is., Irll unit issjurioo~ Amino socid N 2JM 7AIe .93 a And - coo avid 1:1, AM, The-, ~tati,tivtil iorcrieRr, AN, hrld hoe Ill, rot 00 indivWtial plots And bra"Ill. N" FrIA16oll r%i%trtl in tho. orilrr of brands arravigttf according to their p. coml. bq coo 00 the 2tivitmorentive joram. Attrinist%loirelAirthrsto.eond -00 14 the digr%tcil locrl juke through corro-lation (at-toors its 00 file &%h. .01. V611110HAIr 2-11. 111stet-lell milf.ilv a,h. acoo Fullo oI the nullatr still Io the vatbotiair a%h. %ulror ron. coo ,,III. dry inalter, total N. inionims% ansino lovid S Wool opititirrit% of lourily wrrr nor very nucerctful. Its Seneral, the influence of thv inili"Ittal plot with its qoil, cliniatr, SOO etc.. olovuhusint oWr All Of the other. analytical factor,s. Coinploole rabl" olf the anAlv%r4 anti the cortrIatiors air x%-t-n fix the ottlivioltial brand,o Arhl for the inth"Itial I k N too , Fran II farr,h el-ILe to mgTALLU46KAL LIMATU411 CLASI&FICATION --- -- 1 .1 1 . 1. -"1,-.-.. -- - - - - - - -- 11100 too., T %so.. 11a.0. lroo 4417.1) art too UIs 1, .0 is to I f w a wK Kfttt it ca ~js a us 0 a a I It N 9 a 4 2 a T win a 1 x 0 0 Z : lo 4 ;Vri oo 0 0 00 o : 0 : o .0 o :o 0 0 4 Ann 0 1 0 0 0 0 o a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 410 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' I !)I A - In It if 11 14 is 1. (p Is tl If IS u 0 IS If a"&, n J) at 0.1 silsee L 11 1 Ar r 1 'L L a- Is _V I -L I A.4- I!, so go The cheliskst! composidisim of blisismismised betu durtft so 1936. Jojr( liblet anti 1 011937). rap. 53. 117 :. f _o,S t-t, .-k-t I.I. its )" or culturel during tile walon, A1141 IV. er J were witcl. from the normal vwTI% (in thevivir firldt during l lt- the hary"I. lit the 14--wned 1-t- Ilw toot wt.. t .11flar v,pocts.. the injoriou, Antimi m61 voolvist anti the :;:jai N -ttoteol were to,trer than for she itdoull bet" front e ~111V field*; the 101011 014t Vatted 1w Iwern the "tile 0 a HST614 (or IMAh brets: bltmulated Iseeft nuilifined mom K. 0 Fr, At Anti lls(4, lv~l Na and Cm, anti alm"it the -title quan. -go flow'.4 Nix milli "Ilfair 0. I"winat Removal of the 0 strt-,to~ .,n the bliA.,med Iteet. dorinif Jklly rettififell the c 0 0 0 tivil"111 14 14M.C., Illierl"I else rostall. fit %uger anti int-tra"'41 tht- ditti-froCe. ill tile *14,Vr Undlif-S. The P1111- 1-1 hil- 00 -mv.1 1,ect% we% ficlwr in criltiloar anti N but Ittowef fit 0 0 Ants than pulp (root ritictual liects; thL% ii a rrvre-al of ' 1 ). During . A. 29. 4121 fimfing,t made during 11ILT1 It else lIC14 and 1Sx'Vv ~-u% the occurrence of Ithmmins% %A, 0 ~l rate that if wa.* not Ill,-ible to make analywil. Frank %lartdi ZAP 011. A S a t L A of tALLLFrK#t LITERAT699 CLASSIFICATICP 0 u 0 AT w 3 11.9 Jv u) a., ii , An a 0 1 ill Its 0 a a 00,261 Walla "a If It ft 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0e:0:0:g*oooooo4ooo*GoO 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Art A a J, NI Re 0 0 so- S a U a of a 41 0 are a 0 :: !Iperiments of the years 1933 mad The cow 0 4 lee as 1936. e dry substance of the dagested beet juices , -I P LUL O M4W 1 of ri, W L 11 - . . a eir quotients Of purity. J,m ' -oil ;rA.,,bn,jk. RrP~ 6 so I ~ 31. :Lsl,. 11 134 IM04); -1. 1. h, u Oul 0Al Amillo &C.W nitMen and the total nitrogen. INd. 32.31--W. %Ur-h -00 so J wee =go w Oew ' 1 00 a 0 g l 1 00 z 0 ir o ~ 00 9 o , 0 tree 4 S i, - - C 1ALLURGICAL LITIN A7641 CLASSWICATION 1 84- 11. . a - -- --- T- 50.1mv 11166 a -- - - .. 1 l U I& &1 -0 is - - .1tivic"C .1,11il ' aw , 00 T q T I , 'A ; An L S a ad a ; ; ; I; ; " v 49 a a R a K 911 a It K a I IF 0 0 0 0 lill 0 0 0 0 v 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 e as 0 00 0 0 0 4 1 i 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 00 so 0 0 & 0 0 go a 0 a 479 0 a a W a lip 0 W W 0 0 W W W WP1IF:W w4- 1 9 IM a *4 11 M " 0 -0 10 Its 0 4 161101611U13 W is As of 1111 IN a ad a It IF 0 L I as I A, A-Y 2A I-1-11 M U4-2.- 1.. 1- A com :-so _jllfwfim'Puts wills boot offirds; "mductod by fit* = Modety of tho Flutter Joidtiostry duriall 1934. %skr, Araltoosto 1460101to afrait Mr-Lav evitilt, Lofty i -ok . I I 1 1, 210 %30 1. ll-i&fa "oil ODWYOW, Wird andalysors. frosip. fault Ilpf". relithuxv diar. ins The wplatlvv ismom, and the ranalywisond the titstri- .0 9 -00 It -ptl. mhollovAld, the triftlat tout;4111% 00 slaves of CA giving the ysirlds and anitlyaw, all 7. d4offirittia- InAnds 04 of 1wrtio fill reach phit and Inland. The Av. Vichl of istagar 00 IWVI in .1. 1WF he. taw lite voricaus braii was: Kicits. ,*Auilrlorst ( 449.7. 1hilittivia-v V 4ZI.7, I)tA*uvkv N 00 1 If, it, I 1--l-tovicat C 4t4, 1. Idik-lol 13MMA, %V,.henkA Zk 00 1.-,. S-Irac-ts N 2MA. SrIects C378.2 dad Kirlaiwasitule. I. Z 354.0. The &v. sugar cutwit. wous in 0;: Klein 00 wanxicibro Z IOA4. Wohanks ZR 18.87, Zapotil Z 18.78 go lh)l)ruvice C 18.77. Selects C 18.0. Scloc-ta N IM.."o: i! L49 0 th,lanywisce N IS^ IM)ro"v V 17A1 anti Kkinweaule- coo 1wroU17-01. hik-inavousiclorn If MAP. thilmovise C Ihilocovir .% MA). Milactivive V 711.4h. Wulustilis IR lailatild A Srica; in N 7 7 t.2o, Selark I& C 71).M. slid Kical - wduslarLairst 170.32. The randilt.,; fare Ltatulaorni with thme ad Ilse pirredisix yrw larval wills a griarfol 15-yr. fly. Frank Morrob .11AItURG.K&I W111.16#11 ca. 40SOPKAT-cla *to 0 Iff. a V -?I a ow 0 oo a I It 5 As oo t, U It AV so it, as 04 a I' 0, J` as Its 0 0 0 0 0 0' o 0 0 0 o *is a : 0 : 00 0 0 0 010 0 0 V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - w wlw~w~-W.w W-arm W,w v v 0 0 a 0 046066046ow L It .1 If It R It j? a J. 41 0 T _ 00 The results Of COMPANtIll OXP*ftm*ots with sugar-best of the Czacboldo. -00 tb* Central Societ d t d b d s con uc e set y y , 1930. J,m,f I'Astri and Au~ so d Yak Sugar 164U 00 0 . I. lAh,4,4~jk. NO-P. 61. *!: f TZ 0 C. .1. 31. SHAII. %lAfr,%h 00 0 00 Of j 0 : 0 es 'go 0 00 -00 go oo boo 0 j 00 00 1 ee it -lo [PIT rig era *Soo 04-0 q -- aa~ 6~0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 so 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0.4 o 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 & 0 a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 o o o 0 o 0 6~ 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & : : O 9 0 0 0 a 9 0 0 0 a .6 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 L tLif 1) fT 6 M P L 0 rU 0, S I Lv u cl, Til A L 0 t " .4 .1 . ' e j9 34 R u 1. 0 J. (a. .1 n n a ' 1 . 2-4-1 1 ZD 00 00 go 00 0t 00 00 to or,, to p0 to rte OF,; 00 00 So 411"J.1 'if 'r 'd rp 19 JAIRTA 1-~Nof 'qr6t itm( *qj wasaill 'nom JO IVAOMai 6In Pat ~30aq pawtavolq p u0n;v0durt OR., - -- - if -1 al I 1 0 I A l) do 35 Vv T l I tl a $I ct of a 1 j A T 1 IF ff 1 14 11 '1 11 11 11 11 1 0. t I I 1 0 4 11 W 11 W 1 1 00 VIOCISM A.0 FAV0111111S I-Vt 9 Re on tM almImative experimstaft with best Goods -00 Cond d by the Colatral Cinhoslovallim Society of the n -00 5 or dustrY in 1933. 1. General experiments. 00 !t -00 . 11~9~k, jar-lav D&kk, '" 010 11f V u k d F L l l -00 o, wa a t . 4sly Ck mmr. 52, 181-97 t -43( 1%34); Z. Zkckerind.- ( ahostarok &p. SS. 234 9 H934i; Z. Zurktrivd. Ceckojiowk Rep. 38, 201-19 IRK14J.-In The lifituary e%pts. the quotients Were: 010 -00 t H04). -Thr $V. %UMIF conle"Is of tile Various brands of 11011-ViCr N AO-12, ZOP-1111 Z MM-SI. Sclmta MM.7?1, -00 Of 9 I~vts an rillit llb,t% were, WollallLd W.947~. Zapotil Z Wohonka ZR 1,14. M, Idivitill N SM.(%K and Kicinwanikben - L!IUT'j 311 lW i N M Z it N N M~LM I h d h ' oo ituv t v . n t e smvu . aput , aty e%pts. t ,. e quotients become. 00 j 'j 141 k- M and Kironwitutchen N W Dubrovi 10% with a Max V tQ23 L)oh C M 12 Xt h i l m 6 . , . , . cc rvv r . r nwaru c en Z , . 00 1 i i A f 7 Tb i ld f h vat al all o O 1 . e o e y ert routs was: Dab- K%.54 and Kkinwanikhen H 88.01. The quotients like- ra.m.eNMA1.7 q. p~r ha.. Klcinwansl~bcn348.7. Zapotil Z 7 wise vilfinned the oll-rvotiolo that the vartations are Ce 3:114.6, /atk)til N X01.7 , Selects 3.99.2 and Waltanks, ZR greater between the different plots than far the individual coo :1111.2. The yield at st.gar in q. per ha. was: Dobrovice N lvantbt. Frank Slaresh, MAC, Kleinwanik-ben N (Xl.#J. Zapold Z 68.IKI. Upotil N of go 0 d7.50, select& OEM and Wobanka ZR 64.79. A set of goo 00 4 SlAbles gives the results of analyses inatle far esch brand and 06 lot. Altai the plot& srec"-ribed In detailas to the soil, fl goo -ttilizer, rate and weather. 11. Secomdary experi- : 00 00 mate. Usty Cukrotwo,. 52, 217_21; Z. 2mckersad. : eockoslowk Rrjo- SS, =IV -ZM(RKM).-In further expis.. we* F*rcrntasr contents u1 sugar and yields of beet routs in i 300 ntals, per ha. weft. resp., Dobrovice C 20.77, 358.5; i: 'ju KleinwanxieltenZW.63,3163: Dobrovk-eV2UJ4.372.4; Ji 601110 :nd KWnwanzkben H 10.74, 3M.6. [ff. The quadent 6 a I vatity of tba.di"W-d " hdco. Ujty Cukrovar. 32. U0 0 11 A CTALLURGKAL LITERAMSE CLA$1WICSTIC1. to 0 8: too 0- 11,111 C.9 a.. All T T F U '0 1, 0 1 M ts 9 Al a 3 9 1 Critoopa Walla Plan it at 0 190 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 I A 0 0 0.0 f ~ 00 0 0 0 * 0 111 0 0 0 0 40 9 0 01 0 Ve 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 010 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 049 0 1? 10 it a 11 n n JW A A V JI to 10 0 11 V X ?I V S1 U tj is J! A IL__L_ W AA A_J_ _t - - - CC A r lot- .%0 o1- ~.Olvv 406 00 9 00 A r~W of comparative expeftents with best aveds conducted by the Cestrat 00 Aziociallon of the Ctechostowak Sutter Industry in 1032. J,,%&~r I'Aakv, Asluittu- .14~116LA-JAMOSLAV DADRK. JIMMY VAMMU ASFU F. IMLAX- 1,01ty CJA?OMP~ 51, Z, Zalrkmotd. lrtkashwk. Rep 1). 06 490 7 640 00 a 00 Z I 010 6.0 ZOO '60 0 so CA 0 09 ::0o LITIES"T"I Cl."WFICA11C. 9 Z.. so ma It -U- to 'j to It ap 61 It it K j It IF 11 It OW too An I S 0 CW 3 1 Al HID "a 9 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 % 1 0 a 0 . 04 0 0000;0 0 0 0 0000 90 0 & o 4 ;:o * to a 0 0000 00 0 see 0 W Of . . 0 . 0 111 6 . I . - - . - - - o a o o 0 o 0 o * 0 1P o o 0 0 0 a ig 0 avago _v__W_W - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; I 1 6 1 4 1 1 1 M if 11 it is is is it is " 11 1 It a IS 34 A Is I, A J9 20 If U a at is it it is 0 A; A I Ij it a is C A I r. 12 1 r, M .1 It _L A Y f v I L_j_AA 0 CC CID 9t I-o Ja A 6 AMW "Opooluou or ma; Door Drancto tested in the com- -0 0 "d at experiments of 1935 and 1936. 11. 71;# In- .00 amina scid nitrogen and the total nitrogen. zteand AntmiIii,RAWks. btiv 04r."?, 16. 111 -0 0 E ~.Ilc lit.'17); rf, (. A. 31, x41' - (Nitic 0 beer brolmis it, RUA final X bravuls in 11131; the atailhors ilctd. lite total N anif the injarums atoino acid N (by the StarA .11avla% .00 C. J. ". C-11011. 'rhe or. main of bijuriois. -~Olfuuto sew N far Via) "Its lot letal N to ivrn, The rait -0 0 trial 411 life ifilotioot; vorilito fohl N forlioalahl wMely .96 Ifolif 14'al 14) 111.01 alul IfiJ 111.1 111118111 Ionia, lot ally ople NAM: It woo ro-t ,. trimble u vittriion for evaituatiod 90 txvts as the total N which also is taot o departulable trite. 60 rima. Both N values were ituletwriallent of the Incotion in which the beets were irravien. It was not possible to 0 0 -tAblish a dires-t. relation lwtwcrn the nistar content of 0 10 0 o bel,ts.theititalNorthruininoncitiN. Frittakitlaresh 6;9 0 00 -60 00 too 00 A I W I L A ~(TALL40`.KAL COTERIN.01 CtAIJIFICAYICA --o0 .00 4 V11 "I-n qx" &4ea 0 a of 14 -3 it a 11 1 rw A a 2. d44 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 all * IS 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 w W w w III Its w w a w 411~ *31 1 loss I .10-IJUISM11M is if p I, V LLI'Lj oll MV mile $1 aurild" AA.ft ttf. A~11, C I? it The compcsition 9I1=bWv' and Abrms beets. J4,mrf Pilfer. Antuala 94rd Mick. Lilly Cukrinwo'. 52, S'.-AMIKO); Z. zxtkffi*4. leck"It'"wi. Rp. 38, 221 111 M14)-lbe hot stul dry -count it( ISKILI. a large movaltirf nf 111hrivai 1wriv lit the Swd,16v afid Nalif-4 trKiwsq. Affair- 4 jh~ t-t- ;III isu tram-4, t,-j--fIvrIy, milar 1 -1.3%. fw,il A,h 1.1 :lee him-1. a4s 13 Ill!",. anti pall" A lit),"" whirls wIlItuMil I., wqlval 1.0. [I,.Itt lit.- .1111'r whl,~ A lwz~ auntl er W I -t ,lot log the 11t;:1 -.I. ."It .040 1. m. d Ill I lit Nk,.% we anti Man leilorii, AfIA)m-L IN' 14r1% after lilt- 41twItf had 1111J.P0 flat 14-11,11- title Ietraird a luwrr SU tw, quotient of parity for I in-44. alih and *11winw ': a higher total ash, ill"I diniAle N. anti eulp. Am, a toorr .4 0--1.1 N and Nil, Ilion im-givial lk,-I- ti-nit 11w I-N Iert . 114.1 and Opme 1., -.1 it'.. h-I'll ..It, is In"41 totAl N. "If-all'in N, N11'. to oo wl-idc And detrina-mal N than rawnial breit frian life illw The ptill. If lilt- fill.r..114 IRA-t, lilt ill *,h anti -ClIal~. but a &M-4-4- ill OW N 'ro, Willi nwuw.. Wig 00 Iwal SlAliaAav. It. w.111 11M) wwo itt. fitivill Willi 1,1111. al Itlartar ..Vtlll Nvl%. III, fil.fiitv -.1 file ri"n wit% 111.1trif lilinr fit lilt- 4-Ift ill. 00 v, ' Id I fir 1,1111. 1 limit t., it. (1114111 it Y. cinapkf~141tlv. M 1-111f. are xiv.11. Flunk Mall"ll 0 Alit SLS WALLLA&k.&L LIVISAILAI CL&SUPKAIsOm Glos 43- Is? Is I It . is -q r It's 1 4 1 v '?J1 An a DA 0 N I or -91,J ii a 3 1 T 0 to of it H. of it wit 09111 K1111 It A I ~14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # o is is o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 it 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 4 0 0 00 0 0 :11 -0 -0 ;,) -0 #11 Is a FIF a 11 a a V a a P, r. a 0 u 1, 6 11 a A 2 f- a -ALrL- I"Uff 4 :: -JL fdatus of brown c"I by heatISIS -1111 Witter TaPor I r sure IjtrtjA*# ku do _ S., Prall. IM.. -V d brown cmd rmdtinS (104M drying .00 phyicitchcut. cb&nM Of Uid In= beating witb -td. water vapor wider Tb. m-t favocable coudilic- PfM,. -40 the 0m) were cunakkird. WWI a "tAk Pclwmi -00 dFYi UP A. &Kxip C-4- S."'i; plant b.,bg -414 X m In in In vAt cu. it. lAb. autuCIANG At ,C,pg,mt,r.(400toasu(bru,;mcu43- Tbtadvantaces ~Vt he ~- .1 , d6t~d .I amisist not OWT in 6 greater beat I eirXiemy Jut ILIV a Ativing in trumtmVtAtWu. AtO 0 30 go f LIT10416MI CEO 0 t 'i 7=- 04 t 1, J~r- tit' u 1~ A, to is r I , ?71 I s 8 aw a 01 0, 0 -0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 a to 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 so 0 ZI-; CIIOS LOV.,U.I A ruzicya, P. Research In3titute (Vyz-kum-ny ustav inonokrystalu), Turnov PraLme, 22~RE;pis inineralo,-ii a ~,,eolo..~,dip I.To 2, 1964, pp 233- 239 "Tue Habit of Diamond Crystals." RUZIEWOV, I. Urgent needs of the wood chemicals industries. Prom-k-OOP. 13 no.12:9 D 159. (MIRA 13:u) l.Ftedsedatell pravleniya oblpromsoveta, Blagoveshchensk. (Wood-using industries) BOGUSLOVSKIY. Boris Ivanovich;-RUZHRIUE&V-*:.-V-#-Y&*y red.; KOFM, K.B., red. izd-va; RYLINA, Yu.V., [Devonian Ammonoidea in the Rudnyy Altai] Devonskie amnonoidei itudnovo Altaia. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1958. 152 p. (Alaide-mlia nauk SSS'R. Paleontologicheskii InBtitut. Trudy, vol.&O (MIRA 1,2:8) (Altai Mountains--Amonoidea, Fossil) RUZHZVSKIY.. A. B.), Doe Agric Sci (diss) -- "Improving the black-spotted cattle". Kiev, 1959. 44 pp (Min Agric Ukr SSR, Ukr Acad Agric Sci), 150 copies (KLI NO 25, 1959, 137) RUZRICHKA, V.A. Method nf investigating the magnetic fields of differential current transformers with a toroidal forromagnetic core. Trudy Inut.vad.khoz.1 annrp.. All Kir.SSR no.5:119-147 '59- (14M 13:5) (Blectric transformers) RUZHINSKIY, T. Golden stars. Sov.profsoiuzy 7 no.21:17-20 H '59. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Ruzhinskiy. t. (Gl~.-alov, Aleksandr Vasillevich) (Kirovograd Province--Tractors) RUZHITSKIT, B.M. Investigating the strength of fixed joints with guaranteed tightness iuider the effect of static torsion. Vop.por.met. i prochn.mat. no-5:160-166 '58. 12:8) (Powder metal processes) ?MR I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/2170 Akadenlys. nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Inistitut motallokeralki I spetstal'- Ay1h lawov ::rOahkoVOY notallurXii I prochnontl materiolov, vyp. 5 (Problems in Powder Metallurgy and Strength or Materials, Nr 5) FA"T, Tad-va AN USSR, 1958. 172p. 2,000 copies printed. Ed. of Publishing House: Ya. A. SamokhvAlovi Tech. Ed. I V.Yt. Sklyaroval Zdltorial Boardt I.N. Pranteavich (Reop. Rd.). 1.14- rodarchanko, 0.3. Pivaronko. a.V.3smaonov, and V.V. OrigorlyevA. PURPOSIA This collection of articles to intended for a wide oll-cl* of scientists and engineer* In the research and production or POw- der switallurgy. It way also be uoerul to advanced students of metallurgical Institute@. COVIRAGIr This collection or article* describes the results Of In- vestigatlons nade at the Inatitut metallo keramikil spotoiallnYkh oplavov, AN USSR (Institute of' Powder Metallurgy and Special Al- loy~, Academy or Sciences, Ukrainian SSR). The physical and chtm- Of'Sit0riale used In Powder Metallurgy are die--- Cussed. Materials described an new, p duction processes, and methods and results or mechanical t*0tirnog are described. No per- i 9Qn2lItIG2 A" mentioned. References rollow each article. TABU OF CONTW4TS, G a and V.A. ChobOGFr ~v.Devlceroi Tooting Heat- .Ir4olltant Mai*~Ial a f5`r_UFng-Trm_e "Strength and Creep Vuring Ten- sion and Bending 121 The authors describe construction or the now 14-3 device ajidr Its advantage* over other existing devices. Ajart!A V.A., X.S.,ymanalcly. and A.L. Xvitka. Certain Problems In the Theoryy of Ott 134 The authors discuss the functions or stresses, equations or con- tinult7 of dorormations, solutions In terms or 'he functions of dloplactownto and strvemoa~ and the utilization or electrical analoguo simulation. .~veatigatlng the Strength of Interference-flt PWP%WZ -Undor Static Torsion 160 The author describes the method$ and results of' his :xpe ri- mental investigations of the strength or press. and hrink-rit of samplon made or a typical construction carbon-steel previously normalized at 850*C. Shchopetkina, N.I. Strength of Acetate Motion Picture Film at Nor- im~~Temperaturea 16T The author presents the results of an ouccerimental determina- tion or the proportional limit, Yield point# ul-Imato strength, relative elongation at static rracture, Dhe8r strength. and re- sistance to impact, of notion picture film. AVAILABLE- Llbrar7 or Ccngrcaz C ard 6/6 001b M"IN, I.P.; VOLKOVA, L.A.; RUZHI V. I. Smelting stainless and beat-resistant Bteels~at the Ural Machinery Plant. Sb,) no.3:5?-61 (MIRk 11:12) (Sverdlovsk--Steel, Struct,iral--Lilectrometallure,7) (Steel, Stainless--Electrometallurg7) (Heat-resistant alloys--Zlectrometallurg7) SOV/137-59-5-9923. 'Translation fromi Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 5, p 67 (USSR1 AUTHORS~, Malkin, L.P., Volkova, L.A., Ruzhitskiy, V.I. TTTLE~, Smelting Stainless and Heat Resistant Steels at the Uralmash- zavo(L PERIODICAL- Sb. statey. Urallskiy z-d tyazh. mashinostr. im. S. Ordzhonikidze, 1958, Nr 3, PP 52 - 61 ABSTRAM Information,is given on the experience made in the production of stainless and heat resistant steels at the Uralmasb-zavod. In the production of certain steel grades the following methods were used: vacuum treatment of the metal in the ladle or de- gassing of the metal flow In a vacuum\ uring the transfer from one ladle into another, and teeming in a neutral gas medium. In casting ingots for forgings,molds having a triple conicity of the side walls (5.1; 15.9 and 94,16 from top to bottom) and a spherical bottom were employed. Ingots, cast in such molds proved to be more compact and homogeneous, Card 1/1 V.B. RUZHITSKIY, V.0. DiamonE prospects and kumberlites ofthe Kola Peninsula. Izv. Kar.i Koll.fil.All SSSR no.4:20-23 159- 041RA 13:5) 1. Sovet po koordinataii AN SSSR. (Kola Peninsula--Kimberlite) RUMITSKIT, V.0. ---------- Discoveries of diamonits on the Russian platform and prospects for the future. Izv. 19r. i Koll. fil. AN SSSR no.1:3-13 '59. NITU 12:9) I.Sovet po koordinatsii AN SSSH. (Russian platform--Diamonds) RUZHlTSKl-Y,-y4 ivenovich; MILI, M.L., doktor tekhn.nank, retsenzent; BRATUR 11 IJEJ red.; TUBYANSKAYA, F.G.,; ORE-SHKINA, V.I., [Aviation without air-portal Bazaerodromoia aviataiia. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo obor.Dromyshl., 1959. 169 P. .(MIRA 12:12) (Helicopters) (Vertically rising-airplanes) 1(10) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3422 Ruzhitskiy, Yevgeni3, Ivanovich Bezaerodromnaya aviatsiya (Vertical and Short Take-Off Aircraft) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1959. 172 p. Errata slip inserted. 10,000 copies printed. Reviewer: M.L. Mill, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Ed.: I.P. Bratukhin, Profes- sor; Managing Ed.: A 'I. Sokolov, Engineer; Ed. of Pablisbjng Housel F.G. Tubyanskaya.- Tech. Ed.: V.I. Oreshkina. PURPOSE: This bookis intended for readers already acquainted with the fundamentals of aeronautics. It may also be used by students of aeronautical schools or higher education and tekhnikums, by engineers and technicians in the aviation industry, and by the flying, engineering, and technical personnel of the Air Force and of the civil air fleet. COVERAGE: The book describes various forms of helicopters, convertiplanes, and high-speed airplanes capable of vertical take-off. It considers special features of their design, problems arising in production, and the future prospects of air- craft not requiring regular airports. The work done to shorten the take-off and landing distances of ordinary airplanes is described. The book is illustrated Card 1/3 Vertical and Short (Cont.) SOV/3422 Special features of the aerodynamics of a helicopter rotor in horizontal flight Methods cf increasing the maximum speed of helicopters Combined helicopters Convertiplanes Vertical take-off and landing of aircraft Propeller-driven aircraft for vertical take-off Jet aircraft for vertical take-off Comparison of helicopters and vertical take-off aircraft Bibliography AVAIIABLE: Libr8ry of Congress Card 3/3 AC/mfd 4-26-6o go 96 104 112 119 128 143 167 171 .011DRACHW, Ya.; KRA 1, L.; BYMA, R.; BESHETS, M.; RUZHKOVA, L. Outbreaks of aseptic forms of meningitis induced bv ECHO virus (type 9) in child centers. 23 no.12:81-86 D '59 NIRA 13:4) 1. Iz kafedry infektsionnvkh bolezuey (rukovoditell - dotsent Ta. Ondrachek) i iz kafedry epidemiologii (rukovoditell - dotsent 1. Vakovichka) maditsinskogo fakaltlu-eta Karlova universiteta, Gradets- Kralove, Chekhoslovakiya. (MENINGITIS virol.) (VIRUS DISEASES in inf. & child.) RUZHO, Zh. E Rouj e au, J. 1; SOR, Sh. [ Sore, Oh. Anatomical clinical study of the effect of radiotherapy on the pare-,I- chyma of the lungs. Arkh.pat. 21 no.6.,44-51 159. (MIELA 12:12) 1. Iz kafedry patalogicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. Delaryu.) Parizh- skogo Tneditsinskogo fakuliteta. (ROENTGEN RAYSP inj. eff. pulm. parenchyma, histopathol. (Ras)) (LUNGS, eff. of radiations on x-rays, on parenchyma, histopathol. (Ras)) G ~s L AI A. Sar~gtc.,!' nr A' POPOVIC, - fVA" and i1i) .7 C ;_-o4 L 0 s oa lrcori;i t r i ca vat"i,i: 3 6 - A A Cr a lFrig 1!~ h ~-l ry V~,'X r I u 1 s r a u I a un c~ c c. s ". o a a -16 sck zo 1: a 5 a c t;,~ al r c~ I,. a f..7,L-t ical -!icy d5cribed ,:c -revious iind clcse pl-Z-111~1f Vl*.l _Zlif~ z e -t nc, r-, rQ pr Ic e Lo t r ea ttier t re s-..i I t ~-J i r rc la tve tinrzvn-~,tful reccivcry. referenc,,5. -r~:~ctiona-l F-H"I"'T 11 -11r,'L, cf Dast ~:Uro U!-~Cl. of gasclinc. la. 769- bleogra-, v oslai:4,a. Vol. 3, no. 10, Gct. 1955. -U cpt. 1059 ns I) LO, Vol. S, no. 9, Pe~-Il ~~Ccnssio .RUZA,1vkacIc-Ocak,d-r; RUZICA,Ilic,d-r Progreasive vision lose In glaucoma. simplex chronicum aft-er fistulation operation and induction of intraocular hypot-ension. Med. arh.,,Sarajevo 13 n0.5:27-30 3-0 '59. 1. Ocna, klinika MedicinsYog fakulteta u Beogradu, upravnik;prof. d-r Vladimir Gavka. (G 1AUCOMA, surg. RUZICA, M.; KOZIEL, M. Cushing's syndrome on the basis of hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex in an 8-year-old patient. Cesk. pediat. 20 no.9:800-804 S 165. 1. Detske oddeleni (vedoucl 14JDr. M. Zak) a chirurgicke oddeleni Krajske nemocnice s poliklinikou v Ostrave (vedouci doc. dr. X. Tyllovoky, CSc.). STCSIC, Darko, dr (Simina 22a Be ograd);j!jLZIqIQJIiko~# Y _4r, redovni profesor; UILOSEVIC, Perisa, dr, docent; PANIC, Bozidar, inz., asistent; IMR711HOVIC, Borka, asistent Study of the degree of homogenization in the mixtures of livestock fodder by applying radioactive isotopes. Technical and economical aspects. Tchnika, Jug 17 no.6:Suppl.: Radioizotopi zrac 1 no.6:1050-1056a Je 162. 1. Savetnik Savezne komisije za, nuklearnu energiju, Beograd. 2. Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u, BeoEradu (for Ruzicic, Milosevic Panic). 3. Institut za primenu nuklearne eiiergije u poljopri-rredil veterinarotvu i sumarstvu, ZemLm (for Martinovic). IMZICIC, Uros, prof., dr.; RUZICIC?__t~d!~-j~, Animal protein nutrition and the incidence of infectious diseases in pregnancy and birth weight of premature infants. Ned. glas. 16 no.9:387-389 S 162. 1. Stacionar za prevremeno rodenu decu. (Upravnik: dr. M. Subic) Decja klinilta Medicinskag fakulteta u Beogradu (Upravnik: prof. dr. B. Tasovac). (PROTEINS) (MEAT) (PREGNANCY UMPLICATIONS) (WANT PREKATURE) (BIRTH WEIGHT) (DIET) I ~MMM RUZICIC, U.; RUZICIC, Radnila, Promaturo birtha and nutrition of pregnant women. Glas. Srpske akad. nauka, odelj. med. 248 no.16:127-132 :161. (INFANT PREMATURE) (PREGNANCr) (DIET) "'GO S LAViA. Prcf Uros 7.121CIC and Dr .16-11a, -Ru';ICIC, ~ S::,:tc I or..% r zi; jprevr an enc rcdj- ~,-; (Upr a* ~nl'e, ~ D--- M. S*-'---:C lrltl Fedie::ric Clinic %-edical Faculry (Dacia klini~*,,.i ~~oic"isko-z fa~-jltcta) ;jcnd Pro! Dr 5. 'Z;ZO-VAC, universitv cf ---elgrade. "Die!tary Puilmal, Zrotetrti-, 'Norbidiry Pregmuncy and 14e'XZ'.ht r,-- Belzral4c-, 1-Tedir-inski Gla3nik, Vol 16, N-o C;, --ert V~1-62; pp 3V-391. Abscract surumary Oi-tsr,v "n'sL-fts of mothers of 720 prr-maturn infants were analyzed and czrrelared with ya-acernal diseases dttv-'rig pregntncy (excluding Synezologic and Inerno-nal) and birch -weight: and face of chel-~ rbildran. There was clear correlation indicating that inadequate routrition, especially low ratio cf aninal r.roteins~ is acccmpanied by greater inciden-ce tn't saverity of infpctlo,.ii & during preinoncy, birl, ulel.Sht. S everl didgrE'.15, 1k '!LZOSJ.3V L-d 6- i~est--,rn refeze--ces. MIGIC., Uros,, prof-., dr.; RUZIGIC, Pladmila Animal prote in nutrition and the incidence of infectious diseases in pregnancy and birth weight of premature infants. Med. glas. 16 no.9:387-389 S 162. 1. Stacionar za prevremeno rodwru decu (Upravnik: dr. M. Subic) Decja klinika Medicinskog fakultets, u Beogradu (Upravnik: Prof. dr. B Tasovac). (PROTEINS) (MEAT) (PREGNANGY CCMPL1CA11O11S) (INFANT PREMATURE) (BIRTH WRIGHT) (DIET) 'UT G CS L A VI A '71 PzCI* -or Uros RU", CIC ard ~;r Ra&tlla 'UZICIC, Prmnaturesl N 'Prevromeno rcdicv-i deco) Heae; (Upra-mi'e) Dr M. SUBIC; and f edie-ric. ClInic '%edical Faculty (De:~Ja MUrAka NNedicinskog L fak;jItc,ta) Uncl, Prof Dr B. I~ASGVAC, Ullillets"-7 ct B..%grad'a. Animal I-rotet-mi, Marbidit.,; Vcrirg, Preg~i,,~n~cy and Idelght C, f I - zmz, -, u r - L", e tj -a a t e 9 Belgrade, Ide-lict)-,ki Wavnik, Vol 16., N. S, 2-,pt 1~-62; pp 3E7-39t. Ab-5rract Z'.~r-31A-Sh SIPLM-I-,Y m0:11,111ee; Diatary habiLs o~' mothers of infants were- rnalyzed ard ---crrelated tzith maternal diseases during prearatme,- (~wucludirg gyne.,ologic ard ~,-ormonal) and bi-th weight snd face of their children. There was clear correlation .Wdicati-,g that imadequance nut-rition, especially low rat:!.) ct animal Frateirks, Is jccompanled by greater Incidence and saverity of --iouc infu d-seas-os dt:-,,ing rremancy, loterz lira wel3bt, s t: v en -diagrams, 1 Yugoslav end 8 'Western rzferences. -RUZICIC, Uros, prof. dr.; BRAJEVIC, Cetko, dr.; SUBIC, Misa, dr.; SOKOLOVIC, Slobadan., dr. PBycbological factors and milk production in breast feeding, Med. glasn. 14 no.10:480-481 0 160. 1. Stacionar za prevremeno rodenu decu u Beogradu (Upravnik: dr M. Subic). (BPY.AST FEEDING psychol) RUZIC-PEPTROV. A. Yugoslavia (430) Science A contribution to the knowledge on the ecology of Citellus Citellus L. P. 97. ZBORKIK ROOVA, Vol. 2, no. 1, 1950- East 2urokeaij Accessions List. Library of Congress, Vol. 1, no. 14, Dec. 1932. UNCLASSIFIED. MANIA Chemical Technology. Processing of Natural ~H Gases and Petroleum. I-Iotor and Rocket Fuel. Lubrications. Abs Sour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 22, 1956, 75220. Author :.~'uzika. Inst : Not given. Title : The Perspedtives of the Development in the Chem- ical Processing of Petroleum in Connection With. the Application of'Molecular Sieves". Orig Pub: 'Techn. nova, 1958, 5, No 146, 1. Abstract: The author points out a new method for separat- ing hydrocarbon mixtures by means of the so-called lqvlolecdlar Sieves" Which are synthetic zeolites of the hIg-Ca alumosilicate types. The great im- portance of this progressive method and the nec- essity for its application to the petroleum in- dustry of PPR is emphasized. Card 1/1 42 CZECHOSLOWIV,/Optics - Optical Methods of Analysis Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, tio 6, 1959, 19201 Author Ruzicka, Ant Inst Title Manual Refractometer Orig Pu'~ Jerira mech. a opt., 1958, 3, No 0, 266-270, 239 Abstract Card 1/2 K Brief description of various nodels of nnnual refracto- meters, produced at the lzesent tir.,,e by Germny, British, ta.ierican, French, Hunearian, and ezech optical plants. The i-.-,est hifjily perfected and most original are the fol- lowin!~ modles: Zeiss-Obarkochen. (with very large range of scales, from 0 to (350 dey substm.-Ces), the Freach fir--, SOM (with spherical prism surfaces), Bausch and LoiT.) (with thernormters that give directly the values of the tei~rperature corrections, and two refractOLIeters of the OPL fin-.i (Paris): with binetal ther..imieters and a differeatial one of increased accuracy. The author also 153 CZECHOSLOVAKM/Optics - Optical Methods of Analysis .V,;s Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 3, 1959, 19201 reports that the Czechoslovak Listitute of 0,)tics and Precision Mechanics has prerared a new model of rm:-ual refractometer with automatic temperature correction, which requires no thermostatic control or teLT.)erature m r asurement, which insures an accuracy of + I e -0.4 dry substances within the range frori 100 to 300- -- B.V. Ioffe K Card 2/2 CZF,CHOSLGVP.KIA / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products H and Their Applications. Carbohydrates and Their Processing. Abs Jour-. Ref Zhur-fihimlya, 1959, No 4, 134C3. Author :,Ruzicka.,-Ant. Inst Not-glven. Title Removal of Salt Deposits from the Prism of a Production Refractometer. Orig Pub: Jemna -,mech. a opt.,, 1958, 3, No 4, 109-111. Abstract: The use of a oroduction refractometer for insoect- Ing syrup density in the last evaporation frame is hindered by the deposit on the measuring prism of tae refractometer of a layerof inorganic com- pounds which dissolves well in hydrochloric acid. A simple device Is recommended for periodically cleaning the surface of the prism. Through the Card 1/2 SKALICKY, J.; SAPAIKI Effect of placental gonadotropic hormones on the genitalia of.female adrenalectomized rats. Cesk. gyn. 28 no.1/2:138-141 F 163. 1.1itedra, starostlivosti o matku Lek. fak. UK v Bratislave, veduci prof. dr. Sv. Stefanik, (GONADOTROPINS CHORIONIC) (ONNITALIA M~JS) (ADRENALECTOMY) ~t% Z JjZVW W &A 04 (-.bvvr A~qj/45 Akal ~Peb 77- ACCESSION NR: AT5009574- 1/00 00 ------- - -- l~"AUTHOR,f- X. New, d LAP8- slid IM' epartur T cr -SOURCt k6nfei6n monq~riiia Turnov V-Lff Ci�i~i ~761 rToplld-~JTAG& ductor- ervitali-71-Azekiiib r y a 171 _-_ -et-cl rn--', L_,~j crystal.- crystal:%,growthv c -ABSTRACT::~-Previous'imicro-rodiatg~-ii6jr4~hI qr_~ gerv kti mr-AdetivitIr-6, '6trur ctura-bf -;their-_ _tu coiD4 I at e -pi -d:: ulli, ~~all~oo' usity.~ 0 L aw-Tan. 7he authors' -thibiref6re-di,0e ope ~a a t a I j j 7 d omp. 'ca e-,: Aou t aso-d Con ic taining--a-primarr- rim -Card 4 )f *.-P4yv*U7k jI -1 C 910 :=-~ATS00.6 yme u _Membranes-_--Th"-__r~t exence- ~f Wik- -t-Lind t ~ku~ a, vi'rat ons- o _~~j eq : ;.7f --. a-L d- _2 ant -Atatio he--fluidi,'and ultxas.aiM iii nary --waves, -itf, t causew-cav ta vn-:~hfc -mom-pronounae J_ 'than: a-or nar -a q much-- an -rapi _y prepa traso 0 loid-1--_-te6hJ fectly round Ge.and :,Ii pllitis - _ioil' a a-- orll~_ by- u cleartirt - the ir--: surfazes= are-- deser ibed -A-set iss __o,~C_Jformu- lai `4 ven e pressing, t6h:~~ u ---a- the vibration frequeacy and waveleng fd.=arvd be. emp. Med, iii the e __iT_ I ~- I - ristal--plite"s'.- The -very_~ stable shows the frequen ies produce&,Ih___6 ilielead~-sihg enc 1 marked dif ference be tween reliefs -eiched- by- D411-, f luid, with afid_-witfid ui-t an uitiason tail.- a-,pre field is illustrated in photographs and described fin-_--de dfdt _I~value,indetermining macroscopic that their new method will have-great-practica v --in- Ge single crystals- (which-'-_has_-not__ib_-Iar been iii praivIdine".-II stress-- -possibW, -=elv-better--microsccpi"te.'h-L'U "' "CII, -~ - is- row a -in-de" loCation types and cf. exposing class I II ructures..,.,, i a.&O id te6t -al- microscopic; stre t~__W i A L - 1, - residu as, W~I_ ~A& most.. or -Ge--an S -.a 9. Crysta a for.' h graii-tude to-, bt~-4.1LHikulaschek_-of VUST "The aut ors ex0rese: thei -Ini aue valuable advice." Orig. art. has. 14'figures, 2 tabli'sandA7 -formulaa-0 _'j J 7 7 Card AAtoui~iCza-PRto-c~P= ~,'- SOGTATION'- aw - er- tj 4 bi-:xnek~ inz.; izu~'.'CKA, An~onin vel.,4"ng jig for making welded reinfoicement baskets from Prefabricatad bar elements. Inz stavby 12 no.11,5uppl: M,charnizace no.114181-183 164. 1. Yonstruktiva Hational Enterprise, Frague. I T *,-.e outlines c, jre tr - c me s by Sbor TT 10 1/2--133-139 '64- 20, 3-963. ,RUZICKA, B. "Boueekla nov. gen., a new Ordovician ~elecypod from Bohemia." Praha, Czechoslovakia, Ustredni ustav geologicky. SBOPZNIE., ODDIL FALII Vol. 22, 1955. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), Lc, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. PRI-PYL, A.; RUZICY-k, B.; VASICEK, M. "Nonevident di sconfo rmi ties and carbonifermis v--eathet-ing in the Poruba and Sedlo zone of the Ostralra-Karvina, Coal basin." P. 5 (Prace) No. ?, 195,~ Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EE.AI) IC. Vol. 7, no. 4. April 1958 -66 FSS-2 L 45339 /T 'J/JW/q3D/RB ACC NR: AP6022857 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0086/66/000/008/0303/0305 AUTHOR: Ruzicka, Bedrich (Engineer; Candidate of sciences); Kusak, Jan (Engineer)--!-~ i ORG: none 1 TITLE: Recovery system in sounding rockets SOURCE: Letectvi-kosmonautika, no. 8, 1966, 303-305 TOPIC TAGS: sounding rocket, geophysic research, deceleration parachute, recovery device ABSTRACT : The inclusion of recovery devices in the equipment systems of sounding rockets is discussed. The design costs and weight of these devices are assessed since an increase- in weight affects the rocket ceiling. However, advantages such as extended trajectory of the rocket in the upper layers of the atmosphere, increased safety for the population in the areas of rocket recovery and impa,~t and instruments, photos, records, and, eventually, of samples of the t Card 13 L 4533-' ACC NR: AF16022857 atmosphere collected by rockets are considered to be of prevalent interest. The w possibility of reusing the instrument module of a rocket ith its costly instruments, as well as the rocket itself is stressed as a significant economy factor. The following recovery devices are described as being used in Soviet sounding rockets: (1) Recovery parachute systems in MR-1 sounding rockets h* h consist of the "'Y Ic instrument-module parachute, and a rocket parachute. TW former opens at an altitude of approximately 70 km, before the rocket reaches the apex of its trajectory, thus stabilizing the instrument module in the final phase of the ascent. (2) Deceleration surfaces in "A"- ical reserach rockets.,- series geophys ;,,T h e surfaces are hydraulically controlled by a servomechanism. A picture'of a Soviet geophysical rocket with deceleration surfaces and two photos depicting the para- chilte systems in an MR-I sounding rocket are presented by the authors. A diagram showing the drift values for various trajectories of rockets decending from different altitudes is given. The article also mentions several Western sounding rockets and gives an evaluation of their recovery capabilities and equipment. Listed are the ASP rockets, the Aerobee rockets in which the aerodynamic destabilization is used for decleration, the French "Veronique" rocket in which an Card 2 / 3 _L_ -45339m66- ACC NRI AP6022857 aerodynamically unstable design is combined with a deceleration parachute, the i Reingold Tilling folded-wings rocket, the Areas and Loki rockets, and the new West German "Dornier" sounding rocket jequipped with a homing-recovery system whichenables the rocket to return to thPlaunching site after completing its mission.1 The article concludes that Czechoslovakia is rather limited in the use of sounding rockets of both the parachut e- r eco very type as well as the high- acceleration type. The.alternatives are seen to lie in liquid -prop ellantkou nding rockets equipped with a deceleration and homing system of the "Dornier" type, or in solid -propellant t, "Consumable" rockets. A drawing of the "Dornier" rocket, a diagram showing the rocket' B guided-descent trajectory are given. Another figure shows the economic advantages of liquid -propellant rockets equipped with homing recovery systems over the similarly equipped solid -propellant rockets. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, and 4 diagrams. [KPI SUB CODE: 221 SUBM DATE: none/ C.rd 3 / 3 *_4 L --- "A , 5 . ; 'Is' t7"I"EV I F . Fossil thecaT-)ebina in the c3al-bearing sediments in the basin of Upper Silesia. p. 41~1. 3DDIL PRIRODJV~M&Yf. Vol. 1245, 1~6. 1, 1951-0 Frahn, Czechoslovn,~-ia) I -. -Y~ ' " - - - Uncl. V.-mthly I ist ol Hast i!,uropean Accessions (!~&,L) LC, V:)J. A), 14o. 12, Dec 1957, POLAND RUZICKA, 8arbara, mgr. Research Department, Chemical Works (Zaklad Naukowo-Badawczy, Zaklady Chemiczne)) Oswiecim. Warsaw, Chemia anali~Xczna, No 6, November-December 1965, pp 1165-1169. "Separation and quantitative determination by paper chromatography of C1 C5 alcohols in water from the Fischer Tropsch synthesis." SINGER, Evzen; Rtr"ICKA, Bohuslav;TURTEMIALD, Josef Construction of an objective fluorometer for measurement of melt fluorescence, and equipment for determination of traces of uranium. Chem listY 58 no. 2:224-230 F 164. 1. Vyzkunmy ustav anorganicke chemief Usti nad Labem. 4 titlosses*$ !61*** es * 0 6 0 6 e * * e * * It it 14 11 1. go )I it AD It 11n )d A As " m Do J1U It Is 6 b 01 a p 6, #1 u so 0 "r L 9 L 1 6 ft j k 6 X 0 1 Y P I W A I A 4A 00 14 UD tt t to Messuregnstnts with an objectiva plimatactshortimW. K. AAMPUPA A-40 C. A. I L l l k O 44 C I A ,,nm os oo n ow&r its make the co-nifilit"it to( repro. W , y e"n. %- "W ACCU at the icsi f w e 1 vkith o h ut t th e iv ttor r 4 r c. as A j~c Atwiture. e p tp pt .11 :tnifard toras rrplscvtl by a KCrOj m:.1d Cik.170, nsixt. which ii vt-ry stable a -#I'd tone ell with the %44ns. The final sthmhs were achirvt-d with CuSO., The 1.00 shindardt used air: (1) IW 81; 0.71%) C. CIISO.. IJOWI a. C-SAII, and OILCM S. Kr (70), lwjr IM cc. 11.0. (2) 2.5* St; 41-17411 a. CuSA), 0.2913t a. C.&). ..j ff~ -00 0: % K Cr.4),Ivr 11110ce. 11.0. (MOV.St. 11.11191 Ir. CWR)~014441 C. Ct&Iand OA111141t. -00 KoCr,(), Ivr IM vc. 11.4). Light hom kus vilert uj%mo the ctLw a4 the mlissot.; mphj% kept of I I's SU11111[ht lki "AYS Were ld"Utiral in C`4"r With Ot- krI't In "IV 'lark th"Kigh'tist file .00 Peate prri.-d. FRA10% MASIP411 00 zoo lee '09 zoo so 00 ;0 40 00 00 00 04 wto 0 0 tie 00 %t I -114,LLOCK.t. tIT11141"t CLAWFICATICI, :100 00 u 6 1, so (p IV 1, or ic ora it K a rg ' AA L i a 54 0 4' 1 w SO 5 a n I I .T.- 0 0 *00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fe 0 0 0 414 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 'a 0 0 a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 y ' t 0 0 Gie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 *logo 0 0 0 0 to M Oro "", M " 1,181IM's. I At k L p r AA 00 CE M it f V A JL of of A Changes in dr*d awe" comilithre durfiag stistrage. K AAnt-vvA Ami,C A ktuvrit& Lilly Cuhripro,. 49. 110 t%(1txA0,- -Swret Ist, t vl-itc% -vrr iftwif its It yn,hAit utuki : vSr1OLlS aintfititnis. Fluctuations in the rillige 10 311' caused no change in an Ix. 0 0 nuinth 1writuf other than decirr"rig the riducing ,tibatsinars. %0"thins in tern ' h h l 4f i = .00 0 e Or al rhe aim humisfitv a great e ect; n title "pt, t ,w fiSht had no influence. a stick wxs dishilegrat"I by high humitfity. With wrifillitims. the cwwttr% rttAWmit a -.00 0 8 fauI14- ajolordrissicr atid in sit IS mouth jormol showrit a der"aw in the reducing %43h btoKr* imrhest v%,mjxrr,I with ni.myruttlatrd 0.wk. I'll itti,tv thk Iftwa-. the %Vll 0 : 61.4tion rates were chanst-d at vari-ttli temp, , the vittrance 4 air (Ircreau-if the cost 0 lett of re.hicint isimtsincra (017, during th, firt ti he% I "t-he %vistitation ript ev wfietlvr with eirvili Jowr , flurtu,ts,in e%l,t an,[ thr r% d in the I ni th d 1 h 1'-' X0 0 0 r si is e r,tv o i r K 11 j p Mill lissfIL1119 "fill Ural, r%vru 4,1 air FRAN% % : 0 zoo 0 p 0 o 400 0o jr! ~00 zoo 00 so 00 04 00 0 0 0 1 it S 00 nd 0 I r 9 L 6 4 It 4 11 V A J94 JJ J1 0 M P 11 111 4.0.41 gist a 4 I A t 0 0 F a A Ir u U fee, Y Ax 1:11 1 I M1 P 40 _ -. - - - . _ . 'I - -- - -------- 0 0 el~ Tba conductocesseptsic defermfulloc at the &M"bWty ot raw cuj9&M X. AANVIISA : ",Aj),h4MA.. ~ Lisly Cookposeffir, 49,346-61(lWO.-The affinity ill IM sampless at o ir ~ rsw iQlars (rain the lilf*.'V~V season was detd. (1) polarimetricatly and = -0 cond. mrthud still (2) collfirimpetrically secifirdins to the Berlin method. f (I) .00 lips 4 riaw ii.At I- plot-f-d ibat lisp .4- 11,11 At ~4i ill, Inam its I "I'll -111011111 0 fe her J" ill, 1., 1440 "4 111. list'"I .11jear J% diw4wril In ll'i I AIM Iliad. Ill. 1.. 1191 vs, %.4 11'.111 -111. All AISAIV8111 14-F .91jal ill 11 114411111M. Ill 0 Ir .11d I"t R'll I't, Ifir 41.1- C-111-1 fill 1114-1 Ilit 1111-1 4J1 01R.M. the Ildeflit 10 statist . 0 1,1 cUllf'set *Ill, d .111411 IIUAIIIIIV A If,(), 111W .,In 14 Lviltillkift's. devellitril &114 f1fivi :0 j I if 4111.11tv 0' ..1.1 lF.1111 ill, total "4-W .I thq, M.I.Itte I it I'lincildr (frinuval of 4 f. Of.- -'m. Ill, 1, .1111,will MvItuld (I I uW. all : I--- Of. ~11'111lv I, fit- wfantstv -4 di-Istd -tiger and liall, qVill, 11.1'. .,Ill 1. 11OW&I'd Ill, A 111jels '411 C.,Oltrlkt it, 1. w.l I,- I!.',' -it if,- it,, io-Mielpt ,%,fft,hnx I.. thr 2 fill 1h,4, spalml in M OW -1-1111 C911-1 I-It ill.- dl-M IMIlCkl in 111'. 1, 11141111111 Ivtlt, At, alisslyscd 1 I t-filiff, Aullwr~ furt1wr c%pt- Are jfc,,mi-A,d .1 rviativriv " ::g - zoo l. 1-6911-1t-lt it, Ow fil,t -all indkvt, - a litw ierwin 4 irr. Kular ~ixr; high A.C. 00 1 ... lwpl'~ a 1. Ilford '111cur left ittru.1lar stum, wild - tell ,tup lwloti it tht- pervins .4 fillill., .I it. 41 cls'mk VIRANS, StAkIL111 2 00 '060 0 t:oo a 56, k a OfIfItUrGIIAL LIT194160f CLASIIFKATIC~ .0. 1 - .- . - . - WOO It- 1~ Z7 IF I Joe . . " . a, v'F44A& left. 0 A s I as 1* 11 611 4 1 6 0 o C. .0 0 0 0 ore- of s- 1111 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 I ism a IN I , law awe 13C- Alteratko v( swomat driod 1"11 Sam during .,1931, 33, of twet dit" JrW by ~tho 0110a 1"e" at HY044m h4tuty so werf fifor"I for IS mi)MAA under w4houit hAMW ma. woe thtio4s. No doteriorstitnt twcurmi under normal run. goo ditionswith'trmp. variations 0A 10-. W. Amrsolof air 0-3 tendill U) "ir (he invert supf tviaent. Viry dn'"fic 0 a . . deteriurstion Occurred in the warm, M'Qtst,air of a U09 : OGW goo see goo zoo so* goo J Sit woo -200 09TAkLVP(.'K'01.- U'I-IRA??-dg CtAHWKAI'100 1100 -- woo Nam u $SAO 101S;, 4 4 ;Z,,- I-Aftl IN IWO 111SPISAG211 it st a it It K CE It NA o o o 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'a 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 000 0 00 4700 :10 000 0 0 0 0-t-o' 0-0. 1 :-00-90-: : 0 e 0 0 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a a 0 0 0 o 0 0 a 00 so 8 c 0 v 6 a x t 8 0 a Pr, a 1 WIS UCTMUSI jjn3d Nis us 3~461420" a -- -- - ~ 0 -&-1 - -9. - I . .., %I -!~, 'I is s7 -- 11--al-LI'll.- .v - .1. 1 21!-,1 .,f.CGIPII it 01 Do I go 13 OD119,34disifl) JIMAINAIII "NOAnlivis.11, T oo jo oo semi o0= 3112111 'A I I Ut SZ r 'a AJU -S;lt 'ji '40M CLXVS 'Vi$ja)j 'y -3 OXV VION , 'N 00 3 -0 vioringlp jo nop-jap eqj -wi peuMqo pow tq&Wjd sqj p 4trIqn-llp &qZ - 1 - I lo 0 62 to ita* $1 egg( WFF ". J A A urz. 0. Vora ulliffif .1. 1. 11 #,1 141, 1. Il : f A A t - - - _ 1 T 7 7 , afT .4 MT, 71 U 71 it u a is a ft 9 x a d so 42 403 ope A 1 1,,.L 99 11f _L_1__A__d_ I I a CA .44% IS 00 - r, -- ~ t, 7 &COC. 146 -oft P C op - . - -00 lee c s of the Offinind lee il: 80111CRA find 0. emse of rawt vM1 ststaft, Ki 1 4:~k l l o C,*ehos or 1111ft Zue ed"d Id ee J f stani ardiiied affination telft for raw oulpfro wou -often forn6k intiore umful Information than th mnvrn- i i Audy 4 6f ~;nllqts,s umitli 06 d 4P liallial ~ rea evivA. inp q d l zoo e t,"t (B.. IM 3441 and d0& of Blie-or, and firra 01.. 1927. 730. INS. 30). &A ApplM to 120 cWho- .1ovokia rv, *how* the inifinfilsity (fit an agreed w O "N " Ula it the t ki zoo f 441111s ng Ok ing Value, la o , . oo varil"I.- ffiritirp involved. J. It. LAxic. age, see bee, lee AV -0 Ss:", "till am a.. isi, r-'j--c -0_" _T it coot an 0919 KV9 I IN 91 9 IM 0 eie 0 0 0 0 0 9 so 0 00 0 0 go 0 0 RLrZICIU,, D.; BFZBEK, L. "Structure of p-rty and white cast iron at high temperatures. p. 225.' S101AFUISTV1. Frahn, Vol. 3, tio. S, 2955. Monthly list, of Eust Euxopean Accessions (FEAT), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jun 59, Unclas. pw_'gqjjjjjjjjJpjjjjf~ _duaft Gf*UBtdDft bi ba abd bww dad 14-1 Fuppw-_ "go 144W IOSRI*"I~ wd doom' I ow- ww n its 7=77--. 77 r77 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Eloctronics - Electron Iticroscopy H-4 Abs Jour : Rof Zkur - Fizika, No 10, 1958, No 23314 Author :4olong Armin, *Drahos Vladimir, **Bozdak Ladislev, **Ruzicks. Dalibcr Inst :*L;ro **VTAAZ La __ _~_ctory for Electron Optics, CSAB, Brno; b- oratory on the Stu4y of Froperties of 74,etals CSAB, Brnc, Czech- oslovekia Title :Possibility of Application of Electron Emission Microscopy for the Study of the Structure of Metals. Orig Fub :Hutnickc listy, 1957, 12, No 3, 2o6-21r- Abstrnet :Description of on ottechnent to the Czechoslovak electron microscoro, which makes it possible to use the letter as an onission microscope. With the aid cf this ettachnont the au-~hors, using the therroolectronic emission of metello- graphic specimens activated with barium (by depositing this metal in vecuum. by eveForetion), have invastigated the struc- ture of carbon steels and elso certain processes connected %rith the changes in the structure. Cord 1/1 z / c A c~ e CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Solid strto Yhysich Phaeo Transitions in Solids E-6 Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizikr-, No 11, 1958, No 25228 Author t Rys Fror-yslp Bazdek Ledislov, Ciha Karol, Ruzicka Daliber, Skarok Jiri Inst : Not Given Jitle s Investigcticn of Metallic Structures at High and Low Tom- poraturess ,,Orig Fub Acta tachn.,(Coskosl.), 1958, 3, No 1, ";8-83 Abstrrct i A description is given of the apparatus end of a procedure from notallogrephic investigetionof r3otcls and elloys et high (A, 60000) and low (-1961C) tonror-turos. The high- tor3poraturo microscopw nokos it possible tocarry out direct obsorvation of the srecimon at high tariporcturos in vacuum or in n protective atmosphere. Heating of specinons is cprried out by passege of electric vurront, or also by heat transfer fraa the furneco (eight speci-mens ccn be heated sinultencously). In the fornor cese the rate of hecting is,~-15000/rilnute, in the seccnd it is/%-3000/r-inute; with an accuracy of � 0.5%. Card 1/2 '(M* 1 C K!, Dezider Hrlrovavhtler reservoir. Vodr.' hosp 1,1 385 '6'- cprgstav Rri nova, tAz- t Q- KA 2 E 3 I 3,j i As A st 1 . 3 ti I.v ct 32 a 3 Is V. 0. o i 92A e S i1 -j RUZICKAI E. SCIENCE Periodical COLLECTION OF CZECHOSLOVAK CHEMICAL CaOfMCATIONS. SBORNIK CHEKHOSLOVATSKIKH KHIYJCHESKIKH RAPEOT. V621. 23, no. 1, Jan. 1958. RUZICKA, E. Resazurin and some of its derivatives as analytic reagents$ In German. p. 142 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEA 1) LCI Vol. 8, no# 3, March, 1959. Uncl. %j -r- 1 c K n, CZEIOHO'JL L Chemlstry - Analy-ils of Crganic G-3 gJAKTI~/Anillyt4 Cal Sub5tances A:br, Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 2, 1957, 4868 Alithor : Kurarsh, M, RAi C I ~,--a Ini3t 3ome AmidoxLme.,;. VII. Amidoxime Title AnaLytical ReacLions or 8 of Malonamide Orig Pub Sb. chekhool. khim. rabut, 1956, 21, No 4, 1075-1077 Abstract See r%ZhKhim,.10156, 686C0. Card 1/1 62 c A p ro"doO for MOrCUMUS Will. SLIC11141311111i LT uIv.. PAIACkt. (AWl"4910. (14dIftikilf "PF.-VArov. comommaj. Is. French). I'lic It On IfW llWIIIAti4J41 Ul A IWtM1 lillt- "ith Mrl- CoIlL %llj:NO11 ~). I Is itrial. by redusing 2.3 m. Ni :11wAgIved in 01 nil. a . HtOllj 7.1illoll bi a into. wim. Ftoll. oind K.5 f. hf,,C(O A- 1. 2 hm an the strwits Imth. fillefinit. ano cancig. to cryon.. in. (fn"n HtO) %I*. .11. .4. Its 11.4). litOll. FJO. A".1 Call.. and unstable Ittair Ingi salable ut [(it M. 0u filli,i Iml.-r aild a Awit of 21~ in W70 Ltoll to it d1up Ill Icalt ". and Wd Ill Nil, brawn"tshogirsthellgialtoll. Scn,iti%ify i.r2%j1")04anddiIn.IsI:2XIO'. Thet"tairrictioutits a t"t tulle with one chrop of test San., 3 drops of reagent .411'. 11".1 line girt 101 N'11,011 htsa wnsitivity,d 1111 Ill I mW a olilli. d 1; Ix Ustrefolve In WIll frol.. K. 0. S1 .... ir Anank2mm -W eh ~-, rl-yo 'If i t. umil. II. Amid* oxime of homover tric acid hoillovel.1tra arld wits prepil. by rrfluting 8 less. k miss, of it pg. 9 X. N11,011.110. anti IfA) trel. fA)% Estill with a it.l. dn. cjfS;i,Cos, After the ev2 pit. of EtOf I I msti Lin toloffe,,; prisints. m. 137* (from HtOf I). I is seet. in hot water. EtOl I, Stiolf, and ClIC1, need in ;ol. in 1-.*?,U, Sfe'CO. anti coluelle. A 5% ~.An. of I was is-4-il aq a rragvui~ It Xive% it Iirtv- xr-it"prit. with Cie. j re-ttilkh two)wtj color with a 10-yellow plit, with fix" and a t,41kh vioh-l od,w %title Ni in the presriu~ .4 104 and j droi-f N14. Cie .111.1 lix ,fll. wVre isolAted. Itildlicky reactloas of *at"* anddollitles. fit. AMI. d="ta!m-h sylsoburic add. M. Kund and H. R" wt (N. I. C". I.i$ty .. ( Cxcvh 4,1*P~k(IT)c. tc(lynCiVA. 4S, S/1,1:- - N011(1)2%soln. In 60% Floll gives with jig I it while lipt. .hkh turns brown after the addn. of NIG. I'rrpn. of 1: *C5 a. Aft,(-*(OH)C.V was rrtluzed 2' hrs. with a Kiln. of 0.1 mole S11#011 in HtOlf. I crystal. afirr rvapn.. m. &"- (frutn ether). yield 60-70%. 'it. Ifudliclif t. A IJ u 1 Lj - - , 1: , E 0 clan ~3o-c~ .10, COUNTRY C.,ec1.O5j_c)vq-k!a CATZGORZ 3.9 --.0. WOO ABS. JOUR. C)' cf v 17 L hC 1 S T ons 2 C'j; 2 03 4~~ rn t1 -e p r s C; c- "A in L7 j"'C 111%, a t C) J,,, No, -91 !95~ and lodilm b" t- I Vf- 1 y b -v I - - . - -,;nl I ar-1-dic r*. e, a L .4atel.; at tie sat;iL On t-YR 0:. GI '-j Lng Ick, e r. w G I' kkC ure S 11ave tube ac- t r-- of varicus (pD) of 1, d nap'.-L-1 EeriSit -V ba r c. Z:~ coil t V d of f cr c- xalik'vIE; i G i 3h I ONN2 -Y' buve be e - + pro;,n, nar, L O-A C of' Cl-,, and Br2 determ! 2 ' -2 ._ . A".:' t, rau on I I- C' or03- 7'1f~". (-n~ c 1(; 7 rl-'e fc. I jiti- by B