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-A&CESSIO -form iV6rjdng !:W-3r3l.~ win AJ wher e~ u V ISM VC Thomean 'Jocity changes in ~M/hour. trophic wind from the wind Is TURIIV P" e- V and vs, divergenCe Of the 9`008 taking into account the sign for values of such divergen2e, = B. 9 m/sec; in the cue Of Positive values ul 9 m/sec an' V = 10. 3 M/sec , , V, I a. I m/sec, cr vv were U n scpare divergence was Tu v, . 7. 8 m/sec, respectively. The Mea analyzed cases the i~ean relativO age0strOPhic divergence 6.7 m/sec. in all th4 in wind velocity. It is shown that the wind distribution colnform~ decreased with an Increase This Malmo possible a theoretical to the normal law of djugtribution of random vdues of ageos"hic wind estimation of the probability of difforent values and gradadom V. Bayev. the basin of the Gauss formula and the TAVtace ftnetion. diverjence on AL JWC14 00 SUB COIDE. ES ~-V '7, -7- -,I -g -RUZHIN, v Introduce clarity. Yin-SSSR 17 no.11:72-74 N 156. WM 9:12) (Construction lndustr7--Yinance) ACCESSION NR: AP4009235 S/0068164/00010011003610041 AUTHOR: Gluzman, L. D.; Ruzhina, I. Ye. TITLE: Producing phenanthrene. fluoranthene, and pyrene under commercial conditions 'A SOURCE: Koks i kh-imiya, no, 1, 1964, 38-41 TOPIC TAGS: phenanthrene, fluoranthene, pyrene, commercial production, covery, fractionation, anthracene oil, pitch distillate, i' PSTRACT f Plant-s cale work ab the 1kiepropetrawsk Woloke-ftemidal Plant on recovery of phenanthrene, fluoranthene and pyrene by fractionating anthracene oil and pitch distills.tes confirmed earlier data fi6om -UKhIN that anthracene oil is the optimum crude for phenanthrene and fluoranthene,'and pyrene- in best recovered from pitch oil. Data are presented showing the conditions for' separating the individual fractions, the amounts and the yields of the desired products. Orig. art. bass 4 tables. .Card 1/2 RUZHINA I,Ye.; RASHKEVICH I Ya - ITKINA, R.A.; GLUZKAN, L.D.; ~mali uchastiy9: LEi~kNKO L.G.; GOLIFERINA, R.L. e Curves of the single-stage evaporation and of the true temperatures in the boiling of raw materials for py-rene production. Kokii i khim. no.3:46-52 164. (MMA 17:4) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod (for Ruzhina, Rashkevich, Itkina). 2. Ukrainskiy uglekhimicheskiy institut (for Gluzman). SOV/618-59--3-10/23 AUTHORS: Popov, R.I., i?ashkevich, I.Ya., Itkinal R.A_ and TITLE: Utilisation:of Spent Solutions.from Sulphur Recovery 'Plants operating by the Arsenical-Soda Method (Utflizatsiya otrabotannykh rastvorov myshlyakovo- sodovoy sexoochistki) PERIODICAL:Koks i Khimiya, 1959, Nr 3) pp 45-46 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The economical possibility of recovering sodium thiocyanide and sodium thiosulphate from spent liquors from the plant for the purification of coke oven gas from h-ydrogen sulphide by the arsenical-soda method wa-s investigated. Two methods were tested: 1) Spent liquor. after preliminary neutralisation is passed into a reactor where it is heated to boiling and treated with sulphuric acid to decompose thiosulphite (3kTa2S203 + H2S04----->3i\Ta2SO4 + 2S2 + H20). The solution is retained for 4 hours at about 1000C and the sulphur separated is filtered off. The filtrate is evaporated to a concentration of NaCNS of ?00 g/l (fig 1). Card 1/2 2) Spent solution is evaporated by bubbling hot air to a SOV/68-59--3-10/23 Utilisation of Spent S'olutions from Sulphur Recovery Plants Operating by the Arsenical-Soda Method' C) concentration of thiosulphite of 700 g/1, cooled to 60-650C and filtered from slurry containing sodium sulphate and mechanical admixtures. The filtrate is cooled to 280C and the thiosulphite crystallised is filtered off. If necessary the filtrate is then further evaporated to a u .red con-entration of sodium thiocyanide (fig 2 . The second scheme which will yield a mixture of thiocyanide and thicsulphite is recommended as a more There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Daepropetrovskiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod (Dnepropetrovsk Coka-ng Works) Card 2/2 KAYGCRODOV, V., Jnzh.; RUZHINSKIY, A., inzh. Cam)ail,n using visual aide in an automotive transportation unit. Avt. trans-p. 18 no.9:9-10 S '60. (mak li :9) 1. Novosibirskly goravtotrest. (Novosibirsk--TraneDortation, Automotive) MAGDALENYUK, Mariya Illinichna [Mahdaleniuk, M.I.I. zootekhnik. Prinimali uchastiye RU-ZH jSKII, T-.J. (Ruzbynslkyi, T.I.]; KOVALENKO, 0.1., red.; NEMCHENKO, I.Yu., tekhn. red. [Our contribution to the seven-year plan) Nash v klad v senyrichkup Kyiv, Derzh. vyd-vo sillskohospodarslkoi lit-ry URSR, 1961. 74 p. (MIU 14: 11) 1. Kolkhoz im. Lenina, Kitsmanskogo rayona, Chernivetskoy oblasti (for Magdalerouk)o (Ukraine-Collective farms) RUZHITSKI~,B. Cand Biol Sci - (diss) "Proteins and protein-nucleic complexes of nervous tis-3ue in phylo- and ontogenesis of animals." Mos- cow, 1961. 24 pp with illustrations; (Moscow Veterinary Acad- emy of the Ministry of Agriculture RSFSR); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 209) ZAXHAROV, V.M.. inzhener, prepodavateV.;,RMMxIY, D.P.. inzhener. )mndidat takhnicheek1kh nauk. Tuning differential bridge filters for voice-frequancy carrier telegrarhy. Vest.svlazi 16 no.11:6-8 N,156. (KIRA 10:1) 1. Odmatkiy alektrotakhnicheakiy institut avyazi. (Telograph) iIfTI I.eoi-lal Le L( n," I pha E,-or..C,Dw if ce-l' r,., ons il:~ r ta i f n2, DP.7 Y'r F. I'aiid' date of' cciadc;.~Il scierice. F"iz na-'a e t 'o s 2e 6ctobcr 3-955. c:rsr-!)w L 37089-66 EWP(k)/W(m)/T/EWT(v)/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD/HM/TIW ACC NRs AR6005805 SOURCE CODE: UR/0137/65/000/010/DO37/DO37 AUMOR: Ruzhirwkiy,, M. B.; Vetrova,, E. S ; Pyatuain, V, B0 Z// TITLE: Study of radiofrequency pipe welding. SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Aba. 1CO275 REF SOURGE: 5b. Fro1z. avarno I besshoyno' trubo Vype 39 M., MetaUurgiye., 1965, 36- 39 TOPIC TAGS: pipe, weldl technology, weld heat treatment., It ABSTRACT: The consumption of energy in radlofE!~~Wncy velding depends primarly on the thickness of the italls and the diameter or the velded pipe. The energy used in- creases with the veldIng speed to a lesser degree than with an increase in the pipe wall thickness. An migle of 20 between the toes or vel&bd 18 to 33 = dismeter pipe produces the beat hewbing and the best quality of pipe. The use of current c0incen- trator for 18 to 28 pipe is not recommended. L. Kochenova./Tianalation of abatrac.~ SUB CODE: 13/ CWd UDC: 621.774.2.411.2 RUZHINSYIY, 14.B.,, starshiy inzh, Electric vibrating chisel fcr removing slag frcm joints. Stmi. truboprov. 7 no.4:26 Ap 162. (KRA 15:5) 1. Proizvcdstvenno-tekhnicheskoye otdeleniye stroitellno-mintazbnogo upravleniya No.6 tresta Nefteprovcdmontazh, Chelyabinsk. (Machine tools) RUZHINSKIY, PLYUTA, M.V. Semi-automatic device for cutting the ends of pikes and fittinas. Strol. truboprov. 9 no.808-39 Ag 164. (KIRA 17:12) 1. UralNITI Chelyabinsk (for Ruzhinskiy). 2. Stroitellno- montazhncye upravleniye Mo.6 tresta Nefteprovodmontazh, Chelyabinsk (for Plyi;.,ta), auk; HUMINSKIY, M,-B., inzl-.-, ZOLOTNITSKly J-oktor ',c-khn.,n 'ETS in,, 11.,i ring the productf^,n cr pi-pe ~,j ir,~,tict~-n ing a- N-I)vondbirsk metalbirgical plant. Stall 251- :10.3t249-251 Mr 165. (MrFUj 4J GUSIKOVY V.P., inzli.; RUZIIIIISKlYp M.B.., inzh.; KUZOMIIISKIYO V.A. Strol. truboprov., 7 m.6:22 Efficiency promotion and invention. Je 162. (14IRA 15:7) 1. Stroiteltno-montazhnoye upravleniye No.6 tresta liefteprovodmontazh.. Chelyabinsk (for Guslkov, Ruzhinskiy), 2. Proizvoditell rabot stroitellnogo uchastka No.14 Svarochno-montazl~o,,o tresta, g. Lyubertsy (for KuzImInskiy). (P.Lpelines-Buildings and structures) T RLEHINTSEV., V.Ye., otv. red.; SARYCHEVA, T.G01 otv. red. [Development and succession of marine organism during the transition Ifran the Paleozoic to.the Mesozoic.] Razvitie i smena morskikh organizmcv ra rubezhe paleo- zoia i mezozoia. Moskval Nauka2 1965. 430 P. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Faleontologicheskii institut. Trudy, vol.108) (KIM 18:9) RMITSK4 Artw- [Rozyski, A.) Selecting the length of the working part of the sample strip in determining the strength of'~"rics. Tekst.prom. 23 no-4:75-78 Ap 163. (MIRA 16--4) 1. TekatilInyy institutp Pol'skaya. Narodnaya, Respublika. (Textile fa~wics--Testing) I MW RUZHIIIMCIY, To: i7 onifo, iell(Rushynalkyl, T.1; S[IIWOV- O.Y., red.; NMCIMIKO, I.Tu., takhred. Prokip Romanenko.. Derzh.vyd-vo sillalkohospodaralkoi lit-ry TJM, 1960. 79 P. (MIRA 14:1) NOVIKOI, V.; WITTEYEV, YU.PM.; RI~ZIIINSKIYI M.B.; DATIST, A.I.; IWlEl,', G.; KGI,,.Of,f,,V) M.; V.*'--AROflICJV, I.; SIIETLPKGV, V.; ZAYONGHIK, L.Z.; RASPOPOI, I.V.; SERDYUKOV, G.V.- GRISHY01, A.I.; IV.YEYr-,V, I.F.; DELLO, A.A.; SHMIAYA, V.A., -4nzh.; S~IRYAGIIJ, L.P., inzh.; 'uR!SIIKCV, A.I.: MRDONOV, B.A.; BURDIII, VJI., kand. tekhn. nauk; MOLbACIEV, D.A.; in:~h.; MUZALEVSKIY, C.G.; RIVKIN, A.A.; KEYS, JI.V.; Ko~.LT SSAIZOV, A. I. New deve--opments in research. Stall 25 no.8:342-845 S 165. (MILRA 18:9) ~UZHI-rsn, Cr. wo r3' i/ U 1 z,j zec -;0'3 - oii-"-. -wring. SuEr ftbs jour* 1jef zhur-Biologiya' No 5, 1956Y 20379- Author n 113S_'V given I'mong cotte)n Veriet Title Ve .petz,,tive Hybridization ies Having ',nifferent Chromosome flumber. (Ve&et-_tivna-p_ gibridi- z~Ltsiya mezhdu ramokhromosomaymi vi&-mi khlopcbataika). Agrobiologiyal 1956, No 5, 77-82. Abstract: Plants of a more advanced stage were chosen as the stock which hmd 'two and three fertile branches, emd the graft wex in an earlier stage during the cotyledoaous; leaf pbase with any nunber of leaves from one to three. In. the first test the species Gossipium herbaceum (var-. iety Asiatic) was used as the stock, and the graft was G. 'barbadense (var. Maarad). The gzraj-Ung tool- place in the hothouse of the UrLiversity of BeIgmde in 1949. Card 1/2 AUTHOR: Ruzhitsa Glavinich, Professor 26-58-7-26/48 TITLE: Ob-~dska Bara (Obedska Bara) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 7, pp 102-104 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Since 1951, the horse-shoe-shaped Obedska Bara in the Srem has become one of the most _r1gion- Qf northern Yugoslavia , Interesting natural preserves. It is a strip of river valley land 13-5 km long and as much as 400 m wide. Fart of the area is inundated by the Sava river. IWillow copses are the outstanding.feature of the'Obedska Bara, where the following plants atound: Lemna minor and Lemna,trisulca, Salvinia natans, Nymphaea alba, Ranunculus aquatilis, Limnanthemum nymphoides, Hottonia palustris, Acorus cala- mus and Mentha piperita. Among the many bird species worth mentioning are the Ciconia alba, Ciconia nigra, Podiceps aristatus, Chlidonias nigra, Gallinula chloropus and Ardea alba. Card 112 There are 2 photos. Obedska Bara 26-56-7-26/46 ASSOCIATION: Belgradskiy universitet FNRYu (Beigrad University Fed- erative People's Republic of Yugoslavia) 1. Geograpby--USSR Card 2/2 PODKQSOVP L.G.; fODKOLIZINA, Ye.P.; HAMINA, A.V.; YERSHOV, V.J.; FEDOROV, M,.V.; WZHITSKAYA, K.F. New methcde and arq;e-ratus fc.~r ','(4e dresning of titanium-zirconium sands. 141n.--Y-rle no.90-15 163.' (MIRA 17:10) G(jRD'fY'ENKC, GNESINA, E.D.1 R:UZHITSKAYA, L.V. (Pyatigcrak) Diagnostic importance of the C-reaotive protein test in the differential diagnosis of myocardial infarotion and ateno- cardia.Vraob. delo no.2v137-138,Fv64 (MIRA 1794) 1. 1'jatigorokaya gorodskaya poliklinika imeni 1-go Haya. HENDETSKIYY Yu.; RUZHITSKIY,,-P- Phylo- anJ ontogenetic changes in the soluble proteins of nerve tissue. Ukr.biokhim.zhur. 34 no.5t655-665 162. (~M l6t4) 1. Kafedra biologicheskoy khimii Moskovskoy veterinarnoy akademii. (PROTEINS) (NERVES) RUZq,ITSKIY,, B. M. RUZHITSKIY, B. M.-IlInvestigation of the Strength of Pressed and Hot Materials Operating under Conditions of Static Pulsing and Shock Torsion." Min Higher ~Education USSR* Kiev Order of Lenin Polytechnic Inst. Chair of Strengt.h of Materials. Kiev,, 1955, (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Science). SO Knizhanay letopis' No 20 1956 Z. H 12?-5-4/3r ,P.UTH0R-.Ruzhitskiy, B'.M. (Cand. Tech~.Sc.) TITLE: The Strength of Pressed and Thermal Shrink, Fits under Impact Torsion (Prochnost, pressovykh i goTyachikh posadok pri udarnom kruchenii) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Mashinostroyeniyay 195~,'Nr 5, PP'.10-13 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Tests carried out at the MateriZs Testing Laboratory of the Kiyev Institute of Technology (Kiyevskiy Politekbnichesk- iy Institut) are reported using specimens (illustrated in detail) designed to test the impact strength of shrink fits. The ring is involute splined on the outside, the pin has a stepped-up diameter extension with involute splines. The shrink fit is on a diameter of 40 mm". Rings of 729 82 and 92 mm, outside diameters were tested. A torsional impact machine of the ballistic type was constructed of which a diagrammat-'c cross-section and an external view are shown., An electrically driven continuously rotating flywheel is suddenly e_zi6aged through a dog clutch to release a torsional impact on the shaft splined on the specimen pin. The speci- men ring is splined on a shaft driving alarge flywheel. The dog clutch is engaged by spri3qg actio3i. The second, ballistic flywheel consists of two wheels one of which carries paper Card 171rips which serve to record the speed either by the periodic 1? 9- -5 -4/3f The Strength of Pressed and Thermal Shrink Pits under Impact Torsion. r spark discharge of a magneto (12 000 discharges pe minute) or by a vibrator tuned to 100 cps. The precise speed of the continuously driven flywheel is measured by photoelectric impulsesp amplified through a two cascade amplifier. Strain gauges placed on the specimen pin to measure the dynamic' stress have a base length of 10 mm and a resistance of 120 ohms. Increasing impact loads were applied until a residual deformation or a shift in the shrink fit were found. If residual deformation occurred before the strength of a shrink fit was reached the pin was turned shorter until equal strength was obtained. In a family of curves the shrink fit length of equal strength is plotted against the amount of interfer- ence. Press fits and thermal fits have different curves. Different ring to pin diameter ratios are also distinguished. At a diameter ratio of 0.48 an increase of interference be- tween 75 and 300 microns reduces the required shrink fit length from 61 to 41 mm. In a thermal fit the corresponding figures are 53 and 31 mm. With increasing diameter ratio there is a slight rise in the shrink fit length. A similar family of curves, is given for the static strength. The shrink fit length of equal strength is about 40% greater Card ?/3 Ruzhitskiy, B.M. "A now automatic rogulator for a Gagarin press", Inform. materialy .(Akad. nauk Ukr. SSR, In-t otroit. mokhaniki), No. 3, 1949, p. 78-81. SO: U-4393, 19 August ~3, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey', No. 22p 1949). Rlj",lK,rsKTY$ D.M. [Ru~hytalkyl., F.M.1 Studying the pathis of the cortaminat-'on of dlatilled water by m-4croquantities of heavy- metalB. Farmatsev. zhur. 1", no.6;32-37 162. (MIFA 17;6) 1. Karedra obnhchey khImli Tvano-Frankovskogo meditsinskago instituta (zavtAuyushchly kafedroy dotsent Salbellman-, P.1.). RUZHITSKrY, D.M. Glaser relations between Soviet pharmac7 and science and the work of the medicine industr7 In the USSR. Apt. delo 3 no-5:35-36 S-0 154. (DRUG INWSTRY, (KLRA 7:12) in Russia. cooperation with Indust. prods med. appar. & appliance) (149DICINS, Indust. prod.,med. appar. & appliance in Russia. coopera- tion with drug Indust.) Subject USSR/Aeronautics AID P 55o8 Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 25/26 Author Ruzhitskiy, E. I., Engineer Title The present takeoff and landing problems of, aircraft Periodical Vest. vozd. flota, 3, 88-94, Mr 1957 Abstract The author, on the basis of foreign aviation literature, describes various methods and devices for reducing the takeoff and landing run of aircraft. Seven diagrams. Institution None Submitted No date RUZITUITSKIY) S. tors Rational utilization of the ODV-300 engine; MTS 12 no. 2, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. Unclassified. 2 TARASYM., A. S., RUZHITSKIY. S. A. (ENGS) Gas and Oil En.-inee Small capacity engine for agricultural machines. Sellkhozmashina no. 6, 1952. Monthl List of Ru3sian Accessions. Library of Congress, Sepfamber 1952. Unclassified. T~*W-SYUK, A. S., 'RIEZ41TSK-EY, S. A. (ENUS) Farm Ewflnes 3!.Iall canacity enlaine far aaricultural machines. Sell kho:un;shina no. 6, 1952- 9. Monthl List of Fussian Accessions, Library o f Congress, Seatenber 1953; Uncl. 2 'IjqLIITSKIY, S.Z.: (Rozycki, S.Z.]. prof. Time oo -.he formation of the Bunger Hills'"oasis." Inforp. biul. Sov. antark. ekap. no.20:10-14 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Varshavskiy universitet. Chlen-korrespondent Pol'skoy AN. (Bunger Hills, Antarctica-Seashore) MR "Mak-4ng of Stainless and Heat-Resistant Steels at the Ural Heavy Machine -Building 'If li (Steel Production)Moscow, Mashgiz, Plant Proizvodstvo sta 1958. 154 p. PURPOSE: This book, published on the 25th anniversary of the Ural mashzavod(Ural Heavy Ylachine-building Plant imeni S. Ordzhonikidze) is intended for engineers, technicians and Ecientific workers concerned with the production of steel. RIIZHITSKIY,,_,Y,,,~,.,,I_,BYKOV, I.N.; TOCHILIN, M.S.; KURYIEVA, N.A.; MOLOTKOV, S.P. UltrabasicexplOsionbreecia of the Russian Platform. Dokl. AN SSSR 162 no.61. 1367-1.269 je 165. (MIPA 18s7) 1. Vorone:ihskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Submitted March 18, 1965. RUZHITSKIY., V.O., kand.geologo-mineralogicheskiky nwak Introducing research works completed by the scientists of the Ural and Bashkiria branches of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. into industrial production'. Biul.tekh.-ekonoinform,- Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.nauch. i tekh.inform. no.6:78-79 162, (KRA 15:7) (Research, Industrial) 26-12-22/49 AUTHOR: Ruzhitskiy, V-0., Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical 3 .-ITYrde s TITLE; Dianonds in the European Part of the USSR (Almazy nedr yevro- peyskoy chasti SSSR) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1957, No 12, pp 88-91 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author gives an account of possible diamond deposits in various parts of the European part of the USSR. He mentions a series of historical sources dealing with occasional dis- coveries of diamonds. The principal points where diamonds were found during the past 7 years are in the basins of the Mezenskaya Pizhma, Pechorskaya Pizhma and Taillma rivers of the Komi ASSR in the north and in the basins of the Dnepr, Yuzhnyy Bug and Dnestr rivers and in the districts of Krivoy Rog and Rovno in the south. At present 16 places are known as likely to hold diamonds, although deposits of any import- ance have not yet been found. There are 1 schematic map and 8 references, all of which are Card 1/2 Slavic (Russian) ASS CIATION: ~ Coordination Board of the AN, USSR (Moskva) (Sovet o koordi _ p nat3ii Akademii nauk SSSR (Moskva) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress RUZIIIT,SKI-Y-,_.V.0., Aand.geol.-mineral. nauk Research in the field of economics in Siberia and the Far East. Biul.tekh.-ekoolinform.Gos-o'nauch.-issl.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. 16 no.4:72 163 . (NIRA 16:8) (Siberia-Economic research) (Far East-Economic research) RUZHITSKIY, V-0. European diamonds. Priroda, 49 no-11:27-3i, 111 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Diamond mines and mining) RUZHITSKIY, V. 0. kand. geologo-mineralogiobeokikh nauk Trends in research for 1963 in branchas of U6 Aoedftwf of Sclerinea of the U.S.S.R. and in institutes attached to the Main Research Institute of the State Co=ittee on Research Coordination at the C