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Vitt? so - ---- - 00 '00 ;-00 of ry- reparjer. Iln Ituallan.) IL U. RR ars- V. A. ISAT01'sm xusnotjm,va, an4 V, 1, Alsenahtaka- swwrotiba Jlndu* Ile war), Y. 1. Jan. ING, P. IS-14. trial a Circuit diagram Of PYTOMetor do- Ir I; ro 0 plitpoti empoctally for use durinff -111n~ Of hish mpoptl #A"L 90 W*q o 00 0 0 so !age '00 "99 00 41' 0 ti 00 a to, ~'I d.. lot ------ "o 0 U is 4V IC, O'D 44 K CK q q it it fl it of KW is I S a pw a 01 v I it -A 0 4400 so 0 41 0 0 0 * 0 00000 0400 414141 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - jm~.' ;- '_ - I- - - ,i - i. W 16 to to J, 15 12 H he 0 M v NO IT 4 of Q #I Ad a it U OC M U A A p 11-1-7ti4wo ANA, 10-.0.t It Hoder water In sugar plants, ZbIgnirw Humv. ,at II, t-wn it w al. 14 -571114st.-A I-fit, itticrilif fhr'nwth 00 WAICr. 0 0 Frank Gmvt 00 -00 its -00 00 0 0 a roe w-57 so o .1. ILI OT.ILLPIK.t. 019PA16.4 CLASSOKAtIC- t4p 0 'p2- J'~ too die b U vs AT 10 1% 91110 NK Kit its[ PEO r t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S * * Le * * 0 0 * 0 0 0 : : 0 0, '04 1 0' 0' 00 *C~ 0"0"0"0009000 00 Ch~racteristie polarographic activity of the tobacco moisa-ta virus. Pt. 3. Co.11 Cz Chem 28 no.3;585-5%- Mr 163. 1. Virologisches Instituts Tachechoolowakische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Bratislava. RUTTKAY-NEDECKr, G. Characteristic polarographic activity, of the mosaic virus of tobacco. I.Difference in polarographic effect of the virus and the nonviruB albumins. Coll Cz Chem 25 no.12:3363-3379 D 160, (UAI 10: 9) 1. Virologisches Institut, Tachechoslowakische Akademie der Wissen- schaften, Bratislava. (Polarograph and polaroraph3r) (Tobacco) (Albumins) (VirusM (Mossid disease) Noma` HIA 1 .7.11 RUTTKAY-NEDECKY I~; KELLEROVA, E. Effect of reserpine on reflex vasoconstriction. caused by deep Inspiration in the cutaneous acral region. (Preliminaz7 communica, tion). Cas.lek.cesk 100 no.27/282884-885 7 Jl f6l. 1. Odditlenie klinickej fy-ziologie Ustavu experimentalnej mediciny SAV, Bratislava. (RESERPINE pharmaeo -1) (VASOMOTOR SYSTM pharmacol) (RESkRATION physiol) MMMONM ~VTMMMMMMMMM ONDREJCAK, M.;RUTTKEY-NFJECKY, I. Attemoted conditioned reflex therapy of functional obstipation. Lek. obzor 2 n0.8:490-498 Aug 1953. (GIML 25:4) 1. Of the First Internal Clinic of Slovak University, Bratislava, ONDEWCAY, Matnj, NILTDr.; RUTTKAY-IMECKY, Ivan, 90r, Pathog,pnesis of functional constipation. Cesk. gastroenter. 9 no-3:195-199 Sept 55. 1. Z 1. internej kliniky Koriensieho univerzity a z Laborataria, klinickej fyziologie v.n.c. SAV. prednosta akademik Ladislav Derer. (CONSTIPATION, therapy, conditir)npd reflex ther.) (REITiMC, CONDITIOITM, ther. of cnnatipation) RUTTKAY-N'EDECKY', I.; KELLEROVA, E. Approximate error in localization of touch as a function test. Cesk. fysiol. 5 no.4:484-486 1956. 1. Laboratorium Klinickej Fyziologie vyssej nervovej cinnosti SAV, Bratislava. (TOUCH, approximate error in localization of touch as funct. test (CZ)) KILITAR71 & IIAV.A~' SUL,tCLS: GENUUL Periodical IIASA VUA. Vol. 5, no. 11, Nov- 1958. fVIJM,.AY-NEDECk~~-,', I. Application o'L sortie lessons of the dialectical-mater'lalistic theory of kwvledge in medical sciences and medical practice. P. 474. Activities of the Slovak Acaeeny of Sciences in 1957. p. 465. Monthly List of East Eurcpean Accessions (E!,:AI) !L, Vol. 8, no. 3, March, 1959. Uncl. "Notes on the ph:.,sioloU of eye movements." p. 250. CPSI'IGSLCjVi7tZ'KA HESIOLOGIF. Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7, no. 3, May 1955. Monthly List of East-European Accessions (EFAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August, 1959- Uncl. lw,otnn or, 'hn t~hysiojog7, of ty,! mover,~,nts.ll Cztk+o5lovak-la, Vol. 7, rc. 4, July 1958 Mxrthly 1.13". 0" `Ee3t EurO've .111-3c"510v-s (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Sept, '~9 Unclas EXCERPTA MELICA Sec 8 Vol 12/8 Neurology Aug 59 3953. EXPERIMENTAL DISTURBANCE OF CONDITIONED REFLEX AS EVOK- ING CAUSE OF IMPAIRED DEFAECATION REFLEX IN MAN - Experi- mentdlna porucha podmienendho reflexu ako vvvolivajilca pridina poruchy defekadndho reflexu u dloveka - R u t I k a - Ne d e c k 1 1. - tSL. GASTRO- ENT. V11. 1958, 1215 (395-398) -Tables 2 In 2 patients suffering from habitual constipation, aconditioned Induction of de- faecation was elaborated. Simultaneously a conditioned optokinetic nystagmus was elaborated in these patients. The rapid alternations of the positive and differential stimulus during work with the conditioned optokinetic nystagmus led to the develop- ment of an 'experimental neurosis' In the dynamics of the optokinetic nystagmus and at the same time to a lengthening of the latent period of conditioned defaecation and to its complete extinction. The disturbance of conditioned defaecation was spontaneously alleviated after the experiments with the conditioned optokinetic nystagmus were stopped. The above-mentioned observations can be regarded as an experimental model of the pathogenesis of some types of habitual constipation. RUTTKAY-NEDECKYj I. ITA survey of the present state of research concerning the effect of Ionization radiation on the higher nervous system in the USSR" Ceskoslovenska Fysiologie. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 8, no. .1, Jan 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EKAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 59, Unclas RUTTKA,Y-NEIECKY I Studies on autonomic changes furing conditioning. Cesk. fysiol. 8 no-3: 241 Apr 59. 1. Ustav experimentalnej mediciny SAV, Bratislava, Prednesene na Ill. fysiologickych dnoch v Brne dna 13. 1. 1959. (ATMONOMIC MVOUS SWER, phyBiol. eff. of conditioned reflexes (Cz)) (10FLEK, CONDITIOM, eff. on autonomic IIS (Cz)) RUTTKAY-MWBCKY, I.47OLLEROVA, Z. Changes In 3CG ventricialar gradient in orthostatic test in comparison with changes in standards leads. Cesk. fysiol. 8 n0.5:431 S '59 1. Oddelenie klinickej fysiologie Ustavu experimeatalnej medicirV SAV, Bratislava. (ZMTROCARDIOGRAPHY) RUTTKAY-IMECKY.I.; XELLXROVAz. Central nervous system influence on the degree of vasoconstriction in the cutaneous region produced by deep inspiration. Cesk.fysiol. 9 no.3:260 My 160. 1. Ustav experimentalnej medicirq SAV, Bratislava (VASOMOTOR SYSTEM pbysiol) (RESPIRATIOS physiol) (RULIX COUDITIOMM) CZECHOSLOVAKIA EAST GERMANY RUTTKAY-NE,DECKY,,__I-; KELEROVA, E.; FICHTEL,,K.; Institute of Nor- ma -a Pathological Physiology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bra- tislava; Institute of Corticovisceral Pathology and Therapy, Ger- inEin Acadomy of Sciences, Berlin. ig. versions not give Zor "The Role of Vasomotor Reaction In the Complex of the Orienting Reflex In Man." Prague, Activiitas Nervosa Superior,_ Vol 8, No 2, Jun 66, Dp 217-218 Abstract: 12 healthy university students were tested with weak light stimuli to find the Incidence of plcthysmographic waves cor- responding to Sokolov's criteria for the vasomotor component of the orienting reaction and to find the course of "spontaneousit waves of the 3rd order.'rhe vasomotor component of the orienting reaction is probably a phenomenon occuring "spontaneously", and with Increasing stLmulqt,J.on It enters into a time relationship with it, 1 Figure, no references. Submitted at the 4th Conf. ,of Exper. and Clin. Study of Higher Nerv. Functions at Mar. Laz- ne, 12-15 Oct 65. Article is in English. 1/1 CZECHOSLOVAKIA KZLLEROVA, E'; -RU-T'11UY--XE0Z'CK)~~-L_;- Institute of Normal and Path- ological Physiologyr Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. ZOrig. version not given_~7- "Changes In Respiratory and Heart Rata;Induced by Repeated Vis- ual Stimulation." Prague, Activitas Nervosa Superior, Vol 8, No 2, Jun 66, p 218 Abstract: Changes in respiratory and heart be-t rates were observ- ed in 11 healthy subjects ; the stim-ull were weak lightand similar light stimuli with a signal meaning. Pulse acceleration wa8 significantly more frequent in cases in which the stimulus . elicited the vasomotor component of the orienting reaction. The correlation was significant only in comparisons of whole groups; in individual cases the coincidence was not too obvious. No ref- erences. Submitted at the 4th Conf. of Exper. and Clin. Study'of Higher Nerv. Functions at Mar. Lazne, 12-15 Oct 65. Article Is in English. 55 CZ-EC!r,0SL01MJCIA/Hu.ran and Animal Phy5iology - !formal and Pathological) T "Teuro-1%D-iscular Physioloa. Aos jour : Ref Miur Diol., r1o 4, 1959, 17882 Author : Ruttkay-Nedechy, I., Kellerova, E., Ondrejeak, M. Inst : T i t 1 e : The Relationbhip of Time Curver, and Intensity of StImula- J tion of Peripheral Motor Nerve in Patients wit1i Prteritis Ori[; Pub : Bratisl. lekar listy, 11057, 2, ito !0-11, 635-64o "Custract : i1nalysis of the GorveG-Weiss curve in patients with peri- pheral arteritis and .-iith trophic defects of skin sl'owed that at the site of arterial obliteration and troph-ic skin defect the neuro-muscular excitability was decreased. In healing of a trophic defect, the excitability of the correspondin6 muscle 07oup normalized, even if the arte- ries remained obliterated. Infiltration with novocain of the sympathetic nerve at the site of obliteration in- duced, simultaneously with an increase of skir. TO, Card V2 82 RUTTKAY-KEDECKY. Characteristic polarographic activity of the tobacco mosaic virus. Part 2: Nature of polarographic active componedta in room tempera- ture and under PH 10,5. Con Cz Chem 27 no.12:2744-2753 D ,62. 1. Virologisches Institut, Tschechoslowakische Akademie dar Wissenchaften, Bratislava. Ml'TTFul:Z-',TELC-CKvY, G. Vj--,-ojof,lc2.1 Insti tute, Czechoslovlk Academy of Sciences, Bratl slava Pra,-uc, Callectior-of Czech slovak Chemicil Communications No "1 1963, pr) 58J5-~;91,- Polarogrvhic Activity of the Tobacco Llosaic Virus III. 'Lypical 6tciplike Appenrance at 0 deg C, and its ut.ilization to dotcrr-inc Uncleanline= in the Pure Virus Extract" RUTTINY-ITEDECKY, G. C -C~R Virologiep-1 Institute,Czechoslavak AcaderV of Sciences, Bratislava Prague' Collection of Czechoslovak Communications No 12, 1962, pp 2744-T773- "Characteristic Folarog-ra .phic Activity of the Tobacco Mosaic Virus II. The 111ature of Polarographic Active Components at Room Temperature and p11 10,511 RUTTKAY-NEDECKY, L; KELLEROVA, E. Acquirement of rhythm and conditioned vascular reflexes. Activ. nerv. sup. 4 no.3/4:146-150 162. 1. Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. (REFLEX CONDITIONED) (VASOMOTOR SYSTEM) (RESPIRATION) (PLETHYSMOGRAPHY) RUTTKAY-NEDECKYO I.; KELLEROVA, E. An objective test for the determination of the onset and duration of the activity of monoamine oxidase inhibitors in man. Activ. nerv, supo 4 no.2'.200-201 162. 1. Ustav experimentalnej mediciny SAV, Bratislava, (MONOAMINE OXIDASE INHIBITORS pharmacol) RUTTKAY-NEDECK-Y,, I.; KELLEROVA, E., Conditioned vasoconstriction in the acral region of the s1dn produced by a single deep inspiration. Bratisl. lek. listy 42 no.10:610-617 162. 1. Z Ustavu experimentalnej mediciny Slovensky akademie vied v Bratislave, riaditel clen korespondent SlovensV akademie vied J. Antal, Dr. Se. (REFLEX CONDITIONED) (VASOMOTOR SYS M physiol) (SKIN blood supply) (RESPIRATION pbysiol) 7,1' 1, ;',, 1, M1 r~oprrLr,ht by toe Willih.r-C H~us~ of t:,! U V7%1! Am!~-*17 Zovmeirl.! aWini? V ed) lpb". of Scte~-es a. 1. In Acral SMA Regicts lrdwt4 by No-p ,,Brtrc hinc, snd th2 rNsibiliti" or its Pr.c%lc&l Applicn-tion," Firm - .:AY - Z 211tutv lxTurLntn'.~ ~1-akclzn ~f tht -di ir-y aw. akedecle vi~4); directcr (rLnl4t~l) of -he lzrttl~uiljt J~ ANTIAL D- or aci~r."o -A corr~ %pzm11nj; reeter SlovaK AcodcrV Ti- ts1 45 '4 ( Scienc ;V T-4 L'I&Ilsh stmmry). 2. "On the Dyta=It ChWZ~.-3 of Transwinsse Activity In Tuxic Injury to the Liver.' by J. A. JA'.TR74Y -I J, P.~. th, a I --T-- 30 1 1, r )4-7I,,-.a to the !!elic- Ll.~"!rslty rummukebo) In heaie4 by Pm~a~%*r M. W- wI 11r= the Arm --1.*-jL4tAy 4V-11c;~r-Ael mat.-W at thi-V..~Iloal Faculty ~., C.-rwniuA Vnlver- Sity In a-%- isla- bts.!t,1 by Dcc-nt X. B3Cj1A::, 13). IV L5-U75 a (aTII h 3. .1. Role of Psychie Fw--or3 in the Mt~r-~Iftt~~nt ~f Fqnis~ct~q, N. and :1. RA104ZJ-1~11 0r .m ClinIc ef Crtthcp~.J~3 (Crtvp~ijc- ka-MM-MA) st. in Bratislava, hewltl b., J. CjXaW~!&L carr,xpaaltrg .amber of the Slovak Aca:!e:q of Sciences, Vp =-%ry), "On tn% L--poriance of tha Paycbc.=.Iic Cmp~wnt in lhwrVr's mi pa4moaxi's V. ZmXm -f the r-w-tnent of ULClCM7. rhy-tc- Old -ii;f.(Iciele Of -Lo 5101-fty. Acs.!I~y of S.Iercec; A.- -ot.r n,tf; pp t--Trr~-X-~nr, rember of -.'.a Slovak Ac&Ja~y af . (ahc;lIgn -Late sisuits or the Surgical. Tt~muti~at of htlm~-ax7 Tuberculcsll Ii. vz~;, J. LAqu-, ar" 3. =%Z. -'ml 'he radI te~yc-ni~e tuLero,=---~ in Pdun~~sltfl -ftntl4flee; -be r.:p rt ~-, (N ize~10.' lCkft k%tNIr%) of 'hi =I- uitw ;re dosl,-Iomaj~ st~vxp. In. stitute for rost-Gr~iu%tt N--Iltol Truinli.j, 71PSUK,1.3: mi fl- tbe la or thl P~12-cllul- in Par, odd, 1-it P~==Tvlr,- ~-tlsans~m) headed by D~-ent S. Muc, pp 491-4.r~, (-eIjzj-. 6. '-The Adm~i;-nitc~. 37rllr~~.` Dccemt T. MAJ, 1--), chlir bz~-Anolt- and T. cr 1/2 Al 0" Sciences (LISLav med-Iciny SAV') s va 0~! 11 Dosc!s Of c'n-iriL, G-,-. Vasoconstrict ion in kl, "(Ni 5, 2, 63; c r. T, c 5 Zoi: 3, 7, li "Lil-s "n 10 noi-..-ml 01 Ski tr-ct-Lon Uit 11 vasocorls A. on rc,- to u-..,Con( lzlcnlcd dcep brcatli. ConclLsioini: reserfiine at small CIOSCS affpcts a~'rcaer,-,ic structurres ~OuL ~ocr, nOL inLlucnce 01' neurova"Ou'Otor or laotor Connections. LWO 19 soon_,,,_ AttTTKAY-NEDECKY, I. Vasoconstriction in cutaneoue acral regions produced I.T deep inspira- tion and possibilities for its practical use. Bratisl. lek. 11sty 42 no.8:457-464 '62. 1. Z Ustavu experimentalnej mediciny Sovehskej akademie vied, riaditel clen koresp. SAV J. Antal, Dr. Sc. (VASOMOTOR SYSTEM pbysiol) (SKIN blood supply) (RWPIRATION pbysiol) Aj au ~ W-w g INN MIGHALOVA, G.; RUTTKAY-NEDECKY,,--l. Recent devslopment and further provImets of cor4coviscera-I resqarqb in Czechoslovakia. Cas.lek.cesk 100 no.9:257-262 3 Mr 161. 1. Ustav hygieny prace a chorob z povolani, prednosta,prof. dr. J. Teisinger. (CEREBRAL CORTEX physiol) (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM physiol) RUPTHAI, Otto, Dr. Poliomyelitis epidemic In 1957. llepeazBe&ma 39 no-5-6:121-127 May-Jane 58. 1. Kozlemeny az Orszat;os Kozegeszsepugyi Intezet (foigazgato: Bakacs Tibor dr.) jarvanyugyi. oaztalyELrol (osztalyvezeto: Petrilla Aladar dr.) (POLIOMYELITIS, epidemiol. in ffimeary, epidemic in 1957 (Run)) RUTTOP R., inzh.; IDGVINOV, V.; MIRONOVICH, L.; KOVALEV, H. Plastic coatings in the repair of cranes. Rech-transp. 22 no.8:21-22. Ag 163. (MM 16:10) 1. Gomellskoye otdeleniye AN BSSR (for Rutto)o 2. Glavnyy inzh. Gomel'skogo ports, (for Logvinov). 3. Starshly inzh. Gomellskogo otdoleniya AN BSSR (for Mironovich). 4. Starshiy inzh. mekhanizataii Gomellskogo ports. (for Kovalev). (Cranes, Derricks, etc.-Maintenance and repair) (Plastic spraying) cf rlai~*'c, 165. inel~h.-inJkll p~Aumerw AN FGSI cy,,* ' 110VALIM Yu.,I crl 1 G t-dee n the Twear re s is tanc. e, -,,,4 adhes!cn of nylon tl-r,.s o~ 'he var4z'Us metho-ds of thalr' ,Ond~ !'as unde- tile , c -e. pja3t. ma.,zy no.8:519 Su on the met, (.qIRA URAE V-'Al'JGVA, K,N.,- ANTROPOVA, RUTT,O,-.R,A.; KESIEL'MAN, MI.; R - Cl A..V. i's fo-, an f ri c ti on cca~ingz. (MI-RA 18:8 Ja L 01009-66 DIT(mi/EPF(c)/DIP(i)/-P,,.'P(v),/E~-P(J)/'T/Z-IP(t~/EWP(b) JD 7 ACCESSION NR: AP5019570 UR/0191/65/000/008/0059/0061~.,~ 678.6751125.026.3.01:536.53:539.612 R A.- Kestellmanj N, Ya., Shapovalov, Yu4:I' IAuTHOR: Ke'stellman, V. N Rutto, Mi=novich. jTITLE: Durability and adhesion of jVlon coatin s as a function-of-the methods of 7_ their deposition on metal surfaces SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 8, 1965,59-61 TOPIC TAGS: adhesive'bonding, nylon, steel,.cast iron, plastic coating s re method ABSTRACT: The properties of poly ide coating"BAobtained by closely lated are compared. The optimum temperature of the-metal during the deposition of the nylon film was found to be 225-2500C (see fig.-~ of the Enclosure). Deviation from Ithis temperature sharply decreases the adhe'sion%of the coating and its physical and Imechanical properties. Sand blasting,of the surface of.the metal.increases the strength of coupling between'the coating and 'the metal. The best adhesion of nylon to steel is achieved when the.particle size of nylon is in the 200-270 V range (see fig. 2 of th6 Enclosure)6 Below 200..u-nylon is oxidized at elevated temperatures Card 1/4 ,.!jc~d 141 4 Ljj RIIIIITOSI R. A. Use of a 'I-IT3 instrMent in measuring the m1crohardness of polymer coatings. z"&v, 2*4 .31. jic~2%234-235 '65. (M-T;Lk 18: 7) 1, 011del poliznmurcv AN PSIR~ E. KESTELIMAN, Y.N.; RUTTO,.R.A.; KESTELIMAJI, 11, Ya.; SHAPOVAL07, Yu.I.; MIRCIIOVICII, L.L. Salecting parameters and methods for applying caprone coatings on matal surfaces. Hashinostroltell no.1103-34 N 164 (MIRA 18:2) V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; KUFCHINOV, B.I., Inzh.; RUTTO R BELYYY 9 A., inzho Use of plastics in the couplings of brake lever transmission. Zhel. dor. transp. 46 no.10:66-67 0 t64. (MIRA 17:11) -lings, and-the eiffect-of the: IcIoating:-.-. method~'an_d,--6Vlb6trdte- tempi!rature~-on - coating tthickness has been stuclb!d as-vell~as-the-:aci~~ii.Eiiail~-S'Ett'-vear--"esiitaii~ And nAs -a new amide--~prepare& bj anionic er __Jhesion of the coatings. Kaprolo -poly -1-izat-ion of e-caprolactai "ii~e--of"--alkaJLin'e"-iTiitiiLt S' I- at--140a-200C ln~Lthe~pre ors !various activators. Kaprolon,-whose,e said-t6excied.thos iof ordinary polycaprolactam by a factor of 1*._5,Js_usually_use& for-manufacturing' A ,ould7be- machine parts by machining. It was found that-the most uniform coating 4. japplied by a "vibration-fluidized bed" method. The.high hardness and good-adhesi6ni L ACCESSION_NR: _AP50 4 9 j (m6aih~;-_at-_-:230-z C _611_--such~_j6odtl -kil,~,-i)i&,--Ii~i~-.i,t--!-,-,~-a~~ ts 50 Aigs r P-m- ro., 4P t Its, ~,. -for preventing wear of friction -.part b Tes't~4t'611d-.'experimen s._-using,~ A g re ster, v ear ter as a lubricant showed hat Kaprolon coixtin than ordinary polycaprolactam coatings appiid .d--undef-Ahe 6=6:60nditi in service tests. Ser vice,teato-e xce results-vere obtained ,ration donfirmed t4ifa art fASSOCIATION: none,'-, SUBMITTED: 00 -_ NO REP SOV& 007 2. Card in- ~-SUB,,CODE: MT R, t PF 0160 0 6W 6") op _t f pi. -NR: AP5005484. IbOW ..I.ACCESSION 1/002/0234~ 03 AUTHORt Zutto, R~4.~ -or TITLE-. Utilizati 6 43 a r 6tee: :11~b and -if- eas instrument Mr-3. RIT 3. was-found--that-vi 1-microhar n__ d __ -'tba th 7 4 ass -decrease z_so~ ti:A~ s, hdaj d ~bf-_15 t wer -sl ~ant- For loads of less2t.hah 36-g-Viere e- _gnific of :acibhardneqS~~._'.' load gr the valued to values was much sft*a1ler,'-an 4 the _v~lije'd_lidk A standard load of' 100 g was used for the' rq*nii~d,measu microhardness were. found to decrease with increasing load more precisely, linearly with the log of the tim _s_ a: that onds was used. There were only slight-changes_-in,micr~h~ Card t Klli; SION M9 okind -300c: iffJ the 7 tdllipotd~ hardness-pf-polyviny-~_b~tyr-ii-ind~ thkl6i- adud- e, wherdaa'those--'of--Polyca~koamide--.deareased~oI mpera ur attributed to changes in the-polMr-structurd-.':~'.It-vao~ . a in coating thickness betweba.0'l:and h~& virti~~l --o ro ardness. Graphs-- are--#,-eoerited~--M~u~tra~ibgllmobA abb ve o or gr ~ASSOCIATIQ me 0 ovi-. -P Sit AcademV~ Of-L-Sdiezices Polymer -Ifechanics SUBIUMM 00 NO -,REF:SbVi R, C,d 2/2 a-E-MMIRM-1 nd,thatchingei pet-on-.thetv*alui "OffectAm'-"Mentlol sless~--_spraying,o yme: trd6tatl VOR qr~._tl 01 at --treatment -of, th e- , coaCt- DrIay,,ed~~'_-_'.'the stru~~of to-restore-machina,"p" L, eSW-7ral r0ad.CarSj~and P(,U:L t :Pc-4/Pf-4/Pr-4/Ps-4:1_ /PO36- I-ACCESSION M.': AP500f -- ----- ;86 Ie7 7*7T :7 ~'7 -Be V_ 09i _R 'Tt T~E.* Bondi plastics -to etals _SOUIRCE'___AN ~BSSR_._ Doklady- 34._'36.--qj:. .71 DO. 9 'b b e IIg a11 nofime -~TOPIC TAGS: b04di adhesi6n;.-. co lyAmide,__j)oIyi . .... ati ng PP-. Th poq_ Ade-work'-was.- -'invesii- iE~-the~".dLipendieiide,--of-~tbii-~-.'.b6ndi IABSTRACT e vpur le-of h iatingJx'] and- -t iron -A:~ function of-Ahe--_P p -with sUeL~ -as ' 't t f the pi'4'ces 6 be-7: bOnded--_-:Met&I--sampl' (at I St3 empera ure o es ee and-cast ~iron~ dbl..L ----both--with: machine(t and:: san. asted-_-surfaces i--vere -deigreased-~:;,.&ehea ed-- to_.a:_.__-_ 36) g ven temperature, and coited:with__,.powder6d polycaproamideby. tuibulent: -dusting'. Fte4- capro Ld6- was obtaine' i ' t ' io ;__f 40luti. -'-bovdered poly am d.-by---prec n rom-:a ~xonomei ony~'the-~~ P;L_At -coated- metal--s amples were--joined7vind- showed-r the --opt imal=.._T] .-bond'-strengt _VOb4j/. 2 --and mpeiiatures-to be P-25-. f cm..___fbr_.:s eel 235C,'-.resultirig n _..225 kg/cm2- - for cast . iron..- ~ Sandblasted ~sam~ei~-sho .wed stren~gths ok..'606.~416: ~'Vcm 2 ;for steel and 400-4.20 -kg/ past --Iron.'- -." Prioi-phoijbatization ~.of -metal surfaces ~'__,Ilowered the bond_str4!ngths_._,_~ The-Tesults- obtai 'ed'. are in od agre6aient - with -the rd 1/2 J~ AP500686 physicomechanical- prci~erties.~ _6f,'.fine a cle,.`..~'~'_-The'e dibo'YeLme o 'spersedj~olycispro~' ipe s... determination f emperavureo_',for-~coat rig'steel-and- E ~__ .'' - , ~ - .. _-P __ ~ I __.- ___ -cast-' ron-p S. i. -L, -as- bearings- et 113uch -Or as c~ -ASSOCIATION _F7 sk G6vfel_~ 1 ... _G iy- pechanit!s of Polymers om&~Bian --o -AN BSSR j- 17 LTMTM:- ------ -Sm EkCL;~-`OO is -v~ hii- 60i!_-e~J662~ NO e i~lll "i.::Jv" 14 U 4~ ez~r -"4.: 415 J;qrd~2/2, GRITSUK, N.F.; FEDIN, V.P.; GUBERT, S.V., inzh.; RUTUS, M.V., inzh. Bock reviews. Stall 25 no-6:551-552; 565 Je 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Gosudarstvennyy soyuznyy institut po proyektirovanlyu metallargicheskikh zavodov (for Gubert, Rutus). I ZE2 B KII.. B. I LIJKOVSKIY, Yu. (IvkovsIk*,jTU.]., inzh.; 4 ITS Zemby-tslkyis B.I. inzh.; AKRU): P., inzh.;_R-UTUSLN., inzh.; G321DIS, Yao (Hindisj, IA.]., inzh.; YERTKEM-SONO L.., inzh. Determination of the optimum program of automatic manipulation of buckets containing molten slag at granulation plants. Bud.'mat. i konstr. 4 no.1:5-7 Ja-F 162. Whk 15:7) (Zhdanov-Slag) WASILEWSKI, Liulwik; GNOT, Witold; RUTYNA, Jacek Pollutod mercury, the main cause of mercury.losses in the electro ic lyt proceaB of chlorine production. Przem chem, 41 no.12.-702-705 D 162. 1. Katedra Elektrochemii Technicznej, Politechnika Slaska, Gliwice, i Instytut Chemii Nieorganicznej, Gliwice. RUT'ff:-,V, K. N. "On the T%eory of Fartially Ordered Groups." Cand Phys-Vath Sci, Ural State -LJ imeni A. 'r';. 3or'ki;,,, Mir, Hio-her 5lucation US.)R, Zver'11ovsk, 1955. (IFT, 1-1o lit, Apr 55) SO: Sum. Fo. 704, 2 Nov 55 - Survey of 3cientific and Tec-nical Dissertations Defemled at USSa HiE.Jier Educational Institutions (16). 6 p 1 11 a of w it k6 q a as 9- a- ad a Is IF *peal ail wd~jco 0 t,7- bed Is the 6wwr1 -00 ~~N- K. VoilltreseilVild A. P..,wc(WA^1-yv 0 0 U- ti. U.R.S.S.. cf. sci. 1940. 695-904).-Thet of the solutions has b"n determined at 201. 60% &all TV" -040 H. T. 00 a COO SOO C Z as@ AS. rALLUl'GKAL LITERATLIF CLAWFICATICP nee S L it, 11 "to n t is AM .1* 0 0:0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 40 fp 0 0 9 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a *Is 0 0 a a 0 a 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; ;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; *-;--a -**a 4113 1 1 1 4 s s t i f m is is it is it a Its Is VNPVI 0 As )I-s-w-_ b, f-a I I- -9- A-j-j--V It - , , I A --k- A - 4 ~q-0 #---1- "D #pod#* bod d Ndmism d 1,00 11:81,94,11111V *a A M. K. Voii &M A P. RatoU, 00, (B-di. AWES-,- U.R.S.S., C1. CA 1. 1940, MS=MOI.=- Sci *41 Ir, The op. b6mit at solutiom of PO md NHAPO,. can. KR MW 9L U Ulab* respectively 0-40 1 ff,azols. of smilt P"I. 00 d ist 230. bv. am 181. V -.00 1000 9. of H*O. has been ~66 ste"111111W The partial %is. heat of the H, of the solutions is < that of 0 Far* HO. to an extent rising with incr .. Ing concu,, and .00 Ailing with rising imicip. It. T. ass 00 00 zoo 000' zo goo as miss coo 6,, 800 11100 J U00 0 nos 00 I-$ L -ITAL~UVGSCAL UttNATUOt CL&SUO'Kil"C' 0 so o 0 t mr Be 0 a 4 3 4 1 t- U " IT or I 0 D It 01161 1114 ICU : a a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 a 0 o 0 0 4 0 0 0 111 ~Oqpto so roe 0 0 4 00 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 CA tnect of metals an the quality of butter. U. Rautier. jfv4vAxdCUpfOM~ Ij. So. It, -1.1 Iful Cis in butter I to deterkrAlitm of tjote qualiek--,. lfo%cvrr, ,the effect depcwfs su)t so much an the actual cuncu. of the roetal as on its dioribution thmuelout the butter ru~4 by the *AY of water skAlul" that ate distributed thirwithout the suboance. The effects am partiruLarly fruutdcumic *hell &Aftie Site W sluall, i.e. IOIAI arra k thit 6 MkvWlv true during treAtintnt of cmam ". Wu" with their high d4persion d water Xfolms". (,..$1 9. S/04 /62/000/010/020/042 B1056,~-'02 AUTHOR:, Rijubel, A-..--- TITLE: On the refinement of Ydses' error formula for the Adams method PE1110DICAL: Referativnyy --hurnal. 214atematika, no. 10, 1962, 25, abstract- iovi26 ("Eesti ?ollumaj. Akad. teaduslike t66de kogumik, In collec';ion: Nauchn. tr. Est. s.-kh * akad,, no, 22, 1961, 92 - 107 fEst.; R6s*. and Ger.1) -e" X TTo evaluate the error of the result obtained by numerical integration of the ordinary differential equation d - f (X'?Y) by the Adams method, Fx n r+1 if(r+01 Ylises gives the following formula: C. z h (zn nl-