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r6 menla' I-IcIrro I. t r ~,l d t Alt~-;`La tion'. ~n CaIM500 --"crmalion of t!.c rom, irirl~l ~--,Jney om.~ --~ef 1), flurthe in tlie op.-mo ne! -rent heart ,,t an e~~perinuental heart defect (Fe-f in--; it-e o-' these the Sai;i trannfo..mation -,--,-ccccd3 -nd ~,-U.-.-.ranteos the Survival of he r~ni-Tnalz. .-'-t a corm,iriLon the-4e Pacts ion -pr,--on'.,!(l in r,~:'Ierpnc;-s it i th -.-, - 1; -- t L-i c -f L,,e corti~x in the comt.ensation I v ',;hati j ~L share in the ccmnensation c?, nxtoljc 2ev t~,r- T~urpoce of a furthor Study of .-,i-obls-,- tlie carried out the 7~resent .~r. ra*o,,itn. "aa (EEG) was tv.,icf- recor-~-i,. ':`,ell an r,rj---t iic; stero,--is -?.as caused in 14 SOV/20-121 _uvrLce ol an 1 r -sion UT)on t',,e Electroencephalogram 14 d. ~n._~_als (Ref A I' tr 1 and -Ys h e -ol a a d 0 -J, - 0 v". ny c, a. n rk n ha ~:t T k, J. :~f~,ar Mq, 111 0 1 hl2al't (kfeC' -11%1 EY' 0 '0 0~.~ 'Lc "'Ild 0 t Lr. c h I i r u ;2~ c C. i I -,.~i c y 1!,: e d *tilde 5 D I)rov'A it--cr 14 d t 1.:ATI._,G n Is i t- 4~ heart defec t -eaS i, ot he r ~,n 7".- 1 "'.1i, -er.air'ed C~qjj,c (1,2a "S M lu nru s I).[ under inf of inhibition i.- t A e -.,II 7~a_ r t ic-fect could either e d c in Is brai-a 0~ ik;~pp!y o I Q:-, o!~, ~Iie _f.fc!rent r a I-,P t c e o % h o e v e r t Ie r s, is r io ti 0 11 ko -0o t,,~Lion of tht: centerc. cf ',,~-.e u:~t- u ANN-, 99MMOKNO ON Wm_ irMN, Mfg, ON POT SOV/20-1 2 1 -5-` 7/5C~ oi' ar 1.!: u - ental Heart Lpsion U on the Electroencet'-'e.129raia ~,!!er-;-ency period of the compensatory transformation causes Ligns of inhibition in thv cortex either by means of negative incluction (Ref 19) or by mecna of the reticular-col-tical mec'hunism (Ref 20, 21). Chere are 3 fiC~ure3 un6 -2 refe rencea, 1-( of which are Soviet. TnentralInyl., inntitut ueover3henatvovanlyn vr~tchey (Central Institute for Advanced Training of' Physician.9) -.S E171 E D lu-&rch 19, 1958, by L. A. Orbeli, Member, Academy of Scienzt-s, USSR IT 12'~-'D ,larch 18, 1958 3/3 RUTSAY, S.T. Mechanism of the central affect of hypertensin and pituitrin. Trudy Inst. norm i pat. fiziol. AMN SSSR 6tll6-117 162 (MIRA 17111) 1. laboratoriya fiziologii i patofiziologii serdechnoy deyatell- nosti ( zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMII SSSR prof. V.V Parin) Instituta normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziologii ANT SSSR. in N I jjj~ mu~~ KAYERSON, F.Z.;RUTSAY, S.V. Zffect of oxperlmnti)l heart lesiong on the electroencephalogram. Dokl. AV SSSR 121 no. 5:940-943 Ag 158, (MIRA 11:10) 1. Mentrallnyy institut usovershenstvovenlya vrachey. Predstavieno skademikom L.A.Orbeli. kM3CTROFJICZPHALOGROHY) (HMART--DISMASZS) C) Z/037/62/000/005-6/oi5/o4g E192/E382 AUTHOR: 31utaclj,pj~.. A TITLE: Influence of t opwis eionization on the positive column in low-pressure discharges PERIODICAL: Ceskoslovensk-y casopis pro fysiku, no. 5-6, 1962,': 521 - 529 TlXr: Recent measurements of electron temperatures in noon,.----7;:- show that at high currents in small-diameter tubes the tempor-a- tures are considerably lower than the values expected on the basis,-. of the simple diffusion theory. Secondly, even when-the concen-1. tration of particles on the walls,of the tube and the dependence: of the ion mobility on-the field are taken into account, the calculated temperatures are still too low. Consequently,' the influence of metastable atoms (stepwise-ionization mechanism) is investigated. The metastable atoms in the state s 5 and the atorts at the resonant level have the highest concentration s4 in a neon discharge. The concentration m of the atoms in the ''state s can be expressed by: 5 ~Card 1/4 ..Z/037/62/000/005-6/ol5/049 Influence of stepwise .... E192/E382 n a PO a + n es 0 where p is the gas pres.-Sure at 0 C, n is.the mean electron concentration, z is the a.,zcitation path Aor an electron collision, a is the effective loss frequency and s is the effective loss ratio for electron collisions., -The following. formula is valid above the saturation current: The e(~usLl,~n fov calculating the electron teinperature.for the currents a-.&-~uration is- PA X Icb U zd + s 2 (3) ~o (i + H) (r P 0 0 wh or a zd is the number of direct electron ijonizations per.soc, z is the number of stepurise ionizAions per see is the irst zero of the Bessel function of the zero order, k is a Card 2/11 Z/037/62/ooo/005-6/015/09 Influence of .4terwise .... 9192/E382 correction factor depending on the ion mobility b U is tile voltage equivalent of the electron temperature, HP is acorrection .factor for tile finite carrier concentration at.the walls of the tube and r is the radius of the tube. If the quantity z in Eq. (3) is finown (or assunied), it is possible to determine tRe dependence of U on r p 'The value of z was determined for a,part.icular dloschargeo O(P = 2 tor, r sI cm, I = 0.2 A 0 and Ua = 1.84 V) by using Eq? (3) and.the el'ectron.temperature was measured by probes. In this way, the following expression was obtained; z 1.5 10-a U1/2 (4.9 + 2u )0-11-9/Ue cm3s-l s e .,rhich should be valid for other discharges. Theoquation for calculating the strength of the longitudinal field is also derived. The above formulae are valid for the currents above saturation and for the atoms in the states and s. As s4 regards the region of low currents, this was studied by in e, a s' u r i n gthe concentrations of particles. Card Z/037/62/000/005-6/ol5/049 Influence of stepllise .... E192/Z382 Thei'a arc 7 figurc.,3. ASSOCI,XTIoN: F-.,r.ii-ka1r1i Ustliv 111liversity v Greifswaldus Greifswald (PhYsics, Institute of Greifswald University (Germany) Card 4/4 RUTSHN-fY. B.A., '~nzh. Noncontact magnetle relay with an avitonintic change of the feedback coef- ficient. Priborostroenle no.?,14-15 IT1 165. (MIM, A 18s7) BARAWVP D.K.; RUTSIITEYN, A.M. Electric circuits of single-phase d.c. locomotive motors with Independent excitation. Sbor. nauch. trud. EINII 2:106-115 162. (MDA 16t8) (Electric railway motors) MI, WTIgg RUTSHTEM~ --Arno"' -MagoVich, Jnjh. Ibthods for improling the static characteristics of a.c. electric locomotives. IzV. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 6 no.3:381-389 t63. (MIU 16 -.5) 1. Rukovbditell gruppy otdela perspektivnykh konstruktorskilth razrabotok Novocherkaoskogo nauchno-issledovateltakogo instildita elektrovozostroyeniya. (Electric locomotives) XU!~IT, A.T.; BRRYGIN, Ye.Ya. Use of a three-bladed nail in fractures of the femoral neck. Zdrav. Belor. 5 no.12:44-45 D 159. (KUU 13;4) I Iz Imfedry ortopedii i travmatologii (zav. kafedroy - prof. Y.O. Wrks) Belorusskogo instituta usavershenstvovanlya vracheir (ispol Waynshchiy obyazannosti direktora - dotsent N.Y. Pavlov), na baze Ninskoy oblastuOY klinicheskov bollnitsy (glavuyy vrach G.A. TSgoyev). (HIP JOINT--FMCTURE) SIIIZLIHIKOV, Dmitriy Tefimovich; RUTS=IT, Arnolld Maksovich Starting single-phase short-circuited motors with high starting momentum without using capacitors. Izv.v7s.ucheb. zav.; clektro-mekh. 3 no.1:99-109 160. (1411RA 13:5) 1. Starahiy inshener v7chielitallnogo tsentra Rostovskogo goeudarstvennogo universiteta (for Sinellnikov). 2. Nachallnik Laboratorii Novocherkanskogo alektrovozoatioitallnogo nauchno- isslodavatel'skogo institute (for Rutshteyn). (Electric motors--Starting devices) RUTSIITEYN D, The eurTI,,-uI= !a an oblik-utory Pruf.-tekh.obr. Icl no.3,*29-30) ItIr 162, 154) 1. G.1-i-truiT spetsia-list po mashinostroyenlyu Gosudarstveanogo komiteta. Sove~a 1-i-DiListrov SSSR po professional 'no-tekhaicheskomu obrazovaniyu. (M-echanical engrineering-Study and teaching) BARANOV, B.K.,, inzh.; RUTSHTEYN, A.M., inzh. Use of static electromatnetie systems for the rolling stock of electric railrioads. Zhelt dor, transp. 46 no-1:31-33 Ja 164. (MIRA 17t8) _',/Wooo/ol/m/oig AUTHORS: Sinellnikov, D.Ye., Senior Engineer, and Rutshteyn, A.M., Head of the Laboratory TITLE': High-torque-Wtarting of Single-phase Squirrel-cage Motors.without using Capacitors Izvestiya vysshikh uchebny1ch zavedeniyj Elektromekhanika, 1960, Nr 1, pp 99-109 (USSR) Auxiliary equipment on single-phase locomotives may be driven by three-phase induction motors using a phase- splitter, by capacitor-start induction motors, or by induction motors started by means of ohmic resistance in the stator circuit. The first of these methods is Complicated, and the second requires large capacitors; the third method is probably the best for use on: locomotives. The present article describes a circuit for starting squirrel-cage induction motors-from a single- Phase'supply by means of ohmic resistance introduced into -ne 'phase' of the stator winding. The correctness of the theoretical considerations was confirmed by tests on a motor., The rua-netic field of motor considered as a the source of the torque may be resolved into two fields S/144/60/000/01/012/019 E191WE155 High-torque Starting of Single-phase Squirrel-cage Motors without using Capacitors rotating in opposite directions; then the torque may be considered as the resultant of two torques, one rotating in each direction. To increase the resultant torque the positive torque may be increased or the negative reduced. The resultant torque would be expected to be greatest when the negative torque is zero. L two- phase squirrel-cage induction motor started by means of the circuit of Fig la is then considered. The single- phase pulsating field is resolved into two rotating fields turning in opposite directions, and Eqs (1) and (2) are derived for the case when the negative field is zero, The formulae derived include a parameter K -orhich is the ratio of the 'phase' voltage in the second -.finding to that in the first; it is positive for the circuit of Fig la. There is also a.parameter R, which is the starting resistance in the 'phase' (1). The determination of these parameters is next considered. 2/5 To simplify the procedure the two-phase motor is compared with an equivalent three-phase motor.shown diagrammatically -,+If/60/000/01/012/019 High-torque Starting of Single-phase Squirrel-cage Motors without using Capacitors in Fig 27 and finally expressions (15) and (16) are derived for K and R respectively. The vector diagram of a two-phase motor for the condition of starting is then constructed, as in Fig 3, and the permissible starting voltage, which is limited by the permissible load current, is determined from Eq (17). The influence of harmonics of the air-gap field on the acceleration of a two-phase motor during resistance starting is then considered: Eq (23) is derived for the ratio of the maximum torque to the maximum starting torque. A worked numerical example is then given. It concerns a two-phase motor started by the resistive circuit, as shown in Fig 1. The motor was adapted fiom a standard three-phase induction motor type AS-81-6,1 y rewinding in.accordance with the diagram given in Fig 2he main characteristCics of the two-phase motor are -.7 given and its circle diagram is constructed in Fig L~. I Test curves of torque as a function of slip are given in 3/5 Fig 6i .,curve 1 was taken with themotorloaded by a MIC I I r. I d W-11 I I I..... s/l44/6o/ooo/ol/ol2/ol9 High-torque Starting of Single-phase Squirrel-cage Motors without using Capacitors generator7 using the circuit of Fig la, and curve 2 with the two phases connected in series-to a 220 V supply. ~For comparison the graph includes curves of torque as a function of slip taken for a symmetrical three-phase motor type AS-81-6. Of these, curve 3 relates to a symmetrical three-phase start, and curve 1+ to the use of one of the phase windings as a starter winding by connecting it to the supply through a resistance. It is concluded that a motor can be started satisfactorily by the resistive circuit of Fig la and that by adapting a three-phase motor in the way described7 very high starting torques will be obtained. The improvement in starting torque is, however, accompanied by a deterioration in the winding coefficient forthe fundamental frequency of the motor field. Sincethe two windings are displaced by an angle other than 90 degrees, it is necessary to take such Card measures as reducing the stator winding pitch and slot skewing in order to reduce the influence of higher harmonic of the magnetic field on the torque curves. is/.LLrV60/OOO/O1/Ol2/Ol9 B19VE155 High-to-Youe Starting of Single-phase Squirrel-cage Motors without usip,~: GalAcitors Tests on a specially-designed motor gave a starting torque practically as calculatedg and the higher harmonics had no influence on the torque curve. There are 6 figures, no tables, no references. WN; VychislitelInyy tsentra, Rostovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (ComDuting Centre, Rostov State University) (Sinellnikov, D.Ye.) Novocherkasskiy elektrovozostroitelInyy nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut (Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Scientific Research Institute) (,Rursnreyn, A.N.) October 23, 1959 RUTSIUEYII. D.N., otvetstvennyy 28 v7pusk programs for training general metal cutters in trade, mining, and railroad schools] Uchebaye programmy- d1la poclgotovki v remealen- nykh, gornopron7shlennykh I zheleznodorozhnykh uchilishchakh fre- 2erovshchikov po metalln. (na universallufth rabotakh). Moo kya. Tees, uchabno-pedagog. izd-vo Trudrezervizdat, 1956. 37 P (MIRA 11:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravlaniye trudovykh rezervov~ Uchebno-metodioheskoye upravleniye. Metal cutting--Sttily and teaching) RUTSHTXYN, DAL. otvetittvennyy 29 vypuak (Training of adjusters of automatic and semiautomatic lathes in ongineering schools; programs] Programav dlia podgotovki v tekhnicheskikh uchilishchakh nalaachikov tokernvkh avtomatov i polunvtomatov. Koskva, Vass. uchebno-pedag. izd-vo Trudrezervizdat, 1957. 55 pe (111RA 11:3) 1. Rwsaia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavaoey upravleniye trudovykh rezervavj uchebno-metodicheBkoye upravleniye. Machiua-shop practice-Study and teaching) RUT311TEY-1-1. D. 3., 70POV, L. V., and InFFE, L. H. "Stroboscopic Temperature Measurement of AC Current Are," Uch. zap. Kazansk, un-ta, 13-3, 9, 1953, pp 111-117 The temperature of an ac arc discharge was measured from intensities of CuI and FeII lines =d from the rotational structure of the 011 30640 A band. Different temperature values were found, depending on which line was used/ for computation. It was concluded that the temperature of the akc is low at the beginning and end of the discharge and reaches its maximum in the middle of the flare (RZhFiz, N6 7, 1955) SO: SuipeNo. 713, 9 Nov 55 AUTHORS: Roz iInay A-Id-j Dankova, N.M., Amitina, N.f. and . Rutshteyn, E.M.- 68-5-10/14 TITLE: Photocolorimetric method of determining cyanide in gas. (Fotokolorimetricheskiy metod opredeleniya tsian v gaze). PERIODICAL: "Koks i K11imiyarr (Coke and Chemistry), 1957, No".5, pp.45-46 kU.b.t$.A.) ABSTRACT: The method consists of transferring CNI into CNSt and measuring the intensity of the colour of.Fe (CNS)3 with a photo colorimet er'. Gas (3 to 3".5 1) is passed through a 4N NaOH solution which is then diluted to a known volume (100 ml) and an aliquot portion (50 ml) is boiled for 2 minutes with 0 2 ml of (NH ) S and 5 ml of a 10% solution f,ftn of CdClq. The mixtuxe is ered and the filtrate is transfei~red into a 100 ml measuring flask to which 10 ml of 58-60% nitric acid 5 ml of 10% solution of FeC13 is added. Tile solution so obtained is diluted with distilled water to 100 ml and after standing for 30 minites the intensity of measured using a green filter. For comparison, a blank determination is made. It is claimed hat the method gives satisfactory results (see Table)'. Card 1/2 Ke whole determination takes 90 minutes. Photocolorimetric method of determining cyanide in gas. (Cont 68-5-io/14 There is 1 table and 1 graphs. ASSOCLITION: Zhdanov Coke Oven Works. (Zhdanovskiy Koksokhimi- cheskiy Zavod). AVAILABLE: Card 2/2 RUTSHTRYN. I.S. (Moscow). Flase acute surgical syndroms in the clinical aspects of allergic states. 31 n0-10:34-40 0 '53. (KIRA 6:11) 1. Iz terspevticheBkikh otdoleniy TSentrallnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy im. N.A.Semashko (nauchW rukovoditell - sasluzhennyy deyatell nauki professor I.A.T.assirskiy) Ministerstva putey soobabeheniya. (Allergy) W113fl-FKYN ,I i4ipernep,vactirl of tke, k1drey with a single metasta34B intO thO pituitary body. Aukh. pat, 26 no.4;!9-80 164. (MIRA 18:7) TSeritrallnaya psi tologaanatomiche3kaya laboratoriya (zav. - kand. med. nank R.','.:~h-Lern) histltuLa morfologit (dir. - chlen-Irorrespondent DIN R pr,:T~ PL.P.Avfsyn) All S,,VIR i pabolegoanatomicheskoye otdsieniye cn~)g-o gn5pitaTva imeni Burderiko. RuTSHTAyH, M.D.; KAZAKOVA,L.P.khimik On the article "Disinfection of drinking water by hydrogen peroxide.' Gig. i san. 21 no.11:48-50 N 156. (KIRA 10:2) 1. Iz laborstorii stalinskoy vodoprovodno7 stantaii Xoskvy. (WITIR SUPPLY disinfection of drinking water withdydrogen peroxide) (fr(DROGIN PIROXIDA, off, disinfection of drinking water) RUTSHTRYN, N.D.; FrASETSXAYA, T5.S. Aerogenic Escherichia coli in potable water at various states of purification. Zhur.mikrobiol.spid, I Immune no,9:97-98 S '55- (MLRA 8:11) 1. Iz laboratorii Stalinskoy vodoprovodnoy stantaii Mosvky. (WATER SUPPLY, bacteriology, 11.coli, aerogenic strains in various states of purification) (ESCEMUCHIA COLI. aerogenic strains, In potable water in various stages of purification) wear, with hvdr)Zelrf D r0lide Pur I rl"," It'll -A- Mr-11VEYN, 14. D. Cc~-UCO Of atYpical gmith of Becherichla co3I on membrane rilters, GILIT. sailit.0 Moskva No, 10, Oct 5o. p. 51-2 1, Of the Laboratory of Stalin Uaterworks Station,; Moscow. CLTIL 2-0.0 3s March 1951 KAPLAN, D.A.; EPSHMN, TS.A.;._ILUTSHTEYN, P.V.; TOROPOVA, MIN. Viral etiology of multiple sclerosis. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 64 no.3:368--369 164. (WRA 17:5) 1. Mentralinaya, klinicheskaya psikhonevrologicheakaya i neyrokhirurgicheokELya boltnitsa (nachallnik V.M. Yushtin) Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya, Khartkov. 5H _,q H IMM 9 MER NO I-M LEVI, M.I.; BASOVA, N.11.; RU7SHTEYN, P.V.. Laboratory diaguosis of lymphocytic choriomeningitis with the aid of complement fixation reaction. Ifevropat. psikhiat., Roskva 20 no.2:5-12 14ar-Apr 1951. (CLML 20:9) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences Levi. 2. Of the Virueological Department (Ifead--Prof. V.M. Zhdanov),,Ukrainian Institute of Epidemiology and Ricrobiologr imeni Mechnikov, and of the Central Clinical Psychoneurological Hospital of the Ministry of Ways of Communication (Head-Docent I.Z. Vellvovskiy). LEVI, M.I.; BASOVA, N.N.; RUTSHTEYN,-P-!Iv. Method of.applying the complement fixation reaction in diagnosis of Ivmphocytic choriomeningitia; author's abstract. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i immun. no.3:51 Kr 154. (MI-RA 7:4) 1. Iz virusologichaskogo otdola Kharlkovskogo instituta vaktaii i syyo- rotok (direktor - kandidat biologichaskikh nauk G.P.Cherkas) i Tsentrall- noy paikhonevrologicheakoy bollnitsy Hinisterstva putey soobahcheniya (nachallnik N.P.Iushtin). (Meningitis) (Complement fixation) KORENBLIT, U.S.; MARKOVAj L.A.; HUTS11TEYN, P.V. Antibodies to the brain com onent,of,neurovirus.vaccines. Vop. virus 6 na.4:482-486.Jl-Ag 61. (~LIRA 14: 1-1) 1. Mmrlkovskiy institut vaktsin i Morotok imeni I.I.Mechnikova i TSentrallnaya psikhonevrologicheskaya bollnitsa Mirlisterstva putey soobshcheniya, Kharlkov. (A.NTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) (ENCEPHALOMYELITIS) (MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS) (RABIES) EFSHTEYN,TS.A.,- KAPLAN, D.A.; RUTSHUYN', P.V.; TOROPOVA, M.N. Diagnosis and treatment of multiple sclerosis. Vest..Al-21 SSSR 16 no.6:53-57 161. 04IIA 15:1) 1. TSentralinaya paikhonevrologiclieskaya i neyrokhirurgichoskaya bollnitsa Ministerstva putey soobshchenlya, (MULTIPLE SOLSAOSIS) .11CEPH&LOMMLITISS) (F KORENBLIT, U.S.; WRKOVAp L.A.; RUTSHTLYN, F.V.; EPSHTEYN, TS.A. Comparative study of the methods of diagnosis of acute encephalomyelitis and multiple seleropis. Vest. AMN 36SR 16 no.6:61-64 161. 1. TSentraltnaya psikhonevroloqicheskaya bollnitsa 1-finisterstva putey soobshcheniya i Institut vWktsin i syvorotok Mharlkov. (MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS) (ENCEPHALOM)ELITIS BAYAS,ANGV, Dilavar Bilal.ovich; ABASM.. M..,- red.; RUTSHTEYN,_S._, pe-d,;- GONCHAROV, I., red. izd-va; SALIMOVA, V-.-,--fe-khn. ied. [Automatic and remote control devices in mucipal gas supply systenis]Avtomatichaskie i telemekhanicheskie ustroistva v gorodBkikh sistemakh gazoenabzheniia; uchebnoe posobie dlia teteklmichookikh vuzov. Baku., Azerbaidzhanskoe os. izd-vo~ uchebno-pedagog. lit-ry., 1961. 300 p. MRA 15:10) (Gas distribution) . (Automatic control) (Remote control) tlon cX the esse I s c-f thin uri-er e ~.tremf t K117- Irecli. --ns~. '~" I I- L rrin~.,rvntlor. of, the voosels of the lotaor extreril-ti--s. Ibirl.:Z79-280 18:9) KaDArai oq-erativnoy k-Iii-rurgii i tof,,ograficheskoy an-itcol, a-.-. L P-31% V. Kh. I rz--~-, chi) Kazanskc~c med.its~n5kogo instltuza. RUT8HTEYN,-.3.- YU.- 21046 flutshteyn, 0'. Vu. Tkanevaya t rapiya p:,i 'Lec:!eniya iz 'Iyazvivsf1ikhsy&Rubtsov i Ti-oficheskikh yazv. Trudy In-ta (Kazansk Nauch-issled in-t ortoFedii i vosstanovit. Khirurgii) t.111, 1949, s. 89-95. SO: LETOFIS ZHURNAL STA'fr-Y -Vol. 28, Moskva, 1949 HUTSHTEU11 S.1u., (Kazanip ul.Kolkhoznaya, d.llpkv.14) Surgical anatomy of the truncus sympathicus in the lumbar r4ion. V-11H4 15;2) Nov. Ithir. arkh. no.1:7&-80 Ja-F 160. 1. Kafedra operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheskoy anatomii (zav. prof. M.M.Shalagin) Kazanakogo meditsinskogo instituta. (LaaUi CURU-INNERVATION) KRASNICHENI'LO, S. , inzh,:,; I?LJTSIITFYN, Te. A smaller 6-rain elevator with a combined weighing and bucket conveying system. Ilhik.-olov.prom. 25 no,7:17-18 Jl '59. OAIRA 12: 11) 1. RostovBkoye otdoleniya Gosudarstvnnnogo instituta Promzerno- proyekt. (Grain elevators) "Photocolorimetric- Vathod of Determinatioa~ of Cyanovaln gasp by A. M. Rozina, N. M. Dankova, N. 1. 11 Amitina, and Ye. 14. Rutshteyn Zhdanov Coke Chemical Plant) Koko i Khimiyaj He J, 1957) pp 45-46 A group of research workers at the laboratory of the 7hdanov Coke Chemical Plant developed a new and rapid colorir4tric method of determining cyarogen in gas.' The method is based on the conversion of CN into CNS) and then measuring with the aid of a colorimeter the intensity of.coloratiou of Fe(CNS) which is formed by the interiaction of the ions of CNS and Fe* 3, Oyanogen from coke gas is,obtained by aAN solution-of NaCK and HCN by the reaction HOT + NaOff-4 NaCN +H20. The sodium cyanide obtained in the reaction is then treated with ammonium polysulfide forming sodium thiocyanate: NaCN + (NH4)2s,,-4NaCNS -V -(NH 02Sn 1; 3NaCNS t FeCl----3~2NaCl -~ Fe(CNS) 3 3 The new colorimetric method makes it possible to comylete an analysis ofthe gas in 1.5 hours, including the'time necessary to obtain a sample of the gas. (U) RUTSDITSKAYA, N.S.;.YEFIMOVA, M.G. Spectrographic determination of copper in crude lead. Sbor. trud. VNIIT.TMMET no.9:177-180 165. (MIRA 18:11) TKACHENKO. F.D.; RUTSINSKIT, P.N. TUMMINIA I i put. khoz. no-3:19 Mr '59. WRA 12:6) 1.1fachaltnik mekhanicheskogo ~tzfw,da, Odessa (for Tkachenko). 2.GlavnY7 tekhnolog mekhanicheakogo zavoda, Odessa (for Ruteinaki3r). (Hydraulic jacks) -ff Ow R~Mlm? -100--f I I TMMR a Rip-l-Ma, YEDIDOTIGH, Valentin Androyevich, iazhomar; ILICHUK, Fladlipir Yofimovich; RUTSINSSKIT, Pavel Nikolayevich; TKACHNNO, Yii~gonij Dnitriyvvich, 'Eial-tit' --Thi A 8 M'IrArdilb_ 'itb&~ auk; RYBIN, A.- inzhener, redaktor; YUDSON,, D.M., takhnichookiy redaktor. [Centralized lubrication of locomotives] TSentralizovannaia smazka parovosov. Moskva, Gon.transp.zhel-dor.izd-vo, 1956. 126 p. (Locomotives--lubrication) MRA 9:6) STASYUKOV, M.; CHUBAROV, P.; ZAYCHRIJK0, I., rats lonal I zator; fdJTSINSKIT,__V.; VOLOVIK, A.; YNYSHEV, I.; SINITYUGART, M. Why are the nugi-,estinns of Dnepropetrovsk metal workers so 1OWW, realized? Izobr.i rats. no.11:24-25 N '58. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod im. Petravskogo (for all except Shteyngart). 2. Starshly inzh. Byuro izobratateley i ratsionalizatorov zavods. (for Stanirukov). 3. Zamestitell predsodatelya zavodskog.~L_komiteta (for Chubarov) 4. Zamestitell sekratarya partiynogo komiteta ziL*d7di~tf6r-R,~isinakiy).5--*ZiiPgatit6lI sekrdtaryi~komt --Leidn*%o 1 kommunisticheskogo soyuza molodezhi Ukrainy (for Volovik) 6. Sot~r~dnik i gazety "Tribuna metallurga" (for Knyshev). 7. Spetsial;;; korrespondent zhurnals. "Izobretatell i ratsionalizator" (for Shteyngart). (Dnepropetrovsk--F-fficiency, Industrial) ROZINA, A.R.; DANKOVA, N.M.; AMITINA, N.I.; RUTSHTETM, Ye..R. Photocalortmetric method for determining c7anogen ingas. Koko i khim. no.5:45-46 157. (MMA 10:5) 1. Zhdanovskiy koksokhimicholokly zavod. (Gyanogen--ArAlysis) (GaFjas--Analyoil3) (Colorimetry) ACCEMoN NR: AT5007777 P/2507/64/014NO/00'39/00" AUMOR Rutska, V. Mis' Real EW -'of tronfo-eqdpinen -r lahfi~jx';Wre *~~ 14 4 -"fi- dip' soundt.-viisaw. -Pitim" volowy- 0",-39-44 -L-TOPIC-TAGS- "equipmimt-1 Y7-' interval, coldence level 'AbStRACT:'Tiellability- 4cif iciti~ nif or-- cdinp-lii~- deoctio- idWt' often op c eq pWen Are Imprecise or even Inco tible with the state of e art. u6 W the r'anaow 6 araci~ mpa of failures and limited time available for testing, the mean time between failures (MTBF) is a statistical quantipr which can only be estimated by means of a confidence interval. After a thorough discussion of standard MTBF formulas and confidence limits of the x 2 distribution, the author concludes that a correct reliability specification for complex electronic equipment inust include not only the MTBF but also its tolerance (confidence interval) and the conflience level jo , i. e. the probability that the specified confidence interval will be achieN ed, which is generaliy 0. 9 or higher. Two other important factors are stressed. Ile first is that the MTBF must be specified on the basis of really necessary, Carci 1/2 Z_ RUT31~A, K. Requirement reality concerninC the reliability of electronic equip.:-erif, j,x-:,-jra inat telekom pracc 14 no.46:39,--44 164- Solub of "Uss In oft of was organic adds. Yu L. tAV Mhu 4. Zhur, jlltskiad. Khem: f1l"Vit 1049).-Solubilitiez of (J; dip it- i I VII NaFAAM (1) (C.A. 43. M054 and hMaF.2FtFjt (U) (Tanamsev and DelchmAn CA 40, M81), prq4. by pptn. 4 the equiv. amts. ;f th; Wnsple Wtv, were detd. at ISO. Is ",Cjl.(.h (eltrall) 0.0M. 1. U.M. 0.3. U) M. the WIT. of I Is 0.0460. 0.0570, 010794 (n3ax.). O-OOM. 0-02W %. that of 11. 0.2561. ).28N. -, O.W4O 0.22t6%. In NaCtIft0i Salicylate) 0.000. 0.001, 0.01. 0.1. 1.0 M. 1 0.(4m. MWI, O.OM, 0.1till'Ye. U. 0.2551. 0.2.02, 0.'MOS, 11~11ml% I.e. lmwlk-allyegmqt. top 10111.1 M. tile" 11117WIPAsiall. In NAIC (apa6le) Ojkll. 0.111, 0.1 M. I 0m"), 0.1mia", U, 0.2m, -. tmumrt'. [is (Clfs)j(C0~Na)9 (sweinate) 0.001, 0.0t, 0.1 At, 1. .0.2?W, 0.0147, U, 0.177SH. OXA". 0-=24%. i.e. demA%fas with Increasing conen. The suly. is thus detd. by antago- I the salting -out tifect. Differences of the solubilities of the double fluorides -( At and Fe am Insuilkient for a quant. sepa. of the 2 clernents. N. Thon USSSR/General Problems of PatholoQr. Imunity U-1 Abs Jbur : Ref Zhur - Diol., No 5, 1958, 22829 Author : Voltnov, Yu. I., Rutskaya, L.N. Inst Title : The Effect of Penicillin and Streptomycin Upon AntibGdy Fornation. Orig Pub : Sb. nauchn. stud. rabot Kursko(.,o med. in-ta, 1956, vyp. 3, 58-61 Abstract : Rabbits that had been receiving penicillin or-treptomy- cin for 29 days were immunized with warm paracolon b,,-.. cillus vaccine. The increase in antibody titer was mo- re pronounced in those that had received antibiotics. YD !i,7-, 77. ZUT~i AD. Ye. -1 ji,rraphic nropert~e.,- r. ybeanic acid. -tekh, inst no.55, U:CVL-, ide I (FolarograDhy) PT,T-J3yrfA, Ye. L ts of Several Organic Acidn", Zhur. Prik- 22, No. ~5, llsoi,~bility of r:r-y6lite in Sal 1949. Hbr.~hair InorCanic CI-lemistry, Belorussian P01YtCCbniCa1 1--ist., -C19401-- RUTSKI,A.I., dateent, kandydat tekhnIchnykh navuk Reaction spool with an airgap In the magnetic circuit. Vestal An BSSR no-5:84-97 S-0 154. (MMA 8:9) (Electric machinery--Alternating current) Rursroy' ~1-1- AID P - 1403 Subject USSR/)?,Iectricity Card 1/2 Pub. 26 30/30 Authors Motovilov, V. V., Rutskiy, A. I., Kands. of Tech. Sci. Title G. I. Atabekov. Principles of Distance Protection of Long Electric Transmission Lines, Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR, 1957,_ 214 pp. (Book Review) Periodical Elek. Sta., 2, 63-64, F 1955 Abstract The book discussed is the first in Soviet tech- nical literature which presents a detailed theory of relay protection based on remote control of lon distance power transmission lines of 110 kv to LO kv. It is written for engineers who design, operate or study relay protection of high AID P 1403 Elek. Sta., 2, 63-64, F 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 26 - 30/30 voltage systems. It can be alsovery useful for studants of engineering high education inBtitutes. The opinion of the authors about the book is very favorable. Institution: None Submitted No date -RUTSKIY, Aj., ,,,asluzhennyy redyatell nauki.i tekhniki BSSR, redaktor; TRLJi~Ak[A, A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Manual for the rural electrician] V pomoshcht sel'skomu elak-tro- montem. Minsk, Gas. izd-vo BSSR. 1956. 289 p. (MLEA 9:11) *011ectricf ty G agz~i~gitur~P- -- .RUTSKIY, A.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Using a dynAmIc mg-mUzeAtIon curve to calculate a steel- cored reaction coll. Sbor.nauch.rab.Bel.polit.Inat. no.53: 3-25 '56. (KLRA 10:2) (Electric coils) (Steel--Magnetic properties) RUTSKIY, A.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikb nauk. Magnstizing circuit parameters and the input impedances of a reactor and transformer. Sbor,nauch.rab.3el.polit,inst. no -53:26-32 !56k '- (MLRA 10:2) (Electric reactors) (Electric transformers) (Impedance (Electricity)) RUTSKIY, A.I., kandidat tekbnichaskikh nauk; DORDSHEVICII, N.M., ii3zhener. Over-all error of a current transformer. Sbor.nmch.rab.Bel. Polit-inst. no-53:33-43 '56. (MLU 10:2) (Electric transformers) SOV1112-59-1-9 Trar-sLition from: Referativnyy zhur-.,-al Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 1, p I (USSR) AUTHOR: Rutskiy, A. 1. TITLE: Achievements of Soviet Power Engineering Over Forty Years PERIODICAL: Energ. sb. Ur 5, Minsk, 1957, pp 3-34 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. Card 1 1 RUTSKlYl A.I., laind. tekhn. nauk, dotsent. ec~nical progresse In Soviet power anggineerirg. 1Z7. 778. ucheb. 7av.; energ. ao. 1: 1-7 Ja 158. (MM 11:7) 1. Belorxsskiy politekhnichaskiy institut. (Power engineering) RUTSKIY, A.I.; LIONKOV. A.M.; GBYLXR, L.B.; SIYPYAlf, Ta.Yu.; MOSHM, I.T.; ---S(IBOLIV, X.J.; TINWOV, N.A.; VOLKOT, M.P.; BOTTINNIK, Ta.Ye.; BARABANOV, K.Ts.; BRAZGOVKA, V.A.; IS, G,B.; KUZOV=07A, Ye.A.; KMIMI19, Tu.P.; SHD(KO, N.I.; PAIZA IT, X.L.; KHU SKIT. G.I. &.1. Dobkin; obituary. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav. energ, no.4:128 '58, (Dobkin, Grigorii Izrailevich, 1892-1958) (Mlu ll.-~6 RUTSKIY, A.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, zooluzhenayy deystell nauki. i tekhniki BSSR; VSKIY' Ye.K.' inzh.; YA ,YA.TU., kand.tokhn.nauk; NOVASH, V.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; TINYAKOY, N.A., kand.tekhn.nailk; KASETANOV, F.# red.; STEPANOYA, N., [Electricisn's handbook] Spravochnoe posobie elektromontera. Minsk, Gos.izd-vo BSSR, Red.nauchno-tekhn.lit-ry, 1960. 360 p. (MIRA 13:9) (Electricity-Handbooka, manuals, etc.) RUTSKIY, A.I. kand. tekhn. nauk, zasl. deyat 4_1 -nauki i tekhniki iiiivZAG0iOVSKIY, Ye.N,,, inzho;~SLEUAN-) Ya.Yu9) kande tekhn. np-uk; UiOVASSH,, V.I., kand. tzkbunauk; TINYAKOV, N.A... kand. tekhn. na-ak; POLISKIY, S., red.; KALECHITS, G,, tekhn. red.; DCVOVSKAYA, G., tekhn. red. [Electrician's manual] Spravochnoe posobie elektromontera. 2., perer. izd. Pod red. A.I.Rutskogo. ~iinsk, Gos. izd-vo BSSRi Redo nauchno-tekhn. lit-ry, 1961. 377 P. (MIRA 15:4) (Elect.-ic engineering--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) ATABEKOV, G.I.; BASHARIN, A.V.; BOGORODITSHH, N.P.; BUWAKOV, K,V.,' VASIL'YEV, D.V.; YEGIAZAROV, I.V.; 'fER1,K)UN) N.V.; K05TENKU) M.F.; MATKHAN`()V, P.N.; NOVASH, V.I.; ?,'GiZNEVSKIY, B.I.; E.U- 1~1 ~~l HY7W.") P.I.; SOLOVIYEV, I.I.; SOLODNIKOV, G.S.; SLEPYAN, Ya.Yu.; SWROV-A. N.V.; TINYAYOV,, ',.'.A.; FATEYEV, A.V.; FEDOSEYEV, A.M.; SHABADASH B.I.; SHCHEDFIN, N.N. Viktor Ivanovich Ivanov, 1900-1964; obituary. Izv. v.vs. ucheb. zav.; energ. 8 no.1:122-123 Ja 165. (IRIFA 18:2) Rl I TE' K 1 Y F1 For the developmen" 6' COUIVInal animal Yusbandry. Veterinarlia 41 no.l-,5-10 Ta 165. (MLRA 18-2) 1. Zamestitell Pred3edsllely-a Sy-rdarlinakcge oblastnogo ispol-r-J' tellnogo ~cmdteta. RUTSKII,y-A.I., zasluzhannyy deyatoll nauki i ti-,kiniki k."311$ dPtsenty kand. tekhn.nauk Lk.-Ijartmunt of Electric Power. S bar. nauch. ti~LA. Bel. politekli. ins t. no. 66:12-19 157. (MIRA 16.9) Theory and pra-,-tice of Ahe, design a,' vc,~.~rhnical units anel of nultiampere buodiiets. (179-183) NMA 16:9) .,o p-Ait-eklinichezikogo 1. Dekan (merfe tichoBlIcogo instituta im~mi Stalina. -BELETSKIY., F.A.., dots., kand. fiz.-iratem.nauk; BIRKUN, N.Ye., inzh.; KAWOV, V.A., irzh.; KLYUSHIN, S.M., dots.; KRUCENIN, V.L., inzh.; YARCHENKOV, Ya.P., dots.; PISKAREV, V.S., inzh.; 4UTSKIY, A.I.,inzh.; SOKOLOV, N.M., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; SOLUYAIJOV, L.N., inzh.; SHKARBANOV, Petr Fedorovich., dots.) kand. tokhn. nauk; PANCV,-V., red.; LUKASHEVICH, V., [Handbook for electricians] Spravochnik elektrika. Saratov, Saratovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo.1 1963. 458 P. (MIRA 17:1) '-~RUTSKIY leksandr-- novich; ZAGOROVSKIY, Ye.N.p kand. tekhn. nauk, prepodavatell; RUMYANMEV, Yu.G.,, inzh., prapodavatell, SKVARKOR E,A,, Inzh., prepodavatel',.ro-,I,,TINTAKOV,,.N,A,,. kand. tekhn. naifk, dots., red., VARENIKOVi, V, takhn. red, (Electric power plants and substations; principal electrical equipment]Elektricheskie stants1i i ppdstantsiij osnovnoe elek- tricheskoe oborudovanie. Minsk, Gos.iz&vo BSSR. Red. nauchno- -3) tekhn.,lit-ry, 1962. 423 P. (MIRA 16. 1. Ka-fedra elektricheakikh stantsiy Belorusskogo politekhaiche- skogo instituta (for Zaprovskly, Rumyantsev). (Electric power plants) (Electric subatationa) G.Ye, ricktor tekhu.n-uuk, prof.; RUTSKEY, A.I., prof.; SLEFfAN, j ?and. W'whn.nauk, dotsent fT-view Of V.A.VenIkov's tt3xtbook "Electromechanical transients in ellectri,cal. 5ystems'. rzv.vys.ucheb.zav.; energ. 8 no.4:105- 109 Ao 165. (MIRA 18:4) pGlitekhnicheskly instItut. ------------- RUTSKIYp I.; RYBALKO, I., prapodavatel' obsheliestvovedenlya; TARUDIKO$ V, Readers continue thoir discussion. Prof. tekh. obr. 21 no.1:24-25 Ja '64- (MIRA 17:3) 1.1 Sekr~!tarl partiynoy organizateii tekhnicheqkogo uchilishcha No. 2. Vladivostok (for Rutskiy). 2. Direktor Mozhayskogo gorodskogo profes3ionallno-tekhnicheokogo uchilishcha Noo25, Moskovskaya obl. (for Ta-rudlko). RUTSKly.1 I.A..,, prof. Problems concerning intraspeci-fic relations of organisms obiologiia no.1:133-134 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16 T5 1. Voronezhakiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet (Botany~--Ecoiogy) VSSR/General Biology - Genetics. B-6 as Jour % 3ef Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1958, 66781 ,kathor : Rutsky, I.A. " Zust --~~Ioronezlisk. un-t. T'.tle : A Comparative AnalysiG of Vegetative Hybridization Methods of Grain Crops. trig Pub : ByuL* O-va estestvoispyt. pri Voronezhskon un-te, 1956, 10, 11-25- Astract : The nethods of grafting grain suggested by I.G. Plotnikov and L.A. Golovtaov are compared and a conclusion is drawn that the latter method is better. This method consists in transplanting a germ onto the foreign endosperm of a ripe grain. Quoting theauthor: "Intervariety graftings did not produce definite results in the first grain gene- ration". Qard 1/1 12 RUTSKIY, I.A. Some problems in the production of intergeneric hybrid seed corn by remote geographical crossing. Trudy VGTT56,no.i-.67-?4 159- (MM 13:8) (Wbrid corn) ----,RUTSKIY,-I.A.-, !~rof.; UNEVSKAY-A. G.S. Remote hybridization of plants of the composite family by previous vegetative crossing. Agrobiologiia no-4:621-622 J:L-Ag 161. (MM 14-.7) 1. Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Compositae) (Hybridiz&tion, Vegetable) USSR / General and Special Zoology. Insects. P Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 4, 1958, 16500 Author RutskiY-I.A.. Golitsyn A.V. Ifist Not given Title Radical Methods of Controlling the Scale Insect on Room Lemon. (Radikallnyye metody bortby so shchitovkoi na komnatnom limone) Orig Pub: Bul. O-va yestestvoispytate pri Voronezhsk. un-te, 1955,9,35-39 Abstract: No abstract Card 1/1 50 USCOH&DC-55738 L 36269-66 ACC NRs AP6017285 SOURCE CODE: Up,/0201/65/000/004/0039/oo46 AUTHOR: Rutsklyp I. N.; San1ko, Yu. P.; Shashkov.. A. G., ORG: none TITLE: Thermiator theratoanemometer,o SOURCE: AN BSSR. Veetai. Seryya fizika-takhnichnykh navuk, no. 4p 1965t 39-46 TOPIC TAGS: thermistor, anemometer, resistance bridge, flow measurement, temperature measurement ABSTRACT: The authors describe a semiconductor instrument (Fig. 1) in which ther- mistors are used to measure currents of air having a relatively small slowly-varying velocity. ~The instrument in based on the use of a bridge circuit with feedback which automatically compensates for the change of the resistance of a-thermistor connected in one of the arms.' The instrument can be used to measure temperature between 0 and 50C and to measure air stream velocity in two ranges, 0 -.4 and 0 - 20 M/sec. The theory of the instrument is described in detail and the electrical and air dynamic formulas involved in the theory are derived. The measurement error does not exceed 5% of the air stream velocity and 0.5C. Orig. art. bas: 4 figures and 12 formulas. Card RUTSKIY, I,N, Calculationlof the volt-ampere characteristics of certain types of thermiBtors under natural convection. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 6 no.lltI05-111 N 163. (MIRA 16:3.1) 1. Institut teplo- i massoobmena AN BSSR, Minsk. 90) SOV/143-58-11-8/16 AUTHORS: Voloshin, I.F., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Rutskiy, I.N., Engineer TITLE: The Calculation of the Thermistor Temperature PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Energetika, 1958, Nr 11, pp 58-63 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Thermistors find a constantly growing application in the USSR economy and also in power engineeringo For example, thermistors are suitable for application in thermal protection relay circuits of electrical equip- ment. As a rule, the functioning of many protection circuits is based on the relay effect phenomenon of thermistors. This relay effect depends on heat trans- fer conditions and the temperature of the medium into which the thermistor is placed. An improper operation of the thermistor at temperatures exceeding its maxi- mum -oermissible range may cause irreversible chemical processes in it. The author considers these two problems in more detail. First, he presents the equa- Card 1/7 tion of the static voltamper.e characteristics of a The Calculation of the Thermistor Temperature SOV/143-58-11-8/16 thermistor in the parametric form: B U k(T-T )R,.e T I (T-T.)e R where T and T - absolute temperatures of the thermis- tor and its Arrounding medium; B - material constant; R,-- conditional thermistor resistance; k =riF - scat- tering factor;a - heat loss factor; F - surface of the thermistor. The thermistor temperat-we at which the voltampere characteristic reaches its voltage maxi- mum is determined according to the following formula: T' B-_VB(B-4T 0) (2) max 2 This formula shows that the temperature of boltampere Card 2/7 chara--teristic maximum, with unchanged heat loss con- The Calculation,of the Thermistor Temperature SOV/143-58-11-8/16 ditions, is determined by the thermistor material constant and the temperature of the surrounding me- dium. Theoretically, a maximum of the voltampere characteristic will be possible under the condition B :? 4TO; Each thermistor type has a maximum I)L'I'MIS- sible eraperature - Tmax.p' Solving equation (2) in regard to T 0 and equalizing T max = Tmax.pI then T0 will be TO=Tmax.p (I - Tmax (4) B The thermistor temperature at any point of the static voltampere characteristic may be determined by con- sidering the thermistor resistance as a temperature function, which is expressed in t~,e equation B R = Rw;L (5) Solving the aforementioned equation (5) in regard to: Card 3/7 T results in the equation The Calculation of the Thermistor Temperature SOV/143-58-11-8/16 B T InyR~;- (6) Determining the temperature of a thermistor using the above equation produces a number of difficulties, since the resistance used in this equation is deter- mined by the experimental static voltampere character- istic. Consequently, for calculating the temperature a plotting of all voltampere characteristics is re- quired for those operating conditions under which the thermistor will work. The thermistor temperature may be determined by another method which is much simpler and which produces reliable results. This method is based on the assumption that the thermistor temperatu- re depends on two basic magnitudes: the dissipation power (P ) and the heat exchange conditions,,charac- terized Wy the dissipation factor k. Then, according to Newton's equation P = k(t-T k (r-- -9) (7) Card 4/7 T 0 0 The Calculation o'k the Theraiiator Temperature SOV/143-58-11-8/16 where T,rv and T,,,9, are temperature h thermis- s of t 8 0 tor and the sUr un ing medium, expressed in K and C. Solving the equation (7) in regard to T produces T P + T (8) k T 0 Introducing 0 l/k will result in the following equa- tion T T + CP T (9) or: DO + CP T (9a) The author then considers the boundary conditions for the equation (9a) if P = 0 and Further in -'?h= fLtor 0. he explains a metLd foT determin' g e Table 1 shows a comparison of thermistor temperatures for thermistors KTM-1, MMT-1 and IGIT-1. The temper- atures obtained according to equations (6) and (9) differ from each other. Therefore, the accuracy was Card 5/7 investigated,experimentally using thermistors TST-0.5 The Calculation of the Thermistor Temperature SOV/143-58-11-8/16 and KIAT-11. The author established that the equation (9) produces more accurate results. The author stated that the calculation technique for determining the thermistor temperature for a group of static voltam- pere characteristics is reduced to the following a) according to the experimental static voltampere characteristic, plotted at the temperature 6 of the sur-rounding medium, the factor 0 must be det8rmined; b) -the dependenceP= f(P ) at ", = const; c) the temperature dependence oT the tRermistor from dissipa- tion power at different temperature values of the sur- rounding medium is obtained by changing the parameter 1--i by the magnitude of change of this temperature There are 2 graphs, 1 table and 3 Soviet refer- ene Card 6/7 .22628 S/1 70/61/004/005/014/015 6 0 B1 11 /B214 AUTHOR: Rutakly, 1. N. TXTLE: A graphical analytical method for th~_ construction ;~,f vnlt ampera characterlstics of tharmiators PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, V. 4, no. 5, 1961, 115-117 TEXT: The calculation of electric circuits with thermi3tors is ratherdiffi- cult on account of the nonlinearity of the thermistor characteristics. k m *thod is developed In this raper for the determination of the static volt- e ampere characteristics in air at normal pressure. The resistance of a thermistor is R - R Co eB/T, where R and B are constant .a for a given thermistor and T is its temperature in OK. The quantity of heat transferred by the thermistor to the surroundings Is given by P - K(T - TO) - K(Q - 90), where P is the dissipation factor of the thermistor. The temperature T depends linearly on P'when K - constant and To - const. Explanation of the constar,~-j of C and TO: C is not a constant a priori. It depends on different factors such as the temperature of the surrounding medium, the temperature of the thermistor, etc. Experiments have shown that for a whole series of transis- Card 1/4 S/I 70/6 1 /004/005/014/015 A graphical ... B111/B214 toro C. in air changes very little for 0.01000C and 9 - 0 - 150,"C so that for technical. calculations C may be set equal to a constant In rractj.'~r. The temperature of the surrounding medium can always be mairtained-at a, constant value artificially. In the following part of the paper, a trout- ment is given of the problem of constructing v(At-ainpere charhe teri a ties at ,a certain temperature % when these are giier- for a temperature 90, U f(I) and R - f(G). By calculating RUi/Ii (i . 1) 2t and P UiIV Gi can be determined and G(P) brolight in the diagram. Q(P) int'n' sects the ordinate in Go. For a givenIOL, G(P) car, be noted by p;~rAlel displacement (see, Fig. 1). If it is -assumed that some values of Pi are known (for example, Pj' in the figure) , ~, can be determined immeflately atid thus the current and the voltage are known (see Fig. 1). The volt-amp,-.-re characteristics for the thermistor M14T-1I(mMT-i ) -,r,, shown in Ft&. 2, wherc the continuous curve is determined by experiment End the broker- one bj the above mentioned procediire of calculation. There -.3re 2 figures and *2 Sovj'~_t- bloc references. Card 2/4 S/170/61/004/005/01'4/015 A graphical Blll/B~14 ASSOCIATION: Institut ene.rgetiki AIN BSSR, g. Minsk (institute of Power Engineering AS BSSR, Minsk) SUBMITTED: September 36, 1960 Fig. 1: Auxiliary figure for the calculation of volt-ampere 90 characteristics of thermistors, 0 OC; R kohm; P MW. f2O 100 80, 50 eel 40 20 R R, Card 3/4 X 20, V 0 W 2LV JW 4W XO VOWSMIT, I.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; MSKIY, I.N.. I,nzh. Calculating the teoperature of thermistors. Izv.vystucheb.zav., energ. no.11:58-63 N 1589 (MIRA 12:1j 1. Institut onergetiki AN BSSR, Predstavlena obabcheenergdtichaskoy seldsly6y. (Thermist3rs) VOLOSHIN, I.F.; RUTSKIY, I.N. Determining the coeffici IenIt of dissipation for thermistors (vith summary in English]. Insh.-fizozhur. 1 no.B-.102-104 Ag '58. (MIRA 11:8) I.Institut eneregetiki AN BSSR, Minsk. (Thermistors)