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uSSR/Forestry. Forestry and Forest Cultivation. J-3 Abs Jour: Referat Zh-Biol., No 6, 1957, 22566 mining tmder treee of the Tula reservations should be abandoned, especially since the coal reserves do not exceed 6% of the total coal reserves in the Tula oblast. . ..- -t". ~- - . .. - - ~. %I ;- - ~~ .,,- I., . - -1- - ! I V FITROV, V.V. (Kookova); RUTKOVSKIT, V.Tu. (Moskva). Theory of simple delay-relaq servanechanisme. Izv.AN &M.Otd. tekh.nauk no.4:16-32 Ap '56. (NLR& 9.8) (Servomechanisms) RUTKOVSKIY.V.Yu.. kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk In the Institute of Automatics and Telemechanics and technical conference of young specialists. Vest.AN SSSR 25 no.9:95-96 S 155. (MIRA 8:12) (Automatic control) POIAND/Soil Cultivation. Mineral Fertilizers. J-3 Abs Jour: Ref. 22mr-Biologiya, No 1) 1958, 1243. Author Grzymala, J., Ratkawska, B., Skolimavski, L. last Title The Value of Vivianite for IF~ertilizer- Orig Pub: Nave roln., 1956, 5, Ito 7, 536-543. Abstract: In most cases analysis of the vivianites taken from lowland peat bog indicates a high phosphorous content 19.8-22.2% P 0 2 but there are some less valuable deposits containing 1.6-7.4~ P205- Vegetation experiments on peat bog soils with rye grass and timothy sown for two years indicate that the total yields over the two years were as high when vivinnite was used as when superphosphate, Thomas slag, and phos]phorite were used,, although the plants utilized considerably less phosphorous from the vivi- anite. Oats utilized almost the same quantities of phosphorous Card 1/3 -10- from vivianite when planted in podzolic soil with PH 5-3 as when planted on weakly podzolic and Inums-rich sandy loam with PH T-3 i.e. 9.9% and 11.0% , while the corresponding results from phos- phorite were 13.6% and 2.0%. In field experiments on lowland sedge peat containing 0.38% P 0 dry matter a caqparison was made between vivianite in doses ofi~ and 90 kg./heetare and superphos- Phate in a dose of 45 kg./hectare P20 on a base of 100 kg. ~~D. Over four years of experiments 08 e increased the hi~r Yield by &*a average of 31-7 centners; hee while vivianite in a single &Dse increased it by 20.0 centners/hectare, and in a double dose by 28.3 centners/hectare, the basic harvest being 52.0 centners/hectare. In another experiment on peat moss with an average content of 0.37% PP09;` when fertilizers, chosen for L-iz raschfata-7 their citrate::s6luble phosphoric acid content, were applied, the harvests achieved using vivianite were actually 2/3 RUTKOWSKA. Helena.; XHITA, Stanislaw Completeclosure of the main bronchus following thoracic injm7. Otolar. polska 8 no.3:229-233 19549 1. Z Kliniki ftyzjatrycznej Akademii Medyesnej w Lodzi. Dyrektor: prof. dr J.Stopczyk. (BRONCHI. diseases, obstruct. in thoracic W.) (WOUNM AND INJURIES. thorax. causing complete obstruct. of main bronchus) (THORO, wouncle anct injuries, causing complete obstruct. of main bronchus) TT Promiting and isintering of metsUic and nonmetallic dects. %%. RutW-ki not 11, RutkimA.i ths.t. r 11W1AhWX ,. Glilolk-t. MIAMI). Prate Hdddltl~e t;MWMefU Imst. Yet. s (kffirw. 1949. m-zi-rhe prming mid %in- irriish oil inclA Intisillet, is( Fr. Cit. F-Cis. #,'as %hs. Fc- Mn ( 1, 1), imal Fr Cit Mit 11, I'l I Wrie itivr,taxatc-4. I'll.- mrial loo-Im, -- mm.l isiols mri.lliv 11min'taill'. t Italo. ljt~ ... 14-1 - Immics. And ~tratstor A. an is ... fit. I'mulirr) und PC---d us"Ittr vast. The .1-ay mr- pl"It-I m t-nI,asrti,1lr Wesmirr cast be cxpn~.ol by the CqUAtkfll - I"r 1 - is loig + log b, Where , dralol" the clefilitir so( the vollill-Wt in 9- /-- P - -litioll-t-K in C-91- lier ~j Im., Otill it iji.1 Is Are stai,lik. to lw ohrld. for evefy 1xividre mist. I Ise inirring of v%sinpact-i mults in ifirtsikagir tit welling. rhs~lv c.oottectol with the chAsixe its demily uf the Ninlefird lortioltiort, I I rrfrretirrs. P.Nani A. Arkvnti;tsin .9 .0 p so "I ff~ 2 V R m M&A a a a . f - i OXAM '"R Met a dD 0 m @" us -Wo glus ANO Fm!jIRTI4S 0-0111 *00 002 0 polder Metallurgy, HAM Sinters witW TuMp~ ton Carbide, No. 7-8-:Vp~ 2634~464)* p4lis~j. A short *mrvey vol. 17 (Rutnik 1950 0 **A a , p # of hard @inter* (not containing tungetentearbideTsultable " mitwlils for ind trends in their development are given. -Y. Go ettting tools # 4 000 ZOO 00 i*4 lie &$a-SLA MgTALLWWX~ LffIIATW9 CLASSWICATIN IWO Viso 1"Ifly - - $*idea .4t mw 444 1"AiM6491 GIASJI 42K OW 49% [I u is AV 10 u u M 4 1~4 a~ 0 0, 0 1 W. 0-0 do 41 9 T1 g: :::1 V , 0 0 9 0 6,41.0 41 A :: * l Ft . _ o 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 5~ ~1~ livateft id curren an ;via lossm It a ib6 pen -- rot% Ontg 7.5 In at AEUMPt-in-cy6n:~ 740%M. low (6%) Al content, the pummbility loddea I - - - - and the Lre"ed -, with In I& CO i a al 11LICr effect on the eabtlity and edd t lawsm. I -Pam . - y-vurmn Stri3toontrolafthachim co n. was eawntial in obtaining, oina of desired pro No voreA uere obtainA from pert! j ders of - 120 iL dia. reduce 1 for 4 hr. in H At 'C. by mixing them with insulating materials (CrOj, W( In mter-gtaw), com, ressing &ad Lant"g for 40 min. u=ere at 7EW -49. K. L in I 7 -f 'IN if. py-414v- ,.- ( ~M- . nftuonce of ch&wcal sko, annanlin;., cond -Vons and the toc6clao oftroduction an the inagueti, ftrowpirtiosof,arestn&t66fpo-fii-_ lp6wder&%j,aAijjvt-.qtj;., 18 found for alloys cOnt4ining 5-9*1 Al and T-lo-,,. ,i,. that: (a) For low aluminin- J5% t1jo, ~Ggrjejj. permeability rapidly decieuses and the lib~ves inomom wiai an Itereaso, of silicon eontent; (b) in alloys with 64-50,1. Al the Termeability and loames duo to.,Nldy ourmlit only chang(k a little with increasing silicon ancl. 0. hanges in Ity-stmm"i. q lose A" lrrt!gular.-V. 0. 7 -7 7- d H. RUTKOWSKA I . Metallurgical Abstracts 'July 1954 Fb~er Metallurgy A-d,h.yId.roly sts of,(a L Ink" -Via,ce-in '. th~ fatty, th-e mcif rapid 4n-- the tlssuev'e~vclaplag the u' reac ed wo' d e 310n_ h 4A t. I e-" -69,th A arelio $it ioiv'le'mp'LT4lu res. es 6cilill be- dr*31siIIxinw,cIf dqwn.-N6 dlitivicfacti'vity-_'. i.'The oxld4tion-of f.-Whi ihe tissuci les I Ito rn t1le Tr,7-1 uence D ~t~ ture, Fror.vcUvunesr~ of 'Ally P. 31' 1101. 10, Oct. 1951 ,~y Vol. ~L~,r TJ.~t, of Eait Ezir-~7~erln AccessiOn',j (7t,-L), LG, A. Evaluation of, josFoi~arkka Fiesna. p. 2C M:PMARKA M,125511A, Vol. 7, No. 10 cot. 1955 (POI..':Ietet Ilawnictwit Glospod2rcze) '~4arsz2wa dy SIOURCE: EAST EURUYUN ACCESSI%S LILT Vol. 5, No. 1 Jan. 1956 ~7 > ana ML~ A&MIumarts"nidy AIX 16 .2 UQ of fat v LrIes t, dil fluties, tilmes ell- the Pancreas &ad slowest around the Edney and skin. GeneraflY, the rated Iiy&GIytfcd&-MPn- Pv.P Wtinal to the protein and water conteat (if the W-Sue . Temps below 10' decrease cofuiderably the rate of hydrul) sW. Neither appreciable QxWtIOu of re-t It". the'. preserig k qt Upoj~!_" r,' 7~1 .7, 2 wr:- _Q w- - % z, . ...... ..... Z; _R_ GALECKI, Wladyalaw; KAWECKA, Maria; RUTKOWSKI, Boloslaw Significance of cytological examination in surgery, of bronchial. cancer. Polski tygod. lek. 11 no.40:1697-1698 1 Oct 56., 1. (Z Oddzialu Chirurgicznego; klaroynik dr. mad. K. Lotkowski i Fracowni Cytologil; kierownik: dr. mod. M. Kawacka Instytutu Onkologii. Oddzial w Gliwicach: dyraktor: &r. mad. J. Swiecki) Adres: C-liwice. Instytut Onkologii. (BEDNCIII. neoplasms, diag., cytol. technic (Pol)) inz. hs 67, !11 ze r er nc ul, techn 5~: 5 ,6L~ TAD48 shir, enirines. 7t;ia.,1120-121 installation fcr and ~mntrcllllrng i w. rt 31 31`55 ahi-') eng!ne, 4~-49 3peci-ill ;,i!iq '61,, --dwari, inz. Joza., inz.i PRE.",Z, 'ndl-Lej, inz.5 Design and construct!--in of the first engine of the 6r-.!,'AD76 q. Cegialski-Suizer type. Biul rechn Ceglelski 54122-133, Speciial is.-we 161. I I -~!=77k-~~ ' - - 7- ~~ I . . -: I v .--, - - .., 1. , _ _ I., -, .1 1, - -~ I - ; 11 f - -.~, :, , .... ., .-- 1. ~ .. ,,. . I I ., . . I I. I - -14 , . - 1~ ': -, . .., :_ - . RUSZKOWSKI, I. Surgical treatment of tibia deformities caused by ostaonVelitis in childrea. Acta chir.iugoal. 2 no.2-3 196-202 1955. 1. Ortopmdaka klinika Medicinskog fakillteta u Zagrabu (Prodatojaik prof. dr F. Grospic) (OSTE014TELITIS, tibia, causing deform. in chiid, surg., bone transpl. (Ser)) (TIBIA, dis. ostaonWelitis causing deform. in child., bone t ranspl. (Ser)) (TRkNSPLANTATION, bone grafts for tibia deform. caused by osteomyelitis in child (Ser)) (BONE TISOUA,transpl. In tibia deform caused by osteomyelitis in child (Ser)) t T 7. NEW- DetermInj mani W7. 77-, ~~iccf -Ouf Ot 'pul rvlwoii Jm rdlable x4. ng for of the tail of cookle fnjjdgupul .1. Mi. - tft an - R f "A k I ut i v - j ;. W, oil v-W idua va mt- hWg; 'd t1i -(A PC ;d a % i ~l W s 1 c tm f If n qdbr 516F of & r "Elecktrotf-,chnika sanochodowa i ci4pikowall (~!otorcar and tractor electro- technics), '---v, J. Futkcws~.i. F,!norted in New Books (Nowt Ksiazki), tic. 12, june 15, 1956. C- RLITKOYS10, J. "Heat Treatment of S-6heroidal Iron in Order to Inmrove its Mechanical ProDerties." Biuletyn. p.10 (PRZ7,GLO ODIZfLTICTWA Vol. 3, no. 5. MaY 1953 Krakow, Poland) SO: Montaly List of EuroDean Accessions, LC, Vol. 3, no. 5, May 1954/Uncl. RUTKOWSKI, Jerzy; KOSZAITSKI, B. Complete txclsion of cold abscess. Polski przagl. chir. 28 no.6: 601-603 June 56. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr. J. Rutkowaki, Warszawa 22, u1. Glog-ira 3 m. 6.1 (TU9!-'RCULOS1S,_ OSTMARTICULAR, ourger7, excis. of scapular cold abscess, radical (Pol)) RUTKOWSKI, Jerzy Colitis tilcerosa. Polski tygod. lek. 11 no.42:1795-1799 15 Oct 56. 1. Z 2 Zakladu Chirurgil Instytutu Doskonalenta i Specjalizacji Ka(lr Lakarskich w Warszawie; kierownik: prof. (Ir. nauk med. Jerzy Rutkowski. Warszawa, ul. Glogera 3. (COLITIS, ULCXRATIV-E, surgery, (Pol)) Tl- RUTKOWSKI, Jmrzy (Lodz) Surgical interventions on the blood vessels in the treatment of circula",ory insufficiency. Kardiol. polska I no.3-4:107-110 1955. (CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES, surgery, (POW RUTKOWSKI, Jerzy (Lodz) First ca&ts in Poland of cardiac catheterization and of Bialock operation In tetralog7 of Yallot. Kardiol. polska I no-3-4:40- 41 1955. (CATITETERIZATJON, CARDIAC, history, in Poland (Pol)) (TET11ALOGT OF FALIDT, surgery. Bialack operation. first cases in Poland (PoM RUTKOWSKI Jjrzy-, ADAMSKI, Stanislaw Pericardial cysts. K&rdiol. polsks. 1 no.3-4:90-96 1953- 1. Z Il Klin. Chirurg. AM w Lodzi. Kier. prof, dro mad, J. Rutkowski. (PERICARDIUM, cysts, PUTKOIJSKII J. IlPrak.+,3~czne w,-a,--.rx..ojrA z zak.---.,;i.i elcktroteclip-ik-i s--nor:.-.oJowej" (Practical in the domzdn of ,-,.otor car electrotechrnd-s)., J. 'owe Ksiazki), No. lc5, AuCust 1, 1915' ported in. Ife, 9(--,oks (11 RUTKOWSKIy J. POLAND "Heat Treatment of 5-:)heroidal Cast Iron," by J.-RUTKOWSKI and H.SIDOR: Prace Insty-tuto 11inisterstwa Hutntct-.fa, Gliwice, No. 2, 1956. RUTKOWSKI. Jerzy; ALICHRIEWICZ, Andrzej; KOSZANSKI, 1. Various complications following cholecystectomy. Polski tygod. lak. 11 no.46:1961-1965 12 Nov 56. 1. (Z Ii Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w Lodzi; prof. dr. J. Rutkowski) adres: Lodz.. ul. Sterlinga, Nr 1/3 Panstv. Szpital Klinicznv Nr 3 11 Klin. Chirurgiczna. (CEDLECYSTECTOMY, complications. (Pol)) 29278 P/032/61/008/003/001/004 D269/11301 72. a o AUTHOR: Rutkowski. Jerzy (Warsaw) TITLE: New criterion for classifying combusiion in piston engines PERIODICAL: Archiwum budowy maszyn, v. 8, no'. 3, 19619 243 - 261 TEXT: In this article, the author conducts the theoretical analy- sis of combustion by deriving the formula for the rate of pressure propagation dp/dt in the combtLstion chambez of piston engines from the laws of thermodynamics and dynamics of gases. The author estab- lished experimentally that the detonation in piston engines occurep when the critical value of dp/dt isexceeded and regards, therefore this value as the limit for normal combustion. The general formula dE a- = div 3 -,p (4) t v dt for the heat energy balance provides the basis for classifying com- bustion. This formula was derived from the heat continuity Card 1/6 2927-8 P/032/61/008/003/001/004 New criterion fcr classifying D269/D301 dq = Rdt - v div 3 dt (2) and the first law of thermodynamics dq = dE + pdVP (3) where dq - change of heat content of elemental mass in time dt, U - velocity of heat generation by conversion of chemical energy (in units of energy per unit mass per time), v - specific volume per unit of mass, J - vectorial intensity of heat transfer per unit of area in unit time. For static combustion A T2 exp A /T) + 2T = 0 1 2 applies where coefficient of conductiong AlA2 - constants. It appears that static combustion takes place only when the differen- ce between the maximum central temperature and that of the vessells walls does not exceed a certain value typical to the vessel's sha- this critical value is exceeded a pe and mixture properties. When thermal explosion takes place. Various stages of combustion are Card 2/6 29278 P/032/61/008i'003/uOi/004 New oriterion for classifying D269/D30i described in detail and the phenomena occuring at the flame front lead -uo the criterion for the -two kinds of combustion processes. From the neaz energy balance C !! T- v div pv,div V d i deauced by treating the unburnt mixture undergoing combustion as a perfect gas (diffusion of burnt gases being neglected) t-wo modes of combustion are defined: Normal slow combustion occuring when -the second term of the right side of Eq (13) (i~e, mechanical ener- gy change) io negligible compared with the first one and detonation combus-.-ion takes place when the heat energy change - ki,e, first Term of the right side of Eq~ k13) is negligibl com r d with the second term.). Mathematical transformation of Eq, (13 leads to aT AV 72T jt c v which is valid up to the point of maximum concavity of the Tempe- rature curve in the grapn given in The ar-uicle. From this point on.,- Vard 3/6 P/103 2/ 61/OUB/ 00.3/00.L/v04 New --riterion for classifying D269/D30j- wards - The "technically visible" combustion starts which is a:,-com,- panied by pressure variations defined oy dm ~U , (21 P 11 T where ;K is the isen-cropic index. Phyal-cal interpretation of -chis expression is described for normal combustion. The mechanism of de- T,onaT,ion is explained in detail by using analysis similar to that used for the proof of Duhamel's integraig and -the final formu.La for The substantial rate of change of pressure increase for an element of the unburnt mixTure. moving with velocity ii is obtained In (a d dt pn (36) (a T Ma Pr change of preesure wave, ci a whicla 'd -UP -c due to the pre.9slare buillct d P:-, Card 4../'--' ~J276 P/032/61/008/00';/001/004 New criterion fo--- classifying D269/D301 the combustion zone which moves with velocity WpnJ Eq,, (36) which is not exactly accurate (a and da/dt are taken as mean values) pro-, vi.aa The basis for the author's detailed analysis of the detona- tion phenomenon and its prediction. The critical value of dp/dt, beyond which detonation occurs depends on the properties of mixture air-f-liel ratio and the chemical changes which the mixture is under- going inside the cylinder during compression stroke and up to just oefore The ignition point (formation of peroxides)~ The author des- cribes briefly the experimental engine used for taking the indica- tor diagrams in his research. Various fuels were used in an engine of variable compression ratio, ignition advance and airfuel ratio. An electronic voltmeter was used for measuring the peak values of the indicator diagrams which were averaged automatically for a lar- ge number of cycles~ Photographs of the detonation puises were ta- ken and the gradient of shock waves was studied. The results of the author;s experiments and practical conclusions drawn~ are said To appear in a separate publication. There are ILO figures and 12 re- ferencest 10 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviez-bloc. Card 5,/6 .210 2 -?/032-/6" /008/003/'001/ 004 New criierion fo.:, cla3sifying D269/D301 ls.~~";OCIATIUN: Ka-Ut~dra siln-Jk6w pojazdbw mechanicznych pol-itechniki. Vlarszaviskiej (Warsaw Polytechnic Institute, Depariment of Irlechanical Vehicle E'ngines) SUBMITTED: January,, ~1901 Cari 6/6 RUTKOWSKI, J.; POKBMNICKI, S.; HANKIEWICZ, J. Coatrollad hypotension. Polski tygod. lek. 7 no. 43:1358-1362 27 Oct 1952. (CIKL 24.1) 1. Of tbt Second Surgical Clinic (Read--Prof. Jerxy Rutkowski, N.D.) of tods Medical Academy. RUTKOWSKI, J. "Improving the qwql1ty of rayon ptLlp.11." p.367. (PRZEGLAD PAPIYMIICZT Vol. 10, No. 12, Dec. 1954. Lod2, Poland) SO: Monthly List of &-st Paropean Accessiong. (=AL). LC. Val. h, No. 4. April 1955. Uncl. RUTKOVISKI, J. Blood tmnsfusion in surgery. Szpital,polsk- 3 no.2-3.255-270 1950, (CLML 20:6) 1. Of thn Second Surgical Clinic of the Medical Academy in Lodz. Author is Prof.!I.D. M, ~,-. RUTIrMSKI, J. Tmorovinv the method of digesting by the application of Soviet achievements., p. 263. (PRZEGLAD PAPTERNICZY, Vol. 10, No. 9. Sept. 1954, Lodz, Poland) SO: Monthly T4st of E-1st European Accessions, (MEAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, uncl. RUTKOVSKr, J.; ADAMSKI, St.-, STADNICKr, To; WOZITIEWSKI, A. Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann disease. Polaki tygod.lek. 10 no-10:305- 309 7 Mar 55. 1. 2 11 Klinikii Chirurgicznej A.M. w Lodzi; kier. profs dr Jo Rutkowski i z Kliniki Chirurgii Szczekawej A.M. w Lodzi, kier. doe. dr F.Bogdanovicz Warszawa Glogera 3. (SARCOIDOSIS, pxthology~ MMKOWSKI, J.; STETKI-WICZ, S. Denatured'animal blood plasma a .s substitute In blood transfusion. Med.donw.mikrob. 2 no.2:165-167 1950. (CLML 20:6) 1. Simmary of report given at 10th Congress.of the Polish Micro- biological and Epidemiological Society held in Gdansk, Sept. 1949. (Lodz.) Rmmmzi, J. SurrAcal treabaent in pul=ormrr tuberculovis. Polaki typd. lek. 5:11,, 13 Aar.. 50. p. 401-9 1. Of tbe Sawnd Surgical Clinic at L(xIz Urdversity (Dimator of the ClAnic-Prof. J. IIutkwejId,, N. D.). "5U -Tv%57Sz RUTKOWS-KI, J. Influence of the riecework S7Ster,, on ef,'ici,,nc,,, of railroad networks. 209. Vol. 7, no. (), June 1955 rRZEGLID KOLEJOI.,7, IiJarszawa I t717. F, t-V Fast Iluro-ean iccessions List LC, Vol. 5, no. 2, 356 Feb. r + -T. 7 --VT RUTKOWSKIO J. RUTKOWSKI, J. Amateur television receiver with electromagnetic deflection* pe 140 Vol* 6, No. 100 Octo 1956 FADIOMATOR TECHNOLOGY Warszawa, Poland so: East European Accessions Vol. 6. No. 2p Feb* 1957 I RUTKOWSKI, J(i_r,zy Complications occurring during and after goiter surgery. Pol. przegl. chir. 37 no.11:1178-1182 N 1 65. RUTKOWSKI, Jerzy; ALICHNIEWICZ, Andrzej Two complicated cases of peptic ulcer In adolescents. Polski, tygod. le1c. 11 no-8:371-372 20 Fab 56. 1. Z II KlInIki ChIrur. A M v Lodzi: kier. 11iniki prof. dr. J. Rutkowski (Sterlinga 1/3, Panstw- SzPit. Klin. III Klinike, Cbirur.) (PEPTIC ULCIM, complications. pyloric stenosis in adolescents, surg. (Pal)) (ADOLESCKUCE, diseases, peptic ulcer witb pyloric stenosts, surg. (Pal)) (PMRUS, stenosis. In peptic ulcer in adolescents. (Pal)) RUTKOWSK1.0 J.; RAUKA? T. Annealing of' whlte malleable r-a3t lron In a -untrolled atmosphere of steari and air. Prace inst adlew 13 ,io.2:101-125 16.3 [publ. 1651. 1. Submitted June 14, 1962. Rutkowski, Jerzy Artific' -al bibernation in surgery. Polski tygod.lak.10 no.46: j 1489-14q2 14 Nvv. '55. 1. Z II Kliniki Ohirtirgicznej A.M. w Lodzi; kierownik: prof. dr. J. Rutkowski.Warazawa, ul. Glogera 3. (M I FMAT ION, controlled, in surg.) RUTMWSKI, Jerzy; ALICHNIMICZ, And zej Treatment if arteritis obliterans of the extremities with novo- cain block of the 3rd thoracic sympathetic ganglion. Polski tygod.lak.10 no.25:825-828 20 June,'55. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirargicznej A.M. w Lodzi;Kierownik: prof. dr. J. Ratkowaki) Warszawa, Glogera 3. (ARTHRITIS, peripheral, obliterans, ther.,novocain block of 3rd thoracis sympathetic ganglion) (ANMTHISIA, REGIONAL, ther.use sympathetic block in arteritis, peripheral, obliterano,with procaine) (PRDCAN3. ther.usp. arteritis, peripheral, obliterans, eywpathetic block) RUTKOWSKI, Jerzy; CZKVIANIANC, Mikolaj; JAKUBOWICZ. Dorota;GffZ)-14ACHNIK, Prevention of shock during siir&erv with local anesthesia by pen- diomide. Polski przegl.chir. 27 no-7:629-630 JulY- '55. (AU11011OMIC DRUGS, therapeutic use pendiomide In prev. of shock in surg.with local anesth.) (SHOCK, prevention and control pendiomide in surg. with local anestb.) MJTKOWSKI, Jerzy; POKRZYWNI(XI, Stanislaw. Arterial 17potension in surgery. Postepy chir.1:29-42 1954. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicxnej Akademii Medycznej w Lodzi. Kierownik: prof.dr med. -Teray Rutkowski. (HYPOTENSION, artificial, controlled in surgery) A flux method of refining copper alloys, p. 68. (KRUMT, Warszawaf Vol.. 3. no. 2. 1953) SO: Monthly List of East European Acces8ionsj, (EEAL), WS Vol. NO. JWn. 1955, Uncl. Aw OTAWINal: aW" m be suboituted for sa Vwd-Mies and tho Cu content AvEnles., elatibnsi-ex'W bttwftn gructum.-au, - m raick." and pbys, to. em. at Ce ~-dts. Toe A&utsgeoft OC didaer- Fe,- P, skud. W, OIL thg RUTF01,0U, K. "Substitute alloys for tin bronzes used in fourdivnr,fl Frzerdad Odlevnictwa, Krakovr, Vol 4, No 7/8, July/Aug. 1954, P. 1196. SO: Eastern Furopean Accessions Idst, Vol 3p Wo 11, Nov 10,54, L.C. R.TjT1KU,-'SKI, K. high-qunlity copper alloys," (Eigle Przeglad Cdlewrictva, Krakow, Vol 4, tic) 7/8, July/Au.'t. 1954, P. 14- SO: Eastern European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 11, Nov 10,54, L.C. RVITOWSKU, K. "Manganese 3rass." P.83 (PRZEGIA-D ODLFNNICTWA Vol. 3, no. 3, March 1953 Krakow, Poland) SO: Monthl List of East EuroDean Accessions, LC, Vol. 3, no. 5, May 1954/Uncl. Cast Tin Bronz,-,s rind Tin Lead Bronzes and Their Substltut-,~s as Uzed in Construction of Yachines Source N,""' (INechanical Engineering Review) Poland Vol. X11, No. 10 Cctober 1953, pp. 339-370 031 V 4 A I A WIX A A M A J I 4 1 004 - -.,. - - .- -A-- - - 4-11 A ~11 Microchaunka Glediripphotowittrimottle delstrainstion lob 000 I.-A-Untlisivoliff. L4h. Praki. (U. St.) 15. NO. 6. prowArd app. of "Oft"1110 04 a fight In an optical SYorm ltesuplord of 2 J-"# *Wk WOOPiAs p"144-1 JAOS" 14 $)jrlot 00-114 2 WS eFap1wmVrr*,~f*Jt **. OviltiM k4k 61 * &A04 s4r. The slisaxtinstion it regulated by a theavrof and coa. 00 trolk,l with a voltmeter. Out o( the light bundles piulars through a jLr from upikal glass, through one iris diaphragm "Of so 3nd fAlls on a .9c pholorkturnt. The other light burulk its&-lrs through a sittalar disphragns and tailli on it rout. twn~loor Se pbolork-inent. The pholmleettents isit ron. 1 0 9 urcted so that the r. in, 1. Is Iiwtvd fit different difev. A ti Th diff h i 1 i d f i l 0 * X m. . e erence ee. at. n t s reg store rrw . ly a nj , d Italvanosucter whalle sensitivity is O.W X to * juip. to 00 go 0.3 i;! lKik-r to equidiie the e. in. 1. of the plumuclements a high :)hnih- rrvvamv is plamd between them. 'rwraty, kf 4milar detrul with known conens .1 KII PO "itil Zoo . . . . , , 11 PY 011 O W25 O MS 0 0 25 d f ago 0 . . an O.W - mt. o ; (ronig. . 01 t 1, . , were performed to establish the calibraf ion curve. Fortbe zoo det it. of Pin blood only 0. 1-0.05 mi. of blood are required. fox flour 1.6 ml. of distil. water into a centrifuge tube. add 1 OA nil: of blood, rinse The mWoOpri several Onies with 9 the aula., add to the tube 0.3 nil. of trkithoroaretic arld. ZOO inix and ctntrifule for 3-5 min. Pout into an ordinary t"t tube I n3J. of the centrilucate (OLS ml. of blooll). add 0.5) mi. of a tnWybdate gain. and 0.5 ad. of a hydruquinone ~Qln.. let stand for 5 min., add drop by drop 2 ttil. of a car. V,l,,nalte-sulfite soln. and perform an electrophotocularimet - ric detu. after 10 min. A no. of dettis. of various soins. of 1 1 were made with the clectrophotocokwitneter and with in Autenrieth colorimeter; the electraphattwoloritnet"t wall truire jurcurate. i referent". W. R. fleon A IN. I L A 6JULLUR&OCAL UtCOATURC CLASSAVOCATAGO 60.0. It tlll. Cot olill &C a- ji; - _ - o ' F LA An I I a no 0 0 11 1 IN ON S 3 a v W 4 - M (W a it a it Ka X a PC a $It 40 as eta, 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a : : : : j 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 _ a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 .: 1 4 4 r I I I If it to m A L f 0 A F :, 41 Ofects"s age P00favas 0-646 --- 1-- 00's 1 l ir : : 00 -04 -00 06 a -06 Alimmill- sum ith .00 iiNiabrimacts w '600 ooj iw -~*Ioy r 0 ~ s. on WAX" - 0 : 4*0 0j 'Zee 9*0 see zoo Soo 400 d WOO too I.SLA at f&LLUNGX&t LITINATUIRE CLASSWOCAVON 9 r- 43" $1.1 1 43.9m, - G ft t woo I.I oso i welami .91 4.1 e a A A A a I 0 u U AV 10 pw 0 a a I Ar IN wag KISICK Ka; u IN M L I a a :1 ' l 0 0 0 e g @ 0 O l 0000 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 e 0000 001 ir ' 0 0 * f 0 e e o 0 a 0 goosoof 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 Oi a 0 - - 0 IF IF IF w I 03 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 a it IV It it, III I? Is 0 it n 36 As V a U If _r - IL. I V I I I AA J% Mp Mi ` 1 . h 1-0 _L ~.D a u.-c-601 to 1f-0$ ~%Vf- .4ftittill A.0 0 11001 ( 3 0 4 t Suitability of Tortelli-jaffe reaction for the deirr- Ministion of vitamin 0. litttko"kiE 14#.,khir,,i -00 1, wit tract' I ift-cific for trindiAted ergmicrtA (vittintin D). ,incc Inns- -00 trradiateil ergosterol gives with lir soln. the ~~nie ctA,wA- timi: lint and light extincti(mi. It 11"estley G 660 Z&O ! 31 ago coo of WOO z00 .00 Igoe te *0 tio 0 OCR t J111A, It A 0114*11.411 CLASSIFICATION tso 0 W- DO. Leo. :NP, t 4 1 L I I -rv-svi -Q.. I -- -------- U It &1 -0 Lsj; a 4111 a I Or I V #1 2 a a 3 g T--Rwl -I- It It it 49 Or I u An ea " 5 K K and' 0 0 N * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 o 0 0 so 00 :1: 0 Chemical campasition and 1prolwflej of these aHoy, whilell ue most useful W4,regar I to cconothy And appUcation. GCR~,Iy, Z., and RlrLKCF,,7,Kl, K.: POLAND "Irr,restigation5 of the pm-perties and Structure of CU-Si-Zn- Casti-rig Al-loys,11. Prace Instvtutu Odlewnictvia, No. 4, 1954- '7,7; f4 35 2~ C-' 4fan avith Lvyi ;173:477' RuflIcAvoki Z -mangane- allo~u, Yrith ti'very -lcw content 0 r:nze*, f cctiper- -ct that~-thed' lal VF - in"b ween 1~.5- d~4 e- c an W 'Ie ZiA 4V~. 2- can -41n of Cu: but. also can -be '44 4 in imny"in'st used nA ances, ~;'~ 41 -.bell mutd - I gum metal, 16aded'bronze-, I' sJ-Iicon . "-F.- T -smelt ill ron~'&; aMys'. -The technology' of in !Aum 2~1~a-b g, l' t -manganese. alloys; VII. a a,- ,bronze "4, ". ~1~ A --,copper. -and--:the S'avingS_a~chi6ve~l byAheii'-:Lntrodu.. --,'Ab c rib 61. k wl.- ve ti r0l is- I ?41 A '6f rious -treatc-d 6h~~, I ',q";f.,Ihotog;7aphs. va -6110Y3- callk th -,!~tagrams.and- tab v~ ard incliudeA'irv, a'r lea l I i -.11 0 1 1 1 a to 4 fy ; --; ;I ii " 1111 m a A a " . " u . r 0 a a C-A. IL I =a A 6 -J 6 - - tjo to. ..00' The poictecd. acdam of chrominaft sommommas a me". of 6"1 without a dlapbtaaomo~ L U. I awl P. 1. Still j 1'bV AW.0 FS so 1 41( lIU4).- were 611adc .'41 2 KCI iwitria. with or willmilut hystwhkorite to 1.3% -00 K21A. lot awl Cu calluloolts being noted at or. d. Ir4WO With-PAt1Iwuw.4K,Cr,(1V -00 the ruive loompoomrs int-tv awl numv lootmositive. -00 11111 in itoo r 11 remains rimat. of It Inatir rwoalivr I*."" nolloill value. K to flouirforally Wvvietal" Ity moill,wing the 11 pri-cluml its diifuw throush a I'd tulle it A was flosinul that the proorworwe fit KICFth 41," mot ths-orraw 1,101 even isfory"loorf I lie Im-frorniago. 1.111 diffam.1for."If WIM"If rA 0 toRD it, the im.l. iii.1% mit, dim klok'rloo A, r. .1.." flood .1-1 up Ow 641-164s.j It, 01'.4. 1: It. it A .0 fee W 1! 1400 woo Do. 00 U0 0 bo 0 0 's to. so I'l on, woo so, it I 'A. 0 A t a OW 0 a a 5 a a 31 11 or U is AV 03 A - - 0- 0- 0.- 0- oil I K U a It a "a III I A. An 0 0 0 f'O 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 Zem' 0 0 0 * 0 0 000 0 0 11114 0 0 4 0 of 900000 go gee* 00 0 0 0 og 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 rian; TOMASIK, ZdziBlaw Physicochemical analysis of a heptanefraction of synthine. Chemia StoBow- 4 .n0.3/4:519-527 160. (EUI 10:9) 1. Katedra Technologil Nafty i Pakiv Plynnych Politecbniki Wroclawskiej. (carbon monoxide) (Hydrogenation) (Haptane) .(Heptene) (Dimethylpentene) (Metbylhexene) (Metbylhexane) ORLOWSKI, Witold J.; RUTKOWSKI, Slawomir; NMIADOMI, Roman. General r4-.inesia in ophthalmological surgery; preliminary communica- tion. Klin.oczna 25 no.4:261-266 1955. 1. Z Oddzialu Ocznego - Ordynator: dr. med. V..T.Orlowski i z I Oddzialu Chirurgiesnego - Ordynator: dr. med. V.Zagorsk-i. Wojsko- wega Szp1tala Okregowego. (HUSCLE RMAXANTS, therapeutic use, in eye surg.. prod. of general akinesia) (Iffl, surgery, muse. relaxants in, prod. of general akinesia) RUTKOWSKI, Slavomir 4"Of keratoplasty. I. Mechanism of corneal trepanation and sone now ophthalmic trephines. Klin. ocznsL 27 no-1:1-8 1957. 1. Z Zukladu Fizjologii Czlowieka. A.M. w Varszawie Kierownik: prof. dr. F. Czubalski. Warszawa, ul. Mokotowska. 61 m. 1. (CORNFAL TRANSPLANTATION. appar. & instruments trephines, design & use (Pol)) RUTKOWSKI, Slawomir Problems of keratoplasty. II. Analysis of Filatov's operation. Klin. oczaa 27 no.2:iOq-i16 1957. 1. Z Zukladu Fizjologii Czlowieka A.M. w Warazawie Kierownik: prof. dr. mad. F. Czubalski. Warszawa, u1. Mokotowska 61 m. 1. (CORNEAL TRANSPLANTATION, expar. analysis of Filatovla operation in rabbits (Pol)) RUMOWSKI Slaw Functional potentials of the retina and method of registration daring application of a reinforcer of constant current associated with A t*gfxter of A 41aple 190 apparatnA. Acta ph-yetol. polon. 1. Z Zskladu Yizjologii Czlcwteka Akadanti Kedycxnnj v Warstawis. Kierovaik: prof. dr Tr. Czubalski. (RITINI, physiology, electrophysiol.,,registration technic) RUTKOWSKI, Slawomir 'Coagulation of aqueous humor and phenomenon of stream of thick fluid follow4ng opening of the ocular chamber in rabbit. Acts pkvsiol. Polon. 5 no.4:536-538 1954. 1. 2 7dikladu Fizjologii Czlowieka Akademil Xedycznej w Vararawle. Kierowaik: prof. dr Fr.Gzubalski. (AQUNOUS MOR. coagulation & thickening after eye inj. in rabbit) k '1 11 A 1~ 4 17 L a a M 15 A 27, .1 1 il j i~ It MA kit aii-411 dij ot F I A. 44 F1 0 9 00 guoixthia lathytis L to 0 re- M41-061 I" ch. Id Ait.1 U. I" Dablo- tk, R i ow ~ u n dq* &jo 00 in pfenc m 00 - fee C ctrA(f - 44,7-19.2. PF-10" 04 0125P I I ~ I - 17 j. h4tances 12.7- M7. filwr 17.7 - 141P. anti ash 3. 1 - ahk Au go 11 ic oil has d" O-VAU-0,M5, no. 1.4712-I'Am. 0 arid no. 11.71 -3A2. -Apon. no. 1117.5. Ac n.,. - =0 0 i-84.95 anti thiocyaw-g,it no. 6.62, 1 im. 81ji ,tr after trvatricbt til indi t t l i th rh i1 1 0 00 00 ex e i e o w w4i n e rAn y with 21C. It C-in aLvi' IK U,.Mf fur the I,rrpn. of textile IWQt-. A. A. Burhilmak Lee -,!s00 i A 0 10 0 '0 6 of LO 0 see 00 It too 7M -Z ------ t o 4- - V t C4 it ro- I I I " " ' "' a 0 0 0 0 0 It wit i 1 IS11 nit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 i . . 0 4111 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 0 o .0 0 4 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 o 0 h U TN K I T Raticnalized and Standardi7ed or.eratin-r forms as an efficiency I ' 1 factor of off , .4.ce Oi-erations in the build-JnIg ind ustrY. P Vol no 39 5 9 Se,it - 1956. . . . . , . -uv.,?'jc7t,.o F-RZF,~~ySLC)T,!F. Warszawa, Foland. LCUKE": East Eurcpean Accessions Libt (EE-AL) V~,1. 6. No. 4--Arril 1957 pl IT POLAND / Organic Chemistrya Synthetic Organic G-2 Chemistry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 19581 No 17, 57369. Author : Probendowski Ses X-UU"W"-Hlr Inst : Not given. Title : New Product of the Reduction of Croconic Acid. Orig Pub: Roczn. Chem., 1957, 31, No 1, 81-91. Abstract: In boiling of the K-salt of eroconic adid (I acid) with 4 mols of 44% HI (60 hours), a new product of the reduction (I) has been obtained. It probably is a trihydrate (3,4-dioxy-2,5-diketocyclopentane) (II). Its yield is 50%. It loses water at 1100/ /2mm. II is soluble in hot water, insoluble in Card 1/2 I I !, I. ~, j :-1-1 1" - 7- L KII icheskaya i Laidrolocicherkaya roll Trudly Torogo Vsesoyuz. -Dogr. z"yezda, T.T."., 1,111,8 J -.t87-IfZ. - BibIL -y: 19 nazv. 'hurrallilyAt Statey, No. 19, Foskva, 1%0 RIJTKOVBKIY, V.I. Intra-continental moisture cycle. Yop.geog. 28:156-167 152. (MLRA 7:5) (moisture) f 6, No. 2, ic~53- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions# Library of Congress, Yay 1953. Unclassified.. INOSSIng and lantering of MOISUic and nonsuetallk rwdors All-, Rulkossi-kk IAIIII IL Ratia..V4.1 (Ill.t. KV Pufalit ). pra4p HU'Llulze 61sitfstese Ait. Hit. I odlete. 1949. 111-25. , Me Isfet,ing an,f ill. 1-illit -I llwlal sit Fr. Cll. 1-.. 01. I'll Mu. I-r- NJ" it 11, 411.1 FrA,11 %fit 11:1,I) .-IC lisv"llpitril 111t, ulv%,d --Ie .,Ill .'ehirl .4 luisillwt"Ill. J.'sidi-I . 4 1 IaL, Is I r %j. ki..1 a. all oam .11141 %ICAtItr A% J11 1110119. linsilt,r) niul litr%" titider viul. ~Abh!.Jlt".IUV~. 'rise anv,itv ttirve libitle4l ri. einnjurtIng ~~,asrr call be expreswil by the ciluAtitite: li)jc j - I big P + h)g b. isillere - -tensile% the (firsisittv uf th-stupavt in x.!rv., 11 - conallaCtIllit IIFMIUFe its 14jut iser ,+ ven.. and " 4,14 b arle 1. 1W 'fet.1- Ior e_rv I-der Ills,it. ['he sintenng of risinglawto m. ulls let shrijiLige or 'WrIlIng. c1~1v coluciecteal with Ilse clunge in den~iiy of the ~intvmtj 90E~FTA;c* _ I.r,.liI,- III rrfrrvPvrs. Edward A. Ackl-1`111.11111 'A.-1' V 4%19 V iF't- 675 C-21.11.0 7A r,,IfVnvrsk,i IV. COM110'rild Metal allif Griplilte Trttkliv:;. Przcl,1;1!1 Eli~klrrArrhnlr-my. Ito. 1950. po. 40-464, 4 Dgs, 4 talis. The atittior flval,i with the pruipattes of mat(~rialn tirlml jit Ltl(! njanutitt.irt, of compow)(I mclal :jyi,f grapliltv hrtmhl:.-,, qitothig Ow- Inical nnalysis zzmd - major, pli,Tical prnp-2rUci. (if maJe IML11129 MICI (if brwilw;i macle liy Ptillnlt pril- r1i,io t compariran of Wr strurluml mithor a~~n refrr; fn Puu.d im.,lal imid gr.1pitite wilh ;:Ill.[( ,tra:401c t-(1 ht 1hr! jw-ilucLi!)n ui(*4,!,*fAt*iv WOMWEvi I all it JE' -#- 7; --s-w ; - 81 u u be a a v a 41 At 4A a 4 a I t 0 #A ii 0 00 x Am : am meft u =*O 0 . Hpas b &IME&IM w Pr-rL Mt-o-At.. 34 4" (Nov (14RM7-- -40 - Ch-" mkWAlruCfUM (1*~W on mkrvpbAAognWh,) 0( hnahmm of (wWan anJ Pwkh """~urv RAW ZOO %_MP_L 000 00 .00 00 -0e 1 41 L A.11AM-OCKAL L11111,41"I CLAII&O'KAVICAt .L, me 0 0 A a,. All SEA" 114. 03.449 U 14 41 .0 4%, -5.4 fib to I J of , " I: It .1.11k a" 4.. 9,11 AS aw 0 is a -Iw of a a 31 AN 11 12 it Wil P D lil IIIII "Alan Uldn Is I I II J L .- A S L.. D X_V. IL M J_ L -I.. a b .- . - - 00-11. Statorrit Contact Materials. Pact L (In Polish.) A. Krupkowski, W. Ru!kawski, and & Btotam Prure GIOU'"4190 IXStVtUtU Uttillaryfl, Y. No. 2 1951 p. 141I.-Ift , . o ~e I o I I & c e o I I ri e ` r n a t t I c s = 'a r I i L il W w t n W C U t L n d A r r e X I nvestigated. Effects of compo4tion. particle &Us. af lied pressure, tons- porature and rrm* of sintering on I -00 liardness, electricni condue. density. tlvtt istanc Iloat and rein re 00 s e, a y, rou a were obtA nod for W70% W F 800 , : t C A It f d d vnn. . u or oun was a n. gs xeoum to use ecarser W powders ;50-300 A, ranje). obtained by me- h l ti f l t d W l OO r pre an ca comml nu on o . s n Compactinx pressures above 15 tons zoo tier an. em.. minterinj temperature of 1000-1100* C and I ntering t1mrA 4:0 0 ( .. (it 3-4 hr. In dry 11, nro reconimendrd, zoo 2 002 0 (1-115, W. Cu. Ag) 0 Soo Ago ZOO :1 moo moo MOO INC- 09.0w 14 fe.1) J"n *-I; NJAIJI ow al- Ali 1 U 2. *1 $ A, od a M 91 .3 As a 3 9 j4A it a wa A, I IV LT a 7 0 0 0 06 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 0 . go - 1 16 00 - 0 00 a 0 0 :10 0 0 0000 go 0041 00000 0 of 0000 0-00 00 0 'a 0-6 00.00090000060 4, 0 0fik SINTZRAD ILWMCAL,-OMACT KAMIAM. 1*-PMIXIKARY I1VZSW1WATLW. A. 046M. MA 5. Inslarz (Face Olovaego last. Xotw. OW.'-Z. (2), 149-160).-Un Poligh). Wethods of propme and properties of sintored W-Ca and W-AC eloct.-contact materials bArve bow Investigated. The offtcts of camps., p"ttelo also, applied pressurep tomp.p and tin* of sintering as do bardneso, elect. conductivitro and &mine resistance of slatered costacts bove toon examined. V 60-70, Cu or Ag .10-40% centactse prepared from bigh-puAty powders vitb the use of coarse (50-3W tA) wintered V# possess best pmporttov. Compacting pressures above 16 tons/00.2, sintorlac temp. -UWC. for W-Cu and-100000o for W-Ag, and *tutoring times of 3-4 hr, In dry 1, are rocomsenied.-A.6. 10177=77 T; I 0 11 is 11 1$ to 4 too 01 to 4 a ld AS )41 17 )11 J9 0 01 1) SI MPli.UMPO, I I) It 0 A 0 11. Ll L- ot t if r a 1 4 0 A 4A 00 LID It w . f Al ,/ i3635* Prooluellon of Metal Powders ljy Atomisalloon. I It. V111:111 I W 13144"Alkt, P"We ChhLoo-gd) Iftseloulu 3111dur):0. - - 1-0 ~.,lwi. mv 3, WIL j; .Go rile% haittots, A .1--velopont-nt of intial-pirwolcr prixint-tion its ; Im grAnnfainin asitl alondiation I)k-m w pi'- imult, imlAltum, f.'r almnsritnal of SIM qw-ItIng 1% nwtAf, out I, is Sn. Mo. 7r.. and Al. ond (of hiscl, %m I, A% Cis. bron/r, Fe, Anti %trel. D.-,trifoc-4 Ow millarrut. of %4ruous (Actors 11tx1n Ihe 'JIL1111%, of ilannitcd prmIlvT 2nd t-ifictencv it( lite prooo e- I I rrf 00 :Q 00 00 a SL A a#TALLUFrK&L LITEN.TLOC CLISSIFICAtIC. 00 6c a a it It K It rt It O An 'Ino 0 0 4 0 0 0 0,0 0 P it it 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 lowim"d amebleat-001;W MaierimIL-13. W. KlItkulmki Mimi A 814mrs I/Irwo (;Mwmrj Ind. met.. 1951, %,j4), 29-, JUSI.-Jill 1`ofiah~ (1. ".. is). 1491 M-l" lk 541. 111 TIW Immlil. alml Inth"t. qipm of Sinterml 4.4milwid 4-im-L 4441UPta. [Wag JV anif C%I or W And Ag. am -14W."Iml In gletad. 90.4"', m %V was prixtuml on an hidlimit. lu'Al" by tho oxwAt o rp*W from elms. hWb anil c-mWt fat:444W 1.1 WO, (1-4 hr. at OW-10OD' V. In alf) AM rmfurtliju with If 14 hr. at 1400' C.), is Y. N x I:Ml mm. rticta %rWilng IW x. wrrvg in a 4 ke/cm.2 preek sintered fitr 1.1 inin. at 17M) mW thim for X) min. in in akeL [nnM10 In is JI atroodlibeft. where the lem1h of 3mv'-lIW C. wam main- cairwi for 5-10 mln~ au, that & d of 17-18 g./cm. was attaineti. 71o rvxfs were pow&4"I, Wzmf with vexious clitanticim of unainteml %V and elmtnilytic Cu (10-*Y'.') or Ag (*MI. compacted at 4-10 tow/cm.1 and sintemd for 3 hr. at I 100T. v&ritxw typm or c4mtacts air itimatmteti. anil opemtkmaj evaluatt4l.-A. 0. ----------- Y 'U T Y~ 0 ~V Polish Technical Abstracts 2338 621-775-751 669.Z75-492.8: No. 49 1953 621.3-066 Metallurgy Rutkowski We, Stolars S. Sintered Electric Contnat MALAri SO A -,:PP3-LGICKh-e- atyki elektryczne. (Prece. lii~t. talurmil No. 1), Ketowice 1952# FWTp 15 ppot 17 figs. , 10 tabs. The infiltration method applied to sintered electric contact materials on the W-Cu and W-Ag ' basis was Inveatigated. After pressing 1 7 n fil te d sinterIng, a porous tungsten body was in with molten copper or silver In a protective hydrogen atmosphere. The influence of the following factors on the properties of sintered contacts was examinedt composition, particle size, applied pressure, tempareture of sintering of tungsten bodyt temperature and time of infiltration. The following properties were taken Into consideration: density, hardnesag electrical conductivity and arcJng resistance. As compared with sintered (non-4nfiltrated) :elcctrical contacts, those which are filtrated have a 6onsiderably higher density and hardnesso their arcin resistance being ib6ut five times grea:ter. 7L~ WA