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1-j th.-I oil (261 (I 'd i ~s.:The-L eq-tatiolli i.,; ilwllci~ce'pcr unit to ma whem F constitute tk il~ujt of ii , wfi~ it ms lici-esm c irsv p, ry rffleri ve them. roni the princip e-.-bf.mmnnunj -iction, to I 'Ig tile filli& ii~xom~ioirw~l -of a ~.ountiihle set ~-f ~6ar- regardin ; fid in ct~tain~iquattons; an -as iccontinuum in ot fil t le-Secorld"Paper, the- same'-equ;itioiis :6.~ r1c: t a" in 'Vrl - ' n tan' :..tcms of Li ure s ' U of the bi-thogonal'gi,611P its nrud w Sd.- PiMs 132,' 369mw37i Ifollaiving Poin6ir6, C. R A6d. - ai)d (ictAey'., ibid. IRS; 15 7-454 (1927)], attaining 7 -0k St. fugh degme b6coin Wj~ (fot, inatanctr, t e n uin ber's 4 Qit denoted by c* 1* -6 c" 0. Y- witll~ vw)"jng: positions, of the upper-indices),1--imd m%aM* 6 ing e-, - of pi~Ucles.-Theitdvahta f ti RIO as, -a countarbli i~et 11 geso. I IN ~ A W;Wu fal;n ~ 0qnot Scussed : z . . , -~c A. the Wyj $14th" fit 3C discusse3the kbOAMIC Chatactelislics And vItt6IdIs0Isccm6rA of a' Mcc6aicuNatem' consisting of a rigid. bo4i W, 'WhIch i eavIty is party 4n, tocAlly filledvith An'ittill egsible fluid. ~natsy through cool- = dcs aW kinematic ch"ittisticx, surWr d-etives the dynamic ,' ~diia eqwions from an expression of Hamilton's principle of least ac- / thior'which was otabli3hed by. him culict. From rolationu (at tile the-iroup 4 Virtual displac car cat, be CruCt. constants emen - at thii L~idy are Idekic t ded~ej i6t 6cIe4uiiIoo;_of m6tiva of 'et thoser eisublished. by-ibe";,uthut: eirh 'source- '19141~ The granic. procedure Is "a then applie r ' ` r ihe , s cn r nate System t ha is in tile . , - - .Itjg - the first of cwrai~.t tile ceriiv! of ijs is Y. :of t" go ;6n W 4 A Chetiev [title soutce S;.4 rs~ 251i 194 1) are sho d"1 e 4- v V, '-:u -a JE G- IUSSR/MATHEMATICS,,/l)if-Li~~uc-zitiaI aq-txatloua C11M I /I pa 111. AUTHOR RUUJANZEY V.V. TITLE The stability of the permaneat rotations of a heavy rigid body. PERIODICAL Priklad. Xat.Mech. 20.. 51-66 (1956) r-3viewad 7/1956 The author 4pplies Liapunov's Urect method to the izvostigation of the. notatilAty of $he totions ~ bf, `4 heavy iigid body *ith a fixed point., The. six EuIer-Folason equAtions of motion inliegrale v '~- conett possess car .1y2- ocnqtj 7. 3 - 0. According to detajoy's arrangement the LispuAor function is a0ustruated iA.the form V v 2 63vi + 'T 3 + V3 Here. la the angalar valoaityl *?tis -a aouBtant..depazding on,W the moments of Inertia and on the- e-oardInates of the -c-enter af. gravityl JA an arbitrary constant. From Ahis several sufficient exiterin of stability. axe given for Permanent, rwia:tions. The general.. case of arbitrat7 distribution, of masses is considered. as. well as a series -of. special aaaes.: In &a illustative way th* ra.nges of stability are determined on the coze of the permanent axes. The ol~taJ_ued results are illustated by tumorous exampleat e.g. for the conditions of S.Kovalevskij, Stecklov, ff.lovaleTakl and in hiriher integrable cases, INSTITUTIONt Moscow. L) SUBJECT USSR/MMMUTICS/Differ-ential equations CARD 1/2 PC -,692 AUTHOR TITLE On the stability theory of control systems. PERIODICAL Priklad.Mat.Mech. 20, 714-722 (1956) reviewed 4/1957 Let the automatic control system with several control elements n k b + hip f z 0(=1 ri =Z i-1 be given. Here b h are constants, control parameters and . i,~zI Pi ep ~ ,f A(1~,&).continuous functions which satisfy.all the,conditions which are necessary for the uniqIueness of of (1)) f,5(0) - 0. 1?urther- more -]::Ek-B>A. ASSOCIATION: Mechanical Institute, Acad.Sci. USSR (Institut mekhaniki AN -SSSR) SUBMITTED; April.8, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress ~CARD 1/1 1-0 AUTHOR: Rumyantsev, V.V. (110scow) SOV/40-122-3-9/21 ~TITLE: yof the Uotions of a Gyroscope in.Cardanic bilit On ~ta ~ Suspension cw..ii stoychivosti dvizheniya giroskops. v kardanovom podvese) PERIOD16AL: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika,1958,Vol 22, Nr 3, pp 374 - 378 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Starting from investigations of several authors con- siders in the present paper:the stability behavior of a sym- metric gyroscope in Cardanic suspensionand thereby he takes into account the influence of the masses of the.Cardan rings.. It is assumed that the external Cardan axis is fixed in the space and vertical'. The internal Cardan axis is assumed to be able to move in a horizontal plane. The center of gravity of the system is to lie on the axis of symmetry of the gyroscope. Under the given the stability of the vertical position of the, gyroscope is proved by the construction of a Lyapunov function. The Lyapunov function is obtained thereby as a linear combination of the integrals of the problem. The Card 1/ 2 following integrals are applied: 1. Theorem of energy, 2. the On.the Stability of the Motions of a Gyroscope, SOT/401-22-3-9/21 in Cardanic Suspension constancy.of the vertical impulse component and 3- the stabil- ity of Ithe impulse component of the rotor in the direction of the rotor axis.. I,.t~is shown that,the obtained stability con- dition is not only sufficient but also necessary* In a concluding chapter it is investigated how dissipative forces takeeffect on the stability behavior of the gyroscope mounted on gimbals. ItAs assum~5d that frictional forces are effective around,the axes of the Cardanic suspensions. For the special assumption on which these frictional forces were based the motions of the system remain asymptotically stable.. This result is.even retained~ if the,masses of the Cardan rings are subsequently neglected. It i's shown that in this case the stability is identical.with the secular stability_ given by Kelvin. There are 3 references, 2 of which are'Sovietg and I is.German. SUBMITTEDs January 10, 1958 Card 2/2 16(1) AUTHOR: Rumyantsev,V.V. (Moscow) -22 26 SOVAO -4-10/ TITLE: On the Stability of Motions of a Gyroscope in,Cardanic Suspension.II (0b ustoychivosti dvizheniya giroskops. v kardanovom podvese.Il) PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya matematika i,mekhanika,1958,Vol 22,Nr 4, pp 499 -503 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In addition to the first part of the paper the author con- tinues the stability investigations for.-the motions of a heavy symmetric gyroscope in Cardanic suspension. While in the first investigations the fixed external Cardan axis was assumed vertical, novr this axis is supposed to be ho- rizontal. This case practically appears in many gyroscopic instruments applied in navigation. The investigation method does not differ from the methods applied in.the first part of the paper. The components of inertia of the Cardan rings,are considered. Starting from an expression for.the kinetic energy the author calculates the equations of motion.according to the method of Lagrange. The existence of.thefirst integrals from the energy.theorem Card 1/ 3 on the Stability of Motions of a.Gyroscope in SOV/40-22-4-10/26 Cardanic Suspension II and from the theorem of momentum allowh the establishment of a.Lyapunov function as a linear combination of the first iiR-. tegrals. From the condition for positive definiteness of.the Lyapunov function and of negative definiteness of its total derivative with time the stability of the motions of the gyroscope can be derived according;to well-known theorems of Lyapunov and Chetayev. Besides general investigations of this kind also the special case is considered that the system turns through 90 degrees around the internal'Cardan axis. In this case the planes of internal and external Cardan ring coincide so that the system loses one of its degrees OfLfreedom in this special position. This motion is unstable as it is well-known. The instability can be read from'the Lyapunov functions Furthermore a practically interesting case is investigated in which.thefixed external Cardan axis is :onnected with a sup- porting motor. The moment of the supporting motor can be chosen so that the rotoraxis of.the gyroscopic system maintains a constant the space. An investigation of,the sta- bility of this system shows that stable relations canbe ex- Card 2/3 1004) AUTUOR: Rumyantsev, V. V. SOV/20-124-2_~13/71 ------------------------- TITLE: Stability of the Equilibrium of a Solid Body,Which has On the , Cavities Filled With a Liquid (Ob ustoychivosti ravnovesiya tverdogo tela, i meyushchego polosti, napolnennyye zhidkostlyu) PEPIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nanuk SSS 1lt,,1959, Vol 124,.Nr2, pp 291-20/4 (USSR) ,ABSTRACT: Short reference is first made to some earlier papers dealing with thissubject. The present paper deals with the problem of proving the Lagrange theorem for a solid body with liquid filling. For this purpose the author.bases his investigations iipon the fundamental work by A. M. Lyapunov. The aforementioned liquid is in this connection considered to be homogeneous, incompressible, and ideal. The position.of the solid with respect to a certain immobile system of coordinates (Oxyz) can be determined by, the independent coordinates qi(i = 1,...,n 0, where C C + C A A, +A 0 1 2 2' W 02 G2z if mass of the -system. If C > A , C A> O,then the,system is stable too, even though the rigid 2body, 2alone were unstable for:A 1 >~.C N~ G. Chetayev, S. L. Sobolev, N. Ye. Zhukovskiy and Lyapunov are mentioned inthe paper. There are 6 references: 5 Soviet and IFrench4 SUBILITTED: February 27, :1960 Card 2/2 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6201 Vaesayuznyy s"yezd po teoreticheskoy i prikladnoy mekhanike. IskMoscow, 1960. Trudy Vsesoyuznogo s"yezda po teoreticheskoy I prikladnoy mekhanike, 27 yanvarya -- 3 fevralya 1960 g. , Obzornyye.doklady (Transactions of the All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 27'January to 3 February 1960. Summary Reports), Moscow, Izd-vo,AN SSSR, 1962. 467 p. 3000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. NatsionalInyy komitet SSSR po teoreticheskoy i prikladnoy mekhanike. Editorial Board: L. 1. Sedov, Chairman; V. V. Sokolovskiy, Deputy Chairman, ~G. S. Shapiro, Scientific Secretary; G. Yu. Dzhanelidze. S. V. Kalinin. L. G. Loytsyanaldy, A. 1. Lurlye, G. K. Mikhaylov. G. I. Petrov. and V. V. 11-umyantsev; Resp. Ed.: L. 1. Sedov; Ed. of Publishing House: A; G. Chakhirev; Tech. Ed.: R. A. Zamarayeva. Card l/ 6 Transactions of the Ail-Union Congress (Cont.) SOV/6201 PURPOSE; This book is intended for scientific and engineering personnel .~ho are interested in recent work in theoretical and applied mechanics. COVERAGE: The articles included in these transactions are arranged by general subject matter under the following heads: general and applied me- chanics (5 papers), fluid mechanics (10 papers), and the mechanics of rigid bodies (8 papers). Besides the organizational personnel of the congress no personalities are mentioned. Six of the papers in the present colleation have no references; the remaining 17 contain approximately 1400 references in Russian, Ukrainian, English, German, Czechoslovak, Rumanian, French, Italian, and Dutch. TABLE OF CONTENTS: SECTION 1. GENERAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS Artobolevskiy, I. I. Basic Problems of Modern Machine Dynamics 5 Bogolyubov, N. N., and Yu. A. Mitropollskiy.' Analytic Methods of the Theory of Nonlinbar Oscillations 25 Card 2/ 6 Card 3/6 89383 S/040/61/025/001/002/022 B125/B204 AUTEOR- .-,Rumyantsev, V. V. (Moscow) TITLEt The stability of the motion of gyrostats PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, v. 25, no. 1, 1961, 9-16 TEXT: The author investigates several.motions of,heavy gyrostats with an immobile point by employing the second.Lyapunov method. The body S1 has a fixed point 0 at the originof two recItangular s stems of coordinates: the axis of the immobile system.of coordinates 010 has anupward vertical direction, and the axes of,the moving system of coordinates Oxyz shift with the principal axes of inertia.of the gyrostat S with respect to the latters' fixed point 0. The equations of motion of,this heavy gyrostat. readi Card 1/6 89383 S/040/61/025/001/002/022 The stability of the motion... B125/B204 dki A + Tt + (C - B)qr + qk - rk P(Z y dt dk2 3 2 o 2 0r3 B~A[ +T- + (A - C)rp + rk, - pk P(x z t 3 or3 oyl) C dr +d~ + (B - A)pq + pk - qk P(yoTj - x,f2) dt dt 2 R is the weight of the gyrostat; the constants x ty 'z are the coordi- 0 0 0 nates of its center of mass; r1IT2 r T3 are the cosines of. the.angles between the verticals Ofand the fixed axes x,y,z. For the cosines, d d ri -r2 Y3 = P r (1.2) holds. These dt -12 -13' dt r ri -dt equations (1.1) and (1.2), howeverr in general are not sufficient for a complete study of the motion of the heavy gyrostat, and,inaddition, the equations of the relative motion of the body S are required, which 2 depend on the shape of the body S 21 on the characterof the conditions Card 2/6 S/04 61/025/001/002/022 Y I T4e stability of the motion... B125 B204 imposed upon it, and on the forces'acting upon it. If the vect6r k s known from the beginning, or especially if it is constant, (1.1) and (1.2) suffice for investigating the motion of the gyrostat. The -following are ~ sev6ral first-integral s of the.equation of motion of the gyrostati If the internal forces:acting upon S have a force function U, and if the condi - 2 tion!3 are stead one obtains for the integral of the energies y 2 2 2 -U) + 2P(x +y Lp , + Bq + Cr + 2(pk +qk +r,k ) + 2(T +Z const., 2 1 3 2 oyl OT2 oT3) 1 . H-2re T is the of S -in its relative motion. With kint cons 2 2 ~'A j 2 2 the first integral reads: Ap +Bq +Cr + 2P(x const (1-4 ofl+YOT2+'of3 The surface integral is (Ap+,k.,)T,+(Bq+k +1 (Cr +k const (1-5)t 2)T2 1 343 = and the integral characterizing the constancy of the angulat momentum reads 2 2 2 (Ap k + (Bq k + (Cr + k const (1.:6). From (1.2) follows + 2) 3) 2 2 + + 1. The second part deals with the stability of,the permanent rotations of a gyrostat (x i(i 1,20) are given =yo=zo-O), if k o i__SLard ----------- 89383 S/040/61/025/001~6~2/022 i 'The stabili.ty of the motion... B125/R2O4 constants. In this case, N. Ye. Zhukovskiy gave the first geometric interoretation (Ref. 2). The author, however, studies stability by the direct Lyapunov method. The- permanent axis is assumed to have an uncbarzed position within the body, which is assumed to be determined by the direc- tion cosines d,p,y-in the mobile axes; it then follows from (1.1) that 2 2 (C B)lr?Ta + Gj(pk3 ~k (A-C)ld,(j +W(Tkl-ak,) Of 2) 0' 2 B - A + k 0 (2.2). From hese equations the angular 2 velocity Q may then be determined. The equationsby Staude-Mlodzeyevskiy follow herefrom as a special case. The equations of the perturbed motion the first integrals lead to V, = A + ~pgl) + B (J,2 + 2qEq-) -c 0 ns t V2 A2 (~12 + 2PE,) + 2 B2 (t 2 + 2qo~j) + C2 R3' + 2ro~,) + 2 + BA~ ~3 + C4~ 3) - cODst-_ and the corresponding Lyapunov function reads- Akj Bkt t. + _~qks E't V XV, + -W7 r0 A Card 416 8 S73 3 04 0/61/025/001/002/022 The stability of the motion... BI 204- 25 13 Ilext, the stability of the rotation o f a symmetric gyrostat (k B, X0 =YO Of z0/ 0, k1 k2 - 0).is studied. 'Fo rthe f irst integrals, therc follows (4-7) and for V (4-8). . The results fo6d for k const (i.= 1,2,3) are also he avy bodies, multiply connected, having cavities entirely filled with perfect homogeneous liquids (Yiith~eddy-free motion).. According to N. Ye. Zhukovskiy, the equations of motion~of'such a gyrostat have the form of.Eqs. (1.1). There are 6 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 1 no n-Soviet-bloo. SUBMITTED: November 14, 1960 Card 616 29408 005 /003/Oo4 S/055/61/000/ 4100 , , D205/D303 AUTHOR: Rumyantsev, V.V. TITLE: On the. motion of some systems with non-ideal constraints PERIODICAL: Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya I. Matematika, Mekhani-, ka, no. 5,~1961, 67 75 TEXT: The author considers the motion of a system consisting of points P-9 of~ masses m.9 , with respect to some Cartesian coordinate system, the coordinates of those points being x -.) 9 Y-0 I ZV (-v = n). The force acting on the Y..Differentiating.theequ.ation of con- points is E.,~ (xv YV z-O straints with , respect to time a x% z + e b 0 yl~ + e , B py , S V 1 s s ey V where a .... e are functions of given coordinates velocities x1V alp zt,, 'points P,) and time t. The sum.of elementary work of the reactions of ideal constraints is Card 1/4 29408 S/055/61/000/005/003/004 On the motion of D205/D303 + N Sz 0, (3) E(N x6X + NVY Sy.P V7, An assumption is made that displacements determined by X)) + P rV 6 yy + I-r-Y 46 z v0,r q, V are among those possible for a system with non-idial constraintS.C~ are known functions of coordIinates and velocities of.given points..rlyhese are called (A) - displacements. The necessary and sufficient condition for their existance is given. The equation RVxSxIIj + RVY0YV +RVz 6z,)) 0. can be regarded-as an axiom of non.-ideal constraints. The sum of elemental 'work of forces F9 and the inertia forces on any (A) displacement is equal tO 7ero. The Gaussian principle is obtained for such systems. Theorem 1 -, 'The deviation of the actual motion of a system with non-ideal constraints from any (A) motion is less than thedeviation ofthe latterfrom the true ,Card 2/4 :2y)108 -9/055 61/000/005/003/oo4 On the motion of D205YD303 motion of a system free from all constraints. Theorem 21 The deviation of the actual motion of a system with non-,ideal constraints from.the actual. motion of a system free from any constraints is less than the deviation of. the latter from any (A) - displacements. Appell's equations can be derived from the Gaussian principle and an equation of motion of a system with non- ideal constraints is obtained QF + P2 D (22) gqlo > r rp r where Dr are known functions qif q! (j 1 ... k), t and T-_Dr r p Solving the last equation=16q'I Sq It0 2* r C 9qIIf (23) Sqr rs s r P2 s P2+ Card 3/4 16 L39 S/04 61/025/004/018/021 D274%3061 AUTEOR: Rumyantsev,.V.V. (Noscow) TI 'IU: nie stability of certain types of gyrostats PERIODICAL. Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, v. 25, no. 4. 19611 778-784 TMCT: Four types of heavy gyrostats are considered which are sup- ported by a fixed horizontaL plane. Type 1; The gyrostat consists of rigid body S, and rotor S2- : The axis of S2 coincides,with the axis of.rotation of its inertia ellipsoid. The equationof motion Of S2 with respect to S I is given. The amount, of momentum G of the gyrostat with respect to any paint is equal to the, geometric sum of the moments of momenta ?f.Sl and S,)., A modified, ri-j"id body is considered, obtained by joinino -to S 7an inf initcly thin rod - of mass Q L m2 and -center Of 9ravitY It .02 (m2 and 0,) are also-. the mass and cen- ter, oEgravity Of S2)-' A formula is obtained for the moment of mo - :-Ilentum. of the modif ied bodl,t which shous that if the gyrostal: has a Card 1/6 i? S/04016L/02.5/004/018/021 Me stability of certain typess.... D2747D306 fixed point 0, then its equation of motion have the forift of.equa- tions (1.1).of V.V. Rumyantsev (Ref. 1: Ob ustoychivosti dvizheniya girostatov, PM1, 1961. v. 25, no. 1), all the~results therein con- tained being applicable to system SIS.3. (for the case- ki '= const., ki being the projections of the unit ~e'ctor oil the rotor axis); 'rype 2: M motion of the Gerve Z-Abstracter's note: Russian trans- literation "J gyroscope ir. consideredon an absolutcly smooth hori- zontal plane, under the effect oE gravity. The pertinent theory was developed by Carvallo on the assumption that S~ has no mass; taking into account the mass leacts to a more complicated theory. From the integrals of energy and areas one obtains (b + e cos29) (1 4 c cos2Q) Gt2 0 - a sin 8) (1 + C C082g) C2-'., COS g)2 (2.5) where a b, =L~" C C - B~ c2 L21 C a 1-112 h, r4 k B B B 13 M being ~thc mass oil the gyroscope, IL and Iz arbitrary constants. Card 2/6 2 t I S/040/61/025/004/018/021 The stability of certain types.... D274/D306 e the angle between zj and z, ti - the angular velocity. Eq. (2.5) integrated, leading to 'a hyper-elliptical,integral for(t . '4, thereupon, the angles '~ and.(X can be found by quadratures. ~ is the angle between xl and x);~ Type 3. This.type differs from Type 2 by the design of the mounting only, which has an additional'degree of freedom as com?,ared to Type 2. The stability of.vertical equil- ibrium is considered, determined by 9 - 0' - 0, const, 0, 0, 0 const ( 34) The function V is introdUced 2 t2 C,~v2 + ~Igalm2 V ~ V, + 9LV2 ~z AO L 4- ,2 2c_)2~ 316) + (C2 IIgl.) 912 + + B (1 + 4B) 2~kBGVell! being some constant. According to Sylvester's criterion, the V-function is a positive definite if al .-. 0, C2 2~,2 - Bl,,E(! > 0 (these conditions were obtrilned by an appropriate choice of ,~J; the Card 316 S/040/61/025/004/018/021 The stability of certain types..., D274/D3061 derivativel ;-rith respect to time, of the zero, hence :the V-function satisfies Lyapunov's sLability conditions. There- fore condition (3.7) is the sufficient-one for'stability; it is shown that this is also the necessary.condition. Condition LI 0 means that the geometrical center of the.supporting circular segment should lie higher than the center of gravity of the instrument. The second of the conditions (3.7) permits detennining the lowest angu- lar velocity ~~ of rotor S2, for crhich the gyrostat is stable. This, condition is compared with Mayyevskiy's stability condition Type 4;, The rigid body Sl has a spherical, base which touches.the support- horizontal plane at one point only; (S, can be ahollow sphere). The axis of rotor S2 is assumed as coinciding with the,Oz-axis.,The equations of motion are Set UD, The V-function is introduced: V - V1, + 2/AV2 + ~V3 + -L (C - 1~) I 2V3 2 (4.15)~ 4 A (p2 4- q2) + 2AX (pyl + (92) + ~L(112 +'122): + + Cr" 12 + 2C' 113 JP2 + (C - A) ?,1.2 + 2 2 + + 11 (U2 + V2 + W2) + 2C r0 + (C A) 12(ryl.2 +'12 2 + 2) a ).31 + 2 2 A2 Card,4/6 25139 S/040/61/025/004/018/021 The stability of certain types... D274/D306 where Mgal - (Cr 0 + C 2 COA, a I'beirZ the coordinate of the c6n- ter 01 of the spherical base i-rith respect to the Oz-ayds.. Sylves- ter's criterion leadsto condition C - A A r0 2 + C2wro + Mg alt (4.'18) t ) a' > 0 w1tich satisfies all the conditions of. Lyapunov* s theorem. If a < 0, tlLe center of gravity of the body is higher than the acometrical center 0, of the base. In that, case the rotation will be stable. for sufiLiciently great angular velocities, if C1 > Aa. If a' -- 01 the center of gravity is above 01; the~rotation.will be 5tablVfor any angular velocity, In the c Iase,of an absolutely smooth horizon-, ~tal plane, the necessar and sufficient stability condition is "'Tiv- Y en by (Cro + 02 ,.))21+ 41ZIgal > 0 There are 6 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bLoc, whicF~_ ircludc'2 translation,-, into Russian. The reference to the English- langua-c -oublication reads- as follows: S. O!Brien, T.L. Synre,.The Y instability of the tippe-top explained by sliding friction. Proc.,, Card 516 B/040/61/025/006/001/021 D299/D304 AUTHOR: Rumyantsev,.V.V. (Moscow) TITLE: On systems with friction PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanikap v. 25, no..,6, 1961p 969 977 TBXT.- Pailnlevbls general definition of systems with friction is adopted which holds for any experimental law of friction. Some of Fainleve"s results are extended to nonholonomic systems. Gauss's principle of least constraint is formulated for 2 types of such systems: 'With implicit friction forces and without implicit reac- tion forces (which is of greater interest). From Guass's principle- the equations of motion of systems with friction*are derived. By differentiating the'inithl equationsp one obtains. + a z e 0 (a X" + b Yl S. 1-1 ... fPt p Pi + P2)9. s V. ST Bv 1) 3 where ay bf c and e are known f,unctions of.the coordinates x, y, z, Card 1/6 .100610011021 S/040 /61/0?f On systems with friction D299/D304 - of the velocities of the points Pv(v,=,l, ...,,n) of the 3ystem*, and of the time t.'The virtual displacements of the points P'V rV are determined by p independent relationships (a Sx + b 0 (s 1#0~0010- (1-4) V sv~y' + ev 6.z V Below, an extension of Painlevb's results to.nonholomonic systems. Mith friction is.giVeno In order that the sum of the elementary work of a system of forces P P P on every virtual displace- Vx1 vy, '0Z Ment:of the system vanish, it is..necessary and sufficient that the equalities F~x F,, X'b'? F" I.e.7 (V n) hold, where are coefficients which are the same ford ali thb points of the system.,Further,'.the reactions RV are Considered. ft is established that RV c an be* uniquely decomposeVinto 2 forces N Card 21/6 ;S/040/61/025/006/00.1/021. On systems with.friction D299/D304 termined by the friction law. Assume the friction law is known.' Then one obtains as the general dynamical equation of systems with frictiont the.equation ((X. + Plz MVXV') 6XI + (Y. + ply M,Y.M) 6Y., + V (2.2) M,Z,N)6z,) 0 + (ZV + PVz From (2~2) it is possible to obtain Gauss's principle of.least con straint for systems with friction. According to this'principle, among all the virtual accelerations, the real accelerations of points of a s_ystem w~th:friction,,minimize the function i XV+P.~ Y ZVI ( +PVV z p4i z ,A MV + YVIIY + V 2 c and ednverBelyp the minimum conditions for the function A, whi h satisfy-conditions (1.3), lead to the equations of motion. The equa- tions of motion of systems with friction can also be expressed in the form of Appellsequations. In.Eq. (2-5), the friction forces Card 4/6 S/040/61/025/006/001/021, On,systems with friction D299/D304 are, implicit, being c omponents of the reactions of constraints. It is of greater interestv,however, to set up G leprinciple for systems with friction without *implicitly. julding the friction for- ces in the function A. It is assumed that among the virtual displa- cementag there are displacements Wa satisfy the conditions PVX SxV + WY SYV + Pg.szv = 0 (,P 1, n),. (3-1) For these displacementsp therelation (R Sx + R By. + R Sz 0 (3o2) -4 Vx V VY V Vz 19 Z holds. The set of virtual displacements which satisfy (3-1) are called (c)-displacementes For any(c)-displacementp Eq. (2,2) becor mess ((X M,2xvt 1 )Sx 19 + (YV m19 YV 8y" +(Z.~ MI) z 0 (3 o3,), The.constraint reactionB do not enter this equation which con8titu- Card 5/6 S/040/6f/025/006/001/021 On Bys,tems.with friction D299/D304 .tesp for systems wit#-friction, a principle analogous to the Eu- ler-Lagrange prijoiple.,Procefding from Eq,,~(3-3)o Gtjpels princi- ple is formulated, involving the following theorems. 1).The devia- tion of the actual system with friction from the virtual (c)-motion is smaller than the deviation of the latter from the motion of the system freed of all constrain%. 2)~The deviation of the actual mo- tion of a system with friction from the motion of a constraint- freesystem, is smaller than the deviation of the latter from the (c)-motion. Hence Gauss's principle for systems with friction has the same formulation as for systems withouttriction, provided that only ihe virtual (c)-motions are considered. The principle.thus formulated makes it possible to readily obtain the equations of mo-. tion of a system with friction. There are 9 references: 3 Soviet-, bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc (in translation). SUBMITTED: May 25, 1961 Card.6/6 i ----------- - - AMINOVY M.Sh., red.; BOGOYAVLEXS~- A.A.P red.; KALININ., S.V., red.; KUZIMINT, P A., red.;LORIYE, A.I., red.; MATROSOV, V.M., red.; RUMYANTSEV,,V.V,, red.; SRETENSKIY, L.N., red. [Proceedings of ihe iiiteruniversi~y.conference on the applied theory of the stability of motion and on. analy#c mechanics] Ti-udy Mezhvuzovokoi konferentsii po prikladnoi teorii ustoichivosti dvizhenila i analiticheskoi mekhanike. Kazan', Kazanskii aviatsionrqi in-t. 1964. 144 p. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Mezhvuzovskaya, nauchnsys, konferentsiya po analiticheskoy mekhanike i ustoychivosti dvizheniya, Kazan, 1962. p Acassion NR- Ar4o43294 6/0040/64/028/004/OT46/OT53 AWHOR: Rumyantsevp Vo V. (Moscow) TITLE: Stability of motion of asolid body with a liquid possessing surface tension SOURCE: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika$ Y. 28s no. 4,, 1964,, 746-753 TOPIC TAGS: solid body, liquid, solid liquid., motion stability, surface tension# satellite dynamics ABSTRACT: In a previous work of the author (Prikl. matem. i mekhanika 26), ff6 (1962)),, theoremovere formulated which reduced the problem of stability of a stationary motion including the case of equilibrium,, of a solid body with a cavity filled completely or partially with an ideal or viscous liquid.. to the problem of the least.changed potential energy. The surface tension was not considered. How- ever, the latter is essential in many cases. ITheauthor expands his theory to '.include the effect of. the surface tension. The., author is grateful to N. N. Krasovskiy)r N. 11. Molseyer, and 0. K. Pozharitakiy for a dincussion.of the work., Orig. art. has: no figures and 22 equations. -Card 11/2 W ACC NR, AT60221175 SOURCE CODE:. uR/0000,/65/0.00/00,0/0153/ol6g ,AUIHOR: Rumyantsev, V. V, iORG: None TITLE: Investigation of the stability of motion of solid bodies with cavities.fill6'd with a liquid SOURCE: Vsesoyuznyy s"yezd po teoreticheskoy i prikladnoy mekhanike. 2d, Moscow, 1964 Analiticheskaya mckhanika. Ustoychivost' dviz,henlya. Nebesnaya ballistika,(Analytical mechanics. Stability of motion. Celestial,ballistics);.trudy s"yezda, no, 1, Moscow, Izd-vo Vauka, 1965, 153-169 TOPIC TAGS: motion stability, motion mechanics ABSTRACT: The authortreviews various nonlinear methods recently developed for study- jinG the stability OfVltion of solids with cavities partially-or complete~,v filled wit ]a liquid.. Most of the p~_o~~`dures based on development of,the ideas and methods of Lyapunov. The various approaches to the problem are surveyed and the.effectiveness of the vHrious method's in practical applications are evaluated. The generally accepted ! definitions of stability are stated and the problem of stability of steady-state imotions of a solid with a simply connected cavity partially or completely filled with a homogeneous incompressible ideal liquid:is solved. Oric-art. has: 49 formulas. ISUB CODE: 2.0/ SUBM DATE- OltDec65/ ORIG REF: 026 LC. K-: LX P 1 t (_C M 1 )/_ U, vaa( ~UT~ 4 0 -6-7 UR/0040/66/030/001/0051/0066~J 5 1,j (; E C OD E ~UR : dt~ WTHOR: Rumyantsev. V. V. (Moscow) ORG:. none qui TITLE: On.the-theory of motion.of solids having cavities filled with Ii d SOURCE: Prikladnaya matematika. I mekhanika v. 30, no. 1 1966, 51-66 XOPIC TAGS: motion equation, body having cavity,:liquid sloshin tmotion stabilityp fluid mechanics: YZ -2114,V I ABSTRACT: The motion of an absolutel rigid bod having acavitypartially or en- on tirely filled with an idealhomogeneous incompressible liquid,with surface tensi s .analyzed; The.Hamilton Ostrogradskiy-r~rinciple of least action Is used,to derive the equations of motion of such a body-m-liquid system. A simultaneous system of~differen-, tial equations in Lagrange form'are.derived which,,with boundary conditions for:the an pressure and the kinematic conditions on the walls of the-cavity~~ d on the free sur- face, describe the motion of the body-liquid.system. Expressions for determining.the e of the liquid nid air" ity walls-are derived. generalized pressure forc a e cav, First integrals of the motion equations.'are'analyzed.under the assumptions that~the , forces applied to the body-liquid system are continuous and that the.coordinates.of. the liquid particles are functions of their initial values and of time. From thel.- equations of motion, conditions are sought~ under which the body-liquid system is in Card 112 ACC NR: ,W6033207 SOURCE CODE: UR/0040/66/030/005/0922/093i- jAUTHOR: Rumyantsev, V. V. (Moscow) ORG; none TITLE: On stability of stationary motions SOURCE: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika,.v. 30,.no. 5, 1966, 922-933~ TOPIC TAGS: Motion stability, motion mechanics, mechanical system, maLhematic Ianalysis ABSTRACT: The question of the stability of stationary motions of hol Ionomic mechanicall systems with cyclical coordinates has been investigated extensively by many authors, but it.cannot be considered to have been completely exhausted. The presentarticle examinE-~ the stability of the stationary motions ofholonomic.mechanical systems. Th theorei,,s of Routh, Poincare, Kelvin, and Chetayev are used and certai n new results arefound. The example of Yu. I. Newmark and N A. Fufayev (PM, 1966, t. 30, vyp.2 studied as an illustration. It Iis shown tha; with proper selection of.parameters in this example no peculiarities are discovered. Themethod developed in this paper is characterized by,uniformity in approach to.investigating the stability of motion Iof various mechanical systems and makes,it possible comparatively simply to derive the: necessary and sufficient conditions of stationary motion stability. This paper states, and proves two.theorems. Given the notation Lq.,d 2. ACC NR: AP6033207 > 0 a typical conclusion is that in the case of.stability of stationary,motions of a pendulum Vnen, in addition to gravity, dissipative forces with complete dissipation, and constant forces balancing the dissipative forces in the stationary regime act upon the pendulum, the statioAary motions corresponding to points of arm Cl with any 0 and a < 0, or 5 < a, and a > 0, of am C2 wgeb 8 > al and a 0 are secularly stable, and those corresponding to all other p oints or arms C. are unstable. Orig. art. has:, 59 formulas and 1 figure. SUBCODE:10/ SUBM DATE: 04Feb66/ ORIG REF: 014/ OTH REF: 003 Card 2/2 89-4-5-6/26 AUTHORS: Zeytlenot-11G A Rumyantsev, V.-.Y., Smirnov,V. L., Fomin L. P., &k'51_ovV. K. Grishayev, I. A.9 I Zeydllts, P. Lt. TITLE:, Principles of the Selection of the Basic Parameters of a Linear Accolerator of.Electrons to fligh Energy (Onnovaniya dlya vybora osnovnykh parametrov linoyn kh uskoriteley y clel~tronov na boltshiye ener-,,ii) PERIODICAL: Atomnaya Eneraiya, 1950, Vol. 4, Nr 5" PP. 443 454 (USSR) A:MRACT: By a comparative analysis the dependence of the accelerator Ion.--th, the number of sections, the input porler, the con- strUction co~Asv and the possibilities of uscon the value of the electric field otren.-th in the axis of the waveGulde are shown. The section of the wave,-uide in this case is fed i-idependcrtly T)y.-- high-frequency ~;enerator. The minimuri of the construction cost and of the possibilities C, d 1 3 Of use is not determined by the final enerCy of the, electrons. 62-4-5-6/26, ~'rinciples of the Selection of. Vie Chief Pararaetc.ra of a Linear Accelerator for Electross of H-ii:'-h ErerGy There is no relation between ti-.-ese points. It could, be shown. that for the feediiij; of the accelerator sections a hij;h-w frequency 6-eiierator with a power of nore than 2o IM is best suited. The problem.of the increase of the duration.of the useful p,,rt of tlhe.hij~h-frequency ventilated. If a rectan,,Xlar.wavecuide is used,Vae duration of the impulse at the in-;)-,.it of the excitation line must be increased by the amount of L/V - L/C- Inthis case it is as uell necessary l imit t:a~ the hioh-frequency impulse reaches the amplifyin-- klystron of the first section with a deceleration of the a--.1c amount. For VuA purpose a special synchronizin- scheme is needed which simultaneously transfers thephase shift to the other sections. The relation between the duration of the useful part of the impulse and the total duration of the impulse is independent, of the final ener,-~y of the accelerated electrons .There are ~'Card 2/3 . 13 fi..-;ures,l table and.2 references, 1 of whichis Soviet. /275 /6/000/602/004/032.~; -,- JJTF IORS: R11mvant Levin Vj i(fiokfil, A~N. * ~'iepafiov' S.M., Susletato _V K -Fomin sev , -:and Chu Ya, binskaya, T V= Line ar'5-35 Mev electron- accdlerator~:~,with X-~ray~ - :.-head f or -madica purposes PERIODICAL: "Referati vny'y zAiurnal i- El ektronilia i e' y e r uskori' no. 2 1963 -46-', abstract 2AM9 (Elekt on te Ii,: 2omsk Tobskiy: un. t j .1961 -10 15,"~ 0301166tion))"'. TEXT: ~u d., lse .,~a6 erator, 1~-: described h- 'f cei T e requency~,.--i t ie electron; ener y - ca o,:E the microwave fie Id Is:. about~ 2800, N-c smoothly,vary ~from o ~ 35 146V; _th6' mean ~:ele6tron, current 'in t ie entire range- can I b Ie brought to :~18_-microampere.: The technicai':char--~;. the. ',accelerator: are; described,-:-:. Them acteristics"and the de1jign of ` accelerating - system, the microwave aupply, the vacuum -system; and,,. ! -acce erator~_. the X-ray. head ~ device are considerat! in detail'." All the 1 -elements were . tested-6ii laboratory_,s~tands and -~the 't-iorlc3*-rg.drawirLcEs.-I,-.,.~. Card i/2 S~27%563/000/06VO04/02'1_._. -D Linear 5-35 M ev electron: 301 0 f or the ent ire e quipmc:ht were given,over to~ a plant- f or- serial production. Z,~3stracter. S.,note: CorVle.te ,translat'lolft2 d, - - --------- B/161/62/004/011/020/049 B100102 AUTHOAt Rumyantsevg V. V. TITU: Multiphonon corrections to the kinetic equation PERIODICALt Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 11, 1962, 3189 3201 TEXTt The investigation of the electron - phonon interaction in first perturbation-theoretical approximation leads to theusual kinetic equation 1960). This equa-, (0. V. Yonstantinov, and V. I. Perell, ZhETFj 39p 1971 tion cannot be applied-at high temperatures or where the electrons are scattered from the impurities. In the present paper the corrections to .the kinetic equations of the electrons in meta.19 'and semiconductol-a.are derived for T)>-G, taking account ofthe.two4honon processes in the case of a Fermi equilibrium distribution1unction by using a graphical method developed in the above mentioned paper. After a lengthy calculation it is shown that the corrections are of the type -4- iS] [(2k-... is])-' X (13), X 2rio (2k, k-ql-q3 toM Card 1/2 S/1 BV621004101110201/049 Multiphonon corrections to the ... B104/B102 t which describe the successive -interactions with two differ.ent phonon8 and can be attributed, according,,to their magnitude, to terms.that are related to the single-phonon scattering in the lowest perturbation-theoretical approximation. One such term is A-1CLO Ito where a is the lattice constant, and E the energy. This gives for semj'-: 0 conductors urk/(-tT),and*for'metals aN a i,, found to be small when the coupling constant, the energy and the,chemical potential are renormalizable. The results of the investigations into other correction types are discussed and shown to have little reliability. There are 4 fig- ures. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F, Ioffe. AN SSSR9 Leningrad (Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe AS U55R, Leningrad) .3 UBMITTED i June 21, 1962 Card 2/2 c- L 46163-65 EWT(M)/EPA(w)-2/EWA(m)-2 Pt-7/Pab-10 1JP(c) GS iACCESSION IFR: AT5007930 S/0000/64/000/000/0420/0424 V. 1AUTHOR: Vallter A. rif hayev, 1. Yemmenko, Ye. V.; Kondratenko, V. lZe Kuznetsov, G. F.; I~vin, V. H.; Hqlyshev._I_ N.-i.; Sem~nov, A. U.; Turkin,-F. F.; Khokhlov. V. K. TITLEz Ginear travelinp-wave accelerator of electrons with output energy 2 Gov !50URCM International Conference an High Energy Accelerators. Dubna, 1963. Trudy. 6-a-cow, Wt-o-mTz7i-at,-i79-64,42d 424 TOPIC TAGS: high energy accelerator, traveling wave electron accelerator, klystrwl. ABSTRACT: The accelerator consists of an injector and 49 accelerating sections eact 4.5 mters long. The accelerator operates with a traveling 1/2w-wave with constant phase velocity equal to the velocity of light a and group velocity equal to 0.04e. The operating frequency of the accelerator Is 2797 we for a temperature of the ac- celerating section equal to 370C. The-energy of the accelerated electron beam in 2 Gev, the mean current Is 1.2 pamp for a transmission frequency of 50 times per second and duration of.the high-frequency pulse of T- 2 case, The high-frequency power supply for each section is independent of the klyst amplifier. The *XCL- rd 1/3 L 46163-65 ~ACCESSIOU 11R: AT5007930 itation of the klystroh5 is carried,out from a common wave -guide line, which is supplied from a high power klystron excited by a regulated master oscillator. The ,1group velocity of the electromagnetic wave'in the 'excitation line is equal to about 10.905 c. The constant phase of the electromagnetic wave at klystron output Is maintained by a phaaing system with an accuracy of 4&0= 1120. The accelerating sec- ,tiona am inatalled In a sp,.-cial bunker which has a concrete wall-like shield and I-) covorad on top by nectionnI rein forced -concre to slabs. The output installation ~in shielded by a special eavthen enclosure covered by minforcod-concrete slobs. ~Purification of the beam from harmful admixtures Is carried out by meano,of a mag- inetic parallel transfer system and magnetic separators. The present report die- 'Cusses the parameters of the main units, such as: the Injector, the vacuum system ~(2-10~6 mm/Hg), the accelerator's h 'igh-frequency pulsed power supply, the output ~installation. the formation and measurement of the beam, the control of the accele- irazor. It is planned to store the electrons and positrons which are obtained by ithe present accelerator in a suitable ring, but experience must first be,gained ~with small storage rings and colliding breams, under study at the Physicc~technical Vr .;Institute, Acadery of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR. The present accelerator was con- structed-1ii -aci6REaii-ce with the principle of uniform structure. but eot constant field. The entire adjustment phase of the large acceleiatorla operation is_carried t_~ord 2/3 ILIX0 -06 ACCESS19N NF: AT5007931 S/0000/64/000/000/0430/0434 AUTHOR: Zeytlenok, G. A.; Lazarenko, Yu. P.; Rupyantsev, V. V.; Ryabtsov, A. V.1 iLevin, V. M. ------------ CD TITLE: Selection of the optimum parameters of a linear high-ener electron .celerator SOURCE: International Conference an High EnermtJoAlaratom Dubna, 1963. Trudy. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1964, 430-434 TOPTC TAGS: high energy accelerator, electron beam, waveguide !ABSTFACT: Modern linear high-energy electron accelerators are complex expensive devices. The problem of lowering their cost for given characteristics of the ac- celerated beam is of foremost importance. In the present report, which proceeds from the condition for minimum expenditure for equipment and utilization of the ac- celerator, its optimum parameters are determined taking into consideration the beam capacity. It is considered here that the cost of construction and operation of the accelerator can be described by the formula d S=A4L+A~V JAIveal ~77, Car _V3 where L is the length a in stem'; N is the ~Zumber. of sectiow of acceler t-.,g sy -a. and s ~ t e total'tivia 6f.- rAt6io: A are constants found from econ6mic analysis,"i is-' h-' b al., "Atomnaya ener- ;operation (from start-up to shut-down). [Go A. Eeytlenok et ya," 4, No 5 (1958); PrOC. Int'l Conf. High Ehergy Ace. (CERN, 1959)$ p. 349.] (1) omits fixed expenses which do not affect the position of the minimum !S and therefore can be disregarded. To formulate the basic problem, let there be .1given coefficients Ais energy W. and mean current 1 41 of the accelarated*electron lbeam; as well as the characteristics of the high-friquency power supply', the supply 1power during pulse. P, the frequency of the accelerating field w, the duration of Ithe Pulse TK, and the.pulse repetition frequency no -It is required to determine the Ivalues of t e basic parameters of the accelerator which correspond tolminimum cost.. of the accelerator 6: the accelerating field strength E 'averaged over the length of the section, the length of one section Z, the acceleratorls.effe6tiveness n, the n -the problem pot Igeometrical dimensions of the sections, etc. The solution of ed i the report is given for two accelerating systems: 1) systdm-with field strength that does not vary along the la 'ngth, Rz 9 av = const. p, 2) system with a constant configuration for the wave-guide sections t6oughout the length, It is concluded Card 2/3 L 12779-66 . EWT(1)/EWA(m)-2 IJP(c) AT ACC-N-R, _AP5026605 SOURCE CODE., UR/0056765704970047f 33- AUTHOR: Rumyanegeyj VV. VF 0 ORG: t~tut leniengradskiyl politekhni=g institut) .TITLE: Contribution to the theory of reflection of fast electrons from conducting media SOURCE: Zburnal eksperimentallnoy-i teoreticbeskoy fiziki, v. 491 no..4, 1965.0 1126-1133 TOPIC TAGS: electron energy, conduction electron,, electron ref lection, electron interaction, transition probabIlIty ABSTRACT: The author investigates the influence -of uction, ,~4q,cond electrons in a solid on the behavior of the el-c Mf 1e a t ion coet- .ficient as a function of:the energy transferred to the target.- In. .addition to taking account of the interaction between the fast elec tron and the latticeand.with the conduction electrons, allowanceis made for the interaction between tbe,conduction electrons themselves. The target is taken to be4n. n-type semiconductor,. so that the electron-electron Interaction and plasma effects can be.allowed.for. L--card 1/2 W' A A 4 A % .1 ----------------------------------------- lie A p :-Oe 90 00 111 )72 MUXCTION AM, COMMM Of WATEPAMM PUT WITH O.K.K. Sri MACHIRS. RoVantsov, V*Ya. (Torfyannaya ProsWablennost, 1949, (6), 18, 190. o im coo !*,,roe zoo :ii 40 7100 v u w AV IS' A 0 r? tp tr OP 14, 1. a, lot a, onaIt a AM ;o 0 !q 0 0 0 0 so o 0 oo 41 00 0 0 Me 0 0 *so 0 0 0 0 es 0 0 6 1 s o f* o o o o 000090 a - : Lo 0 0 0 0 -0 0 00 00 0 * 00 RUKYANTSEV, V.Ya., inzhener; GINZBURG, L.N., inzhener; RYABCHIKOV, M.Ta., A1iDRZOYBVSKIY, A.M., inzhener. t Mechanization of block peat production during l953 by enterprises. of the Main Administration of the'Peat Industry. Torf.prom. no.2- 6-15 154. (MLRA 7:3) 1. Petrovsko-Kobelevskoye torfopredpriyatiye (for Rumyantsev). 2. Sverdlovskiy torfotrest (for Ginzburg). 3. Chernoramenskiy. torfotrest (for Ryabehikov). 4. Orekhovskove torfopredpriyatiye, (for Andrzheyevskiy). (Peat industry)