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s/o51/6o/Oo9/OAYS2. E201/E191 AUTHORS: Lukirskiy,.A. Rumsh, M.A. and Smirnov L A .TITLE: Measurement of the Photoelectric YieA,of Very Soft ~X-ray Radiation N PERIODICAL., Optika i spektroskopiyaq 19609 Vol 91,No 41 pp 511 515 TEXT: The authors describe a technia.ue of measuring the photoelectric yield of very soft (23-113 A) X-ray radiation. Photocurrents were measured with an Allen-type photomultiplier (Ref 1) which could count single photoelectrons. The power supply and recording circuits of the Allen multiplier are shown in Fig 1. The authors give also dependences of the recorded number of photoelectrons on the amplification factor of a. wide-band amplifier used in conjunction with the multiplier (Fig 2)~ on ,the voltage between the photocathode and the second dynode (Fig 3)5 and on the location of the point of incidence of a monochromatic beam on the photocathode,(Fig 10. The absolute number of the X-ray quanta was,6ounted with a Geiger counter. The photoelectric yields, obtained for Be, Ni, W9 LiF, NaF, GaY2, SrF2 and NaCl, are listed in a table on p 515 The yields ranged from 0.7% for Be subjected to.X-rays of ~3.6 wavelength:to 27% for NaCl Card 1/2 84691 S10511601009100,510121019 B201/E191 AUTHORS: Lukirski A.P.-9,gumsh, M~A.,. and Karpovich,, 1,,A~ Measur Iement 0 f 'M~ hots TITLE: 1~oelectric Emission Yield1or 1.54--13.3 A- X-rays r7 PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya 1960 Vol'.9, No.5, pp 653-6q TEXT: In an earlier paper (Ref. 1) the authors-described a ,technique of measuring the photoelectric yield of'ultrasoft X-rays by determination of the intensity of.X-rays with a Geiger counter and thenumber of photoelectrons with an Allen-type elec-tron.multiplier (Ref. 2). The presentpaper describes the. use of this technique for X-rays of x = 1-54-13.3 1. A vacuum X-ray monochromator (Ref. 3) was employed; it is shown scthematically,in Fig-1. Dependence of.the counting rate of art Allen-type electron multiplier on the amplification factor of the electronic circuit, on]the place where the X-ray beam fell on the multiplier photocathode, and on the voltage between,the photocathode and the first dynode, is given in Figs 2~ 3 and.1t, respectively. The photoelectric yields were found for Ti,.W, Pt, NaBr, CsI and STF25 they are listed (in %) in a table on Card 1/2 8h661 is~o S/020/60/135/001/014/030 B006/BO56 AUTHORS: Rumsh, M. A.p Lukirskiy, A. P., and Shchemelev, V. N. TITLE: The PhotoeffectlFrom Metallic Cathodes in the Wavelength Region of From. 1.39 to 13.3 A PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii'nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 135, No. 1, -57 pp. 55 TEXT: By mean s. of a.,method described already earlier (Refs. 1, 2)9 the authors invest igated thedependence of,the quantum yield x.on the glanc- ing angle 9 of W-, Ni-, and Be-photocathodesVin the range of.1.39-13-3 A. It was found e xperimentally that the quantum yield.decreases rapidly with a.decrease of the glancing angle; this function may well be approximated in the case of small 0 by a cosec 9 function-Fig. 1 shows % sin G = f(g). In the case of 0 very small a . of ngles (up to 3 ),'the rapid decreasp the curves may be explained by the total reflection of X-ray radiation. All curves have a tendency toward a decrease of x sin 9 with a decrease of 9 of 0 from 10 15 0 to 2 -.3 .The effects observed may be explained by assuming that, as a result of the absorption of the radiation energy in metal, Card 1/5 84661 The Photoeffect From Metallic Cathodes in the S/020/60/135/001/014/030 Wavelength Region of From 1.39 to 13.3 A Bc)o6/BO56 'Ifreell electrons occur, which move with avelocity that is sufficient to overcome the work Ifunction. In'a layer of the thickness dx,.the energy dE = I(ji/sinO)dx is ab sorbed per time unit, and leads to the oc- currenc e of dn = WE "freeltelectrons., (I -~90(hc/x) Li _R(Q)j exp(-gx/sin 0) R(Q) - reflection coefficient, linear attenuation factor; IO=N hc/X 0 intensity of the incident,beam, N - numberof t1r::incident quanta per see, 0 A - wave length, E_ - the energy necessary for theforming of one "free" electron. For the quantum yield the following formula is obtained; ='he R [1-R(G)]cosec 0. a For X-rays,.R 1(9) = 0, with the ex- Ea X a+g/sin 0 ception of very small 0, where total reflection occurs. The factor.. a/(a+p/sing) differs only little from unity. Small angles excepted,"it is possible to ut % -_ (hc/F_a)(V/4)cosec 0; (this relation holds for 9 >,-10 - 15,P)..The numerical results of.measurements are given in a tAble. In = kX2 -the spectral range investigated here, x Fig. 3 shows log X = f(log X) (experimentally). The linear course of this function and the angle of inclination confirm Lthe assumption made concerning the nature of the effects observed. The authors finally thank Academician Card 2/5 8h661 30 S/020/60 135/001/914/o ~ B006/BO5 -40 00 43 7 0 0 0 5 0 - ca TI 7 10 15 20 Rc. Card 4/5 ACC NR1 AP7005862 SOURCE CODE: UR/O'i8l/66/Oo8/Ol2/3a7/364~ AUTHOR: Yeliseyinko, L. G.'; Shchemelev, V. N. :,.~hj~_M _j.,A ORG: Leningrad State University im. A. A. Zhdanov, ningradskiy gosudarstvenrrjy univ ersitet) TITLE:. Ratio of directional and-diffusion parts of thelfree path of kilovolt electrons In a solid SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 12, 1966, 3647-3649 TOPIC.TAGS: free path, physical diffu,sion'Lelectron emission, photoelectron, x ray effect, electron energy ABSTRACT: Using apparatus described in an earlier paper (Opt. I spektr. v..9, 653' 1960), the authors determine the distribution of~the'electron emission direction in the case when the photoelectrons are primarily of the Auger type. The secondary elec trons were suppressed. The varied parameter was the angle between the x-ray beam and the emitter plane. In the case of the Auger electrons, it was found that the emis- in a narrow solid angle, whose axis makes an anglem with the normal,to the plane boundary of the cathode, is proportional to coGm. In the case of.x-ray photo- electrons, a cosinusoidal variation of the emitting volume was also observed, althougli this is not quite evident from the theory. Measurement of the energy distribution of the emissionin two different directions shows that the relation between the number oi- photoelectrons and Auger electrons is approximately constant, confirming the cosinu- CaM 1/2 ACC NRt AP7005863 SOURCE CODE: uR/ol8l/66/oo8/0l2/3649/3652 AUTHOR: :Yel.iseyenko L.G..; Shchemelev, V.N. Rums-h., M.A. ORG: Leningrad State University im. A.A. Zhdanov (Leningradakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: The absorption of electron fluxes of,kilovolt energy during their penetration of a solid body SOURCE.:, Fizika tve'rdogo tela,' v. 8, no. 32 1966, 3649-3652 TOPIC TAGS: x ray absorption, electron beam, electron.capture, electron flux, electron.loss ABSTRACT: Tw.o factors.are pon*s i~ ie 'io'r a of electrons which can penetrate thin film: scattering, and retardation. To deter- mine which process is predominant .at a Igiven film thickness, an investi-! gation was made of the penetration-of electron fluxes through a solid -.body. The study was based on the i-ray photoeffect of large cathodes. 'The theoretical quantum yield (Xr) of the photoeffdct'- was'calculated' by means of a formula whose derivation was based on a spherro-ally symmetric representation. A quasi-spherical analyzer was used to obtain *the quantum yield (Xr (50)) experimentally under conditions of a 50-volti retardation. The theoretical_and experimental values were in gcod Card 1/2 UDC: none FWUMM 'ACC NR: AP(00534L)l SOURCE CODE. Un/01(31/6'j/oo9/vji/or(.1/0 4 17 AUVOR: Yeliscy~nko, L. G.; Shchcmelev,N. N.;,Rumsh A. M 07G: Leningrad State University im. A. A. Zhdanov (Leningradskiy gosudarst'v6nnyy univer.~ it eli-) TITLE: On the ratio of the,mean free paths of fast and slow electrons in alkali- halide compounds, S 'rACE:. Fizika tverdogo te 1, 1967, ~171_174 OL la, v. 9, no TOPIC TAGS: alkali halide,,cathode, photoeffect,,quantum yield, x ray effect, free path, electron enerGy ABSM~CT: -1his is a continuation of earlier work (FT-T v- 8, 3649,,,1966'and earlier) f dealing wit'- the x-ray photoeffect, of bu11W cathodes. In the present . investigation, by con,-jarir,& the pulsed quantum yields and th e quantum yields of the x-ray photoeffect proper (,these cuantities were defined in the earlier work) in the x-ray wavelength ange 1. 10 an-4 the thickness denen,~enc;a of the q7,;sn' ,;;-L yir;!_~s the T2- al_'rali-halide ccrnzounds can be much lower than ya-c-hz; of --hr secondary ellectrons produced by them. In the experiments on the.thickness dependence,; the Cs! was sputtered on aluminum,substrates. The test results show that at low thicknesses, all the absorption events are converted into photoemission, and that with increasing thickness the number of registered photoemission events becomes smaller Card 1/2 MU- ~111 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - P~b-)-----14R~e4- JD, ACr-MSTOI '0-, A-P5017099 UR/0054/65/000/002/0052 ( AUTHORt Rumsh, _X!_ A._, 7-onorov, P. P.; larubitts, K. iIr9 TITLEt Structure of epitwd&l layers of fftrmanium vacuum-ft2slted a orienting substrates SWRCICt Leningrad. Universitet. 'Vestnik.~Seriys fiziki i-kh4i%U-' no* 2.o -59 2 5 TOPTC TAGSt epitaxial layer; quasixonocryst"ne geratanila mi vacv uvi "depositioni-- twinning orientation, orienting substrate, nucleation twin, electrohographic-stru ture, hole concentration ABSTPACTs So far the causes of the twinning orientation found to be.present In monocrystaJ11ne germanium layers vacuummdepcoited on crystal substrates have not been traced. (Orientation of this kind is accompanied by a high concentratioxi of holes and lov nobility In laTera of this type.) To fill, this gap, in view of the f-onsiderable interest cv-rrently shown in the properties of "monocrystal-Linen Dqere of germanium, the authors perfomed a detailed ana4sis of electronograms of these layers with the object of uncovering the possible mechanism of twinning and the de- La K7 57003-6-5----- ACCUSION MEt AP5017099 gree of their development. "Mononcrystalline" layers or germaniumi were obtained Id by deposition on chips of natural fluorite, the latter having a tenTerature of 6oooc, in the presence of a pressure of 5xio-5 mm Rg. The layers of germanium vere then separated from the substrate by a KC1 solution and collected on a mesh and subjected to a detailed electronagraphic exazination. This examination re- vealed the layers to have a quasixonocrystalUne structure which involves the ap- pearance of twinning (nucleation twins) and a large number of defects in the Junc-1 tion region. As a result of the twinning there appear 6 orientations of primary twins and 24 arlettations of secondary twins. Each of the six primary twins pbys-l ical-ly adjoins over the lattice planes only one nucleation twin and three second- It ary tvins, vhile the secondary twins themselves norms.11y adjoin only one primary twin. KU this indicates that in the process of formation of the Ge layers owing to the branched tvinaing, defects must appear in the boundary regions of the con- tacting twins, and these defects may be present in concentrations similar to those present in polycrystalline Ge layers. This apparently is the reason Vhy the elec-, trical properties of epitaxially grown Ge resemble the properties of polycrystal- line Ge layers and thus their practical applications are restricted. It is thus concluded that it is possible to obtain layers with a small nvaber of defects by I modifying the techniques for their preparation (degree of vacuum, temperature of aubatrato, evaporation rate) so as to eliminate tvinning. "7he authors take this 2 r and c ticaaal o=eIrts'" oriss art* hast figuesp 2 tables. L 126)45_6c~ E~IA(k)/aFr(l)/EPA(s)-2/Lrir,(k)/F.WT(tQ)/T/MC(t)/,wPR/EWP(b) Ts --,, : - 7 F',_- 'Jl)lJrIAT Pz -6/ ACCESSION NR: AP4044922 S/0181/64/006/009/2569/2573 melevi~ 'K.,- Mezhevich~': 'Ao' N.-,-:' AUTHORS: Denisov, Ye. P.; Shcli,6 Rumsh, M. A. TITLE: Analysis of the energy composition of x-rM photoemission- from a bulky cathode tela, v. 6, no. 9, 1964, 2569-2573 SOURCE: Fizika tverdo%q TOPIC TAGS: x ray emission, x ray spectrum, photoemission, cathode, K band, L band ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to separate the parts connected with the K, Lo, Auger# and secondary electrons from the total photoemission, and to compare the relative number of elec- trons in each group with the corresponding coefficients in the formu-! la for the quantum yield. To this end, the method of spherical capacitor was used to study the energy composition of the x-ray pho- Card 1/2 ZVI T, L 12645-65 JACCESSION NR: AP4044922 toemission for aluminum, chromium, tit&Wum, and iron plhotocathodes~. 'The setup used was described by two of the authors (Rumsh and .Shchemelev, FTT v. 5, 71, 1963). A graphic procedure for separating ~the various components is described. The results confirm the valid- ity of the equation derived previously by the Rumsh and Sbchemelev (ZhETF v. 42, 727, 1962) for the quantum yield of the external photo-. (-ffe,ct. "The authors thank Academician A. A. Lebedev for interest in the work and for a discussion of the results." Orig. art. has: 3 ,figures, 1 formula, and 1 table. 1ASSOCIATION: Leningradak-iy go9udarstveftny*y uniVariaitet (Leningrad iState Un-iversity) ISUBMITTED: 28Nov63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OP, SS NR REP SOV.-- 008 OTHER: 000- Card, /2 _77 ~ L 12640 EWT t 'EWP(b) Pd,,;6/P t)AWAI ACCESSION NR: AP4044923 8/0181/64/006/009/2574/2579:-. AUMORS: Sbchemelev, V. N.; Yeliagenko.. L& 0.1 Denk23L, Ye. P_~ Rumsh, M. A. TITLE: Current and pulse measurements of x-ray phot0emission of a bulky cathode SOURCE: Fizikaltverdogo telai -vi,- 6o*'nd. 9,.,1964 2574-2579- 4. datho ~'TOPIC TAGS: x ray..,em ss opp mdtalliq~ hPt p o oemiss on, P-L __0 electrori-,_ Mu tiplie ca ode, d elec ric-p dtocathod secqnq~!~_y electron multiplier ABSTRACT: It is shown, after reviewing the-earlierAiterature and,--'~J the various measurement methods, that.the discrop, in, d-io, s -- in-L the 'a:r*e-*_66_-:.i~~i-~cer a sults obtained from metals and dielectrics t in.. pec'~41 arities in emihsion from these substances. Meta11i6_"~hotoc"ath6de''d I are characterized by emission of fast x-ray electro'ni; 'Unaccompa_ni4a,,'."~. 1/3 ow- 3.2640-65 ------ - 4044923 ACCESSION NR: AP ~b_ `_~slow t3j~uly-secoridary_ lites~ u with the aid of sedonddry,-electron-'multipli46ro-~--o a open type".~._-~ -_-A- fails to record an appreciable partof this emission. . In the cafse""-'1.',', 17" of dielectric photocathodes, an appreciable fraction of the emissioh.!~~~ 1acts consists of purely secondary events, the nurd6er of which in- creases as the thicknesses for,the yield of x-ray and secondary elec--,A~' d.1 trons become equalized and as the secondary.emissivity of the ie e tric medium increases. it is therefore possible to explain the crepancy between the number of x-ray electrons emitted into va 'um',T". 1from a dielectric and the number of produced x-ray electrons in dielectrics without resorting to an additional emission mechanisme !Experimental data are presented for the average nunber of electrons-~_'_ Jper einssion act. The corresponding emission coefficients and f re-..-." 4 quencies of emission acts are tabulated for various dielectrics (NaCl, KC1, KBr, CaCl, Cal) and me~qfls (A1# Ti. Cre Pet Cot Sne Au,`.X.;.' Pb, and Bi). The effect of coa irt~gmetals with dielectrics is also briefly discussed. "The authors thank Academician A, A.-Lebedev for-'~;'_ rard 2- lea [card ENCLs 00 00 OTHMt 1 0 Acassiox n.. AFW19841 B/0181/64/006/003/0796/08W koll=ikov~ Ia. V.; PL=Ii, -A.; 1-buller,, R. L. AMORS: Shl TITIS: X ray study of crystallization of sonaconductor glasses of the type Goy SOUXE: F_Jzika tverdogo telaa v. 62 no, 3, 1964, 796-Boo Topic TAGS: semiconductor,, semiconductor glass., crystallization., electric condueuvity .ABSTW.CT: The authors have synthesized several compounds with the general formula AsSeX Gey by a method.described previotisly (R. L. Myuller.and Ye, V, Shkolinikovi Vestn. LGU., 22., 1i9., 1962). They have compared the x-ray method of detex-mining I co,-,mleteness of vitrification with previously used methods (density and 3.wr 1- e=. or-J ature dependane'a of electrical conductivity).- This commaris,on is s==-Ized in Fig. I on the Enclosure, The comparisoa shows agreement., and the authors conclude that the process of crystallization may be satisfactorily described by measurements.,-,. Card 113 ACCESSION NR: AP4009988 S/0109/641009100110148/0154 AUTHOR: Rumsh, M. A.; Tyutikov, A. M.. Shchemelev, V. N. A TITLE: X-ray photoelectric effect of a multilayer cathode SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 9, no. 1, 1964, 148-154 TOPIC TAGS, secondary electron multiplier, multilayer cathode, photoelectric effect, x-ray photoelectric effect, BeO cathode c6ating, MgO cathode coating ABSTRACT: An-experimental investigation of the effect of the, thickness of MgO and BeO passivating layers upon the quantum yield of the photoelectric effect (or .the efficiency of a secondary-electron multiplier) is reported. Wedge -type (from tens A to 7, 000 A) MgO and BeO -coatings on Au, Cr, Al, and SrF., backings- were tested. It that: (1) The above effect is not a monotonous function: thickness curves may have maxima and mirxirna;, (2) The changing shape of the thickness curves can be explained by (a) groups of electrons with different Z:d?d 1/2' 1, 7 I , 7- ~7 , J . ~/o /6~/065/604/& J Determination- of thickness-and.~- B102/Ble Only, if-the salt layer- thickness7' is o"ll er:--than -the Debye radius ~.S ;depends ur _11 ::qn,the.substratum properties. %:,There are.5,fig so and - abl Vj_,~ASOGIATION.i Siadskiy goo udarsiv,_enj*WII ngrad'Stat LeniA it (iini "iq_ 7~ -4 SUBM,ITTIUs ~NovbImbe,r '12 1 j;tl, 1, ''.Card :3/3 _n tit. A6 65 Me. VE WTI I-) /9W4 WA V, (0 C ASD 7-f-ACCESSION KRt APS000678 0/0161/64/006/012/3711/3712 AuTHORst Yeliseyenkou L, at- Slidbemelevt Ve. Ituhsh 14 A U0111 ~'% 'M ~41~ TITLEs Spectral variation of --the x-ray Pbotoe c-Pan ife't d - det ermiha tion of the laws governing the Lenard constants on its basis SOURCE: Pimika t4erdbgo"~teld', --vo. -61 -no. 12t .19641'3711 4,1 Topic TArst 'x ray. emission RALCTs-_-_: By th", Plott XPeXX _r_ effect.-from a JL 6"liod -comp~ar nit-~t t e.,anq helplot, 8 to anium~,pho theoretical values, is- a own a e-Ijenard:.equati6n. (a -- coefficient of linear attax.ition of the -electrons by e ca material, C -- constant) should be replaced by the formula C2 En, with n < 2. -Theexperimental data were obtained with an strument previously described by some of the authors~'.~ (PTE, No" ;arc_-' I/; ''~~SUB CODER Ss -OP isr, c rd 17~ HD/ ASD(a)--5/AS(iip)'--2/IJP(c).':I _JD' S 070/64/069/906/ ACCESSION NR: AP5000283. 67 fjeGt toe Of 110 Cal9O"Xtp tne, aa, eat of t sjov~ c, e el vC 0 wia evLel tarl , ,,%ell Ilei-g"It.'ev e tyLe ,tivp A9 IeS 'Irr- 0 0 JAXI lot . . t03.11 11 06 Tyle St%Xm -Ler' trott ~ao eG . n ~ r IS-Ll e eI j e -ne a .4. At to rl 9m t i-9 t ow&S I I e0tro III o%ve e1 960 teS I 'r eall % oll eatro T T&Og'o ,Te eT Be& tle o e 6l t-le Vb er ea 'aXI IC e to Vrov~ eleage I O&e e tTyLe luestl ec;Or~ tuos at0 ejec etl 0 r'a Ile Of eT t trov. ot 0 ejer, trolls all te,,,Oe j I 0 fjeGtl 11 0 07C Marl e1 eO lis axis 'h 0 P-f 0ales 'PT, ,davj ~ tuea - 06 WXO'Potoe ~ b-00' i3es CatyLo r '01 j 00 1 e bl. ill re -al 'ticoll '&eTS % e av~ T$j,0,, 0~ 3e I y~e'l troll I.-T al 101 t1 Ybo1t0 ele ~ c 11 14,ile& p 119 ty, e 4r ejeO , tye Xxe,& hot 00 0( Of ter O~ &e a,e 11 at od6eg 1 0 066i z's DeT cess ,.01169 11'j-0 'Pro VjSeS 1~09 - 10 er e O-t"J'Ou Ih0 meaD tary , tyke t11 luea %its 0141,55 rorO ta~ V, e jjae lhoto t jLe e-LeV,el~ 0 to - ,v I ele 0 bears 1 '~-raj O&ST, VOT T 0 1 . Ve , sec attvo&eS- t 0' elLa O~x e . a r,1 et 0611 a a,,_e4 -Dolla a.-COO 14,0 SD card. S/181/63/005/001/011/064 B102/B186 AUTHORS Rumr~ki, M. A. and Shchemele-i TITLE; Part 'layed by the secondary emission phenomena in the p X-ray photoeffect~of metallio'cathodes 'PERIODICAL: Fizika.tverdogo tela, v. 5j no. 1, 1963, 71-77 TEXT: Earlier, the authors have shown (FTT, 4,2795,1962) that -in the pase of X-ray induced"photoemission not one but several electrons are Omitted per absorbed quantumt this being due to secondary emission. 'Two, ~uantun, yields are distinguished. One, designated as pulse quar4:lim YIdld , is the ratio between emission events and quantum num'ber.kx n/11 4. The other, called current quantum yield, is given by 3~ - 0/11.where _V ~15 the mean number of electrons emitted per event. A special inatru~ent was developed for measuring x consisting in principle of a quasispherical capacitor with a central plane,cathode. A spherical molybdenum grid with a nickel cylinder is used as collector. Theentire system is contained in a steel vacuum chamber with two windows closed by beryllium plates for Card,1/3 S11OX631005/00110111064 Part played by the secondary ... B102 B186 the exit and the entrance of the X-rays. The operating pressure in the 'chamber is not hir an 5-10-6 mm Hg. The current was determ gher th ined by- 1. ng pens, -14a. The m e, qurA' , a coin, ation current, with an accuracy of 10 studies were made with Cu-K radiation from a -A (BSV-I) X-ray tube. a Nu ai ained only _rouls experiments showed that reproducible results were obt -,Nhen metvils were vacuum-sputtered onto polished glass plates. The J following results were obtained: Photocathodes B1 Pb Au Sn Te Cu Co Cr Al 3.0 2.5 2 .'4 2.4 O.A 7.4, 6.5 7.5 6.7 5.5 1.2 5.0 3.8 0.- 2.2 3.0 ~2.6 2.5 3.7 2.3 In addition the energy spectrum of the X-ray induced electron emission was in-veutigated . Vne course of the volt-ampere charadteristics of these letals iz typical. With positive voltages the current is constant and of -13 the order of --10 a, at zero voltaUe it, is steeper and decreases.almost step-wise, at -40 to -50v the current becomes constant again.. It remains Card S/lai/63/005/001/010/064 BIWIBls6 AUTHORS: Shchermelev, V. N., and TITLE. X-ray pho'to effect of dielectric cathodes PERTODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 5, no. 1) 1963, 66-70 T-77T An apparatus f.or determining the quantum yield of the X-ray photo effect is described in a connected paper (R.ef. 1: FTT,5,1,71,1963), here the same method is us4d to study dielectric photocathodes, made of NaCl, KC I , Isf CaF Sr ;and MgO. To prepare the first five of these the F2 2' P2 substance was volatilized in vacuo and.deposited on small aluminized., glass plates in thicknesses of 3-4000 A. Mg was burnt in air, and the particles of I.IgO-smoke were also deposited.on such plates. The volt- ampere characteristics of the first four photocathodes werevery similar: they all showed a step at about zero potential, i.e. the current was- - 12 constant at 6-10. a for positive voltages, fell sharply at V-O,* and 12 reached a value less than 1-10 a atminus,10-15 Y,.this value.remaining constant in the negative voltage range measured down to -160y. The shape Card 1/3 S/161/63/005/1001/010/064 X-ray photo efifect oil ... 3102/3186 of the curve is explained by assuming ~that the X-ray electrons are emitted from a depth equal to the X-ray penetration depth, and that an additional electron mechanism exists furnishing slow electrons. If the results of the analysis of the volt-ampere delay curves are compared with the pulse values (definitions cf Ref. 1) of the quantum yield, which,can. exceed 1001,~u for some dielectrics, then it is possible to determine the contribution of this additional mechanism to the total effect and to, calculate the number of electrons emitted per X-ray photo-emission event. These numbers for NaCl, KC1, MgF 2 and CaF2 worked out at 13.2, 11.4, 2-55 and 5.7. The X-ray quantuir, yields K,r = ir/Ne amounted to 0-57t 0-77t 0.18 and 0.44 (in the same sequence); ir is the current of the X-ray electrons, e the electron charge.and 11 the number of quanta; the quantum yields of the additional mechanism were.2-07, 2.63, 0-17 and 0.86. It can be shown that the multi-electron effects are connected with secondarY emission effects. There are 2.figures and 2 tables.. Card 215 S/054/62/000/004/004/017 B100186, AUTHORS: Rumsh, M. A., Shchemelev, V. N. TITLEs X-ray photoeffect of a massive photocathode and determination of the rules governing the K fluorescence yields of the elements in the photocathode PERIOPICAL: Leningrad. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya fiziki:i khi mii, no. 4, 1962, 63 - 71 TEXTs A evious paper (M. A.,Rumsh, V. N. Shchemelev, ZhETF, 42, no 31 727, 19627dealt with determining the fluorescence yield,from a study,*of the jump of the quantum yield of the extrinsic photoeffect caused by X-rays falling on a massive photocathode consisting of one element. For a photo- cathode of a two-component compound AB it is assumed thatL I +.ckb holds. /a the X-ray attenuation factor.~, On this assumption the X-ray quanta and fluorescence quanta absorbed by the components A and B are calculated by a~ method of M. A. Rumsh et al. (DAN SSSR, 135, no. 1.960). Card 1/4 _d ~Jor S03't,,,T-16L) P:jtZ FV.4LU~47-10J S/054/62/000/004/004/017 X-ray photoeffect ... B104/B186' ~E' + !L. Ska - + !Lb Skb X sin 0 - -Lk=- - We, + ~- + al Sk. 22 SAra a3 Sk. a4 Skb LA& Skb (A)[ Skb + 40 A.) We Web+ -L- - We.) Y.( -L+ .) T (6) a Skb asskb a7 SkOl Skb Wrb) + T(B) -eb) + Web + a all a Skb 29 Skb aIO is obtained for the quantum yield. ~s k is -the ratio between the total abscrpo. tion by an atom and the absorption by all its shells other than the K shell. The indices a and b refer to the components A and B.. w .(i=a,b) is the el Auger yield; Mis a function of the angle of incidence and the attenua- tion factor. )c shows a jump ~2 Pb (Skb 2 IAb (Skb Web 2 1-b E31. + - E + Es' + - EI y( B) (I w&) th Ska Skb 4 skb + _Ea E2 11b 2 3 E 6 Ska SAb (7) + IP 0 "b) 1012 hb 6 Card 2/4 Tla'e3+ Skb S/654/62/000/004/004/017 :7 X-ray photoeffect ... B104/B186 at each absorption edge. From this jump E2 (B) E2 (B) + O(A p (A) Ig G'- H 6) 7b 12 k k E32 (8), 7e1 = .-, Ska E2 H Web )Lb= -0 E2 W) E211 - I(B) E2 La 2 0 la, 12 Ska SAb + tAb (511b - + Jb (Skb - 2 11b 2 F 23 1 WebE; + -H60~ SAra Sk& SO Skb 2 2 H-1 (A)E72 + M) Skb - E 2+ 46-1 WebE9 + E10 (9) Skb Skb 0 Web) T!Plel I + TV) E212) are obtained for the Auger yields. w 0.8010.017 and W 0.870!P.41 eC1 ieK is obtkined for the Auger yield from the experimentally determined jumps C' O~ - 2.23.+t0.05 and fi-j - 3.91-+0.05 of the quantum yield of a K and C1 k photocathode. The linear X-ray.attenuation factors were determined according to Johnson. If theyaredetermined with the aid of a formula of Card. V4 S/07o/62/007/oo6/007/020 E132/~435 AUTHORS: Rumsh, M.A., Novik, F.T., Zimkina, T.M. TITLE; The structtiral characteristics of single crystal layers of CdTe PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, v-7, no.6, 1962, 873-877 TEXT: CdTe was sublimed on to,crystals of NaCl, cut to expose the (111) faces and heated to 200- 300*C. : S.A.Semiletov (Kristallogr, no.3, 1956, 3o6-310) had earlier shown that CdTe can exist in the spbalerite and wurtzite modifications. Since the two phases cIan coexi3t by having their.close packed planes parallel to the III of the NaCl substrate the preparations could not be.said to be two-phase. Nevertheless, there were anomalies in the electron, diffraction pattern i.n the form of extra reflexions and -streaks., The metal film was stripped, from the NaCl and examined by transmission. The electron-lbeant passed'in the, direction of the cubic direction, hence rcflexions for which h + k + I = 0,11 .fell ii~ the Ewald sphere for the cubic form. For the hexagonal form reflexions with Ih k = 3n coincide with those from the cubic form. Cubic .,reflexions 202 etc. had six spikes extending about one third of the way~to the next reflexions.associated,with .Card 1/2 S/07o/62/007/00.6/007/020 The structural characterisfics ... E132/E435 them. It was shown, and'confirmed by tilting the specimen, that these sjAkes are the trace's of lines of density in reciprocal space radiaiing in.the ocia:hedral directions from the common reciprocal lattice points in the [Ilil directions- The effects ,are caused by the stacking'of the layers, sometimes in the cubic -sequence and sometimes in the hexagonal. , However, some extra spots may-occur when the 1~exagonal basa .I plane coincides with other. of the octahedral planes Of the cubic form than that parallel to the substrate. There are 5 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Leningrad State University) SUBMITTED: March 5, 19.62 Card 2/2 5/161 62/004/008/039/041 B108/B102 AUTHORS z Rumsh, 1*% A., and'Shchemelev, V. N. TIT:2: The Auger effect yield from the chlorine and potaosium K-shells and its determination from the quantum yield jumps of the x-ray plfotoeffect in a massive KC1 cataode- ?ZaIGDICA L: Fizika tverdogo tela,*v. 4, no. 8, 1962, 2281 2282 TEKT: In orevious vior M 1962) the authors have establi--ind k (ZhE , 42, 727, a theory of determining the Auger effect yields w from the-quanWm yield jumps in. e the x-ray photoeffect of elemental photocatha~es. This theory is expanded to compound photocathodes, in parti.cular to KCI. The quantum yield jum p correspondirg to the K absorption edge of chlorine involves (C1) only one he chlorine unknown, namely the-Auger effect yield w from t . K-shell. In the case of potassium,~this jump involves.two.unkno;vns: (Cl) (K (Cl) 1111 and Thus, w .scan be determined from the measured quantum w e (K) (Cl) yieldJum p in chlorine, and w can be calculated from w and from,the Card 1/2 e 3/1-1/62/004 B125/Blr%4 Rumsq, 1.7. A. and Shchemelev, ----------- TITLE': The dependence of the quantum. yield of the Z-ray photoeffect, in a solid cathode on the X-ray polariZation PEEIDDICt'IL: Fizika -,.verdogo tela, v- 4, no. 8,- 1962,~2050-2058 X T Vna influence exerted by,the.directivity of photoelectrons on the qu.,ntum Yield is studied by observinE tine variation in the quantum yield caused by a change in X-ray polarization. N quanta of a monochromatic and.. partly pol,rized; radi"ation are assumed to hit a photocathode at an angle .2 The range of anl&les (q, ',j+ d'?) characterizes -.he s-.ata olf -pol_arization relative to the plane of incidence. Then, allo%ring f 6r' the emission. caused photoelectrons and AuYer electrons, the expressio-I PL Ct9 E) (1) 2 6 S, S,i-n %lard 1/3 S11811162/004/006/008/04 11 Th, adetandence of the quantum... Bt25/BI04 is obtained for t'-e q~aantura yield. Here, and 0~72 are the attenuation factors of electron currents-with the anerEy oil pnotoelectrons and Auver electrons, respectively; S, is the K-absorption edge of the phrtacath.3a"O material; i.,, is the Luger yield of the K-shell. At 21~. GOO, crea,.-hes its Leos 9 Minimum! value 4,~~in,and -'cm 2 -s valid instead o.1- (41) In -v describes the effect of polarization of' the incident (11) is to be ra~lacad by a more general formula if the .,.ravelength of the incident radiation i3. shorter than teal. of tne Y-absorptJ or, e:'Ee of the 73hotocat!-,ode material. ~ fter determaininlc- the first and -I-th ord'ar ~;Vely, the tab-ulated raf'lection quantum yields 1-1 and respec- down len's-ths L and the mean Dhotoelectron enorgiiLs are obtu~nad with Z"".a aid of the ex7:--.essiori IiL ctry E) (it, (24 j) ID (2~jj, Card 2/3 S/ 1 1621004100810' 5/041 Uantum,. The dependence of the C B125/B104 ,OnOnco in t~,e quarturil yields of 1_st and n-th orders . Any ,fOr ~he dif chan-e in tilfj polLirization of Pilo tooloctruno will change tho the ohotocathodd. If the photoeffact io 1~roclucod chiefly by AuCer oloctroms, the quantum yield will bi.,virLually i-dependont of the X-ray Oularization. There are 4 figures and 1 table. ~SCCIATION: leningradskiy gosudarstve , nnyy univor,itet (Leningrad A State University) S U 3 1- T TED February 27, 1962 .Table. I.easuriad and calculated data. W L, A La6end: material T! Fe K~ 0.90 1.12:to.o- 10 ~00 o-f Photocathode; !2:�_0.715O:L2G, Ti K~ 0.35 1.05:LOILU2, (2) radiation. Cr Fe K, 1.35 11.007-.0., ^'0 o ;30 Ti K~ .06 5 ~~2 5160 OAS 1.11-_~O. - _!:3011 3soo ~Card 3/31 S/05(;/62/042/003/014/049'.~""--.~l. B100102, AUTHORS: Rumsh, hl. A., Shchemelev, V. N. TITLE; Determination of the fluorescence yield by measuring the extrinsic X-ray photoeffect on a massive cathode PERIODICAL; Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki,.v. 421. no. 31 1962, 727 - 735 TEXT: The various groups of photoelectrons in the extrinsic X-ray photo- effect of a massive cathode are analyzed. The role of the various,groups1'-'-11-'--- of electrons changes with the X-ray wavelength. When the wavelength of the X-ray emission passes the wavelength of the K-absorption edge, the, contribution of certain ~~7'20 electron groups to the extrinsic emission vanishes, and the quantum yield changes,discretely. It is,shown experi--- mentally that the discontinuouschange of the quantum yield is directly related to the yield of,the Auger effect, and that by measuring the quantum yield jump of the extrinsic photoeffect it is possible to calcu- late the Auger effect yield or the fluorescence yield. By an example it is shown that the Auger effect yield of Cr, Tip V, and Mup or the fluorescence yield,.are in good agreement with the experimenta,l,datas ~Card 1/2 9 Determination of the... B100102 Element K jump of K jump of Fluorescence absorption quantum. yield yield Ti 9.2 5.9 0.22 V 9.1 5-75 0.24 Cr 8.9 -55 , 0.26 45 Mn 6.6 5.36 0.28 Thesq data are given in the units as stated in the experimental investiga- tions (F. SusorG.:Chai-pakJ. Phys. et Radium, 20, 462, 1959; 17. F. Frey et al.,Jhys. Rev., 113, 1057, 1959; H. 11agedorn,T.Konijn, Physics, ?J, 1069, f, ,. 1957, A. A. Konstantinov, Tezisy. X Vsesoyuznogo ,soveshchaniya,po yadernoy ; 50 spektroskopii, X., Izd. AN sssa, 1960). Academ ician A. A. Lebedev is thanked for-his interest. There: are,5 figures, -and 14 references .1 table, .' 8 Soviet and 6 non-Soviet. . , ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosuda rstvennyy univ ersitet (Leningrad State~' University) t SUBMITTED: October 21, 1961 Card 2/2 ,0 33343 S/181/62/004/001/010/u)- B102/B138 1617144 (/0 Y-3 20 AUTHORSs Rumsh, M. A., Shchemelevf V. N.p and Proys, Kh. TITLEs Determination of the absorption coefficients of an electron flux in a solid from the regularities of X-ray photoemission of a massive photocathode PERIODICALt Fizika tverdogo tela, v, 4,,no- 1, 1962, 62 68 TEXTs In a previous paper (DAN SSSR, 55t 1960) the authors have ahown.that X-ray induced external photoeffect may be described by No 2tX a sin 0 7sTn f3 where:9 is the quantum yield, which is equal to the ratio'between the numbern of X-ray photoelectrons emitted into vacuum and number N of in- cident quanta; R(Q) is thereflection coefficient which is nonvanishing only for small 9, p is the linear absorption coefficient for X-rays, S is the mean energy neceseary,for release of one electron, X-ray Card 1/4 33343 S/181/62/004/001/010/052 Determination of the absorption ... B102/B138 wavelength anda linear attenuation factor of the electron flux For R(Q) - 0, Wing K/(1 +,a/asing), where K joins all angle-independent quantities. a.can be determined by two independent,ways: (a)jr, is sin s1nw 1 2 measured for 9 and G then a _jL A -it sing /Y. sing 1 2 1 1 21 2 1 - A ~(b) A photocathode is' used consisting of a piece of substance II coated with a layer,,x thick, of. substance I. If 00