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RUKAVTJJ USSR/Reditine Dysentery FD-549 Card 1/1 Pub 148 12/23 Author Ru~avtsov, B. I. Title Concernin- the,characteristics of atypical dysentery cultures, Periodical Zhur. mikrobiol~ epid. i iMMUn. 6, 32, Jun 54. Abstract Atypical dysentery cultures isolated from 18 adults and 76 nursery-age children were investigated bacteriologically in an attempt to discover common biochemical characteristics'among the various strains of bacilli present in the cultures. Eighty-two of the strains were of the Flexner group; 11, of the Stutaer-Schmitz group; and one, of the Griogorlyev Shiga group. Biochemical nhanaes were observed in more than half the cultures. There were no essential differences in the biochemistry., agglutinability, or phagolyzability of.certain of the cultures even after 6 months. No references are cited. Institution The Chair of Microbiology (Head - Prof. B. P. Pervushin) of the Kuban' Medical Institute (Director Prof. F.Kh. Chekhlatyy) Submitted March 8, 1954: AUTHOR: Rukavtsov, B. I. 2o-6-4o/48 TITLE: Cytological Observations of Cultures of Escherichia coli Carried out with.the Aid of an Anoptral Microscope (Tsitologicheskiye nablyudeniya nad kullturoy kishechnoy palocbki v anoptrallnom mikroskope). PERIODICAL: Doklady All SSSR, Vol. 115, lir 6, pp. 1200-1201 (USSR) ABSTRACT: After a survey of the methods hitherto employed in investigating the living bacterium-cell,(phase-contrast-,, microscope) the author emphasizes the high qualities of the anoptral microscope used for this purpose..Pictures of the impressionslare described which remain on the object-glass carrier after the application of culture- medium agar from 30 minutes to 48 hours old cultures. The differences between the individual ages are fully described and illustrated by micro-photographs (figures,1-4). A characteristic picture is observed in 1,5 hours old cultures..From it one gains the impression. of an active partition of intracellular inclusions. According to its modifications of form, the 16 hours old culture hardly differed from the initial culture. The problem of the nature of the observed modifications of CARD 112 cytological Observations of.Cultures of Escherichia coli 20-6-40/48 Carried out with the Aid of an Anoptral Microscope form can, it is true, not alone be solved by the microscopic method employed here. Identical results were, obtained by checking with the aid of dyeing. This indicates the same character of the structure to be seen in undyel preparations under thf, anoptral microscope and thcae manifesting themselves by dyeing. Thus the, above- mentioned microscope permits a vivo-investigation of the nuclear apparatus of bacteria in undyed preparations and is therefore a very valuable device. There art 3 photographs, 6 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION: Kubar? Medical Institute (Kubanskiy meditsinskiy institut). PRESENTED: V. N. Shaposhnikov, Aaademician, May 27, 1957 SUBMITTED: May 27, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress CARD 2/2 1jU,1UVT.';QVA1r-v-,F.; .13TIFATOVAt N.N.; XOROBKIN, V.D.; WR070VAp T.I.; SOFRONOVA V.A.;~ SHAMROST, P.PO; PIATONOVAI N.P.- YERFICNKO O.S.- IVATIOVAJ, A.M.; SILAYEEVA, N.Ya.; SUYETINA~ S.M.; RALIYANOVA, T.Ye.; Study of the dust factorin the founding departments of six Krasnodar plants. Nauch. trudy Kub. gos. med. inst. 19:63-76 162. (MIRA 17:8) Iz sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stants1i g. Kraonodara i polikliniki No.8 Krasnodara. AUTHORs Rukavitsyn, V.N., Engineer 99-9-1/9 TITLEs Irrigation Experiments with Vegetable and Fodder Cropain the.' HOScOv District'. (Opyt orosheniya ovoshchnykh i kormoyykh kulltur~y moskovskoy obl&Bti) PERIODICALt "Gidrotekhni.ka i Nelioratsiyall, 19579 Hr 9, pp 3-11,(USSR) ABSTRACTt The yields of vag*table and fodder crops in the Moskva districts ~ can be greatly inereamed by sprinkling# as moisture in lacking during the summer monthes Irrigation by sprinkling 9u a larger scale wan first started in 1941, when approximately 6,000 hec- tares of vegetables were sprinkled by using sprinkling devices ?0=Y-39". , After efficient sprinkling equipment was built in 1954-55 (sprinklers "W-800", floating pumping stations 1100-21' and.the mobile tractor pumping stations "IIHO-T2-6HAB" theacreags under irrigation increased constantly. The sprink- lers 11AU-10OM11 and "KAY-5.%11 designed by VNIIGiM and put into operation in 1957 were more efficient and adapted for large-se4le operation. The irrigated acreage had increased from 8,1DO hectares in 1955 to 12,800 hectares in 1956, and to 20,000 hectares in 1957, with the final goal for the 6th 5-years-plan being set at 40,000 hectares. The investmnt costs Card 1/2 were quickly returned by considerably higher crops. Personnel USSR / Juman and Animal iior~--holog--,-3-- , y ormaLaana-ruvriu-- logic -- lic-sc!arch Nothods and Tuchniqu,:s iF USSR/Thermodyna.mics. Thermochemistry. Equilibria. Physico-Chemical B-8 Analysis. Phase Transitions. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, PTO 8, 1957, 26o96 Author Rukenshteyn Inst Kc-a-Te-m-y. of -Sciences of USSR Title Theory of Continuous'Molecular Distillation in Case of Suf- ficiently Short Columns. Orig Pub Dokl. AN SSSR) 1956, 108, tio 4, 665-667 Abstract In addition to the work published earlier (RZhKhim, 1957, '428 1 2), the case of the continuous molecular distillation in sufficiently short columns was investigated, when the depth of the diffusion penetration ( 4 ) was less than the width of the layer ofthe liquid, in which the speed had, a magnitude close to u~ (the width of the liquid layer being about 0.4 S Cara - ------------------------------------ AUTHORS: Fridlender, E.!, Ruken h1eyn E' SOV/56_35-1-14/59 TITLE: On the Nature of t~heFarticle~s, Carry Away Most ofthe Energy in.ffuclear Collisions With Medium Energies (0 Drirode , , cha.stits, unosyashchikh.osnovnuyu dolyu energii v yadernykh' , stolknoveniyakh pri umerennykh energiyak,h) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, r Vol 35, N. 1, PP 104 - 110 (USSR) ABSTRACT: it has.recently been established by a number of experiments, that in nuclear collisions with high energies the particles flying away-include such ay most of as c arry aw the energy. In*their introduction the authors discuss several. papers (Shayn (Schein' )-and HBD~stars (Refs 1 and 2)), nuclear-active componen.ts of cosmic radiationin the air (Refs 3,4), the structure of atmospheric showers (Refs 5,6), the theory by Landau (Ref 8), Heisenberg (Geyzenberg) (Ref 7) Belenlkiy (Ref 9) etc. The present paperailms at investigating the influence exercised by various factors upon the eourse of:the transition curve for electron-nuclear showers in a dense absorbing medium. Card 1/3 It is assumed that also for medium energies there exist On the Nature of the Particles Which Carry Away Most SOV/56-35-1-14/59 of the Energy in tiuclear Collisions With Medium Energies so-called "energetically preferred particles" in every staGe of the nuclear cascade process. For the purpose of determining the portion of the decaying particles in the generating compone nt and th e:existence. of unstable particles among those which are "energeti- cally preferred" a comparison is drawn.with abso'rption~ in air. Among the unstable energetically preferred particles there may be ni~ -, K Ke- mesons but not ort-mesons. However, in reference,26mention is, made of electro-nuclear showers, in which both.the inciding as well as the emitted energetically-preferred particles occur in form of-C-mesons. In conclusion, the authors thank D.V.Skobelltsyn, Academician, and the collaborators of the Laboratoriya kosmicheskikh luchey FIAN SSSR (Laboratory of Cosmic Radiation.of ~the Physics Inatitute,AS USSR) for their critical dis- cussion of this'work and for their valuable comments. Thereare 26:references, 1B.of which are Soviet. 'Card 2/3 "Onlin t. .-, ~ , 1..7 . - -... -- . - I-- ~ i I i r I i , I : fl- 3391 ;~gffr J~R 4UT tPAIdOd 14 iNSSR. 1 W gel. )f ~dy [.I zad, r ::,.c CT. T MM, conumuclum jnotezt"r djlt It. nuk&n*tc1rj (Ducls- st. . -L- /~Cmt Polytech. Im ). a Y ful . N11"k S.S-S. R. 108, distn. was ntudicii mutlyticully. Tile Iii(ald contained saveml compoticnili, and flowed In U Olin layer an a Itcated mirface. Thvpre-Aum-insitictlicapp, wits so lo%vi that the d6tance between the evalin. mid ton- densation surfacCe bccutne savaUer than the av. I'm vath of the mots. Conditions were gtudW tw statkinary reUdatim of the inals. of the j components of a UqtiW crazdug In a unit time th'rough jk qv4 wdion peMndkular to the awls, 4ild 41, a distance x fraid It. Coadidmis were cmisidered for lambmr dow; the diffusku thud far Jill the cot"Ponents was very short In empadson with the fime of dftmt of the llqtdd on the heated surface, and the diffudon2l peattm- tion depth was greater thmin the thickness of the fillot on most I of the heated surface. The theory of c=tImuous mcleculsir dItWUtton in sl~ffldendy short Wumns. rbid. WS-7, In this cmdauation of the Aove, the mse Is discussed when the diff4donal penetration depth is tm than the thkk- mesk of Oe Hquld la W. M. Stembers ~__t v- Theory at couUnnow molecular distdIA14 L, for thmt ealnMA& Y Loltkenslarill I DON AW Tf 108, C65 --&q7)-- z ~.ex exp -,,I 4-riv~t tor the .iw jr wni. h H,e tMckncss 8 MVEM" VA 6 EWT(l)).EWP( n L 53 71- 1 /VMA( ACCESSIOWNRI-705017230 VMM/64/ 000100710116101M ~ 0-W AUTHOR: Rukenshteyn# E. -'effect-on massA fek' V_ TITLE: Influence of the Marangoni rans AA 1ilm_llow -7 -no SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal --1964i 116-im Reynolds TOPIC TAGS., mass transfer, fluid fjo surface tensiong laminar flowl__ number ABSTRACT: The auantitative influence-of-lbe.-Maran frect 06 mass,. transfer-'in. i~ IN: a liquid film flowing laminarly.along a vertical w I is A ei_jh_ i~--~~ al scuseed w th p as a on the differences in the effect of surfacq tension for high and low Reynolds numbers. It ;Lt also shown that in the cane of high Reynolds numbers, acorrection-' must be made in the mass transfer equation for theeffect on wave flow. Ori art. has: 22 formulas* ASSOCIATIONs Politekhnicbeakiy institutj--Ekxchajre~t~ (politoc'hnical Institute) SUBHITTED: l3Mar64 ENCL,. _00 SUB CODEt ME, TD NR MW SOV: 008 JPRS, t 77 i~ or --JLrL pt~A-a-! ~ I ~ t I - f I -- =. ~ ,- - " u ::~ , - --r- P. . - .1~ i 1. 1 " W ~ - I ` - -- - I f- I I . - I . -1 1. -. - . . ..-I -,1 -.1 . I J Ic 4 L 25377-65 E7dT(1)/Ewo(k)/kFA(ap)-2/T/Ew(t)/ A( )-2/ EP U EWA(04 Pz-6/Po-4/~.ab~ IJP(c) T ACCESSION INR: AP500k389 8/0056/65/048/001/0151/01!-,!~- AUTHOR: Rukhadz:,A. A so S~2igel's 1. 80 TITLE: Stabilization of plasma flute instabilit -by an inhomogeneous electric-.. _._,Ri:~ field tichiskorfiziki' SOURCE:, Zhurnal eksperimentaVlnoy__ teore 15 -157- 7!015~C -TAGS plasma' instability-'- flixtd-instabJ=tyi~'plasi#4 bydr M~c Ie-.t i~---instability- T: 'The authors o -stabilize flut -6f- --a. ama__ Y_L__L_ :Propos ans of an inhomogeneou nii I' 16--th i_ h&ti I me s electric fields- and-i , st ga e e co ons or such stabilization by using two-fluid bydirodynamics of a plasma. It is shown that the flute instability can be stabilized either by the inhomogeneous field which is produced In the plasma itself by the decrease in the particle density towards the plasma boundary., in which case the inhomogeneoue field is usually concentrated on the plasma surfaces or by an electric inhomogeneous field pro duced in the plasma by artificial means, An approximate criterion is derived for the magnitude of the azimuthal component of the polarization field necessary Carc 1/3 _~~L 25377-65 ------;r-,-ACCESSION-~ IIR:, AP50( 8 3 9 to atabilize the flute iu,Aiv*__~iel~iidns aria" derived fox. an,~, Instability ~-.-Auan_ -or cylindric at inhomageneous plasma with plai-he, al -geomet n-**r;, ,DiApers on rela ions for the spectra of the flute oscillations are derived*in't approximation, and local criteria for the stabilization of thd~flute ties are established. Effective shown to be possible when the ity of thelelectric,'field is..smalltr than the char- dimension of the inhomogene ve I i acteristic dimension of the.plasma inhom6geneii~ (i.e., the trans" rse .t4asma larker -than o*r th -comparable w! th the e dimension), if the field 'itself. is'- field. The stabilization.doed:not depend onthe sign of :the electric -Xield: and--~-- is due to the fact that the field is capable ot-deforming the~'flute with!fi. a* time that is much shorter than the. time necessary fdr-th6 'flute -Insidbility'~o the onc itsion:-tht- develop. It is stated in Lt-some,experimentally observed omecte& wiW ~stabilizations of flute instability in various devices may-~be-.~a -Aitic e-o '!The authors -thaiik, stabilization- mechmaiism. desdAb6idAn'-the,-present I M. S. Rabinovich V,, Pr. ~nd I~' S'~" Danilkin fo valuable advice a~d dis;,*.:,.--, r 17 fdrmulas.~ cussion." Orig. has: I ASSMIATIOUt. Fizicheskiy inatitut im, Po N. Lebedeva Akademli nauk SSSR ':t Card 2 3 ~Lt L 25377..65, ' ' ACCFASION IM t- li SuBmrzm: -00?. kl No RV sov: 008 OTMI 004, ATD PRE68 I 1 USSR/Nuciear Physics ~u-cleon Int-eractfon-- Card 1/i Pub 146-28/28 Author Rukhadze A. A. Title Problem of nucleon interaction through a pseudoscalar mesonic field (Letter to the editor) Periodical Zhur. Eksp. i Teor. Fiz-, 29, No 5, 709-73-1, 1955 Abstract Tamm's quantum thIeory of relativistic particles (Journ of Phys., 5, 1, 1945) is applied to equations of nucleonic interaction through 4 mesonic pseudoscalar field. Attempt is made to eliminate.divergencies. in computations. Two USSR and two foreign references. 'Institution Physics Institute im. Lebedev, Acad. Sci. USSR Submitted February 9, 1-955 MS Nuclear NI 3 hysics ,Pi meson interaction with nucleons Card -.L/1 Pub. 146 34/44 Author Popov, Yu. M.; Rukhadze, A. A. Title Inelastic scattering.of mesons in the semiphenomenological theory of the interaction of,pi-mesons with nucleons. Periodical Zhur. eksp. i tear. fiz., 29, No 6(12), Dee 1955, 893 Abstract On the basis of the semiphenomenological theory of interaction of pi-mesons with nucleons, the problem of the nonelastic scattering of nucleons was solved for energy of the incident mesons greater than 4w z4ev (I, Ye. Tamm., Yu. A. Gol'fand, V. Ya. Faynberg, ibid., 26, 649, 1954), the calculation conducted in the first non-disappearing approximation of Heitler's theory of damping (W. Heitler, Proc. Cambr. Phil. Soc.,, 37, 291, 1941). They studied, after scatterinE, the states: nucleoni-meson and "isobar"#-meson, but did not consider the state nucleon~two mesons, formation of,the sec- ond meson being considered as a decay of the nucleons "isobar" state. In the preEent note the writers carry out a comparison with experiments for energies.of the incident mesons higher than 400 Mev, and note that up to 400 Mev their results coincide with those of Tamm ct alii (on. cit.). This note contains no new,values of the c stants not already given by Tam et alii. F an esults are given in graph and table, theoretical and experimental. Good agreement is noted. Four references, all Western but one USSR (op. Cit.). Institution: Physical Institute im. P..N. Lebedev, Acad. Sci. U,13SH Submitted : July-29, 1955 AUT-tiOR Yu-7., -.quir-mm"E, I.Zt- 56-7-48/66 - TITLE e Double ScatterIX16 Uf Z-. Ilec trons . Polarization on the Occasion of Th (Polyarizatsiya pri dvukratnom rasseyani-i elektronov - R-assian) ERIODICAL "r -1hurnal i.'-s-erim. i Teoret.Fiziki,1057, Vol 33, 7, : pp 279 ADSTRACT The longitudinal polarization of the electrons of the B-decay marl- fests itself or- the occasion of the twofold ncattering of the 3- electrons. The differential cross section of the double scattering of a longitudinally polarized beam of electrons is here.explicitly written dovn. These formulae are then specialized for Born's appro- e . ximation. The following facts -.,rere establish d' The effect nroduced by t1he azimuthal asymMetry in the case of the double scattering of the L;olarized beam of electrons is considf2rably greater.than the effect 2roduced by the azimuthal asymmetry of the scatteri n.-,of a . non-polarized beam. If the recoil of the nucleus is disregarded and in the case of the neutrino with two co.2.ponents the relation,71=v c applies to the degree of longitudinal polarization of the S-elec- troils. Experiments carried out in connection with the double scat- terine; of a polarized bea~:i are renderet. considerably. more difficult by the relatively low activity of.the 8-active ,jreparations. They are er~_-st ir, connection with. the verifica- however, of considerable int . tion of the above Lienti6ned calculations anE for the I exn1anationIof the plienomenon of P-decay. At present erdeavors are being made to Gard-1/2 verify this piler-omenon experimentally. In conclusion .'L possible Polarization on the Occasion of-the Double 56-7-48/66 Scattering of Electrons. connection b6tween double scatterimr, (tilt! tile so-call(:d "ano!:mlous scattering" of el;--,ctron3 is pointod out. (tro illustratior.!~.I. ASSOCIATION Physical Institute"P.-N. LE32DEVII. of the Academy oV Sciences of the U.S.S.H. (Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N, Akademiinauk SSSR) S LJB- FITTED 19-3-1957. AV, AILAKE Library of Con~;ress. Card 2/2 A.UTHOR: Rukhadze, A ~56-34-4-42/6o TITLE. Tile Elastic,Scattering of Particles With High Energy by a -o c~astit Deuteron (Ob upruG m rasseyanii v7.sokoy energii na deytrone) PERIODICAL.~ Zhurnaleksperimentall noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1956, . , Vol, 34, Nr 4~ PP. 1014 - 1015 (USSR), ABSTRACT: In the recently arranged experiments by L.S.Leskin (Ref 2) on the scattering of.675 MeV protons by deuterons, besides scattered nucleons,also a small number of not anibilated high-enerGy deuterons is.observed (up to '660 Mev).,The present report gives the quantitative estimation of the relative probability of this process using the~wave functlion of the deuteron obtained.according. to the method by Tamm~Dankov (Ref 3). With sufficiently small* 2 /3)~2 (O)k 3 is obtained; where itn (r) r dr-- (4n d 00 d Wd(A denotes the relative probability,of the investigated pro- cess, the wave length of the impinEing.particle. and %(r)_ Card 1/3 the wave functio In o,fthedeuteron, The above mentioned expression ~AA FM The Elastic Scattering of Particles With High Enerjy 56-34-4-42/6o by a Deuteron holds for sufficiently small In the case of small distances the wave function of,the'deuteron obtains practically only one 3 S wave. It.therefore holds that r)/r), where u(r) d(O) "T(-U--~(O 3 denotes the function of the S.1" state of the deuteron.Using the values of u(r) calculated by-the method devploped by Tamm-Dankov ~d(o) -0,7 infound and the expression d(X ),'&'4 Li n ;k3/3, results in the system of uni.ts 11', . c = I. When th e inpinging protons have the ei;ergry'675 4eV it holds that 0,-1 and consequently W 2.10 The experimental value of this magnitude is d 7~10-3 (R,efs 1,2). Thusthcory pxperimentally coincides Yrith the experiment, Theexperimental investirr--tion of the scattering of fast particles by a deuteron and thecomparison of the energy de pendence ofthe relat;ve probability of the elastic scattering of fast particles by a deuteron by --means of thefirstmentioned, Ca d 2/3 formul-- would be of interest. Finally the nuthor -thanks I.Ye. ------------- The Elastic Scattering of Particles With HiCh Enermi 56-34-4-42/6o 24 (5) AUTHOR.~ Rukhadze, A. A* SOV/56-35-2--32/60 TITLE: Concerning theProblem of the Interaction of Two Nucleons in the Method of.Tamm-Dankov (K zadache vzaimodeystviya drukh nuklonov v metode Tamma-Dankbva) PERIODICAL: Zh,urnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1.958, Vol 35, Nr 2 (8), PP 511-512 (USSR) ABSTRACT: According to a previous paper it is possible, in the investigation of a two-nucleon system according to the Tamm-Dankov method, to contine oneself to thetwo-meson approximation of this method. In this case, the terms of 4 the order.of magnitude g are essential only in.the non-xelativistic region of the energy of the interacting particles, But the interaction in the relativistic energy region is described only by terms of the order of magnitude 2 9 . According to this conclusion, the exact equations for .the amplitude of the state of the two-nucleon system can be. replaced by approximated equations in which the terms .4 Card, with the,order of magnitude g are taken into account Concerning the Problem:of the Interaction of, Two SOV/36-35-2-32/60 Nucleons in the blethod.of Tamm-Dankov only in an a Idiabatic manner. The terms of the order of, 2 magnitude g :however, are exactly taken into account, Thisessentially simplifies the solution of the equations, Recently, these equations were integrated numerically by means of the'electronic computer "Strela" of the AS USSR~ The lowest eigenvalue of the coupling constant was found 3 3 for the state. 51 + D of.a two-nucleon system. The system was assumed to be in a bound state with the binding energy E,= 2,227 MeV and, moreover, the problem was solved for the is state with a given value of g2 The for 0 the states 3S and 3D of thedeuteron (in thIe coordinate Ispace) can be obtained by numerical integration. From the numericallsolution. of the equation for the scattering of nucleons in the S state the phases ofthe scattering in 0 ~this state can be deduced. Atable gives the numerical results of the calculations for a deuteron and also a Card 21A~l comparison of theoretical and experimental results. Concerning the Problem of Ahe Interaction of'Two SOV/56-35-2-32/60 Nucleons in the Method of Tamm-Dankov A second table gives the numerical values ofthe,phase S and.compar es,them with the resu ltsobtained for 0 various phenomenoloGical potentials. The terms with the order of,maenitude g4 exercise only a minor influence on, the interaction.of the nucleons in.the problem of the bound state of the deuteron, but they make an essential contribution to the scattering of the nucleons inthe S 0 state. The theory describes the interaction of the nucleons for low energies (T 0 Cherenkwr radiat, o.-. is distributed over one cone, but with /3