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USSR / General and Special Zoology. Insects. Abs jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 4, 1958, M471 Author Rudnev D.F., Sanin V.A. Inst ~Entomology and Phytopathology Aca- demy,of Sciences Ukrainian Soviet Specialist Republic. Title The Use of Hew Forms of DDT Preparations in the Control of the Beet Weevil in Alroplane Spraying. (Primeneniye novykh form preparatov DDT pri aviaopryskivanii v borlbe so sveklovichnym dol- gonosikam). Orig Pub: Nauchn. tr. in-ta entomol. i fitopatol. AN UkSSR, 1956, 7, 21-29 Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 RUDMSLa~~Zvq_rv ;VASILOYEV, V.P., doktor biologicheskikh nauk, otvetstvennyy rWeor; NERUSH, A.I., redaktor izdatel'stva; KOLOMIYCHUK. V.A., tekhnicheqkiy redaktor. [The ereat oak borer of the forests of the Soviet Union] Bol'shoi dubovyi usach v lesakh Soyet%kogo Soiuza. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad.nauk USSR, 1957. 211 p. (MIRA 10:11) (Oak--Diseases and pelts) (Borers (insects)) RUDOEV, D., doktor biologicheakikh nauk.;SANIN, V., aspirant. New achievements in aerial chemical control of sugar beet weevils in the Ukraine. Grazhd.av. 14 no.1:32-33 Ja 157. (MIRA 10:4) (Ukraine--Aeronautics in agriculture) (Spraying and dusting) (Weevils) ZAGAYKEVICH, Ivan Kornilovich [Zahaikevych, I.K.1;_RU1NE_V.D_F_[Rudniev, D.P.]. doktor biolog.nauk,; SENCHENKO, O.S., red.; YURCHISHIN, V.I.[!Urchyshvn, V.I.], [Insects injurious to trees and shrubs in the western provinces of the Ukraine] Komakhy - shkidnyky derevnykh i chaharnykovykh porid zakhidnykh oblassi Ukrainy. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad.nauk URSR, 1958. 129 p. (MIRA 12:6) (Ukraine, Western--Insects, Injurious and beneficial) DU _bakwdoktor biolog.nauk; BRATUS' Vladimir Itich, dotoent; ALEKSANDROVSKIY, A., red.; 11MCILMO, I., (Brief handbook on the use of chemicals in controlling diseases and pests of trees and shrubs] Kratkii spravochnik po pri-. meneniiu iadokhimikatov dlia bor'by a vrediteliami i bolezniami zelenykh nasazhdenii. Kiev, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit. USSR, 1959. 143 p. (MIRA 12:8) (Insecticides) (Fungicides) (Trees--Diseases and pests) ZAGAYKEVICH, N.K., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk; ILIKUN, G.M.p kand. biolog. naukj FOGREBUYAK, P.S., akademik- RUDNEV D F rof.p doktor biolog. nauk; FWRGVSKIY, A.M., kand. sei-T~sEoEo--zt.-Ik-fdeceased); BREDIKHR19 A.M. j red.; TRUKHINA, 0.1f., tekhn. red. [New methods for the afforestation of rolling sands] Novye sposoby ob- lesenila bugristykh peskov. By N.K.Zagaikevich i dr. Moskva, Gos. izd-ii6 sellkhoz. Idt-ry, 1961. 216 p. (MIRA .14:8) 1. AN Ukrainskoy SM (for Pogrebnyak) (Afforestation) (.OzLndy soils) s r, 43 no.6,~8'21- (MIRA 17;12) RUDITITE-17, D.F,, doktor, bf.TloF.Pauk; A,'~'~,"SHNJKOV. [,-,,,A., kand.b.i.olog.nauk Ghlorcpho5~. Zas~ci-i. rast. o~ v-od. i bol. 8 no.?-.3-7-38 il ~ 63. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Ukrainski.y nauctinc-I..qs's.f,-~~otatel.;ski.y inotitut zashchity rasteniy. RUDNEV, D.F. Long-range jet spraying. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 8 no-3:30-31 Mr 163. (MIRA 17:1) mmum , -, -- - : . - .. - - 11 - . %.. !;a"*, -, f. ~' -.1- RDDIWjV, D.F.; KHRAMTSOV, N.N. Ccntrol of the European spruce bark beetle in the forests of GeorgU. Zasch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 7 no.7:28-30 ji 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom entomologii Ukrainskogo instituta zashchity rasteniy (for Rudnev). 2. Starshiy inzh. otdela. lesnogo khozyayltva Gooplana SSSR (jor,Khramtsov). (Georgl"pruce bark beetle-Extermination) V7 Toxicity of Gammende, and u a (toot] fumfoat agaWt Mdofontha Wvie. E--P--R_udney and V. 1. Grimal5fiff (DoAl. Ahad. Namh SSSJ?r-&064P-Oft-06*--554).-LarvicidaI action of Garnmexane in soil dt? is observed within a zone of-about 3 cm. ar,,und the d Ait at , iaercaRing to 20 cm. at W, at which the 'Tis about 5 cm. pet dim. a. Tfluacoz. rate f Spre. - - - -=- - -~- -TT-7- --7 , -7-;- 7-T ,i. . . 1~ ~ "T 7 - 77 1 , .- - -1 SEVKROVA, Ye.Ya.; KOST, Ya.A.; RUDNEV, G.P., T)rofessor; KYASNIKOV, A.L., i ZM)AI1OV,V.M., redaktor; BHKLJOfISBNV,V.N., redaktor; BILIBI21,A.F., VYGODCHIKOV,G.V., redaktor; DOBROKHOTOVA,A.I., redaktor; ZHUKOV-VBXfflIIKOV,11.11., redaktor; ZDRODOVSKIY,A.I., redaktor; KASHK.Ul,P.1l.. redaktor; KRICHkVSKIY,A.H.,.redaktor; PATLOVSKIY,A.11., redaktor; PCDuYAPOLISKAYL.V.P., redal--tor; POPOV,I.S., redaktor; RUMV&P., redaktor; SKTYABIII,K.I.,redak- tor TIMAKOV,V.D., redakto W, V., redaktor; ZAKSTELISKAYA. L.fu., redaktor; SACHHVA,A.I., takhnicheskiy redaktor [Contagious diseases in man; acadenic reference book] Zaraznye bolezni chelovoka; ak-ademicheskii apravochnik. Mosk "aGos ,izd- vo neditsinskoi lit-ry, 1955. 681 p. 9:3) 1. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, Moscow. (COIITAGIOIT AUD CONTAGIOUS DISMSES) USSR/Pharmacology and Toxicology. Chemotherapeutic Preparations V-7 Lntibiotics ,bs Jour : Fef Zhur - Biol.1 No 15., 1958, No 71285 Author : Mayorchuk P.D.,Rudnev G.P. Inst Title Clinical Aspects of Candida Ykycosis as a Complication in Treatment with Imtibiotics Orig Pub V sb.: Lecheniye infekts. bolInykh. Vyp. 3. M., 1957, 199-213 Abstract No abstract Card' 1/1 VliRSHIWVA, P.A., professor; RUDIMV. G. professor Ir ZHDANOV, V.M., red.; VASHKOV, V.I., red.toma~ V redakt.toma prinimal i uchastiye: ZAKHAROVA, H.S.; KOLAY, D.G.; PAVLOV, P.V.;_JUZ=V' G.P.; TIM.AXOV, V.D.; TROITSKIT, V.L.; KMSTOV, L.K.. NECHAYIKV, -SJ--.';-red.; BELICHIKOVA, Yu.S., EProceedings of the 13th All-Union Congress of Hygienists, Epidemiologists, Microbiologists, and Specialists in Infections Diseases, Moscow, 19561 Trudy Vsesoiuznogo s"ezda gigtanistov, epideiailogov, mikrobiologov,i infektsionistov., Pod red. V.H. Zhdanova. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry. Vol.2. ESection on epidemiology, microbiology, infectious diseases and the organiza- tion of public health service] Otdelenie epide&iologii, mikrobiologii, infektsionnykh boleznei i organizatsii zdravo- okhraneniia. Pod red. V.I.Vashkovs. 1959. 866 p. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Vsesovuznyy s"yezd gigiyenistov, epidemiologov, mikrobiologov i infektsionistov. 13th, Moscow,'1956. (MICROBIOLOGY--COITGRESSES) LIJKOV, B.N., prof. (Kuybyshev); PETROV, V.I., dotsent (.Moskva); PAVLEITKO, T.M., aspirant (Moskva); YEIV.10IAYEV, V.G., prof. (Loningrad); ADO, A.D., prof.; WN51, M.S.', rrof.,- TZWOLAUN, V.G.., prof. (Loningrad); KUPRIYURNA NI.A (Kazanf);, -losl-v ; SAYJLARrjV, P.P., fETROV, G.1 (Moskva); DOLGOPOLOVA, A.V. (I al prof.; BYKHOVSKIY, Z.Ye., prof.; MINIKOVSKIY, prof. (Chelyabinsk); KIRIELIC110110K, I.P. (Irkutsk); T&TIN, U.S., prof. (Moskva); NINIKOVSKIY., A.Kh.j, prof. (Chelyabinsk); MILtSHTEY11, T.11.1, doktor med.nauk (LeninErad); TRUTIEV, V.K., zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, prof.; TS)M~SHKIN, B.D., (Moskva); SOBOLI, I.M., prof. (Stavropol); TURJK, G.M. (Moskva); FRENKELI, M.M. (Moskva); MAZO.1 I.L.; POhT.YVALOVA, K.P.; PIROSKURYAKOV, S.A., prof.; ATKUUSKAYA., A.A., prof.; GOLIUJIM, I.V., prof. (Izhevsk); PORUBINOVSKAYA, (1-losk-va); UUDIEY.,~, prof.; VOL!FSON, I.Z., prof. (Stalingrad); DOROSIENKO, I.T., prof. (Kalinin); ROZE-Nni'LID) 1.1.0., prof. (Leningrad); SHULIGA, A.O., prof. (Orenburg); MIK11LIN, Ye.G., prof.; TRETIYAKOVA, Z.V. (Moskva); MANUYLOV, Ye.N., prof. (Moskva); DOROSIENKO, I.T.t prof. (Kalinin); YERMOIArEVA, V.G.2 prof. Speeches in the discussion. Trudy goo. nauch.-issl. inst. ukhay gorla i nosa no.11:79-87,120,-146,179-186,233-248,311-333 159. OUFA 15: 6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent A1411 SSSR (for Ado). 2. Direktor Moskov- skogo gosudarstvennogo instituta, ukha, gorla i nosa (for Trutnev).. (OTORHINUT-A [GOLDGY-CONGRESSES) ZHDANOV, V.M., red.; VASHKOV, V.I., red.; 7.1KHAROVA, H.S., red.; KUDLAY, D.G., red.; PAVLOV, P.V., red.; red. (MoskvB); TIMAKOV, V.D., red. (Koskva); TROITSKIT, Y.L., red.; KHRISTOV, L.W., red, (Moskva); BECHAY3T, S.T.,.red.;. BELICHIKOVA, Yu.S., LTransactions of the All-Union Conference of Hygienists, Npidemio- logists, Microbiologists, and Infections Disease Specialists] Doklady XIII Vsesoi-uznogo o"ezda gigienistov, epidemiologov, mikro- biologov i,infektsionistov. Pod red. Y.M.Zhdanova. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo med.lit-ry Medgiz. Vol*2. Lsection on epidemiology, micro- biology, infectious diseases, and the organization of the public.... health systemi Otdelenie epidemiologii, mikrobiologii. infektsion- nykh boleznei i organizatsii zdravookhraneniia. Pod red. V.I. Vashkovs. 1959. 866 p. (MIRA l4a) 1. Vaesoyuznyy s"yezd gigiyenistov, epidemiologov, mikrobiologov i infektsionistov. 13th. (HPIDE14IOLOGY--CONGRESSESJ RUDNEV, G.P,-,_prof., red.; SOLOVTSOVA, T.I., red. LTreatment of patients with infectious diseases; antibiotic therapy and hormone therapy] Lechenie infektsionnykh bollnykh; antibiotikoterapiis i .-ormonoterapiia. Pod red. G.P.Rudneva. Moskva. No.4. 1960. 315 P. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy institut uooverBhenstvovaniya,vrachey. 2. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii meditsinakikh nauk SSSR; zave- duyuahchiy kafedroy infektsionn;rkh bolezney TSentrallnogo insti- tuts usovert3henstvoveniya vrachey Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR (for Rudnev). (COMMUNIULBLE DISEASES) (ANTIBIOTICS) (HORMONE THERAPY) ------------- (L:)WIYFJVO N.G., prof.; prof.; DUNAYBVA, T.N., kand.biolog. nauk; YEMELOYAN-OVA, O.S.. kand.biolog.nauk; MAYSKIY, I.N., prof.; MYASNIKOV, Yu.A.; SAVEL'IWA,' R.A.,; SILICEIHNKO, V.S.,; KASMOV, A.V., red.; BULIDYAYNT, N.A.,, [Tularemia] Tuliaremiia. Pod red. N.G.Olauf'eva i G.F.Rudneva. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry, 196o. 458 p. (MIRA 14:4) 1.,Chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditainskikh nauk SSSR (for 01suflyev). 2. Deystvitollnyy chlen -Akademii meditsinakikh nauk SSSR (for Rudnev). (TULAP"IA) -,% BUGROVA) V.I., kand. med. nauk; VINOGRADOVA, I.N., kand.biol. nauk; DIYAKOV, S.I., kand. med. nauk; ZHDABOV, V.M., prof.; Z-T.IUYOV-VEREZMIIKOV., N.N., prof.; ZEITTSOVA, O.M., kand. med. nauk; IMSFIENETSKIY, A.A., prof.; KALINA, G.P.,, prof.; KAULENJ, D.R., kand. med. nauk; KOVALEVA, A.I., doktor med.z nauk; KRASILINIKOV, N.A., prof.; KUDLAY, D.G., doktor biol., nauk; LEBEDEVA, M.N., prof.; PERETS, L.G., prof.:[deceased]; PEKH0V, A.P., doktor biol. nauk; PIJIIELYES, Kh.Kh., prof,;. POGLAZOVA, M.N., kand. biol. nauk; PROZOROV, A.A.; SINITSKIY, A.A., prof.; FEDGROV, I-I.V., prof. [deceased ; SHANINA-VAGI14A, V.I., kand.biol. nauk; VYGODCHIKOV, G.V., prof., zaraestitell otv. red.; ADO, A.D., prof., red.; BAROYAB, O.A., prof., red.; BILIBIN) A.F., prof., red.; BOLDYREV) ToYes, prof*, red.; VASHKOV, V.I., doktor med. nauk, red.; VYAZOV, O#Ye., doktor red. nauk, red.; GAUZE, G.F., prof., Ired.; GOSTEV, V.S., prof., red.; GORIZONTOV, P.D., prof., red.; GRINBAUM, F.T., Prof.., red. [deceased]; GROMASHEVSKIY, L.V., prof., red.; YELKIN, I.I., prof., red.; ZASU M N, L.N., doktor biol. nauk) red.; ZDRODOVSKIY, P.F., prof., red.; KAPICHNIKOV, M.M... kand. med. nauk., red.; KMIPARSKAYA, N.H., prof., red.; KOSYAKOV, P.N., prof., red.; LOZGVSKJffA, Ye.S., kand. med. nauk-, red.; ,MAYSM, ~Jl., prof., red.; MUROMTSEV, S.N., prof., red. Idleceasedj; (Continued on next card) BUGROVA, V.I.--(continued) Card 2. NIKITI11, M.Ya., red.; NIYOL&EVt, T.A.,, red.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye-N.., akademik, red.; PASTUKHOV) A.P., kand. med. nauk, red.; PEMISHCHEVA, P.A., prof., red.; POEROVSKAYA, M.P., prof., red.; POPOV, I.S., kand. med.,nauk, red.; ROGOZIN, I.I., prof. red.; RUDIiEV G P prof., red.; SERGIYEV, P.G. prof., red.; SKRYABIF-TH.I., akad., red.; SOKOIDV, M.L. prof'. red,; SOD0V'Yi~,.V#Dsp prof*) red.; TRIBULEVx O.P., dotemtp red.; CHWAKOV, M.P.P prof.0 red.; SHATROV, LL, prof., red.; TIMAKOV, V.D., prof., red.toma; TROITSElp V.L., prof,,, red. toma; FMOVA, N.K.p; LMultivolume manual on the microbiology clinical aspects, and epidemiology of infectious diseasesi Ninogotomnoe rukovod- stvo po mikrobiologii klinike i epidemiologii infektsionrWkh boleznei. Otv. red. N.N.Zhukov-Verezhnikov. Moskva, Medgiz. Vol.l. (General microbiology] Cbshchaia mikrobiologiia. Otv. red. N.14.Zhukov-Vere,zhnilcov. 1962. 730 p. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Deystvitellnyy,chlen Akademii meditsinskikh nau1c SSSH (for Zhd,n.nov,,Zhukov-Verezhnikov, Vygodchikov,, Bilibin, Vashkov) Gromashevskiy, Zdrodovskiy, Rudnev, Sergiyev, Cbumakov, Timakov, Troitskiy). (Continued on next card) j I ~;e*"!~--'-.',--'! P:' 'i ~a ~ I ~ z thin ini cal a c ts ~Df nfl~, c 'L lcuo, d a t the 14 Lh A21- Union Congress of Spec!altstj (June 29 July 4, 1�64). Zhur.mik~obio-, epid. (M RA 19:5) mmun. 42 riu.4:3-6 Ap 165. NESTEROV A.l., I otv. red.; RUDNEV, G.P.0 red., SEVEHIN, S.Ye., red.; CFE-RKlliSKlY,,S.Nl.., red.; SERGIYE-1, P.G., red. (Annotations of the scientific work of the Academy of lledical Sciences of the U.S.S.H. for 1955] Annotatsii nauchnykh rabot A14N SSSR za 1955 god. Red. A.I.Nesterov i dr. Moskva, Medgiz. Book 1. 1956. 559 P. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, Moscow. 2. Vitse-prezident i deystvitellnyy chlen Alkill SSSH (for Nesterov). TY"IKOVI G.T, inzh.; RU,-DN,EV, G.S., tekhnik; XUPRIN, A.I., inzh. Laboratory and industrial studies of local resistances in free- .-flowing hydraulic transportation. Izv. vys. uch. zav.; gor. zhur. 5' no.6:95-97 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyoktno-konstruktorskiy institut pe gidrodobyche uglya (for Tyutikov, RuAnev). 2. Sibirskiy metallurgicheakiy institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze (for Kuprin). Rekomendovana kafedroy gidro-dobychi Sibirskogo metalluigicheskogo instituta. (Hvdraulic convevinL,) ' ' Roudneff on de Sturm-Liouville G. V. Sur les fostl s ftylat des sw latitfis. Menye Zapiski Moskov. Goo. Univ. 100, Maternatika, Tom 1, 113-126 (1946). (Rus- sian. French summary) - m-Liouville' problem- of The author coniiders the &Jur PY.* (Ry'),-Qy+x 0:where R(x) mayvanish at either end of the fundamental interval (a, b), but not in between. If R(a) - 0, then we must have R(x) -_ a(x -a) for sonic a > 0 and f.'dVRQ) - oo, and similarly if R(h) - 0. Also, p(x) may have a finite number of zeros without change of sign in (a, li)~ The author extends to this case the construction of the resolvent in terms of Neumann series. the v-.triational properties due to Courant (Courant and Hilbert, Methoden der mathematischen Physik, vol. 1, Springer, Berlin, 1924, pp. 345-352], and the result that A. - OW). Also consid- ered are the Bessel case, and, by a different method, the general case in which f.'dZIR(J) converges. P. V. Atkinson (lbadan No Vol matical Revie,~,sj Soiorce- 11athe 2`2 ~2, (D~,q-crt:ation for thc 'Def-rcr- of' in ;'es'l-va J-nuary-Dcc(~,-abpr X~i M ~63 temperaturnora rezhIme prizemnogo sloia vozdakha. Crempernit-ire regizftill~~ear the ground.] Udeorologiia i Gdrologiia, No. 8:30-33, Aug. 19524 4 figs. DLC-Rieport on mig~"Iimatological observations carried out doting the surnmer or, Kotporological Abst. 1941 at Alma-Ata Geophy3ical Observatoa for the study of the vertical distribution of aii, Va!. 4 No. 11 temperain-TE-mi the ground in the morning hours. Thermometers protected from sun .atI W soil radiation by paper dLics were installed infield cropat heights from 2 cm up,!p in. ric 'iOr I R. 1953 author found --)me differences from analogous investigations made by GEIGER, which Air Temperature apparentlycan beexplained by specific conditions of GEIGER'S observations, made ina Munich. garden where the medium was not similar to natural field conditions. Subject Areadin isq, 2. Vertical temperature xr2dient 3. Alms.!Atm, U.S.& -N. R. T.7__ RUDNIKV.G.V. Basic network of stations for agricultural meteorological observations. MeteorA gidrol- no.5!38-41 MY '53. (KWA 8:9) 1. GUGMS, Mosk-va. (Meteorology, Agricultural) U L f r \J _1z),K If Subject USSR/Meteorology AID P 2494 Card 1/1 Pub. 71-a - 4/26 Author Rudnev, G. V. Title The Hydrometeorological Service at the 1955 All-Union Exhibit of Agriculture Met. I Gidro.,, 3, 23-24, My-Je 1955 The Hydrometeorological Service was assigne d to aspecial pavilion at the fair. The article reports in detail on the materials exhibited, such as maps of water.resources and climatic conditions, frost and drought prevention measures, and the weather forecasting process. The work of the floating meteorological stations In the Arctic Is presented in graphs and pictures. 'Institution: None Submitted No date RUDNEV, G.V. Participants'of t 'he 1956 All-Union Agricultural Szbibition. )64.0,6r. i gidrol. no.5::50-51 MY '57. (MM 10v'8)' - I - - . - - . I I.- - - - __ -1 KUJ)HYA5"V. Gannadiy Mikhaylovich,;OVCHID1i1KOV, Mikhail liikiforovich,; 1,Uljb!hV, G.V., otv.Ted.;"1HDAKOVA. L.P., red.; SOLOVEYCHIK, A.A.,takhn. red. for the computation of soil moisturaj Tablitsy dlia vychisleniia vlazhaosti pochvy. Leningrad, Gidrometeor. izd-vo, 1958. 483 P. (MIRA 11:12 (Soil moistura-Tablas,etc.) AUTHOR: TITLE; PERIGDICAL: ABSTRACT: (Glavnoye upravleniye gidr ometeciologicheskoy sluzhby) under participati-on of representatives of local administrations of the same service and of obser-~-atories of the Central Institute for weather forenast (Tsentrallnyy institut prognozov TsIF), of the Geophysical Chief- -Observatory (Gla7naya geofizicheskaya observator-iya-GGO) of the Scientifi- Research-Institute for Aero-Climatology, of zonal hydro-meteorological Lnstitutes and a number-of other scientifie:~ departmer-ta (altogether 140 persons). The main issue of the conference were the consultations on the participation of agrc-meteorological st'ations in the research work of the central and zonal institutes of the mentioned service, as well as at the development of Rudnev, G.. V. 50-58-4-25/26 Conferer-l-,a of the 1jeade of Agro- -Meteoroloc-ical Stations (Soveshchariye nachallnikov agrometeorologicheskikh stantsiy) Meteorologiya i Gi-drologiya, 19158. Nr 4, pr 61-62 (USSR At the end of No%rember 1957 a conference was held in the main administration. of the llydro-Meteoroligical Service . Conference of the Headis o.1J' ACro-, 50 58 - 4- 2 ",/2 6 -Meteorological Stations regional topics ancording t-o the nEcessities of agri- cultural production. Some reports are briefly mentioned. In his report oD "The present- stats and the prospects of, the agro-meteorclogical stations" G.N. Rudnev disapproves of the deficient investigation of the agro-meteorological conditions -f agricultural product-ion In accordance with the various branches of agrict.,lture, the specifi.. necessities of some cultivated plant2 and with thi principal agri- , cultural techniques. This is the result of a stereotyped planning of the workinm orogrxr. and of a lacking consideration of specialization of the agricultural production in the respective regions, in this connection the conference -oassed a draft according ro which sur;h a specialization of :he stations with regard to varicu3 groups of cult,iva+ed 11 - plants in different regions is planned. The program is explained, M. S. Kulik lectured on the subject of part-i- cipation of the stations in the resear3h-work. According to him the respective work is divided into three groups. He stressed the importancs of the methodical administration of the whole network of stationn, whereby the glaidanc-eof Card 2/3 the work should be carried out 1-y the st-ations themsel-es Conference of the Heads of Agro- 50-58-4-25/26 -bleteorological Stations under consideration ofJocal conditions. Reports of local representatives of the UGMS - Administration of the Hydro- -Meteorological Service - (Upravlenie gidrometeorologicheskoy sluzhby) were following and then lectures on agro-meteorology were given. A number of measures were discussed by the con- ference, which are supposed to serve the development and improvement ofthe work of the stations and of agriculture. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Weather stations USSR C ard 3/ 3 7 AUT-TOR: Rudnev, G. V. SOV/50-59-4~-9/21 TITLE: Probl.-ms of Agrometeorology in the Cultivation if Steppe ani Forest-steppe Areas of the US3R (Voprosy agrometeorolog-i'l v zemledelii stepnykh 4. lesostepnykh rayonov SO-JR) P.-IRIODICAL: 'cileteorologiya i gidrologlya, 1950, -Nr 1., T,1-, 43-46 (USSR) D'-MACT: An outward meeting of the Vsesoyuznaya ordena Lenina e.kademiya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V. I. Lenina (All-T TnXion Order of Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences imeni V. I. Lenin) took place in Saratov in October 1958. Problems of the introduction of scientific agricultural methods in the steppe and steppe-woodland areas of the USSR were discussed. The.- author is of the opinion that the agrotechnical measures suggested in a number of reports require an agrometeorolc-ical, foundation according to soil and climatic characteristics. 1,1, A. Ollshanskiy, Academician of the VASKhNIL, delivered a report on "The Problems of Agriculture in the Steppe and . Methods of Increasing the Yield in Agricultural Cultivation".- F. F. Davitaya spoke on "The Droughts in the USSR and the Scientific Foundation of "easures for Fighting the Same M 1 - Card 1/3 Accordin.- to Natural Zones", An examnle f6r the consideralion Problems of Agrometeorology in the Cultivation of SOV/50-59-4- /21 ,3teppe and Forest-6teppe Areas of the USSR of climatic and soil conditions is thesuggestion by Lz A, Razumova on the use of fallow-land cultivation in the dry parts of North Kazakhstan and the Kulunda Steppe, not on large uninterrupted areas, but on separate alternating tracts with pure fallow land and wheat-growing land. - N. S. 3okcln"T delivered a report on "The Problem of Soil Cultivation for Increasing the Supply of Fields 711th ffumiiity and the Agrotechnical Requirement3 to Farming 7,4,,ichinery1r. S. Sobolev gave a lecture on "The Present Stiite and -Hethods of Fighting Soil Erosion". - The authorpoints out that the,, problems of considering the water maoses in the snow farming fields and the conditions of the melting of the snow are not satisfactorily solved yet. The nonditions and the evolution of dust storms, which are a consequence of soil erosion by the wind, are poorly considered in a hydrometeo.rological respect. An important factor for a successful cul-tivaticn of the ste.ope and -..,ooderl-steppe arer.,.--- is the reservoir . irrigation. B. ..'. Shumakov menti,)ne'r] in his report that only in the steppe-woodland areas of the RSF-SR and the Kazakhstan Card 2/3 the areas with reservoir irrigation amount 'o-1700000 ha. Problems of AgrometeoroloE;y in the Cultivation of ISGV/50-5c~,-A-9/21 Steppe and Forest-steppe Areas of the USOR The areas with reservoir irrimation must be extendei to 6000000 ha. - The productive a6riculture in the steppe and steppe-woodland areas is closely connected with the afforestation for the conservation of fields. The great. interest 6-7 years a-pol iho scientific roset-,h offices of the Gidrometeosluzhha in the afforestaLi!:in for the conservation of fields has decreased to zero at present. - It is pointea out here that the modern affOrPstati,n for the conservation of fields has attained new forms, but is being cqrried out in many cases without sufficient agroclimatic foundation. The Gidrometeosluzhba is take Dart in the solution of these important economic problems. ~Card 3/3 Ge--,,.ar, Viktorovich; GUREVICII, T.V.. retserzentu; IMPE, V.A.., re'tLenzent; KULIK, M.S., otv. red.; A, I "'.IM., red. [Agriculturalmeteorology] Agrometeorologiia. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1964. 277 p. (MIP"k 17:8) SKLY AROV V.M., otv. red.; GRIBANOV, red.; MIUROMITSEV, A.M., red.; POGOSYAN, Kh.P., rod.; PROTOPOPOV, V.S., rod.;RUPU7, G.V., red.; SOKOLOV, A.A., red.; SOLOVIYEV, V.A.) red.; USI,',ANOV, R.F.1 red.; ZHDANOVA, L.P., red.; RUSAKOVA, G.Ya., red.; CHEPELK1NA, L.A., red.; KOLESOVA, Z.M.' [Man and the elements; hydrometeorologic desk calendar for 1964] Chelovek i stikhiia; nastolInyi gidrometeorologicheskii kalendarl 1964. Leningrad, Gidrometeorologicheskoe izd-vo, 1963. 154 P. (MIRA 17;2) ii- -i - ~'il,~i~.~-' - ~ ~Y, ~ "'. . .. -- : . ~ " - 7 .- ; - -, I I " RUDNEV, G.V. Methods for soil moisture observations. Meteor. i gidrol. no.10: 48-50 0 '61. (14IRA 14:9) (Soil moisture)