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IUJDIC Resection of npiphrmnal diverticulum of esophagus. Hael. eebeszet 9 nn.4:263-266 Aug 56. 1. A Budapeatl Oryostudomariyl Egyetam Sebesztovabbkepzo Klinikajanak (Igazgato: Littman, Iweegyeteml tanar) kozlomenye. (ESOPRAGUS, divarticula apiphrenic, surg., resection (Hun)) T r RUDIC-TILANIC, J. Subotica and its metayers. D. 94. Periodical: ZBOFI-IIK ZA PRIRODNE NAUKE-. IvIatica srpska. 14,.)Vi Sad. SCIENCE No. 9, 1955. S'): Mbnthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) W Vol. 8, No. 4 April 1959, Uncl. Its "Nh.= Fc;rmaticn-,; cf ti-ie Central .',~artls ,-' tl-e Sarytncev a:~ Content of Ore." d-.-ser-.atlon defended for the degree of Candidate of Geolcgical Scie-~Ces, at the inst. lcr '-he Geology cIf Ore DepcDsits, Pe'u-rc!-raT)I-lv, Mineralogy and GeochemisUry. (Jan-'ul 1957) Defense kif Dissertations Sect. t~X ScL. Vest. All S'~'S)R, 19757, v. 27, 11 12 pp. 113-115- RUDICH Kjj.j AV. red.; MARMINA., T.Yu., red.izd-va; DOROKEBA, tekhn. red. [Geological and geopbysical studies in volcanic regional Geologicheakie i geofizicheskie issledo-vaniia v vulkaniche- skikh oblastiakh. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 165 P. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye.' Institut vulka- noicgii. (Volcanoes) -,RUDICH, K.N. "PbstgranitO dikes in the Berelekh Basin (sources of the Kolyza River)., Sov. geol. 3 no.6:131-134 A 160.- (MIRA 13:11) L Vaesoy=nyy natichno-issledovatel'skiy institut plyezoopticheskogo syrlya. (Berelekh Valle7--Dikes (Geology)) SOV/124- 57--8- 953 1 Translation from: Referativnyl, Atirnal. Pvlekhonika, 1957, Nr 8, p 137 (USSR) AuTHOR-, Rudich. M.A Tvri-E~ Allowing for tile Combined Effect of Bents Interconnected by Rigid Coverings (Uchet sovrnes1noy raboty rarn pri nalichii zhestkikh perekrytiy) PLf.'',OD!CAI-- Nauchn, zap. U~.ovsk. politeklin- in-t. 1956 Nr If pp ~- 15 A P, P C j By the usual methods of structural mechanics an anaivsls is rnade of -i systern of bews inlerconnected fly covering.s vvhich are absolutely ri- id within 'heir own planes, The author neulect.s the flexure of the framc meoibers in the horizontal plane due to t.wisrino of the system \vilh rk-spect fo a ~,ertical axis; neglected also is the torsional reac- lion ot the struis, It is considered that the load is applied to the bents w0hin their own planes only, I- K- Snitko Card I/t I,- ~17- ',, , RUDICHY Serge7 Ivanovich., kand*tekhne SITSILIANO., Denis Denisovichy ka~d.tekbn.nauk; NAGORNYY, A.G. [Nabo i., A.H.]. red.1 CHEREVATSK371 S.A. [4herevatslkyip S.A. . [Mechanization of the procurement and placement of local fertilizers] Mekhanizateiia zahotivli ta. vnesemia mistsevykh dobryv. Kyiv,:Derzh.vyd-vo sillslkohospodarslkoi lit-ry URSR 1961. 150 P- (MIRA 15-51 (Ukraine-Fertilizers and manures) RUDICH V. Helping brigades of comtrUnist labor. NTO 2 no.12:39-40 D 160. OAIRA 14:3) 1. Predsedatelt pervichnoy organizataii khopchatobumazhnoy fabriki imeni M.V. Frunze, g. Moskva. (Moscow-Zotton manufacture) Rb'-Z.C",f, V. F. -- It'Llie Process of "ci-matim of Concepts on I istor among Npils ir the lirst Four Classps.11 Mosco-,r Stat~ Pedagogical inst imeni V. I. lenin. l-!oscow, 1955. (Dis!7crtation for the Degree cf CandL;ate in Pedagogical Sciences). 3o.: Kni.zhnaya LcAopisl, No. 2, 1956. RUDICH, Ye. M., SKI-EA. S-I- Principal stages of relief development and recent tectonic in southern Sakhalin. Vent. Moak. un. Ser. biol., pochv., geol., geog. 141 no-3:209-220 '59. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Kafedra geomorfologii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Sakhalin--Geolop,v. Structural) RUD_jGjj,_-Xg_VggAiy y.=kQdj IRUSIIEVSKIY, B.A.,, otv. red.; MIRAKOVA, q_4; Pr L.V,, red..izd-va; POMIOVA,, T.P., tekhn. red. [Basic cha racteristics of the tectonic development of. Sakhalin, Japan, and the Maritime Territory as the transition zone fror. the continent to the ocean]Osnovriye zakonomernosti tektonocheskogo razvitiia Ftimorlia, Sakhalina i IAponii kak zory perekhoda ot kontinenta k okeanu. Moskvaj Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 10/62. 271 p. (MIRA 15:11) (Soviet Far East-Geology, Structural) (Japan-Geology., Structural) ------- ---- S/519/60/000/008/026/031 11051/11113 AUTHOR; Rudich, Yet Lit TITLE: On the geological basis of the seismicity of Sakhalin Island SOURCE; Akademiya nauk SSSR* Sovet po seysmologii. BytLlletenJ? no. 8p Moscow, 1960. Voprosy seysmicheskogo rayonirovaniya7 196-199 TEXT: A new scheme of seismic zoning for Sakhalin Island is proposed. it is based on a comparative study of seismostatistical and geologic-tectonic data and supersedes the old system of,zonation carried out by Go Po Gorshkov. It also differs from the schemes of V, Ye. Dibrov (Refe 3: Seysmo-tektoni- cheskoye rayonirovaniye Sakhalina [seismic-tectonic zoning of Sakhalin] . DAN SSSRI 113# No- 4, 1957) and M. Do Ferchev (Ref- 4: K voprosu a seys-, michnosti ostrova Sakhalina [Contribution to the seismicity of Sakhalin Island7t. Nastoyashchiy sbornik), whose evaluation of geological factors is partly rejected. According to the author, during the Tertiary period the , southern and central section preserved the character of geosynclinal develop- ment,.whereas from the end of the Cretaceous period,the northern part remain- ed relatively stable. These two zones are still observed on the.island. Card 1/2 S15191601000100810261031 On the geological baois of 99#& D051/D113 In addition,during the whole of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic periods southern and central Sakhalin were divided into two subzones: a western intrageo- synclinal and an eastern intrageanticlinal zone. All these features suggest a decrease in seismicity from south to north and from west to east; this is fully substantiated by seismostatistical data. The author divided the islandl,!~~ into five zones of various seismic activity. In many cases the distribution7 of seismic intensities up to 7 differs from that of M* D. Ferchev's scheme. In the south-west section of the island)an area of intensity 8 is assumed on the basis of Japanese data on earthquakes of intensity 8 in the southern part of the Tatarskiy Strait. The present microseismicity of Sakhalin is explain- ed. There are 1 figure (map of seismic zoning) and 5 references: 4 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The English-language reference is: T. Tametaro. Bull. Earthquake Res. Inst. Tokyo Univ. 10,pt., 1, 1932. iISSOCIATIONt Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR (Institute of the Physics of the Earth of the AS USSR) 'Card 2/2 SOV/5-58-6-5/13, AUTHOR: Rudich, Ye.M. TIT TJE: To the History of the Formation of the filesozoic- Cenozoic "itructure of Sakhalin (K istorii for- "'i"ova"iya mezozoysko-kaynozoyskoy struktury PERIODICAL: Byulleten' 111'osl_-ovskoL~o obshchestva ispy- tatele,f prirody, Otdel geoli-icheskiy, 1958, 1,1-r 6, D 1-9-88 (USSR) .1 The author gives an e.-c-turemely detailed de- scriDtion of the Cretaceous and Tertiary de- Posits of Sakhalin and of the history of 'the f o rm a 11-1 i o n o fl~ i t s s tructu-_-e, in thle -','esozoic- Card 1/4 Cenozoic era. ~ccord-_-ns to his findings,the formation of the est Sakhalin 11ountains oc- C)l curred in the late Uo-oer "Miocene evo h., and before that time, the region 7,as a d=-oression L (maps Nr 4 9). He disa-rees with some of the 0 geologists who. thinh that beginning vdth the SOVI/5-58-6-5/13 To the History of the Fcrmation of the 11.'esozole-1-aenozoic Structure of Sakhalin Paleogene time, the West Sakhalin elevation existed. As for the Eeological development of the island the author fixes the following fundamental stages: 1) the Upper-Cretaceous stage, which embraced the period from.,the I end of the Albian to the Sennonian st ages; it was characterized by intensive downward movements; 2" the stage of a continental develoDment, vinich continued up to the Eocene epoch;_ 3) the Eocene-Milocene stage, character- ized by a considerable sinking of almost the entire island; and 4) the Pliocene-Quaternary stage' when the elevation process started again. In the Upper Cretaceous.epoch the Sakhalin de- pression formed.a part of the Nippon geosyn- cline. This connection became more loose in the Tertiary period, and was not felt at all Card 2/4 in the north of the island. The following SOV/5-58-6-5/13 To the History of th-- Formation of the Liesozoic-Cenozoic Structure of Sakhalin geologists %fao ~.-~orked on the island are men-, tioned by the author: S.N. Alekseychik, A. 0 Arkhipenko, III.F. Budnil%ov, IT.A. Voloshinova, A.A. Kapitsa, V.N. Kirkinskaya, L.V. Krishto_ fovichl I.N. Kuzina, B.S. Nikonov, I.I. Ratnov- skiy, S.S. Razmyslova, L.M. Sayapina, Ye. M. Smehhov L.N. Solomat-inal V.V. Tumakov, T.V. Ulkhina, N.D. Tsitenko. N.Ye,. Yerofeyev, V.N. Vereshcha-in. B.M. ShEempel?, K.F. Yevseyev, Card 3/4 F.G. Lautenshleger, O.G. Red'11-ina,'LI.I. Borsuk, SOV/5-58-6-5/13 To the History of the Formation of the L:esozoic-Cenozoic Structure of Sakhalin N.N. Tikhonovich, I.B. Pleshakov, L.I. Krasnyy, K.F. Rak-hmanov, Ya. Ye..Pashchenko, P.D. Shklyayev, R.Z. Genkina, L.M. Zhidkova and A-1. S6-Lovlyev. There are 7 maps, 2 schemes and 1 table, and 17 Soviet references. 5/030/62/000/011/oo4/oo3 D216/D306 AUTHORSs Levin, B.Yu., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, and Rudich Ye 14. TITLE: The fourth conference on astrogeology PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SS311. Vestnik. no. 11, 1962, 131 - 154 TEX": The conference took place on May 7 - 12 in Leningrad. The present authors report that some of the papers read at the conference, and indeed "astrogeology" itself as defined by the participants in this conference, must be treated with some reservation, since there is some doubt as to their scientific validity. Among the papers read at the conference were the following: P.S. Voronov "Main contemporary problems in astrogeoloEy" G.Zt. Katterfelld, "Astrogeoloey, its content, problems and place in the sciences" B.L. Lichkov, "Interaction between the earth's shells and the conditions of its rotation as the cause of all the,geological phenomena on the planet" Card 113 S/030/62/000/011/oo4/005 The fourth conference D218/D308 B.L. Lichkov and I.I. Shafranovskiy, "The universal importance of some angular quantities characteristic for the earth" G.N. Katter- felld, "Pregeological era in the history of the earth and its effect on the evolution of the geoid" P.S. Voronov, "On the rotational causes of tangential stresses in the lithosphere and 3ome of their geostructural consequences." M.V. Stovas, "The effect of external factora on the seismicity of the earth." A.V. Shnitnikov, "Tidal force as a factor in landscape dynamics." Papers were also read by F.P. Krendelev, I.G. Flushin, A.A. Khlobustov, R.I. Burtman, V.S. Vasillyev, A.V. Volin, V.S. Voropinov, A.V. Dolitskiy, 0 1. Islamov and G.G. Tamrazyan, but the present authors find t~em- selves unable to take them seriously. The remaining papers were: G.G. Khizanishvili and M.V. Klenova, "The origin of submarine terraces in the light of the rotational dynamics of the earth." V.A. Bunin, "Recent problems in gravitation in the light of classi- cal physics." B.V. Timofeyev, "On the discovery of organic resi- dues in stony meteorites". G.U. Lindberg, "On geocratic oscil- lations in the ocean level." V.A. Zubakov, I'Absolute dating of glaciation in the last 70,000 years." V.V. Kochegur, "Faleomagnetic Card 2/3 S/030/62/000/011/004/cO5 The fourth conference ... D218/D308 a tudips of bani.1 ts in the Soviet Par East. 11 V.S. Lebedev, "Fo r7 mation of chemical elements in meteorites under the action of cosmic rays." V.F. Derpgollts, "The 'hydroclilorospherel as a planetary source of all natural water in the outer shells of the earth." V.I. Vallfson, "Free oxygen in the earth's cruet." The resolution of the conference noted that the conclusions rea ched in many of the papers were not sufficiently well argumented, but nevertheless, it was recommended that the proceedings of the con- ference should be published. The present authors are highly scepti- cal about the entire venture. Card 5/5 ILIVIN, B.Yu., doktor fiz.-matem.nauk; RUDICH, Ye.M. Fourth conference on astrogeology. Vest. Ali SSSR 32 no.U :131-134. N 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Earth) P"re -baitted for the IOU Peoria Sdiande 4:OnCra*-, HcnDlulc. Hawaii 21 SPO 1961. A-MMAI-G, Y, MOLMLA-L.-I., I jv~ VAJ LAW All f2vos the Institute of 0-lovo Ac.~Alv or "-itzc,s L1,33 'MO lWttom r-110f0f the t~irlc 0.ean end Ito c.:-tr-phjc re OWL (8.1tio, It Acade at t :7 of or phid fishe. oCthe Antar~tlc azA the probltc- .; their birol r ustritution in the Patiric oeeae (Section :mc) ,# - - r., end $4ZAMVA_j,_p~, 1.2t... Of "The vinagame. of the P-IrIc Oc cn, (3-tt.. VII.C.1) AM --- irEV, 0. V. (tt-e blurrcd, bt may be AFk Ust tute of GeoloV of Or* D-posits# PetraZrullir. ?Ltermlugy, and Geochealstrr - (Title of ;.per In blurr-.; L~ appro,xi. a title) - dise.n..Inu-1 1-1cj layer .-rogrph Icdatet( -ttoq V11.0 e or r-rth Thy,le. 11-11 0. 1. 1cluallt - r or atre.. a .4 -.;-ures 1. the r-L of the Irle ..16mle ..nde. (Section VII.C.,I) IM-It.t. of ZOOIa 'On the of the AnsrhLQ6411ae famity, (section, 'JI.C) Ta)Ct5% State thj~#,.Uy - "0. the heat MM~of the Tor 51st (section '111.n) BEM=C-~-Y- laatltu~.,c 0"-.Ol.v - "an the of be Plemlftoa Of -be PwIfIz drift ani in t4e %;Qft--ew- -tt-s- (Section 111.0 3==CT,-t-r- and I 1..titat. of Barth Phynits 1-,a 0. Tu. Schmidt - of the 0y.n.1 dt7ros.i.n of the "a or ip.61 (s.~ti.n ri.C.2) In tltut~ of Da~oIDV of q,ld -1 t :eth e. the oce- floor" jj:.C) -,~= rnstituto of Oce~loa "s-ent xed.reatation and the geologLcel hLvtory or the Okho-;~L ea4 (Settlon V:I.C.1) V. GrA SMR-rfAMIA, or 0-emaolcm, - 'airee. la. VII.C.1) -&-, and Z-lt.-tvtc or Octonol.p "Bome "QUIc f, et-ev in the Emiari;hlc.~, d43tribut ton of st7sull pelagle animals (Amphip.60" (section 1114) it.t. of C-ca.nol7a, - -N- 'h--. or to. jd~i 11'e. and the character of tidal fhenoneun In the Ocertft" (Se~tlcn T=.B) q 7, " 711,*~,~7~~Zj, 1. 1! :-t1tut. or Oct.".1na - 'Th, dl.%rLL~~L-.n or -ie ~,Pl tw~o In the purl"Ic or.=" (section Z11.C) -0. Its-itute of C-1ca LpI2t*-ttc-, -1 C~,t-tLblc VAterials - "Me ditCenetlc chor4to in bottom -1!~nts rma the cratre,,- par- of the vnx.l) a- I=tL-.-e of Gcolo,- - !.d the tie. in the dls-rtbutiloa or =Lneril resa,rcai -a t.-~ geov.-linal or 'he Ter-Lary In the oxca cr ~A I. Iland* V-,1 -C) and -C fe.-ure. cc 11-Ullia the I tter L. the ForLfk f tha (Sec-L.. Ynx,l) BUT=-Y~A, Tutitte of "A of c,11.t.rW Mxre.t . in the P1.1-fit" and t-tLt~tc I ,The "--tio. of' air -,a 'c ift toe -i,er, ~f the Ocesm- (Settion VJI.A) lnutlt~te Otvt~~!,-v - ~Tje rr;4,an.. oV and tr~--tlon wuro~o of In "c wrth- pe- .., thr, (S-.I--. pec.t.-Ic Ocew P-r. Z.1tted for the loth racris 3et- conc-s, non-into, H-kit 21 Ag- 6 a., 61. S., institute of Geci.Gy - " dopma.iong and trou&A OT Wi.t isfitte type =4 their position 1, the Gy..t_6%lc. of tee-OtIe forms" (section VZZ.C) A, Moscow 3tate Unlvvmttyj Physuai racuity - The rAr_-a-rmT spoctrtc trta maxer onto c! a.-Ificial r%dLoact.-vitl in up-,er lnyvrp of the O%an- (sect=Le. vrz.3.6) Vt-P.j Chair or rorestr7, The Arrimatural AamdM-7 !Lent X. A - "Forest fire resea:rch ml =eth-le of fLrt =troll (5acticu V.11) Institute Of 0-anoloa - 'BLvre.9lSphlcz W-d morphological amnly.lo of ";rc4uction and dr-L-1,cot or fltrl.h in the seas of the ucrth~_st Pacific' (rieett on ttl.~) ~.' Institute of Co._OlCL' - 'In.'ett ~r the IwItmto.1 turbulent exchange in the Pacific Ocean" (Sect on EA~;i-p. V., rnntltute of 0ce3nOlcj:- n the distribut Ion or flying floh~3 -n t-he P~clfit Civ=" (~-tl~= M.C) YPGA=:7. -H. A., In:-ltute cfC'!.l.C7 - "3.r.-L.7-nt. h~rit'- .1.1 tt'e hotju~' .. vnx) I of Xr. erttaceou, a t c_ (Scctl do, Institute of Oceanology - "The prot" of recent ftodi- ventation In the "stem ;art cf the equatcria.1 -no to the McIfW .ct, (e D. A., Institute or E=th rl%~ico !~nl 0 N. 50=114t - *The netanic roological :vnd-.t; to.,* In the nc~hw_stcm vj-lylnp or the Pacific basin" (:~c-tcn *41:X-1) Institute of Ct.-I.a 1. the northern ;w- of the Pacific- (Soctl~n inx) Institute off :oola - '-,he [-bll- or ti,e J~d brjdM frec, the zooloc~.C&l i,oitt -r 'I e e' r~ttlcn UNI.A.3 Lt~q*-~403M.-Xuk'N., Institute of G-loa - ":-a zpe_Clfl: fc.t.rei In the -ettomics of the acr-.h rart of be (5ettlen Vit-C) 2nu=,jA, Moscov 3tate ~hvt'al F~cult~ -)'A ir-e1% device for rewrdt.r -..t3 (-MV ) 3--ti.n PADlTJ'tCr,,Y.. A., Institute or seol.a - -Cn the Stelllty -a dimimk~~cW of 2-mctl=&l eements In the fr- of the racifLe Oce= p Osten. (Section frz.c) md GClT*'*:tl';A_3.jT.' Indtit.... Of lo re 0c.-loor reca!~it ci .4 _ircd,ctt~n and 4.1op .. t of)mgs fish" to the morthe.-O po~- or the Root I- firx I ZCLA.'=_lzr= a.A. InIlIt.-O of Dcowcl.C.T - "Crcvllc lub,tore. la bott- a.dl-.te in the llotern rurt or the P.-Iric' Te cf T~-.b my-.I~A tnent C. TA. t -on d-;, -th-. ~.k". In ho or AaLm wd jj~ee 3truct~o,o% , . bvo~_j RTAW1MMF_A.A., Foot- 3tato F-lt~- it--~Vdv oflimEmrl -.n.-It w e..t m- 5-t' .'n V14) Moaccv 5tft'c Vmlyo-Lty, Phy~j- tv, Th~'mrrol.-Lv -thd fL.r t,41~1or 7U.C.2) of otca,-'c%7 line Form~lntferu In the mcrthe~. ;-t ~r -he P-Lfit xm! ,i ~:~ r the reoh.~J.G of -be f ~tvl the th-ry of 'he "Cnnt In o-3 ~d -nc~* (U~tlcn VII'A) !MTMN G. 1. th~ '"WEVAL MA-Ta" 1-tit-2 of 3c,,IQL7 71I.C A, Y. inottt~ote of "Ttleu. my.'al. in of the pl.M.2* (31~ttcn ltr.~) to, -t - of i1q, & (T) cr.Cln ~ 30 -a '-r -C -2) -he Cent,sa C.,-,-l-tlcn f 'm3 p-b. 11.1-o3 E;-C,-~yhy old th,ir 311c,~lrllc=- I.. ;r~;tqla,,t1c SIM3111KIT. P, A."! ~f F'.m'r,.t of Antarctica* cf C-,-ca, - 'Pith t--v,t, p curro.t. 1. the cot- -d %~r, "-Ite ---f t~,'., ~;rl Pacific OcIm" (3ectLcn LA11;4 SKIY. V.I.; STUPARI, K.I.; RUDICHEV, K.P.; OLMENKO, V.V.; AI-ISKIYY A.K. Pouring rimmed steel into bottle shaped ingot molds. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.11:65-69 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Unepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. LAPITSKIY, V.I., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; MARINOV, A.I., inzh.; OYKS; G.K., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; OIMMMO. V.V*' inzh.; 04wv. V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; RUDIGHEY, ro-P., inzh.; STUPAR',X.I., kand. tekhn. na&, dots. Reducing the inhomogeneity of large rimming steel ingots (up to 18 t.). Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. no.2::19-33 IF 158. (MIRA 11:5Y l.' Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut, Moskovskiy institilt stali i zavod "Zaporozhotait.0 (Steel ingots) BRAG13, V.F.; PUPIMEVI K.P. Intc-naification is a muns of increasing the production ane reducing the cost of open-hearth steel. Met. I garnorud. prom. no.6:11-13 N-D 165. (MIM lSzl2) TIP*" ;7-,,'X "Y". Go M, kend# gecggraf. fare,~i,311 fcr the U.S.'J.P. 3r g.' 'rr)L. no.12:69-72 D W-,. f -Lp is J." en'tral r- ,yy inst!"ut prnFnc,7oj. LITTMA.N11. Imre. dr..; HARKANYI, Istvan, dr..; PADANYI, Alajos, dr.,; TOTH, Jozsof, dr.,; RUDICS. Imre, dr.,; TAKATSY, Indre. okl. gm. Induction and abolishment of ventricular fibrillation by electradhock. Magy. sebeezet 9 no.3-166-169 June 56. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Xgyetem Sebeaztovabbkepzo Klinikajanak kozlemenye Igazgato: Littmann Imre dr.. egyeteml tanar. (VNUTRICUIAR FIMILLATION, exper. induction & abolishment bv electric fibrillator- defibrillator appar. in dogs (Hun)) FVUDIC- VRANIC, J. SCIENCE RUDIC-VRANIC, J. Matica srpska. Novi Sad. No. .9, 1955. Subotica and its metavers. P. 94. Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC Vol. 8, Nol 4, April, 1959 .4 t ~t t T rarbide-titanhun ~4 system mrbide-chromium Nu. 5 0, RUdivig- Metall 7. 967-43(1953).-In the ter- - - nary sysfe m WC-4fG-erjC, the soly. relations on, the Cr-. ' 10, 1954 poor side were detd. by rantgenographic and metallographic raphy means. It is shown that WC dissolves neither TiC nor CrsC2 in noteworthy quantities but that in the entire investi~ gated rt:gion TiC takes up CrsCt and WC. The range of~ Lattice consts. and tnicrahardness were detd. In the region of 56% TiC. 23% WC, and 21% CrsC*, a aum. of ruicro-: Mrdness occurs. Its value is 4300 knoop per sq. mm. H. Stoertz (CEREBRAL CORTEX). (HEART) RUDIGER, W. Interfering subcortical stlimilations and cortical spreading depression. Fhysiol. Bohemoslov. 11 no.5:392-398 162. 1. Institute of Physiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague and Physiological Institute of Humboldt Uni~ersity Berlin. (CEREBRAL CORTEX) (CONDITION15D LEABJMTG~ (MESENCEPHALON) -(MOTIW.AMUS) RUDIGER, W.; BURFS, J. Cortical .spreading depression and tegmental and hypothalamic threshold. stimulation producing locomotor flight. Physiol. Bohemoslov. 11 no.5: 399-403 162. 1. Institute of Physiology., Czechoslcrvak Academy of Sciences, Prague, and Institute of Physiology, H=boldt University., Berlin. (CEREBRAL CORTEX) , (MESENCEP11AWN) (WOTHALAMUS) (AVOIDANCE LEARNING) MaSOVA, 0.; RUDIGER, W.; BUMS, J.; FIFKOVA, E. .dvthalamle drinking centre in unconditioned and conditioned The rcEe & the Ir control of water intake., Physiol. Bohemoslov. 11 no.6:492-496 .162. 1. Institute of Physiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. (HYPOTHALAMUS) (REFLEX COJIDITIONED) (REFLEX) RUDIGER, W.; GRASTYAN, Z.: MADARASZ, I. Connection of effects of electric stimulation of the cortical accoust1c area to conditioned reflex activity in dogs. Acts, physiol. hung. 9 no.1-3:163-172 1956. 1. PhysiOlOgiBches Institut der Medizinischen Univeraitat, Pecs. (RIWIEX, CONDITIONIM salivary, inhib. eff. of electric stimulation of cerebral accaustic area in dogs (Ger)) (C)OMRAL VX14TRICLES, physiol. electric stimulation of accoustic area inhibiting conditioned salivary reflexes in dogs (Ger)) MOM;.- RUDICiEROVA, Marie, Inz. Minimizat-ion of Boolean functior,3, Apl.'kace ma-, 10 no,1-49- 58 ICE5. 1. State Re3earch Institute of' Heavy Current Engineering, Pragutt 1-11rildcany, Loretanske namesti 3. Submitted December ' a a it 9 AS Ad A As Al -11--W-~ 11 11 ul 11116 0111 "Alin a a Is AV a _ A L r__A 1 1. 1 . , .1 ~G u- 0 cr . I . & I A 0 . c lit ..0 1.0 Coates sea ..a .1. cozies i R 'Soctills ..0 pec"81113 -Vs. -ffv L>1 K A . PO 0 0 A ly *0 vx 4141111 8543 06 FOP-MATION OF l, QUANTA AND OF HEVTRAL MESONS DURING CAPTURE OF r MESONS BY DEUTERONS. B. loffe. A. Rudik, and 1. libmushisevich. R#j& t Ak" Nook- _ (Init ... i.) An examination Is nLh& cd Me 3 variants I)) it s n so n. (2) it # a- - is + a + y, NO (3) d . s' - is - n - A, Asoum. - so LV,LW Me spin of ir to zero. the scalar and the pseuda- * scalar mesons are alone considered. While for the scalar = o meow process (1) Is strictly forbidden (the capture being coo ,3 assumed to proceed from (he 3 level), oi the case of the poeudoscalAr mewA (1) will compete with (2). However. a zoo 00 computation of (1) would present considerAble difficulties 00 , since it would require the knowledge of the wave function Aso* so 411 of the deuteron within the range a( action of nuclear forces. ~ j ", A calculation is made of the probabilities of Of and JJI, coo using the perturbation tre"ont of the several variants of see themeson theory at zero-spin particles. zoo No$ 1:109 xEtALLURfKAL LITERATURE C1.011FKATION A a 'SL A no* IF 7, ON, 411111 net ov, M A is AV 10 11,; . , . " ; ' .1 .1 ' .1 ' - It An I I 1 14 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 * & 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 giI. : : : : ------------ RUDIK, A. P. ,USSR/Nuclear Physics Mesons, Neutral Jan 52 "Formation of Gamma-Quanta and Neutral Mesons Dur- ing Capture of "neg pi.mesons" rc--Mesons by Deu- terons._I," B. L. Ioffe, A. P. Rudik, I. M. Sh- mushkevich, Acad Sci USSR "Zhur~ gksperi Teox:et Fiz" Vol XXII, No 1,pp 11-20 A brief exposition of results of present vork vas published 'in "Dok Akz Nituk.', SSSR" Vol IMIT, 1951, 403. Calculates the probability of gamma-quanta formation during capture of 1('~-mesons by deuterons for various variations of the meson theory of par- ticles vith zero spin. Considers the capture of pseudoscalar mesons and the capture of scalar mesons. Submitted 22 Mar 51. 204T79 RUDIK A. P. USSR/Nuclear Physics Mesons, Neutral Jan 52 "Formation of Gamma-Quanta and Neutral Mesons Dur- ing Capture of "neg pi-mesons"rt--Mesons by Deu- terons. II," B. L. Ioffe, A. P. Rudik and I. M. Shmushkevich, Acad Sci USSR "Zhur Eksper i.Teoret Fiz" Vol XXII,No 1, pp 21-28 Calculate the probability~of capture of TI--mesons by deuterons with the emission of neutral mesons. Computations are carried out for particles of dif- ferent evenness with zero spin. Agreement with exptl data is obtained only in that case where n and Tt 0 -mesons are pseudoscalar particles. Sub- mitted 22 Mar 51. 2o4T6o -and L. 10fre 4nteraction Of y-me P 0 . 27-8(1952);, 'A. P. Zhur.. EAjpU. i Teard. Fis. 22, 1 Rudik ' ' - d it d f l 0 R u e or ers o magn . Zc tdrce Absir. SOA, 30(1 53)..~-Expt 0 -ged v-, Cap of cmas sections for the photoproductlon of Chas byll,andsca"crtngo( H(Also, ture of r Could not be Ahee magnitude of.thc!.rO lifetime -10-11 sce fitted in lowest order perturbation theory by using pscudo~- W, Ismlar mesons with -inly one kind of couplin but an gest udoscalar con ling jIlAc 1 and pseudovedorP/ p r C K. L~ _. h Pisinte 2wnieson. %X I.& and Rudik. KUtio"Jo( ke -7.= -IT- --aS94M(TM"=_ DO Allad. aU S_ . . 82, o. 7, Chemical Abot, cfTVA. 46,301d~ft has been observed In some cam of the decompn. of the r-meson that the paths of the #&- - Vol. 48 No. 3 mesons which am obtained am significantly smaller thin Feb. 10, 1954 those of the usual 0-mesons. In order to explam,tbe dif- ferent energies of the Wmesons, it must be assumed that Nuclear Phenomena the r-meson decomp. to foz. at least 3 particles. TW simplest assumption is that the r-mesoa decomp. to give a p-mesen, a neutrino, and a quantum. . The probability of Ahe occurrence of this process is calcd. on the assurnptions- that the spin of the r-meson is equal to zero and that the, spins of the neutrino and of thep-meson are equal to 0.5. Rovtar Leach ,A Oman= h if te 01 ~Akad'. Mal 2_- NvU C~min. NSF-tr-2 9i 4 pp,'(1 254)). ftwed -as U.S. A L B _2 .4 The priAmbilidis of capture are cateit on the assaimp, too a 5 L 6551bis types of intetacdo"i vector I V) - brusor 71 Ivectbr(A),-dp=T_ud= PS)~ The~itloof Xl a Q J ~ b l jtlC2 of Capture Of 17~meson Y Ai deuteron %nd ~proba E a IcOrid essentially b 'th pr6ton -W fis sh6w td i a e e L t3 V off", abont 0.75 for th t dA ATiw4 I,Interact n' and to bi I T . V types. ft lypes; and about 0.3 toe the Sand - -T eencl fo in da i ict t f th e t on g the t e n u rm r n e on is r ruin 0 g e to the type of interact on. Ili' + vis ' E -V) type the spectrum bas the form of a curve with 2 i ii~:- the lsl 6 iriarrovier and ties id,the region A neutron. cnerj~-##r. A- I in 6 IV - in the 2ndj the wIderonc In the i region of Be$ ~ d. a4ls f d t b i ld t thi 2 --- --- oun con n tn o e i cJU of ~interatt on i ' ~ - he' ; d- ~ thc 6ne V; nes from %jenkencd~ an , lit elleirgy' :e' t 0/9 - " 0 le: I t tI ellerily tr*n results iepott. , i -A -'s ow t at the captiure or a ~'!-ineson by-am of h h -theqx tl.js!uqY f4m~'~ !d i th k t r o lbj t E bit h i h ~ h j f h - s Lni vrot d e v; e o a l o l e t etxet t,p w c t are- cally. adialssible typcg+of lateraction * l ,_j_-) IV I, dn&~'O C43 43 6owil to be-0, It forAT, and PS a E F A, SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA 1895 .AUTHOR IOFFE,B.L., POMERANCUK,I *JA" RUDIK,A.P. TITLE The Dispersion Relations for th-e-5-okMe-ring of Pions by Deuterons. PERIODICAL Lrn.eksp.i teor.fis,31,fase.4,712-713 (1956) Issued: 1 / 1957 The present work investigates the elastic scattering of pions by deuterons with the scattering angle 0. The dispersion relations which correspond to this pro- cess differ as follows from the dispersion relations for the scattering of pions by free nucleons: Firstly, the dispersion relations depend on the polar- ization of deuterons and secondly, only one single dispersion relation for the sum of the scattering amplitudes of positive and negative pions is,obtained if COULOMB'S interaction is neglected. Let the real- and imaginary parts of the amplitude of the scattering of pions with the energy co by deuterons whose spin projection onto the direction of the motion of the pions is equal to m, be denoted by D m(CO) and A m(W) respectively. By using the connection between the real part of the amplitude of scattering in- to the angle 0 and the total cross section A M(W) = (k/4n)dm (W ), (where k2_0J2_e1 2applies and dtk denotes the mass of the meson), the following equation is obtained by the ordinary method for the determination of dispersion relations: 6"&,,1A (WI)dwl CD WICF (00)dail 2 m 2 2 ~_m Dm(W) Dm (~a (2k 2 2 + (k /2n 2 2 0 k' (WI t02 (60 1 CA) k Zurn.ekBp.i teor.fis,~1,fasc-4,712-713 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1895 For the determination of the contribution originating from the domain 0 the following expression is used: _6126 Am(co n T~m M (a) , 'f j, 0 - (k 2AM) _ f2/M]. Here Mm(W I f) f denotes that matrix element which corresponds to the capture of a pion by a deuteron in the state m. with the production of two homogeneous nucleons and;.mo- mentum. f of the relative motion. This matrix element is explicitly written downlit differs essentially from zero only in the domain f - k/2. Also the HAMILTONIAN of the interaction between two nucleons, which is required here, is written down in a general form without taking tensor forces into account. The dispersion relations determined by means of this HAMILTONIAN for deute- rons which are polarized parallel, antiparallel, and vertical to the inciding bundle are written down. They contain, apart from the constant g, certain effective values of the potential energy of the interaction between two nucleons in different states. It is from these effective values that the amount of the pole term for deuterons which are polarized vertical to the in- ciding bundle depends essentially. INSTITUTION: V.B.) ;M A.P.,, A. ~%c at. iSc i . USSR jc) ccir.-servaticin of Pas~-*-%, in. t,.-,e , r c --~r sub, at thke A-U Crinf. on w- a- di Low Nl;sr-w, -2! "ov luviolt TITU Pli-RIODICAL AB-jTRACT card L/2 RUDIK, Jk.,P.~ 87-5 :)0 The Nonconservation of Parity in the case of Weak Interactions. (NesoKhranonlya chatnosti v slabykh vz&imoaeystv-iyakhL_ Hussiaii) Atomnaia Energiia, iY57, Vol 2, Nr 5, pp 463-466, Hectl_Lwwa 6/-w57 Reviewed 7/1957 I) Theoretical investigations. The author among others makes the fol- lowing reports - Tne r,4 -4neson can OecayAA accocrdance with the two schemata At -+ ff+ 0 + + Tr . q -+ n+~+ ff+ + n-. in znis conntiction there are the following two possibilities, tither the X + meson and zric K+ 1 2 are two different particlela with the same mass tne same spin, and the same life, wnien differ as to their interior parities, or these two par- ticles are the same, and in the case of one of the two reactions men- t1oned parity is not conserved. The autrior next discusses the possioi- lities offering tnemselves as &esult of the non-conservation of parity. A physically well-founaea metrioa or solving the problem of finding out what laws of conservation apply in the case of weak interactions was supplied oy LANDAU, L.D., Nuciuar rhysics, Vol 3, p 127 W57). Landau's ldeas,,also those concerning two-component neutrinos, are discussed. 11) Experimental Results. Quitea short time ago short provisional ac- counts were given of some experimental work by which the non-conservation of parity in the case of waek interactions witn participation of a neutrino was estanlisned. These experiments dealt, among otners, with tne following- tne angular aistriDution of electrons on the occasion or the P-decay or polarized nuclei, anZular asymmetry on tne occasion of ff_,ii-e- decay pro- Tbe Nonconservation of rarlty in wie Case of Weak Interactlon;~. cesses, the energy dependence u! angular asymmetry in tnv cane or v- uecay acts, tne po.Larizar,.Lun of electrons on the occasion of P-decay. All experimental wcjrxo uiscussed here clearly establish the non-conser- vation of spatial- and charge parity in the case of weaK interactions in which a neutrino participates. These worKs lead to suppose that, tne r-uuzrxno Is longitudinal. (witn 3 jilustrations) AabvulATION kRk;bk;NTt;ij B.E zi UBMITT w 0. 4. -L~;57 AVkILABiz iaorary ef Congress. Garu 2/2 )L WMPMMN BELATION9 F(M MONS SCATTERED BY '12~mtg ~ jl-L~ 1, U, P. M,..Wk, ---- dAUk--�Eqet MIS rrP 4, 688-9(195'1) hUy. The dispersion relations obtained for the ocattering of pions bry dauterans ountAln. in addition to the censtant. .,ertain effective values 4 the potential intprwtlou energy 4 two mucLsons in dlffar-d states, and These values affect inbstantially the value at the singularity term for deuter- a", polarized perpendiculs-rly to the I % ~6 z Djnt.r! 43" PO=BLE CMPELATIOM IN 7-9-t DECAY L. Okun' and A. Ppk.,._ ~*Vltl PhLa. JVrP !, 520- MS57) Ocrt~ vtolated in v, -t decay, there must be carre- imclamb between the ortentatl(MB of the moment.1 of the,& masms and the stectrons The resufts of calculaticas of such aorrelallom are pmeated when parity to vIaLued in both the - deday and ths jo - a + 2 decay- (L. T.W.) AUTHOR IOFFE B.L. OKUNI L.B.., RUDIK.A, PA 27o7 TITLE on the Problem of Non-Conservation of Parity in the Case of Intera4tions (K Yoprosu o nesochramenii chetnosti v slabykh vzairodaystv-iyakh,Russian) FERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperis. i Tooret.Fiziki,1957, Vol 32, fir 2, PP 396-397, Received 5/1957 Reviewed 6/1957 ABSTRACT The authors here show that, proceeding from the conservation of charge parity, the conclusions are arrived at differ essentially from those drawn by LEE and YANG. The invariance of the HAMILTONIAN with respeetto the charge conjugation in the case of different types of interaation leads to certain phase relations between the cooffiaients. The authors at first studied the decay Ao - p + ff. If the conservation of parity is not re- quired, the HAMILTONT-kN of the interaction for this process (if only the existence of a coupling without derivatioRsis assumed) has the following forml H - g( ~) p q)A) T tr + iG py5 ~jA TP) 7 4 +iG *( ~,-y5 1*) + IT rl"T Here, by the way, the denotations used by FEYNMAN are used. In order that the HAMILTONIAN be invariant., G and g must be real: If parity is not conserved, the square of the matrix element of transi- tion may, besides scalar terms, contain also posudosealar terms. In or- der to determine whether such paeudoscalar terms exist on the occasion of Ao -decay, the authors exazine the decay of a polarizedi'2-particle at rest. The square of the corresponding matrix element is written down ex- Card 1/2 plicitly. Apparently, the pseudoscalar terms can result only from an in- On the Problem of Non-Conservation of Parity in the PA 2707 Case of Interactions. terfereace term. The pseudoscalar terms proportional to Op become ,equal to zero also in the case in which a scalar and a vectorial coup- ling exists. Also in the case of successive processes Tr- + p -t M+K0 - , 1~~p + rr- the paeudosealar terms will be lacking in the differential probability. It is therefore not possible to determine by measuring the angular distributiox of the 'protons 'whether parity is hereby conserved or not. Also on the occasion of P-decay, phenomena may occur which are connected with the non-conservation of parity. The authors here examine the P-decaT of a polarized nucleus. Also in the most simple cases of P- decay, the difference between the possibility of the conservation and nox-conservation of spatial parity is lacking if the demand for charge conjugatiox is taken into account. ASSOCIATION PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED 21/11. 1956 AVAILABLE Card 2/2 !ME= OMI, L.-,,.RUDIK, Possible correlations in decav. Zhur. sksp. i teor. fiz. 32 no-31627-628 Mr '57. (KLRA 10:11) (Illeetrons) (Mesons) -.A7.-Yt? V, A. I Rudik :-E-c:-nted nt 2n-: Ator -for-Feace Conference, ect M RUDLK A.F. and TF.N-1-1VL~T1R0SYA1-, K.A. B. L. (Ac-ad. Sci. U00JR) -Decray and NOn-Conservation of Parity," Nuclear PhYS-ics, V 1- 5, 110- 3) Feb 195" (110. flclLn_zid' 1~ubl. Co., Al)otl: ~~uc! 1.0n--,-,.,nservaUt,,jn of vm-it,: ou-il no -,-v. i.'e'a I'In Cj , ": - - angular dis'ribuli 4, on of /-elecktruns from, an oriented 1111CLeus (includiiirr the case when the direction of Ule recoil nucleus mc)r;v_,ntum is are oxamin2d in ti,c -~:.rescnt -paper for tbe cases ol allowed if,' -transitions and 4-rasit ions. It is shown that owing to 'he iffluence of the Ct~uj.Qmb, field tile of these effects for forbidden transitiors in heavy anu, Intermedliate neulei is the smae as for allowed transitions, -erceT,tible de- viations are obst--rved in light nuclei C_ 20). In the -particular case o-f a (~-O transition Comlzrison with exj~eriment nay T-eld,ii-mortant data on the contribution ',')f PSeUdOSCalal' COUlAil1g. Unique transitions (.4 2,yes) for which the el&ctron. angul.a.- disti-ibut-ion o' orierted nuclei es3!mtiall" differs that for sllove5 7m AUTHO-i,:! B., RUj 4 TITLE: The Polarization of the Internal Conversion Electrons Following a P-Decay (PoLyarizat2iya elektroriov vnutvenney korivernii, fil ed iiyu.,;hc hey ;,,tt 13- raoqpatl olli) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ekspurimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 35, Nr 1, PP 159 - -164 (USSR) ,kBSTRA.CT: The authors in the present paper investigate the connection bet-..,een the uolarization of the conversion electrons and the direction of tile electrons emitted during a P-decay. The Coulomb-(Kulon) field of the nucleus is ne.-lected in thic connection. For the (axi--11) vector of the polarization of the conversion electrons the following ansatz is made (for the case of permitted P-transitions) : ' = a(-v"'n')A + b('v \0 / (a and b are constants which depend on the momenta of the nuclear state and the transition energy, ev is the velocity of P-electrons, and n the unit vector in the direction of the conversion transitions). For the case of a magnetic Card 1/3 multipole the following is obtained: The Polarization of the Internall Convernion Electrons SOV/c"-35-1-22/59 / tj 0110'...'ing a -ay F Dec (r 51j 2)1(~7~)' In this case the polarization is longitudinal and does not depend on the energy of the conversion electron. The folio-aing holds for the case of an electric multi-pole: 2 L + 1 5 (K_ + ~q2 VO M r 1 +21c (2L+1)/'L J2 n n4)-,V)4-L. (nv (F_ -?n) As r EL(L,-l)+j 202 +1) - J101 +1 0 /2L(L+ 1 1) .In a lon,--itudinal as %,.,ell as a transversal polarization exist, both Fein& dependent on energy. At low velocities, v. of the conversion electrons longitudinal polarization i_- orooortional (v,_/c)4, and transversal polarization V(v,/c). In conclusion the authors thank A.I.Alikhanov, Academician, and V.I.L,,,rubimov for the interest they disDlayed and for their discussions, T"--~ere are 3 refer-- ences, 2 of -ahich are Soviet. Card 2/3 21(l.8); 24(5) PIWE I BOOK MLIDIT&TICN SCV/3369 Vsssoyu=ay =*zhvuzov3kfty't konferantaiya po kvantovOy tooril poley - elementarnywh chlatits. Uzhgorods 1958 1 tooril Problemy savr t crit clementarnykh chaxtits. No. 2: Trudy ITen'"'04= or Elementary or Th i e y . t 1em, konforents I he Modern PLrti4l*g. i;: 2, Transactions of =e All-UnLon Inter-Vuz Conference on the -2%zarltum Field Theory an4 the Theory of kxrp&t3koyc oblastnoye lzd.vo, z 14 2 ~ ngar, , Zleclenta Particle$) Uz 1 . 5... copies printed. 1959. 21 Ed.: Yu. Lomsadzes Docent'. Tech. 94.1 X. BelcuG. PMOSIS nag book is intended ror physicists. particularly those concerned with problem3 In trio field of elelzentary particles and the quantum theory. C0V1WAGX& This book contains articles on elementary P-rtloles origimally read at the All-UnIon Tnter-vuz conrerence held at UxhjOrOd 3tato UnIveratty on October 20, 1956. Among the topics _ ld theory, the :us.4cn theory, discussed are: the spinar fl 14rentz contractions, parity tudl~*, nucleon-nucleon scattering. : h article. Hererenoes ;II 'h abstracts accompany eac ate. % h Article, i follow , ew Formulation or Fusion Theory 26 a lama dze Yu.X,, and 5-1 -KX41L'~- A111114tion of Ibwingerl a VArlat16-n-Mithod to the Pair Theory 30 Sokollk, G.A. Generalization of the "-tntz Group 37 "I:nltg~4Y~.' 0..!- 0encrall-.ed Equivalent potentle, and 9 a equence Of InfinitoplOji Lorentz Controctl~nA Unde r Rotary notion 44 S0kOl1k, G.A. Representation or the Complete Lorentz Gnoup 52 30k l1k. G.A. Connection Between the -Ano..&I- 0 Representation or the 3PAce-Ttale Inversion Group AYXI the PILUIL Tranarormatlons 5& -020"kenbty", A-V-A A and A.?. RudLk Von-ConservWfion or PaLrIty In R39 58 RLl9n'kI7-!-M- and R.N. kndln. Determination or PArity d"tr"go Firticies- 63 loomsaeizo Yu-N, The Possible Versions or tile jr ; 1,90"y Th 'OrY 1 69 1quAtIons or the St-cna Order for Spinor -VILYO Functions so 0 C naervatton of the Combined Pgrity, as a r the Symmetry In Nature 83 G#Shkenboyn, B.V. P-14rizatlon or z1octrong or the Inner C-Onvorsion Subsequent to JS -- Deasy. Taking Into Account the Kl"Otric Field of the Nucleus 89 .1 LtOnk0a A.G. Polarization or the Nucleons Under the _ 35i1_PW5a-XdMIon in the High Mn-rgy Region 99 n~glaSs~Kh- see RqUatlons for Liomentary particles log Barambankov; V.3., and B'X t_LLrj,AahOV. r 30M. Remarks on the _ Inner 3tructure of the Nucleon 117 On the SUPerrItLid 3t&t* Of an Atom Nucl eus 21(8),24(5) MHORS: Geshkenbeyn, 3. V,, SOV/56-36-2-26/63 Nemirovskaya, S. A.,_Rudik,.,.A._Yj TITLE; The Polarization of the /3-Electrons From RaE (Polyarizatsiya /3-elektronov RaE) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperiment0noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Ur 2, PP 517-525 (USSR) A13STRACT: After the nonconservation of spatial parity hed become known, the /3-decay of RaE was investigrted by several reseprch scientists. Lewis (Lyuis)(Ref 1), FujitR (Fuzhita) et al., (Ref 2) also pointed out the possible nonconservation of time parity, and Alikhanov showed by experiment (Ref 3) that the longitudinal polarization of/3 -electrons from RPE deviates from v/c and !hat the degree of devintion charecterizes the measure of the nonconservation of parity with respect to time. Also in the present paper the authors derive a formula for the longitu4innl polarization of the /3-electrons, viz. for S- and T- interaction as well as for V-A - interaction,.basing upon the results of references 7 and B. NumericrL1 results are given Cerd 1A by a number of tables. Thus; table I shows (6) /(v/c) for The Polarization of the /3-Electrons Frorm RaE SoVe/56-36-2-26/63 3- nnfl T- interpction and tnble 2 shows the same for Y-A at r = 1-17-10- 13. Tables 5 and 6 show W /(v/c) at F . 6.10 "'(V-A), figure 7 shows /(v/c) for 3- and T- inter-. action types for various F values. The experimentsl data relating to the magnitude of the polsirizntion of the RaE /3-electrons considerably restrict the region of a possible violation of time parity. VA-interaction type: In the case of nonconservation of time parity the measured extremal polariza- ticn excludes F < 0 at F2 = and p2 = 3.10 3. For F > 0 experimental and theoretical results Pgroe for x -- 0.2(F2=6.10-3) or 0.7(F2 =3.10-3). ST-interpetion type: At F2 = 6.10-3 and F2 = 3.1o-3 F < o is excluded and at F > 0 agreement is found for any such F2 values within the rpnge of x, - 1.7. The authors finAlly thAnk Academician.k. I. Alikhnnov for Card 2/3 Thelblarization of the /3 -Flectrons From RaE SOV/56-36-2-26/63 suggesting this work and for his discussions, nnd they Plso thank B. L. Ioffe and V. A. Lyubimov for discussions, There are 9 tables and 12 references, 01 of which are Soviet, SUBMITTED: July 24, 1958 (initially) and October 28, 1958 (after revision) Card 3/3 85697 S/056/60/038/006/040/049/Xx B006/BO70 AUTHORS: Geshkenbeyn, B. V., Rudik, A. P., TITI.E-, The Relationship Between the Polarization of (3-Blectrons.and the Form of the P-Spectrum PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 38; No, 6, pp~ 1894 - 1895 TEXT: The coefficient of the form of the P-spectrum is given by C(W) =7-M.(Z'W)fi(W,X); and the longitudinal polarization of P-electrons is given by Mi(Z,W)f i(W,X)ai(Z,W)/L Mi(Z,W)f i(WX) ~ (Z - atomic c i i . number of the nucleus; W and v - energy and velocity, respectively, of P-electrons; X - nuclear matrix elements; Mi and ai - complex functions describing the motion of the electrons in the Coulomb field of the daughter nucleus, the function f. depends on the electron energy and the matrix elements), Both these formulas are briefly discussed in the present papers Card 1/2 0 The Relationship Between the Polarization of S/05'/60/038/006/040/040AX P-Eleotrons and the Form of the P-Spectrum B006/BO70 It is pointed out that for Fermi form of the spectrum, the polarization of A-electrons is practically coincident with v/c~. As, however, first forbid;. den P-decays are also known where the longitudiral polarization of _ e' ectrons L is essentially different from v/c, the spectrum ~s not of Fermi type. In this connection the classical example of RaE (17--->.O )IS-decay is discussed.. The P-decay of Au'98 (27--.>-2.+) is also discussed, for which the longitudinal polarization of Velectrons is widely divergent from V/C for small energies (according to data of A. 1. klikhanov et al.,). For high energieB it is equal to v/c, These deviations are expla I'ned by a eviation 32 k of the spectrum from the Fermi form., The cases for P nd-ln,-'''are analogous (see L; A., Mikaelyan and P. Yp,, Spivak). Academician A, 1. Alikha and V.. A. are thanked for their interest in the ub imoy .~Kh n work., There are 10 referencess 6 Soviet. 3 US, and 1 Canadian~ SUBMITTED- February 15, !960 Card 2/2 KOLKM;OV, V.A.; OKWII, L.B., RUDIX, A.P.; SUDAKOV, V.V. Position of the nearest singularities of the 7~11--scattering amplitude. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 39 no.2:340-344 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Field theory) (Scattering (Ph7sics)) OKMII, L.B.; RUDIK, A.P._ X+2Y-deca7 and magnetic moment of the ZO-h7peron. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 39 no.2:378-383 Ag 160. MU 13:9) (Mesons-Deca7) KOIZUNOV, Y.A.; OKUHI, L.B.; RUDIK, A.P. Singularities of some Feynmn di&Vams. Zhur.ekop.i teor. fil. 38 no-3:877-881 Mr 160. (MM 13:7) (Collisions(Muclear physics)) GESEMBEnT, B.V~.; RUDIX, A.P. Connection between the polarization of,,g-electrons and the form of the,,S spectrum. Zhur.eksp.i teor.fiz- 38 no.6:1894-1895 Je 16o. (MIRA 13:7) (Slectrons) (Beta rays) (Decay, Radioactive) 84963 S/056j6O/O79/003/049/056/71 B006/Bo-!o 4- 6 AUTHORS; Olk-in L~ B,,,, Rudik, A.. P. TITLE: Th-~ D= -,aye K' --~ n' 4 e i e ard K' I + i p PERIODICAL: Zy~'-'Mal P-k2P9rim9Etal'nc7 leor~ttichesk:~y f,4 zlki~ 1960, " o". 39, j No. 3(g), pp. 600 604 TEXT: A "her-r-,i-al at,,ady of the decayrea-~-+_,llons'(2).- KI n" ~- e + e and (3): K' -~ Ti 4 1.,; made tn thls paper. The~Ee rea.-lions have nr~t y-zt been observed, they are- not absolutely forbidden !n the r,~alm rf '.hs, pres-irt-day 4.h-?or.;,--s csnn._%~ te due 11-o weak intera-.fiora alc,ne. The authcra s'l-)w that bc~lh thea,~ zeactions may be due to th~_ Com--- bined weak leptcn -Interactior. and electrc~magnetic interaction and nan be I llust.ratad by -,he Feynman graph of. Fig. 1 . The dotted llne represer ts a virtual photo-r-2 and the full c~irvle of the graph shrews a K-de,iay irto.picn gamma quar!,~um. Sunh a graph -Is sh,~wn. in Fig. 2. G") Fig, 84963 The Decays K + S e ani S/056/60/039/003/1049/or8/XX Boc)6/Br,7n K K The decays (2' and are aaa!ogou.a ti th~' known 0 - 0 soaversicn tra"ritions -4n nuziil. Th= mat,:r'-x the graph (Fig. 1) -.,:7, formula-lsd s5 P K n M - ?fGk 2 'u U ~ V4-n-IaGPu' l whore p 2 p p T K p k 2 a - e o 1; vi are spin--ra t~f the Iap',Ort It e or ar- a-re the wavs, funct!cns ct 1 1P Y K . (Fig. 2) K ~- and n fields, G is the weak- lnt~-ra,--tlon Inonstan~ 2 4 4a the 7erlex (G-10" w p , rr'. P "protor~ mass)" p Palltl (f-;l! :3'Lvels) cf th e graph (Ftg. 1); f i.3 a~ i4menzionleass fun.-,ticm, 2 2 f k k 2 2 ID t, Ir - ?E w and As ~o naidered tr lc~ ocrztant. The tonal Y r-robatilit .ies four T-he fir-,;ay-q (2) ard (3) are fojnd 4-.o be W - 0.56 W . r InA W 0 w G T, 5 w 6 2 . To 1 w f re W t6 ,he Carl ?/4 84963 The Decays X+ -4 n+ +*e+ e' and S10561601039100310491058X K+ + + + + Boo6pO70 probabi ity of -v decay. From the number of the observed T decays in which n single decay of the type (3) was found, it is concluded that 2 -4. The relative probability, however, does not depend on f2 f 5- 0 e 0.2. In the following, the authors discuss the calculation of W ~'V electron, and muon spectra for.the decays (2) and 3). The resuitsia-re given by formulas (9) and (10), and (12),and (13~, respec- tively'land are illustrated in Figs. 3 and'4, respectively. The authors thank Lj D. Landau and I. Yu. Kobzarev for discussions, S. A. Nemirov- skiy fot numerical calculations, and Ye. D. Zh:Lzhin for pointing o7it an error. here are 6 figures and 2 references: 1 Soviet and I US. SUBMITTED: March 1960 7111 910) PRASS 1 5009 ZXPL0ITATrCN SOV/2583 International Conference on the PaaetrUl Used or Atomic Engtrgy. ,.2nd, Gonave, 1958. bokladY sovetskikh uchsnykh; 7%dornyye reaktory I yadernnya aner. gettka. (Repo rts or Soviet scientists*. Nuclear Reactors and Nuclear Power) MOSCOW* Atomi.-dat, 1959. 707 p. (Serleat Ttat -TrQdY, vol. 2) Xrrata slip Inserted. 8,000 copies printed. %_j Ooneral Ida.i N.A. Dollethale Corresponding Member, USSR Academy or 3clancess A.X. Kroatno Doctor or Pnysicat and Mathematical Sciences, A.1 Le unakly, Member* Ukrainian SSR Academy or Science&, I.I. p __ T i Nov knvf Corresponding Member# U33H Academy of Sciences, and V.3. ftroov, Doctor or PhyalO&I and Mathematical Sclonood; H4. t A.?. AlYablyevi Tech. Sd.t To. I. Mazall. PM MSK: This book Is Intended for scientists and engineers engaged in reactor designing, an well an for proreasors and stUdento Of higher technical schools where reactor design to taught. _C_0VZRAUXz This IsO* seemed values of . wi-volume oall-tion , as the _P- N' - use or aronac energy. The six volumes contain the reports pp.. sent*d by Soviet scientists at the Second International Conf.rem-4 an Peaceful Uses Of Atomic RnerW, hold from September I to 13 , 1958 In 0oneva. volume 2 consists or three Parts. The first to devoted to atomic Power Plants under construction In the Soviet Unlon;-tnt second to exPerIzental and research reactors, the ox- POPiments carried out on the., and the work to Improve them, and the third, which I* p"dominantly thcoratIO&I, to problems Or nuclear reactor physics and construction a"Ineoring. Yu. 1. ROrYakin Is the science, editor or this volume. see soV/2081 for title@ or all Volumes or the set. References appear at the OA4. of, the articles. Nostovoy, v.1., V.S. Dikarev, M.B. Yogtzarov. and Tu. S. Saltykov. Neutron spectra In Uranium Water Litttc*s (Report In Aau r ,,, 5" :: 2 j Xraalns A.K.. B.O. Dubovskly, R.N. Lanteov, TU.Tu. Glazkova .K, Goncharov, A.V. Kamayevs L.A. Goraneva, V.V. VayllOv, ' t .. 1. Inrutln, and A.P. Senchonkov. Studying the Physical I Characteristics or it Beryl I ium~oderator Reactor (Report No. 21k6) 555 Golanln, A.D., S.A. Naaarovskaya, _A.P. RuAlk, Yu. 0. Abov, V.P. Balkin# and P.A. KrupchItakly. CritTc-&17Yx e ~Tment on an Zxporl- "ntal Heavy-water Reactor (Report No. 203b 570 y KLrchuR, 0.1., V. To. Pupko, To. 1. ?OgUdALLna, V.V. Smaloy, I.P. Tyutorev, S.T. Platonova, and 0.1. DruzhIntnA. Certain Pro- bless in Nuclear Reactor Physics and Methods or Calculating Then (Report No. 2L 51) 588 3l.nyutin~ O.V, and V.N. 3amenov. Determination or Control Rod 1froctIveneon In it Cylindrical Reactor (Report No. 2469) 613 Gollrand, I.M.s S.M. Paynberg, A.S. Prolov. and X.N. Chentsov. Using the Monte Carlo Method or Random Sampling for Solving the JUnttla Squation (Report No. 2141) 628 .L&Ietins W.I. Neutron Distribution in a notorog*neous Medium (Report No. 2189) 634 Kazarnovokly, N.V. A.V. anov, and P.L. Shapiro. N utron Step t Therimalixation and Dirruslon In Heavy X.d1A (Report No. 21-46) 651 Voynlk, A.I- V.S. Tormakovo and A.V. Lykav. Doing the Onsager Theory ror Studying Woutran Dirrunton In the Absorbing Media or clear Reactors (Report No. 2224) "8 Broder, D.L., S.A. Kurkln, A.A. lastu2ov, V.V. Levin, and V.V. orlov. Studying the spatial and Knor y Distribution or g Neutrons in Difrorent Media (Report No. 21 7) 674 Dwitrlyev A 0 Boron lonixatton Chambers for Work In Nuclear *actors JR~;P;t No. 2084) 69o Re ionr rillin. V.A., and S.A. Ulybin. Kxporlsaontal. Dater.Inat or Specific Volumes or Heavy Water in a Wide Temperature and Pro- L j sure Hang* (RapertINo. 24TI) 696 T I T K "On the Possible Strong InterAction of the Intermediate Boson" paper presented at the Intl Conference on High Energy Physics, Rochester, N.Y. and/or Berkly California, 25 Aug - 16 Sep 1960. Joint Inst. fc-- Nuclear Resersh, Dubna, USSR RTjD1K, Aleksay P. ,"-Investigation of Chev~_Mandelstam Equations" "Singular Points in Scattering Amplitude" "Scattering of Particles of Super-High Energies" "Asymptotic Behaviour of Kffective Gross Sections at High Lnergies" paper presented at the Intl Conference on High Energr Physics, Rochester,, N.Y. and/or Berkly California, 25 Agg-16 Sep 1960. Joint Inst. for Nuclear Reserch, Dubna, USM 89222 B/05 61/040/001/028/03T 0 B102YB212 AUTHORSt Patashinskiy, A.Z., _Rudik, A. P., Sudakov, V. V. TITLEI Singuliritibs3 of scattering amplitudes in the perturbation theory. PERIODICALi Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikit V. 40, no. 1, 1961, 298-311 TEXTs A study has been.made of the position of singularities of the scattering amplitude and its asymptotic behavior in the perturbation theory. Due to conservation of the four-momentum of seattered particles, the four-momenta of the scattering and virtual particles are located in a' three-dimensional space for any perturbation-theoretical graph. The three linearly independent four-vectors are chosen for basis vectorst W P1+P2 2 2 p +p P p +P For M (1.1,-.4) 39 1 4* Pi i 2QW MI, M2, M,3 + M,3, 2WP=M2-M2+ 2 M2 - M"I 1 3, Is. (1.2) holds. 2QP =.M2 I + M2 - MI2 - M121: Q2 + W2 + P, M'2 + M., + M, + A, 3 Card 1/5 89222 8/056/61/040/001/028/037 B102/B212 Singulirities of scattering... The scattering amplitude is characterized by six arametersj for con- p 2 2 2 venience they are chosen to bes M and the invariants W and 0. Only the singularities with real invariants are considered. There is a certain 2 2 relation between W and the masses of the virtual particles at the singularity; this relation is ch racterized for graphs of the type shown in Fig.1 by the ratios between and the squares of masses of virtual V3 ' articles. Fi&;2 shows some singular curves of this 4_ graph. 'The authors thenwanted to find out under what conditions anomalous singularities do occur for more complicated (than Fig.1) graphs of perturbation theory. An analysis is made ~7 for an asymptotic case, *here one invarint approaches Z -infinity. The condition that 2 Q2)1 < IW (co )I holds as a F 1W Fig.1 criterion for the anomalous type of singular curves. First of all the singularities of the "open envelope" type graph (Fig-3) are studied and:the asymptotic behavior of the position of its singularities is studied for one of the invariants approaching infinity. It can be shown Card 2/5 Singularities of scattering... 89222 S/056/61/040/001/028/037 3102/B212 1F, that the singular curve of the "open envelope" has several .3 ~) branches, two in the general case. The two possibilities x