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RUBO, L.G., inzhener. QLmlity of soldering stator windings and method of testing. Prom.energ. 12 no.9:9-10 S '57. (MIRA 10:10) I.T5entroenergoemont. (Electric motors Category USSR/Radiophysica Application of radiophysical methods Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No,1, 1957 No 1994 Author Isamutdinov, Sh. 0., Rubtsov L-N Title. Organization of R;cUr-:~' ~aer-;~atio~~of Meteors at the Stalinabad.Astronomic Observatory of theVadzhikISSR,Academ:y of Sciences Orig Pub Tr. 5-90 soveshchaniya po, vopr. kosmogonii. 1955) M.) AN SSSR) 1956, 3B9,390, diskus 390-391 Abstract Brief report on radar circuitry developed for the observation of meteors. The frequency range was 10--15--20 Me with smooth regulation between the sub-ranges. The.pulse.duration vas,60.- see, and theoperating ran4e 500 kn. The setup is intended of the statistics of meteors, I partic- ularly the daily and'annual variations. Card 1/1 VISHNEVSKAYA, S.M.; UDOVICBENKO, G.S~.; BIRYUKOVA, K.Y.; (MRGILISKIY, Y.L.; MUKVOZ, L*G.; AINTIPqrATANU.; KORNMNKO, Ye.l.; GMVICH, Ye.N.;. PISARNIKO, To01.; GELLIR, I.Tu.; Lor..T.D.; SHBVCHUK, M.K.: KWALIBOVA, Te,K- 3pidemiology and preventionof helminth infections In the region of construction of the KRkhovk& hydroelectric project and the South Ukrainian Canal. Had. paraz.4 paras. bol. no.3;244-248 Jl-S 154. .(KM W) 1_1z gallmintologichaskogo otdel& Ukrainskogo nauchno-iseledovatell- skogo instituta malvarii I maditainskoy parazitologii imeni prof. Rubashkinai (dir.'Instituta I.A.Demchankog'say. otdolom prof. Te.S. Shullmen). is spidemiologicheakog'o otd'la Kiyevskogo-Instiinta spidemiologii I mikrobiologii (dir. In:tituta S.N.Terakhoy, say, otdalom oteent Yu.Te.Birkovskly), iz kafedrr biologil I-parazitologil DnepiropetroTskogo maditainskogo instituta (z&T. kafedroy dotment T.L. Garbillski3r) -is Zaporozhokoy o'blastuoyprotivomalyariynoy stantsil. (Zav. stantslyay I.P.Agafonor), is D-aepropetrovskoy oblastnor protivo- mal7axlynoy.stantaii (zar. stantsiyey M.K.Shevebuk, is .Nikolaytivsko7 oblastnoy protivom&3,varlynoi stantaii (zav. stantmiie7 S.I*Gan7uni). (HILKIETH'IREGTIONS,.proventioA and control, 'Russia, on construction of waterways) -/T U-CVL~ t~% Ulf ul L-1- k, )uld, AUTHOR: Rubo, L.G. 94-4-22/25 TITLE: On Machine Windings with aumbers of Slots per Pole and rEr Phase (0 vypolnenii* skhemy obmotki s drobnvm chislom pazov na Dolyus i fazu) PERIODICAL: Promyshlenn-gya Energetika, 1958, V01.13, -no-41 pp. 37 - 38 (USSR). ABSTRACT: This is in reply to 'V.A. Nesterenko of n.Baskunchak, who asks for the circuit of the stator winding of-a three-phase motor in which the number of slots is 48 and the number of poles 6. A theoretical textbook reply is given. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (;ard 1/1 AUTHOR2 Rub o, L. G, SOV. '-58-9-27/30 TITLP,,- The prote-.tion. of motor windings against oil. %j zashchite obmotok dvigateley ot popadaiiiya masla) NI FMIODMII Promysalennaya Eaergetika4 1958, No.0, ~pp~ 3d-39 (USSR) ABSTRACT. This brief in reply to a Ilue.stion from A.K. Obukhov of Ifnerf-+nffn~aIr whn wi-qhpq in knniv hnw in nrntpr+ mnfnr Winainffa frnr~ 84-5-23/42 AUTHOR. Rubo, V. (Tashkent) TITLE: Make Full Use of Aviation (Kompleksno is*ooltzovat' aviatsiyu) PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya,Aviatsiya,,,1,957, Nr 5) P-.31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The ~.rticle reports,on how special-service aviation helps cotton cultivation in Central Asia by.exterminating pests, spraying ferti- lizers, etc.,and suggests improvements which,would permit fuller use of aviation,in this field..:Unitq rommanded by comrades 1~ushchenko, Rom~6nkin,:Iyevlev,lliros'~hkhin,Kuts, Shashnikov, Bakhmetlyev,,and pilots Ubaydullayev, Azizov, Chapy, Kolesnikov, Takhtakhodzhayev.and Plugatyrev, all of them participants in the VSKhV,,are co.-mended for The'planes begin their, operations in early spring against alfalfa pests(part of the cotton- alfalfa crop-rotation system.) In March and April, superphosphate is sprayed over the fields on which cotton had been sown, whereafter a locust extermination program follows. The next step is extermination of various cotton pests (lice, ticks, moths, etc.) which otherwise might lower the crop by 10-40 per cent. In the second half of July, the planes spray phosphate-containing fertilizers, and in September they assist in'defoliation and desiccation operations not specified. in November,and December the planes are busy spraying superphosphate. Card: 1/2 Planes areused also in sowin.a. saxual, grain and vine and in an 84-5-23A2 Make Full Use of Aviation (cont.) kinds otpest control.. In 1956, the use of aviation freed 100, ODO tractor/days and hundreds.of thousands, thus saving 700 million rubles.: The article criticizes the GVF authorities.for not making.full:us.e,of available possibilities. Thus,.for instance, the planes do not operate at full capacity in the first half of the year, whereas during the second half additional planes from other administra- tions of. the GVF.have,to be mobilized to.cope with the job of cotton crop control. This costs thelcotton growers 2,000,000 rubles.each year. The,article also suggests.putting the crop control by aviation under the supervision of local MTS,s, all payments to be madeafter the harvested. :AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card: 2/2 sov/84-58-5-23/57 AUTHOR:. ., "~ Rubo, V., Engineer (Tashkent) _ TITLE: ~pec ~aA~ppllcations of Aviation Should be Included as a Subject of Instruction in Aviation Schools (Vvesti V.1etnykh uchilishchakh GVF distsiplinu spetsiallnogo primeneniya aviatsii) PERIODICAL: -Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 21.(USSR) .,. .. ABSTRACT: The author points out the growth in the volume of the . , , agricultural work of the units of Special Purpose Airi-. , ation and the shortage of young pilots sufficiently . . 'prepared for the task. The operational units are not able to carry out the necessary introductory courses for the number of pilots required. The author proposes schedules of avia- flight maneuvers in the instruction' tion schools, or organizing special training units for the~purpose.., ASSOCIATION: 'Otdel_,G"Fetslall'ho~o~- GVF_ PV~Xiraneh Ya z -(Depdttmentlof Spidia-1 Pdr S'e'4viaifA, Uzbek Terrif6rial Card 1/1 Administration of the GVF7 1.: Pilots--Training Buohwet s t FRrmA* i a Vo I X No~ 5 MAI ~2 Dotmralneatlnm a! VerorA2," Ptaf Ch. Gh . , T . ~ I m ~ . _EjLQ_~.'t C 13 , P;iu~.= 11 . I I __TIMIP.~= Fprm AIL~,L.7, Fum Pr.A:z and PL- -5~5rg-ta Ltrk p"r- for?a-.d &I. tli^ Anslytichl Uhrri . _xborntor7 Uaborskto- rul d4 C'.mle %?=rlds) al t q MMO-1-0,- tHeirmacy tol Fka~%Itmtil dm FarmsLcie), Lhaclamst; ~rglioh 3-~v pp 2. Study of th- N-thads af an In. Toxlcolak7," P-cf W. MA=:), ft~rA Or Gh M RS v~ d ph = 4. A) P.-Ard Dr I - 7MTA 9JIAM L- A?"-15~~SCV MI IT ST 1097 d~lxtcolarim) af-tl-t o1 0~ Rl F2=1 Tul do tiLtil ftrmtkcio) , Dichar-tat;1 pp 263-266. 3. t Uftlc~wor Oil Vv-d Ln 1nJ-ctab.- 0117 Sbl.ti.o e 1) V. CT3c,,,r,-. m.- "Ion R_-_ftAT!)AC 1. v-,VR and PIA" A r1c pf~fnalzla-nt th" flalon p ktoral do Far=s t1in 0.1enlea) or tho namACT (^I Pmoulta.11 dq FfIrnsets), Cluj pp 267-171, T~.A Idintification, Dot"minaLlon nad Vxtraction or Allantoin from F4hfu~m Tuliare L. Plants,' Cba S. Tvtm .5 11 Fmm"T-rne i-== Marin 3-70ESCU ` t'LbOrat,*r _r ~cor& F Znq km~ toruf4A macy (al PAcultatil de FamL sk-mi-) flun!tarrstj EnAlish St=&r7; pp i 277-2B.. "et-m-'Ma' ton in Non-Atu,7-is o.1 thm AmInor7rin4 Rna 1.1-ronAl Cont-nt In Ph- r.- P I I T n, 14r 0 -rid T Var-% 3.cT.~I-szs andr."m 'T. mucyrEn. 4 ~ro at th? Ini't-ituto tor th,~ St%to7rS`nr~l of L, .1 _Ind Pbuv~m. lull ZMS1181% 4%_.=Rry; prr, 6. 'Contrilout!arw. to the 1~31 017 T'.mmii In th- Drug 0151~n- Fhar--,RC7 1-1 t h C I n 10. o Cc 1PAA V, q, ~c; I t -_ I I M r. V2 41% -6/aI5610159* 620 slated jj;6i449q URI oric sat Tin it per,.,, ar-10--z- 3 _~P_e~ of of test ter or 2 led no* 6t 3pring-joac js:borator4_jft device p 133.asti.0 gate of odslca'ya testing testm ter rapid 20 sY ad COV betuee"a asuru% taatiovo desiP tures is, aud beSTL gvpelca t %ate 03 po has t te ACTS t a" d here I ~ I ~105.t a kifferelm witruma" Jbe alcm d vith ~ f t1le 11.~ f or votel. 110meter descT d bra 'JO gm 0 ~d tI.On au In Val tj.0 oqe%lo has. Leng"h djr-9 e3.0139a I d . dra for- .1. tested Speom ion an, oo5_1r~ aloe Va. - ~ Mrip - 1., '2 oin -. -,r the GPF 1 rd ~13 RU14ANIA /Forestry - Forest Cultures K-5 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur Biol., No 19, 1958., 86888 Author : Rubtov.,.Stefan__ Inst : Not given Title : The Mursery Culture of Oak Orig Pub- Rev. padurilor, 19562 L11 No 5, 292-295 Abstract: Studies in Rumania showed that the bed plays a decisive role in the development of beedlings. Under the conditions o'f.the forest zone at the edge of the forest-steppe (Michurin nursery), the growing of 15 seedlings persquare meter for a one-year period was most effectivej 23-27 were most effective for a two-year period, - Yu, R, Card 1A 27 MAI" ---------- c'-f, 01, US C C IIt u zi,, S ABS. JCU-P. RZhBiol. 4 1959) Nn. 15497 Rubtov, S t C jAUTHOR nrnia~sohi, A. . . ......... INST. T1 TLE u -a 1 i tvr of Oak Seedlings Deziendent on the pplurilor, -631 nRIG. PUB. 1957, 71, N-10, 628 w ,ABSTRACT of cui~-Jvatinw, oak seedlings with a ~iorous root syctara (YFS) are eyamined. I t, IS sho-,--m that nearly all the procedures T).L-v- vided a h4rt perCt--Gt~, h e Cf th a fi- brous roct sl,17sten, but, t,!-,,is cousideratlion is j~c-co~mized as I rrc-levaxit lbeaause in respe et 0 -acclimi--at ion such seedlings did not give t I)Crter reSults. A. Yam CAMD 1/1 cl "'R y I'T Thu.1 a n i a FOr -~itry. Foi,.3t Cultures. RZhBJ,.oI., f~O- 2, 1959, Gotea I ,AUTH(',R I 'fu- ". Rubt v,--St. Spirchey: Z. Bindju, ~'U v 9 t r ei, Y. Andrele Gh. , Faun, V;A"ue b 8, for ~he C1 t- -'~tio~ of -'11.1s i--.i Nur- w 'I Rev. padurilor, 19 71 PT6.12, 772-776 57 , , , Vil-:S PRACT of 31l-, Obl~tsu's cxneri~~-, zts -tlele d t1re lit ,ILJ" eli and tli- listi e Li to dernonst rate in nurseries I)-, oduc- i v -ndi - on the densenec-2 e.!', th d e c - nx V-1 edlinF stand in the step7re S I " es'Eablishled tJ'.nt seedlinc-,s of the ~`nc~lish elm could exist perfectly on a permanent culttiral tract after a period o~ a year The optimal denseness of 1 2-:,Tear old 49 S. y CATEGOR,r oi-st-ry- ForesL CulLurus. X ABS. JOUR. RZ',,~B401., No. 14 1959, No. 6 23 -5 ALTTHOR, Z i r 'S~ T T L t~ Th- -,,lue,sti-ori oll tl~e c-f 3.~-elling ~)er,:iity und "rowth 'iccelerators on Devc-lopmerit Of Ash ORIG. PUB. ,lo '71 : 2ev, palarLlor 1r)% 8-372 36 . . , , , : ~-,v ~Xner!-nenr,~ Ftupan Ian) Lnve:i~ 1..g-a tr..-r apt.' ,;I, of p-r-old scr.-'Llr~,s and -rl-.9 act-'cn ot' 2,11-10, and rj~-Id at the Michlirir tfiz'-,~~ary It -,Fl!~ es'al)ILsn-d Lh3t the optimu-. scacIng ,3,' the ~Ieneries on a series ef frctctils ardl, riRrticular, on, thie an-rual va.-IA"to-n.9 In -~--.qther Vl~~ use of p-,rov-Uh coelf-tratcra u i L RUBTOV, Stefan; PAPADOPOL, Victor; CATRINA, Ion;,PAPADOPCL, C. Silviu; 1-5 A usm/oilt ilalc', 39320 Abu, JOur Iluthor chur" 1. c -V Irlst pruit-V eta-'ac In~, Lc!a, TitlC Ud i jz,-~tiolll I'f Tr,)tcctccl GrOulIC f Toym-to ivoshclil -2r. orrit - 175-187- w-a iy 1-353- -ovsk -t~~,pyy Grilij t" "Catill a ;,C--e-cijy L,:c I,I-xicultural ;-C:!- 'A'ab.10 StcIti'), the bc'~-L ~:o III warL! bY StOrl, ,;ciQ.lcQo rlic - '10 1,!Ilc of ,3ult,~ 17cra 'oy t- 'o o best A ti .0 1'2 C ar BEIOVAq A.V.,- GORBACMA9, N.A.,- SHVAYKOVA,, Mariya Dmitriyevnaq prof.; SMT&WA-YEVAq V.M.; -RUBT8OV-7k4,r kandf armatsevtiche-t*kJkb -ticheskikh naukv nauk9retsenzent.; YASKINA9 D.Z.~ kand.farmatsev 9 retsenzent; KOZULINv V.S.9 red,t- RAYKO~ NeYup, [Manual on the.practioal studies of farensI:? chemistry for pharmacology correspondence studenlw-s of institutions of higher learning] Rukovodstvo k prakticheskim zani&Ulam po sudebnoi khIm1:13 dlia studentov-zaochhIkv7 farmatsevtIcheskikh vuza7. Pod obshchei red. M.D.Shvalkavoi. ,Kjsk-qaD 1-1 iz. I.M.Secheno-vap 1961. 101 p. (MTRA 14s6) 1.,,Kafedra w-idabnoy khizii farmalt.-ger"Achoskogo fak-tiliteta, I-go Moskovskogo ordena lenin meditsinskogo instituta. Imni, I.M.: Shcrayk/-fva~ She7erdyayeva). Sechenova, (for Belovap krbai3heva, (PMMCOIDGY-LABGUTORY MANUAIS) '(cumisna,, LEr.AL) b Tioa RLIMANIA/Forestry -.Forest Gulture. Abs Jour Referat Zhur Biologiya, No 16, 25 Aug 1957,,69124 Author Rubtsov Bindiu Inst Title New Perspectives in Vegetative Propagation of Black Poplar Hubrids in the Nursery. Orig Pub Bull. stiint. Acad. RPR. Sec. biol. si stiinte agric.., 1956, 8, No 2, 381-405 Abstract 'Information is given on experimeats In black poplar bree- d-;ng by horizontal planting of short cuttings, which were conducted in different sections of Rimwnia. In this new method of.planting short (6-8 cm.) cuttings were used, which are laid in furrows horizontally. This-method insu- res a high.rooting (up to 72.5%) of cuttings,especially after soaking them in a honey emulsion. On sandy soils the percentage of root taking is lowered. The cultivated forest material does not yield in quality of its root sys- tem. to~the usual~ seedlings. ,Card 1/1 45 --- -- -