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T - I BARBARINA, T.I.I.; BUBYRI, N.F.; BUTT, L.R.; VEL'SOVSKIY, V.N." GORLOV, Yu.P.; GRIBANOVSKIY, V.G.; DROZDOV, I.Ya.; YE2111--JI27'. I.A-:, ZZEZII-11, V.G.;. KEEVESII, P.D.; KOCHAROV, E.P.; N - Kil INOVICH A.T'; MER Zi-YAK' KOMIREVA, Z.S.~; LEVII S. N. -Eh SERENIYANSKAYA, B.I.; A.N.; RODOV, E.S.,; ApZ SUKHAREV, M.F.; PSTENKO, A,.A.,- KIICMITKO Z.S.; SIRAIDT, L. M. ;ETIN, A.O.; YAKHONTOVA, N.Ye., KITAYTSEV, Andreyevic red SKRAMTAYFV, h, prof.~ dokto'r tbekhn. nauk-, B.G., glav. red.; TROKHIMOVSKAYA,-I.P., zam. glav. red.; Y~RAVCIIRIKOI I.V., bred.; KITAYGOFODSKIY ,I.I., red.; KRZHTMINSKIY, *S.A., red.; HOUVARGER, Ye.L., red.;BALATIYEV,P.K. red. Nanual on the manufacture of heat insulating and. ac.ous- tical materials] Spravochnik po proizvodstv.u teploizo- liatsionnykh i akusticheskikh materialov. Moskva, Stroi- izdat. 1964. 524 p. ~/0289/63/000/0'03/0103/0107 ACCESSION NR: AP4015149 A '~AUTHOR ~~kov,, A. M. j~o TLE: Copolymerization of terpenes:with the methylester of methi T I crylic acid 1, Ser. khim. nauk, no* 3, SOURCE: AN SSSR. Sib. otd. Izv., no. 1963P 103mlO7 -TOPIC TAGS methylm thacrylate, terpene dipentene, delta 3--carene, e copolymerization., block copolymerization, monomer :reactivity,.copolymerization constants, polymethyl:methacrylate, methylmethacrylate terpene copolymer, solubility, molecular weight ABSTRACT: The block copolymerization of dipentene, 63 carene and alpha ethy1methacrylate in the presence of tyricl -pinene with m , :dinitrile was investigated. New copolymers were synthesized and The relative reactivity of the monomers in the thred ~systems was studied: methylmethacrylate is more.reactive than the- :~` :terpenesl,as determined by comparing the copolymerization constantsj,,` _. ',and the composition of the co olymers (rich in methylmethacrylate' p Card V2 -3 82 16 S/00/62/032/006/012/022 i B108/B102 .2 AUI~HORS: Kozl,ov, V. F. , a d Rozhk~v, A. M. A method of measuri TITLE: 68~thh~ 7:~~s~s section of double charge, exchange of singly positive,,ions at low energies I KODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 32, no. 6, 1962, 719 724 TEKT: A new method of measuring the ross section ofAouble'charge exchange is proposed in which the pos:~tiveprimary,ions.are separated f r om, the nezrative secondary ions by a;decele,rating electrical field, The collecting angle can be increased by roper dimensioning. the collector. 'The ions are separated by.a set of thiOe grids' in front 'of the collector, the first of which is earthed,:the sebond on apositive and the third on-a negative notential. Secondary ion emission from the grids can be eliminat- osing the negative potential of the third-grid which is ~ed by pro-oerly cho ext to the collector. Secondary electron emission from,the'colledtor can. be avoided by applying a magnetic field., The measurements,were.made with an arrangement as shovm in*Fig..2. :'The primary mongebromatic ion beam had When an ion an en rom 0.1 to 5 kev. Pressure was 4-10- mm Hg- qrgy of C~rdCjg) S/057/62/032/006/0127022 A met-hod of measuring ... B108/B102 scintillation counter is used the whole arrangement becomes simpler since 4. he 6 grid and the magnetic field are no longer.n third ecessary. 4 Results ' aro in good agroomont with those of Ya. M. Pogell,.et al. (ZbETF, -35, 565 , 9 ~ 1958). There are 5 figures.'. A8 30CIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy insiit ut AN USSR Khar1kov (Physico-, . . technical Institute AS UkrSSR Kharikov),: 6-- -7-7-7, SUBL'ITTED- June 17, 1961 V/1, 7, 3 8 --end: (1) arc ion source; ~2)electrostatic 5 lonses.; (3) adjustable slit; 4) ion trap with 4# .-a,~-natic control; (5) slit; (6) magnetic mass 12 KHMAYU roatatic mans nr an:-~ayzer; (7) elec' (a) -iaphrAg-'a';* -(,q)-recarding --tr ;':(! 0) . te-:' (11) collector;~c(.12) pipes leading to S 106v '43 V;Ilcuum pump; (13) zPas suPP1Y; (1.14) to pressure, Card 2/2 0 nsectse insect dSPeclikl Zoology* USSR General an epests and Mi. t r-siol 01 No lZ9 JP58.' 54373* Abs JOur,: Ref Zhu hkolf As USSR* Author _RaL~:~#S ~I~b er ~Ialn Af f I I I at e u tive Inst F-astern, s Ill the Number and Destr c Seasonal Dynamic idae in the Young Pine Oro Title. wth Activity of Curculloll on Cle the Region near Lake S,aikal. a,rings -in st.-Sib. f il. AN SSSRv 1957,, vYpe 5y 138-146. orig Pub: Tr . Vol tomolocical fauna. of a survey,of the en Abstract IAs the result 10 species of curculi.0 which. Injure of the clearings lese, the. th Tf*$ere d-iscovered# Among tr young pine grow most widely.distributed and which ca 'use the greatest e are Hylobius abletIsi, pissodes notatus and dama g r of beetles Magdalis.fermaneki. The,maXiMUm numbe cies In the Ifocal-point of PrOPa- of these three spe by many times their number In gation e,xceeds. Card 1/z (jeneral and Special ZOOlog and Mite pests Y. Insects, Insect P Abs Jour: Ref Zhur Blojej No. 1958.4 54373 Abstract: pi antings where addition The number of specimens al feeding takes Place. pagationbegins to in in the fqc6l PoInt.of p crease long befor - ro- Of a noticeable decreas IeIin the n' the start Species In heal the cu thy. Young growth umber of these,_ rcullo p0 -1 . The density of Pulatl6n, n the fo I p0 Propagation r ca Int of ber of eaches its highest Point wh decreas ~beetles at the places of additi en. the ntm_,. y not mo, onal feeding es b number of the dOtte -e than one half tu d snout beetles - The maximum s) and of the blue curcuilO at the(Pis 3odes not feeding localities after~egq addi,ti the level of their rl -laying ~does 0 nal, n t. reach umber In these lanti 0 the middle of June. v. I. Grimalp ngs in Iskly, Card 7_/Z 41 Range Moths-Biologicai control) (ForeS& insects) Vo I Kov a, S't A Of -TITLED u 7 A E,~i~~,--Sib 2Aai.- Repor -Iilcut k'~obl a to Ans't (Tent caterpillars) SOV/177-58-11-49/50 AUTHOR: Roz.bkov, Art. T. , Colonel of the Medical Corps --------------------- TITLE: --------- On the Book by V.I. Parmenov "Operativnoye ledheniye ognestrellnykh pronikayushchikh raneniy zhivota v voyskovom rayonelt (Opere~tion of Penetrating Bullet- Wounds of the abdomen~in a Military District) PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy.zhurnal, 1958, Nr 11, pp 91 94 (USSR) 'ABSTRACT: The article is a review on the 373-page book,by V.I. Parmenov, titled "Operation of Penetrating Bullet:: Wounds.of.the Abdomen in a Military:,Distriet",publish ed by the,Publishing House-of the,Gomellskiy gosu-z darstvennyy~pedagogichesicLy...institiit..imeni,.V.P. Chka lova "Uchenyye zapiskill (Scientific:ReportS).j.`Xr,-6. Gomel', 1957. The book comprises 13,chapters,,and presents the analysis of 1405 penetrating bullet wounds, based on data of ~YW II, ~There are 5 Soviet -references. CpLrd 1/1 SOV/177-58-7-1/28 An All-Union Scientific Confer6nee on Combined Radiation'Injuries J and-,fractures.. The lecture by Professor...A.N. Beriutov, N.N. Aleksandrov and their~assistants on "The Experience in Studying Combined Injuries" was a summary of the authors' observations of the course and treatiment of combined injuries in animals~, The autho,rs,stated.that the,presence of wounds-in animals, penetrating radiation, sharply aggravates the-courseof the radiation disease and, the other hand~_aradiation~injury seriously.~,,: aggravatesIthe course of,the wound process (the so--called syndrome of mutu4i,aggravati6n). By stu.-' dying the,,healing:process.of the wound, it,becamel, I obvious that the'first phase,- thel.resorption phase 'takes,a specially serious course, partially due to Leucopenia accompanied by a considerable relaxation of the,phagocytic'processes. According to Ye.V., Dmitriyeva from the Institut ekspe'rimentallnoy Card 2/6 meditsinyAMN,(Instit-ute of Experimental Medicine Wi~W-;4Wj9jW 0 W 0 W 0 0 0 G-frW- ;3AWNP, P 1 wil 5 70 03! 1 1 psi 6 1 1 1 is 111111kill, I'll" If LOAMB )621820~jllll 1213 MIS MY JIMAD 81 u ais is I!# A I L-A 9 J-&-L L-1-1-M 1OCCOPUji-b. i A-,-, 41. -'t.015 00 00 '0 Samur river, or. ccrm 'hemidwaters of the .00 cv. Trans. Geol. PrguPect- Rio DG&C'Ston' ktoa~bk 'L iml -54"llfts, (U. S, 'OH.-The ofe of 11291Y' 0 Mineral GeW.. Reffrale 11, 1934. 1, up Gjunki contaim 3% Cu and 147. Zu.' of BOrtschin"ki 00 a rto 5% CU; of C;cljar 15% Zn, 8% Ilb and L-31 C. Ag per ZOO 00 ton. 0 .00 00 .0 0 t if 00 S L a ETALLUM&KAL LITERATLEE CLASSIFKATHON Wamt? %steal IF 04. Dot a- oit u AV H2 is -T-4 I -.' 7 t- .IS An L I (W a a -S--7-mq- to -- IF Or P IF IF or All K a Or Or PC It It it It Kw a 1 '14 d4o Z,' It*0 0 & 0 00 0 0 0000 0 * 0 0 0 *4 00 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,01 00 : 0 a0 0 0 00 0 4 00Of'o a 0 0 * Olf 0 0 0 6 0 0 so 0'* 6 4 0 0 a * 0 I*; ;;;;;;*~& * 0 0& 0 0 W"tilleywaoirt-1.1 - - .a . 0 a 9 9 . . ~ . -- h V a Is 0 a a X 0 he if a it tit A" INWO PIOC11111 AND 04101111d% WOtP . 0 00 P--C4MWi&n Vwdft to Met Analleir. N E. Nberlm. 5 = 00 SSA "Modaleml Om . =. ee G. G. Motem.. 111111. dcdd. Sri. U. R. S. S., Miss Sa. los's Width . extra - real-, Sir. X#W. 11"GO 720-73' 31' 1 :. AbIlrads il 6 0 7. 4M.-The whilts hen afe hijected by w ,d bk . i 11tast Modw, offiet and Miginatilk. em"pleluts. Th ~ l li e 0 00 e croc nic 111 ra me warder) near (lie contact i~ trandOmet! Intophegiorkse-, areephabole-awl hypt-r9thew * Met g91111 OUtC1111011t NOW indkZtl transfusion, nX X ' i h d l f " w t eve ogratent o K Is;xur and biotitc. , Pegmatite, *41 aplite and ore-Ixazing veins am frcquent, the last conig. autiferms melfidesmormutite. rassitcritc. etc.; 4 analyses are givere. C. A. Silberml Iof 5-4-x -.,L- FATALLUSSICAL LITERATUNg CLASSIVICAVION U (14C asking-C, diiiii Cd 4.VM t it Im9a 3 1T jZA__ S a a 619 11 1 W a U aAV go A511 Is a 000 0.0 060so 0 0 0a 0 90 0000 41 0 a 0f000 0 0 0.0 0 ,A oo 00 9*j 90 a :0 x 0 di- of go It III U 4 I t L L L- A-J-- t -P --A-- L-.L- A 01"11111 AftO 010PIlIffil 44PIl fit Applications of spectral analysis At the Chussoir Ngial. furgicphint. H.M.Rothkov. Bu.11.aead-reiX.S.S.R., S;r PAY$. 9. ItC'wrjIvr prokTss is irolled by the cuntcut of V and Cr. Throlvtl hould con 0)"taill not more I Ilan n" A rapid analysis is Made voith The sterlo~tvjw in 4-5 nli n* After the introduction of s1krtni jnaly4i the no~ of de- ftctive MCI(% ICII froln 13% to 27, S. llak~wcr S ctral "Yale of ferrous metals. V.G.Foritskil * - T ,-WI94.'* Bu "od. ni. U.S.S.R.. Sir. pltys. 9, 1 ,4 (I'.*IIxIi-h su"Illury).-A Irpvt oll the State of -kiwCtial ' snaly.~is in the induitry of kwou~ ioclal- in I S.911., Pablver A StIALLUNGICAL UIENOLAK CLASSWICATICk Als.&L $.1443 w It ft T 404 "ILIF-1047i am a-, 1%, b u a At 10 As -.I r - 4 1 1 a I a Iw a it 6, 1 At IN 9 n I IP or it X a R It x It it, It Or "o n I so of 0 00 A o 6 4 0 a Of 0 0 9a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 as * 9 0 0 000 C~* 0,4116 00 0 0 a 41 a -00 -40 o q0 o moo ago all I i I I v of it a 6 6 -FW PDOCttill AND P110*1111 it N - - - 4rnW The Aitermim" q&mddcs of manwe" In d steirts wick the aid of at* 49*10WOpg. It. Ni 114fkOV .011 A Lak. 13. - - - - Two.4urfa m M Clit angk-s are vourul on the itimple aml n 0 06 their ilmnin'"t (41fir is givrn a fledill. .4 almitterr ill 0.11-1 oo "Filk Cu circircm1r. A 'venfittlit, aic at S assil). 1. 11 so 00 a for excitat"t. LNctns. acvurmc iti 1-i than & N),o a obtainable where Nin 6 bi,twerit (mr2aud 0.15% by com- 100 paring Mn 4M.4 (A) with Vc 47FAMS (H), 4779.4 (C). OJW%"' ~ Ni %i I (n) t C A .0 0 00 0 A"' t . tit n . n. i . 1)._ 1%1 hill, 'I 11'r ee So 0 00 oo =0 0 Hi r 00 CO 0 &VALLURCKAL LITIERATURIF CLASSIFICAilGli .s .8c- usa- moviliv 0 r I Idnava -6 111104113 "it 0" Got VIS111 am Gv M -T u -- - -11 - - -1 -"Ml No IT to An L 1 9 U 0 01 if IN 0 A 43 2 AT M " , ;'J~ I ~u I 0 00 0, w 0 41 0 0 411 00 00 0 0 0 0-0 0 a 0 00 0 00 0 ' 'D 'D 0 0 0 6 0 I - 6 00 0.0 41~0 AN, 0 es a 0.0 411-0 00 0,900 0 0 O 0 O a - - - - - - . - w - - - - - w - v -IV v v V w W I w It tj 13 M 11 16 It w xj It a n h a Al m a AS u it AU 41 The Dollmsbuibm at 8=11 QmamaUm at Mmamiiiiiie in -00 00 lbd WKIA iM AM ad Uw ~WekmmoW It. N. tWrk.,v soul Itkov. IAbOrUtUfiY-l. 194" , Vol. 13. .00 09 I, Ill. .1. 33101). Too murfa-tv at r*ht aughm iuv groutul oil IN, vitutiplit vinit lix-Ir mlilluvil r4wo in ght'll a hulilis of vurval urr of 0, 3 to I ~ imu, 'llus mIg" ia Isloh.-1 % r4i jally. rA 0 go j L*t"tuirtiwLAkvur*Ie v to IwA I I-psi � !W," suv obtainable WIWM IFUUlgnl~ iss tW. .00 twevit 0.02 suid 0- 14'. by costilwAng nuuwtn~ 47.43.4 (A) with iron 4786-9 (it), 4770.4 (0). anti 47AS-7 (D). At 0-06% muigatiew A -,C; at O-Ull; masigmit- A D. 2 SOO at 0. 13^' evuLngan~ A R. coo we A A #114I.LURGICAL LIT1447149 CLASIWKATICK tAls 40 44.1n.. Is -it 4.40011 1C.3 .&r Q~ a" - Til -awc%l 7ii 1 0 13 "1 11.1 ml A t a a U U AV At It,,; 666,640W66640 k : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:6 0,41 0 1 1 ' '000 410 0 60 0* 00 *066 01*0~ (Woodworking machinery)