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ACCESSION NR: AT4o42711 vidual's tolerance threshold4 The compensated ybase is neither stable nor completei The adaptation which is achieved is somewhat many factors which inhibit,* Study of the compensated phase canhelp in'., protective neurohumoral. mechanisms. an understanding of the physiological.mechaniGme of adaptation and in the discovery',., of natural acts of self-protection. Since centripetal accelerationla equivalent "to the acceleration of.terrestrial gravity, the burden of resistance toincreased gravitation falls on the physiological systems of adaptation to terrestrial gravityi,,,@,!- The author emphasizes the importance of 1),protective tonic muscular reflexes trig- :gered by various mechanisms, 2) circulation-regulating mechanisma maintaing blood. supply to vital organs, 3) compensation of..respiratory insufficiency, and,,A) the role of the vestibular apparatus. Study ofthe decompensated phase'permita,weak links in the chain of interdependent adaptive phenomena, i. e., those which.limit, acceleration tolerance, to be distinguished. 'Datalobtained by the physiological analysis of the high acceleration'.tolerance of.insectalare given, and possible remote sequ elae of chronic exposure to radial acceleration are discussed. ASSOCIATION: none Card 2,13 -7- 707 ACCESSION'NRr",@, 30(1,),16(2) 06558 AUTHORS: Arzhanykh, I. S. , __RozranblyuA,J@.11, , SOV/166-59-4-9/10 Landsman,M.I. and Kellbert,SX. TITLE- On the Threefold Treatment of -the Cotton Shrub by the Cotton Harvester Ylith Vertical Spindles PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Seriya fiziko- matematicheskikh nauk,1959, Nr 4, pp 64-69 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe the rosults of experiments carried out on November 17-28,1958 on the fields of the Scientific Research Institute for Mechanization and Electrification.of the AS Kh N Uz SSR by the laboratory of mechanical cotton harvesters.of the Institute of Mathematics and'Mechanics at the AS Uz SSR, in order to examine the working of the new cotton harvesters gKhM-48M-ANT-1. and 2 which additional pair of spindle barrels and perform a threefold treatment oftheshrub. The maximal*.h arvest (88. 9%) reached SKhM-481,1-ANT-1. Because of the satisfactory results corresponding agriculturalmachines shall be constructed,@The auestion of the multiple treatment of the shrubwas firstly treated by L.M.Rozenblyum in 1949 (patent Nr 86 314, 1949).@ There are 3 tables and 3 figures, ASSOCTATION:Institut, mekhaniki AN Uz SSR (Institute of Mechanics AS Uz@SSR) SUBMITTED: April 2, 1959 Card .1/1 -ACCESSION NR: AT4025435 S/0000/62/000/000/0048/0057 .AUTHOR: Rozonblyum, L. Ya. TITLE: 'Model of a neuron, using a rectangular hystere- sis loop core (ferristor) SOURCE: Nauchno-tokhnicheskoye obshd*nestvo radiotekhniki i elektros-. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya Iconferentsiya. 16th, Lenin rad, 1961. Kibernetika i elektronno-vy*chislitel'naya tekhnika (Cyber- netics and.electronic computer technology); materialy* konferentsii...,,: ,Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 19621, 48-57 TAGS: ferrite switch, neuron, neural network, logic ci):cuit, computer component, biodynamics ABSTRACT; After first.describing.the properties of a biological neuron and.the requirements:for a hypothetical model.of-the neuron,, the author des.cribes.a neuron analog of the "ferristor" type which Card, 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4025435 consists of a threshold element proper having a certain number of stimulating and suppressing inputs, and an output amplifier which shapes at the neuron output a standard signal which.can stimulate several other inputs without noticeable change in the form and mag- nitude of the output signal. In additiont, the analog contains a feedback loop to,simulate the accommodation and refractor nature of the neuron. The threshold element is a rectangular-hysteresis-loop core having several.input windings, an excitation winding, and an output winding. An experimental model of the ferristor was con- structed to operate at frequency up to 10 kcs, accommodation time of.. about 5 microseconds, an absolute refractor time of about 100 micro- .,seconds, a relative refractor time of about 1100 microseconds, and a synaptic delay of about 1-2 microseconds. These parameters could. be modified at will. The ferristor can be used as a logic element for computers and is also used at-the computation ce'nter(headed by V.:I. Varshav6kiy) of the Leningrad Division.of Matematicheskly institut im. Steklova Akademii nauk SSSR to model neural networks. Card 2/4 - -------- - - -- -- Card 3/4 L io915_67 WMAWP(l) lij!(C) BB/GG ACC NR, AT6020527 SO RCE CODE:. U11/0066Tdi/666/666T6980125 AUTHOR.- Bogolyubov, I. N.; OvB1yev1ch,,B.* L.; Rozenblyum, L. Ya* =77 ORG: none TITLE: Synthesis of threshold and majority logic circuits SOURCE: AN SSSR, InstItut problem peredachl Informats1l. Sotl poredachl, Informatell I ikh avtomatizatslya (Circutts'for Information transfer and their automation), Moscow W-vo Nauka, 1965, 80-125 TOPIC TAGS: logic design, computer logic, switching theory, circuit theory, logic element' ABSTRACT:, The authors present a systematic survey of threshold and majority logic and in, addition supply. some original results.- The threshold elements are defined., The necessary anId sufficient criteria for the realization of a th@eshold logic function with arbitrary number oIf variables are derived by consider Ing the results.of a two-person zero-s um. game. S11hpll- fied methods of function realization are presented where the realizability conditions are neces- sary but not necessarily sufficient. Later, sufficient conditions are found for a limited number of variables. The synthesis of linear-input threshold circuits are analyzed by reducing the Card -1/2 L L 1091 7 j Car@ 2L2 L 44260 i ACCEEMON NR:- '.-APS007241 0 d AUTHOR Varhw4e @X.`ACLL (lie*' TITLE: Synthealzing pyrimildal vlv@*Itg Arg SOUACEt AN SSSR. Izve @a. Tekfinithe-O"' VOPIC. TAGS: pyramidal r6AV-:@@=`-'..-w@__! cl -A: Or @ant'h ABSTRACToi The ekpane ow orm@d f auggested by R. Lindaman and M. Cohi.; Opic -I not alw4&yiF result in economical s6lutional function is symxnetrical'*itW a., -e--,yai The formula permitu synthe 1xili 6-yr-arnidalL 9 p inputc,by@succiessiveli a e -to contract' -th --possibility is pr iosed*.,:-. Oxii 'exp"si- gu V, no SSOCUTION no - A A 06s. z 33;':7@i _AVov-noi-Jj 6 V. @J All dotsent (Irkutsk, Baykallskaya ul., d. 58-g); VYSOTSYXIA,-.K.P., LIYV, E.Kh. [L-,iv,E.],(Tartu, Estonskaya SSR,.ul. Kalevk, d. 106-a., I kv. 3); TIMW4E, @ Kfi.M.- [Tihane, H. ]; _ROZEI-TBLYUM, N..@B -(Mnsk, ul. Ydrova,d.2,,kv.43); VELLER, D.G. ov, Kostomarovskava. ul.,d.18,kv:19); GfMRKASOVA,,T.I. (Nogiva) wL ,, d.15,17Y.14); DEDOVA, V.D. Ortop Abstracts of articles received by the editors travm. i prote:,. 24 no.3:73: -76 Mr '-63- (MIRA 1. Iz fakullte-tskoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. kaf6d-ricy - prof. B.D. Dob.7chin) Irkutskogo meditsinskogo instit-atal.- (rektor - prof. A.M. N.4itin) (for Vysotskaya). 2. Iz Tartuskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy (for Llyv% Tikhane@. 3. Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. kand, med. nauk G.M. Yakovenko) inediko-sanitarnoy chast-i Minskogo traktornogo zavoda (for Rozeriblyum). 4. Iz TSentrallnogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedii (dir. prof. M.V. VolkovN.(for Cherkasova, Dedova). L 78713IN-66.. AEC NR. AP6027204 SOURCE CODE: UR/0193/66/000/006/0019/0026 AUTHOR: Svidler, K. N.; Rozenblyum, M. @G. 3A ORG: none TITLE: Alphanumeric output unit for a digital control computer SOURCE: Byulleten' tekhniko-ekonomicheskoy informatsii, no. 6, 1966., 19-20 TOPIG TAGS: computer output unit, telegraph signal ABSTRACT: A digital control computer output unit is described which can convert parallel output alphanumeric information from the computer-into a 5-bit start-stop @ig. 1. Block diagram of the output unit to 1 - Delay element; 2- inhibit element; 3 - gate; 4- NAND 50 c _L J4 gate; Tij....T11 flip-flops. P1 Card 1/2 681,142,32 L ACC NR. AP6027204 telegraph code. The unit (see Fig. 1) is based on core-diode building blocks and use-q the 50 cps line frequency for synchronization. The 6.3 v 50 cps voltage derived *from.the power line is shaped by two delay elements and an inhibi.tor gate which gives out 20 msec system clock pulses. The flip-flops are arranged into a shift registex circuit in which upon command the T3 flip-flop generates a start pulse and succeedingi flip-flops (T8, TO T92 T53 T10), actuated for every 20 msec, open the corresponding gates between the accumulator output D and a single output telegraph line C. The stop pulse is generated when T61 T11 are active, after which an end of message may be sent. The unit may accomodate other codes if its shift register is expanded accordingly. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. .-[BD] SUB CODE:, 09/ SUBM DATE: none/. ATD PRESS: L Card :?/2 It If 11 lot 14 tr Al MID. It v If M 0 M V If P a 41 a Aj a fS eo 11a, Ir UP rt h I I 4L -I a FAIxe Anxim of I)roplct-% (It, Russian.) 1. Petryall" '00 #,-J N. Dokhul( llkademii V,#,tk SIVS1.1 00 i fras, w-r;,a,,,,,y I, v. 61. Aug. 1, 1948. p. 661-664. AttempLa to e,.4tabllsh relationships noWlig NiZVA I)( droplets. their edge angles. liquid compositions. and characteristics of the surfaces involved. R, 0 sidt. of inventivation Amved that such relation @Iliim are vviternl ft,r nil litiuld an.1 -li-I surfac-Z 0 boiwvvvr. Oil, .,IK,- ,ngt@ &I ...... 1, ..., It- MIM. ..i the liquid, and solid surfrices. DaIn art- charted. '00 Zo 0 4D J V 0 CL ASSWICATIc" Ile- ..Lill Pip i,:; 0 s-, Qv( An L I-- R a I V 04 2 U U A. .3 L,!; ov" twit Itu r(tIrt it cc w n I Ill To's 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 410 00 6 0 410 0 0 0 0 6 60 0 : 0 0 0 48 0 0 9- 0 * 0 * *, 0-* * * "* 0 a * * * * * * (D * * * P." 1,11M 11PEArrATIM WV/)OI1 ob3WWATO byull@t." Ilotin or tIm All-Union Astronnalc4l. and nvodatlo 3oclety: lad-vo AN OWN, 50 p. 1.@% Copies SPO ... ri@. AA.d..Iye asu't WSR. 141tortal Boardi V V. Fedynskly (Resp. 14.), H.S. Bbro, (D,;-jty IWIP. Ea.), r n M.M. Dagyov, I.T. ZAtkLn, A.A. Iiatcm@ P.P. Parswugam M. Popov, V.A. Rranahta I 8,,erntary) FURPM- This bnaklat Is IntenAoi. for sstron@m and geophysicists. o"W* COVTRArR.- This Is a collection of 14 articles on various questions In astra Among the problem treated am: -t-sizim the age or %..ur formation by sualy. tout ent-ritle craterdistribtion, sti-tion 1. '@" no of noctilucent clauds, star brilliance, solar cyclesp mateor and cosat Th.- is an, article an the 12th Mo.cav Astronomical Olympiad c tition for students of satroacM and geodemy. Wervaces accompany individual'articlas iccounting for Atmospheric Ixtinctim in the Observation or 16@tuu-nt Claude P4 Statistical ReLtIandhip Betwen the Amplitude of the rltlaaa I. BrIUlance or Variable 8tars and Their Spectral Class 26 fjshnq!%kq, Y@j and M.N. Pjahn.A.. Gb4.-tlans of the C.-t. Arend-ftlend 4: ad Krit-a in 1957 31 jazaftbl7um an B.Y. Orlov's Formula 35 flOsenblyumt N.V. hVe.sativi a Cho Stand Motogrsph of Uw Wiser 9-ID of December 1950 : I I " - 57 Nikolayev, B.P. ito Approximate comwtation or the Mona's Pbs"s 30 ItUlknikerv M.A. Apparatus for Photographing IcIly4es Mll-kbik.r, N.A. Result. ,of Observations of the SDI- ZC2.1p.. of J@.. 30, 2954 is the Tovm of Chorkassy T-"Cbk, L.G. Oat.s on a, Unk. gnpirl.1 I s, s 46 Haviev The ?"Im Mo.caa Astronomical olrml. ceepet1t, he or KULAGIN. S.G.; KOVBASYUK, L.D.; DAGAYEV, M.M.; RqZWLTUM.,jqJ?.@;@TWRC 0 I.F.(Irkutsk); KAVnIN, A..A. (Irkutsk); KONSTANTINOVA, :T.G. (Irkutsk);' K=IN-A, V.A.(Irkatsk). KULIN G V. (Irkutsk); SAZONOVA, Z.G (Irkutsk); CHZ_RffM, L.I. (Iikut'sjc-)'; CEKRNM, H.S. (Irkutsk); Ir&MIDOBICH, Te.G.'; BRONSHTEN, V.A.; TAKHONTOVA, N.S. (Leningrad); PEROVA, X.B.; DOKUCHAYEVA, O.D.; KATASEV, L.A.; KLTAKOTKO, M.A.; PARENIGO, P.P.; SHCffERBINA-SAMOYLOVA, I.S.; MASEVICH, A.G.; RTABOV, Tu.A.; SHCENGLOV, V.P.; PSMI; Tu.G.' MARTINOV, D.Ya.. FEDYNSKIY, V.T.; VORONTSOV-VELIYAMINOV. B.A.; ZIMI, F.Tu.; BAMIN' P.I.,; RAXMIN, I.Ta., red.; AXEIAMOV, S.N., [Astronomical calendar] Astronomicheskii kalendar'. [A yearbook; variable section for 1959] Ezhegodnik. 1@eremennaia cha,st', 1959. Red.kollegiia P.I. Bakulin I dr. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo fiziko- matem.lit-ry, 1958. 370 P. (Vsesoiuznoe astrgnomo-geodezicheskoe obshchestvo, no.62) (MIRA 12:2) 1. Gosudarstvannoys astronomo-geodezichaskoye,obshchestvo (for Kulagin, Kovbasyuk, Demidovich)-.2. Moskovskoye otdele iye*Vsesoyuznogo astro- nomo-geodazichei3kogo o;shchestva (for Dagayevn, RozenblIyum, Bronshten, Perova). (Astronomy--Yearbooks) S/089/ d-/0 -10/001/0 2/0-20 Boo6/K63 AUTHORS: Mitellman, M. G., Yerofeye-,, R. TITLE: Conversion of Energy of Short-lived Radioactive Izotopes PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 19't, Vol. 0. N,--- 1) p7 2 - 7 3 TEXT: a- and P-active isctopes produced by -'Interaction 'retween neutrons and matter may be used as emitters of charged particles-, and a potential difference can be effected by gathering these particles on a collector. Basing on this principle, it is possible to build converters consisUng of an emitter and a collector which are separated by a solid dielectric or a vacuum. The current supplied by such a converter is proportional to the number of charged particles leaving 'the emitter. A(N anGAW, Vr a exp(-0.693t/T)), where Nais the Avogadro number; a s the neutron- caDture cross section;.n is the neutron flux; G is the mas of the emitter;, M is the atomic weight of the emitter.substance; T is@the half--life@,of the., forming isotope; and t is the time of irradiation of.the emitter. If is much greater than T, the number of charged particles is independent of Conversion of Energy of Short-lived Radioact;.ve S/08 60/0-,0/001/01.2'020, Isotopes B006Y30063 -Uime, and if t is much smalisr than T, it is p-roportion'al tc- the time of exposure; this means that cnly a substance with the smallest pGssi-b-7r-- value of T will ensure steady operation of the -,@onverte-r- M-D-FoVer 0 -103 t' jho,,:,Id be as great as possible. Experiments were made wJth Rh @ (I 10 b), The resulting Rh1G4 emits P-particle6 with a .5 blev -- 1 @ n energy of 2 and has a T value of 41.8 sec. Such an element consists of a rhod-ium Wire (diameter, 0.8 mm; weight, 0.42 g) which is coated with an isclating varnish and a polyethylene film 1.5 mm, and -s placed in an aluminum containerserving as a collector, The element ;-,,aS placed in a hole of the research reactor of the In5titut atomnoy energi-i ALI SSSR im. I.V.Kurchatovae (Institute of Atomic Energy AS USSR imeni I. V. Kurchatc-,r). There, was exposed to a ne-Litron flux Iof 10 12 2. 8 s' rVCM se@, (4,2 jo aj exzernal res.L @an-e. 40 01 ohms, 420 -f)@ The electrons released by neutron bom@Lardzicn` .1 YL.Ppi-,@ a ourren of 6.10-8a which is, however, reduced b * absorption. Thereup6n. the cow.arter was introduced into a hole with 1016 - 1011n/cm2se!@, The @urrent dropped to 1.6-10-9a within two minutes. Such a converter may be 4 used as a source of constan- h4g@-, frequency and for 'he determ-nation ,f." 110,utron f'LUXeS: Fii,ailu, the choi---@. c@f T./T for giv@:-n Card 2/' Cr-aversion of Energy o'L Shc-rt-llved Radioactil ve S/Oe9/61,/Q10/00!/0-,2/02G isotopes B006/BO63 flux is discu ssed, The optimum value corresponds to an equilibrium con- centration of the isotope obtained and ensures steady operation, There are 1 figure and 1 Soviet reference. SUBMITTED: April 22, 196o Card!3/3 A27 S/190/62/004/005/001/026 B119/B101 ,Z:1_ Kocnergins 1 7 kaya, L. L., Rozenblyum, N. D., Stasyuk, Kh A. It 2reoaration and properties of ion exchange films from gr--.L cojolymers on t'-a "oasis of polyole'Lins and some monomers ,y.,;o'l,o;,,iole',.ulyarr,,yye soyedineniya, v. 4 5, no. 1962, 3n exchan-e membranes were prepared by radiation grafting of s e o r -mixtures of styrene and acrylonitrile on films of hi.-h--)ressure i@@ I a@-,e or of the et hyl ene copolymer with 151;/1 propyl ene ( Cap- 5 L-.-Ilckness; 30 and 15 @L) and, by subsequent sullfonazion. Cobal-z-60 --as -,7.s;7-6 as radiat4on source. The radialion dose was varied be'weer; 1.03 Ze-arad, 'L-,he mixi -rile - styrene between ratio acrylonik, _n-@ 20 : 80, and e solvent for -@-he imonomer ivas a F lso varied. @'h eelectrical zesistivity in a I N NaCl solution, the extensibility, and e a-rarr.-h of 'he re3ulting membranes were measured. Results: U resistivity dec;7eases as the content of graft monomer reaso-_; whereas the ion exchange capacity increases. -Extensibility and Ii2 NP C J--)--/F.WT W /ETC (f CC NRt AP6022136 SOURCE CODE: UR70080763/038/0:L2/2662/2665 AU7110R: Kqchorginskaya L. L.; R ozenblyum, D.; Stasyuk, Kh., A.: Zhitkova, L. G.;. Breger, A@-.Kh. OFG; none 13 E: Obtaining ion-exchange membranes by the TIT11 pre-irradiation Mlthod SOURCE,; 2hurnal prikladnoy khimii, Y. 38, no. 12 1965, 2662-2665, @'TOPIG TAGS: phosphorylation, ion exchange membrane, gamma irradiation, sulfonation.- KESIMACT: To verify,the possibilities of the.pre-irradlation method',, pplyelefin' I S;Psg:7 irradiated IF6. a. unit used for radiation-chemical research with Co 0 a-rzi@ tm source (dose strength:-- 0.15 megarad/hour) in the p.resence of atmospheric oiWgen. The peroxide group content in irradiated films was determined by an iodometric method. It was established that the peroxide group content at room temperature does not vary over a period of two to three months. GraftJng of the monomer was carried-out in an elevated temperature outside the irradiated zone. For introduction of ionogenic. groups, the grafted fi3xis underwent , sulfonation, saponification, or phosphorylation. It was found that the presence of an oxidation inhibitor Card 1/2 UDC: 661.183.12@ ACC NIZ-. APL')03)i!51 SOURCE CODE: Uti/007~,'/6/o)io/o,0/2)i'li/2,;'7 AUTIHOR: Rozen .blyum, N.@ D.; Bubyreva, N. S.; Bukhareva, V. I.; Kazakevich, G. Z. Scientific Research institute of Power Sources (Vsecoyuzny, ,,auchno--*.~.sledova~uel's',tiy institut istochnikov toka) -IE. e -flusion in silver oxides Si1v r di @SOURCE. Zhurnal fizicheskoy khiLlii, v. 40, no. lo, 19066, 24064-2467 T ilver, silver te - ion, m .etal .MPIC TAGS: s electrode, silver zinc bat' iy, oxide format diffusion ABSMICT: Solid diffusion of silver in silver suboxide Ag 0 and in silver oxide 2 At,O has been studied at differen,@, temperatures as a means 0- evaluating the ox-da- power sources_.Ihe ---on rate.of a silver electrode in silver-zinc electrochemical lasion coefficient D Of Gilver, was determined by contact method using an 0-16 to Ag 110 L-sotope as the diffusing tracer, was found to vary in AgO from 1 10-13 -12 1 cn,2 * s e c range and in Ag 0 from 10 @o 10-10 cmZ_s.ec_ in the 20-85C. in 2 -e 20-163C range. Diffusion equations were established from the@plots of D versus temperature for Ag - AgO and Ag - Ag2O transfers within.,the indicated teMperature ranges. The difference in D between. AgO and Ag2O was explained as', different =echanisms; of diffusion. Diffusion in Ago occurs _by interstitial mi grIat-L or, Card C Ljlaat: ACCESSION NR; AP4029696 S/0089/64/016/oQ4/0351/0353 01r, AUIHORS: Konanovich, A#A,; Mitel"man, M.G.; Rozenblyum, N.D. G_ TITLE: Calculating the nuclear sources of a direct-charge ourren SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 16, no 4, 1964, 351-353 TOPIC TAGS: energy conversion, radioactive radiation,pparticle spectrum, Sr sup,90,.l sup 90,isotope, charging current, eraitter,, collector, infinite electrode, self absorption, duraluminum ABSTRACT: Described in thisreport is an attempt to calculate:a voltage source produced by-a direct charge based on a simple prin- cinle. The primary beta-par-'Clicles of a radioactive Isotope escape from an emitterand gathar in.a, collector. The charging current oduces a potential difference between the electrodes located in at p high vacuu-, and isdetermined by the general activity and spectrum of the beta-particles of the employed radioactive prop. aration. It ;N is determined also by the voltageon the source electrodes,,the geometry of -the electrodes, the lea,k.age current produced on the A-i collector by the secondary emission :of beta-particles, and the self- 1/2 Card AGGESSION NR; AP4029696 absorbtion of beta-particles which reduces the effectiveness of the preparation. and disDlaces tl pectrum@ peak of the beta-particle s- in the direction of higher enerTW. The emitter consisted of a@ plate measuring 100 x 60 mm; pm 7 preparations were attached onto,@] that plate. . The sheet duraluminum hning the walls of the.vacuum . I chnber served as a collector. The insulation resistance was about 10 ohms, and the capacitance of.the system about 10 picofarads... The discrepancy between tile experimental and estimated results:can be explained by the InacciLrate definition of such parameters as, resistance, capacitance, activity, eto. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 3 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUMITTED: 14mar63 DATE ACQ:.olmay64 ENCL: @00 SUB CODE: N? NRREF SOV: 002 OTIME R: .003 Card 2/2, 7", 0 ; Nal j: 0 o a x a $1 V a x a a a is 41 a W 11 a 4,11 1, cc0 lit &NO 240 040M too xo 4 r. caot.1 - raccal"I AND I'llortslits *Noe a :614 LYVfV'; 00 A -PHIr -WX TION OF THEE CRITICAL POI METHOD FCR THE GRII -Z D ETZ NTS OF STEEL FROM DIFMRFMIAL DiLATmerRic cums. Ax chervyakov and ' 6* Zavodaka:.-& Laboratoriya 1949, vol. 15, VF, pp 610-1 b H -00 6!2@.@n ussian. A geometrical method of wcamining .00 differential cWLatometzic Gurves is proposed. In this method 13 the curve is'trans said into an obliqueangiii Uystem of coordinates. PO The absciseae have the direction of the displacment of the light a t along the photographic plate when the a Landard specimen along spo coo 00- the photographic plate when tre standard speciment alone in the 41 00 unper quartz tuve or the dilatemster acts on the prism (or rdrror) zoo x Similarly The direction of the ardla4to corresponds. to that of the go 0 actUn on thl saw.,priAm 1, soir*nsnt of the light spot during the l (or mirror) of the specimen under test alone in tha lowe r quertz tube 0 of the dilatometer. Curves or this type are shown to be czable of giving accurate values for the ckitical points of steels. 0 0 zoo 4 too A%4.SL 61TALLUXGKAL UTINAU0112 CLASSIFICATION too 8 - - .4. a- cat NPIA17 Car a.. Lli U U AV No a .0, T A S 11 U 0 0 8, 1 W 0 0 a a 3 S . ,6 T49 0 O's 0 0 -04 0 0 0 0 Wo 0 a *.* 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IV .0 0 0 0 0 0 w 0 0,0 e el@o 4?--s 0 Is 0 * 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Gi 4 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 03 1 1 1 4 1 1 11 u.sid ism 1) 10 19 Jr) 11 a b It a )a v a J9 A L JL m r 9 4 A 3 11 Jil It 34 is A&VAR40 44 Q a a 0 _ _ . AA CC W It 4r A S . A metlwd Ofating colhaluld wastem, as, lwvks* Alatims 1935. N..@ 3. i. -firlwil wilh ad.111. of SAIC @Jld pr-W,I jilt,. III,. L4 WIliell ,In IW 1IK'nI Milli 11.141 AgAill. 08 0& 17 00 r -00 so -00 c 0 free =00 go 00 roe 0 Zoo 00 00 :d 00 @1 490 j , too ft 0 "00 "ties I A .8 TAJ I UrIKAL Lill #At 101 1 11C. 04 S c3o 0 .0 10 -w 7 .04 , * uIs IT la I ` I v a t @ -A 4 p t, at 0, m K a a I 'r vc ff if @ w " # 15 00 e 0 0:0 0 9 eel g 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 18 0 We C 0 0 0 09 000 0 0 0 0 04 9 0 OLO 0 0 00 0 0 @ 0 0 9 0 @ 0 41 0 6 0 070 0 0 9 o 0 a 0 4 0 G 0 0 (14olitopoll--f-fachine tools) -*-O-e PP -41F, 4'4 d f -0-9-0 0 9 0 0 0 0-0 11111- W r ' * . I I 1 4 1[ 12 13 14 IS 16 ti f! 0 A, .(J_@ *_._ 1 4 -A-f J -AL-P@ AL AA .4 OZ 5A/ 6 L YIJA( , , , @Me PA=09Y of ba"J And cArbullydrair m,tablissn in kid -00 A ney I derS S@ , -thfaire wAl. armir s -00 _ Cht"'. Zf;ttr. 1937. 1. 17' 210--l-Thr liil@al moal"kni owding in Krotigh slid Knitniiiig in tiimwtlr" ill I lie kitlow% s@ Ittlifi l Th a - el . "r w x an illey"a". ill lite TaIr oI Illf'. Is-tt n-nditkinv, In the rx@ of to-titifet-twit, -owil."blerhan1jr,wISI Itr detmt,,I, Thi, feel%. M th, -0 *11921 ill Illi-e eaw@ petinottO Ifir JO-th-tl III Mlikill toric rillinfillf-4 ill of 1, ?, #1 00 4 . Its Iisncvn)uq owdili'lli, Ill., le,pilal-it, -If it %.,v 1..w '1111. 'tiltl..Ill fIl'jj .11119 it Ow mt fit I@ all I'll Ill.' M, 00 cancro'.11, li-11'. G M-Ir - . 0 00 2 coo 0 tiff uo o , i'lle 0 -77 b u kv a @ io IS it 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *4 0 0 0 0 ' 4. 6* 0 so o 0A 0 00 0 0 0 0 000 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 goo 00649660041090 0 0 90 17- 0 Of if It It It t 0 m o -1 64 0 11 . A JL . f 9 k L h I a A 0 m w U A -r- , , , - - - 4 lot. 6.0 - " * Lub@@Wjo w point. 'i. RAMAIT57FA. - X ibl t h h ;7, Raze Yurl, , i S c exrova, H. L. Utvintseva. and Vli S R & M - - . JA , J-.. 31, 1015. Alkyl- phenols produced by condensatirin o(chlorinated paraffin , with; phtaW, in the presence o( AlCh, or alkylphenyl pbthaktes,@ produmd by causint thc4c allcylphenols to -00 - rtact with phtlmh'c anhy title or chloroanhy d dride, art 00 ii-d as addn. agents in lutirkants in order to prevent the -pit, nf paraffin and cir@n. M. flosell aloe so 0 so coo ro* 0 0 00 Iiso* ASA-SLA 017ALLUJIGICAL UYERAYL-ARE CLASSIFKATM316 SIC.. la.4 83.1m. CM1 (let 111111 OK a., Lit 111)(10 I JA L V N 0 0 1 W 14 2 Al 0 3 1 iI U I K K It of a PC 91 It Now n, T 0 0 A 0 e I f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OL* a 0 4 0 4 if 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e OU 25(5) PHASE I BOOK EIPLOITATION 307/2613 . I - 1; R@aPerizzan zauchno-zinaledavatel skly shoh1kh .tLnkoY..,Otdsl xodoi-nizatsli.@.. ":rnizatsfiA metallorazhuahchikh stankovj aborntk informat- lon"kh matarialov, vyp. 2 /20/ (Plod" rnlza-.-,= of Metal- outting Machine Toolai Collection of Informative Materials, r 2/20/) Moscow, TaUTI, 1958. 44 p. Emata slip Inserted. '000 copied printed. SPOnfioring,Agenays Glavuliproyekt pri goapl&ne SSSR. Zd.s A.Yo. Prokoporichj Tech. Ed.t T.V. Alek"yeva. PURPOSEs Thin brochure is intended for designers and manufacturers of machine tool Attachments. COVERAGE1 The articles In the brochure bri f2y describe automatic loadIng attachments for universal Tetal- uttIng -,China tool* : which aro successfully used by various plants. Thaso attach- mants are used to facilitate the reduction of support time and *to ease the work or operators. Specific 4dasign change& Intro- duced on currently manufactured Ppllne-broschiuZ zahines and representative machine tool m0derniration projecZ3 are also did- ou seed. No personalities are mentioned. There &--a 21 Soviet _'_rofdroqqqo._ Aa.aQy:um_.24. Design Changes Introduced on Model 7A590 Auto- "tic 3pline-broacning Machine Manufactured by the Moaltopol-skty a. (Melit6pol- Machine stankostroitellnyy zavod imeni 23 Oktah Tool Manufacturirg Plant Imeni 23 Getober 37 g 25(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2582 Shiferson, Mikhail Mikhaylovich, and Samuil Getselevich Rozenblyum Modernizatsiya metallorezhushchikh stankov, vyp 19; sbornik informatsionnykh materialov, vyp. 1 (Modernization of Metal-cutting Machine Tools; Nr 19; Information on Bulletin, Nr 1) Moscow, TsBTI, 1958. 35 P. Errata slip inserted. 5,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Eksperimentallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallorezhushchikh stankov. Otdel mod.ernizatsii., and Glavniiproyekt pri Gosplane SSSR. Ed,: A. Ye, Prokopovich; Tech, Ed,: T. V. Alekseyeva. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for engineering and technical personnel engaged in the modernization of metal-cutting machine.-tools. COVERAGE:. The collection of articles discusses.the,design of modernized assemblies, mechanisms, and fixtures intended to increase the productivity Y' of grinding machines. Design modifications introduced at the Chkalovski (Chkalov Machine Tool Plant) on the Model 7417 Slotter arealso, discussed. No personalities are mentioned. There are 25 references, all Soviet. Card. 1/3 SOV/124-59-i-830 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika,,1959, Nr 1, p121- (USSR) AUTHORS: Lurlye, A.I., Radtsig, M.A., Kroll, A.P., RozenblyumY V.I. TITLE: The Development Methods for Calculating Turbine Parts Under the Conditions of Creeping)4 PERIODICAL: Inform. pistmo Nr 119, Tsentr. n -' -i..kotloturbinnyy in-t. Moscowm-Lenin-, grad, Mashgiz,,1953, pp 1-5 ABSTRACT:' A short exposition of the development resultsof calculation methods for the creeping.of non-uniformly heated turbine disks of an arbitrary profile and turbine diaphragms is given.. The calculation-of the unsteady creeping of a turbine disk is based on thevariation method proposed by L.M. Kacha--., @nov. The distribution of stresses in the state of stationary.creeping, @necessary for this method, is determined by means of the nume ic I integra- r a tion of the system oftwo equations with respect to.two functions, through ses and the deformations in the disk are expressed. To satis-. which the stres @fy the boundary conditionsit is necessaryto Integrate the system 2 3 times.,'The calculation is based on theequations.of,the fluid@dynamics. The steady creeping of a turbine diaphragm is schematically considered as Card'1/2 a semi-ring of constant thickness, at an*arbitrary.relation,betweeh the OW. 'EM R": - --.!n @-, -,@- -I ', -,., " , , " - - :: @ - _tA -WI U 1 n0i blems- (Sis al on Revs. 1100, 1207) Mi. SSSR It. 99-104, 1954.p Papi; piesents ad ap-proi,imace--sobitia f Z ecilowhingo-at both The@ askilial af -the itiit@ 41664*- .-V! being elastic, is subject@ t6 creep Vith Ae low Which as";S tei@ IS CU to SM Idid curvature in the (OM of it cluve.. As "e Oes i we IMUMCJI-@ ate dellecd@a caused by tht v creased furthct the creep at is in until at some Gaitc time lard r the strut collapses. The formulas for the time of development of the deflection, given in the paper. are derived by calculus of va tinfiaos. Hteanikou, Canada USSR/Phy_--ics Plar-tic shell ti,eory FD-636-------' Card 1/1 Pub. 85 3/12 Author Rozenbl@mm, V. I. (Leningrad) Title Approximate theory of equilibrium of plastic shells Pe-"iod,ical Prikl., mat. i mekh., 18, 289-302, May/Jun 1954 Abstract States that the theory of elastic-plastic deformations if thin- walled sliells.w-q develo,-Ied mainly by A. A* Il'y'Ushin (Plastich-. nost', GTTIJI i948),and by Yu. N. Rabotnov ("Approximate tech-._ nical theory of elastic-plastic shells'll PW . 1951,'Vol.,15, No. 2). A considerable portion of this theory consists of problems of,calculating shells whose material follows the scheme of ideal plasticity (does not admit simplification);,here, the main problem is to determine supporting capacity. Institution Submitted February 2, 1954 -i V. I., and @,7 ','J'@'3 @,J. j' pearl" stres: es in welded hetero,-,enous disas of austeni-Lic steel irrit ILIC e Energomashinostroenie, No 1, P. 19) 1956. The reirianent stresses are investi;:ated in application to the possible construction WL' welded rotors. The general laws of distribution of re- Ananent stresses are established for the initial state after welding and a;.ter tempering. A calculation is nade of the rernianent stresSes in .7elded heterogenous discs. it is concluded that the remanent 5tress. distribution is the same before and after temperinE. Temperin-- after welding leads to a new state of stress characterizcd by.tiie appearance of tensile stresses in the austenit-ic steel and compressive stresses in tLe pearlitic with stress discontinuities -in tne weldin, zone. @Ihe calculations are con-firmed by experLment. 4clic h6atinc- tests are n,,,ces,,iary to evaluate the suita'bility JCor o peration of het'--rogenous welded joints. !@,bstract D 470255 AUTHOR: Rozenblyum, V.I. (Leningrad). 24-5-18/25 TITLE:.Desiji;n of a q--t-all--of a turbine blade according to the principle of limit loads. (Proyektirovaniye T-obraznogo khvosta turbinnoy lopatki po printsipu predellnykh nagruzok). PERIODICAL:"Izvestiya Akademii Nauk,Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Naukll-@- (Bulletin of the Ac.Sc., Technical Sciences Section), 1957, No-5, pp.122-126 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Detailed theoretical investigation of the stress state of the tail of a blade is difficult@and therefore strength calculations are usually made on the basis of "conditional" methods, "the tooth" being calculatedfor shear and crushing and the neck for tension, Levin, A.V.(I). Photo.-e,lastic investigations (2 and 3) have revealed that the real stress. state differs considerably from that obtained on the basis of simplified assumptions. Particularlyconsiderable~.local-..,,, stresses were revealed at the angles of the tail with stress concentration coefficients reaching in some the values of two or even three. These results contradict to Card I some extent the experience over many years of trouble-free operation of such tails designed on the basis of simplified. calculation methods. This contradiction can be@explained by Design of a T-tail of a turbine blade according to the principle of limit loads. (Cont.) 24-5-18/25 calculation according to the principle of limit loads. The existence of slight local plastic deformations does not generally bring about a fracture of the tail and is, therefore, admissible. In this paper the limit load is determined for a T-tail and also the most rational configuration of such a tail. It is assumed that the tail fills completely the slot in the disc and tha't-it:-'cannot increase in.thickness during its deformation. The contact between the tail and the rim of the disc is,effected along the upper edge of the tooth and the contact pressure is assumed constant; according to Drucker (4) the obtained value of the limitload will be lower than the real one in this case. The centrifugal force of the tail is added to the centrifugal force of the blade, thus assuming that there are no body forces in the tail. It W'as.found thatlu'he entire area.which is in the plastic state is of hyperbolic shape. The.theoretical conclusions are.utilised for calculating a practical example. Comparison of the Card 2/3 configuration of tails which were, in operation for a long. time is very similar to the configuration arrived at theoretically in this paper. AUTHOR: Rozenblyum, V.I. (Leningrad). 24-7-20/@8 TITLE: _Zn__fFe_-aU_ap`-t_ab_i_1_Yty (shakedown) of non-unif ormly heated elastic-plastic bodies. (0 prisposoblyayemosti neravaomerno nagretykh uprugo-plasticheskikh tel). PERIGDICAL:11Izvestiya Akademii Nauk,Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk: (Bulletin of the Ac.Sc., Technical Sciences Section), 19 7, No.7 pp.136-138 (U.S.S.R.') 5 ABSTRACT: Much attention is being,paid to the problem of "thermal"' fatigue observed during cyclic changes in the temperature of non-uniformly heated components. In this.paper the autAor considers -the problem from the point of view of the theoryN-of "adaptability" which permits verysimple investigation of certain practically important cases. If. the loads applied to an.elastic-plastic system vary arbitrarily within given limits the following three cases., may occur: the plastic deformation incre ases indefinitely as a function of time; theplastic deformation change .s@ cyclically within certain limits but remains,limited in. magnitude; with the progress of time a certain field of residual stresses develops-which excludes,the possibility 1/3 of plastic flow during all further changes in the external forces. In the latter case it can be said that the system,.. zl N V AUTHOR: Ro,zenblyum V. I. (Leninzrad) 24-10-13/26 TITLE: On calculating the temperature stresses in a turbine rotor during starting. (K raschetu tomperaturny1ch napryazirienly v rotore turbiny pri puske) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheslrikh Nauk, 1957, ITO.-10, pp.80-83 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The proble;ii of calculating the non-statuionary'.. steam.and sas turbine rotors becomes complicated if 10-he rotor temperature varies along -the length of.the rotor. Ageneral solution of this problem (for a long cylinder) was published in the form of trigonometric seriesby N. N. Lebedev (Ref.1) in 1937 and also by Trostel (Ref.2) in 1956. In this brief comaunication a simple closed, solution is derived for the practically frequent case.Wnen the temperature of the medium which heats the rotor change S. along the rotor axis in accordance with a linear law. First, the solution is considered for the case that the., temperature of the rotor is independent of the axial coordinate z and the values relating to this are denoted by the index "Oil., Eqs.(1.1), p.80, uti.Lising the results published by Ponomarev Biderman et alii (Ref then,the Card 1/3 author considers the case when the temperature of the 1-tiedium 24-10-13/26 On calculating the temperature stresses in a turbine rotor during starting. shows a linear dependence on the coordinate ,z., Finally, the tem-Derature the stress state is donsidered in a rouor, of which is defined by Eq.(2-5), p.81 and equations are derived for the deformations and the stresses in the cylinder. The faces of the rotor can be assumed as being.. stress free. However, the obtained solutions, Eqs.(3.15), do not satisfy this condition and, therefore, they are suitable only for describing the stress state at some distance from the cylinder faces. To obtain a solution which satisfies all the boundary conditions, it is necessary to deduce from.the second equation (3-15) a solution for a cylinder') the lateral surfaces of which are free and the faces of which are loaded with loads as e- xpressed by Eqs.(4.1). Accurate solution of this problem is not Imo-,,,n; for a cylinder without a central hole a solution was published by A. I. Lurle (Ref.6). A sim5 e approximate solution was published by Biderman (Ref-3 It is stated that,this non-conformity of.the,clalculated stresses at the faces of the rotor does not cause appreciable distortions in the temperature field defined Card 2/3 by Eq.(2-5)2 p@81, and that -this relation can be used: (Disks, Rotating) (Creep of materials) SOV/A-58_67@@,@5,- -'LUTHOR: Rozenblyum, V6 I.. (Leningrad) TITL E: 05nthe@@-ry-of-Shakedo'Wn in Elast ic--Plasti c,--B6d-ies @(K tel) toorii prisposoblyayemosti uprugo-plasty@@eskikh PERIODICAL*, Izvestiya Akademii,Nau,k,SSSR.Otdeleniy6' Tekhnicheskildh Nauk,.Nr 6, 19589 Pp 47-53 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The theory,,of shakedowrn of P1.astic-elastic!structures has been worked:out principally for.colimns (Refs 1,2). :The s also'been studi @(Refs3,4) but its general theory ha ad applications are virtuallylnon_existent.@. However,:if we restrict ourselves, to approximate solutions.then,as is seen from this paper results,@.c'an :be.,obtained Vhich are fully-adequate-for many applications. The-paper,takes as its starting point-a theorem of:Melan (Ref 3). ''In accordance with this theorem the.,necessary:and.sufficient, condition forshakedown is the existence of a statically Possible field of:residual@,stresses for.which the action of an.v set.of loads within given limits is such that the body:does'not.pass.beyond.its yield poin -:The case considered is that for which all,:.the.loads are proportio- Card 1/2 nal to a@parameteTl p stress.distri- bution to a'parameter q. J.he problem re.duces,to the, 21774 S/170J61,/004/004/005/01.4 B108/B209@ AUTHOR: Rozenblyum, V. I. TITLE: Calculation of therma1stresses in cooled gas turbine vanes PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 4, no. 4, 19619 32,- 37 .TEXT: In conducting this study, the,author derived formulas that'allo1w to calculate a vane arising from athermalgradient due to inter- 11 nal cooling. This problem is quite important since.the.majority of modern gas.turbines employ hollow,'internally cooled vanes.* The:type of;vane concerned is assumed.-to'be a thin-walled hollow aerofoilbody with the same ,linear temperature distribution in the wall all across the profile. The expressions t Out a +:bx and t in'n, C '+ (1)Ldescribe...the.variation of temperature of the outer and-inner surfaces.with the distance x from one end of the vane. With the.distance s- from any straight reference line: along@,the vane, and with the distance z from a middle surface:of:the hollow vane,,perpendi6ular to theyalls', the temnerature distribution is, ,C ard 1/7 21774 S/170161/004/904/005/014 Calculation of thermal stresses ... B.1,08/B20 9 middle surface. The relationsh ips between the inner stresses and moments, @TI, T21, T121 . .... 1 142 and the ,components ofthedeformation of the middle surface, lf "12 11 1 r, are the following: A- 2 2 . Eli Ea@ T, (al + -oz.) Idz. h T (4) 2 @h Ea T, : 2 (f- + t4ZI h 7 2 Eh3 IN + vy') -;-E tz dz, 12 (1 h Card 3/7 Eh3 Em M.=' - (%, tz di,: (4) 12 (1 h 67608 ;z q. 14 1 vo SOV/179-59-5-33/41@ AUTHOR: Z.I. (Leningrad) Rozenblyum, _ TITLE Approximate Creep Equations PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademil nauk SSSR, Otdelenlye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 5, PP 157-i6o (USSR) ABSTRACT: Approximate solutions of creep problems are often , obtained by replacing the canonic equations for steady creep (Ref 1) by approximate ones based on the Tresca- ' Saint Venant flow potential. These approximate equations, howeveri may lead to appreciable errors. In the present paper, a power law is assumed for creep and applied to the followIng problems: (1) a plane conta�n�ng a circular 'hole and subjected to uniform extension; (2) an infinite plate uniformly loaded bya tensile stress distributed round the contour of a hole and (3) a rotating disc with a central hole. In the first problem, a general solution on the basis of the accurate equations has not been, ar,case when the exponent m: cul obtained. In.t he parti . l . .in the powercreeplaw is unity, comp ,arison ofthe accurate with,the approximate solution.shows that the, Card 1/2 error in the estimate of the maximum hoop stressround 67608 SOV/179-59-5-33/14.1 Approximate Creep Equations the hole Is about 36%. As m approaches infin .ity.,the difference between the exact and approximate,solutions approaches the difference between the ideally plastic solutions covvesponding,to the Mlses an&Tvesca-St.venant. flow conditions, a difference known to be small. In the second problem, the difference:between the exact and approximate solut'ions is shown graphically as a function of m. The difference is appreciable, especially at Jarge values of m. The errors of the approximate solution -in the third problem are also evaluated and in thecase where the external radius of the hole is 10 times the radius of the central holes the error is found to be, 66 per cent. There are 6 figures and 10 reference s 4 of which are Soviet and 6 English., SUBMITTED.. May 4, 1959 Card 2/2 88516 S/179/6o/ooo/oWoo8/036 E191/E135' C@2 4" 12 AUTHOR: Rozenblvu (Leningrad) TITLE: The Effect of CyclicLoading on the Strength of Composite Turbine Discs PERIODICAL': Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 196o, No. 6,. pp 63-67 TEXT: The behaviour of turbine discs, made of austenitic,.:Steel @rim and a pearlitic centre portion, under, the effectof cyclic loading is analysed. It is appropriate to assume that the'core portion of the disc remains fully elastic because, In p .ractice, the yield strength of thecore exceeds that of the rim by.a factor of 2-2-5. If so, the loading condition Is determined mainly by two parameters, the speed and the temperature. The general,cas,e of varying conditions isconsidered,when the speed changes between standstill and the operating speed and some chosen characteristic ..temperature changes throughout the permitted interval. . Beyond the ,yield point, the rim material, is assumed..ideally plastic. So,long as the rim material is.not also subject to creep, it is.shown.that Card 1/2 88516 S/179/60/000/oWoo8/036 'E191/E135 The Effect of Cyclic Loading on.the Strength of Composite Turbine DX*5-C5 the failure criteria can be very simply derived virtually by inspect-ion of the field of variables. The actual.magnitudes of the stresses require, of course, the usualelastic theory analysis of, the core portion and knowledge of.the temperature field,throughout thedisc..., When the rim material is subject to a creep process, it is,appropriate to assume that thecore portion does notcreep. @It is shown that, in the presence of creep and assuming a.practical range of conditions ins,tarting, stopping, and steady state operatlon, there will be a relaxation of stress-in.the rim which maybecome complete. In*prac,tice,.the actual loading condit-ions ..will resemble more closely thIe pIrocess of relaxation with periodic t-ightening up. Such a cycle has%been the subject:of experimental study. It has been shown that endurance failures under, repeated . possible in such cycles and a composite disc should be, examined with a failure of this type in mind. There are 7 figures and .10 references: 7 Soviet and-3'. English. SUBMITTED: Apr:Ll 25, ig6o Card 2/2 j6.7300 7 7 9 92 S ov/40724-1-20/'28 AUTHORS: Kuratov, P. S..1 Rozenblyum., V. I. (Leningrad)'', TITLE: Integration of the Unste@dy Creep Equations for Solids PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 196o Vol 24 ,,Nr 1, . pp 146-148 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors present an approximate method using finite increments for.integrating the unsteady creep equations. They consider a material occupying some volume, on a part of its surface a load is given.and on the remaining , part, the@components of the velocity vector are assigned. Theelastic stressed state for t = 0 is re- @garded -as known,,.and the surface and volume stress. components are assumed to be time-dependent. The equilibrium equations and assigned surface load are. first differentiated with.respect to time. The@resulting equations, the formulas for the strain rates in terms of the velocity components, and the creep stress-strain... Card,1/3 relations of L. M. Kachanov (Certain Questions in'the