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v-2ibuz. ACCESSIO or, "YIF --VaIss. rval:,Adring: WJ ~be:-toO- sh~-OrFc'-,~ . .... ... .. ....... S/02 62/142/005/010/022 BI 04YBI 02, AUTHOR: Roy-t g-ab!E&_j~. Ya TITLE: Theory of a gyroscopic follow-up system in the case of random noise PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 142, no. 5, *62, 1050-1053 TEXT: The optimum reproduction of the useful signal of a gyroscopic follow-up system is studied by means of the least root-mean-square error. f (D) z (1) e (D) X (1) (D Wilt), D D2 + D + A A f (D) =11 z _D + D2 B B 0 e(D) A S x W 0 V) S/020/62/142/005/010/022 Theory of a gyroscopic B104/BI02 is the equation of motion for such a system. a is the angle of rotation of the outer gimbal, P is thatof the case, H is the kinetic moment of the gyroscopet,A is the moment of inertia of the gyroscope with case and outer gimbal, B is the moment of inertia of the gyroscope and case around the .case axis, n1al is the-moment of frictional forces in the bearings of the outer gimbal, miip-xl(t)~ is the moment around the ax is of the outer gimbal to which a stabilizing motor is fixed, S[a-x2(t)j is the moment around the case axis of the Syroscdpe with a correcting electromagnet it. From (2) it follows that z(t)'= Y(D)x(t), Y(D) F(D)e(D)/a(D), where F(D) is the adjoint of the matrix f(D) and 6(D) is the determinant of the matrix f(D). D2 D + A B (A~ j (D) A.(D) in, 'H S S ;F~jD + (DI + D) Still i 2 H. A (D) D4 + D3 + q2D2 + S +1117" q2D + -g,- q~q A holds for the transition matrix. The input signal consi -sts of the useful siUnal/-'I(t) and random noise n(t): Q(t) m(t) + n(t). Useful signal Card 2 S,102q62/142/005/010/022 Theory of a gyroscopic BIG4/B102 and noise are not correlated. It is shown that an optimum gyroscopic system must contain an optimum filter with the transmission function (D (D) k (D 4- x) (D + p) k 2tWL XIV UIA~- V, +61), +ell b/a, where a 2 2 + 2gx + R(x 1 + X2) - "1X211 b 2V3 + OP 3 F-2 )x + 2tLF- 2 + (v 2 + FS. 2 + 2px) (41 + X 2) + xx 1x 2' 4tLV2L 2xAf (V2 SM F(Dz VIP + 41012 1 S" (0)) W2 + k2 + holds for the spectral densities of the random processes. The output signal y(b) of the optimum filter is fed into a computer which solves the integral equation t 2 1 (22) W1, (t -r) xj (-r) dx y (t) W2, (I (-r) d-r 0. Card 3/4 S/02 62/142/005/010/022 Theory of a gyroscopic B104 102 Vf ki are the elements of the weight matrix of the.gyroscope. The solutions to these equations are the signals which are to be fed into the input of the gyroscope. The author*thanks A. Yu. Ishlinakiy,for valuable advice. There are 5 references: 4 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: N. Wiener, Extrapolation, Interpolation and Smoothing of Stationary Time Series, 11. Y., 1949. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudaratv~lnnyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow state University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) "RESENTED:, June 2, 1961. by A. Yu. Ishlinskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: May 29, 1961 Card 4/4 28 (2) SOV/115-59-10-25/29 AUTHOR: Roytenberg,.M.N., Head TITLE: About the Organization and Activities of Testing tD Laboratories in Plants PERIODICAL: Izmeritel1naya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 10, PP 59-60 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article contains comments on the article by K.N. Katsman entitled "About Some Problems of Organization and Activities of Measuring Laboratories:in Plants" which "Izmeritel'naya tekhnika",, 195.9,~ Nr 2. The author'is of.the opinion that Katsman is not taking the problem seriously, since he suggeststhat:,all plant laboratories be united into one central laborato- ry. The activities of plant laboratories are varied:and such a merger:would only deteriorate their work. Let the laboratories do their work as they do today, only the quality of work should be improved and the labo,-. ratories.should keel) pace with the modern technical ss. The author agrees with the ug at. progre s gestion th Card 1/2. all laboratories should be responsible to the chief 7" ALITSHULKR, Z.Ye., inzh.; BASTUNSKLY, R.A., inzh.; BERSTEL', Y.N., inzh.; BIRXIIB~MG, I.E., inzh.; BOGOPOLSKIY, B.Kh., inzh.; BUKHARIN, S.I., inzh.; GNRbIiTFYII# B.G., Inzh.; GRIUSHPUU, L.Y., inzh.; DRETYER, G.I., inzh.; D11MRSHWII, A.G., inzh.-, ZIATOPOLISKIY, D.S., iznh.; KIANM, A.V., inzh.; KOZIN, Yu.V., inzh.; MVITIN. 1.F., tnzb.; HFJLINIKOVI L.F., inzh.; MELIKUMOV, L.G., inzh.; "HADEL', M.B., Jnzh.: PAVJOV, N.A., inzh.; PASLYelf. D.A., inzh.; PESIN, B.Ya., inzh.; PYATKOVSKIT, P.I., inzh.; RAZI40SCHIKOV, D.V., inzh.; ROZENOYER, G-Ya.. iazh.; ROZY.11BERG, R.L.. inzh.; 1!qjA;,W inzh.; RYABI14SKIY, T&J., inzh.; SYMENKO, I.I., inzh.; TARACHNIKOV. L.D., inzh.; FELIDMAII. A.S., inzh.; SHIRAITHAN. G.Ya., Inzh.; SHTMIIGAS, N.S., in2h.; LHVITIN, I.P., otvetstvennyy red.; STHLIMAKH, A.11., red.izd-va; BEMR, O.G., [overall mechanization and automatization of production processes in the coal industry] Komp3eksnaia mekbanizatsiis i avtomatizatsiia proizvod,stvennVkh protsessov v ugollnoi prouqshlennosti. Pod red, IU.V.Kozina i dr. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1957. 82 p. (MIRA 11:3), 1. Gosudarstvannyy proyektno-konstruktorskiy institut. 2. Institut Giprougleavtomatizateiya i Tekhnicheskogo Upra,vleniya Ministerstva ugolltioy promyshlennosti (foi- all except: Levitin, Stellmakh, Bekker) (Automatic control) (Coal mining Mchinery) S/020/62/146/006/064/016 B172/B186 AUTHORS: Roytberg, Ya. A., Sheftell, Z. G. TITLE: On eauations of the elliptical type with non-continuouB coefiicient PERIODICALt Akademiya,nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 146, no. 6, 1962,,1275-1278- TEXT: Results which hold also for equations-of higher order (uniqueness and existence-of generalized solutions of the boundary value problems formulated below) are given by the author for an equation of second order. These results take the form tu f n m b pj(x)D;li + b(. tu D (b (x)D U) + 6x. b k k j ik k i j, The operator 8? is considered on determined Sobolev functional spaces. The ~omplex-valued coefficients b Pip b are defined in a domain G of the jk' n-dimensional space. The boundary of G is piecewise smooth. G is de- composed'into two domains G and G by a (n-l)-dimensional continuously 1 2 Card 1/3 S/020/62/146/006/004/016 On equations of the elliptical ... B172/B186 differentiable areat which is spherically homomorphic and has no common points with f, so that the coefficients of X are elements from CO(G ) and , ) respectively, if considered as functions in G (i 1,2). The C (G i i boundary conditions take the -form m u + Tu + -u 0 r Cu a I a tul 0 2 Here T designates A linear combination of the tangential derivative with real coefficient from Cl(r); Q a limited linear operator in L2 m a constant being equal to 0 for T 0, 1, and otherwise being equal to 1; 2 i ive furiction from C (Gi); 15 Z:b' ~ D U. are a. (i 1,2) a posit (v , k d'-i jk k the components of the normal to the surface r. pointing away from G ), i LU) =. u - u1 , The question of smoothness of the generalized j , r _0 + 0 , solutions is treated in a manner similar to that described in a study by Card 2/3 S/020/62/146/006/004/016 On equations of the elliptical ... B172/B186 Nirenberg (Comm. Pure and Appl. Math., 8, no- 4 (1955))- -The results ob- tained hold also for decompositions into more than two'domains G Further, the corresponding eigenvalue problem is treated. ASSOCIATIONt Stanislavskiy pedagogicheskiy institut (Stanislav Pedagogics. Institute). Drogobyc'n'skiy pedagogiciLeskiy institut- (Drogobych Pedagogical Institute.) PRESENTEDi May 21, 1962, by S. L. Sobolev, Academician SUBMITTEDs May 4, 1962 Card 3/3 &6iiditi6n 'for 'stabil C64` -Axii is J%Card 0 -, 1.- -71 tit .11 01 -.11 err. 7 -, ~~VCoV7rf~N (3 ER C-i~~ - [- I-N--- --- -- w- , YA. M. AUTHOR: Roytenberg, Ya.N. (Moscovv) 40-22-2-3/21 TITLE: On a Method for the Construction of a Lyapunov Function for Linear Systems With Variable Coefficients (0b odnom metode .postroyeniya funktsiy lyapunova dlya lineynykh sistem s pere- mennymi koeffitsiyentami) PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya matematiks, i mekhanika,1958,Vol 22,Nr 2, pp 167-172 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For the construction of Lyapunor functions.for systems of linear differential equations with constant coefficients Chetaev elaborated effective methods. The author now transfers these methods to systems of differential equations with variable coefficients. By consideration of the system of differential equations which is obtained from the initial system by setting,- the coefficients constantg possible to transform the initial system into a form so that a Lyapunoy function can be given. The stability conditions can be found in well-known manner from the condition for the definiteness of the Lyapunor function. The Lyapunov function itself is set up in the usual way in the form Card 1/2 On a.Method for the Construction of &- Lyapunov 40-22-2-3/21 Function for Linear Systems 'Nith Variable Coefficients NT+N'? V 1 2 + 2 2 2 % h + -?h 9 Z-) (9 h=Nl+l whereby thag I represent the variables of state of.the system. -:ned stabilityconditions-are suf aient,,but no b v,n 6, The obta.L cessary. The method is illustrated by an example.. Thare are et referenaes. Sovi SUBMITTED: Septembe*r 16, 1957 2- t ab li f--.Y- ~T heory 2. Equations of statp-Theory Card 2/2 ... 16(1) ................ .. AUTHOR: Roytenberg, Ya.N. (Moscow) SOV/40-22-4--14/26 TITLE: On the Accumulation of,Perturbations in Nonsteady Linear Im- pulse Systems (0 nakoplenii vozmushcheniy v nestatsionarnykh lineynykh impul'snykh sistemakh) PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika,1958,Vol 22iNr 49 PP 534 - 536 (USSR) ABSTRACT; In addition to investigations which have been carried out during.~ the last years by different authors on disturbances in impulse systems the author considers in the present paper the problem of accumulation of disturbances in nonsteady linear impulse systems which are under the influence.of external forces. The maximum amplitudes of the disturbing forces are bounded. The,author considers an impulse system, the equations of which can be written as difference equations in the following form I n Yk (t +T-) + ak1MY1 (t) xk(t) (k=l,.-.,n) 0) 1 The system of these equations is equivalent to a matrix Card 1/3 equation of the form On the Accumulation of Perturbations in Nonsteady SOV/40-22--i4-14/26 Linear Impulse Systems (2) y(t+T) + a(,;.-)y(t) x(t) Here y is the coordinate by which the behavior of the impulse system is described, x are the external disturbing forces. With a series set up for the coordinates y now a general? but very nontransparent expression is obtained which can be ex- q pressed as a double sum. Under the assumption that the forces are bounded in their absolute value xk(t)l '2 2 ) 2 m 2 q a~ Tq, 2 P 2 Here A A + I A moment of inertia of the frame + object + gyros- . cope with respect to the collimating axis. I moment of inertia of the un- , .Card 3/ 5 ----------- 84760 On the Motion of Gyroscopic Apparata Under the S/040/60/024/003/0, /0 XX Influence-of-Random Forces G1II/C222 loading motor, j tranrmission gear ratio-from the motor~shaft to the collimating axiB, a = j (j n + Kc friction coefficient 2 for frame supportings, K = ik, c j k2 magnetic flux caused 2 K 2 H by the exciter coils of the unlo adirrg motor), M r,r 2 ? q TBT kinetic moment of the gyroscope, B - equatorial moment of inertia of thegyroscope. For the gyroscope pendulum the dispersion of the stabilizing angle is also determined-Iffith the aid of-the obtained formulas it is stated that for a motion of-the sea the Oscillations around-the-axis of the box are very large and oscillations around the axis of suspension are very small. Under restriction to the precession motion the intercardinal deviation x al sin 2 4 is determined for the gyrocompass; it vanishes for cardinal azimuths of Card 4/5 8476o On.the.11otion of Gyroscopic Apparata. Under the S/040/60/024/003/021/021 X)r Influence of Random Forces C111/C222 0 0 0 course 0 goo 180 270 and reaches its maximum for the inter, 0 cardinal angles 45 , 1350 , 2250 , 3150 . Explicit expressions are given for I and a . BX a numerical example it is shown that the inter- 4 cardinal deviation is sufficiently small if the gyrocompass e.g. is of two rotoric type. The author mentions A.k. Sveshnikov and S.S. Rivkin. 7 There are I table and 5 references: 3 Soviet, 1 English and 1 American. SUBMITTED: Pebruary 29, 1960 Card 5/5 S/040/60/024/04/22/023 333 AUTHOR: Ro,-tenberg, Ya, N ("Toscow) TITLE: On t -a-;-7L7h-e-o-r-y--o-f -Mor Dix e c t Gyroscope Stabilizers PERIODICALt Prikladnaya,,,materiatika i mckhanika, 1960,, Vol, 24, No. 4, pp, TEXT! Under the assumption that the undulations of a ship be a stationary random process, the author estimates tile accuracy of active and passive roscopic stabilizers. For the mean quadratic deviation of the Gy stabilization angle the author gives a-pproximation formulas. A comparison of these formulas shows that the activa gyroscopic stabilizers guarantee a higher stabilization velocity: There are 4 references: 2 Soviet, lfterican-and 1 German. SUBMITTED: 11i'laY 3, 1960 Card !/I S/020/60/133/005/003/019 B019/BO54 AUTHOR: Roytenberg, Ya. N. TITLE: On the Motions of a Gyroscopic Compass Under the Action of Random Forces PERIODICLL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 133, No. 5, pp. 1045 - 1048 TEXT: The author investigates the motion of a gyroscopic compass on the premise that the rolling of the ship is a steady random process which has a "fractional-rational" spectral density. Proceeding from the equation of motion (1) for a gyroscopic compass in a ballistic mercury container during the rolling of the ship, the author obtains - after substituting (3) in (1) - the system of differential equations (4) on the premise of a straight-lined steered course. The equations obtained from (4) in first approximationlean be written down in the form.of a matrix equation (5). The differential equation system (13) is obtained from this matrix equation for determining the expected values of the random processes; the solutions (15) are obtained from system .(13) in first approximation. A Card 1/2 On the Motions of a Gyroscopic Compass Under S/020/60/133/005/003/019 the Action of Random Forces B019/BO54 thorough discussion of (15) shows that in the rolling of the ship a gyroscopic compass has an azimuthal deviation. This deviation can be determined by formula (25), The determination of this deviation is ex- plained by an example. There are 1 figure and 3 references: 2 Soviet and 1 British. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: April 12, 19609 by A. N. Kolmogorov, Academician SUBMITTBDi April 6, 196o Card 2/2 26730 S/040/61/025/003/007/026 173 D208/D304 AUTHOR: Roytenberg, Ya.N. (Moscow) TITLE: On certain indirect methods of obtaining information about1the state of a controlled system in a phase space PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk- SSSR. Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk. Prikladnaya matematika, i mekhanika, v. 25, no. 3, 1961P 440 444 TEXT: For an op-timum system of automatic control, the control algo- rithm (obtained,by the method of dynamic programming, or by the maximum principle of L.S. Pontryagin (Ref 2: Optimallnyye protses- sy regulirovaniy'a, Usp. matem. nauk, .1959: t. XIV, vyp. I, str. 3,))., is expressed in basic information concerning the state of the c6-vi-., -trol system in a phase space. In many cases it is diffi,cullu to ob-, tain this information, as it is not always possible',to measure all the phase coordinates. The article,deals with one of the possible Card 1/7, 262-130 S/040/61/025/(4 /,",07/026 On certain indirect methods D203/D304 methods of obtaining information indirectly in of statio- nary and non-stationary systems. Stationary systems: The motion of a stationary controlled system may be written (D) y, k=1 where are the generalized coordinates of the system, x.(t) are Yk 3 1 1 the external,forces acting on the system, f jk(D) is a polynomial in, D, and D d/dt. (101) is transformed into Yj F] (yII-0.... I Y1, Y,, ('11n Yn) _F Bn (1,4) j X~ (1)Y 2~12 X, (t) ++ -A'. where the upper indices (m ... n) dnote the order of k) (k the derivative of Yk with respect to time, F is a linear ftmction Card 2/7 26730 S/040/61/025/003/007/026 On certain iniirect methods D208/D304 (1.12) is soivt-d by operator methods to give r (1.28) 'Vjk (1) -_k (0) 11 A (i T).1-1 (T) d1r (j= where (1.27) Nj. (t) //I,,jk(-t)// (1-19) ayA the elerne-itt3 of N(t) are knovn from B.V. Bulgalcov (Ref. 3: Kolebanlya- Gostekhizdat, 1949P t. I,,str. 164)- A riew arbitrery orig)n i5 cbosep and the deviations S(t 1)0 S(t J S ( tr43 )of r.11c, phase coordinate z. referred to the new orjgj-,i some- iiistant of- time 'r:i' " tr+1 are measured. S* is h de v i avi ori of, the -new or igin referred to the original origin. 26730 S/040/61/025/003/007/026 On certain indirect methods ... -D208/D304 I (/,)I Zk (0) L 32) n 11~+j tIL T) xt (-r) A where S(ti) S* + Z.(ti) (i 19 so-9 r + 1) (1.29), S(t S(tu L11 (Ii = 19 ..., r) (1-30). Hence, from (1.28) and (1.32), given the initial values of the phase coordinates z k(0)' the values z (t) at any subsequent instant of time t may be calcu- lated. Non-stationary systems: In this case the equation of motion is (D) (2.1) k=1 ,Card 5/7 M 26730 S/040/61/025/003/007/026 On certain indirect methods D208/D304 where the coefficie 9nts of the polynomial f (D) are not constantsp jk but are themselves functions of time. Transforming as before gives (2.2) Z) + aik Zk Xj (t) and the solution is r 'Y N IVjj T) X1 (T) dT (2-3) zj W I-j jk (t, 0) Zk (0) + YI Y k=j where (2.4) Vif V, r) A* (-c) J= and the matrix N(t, -r) = 0(t) 9-1 (T), where 9(t) is the fundamental... ~matrix of the homogeneous matrix equation which may be obtained Card 6/7 26730 S/040/61/025/003/007/026 On certain indirect methods D208/D304 from (2.2) by putting X (t) 0. Similarly to (1-32), one obtains n 1'+1 V A k t0) - NA, (tv, 0) Zk (0 Lj I "I T) -q-1 (r) A(2-5) I I (t,, -1) _Tj (T) dt OL r) (2.5) + Evaluation of the functions of (2.~) by previously established con- ditions leads to a solution as before. The author observes that electronic computers may be used to solve these equations. There are 4 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The referen- ce to the English-language publication reads as follows: R. Bell- man, Dynamic Programming, Princeton University Press, 1957. SUBMITTED: February 27, 1961 Card 7/7 M5004; 6f fS uroptl _~tha!;zr oii; tbW cess,--., h"-..A"~bil wit the zti - adyr! stat .C-'~- VAIU'~ -compass --li n -0 the- -foll'6w ~-""Of'- the':'_Shij~.' a j~bsitidj ~'bf -:_tbdAiatiiral~.6dd-A-i' _:'and.", conSequej at 669' -V th~,-a,--bi hi6-' si e6 ai' t e:.s ~.tbe hatu of I 1A t i/3 16 1-31 S/040/61/025/004/010/021 KOOO D274/D306 AUT HOR Roytenberg, Ya. 11. (Moscow) TIME: On the theory of alternating systens PEERIGDM~L: Pril-Ladnaya matematika i mckhanika, v. 25, no. 4, 1961, 691-704 TEXT: A system of difference equations is derived which describe the alternating system. The. system is solved Lind the weighting ,function determined. A method is proposed for determining the position of an alternating system in phase space, It is corvenient to pass from alternating, systems- of differential equations to a sys- tem of difference equations, which is derived as follows. During the time interval n,-. + E ~ t < 11-r + the motion is described by a system of differential equations with variable coefficients: ~j bjk(t)zk x,(t) Q M zj Q = -1,, r) arc, the phase coordinates, xj(t) are given exter- Card 1/7 13 1 S/040/61/025/004/010/021 On the theory... D274/D306 nal forces, After some trans f antiations, one obtains, for E (0 whose interval corresponds to oneperiod of alternation), the sought- Eor difference equations. r zv (t + T + YE, c"vk W Zk(t) XV (t) (v k=1 (1.30) ,whe re r r-, Lv-((n + UT + E,(n + 1)r)mj;,((n + 1) avk* (11-r + 6 J=l kL=l nr + -r1) x L)4k(n-r, +T 1, n"r + (1.15) L and M being matrix weighting fiinctions. Further, the time depen- dence Of z9(t) in the interval 0 < t < T is derived. The solution of a system f difference equations with variable coefficients is un- dertaken, The scalar system (1.30) is equivalent to the matrix equation Z(t +'0 + a (t) z (t) = X W (a 11 avk (t) 11 , X M Xv (t) (2.1) The fundamental inatrix of the honogeneous matrix equation Z(t + Y), + Card 2/7 S/040J61/025/004/010/021 On the theory... D274/D306 + a(t)z(t) 0 is denoted,by 6(t). The matrix weighting function N (t, JT) - E) (t) 9-1 (t + T) (2.11) is introduced. The solution of (2.1) is r ZS (t) Nsk (t, 0) z'k* (t + N (t, jT^) X1, (t + jr - 'r (s (2.1-3) t 7- s k kmL JW I it coincides in the interval 0< t,,~-V with the given matrix z*(t). On deteimiining, weighting functiOn Nsk, it is noted that this weicrh- tincf -function is constructed after solving the conjugated Gystem of difference equations r Zk(t) + alk(t) ZI (t + -C 0 .(k r) (3.3) For a fixed s one obtains N sk (tl, j zl,~(tl -,511y +j,,(-) (k- r) (3.12) Card 3/7 2613-1 S/040/61/025/004/010/021 On the theory... D274/D306 denotes the integral part of t/~r The relationships n 1,2, ZV Un + 1)--r) + avl,(nT) zk(rLr) (ra) V Ira. (4.1) avk(nT) MVju I')T t nT + T3) L (n-r + x 1, nT) (4.2) r X,(n It',,((n + + LPk(nT + Tl,~)x d~ + nr k=I + (n + ]Jr,~) s~,(t-) d~ (4.3) M +Tl 41 are set up; theseare obtained by setting E 0 in foregoing differ- ence equations; (thus, Eq. (4.2) is ontaincd front Eq. (1.15). Eq. (4.3), which are valid f or integral n only, are difference equations .with discrete argument. Hence, the solutions to Eq. (4.1) determine a sequence of phase coordiuu.-Ltes zV at discrete points which are the Card 4/7 26131 S/040/61/025/004/010/021 On the theory*.. ..D274/D306 limit points of alternation periods, i.e. at moments t We (n 2,...). These solutions can be obtained by the method exposed above, by replacing Eq. (4.0 by a system of difference equations (v 0(4~4) ZV (t +,r) + aYko W zk (t) Xvo (t) where avko(t) and XVo(t) are step functions:. (see Eq. (1.30)). The solution to Eq. (4.4) for values of t which arc multiples of'r, is. z r + E Nvk(I~Z_,O) zk(O) Nv k (1$ Tj'r) Xk ( i ' V - 'V k=1 k=l 3.1 (v I,-, r) (4.5) With regard to the alternating systems of linear differential equa- tions with constant coefficients, it is found that the coefficients avl-(t) of Eq. (1.30) are periodic functions of time with period equal to T . Eq. (4.1) will become equations witti constant coeffi- cients, Expressions are also given Eor the form of the functions X,(nT) (which enter the right-hand side of Eq. (4.1)), and for the .time dependence of the phase coordinates in the interval -L~T