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4315. ROTH it. and JONA 1. Chir. Nied. Vniv. limlapi,st. MP7-M--ignostische BlAmitling (it's- pvt-clitallen SpI pno- Porto~, raphil'. Dia- ,nostiv significance of pul re tit anemis spleriollortography St- 'IIWElZ.NIED.WSCIlIt. 1956, 86/25 (7:1,11-7-11) Miss. G Put-1711talleous SpIl-floporlograph". wim-11 Was introdliced it) U-1151 is [to%% heing ;11)-, plied successfully in Illany ilistallues. The lechnitpw 'i-pplied is ns follo\VF: tilt, p;1- tt,,,tit is placed upon the X-ray table ill it florsal position. The size 01, the spleell is established by palpation and by radiography. Local anaesthesia is induced with 10 rill. of a 1150 novoc-tine solution; ptincture is nsalle ill tile centre of tile arva of dimillisht-d 1-4-sollance, mainly ill tile alitt'rior axillary lille, in tilt- 10th inturro'I"ll --kinuscular syt ve by ineans of a long inti, -inge to .1 depth of .1 to 5 ell). into ill body of tile spleen. The intralienal position of the syringe is aseertained b aspi- raLion orbyradioscopy.Then 20-50 till. of a 70% solution of ioduron is ill.lected under light pressure. The first radiography is made after about 3/4 of the coil- trast. medium have been injected. A total of 3 or -1 radiographs made at intervals of I or 2 see. is considered sufficient. This method which makes it possible to- render visible the vena lienalis, tile venn portae and possibly developed collate- rals, is explained by means of radiographs and case histories. The injection of tile matter containing the contrast medium renders the radiographs clear and permit an exact. location of the obstacle in the portal circulation. According to the authors, this injection does not bring about any complications. Perctitancous spletiopm-tography is of pni-tictilar importance in Lite diagnosis and treatment of partal hypertonus. It also represents a suitable procedure for establishing the location of turnours of the liver and of the pancreas, as well as for the location of possible metastases. A decision regarding tile suitable method of operating is only possible on the basis of a diagnosis stippot-ted by a splenoportographic exami- nation. Dikhno - Krasnoyarsk ROTH, lilklon, Dr.; PINTER, b1ndre, Dr.; BEIAFALVY, IOszlo, Dr. :bcneriences with operations made on the basis of the diagnosis of chronic appendicitis, Orv. het U. 99 no-51:1787-1791 21 Dee 58, 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Eactem IV, sz. Sebeszeti Klinikajanak Ogazgato: Kudasz Jozsef dr. egyet. tanar) kozlemenye. (APPMDDI, surg. in chronic appendicitis (Hun)) ammarA IN 1 1, 90111tollugg W~ MaZA ROTH, Miklos, Dr.; SZABO, Imre. Dr.; PINTER, Endre, Dr. I 13BIAFALVY. Iaszlo, Dr. DELta on Ve surgical therapy Of cardiospasm. vAR-mv. hetil. 100 no. 14; 499-503 5 Apr 59. 1. A '-,TDMsesti Orvostudomanyi Fgyetem IT. sz. 41ebeszeti Klinikajanak (ICOMMM Kudasz Jozsef d-r. egy. tanar) T-TVR!Penye. (OMIOSPASM, surg. (Hun)) WIN ROTIII M. Pneumomyelography. Cesk. rentgen. 17 no.6:377--390 J 1. Radiologicka klinik-a lekarske fakulV UJEvP v Brne, prednosta prof. dr. J. Holy, DrSc. (SPINAL CORD) (RADIOGFUPHY) ROTH, 14. Problems in routine roentgen diagnosis of retrogastric ex- pansions, especially of the head and tail of the pancreas. Cesk. rentgen. 18 no.2-.73-85 Mr'64. 1. Radiologicka kainika lekarske faku-Ity UJLvP v Brne; prednosta: prof.dr. J.Holy, DrSc. OWN4 ROTH M~ --al irn of -:-oina I cord a." r-,neumcgr-azfh4Lc Cesk, rad-4o-i, 18 no-5-332-140 The terminal ngrLion of -.1he opinal cord. Abi-ormal. prieume-graphic pictures. Syndrome of lumbar artery irtumescence and spinal dysraphJLa. Ibi,L;340z-340' I fil ologic-ku kli.niku 'Iekaroke fakulty U-nivursiLy j,.E, Fur-kyne _I jj I v br-ne (prednosta prof. dr~ J~ Holy, DrSc~). -MAIM09ML&AML- figam'sma I NOW% BNAM ~u v c I s - n-- I c. C. r, C. I n cri ad i Z~ I cE, I ca I Z3 1. Fadiologicka klin 4ka (prednosta prof dr. oly, DrSc. a neurologicka klinika (prednosta orof. d!~. K~ Popek) lekarske fl-liniversituy J.E. Pu-kpie v Dr-ne. CZEC'; 0SLO)VAZIA iR,3TT: L.; SCH?ODER, R.; X-ray Clinic (Rad~olorriclca J., -Irednos~a) ?ro- Dr J. HOLY, ~--eurolo:7~cal 'linic ka) Tead (I U J. - .,.L - Q ___ (Neuroloc-ic"[P. Klinika) Head (Prednosta) Prof Dr K. POPEK, and 'NTeurosurgical Department (N euro chirurgi eke Oddeleni) Ilead (Ve- douci) Dr 0. GOTIPRYD, 1st Surc-ical. Clinic (I. M-1irur-gick-e K14- u L~_ - niky) Head C-Prednosta) Docent Dr J. UHLIR, K'edical Faculty, J. r4 -y 'Palc. UJEIEvP), Brno. ,;'v. Purl:yne Univoi,,-L. (Lei "Intramedullary Thoracic Dermoid." Sep 66, pp P-rague, Cesicoslovenska Yeurolop:ie, Vol 29, No 5, 3511 Abstract /7kutliors t English su.:-11-nary modified 7: characteristic asT)ects of enider-zi;oids and dermoids are discussed. A case of an intrameduilary derrroid of the lower thoracic spine in a pa- tient of 62 is described; sur.-ical treatment of the case is dis- cussed. The Datient suffered from symptoms for 16 years, with a 2 year reirliszior. prior to surgery. X-ra7 findings s~-..owed 'ion of the spinal canal, pathological intraspinal an excavau- J. calcification, and sli-ht anomal -ies of the axial skeleton. 1 _'-i.;_-ure, 8 ".~7 estuern, 5 Czech references. l A MTH, Milan. MUDr. (Purkynova 102a, Brno-Kral. Pole) Posterior arch of the atlas bone on x-ray; a study on spinal neuro- fibroma on C2. Cesk. rentg. 13 no.3:184-187 June 59. 1. Ustredni rtg oddeleni FN v Brne, prednosta prim. MUDr. Jan Smid. Vanovano k padesatinam prim. MUDr. J. Smida. (SPINA, neoplasms neurofibroms. of second cervical vertebra (Gz)) (NIUROFIBROMA, case reuorts second cervical vertebra (Gz)) JONA, L.; ROTH. M. The functional x-ray symptom of acute pancreatic diseases. Magy. radiol. 4 no. 4:154-157 Nov. 1952. (CLKL 24:1) 1. Doctors. 2..Clinic for Advanced Surgical Training (Director Prof. Dr. Imre Littmann), BiLdapeat Medical University. ROTH, M.;JONA, 1. Percutaneous splenoportograpby. Magy. radlol. 5 no.4:131-133 Nor 1933. (CLML 25:5) 1. Doctors. 2. Clinic for Advanced Tra-iming in Surgery (Director -- Prof. Dr. Imre Littmann), Budapest Medical University. KUNOSO I.;ROTH, M.;KALDOR, G. Postgastrectomy paiireatic function. Orv. hetil. 94 no.20:551-555 17 Kay 1953. (CIKL 25:1) 1. Doctors. 2. Clin -, for Advanced Training in Surgery (Director - Prof. Dr. Imre Littmann), Budapest Medical University. ROTH, M. Sterililation of silk sutures in 1: 10,000 solution of merfen. Orv. hetil. 94 no.42:1168-1171 18 Oct 1953. (GIXI 25:5) 1. Doctor. 2. Clinic for Advanced. Training in Surgery(Director Prof. Dr. Imra Littmann)a Budapest Medical University. ROTH, M. PrecaTc1nosis of the stomach. Orv. hetil. 94 no.47:1295-1297 22 Nov 1953- (CLML 25:5) 1. Doctor. 2. Clinic for Advanced Training in Surgery (Director Prof. Dr.' Imrs Littmann), Budapest Medical University. -m Fortbildungsklin. ined. Univ. Budapest. *Chirurgic der 4201 ito %i. Chii _MT-We"E'a(fivertikel. 'rhe surgical treatment of duodenal diver- ticula ZBL.C1111t. 1954, 79/32 (13-15-135-1) Illus.10 Only 2% of ractiologically demonstrable diverticula give rise to clinical symptoms. Operation is necessary in the presence of mechanical factors such as congestion in the diverticulum, obstruction of the duodenum, the common bile duct or the wirsungian duct, inflammatory processes, diverticulitis, ulceration, abscesses. perforating peritonitis or secondary inflammation of the pancreas and the retro- peritoneum. Malignant degeneration of diverticula constitutes another indication for surgical treatment. A descripti on is given of a personal surgical technique, which aims at removal of the diverticulum. Small diverticula are invaginated. When the diverticulum cannot be found, palliative gastric resection is Indicated. Four cases are described. Bacher Neustadt/Weinsteasse ROTH, 14. HARKANYI, L TUTPH, J. Experimental repair of the esophagus with a ojd~stic tube.. Acts, mad.. hung. 6 no.1-2:167-176 1954. 1. Department of postgraduate surgeryv I MU-73-77Rty Medical School, Budapest. (ESOPHAGUS, surg. asophagoplasty with methacrylate Pbe) (ACRYLIC RESINS asophagoplasty, mathacr7late tube) ROTH, J~j 0 dr., HARKAITYI, Istvan, dr.; TOTH, Jozsof, dr. Experimental exophagoplasty with acrylic tube. Magy sebeszet 7 no-3:184-191 June 54. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Sevesztovabbkepzo KlinikEL- janak kozlemenye: Igazgato: Littmann Imre dr. egyet. tanar. Az Ageszoegug3ri TudomazWos Tanacs altal tamogtatott Munka. (ESOPHAGUS, surg. eBophagoplasty with methylacrylate tube. exper. in god) (ACRYLIC RESINS methylacrylate tube for exper. exophagoplasty in dog) Wiftow VA- NIMIM Scc.3-6 Voloh/Z Cancer -Feb 56 C."). BOTH M.. HARKANt'l 1. aod I'C)-I*ll Dept. of Postgrad. Surg.. Cniv. med. sch.. '--~Iwrimvrital wpair if the vv--vc,jjhaL!tj-v icWt a pla-wic tube Acta med. Acad. Scivi-it. I Iting. (Butlapest) 195-1, 6 1-2 (167-176) Tables I Illus. 2 E'.%perimt-ifl-, wvrv carried out in dogs. Awopsy -indiligs and hislological v:6111illations wrft?rnjvtl at different moments aflcr tht- operation r~vealtld thal a colinvelivt. U.S.1011, Wall develolm arotiod dic inserted tvjl)e. This wall did imt cootain moscle fibres. sim-C it COIISIS(% 0111V of COlkHVCtiVt! tissue and a titumsal lay -r, cicatrizatioo and constrictiorl liceessaritv most set in sooner or later. 'ne itse of this procedure in mait catillot be recot"I"Unded. lint u splard - Oslo ROTH, Milan. MUDr. Bronchograpby and dried plasma. Cesk. roentg. 16 no.4: 147-149 Dee 56. 1. Ustredni rtg ustav FN v Brne. prednoata prim. MUDr. Jan Smid. (.BRDNCHI, radiography tachnic with dried blood proteins in animals (cz)) (BWOD PROTEINS dried, use in bronchography in animals (Oz)) ZXCFR?T,L *~'Z'j!CA Sac.9 V01.11/4 Surgery APril 57 Y! 7 8, U&J-11 N1. Chir, Fortbilthing ski in. , Med. Univ., Budapest. *Sterilisicrung -d-e-FMIh -sc i rl ein 1:10, 000 verdilnnter Quecksilberphenyl boratlosung. S t e r i I - ization of sewing silk with fig-phenylborate solution t n it d i I it t i o n o f 1: 10, 0 0 0 ZBL. CHIR. 1956, 81/5 (214-218) Tables 2 Sewing silk can be reliably sterilized by boiling in a lig-phenylborate solution (merfen, ryfen, famosept) in, a dilution of 1:10,00O.The solution, which is 20 times cheaper than alcohol, used up to now, has no toxic action. (IX, 17) 5327. jt6-1Y1jLiNL, HARKANY1 1. and BE'LAFALVY L. Chir. Fortbildungsklin., -M-01. Univ. Budapest. *Uber den heutigen Stand der chirurgischen l3chand- lung des Osophagusdivertikels. The p res e nt s ta t e o f su rg ica I treatment of oesophageal, dive rtic ulum ZBL.C1IIR. 1956, 81/ 42 (2174-2185) Illus. 5 After a short description of the aetiology, pathological mechanism, symptoms and diagnosis of oesophageal diverticulum, the modern surgical methods to be applied to the individual types are described on the basis of Zenker's classical division. The surgical treatment of the various groups Is Mustrated with personal cases and the following conclusions are reached: (1) The least dangerous method of establish- ment of the diagnosis of oesophageal. diverticulurn is X-ray examination, which in exceptional cases should be completed with Pesophagos copy. (2) When the oeso- phageal diverticulum gives rise to symptoms, surgical intervention is definitely justified. Conservative methods as practised formerly do not lead to the desired purpose and do not protect the patient from complications either. (3) The most suitable method, irrespective of whether the diverticulum is in the cervical or in the thoracic oesophagus, is extirpation in one stage, which can be carried out . without risk under the protection of antibiotics. In smaller diverticula, the invagin- ation method also suffices. KURUCZ, V., dr.;_ROTH, M.,dr. Inter-oos'itio hepato-cliaphragImatica (Chilaiditi Byndrome). Orv. hetil. 101 no.46:1643-1646 13 igl6o. 1. Buda-pesti Orvostudomanyi Eaetem, IV. sz. Sebeszeti Klinika. (DIAPHRAGM abnorm) (LIVER abnorm) R ROTH Mks, dr. Dissector for vascular ligation. Magy.sebeszet 14 no.1:34-,35 Ft6l. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem IV. es Sebeszeti Klinikajanak kozlemenye. Igazgato: Kudasz Jozsef dr. egyetemi tanar. (BLOOD VESSELS surg) HOV 1, 11ilan Gisterruil pneumoencephalogram picture of expansive processes of the posterior cerebral fossae; on the mechanism or the effect of trans- tentorial herniation. Gesk. rentgenol. 15 no-4:224-237 161. 1. Ustred. rtg-oddeleni fakultni nemocnice v Brno, prednosta HUDr. Jan Said ffeurologicka klinika fakultni nemocnice v Brne, prednosta prof. MUDr. K.Popok. (VENTRIGULOMUPHY) (BRAIII I-TEOPI"-!S radiography) (ENCEPHALOGEELE radiography) no P. T; Prwrer consix-Irtion of r r-beari F. Vol. I., nc. 1955 T E 1Y ST T T, Za greb, Yugoslavi"- on Voi. 5 0 ',,,ri-i 1556 Eastern Lurop,5an kccess, ROTH dr., A rappid and pra7-.t-,-,aI seroioglca'L tet~,hni--- used ir routine bac?,eric- logical diagno5is. Microbiologia (Bucur) 9 no.2:173-176 1. Lucrare efectuaLa in Spitalul ciinic de pediatrie "Emilia irza", Buouresti. ILGF, --K,- ..DJ8*-F2A -he -;rodur~il-ion opL-methyi da_~3'eiunz? vcn, e hyl ri.-I xetnn-perr ',o-h ludWigshafen I lqrben- nd-,.i -'rie Ja 1 e rm oxyd- _~j L L !IfIrlasq 1.~11, secondary icohol i--; :~Y_idized i ketone is f rmed. There _i-- little dan~,er that the 0 ox;d:z-*Iic)n r-roceed tio far-Ketones are oxidized only .-iith difficulty and never to a prorirc'~. thr~ nutber of c:.rn-,n atoms. This proces3 oil o-xidation consists in the -r "wo h-vclro~en atoms. ',-r'e m-).y :~ur)Pose that the Ll,)nctlon of~ the oxidizin-a agent is ~o ny-y,pler. to -.,ith the t'do hydrogen atoms and fonm water. The production of 1-:etone -eroxide is nnalvzeii 4 n order 'o nrnvent i, nure ketore ?:-~I_roxide from the nuxture. Diluted sulfuric acid was added. CH 1)488- !!nclass- "fied. Roland R., dr. Recent data on vlrus Mlogy. natura B.41-ologle- nc.2,~3-10 '~:r-Ap 164. 1. ChLef medical *467M, Ehlebarest. WIN li-ml EXCERPTA ~SDIGA See 4 Vol 12/11 Fed. Micro. N,ov 59 3577. ANTIGENIC AND BIOCHENUCAL CHARACTERS OF CERTAIN STRAINS OF SALMONELLA CHOLERAESUIS (VAR. KUNZENDORF), ISOLATED FROM INFANTILE INFECTIONS - C -racterele antigenice. qi biochimice ale unar tulpini de Salmonella cholerae"~uis (var. Kunzendorf) izolate din infectii in- fantile -. R o t h R. R. . C o h n L. and M a r c u E. : - MICROBIOL. PARA ZI1=7.KPn'MOL. 1058, 3/3 (239-245) Tables 5 Seven strains of S. choleraesuis var. Kunzendorf were isolated from 3 sick child- ren. The infection was of long duration. One case had a fatal Issue. All strains -were little sensitive to the usual antibiotics. Bachter - la#1 IMP WN7-- ~ T !-7, SAGER, 0.; BADWSKI, Gh.; ROTH, R.R.; WERIBACH, R.; MIUALE, A. T'ae role of the central nervous system in pyretotherapy for syphilitic meningoence-phalitis. The action of malaric fever & of fever produced by tv-Dho-paratyphic vaccine. Rumanian M. Rev. 1 no.2:47-49 Apr-JJune 57. (SYPHILIS, compl. meningo-encephalitis, ther., fever ther., CHS mechanisms) (MIENINGOENCEPHALITIS, etiol. & pathogen. sy-philis, ther., fever ther. CBS mechanisms) (CENTRAL IINRVOUS SYSTEM, in various dis. syphilitic meningoencephalitis. eff. of fever ther.) RUMIM/Elcctronics- Vaoc-,~.,m Techiiq:--,e. H Abs JoL-.r : Ref Zhur Fizika, No 10, 1959, 23142 Author : Roth, Thea~ Roth, A. Inst Title : Design of Vancuum Installations. Orig Pub : Rev. chim., 1958, 9, no 11, 618-626 Abstract : A review is given of the formulas for the calculation of vancuum installations. A method for determining the leakage mode and a nomogram has been plotted for solving this problem. Also given are nomograms for the calcala- tion of vacuum installations. Card 1/1 77 oat 1 11 -0 10' Is I II A I a Ill 0 41 x it a a .. if x is V a Ill 0 41 a a 0 4 A III Avg IN* 21PISS f - 0 00 FIOC94946 AND 1,1100111111111 a 00 fbimisird 41;botasicsfii for Cablids- Heat of "ObloWiviii of .00 00 ti.0 of CAkrimstlig bombs. W- A. Roth and A. K- t~- ptecht. -4)(MM)~The data obtained by different authors Im the beat of cognbustion of benzoic acid am analymi. The cowrirction for HNOt forniation is caled. when based fill the authors'dots wild thty give the mint probable value 6w the best of conibu%tion of BzOH for different tenip%. ill the ratige from 15' (11019.6) to 'ill* do,'dl' lKitig --UM. The rrectit data. r-4lecially that of Iluff- man im the beat of conlilmstion of uvinic aht. which 6 arcepint as a %econdory standard in thrrintichtmiAtry. moo Mir frealrd. lkt~t fin slip vable I'll, 1310H A. a Prillisiry no* 'landatil. M. Woiciet-howski 06 lee L ISO see .010 d lee 0* 1 1 1 0101140 01, LUQGKAL LITERAT1111112 CLASWINCATION .010 all 141 for I 0 a at 0 a a a It a 4 a it a 4111 L I & Od 0 N 0 Ae, 1*0 lot, I It o 00 0 0 0 0 0 41, 0 g 0 000 00 a 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 *1: I* a 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 a 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0~41 0 0 : : : 1010 10 00 0010 00 9 000000*090000000009 I ;I w It III u 14 N a PU I s I uy m Tl ..Z] 0 oo-- d 00 -ump;nqtu-,Wujjnp lo&,Il jo lio!13nixud JOj 110!pamoa i SU!Slddw I. aiv,*-m Wit; 9411,03- Ila) 0 pliv 110141 J9 llOj;wnqluOO JO 91wil -4f4 '91 'M I "'uJt0 '"0 IN-111-ILN-1 P11- -lueptulaoluo 10 uollvjctqvo JOI sactu"sqns pjvpu"s lo uopimqtuoa 10 300H s 00 A r- l -, - ve r it it is It n a it at[ 61 K a I? a it to It a 0 0 - -,- t-;-il 4 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 Tis4 4 -0-0-0-0-OLILo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 $1 G/007/60/000/009/004/0Q5 A.,27/Ao26 AUTHOR,. Roth V., Graduate Engrineer, Prague TITLE; Status of the Use of Casting Resins in Blectrioa?_ Engineering in the CSR PERIODICAL~ F-lektrie, 1960, No, 9, PP. 330-3311 Table TEXT4 The 6SR uses domestically produced epoxy resins since 19-S' I sh-ows 'the _+ies of sev= al unhardened, and Table 2 those of hardened P-q_cpe~ , _r epoxy re:~ins,\b The change of the dieleo.tric valences by after-baking is shown in Table If a resin surface not wor~iced over receives a laysr of baked-in silicon laqu6r containing I % butyltitanate, the surface leakage cu:,rent de-_ creases to the vAlence of ceramic materials,~ Casting ri~slns also have a st--bng resistance against brush discharges, chemical influemel_z, and also have a good aging behaviour. To avoid int-.inal stresses and cracks in large castings, filling materials have to be used. The pbysiclal p-rope-r-ties of several caz-ting materia_!.~ with var-ious filling meterlalle are ahown. in Table 4. The uae of amorphous quartL flour brings about an r_-xpansion similar t-o that of metal. Figure I shows an aluminum pa:~-t with a cast-on resin laye'r, which has an ex- G/007/60/000/oGg/004/005 A'L'27/Ao26 Status of the U~e of Casting Resins in Electrical Dngineering in the CSR pansion coefficient sl-mAlar to that of aluminum. Figure 2 shows a easti-ng resin pin current transformer for 22 kv, made by EJF in B'Sno, The matf~r-ial Js caeting re-sin with amorphous quartz filling. FILV.,re 3 shows two pin.A of si- milar by.-PasE for,-..e and -::pa--kIng distan-'~~, the. one of cas"Ang res-in i's 40 TILM lower than- the por2t~lain pin. A 60 '-w.v cazting re.:-~i-n pin iz .5hown in Figure 4. Tbe molds for ~~uch pins a-re shown in Figure 5. Figure 6 shows a 60 kv cast-ing resin du.~2t with two insulator lay--rs with different dielectric con- st-~uits, The 7-,oss 5ec,,ion of the du3t i.zl --hown in 7. The produQ+,icn procezs of epoxy resin layers of any thicb-ni-as (Fig. ~) on round bodies is schematical'Ly shcA-,- and explained. Pole tubes (Fig. 9) fo-- oil.-Poor breakers were produced for a t-st model. Th~-se tubeS have no filling material. The bronze flang-E~s wer~e coast into the reein. Th~-se pole cubes are gas tight, oil Q~oof, ar~4 Te-11 all rr-=chani~aax. and reciui.r,2ments, As a pfrotec--'Ion of ~tan-wc-,,,Fn epoKi i,z. ve'--Y F:igurt~ -10 show-:3 a wover, r-,'zls~or 11,500f1, -:0 ')~--v, ;bast into e.vory' r-lstn. Varrioui 1j-z!-es of caetIng !r, t-n-- ml:~tor- Indtjstr7,, are U-~"-J- A n,-r-w design of a spa---: -o-I u-5t-s Inc!t'E-aJ o~* an -o-r- in rhe -.oi-... a cait-1-nig mat,~-rial G/007/60/000/009/004/00,:-i A-'27/AO:24,, of thel Gs-~ of Casting Resins in. Ele--trt,-al Engine=ring in the &R cf- epoxy resin, powd=12!Ied zof-. m-agneA.- iron, carbonvl i--cn, Iferrite, aluminum, and cobalt pcwder. Su-:~'h magsl~-, can be ca-mt withou'k P:.assure and have ve:-,r low bxystex,esi-i lossez. (Fig. There ave It tabl~~sj, p-hotographs, and 3 figureE. Ca:~-d 3/3 C SZEC110 -3L0VA-',H.A- IRLOTH, V. ,uc-. -Jaso is ~Dro mineralogii -a ~~eolo.Zii 3 66 "On 'U'Lip, Si-~-t-hioth Dirtuild-ay of -Dr. A.. li"Vorak." tj , U.~ it;. "tt~ 611 F E~ re.I to terms of the parameter of the components r or In impulse-, generator connections. These connections have equal wave shapes. Stray capaclUnces and arc resletWes are neglected. no study is I extended tD include 6a Mam cascade connection. 3 examples 6 references. &xrdilyi-T, 7, -:7T.- Dact,or Lo-.;4;-ma-l ii-I na. "AO, '1055. .F" IT ~ )A lnosspol.--..rf~tvi) Prc-'ia. no. 2, llc 'b. , -,' Li ol cce n~-- . 5 'J' jj - I , WMW Dimensions of high-voltage resistors in impluse generators with reference to temperature rises. p. 287. ELEEKTROTECIPTICKY OBZOR. Ministerstvo strojirenstvi a Kinisterstvc, paliv a energetiky) Praha. Vol. 45, no. 6, June 1956. SOURCES: EEAI LC Vo15, No. 10 Oct. 1956 ROTH,.Vilem. Czechoslov4ia (Scientific co.11aborator of High Tension Research Group at Research Institute for High Fower Current, Prague) Die Indukitvitaet unifilar gevickelter Widerstand spulen mit flachem. rechteckigen. Wiklungskern. SO; Elektrotecbnische Mitschrift, 1 December 1955, Unclassified ROTH,, VLADIMIR. Sondovacl prace ve stavebn-,ctvi. (Ilyd.l.) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Statni nakl. technicke literatury, 1959. 425 P. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960. Uncl. ik 11Q ~ 'o 0 0110 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0t oz;i! S 0 0 0 V 11 U a, 0 o 0 o al. 3 24 .4 17 13 .4 w It 11, t) w 15 36 V M t 41 Aj 41 a C , 0 Cc to t A L_ L 00 4. 00 00A, : Ari-ition in the,%/V terut wi h theaP-ternt rett ininj v 14t t ; 0 Remarks on the article of W. A. Roth and H. L. Kettle unc CS fLingetlinththoniolog Cri . Calcti.valuesof IF "an the thermacharalwy of sodium." (in kcal.) in the Weld liascous qtAte (or the StAtcd " sd$, 00 anort. Charm, Z53, 324(19481: Cf. C.J. 43. 2NOLIA.-Ill for the middle homologs. at .wm. M) 700 OW'K are: ' !~ 00 1 ClWeCting tile heAt of soln. of NaO for the ht~tt of soln. of C-11. -2.4. -1.2, -03, +1.1; Z C: +6.4. ~i).2. 00 i the Njj(), impurity it was erroneously wisurticif that the +11.9, 4-14.6. C-C. +=1A, +21.2, +19.6, +18.0. C-- 0 Off ( rim k 3 1 6 30 ) 1 -go given Off 11Y the \.%A did not d"Ave- koc-An. - . - ary a . . . A, -W.7, - P -1.2; C - 0 ld h 00 f gives M.97, 1114.14, anti IV.!.90.1 kcjl,inm,l. For the e (a yde) -28.7. -28.0, -27.2, -26.5; C(:O)Oll. heat 4 win, of Nato anti heats of form.Ltion of AT% and -W.5. -87.2. -M.0. C(.0)()C. _i1.5. -67.7, Foe 00 -NAA) inste,id 4 56-CC. 124,84. and 1002.87,r"p. AlldAta -W.7, -57.9; C--O-C (ether) - 17.4, -10.6, -3A, = oo J Ineviously given for mixts- must be recalcd. K. C. R. +2.9; C--a. -6.0. -4.8. -3.6. -2.4; C-,N;11,. 06 Bond tree soorf La ortank compounds. V. 11. FAI '- 1s - k +t5.6. +='.O, +28.4. +34.7; C-SO,, +8.1. +17.9. +27 7 +37 4 D t i f ;V 0 0v %Lil. Zhu. 0 $ ck K d K im m. Gen. Chem.) 18. 163ji- - . . eir at on . rom alean values in bonds i i l 0 N 0* 11 420948).-StindArd free energies aF* of bonds calcd. in nvo v ng . or butolien tnjy attain m3 kcal. Thew , 2 ways. front the standard heats of fornution all'. the dAta wereuscif locale. IF"for the reaction MeIC:01 co- RO 0 00 slandArd entropies IS*. and the heat capacities, and di- Me =2,%tesC:CHj + CHi:CO. -1P - AF'c_c - 2ar C. c- * * Th =go rectly from the linear equations of thr,%F'of the compils. e result,,&F +2-8 anti -4.2 kcal. at &X) and 700 i, X. oe ,fir MIC141314. Afr idCntieill. FOr a Xi Veto bond. IF* differs rest nlc~tnv th4t cracking of ketones ill keten" Is ' r un ll V; 0 1 b -. ill tile low"l. inithile. atilt higher hunu,logn -( a series; ' . r 11111"a 1 y lKA1 C J illfr .4A)% n' whichisrousistent 41 00 21 r a'. fur the C -11 boml in Clio. aF - - CAW + 5.73 T. .I its the iniddle hornolog, - -4.110 + 5.75 r; for the will, tile rvtl. r"ulls c4 Kagan utid 1`41'kuv~kil j C.I. 41. So 0 0 4P C-011 hund in MrOll. IF' - -34.720 + 17.15 T. in ind of WA116ter. d al. (C.A. 35, 7s-). t zo VlOll + 17.33 r. This vurL#tkjn is due to a Thou 00 _ too ' tog too ow , , "' ~W C.. Itt 0~ Z . it a ft is 000000000 00000000 V1 1. 0000,000000000000000 ~ 4 00 G. 00 00 0 00 a 0 0 *go o o * 0 0 0 0-0- Ooetoooeooooooooooe 0 - l i oo cd -rev- -lbr ,I .] iAe c) L'~ ii! RAKUSAN, X.; KORECKY, B.; ROTH, Z.; POUPA, 0. Dmmlopment of the ventricular weight of the rat heart with sptmial reference to the early phases of postnatal dntogenesis. PWsiol. Bohemoslov. 12 no.6:518-525 163. 1. Institute of Pathological Physiology, Faculty of Paediatrics, Charles University; Institute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupa- tional Diseases, Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology of Metabolism, Institute of Physiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. (NYOCARDIUM) (GROWTH) V. p!)- 0 rp -LO and u on, al ,.- a ly JOC a r oll t a-v, j Y -a Od (31, v "It re OnCOO n VI -~,Iat?on of Cho -L~ 14 a Co`-or-*~mctrlc vle-thod In Sur-ar 3e-' a - ~ I u ~ I - - Y -u zid 7o-,3 :Ira(-uc 7 P-acr,-in '101 1 ff.* ITO 7, 1963, c: s~ucz.y .,ac .,.-.ado 0~ C.-,,,Lo- u- lc a n--cr and ~.a`--en a a vc-n; colol~:., e ic-thod a~f- c --d un L, elec ~~r~c; -othod rr.sults. C-1-tol-Iricst t ~ L, - -Lorar,,- ac .!.v-i-uy and i-u3 C7,anr-,,~:3 OLudled in 13'0 '-and subj I 't -1 , 0 ects; 70;., . I -, ;IiOlll,,lcj. ~ 'I n. f~. I.. I I Q ~~ Only ullose ~,--'-ho ha~ this activity a!lowed to 1.,0r"!: 1-.~ith-or- - u - I-anic p---Iosph~tez; decieasc in the acU*--T -u-- u. o o r., v4- ' 7 d ~O suc, c nil:lc Sponde d t tlh,~ I -.-I -L,-1 Cnz; i ty of tho i.. ork ~~rf and o , -- -1 he Nla 01- mnin-,,~, l/ inLnr- 50,:~ contact -- ' 1. 1 ui- p' oo- h.,.u~:; h a d to bo avoidcd --o-r --,y r,~-Uurncd. 3 4 vo 4,54,W -- - - Z9 X401MMI-V - z 1 - Aw RYAZAN'OVAq V.S.; AYZENSHTEYN, F.A.; ROTIN~ L.Ya. (Moskva) Urgent problems in patholanatomical service in a psychiatric hospital. Zhur. nerv. i psikh. 60 no. 12:1661-1664 160. (MIRA 14:4) (PSYCHIATRY) WOM, ~ I ~O RMNLERG, D.L., prof. Influence of hemotransAision on the respiratory ~Ugj- S of hlood in stomach cancer. Probl. gemat. i F-,eerel- lxovi 4 no. 10:50-51 0 1590 (MIM 4; :8) 1. 1z kafedry obshchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. D.L.,%Ml - berg Stanislavskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (BLOOD-TIUNSIUSION) (STOMAGH-CANCER) (BLOOD-OXYGEN CONTENT) 'ROTENBERG, D.L,,. prof. Treatment of endarteritis by intravenous injection of an ery-throcyte mass. Vrach. delo no. 1:128-129 161., (NEU 14:4) 1. Kafedra obshchey khirurgii (zav. - prof, D.L. Rotenberg) Stanislavskogo meditsinskogo instituta, (ARTERIES-DISEASES) (ERYTHROCYTES) 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 * 0 0 0 It. 46 Mw ~ W 0 W 1V_W_W_W_W_ gal I I I a I A I a I it ItU tIMIS's Otto to a 21 a a M is M 11 111 At a 41 a a A A C. -4, L A A P 9- It A A - V if QC W 9942 1.- C_1 8 6 A t a S. -1-:1, -0 0 . It in G= "010"0 POIO`1330C~banifem" mpper om d.pootit. Boh"nais fKosW ~C D"t 111CMIce 9WIS q =40 0 Homf "OOIA now Vrchlabl). .,Zd-RQtIL. Sbotmik SIM. so c;eel. Vitarm eetkoilar. Rep. 13, 279-Ml(in EnCIM, 301- coo fragments are preserved in gray --oo ~indstonjr beds intprca ted with normal red sand1stone, in which the CIA sulfide lkis been attirlized. It is sugsested thAt the gray beds formed at valley bottoms and the ground-water level was high enough to prevent oxidatiort of the sulfide. Michiel Fleischer o too T A I A - S L AOTALLURGINC&L LITEINATILat CLAS1IFK4TIGW t.jc.') L. 4 U US AT ICC At IT Or n, it Or 6C K It ItU K OF It It 01 TO, On 1;t 0 0 0 6* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 ISO 9 111 2~t 12 - i 12 ~22 2~22 22 00 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 00 0" ;too z* o too i An L I a nd 0 m It I w s4 o jj -a:) It I Ana, 2-2 21,111; 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0; : : : to 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 so 0 0 IS 6 0 0 0 J~i &r-A --c Geological occurrence of free nitroSen in jimy near Pfague. Alivis *,Uttjk.& and Men?k RUtjk(.SIA1V 41~11, Inst.. Vriurn' ). VI'Milt S1,11, G;4-V.Vsrw criko.h.. Rep. IS. *-"V-S. its French, 2lill(I93M.-In a drilling in irny lmrk. ru under exem pressure of about I atin. was i1ound .ir a depth 16.5 m. The gas contained N 95.0, C(1h 3.2. 0 OA. CO MS. nimital. hydrocaftmim 0.'21%. and tic, rare It mirinat~l Fr"m nit- tmpt-l hy in- filtrating Witter, the 0 twing frin"w't 1" 11- pyfitc "r wit. matter. New'N'tube Dependence of the silics content on the altun= content in some Igneous rocks and crystalline &We!. kast.1te C.M. Inst.. I'MRik '~ . ". ueN. f Im to,sim~m. Rep. Z5. 241.7, in Fmich. xnaly~rs of i'vill rocks. ~ given in the HICT~WrV. Of perccr~tage of SO. jCAin%t percrntagr of Al,th iiere mAr. 1111C Of nCif. %lOpe. It Iv-0 lhAo 1,teolthe Alt0scontvit.or if tht rcU + NUO content w;&i tume than I/& of the AIA content, the point-, Ly beneath the line. The presence of froc A40, cautd the points to lie alm,c the line. Th6 relationship bcItI for igneous rocks and cryst. shale~ teganl- less of acidity. petrogriphic or mincr3logical nature. or Qvillitt. It. Ne"Vortille Af. em, vedoucl dr. V, Pekarek, (CHOLITIESTERASE) (BLOOD) (GOLORIMETRY) (PHOSPHORUS POISONSY ORGMIC) (AGRICULTURAL WORKERS DISEASES) ROTH,, Zdengk Statistical data on Vera Fiserova-Bergerovala'work, "Cholinesterase Activity following Repeated Applications of Small Doses of Parathion in Rats". Prac. lek. 14 no.2:93-95 Mr 162.1 Ustav hygieny prace a chorob z povolani v Fraze, prednosta prof. dr. J: Teisinger. (PARATHION pharmacol) (CHOLINESTERASE blood) ROTHY Z. The use of range instead of standard deviation in the statistical evaluation of biological and particularly of microbiological assays. J. hyg. epidem., Praha 5 no.4:431-438 161. 1. Institute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Prague. (MICROBIOLOGY) I SKRAMOVSKY, V. KUTOVA ZENISEK, A.- KRAL, J. A,; HAIS, I.M.,-. M. Technicka spoluprace M. Kyselova Fractional composition of sweat produced by heat and Btrenous work. III. Effect of Previous baths. Cas.lek.cesk 100 no.6g170-175 10 F 161. 1. Ustav telovychovneho lekarstvi KU v Praze, prednosta, prof. dr. J. Kral. Vyzkwmy-ustav pro farmacii a blochemii, reditel inz. dr. 0. Nemecek. II. ustav lakarsky chemie KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr J. Sula. Vy-zkumny ustav chorob revmatick-yeh, prednosta. pro'LO dr. Fr. Lenach. (SWEAT chem) (BATH) ZcIenek _LO SUIXIA-49 (in capu); Gi,.ren NPuLcs Co,.tntry: Czechoslovakia Academic Degrce!u- /not glvenl AMII,,~tion: Central Institute oL*-QQpl,.o (Ustredni Ustav geologicky) Prag-ue. Source Vol XXXVI, 110 2t 1961t PP 307-309. Data - "Theses on the Explanation of Uie Geological Map 1:200.0001 Sheet Ostrava DI-34-XIX." Coauthors: HPUR, Jaroslav, /presumably/ aoa1LFrqE3Pq-qtIRpL_~Uhelny ruzltum), Ostrava. p JMOVA, Alena, /presumably/ Coal Pro~ij~fcting (Uhelny pruzicum), OsG~U-a-,-' 17S .LtULH, I'denek SU~7ukm' (in ctyu); Given 1.1piar-B Colintry: Czechoslovakia Acud--imic D--grce!u: /not 1,,iven/ Alf P Litton: Central IiisuUq~Q__qj'-GQ (Us'-redni Ust Qj oEy u av geologicky), Pramle f VS u -tilik " rjQk-QIIR, Vol XXXVIP No 2, 1061, pP 307-509. D-I+ a IfThenes orl tile Explanation of thr Geological Plap 1:200.000, Sheet Ontruiva , M-34-M." Coatithors: ZEMAN, Jaroslav, /presumably/ aoal--Pr-oqpQq~jng (Uhelny pruzkLim) , Ostrava. JURKOVA, Alena, /prenumably/ Coal_Prps -_ctinp (Uheiny pruzflaim), Ostraiia. R OTII,.) Zd e no IC SUR'iAU4iI,-TfrTn- -cap do Given 11(t1w.L1 Colintry: Czechoglovakia ki-o-Acro1c, /not ~-,Iven/ AfrMiation: Centr'al Institute loa (Ustredni Ustav geologicky) Praf-,ue. Source: Prafqtei V-QaIuik-UqI-jmW-1iho Vol XXXVI9 No 2, lc)61, PP 307-309. itrDhe-nes on -the Bxplariation of the, Geological Map 1:200.000, Sheet Ostrava -M-34-~-XIWI Coatithors: ZEMAIT, Jaroslav, /prestunably/ Goal -Fr-oqj)qqjjpg (Uhelny Pruzkum), Ostrava. JURKOVA, Alena, /presumably/ q!~a~ 1~~qq -q-ting (Uhelny pruzIcum) OqtraVa. /,7 S' I C.,I Degrees: Source: Data: A.-7,-J,tt::~: Ccritral Itio (Ustredni UntLv j~eolcricky), Sc.zzs: Vol ~Ccxvl, :~*Q 2. 1961, pp 30-N9. "Menea 0,% th" Exp1m,atton Or tf,~, (j.01agictil k.j1p JQ100,C00, 31%,"'t ("fitrava , MwN, Jaroalav, /prewirobjy/ Coal Froa;xcttrtf,~uhrlrW pmzkum), Ontneve.. J*LM*wC'IA. Alena, /premma~,Jv/ Coal ~rn-,,. -Pi denek -.en -Stcne. c;ren:: fn --.3 IeSL: rc, 1. Centrz, 1 Geolo,;~d cal ills t 4 t Lite Frague. ROTH, Zdenek Geological publications. Vest Ust geol 39 no-4:24.1-242 164- Structural division or Czechoslovakia. Ibic;.:285-288 L 1. Central Geological Institute, Prague. ffORAKOVA, Z; HACH, V.; ROTH Z,- KATOUSKOVA-SMOLK local anestbatic action and certain remo0 properties of alkoxy derivative of xyloca 5 no.4:460-470 1956. 1. Vyzkumny ustav pro Farmacii a Biocbemi (LIDOCAINE, related compounds, alkoxy deriv., local anesth. & pM ----------- ,-A o0o Lai ----------- 44 - p"4 .... ... %, -h VI I."., p -P. P~j .1".. lu -m~ -4-A -P .1-:4 -.V Ar V.P.,:4 oz -1 "P a 4-~ Li -t"tx- T ...% --1 -4 -P I- --tAll "0 --I~M ~1- -r "Pad ..I ..p -1-611 -IP -1)", ............ P. "-,q .p -1, P-4- -m--u 341 M.I.A.11111 '(4 W I HA 11 Ill lu III.All 'A 11 -"f TWABEX, K. XOZLIK, V. "ROTH, Z. Comnarison of Snyer's and Munsonla methods of titration of cortico- tronin. Cesk. fysiol. 8 no.3:242 Apr 39. 1. TNzTnimn;y ustav pro farmacii a biochemii. Utvar biologicke kontroly leciv. Praha. Predneapno nn III. fvsiologickych dnech v Brne dne 14. 1. 1959. (ACTH, determ. titration, Saver's Munson's methods, co=arison (Cz)) VOTAVA, Z.; IROTH, Z. Studies on the mechaniamr-Y action of cyclemethon, a new curare- simulant. Cesk. fysiol. b' no-3:260 Apr 59. 1. Vyzkamny ustav pro faiNIMS. a biochemii, Praha. Predneseno na, III. fysiologickych dnechv Brne dne 14. 1. 1959. (MUSCLE R31AXANTe, eff. 1,1()-bis(dime*llnmino)-cyclooetadecane dimethiodide (C!,,)) A" Rw KOZLIK, V~; R3ZABEK,.K,;ROTH, '44 Compensation in #"RMhvsectonV by ACTH titration. Cesk. fysiol. 8 no-5:451-452 S ffTJ 1. Vyzk-umny ustav Mivych rostlir~, Vyzkumny ustav pro farmacii EL biochemii, Praha, iMMAICOTROPIN. pharmacol. ~MDCTOMY, exper. ROTH, Z. Potentiation and inhibition of two drags. Statistical aspects during the application of the isobol method. Cesk. fysiol. 8 ncL.5:457 S 159 1. VyzkamTiy ustav pro farmacii a biochemii v Praze. (PHARMCOLOGY) PETZ, Roman; ROTH, Zdenek; STE~BA, Otakar Statistical evaluation of the results of biological experiments using a punched-card system and a sorting machine "analyzer". Biologia 18 no.8:635-61,0 163. 1. Ustav hematologie a kre-urn-i transfuze v Prazo, a prace a c'--rob z povolani v Pra:;e. PR ,"~CYEH Zdenek "Goi-l.parative tectonics of old tablelands" by IT.S.SchaatSki [Shatskiy, I.I.S. ) Heviewed by Zdenek Hoth. Vest Ust geol 3- 163. no. 4:263-264 Je RGTH, Zdcnck; ~U.IIZLIKOVA, Eva; GIGM, Ivan Pr,A":Llej C-iso-As oro mineralogii a geolorii, No 1, lc,)63, pp 49-60 "I Profile of Chi-lk and Faleogen Sta-ata by Deep Drilling IT 298 ,299 MiSi eand Ucluiov, northivest of FIrcnAat, below tile Radhosi~ 'T c!"a L0. 17 V o D J T .:o povo laill, Gn L:,2 4r. Zaci -a -.z: C C~7 'OnS r e Cl ROTH, Zdenek uInternational Geological Congress, 20th session, f4exico City 1956. Section 9. Applied geophysics." Reviewed by Zdenek Roth. Vest Ust geol no.1:56 Ja 163. STOMMANN, Z.; BLAWACKA. A.; ROTH, Z. Liver and muscle glycogen in normal nutrition and following starvation in mice. Acta physiol. polon. 5 no.4:623-624 1954. 1. Z Zakladu Chemii Pizjologieznej w Poznaniu. Kierowalk: prof. dr Z.Stolzmann. (MUSCLES, metabolism, glycogen, in normal nutrition & starvation in mice) (LIVER, metabolism, glycogen, in normal nut7ition & starvation in mice) (GLYCOGEN, metabolism. liver & muse., in normal nutrition & starvation in mice) (PASTING, effects, on liver & musc. glycogen in mice) STOLZ'4ANN, Zdzislaw, Prof., Dr.; BLAWACKA, Maria; ROTH, ZofIa Liver and muscle glycogen in normally fed mice. Bull. Soc. amis sc. Poznan, ser. C No.6:51-70 1956. 1. Inst. of Physiological Chemistry of tba Acad. of Med. In Poznan. (GLYCOGEN, metabolism, liver & musc. in mice fed normal diet) (LIVER, metabolism, glycogen In mice fed normal diet) (MUSCLES, metabolism, glycogen in mice fed normal 3iet)