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RUM -.W- jj"JES, i.; IZSCA If. aUMEMI, D. ' tm--@ ii l 6 c VIM3 v e wale 11-12, 11ov-Doc 3, Vol 14, "Thi Dotorminatio of )Jolw"e in the Prononco of Amolida, linclino, and Uroa. 0 c ."P.1-1 7 - --- - I ZX t,4, 2, > Diatrt',; behavlor'of- In'the Votocak' 6 chmactaWc t VII feactlon..@,X,' VIN I I Bucharest. Romania Ld d. r Xg. biochim. Studii cerc MI 83-4((19W) The r;atlon mechanism In the detn. of uluite by titm with Hg(NO@)s (cf, CA 53, 21427b) can be either a numn. or th mol. a formadon of a latter exofanation Is Na a Pre ferred and the reaction W Ig(N III(NWel + 2N&NOs % vinested 031, Na. I Z 5,"' Q Z. , llt , S: - @ .3c C 71 -1 IWL'JTL'./Chenica-l TechnoloGy. Chc,.dcal, Products and Their if ',pplications. Ferzientation, Industry. ;,bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Min.,, No 8, 1959) 29247 ixthor Groza, Z. and Hosca, 0 Inst Title The Utilization.of Wine Mash in the Production of Calcium Tartrate. GriC-, Pub: Gradil-L-- via si Livada, 7, NO 9, 56-59 (1958) (in Riz,,anian) ,bztr--ct: New technoloC5y and equipment forthe rrc(!uctior. of Ca rtr. tan ite frori wine nash at the Milcov factory is described. The msh is traima with 11 so 2 4 (520 De); the acid is adLloa slwly with careful stirrinC; in 650. special LLixers at 80-6 Follmring acid t2-catr*-ant, the mixture is ncutra-lized with'101@ Uilk cf lir,@, Card' I/P --R! 11:0@1 Pt 0CA Radu. Sur lea courbas ef variAtAa Un6airea dans space do courbure constants- Arad Rryllm Bull ':;t- t So. 24. 62"3.3 (1943". autheyr (-nr,,uderj jymtzerns uIlDILCLL@ and qrrawht hapr 'TI IIMI Euclide;in qpacei I.. A (-irr[P n -1,1 4 0 (@ T, .!, I.. -q?f!r @,7, 31) and tadius , ma@ @@P rfpre-@nte,i bv x jv@s tv i n A n h es @k n s t rm,- uga! e x! t h msper t t r ! he a i P. u A tif ic i n j tirr"_px)n(f to ovo orthcgonal circles From this it follows -hat a pencil Qf circles is represented by a straight line In 1:. A straight line in 11 ia represented bv a point an a "11.1dric in an Is @cunrdinates of Klein). 8%, means of this t nrrespondence the author ;tudies the romplexe%, the con- @rl.ienceq @partictdntl@, the congruences of Clifford) and th . -parameter of linenr complexes (a curve in J. 11aanijes (Ami Vol No. 41.%, 7-- 7 7-,Z@ Rosca, Sur une classe de rdseaux autoprojectifs. 'Z;,AfrIfM-ItZptih@ Pop. Roni5ne. Stud. Cerc. Mat. 1, 169@-174 f';Cp Roii@-mi,m Rijs5ian and F@cnch iummaric-,) Oirre relait-I in the-�!L-r- OA '31i l'i-111jerIx, its L.if'! if 1. F,inderjItte (Coilege Park. Md.) 30--ce: M the-latical Reviews, Vol No , RUiv,OIA gh2lv Studies -@ngardirng h,.tc!ru*,-@V.Pw@A-ncq. i a a Ard lian C "I r 0 Elpie'--tiol VC, N 0 6 p,- 57L-533. b st:ract-: ',ja t, -a ccr r e 14 t 4-ass curtbreakti and cs@@P-n of porcine, L-Sn allc@ r7v4ae l!,qterLOAS Witt. thf@ rMIS d[St@SC- In between Oe rllve-,ct 81s-Irlta and C. C@ 't '.t widiorl tut. aurliorl In Very -horauSIR doc- abou --nd course i-n. varL--us, ani-mala, Several shtpherds -,r "Id gil:L '48-e the, 471tmar. C@Ses, details. a nv a te. eye C @C, f 2 r,,'V. :'@ E. 31k!.'@ I ' 0 ble shovirl& chatrlic:I! pref-erlies. L-1 1.5 crlltr@ri-:l (tz@ter upecim-slirr from 6 locpcions).@ 1-2 ta., on mo a e a te-sts" n-e--Ut3tion about g refe-rznca@. i252l.! R GRAD Now wthed, .4 11j* oat Auman t is U*IiUM otbard b! W Y.:@ PP. @:Sfl a An AS p _PDOCtit Veterinari an -Ka-RQSCA -an N. DINITRTU Dr M. KUCHTA and Vererinar. Reoional Veterinary Laboratory (Laboratorul veterinar regional) Roman., '!Epizootiologic, Clinical-Anato-iic and Laboratory Studies of Chi4?ec-n Aspergillosis.11 Bucharest, revista de Zootchnie 5i Medi6ina Veterinara, Vol 13, IN, o 4 , Apr 63; pp 81 UI - 94. Abstract rEn-lis, modified] 1%.7o epizootics of A. fumi.-atus st=--ary -Li c! ungus was present aspergillosis in cl ken flocks are described. The f widely in litter, battery walls,.eggs and embryos@ Comprehensive pathology details. Hygienic measures eliminated the infection. Two, specizien photographs; 2 photomicrographs; 5 Rt=aanian, 2 Western and p 2 Soviet references.. I. . @ BRET 0 0 0 6 Ge 0 a## 0 0 9 w '1 10 it 11 13 Li Is k if to I it 1) It $1 6 k V v 'm U 0 1A 4 -1: A, 9 I A 0 9D U I t f 4 1 s.. Ito .00 The Ogg amitallon of laboratory cipertments an,l ih@ It-riling of rgpons &DOut hem. 0 It N. If Pici-Tiov. J. CArm. Ind. (161rocow) 1932, Nit, A. 12- Ito, 11-MA.micni"Vit Fine structures In the rittlecom Imalle. W Vlerplitil Rimnit, Xwl jahrk'W""41, God, Iffil. At. A64"IA 4A(1113 I) -Illilt str1iti 1 1 I I at 0 0 -.00 a* 0 Ago lei w1r, rk .4p 1200 cis 0 A S S L i .1 f.LLURGK.L LM RALTLAE CL AIUF K A I DO ft uo 0 t 4. We V, .1 a-v is " ;' too AT 43 "*; ; it of $I It a it '3 ji 1 a rw 0 ir 1 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 eso a 0 io @"LO 0 0 a 0 0 T T T a IF a A a L all AN r Ir 1111 1 6 A III AND IPO 01161101111 st"Csc!nj 4i PSOCJSUA AM poweersts mot a GOA ^00 009 *0 by -W A Unim p P .00 t - . P.OOQEAL- 1937, o 17, 117 120) detendmiial @ oombkfwg - ic" "Y&Oquem YT Owbullip b 6 W" to HCO ago V f Ge said fk4wy or in,primum of he p hWoi% or asaidins. K W. COO coo XOO s see -44 0, eo OCTALLUMM19AL LkIlmAtIall CLA tree NOW SIT1111111M *Altai Ow q- 04 191010 WIN-GOT A 41,11"C"t All A 1 4 "d, 0 1 ar a a J] 4 3 4 V All, IN l il 0 0 so 0 0 0 es 0 see a 0 so 0 0 of A ISO OOA 00 C Ip U.17 A., 1 00 W (1) (1 i i ew s 31y VA Is ushW MA Oxidaum of phom with the anow* a & I 3 "nAim )$ 1 not complow. bat (I sutbrsqvi@- by i hi t s to doloquilm(l). i ti i 1 11 t ox m ng ( ) to ( ) 7it, N St- -t T A L LUOIGKAL LIT 9 0-14,04 CLAMPICAIM- A Ia 0 u It a.. 13-t rt -1-1; -.1 @ lie : i-- 699096 0600,06666*69 Apeoplarkis mot I M. A, I[L- -Cmp& ml Aftd. Hof. of @# @Ijw it mizhm anthiscom aft.) @ it ft W" iM *M=m=mk.= woo" ppm is @ mUnfactory. .040 (11) by Ct%.vwim @ Alov.10907c, or H,80, pawnt., womb Im N m1pikibe Oompound W coo be apmted (16M well F rm UW Of wom, of its oxim. wMdopwdonaq"nt. m4h&iof W. W. see ties 01 0 S * 1* * S 0 0 S s * " 0 VA 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W P 14/62/041/008/001/003 /0 S -:1cones D204/D307 n-al silicone Diantproducing --,10.tons ps a. ha been: a, n, experime s VI_t*_j_' 4-IT-9 ak. -Eft* Y-ehemi 0 tne - gar zyna (Gh-amical 47ox]cs_.SarZyna@.0I:The,: -ors is chie@@'ly, carried ut,' by 61i @ciroduction of silicone insulat. 0 Wic- U -ic Materials Establishm nt 1: 1 ezak-lady tworzyvi s tucznych (Synthet e t --ad U GliwJ ce) and Zak2 ma erialoznavistvia elekt,rycznego instytuuu elek-, t_-otechniki (Establishment of the Science:of Electrical Materials,,::, _@'ec -cal Inst "L -Lrotechn-- itute),O Application of home-produced silicores Uo constructional viork.arestudied by'Inslbytut techniki budovi an (Inst-itu-Ge of Cons t ruct ional 74'ethods) and Insty-Uut szkleC i ceramiki U-nst-itute of Glass and Ceramics warsaw.,r), and to the,impregnation textiies by Centralny i-.qstytut ochrony.pracy (Cen' al'Ins-citute @-he Protection o--:' Labor@6nditvions), in Warsaw. Silicones pro-, 0 d-Uce'd t)y the !TTS were four ther.testued by a number of@other ins@itu-' 711ons, with a view t:) extending their, utilization. in, Poland. ,There.@, arc- 5 figures, 2 tables and 30refoeren6eB: 22 Soviet-,bloc and:,BLnon- Soviet-;blocs 6 0 CI A, T 10. Ninhstytut. tworzyvi s z tuc znych (Insti-tute of Synthetic Ilaterial S) Card:,2/2