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'Orn endcal characteristics at contemporary marime "Rotum. i'Vokoplente i Preo6atmxinir O@v VexjhchcS4x-s-M=.q?_"MM M-Ykikh V,,ravuz. V'Juch.-Itsirdat-al'; -;e'd Miz"'docit A41 1956. i.1.1 tiii Spechn(-n, ir,,t;: caspiall det, "' 1: iv,rt examil. with 111C following r-ult, Pic F, * , I I .- I " - U.-I, 1, - I ".../ @-Wciafly in Urgv graii, dvpti-Atts, with invrea@ ;if ()rg- ma t ter -11W (:-.LI-tXJIMIe conivnt rise., ;%it h ,rg- inhtter --nd Ett -Free H,S is generaily Icliv except in orgunugenic -;ilt @vbvrc it nuiy rrach 0A `,; Wtind @ulfidc@ iixv mainly coned. in decompg. irg. phint niatt-_-r, Sulfatc varies directly with moisturr ontent and with content of arg. plant mat- ter; salfide 5 follows Ek similar pattern and tends to r1se with increasing state of decompri. of marine plants. Ele- mental 8 follows the pattern of sullides, but some black sands are devoid of free S. Taman Peninsula sediments are in a more reduced state than are Caspian &ands, mainly owing to larger content ofurg. niatter in the former. K-;nI, )off matter and Remin. yoko- ri"W=T rIlal= uo#l ikikh Cmdkdkh, Vissoyus. Nuck.-lukdnaki. Ged, Rd 4 A rvul- Im. iGl-7---(kzCMuy In"WelmV con- tca:% (,.,d wtth toe. run of clay component In - ladf- meat and decrease in ftad com t - Rup is devoW of V, zoulps contains 0.35 X IFTI%@n, Chdopt contain't 94 X 10-4 qo. Dtatonu an devotd of V. Blut-Sr"a pApe (Micracakwi, Pharmtdcferx) contain most V 2.48-- 3.84 X 10 % - Most of the V content of the de&t. is of .4. ..A WA - .4. 0 AvW29093 SOUIC'E, GOU: Ult/Olil3/66/000/0-15/0060/00 1.N V z,NI'W I L'S Gankin, I. A.; Loykin, 1. V. Gorodotskiy, M. A.; , Romin, 1. 14. - ---------------- i 0 1 -L'G- none TIT'I'LE: A maltichannol. device for controlling the closing reliability of conta Ictse' 10 llKrLiDMya 4r ill C la s r, .21, N - 16052 Cannounced, by Leningrad-Indus rial Society __y (LeninLyadskoye proizvodstvonnoyo ob'Vadinoniyo IlKrasnaj It SOU@RGE.-@ Izobrot prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 6o G circuit reliability, electric slefitch, resistance bridge !@'OPIC TA S: ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate@pre8onts a multichannel device *: f or-control-ling.. the closing reliability of contacts of low voltage electric equipment., The device @prov -ides 1. for recording the flailureass.66iated with the increase of the junction resisuance of the contacts bbing t6sted above:a6 eotablishod limit.'.' The device J-ncludes,tI Iio te t,contacts a.power supplk@sourco for the test contacts@ 1od cuits t -i cel@o :@21 resistances in the contact cir' ransis ox zed amplifiers .,with a sour z;'. abilized voltage bias a threshol d sensing element and, a unit for recording the failures (see Fig. 1). increases the precision and stability of the device and makes,it possible,.to,,reset simultan6ously:tho recording:threshold of,',all channels. The threshold sensing element'ofthe.device.31s' madelin.the fom@ of a bridge .318- Card jO., UDG:@ 1 :6 21 Llo',,lo_6 7 ACC NRz' AP6029898 81 Fig. 1. 1 - test.contacts; 2 power supply,s ource 3 -,load resistances; amplifiers; 5 source Z. of stabilized voltage 6 - recording unit; 7 - resistance equal to the an e;: resistance load resist c equal to the established n limiting value;of the junction + resistance with onelarm comprised of a load resistance and tile test contact of each Oannel.@ @The other arm of the bridge is comprised of a divider.consisting of:a resistance equal to the load resistance and of a resistanca equal to the established limiting value,@.. of.the junction resistance. The power supply source of the test contacts is connected to one of the diagonals of the bri 'dge. The waplifiers (made with transistors) are,,. connected to the appropriate diagonals ofeach of the channels..@To,Teducethe mutual ii,fluence of the separate.,ch.annels,on the.recording threshold of. each, @. channel -@ with a d-istinct, magnitude of the junction resistance of the test contactss:the recordl g unit Connected, to the amplif iers through - buf fer stage, transistors.:. To reduce the .,influence of the amplifier on the,conditions of the.test contacts and to protect the Card 2/3 S/02 63/148/003/034/037 Y B186 B101 AUTHORS j Aleksandrova, Ye., M., Shits, L. A., Romm, I. P. TITLEs- Effect of non-ionogenic, surface-active subs,tances,on the aggregative stability of polyst ral-latex-stabiliied:by~sodiuml' y oleate '637 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 148, no- 3, 1963t TEXT: The study deals with the' change in stability of:polystyrol la 1ex stabilizedby 0.6 parts by weight of sodium,,oleate per 100 parts of monomer, With addition of the following surface-active substanoes:(SAS)s.,.OTT_7 (()P-r7) t m 1: weight- o ecular , R R: or H,'. n p67, mean CH H, R C (CH 6) , , 8-10 2 2 n (WO.- 531, dipole moment D 3-50; dittot nt-,*10V..KI- 563 _20)i V 4.41 ; OTf-20 (OP-26), ditto, :n,@320 MW -.1125, @D-:5.36; @ '-26 ( 0C OS I I @ I - R-O(CH CH 0) H R C npt,20i MR :1185,,D .66; dispersing 'agent 2 2 n 16-18 51 JIb 80 (TV-80), Card 1/3 ,(Petroleum geoloa) R014% L.T. pontemporioAn PlMse V-.YOWOI skilk Osadkakh V'Ses Y" .1, Nalick-rijkdoa tent is found with increase ,of clay component ju, ment and: decrease in sand cornimm, 9 .p of V, Zastera contains 0.35 X 107 1,94 X 10-C l7c, Didlon. are IIZ'6)d, of V 'I alpe (Mi@rowleus, Phorxidiim). contain most 3.85 X 10r "9 Oja- Most dt-the V. c6nUnt d the del thit li bf.bWor PME I BOOK EXPWrl!ATION SOY/54M Vaenoyuznoy-e ooveahchaniye po vwdreniyu radloaktivnykh Izotopov iya&mykh izluchcni7 v narodnoje khozymystro . SSSR. Riga,- 1960 izluchenlya v narodnom khozyaystTe SSSR; R&Uoaktivnyye izotopyi yadernyye , trudy soveshchaniyay 41tomakh. @t. 1: Obahchiye voprosy primeneniya. izotopo7, pribory a Istochnikud radioaktivnykh UluchenLy, radiatsionnaya kbimlya,khAnTicheakaya i neftepererabatyvayushebaya promynblennost, (Radio active Isotopes and Nuclear Ruliations in @ the National Economy of the USSR; Transactions ofthe Symposium in 4 VOlumco. :v. I- General Problems in the Utiliz Al ti ation of Isotopes; Inatruments With Sources of Radioactive He a on- , Radiation Chemdgtry; the Chemdcal and PetrolcumRefining InduetrjI) Yoscow, Gostoptakhizdat,11961.1@ 340 p. 4,AO copies printed. -ftnnyy nauchno-teldbmicheskiy kDmitet Sovets. Kinistray Sponsoring Agency:., Gosudarst i zovaniyu SSSR, and Gosudarstyennyy komitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR po ispol ato=oy energii. A Edo. of thie Vo2.t Ed. (Title me) N.A. Petrov, L.r. Fetrenko and P.S. Savitskly, L.I. Petren1w, P.S. Savits)dy, V.I. Bbdtain, Ya. X. NolotyOdn, M.P. Syrknz and R.F. Rom; Executive Edo.: Teo S. levins. and B. To Titskays.; Tech. Ed.s E.A. Mukhina.. L ioactive Isotopes (Cont.) SOV/5486 q to 0 0 0 Nalf "(1140U Ottil It -it it 14 A A ly A r. L " r is W %I M 0 It it 31 1* it 'I M '* is., A 11 L so F 4 9 1 1--- It V, AA Le, 1 -4- 00 b'sformatloa of filine depending on the initial COM 0 114113 P. V. Koxim and Romm. -Movilf-tvik-F, 19"' %fo. 2' 2*2-8' Ile 31 A (4 n Atlim (4 lilies* flurinex I1rqwrk%iltK will (simul (41 Jr, 0 0 0 0 it the rovillithstio of f-wMation tit tile lilies. %if,. 00 '.111111K Thedir(uruisbilitY W4*ditCVtIV IKUPIAtiqlful 0 :to tile istnt, of trAdual sWww. @ The dclugumbilily Oil IlitrAtr IMt Illi-S 1111,M) f(;M? t%h?fVf 111eittilig liftnWrtiVi. me .00 114-t %All-(,Wtl-fY I"t 11SO-1111141 I see li'll"m lots 111.1.1i0i't. ve'-fe I'l-I N6114,1. t,n vallil,11.4 isq'IsV110 141-141AIV Atul (titolvi It. 311.1 11 V, Nr 4.00 Q 7; 0 0 0 0 f L A CfA@A VIC.K A LL11111"t "t A&SIPiCA1100 0 S 'o 0 M,m u n to 43 is 0 An L I a fW0 it P1 00 0 0 444 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 (Petroleum geology), (Gas Natural-Geology) (Khanin .'A A SM.EMOV, Y,e.M.; GMID,,L.P.; RORASHOVA, M.G.; RqM@,Je,S.; KAUCHIVA, V.N.-, j X :A - d e p b Roln m Is v n 4 a In im 0 0 In pati C3 ' .. and ventilation, tidal 'vol., Of, Clevited Or 666S reductfan@. , effect Is mWiated'in part.!W@ ' tile glorulls caroticum gind aortA :us Is ft eudothelial and other it these. effect3 tend to counteraii tlirbancesleadingtopulmomry 4 T' @neral Problems of Pathol, -.y. qliergy. AQ@o jour Ref. Zhur BioloSiYa, No. 3, 1959, 13502, I@U@,-)C-,@ GotluseEzen. Yted@@-ves. Aroad: Romoda. 13 GOTTSEGEN, Gyorgy; KOHEN, Katalin; ROMODA, Tibor Procaine i-ffect.,on.ventilation andoxygen consumption.In cardiac..: hypoxia. Magf. belprv. Oct 559' 1. A Fovarosi.Istvan-Korhaz (Igazgato;.Viko1,.Janos,d'r.) III. sz. Beloazialyanak (foorvos: Gott,sagan, Gyoig7 dr.) kozlemenye. (DYSPNEA cardiac, aff. of procaine on ventilation & oxygen @consumption. (Hun)) (CONGESTIVE ELM FAILURE dyspnea,-eM of,procaine on ventilation & oxygen