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AGRANOVSKAYA, I.A.; ASATKUU, Ye.F.; BOYTSOVA.Ye.P.; BOCHAM11KOVA, A.D.-, BOYTSELI, Z.A.:-,IVANOVA, Ye.A.; KALASMKOvA, V.A.; KLIMKO, S.A.: KRUCHININA. N V.; k(ALTASOVA. Te.S.; MARKOVAP L.G.; MARTYNOVA, POKROVSKAYA, I.M.; POLUKHINA, V.A.; ROMANOVSKATA. 6.".. SAHIGULINA Te P.; SEDOVA M.A.; SIGOVA, 11. N. -, A-L I RJX, "ITY. S MLIN, S .,re- Is tva;. GUROVA, O.A., tekhnich daktor izdatel eskir redaktor. [Atlas of Oligocene spore and pollen complexes in various regions of the U.S.S.R] Atlas oligotsenovykh sporovo-pylItsevykh kompleksov razlichnykh raionov SSS'6. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-r7, po gologii i okhrane nedr- 1956, 312 P- (Leningrad, Veesoiuznyi. geologicheskii.institut. Materialy, no.16) (MLRA 10: 3 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellski7 geologicheskiy inst-*tut Kinisterstva geologii I okhrany nedr SSSK.(for Asatkina,,Boytsova, Ealashnikova,rruchinina, Pokrovskaya, Romanovskaya, Sedova. Stell- mak). 2. Yuzhno-Urallskoye geologicheskoye upravleniye (for Sigova) 3. Urallskoye goelogicheskoye upravleniye (for Agranovskay-a, Bocharni-- kova,- Martynova, Polukhina, Samiglilina). 4o Trest "Zapsibneftegeologi7a' (for Boytsell, Ivanova, Klimko,.Markova). 5.Geografiches.kiy, fakul'@tet Leningradskogo gosudarstven'nogo universiteta(for Malyasova) (Po S nen, Fossil) pores (Botarq), Fossil)- P. 0-MV,11OVSKAYA, t @ . M. .Cand Sel (elss' - palinolo@icral . J i - AGRANOVSKAYA, I.A.; ALYUSHINSKIT, Yu.A.; ASATKINA, Ye.F.; WYTSOVA, Ye.P.; BOCHARITIKOVA, A.D.; VOYEVODOVA, Ye.; GROMOVA, N.S.; ZAUYER,.V.V.; MARTYNOVA, Z.I.; FAITOVA, L.A.; FOKROVSKAYA, I.M.; RCMANOVSKVTA, G.M.; SXDOTA M.A.; STELIMAK, IT.Kq-- KHATKIIU, S.L.; EDELIS [deceased]; MA12USHIN, V.A.; [Atlas of upper Cretaceous,-.Paleocene and Eocene spare and pollen complexes in-certain regions of the T.S.S.R.] Atlas verkhnemelovy1ch, palootsenovykh i eotsenobykh sporovo-pylltsevykh kompleksov nekotorykh. raionov SSSR. Leningrad. 1960, 574 P (Leningrad. Vs,esoiuzn7i, geolbg17 cheskii institut. Trudy, vol.30)., (MIRA 13:10) 1. Vsesoyuzny7.nauchno-issledovateliskiv geol,ogichaskiy institut, Ministerstva geologii i okhrany SSSR (for Alyushinskiy, Asatki nedr na, Boytsova, Gromova, Panova, Pokrovslmya, Romanovskaya, Sedova,Stellmak Edllshteyn). 2. Ural'skoye geologicheskoye upravleniye Ministerstva. geologii i okhran7 nedr SSS-R (for Agranovskaya, Bocharnikova- Marty- nova). 3. Severo7Vostochnoye geologicheskoye upravleniye Ministerstva geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR (for.Yoyevodova, Khaykina). 4. Lenin- r adskiy filial GidroprO7elcta Ministerstva elektrostantsiy-.(for Zauyer)., g (.Palynolo&v) L 22931 SOURCE CODE., ACC,N@! iUR/0052/65/010 @O04 0727/073P AP6016 @AUTHWW Linnik, Yu. V. (Ieningrad , 7 'TITIE-i Remarks 'on the theory-of the Fishei@461ch-Wtl& test' 4 : 1965.' 'SOURCE: Teoriya:verayatnostak i keye jpr n 10 i no e 727-@730 � , _10PIC TAGSs -pr6baU34ty mathematics r -K J ABSTRACT-.. g-:, The present article deals with testing of the Ho hypothesis'@rogardin7, . of two normal populations,with unknown dispersions of, samples""': equality of the mans sizes, nj and n2o, Provious,,pap6rs,by.-thelfiist.two.6f the authors,16ft'a gap ' r t @ aitic a Uorems.are hie ,repro... a guments. which, is filled -by @ the presen derived w h . , - @ ]sent stronger results than thdm of tho. preced"g'_@pjapera`i -.0 1 ti haii ',,@10 r p,.ar formulas.: fJPRs7 001. `@ORIG RE 0 3, CODES 32 o4Juh 5'@ - 6 F 0 OM REFt SUB SUBH DATE t , . , _J@ Bogomolov, K.S. 3011/77--A -6-2/15 TITLE: An Investigation of the Dependence of the Regression on the.Energy of the Particles Bringing About the@Formation of the Latent,'Image (Issledovaniye zavisimosti regressii ot energii chastits vyzyvayushchikh obrazovaniye skrytogo-izo- brazheniva) ERIODICAL: P Zhurna I niuchnoy i prikladnoy fotofrraf 1 0 i i kinemat p raf ii 1958, Vol 3, N r6, PP 407-409, (USSR) ABSTRACT: A method for the ir--vestigation of the denendence of regression on of the particles that generate t h e. formation of the latent image, wc as devised, to provide a possibility to accurately measure the tricks of feebly ionizing charged particles in the relatively wide interval of sDecific ioni-@ zation for emulsions which.are relativistic particles. -R-type pellicle stacks were irradiated with pi- mesons with an energy of 160 to 220 Mevs on the synchro- cyclotron of the Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledo- vaniy'(Joint Nuclear Reseatch.Institute). The tracks of scattered pi-mesons, which ended -in the.emul used sion, were.. for the measuring of the'density. T wo pellicle-stacks were- @card 1/3 investigated, one of which:was manufectured in line.with. SOV/77 6-2/15 -@tion of the Dependence of the Regression on the Energy, of the, An Inves t ig, articles Bringing About the Formation of the L.Ptent Image P s t a ndard technol)gy, while the other was studied-for relative- ly strong regression., Fach stack contained. several dozens of 31. emulsion layers of 400 micron thickness. The prepared stacks %vere nu t into an "exsiccator" for 7 tc @A-hour periods with 0 a saturated solution of natriumbromide at 20. C and a re- lptive humidity of 58 @c. Upon irradiation, a:coordinate scheme was plotted by aid of x-ray..raliation. After 12 to 14 hours.8 upper layers,were taken out from the stack upon. irradiation andprocessed in accordance, with the NIKFI method, with two-sidpd developing and ensuing fixing to a P-lass,sup- The nt sets (each 8 layers) were,'processed and port. differe the density of the tracks calculated by determined distances from thepoints of the arresting of the mesons: 2.5, 4, 6@and so on up to 24 mm at 1-mm-distances. IEnergy and 3pec.ific.. i n energy.losses in the photographic leyer of.the-Lesons their relation to the residusl ranres.are shorn in Table 19. the,results in Table 2 a snI b. The tntulated figures, upon c orri p, on iris , emonstrPte that the regression depends only to ticles. This me be, Card 2/3 minor degree _on the energ,@., of the par y AUTHORS: Bogomolov, KS,,, and 'Roriianovskaya, K.M. Ck TITLE: 'The Theoretical Foundation of the -Regression De- pendance-of the Latent Image on the Energy of,Vleak Ionizing Nuclear Particles Acting Upon a Photo- graphic Emulsion (Teoreticheskoye obosnovaniye zavisimostj regressii skrytogo izobrazlieniya ot L energi-i-slaboionizuyushchikh yadernykh chastits deystvuyushchikh na fotograficheskuyu emullsiYU3 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal nauch-ncy i prikladnoy fotografii i kine- matografii. 1959; Vol 37 (USSR) 1 4 Nr 1, pp 35- ABSTRACT. experimental investigation of. the regression of the traces of V -mesons in the ionization inter- val 1.02 and 4.64 - as compared with.the relativ- istic minimum that the grade of re-ression decreases.. but very slightly, with -%.he increase The-fluctuation theory of.the al@' ionization. phot ranhic action of charged particlesexplains Card 1/2 t 11 i sphenomenon qualitatively and quantitatively.' BOGOMOIDV, K.S., red.; PERFILOV, N.A., red.; LWLOXTITSKIY, G.Ye.,, red.; DOBROSERDOVA, Ye.P., red.; ZFDAHOV) G.B., red.; KARTUMUISlay, A.L., red.; LYUBOIAILOV,.S.I., red.; MIEERVYU, Z.V., red.; RAZORENOVA, I.F., red.; ROMAN@0@4,-6.11.j red.; SPECYLOVIGH, red.; f' ARININ, K.Vap red.; TREPYAKOVA, M.1 , red.; DJ1. UVAROVA, V.M., red.; SHUR, L.I., red.; POPOVA, A.K:, red.;,VEIIIIIK, Ya.M.,, red.; VERES, L.F., red. izd-va; KUZNETSOVA, Ye.B.,, red. izd- va, FOLYAKOVA, T.V... tekhn. red. (Nuclear photography; transactions] IAdernaia fotografiia; trudy tretlego Mezhdunarodnogo soveshchaniia. Moskva,, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR,1962. 474 P. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Colloque International de*Photographie Corpusculaire. 3d, Moscow, 1960.'2 Ilauchno-issl6dovatellskiy kinofotoi stitut in kva (for Bogomolo a Romanovskaya, Starinin). 3. Pred- oo v,.Uvarov M sedatell Organizatsionnogo komiteta Tretlyego Mozhdunai-odnogp. sove- shchaniya po.yader'noy fotografii. 1960, Moskva (for Bogomolov). 4. Zamestitell predsedatelya Organizatsionnop komiteta Trelyego Yezhdunarodnogo soveshchaniya po yadernoy fotografii. 1960, Moskva (for Perfilov). 5. Radiyevyy institut im, V..G.Khlopina Akademii, 'UtL sovetskoy'. torgovli @nauk Leningrad (for Shur, Perfilov). 6. Instit (for K6@@hanski ) 7. Obffyedinerzqy institut yader- im. F.Engellsa Y nykh issledovaniy, Dubna (for.@Lyubomilov). 8. Institut atornoy energii im. I.V.Kurchatova Akaderdi nEuk'SSSR, Moskva .(for Samoylovich)., .:,,@.,(Photography Particle-track).." 397 36., 6 '-KIT ACC NR% SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/00-0/002/0147/0147 AR(@4 7 AUITIOR; Dogom.)101,1, K.- S.; De-berdeyev, M. Yu.; Romanovsk@y_D. K@ 14. ORG: none_ TITLE: Method of increasing the sensitiNrity of nuclear photographic emulsions. Class 57, If(:)- 178263 SOURCE: Izobreteniyap promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no, 2,J966, 147 TOPIC TAGS: photographic emulsion, nuclear emulsion AWDTIZACV: An Author Certificate wasJosued for a mAhod of In2reasing the sensi- tivity of a nuclear photographic emulsion To retard its deterioration and to -Iwer th& tendency towfird regresuion of the hidden Image, the -photographic layer of the nuclear emulsion, after being dried to a 0,9 -1.3@:molature content,16 subjected to dry-Ing at*50 60C for. 3 to I days, respectively with air humidity not exceeding.1 21A, SUB CODE-! 14 SUBM DATE: 13Feb63/ 4 Card, UDC.- 771-534 PAVLOV, I.N. [deceased]; PROKIICROV, S.P.; SUCRTSOV, G.G.; LOSEV, F.I.; ABTIPIN, V.I.; BUD,'140V, N.D.; KOTLUKOV, V.A.; LEYBOSHITS, A.M.; PROEBOROV, S. P., j kand.geol.-rainer nauk; SIRMAN, A.P.; FALOVSKIY, A.A.; SIFLFdN, M.A.; BASi@@, Ye.A.; BOGATKOV Ye.A.; GANEYEVA, M.M.; ZAHUBINSKIY, Ya.I.;,ILD-1A,.Ye.V.; KATSIYAYEV, S.K.; KOMPANIYETS, N.G.; TIELYUBGV,*L.P.; PONOWEV, A.I.; REZNICIENKO) V.T.; WLEV, N.A.; TSELIGORCVAJ 'YKHODTSEV, A. P. KO"101741 A.I.; ALSTER, R.K.; SHVETSOV, F.F.; IV A.I.; KASHKOVSKIY, G.N.; LOSEV, F.I.; RO1,W1OVSKAYA L.L.- PROKHOROV, S.P.; RATVEYEV, A.K., dots. retsenzent; CIIELITSOV, E M.I., inzh., retsenzent; KUDASKOV, A.I. otv, red.; FETRYAKOVA Ye.P., red. izd-va; ILIINSKAYA, G.M., tekhn. red. (state of flooding and-conditions for the exploitation of coal- bearing areas in-the U.S.S.R.] Obvodnennostl i usloviia eksplu- atatsii mestorozhdenii ugol.Inykh raionov. Pod nauchn. red. S.P.Prokhorova. MoskwaY Gosgortekhizdatl 1962. 243 P. (MIRk 15:7) 1. Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-is sledovatel'skiy institut gidro- geologii i inzhenernoy geologii. 2. Kafedra ge-ologii i geo- khimii goryuchikh iskopayemy1ch Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo univej@siteta (for Matveyev).- geology) (Mine water) S/137/62/000/003/038/191 Aoo6/Aioi -AUTHORS: Fodkosov, L. G., Akopova, K. S., Romanovskaya,.N. Ye. TITLE: .~.,Co.1lective,flotation.of,titanium-zirconium sands PFMODICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 3y: 1962, 13 abstract 3G86 ("Tr. Vses. n.-I. in-ta mineralln. syr.1yall, .1961., no. 6, 158 166) T EXT The authors investigated flotation of Ti-Zr.sands of three deposits in a laboratory, and partially under industrial, conditions. The basic mineral products-of the deposits are: ilmenite, rutile, leucoxene, zircon; the sands of one of the deposits contain a c6nsiderable.amount of aiumosilicates. In the sands the ore-mineral grains are finer than the dead rock (quartz). The sands can be well washed. The content ofslime@particles in the sands-is ori the average 15 20%.1 Tests were made with oleic acid, sulfate soap, soap-naphtha,soapstock, tall Oil,. oxidized petrolatum, 14M-11 (E4-11) alkylsulfate etc. Tall oil is the most effec- tive reagent. The,investigations show the satisfactory.flotability of the whole ..complex of heavy minerals. Highest flotation activity is shown by alumosilicates and zircon, and least by ilmenite and leucoxene. The selection of a collector is determined by its cost, availabilityp'stability of properties, toxicity and by the @@Card 1/2, 27285 @/18 61/OC3/008/015/034 B102 B202 AUTHORS: Rozhdestvenskaya, M. V., Romanovskaya, 0. S., and Yurlyevaj Ye. K. TITLE: Synthesis and some -properties of hlg-Al ferrite single crystals PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 3, no- 8, 1961, 2342-2345 TEXT:: The authors studied the conditions of synthesis.of Mg-Al ferrite single crystals by. the Verneuil method and,the method of crystallization @from a solvent melt. The.behavior and the physical pro erties of the p ferrites of the system@MgO. Al 0- Fe 0 in the shf rarige are of great inter- 2 3 2 3 est. Theirsynthesis conditions are, however, still insufficiently in- vestigated... The compositio-a.of the single crystals produced is given in Table 1. The specimens 1 and 5 were prod-iced by the crystallization method, the latter method crystals-of the, samples 2-4 by 'he Verneuil method. 0 the dimensions d --4-5 -30 mm were obtained, with the forme the r author obtained,MgFe 0 single crystals of@octahedlal.form with linear 2 4 Card 6 27285 S/181/61/OC3/0081/015/034 Synthesis and some properties of ... B102/B202 dimensions of 2-4 mm. The reproducibility of a given composition by means of the Verneuil method wa's examined in samples 2 and 4, the results are @shown in Table 2. This method is characterized by the high Fe' content which occurs at high synthesis temperatures as the result of A 0 dis- 2 3 sociation in the crystal. Thelfollowing values were obtained when analysing sample 4 from this point of view: 0 FeO, wt@ lattice constant, synthesis temperature, C mass 0.56 8.285 IP350 crystal 7.2 8-305 1,850 'Such crystals have low resistivity and-wide ferromagnetic resonance ab- sorption lines. In-order to.reduce the Fe .,content the samples were heated in the oxygen currentat 1,3500C for 10 hours. This treatment led to a 2+ considerable reduction of the Fe content, resistivity increased by:three orders of magnitude, the line-width decreased (data of, sample 4): Card 216. 'ohm-cm 1611 [100] oe All LI 11] R FsO, :@be' ore annealing f 150 0 :132 8-305 al i rig -2 9,_ ter anne' 3- 7 6 W 54 2 f 8 8 1 5 @ M 0 on., a n, 4esizing gF aingle.crystals y orystallizati n- f rom th a:. malt 0 .4- 2 4 P b 0' w as ' u ho d ;: se s o I ve n t (ferrite: PbO 1:4). Upon BUgg 0 a t i o n ' o f j . , @`A_i G., Titov 1 o;.@expqrimpnts. iith@B 0 ".addition.-were made& With this,com a a s , 2,:3 - Al,f i l d M f th i t it it on, err g- e o s a e comPos pound solverit,MgFe 0 ngle,orys . 5 2 4 @ .91 Numerical data on the condition were-obta ined in the,, form Of @Octahedrg. ,if of synthesis. are @given. in:Table 5..-. kstudy.'of the.resonance absorption n e S showed th at, the MgF.e crystals in, the [1.11] direction have minimum ?o ' Vq_;I '!Pwidth 18,.-6 - o6). The flrromagnetic:resonance parameters were measure k' @are - 3 'figures,' 5 tables and 3 reference- apovo Therd; d by 11 ' ' t ' "'The d" 2 - 'S h - 'the E n a ub f t li l i i t i t - . ere nce. o non- c a n ov e . .re s a gu e ng Sov a ge p I @tion reads as.@ f o 1 lows::, S. Belsoni. J. Kriesmann.. J6 Appl. P hy s,.- IVP 1959 o .,-je 0 C"; A [ M V i ' (PRE-MATAL CARE) (WOMEN--REALTH AND HYGIENE) .(INFANTS--CARE AND HYGIENE) Nf ri _'-Y @ I Y EXCERPTIL MEDICA Sec.2 V61.9/10 Phy3iology,atc..Oct56 :4736.'ROMANOVSKAYA E. A. Physiol. Lab.' AN,,SSSR,'Moiicow..*After.-ef-.,.,. of fi-e-a-T-1-rauma to the spinal cord in mammals (Ru-s- sian text) FIZIOL.2.'1956, 42/3 (264-269) Heat trauma tothe spinal cord.(Istjo 5th lumbal segment) of rats,.rabbits, calm dogs was produced by injection or perfuslon of hot. fluid.@_A gradation of the trauma w as obtained byvarlation of the temperature Iof the fl id between 4 3 *.to u 55*, C.Injection.of nuid (0.5 to 5 mL) produced.,at the comparatively low tempe-. rature of 43* to 450 C_locomotor ataxia for Vto 3 days. A,t.temperatures from. 48*, to 50* C.*j the reflexes of fare and hind limbs were abolished for 15 to 20 min., @and the recovery of disturbances in.locomotion extended to several.weeks. Tempe-, ratures of 52* to 5V C.produced shock and frequently death and, the. recovery in .-the'surviving animals was not complete. Perfusion of the spinal space after, lamin-,.,i ectomy with a stream of hotnuid for 4 to.6 min. did not produce shock at any temperature. Temperatures of 45* to.46 ',C. for 4 to 6 min. produced some ataxia. which disappeared after 2-4 days,.while a slighItly higher temperature (46.5-4 10: C.) abolished the ability to walk for'l day with full recovery within I to 1.5 weeks; 507550 C.- produced irreversible paralysis. Simonson Minneapolis, Minn. USSR Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Patholo- T gical). Nervous System. Subcortical Nuclei Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 21, 1958, 97858 muscles on the side opposite the injury Is lowered (assymetry of bead.and body position., circus move- ments). In dogs, after unilateral damage of CN, the extensory*tonus of the muscles of the extrem- ities of the cintralateral side is lowered.and their deep sensitivity:was disturbed. After bilateral destruction of CN, along with the lowering cf the muscle.tonus and.their deep sensitivity, the capa-- city of conditioned reflexes was lowered and hyper- esthesia to tactile sensations developed. Patholo- goantitbofhic@! and histological investigations,of the brain disclosed the destruction and degeneration of. cell elements of CN. Apparently the consequences of CIT destruction are simultaneously the result of prolapse and irritation. A. M..Ryabinovskaya 'Ca-d 2/2 (Pbrcelain) ..'.- L@ @ AP5 SION NR OW5, 'crease -,p Mir r _'_ Mol_' I of Ora 0: a 4 -90 @he_mirrord - arigle,between,_ 13map ener op jcsj',rescmL&d:@vh V, pr am, gu- and "_re ge i% @ASSOCTATION:: None -Y ;W _j 4? (300 Mi .... ... & 7_ AM '-y' -S -u; 2