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Im Laz --n~:A .1,.. 71: lo zv~ til: r- vVin ',I, -.ul! 7' -7Z Al 1 ~4,! tz%~~ Z V.Ss o s 4, z ZZ 'TM,. -IX X.~i Research on the Product-ion of ---o- Productlen of Boron-F-ee Slilcan R,,ds lFrom Slllccm Al Hydride 'n d-lameter tube-shape-d -'An-zalum Wire; Inavirz ~-"4c~z-c ----z5 Of 0'~2-5- anf heated to a temperature of 1;0(%!O~', s , a Z- -1 Z dtamoter tuld 170 rim-, long lx-~d-shaptNi Z'Ilicoll`was Obtained. T-.aces Of C~" yzz a.-.d Al were detected in the silicon. Olut,o4f gr c f -z 1 C Ia o f -2-2 Er c silicon with an elftlicien:!y of 9141~b were olbl-a~-nc-d' Z4'~ct:- the-- has z-c te Pre, - cessed, in order to obtain a monocryStall . 'T~-e-ne :----e 2, fiz-'res azd d refez--licss- 6 Soviet, I Rumandlan, 1 Czechcslovak, 7 D391ish. 21 Ger-,an- 'Pinch, SubJect Id article is based on a paper presented at t-he Meetln:,- 'Semd condu:.- to are '.1 auli-Cat- i-Ile lot,", (Senticonductors and Their Application) on Dezember 9 tc 1-1, 1959~ Card 1/3 L1608 3/058/62/000/01Z/046/048 A062-IA101 AUT11ORS) Rittenberg, V., Roman, P., Didiv, B. TITLE: A Simple method of preventing "whisker" for-rnation in gro~*i of Z7,11icon Zingle crys'Mls in vicuo eferativir., zhurnal, Fi--ika, no. 1.2, 52, abstract 12 '"-11 PERIODICAL: R sh- ("Studli ~I cercet2fri metalurgie Acad. RPR", 1%_52, 7, no. 'I, 116, Rumani an) Pormatlon of "whiskers" occurs in the zone melting process in vacuo T a= as a result of the intensive evaporation of Si from-the melted zone and of the formation of a residue deposit on the inner surface ofthe quartz tu"oe. Vnen displacing the molten zone, the residue layer is cooled and contracted, which re- sults In the detaching of whiskers from the layer.. The whiskers, tom aura-Y, fall onto the sample which is being cleaned. As far as the admixtures evaporate first, the whiskers constitute a source contaminating the single crystal; moreover, they foiTi -on the boundary betweentlie solid and liquid phases, crystallization centers that are obstacles to the growth 641 single crystals. To avoid these Card 1/2 45761~... 13/194/62/000/012/050/101 D271MOW AUTHORS: Rittenberg, V., Romant P. and Didivo Be TITLEt A simple method for preventing vihisker f ormation w6n''. growing silicon single crystals,in,VacUUW PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, :Avtomatika I-Iradloelektironikag, no. 12t 196ZO 6,- abstract 12)-4-11 sh (Studil'qi 9'e'rice-! tari metalurgie Acads IU3R9 19629 no. 116 (Rum*)) TEXT: Whisker formations, arise during zone iiting, in Vacum as a result of intensive evaporation of Si in, the mo~lten zoneland.its settling on the inner sur~face of the quartz tuba, As the-molt"en Zonelmoles, the settled layer is cooled.and co,mpreseed,' Whisker separation from.the layer. The whiskers tear off and fall on the purified Specimen. As impuritie's are the first to evaporatel-, -whiskers become a eourde of impurity. in the,vingle crystals they also become crystalli-wation centers on the botindary between solid' and liquid phases, aiid disturb the growth.of single cry6ta 1 In Card 1/2 A simplu method for 1)27.1/D306 order tt avoid these effectd,At 16 nccesz-nry to po-lish with car- ner surface borUndum the in of the quai tubc Lhura ~. ouring fira r f urued througfi ewaporation.L 4~ adhesion to the glass ofthe laye" ay Abstracter's note: Complete tr, 113lati(m R/005/62/013/01.1/002/002 D272)D30? 033,21ILuts: Roman, P.,-aM Nicolau, n. T I'M X, The preparation of high purity silicon ban by V* reduction of trichlorosilme vith hydrogen 11."101 19629 653-660 -Ravista de Chimie. no. Ile 14ft-sults are presented of a study of the reduction of trich.larosilane with hydrogen, carried out at the Institutul do cercetari,electrotchnice (!;Iectrotechnical ilesearch Institute) in 1960-1961 WiGI.- was -prepared by the method described earlier (Hicolau, V1. this journal, no. 3, 1960, 463). and was then purified by distillaLion on a Gu-packed, 35 theoretical platev colulan to elim- inate 3-ilO metallic impurities, and any ~; compounds, and wan further distilled on a 1lo-packed, 10 theoretical plates quartz column. Yinal purification unG bV adsorption in an alumina- pachad column. Hydrogen was purified by expansion from 125 to 0.2 - 0,5 atm, mist elimination, oxidation and retention of organic a-ad reducing matter in 12-1n049 G02- elimination with VaUll, drying with Uar,12, 'tatention of 0 on Gu depo- Card 1/2 7 .1 R/003162/013/011/002/002 The preparation of hJ& purity ... U272/007 sited on diatoinite and palladized asbestos, p2sSiag through a trap with~ -active carbon. or silica gel cooled with solid C02 ae"Ofte, elilft- ination of 142 in I-,Lg-C,,-O (1:1), passing through a secofid trap, aid a second mist elifitinator. The H:~iO13 was entrained by Part Of tile H2 and was then reduced in a special unit upon a titin Tij filament, ob-- taining at 11 60:1 and 11500C a yield of 47"" polycrystalline iuc~iv"i~y of 8 g "i/hr. Si envelop 0~ Si, at a pro LA, ing the TA filamnt 'thickened to 6-14 mn, in diameter as a function, of the Une of ceac- tion, and. the current for heatingir the filament increased from 30 to 120-a and the voltage from, 35 to 50 v. ,~fter,12-20 hours bars 3W 400 -rn in length were obtained. Increasing the H2AK'iGl ratio In* creased the productivity but reduced the yield of Si. ROU1118- ment was dissolved rapidly in 40,,~ 1W- and after a sequence. of washifte the - Wir was submitted to floating zone purification, ubeft the n- olycrystall pe donocrystals.-with 30-100 p ine A changed into p-ty- cm resistivity (partions'with,max. 350 cbm ca were-obtair*d). Thmn are 15 figures and 3 tables. SUBI-11-LTZD: December 30, 1961 Pard 2/2 1 4". Buch, of Imn to of th, Frat-rt-,-s 0.jd1u nd 1 Ila ria !0~2~1v- rn 7-9-- 1th A 'bl'umwn ~?ant for 2. ":-uticanducting Alloyn-4 ; , el mt-,Ic Re"'r.,gbrtz Ora tLid Nicolae 3- in 3il'c)n Ybrn-ryit~',,% Obtsln~l trl tht; Ybt' .1 M4tIno," 11. Rr-TaNS.W), S. DrDTV~ Y. and ",tud; -o~ a D i a t rb on o f 1 r-pu r I t I L-3 1 n wn I nm t o r I MFilt.-InI ~-nrtima fr3m an mrlch~d ?A~tlll.71r-,jph Zonal !'.j~'ngwlth Arplt~&- tions to 5111c~on znric"tnt.' a. on the COW~mt ~' Gn!,,l and lron~- L. Wlt-~Il :-clu3tonr in '.01wonctli Raw Flc - -" * ~ ;-" (1. ILI and S. . ?tC117 iS; rp 7. C . ms';LeIT! E. Y1r;' , ;6. kxp.r,.-,cnt 1 3tud' i on th. lnflu~nC, Of thd Dr~rrj- tion rntennjt7 on th~ Xcehamtckl Prctrcrtltq OrCcrtkln of 7him IA-inotcd 'hvcts at Fic-%l Tempttra turu And '.. :~RV;A':. 7. to thf, :'Dznbtic Pa.~trs ' ~lv In Arrlcul*,ur~l --hrejj~~cly mlexcndru colls, V%a v',u 1W,"FA wid Attilo PALFATVI; pp V~3-' 113- I' - "S.-.-le X,t"d to A~Id th. of ' '; - acu r-vth of 3111mn irt im llrjn~ tnt 0 P. TrMAN and DT*)-.;; ;n 115-16 C) 2,1ahl-wnt, "Thu -~!Ulaaot vo-,Iol r'.niformationn of Tron T to Some or th~ Frortrt- .3 .., Steels ", Q-,IdI-l T. Und ;!arla W~2~ ;v 7-~=. 12. "-Ar~lconduetlng Aliiv! -ji-h t Tullurlum Brit for Tnurrv- ' I electric Hbtrl-&rgt ere," Xiriut FA)-.lDF4ClPk.3T; and IlloolRe pi:rRinct7'. rr 31-~A- and *&,!a In 311-!con Mo,.>try3tkls Obloinod 3. b:r thu M~tl7o-l. of Z~ral Xt1tinc lrTri.NUqr,, :3. DIDIV; and ?.J~L~j; pp 521-61. :4 . "Stu;!7 on the Dist.-Itnt: on or lmrarl%le3 In an Invot or 3~lcond,.!,llng; Xst~ltl Stnrt--n4 fron an mrichtd Re=.atbd Zonal ~!.ltlln.-,wlth Appil-s- - ,`/. RTTTij!Ajj,-, tlzl~s to 3111con~.r-rlclvi~nl.," P. DllDIV and,!,. ir,-An; r-,V63-72. 1'. Ccnrl nd Non-m6thilic: d ns on the Ccn!ient of G.t~s a Inclusicn? in :ndlv~--us ?%V Pl;tr1ron," L. !Q 1, C. COS41AIM, L. and S. FRUCI-7141. PP 7"--c,- kxp.rInent al 3tudll son thb Influmt, of the C-r(,rmi- tion rntti"it-. on th.L Mcch4nlcal Pr,r,:,tI.n ofcrtkin T .7 -, e 3 o f Th 4. nUrtn~ted Shut' s a- F17h T~mpersturtj R. Fl9V-'='D an! PPE-9-101. tlL z1atorstion OC :14;rttle Fowd~rs Cc r. f. lWLoloc-j ' ilex%ndru L.-. 1u D)T?A, and Attila rAL.-A ll'ql: pp 103-113. "Sinrle X,h~d to D~- ~!t of `~~j?tmmhbn" durlm~ tn, or SIll-con `-,noc:-, 3tals In Vac "I-im 7rX;,!; and DMIV; p 115-116. PL: PUChr,rW" StUd it Vol V 1, af Tron Tiul t0 r th, Pror4rtl.e 0: 3- 003 Ovidlu '37 trIU nd no, 2. "S~.lconducttng Allov5v.,,~h '?ase for Thcrv- ;10c~~llo Rbrrlv rm orill" Xarlus und Nlco2av VT and '!-la in S-I!con Mr-,tryst.'s Obtained- t~, the mttlc-,~ if Z~cal N.ltllno," V. -mmo;Km, s. DIDIV~ and :4. "Stu,!7 on thb on or In &-I lnr-~t of X.Atertal Stsrt!ng from an 4nrich.d Pft,-I*,It Rt~.mttd Zonal !:.It-'ngwlth A-,;Ita- tions to 31,11con ~.richn~nl " B. Dll~TV, V. Rr7?LMijil 53-72. 5. "Con~ldt !mnq on the Con*~mt ar G"%s and ",Oj-nb,&2jic Inclusion- in --ndirencus Raw Pir Irunt" L. 20,~Wmll C. MS.IWM~ j.. FTa)7(lTT.', and S. "MIZIR; P;, 7"-'71. ~6. "kxpurlnLnt&l Stud!us on the llnflutnr~ or the tion :ntennitv on thL Mcch4nlcal Prnrtrtits O=Lr~kln Typts of ".%!n Liv-7inited Mu)Lts at Ft~h fUlpexaturta R. pp"t9-101. 7. "Ccntrt-;t!:.-,i to th,~ zlaborat!on o~ Mor ,n.tic Powders -.Lc~Lnolnc7 L.'vlu ri~"rlA -vwnd kttilm pp 1103-173.. ld"'t,he Of "31-mle durl.r.v th,~.",mvlh or S'.!!Tn Yzno=,-,stal3 Iii 2. D'1017; rv 115-116. -7' RGLOT, P.; POPESCU, I. Improved methods in the exploitation of coal deposits in the Jiu River valleys p. 4.4-5. RLVISTA MINELOR. MLnisterul Minelor, 1-linisterul Industriei Petrolulu-1 si Chimiei, Directia Exploatarilor Miniers si Asociatia StUirtifica a InFfir-.erilor si Tehnici-enilor din Rominia) Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 10, noe 11,-;Wmby~q 1959 Monthly list of East Ei=opean Accessions (EEAI) LC Vol. 9. no. 2, Feb. 196o uncl. 69348 R/003/60/011/04/033/041 DOO15/D3001 L# L) 0 AUTHORS: Cruceanu, E., and Roman, P TITLE: 6pectral Titration of Some Impurities in Silicon for Semiconductors -A ---PERIODICAL: Revista de Chimie, 1960, Vol 11, Nr 4, p 240 ABSTRACT: The article contains a communication presented to the. meeting on "Methods.of,Analysis for t he Titration of Rare Iand Dispersed Elements", held by the Comisia de . Chimie Analiticl a Sectiei de Chimie din Consiliul Cen ral ASIT (Analytical Chemistry Commission of the Chemistry Section at the ASIT Central Council) from 21-22 December 1959., The paper deals with a method of determining the Mg, Al,.Cu, Zn and Fe elements which appear as impurities in silicon for.semicon- ductor equipment. 1he author explains a) the pre- paration of pure spectral strontium sulfate; b) the preparation of test samples; and c) the spectral de- Card 1/2 termination of impurities, with an "IPS-28" spectro-, :V. I,-!i C~Ilq7 9~nst~- 4n "he reLrc~iu:-,.-on me'l ~s f x cn o f the a In t',le a.,*",,,,-,- ,o4-nt;. Zbl~r" -,.f i! I C.--ntral inst.-~,u~.-i rf Fnyi i cal- Tra"-,' A in SPINU I.; BALDOVIN-AGAPI, Coralla; BIRZU, I.; MIHALCO, Florica; 110MAN, V. RQMAN_,5te1a; BORSAI, Leia; TOMESCO, Elena; KY, Tran Distribution, according to phage groups and ant4biotic sensitivity, of pathogenic strains of staphylococci isolated in North Vietnam. Arch. roum. path. exp. microbiol 21 no.1:143-153 Mr 162. 1; Travail du Ministere de la Santo et des Prevoyances Sociales, Direction Generale Sanitaire Antlepidemique., de l'Institut, "Dr. I. Cantacuzino" -Service des Cocei Pathogenes et de I'Institut do Microbiolo ' de Hanoi. (STAFHYLOCOGGUS) (ANTIBIOTICS) (DRUG RESISTANCE, MICROBIAL) , 4E,1150 -At I QLI *, il-4ni;W~~,~~ M~11.~'r-ilml?rKa.--RI15V ~ -1 ill I' V -'Z -Q3kftZ Prof Ch. LUPASCU, Or Aspasia BOSSIE-ACAVRILOAEI, DL,,,,---"LnEn, Dr Eugenia NECULICI-BALLIF, Or Plereta C0\STANTINESCU, Biologist Tr. ISFAN, Or 0. PETRLk. Or V. MAZILU and Or V. RCHAN; Institute "Dr. I. Cantacuzino,* Laboratory of Malaria and P&0084~Wlg~ r Cozoa (Laboraccrul de nwlarle at protozoare patogene) Center of Sanitation of Paludism (Centrul de impaludare terapeutica) "Bercenille Hospital (Spitalul) "Gh. Marinescum and Malaria Stations (Statiile de malarie.) "The Problem of Quartan Malaria and the Malaria Eradication Programe" Bucharests Microblologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologist Vol Be No 2, %ar-Apr 63; pp 99-112. Abstract [English summary modified]: Quartan malaria seems especially difficult to eradicate due to spontaneous recurrence of ancient Infection and cases where parasitemis to to slight"as to be virtually undiagnosable, caiwing transmission via transfused blood. In 1949, 215 of 50,000 (0.4%) cases were quartan;,196D-1962. 71 of 1341\ Craph, 2 tablesl 3 case reportst 11 Rumanian. 3 Sovi4t,19 Western rajarsnc4. Lin SPINU, I., Lect, BIBERI-1viOROIANU, Sanda, Dr, POPA, S.j Dr, and RONAN,_Y.,, Dr. Work performed at the Central State Health Inspec- torate (In'~~ectoratul Sanitar de Stat Central) of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (Ministerul Sonatatii si Prevederilor Sociale). "Considerations Conicerning the Program for the Eradication of Diphtheria in the Socialist Republic of Rumania." Bucharest, Microbiologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologia, Vol Up 1 -7, pp 289-300. No 4 Jul.-Ai!F Abstract [Authors' English summary modified]: The authors present the con pt on which Rumanials, diphtheria control program was based and summarize the main measures taken and results obtainede* The campaign was based on an interruption of the pathogenetic process rather than elimination of the pathogenetic microorganism; it involved primary immunization followed by 4 to 5 re-immunizations. of the entire population below 16 years of age, and systematic control of the immunity obtained by means of the Schick test**. Includes 2 tables and 3 figures. 12 0 SPINU.0 I.; BALDOVIN-AGAPI, Coralia BIRZU, I.; MIHALCO, Florica; -EnHI-LL ROKU1, Stela; BORSAI, Leia; TOMESCO, Elena; KY, Tran Distribution, according to phage groups and an4biotic sensitivity, of pathogenic strains of staphylococci isolated in North Vietnam. Arch. roum. path. exp. microbiol 21 no.1:143-153 Mr 162. l.- Travail du Ministere de la Sante et des Prevoyances Sociales, Direction Generale Sanitaire Antiepidemique,, de ltInstitut, *Dr. I. Cantacuzino" -Service des Cocci Pathogenes et do l'Institut do Microbiologle de Hanoi. (STAPHt,OCOCCUS) (ANTIBIOTICS) (DRUG RESISTANCE., DaCR6BIAL) L 33714-66 SOU.ZU COD!;. R-U- -b47 - ACC NR: AFf,025153 1661:~16516611o ld.~67M72!: AUT'..'OR- ,'loscUn. Do (Doctor; f~olonol; Candidate of mdical sciences); ~~rinoscu,.A. (Doctor; Licutonmt colonel); Roridn, Vo (Doctor; Najor) ORG., none TITU-4 Treatment of arterial Irounds in tims of peace and uWer conditions of battlei, SOLL10;: Rovista sanitara zdlitara, v9 61. no. 4. 1965. 567-572 TOPIC TAGS: wound, circu1--,i.z)rjr systcm, rdlitarf mx.Aicino 4"IBSMACT: A curvey of the various typosof artorial wounda occurring in poacotima and undar battle conditionso, For each type of injury the discussion includes a briof literature aurvoy, treatment advised, ai-d a discussion of the authors' exper- iences, occasionally accompazAed by, case histories- ffi-FRS: 33,509 SUB COD~;: 06 SUMI DAT&: 22J&n65 I ORIG RSF: 003 0-1111 WX: 004 Cmd I LUPASCU, Gh., prof.; BOSSIE-AGAVRILOAFI, Aspasia, dr.; SPIOLINSKI, M., dr.; NEGULICI-BALLIF, Eugenia, dr.; COUSTANTPIFSCU, Piereta, dr.; ISFAII, Tr., biolog.; P-ETREA, D., dr.; MAZILIU, V., dr.; ROMAN, V., dr. The problem of quartan malaria and malaria eradication programs. Microblologia 8 no.2:99-112 Mr-Ap 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Institutul "Dr.I.Cantacuzino" Laboratorul de malarie si protozoare patogene si Central de impaludare terapeutica "Berceni", Spitalul "Gh.Marinescil", in colaborare cu Statiile de malarip. ROPIA 1-1 V. --.f AC-CESSION NR: AP4019017 S/oo62/64/000/002/0 382/0384 AUTHORS: Shostakovskiyj M.F.; Komarovat L.I.; Pukhharevichl V*B.; Komarov, N.V*; TITLE: 3,5-dinitrobenzoylhydrazones of organo silicon carbonyl 'com- pounds SOURCE: AN SSSR* Izv. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 2, 1964t 382-384 TOPIC TAGS: dinitrobenzoyl hydrazone, dinitrobenzoyl hydrazide, organo silicon carbonyl reagentl hydrozone, carbonyl ABSTRACT: In the search -for a reagent able to identify organo sili- con carbonyl compounds, the authors found that 3,5-dinitrobenzoyl- hydrazide readily forms good crystallizing 3,-5-dinitrobenzoyl- hydrazones with organo silicon aldehydes and ketones. In this re- spect, the reagent is different from 2,4-dinitrophonylhydrazine,, semi-carbazide and hydroxylamine. The tendency of organo silicon aldehydes and ketone3 to form these compounds,and yields greatly depends on their structure. Thirteen compounds were investigated, from this point of view and their behavior recorded in a comprehen-, Card 1/Z ACCESSION NR: AP4019017 sive table* The analytical method consists in dissolving approxi- mately 0,001 M 3,5-dinitroVenzoylhydrazide in 10 ml ethanols adding to it 0.0015 M 31licoorganic carbonyl compound.- The mixture is heated for half an hour to 50-60C and left standing to crystallize* Hydrazones so obtained are recrystallized from ethanol. They are white crystalline substances with a definite melting point and malt without decomposing* Orig. art. has: 3 formulas, 1 table. ASSOCIATION: IrkUt3kiy Institut organicheskoy khiaiip AN SSSR (Irkutsk Institute of Organic Chemistryp AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 05AUS63 DATE ACQ: 27K&r64 ENCL: 00 SUB COMM NR REF SOV: 001 0MR: 000 2/2 Card is' Thc~* 13/ th regz EXCERPTA MMICA Sec 9/V01 5'5UR"MY XkV 59 Wi 2419. THE DISADVANTAGEOUS PROPERTY OF PENICILLIN IIN SURGICAL POLICY (Russian text) - Roman L. 1. and Yuhi meta A. D. - VESTN. KIIIH. 1958, 80/4 (89-95y- A bacteriological study of pus from 174 patients, using platiculture with standard paper disco. revealed a penici Ilin- resistant bacterial flora in 83.1% of patients. In 87 suppu rations a ritaphylococcus growth was present, which proved resistant to pe- nicillin in 73.416 or cases. (IX. 50) 14, !NOR--- ~~ W 9 ROMAN, L.I.. dotsent; SHI100-MAN, N.M., dotsent Modern methods of treating male genital tuberculosis with special reference to morphological reactions in streptomycin therapy. Urologiia 22 no.2:21-24 Mr-Ap '57. (MLRA 10:7) 1. It kafedry fakulltetskoy khimrgii (xav. - prof. Te.A.TSitritskiy) i kafedry patologicheskoyanatomit (zav. - dotsent N.H.Shinkermn) Chernovitakogo deditsinakogo instituts, (dir. dotsen K.M.Kovelev). (TUBXRCULOSIS. MALI GXHITAL. ther. streptoeVain) (STRZ"ONYCIN. ther. use tuberc.. awle genital) ~~qf, ~.;PIGTMISKT, I.;GLBTICKI, Z. Application of the Rttger overflow to grit chamberBe Ps 439 R07A.70" M.; GLINICF1, Z. The effect of the water flow on the efficiency of a horizontal drainage syster, installed under a river bed. p. 230 GAZ I.! ODA 1 TECID11YA SANITAFTIA (Stowarzyszenie 14aukowo-Techniczne inzynierow i Technikow Samit-amych, 0grzewnictwa i GazoWmictwa) Warszawa, Poland. 1101 33,, nol 6., June 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LCJI Vol. 8, no. 9, September 1959 Uncl. ,y- 'LTN-- J. ; G 5 CYI, Z Z., jjZr-- of water purif*Ica'-i';n. he Pi14-r lavers in the rrocess pole of ;.n~ivi ~surface coaculzAi;an method. P. 335- (GAZ, WOW I TECHNIKI. T""171,1W.- ','!arszm-,a, Vol. 30, no. 9, SePt. 1956) 30- I-Ionthly List of East European Pccessicns (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957. Uncl. a 0 ***- 0 ,e, 4-4-21~ --a.- t 0 S- I Og I; I I , I I a , N " it 1) )A Is. It v I nip )137 Divis )4vjs it i0j) Ujims )NJ) Nip* 41 a a W at AA L 1. _L_J _6 _11-1 I __L v f 14 It A .4 - V_. V_ ~A. -I-JL--M 0 0 K _c I _&_ _L . t - A - I - I - , a -a -A.. A &J 0 4 f. 1~1 .-0 4.0 0.0M LIO!.k T 0 Ob .1 o, -- - -.1-11 . ~ - - -so A i, J%A7: Mmoursawal of Revvrbeftl6m in Madill 10d Cino"la 1-00 III, udlews A. HieksWO and 40, MOMM. S,%,, 110*400,4100 -to PAIVIII,of, )G'll. 3W_ 1I. IPP. :3.30. 1. Ut Ineltallfinit 2 I-V intorogrAting the liftay curw. a 64111.tkc NAIVAktunwtor C. 1wing u~,,i tot c-injunctiem with a thertuolcouple. microphone, and mulAifier. At any nunnent t1w temperature of the thermol:ouple Li pn4ot:ftional to the .111.111titv Ili healt acculnuistal. i.e., tel It* inirgral of the "Jualm of OW muniplimit, v%mvist. The coldwats."i lit IW4 appAtalux to d4,,%ctRx%.1 issitl I." atimi 44 40%ftok attialked in stwils,,1 I III, lksit-itimi pitkim t41 6 a** lls 0 kIlIC114.9 Atudkt by milt%ion Intin the I.vitcry I, ako tn%~tigmml aml 04 It I, ugxr%tm1 that the surfam of the scoreery %hould The made ~.vttnol- 40* abovilbent. SL *00 900 00 see moo At I L A .11TALI.VINCKAL LIVINAITLOR CL&t%WKATtC* (moo )a. $1.1.311. too., &O.M. .6. J., #I All am a.. III U-I-$11, 43-1 _W As _031 0 0 $'a W 0 fl, it a 0 6 fi a a. 14 01 IS it a no a I as 0 0:0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 structure In thi'light AASI its it S=Ymcr prompaw" isting of like w6mate nuclei, to vildch ~arious'Me systems QMCUU.~~ - nveteci at randadi.~, -Momatic gjiphatki~wul heterocyclic~"- A k -The Voups way, -be foutuf~ In these. poptum"% gwocess of ' carbonization lnbccvxti itepwjval~ Saw tlr_ nucleus "Is , m. -Iucr~ aro' Offectzil fludilK.Its.cotirsp, conclusio ma4zationis late measurentents of light-reficetivity Indl that the ;~A"Atyyades with thid4ic of wbool2ation crystallinity increases as the carb-anizatim = of 0 creases;, thermal stabluty1ol !time pattern, I Is -assumeil -thpt AU inaWty-of; chapps A. ebarectem, tics during the cartxMization may be cos vdated with Ing connectrA to a:., the effect of carbonization on 4h craphitelike nucleus~, A. 14~ S MIN SbAetied MOMIC 0061W. R., U A (Id Phyj~ Acad. 1. 1. 107-101931)(in Enxii,h).-A 90~-vulled "nnn-quantum thromical" picture o( the at. nucleus. in which the ecro-1,oint kinelk energy of the nucle- Gets is cousplefely neglected. is uscil to develop a statimical numIcl of nuelvi. It is ;mmiumi t hat the, tichl of focte he- twern the nuclems is a static anti central mron fichl anti that tbe-owleons fill out the avaitAble spwc in the nucleus In mme "Pulveriard" way. fly umns an approx. #"n. of the potential equation. the birkling energies td at. nuch-i we caW. mil their ourfmc temio"t obtained. The results am numirrically very "I. cvcn in the caw '4 the lightest nuclei. NI. XfrM.ihon 1) L f 4 t, A. L a h r 9 1 1 1 9 y -1 1 -I AA 0 CC 0 VAG, AR TELTUTBCHNM HUNGARIAN TEXTILES VDL 'IT 1951 go. 40 April 8. M001141: 9 ,Ing o( valuisred 'kkiw 5 I . - ...... 12 too of 00 00% - z Zoo Z 650-It A *1TAkLLPGK4k LITEN41klif CLbSSJFICAT)Ck ~ It A' 7~U 11 A' 0 1* Is 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0000 0010 too A ml S ad 0 - -,v b- 3 9 9 11896609640 see*** 090000, A's 0 0 fee *a goi **go** 0 0 o1 J K., LID: MDOR, Gy., L:D; SL;!iPJL?,!.L', K., 10; POLAi'-SILVI~;, AJ. y .iLD; OLIDUiU, M., MD. Institute of 1,10dicine and Pharlai(,7, Tirii ~t.',ures, Depammont of I~rf-,icua (Institutid de Ein(Ucina :;i Ial-,micic! Ti.rf-ru Catedra cle lianna); Profoosor Iforvath Miklos. (for Z~Lu~ --,.--iena, Vol XII, No 1, Jan-F(Yo 63, pp 67-70. "Comaents on the Value of the Ring Reaction in Liilk- for the Detection of BniceLLosis." -A RGMAN, A. Lathyrus Inermis Roch., a rew species in the flora of Rumania. Comunicare AR 11 no.6:647-651 Je 161. 1. Conuricare prezentata de C. C. Georgescuo membru corespondent Z Distr: 4.&5d MW7#._Oy6rgy; and Romin, PAJ. En tum in the,general ry Mag r a& L Mat. Fiz. Oszt. K6zl. 6 (1956), 269-287. an), This paper contains an exposition of t Werent methods one can use to generate the -w4i- went tensor in field theories. These methods are on the: invariance of the Lagrangian under certain na ions.. 1) Hilbert's method:, The invarian e f the 'an' c 0' 91 with respect to variations of the metric te ves the (symmetric) energy-momentum tensor, 2) fante's method: The invariance of the Lagrangian wi pec' to variations which correspond to infinitesimal 'it OPW ous Lorentz transformations enables us to truct nonsymmetric canonical energy-momentum r which can be symmetrized, giving the .4mil entuml tensor. The authors then show that the t t generate the. saine energy-momentum e i system, is closed (i.e.. it the divergence of er momentum tensor is zero); if the system is n Y. method 1) can be used. Large numbers of -. i Jons are given; the authors construct the qfiq ntum. -scalar fi t tensor for scalar fields, pseudo r fields' and Maxwell-fields, without and with sour N. L. Bakus 0, In r~ i\ I. P A. -1 , , F Abstract : No abstract , Card I: 1/1 1 - I 34909 R/004/62/000/002/001/002 D014/D105 4UTHORS: Roman, P., Rittenberg, V., Didiv, B., and BLanel, E.,(Bucharest) TITLL: Production of high-purity silicon single crystals I'Dzilomm.L: Ueetrotelinica, no. 2-3, 1962, 41 52 TEXT: The article deals with the principles of pure silicon manufacture and investigations conducted by ICET - Institutul de cercetiri electrotehnice (Electrotechnical Research Institute) on the production of high-purity silicon single crystals for transistors and rectifiers. The authors discuss the pro- duction of silicon bars by the reduction of trichlorosilane with hydrogen on a specially shaped tantalum wire, and the production of high-purity p-type silicon ,~single crystals by the zone melting process and the single crystal seed drawing method. Described are a zone melting installation and a single crystal seed drawing installation, both made by ICET. Silicon bars, 300 mm long and 16 mm in diameter can be refined in the zone melting installation, supplying pure single silicon crystals with a resistivity of 30-300-Qcm. The seed drawing installation was built for 150u-gr silicon charges, but only 55-80-gr charges Card 1/2 It/004/62/000/002/001/002 Production of high-purity silicon ..... D014/D105 were subjected to the seed drawing process. The diameter of the seed was 5-6 mm, while the silicon single crystals obtained were 100-110 mm long and 18-25 nun in diameter, with a resistivity of 10-150S~_cm. In a few exceptional cases, the single crystals had sections where resistivity exceeded 1,0001-tcm. The results can be improved by increasing the purity of trichlorosilane and by using the method of decomposition on silicon. There are 18 figures and 1 table. The most important English-language reference reads as follows: W.G. Pfann: Trans. A.I.M.M.E., 197, 1952, 747. ASSOCIATION: ICET Card 2/2 -, -~7 , .1"I., . . .9 c) ; 'Jil 1 7 A, -,?673 tic ne wt;O~:- If .. wvh~ 4V 4, Xi. 3, W9~48 It -; -p Ar ter mduction or, aj~ 4~. field t6".4bi C6010mb ettergn, I Wo I ctront4.Onc!Jc'FMd tan be ii:xprmscu. fr% uin;$ one cOrTlPlex qLaj;tity.--. Eq%~atjoj)s ftlejq 401 (big qUOnt!Ly,'- 1-o 'Romin"~ A Quantelung des elcktromagneUOien Feldei .A d netianken bii4illuiig.- Acta Phys. - 'c'a (_Ru~stan' Isum 4 60018 - war 96 Hun&Y . . '-d b Gre "iiidVolf D :Use ~ . y ,[Prbc..Ph y , - - _.SeCL, A' ' 66 (191 vobatik NO Y: * A~16 tllv"fa`th are e n Ph -292. 141'(19~8),' - 400]v4p yiik, ' ;indiatinrijield_~ axe, ext4nded:t6. fields -iii- the- pr~sejice of _ . i ' uations mit o the The4ield eq h firsite chargecl.&iWties. gt -W tz d't' _d X ren _-o,cqn i ion are- use canoni orma on - is _ erms o ~ unc Aevelopedlii:~ ,t Itofii ,.A6~6 Fb uner.~Jcqq .1 of.. cien s are. compl6k" 1~~oiribi S~ ~_Of the. vect, o'r~. - h t'd) & potenti&(Wgitudinal part. e imma e an the curignt -of a, to.thit y_. 4' complex'kalzii. field.:, ngu ar:mc a lid the fWd 6 6ifitl ATIES _UPTON9 -Car Phys j as regat. ft ~.. ;-. -- tit baryo ~zd In er bfjo'pfoqq, 1~ Iflo bArl OPlUtiOn chJLf del -0 space ~!s rw tur~m d orq Gtudlm ~Tho 8101W d4394Y of mire Conoldcred rZ J 7 v imL 7, =i ! Ok S- C .9 01 2351. DIAGNOSIS AND SURGICAL TREATME*NT OF SOME FORMS OF HAEMATURIA (Russian text) - H o r t o I o m e y N. , R o m a n S. and N a z n a s h N. - VESTC. KHIR. 1957, 78/1 (83-89) Haematuria encountered in chronic nephritis and so-called haemorrharic ner)hritis is caused by vasomotor disorders brought about by stimulation of the ANS coming from renal or extra-renal foci. These disorders should be considered in the tread_ ment of these pathologic conditions. Good therapeutic results were obtained with novocaine blockades (Wiszniewski) or syrnpatheqbtomy with decapsulation. Con- clusions are based on clinical observations. Zakry-4 Lublin RUAANIA Phanmeology and Toxicology. Locol Anaesthetic ftgents. V-3 A"Ibs Jour Pef Zhur - Biol... No 16.9 1958.9 No 75754 Author Khortolouay, N.; Bushu, I.; Rourm, S. Inst Not given --------- Title EK)erij:iental Baois of Adminiatration of a Novocain Per- fusion in Surgery. Orig Pub Rumynsk. ned. Obozraniye, 1957, 1, No. ip 89-97 Abstract Novocain (I) introduced into the tissue as a nerve block acts locally, by impairing the conductivity of inpulses, and resorptively., Me absorption rate of I and the duration of the resorptive effect depend on the place of introduction. The general effect of I is stopped with its destruction by a novocain-esterare of plasman. By,using an internal infu- sion of,-- solution of I during operations, the.authors observed the elimination of reflex impairments of respira- tion upon removal of internal organs. The experimental analysis of this fact.showed that I exerts regulating Card 1/2 ]RUW,NIA Pharmacology and Thxicology. Local Anaesthetic Agents. V--~ Abs Jour Ref Zhur- Bioi., uo 16.. 1958., No 75754 effect on respiration during vagotony, during stimulation of the chemioreceptors of the carotid sinus and sensory ends, with changes of the, gaseous composition of the blood. In nnimals with a reuoved brain cortex, I has little influence on the increase in respiratory rate caused by an increase in temperature. This effect of I appears in aniuals with unda- rja6ed brain cortex and is little expressed after its removal. Me mechanism of the regulating influence of I on respiration is, both central and peripheral. The anaesthericv syrapatholy- tic, vagolytic, antihistamine and antipotassic effects are ~most important during the resqrptive action of I. Me authors make.wide use of the internal introduction of I dur- ing surgical interventions, for the prophylaxis of shock, in the postoperative period. A daily dose of 1-3 gives no side effects if there is no idiosyncrasy to I of liver diseases. With long'infusion through each 3-4 hours lo- bleine is added in a solution of I. V. M. Vinogradov. Card 2/2 New textiles made of cotton and viscose fibers. P. 176. MAGYAR TEXTILTECHUIKA. (Textilipari ,Muszaki es Tudomanyos Egyesulet) Budapest. No. 5, May 1956 SOURCES: ELAL LC Cct. 1956 Vol. 5 NO. 10 p PARPALA, Ana-, ANDRFI, Dumitru; CHIMANIJ, Wsu; DAN, Ion; STO-ICA; Connel, ing. ; ROMAN, Stere Contribution of 76 innovations. Constur Buc 16 no.761:3 8 Ag 164. 1. Secretary of the Trade-Union Committee, Enterprise of Assembly Constructions No.2 (for Parpala). 2. Chairman of the Trade-Union Committee,,Enterprise of Assembly Constructions No.1 (for Andrei). 3. Chief Engineer of the Enterprise of Assembly Constructions No.4 (Chioveanu). 4. Chairman of the Trade-Union Committee, Enterprise of Assembly Constructions No.5 (for Dan). 5. Head of the Construction Site,,Enterprise of Assembly Constructions.No.3 (for Stoica). POLAND/Chemic-al TechnoloLW - Che.,zical Products and Their H-28 A pplication. Food Processing Industry. , Abs Jour Ref 21iur - Xhimir-, 1,10 17., 1958, 59203 Author Roman Tadeusz Inst TiLle Inie S ~ 7tabilityo ~ar o5Us Types of Suimer Barley for Industrial Reprocessing into a Coffee Substitute. Orig Pub Toczn. rauk rolniczych, 1956, A74, No 1, 79-90. Abztrr-et The types of surner barley investiEpted, except the Mlokhov rmltiple with very fine grain, are all suita- ble to about the same dearee for the production of malt coffee. The bare barley grain~because of the absence of a casing, needs a lower temperature of burinG. Double-row barley suitable for fermentation production gives the best coffee. The.influence of the albukin content on the quality of the product was not Card 1/2 Card 2/2 9i POLAND / Cultivated Plants. Grains. Legumes. Tropical M-1 Cereals. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biologlya, No 2. 1959, No. 6204 Author Roman, T. Inst Cracow Institute of Plant Selection and Acclimatization Title The Evaluation of the Disposition of Wheat Varieties to the Sprouting and Shedding of Grain Orig Pub Hodowla rosl. aklimat. I nasionn., 1957, 19 No 4, 541-558 Abstract Data, collected at the Cracow Institute of plant selection and acclimatization on the determination of the tendency of winter wheat varieties to sprouting and shedding of grain, Is given in this paper. Card 1/1 7 L) 00 66402 AUTHOR: Roman,T. SOV/20-128-6-6/63- TITLE: The Symmetry of Four-Dimensionil Border Ornaments PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,Vol 126,Nr 6,pp 1122-1124 (USSR). I i ,ABSTRACT: Let A be.s. unitary matrix and a be a four-dimensional vector. The transformation y - Ax + a is written as (1,a). The elesentary-set is a point set 1) which.contains (0,0'0'0), 2) which Is contained in a spher , 3 the intersection of which with x e Ia0 admits only, ~diagonal transformations. The border ornameiit is a set which arises from an elementary set by all translations (3,kt), k in- tegral, t 0 If the mapping (A,a) transfers an ornament ontp, 8 itself, then there is a symmetry. The author states that there exist 179 groups of symmetry for four-dimensional border ornaments (B of which are groups of 16-th order, 64 of which are groups of 6-th order etc.).-A geometrical representation is Card 1/2 66402 The Symmetry of Four-Dimensional Border Ornaments SOV/20-128.6-6/6,3 reached by a consideration of three-dimensional transformations with consideration of the colour-of the point. The author mentions A.V.Shubnikov, and A.M.Zanorzayev. There are 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet, and I Roumanian. ASSOCIATION:Uhiversitet im.eni K.I.Parkhona, Bukharest, Rumyniya (University imeni C. 1.- Pirhon.1 Bucharest, Roumania) PRESENTEDt June 12, 1959, by A.V.Shubnikov, Academician SUBMITTED: June 10, 1959 Card 2/2 r V T _Hnman, T Sur les 0" e synitirl A " o Lsde bordure en r Bef. Mnlfl 1. Parh611 ornemen e Iv % . . Bucurqti. Ser. $ti. Nat, 6 (1957) no. 16 9-14. (Roma- nian. French and Russian summaries) _7 The seven o e-dimensionAl space groups, or ways to,., -N A lap- repeat a pattern on a ribbon [see, e.g.. Coxeter, I rans.' , Royal., Soc. Canada (3) Sec. 1 11 51 (1957), 2-131 were. dc,K61oped into a family. of 31 giroups by Speiser [Thcori~ der Gruppen von endlicher Ordnung, Springer, Berlin, zq;, 192 7, p. 86]. For each crossing of lines in the pattern; Speiser distinguishes between crossing over and crossing under,as in a braid. The',autbor sketches the history of an these "li-dimensional space groups d gives a new n !or them'. H. ox S, I C t notati eter Cforonto On . . - ~ - .. - iiiiiidiiwil- - -I.- - - I 1~ -