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BARANOV, I.Ya., IRODUANKO, N.G. Association of datolite mineralization with am-all intrusions. Izv, vys. ucheb. zav.; geol. i razv. 6 no.9,,145-148 S 163. (NIRA 17,10) 1. Roatavakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Ij 1u it(,Ijt~.~ wnd lr-ad-.i c rer n. 'uerrel! tion ain a o flazved. i okh. nedr. 30 no.3z'S-10 Mir 164 -Donu gosudarstvenn~T, wniversitet. ROM7YANK01 N.G.; TRUFA:JOV, VA. Dellarmininga the temwrature regime am-, succession of mineral formation using the decrepitation method. Zap.Vses.min.ob-va 93 no.6:709-71.3 164. (MIR-k 18:4) 1. Gosudarstve--qyy universitet, Rostov-na-Donu. T RU F ANIG'! A u ', c ~ m a t i c d e c r i p t or-, e L ff,~ C C en I rge p ta w) L-e M;:P- r a - tures of inclusions. no.1:81-84 163. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Ro5tovskiy-na-Dom, roaudarstvenny~, unjvpr~-dtet. T,T "ka'ornatic Telephone ',~.ationc,ll ~ubli--horl by the State Corimuniaations and -Radio Litera'ure, ''.0scow, 1945, 200 pp. .2md 4 cliagrams. RODZYANKO V. Ye., Candidate in Technical Sciences, LEIS Lecturer. and ZIMP14OV., I. M." Doctor of Technical Sciences, Depart Chairman. "Book Review: Principles of the Engineering E"Momics of Laying Out City Telephone Networks." Markhay, Ye. V., 19531 M05caw" Svyazizaalt. Vestnik Svyazi, No. 12, 1954, Pages 32-33 Translation M-3,053,366 14 Feb 1957- AAUA~ Ut-t~~t BLYU~ENFEELID, V,N-; LYUFUR, S.L.; LIVSHITS, B.S.; PARILOV, V.P.; PSAREI!, S.A.; ~'IODZYANKO, V.Ye.; GOLUBTSOV, I.Ye., otv. red.; KIRILLOV, L.I-'.,.--Fe-d7,-,r-SLUTSKffI, A.A.,, tekhn. red. (Methodology for designing the equipment of crossbar automatic telephone exchanges] Metodika. rascheta oborudovaniia ATS koordi- natnykh sistem; informatsionnyi sbornik. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry I)o voprosam sviazi i radio., 1961. 130 p. (MIRA 15:4) (Telephone, Automatic-Equipment and supplies) TV- =12 NOW." CZAYKOWSKI, J.; RMWART, S.; ROEFLER, W.: TROJANOWSKI. A.; ZAWISLAK, J. Clinical results of the use of dextran produced in Poland (poliglukan). Pol6kie arch. mod. wewn. 26 no.12:1939- 1942 1956. 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgicznej Instytutu Hematologii Dyrektor: doc. dr. mod. A. Trojanowski. 'darszawa, ul. Chocimska 5. Instytut Hematologii. (DF&TRPJT. ther. use comparison of Polish prep. with foreign products tPol)) V~ MWART, Stefan.;ROEFLER. Wlodzimierz. Clinical observations on the prophylaxis and treatment of post- operative shock by transfusions of different quailtities of blood and blood substitutes. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.14:506-510 1 Apr '57. 1. 2 Kliniki Chirurgicznej Instytu Hematologii: dyrektor: doe. dr med. Andrzej Trojanowski. Warszawa, u1 Chocimska 5, Instytut Hematologil. (SHOCK, prev. & control blood transfusion & plasma substitutes in prey. & ther. of nostop. shock (Pol)) (POSTOPIRATIVI UM same (131DOD TRANSFMION, in various dis. postop. shock (Pol)) (PLASKA SUBSTITMM, ther. use nrav_ A thar- nf nnotnn. qhnOr I'PnI 11 RMART, Stefan; ROEFLER, Wlodzimierz Frevention of shock in surgical interventions. Polski przegl. ebir. 28 no.8:851-852 Aug 56. 1. Z Klinicznego Oddzialu Chirurgicznego Instytutu Hematologil w 'darazawte. Dyrektor: doe. dr. Trojanowski. Warszawa. u1. Chocimska 5 (Instytut Rematologii). (SHDCK, prevention and control, in surg. (Pol)) FUT, V. ; REIGHLO D. ; GI?AFNNTTH",Z, D. ; ROIMI.NG, ~ S. ; VOHNOUT, S. ; LOJDA, Z. Studies on the effect of certain hormones on experimental athero- sclerosis. II. Effect of growth hormone, hydrocortisone and hyalur- oni(Inoe on certain properties of atheromtous vascular wall in rabbits. Cas. lek. cesk. 98 no.10:294-299 6 Mar 59. 1. Ustav Dro choroby obehu krevniho. reditel Prof. MUDr. 11. Weber, Vyzk. ustav endArinologicky. reditel doe. MUDr. T, Silink, 21mbryologicky ustav V, prednosta prof. MUDr. Z. Frankenberger. V. F.. Praha-Krc, Budejovicka 800. (ARTHRIOSCIaROSIS. experimental, eff. of hyaluroniclase, hydrocortisone & sematotropin '15 c - I*Ia 11 (CZ)) on v~ (HYDROCOBTISONE, effects on exper. arteriosclerosis, on vasc. wall (Cz)) IMAIMRONIDASA, effects, effects) (SOMATOTROPIN, effects, same) SOCIM, M., Ingr; ROEIIRYCII., K. p inz. P--oblem of moreactensive uti2ization of machines. Przegl mech 22 no.1:29 10 Ja 163. Mp--~!j RCEHRYv0HP K. inz.; SOCIIA, M., mgr 6th Conference on Repairs in the German Democratic Republic. Prze.-l mech 21 no.17:546 10 S 162. ROURYCIII Karol, inz. Proper utilization of machines. Mechanik 37 no.5t289-290 My'64. of a ---ine mt -~'cjr use zwainsL pursuil-i~. ene:-;r Al,i AbilaIxua-Cfe G(~v~om Jad-Cheffer --- L- -iloenm No 'Place Dec 193~~ Germ, -ecr 1P cul, Lin-3 `ct' dcw310pFcn' of wi azeLi-airct,af t wim not uo cc lauticned by f!-cm u~vi mar. Net to be 1-'0 lrf ~)O ~,ntcrz; x;ide ol' stcel wim--- di-t-, AU,nc~iod Lo nct arc 0" ims of 3'G0 Lc 100 Gil eancill. Net to be IrGjl,--,cLed into paL~,L of ono;-,y plazie by ail- at a rate of 20 to 50 N. per sec. Yc!,,al ~q-" cf net. IrG. "ines are deLcriated b-- o~ tmenly aircraft cii not. S T T T IJ ..:ar-ch Unclassified. Transl '~o. F-Ik"-3-15477-RE Rna-IM, H. R2649-F4-18 Dy.nnmic calcul~.Aions of tho vibration -ard endurance of vulc:inizzates--- D~,.mq-iLlsche bewertunF der daempfung und dauerfestigkeiI von ~iulkknisAten --- %- H. Roelig leverkusen 1 17, farbenindI15trie A G Oct 1938 Germ umclass 33P incl photos, tables diaFrs graphs. Tes" appnratus for dymamic testing or rub'-,er tireo to deter:nine physical data for c---illculations on vibrations of vulcanized nabber. Dynaraic co.-!.parison tests between n~~I.ural nd synthetic ru!.)'~er. ~"Qdulu5 of elasticity and dynw~dc adhesion to metal. Apj~--ratus consisted of eccentric weight which was turned b.-, motor-driven elastic shaft. Amplitude of vibrations measured by path mirror and force exerted detei-Mined by force mirror. Ught throi-in on both mirrors deflects lig ' or. screen and brings out dynamic ghu hysteresis loop of the rubber. 30.TTRCE- ATT, D',-,'.SK CATAL(Drx OF G-',-M. AND JT.TAVESE AIR-TECHiNfICAL Di)GJ17-2 -,H 1948 Vncla5sified. (P. 839) -ROELOFS, R. ROSWIFS1 R. New Arrangement for the Observation of the Sun. Przeglad 7-- -aeodezyjny, 1949, no. 5, P. 13-~-1-43. V A v-q., - OR, lk- ",57 POLPIM/Chemical Technology - Cellulose and Its Derivatives. If -33 Paper. Abs Jour Ref 7diur - Khimiya, 11o 24, 1958, 83793 Author Inst Title The Production of Cellulose From Beech in Germi Democra- tic Republic. Orig Pub Przegl. papiern., 1958, 14, No 2, 42-450 Abstract CCUU10se (C) from beech is produced in GM by the sulfite method at a plant in Pirna which has old equipment and at a Agfa-Wolfen plant where the production is based on the nitric acid method. At present the plant produces C for synthetic fibers. The equipment is modern and is provided with,control-measuring devices, the bleaching is a two- stop process, the water consumption is from 90 to 120 n3 per ton of C. The systems at the two plants and the indi- ces of the C produced are cited. Sulfite liquors are Card V2 the F C-1, 211 ROESKE 20j c I ech iversitY. Acta L !!on- an Un, ory op the Jagle Pharmacy in the hist I Pol. pharm. 21 no.1:1-3 164. -.ROESKE, Wojciech Florian Sawiczx-woki (1797 - 1876). Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.45& 1698 4 V 163 - Pharmaceutical sciences. Thidt 1701-1702 ROESKE, V31_gKsch Therlaca and its preparatton in Poland in the XVII century. Acta pol. pham. 20 no-3-.277-282 ',63, (PHARMACY) (HISTORY OFMEDICINE, XV1I CENT) ROBSKE, Walciech dr.fam. Lookirg Oqck one half of the centruy; wo-men as pharmacists. Farmacja Pol 18 no~4:88-90 F f62. r~OLAXD -1 Wojcloch, Dr. ptiarm. (Affiliation not given] '11he Social and Economic Rolo'of Pharmacy.'$ 1-.Iarsaw, Farmacja Polska, Vol 19, No 8, 23 Apr 63, pp-157- 159. Abstract: The author finds the present status of the quali- fied pharmacist in Poland inconsistent with the modern so- cial and economic requirements of pharmacy. The pharmacist finds himself socially far behind the doctor and has been limited professionally and economically to the drug store. with the result that it has become an unattractive profes- sion for men and is mostly occupied by women to supplement family income. He advocates expanded training for pharma- Gists, revision of the areas and competences in the drug s tore operation, such as administrative and technical tasks, requiring a pharmacist's qualifications, and directing men to the creative and attractive channels of pharmaceutical en,crineoring and industrial production. Polish pharmacy has a tradition for progress (led toxicology studios in Europa), which should be expanded to modern times. No references. L1/1 23 ROESKEY Wojciech, A balance of the past 50 years in the light of the resolutions of the First Pharmaceutical Congress. Farmcja Pol 18 m.15/i6:361-366 Ag 162. WOJEWSKI, Alfons; ROESSI&R, 1?yszard Planocellular cancer of the kidney. Urol. polska 10:108-110 1956. 1. Z Oddzialu Urologicznego P. A. M. w Szczeciri~e. Kierownik: dr A. Wojewski. (KIIISBYS, neoplasms planocellular (Pol)) ROER, G. N. ROERO G. N. Hydraulic excavator operators. hoskva, Mashstroiizdat, 1949. 86 p. (50-26829) TN278.R6 Wirt-bonswimrodimm as a cmpds fisrow. Karl, 11101"rh - atul If. L-A Planche. Ntme Gitiscrri 33/33. 85-7(IM): Chem. Zristr, (RtLm4u 7one Ed.) 1969. 1. 725-The wet- Imttogn jurmiucer was shown to be ustful for the (weluaitin of the iron for Om open-hearth furnace. The iron was tr-4.-ed at. h4h tamp. wd b-Ad a low Pconteut. Agas of high quality was simultmic"usly ;wmiuced. C'. MmWe lt)BSKE, Wojciech, dr fea-m. Problems of the Polish Museim of Pharmacy. Farm.polska 11 no.6: IIW-141 June 155. (PRARKAff , in Poland. maseum of pharmacy) (MUSANS, MEDICAL, In Poland, maseum of pharmacy) see Mmumb~rad-" rl*mMMft.L'MW EMON 00-1 d Jut. UL X.-I Pan of Mbdble m 16 an.. 4114 ddlo~ are to WINAM CMInis (-,03 -1,0 Mi3L The engpiriw I..r a so, a# P. wbm WOW an ftrfwo tn."w OJAI pbmm,, oft, a mft~ Pftvibd 6-6w an wow to a, nn kW onswe eo~ Wbm ewfm "alims be >0. as maw. am of dew^ mqw on KY m to "k men Aout mi*o Allm =10satt blot R 134"MAN, Alf The CbeWy of Cbe *&mais irked, Frank C. Rot-Ar (Tech. fladmichule. Gras. Austria). Aaa PAiii-AlfifOrdia- 5, 477-WIM.O.-Certain aspects 414 the theory of light wattering in comienord inedia are comiderecl. Specificaliv th-eare: couplingoigm. and aperiodic motions in the -tiering inediiisis aim] light w.-awring and itupcwt. R. F.Slanint &"Inc's WITH POZZMLLU GDM. P4e#1er,-J6-- (Mitt. for. i1ronsk easel best ts.,, 19520 (20)p 210-212). Mdiiiou of YO fine fly ash strengthens those cement*, prealudow theneed for additional water and roWere shrinkage normal. Compositions and characteristics are batulated. Wc;j!,.,W,SFj.y A! f on aKRAK)Ili, 0" tanj slaw F, N 3 ZUrd Exppr-mental prcdijct~on oi- renal tilrao-rs. Fol. przc-v. ch-2-. 36 no.W~Suppl.-'583-15589 Ap t~4. 1. Z Klin-1ki t1rologicznej Pomorskiej Ak-adevoi. Medyczne-j v (KIerowniki doc, dr A. W~,jewski) 2j. WOMISKIP A.1fons; LPOKA, Alina; ROESSLER, Ryszard , the urina,.-y bladder in Apropos of the production of tumors of experimental animals. Roczn. Pom. akad. med. aiierczF-jski 10: 549-556 164. Z Kliniki Urologicznej For-orskiej Akademii Mr-dlyczriej (Kierownik: doe. dIr red. Alfors 'Ylojt-,,;ski). ROESSLER, Ryszard Radiation injuxies of the ureters. Polski Drzegi. radiol. 26 no.2: 165-170 162. 1. Z Oddzialu Urologic-znego Pomorskiej X-f w Szczecinis Kiermmik: z-ca prof. dr med. A. Wojewski. (HADIGTM~HAPY compl) (URETERS radiation eff) HOESSLEA, llyszard Disorders In the urinary system after radiation thorapy. Gin. polska 32 no-5:613-619 161. 1. Z Oddzialu Urologicznego Pomorsk-iej A14 w Szczecinie Kierownik: zast. prof. dr med. A.Wojewski. (RADIATION INJURY) (UTERUE NEOPLAS14S radiotherapy) (UROGENIM SYSTIN radiation eff) ROESSIM, Ryozard, PARAFINTUK, Wladyalaw Angioma of the urethra. Pol. przegl. chir. 35 no.11: Supple- ment 1251-1254 N163 1. z niniki Urologicznej PAM w Szczecinie (kierowniks doc. dr. A. Wojewski) i z Zakladu Anatomii Patologinnej PP24 w Szczecinie (kierownik: prof.dr. K*Stojalowski). ROESSLER, Ryszard Initial signs of tuberculosis of the genito-urinary organs. Gruzlica 29 no.12:1031-1035 D 161. 1. Z Oddzialu Urologicznego PM1 w Szczecinie Kierownik: prof. dr med. A. Wojewaki z Panetwowego Sanatorium Przeciwgrusliesego v Zdunowie Dy,rektor: dr med. Z. Neciuk-Szczerbinski z Centralnej Wojewodzkiej Poradni Przeciwgruzliczej w Szczecinie Dyrektor: dr mod. M. Mokrzycki. (TUBERCULOSIS UROGENITAL diag) M4KOWSKI, J.; ROESSLER, R. Comparative electrophoretic studies on proteins in arterial and capillar7 blood. Acta physiol.polon.U W-5/6:823-824 16o. 1. Z Zakladu Patologil Og. i Dosw. Pomorsklej A.M. w Szesecinie Kierownik: doc.dr. J.Mokowski. (BLOOD PROTEINS) ZWB-B Stolle-2496 T 3 ROESNER R8o61-YL205 Teml)eratures In Subtvopical Regions-lufttemperaturen In Subrropischen Gebieten II-- BY Roesner Rechlin E Stelle Apr 1942 Germ Unclass 5P Incl Tables Grqphs Tables and diagrams show results of atmospheric temperature measurements In continental (rest of page cut) SOURCE: AIR, AMC DESX CATALOG OF GERMAN AND JAPANESE AIR-TECHNICAL I)OCUMENTS March 1948, P. 749, Unclassified. 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A a k_.11 f I . . & 41 41 -.1, ~~v 14t, RQqs*1 -9. A _t, %7~ 7~' 00 00 ril 90 9 jjr metorusis Oil ishalo by the tluidized-solid technique. 00 a Forrrst If. 111midmg and firsitio F. Rmtfacli (StUtIllArd Oil Ocyclopstirlit Co., J. 43, No. 00 00 it, rel,ort tit Or prc~v,% which in- '00 00 '-lod- a brief dv%cription A1111 a NLIIUIIIL&fy of 11ilOt-14,411t ft- 00 obtAill"I 4juring Ilit, c%ptl. I.cwt-tins; .4 Autralian so oil Mule. 'I'lic shale C0111K. atkmt 63"i C and 8'~'; Ill. by -00 A 00 wt., was cruNhed to a tit". Itarticic %itc of I/v its. Retort a'0 0 00 1110114ml it nwrr reliahl, than di~nj. witi, xyltor ilt w1livil =so so lflw-lm~fiag watrr-md. forg. liquids are al,o arritA away. '0119 00 U-1titar,j, tit- t.ititot-g. jjjtpj,% it. As rrt,wti. 00 N. 'ri~..t so 0 44 1`0 0 so 6"0 00 go 0 =00 I L IETALLURGICAL LITERATURC CLASSIFICATIOm :3 C200 No U IS AV 10 11; 0 tv 17 it or As K a at A M L I a rld 0 14 11 1 - I Wn :is 0 000 go OT.4 0 00 c 000,900 Oslo 00000000* 00 10000000000000000t.~oesoooooesoooo POLAND Plant Diseases. Diseases of Cultivated Plants N-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 6, March 1957, No 22980 Author : Roetskaya 11Ltle :'inie Appearance of Grey Rot (Botrytis cinerea (Pers.) in Poland on Hemp (Hibiscus cannabinus). Orig Pub :Roczn. nauk roliniczych., 1955, A72, No 1. 145-146 Abstract :The first time that the disease was noticed in Poland on hemp was in 1953 on the plantation of the Institute of Feeds and Plant Acclimatization in Pulavi. The disease appeared after early frosts in the first hal of September on leaves, stems and plant generating organs; developing rapidly, it almost totally destroyed the plantation. The severity of the disease was the result of unfavorable conditions -- a heavy argillaceous soil, the Planting density, northwestern slope, extreme infec- tion by B. cinerea of the whole territory, and abundant pre- cipitation that year. A number of prophylactic measures and utilization of agricultural methods are recommended in order to increase disease resistance of hemp. Card 1/1 RIM 14. A. yen %r Sirl"Iv n"--r; ohnyl li tTjyl~h tsyer-rink-h .D o 1 j,.,,d y ak,id, manic 3`3"P, t. 1xviii, 3, :Ln/ SO: LETC)PISF NO. ho N ROFE, -A.E., dotsent; NAPADOT, M.A., -1 ----- -~ * "Aligelast-l" elastic alt-,inate impress material. Trach.delo no.8: 867-869 Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Khar'kovskiy zavod zubovrachebnylen materialov. (ALGAI) (DMAL PROSPEIESIS) BRODSKIY. I.Ye.,inzhener; ROF3, A.E.,kandidat maditsinakikh nauk. .W-4411r, "AKR-P" plastic material and possibilities of its practical use in dental orthopedics. Stomatologiia n0-5:53-54 S-0 155- (KUM 9:2) 1. Iz IMarlkovskogo zavoda zubovrachebWkh materialov (dir. Ye.G. Aronov) (GUMS AM RESINS, SYNTHETIC) (IMNTAL PROSTHESIS) 1-77 awl D U Co mpp. Pat c t COIL"Ist, AcrYlatc, ad d' 8 n i u, ilu~ poi 1*1 1 'addi-BujpQXf ;t-Ar r pa ts atrylat'i bYlIt.- 'Te aywfe 75, c! timinyl Rud di-Du A Tatbti& BUGROV, V.A.; ROFE,, A.I. Potentials of the petroleum refineries of the Lvov Economic Region for improving the use of productive capacities. Neft. i gaz. prom. no.209-61 Ap-Je 164. (MIRA 17:9) GERNER, M.M.; ARONOV, Ye.G.; XZ~;,-A.Ye._-_KALONTAROV, D.Ye., red.; KOKIN, N.M., tekhn. red. [Stud7 of materials for stomatology] Materialovedenie po stom-itologii. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962. 2~5 p. (MIRA 16:5) (STOMATOLOGY-EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES) ROFEP YU.S., inzh. The UBSh2 machine for boring holes. Stroi. trubopr(rr. 8 30-31 A 163. (WRA 160) 1. Spetsiallnoye konstruktorsk byuro "Gazstroymashinall. ng machinery) ROYE. Yu.S, inzh. Machine for boring holes. Stroi. truboprov. 5 no.4:25-27 ko 160. tMak 13:9) (Boring machinery) ~4;i~ ROFE, Yu.S., inzh. Machine with two drills for boring hDles. Strii. truboprov. 6 no.4: 12 Ap 161. - (MIRA 14:6) (Rock drills) SKONTS, Z.A.. OSTROVSKI1,7, i-1. IMISEIN, L.N. (Mos'wa); BALF, M.B. (S-Annz'c); BOTISUK. H.V. (L'vov); 'M,07, A.H. (Bal-m); Z.i'.. (Tbilisi); 'TOVIK071A, V.S. (Orceho-~ro-Zuyrevo); DU3110Y, ya.S. (Mon'-'ra); S.B. (Moskv:t); L.P. (Le-Ativ--7 ,MD'-%jIYb-V, P., (Stavropol); CHIAR-31MI, D.L. (Gr1L'--SSR)q# ~K-Z-REIOV, U.11. POTMEY, V.A. (Kuvshinovo); 19M:1IN. V.V. (Lenin-rad); D~VNDOV. U. (Go--nlf); POZA-MERG, V.I. TIKHOROV, P.G. ROo-faITCHUK, Y.A. (-,,1v)r"--ov); WINLOS. R.A. (Mos~,-ran); Cr.,AY, S.V. (Rrunzze); V.S.; B:;RSf11-"M'T,, A. (Ifos'cva); ARI.1Z.;.ROV, V.1. (Mfos!vra) Solu"i-ons to woblams. !ht,nros. no.h*253-270 1.51. (Mathematics-Proble-ns, e:.ercises, etc.) ROFE-BEKETOI, F.S. (Kharlkov) Expansion of infinite simultaneous differential equations in non-self-conjugate and self-conjugate Cases into eige0funCtiOnf. Hat.ebor, 51 no-3:29---342 J1 16o. (NMA 13 - 8) (Differential equations) (Bigenfunctions) S/0020/63/152/006/1312/1315 ACCESSION NR: AP3009463 .-'AUTHOR: Rofe-Beketov, F. S., TITLE*' Concerning the spectrum of non-self-adjoint difteren- tial operators with periodic coefficients SOURCE: AN SSSR, Doklady*, v. 152, no. 6, 1963,*1312-1315 TOPIC TAGS: analysis, non-self-adjoint differential operator,_1,., differential operator ABSTRACT: Several results are given on the topology of the spectrum of an n-th order linear differential equation with periodic complex coefficients. The principal 'theorem states- that the spectrum of the operator associated with the equation coincides with the set of conditional stability of the equa- tion. Prig. art. has: 12 equations. -tekhnicheskiy institut nizkikh temperat ASSOCIATION: Fiziko ur: Akademii nauk UkrSSR (Low-tem'perature physics -engineering insti- ca,Z~ 8820(-' S/039/60/051/003/001/001 A-400 C111/C222 AUTHOR: Rofe-Beketov, F.S. (Icharlkov) TITLE: Development in Terms of Eigenfunctions of the Infinite Systems of Differential Equations in Non-Selfadjoint and Selfadjoint Cases PERIODICAL: Hatematicheskiy sbornik, 196o, Vol.51, No.3, pp.293-342. TEXT: The following notations are used: H is a separable Hilbert space; an operator function and a vector function, respectively, is a function the values of which are operators and vectors, respectively; Z is a linear topological space consisting of all even entire summable functions tp('A) of finite degree; T(Z) is the set of all generalized functions in Z; (l,h) is the scalar product, in H; H(O,N), N!~-oo is the (complete) Hilbert space of the vector functions (with values of H) the amount or which on (0,N) is integrable in the square;-12 is the subspace of N H(O,oo) consisting of even entire vector functions the degree of which is,,-'14'; L~ is the Hilbert spac, of the vector functions with the scalar FV 00 00 product, 4 (1 7 f ( [d fl*(A) , 7 -A) f 1 >%)h. (-h h( 9 - k(?~) Card 1/10 -00 -00 i,k=l 88200 S/039/60/051/003/001/001' C111/C222 Development in Terms of Eigenfunctions of the Infinite Systems of Differential Equations in Non-Selfadjoint and Selfadjoint Cases where f(7~) - is a selfadjoint non-decreasing operator- = (Sik( A)] (matrix) -distribution function, i.e. AS for 6>~_70; here. besides it holds (12.0) ON-0) = 5(->%). In chapter I the author considers the boundary value problem (A) icy] =- -Y"+q(x)y = _)c2y (0:!~ X 4 00 (B) yl(O)-Ay(O) = 0, where qW is a continuous operator function with generally non-self- adjoint values, A is a bounded operator. The solutions y(x) of (A)-(B) may be operator or vector functions. Beside of (A)-(B) the author considers the transposed problem r 2 (A') l[y]_=-y"+yq(y) =Xy (0 --Cx O and an arbitrary vector function G(?~) of WIT it holds: Card 7/10 88200 S/039/60/051/003/001/001 C111/C222 Development in Terms of Eigenfunctions of the Infinite Systems of Differential Equations in Non-Selfadjoint and Selfadjoint Cases 4 X( 2 (3~3.2)11--ip sup I [G(~\ )RX( ?L (IT) 10( -A) 11, 'A) 4N X(-A)II =1 -P J(~ -4 X) C -A X( (4-3.2) sui I[X( )RG(-A)]I-> .12. N IIX(-A) =1 Here q(x) and (A) are determined uniquely by R. In chapter III the author considers the problem (A)-(B) for the self- adjoint case A*= A, q"'(x) = q(x), 04, -xi-co. It is shown (theorem 4) that then the spectral matrix T? of the problem is an operator measure, i.e. that it holds Co (1-06-3) [F(W)RG(-A)J=f F(-F JdS ( 'h)3G(15~)l 0 where is a non-decreasing operator function, F(-A ), G(W ) is an even entire operator function of finite degree,(jF(-A)1-jG(-t.)j) ELI(O,co Here it holds the Parseval equation Card 8/10 ZA 88200 S/039/60/051/003/001/001 C111/C222 Development in Terms of Ei&,enfunctions of the Infinite Systems of Differential Equations in Non-Selfadjoint and Selfadjoint Cases co 00 (2,6,3) Ef(-FN)[dS(-A)]E'O(-f7,) f(x)g4(x)dx, f -M 0 where f(x), are finite piecewise continuous operator functions. For arbitrary vector functions of H(O,oD) it holds 00 CO (3.6-3) 1 ( Ld )]-E,~ j (?(x),'g(x))dx, -CO 0 where E? -ff)-I(x)dx, (4~6-3) 1-i-M. W X, N --Poo f 0 IT (5-6,3) ?(X) l.i.M W x d A f Card 9/10 88200 S/039/60/051/003/001/001 C111/C222 Development in Terns of Eigenfunctions of the Infinite Systems of Differential. Equations in Non-Selfadjoint and Selfadjoint Cases the first integral converges to the norm of L 2 , the second integral converges to the norm of H(O,co ). f3] I I The author mentions V.A.Marchenko, I.M.Gellfand, B.M.Levitan, M.G.Kreyn' A,G.Kostyuchenko and There are 22 references: 18 Soviet, 2 German, 1 American and 1 Swedish. SUBMITTED: 1958 August 6, Card 1.0/10 'th 'cle uctentials. o." syster-s -i- in 1-56, no. 5!10--~G-10,2 Te E4. AN S~"-. institur, nizkikh temireratur AN UkrSSR. Predotavieno ai,.ade-wikom I.G.';'~-travskjm. ROFE-BEUTOV, F.S. Spectrum of non-self-adjoint differential operators with .periodic coefficients. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.6:1312-1315 0 163. ' (MBA 16:11) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut nAkikh temperatur AN UkrSSR. Predstavleno akademikom S.N. Bernshteynom. ACCESSION RR'. AP4038516 8/0020/64/156/003/0515/05;b AMOR: Rofe-Beketov, F. S. TITM. A criterion for the finiteness of the number of eigen ValU88 In the 908 of the continuous spectrum of a perturbed periodic potential SOURCE- AN SSSR. Doklady*, V. 156, nos 3.* 1964, 515-518 ;TOPIC TAGS: ordinary differential equation, Sturm Liouville system, self adjoint problem, boundary value problem, spectral theory ABSTRACT: It is Imown that for a reali, Periodic potential t7 (x), the problem y+(X-q(x))y=0, ;.has a purely continuous spectrum, bounded belov and consisting of a set of inter- vals stretching to oa , and aeparated by gaps (the length of each gap approaches 0 a's I the real, noa-periodle perturbation P(X) is u-11 enough iz~ some senze an x ~ oo ition (3) belov)., then the- problem for exampleunder cond + [% q (x) - P W) Y 0, -.0