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L 4565o-65 ACCESSION NR. AP501316~ - ASSOCIATION: none.:., -EDs 14inn64 suBmm VO REF Mt W8 -OTHMt '-ool st 1 A, 4 pi Card 2/2 im LUKISHOVY G.I.; RODIONOVY K.D.; NWKGV, N.I. Ghain of glove boxes for handling radioactive substances. Atan. energ. 19 no.5:486,488 N 165. (141RA 18:12) L 11774-66 DJT(m)/T IjP(c) AM--MF.- _M001573 SOURCE CODR: UR/0120/65/000/006/0093/0 AUTHOR: Rodionovo K. G.; Wang, Nai Yen; Khen Yeyen Gyn', o, Ch'i C h'uan Ya ORG: Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna (Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernAh f,-. i issledovaniy). TITLE, Use of a high-speed coincid~ncei_circuit for slow pulses in a neutron detector I SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimentai noi 6, 1965, 93-97 TOPIC TAGS: coincidence circuit, neutron;dete6tor, nanosecond pulse ABSTRACT: The authors describe-a coincidence dircuit.with a theoretical resolving' time of 1.5-10-10 sec for usejn aAetector-for measuring,the total effective cross section of interaction between neutrons and nuclei by the ,gating methodi The operating principle of the circuit is as-foll6ws: 'If-pulse's with a ste.ep front are fed to the input of the shaperin the coincidence circuit, the trigger-, ing moment of the device at any threshold depends on the-,heigbt of these pulseso Even when the sensitivity of the circuit is high, the time scatter lies within the-T-.: limits of the pulse front. Thus the resolving time of the circuit for 100% effi- ciency has a direct relationship to the rise time of the pulse. This time scatter Card 1/2 UDC: 539.1.075:539.1.074.8 M~WH GROVIOV, S.A.; RODIONOV, K.K. Clinical aspects and treatment of glomus tumors of arteriovenous anastomoses. Vop. psikh. nevr. no.10:90-97 164. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Neyrokhirurgicheskoye i nervnoye otdeleniye Leningradskoy oblastnoy klinicheskoy bollnitay (glavnyy vrach - A.P.Yegorova). POPGV, N.A., prof.; RODIONOV. K.K. Case of cerebral abscesses. Vop.neirokhir. 22 no.6:43-44 N-D '58- (MIRA 12:2) 1. Nervnoye i neyrokhtrurgicheakoye otdeleniya LeningrAdgkoy oblastnoy klinicheskoy bollnitay. (BRAIN, abscess, case reports (Rua)) RODIONOV, K.K. Surgical treatment of spinal tuberculous arachnitis. Probl. tub. 38 no. 5:68-71 160. Oa-U. 14:1) (SPI&U CGRD--,L7BLuZCULOSIS) Tec'- Sci Dissr~rtp.tion: "InvestiD-ation of Interaction of the Bakelite and Casein Coatings for `doom With ?etroleun, Products and Creolih." 12/6/50 Moscow Forestry Inst. F Vechery-ya Moskva ,~ CL Sum 71 C- tn mommy of vb&mk vmwevish U RodkwW awl F. K. Nikitin. Zhaf. Obitubd Kbim. (J. wilb pmtrait and bibliWaphy. c.!Wl 11.1we Tual'bm, doelfteamses Pb~ is Ywreassandus. s. V. %',xw, anal K.P. bladkww (14AWY Abel. Neak s.s.s. R., llk*AV 7& (s). "3 -6" -. ftvp~rs A&*.. IML 14 410),(1 Rummiani. I%Mvrpi". nw "Mill".4 tho forops r4glooll; Oir the W&MMM pf"t (the cbmw u( VlOwt. Protstance in ferturrmpolic cw)v") has hithwo betn ob- scure. In order to exp1min them form , nKmki "W (ZAW. RAIPW. TMIL FiO&K 19; IlL r1". .vc, 01 IN) im d. in whkh the rbvu... a a irwro. 7 tn"Metic cryew a" aptervaime ift aftwav. eh".. and n0wr rontionally divid*4 ttwown tbr inner := PM =0 Idaw"e'sIcloormig d-olgations, bo4wrm wh'ch thore *zW~ v6& (w%L) and magnatio (son and *on orbital) intr4"M It is WAMODWI that fil"Misenslid jwvMwm arr liplonnimi farmlamostally 6y tho internal ~64hwia and ~kwa. pnVorsims lby valormal ebi4rtatwL Vqus"xw am do. dutv-1 which indievAe th" the "hasunwr ~NPA im aws. lArtrly determined by the - - the. 9PRASMINJIM magnetbalhiam and no by go smumal The pstenw AsId is ibb amly for the inkial ovivniation of the 0 tempo" vomemptieft"O". K. Tow-ard tht-a Viecry ~~C -Iva ncmarmetic ~'h :nomelna in f:~_rromagnetic rmaterials. TZv. AIN SSSR No. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. t7 '-i "Theorv of V-rj.ation o---' Eiectrir Reoirtance of Ferroma filetics I' M I q a r. ln-+a Metallui Uralsk Fil, AN SSSR, No 15, 954~ The deDendence of the variation of electri-- resistance of a 'Lerro- rin-netic on the square of the spontaneous mul'gnetization- is clarified by means of a model of interacting external and internal electrons, as described previously (zhETF 16, 93i, 1946) and talking into account the ma.unetic spin, spin interaction of conducting electons with ferromagnetic electrons. Theoreltica-I and experinental results are in good agreement. (-RZhFiz, ITo 9, 1955) SO: Sum-'No 787, 12 Jan 56 I-V 1 2- 'Me '.Xut or proves. ie, o owing tht~46inAf a:t~ I -ii;l (na) ~O 4K. 46 im RODIONOV, X.P. Effect of high pressure on the thermal properties of solids. Fiz. metA metalloved. 3 no.1:26-30 '56. (KLRA 9:11) 1. Institut fizIkI metallow Ural'skogo filiala AN SM. (Pressure (Physice))(Heat capacity) (Expansion (Heat)) Category USSR/Atanic and Molecular Physics - Physics of high pressure D-6 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957, 110 9.12 Author Rodionov K.P. Title Certain Thermodynamic Properties of Solid Bodies Under High Pressure. Orig Pub Zh. tekhn. fiziki, 1956, 26, No 2, 375-378 Abstract Based on ordinary thermodynamics and statistics, an analysis D3 made of theeffect of pressure on the properties of a solid body. Assuming the ion 2 interaction potential to be in the form U(r) = Z_exp X r)_7 (A + Br + Cr t Dr-1), where r is the distance between ions and Y A,B,C;.and D are con- stants, the author finds the maximign frequency of the elastic collisions of the linear monatomic chain, comprelsed with a force f, and derives an equ~ation for the dependence of the DeIrje temperature & on f. The equation contains an exponential factor and consequently 61 should increase sharply at sufficiently large f. The dependence of 6) on the pressure ~ is derived for a three di- mensional crystal lattice with cubical symmetry. Card 1/1 AUTHORS: Rodionov, K. P. and Shavrov, V. G. 126-3-1/34 TITLE: On the problem of anisotropy of the electric conductivity in ferromagnetics. (K voprosu ob anizotropii elektro- provodnosti v ferromagnetikakh). PERIODICAL: "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniyell (Physics of Metals and M_et_a_1lu_r_9_77_,_1"5 , Vol-IV, No-3, PP-385-391 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The problem of anisotropy of the electric conductivity was considered by several authors (2-4). Baroody, E.M.0) determined the anisotropy of the electric conductivity by solving the kinetic equation. He investigated two cases, namely, when the function-characterising the inter-relation of the electrons with the lattice oscillations is isotro *c and the energy depends on the wave vector (and not on I jk) and when the energy is isotropic and the anisotropy is taken into consideration as a function of the inter-relation of the electrons with the lattice oscillations. The work of these authors related to non-ferromagnetic metals and were based on the single electron approximation. Akulov,N.S. (6) has shoz-n that the anisotropy of electric conductivity in ferromagnetics can be determined phenomenologically from Card 2/4 the symmetry properties of the crystal alone. On the basis of the quantum mechanical model of the ferromagnetic, 126-3-1/34 On the problem of anisotropy of the electric couductivity in ferromagnetics. (Cont.) , Vonsovskiy, S. V. and RodionQv, K. F.(?) calculated sezi- phenomenologically the anisotropy of the electric conductivity approximating the free electrons in a metal by means of the Drude formula. Of considerably greater interest is accurate calculation based on taking into consideration the micro- scopic anisotropy in the kinetic equation. The aim of this paper is to determine the anisotropy of the electric conductivity of the ferromagnetic metal by solving the kinetic equation,using the concrete type of energy spectrum of the conductivity electrons determined in the dissertation of Turov, Ye. A. (Sverdlovsk, 1954). It can be seen from the derived relations that,in aSTeement with experimental results,the change in the electric conductivity,after taking into consideration the spin-spin interaction of the s- and d-electrons in the longitudinal and transverse cases, is proportional to the square of the magnetisation of the ferro- magnetic (Thomson-Goldhammer effect). The (s-d) exchange model used by the authors does not take into consideration all the features of ferromagnetics. However, the effected calou"ations indicate that,within the framework Of this Card2/4 model,deviations from the law of the even effects of Akulov are obtained if the microscopic anisotropy is takeninto 126-3-1/34 On the problem of anisotropy of the electric conductivity in ferromagnetics. (Cont.) consideration in the kinetic equation. The magnitudes a and a' eq,(19), to which these deviations are due, 2 2 t include the isotropic as well as the anisotropic part. Eqs. (20 and 21), P.390, express the resulting relative changes in the electric conductivity as a function of the direction of measurement and it can be seen that the Signs of the longitudinal and transverse effects coincide, which is in agreement with experimental data. Bates, L.F. (10) has established that there is an anomaly in the relation between the signs of the longitudinal and the transverse effects in the case of high coercive alloys, whilst Drozhzhina, V.I. and Shur Ya. S. (11) have established the existence of such anomaly for high coercive as well as magnetically soft materials; the signs of the effects were equal. On the basis of general symmetry considerations, Vonsovskiy, S. V. (12) explained this anomaly by the presence of "volume" effects and he established a criterion governing equality of signs of the two effects, pointing out that the microscopic theory should explain, at least in Card 3/4 principle, the possibility of existence of this criterion. The eqs.(20 and 21) derived in this paper indicate that this 126-3-1/34 On the problem of anisotropy of the electric conductivity in ferromagnetics. (Cont.) criterion is fulfilled in the given case. Acknowledgments are made to S. V. Vonsovskiy for his valuable comments. There are 12 references, 5 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: June 18, 1956. ASSOOIkTION: Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch of the Ac.Sc., U.S.S.R. (Institut Fiziki Metallov Urallskogo Filiala ANSSSR) AVAILABLE: Library, of Congress Card 4/4 126-5-3-2?/31 AUT11"ORS: Ye'.-1,___1.a'_,cv, A.D., Gladkovskiy, V.A. and, Rodionov K. P. TITI.d&': The _'Effect of Pressure on Young's Modulus for Certain ii,ietals (0 vliyanii davleniya na modull YunGa nekotoryllch jAetallov) PERIODICAL- Fiziha Uetallov i Metallovedeniye, 1957, Vol 5, Nr 3., PP 559-560 (USSR) ABSTRACTI: An apperatus dependent on observations on bendinC (not de&--ribed in 4etail) is used at hydrostatic pressures up to 5000 k./cmI. Electrolytic copper and aluminiuarli, 99."5-019.95% pure, and medium-carbon steel are used; the re-Sults ~~re given in Table 1 (left column: Al, Cu, Steel; units c~ /kg; columns: frog (2), from experiment), for pressures up to 4000 kg/cm . These metals were used beca,usa buhe bulk (K) and shear (G) moduli are known for hin.-?_ hydrostatic pressures. Eq.(2) is derived by differentiating the standard Eq.(l); Eq.(3) is an approx~iate formula relating K to p due to Bridgnan. Card 1/1 Table 2 is,similar to Table 1 (same materials); the units are erm and kg. There are 7 references, none of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov Urallskogo filiala AlT SSSR (Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch of the AS.USSR) SU.M~,[ITTED: 1.1acy 15. 1957 1. Metals--Elasticity 2. Metals--Pressure NASE I 9DOK 1](PLOrTATION SOV/3647 soV/26.x-;Zo ' Akademlys nauk 333H. Urallekly filial. Institut ritiki metanov Trudy, v". 20 (Transactions of the Institute of the Physics of WAtals, Ursa Branch, academy of Sciences USSR, No. 20) Sverd- lovsk, 1958. 402 p. Errata s2ip inserted. 1,000 copies printed. Rasp. 108.1 S.V. Vonsovskiy~ Corresponding Member, academy or Sciences USSR, and V 1. Arkharov, Doctor of TeerlnIcal Sciences. PURPOSIr This book is Intended for scientists worvang in the riei4 of physical metallurgy . COVERA03i This to a collection of 28 articles written by members of ladutQte of the "ien of MeWs' ar&I lirLtat G: tka Lz=46-..7 ")r sciences U33A an problems Investigated at the InScItLize. Studies at the In. t1 tto have concentrated on two basic proble=3: 1) developing. a theory of slatala and alloys and finding ways to Improve the prop*rtlea of engineering materlalli and 2) developing now phyaL- oal methods for Investigating and controlling the quality or materials and metal articles. In connection with these basic problems the articles in the collection treat the following sub. Ject6i problems of the multi*1ectron q":%tum-cmch&nIc&l theory of solids; the laws of distribution and or Admixtures in varloux metallic alloys (internal adsorption theory); strength and plasticity of polyaryntallins materials In relation to Inter- atomic binding forces, distortions In the crystal lattical iltrue- tural the ry of diffusion reaction, I.e. diffusion due to che mi. o &I reactions In solid phArses; theory of the =AZnatic structure f ferromagniotle oub*tancesj theory of the heat treatment of o t ;3 (magnetic ot*el; and the physical thoory of magnatic ae"urotzen riaw detection and structural &naly3i&).;, -he first article gives a description of the work boing done by the In3tItute and a list of departments and laboratories along with their chief personnel. asvsra~ Persons are cited for th*ir work at tY,.* Institute. Refer- Inces _. erties - Som Maical Pro e p ~;diognov, X.P. Effect or High Pressure an M TR 2?3 investigation of Decomposition in Supersaturated lu he Id So tio, 283 dovsY Ri V D~ Structural Mechanism of Phsag, (>v*r.Cryat&lllsg_ _-D -N f, `ft I N%PZ . n ur ur g~ H-ating of Steel 303 _Qorbach V 0. and y.b. CLdCLTAtkIy_~, Effect of p-411min, ., Heat 'T -wa-t At ;f - r steel on the TroularormstLon junetics of Supercooled Austan1ts 311 Kolovall!) and v D $09vakli,'. Correcting the Structure 5L of -O-Wi Throu and Free am a cast Ali7o h Be t T t ;d z . re. a ..r g y 329 Strengthening at 8 "table Austenite Alloys by Means of Phase Hardening 339 RoWin N M High-3psed Heating for Investigating Mectrothermal __ - _ - 9 TR 1 .nt a j bther "ones 3A9 Bibliography of Works by Members of tho Inat.4tate of the physics of Metals, Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR for tile Years 1932-1956 357 AVAZLAUX; Library of Congress (TN60T.A4) Card 6/6 JA/qdw/ 8-2- SOV/1 2,(5-6 AUTHOR: Rodionov, K.F, ------------------ 1~ I TITLE; On the Effect of;t4-,)na1 Pressu.-re. cu Thermal Conductivity of Insulatars (K 7ol;rosii. o i1jyanli vsestoronnago da-.,len-%'.ya na -r-.ep1oprc,foducSt: izolyatorov) PERIODICAL: Fizika Meta.1lov i Mal.-allovedeniy-.. 1958" Vol 6, Nr 4, pp 74',-?49 (USSR)' ABSTRACT: According to varrent physical ideas (Ref,1-4) the finite the:cTial-conductivitj of -uhe cx-jstal lattice of insulators is due to t-he a--ri.'harmonis natiire of the. interatomic Luterac":io-u poren--l-al. Sirc,,e thermal expansin-a of a solid depends also ou the anharmonicity of the -;1bratious of the Iatt--L-6~le atoms, thermal 1 att :;e expansion of the I-S reiated to its thermal (inder omn-Jaix-actional (uniform) external pressurac the atoms in a crystal lattice are brought: ~;Ioser tose-ber au,,:~ th~,.s dec,.:7eases the anharmonic..-ity of be4,r tiiexual vibrations and.. consequently, thermal expan-~,-or- ci the crystal. It is di-jf'ficult to find expeiameatally the, pressure dependence L Card 1/3 of thermal conductivity of a, sol id; such experiments SOV/126- 6--4-25/34 On 'the Effect of Omnidirectional Pressure on Thermal Conductivity of Insulators have not in fact been carried out as yet. The present paper gives a theoretical analysis of behaviour of thermal conductivity of a crystal subjected to uniform pressure. The analysis assumes the existence of a free mean path length for a phonon in the crystal lattice of an insulator. The author derives two expressions for the thermal conductivity of an insulator at high (Eq.?) and Tory high (Eq.8) pressures. It is not possible to give a quantitative estimate of thermal conductivity using Ea.? or 8, because for the majority of insulating crystals there are no reliable theoretical or experimental data on the variation of thermal 'expansion and heat capacity with pressure, which appear in these equations. For NaCl, NaBr, CsCl, CsBr and CsI, whose~thermal expansion coefficien s - '--own as a function of pressure 'I up to 509000 kg/cm. the author f und that their thermal conductivities at 1~ are higher than at atmospheric pressure 50,000 kg/cM (Table,-p 748). The data used do not yield,an-y clear Card 2/3 information how thermal conductivity varieF; with SOV/126- 6-11--1f on the Effect of Omnidirectional Pressure on Thermal Conductivity of Insulators pressure ancl with the lattice structure between the atmospheric pressure and 50,000 kg/cm2. The author makes also a qualitative prediction that thermal conductivity at any given pressure will be higher in insulators with low compressibility than in those which can be compressed more easily. The paper is entirely theoretical. There is 1 table and 13 references of which 2 are Soviet, 8 English, 2 German ana 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Institut Fiziki Metallov AN SSSR (fnstitute of Metal Physics, Ac.Sc. USSR.) SUBMITTED: 11th April 1957. Card 3/3 .AUTHOR: Rodionov K.P. SOV/126-6-5-4/43 TITLE: On the Problem of Determination of Compressibility and Bulk Modulus of a Solid (K voprosu ob opredelenii koeffi- tsiyentov szhimayemosti i moduley ob"yemnoy uprugosti tverdogo tela) PERIODICAL: Fizika bletallov i Metallovedeniye, 1958, Vol 6, Nr 5, pp ?86 - 793 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author shows that compressibility and bulk modulus of a solid can be defined in three different ways. These are given below: 1. Compressibility is usually defined by the following equation: 1 ~ 3V V0 T The usual definition of bulk modulus is as follows: Ki Vo T (l,a) rav) Cardl/6 SOV/126-6-5-4/43 On the Problem of Determination of Compressibility and Bulk Modulus of a Solid where V 0 is the volume of a solid at atmospheric pressure and the derivative 3V/ap iscbfined as follows: a1v V(P +-dp) - V(p) 1 im (14. ap P ap -.) 0 Here, -W V(p) - V(O); V V(p) is the volume of the solid at a pressure p . 2. Intrinsic or "instantaneous" compressibility is given by: i ~& V ~ (2) V ~-&pjl T Intrinsic bulk modulus is given by: , ap~ Card2/6 V 3Vj' T (2,a) SOV/126-6-5-4/43 On the Problem of Determination of Compressibility and Bulk Modulus of a Solid 3. Initial compressibility is defined by means of the following expression: i "o 0 (3) V6 pj'T = 0 K, p = 0 where V is the volume of the solid at Tp 0 0 Initial bulk modulus is: QP K0 S~ - ; (3,a). V) T = OOK, p = 0 Important differences between these three sets of definitions are brought out in the derivatives of compressibility and bulk modulus with respect to pressure. These derivatives are given below: Card3/6 SOV/126-6-5-4/43 On the Problem of Determination of Compressibility and Bulk Modulus of a Solid d-/- 1 1 2V T dp vo P 1$1 d /1 2 v0 d -X- + - , dp v dp d YL 0 = 0 dp dK 1 2 , diL 1 - dp dp (4) (5) (6) (4a) Card4/6 SOV/126-6-5-4/43 Gn the Problem of Determination of Compressibility and Bulk Modulus of a Solid dK v dK1 - = - 1 + - . (5a) dp v0 dp !!0- 0 (6a) dp The differences between the definitions can also be seen when each of the quantities in Eqs (1) - (6a) is redefined by substituting into these equations Bridgman's empirical expression (Ref 2): AV = Ap - Bp2 + - v0 where A and B are constants. A is of the cLrder of Card5/6 10-? cm2/kg and B is of the order of 10-12 cm~/kg2. 30V/126-6-5-4/43 On the Problem of Determination of Compressibility and Bulk Modulus of a Solid The results of such substitutions are given in Eqs (0413a). The author shows that the best representation of properties of a solid under high pressure is given in terms of the intrinsic or "instantaneous" values of compressibility and bulk modulus (Eqs 2, 2a, 5, 5a or Eqs 9, 9a, 12 and 12a). The author uses Eqs (8), (8a), (9) and (9a) to calculate changes in the bulk-elastic part of the lattice energy and changes in the Debye temperature (Figure 1) with increase of pressure. There are 1 figure and ? references, 4 of which are Soviet and 3 English. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov Uralskogo filiala AN SSSR (Institute of Metal Physios, U-ral Branch of the Ac.Sc.USSR) SUBMITTED: February 12, 195? Card6/6 Wi S/126/6o/oog/o6/020/025 Ellljf~52 AUTHORS. Yekhlakov, A.D. and Rodionov. TITLE,. Hydrostatic Method for Measuring the Compressibility of a Liquid at High Pressure PERIODICAL: Fizi metallov i metallovedeniye, 19601) Vol 9, Nr 6 pp 932 - 935 (USSR) ABSTRACT: One of the authors (Yekhalo-v) has previously indicated the possibility of using a static method for determining the pressure coefficient of Young's W*s of solids for studying the couipresLibility of liqu 8 The present article gives the method of calculation and results for several liquids, some based on published data (Refs 7 Th'e apparatus has been described previously (Ref 4) and consists (figure) essentially of a pressure-chamber %!h1ch can be inclined at various angles, containing a duralumin weight attached to a flexible steel rod rigidly fixed at its other end. The free end of the rod operates a contact. Increase in pressure in the chamber causes the weight to rise, opening the contact: the inclination of the chamber is then altered to close it. The authors Cardl/2 S/126/6o/oog/o6/020/025 E1114E2g2jity Hydrostatic Method for Measuring the Compre s i of a Liquid at High Pressure now give an improved equation for calculating the compressibility and tabulate results for paraffin, paraffin + 25-75% transformer oil-and transformer oil 0 at 20 - 8o C and 1 ~-o5 000 kg/cm The accuracy of determination is within 0-5%. There are 1 figure, 1 table and 8 references, 7 of which are Sov:L-t and 1 English. ASSOCIKfION: Institut flzlkl metallov JLN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals of the Ac.Sc., USSR) SUBMITTED: Derember 14, 1959 Card 2/2 S/126/6o/olo/01/016/019 E032/E514 AUTHORS: Ryabinin, Yu.N., Rodionov, K.P. and Alekseyev, Ye.S. TITLE: An Estimate of Certain Physical Characteristics of Strongly Compressed Metals it PERIODICAL: Flzlka metallov 1 metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol.10, No.11 PP. 150-152 TEXT: sinceNa quantum mechanical theory of solids subjected to high pressureVhas not yet been developed, physical character- istics of such solids must be estimated with the aid of the classical models put forward by Debye (Ref.1), GrUneisen (Ref.2) and Lindemann (Ref.3). It is well known that the characteristic frequency V of oscillations in a crystal lattice ond hence the Debye temperature also, increases with pressure. V For an iso- tropic body the Debye temperature is given by E) hc (.~N )1/3 (1) D R JY V where c is the mean velocity of propagation of elastic vibrations in an isotropic body. This velocity in turn depends Card 1/3 ~/c S/126/60/olo/ol/016/019 E032/E514 An Estimate of Certain Physical Characteristics of Strongly Compressed Metals on the elastic moduli so that if the latter are known as functions of pressure, then the Debye temperature given by Eq.(l) can be estimated. Other physical characteristics such as speci ic heath' melting point, thermal expansion coefficient etc. can then be expressed in terms of the Debye temperature. This approach is used in the present paper to calculate the Debye temperature as a function of pressure for alum:Lnj-um,-L-lsllvervlcopper~~nd iron'land the U-Fe-- iron melting point as a function of press for ~- and aluminium. The results obtained are shown in Figs. 1 And 2. In Fig.2 the continuous line represents the experimental results obtained by Strong (Ref.11) and Butuzov (Ref.12) and the dotted line shows the theoretical results obtained by the present authors. The agreement is good and hence it is concluded that the classical modelsemployed lead to correct estimates for the parameters of a solid body as functions of pressure. Acknowledgments are made to R.G.Arkhipov for discussions and advice. There are 2 figures and i2 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 3 German and 7 English. V(2 Card 2/3 S/126/60/010/01/016/019 E032/E514 An Estimate of Certain Physical Characteristics of Strongly Compressed Metals ASSOCIATIONS: Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy AN SSSR (Institute of High Pressure Physics, AS, USSR) and Institut fiziki metallov, AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals, AS, USSR) SUBMITTED: February 6, 1960 Card 3/3 S/126/61/oli/ool/oll/oig ILI 14j 1,12-00 E193/E483 AUTHORS: Beresnev. B. Bulychev, D.K. and Rodionov.-K.P.. TITLE: Specific Features of\%Extrusion of Meta Is- at ft~~ted' essuriM Fluids Temperatures With the Aid of Pr iPERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1961,.Vol.11, No.l. pp.115-122 TEXT: The limits of application of the process in.which deformation-resistant alloys are extruded with the aid of hydro- in ic pressur of ~stati e are set at present by the maximum power i - the high pressure generating equipment. While it is true LI'lat the! extrusion pressure can be greatly reduced by increasing the temperature of the extruded metal, this expedient cannot be used ;until the effects of temperature on the fluid medium, the process under consideration, and on the parameters of the process--. A are 1~nown. It was for this reason that the investigation described in the present paper was undertaken. A special extrusion press. rwas constructed for this purpose in which pressures up to lOOOO'kjg/cm2 could be attained and in which provision was made for heating both the container and r a 45% 400,*C the metal to temperatu e' et The liquid medium, delivered under pressure from a hydraulic Card 1/tZ -89944 S/126/61/oli/ooi/oli/oig El-0/E483 Specific Features of Extrusion of Elevated Temperatures With the Aid of'Pressurized Fluids compressor, is fed through a receiver into the extrusion head, illustrated schematically in Fig.l. The extrusion billet (9) is set in the die (10) and then inserted in the container (7), filled already with the appropriate working liquid. To prevent mixing of the working liquid with that fed from the compressor, a return ball valve (3) separates the container from-the receiver (1). ~A nut (12) ensures pressure-tight fit between the die and its. e B ating in the container. A conical, cut-off valve.(8) prevents :a sudden drop of pressure in the container when the metal is '.forced out of the die aperture. The extruded metal, working ;.and the die are heated by an electric furnace (6) mounted directly ;on the container. The temperature of the die and extruded metal is,.. measured by a thermocouple (12) with t1he accuracy of + 50C. High- 4 alloy steels 45XHM4A 05KhNMFA) and ~X288 (3Kh2V8) ;ere used as the materials of thellbr-ontainer and ie espectively., ,, A1.1 experiments described in the present p pe were carried out on an aluminium-base alloy AA 1 (AD1) containing 0.23% S! and 0.25% Fe Card 2/,I-4 bV944- S/126/6i/oll/001/011/019 E193/E483 4Specific Features of Extrusion of Metals at Elevated Temperatures With the Aid of Pressurized Fluids goo which was extruded through a die with the die angle 20C .-land the die aperture diameter of 4.715 mm. The object of them ~first series of experiments was to determine to what e xtent the., extrusion pressure at various temperatures is affected by the 'nature of the working liquid. The results are given in Fig.25,' -where the extrusion pressure p kg/CM2 (required to attain reduction of area V =(F - fo)F = 0.72 ) is plotted against the temperature (OC), graphs I to 6 relating to the following working ~media: 1 - transformer oil; 2 - 75/25 mixture of kerosene and transformer oil; 3 - 50/50 piixture of kerosene and graphite; .4 - solidol; 5 - graphite;k!v 6 - 50/50 mixture of solidol and graPhite. (Graphs V and 21, representing the theoretical of P were constructed.on the ;assumption that P depen0s only on the mechanical properties of the extruded metal and is not affected by the variation of the :properties of the working medium.) In the case of transformer Boil (graphs 1, 11), it will be sieen that the extrusion conditions' Card 3/k2 - ---------- 89944 s/lg6/61/011/001/011/019 .Specific Features of Extrusion of Elevated Temperatures With the Aid of Pressurized Fluids deteriorated with raising temperature (higher P is required) whereas they improved when the kerosene/graphite (graphs 3, 21) or kerosene/tratisformer oil (graphs 2, 20) mixtures were used. ~Since the experiments described above were conducted for a constant 'degree of deformation, the next series.of experiments consisted in extruding the alloys studied in the 75/25 mixture of kerosene and -transformer oil at 20, 150 and 3000C to various degrees of total i deformation. The results confirm the previously established fact that the relationship between P and Sf = In F/fo (where F and denote the cross-section areas of the extrusion billet and extruded rod, respectively) is linear. The results of the next series of experiments, in which the combined effect of temperature :and the nature of 30 various working media (pure substances and the3ir_'_,-.,"'7 mixtures) on the magnitude of P was investigated, indicated that .,the substances studied can be divided into two groups, Group ;con sisting of substances which increase P at elevated '7 temperatures and Group Il comprising substances In which -P ~Card S/126/61/011/001/011/019 E193/E483 Specific Features of Extrusion of Metals at Elevated Temperatures :With the Aid of Pressurized Fluids lidecreases with rising temperature. The substances in Group I ?represent high-boiling point mineral oils containing a larger or asinaller proportion of fatty acids which form a stable lubricating ifilm at low, but not at high, temperatures. The effect of fatty, ''facids content on the lubri rti a of a 25/75 mixture of cating rope e ttransformer oil and k-erosene, at carious temperatures, is illustrated in Fig.5, where the extrusion pressure P (kg/cm2) at 20 (crosses) and 120*C (dots) is plotted against the oleic acid.~ content (10 in the above mixture used for extruding aluminium (IV = 0.72). - Since it has been stated by -some Soviet workers (Ref.12,13,15) that thermal stability of lubricating films can be. by the addition-,of Cl-, SA or P-bearing components, the F. sent authors studied the effect of 5% addition of CC14 on the pre properties of transformer oil. When the above mixture was used, the extrusion pressure at 120% was equal to that required at 20*C; ;however, the pressure required when working with this mixture at--~_, 200C was 4700 kg/cm2 against 3700 kg/cm2 required when pure ~Card 5/~2 U~- iv-1.1,W~a"I'2f La ww%= 'ELMI-a- 89944 S/126/61/011/001/011/oig Specific Features of Extrusion of Metals at Elevated Temperatures With the Aid of Pressurized Fluids transformer oil was used. The substances in Group Il comprise kerosene, ethyl alcohol, water and graphite.flakes. Even at room temperature, the first 3 of these substances cannot form a stable lubricating film under conditions of critical or semi-fluid friction~! Consequently, the fact that lower P is required at high temperature 'to extrude aluminium with the aid of these media must be d attributed to the decrease in the strength of aluminium at elevate .temperatures. Most interesting results, obtained in the course of 'the present investigation., were yielded by experiments in.which mixtures of substances, belonging to either one or both groups ~discussed above, were used. In the case of mixtures containing ones substance of each group, the extrusion pressure at room temperature was somewhere between those corresponding to.pure substances. The same applied to mixtures of substances belonging to either group,-" both at room and elevated'temperatures. However, when used a mixture of substances from different groups was-used at elevated .temperatures, ata certain concentration (usually > 50%) of the Card ~89944 S/126/61/011/001/011/019 E193/z483 Specific Features of Extrusion of Metals at Elevated Temperatures Wi th the Aid of Pressurized Fluids re substance lowering the extrusion pressure at high temperatu ip i, the extrusion pressure for that mixture was lower-than-that to eitherof the substances used alone. Although- as a - the causes of this effect are not yet understood, it was used 'basis for the formulation of mixtures most suitable for the :application under consideration. The maximum reduction in extrusion pressure was attained when a 50/50 mixture of graphite band solidol or hypoid oil was used. The thickness of the'lubricaU% ifilm in the die aperture, measured at room temperature during the steady stage of the process, was 8 to 10 microns in the case of ,~mineral oils, 3 to, 14 microns for kerosene, water and alcohol 1-and 12 microns for graphite; the corresponding figures at 1200C were 10 to 12 micions, 6 -to 7 microns and 15 microns respectively. The thickness of:the lubricating film at the moment when the metal just begins',to flow through the die is 2 to 3 times less, and it4s i'pointed-out-by the present authors that the'values of extrusion t pressures quoted in the present paper relate. to this.stage of.the Card V-n 89~44 S i 2 6 / 6 1 - / 0 _1- 1- /_ 0 0-1-/- 0__ 1- -1 0 1 -9 E195-/E483 Specific Features of'Extrusion of Metals at Elevated Tem eratures P ~zWith the Aid of Pressurized Fluids ~extrusion process taking place under conditions of semi-fluid friction, wherea.s fluid friction conditions exist during the steady stage of the process. During the final stage of the present tinvestigation, the effect of the working medium on the quality of studied. It was found that with increasing extruded material was extrusion pressure which causes an increase in t~e viscosity of the 'working liquid, the tendency of the metal to fracture increased., The nature of the defects depend on the extrusion temperature. -J 2 Extrusion at room temperature under P = 4500 kg/cm resulted in pronounced "kinking" of the rod. Extrusion at 1500C with water,, ;alcohol or kerosene used as the working media, resulted in flaking off of the surface layers of the extruded rod. Finally, if the critical temperature of the working medium was exceeded, bringing ~about a breakup of the lubricating film,-seizure took place and. smaller or larger chunks of metal were torn from the surface of the ~extruded rod. However, when the optimum-working media andl correspondingly low extrusion pressures were used, extruded rod was Card 8/1a S .126/Mildi-1/oo- I/- -01-1-/-05-1~9 E193/E483 Features of Extrusion of Metals at Elevated Temperatures Specific , Ifith the Aid of Pressurized Fluids Vj~ a obtained which was free from surface defects nd which'had surface finish corresponding to~ class 13 of the rocT (GOST) . specifications. Acknowledgments ar6,ri~&de to Assistant Mechanic V.P.Ivkov for his assistance. There.are 7 figures and 16 Soviet references. TION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR ASSOCIA (Institute of Physics of Metals AS.USSR) j SUBMITTED: June 1960 Card 9/1V Jj 2o453 1011:1 S/056/61/040/002/006/047 B113/B214 A UT HORS i Grazhdankina, N. P., Gaydukov, L. G., Rodionoy, K..P.j Oleynik, M. I., Shchipanov, V. L. TITLE: Effect of pressure on the electrical resistance and the galvanomagnetic effect in chromium telluride PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i te-reticheskoy fiziki, v. 40, 110. 2, 1961, 433-440 TPXT% The temperature dependence-of the electrical resistance and the isothermal lines of the galvanoma#netic effect r a LH/R were measured.inl_'' the.4iemper~ture range of magnetic transformation at a pressure of 460 kg/cm . A high-pressure chamber of austenitic ateel was used for the measurement. The object to be observed was placed in the lower part of the chamber which was situated between the poles of an electro- magnet. There were five electric leads in the upper par t of the chamber. One of these was used for measuring the electrical resistance of a la'anganin manometer. The other four leads were used for the measurement ,of the electrical resistance of the preparation and the seasurement of Card 1/5 2o453 3/056/61/040/002/006/047 T,ff:~-ct of pressure on the... B113/B214 temp era4 ure. The hydrostatic preasure in the chamber was produced by uicans of a high-pressure compressor according-to the system of L. Vereshchagin. Measurements showed that the electrical reaistance .nf a-romium telluride increased with the pressure; no hysteresis effect .w,L-- observed. In the pressure range used R dR/dp was equal to T -4 -1 2 kg cm . On the basis of this, it was assumed that a com- prejaion on all sides must lead to a shift of the Curie point of chromium telluride toward lower temperatures. However, this effect must be sufficiently large. Direct measurements of the temperature dependence, of the elTrical resistance at atmospheric pressuge ad a ressure of 4600 kg//cm gave for the Curie point the values 58 C :nd 31 C, respectively. The following formula holds for the change of the Curie point d8f/dp of chromium telluride caused by a change in the pressure on all Sides3 dO /dp (-5-9_+P-3).10-3deg-kg_ 1cm 2 This w&'2 f y a measurement of the galvanomagnatic effec' _4R/R at hi h checked b t r 9 pressuze. In this case, d8 f/dp.was determined for a pressure of Card 2/5 20453 S/05 61/040/002/006/047 Y 'Effect of pressure on the... BI 13 B214 4600 kg/cm 2 and a field of 8000 oe from the shift of the maximum of the galvanomagnetic effect. It was found that d8 6.2-10-3 1. 2. /dp cm By means of the compressibilit f y -7 2 25 Y, cm kgo, d~ /dV was determined to be 3.2-10 deg-cm-3. (22+3)-10 The f change of Curie temperature is related to the reduction in the inter- atomic distance on account of the substitution of tellurium atoms by In order to obtain exact results on the selenium (CrTe Be 1-x X temperature of magnetic transform.~itjon .-i he alloy CrTe Be and on 1_x the dependence of its change on the volume of the unit cell, three different methods wera used for the determination of Of. First, it was determined from the bend of the R(T) curves; secondly, from the maximum of the galvanomagnetic effect; and thirdly. Orom the vanishing of spontaneous magnetization, determined! by the method of "thermodynamic coefficients to (T - 0f for a too k-1). k~_~ays the same value was obtained for. de AV, which showed that the integral of volume interaction in the f Card 3/5 20453 S/056/61/040/002/006/047 Effect of pressure on the... B110214 system Cr-Te is proportional to the decrease of the volume of the unit Coll. The dimensions of the unit cell were determined by X-ray analysis. it %was possible to obtain the law of the dependence of the galvano- magnetic effect on the magnetic field strength at the Curie point by using the theory of thermodynamics. It was found that for chromium telluride and CrTe Se~ r,,H2/3; for T> 6 the authors obtained 0.93 0. 07 f 2 H The dependence of the galvanomagnetic effect on the 'temperature- in CrTe and in CrTe Be at atmospheric pressure as well as at a 0 9 0-07 pressure of 4600 kg1cV was studied. It was found that for T.