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DEMIYANENKO, D.M.; KOROZA, V.I.; RODA, A.A.; SOLOVIYEV, L.S. Applicability of analog computers for calculating electron trajectories in linear accelerators. Uskoritel-i no-5:91-95 163. (MIRA 17:4) CERVENKA, J.i ROE-A, J.i PAiANOVAI A,; SOLTESOVA, A. Contribution to carly serclogic,,il diagnosis of typhus, Gesk. spidem. 12 zio.5~~287-2839 S '63. 1. Serova tznka p.-i Ustave epidemologle a inikrobiologie v Praha. (YIPITUS) (I~giUI40ELEC-,ROPIIO'R-q,-:,!S) (FRECIPiTill TEST'S) (Sh-WARTZWI PU-NM:N0N) MASAR, I.; MILOSOVICOVA, A.; PUCEKOVA, G.; RODA, J~ Characteristics of the outbreak of infectious hepatitis in Slovakia in 1961. Cesk. epidem. 12 no-3~,145-152 My 1-63. 1. Odbor SNR pro zdravotnictvo, Bratislava, Krajoke hygienicko- epidemiologicke stanice Kosice, Bratislava, Banska Bystrica. ZHEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS) (GAMMA GLOBULIN) RODA J. Plan vybudovania 2dravotnej starostlimiti v jfa2km priesysle. LPlan ror health protection in heavy inCustry/ Slown. lekar 12:6 June 50 p. 287-8. 1. NAI CLNL Vol. 20, -No. 2 Fab 1951 ;kq?A. L. New system of diffusion battery communication. Sakh. pro=. 31 no.l: 6~-64 Ja.157- (KLR& 10:4) 1. Karlovskiy mashinostroitol'nyy zavod. (Diffusers) R CLL~ , S . ExDloratlon of the Silica Cavc-s system. p. 185. KRASY SLOVFNS-.*Y. Bratislava. Vol. 31, no. 6, June 1954. SOU'RGE: East European Accessijns Ust. (EEAL) Libr---ry of Congress. V01. 5, No. 3, August 1956. I T "Tnvitstic-ati--n of lj-nc:er a e regulation of 'u;-,e polishe6. valve ~olete cf ccn-preEzors." Min ' gher -(~,u n USSR. sh ent, 195-6. L c~tio U Central Asia Pci~technic Inst a -k t (Dis-ert-ticn for the Degre.l. of Candidte in Technical -Sciences.) Scurce: 14-ni-hnkya letcT)4s' 0 L. 0 '.'oscow ov: j`!, J.; 'Ie_-~arch Institiite of Veterinary Nedicine, Q , L (11~,r-,'-;i,,~~nv Ustav Votorinarniho Lolk.,t-r-tvi), Brno. --nd HJ1Ls-Uoc' Investi-Eation of Postembryonic of ',ursq zPabrie4i in Chickens." Dovo- ; il L - - -"'zzio',O,-ie, Vol 151 'to 5.9 se-0 ", P 390 00 A'-_O~Uract: Exper~_!-_,nt- -v.*ere conducted on 43 New Hampshire chickens aged da-s. In -_- day old chickens the follicles of Bursa Fabricii j L ware fo=.,.ed b~~ r..-dullar cells of epithelial origin. In 5-9 day old chickens charzcteri~jtic chan:7es in the follicular medulla occurred. The rzedullary cells were transformed into . cells of the lymphatic series. '-he weiah' o' the Bursa in 28 day old chickens was 30 times that of 1 day old, -,ehile the total body weight increased only times. No references. Sub-mitted at 3 Days of Physiology of Domestic Animals at Liblice, 10 Dec 6' i/1 - 92 - - -. -- I - __ - - - --- I "Ti it-, h_1L; 1' -mai_ic Rad !at. ion -,ii S" i-1:i lie t-e.-ogene it ics" . report preL;ented at the 1,111-Union Conference on Statistical Radio Physics, Gor'kiY; 13-18 October 1958- (Izv. v-jssli uchev zaved-Radiotekh., vol. 2, 1, pp 121-127) COMPLE-TE card under SIFOROV, V. ~-L. ) SOV/-- O.,~- AUTHORS: M.I.-R-odak and A.V. F'rantsessca. TITLE: Application of the T-a-r-bulenc-9 Theory to the Sz-attering of Radiowave3 at Wandering irregula-rities (0 prfmeneni-i teorii turbulentnosti, k rassiiyan-Jy,.:. radio---,-oln na bluzhdayushchikh neidnoradnostyakL-) PERIODICAL: Radiotel-dmika i Elaktronika., N-- 32 pp 398-403 (USSR) r; ABSTRACT: In an article published in this Journal, G.S. Gorelik (Ref 1) obtained the following fo.--naila for he correlation function oil the electromagnetic field scattered by means of a cloud cf: wandering irregularities s ca tterers) , E (t) E (t + S) = -~-,:-os k &.,~ cos (j,, s, sin 9-- k and w, a-.c tliS wa-,Te number and where k = 2k0 0 Irequency of the radiated wa7*e; G -1z t~~-B soatte.-ing an-le, is the ..p.-oje~,ticn of tLe displacement of a s-c:atterer during a time s , and N is t1he number of Card 1/L scatterers. If the s,---attered field is iepresented in the form: SOV/109.. _L~_~_Vqa Application of t~ie Turbulence Theory to the S2attering of Radio- waves at Wandering Irregularities E ( t) = X (t) Cos (00 t + Y (t) si-n "i e r -orrelation function of the fialA ar.11i-~ude U co-ponents is expressed by Eq (2). On t~,e other hand- G.S. Gorelik showed (Rc-f 2) ttiat `Jie_ .:)r-r-elati-3:1 function fo- the intensity of the -"--"e-,-d Is g-1ven by L i3(, 3). The aim of this -oape.-, iS -t'in,--' ;_74 relationship between the above foi~mula-e and t'-re gene:ral principles of the turbulence t~Leory. It -,s asSzurp,~~d (%?' -~) that a turbulent atmosphere contains IaTge-s-ale whi-Is (win'~s) having dimensions of the ords-r L and c-Tall-s-ale winds having dimensions Fcr t")& where-, the local turbulence is much smali-er taan L acid grea;;er than the so-called structural' f-an,.-t,-.j_on fc-, D(~,) for the field of turbulent; is 6-pre~~ae_ --y Eq o-)7 4 where Vq IS the pr!.)je-_-1.-,'_,Dn --,f ti,.e 0 1 a-. a point * cn to an arbitrary di-_e,.'~tlon i5 nd * coefficient of tk--e oi,de~~ of 1 a a tr.,- mass. average velocity of ;'he er:rfrg-j- r. ~er Uard 2/4 It is usually assumed that jr, L is of the order of 100 m, ():-.- more.. wh--!-I:-- Y. i-s +,,i= cirde-1, of SOV/109- - -4-3-8/38 Application of the Turbulence Theory to the S,-.~atteiing of Radio- waves at Wandering IrregularitieS ard 3A~ a few cm. It is shown that in the region where L Eqs (1) and (2) can be written as Eq (7). When calculating the correlation function for the intensity of the scattered field it is first ne(-essary to determine the probability function w I L a i - ~ i ) i which is dependent on the saape scattering volume. This probability regarded as being in the form (Refs 4 5); this leads to of Eq (A) can be in the forn equations on page 401; -r2 scatterers with respect to R is the radius of the sphare distribution; the function density of finding two particles volume at a distance p . and R ~~ -& the intensity written as Eq (13), In its expressed as Eq (1L~). By c3mparing and the dimensions of the function can be of the normal distribution Eq (8). The function P(P) of either of the last two is the spread of the the scattering volume, while a uniform density p(p) is the p~robability from the scattering It is shown that if P ~> -k .orrelation function can be final form this can be the spectra of the SOV/109-- -4-3-6/38 Application of the Turbulence Theory to the Scta~,-ering of Radio- Waves at Wandering Irregularities amplitude components of the scatter.--d ffield and the Z-Dectram of the field intensit*ly it .4s found that the width of the latter is smaller than that; of the amplitude spectrum, when the cloud of the sl~atterers is smaller than the external dimension of the turbulence L . The effect becomes pronounced If the dimensions of the scattering volume are reduced. On the other hand.) when t;he dimensions of the cloud are. muI7~b_ greater than L , The wo--k "es-ribed was Ghe effect disapp-ars entirely. Ci - done under Dr. G.S. Gorelik, wh~o died scon after the manuscript was suomitted to the edlitor of the journal. There are 6 references, 5 of whi~!h ara S,)~,Iet and 1 English; one of the Soviet referen,-_,e_z -iS translated from Card 4/4 English. SUBMITTED: July 8~ 1957 3/058/61/boo/olo/044/loo A.001/A101 AUTHORS: Briskina, Ch.M., Zolin, V.F., Rodak M.I TITLE: On calculating paramagnetic resonance in chrome cyanide PERIOD-L"'AL: Referativnyy zhurnal.Fizika,, ne.10 1961, 163, abstract 1OV357 (V sb. "Paramagnitn. rezonans", Kazan Kazansk. un-t, 1960, 13-14) TEXT,!, On the basis of the known Hamiltonian, the authors calculate the energy spectrum of Cr cyanide and combinations of matrix elements of spin compo- nents, necessary for determining intensity of paramagnetic absorption. The cal- culation was performed with a EDCM (BESM) computer for fields up to 5,000 oer- sted jw*ith intervals of 250 oe) and for variation in the orientation of the mag- n-mtic field relative to the crystal axis from 0 to 900 (with intervals of 50). [,Ab-=-r,rar--I-er's note: Complete translation] 8 3257 f, ~30 0 s/log/60/005/009/002/026 E140/E455 AUTHOR: -Rodak, M.1. TITLE. On the Scatter f Non.-Monechromatic Radiat,-on by Stray Inhomogeneities PERIODICAL. Radiotekhnika i elektronika,, 7-96o, vol.,; No,.g,. pp-1370-1379 TEXT.- The work was carried out in 1957 J-n the laboratory of G.S.Gorelik at the Institute of Radio Engineering and Eler-tronic-5, Academy of Sciences USSR. The work constitutes a further generalization of the theories developed in Ref~l to 5, consisting in the removal of the monochromaticity condition. Scattering from a cloud of N particles is consideredA the particles arE~ assumed identical in their mechanical and electrodynamical properties, with fairly great distan-ces from the receiver and transmitter to the cloud. The scattered field is considered as a sum of processes with fluctuating delay time, a concept wh4-,-.h appears quite convenient for calculation sf the -correlation function of the scattered signal. It is assumed that for the field scattered from a single motionless there exists ;a. Seneralized correlation function, constitu-~-lng th= timeza-=-:-ag;= Card 1/4 83257 s/log/60/005/009/002/026 E140/E455 On the Scattering of Non-Monochromatic Radiation by Stray Inhomogeneities the ordinary (statistical) correlation function. The scattered fields thus belong to a very broad classo including regular processes (for example, almost periodic) and stationary random processes, or their combination. In generalit is a random process with stationary variations of the statistical characteristics. The scattered field is a non-stationary randcm function of a non-stationary random argument, which also belongs to this class of processes. The correlation functions of the scattered field are then calculated on the basis of these assumptions. Three cases are considereds 1) the simplest case,., where the scattering elements are fixed at definite (not random) points of space; 2) the case where the particles are distributed at random and their positions are independent, while their velocities are either given constant magnitude or are stationary random processes; 3) the case where the probability densities of the delays are assumed practically constant over a range 1/w existing in the signal spectrum. It is found that Card 2/4 0/005/80302597/002/0 26 s/ log/6 E140/E455 On the Scattering of Non-Monochromatic Radiation by St~'OLY Inhomogeneities with stray motion of the scattering elements the correlation functions of the scattered field constitute the weighted sum of the correlation functions (spectra) corresponding to monochromatic signals. In contrast to the case of scattering from thick particles, scattering from randomly moving particles under assumption 3 above, causes the cross-modulation terms to vanish at each frequency. In these considerations the only characteristic of the incident field was its correlation function (spectrum). Note; On P.1370 EOM is defin~ed as the field scattered from a single fixed particle. However,. since the medium is assumed homogeneous and dispersionless, the author termS it the incident signal, The correlation functicns of scattered field intensity are then calculated. The sr-attered field is assumed stationary. The calculations are first carried out fcr a fairly large scattering cloud, such that the fields scattered f'rom various particles at different moments of time are staiisti.-ally independent quantities. (This is the strong in contrast to the condition discussed above in which the signals are merely Card 3/4 83257 s/log/60/005/009/002/026 EAO/E4505 On the Scattering of Non-Monochromatic Radiation by Strae Inhomogeneities uncorrelated, called the weak condition.) Two cases are sonsi.deredg in one the incident signal is a stationary random process whilst the other contains a regular., non-stationary process. Several cases are treated, after which the weak condition is considered. The author concludes with two remarks on -collecting the statistics necessary to determine the parameters actually existing in the physical case. There are 9 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION; Institut radiotekhniki i elektroniki AN SSSR (Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronic~s,__ AS USSR) SUBMITTEDg January 3, 1960 Card 4/4 24878 S/!09/61/006/007/018/0~0 D262/D306 AUTHOR: Rodak, K. I. TITLE: Evaluat-ion of Dolarizations of alternat-ing magnetic fields corresnonding to the greatest probabilities of U magnetic resonance., transition in electronic para PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 6, no. 7, 1961, 1194 - 1201 TEXT: The Drobler, of chosing the proper polarization of the alter- nating magnetic field which transforms the probability of the-stu- died transition into maximum or zero, reduces to determining the elliDse of the sDin or to the evaluation of corresponding matrix elements S 2 S , S . This is so if the crystal elementary cell. con-,~. x y Z Uains only one majnetic complex. If there are several magnetic com- nlexes vith different spin ellipses (complex vectors 9) in-the cry- stal, the problerm of the greatest transition probability, for the 4 crystal as a 7.-hole, requires add-,tional analysis and such an ar-a- Card 1/6 24878 S/109/61/006/007/018/020 Evaluation of poia-rizations -:,)20'2/D306 lysis is presented in the present article by the author. it is first shovm- that for certain directions of constant magnetic fi U U U -eld u H the position o. the sDi- ellipse can be predict~ed without actu- 0 ally evaluating the matrix elements S , S , S - Taking e.g. the x z y viell known ruby (cr3+ in corru Cr3+ in Be -ndu-m A1202), emerald 3A12 Si60,8) or oLlher crystals viith axial symmeury of magnetic, proper- the z axis is usually directed along the crystallographic ties, U axis with the x or y axes in the plane HOZ. Calculations confirm. that the plane of spin ellipse and its main axis are perpendicula'r to the Diane H z as shovrn by reasoning in th~ article. In the case o of a two-corqDlex crystal, if both are present in the crystal in' the same amount, the probability of transition for the vhole"iry- s tal will be the sum (with weight 1/2) of two expressions h-.S:), Card 216 211878 :Iviluation of nolarizations ... D262/D306 in coordinates -x, y, z and xI, y', z' of magnetic axis of both- respoct"i,.rcly. As a concrete case crystal K with. 3CO(CIT)6 31 herei-nafter"called chromium cyanide, is added paramagnetic ion Cr considered. In thid - type of crystals the*constant magnetic field is usually applied in the syimnetry planes ac or bc. For each H 0 U I case the direction of coordinate axes (alona the magnetic axes) that, the axes of different com- should be c1i-osen 1r such a manna" plexes are synmetr-'cal with respect to -he field IT0 U -L U U The 6onditims of Zreatest Drobability'of '11-ransitu-Jon reducesto finding the com- -olex direction-al cosines of the field (hexads of nu-mbers hla'h 2a' h1 b, h2b , h1c, h2c ) -ahich correspond to the maximum of oup-diatic in the RI S of polynomial h"S' rnn + -2 (3) (h1a, h.a, h1b. h2b, h1c, h2-) AI J-h. V! + Nh612 Card 3/6 24878 S/109/61/006/007/018/020- nolarizations ... -D20'2/D306 Evaluation of S' h, S (h,.h,,: h.+ + S' (h,bh. 3) + S.. (hlb"2- - hl.h2b) with condition 2 2 cp (h h + h 1 0; (4) !a 2c la 2c This Droblem of determining the (conditional) extremum r-e- quires that all six partial'derivatives of the complementary func- tion of parai,,ietcr ~k be zero; f Two cases of relative--oositions of spin ellipses are conpidered and it is shovm t1h-atu in chromium cyanide only these tuvro cases 9xist. Case A. Spin ellipses of both complexes are in the same plane,' per- Card 4/1 a- EL 7 1 a - D - L e s b -h a. Case B- The s p e s o 0 a n e t, u t n t E. r s-- a ong -L h e ra a. J o r 'D ,n L I ~- Y. s r t. r-j r, c e -s were -P,] -,.~,Ia- e moe n LZ' 2 o n 3 c. -f ma t r i - I, e, I Oll al 3 C E,3.": A i n t P.-'-zui,,~ib.,y an . _u ut,~r ar.,, p S.'s s jI xz -j 1!1 ::Z s a C;7~ i I a c 1'- 210 C, 11 e T 7; c, n a an m a, L;n- e e d n ~,r i- e 31 i.- - s the vm- I e r y s t~-en, S. E. rri - Ha T d 2. 4. ii~ L I P VI I k- e Pn y s. Rr-, Le e r s h a s "i'3 m E; ne, rn e x e s .,-i I h a iL r. z ax. I s , r o a t e d vi h re s - OeCll '0 -~ ; . - a CD J~ r 1D v rL 4 -nd -:he criven f-Crm-a-ae r0 I d v; I 1 3 n, i e h a no e a p 12 also ,-D z"no -ase~ For an aniso g re s L', zs- are s .,a, , d if he s Din vec-cr Cand i i i.) n c I' oc, a I z i t -~ i'. 3 ,Ile --n-ere-z- E. Z a b o t n s k I end rhe 0-, There h r., ~ h ~_ e x 'h. DT_ 3r.::.k' na and p r S - D I -_~,-ures a!,d n _- e S v : e - - b.- an n n-S v e T.11 e r e E re n! e -he m,-) s : en t b-, i - 1M ~ *~- _-d a 11 & E. 0 D -I B 0 s . Be I S y s T -a m T e L h n E-0- S Er_~ Bc~ s, E~ D. S :cvil, 17 s, e S s r ~_hn, a '18. Busker, B. B I ea- K D B e Pr Pl- So 3 1 4 i! 4 , i~e 33' E. Ha-r- so,-~ 1 ~3--N L I~P_ -~ke Phys i ie - L e r Q.T73-T 7, C b)-2/EWT(i~/T li~4 UK L 43943-65 EEc( ML AfV%- QTnW UP* AvqnrAA7q %a fill iql ftk if~w hml/ d_ _j/g RODAK, M. I. Possible consequences of a change in the spin-spin teempe-rature of a spin system in a solid body. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no.lhSU-528 F 164. (MIRA 17%2) 1. Institut radiotekhniki I elektraniki AN SSSR, Moskva. RODAK, M.I. Calculation of cross relaxation in paramagnetic crystals. Radiotekh. i elektron. 8 no.6:964-966 Je 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Crystals-,Electric properties) RODAK9 M.I. Effect of magnetic resonance saturation on cross relaxat4on. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.3:730-733 S 163. (MIRA 10'.-10) j., 'A -11-17 r- v5 J'lw V-IT--r--T--W--5--J--IFlj -13 1 v00 It n IV to at 6( ir a or R pr a a It K 4 of a it It It 11 H 11 ti ]I (A fee -A*-ALA&-AL-ALAk-AAlLA-A 9 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 -A &A,4 .a . . . A & a -~. i; ~ -,W a 7m- -K- -.a- m, -1 8 0 h M 1,u 11 w b 0 COmPututiOn Of Circulation In SIMM "lem K Y ~ Hodditti.- and YR. A. Lokshin. K-gineers' Digest ~American Edition). v. 3. Dec. 1946, p. 613-617, 4D 00 ondensed from 1--restifa I'se#GYUZPIOgo rrploteeb O ,irAfO4'190 II(ItitItUr. v. 15, 1946 p. 16-28 *0 a . , Tht- etiuations determining the movement of thv ZOO 00 a hquid in the boiler circuit are derived and applied ;00 0 fht- om~trurfion of a number of graphs to aid ~;: ,. v u. r,,f the equationx. 4;0 0 i'~ WOO 0 200 00 f 200 W~' 3 "Do 64i. j --* 0 ei S Ito* io jTta.TtAt CLASUMATIC I MOO 7 S 4 0 Joao w IN I) J'j a An i S a , 0 K~~ W K n It if 0( KW 00000000000000 0 000 00*000019 0 0 ,00 C - 00000 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 40 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0,000000004000100 0 0 41 0 RODDATIS,_.K.X., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk, redaktor; KORIKSXIY. I.K., redaktor; SKYORTSOV, I.M., tokhaicheakty redaktor [Combustion of anthracite culm in furnaces with heated hoppers] Szhiganie antrataitovogo ahtyba (ASh) v topkakh a uteplennymi voronkami; aboralk statei. Moskva. Goa. energ. izd-vo, 1956. 62 p. (Furnaces) (MLRA 10: 1) SERBIWiVSKIY, G.V., inzhaner (Moskva); RODDATIS, K.F., kandidat tekhnichaskikb nauk (Mosk7a) Some facts on power engineering in the German Federal Republic. Elektrichestvo no.7:82-87 JI 156. (MLRA, 9:10) (Germany, West--Power engineering) RODIVITIS, mcm/Bouora "The TempD-,atirra Coni3ftiona of Horizontal Boller Wat,5r Tube tare,' K~ F~ Roddatia, 7 PP Apr 1947 the Motal of a Ifeated vita. ~Steam-vater Mix- "Izv Taplotdkft Inst" vol XVT, No 4 First x\=~su-Lts of an Inv5stigation. of temperature dis- tribution ia the wtal, by length and cimuxes3reaae, of a h!~atad t-abe in the presence and absence in it of nhase distxlbution of steam-vater mixture vitb a presiville up to 90 atmospheres. Fully Uluatmtecl with diagmms and STajYfis of oj)erating data- -j.rl2 Doc, 48 Boilers 3:~dustrial Eff ic iency E-4 *Comparative Characteristics of Soviet Small- Q% 4 capacity Boiler Constructions," K. F. Roftatiye, Cand Tech Sci, 12J pp Za Zkon Topo No 12 Describes characteristics of modern Soviet ~11_capacity boilers, indicating type and use. Data on small-capacity boilers with hand-Pperated gmte showed that certain features of their construction must be modified. Problem of the internal clogging of pipes in boilers must be 64/49T56 (Cont'dL), solved. Claims that the IRSh small-capacity boilers (designed 'by engineers Khrochko, Rassudov and Shafran), reconstructed bv MONITOZ in 1945, and the VTD boilers (designed by lngr Dobrin in 1943) are the best among those examined. Gives illustrations and tables on 80011-capacit.y boilers. 64/49T56 ZI RODDATIS, K._ F., and PRZHIYALKOVSKIY, M. M. "The temperature regime of inclined tubes. Izvestiya .0, SSSR, OTN No. 7, 1949 - r, z o,,. ~51:Va, :.'Os- r-rF- :Lzd--,'O, 1'.~52 .r,(-,ess Lons _S+ ()f ' RODDATIS, K. F. uss-- (6oo) Boilers Projection of screened contours with natural circulation. Izv. M, 21 No. 7, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. I . RODDATIS, K.F.; SHVAIRTS, A.L., ENG.; LEPEE-SPFIN, A.I., ENG. 2. USSR (600) 4. Steam Boilers 7. Workings of the evaporating zone of high-pressure, uniflow boilers with vertical tube sections. Izv. ITT! 21 no.10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January 1953. Unclassified. -r -, " -'. , '- !'-. 3t ---~ -'I -.. -1 ~' 1 ~ r s 1! , , - ~ :' - v 1 .. , * . ~ _. ~ "'. 'I -, " C ~ ..' . C, -, J-- I'.."- - - I- ~ ~~ 5 :. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - ~ -ay 1953. Unclassified. RODDATIS, K. F. Be T. Re VOL 3 NO,4 Apr. 1954 Heat Power +OQW* 'rep Drun; of a Doub.e Dram Pmrr Boila-r. (lituslan.) ~K. F. firy1datis and 1. F. Shapkim k.m-rgv(h-hmI-U BfidIcten, 195m,-ne-J, ~~p .. P. 'Discusses defects in design iind construction of the top (InIm. Tables, dingrimm.3 ref. BU Zk! TV,,Y ;,...I,.qevich J; "FrIn-Urial t;ch-3.3tiye red. !,--ter beating 'boilers and their use ir. electric power P.Lants and stF~am power plants.] kotly i ikh Pri-menenie na e'Lektrostw.L2--'Ijakh i v Jmtellrnrkh. Moskva, 7nerglia. -1965. 23~- P. (MIRA 18:9) HODDATTS, K~-F. , pro C. Calculating safety valves for lar~--e water-heat--ng boilers. Nov. r tekh. zhil.-kom. khoz.: Elek. i tepl. gor. no-5:137-149 164. (MIMk 18:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy energeticheskiy institut. BULANOV, N.G.; KUPRIYANOVA, L.V.; TSUKEWWJ, R.V.; BUDNYATSKIY, D.M.; GEL'TMAN, A.E.;KOSTOVETSKIY, D.L.; PISKAREV, A.A.; TARANIN, A.I.; KCRNEYEV, M.I.; YGISEYEV, G.I.; KENDYS,' P.N.;KIRFICHEV, Ye.F.. RUBIN, M.?,.; SOKOLOV,N.V.; SHCHERBAKOV, V.A., KOIALEVI N.N.; BELOV, A.A.; SEREBRYAKOV, G.M.; SATANOVSKIY, A.Ye., red.; RODDATIS, K.F., red ; KORKHOVA, V,I., red.; CHEREPENNIkdt,-t.0r_.-,~ d. ; KOG AN, F.L., tekhn, red. [Manufacture of power machinery abroad] Energeticheskoe ma- shinostroenie za rubezhom, Moskira, 1961. 583 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Moscow, TSentralvnyy institut nauchno-tekhnicheskoy in- formatsii mashinostroyenlya. (Electric power plants--Equipment and supplies) RODDATIS., K.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; KIVINZON, L.M., inzh. Calculation of the stability of the hydrodynamic characteristics of the vertical pannels of once-through boilers. Teploenergetika 10 no.14~46 Ja 163. (MIFLA 16:1) 1. Vse8oyuznyy zaochnyy energeticheskiy institut. (Boilers) RODDATIS, K.F.~ ~and.tekhn.nauk C __~ - ---~_ Steam parameter- of blucrk and large unit systems of foreip thermal electric power plants. Teploenerge~tika 9 no.179?-89 Ja 162, (MIRA 11 -12) (Electric power plants---Design and constructior) LEVIN, Izraill Poiseyevich; bOTKACHIK, Iosif Azarlyevich; RODDATIS, .K.F., kand. tek.h.n. nauk.; MANSKIY, S.I., kand, f~ilin, nauk,; BRAUDE) I.Ye., inzh.; GOTGELIF, I.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; POSTOLOVSKIY, S.N., inzh., retsenzent; KOXMILLV, A.M., inzh.; LARIONOV, G.Ye., tekhn. red. (Flue exhaust and ventilating fans for high capacity electric poi-ter plants) Dymososy i ventiliatorymoshchnfth elektrostantsii. Moskva., Gos. energ. izd-vo, 1962. 183 P. (MIRA 15:4) (Electric power plants--Ventilation) BUZEIKOV, DD"'IS., Kons4antin Fedorovich; Yevgeniy Fedc-rovich; BRO ,1 L SFr-,YSHE.'t,, Vladimir .-0-ITPIN, LAI., red.; 1-TRZAKOV, V,V., red. [Conversion of DKV and DUR boilers to gas operation] Ferevod kotlov DKV i DUR na gazoobraznoe toplivo. Mo- skva, Erergiia, 1964. 190 p. (mliu 17:12) 1. Clden-korre.:ponclent All, SSSft (Cor KhiLrin). DMITLUYEVJ, Aleksey Aleksandrovich; RODDATIS, K startin F-edorQ-Xich; SHUKHER, S.M., red.; BORUNOV-,-'IT-.I.., tekhn. red. (Boiler systems in the German Federal Republic] KotelInye usta- novki Federativnoi Respubliki Germanii. Pod red. K.F.Roddatisa. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1961. 3~1 p. (MIRA 15:1) (Germamy, West-Boilers) RODDATIS, X.F. (Moskva); Prinimal uchastiye: SAZOITOV, V.R. (~aestions on the use of natural gas In large thermal electric power plants. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh.nauk..Pherg. i avtom. no.4:53-58 J1-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Zlocttic power plants) (Gas, Natural) GREUNKIN, V.G. [translator], RODDATIS, K.F. , red.; GIRSHPLUD, V.Ya.. red., LLHONOV, G.Ye., LUse of boiler systems] Eksplustataiia kotellnykh ustanovok. Pod red. K.F.Roddatisa. Mosk7a, Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1959. 495 p. Translated from the German. (MIRA 13:7) (Germany, West--Boilers) -RODDALTIS, K.F. , kaad. tekhn. nauk Brief review of new designs of elements for West Germaa pulverized fuel Dlants. Energokhoz. za rub. no.6:6-12 X-D '59. (KUU 13:3) (Coal, Pulverized) (Germny, West-39lec-,ric power olants-- Fquipment and supplies) RODDATIS, K.F., kand. tekhn. nauk; LOGIITOV, B.I., kand. tekhn. nauk Utilization of austenitic steel at the Ms Electric Power Plant (Federal Republic of Germany). Nnerpokhoz. za rub. no.2:18-2 Mr-Ap '59. (MIRA 12:53 (HUs, Germany-Electric power plants) (Steel) IDGINOV, B.L., kand. tekhn. nauk; RODDATIS, K.F., kand. tekhn. nauk. Basic characteristics of boiler units of the Federal Republic of Germany. Energel-thez. za rub. no-5:16-20 S-0 158. (MIRA 21:12) (Germany. West--Boilers) RODDATIS, toklin. nauk. Utilizing natural gas as fuel [witb summary in English]. Teploenergetika 5 no.11:3-9 H 158. (141RA 11:1-1) 1. Ministerstvo elektrostantsiy SSSR. (Gas, Natural) LOGINOV, B.I., 1--and.tekhn.nauk; RODDATIS, K.F.,"k I ~,_ ~ Supervising and controlling the burning processes in boiler-unit furnaces by the method of excess oxygen. Elek. sta. 29 no.7:12-15 11 158. (MIRA 11:10) (Combustion) (Boilers) RODDATIS, K.F., kand.tekhn.nauk Pownr resources and supply of electric power by means of nuclear fuels. Toploenergptika 5 no.6:79-82 Je '58. (14IR& 11:9) (Electric power) (Nuclear fuels) 0 V/ 9 11 - 1 / 2 2 - 72,-:011: liodd:,Lti_-, '!~'.F., of Toc' - ic..Ll Scien-e TITLE: T~_- Us~~ o- _'.1:.Uurtd "as "s i'ael 1~rirod_,~,o;-o v '-__,c1nestve top-liva) 1-r 11, S SH c-~z of nutur,:;d , -a- tl,,Lt 'nav.:-) be~~-,l found T ~L-? sc) L, r ~ , - Q - e I -'-e a rs ure -1-iri efiy e:::,Lu. ae rat ed LcLr~:,-_ quu-13~titi,3c- -'re ~.Isc_ obt.-iin)ed d,_-.r1:aL t'--e -7,roductim -li-ad r; iz) ctual aad pla=.ed outyrat f i ~Ur,!S -for naturiil ~us from 194-0 to 1.972 are L;iverL n Table 1. TT`(,_,:_, -~Ir-3seiftt Out-wat 01 about 31,000 million cu 6 i c m e-~- r -)s s'c, o-,) d i - c r -~ as c tenfold by 1-0,72. This .;r0--.tY_ "al-1 ne c-~s sit ute rec-msider;_It ion of t'ne use of as a jjO_-L!'?r fuel. -'.s lnitiierto, tb-e main cop_qiL-ners -us .*Iill be iy_d-astry, particulur7y tLie c ~!Tnicul- for v.-l-Ach it is a r,.:,~,v -ui~Lteri~d; ~,214 do;;!eS,ic or,~;~~Idsat ions as ell as po-v~r St-_~tioLls, ill o,7ns . The of ,as ~is ,, fa,d in ~ratomatic colltro", Of Combustio:-_, -'rocesses ioll-ation ur3 C 1/4 ~~r~ '-)e-L*,-,-- coiistructed to _~7 I.- JV j- t I+ r- 1, t 'D T irg t 'n' f 1"r~ t'nermul fi `17 M~ -0 i d' i C L~t e T o rt J. C. 0 0 r s t i -_-:n f'_-el tI-_,..t "D r 4 .0 of 7 S L C6 Of t C, 0 W- -':mit e ri _t 0 e r 0 t _.~'C i 0 11 11-- E0 1 --1 y C 1 lel, t' if: -r FC;r I'C of ,2-L- .. ii-, U ~;_.s-fired ~'t"tion i- ''iver_ iil FiL t3EL't C~~f-. solid -~ie L C:)Et -;--r 1-ilo-.-!~,tut for u 'L~.n_e stLition On C! c~)E:t-l-, it -iI.! to u F; i t ever in r; stutio22s 2 /4 S -0 11196 - 511 - 1 /21 Thc OJ` Gas as Yuel mor,~~ tf~,.an- 1,000 1:ilometr~,_- fromi its source rather, sucF_ fuel-- ~fs Moscow Busin Bjro%~,rn coal. Mien 6as fu-1 is. i)sed it is easier to corstruct outdoor and si7m-ii-outdoor boiler-1--ouses. ;'Tus-burnin~; power stL,tions c-~-r be located ir- cities .-,,ithout severe air- T,ollutio-li troubl~-s. Data ~,iver_, in Tabl_- 3 sl---ow thut tt,p size arid wt-i.,,Kt of boilers burr_,irL natural &-as _TMtcK 1-ss V, those for solid ftiel. Perfect com,)ustioi.- of ,as fuel cannot yet be ensured and improved burner desi-ns are rcquired. With existing burners fron! 0.3 to 307', of the muy remain unburried b,---t av,-~ilable test "and operating; experience -,.,ith these U-C-rners 11as- not yet been adeq'lputely analysed ai-,d C'e,ne-rulised. a,_rners for Las should be O.-si-ned to allol,~;, for the addition of nozzles for fuel oil. It is also necessary to find t~_-.e best desiL-n for combined -rulverised-fuel/gas burners. Special types, sl~iould be diivised for super-heat terjoyerature re,.-ul-ttion. The problem of,_ tlermul calcu-71-ations boil-~-r sets burninL; natural -~-~!s is in need of C~trd 3/4 dpvelopriierft .Little is 1-2aovirL about heat-excl:an~--,e in S -:) V/ 096- - 5 12 1 The lise of 1--atural Gus as Fuel tl~e lfurral-~-- c1c.-ffo-r burrirS natural --as. Tn -- C.) rn,~-!-LI-Lods o--:' ma-I~in.L ft~irnuce culculatiorz are -er ii7i nt---d of com-rA-ete revifior,. ',,IFher-2 -U~ie iccal %7LLU is vnrlf ',qard i-L may prove advisul-)I-e to cool tte conqbus~L-AoD Products of na-'Cural ir order obt~~in; of lo,,,t total o,.O.t content. Tiiis b e Sia, Azerba~dzhan -d other r-~!.ions. There cze 3 f'L-ureu ar-d 6 lit-ratz-,-r~-7 re'c-rerces all of an~ Sovi--t. -1 ~Tiristerstvo of Electric 31--t-Joris, Card 4/4 110YEV. V. N inzh - PROKHOROV, F.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; RODDATIS, K.F., kand. teihn.naiiE New calculated standards for steam, feed water, and blowdowm. Teploenergetika 5 no.5:82-85 My '58. (MIRA 11:5) (Feed water) (Steam) SOV/96-58-5-21")/2'/ AUTEOR: Noyev, V. Engineer and Prokhorov, F. G. , Roddatis Candide~tes of Technical Sciences -; I TITLE, - Bel.: Design Standards for the Quality of Steam, ireed-water and Blo-v,-do,~~,n Water (Novyye raschetnyye normy kachestva pa-ra, plta tell noy i produvochnoy vody) PERIODICAL: Teploener.-etika, 10-58, vr 5, pp 82 - 85 (USSR) AB S TRACT Recent experience with hi,.h-pressure boilers makes t nece-s-cary to revise existin(_r desie;n standards for the quality of feed-water, boiler-water and steam. The standards a'-so need to be made more -orecise for boilers operating at lower Dressures. The design stan-d-,.rds E~iven in this article relate to boiler equi-p-men-t and oor.-er stations and have been accepted by the tech-nical council of t1h-e 1.1inistry of Power Stations after thorou-~-~ consideraticn. They also take account of sug-estions U__ k, made by thie design organisaiions, scientific research institutes, URGRES and power undertakings. The standards will guide design or-L;anisntions in making up losses of water in 0 C__ condensing and heat-supply power stations with drum-type boilers at pressures of 155 and 110 atm. The risk of fouling- the flow parts of turbines with salts in. !--eat and elect Card 1/4 SGV96-58-9-2-2/2- nevi Design 6tandards for the Quality of Stear-, Feed-wat",er and Blow-down Water power stations is not Creat. Some of the salts are removed with the orocess or heatinc Zteam and stations of this tuype may be allo,.,,,ed lhi-her steam-contamination figures than con- densing stations. Because of recent difficulties 7-ituh the formation of iron and copper deposits in boilers, only vory low concentrations of iron and cop-per are allowed in feed- water. The staiiLlards are also stricter in r.-~spect of the free c.-rbon-dioxide content of the steam.. In ord '-r to restrict brittle fracture, limits are placed an the free alkali content of boiler water. Reference is made to nitrates and nitZites. The previous limits for the oxygen content of feed-water Tere too hi 'eh and have been reduced. Th;e standards given in the tables are to ena1ble design or-an- isations to select the most suitable mhe,,.:es for Dre-oar--Ition of feed-water and condensate and to select boilers' accessories for ensurin~T the necessary purity of the stea-,: w_'Len operated in combination ,~.ith. th-e selected method of water treatment, The standards sh-ould. also lead to more reliable -ater conditions in -,.-_,o,?,er-station boilers. 4 'Phe standards are then P-iven in the form o1C tables; _'U ~s Gard2/LT - SOV/96-58-5-22/2? ireed-water and rie- DesIgn Standards for the Quality of Steam. U Blow-down Water explicitly stated that they do not appl,7 toatomic povver- stations. The quaiity of steam deliwred to a turbine must be in accordance with the requirements of Table 1. Injection water for super-heat control is defined. The quality of feed-viater for nower stations with drum-type boilc-,rs should satisfy the requirements of Table 2. The quality of feed- water for direct-flow boilers of any pressure mithout separators should. conform to Table 3. The salt and silica contents of blow-down wat~-r for drum-type boilers, depending on the are stipulaked in Table 4. oressure and tl,-.e accessories, Limitations are placed on the free hycirated alkalinity. The amount of Contilluous bloiv-down from drum-type boilers should not exceed t1ne --tandard figures. BloT-down of L-ore t-11-an l5b' from heat and electric pov:er stations is .-I-ermitted only after Ua-i d 3/4 SO V/06- 58- ? .nevi Design Standards for the Quality of Feed-wa!,-er and Blow-down Water all measures have been taken to reduce it by improviiar- t-',-ie L, boiler accessories. There are 4 tables Uard 4/4 1. Feed water--Standards 2. Stoam--Standards 3. Boilers-Performance