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ROBERT-NIXU, 14-151- Chemistry and technolo,-y of chemicoDharmacautical ur-~on-irations Moskvs, MpdEiz, ig-54. 441 n. (55-16236) 1. Chemistry, Medical and pharmaceutical. ROBERT-NIKU, M.TS.; KUVSHINSKIY, M.N., redaktor; BOBROTA, Ye.N., -1, ---takhnicheekly redaktor [Chemistry and technology of chemicopharmacautical preparations] Khimiia i takhnologiia khimiko-farmatsevtteheokikh preparatov. No- sk-va. Goa. izd-vo med. lit-rY, 1954. 441 p. (NIBA 7:9) (Chemistry,Kedical. and pharmaceutical) (DrM industry) W j a AL. I --.L- I a A a Al b M uu us Jim isx!tl u1i 61440 x p a A 1 10 V" Y111 1 1. AA u cc d M ct -r' _0 Doom 1 C - Rulwil-Nik atill M, Malio. 00 ku-m. 37.71CTo "v~ tanilair 1, prt-1.1. lw pakmaig Ain alk. -lit. of tannhi downwaid throogh & see so lftw,r filled wflh Ile boxl%, stawltign, ctv.) %Iiilr air 1, pa-d olmard through tile lower. Wo 0; coo 0o zoo 00 " 00 00 x X see I Is ::go wee A S 0 . S L A of A A L LUMCK A L L; T 1 NA I LO E CL .%$&F JCA T 10- F-z- too .30. .)A.. we* u a AT so AS, of F An L S sodooll1wills .9 G 3 9 IF it R W PC a it It 0 1 1 All 91 At I iZ.A I v 0 o o & o o 0 o 0 q : d" o 0 o 0 * 0 0 0 0 gio 0 0 9 0 O'o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 910 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 o 0 ROBMTO, U. te r t's llltO U-'eraLe n d I ',-I C*.I.:----..--, i:d by OX- E j) V~ c 3,i-' in t: ;_Lr t- -1C A, and ra, n .If Et; 1-clir'-1 mav lv~~ ROBERTS. Brin .... - - , I-I...- - British-Soviet trade-union relations. no.3:4?-48 Mr '57. (miaA 10:5) l.Generalln.vy se~:retarl Natsionallnogo soyuza gosudarstvannykh sluzhashchikh (Angliia). (Great Britain--lielations (General) with Russia) (Russia--Relations (~General) with Great Britian) AUTHOR: Poberts 129-52-5-14/17 IIIITL,~: Trends of Developm~ent in the Field of "Ligh Speed Steels in the U.S.A. (Tendentsiya razviti7ra v oblasti bystrorezhushchi1ai staley v SShA) 1-:11RIODICI'LL: Metallovedeniye i ObrabotL'r-a Metallov, 1958, ITIr 51 PP 52'-53 (USSR) ABSTIZACT: Abstract of a Daper published in industrieblatut, 1957, No.6. Abstracted by V. Yu. Novikov. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 1/1 1. High speed steel-Development ,~ ~t :1, L . J . , " ~-, I.: - , , :, , JO ; ~ ,1. Q 67, 148-50 (1945) joi.., j. i-~OL~Ej~-LTS, J. Am. Cill~ril- '.Of-', ROS M- , TS, J. Practice of the Modern Phy3i,:;s laboi-.tor,7. Translated fro in the English under the editorship of Prof. M. P. Vukalivich. 592 pp, 1952. 371. FYDAO-E=TRIC Dy_vzwpmzNT IN YUGOSLAVIA, kqLboxts, R.D.Y. (Brit. 'Elect., Nov. 1951, vol. 4, 363-366). Brief details are given of the Jablftnica project. The main concrete dam on the river Noretva will to 280 ft. high. The underground power station containing six .10,000 kv generators will be supplied by two tunnels 16 ft. wide by 1J miles torc. A similar station is being built on ths river lama. Construction shoulA be completed 1y 1953. B. 1. A. R G. ~IC~ "AS!, Z. Pflanz. Di-Ln,. 1935, 38, 82-99j oQ-Jc4, 105-1 109'-113, 114-117, 1-1-8-121, 121-124"124-127, 127-101 9 -~- Y 130-138, 139-141, 141-115 145 , 148-153, 153-155, 155-161 M~ , ~ -147 a-W-0 0-0 W-9-0 a III a 111 0.-_l.__-- W-W-W-w- . I 1 0 r ft U IJ 14 w a A IF WU I A A _.JL ALA 1___" A 11 k 9 9 01 NJ= . I ~.'W. U. DR (IL IMIML Dftg. Is". MAO ql ad= shwW by add mood ~mb'4dmdm' bfiiiii ~ " 2! =_ -00 mqbn&:. Ofm GPM-ek -awd" WA a br. IbILPALdrako ftq*lm_" 49 Qe -0 W's a** W" Siam other- d o 11 AhMMOPIO. 09, daind bb isl a lsyw al 00 13 1; as as boom cd of pw Ow can- mded wj* dw SOIL, byUnimimt d a fAbs. zoo CIIIINWAL Ammem so* :z0 0 Zoe %0o too I a% L aSWIALLOJUKAt OfflAtUNI (LAI)WKWO" be* too. 0 A r at sold KlIta Pt ff 0 0 0 0 o o 000 Go* 0 000 00 11 00000 0 33852 S/137/62/000/001/200/237 A006/A101 AU'lHORS? Robertson, V. D., Bekish, R. V. TITLE; The effect of structural factors on corrosion cracking of homo- geneous alloys PERIODICAL- Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 1, 1962, 87, abstract U615 (V sb. "Korrozion. rastreskivaniye I khrupkost?", Moscow, Mashgiz, 1961, 35-48) TM-. The autrions an~_'.Yze t-he chemical activity of t-he structure of homo- geneous alloys in the spots where cracks arise and develop. They discuss the thermodynamical conditions of intercrystalline failure, the effect of the-grain boundary state on the surface of the metal and the grain boundaries in homo- geneous alloys. Intra and in+%ercr-ystalline cracking in poly c--jstall ine metals is caused by irreversible rrocesses, arising In non-stable structural sections. On grain boundary sec-ions, grooves (recesses) are formed due to the non- stability of grain edges forming these boundaries. in pure metal the process is damped with the forma,~ia_- of an equElibrium angle of the groove; in alloys the prevaili-ng oxida-fton of one of the componenzs produces local heterogeneity in 'ard 1/2 33852 S/137/62/ooo/oc)1/200/237 ,e eieect of' ztruz- ril factors A005 A101 Th 6/ the alloy composition.; this entails the formation of short-circuited galvanic elements. The stability of the alloys is thLe lesser, r-he higher the difference in the chemical activi-,,y of the alloy components. Plastic deformation Droduces sections of' enhanced chemical act.ivit-y in the metal. Such sections are groups of slip bands. Sections with a higher chemical activity are sources of-crack formation, The cracks develop in a direction perpendicular to the plane of action of stresses applied. T'here are 25 referen~~ez. Ye. Layner [Abstracter's node, I-omple-ts t-ranslation] Card 2/2 S/081/61/000/023/0')4/061 B117/B147 AUTHORS: Robertson, V.r., Bekish, R. TITLE: Effect of stri,etural factors on corrosion of cracking of homogeneous alloys PEMIOMCAL: I(eferativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 23, 1961, 285, abstract 231225 (Sb. "Korrozion. rastresk-ivaniye i khrupkost'". M., IMashgiz, 1961, 35-48) TEXT: The stability of alloys against corrosion cracking was found to change widely in different corroEive media. The stability of the alloy is assumed to be the lower, the more different the chemical activities of the alloy components. It is noted that sections with inc-eased chemical activity develop due to plastic deformation in metal. Sections of increased/. chemical activity in single crystals and polycrystals were found to be the origin of cracking. The mechanism of development of sections with in- creased c--emical activi-"..r 00!:cribed. r',bstracter's note: Complete tr'~T. slat-' Iii Card 1/1 W-0-1111.1110 04P v w : v : Is w1w: 7111 0 is fl 1) 13 u IS 16 it is it JD Wo- 11 A A Al v IS a a 3, 41 at 43 61 die 00 C -A JL 6 9 A I T w V AA N_M~19_ 1__d , f Factors In the preparation of slendef tubular wayou 0 0 jr threads. J, J~ohrfty. Raita-Sarmuf 12. 131 iWD. 9 -69 -Patent, are cotiiprr~d, with special reference to the 00 00 fundamentals of prcpn.. the influence of the comp. of the - spinning bath, the cour3c of the thread in the coagulating bath and the concn. and temr,. of the bath. A patent 0 0 0 0 tefermce list 6 given. Halsey E. Silliman 0 .00 0 see j = * 0 Zoo Zee Zee 18 ` go 2 i 4~ "go . woe .-0o CLAWPICAMN It Z ts 008 00 R tg C- 1%, go L r Al I v ad a Pi - 1 9 go 'i Aa a 3 a P P 0 IP 0. O4 K a R it It 11 n 11 N 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 4 LO3 no "D '; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 Ana be*--; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 9 * 0 0 9 0 0:9 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CZMLJu4)V.AKU rl'IT-RA, PaV011 MVPC1 KOUMLAt Ka"Iti MUrp CSO-1-HILS95a BGbWqV# UW. No affiliation but eity of Pragm (for vd]L) LFebruary] PraVS, VOteTLHEStvt, No 2./]L967, VP 4"2 ""Malysis of Pri"'Pa 'results Ob""d by V*Urin"7 iu&P*CAIOU *f fat"Wd SnIMA13 and Goat in rmmhoploVskia in GRIGORC,V, tI.J. inzh. ; ROBEV, Iv. , inzh. New stage in the development of regional and territorial planning in Bulgaria. Takh delo 500.4 2411 163. ROBKV, Ivan, inzh. Problems of water economy in regional planning. Khidtotekh i melior 8 no.7sl95-196 163. ROBFI, ITar, i--rzh. Schemes for tbe utilimtioll arid E7'adlial development of eater resoii-rces. Irlddrotek-h i mplim. tz ro.6-.163-164 163. :ZadiO1o.;_Y % BAYL-N!, I!., PAN'OV, IN., InstIL-uto of Radlolo,-,y and Radiation .,ad~atlon Protection Effect of Certain lsotthluronlum-S-Fropio- NNI-Diaryl i%;.-'idins11 Sofia, Dolnadv Bol~!arslcov Alcademli Vol 19, Yo 12, 1966, pp 1143-1145 Cr Oussic~n art"c1q] The authors showed recent!y (see, e.-., St. aabov, S. Todorov, Coki. AN SSSR, L32, 1960, 1201; r. Bayev, St. Robev, BAN, 15, 1962, 613) the irradiation protection properties of _-ro.-~iatlc W-aryl substitutcd amidines. The present paper outlines the rozults of radiation protection properties of certain newly synthesized F. - i so 'chi urani 1-,r.--S --prop i o-1:111 -d i aryl amid-Ines in two lines of mice exhibiting difftrin,-' radiation sensitivity. Tables show the results of to-~,iclty tests carried out on 165 animals and radiation protection capability invostigation carried out on 425 animals. Data are compared wlth tllhiosc from parallel tests on control and cystearli-Le-protected ftefercnccr.; 6 Bulgarian, 2 Soviet, and I Western. (Manuscript 'ved, 27 Jul 1966.) recel t Har--a*,4 -on e f ~- , 0 1~-.V , J4. 'I"he distribut,-'Lcn of for r-adioprotee- s cf white rats under conditiors of its use ~-hp 1 1, 1'~ tlivzl, purreses. I g. akad. raul- 1.8 no.1:51--"A ltokl . P&II- 1. on August 19, 196-4. B U L C U. I '2"OV, PI., jr&:;tjtutc of Radiology and Radiation JL i.N A i,'A S of Lio Radiation ProLectlon Induced by 3-3-Dith1o_Bis.P::0.pio niall Sofia, Fauk, Vol 19,, No 11, 1966, pp 1035-1037 articlo/ The auCior s1howed rccently tha-, soma of the V_a:7y1-_-ubft1,cu-,cd a:-;iid1nc3 c:~hl'oit clcar r.7cliation pzol:cctic., offCcts- in bacl:c~:Ia (St. Rooov, S. Toeorov, Dokl. AN SSS-, 132, lc~60, 12OIL) and in 1. ~nlac-v' St. :z0bov, cozmpt. rond. Acad. Lul-g. Sci., 15, 1962, i,.o 6, 613). Tho5o cund othcz _=ults point to t"ho po~.~;Ibility of ;_ncrcns1'n1- tl-Lo z-zd:_~atiort p=otoction effect by means U -1-i cox- of f nctional croupc L ,)ound_- contairilng sulfhy&ryl or a potcatial su1_-_-,rd.-vj and amidine 1-oup. Con5cquently, the present work invoLtigated in 662 mica the radiation protoction sL-apliad by the 3-32-dithio- bis-proplo =31~6i no, a;nd tho effects of antagonism and SynergIs-m w1th ~nd Renults show that tho above co--?ourd c.-dhibits c-:.cG11(_mkt radi#ioa protection offect evcn eurin_- supralethal irradiation C:050:;. it is cfo:,e t-3 the stren-th of radio prot:cctlcn observed with cystc=ir,_~. Other co-Zoined applications of propioamidine znd with .112 1-1 ~,G3.-V, S., PAI,=LV, T., Ins-1:11tuto of Radiology, Sofia --nd R.'-diobiological, Study of Ga=.a-L;oth1uron1um Bu tyroami dl noll Vol 19, No 11, 1.956, pp 1039-1041 n:-";`.c1oj othylamino and ardno-othyl nl-,;mz cc- oundz have p,.-ovcd to be tho =o5t: active ra-diapzatective P;.jpj:~Z rcpo:7'U5 on thlo synuhc;;Js and radloprotcctivo of i:;o 'Ch i uroni um buty-roam"dir-oG. -1ho presentation of tile is followcd "by the sLudy of radiobiological behavior of butyro-='Iellma d1hydrochlorldo. Data L;how that the G27 X-rany !,.:-radiation ir, the group protectod witil butyroamidino is v,-.-:ch h-11glaor than that in the controls. ;Dolaz of in the ra-diobiolo.gical investigation of ga=a buzyroamidino is tho im?ossibility of a trazaguandination z3 '-a t1la case of AET. 'fai-s unequivocally Shot7Z that the activity of- i~;othiuronium aminos is directly connectod :.colchluroalum stinict7uro and not with their potential ty to -,m,ofuco SH-group containing subst ncos In the organnism C, UL Refc-roncon- 3 Bulgarian, I Soviet, and 5 Western. i;3 jul 66.) 34 L 4365-66 ACC NR: LLnIL AP50284A measurable fluctuations caused by individual responces of various organisms-0 These fluctuations prevent the establishment of any quantitative connections between the amount of incorporated labeled amidine found now and the amounts .reported in earlier references. Nevertheless, now data support the. ass-um-p fi- ' h' - 1- _--i" ii&fi _. concezitiail~n-hi-littla rel~Aion_ to tion t at t e ocal sib e. a 'appearance of the radiation proib~tion'effect. While the amidinq distribution 'Dattern is the come during the 'parentoral and internal introduotiong the _.!~adiobiological-affect is completely different. As reported earlier Rentgenologiya i_radiologi _r!~!._'introduction :(Ii. Bayev, y~. 1964)9 the p2rq (fails to produce iiik radiation protection whatsoever. -The work was. presented byAt Spasov, Corresponding Member, 12 Aug 64. Origo art. has: 1 table. fJPRJS SR CODE-. LS SUBM DATE: 12Aug64 ORIG-REF: 008 OTH REF:- 004 SOV REP: 002 Cmd 2/2 L 00155-66 WT (m) DIAAP A CESSION NR- AP5025542 Bu/ooll/65/018/003/0239/0242 AUTHOR: Bonev, L,; Todorov, S- Robev, S. ~2 7 TITIEs Possibility of a quantitative tracking of the precipitation reaction us ng ,radioactively labeled 167 .SOURCE: Bulgarska akademiya na naukite, Doklady, v. 18, no. 3, -,65, 239-242 TOPIC TAGS: chemical labelling, chromium, radioisotope, chemical precipitation, iron, radiation chemistry, biochemistry, tracer study ABSTRACT: The existing. methods for gauging the precipitation reaction are ifar from atrue quantitative determination of the antigen--antibody reactiorlb 'In all the cases one does not know the exact composition of the precipitate 1which is usually contaminated by admixtures which reacted with the reagents bused. In additionj the usual methods are slow and cumbersome. The present .paper presents the first results using radioactively labeled trivalent :chromium-51. The trivalent chromium was chosen because it can be hydrolyzed ,into nonsoluble chromium.hydroxide at pH7 characterizing the usual precipitation (reaction. The results ".re in agreement with data from other methods. !Further studies using double radioactive labeling by chromium-51 and iron-59 Caa-d 1/2 L 00155-66 ACCESSION NR: Ap5o25542 on n 'airee i- showed that .a con'achieve a autfi~fe-i d o accurste-reproducibility to make the study of interactions between the antigeno-entibody complexes possible including the radintion protection effects, Investigations of this type and the utilization., -'_other radioiao.to_p,!!_j~a~era will be described.-in a s.ubsequent papers Origo art, has: 1 graph and 1 table. ASSOCIATIONt Institut Radiologii J Radiatsionnoy Giglyerq, Darvenitsa-Sofia, (Institute for Wiolo&X and Radiation Hygidne) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEt GC, LS REF SOVt 000 ONERt 005 JPRV. tard L 4345-66 EWT I )/EVIA (j.)/E'I!A (b) - 2JK ACC NRz AP5028425 SOURCE CODE: BU100111651018100110055100.158 AUTHOR: Todorov S.- Robev S. 367 ORG: Scientific-Research Institute of Radiology and Radiation Hyfriene, Sofia (Nauchn-o---Is-s-l-e-do-v-a-t-el-Tsld-y institut radiologii i radiatsionnoy gigiyeny) TITLr,,-. Study of the influence of N-phonylbonzoamidine on the number of reverse. ut. m ations obtained during the x-ray irradiation of an E. Coli Kjj~ suspqns on SOURCE: Bulgarska akademiya na naukite. Dolclady, v. 18, no. 1, 1965, 55-58 TOPIC Tf!79: antiradiation drug, organic amide, biologic mutation, x ray irradiation- ABSTRACT: Aussian artici-el' The quan titative 'study of radiation protection '~_tthe cellular level can be carried out conveniently on the revarse mutation model (see, e.g., H. Kuenkel, F. Kamm, G. Hoahne, Strahlentherspies 1149 19619 The present study is a continuation of earlier investigations of ,radiation protection properties of amidines (S. Robev, Dokl. AN S-SSR, 121, .1938, 84) on the cellular (see, e.g., S. Robev, S. Todorov, qompt. rend. Aced., bulgr. Sci., 13, 1960t 79) and subcellular (ComDt. rend. Aca-d. bulg. Sef., 170 1�~4, 259) levels. The results show that the presence of N-phenylt6nzoamidinel. ,exerts a noticeable influence on the percentage of the radiation-induced Iroverse mutations in E. coli K54 euxotropic relative to methionine. The affe0ti L 4345-66 ACC NR. AF5-6984k5- ~appears all, concentrat-';Dns whicFoilierwise do not- seem to' iniflu-eniic-e' in any wa'y-. th e development of E. coli. It is interesting to note that the eha.mical properties of N-Dhenylbenzoamidine exclude the possibility of its actinz via an artificial ~ypoxis of the medium. The presence of a possible ~selective radippLotective smid#e,actioq with respect to.tho_Sanetic mark or ,7ie ,,system of E. coli would low the d ri~ninatl~~--Of thei--rie-letive antiradiation !protootion of individual markers, in the case of polymarked objeots~ 'Connequentl the authors' continue their,reaearoh ~n this diroationy The work was presented by A. Spasov, 13 Aug 64* Orige arte has.- 1 table,-1 formula* -rj'PRS-7 02 SUB CODE: IS SUBM DATE: 13Aug 64/ ORIG REF: '005 OTH REF: '0 C 1,- 4350-66- AC 28774 SOURCE CODE: BU70011765701870027013370136 AUTHOR: Robev, S; Dosev, G.; lAfrinova, Ts. ORG: Institute of Radiology and Radiological Hygiene, Darvenitsa-Sofia (Institut radiologii i radiatsionnoy gigieny) TITLE: Comparative study of the incorporation of certain radioactively labeled, pro.. cursors in the RNA of nonfissioning yeast during x-rAy exposure SOURCE: Bulgarska akaderdya. na naukite, v. 18, no. 2, 1965, 133-136 TOPIC TAGS: radiology, RNA, yeast, biochemistry, radiation biologic effect ABSTRACT: Aussian articlo,7 The aut~Drs showed in--'ono o'f their earlier papers (sige, e.g, Comint. rend. Aced. buljr. 17, 1964, No 5, 475) that under conditions which in nonfissioning, yeast suspension induce basically the synthesis of RNA, whose nucleotido. comri.osition resembles the yeast.,DNA the radietion-induced braking of the labeled DtOM inWrDoration is very strong in. systems (idendfied by this incorporation) othiervise' extremely radiation* resistant From the rnolocular-radiobiologic point of view, it is of interest to find out if the synthesis of the DNA-renambling RNA is slowed down by ionizing radiation ,at the level of macromolecular copying of thenowly-synthesized IRNA from DNA matrix, or, perhaps$ the dominant role in the radiation affect belongs to one pf-thq.enzymq__qystems interacting with the'precupor during a stage Card 1/2 L 4350-66 ACC NRt preceding its direct incorporation into the IRNA molecule. Conseque'ntlyg- .keepiner an aye on the future investigation of this problem, the authors study of the participation in th6 synthesis of the.newly-formed ;.P_r2sent a MA in nonfissioning irradiated yeast suspenslons o :DNA-resembling f radioactively labeled phosphate and under &omparable conditions) of ome other RNA precursorst uracil -201 acid-014's -2C'4 , adenine and the orotic Tests showed that an exposure to 104 curie of X-rays did not slow down the synthesis of the DNA-resembline, PUNA. The observed braking in the case of the phosphate must, most probably, occur prior to its incorporation into nucleoside phosphates which are precursors of the M. These findings c 'an be explainedonly -on the assumotion that the coll has at its diavosal sufficient reserves of phosphates for the above-mentioned synthesis. To, check this asqumptj*on_the 'authors carried out a parallel 30-minule incorporation of adenine-0 114 into + e yeastI~T. the absence of phosphates i The absonce.of Phosphates did hot see adenine'. /TJ --' Se work was' pro sen-t-eFif to slow down the incorpora-tion *of.--. paso Corresponding member of BAN, 6 oe+,-164. Orige -art. has: 1 table, 3 figuress J_PRS7 SUB CODE., 'IS SUBM DATE: -060et~4..:/.. ORIG REFI., '002* OTH REF: 003 J, - 6rd 2 12 -v, Vic: a! T)eC I I! a T~- t~ es W th tr-arlz0`T 0 :in ~::~ncec-!,:= w'- t 7 c -0 -,:7 mi-- C a kad 11 no.! gt-neti-:- ma-Ker . Dckl -mg 'PE) -It ,I tE-.d by c',orrespond TODORVI, S.; ROBEV,S. Study (,. Lhe effect if N-phenylben=riidine on tl-.e rate of re- verse mutation produced by the irradiation of suspensions of E. coli K54 by X-rays. D-oki. Bolg. akad. nauk 18 no.1.55-58 165 1. Submitted on August 13, 1964 v n ~:.r a ne and c, n n apl + To Of Ia. Dox rj"3~ B tv r n,, r t= 11 n; ve r y r, S. ROBEV, S.; T)DOROV, S. Irradiation-proAluced changes in serological properties of certain proteins. Doklady BAN 17 no.3:259-262 '64. 1. Submitted by Corresponding Member A. Spassov (Spasov]. ROBEV,S.-, TODOROV,S. Irradiation-produced changes in serological proper'tl6s of certain proteins. Dokl. Bblg. akad. nauk 17 no.l.*259--.?62 164 I 1. Submitted by Corresponding Member A.Spassor. 3/007/62/000/002/006/012 :)204/J3O7 ,AUTHC1I't3 Kolarov, V. , 3onev, L. and I'obev,-S--- TITLE: Studies of the scintillating properties oi-c- some triazyl-substi-Luted members of the imidazole series 2L;-!-',ICDICz-~L: Referativriyy byulle-Len' 3olrsarskoy nauchnoy litera- tury, I-,himiya i Ichimicho-skaya tekhnolo.cliya, no. 2, 19622 7, a'jstract 109, Doklady BAIII, 15, 1962, book 2, pp 167-170 T"--T: The authors studied t1-2 scintillating properties of some triazyl-subst-i-tuted imidazoles (2,4,5-triphenylimidazole, 2,4,5- tri(4-tolyl)-imidazo1c, and 2,4,5-tri(2-thionyi)-iraidazole) and also hydrobenza-micle, amarin and isoamarin, having the s~:--Ttic atomic struc- ture. -X~ylene solutions of various cozicentrat ions were pre-oared from these corn-pounds, and their scintillating properties we e studied und'er standard conditions. -~. C060 prepar-ati-on -.-Tith IOE disintegra- Lions ner min-Lite was used as the source of ionization. The triazzyl- substituted imidazoles showed good scintillation properties and, Card 1/2 J/007/62/000/002/006/012 zudlcs Or- the sciatillating ... D204/LJ307 Dearincr; ill mind their ease of preparation, can be successfully used in radliomctry. 2hotolumincscent mm-cima in the cxcitation spectra of 2,4,5-triphcnylimidazzolc awad 2,4,5-tri(4-tolyl)-imidazole occur at 390 and 400 m~L and are in the :-,,-)ectral rccdons co-awnient for x7ork.imcr with ordinary photorimItipliers. These substances may also 13e used -For displacin- the -ohotolumine scent soectra of other com- pounds, the luminescent mmximuvi oAL which lies in the ultraviolct rerrion of the s-..-)cctr-um. ~-:marin znd isomarin exhibit no scintillating properties. (6tdcIcniye radiobiologicheskilch nauk, Sofia, 36 (The Department of Biological Science-, 3ofia, 36)) Z-Abstracter's note: Complete translation L _7 ~.Iard 2/2 ROBEV,S.; DESSEV,G. Radiation effect on protein synthesis and FMA metabolism in reticuloc~rtes in vitTo. Dokl. Bo1g. akad. nauk 17 no.l*. 57-60 t64 1. Submitted by Academician Al.,Spassov,. BAEV, J.; ROBEV, S. On the radioprotective characteristics of some nitro derivatives of aromatic monoaryl-substituted amidines. Dokl. bolg. eked. nauk 15 no.6:613-630 162. 1. Note presentee par A. Spassov. (RADIATION-PROTECTIVE AGENTS) (AMIDINES) KOLAROV, V.; BOIEV, L.; ROBEV, S. Scinteillating properties of some triaryl-substituted representatives of the imidazole series. Doklady BAN 15 no.2:167-170 1692. 1. Otdelenir radiobiologii, Sofia, 56. Predstavleno chl.-korr. A. Spasov-jin Spas 0v, A.]. s/081/62/000/020/012/040 B158/B101 ;,UTHORS: Bakalov, D., Panov, N., Sumerska, T,9 Robev, St, TITLE: Zxamina-.ion of certain nitro-derivatives of aromatic amlaines PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 20, 1962, 149, abstract qOZh125 (Doklad. Bolg. AN, V. 14, no. 8, 1961, 811-814 ,summary in Eng.j) LI - TEXT: li-nitro-4-methyl-(I), 3-nitro-4-methoxy-(II), 3-nitro-4-chloro-01I) arid' IT_ (4-niirophenyl)-benzamidine (IV), which have a possible r.dio'biological and pharmacological activity-, are obtained when aromatic monoaryl substituted amidines are nitrated. At >,,300C, 51 millimoles N-phenylbenzamidine are added to 40 ml HNO 3 (d 1-52) and after 10 min Doured ouz in an excess of 55 cold KOF, giving IV, yield 8Y/a, m.p. 168 C ~from alcohol), hydrochloride (HC), m.p. 207-2090C (from alcohol); hydrobromide (HB), m.p. 236-2380C (from alcohol); hydroiodide (HI), m.p. 223-2240C (from aqueous alcohol); picrate, m.p. 162-163OC; aniline-formyl Card 1/2 S/081/62/000/020/012/040 Examination of certain ... B158/B101 0, 0 derivative, m.p. t62 ~; and nitrate, m.p. 200-201 C (decomp.). The follo-sing are obtained similarly (the product obtained, yield ~, m.p. in 0C and M.P. in 0C o-f HC, HB and HI are given): 1, 67, 195-196 (from benzene-dioxane, !:21, 2u -207 (from alcohol~, 297-296, 220-223; 11, 63, / - 0 1 j 212 (from alochol-tenzene, 3:1), 205-2o6, 21 ,~ f "1 .0-212, 201-202; 111, 79, 179-IdO (fro;. alcahol) mixture of 2 millimoles of IV and 0.5 g Zn-are hea:ed for hr at 2000C, cooled, extracted with 5 ml hot COH6' t~ien with !5 w.1 &ther, the combined extract treated three times with 20 7,1 2i~ HC1 and C H VN is obtained from the organic layer; the 6 5" n aqueou3 layer is acidified and 4-nitro-aniline (V), m-P. 146oC, is 0.rizained. Similarly, V anal 3-ni~ro-a-toluie nitrile are obtained from I, and V and 3-nitro-anisic niTrile from 11. 10 ml 10%. H 2so 4 is added to a mi.:ture of 6.25 millim-oles of I and 1 g Zn; after 2 hours the filtrate is M_~da alkaline with YOH solu;ion, extracted with 400 ml hot C 6H6 and a yield of 0661,:16, m.p. 1210C (from benzene- ;7 ro - r. a Gb-.ained from the organic layer. F ___ - -1 LAbstracter's note: COMP lete trans azion._. 11ard 2/2 z j. KALCHEV, K.; DONEV, L.; MITRADII, L.; DESSEV, G.[Desev, G.1; ROBEV,-S.,-- Studies on the possibility of eliminating radioactive strontium from milk by means of ion-exchange resins. Doklady BAN 14 no-5:475-478 161. 1. Research Base on the Problems of Radiation Diseases and Radiological Protection at the Onkological Research Institute, Sofia. Submitted by Corresponding Member Al. Spassov[Spasov, ALI (Strontium) (Milk) (Radioactivity) NIKOLOVY I.; BAEV, I.; ROBEV, S. On the radioprotective effect of the N-Phenylamidine of the Thiophene- 2-Carboxylic acid depending on the radioprotector's dose used. Doklady Pan 14--ao.5:551-551+ 161. 1. Submitted by Academician D. Orahovats(D. Orakhovats] (Phenols) (Carbolic acid) (Radiology) wam. Men Names. Countr7s Bul-.;,qria Academde Degreess not given AffIlISUM g not Aven SoUregj Sofia, Khit,-iena, Vol IV9 No 5, Sep/Oct 1961, PP 31-43 "Protection a,,ainst Radiation thr-ough Amidin Compounds*" Authors: ITIKOLOV, Ive ~ALV Il. ZOGRAFOV, D. y --_sve .~UOROYI -~ROBEV, St Distr: 4E2c(j) Now noes of N W#e in a ani c mmikesis. true-, of the bask "Aguct (CnH -om-Ne-candenzation of,, ts) fr -sodlum phenylaietate and b4nzalaniline in the presence of .:Bodamlda. Reaction of benzalaniline with sodium anititle.-I '16PSrV aj A rclfpff~lm. ~1, IG3-I'2(A9S&5Z*iYGPW._19W); !cf. CA 1, =5g.-4he compd.:C~,HnNj R m. 176-7* CA 49418 NPhCH-." I K2. was Identified 'as PhCH(NHPh) NHPh) h A mixt. of OM g. a-phenyleinusink add ,0.93 g. PhNHt, and OS8 g. powd. NaNHj in 30 ml. U."; 'was refluxed 3 hrs., 3.6 S. benzalaniline (M) added, the mixt. -refluxed 3 hrs., decompd. with cold _H&O. and the CeH& layer dried ind distd. to ve 44% U. L Heatint of I or 11 to 200* gave PhNHs am 60; - reaction with KSCN gave the thio- urea deriv., m. 193-5% which above 220*'gave 1,3,4,5,6- Y/ pentaphenylhpxahydro-1,3,5-triazine-2-thione, m. 236-7'. 0. H. Meiruerielta-_1 G, A T F-6 IDR 1 P.s rS an -L c Clicira-lSt-l"Y - . ft c c S ~,r~y Sp,lt oti, Organi 1 1960, No. 125,3' A.; Robov. S. a t on-,,-th(~,,q, t! Facul y Use o~, "n"lillm Arliee In ort-~m- Study of t~je F-j,ocluct -H -,N, 2 of Condensation of So,t:L= Phenyl sk. -t. Fiz~-M-Ltem. fRIC., Sof l.Y i3n --1957 T- No 3, 103-112 -17- base (1) -v;hich is obtained otzj t1-je 'r~c-nW tion of benzylidenee-niline (II) and 0 S (,e Of I 2Na (sc-iD on TH r 1) jor6 , report, No I z~ ing 2 G, formto the hV6 -- o ch 10 r i C', 0 3-"- m.p. -~4Acotcte ,~rzd Fv~~nzylldc..,,.canilino 4-1-1 the Preccnco c 0 - c A~ ~f Sodlum. Amid . InL vpction of Benzylldcneani- - ,ith Sodlwa knicle CA EY11OR Y IAPIS. JOUR. RM:Lm.) 9 6 io'RTM. Pui3. : ;:A!3STVJ,CT : t-c so dqtP -.!ns --ttrilbotc- 0. t-..i--.,e of c") n HAT [r~l 1 .0 b-! flar-riation of' imc-n o o f th in thr; rC.2-d (ITT), unich il a:~,-,arent7y a, of ani I ino; . --V 'C-lc " i:; chan~-L~ f convo-r-sion-,, -pro-~ozcd. 2.,-2:3 - -,.~cnslon of mole- of Mii, ROBEV, St. Steric hindrance by the amidine rearrangement of aldehyde ary1hydrazones. Doklady BAN 1/+ no.4.353-356 161. 1. Predstavleno chl. korr Al. Spasovyn . ROBEV,St.; TODOROV, Sv. Studying the effect of fi-phenylbenzamidine, fi-phenyl-2-furami- dine, and X-phenylamidine of 2-thiophenecarboxylic acid on the radiation resistance of suspensions of Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus cereus, Candida albicans and Stapbylococcuq aureus following irradiation with gamma rays of Go6o. Dokl-&N SSSR 132 n0-5:1201-1203 Je 160. (MIRL 13:6) 1. Institut spetsializataii i usovershenstvavaniya vrachey, Sofiya, Bolgarlya. Predstavleno akademikom A.I. Oparinym. (AMIDIXES) (RADIATION PROTZCTION) (BACMIA) TODOROV, Sv.; ROBEV, St. On the utilization of certain chemical substances for the pre- vention of radiation sickness.,Sofia no.6:3-8 159. 1. Iz Iratedrata po rentgenologiia, i radiologiia pri ISUL. Zav. katedrata: prof. G. Tenchov.i Katedrata po mikrobiologiia, i vi- rusologiia pri ISUL. Zav.katedrata: prof. D. Khadzhidimova. (RADIATION PROUCTION) -iobev, St. - i 1 -1 -22/5-D L J T 1 l,AR TITLE: The Inves 1. ii-,at io r. of t I i. fl,~ ;nc,~., c, f -Pheii% la;.,.i- 0 ine -T,i-.' c - st~v-tj of "ice to an Irradi. "',11 .7 n c-2-Carbo xyl i c A c a d c T: U- c- H e s ation bv Lethal Dosci of Ga.!;.,,a-Ra.,s Fro~i C:)t~() fIssledovarive vliyani,.a 11-fenilamidina t-',,fan--2-!carbonovoy kilslot~ na rezistentnostl m3,shey ,)ri o'bluclicnii letall!iyini dozza:n ga..ima- luchey Co 6o KERIODICAL: Doklad~- Akadcmii naik SSSR, 19~!, T~l Yr i~ 5 US S'O ABSTRACT: The o:-e-~ent naper Is fi---t oaft cf -,lr.oi7ou~h tion of tie ainidin---.3 as sub-st:lnces to protect from radiation, v~hich was Dlanned to be car-,."ed ~,-~ut by the author. "Ite author otarted 1-lis experifio:;~-.ti3 wit.-l benzaiuddine, N-:~herlyl- 4-fura.Aidine, and -!'-,phenyl amidine of t-,e tlhio-pnene-2- 2 j 1 i c a c d . Ti, e s n, d th !--:L -rd c c--, ~-, ound K el, e sy n - carbox .7 -1 thetized ':)!7 the aat-or f-Dr tle f4rst ti,-Ip. Tii-l- e-xperiziunts !4 it'i N -b c i~ 2 s'~,--.)-,ed b-ecais-z cf --orotecT ive i's toxid- j of r~ Card 1/7, ---ff~-ct of dlef`n~te not bro -- --,, ~ L SOV120-12 -22/.55 The Investigation of tht: Influence of "Icid on the Resistivi%~- of dice to an I---radiation b,;- Leth'all Doses of Ga---Ma- Rays From Co 6o Card 2/3 results as yet. N-pherylamid-ine of th-Jo-phene-2-carbo-l-lic acid, however, sHo;:s a ief--'nite radiation-nrotective eff~-ct. Of 139 nice whic. before the ex;)osure to radiation tre-~- ed -.-ii"h 1,5 mg of th-* is --,oi:i7,o.And (named in this paper aTA) 39,5','1 were still livin.- 30 davs ~f'~eraards. coalDared with 2,7'? 10 of th- control animals. The eriplo~-ed dose of aTA ap-)rox--ra~tes the toxic dose of LD ,,. On the exact mechanism of the radia- tic-n-protective effe2e of aTA until now only sappositions are possible. First a report is -iven on the sZ~nthetization of N -phenyla::,id.ine of a i 1 per cent 1 C d. acetic acid solutions of "he ai-~iidine !yes at pH 5 wtzre in- jected to th--~ mice, Th~-- introduction of %5 mcT aTA first ex- cites the animals, but after I; to 30 :linutes they become de .pressed. The obtained -?x,)erir,-n1-a1 results soeck 'or a d-f- ferent resistiviti of male and female animals. In a series of ex2erir.Tients where 2 m- cysteine hYdrochloride were injected into the mice before their exposare to radialion no protective effect fuand a, o are I fi-ure, 2 iablles, and 2' all. Thk~r 50V/20-121-1-22/~DD_ The Investigation of the Influence of 1-1-Phenylami-dinc--'-r-*-~-.o-i~ienc--2-Carboxylic Acid on the Aesistivity of Mice to an Irradiation ljy Lethal Doses of Gamma- Rays From Co '_)o references, 7 of vihiclh are Soviet. _~SSOCIITIOI.T: Institut spetsializatsii i usoverchenst-iovanija vrachey Sofiya, Bol.gariya (Institute for Specialisation --;nd Perfection of Ph~-sicians, Sofia, Bul.craria) P IIE S ZE "; T E D April 3, 1958, b~.r A. I. Oparin, bleialber, Acade:.iy of Sciences, USSR SUB7.7ITTZD: March 21, 1958 1. Mice--Effects of radiation 2. Gamma rays--P-hysiolog�cal effects 3. Cyclic compounds--Properties 4, Radiation tolerance-~-Test results Card 3/3 3ul ~ra ra A 7~3 15,60 NOV 2 1. k7 0 c e rfe of fjydj-~jzort~p- to Axridiriu~s. 14 1.1,e iriveifbraf.Lon of the Tendt-.-ncy of Rnaflily L)c- comp-osing at Normnl Arylhyd r,-! szones, to" 41 4 1 Drjklaly BOT.-, Alcad ;:,Auk, 12, No 2, 1 t The rearranremenL of tile 0- and ir-tolylaydra.z cl o' benzi--deh-vd-te, o- tot iyhydr---~~one of piper-.)ral, arl~! 0- and m-tolylhydrazonec of anisicaldiehyd previout~ly dz-,scriLed (see Cnam by the pracejure mtl- 921,S) was- used nication IV, TiZi,,Khi!,j 19'0, No --o prepare respectively 1111-ci-(Ia) and N-m- 'T"' taiy1benzenidines, Ybenzamidine ~II'), and IN-n- (11fa) --and N-m- (111b) p-methoxybenzaridiner.. The aziidine, yield ;,I an" *Care z 23, 109-1'Q given bejcw; r. I F.'r d ergo "lie Amidine R-~arrar-.~~emenc. 160 S/020 ,/60/132/05/63/069 B011/BO02 AUTHORS3 RQbev St., Todorov, Sv. TITLE-, Investigation of the Influence of N-Phenylbenzamidine, of N-Phenyl-.2-furamidine, and of N-Phenylamidine of Thiophene-2- carboxylic Acid 6on the Resistance of Bacterial Suspensions of B. anthracis B. cereus, Cand. albicans, and Itaphylococcus aureus bto Gamma Rays From Co 6o ........... PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1060, Vol. 132, No. 5, pp. 1201-1203 TEXT% The authors studied the subject mentioned in the title, since the protective amidine agents cannot be explained by present theories of the chemical protection from radiation. They determined the degree of the action of rays upon bacterial suspensions by counting the surviving bacteria by their ability to form colonies. The experimental objects were B. anthracis, B. cereus, Cand. albicans, and Staph. aureus-209. The first three strains were bred by the Gosudarstvennyy kontrollnyy institut Card 114 Investigation of the Influence of N-Phenyl- S1020V6011321051631069 benzamidine, of N-Phenyl-2-furamidine, and of B011/BO02 N-Phenylamidine of Thiophene-2-carboxylic Acid on the Resistance of Bacterial Suspensions of B. anthracis, B. cereus, Cand. albicans, an Staphylococcus aureus to Gamma Rays From CoL -(State Control Institute), the 4th stock by the bacteriological laboratory of the authors' institute. A cobalt apparatus of the type TYT-400 0 (GUT-400) served as gamma ray source. 1% acetic acid amidine solutions with pH 5 and subsequent dilution were used for the experiments. B. anthracis and B. cereus were irradiated with a dose of 300 kr. B. cereus was found to exhibit an equally high resistance to radiation as B. anthraciq~ It was found on the other hand that the radiation sensitivity of both microbe species does not change in the presence of the amidine compounds used (Table 1). Cystamine has no influence at all on the resistance of these two bacteria to radiation. At a dose of 50 kr, cell suspensions of Cand. albicans exhibited a marked resistance to radiation, although only in a narrow concentration range of the amidines (Fig., 1), It can be seen therefrom that the greatest effect arises on dilutions of from 1 1500 to 1: 2500. At 1 :4000 there is no difference found in the control, In suspensions of Staphylococcus aureus, the amidines Card 2/4 V Investigation of the Influence of W-Phenyl- S/02OV60/132/05/63/069 benzamidine, of N-Phenyl-2-furamidine, and of B011/BO02 N-Phenylamidine of Thiophene-2-carboxylic Acid on the Resistance of Bacterial Suspensions of B. anthracis, B. cereus, Cand. albicans, an Staphylococcus aureus to Gamma Rays From Cogo investigated did not act as radiation protectors, but as radiation sensitizers (Fig. 2). This effect begins at about 1 13000, remains at an almost constant level up to 1: 30000 and gradually vanishes with higher dilutions. The authors explain the missing effect of amidines in B. anthracis and B. cereus by large amounts of wax-like substances in the cell membranes of these microbes which prevent the amidines from penetrating~ Amidines are good protective agents in the case'of Cand. albicans. The effect was weaker, however, as compared with E. coli (Ref.3). The authors assume that the different effects'exerted by atTA and NPA on the one hand, and OCFA on the other, are caused by the presence of a furan ring in ocFA, which raises the radiosensitivity. This assumption, however, has not been confirmed by experiments. The authors believe that in the case of c(FA not only the presence of the group Card 3/4 / ~M Oj 1 -2, C Investigation of the Influence of H-Phenyl- 5/' benzamidine, of 1-1-Phenyl-2-furamidine, and of B011YBO'02 - V.-Phenylamidine of Thiophene-2-carboxylic Acid on the Resistance of Bacterial Suspensions of B. anthracis, B~ cereus, Cand. albicans, anj_ Staphylococcus aureus to Gamma Rays From Co" "IT- but also its spatial position plays an important part. 'NH- There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 9 references; 3 Soviet, 1 German, 1 British, and 3 Bulgarian. ASSOCIATIONs In5titUt spetsializatsii i usovershenstvovani-ya vrachey Sofiya, Bolgariya (Institute of Specialization and Higher Training of Physicians, Sofia, Bulgaria) PRESENTED.- June 5, 1959, by A. I~ Oparin, Academician SUBMI TTED.7 June 5, 1959 Card 4/4 EydrT ft!td!!n 9L 140 Oe IT&ideFyde 2 4-Ld Wet_tGQ_ opiiq_,~ e ew dthe'ppt. wimhed with Coll ;090 !GCM -d.,' C-4.1 i5o em' ArCH:- T M l ChY4 C. 10 parts yielded 80% p-tolu;ild '=Y': 2' he V, P i 141 , ~NNH&' ArC(NH,) w= = tto det thel - ,, re e m. t c t . I 68 Al K Mizeo -la ~-meth lbentamidlne 1 d N rl~ ( . ~role of iarious subifituents In the aromatle'rings Fft - l . e y p P - ~=y 1- 18G-20 i 4odo h n rt ron l 0 j 73 p . ~ new =odophenyl)-substituted auddines have been a . 7 c a . c . . m. y p P yielded VdP drazone IS dpheuyl)-3,4-methyl;- by Isyn th Beazddehyde P-iodophenythydrazone 1.61: eaediox - 137-400; the pure compd. t ybenzamkliaeO.9~ post, 13i. .and add anhyd.'xylene 20 was heated to boiling, NaNH, 0.2 ' ed the mi t ti d till 1l th NH l d l m. 146 -7*. Fifially anisald ehyde odopheny1hydrazone l 1 t il b x . s rre a ve e j evo , , gent y d 1.74 yl eld3 ~Vlelodophenyl o xybammidiur 0.07. )-"et o e I hr., HIO 50 added, the aq. layer dismMed, the m. 102-4 . V. Stud I y of certain, under ordluM! xylene layer extd. twice with 5% HC1 50, the exts. com- ' tions unstable, aty1hydraxones with respect I* their = bined, shaken with activated C 0.2 part, filtered, and the to undergo smidine rearrangement. St. Robev.' ten ' 6 iltrate made alk. with 20% NaOH till the formation of a -4..:-The expts. show that e- and m-talythydra- 161 74 1 milky smqpensf~n, from which the cryst. N-(p4odophenyl)- to the amidines: benzaldchyde a zones arran - benzamidine (1) soon sepd. Rerrystu. from d1l. sic., then 23% N-(o-tolyI)btu=midinc. m. 109- from ligroine yicided 63% product, m. 13840. IOMin (AcObG 2 was balled 0 5 hr ke t a da H O 0 art 1 10 ; pipmeal e-talythydrazout yields 31% N-(MolYIR,4- ~ 2' ld h d th di i ti 131 i l b . . ., x y, p p -added, and the sc~i. neutralized with 20% NaOH. In 2-3 1~ - e o- e c sa me etie enzam nt, nt. ; an ozy y y zone o y 'Y 1/ days the prodilet solldified; one recryztn. from dn. ale. 0-' t d qe NX I yielded -diacetyl-N-(P-iodophenyl)benzamkUne 0.19 : 7* art 174 d toly ; L - . m. : reDeate p recry3ta. Increased the m.p. 0 l -Wy d~ e i h y raid ,, SPASOV, Al., Prof. d-r.; ROBEV, St. Interrelation of isonicotinic acid & cyancetic acid hydrazides in reference to their tuberculostatic effect. Suvrem. med., Sofia 8 no. 12:3-12 1957, 1. Iz Khtedrata no meditsinska khimiia (Tav. katedrata: -Drof. d-r Al. Spasov) radiologiis. pri liML (Zav. katedrata: (TUBIRGUICGIS,ther. cyanacetic acid hydrazides, isoniazid (Bul)) (ACETIC ACID, rel. cpds. same) (Cyj~ N eff. same) pri Ned. fakultet na VMI-Sofiia i Kated-rata -no rentgenologiia i prof. G. Tenc6v). comparison of a-itituberc. eff. with ROBEV, S. ROBEI, S. Regrouping of hydrazone in amidines. IL Some new examples of the application of the regrouping of aerivatives of p-tolylhdrazine. In Russian with German summary. p.29. vol. 8. no. 2, Apr./June 1955, DOKLADY, Sofiya, Bulgaria. SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 10, Oct. 1956. A tiew syntheslsd -' Cl v B l ter cad tion) tall" . . ar . Qirll bul rd M 4 37-40(Pu P. - . . . a omp , . ga , treating isopropylidene anif (1 ) and benzylidene anif (IT). :t resp., with the complex CRNlg CHPhCOjNm- (1U) _2 utw. ere prepd., et -affil6tc-1-4 anillno acids vu heftyl-P edkric deid - m. 16. (from Calls-petri-,ether de-~ acid; M. 157-87- .cotnpn.) (from C4Hpetr. ether). Moth acids are t. %" 7 In alWi, coned.: HCI, CA, adc. olot M' i t l . %ter. pefe.~ether. Gerard A :Iighl s,~~ 7., ,. *~4 -" 'Y~ . j i4~ JT'6 S Z~ I/ -SY B u o "fha isomeric fo 1=14 hqaYI2u--q-e IV. Be- ! of b=zg 6vov and M; Ana. I =.t ' BuIL inst. eldn;. vend. bulgare sci. 2151a.-A suspen~i, - I Of 0. 1 g. C?b'- 14 3 m' I. Ph N H NHt wa.,; I w4i fed to 200 tuid the tnix t. dild. with E10H to givc crystals of P-brwil phenyR,5azcoe; % (p-11), rn. 230-2 Redtiction of 1.0 g. L in 80 mi. Elio - J)y Atikiug 0.5 lir. with 0.4 X. Pd over C gav e #- and j-11 and rriphenylatiotriazole (111), in. In CIM, M011-H p-U and 18%: M 1) u solvent 0 (10 10 257 ; ; * , i was obtained, 6 hrs. shaking pve only 40" #-U and 98 of PhNI-I ith mall amt M R du 11o f 0 5 sus 10 . w a s e . n o . t. pended in 25 mi. RLOH with 6 mi. of 1507, or M ad at' % KOH cant;. I S. Zu dust gave 0.4 Is. Ali. Hitia, --f-u ; In Ac~O-MeOU ai solvent 0.1 Z~ M W~i aho holnw;:- ' attempted redit0inn of " under um mudition failed -togivelu. Reductiml of I-WJLh Cowtu 0MOKWUM Sul-"- dde also gave A-II. -01. and M WhenAS *u bubbi4d through a sola. of I in MOR at itawt t 'for3lui b6- -11 d III t id 8 a (IV) ;Z bb-; wi a cou s es A g. c iA luffesi " Mis taided; whea U S was bubvtlor only ! . t wnt. of IV. amule civstafs, in.' 1224% upd. -TV tn~fi with (NlQS gave adLer nekWcgl2a *M HCI;..- ftdIIL- tion of IV with Zu und AtOki a1w pye IM. - W- . The fid~ ' zation a a- wd 0- MI lhay1mixon" *6 2 4,S4 ~oiohiudq. sall lift an Ibid. 2J-36.-Cyclizatioft expu. cairried out Rt 0 AcA BLOAc, Cilfd, and BtOH-CHC4-H30 mlx(T~Ylt~ '~ti ever charco.-.1 as rutislyst showed that the P-Iom of benzii phenylo&izoue, in. 234*, forms triphenylosotrimle faster limn Ebe .-form, in. 218%. therielorc the P- and-164ri= Must reprLsent the sym and anti forms, resp.' Th e caWyst 0-15-0.5 g.) was suspended in a soln. otO4-1.0g. MaSO rut. solvont, One tuLit. rLiloxcd from 30 to 49 hrs., the f,.cd- tict was fil~crcd hot, the filtmte evapd. to drynew, and the re~~Wue tsk-ca. Lo wit tire solvent, to dissolve the tri~zole, tht: unr&-icted U remained insol. G. Mcglieml~ ROBEV. St. New molecular rearrangement. Conversion of alclehydear7lhydrazones into amidines. DoIr-l. All SSSR. 101 no.2:277-279 Mr 155. MRA F:7) 1. Meditsinskaya akademiya im. V. Chervenkova Sofiya, Bolgariya. Predstavleno akademikom I.N. Nazarovym. (Hydrazones) (Amidines) ROBEV, St.; TODOPOV. Sv- kstudy of the effect of N-phenylbenzamidine, N-phenyl-2-furamidine and N-phenyla-mide of thiophene-2-carboxylic acid on the radioresistance of suspensions of B. anthracis, B. cereus, Candida. albicans and Staphyl. aureus following their irradiation with gamirm rays. Suvrem med, Sofia no.6.'56-61 260. 1. Iz Katedrata. po rentgenologila i radiologiia pri ISUL (Rukov. na katedrata., prof. G.TeRchov) i Katedrata po mikrobiologiia i viruso- logiia pri ISUL (Rukov. na katedrata3 prof. Khadzhidimova) (AMTDINES pharmacol.) (AMTDES Pharmacol.) (BACTERIOLOGY radiation eff.) (STAPHYLOCOCCUS radiation eff.) (GAMIDA radiatior eff.) T3 C V USSR/Chemistry Conversion processes Card 1/2 Pub. 22 22/51 Authors Robiev, St.. Title. U6 ~m6 e=ar regrouping. Conversion of aldehydeary1hydraones into aminines Periodical IDok. AN 555R 101/2, 277-279, Mar 1l-, 1955 Abstr*Ot: 4 A new type of molecular regrouping discovered in the field of aldehydear. _7 hydrazones is discussed. 'It was estabiished:that the.hea'ting of arciatie aldehydearylhydrazones in an inert'medium in' the presbnce of certain.N.-*- metallic derivatives and some oxygen is followed by a regrouping .of molecules and conversio In of the'hydrazones into.-N~4ubstituted amidines*6' Ar-CH N NH-Arl' Ar-C N Arl, NHp Institution,: The V. Chervenkov, medical Acadeqr, Sofia Bulgaria Presented bys.Acadwician 1. N. Nazarov, January 1l,-1955 7. SPASOV, Al.; ROBEV. St. C come new applications of sodium amide in organic synthesis; production of f-triaryl glutaric acids. Dokl.AH SSSR 95 no.3:559-561 Mr '54. (MLRA 7:3) 1. Meditsinskaya akademiya im. V.Chervankovs, Sofiya, Bolgariya. Predstavleno akademikom V.M.Rodionovym. (Sodium amide) (Glutaric acids) SPASOV, Al.; ROBEV, St. Certain new uses of sodium amide in organic synthesis. Preparation of 0", -4 ~ -diaryl-~ -[ Y -aryll-aminopropionic acids. Dokl. AN SSSR 95 no. :817-819 Ap 154. OCMA 7:3) 1. Meditsinskaya akademiya im. V.Chervenkova, Sofiya, Bolgariya. (Propionic acid) (Amides) 7 '2 w i-th Om B U L. deriv. in 15;-20 tnl. solvent: Inthepresinceof Nalffliandtinderriflux. When the suspen": Ann h" almost disappeared. (10-15 m1hi, in CXj and I hr 100s.-Iceand I w "cm., the ppt. filtemd;s*ended In HiO'and. treated Ith -' - - * 4 ' ' - C- j dil AcOM the ~Otd;,-RCH(NHRICFM ,(V) VM COiH -Y weic re d The f ll vin (R 6in Me ~~t l . t . c o ov , . p g p R' ; in and d lds Ph Ph Ph - e . 3 , . . , from PhCH:NPh (11CPA71t,- rn. -190-7*%~ lyl;, Ph" tn. 181v~2*, 627 Nplr--.-Pk. 0 from p-CILCIR4CH. f wj. ' 189-90 ~65% f FfiMNC&H4cM Ph rom " P g- -67% -R-rn PliCH'NiSol _n4phXyl i c Distr: 4E2e(j) RiSprrangem d a axythydrazonesst 24hlpjj6iRi;-afda- & to anuoules. Mepban Robev 6at- hydeliad of f= en-Inst. hap Bulgaria). Chem. MMMPFP~(iq intopa=a1dehyde phenylhydrazone (1) (02.02 S.), F 134-5*, in 20 cc. xylene refluxed 45 min. with 0.3 g. powd. NaNH., the mixt. treated with 50 cc. cold HA the org: layer extd. with two 50-cc. portions 5% HCl, the ext washed with MA stirred with C. allowed to stand b h"M h fil f d t t t d ll i tra e rea u t e e care t and filtered, an y w aq. NaOH pptd. 1.26 g. lhiophene-244rbox.Wic acid N-pkm yJamidine (11), m. 144-5* (ligraine, or aq. MOH). 1 (21 g.) and 0.3 g. powd. NaNH, heated with stirring 0.5 hr. at 140-501, cooled, powdered, and extd, twice with 5% HCl, and the ezt. treated with 20% aq. NaOH pptd. 0.4 g. U, m. 1440; the RCI-insol. residue from this run wu 1. U (020 g.) heated 15 min. with 0.5 g, Zn dust, at 220* pve PhNH% and 2-cyanothiophene;. the PhNH., was identified with Ph. NCO as CO(NHPhN; the 2-cyanothlophene treated with cold, concd. Hr504 gave thiop4ene-2-carboxamide. m. 1759. 11 and PhNCO (cquhnolar amts.) gave 87% anilinoformyl deriv. of 11, needles, m. 185' (EtOH). Furfuryl phenylhy- drazone (3.72 g.) in 20 cc. dry xylene refluxed with 0.6 g, Powd. NaNRt 1.25 hrs., cooled, decotnpd. with 50 cc, 5% AcOH, and filtered, the xylene layer of the filtrate txtd. with 50 cc. 5% AcOH, and the combined AcOH exts. 3baken 0.6 hr. with C, filtered, and treated will 20% aq. NaOH gave 1.42 g. pyromucic acid N-phenylamidine (III), needles, 7* MOH d Ii M h d 0 5 h with 100 l t ) - an ne . ea e . r. gro (aq. c L m. Zu dust at 200-10* gave 2-cyanafumn and PhNHs. III gave Picrate, tn. 148% and an andinofortayl deriv., tn. 168-9* 7131011), in 90% yield. F. W. Hoffmann S/058/62/00,0-/006/0455/136 AGEI/A101 A'.,rT'-i0RS Hijds(?r1;, B. E., Jr., Robey, R. F., Nelson, J. F. LE- Achlevements in vacuum ultraviolet spectrophotometry 'r,iTODICAL. ReferativnTf zhurnal, Fizika, no. 6, 1962~ 9, abstract 0' (In collection.- "5-Y Mezhdunar. neft. kongre~zs. 1959, v. 4". Mo5cow, Gostoptekhizdat, 1961, 9 - 19) &Cr This is a brief review of data on the absorption of vacuum W-radia- Y diff"ererit substances, and on the ionization potentials of some organic .::I Analytical applications are considered, and brief descriptions 1~'-Vt--- or Speerrosnopic apparatus, types of radiation sources, oC receivers, and r--:~rdirig methods. 'Mere are 22 references. A~-tr~.,: ter'z-~ noted Complete translation] CHERRY, B,G.; ROBMYKD, A.K. - -, -~~f4- Press f9r tentiag glned vooden beams. Rats. i izebr. predl. v stroi. no.116:30-31 '55. (KM 9:7) (Girders) (Tentiag machimes) R082ZHNUKS, I.A.; SKULME, K.A. -, nTERSON, M.P. Oxidation of ascorbic acid by human gastric juice. Latvijas PSR Zingtrru Akad. Vistis '51, 757-60. (KT-RA 5:10) (CA 47 no.22:12597 153) 1. PUTNINA, G.; BEPZINA, L.; ROBEZNIYECE, I. 2. USSR 600 4. Riboflavin 7. Riboflavin in sprouting legume seeds, Latv. PSR Zin. Akad. Vestis, No. 12, 1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. 1. ROBEZI M;Ks ~ rEME K - PETERSONE, M. I -I.; M, ) .1 2. USSR (600) 4. Gastric Juice 7. Oxidation of ascorbic acid with gastric juice of man. Latv. PM Zin. Akad. Vestis 5, 1951 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JanuarY 1953. Unclassifled. F USSR/ and Animal Morphology - The Heart. R-5 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Biologii, No 16, 1957, 7C693 Author Robicsek.L F. Title The Problem of Neuro-Regulation in the Compensatory Stenosis of the Left Venous Opening. Orig Pub Vnitrni lekarsvi, 1956, 2, mo lo, 865-87-1 Abstract In catetherization of the heart of patients Nrith mitral stenosis, it was established, that the burden on the rig1t ventricle is determined in a large degree by the enlarged resistance in the pulm nary vessels, rather than by the itenosis. r1he increased resistance appear to be a neuro-fimctional reaction, expressed in spasm of the art,~rioles. In dogs the artificial increa;e in I , I.- --- - --P -- . - - - In- 4-1, - , - -- - -; . . - bb F)-.C=A MED13A Sec 15 Vol 9/9 Chest Di:~;. SePt 56 2138. HAT.-NIAGY1 D. ROBICSL.K F. . VELKAI B. . IVANYI .1. . VEK 1'. arlA SAUCS A Orvotlwd. 1. . ,,, 11!. K:il..- ,, 1111dapestl Orvostud. Ep-cl. *.,w.1bbkep,-,0 k1mik.1.1anak figyelt'sek kistIrletes idult kuty3n. 0 11 , e r va t .lons till ex"Ol'illivil till I v prilducod righ* c;i rdiai, fail tive MAG. MLORV. ARCII. 1955. 8 :3 tilo-84) Tables 4 rrik-usilid i "stiff i,' it", ON. and j till Mot':' Vv ~tvllosi, %Vk'1*0 pro'llwed oxperilliviltally ill d,)g:;. 1*110 l_eSlll0llg L-lillicall picture (~~vvcre asc4tes %V1111 lligh prolvill Oolittlilt. 1*0- duced 11111111te volumv. dect ,vasod .11-tvi'lill pressurt" and short. ~iwvival time)bcars clage tit 01c stait, of chronic ca rdtac instifficionev ill inm. Data I re EXC:IMA I.M.ICA Oec.18 VOI.1/2 Cardiovascular Feb 57 545. ROBICSEK F. Post-Grad. Surg. Clin., Univ.Med. Sch., Budapest Intravascular cathel-er-i-zation I-or the diagnosis o1 aortic roarclation Acta cardiol. (Brux.) 1936, 1115 (475 --- 479) Graphs I Illus. 2 The author describes a procedure, for the diagnosis of coarctation of aorta which he has used successfully in 8 patients without complications. An intravascular catheter is passed through a peripheral systemic artery into the aorta and the presence and localization of the coarctation is determined from the site at which the catheter gets stuck and from th e pressure curves. Heath - Birmingham -!CaRFrA V7-MICA Bec.l~ Vol.1/2 Cardiovascular Feb 57 5-57. - ROBICSFK F., TENII-SN'ANI A. an(! KADAR' R. L Dept. of lleart Surg., Tin., l'u(1ap(-st A new inethod jot- the treabnent ol conlot-intal heail disease associated %-ith inipaired Indittonar '%, circidation. An e.xPerintental -qudY Acta med. scand. 1956, 1-54,i2 (I.-A-16t) Graphs I Table-; I 11111s. i authors have developed experimentally in dozs a new int-thotl for the relief of congenital heart disease associate(l with inipaire(l pulmonary circulation. In 15 (lo.,,s the superior vena cava was, transected suporior to the site of union of the azygos vein and the right pulmonary artcr\, was transected ininiediately at its origin from the main trunk. Tile peripheral stunips of the 2 vessel,; were then anastoniosed end-to-end. As a result the right hing ww; supplied with blood directly from the superior vena cava, the blood flow b\-passsing the right heart. E'leven tit) survived the operation, and in 10 of these the anastornosis remained patent. Cardi~ac catheterization showed that pulmonary blood flow was -almost equal on both sides without any significant increase in blood pressure in the area of the superior vena cava. Angiocardiography demonstrated excellent filling of the right pulmonary arterial tree. The authors claim that their method is applicable to human cardiac surgery and has advantages over the Blalock operation and its modifications in the following respects: (1) The operation places no considerable extra burden on the heart. (2) It does not increase blood pressure in the main trunk of the pulmonary artery. (3) The anastomosis supplies pure venous blood to the lung. (4) Endarteritis is not liable to occur. (5) Technically the operation is not difficult, even when performed in children. Heath -Birmingham (VI, 9, 18) HALMAGYI,, D.- ROBICSXK, F.(ROBIGHM, F.)- FELKAI, B.; ZSOTJM. T.; IVANYI,J. TMI: Zs.(SIUGH% Zh.~; SZIITZ,,K.0 technical assistant 0 0 Studies on experimental tricuspidal insufficiency in dogs. Acta med.hung. 5 no-3-4:347-361 1954. 1. Drs. Halmagyi, Ifelkai, Ivanyi, Szucs, and Tenyi are members of the staff of the Yirst Department of Medicine, University Medical School, Szeged; Dr. Robiceek is a member of the staff of the Postgraduate Department of Surgery (Postgraduate Surgical Clinic), University Medical School, Budapest; Dr. Zooter of the Second Department of Medicine, Szeged. (TRICUSPID VALVE, diseases *exper. insuff. in dogs after removal of casps, hemodynanics) ROBIOSEK, Ferenc; TEMESVARI, Antal; R.-KADAR, Livia; ARVAY, Utila, Now surgical method in the therapy of congenital cardiac defects with decreased pulmonary circulation (pulmonary circulation with evasion of the right side of the heart). Magy. Tudom. Akad. Biol. Orv. Oszt. Kozl. 8 no.1-2:79-82 1957. 1. A Bud&pesti Orvostudomanyi Figyatem Sebesztovabbkepzo Klinikajarol. (PULMDNARY STFMSIS, exper. surg.. end-to-end anastomosis betw:e&,vsnAL cava superior & pulmonary artery in dog -un)) Ill.4'yl J., 7S-~ ROT~ICISFCK F., 77TH'Al B.1 :771? T., SZ"I-S Zs., T:~-Yl Y. AND EAL~ (G7I D. 1 und 2 inn. nin., "';ed. Univ., Szeged; Klin. fur chir. Fortbild., budarest. *Der Luiwenkmislau.f bel eynerimenteller Pulmonalstenose. Pulmonar, circulation in e.oeripiental pulmonary stenosis ACTA MYSIOL. ACAD. SCT.711.-T. (Budapest) 19,'fb, 5/~uppl- (57-58) SO: r,,KM--L;TTA. Section II Vol. 7 No. 11 HLLMAGY1. D.; ROBIGSEK, F.; FELKAI, B., ZSOTER. T.; IVANYI, J. The lesser circulation In experimental mitral regurgitation. Act&. med. hung. 6 no.1-2:177-188 1954. 1. lot and 2nd Departments of Medicine, University Kodical School, Szeged and Postgraduate Department of Surgery, University Medical School. Budapest. (KITRAL VALVE, dis. insuff.. exper., off. on pulm, in dogs) (BLOOD CIRCULATION pulm.. off. of exper. mitral ins-,~ff. In dogs) ROBICSEK, F. A new method for the diagnosis of Coaretation of the aorta. Acta med. hung. 6 no.1-2:21.9-222 1954. 1. Department Of POBtgraduate Surgery, University Medical School, Budapest. (COARCTATION OF AORTA, diag. catheterization) RO 8 /* G's -I':- Y~ F ffALMAGYI, D.; ROBIC~ J~ FEIJCAI, B.; ZSOTZR, T.; IVANTI. J.; MCS, Zs.; TENYI, Studies on experimental tricuspid insufficienc7 in dogs. Kiaerletes orvostud. 6 ao-3:220-230 K4 54. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyatem I. es II. Balklinikaja ea Budepesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Sebeaztovobbkepso Klinikaja. (TRICUSPID VALV3, diseases, exper. insuff. in dogs) HALMAGYI ROBICSEK. F.; FELKAI, B.; IVANYI, J'; ZBOTF.R. T.; S%UCS, Ze.; Small circulation in experimental pulmonary stenesis. Kiserlates orvostud. 6 no.3:230-238 May 54. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem I. as. II. Balklinikaja as a 'Budapasti Orwostudomarjyi Egyatem Sebeaztovabbkepzo Klinikaja. (PULMONARY STENOSIS, experimental, pulm. cire. in) (LUNGS, blood supply, circ. in exper. pulm. stenosis) TENESVARI, Antal, dr., SOLTEIsZ, Lajos, dr..- RORICSEK, Feranc, dr. Surgical treatment of the Ra7uaudls symArome of the upper extremity. M897. sebeszet 7 no.6:407-417 Dee 541. 1. Budapesti Orvostudoman7i Eg3retem Sebesztovabbkepzo Klinikajanak koslemenye. Igazgato: Littmann Wre dr. egyetemi tanar. (RAYNAWS DISEASE, surg. technic) LASZLO, Janos, dr.; LITTMI, Imre, dr.', TEMESVARI, Anta, dr.; ROBICSEK, _!~ena. dr. The relation between hemodynamics and changes of the pulmonar7 vessels in the mitral stenoBis. Orv. hetil. 95 no-50:1368-1375 12 Doe 54. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Igyetem I. Korbonotani as Kiserleti Rakkutato Intesetenek (igazgato: Balo Jozaef dr. egyet. tanar) so z Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Sebeaztovabbkepso Klinikajanak (igazgato: Litman Imre dr. egyet. tanar) kozlemenyo. (MITRkL STINOSIS, pITsiol. hemodynamics & pulm. vase. changes) (LUNGS, blood supply pathol. changes in mitral atenosis. hemodynamics)