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571-9-11/40 Peculiarities of the Temperature Dependence of Specific Resistance in Liquid Eutectic Systems. by the investigations confirm the opinion expressed by V.I. Danilov and I.V. Radohenko on the conservation of the quasieutectic structure in the melt with an euteotic concentration, and they show that the quasieutectic structure in the melt can be conserved within a temperature range of some hundreds of degrees. There are 11 figures and 15 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION: Leningrad Pedagogical Institute~ (Leningradskiy pedagogicheskiy institut.) SUBMITTED: March 21, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CARD 2/2 57-9-34/40 AUTHORt Ablova, M.S., Regell, A.R. TITLEs The Thermoelectromotoric Force 6f Germaai= Near )bjtjQg TexVerature (Termoelektrodvizhushchaya sila germaniya vblizi temperatury plavleniya) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Tekhn. Piz., 1957, Vol. 27, Nr 9, pp. 2170 - 2172 (USSR) ABSTRAM The possible causes of the great difference found in AoG-data are explained. The applicability of extrapolation up to melt- ing temperature and the dependence of the electric character- istics of Germanium (e.g. mobility of current carriers) upon temperature are ch-,ecked. On the strength of the investigation carried out it may be said 1.) that plastic deformation may be- come effective at high temperature on the electrical proper ties of germanium. Here the effect corresponds to an increa;e of hole concentration and to a balancing of the mobility values for the electrons and holes. The final explanation of the part played by these possibilities necessitates special experiments. 2.) The maximum values of the thermo EMP at high temperatures are considerably lower than follows from the extrapolation of empirical and theoretical data concerning the dependence of Card 1/2 electron- and hole-mobility upon temperature. This circumstance 57-9-34/40 The Thermoelectromotoric Force Near Melting Temperature permits the conclusion that, -in a "perfect" germanium mono- crystal, the mobility of electrons and holes is balanced at high temperatures. Am - differential thermo-EMF inAx V/ C. There are 5 Slavic references. SUBMITTEDt July 31, 1957 AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHORS.' Gaybullayev, F and Regel-1, A. 1. 57-10-6/33 TITLE'. Note on Some Peculiarities of the Temperature Dependence of Electric Conductivity of Continuous Atomic Solution Systems Ag_ku, In_Pb, Bi-Sb in Solid and Liquid State (0 nekotorykh osobennostyakh temperaturnoy zavisimosti elektroprovodnosti sistem nepreryvnykh atomnykh rastvorov Ag-Au, In-Pb, Bi-Sb v t.verdom i zhidkom sostoyaniyakh). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal. Tekhn. Fiz., 1957, Vol. 27, Nr lo, pp. 224o-2245 (USSR). ABSTRACT. It is shown, that the jump.of electric conductivity, which occurs on the smelting of Ag-ku, In-Pb, Bi-Sb varies in a characteristic manner system to another. The ratiolg salid~'g liquid equals about 2 in the case of the Ag-Au system, and is little dep,_~nden~,, on the composition, which is quite natural in the case of a system very neax to an ideal atomic solution. This ratio redu- ces its value very much in the case of the In_Pb system at the trans tion from the pure components to the solid solution. Gonaidering the Bi-Sb system the ratio of the jump in electric conductivity sehaws an inversed sign, implying, that the smelting is connected with the Card 1/2 increase; of electric conductivity. In this case this increase of 57-10-6/33 Note on Some Peculiarities of the Temperature Dependence of Electric Conducti:1ity of Continuous Atomic Solution Systems Ag-ku, In-111b, Bi-qb '-n Solid and Liquid State. electric conductivity is greater in solid solutions than in the pure components. The dependence of the electric conductivity of Ag-ku, In-Pb., Bi-Sb systems on the composition at high temperatures approa- ches the properties of mechanical mixtures of the components (of sold eutectic types of system3). This result can be expla)-.asd quite naturally by the fact, that the dispersion of the electrony waves at the heat vibrations of the atoms preponderate in comparison to the effect, which is connected with the difference of the dispersion properties of the component atoms. There are 6 figures and Ll Slavic references. ASSOCIATION: Leningrad Pedagogical Institute (Leningradskly pedagogicheskiy in- stitut). SUBMITTED: March 7, L957. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 110n 'nip Role of the Short and Long-Range a-der in the Electrical Fli-,perties of Soubstnances" naoer submitteJ Intl. Cohf. of Semiconduct6rs, Rochester, N. Y., lFj-22 August 1958. inst. for Semftcond,,ictors, -~_ningr~d. 1~ Abs t: B-3,107,243, 2 july 195~ 57 -2--23/352 LUTHORS Yaydanov, V. I. Re6el A. it. ,'ITLD- On ~he Influence ci' the Thicknjsj of Dismuth Films on Their Electric L"'operties (0 vliyanii tolshchiny plerok vismuta na ikh elektriches'Kiye svoystvaa) PERIODICAL- Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1950, Vol. 20, Nr 2, PP-402-411 ABSTRACT: The electric properties of thin Bi-filmZ were investi.~ated here. They were produced in a vacuum by t:iears of spray ccat- in.,, (vaporized metal coating) in a thermal way. The thickness oC the sa%,ip1cs varied f r-on 2,4 to ij-9 u. The authors investigat- ed: th,(_, specific resintance of the films, the Mall effect, the modificati-on cf the resistance in a transverse magnetic; field at temperatLxes of from -190 to +150 OC. The following ,,-!as determimd. At a drop in temperature from +150 to -190 C the qpn,~ific re-o-istan3e first decreases and after attaining the -..,,inim,,.im it ajain increases. The increase in resistance is the hi,---her and the minimurn is the more displaced to the right Card '112 into -the rfui;,~e of 'rig)i te.,:iDeratures the thinner the film is. 2-- _' L'/_) 2 e rD f t 1, n J F Ji I ~21 i r E I e:- r -ic Pro7oer.- Z L d t h z! r erat,~-:7_,-de7oendercas are j- on The ana ysi s t'- rc- -ine-' with -,~he a~ r! i--f e e ;,,I !-Ilc r"j2:1- Of I U 1 C d .),2 1 L at tlie film-boundarle-i, A hoi-e tha h(_0 a.n_,O) 1c -,;I k3 a p I c vi Q c th c lec 'n 1 1 v s" 10 W s a a c f 4 1 T:j t..3 L E S. A. S~nirncvr, de~-_r- i] 1 2 d, t S-z r-f t fila-~. 0. D. Yel.;7~tl_ ..... a & n n. E 'Ilr~:?"~: a, ~'Ile ;o (; -c -:! s I c: V. N. Yerc _'_'17,272. are "t , C, :? - , - :'.,. _' , V"I 0 7, 97 e 1,_: n 2 a F Jou.71 uc t c, rs. AS !SSR, Lor-i-riSrad i r t 1~ t u ov IT! SSS'.R, lx~iinl-ra~:) S U BI., 1 1' , D jul_- 1 AVAJI.:M, Z : Ce-rd 2/2 1. Blsmutli 2. Biouncitl- f-'-LMs--V-Xvt!'ic-l:L Properties 5-T-28-3-15133 AUTHOit Re-el, A. R. TII'LE: On the Dependence of the Resistance of Zn, Cd, :_,.nd Sb Above the Boilin6 Point (0 zavi3imosti soproti7rleriya ZzIn, Cd, i Sb vyshe temperatury kipeniya) PERIODICALA Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Kiziki, 1958, Vol. 28., Nr 3. PP-521-524 (USSR) ABSTRACT- From References 1, 2s 3: 41 5, 10 and 14 follows tbato be.- -innin -- from a sufficiently high temperature the resistance of the iiiietals of group II must rapidly increase. For then the effects of the resistance-incrPase due to the thermal motion and the loosening up of the structure become deci.- sive. In Cd and Zn this had never been observed. In order to chech this in Zn and Cd and to determine the temperature range with a small temperature cceffi~~ient in the case of Cd and Zn in an experimental way, measurements of their elec- tric conductivity were performed at 1300 0C, _J.,e~ above the Card 1/3 boiling point. The measurements were made according to the 57-28-3-15/33 On the Dependence of the Resistance of Zn,, Cd . and Sb Above the Bcfiin,-, Point method of the rotating magnetic field (Reference 15). ',r*he Cd- and Zn-.samples were pl'5-cer~ ~_u evaluated and soldered quartz ampules. The types Cd--O and Zn-0 according to the OCT-specification were used as initial substances. In the computation of the results of measurements it was agm med that the volume of the liquid Cd P-nd Zn increases linearly witsi temperature (according to tile experimental data of Reference 13). It is shown that from about 800 C in Cd and from about 1000 0C in Zn an intensive increase in the tem- perature dependence of the resistance is observed~ The tem- perature range of the small temperature coefficients of the resistance is fairly large. Moreover the results of measure.- ments concerning the temperature dependence of the specific resistance of Sb are given here. Qualitatively the course is similar to that in Cd and Zn. The observed temperature dependences of the electric resistance are in agreement with the results of Reference 6. There are 5 figures, and 15 references, 5 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 57-28-3--15/'33 On the Dependence of the Resistance of Zn, Cd, and Sb Above the Boiling Point ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov All SSSR,Lenirtgrad (Leningrad Institute for SemiconductorsAS USSR) SUBMITTED: July 30, 1957 1. Ant-imony--Resistance 2. Cadmium--Resistance 3. Zinc--Resistance 4. Metals--Temperature factors 5. Temperature --Electrical effects Card 3/3 R-GEL 1 2 A.R. RelaLion betweer, -ne miel -L.-ing point and a change in the n-type coz!ductivity of a substance in melting. Uch zap. Ped ins, Gerts. 197:187-191 158. (NIRA 16.9) (Melting points) (Electric conductivity) LANGE Y V.11.; REGELI, A.R. "Mass spectrometerO - a laboratory manual used in specialist training. Uch zap. Ped inst Gerts. 197:223-228 f58. (IMILRA 16:9) (Laboratory manual) RECISLI) A.R. ,iim:,le demonstratio% of -~Iie dep-endence of LI;e self' inductance of a choke-coil on tll.,, series cGrj~cctior. of its "sections.n Uch zap. Fed inst, Gerts. 197:22111-230 158. 16:~) (Self -inductance) (Electric coils) LANGE, Y.N.; REGELI, A.R. Some anomalies in the interdependence of density and microhardness of Te-Se and Te-S alloys. Piz. tver. tela 1 no.4:559-561 '59. NiRA 12:6) l.Ioningradskiy gosudaretvenny7 pedagogicheskiy institut im. A.I. Gertsena. (Tellurium alloys) SUBBOTINA, Yelena Pavlovna; REGEL, A.R ..,; PIASTRO, V.D., red.; VODCLAGINA, S.D., CLaboratory methods for studying transistor devices] Labors- tornye metody izucheniia poluprovodnikovykh priborov. Lenin- grad, Izd-vo Leningr.univ.. 1960. 132 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Transistors) 84591 S118116010021010101310,511 0 B019/BO70 AUTHORSi Lange, V. N. and RegelIq A. R. The Peculiarities of the Depen. TITLE, dence it of the Forbidden Band Width and the Mobility of Carrierslon the Composition of Tellurium - Selenium and Tellurium Sulfur Solid Solutions PERIODICA13 Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 10, pp. 2439-2445 TEXT3 Data about the depend-nee of the forbidden band width and the hole mobility in the -impurity region ar given as function of the composition of the systems Te - Se Tand Te -- S:&hese data provide a proof of the mechanism of the action of the iEp-urities.'The results on hole mobility are shown in Pigs. 1-4. The change of resistivity of the Te - S alloy in a magnetic field is graphically shown in Fig. 5; the dependence of this change on the composition of the alloy is shown in Fig. 6. The results on forbidden band widths are collected in a table. From the results obtained here, it is concluded that the introduction of selenium or sulfur atoms leads to an increase in the hole concentration and electric conduct4Vity. The structural changes brought about by the introduction of the impurity Card 1/2 84591 The Peculiarities of the Dependence of the S/181/60/002/010/013/051 Forbidden Band Width and the Mobility of B019/BO70 Carriers on the Composition of Tellurium - Selenium and Tellurium - Sulfur Solid Solutions atoms are discussed on the two dimensional lattice model (Fig. 7). The anomaly of the mobility is interpreted on this model. Since the transport of the carrier from one to the other chain Is easier in a lattice with distorted chains, an increase of the macromobility takes place while the micromobility decreases. The change of resistivity in the magnetic field expresses the degree of anisotropy of the material. This change is minimum in isotropic substances and maximum in strongly anisotropic sub- stances. There is no change in the forbidden band width for small im purities, only when the impurity concentration is a few per cent, does a change appear possible. The minimum of the dependence of the forbidden band width on the composition at 0.5 - 0.10 at % agrees with the above mentioned mechanism of the action of impurities described by the authors. There are 9 figures, 2 tables, and 8 referencess 4 Soviet, 3 US, and 1 Swiss. ASSOCIATION,, Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of of the Academy of SciencesUSSR. Lenjp6rad) SUBMITTED.3 ApTil 4j 1960 Card 2/_') REGEL', A.R.; STIL'BANS, L-S. - - -. - - Abram Fedorovich Ioffe. Fiz. tver. tela 2 ro.11:2671-2676 E 060. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Ioffe, Abram Fedorovich, 1880-) 861,32 S/181/60/002/011/016/042 BOO6/BO56 0 00 25" q3 SO AUTHORS: Andreye,,., A. A. and TITLE: Electrica Conductivi+y 7,f Liqu~.d Selenium in Strong Elec- tr.-. Fields PERIODICAL: Fi.,ik-a -,,erdogt, tela, !960, Vc-1. 2, No. 11, pp. 2770-2775 TEXT: The authors in-,reDt igated the ale--,trioal conductivity cf liquid sele- riium fields --.f Lip ro 10 C~ .1,om temperature interval of 180-350 0C. The basl:; ci.-cui- diagram the experimenral arrangement used for this purpose is shcwn ir, Fig. '. They 3tudied r:,, ~q9.99~` and commercial selen-i,~~m wh-~--h J3 t- ccnT-ain .--hllcrine as viell az sclenium wit'L-. ~cdine imp!-ri ties (ur to, ~%). Aln invest-igaticn -~f the effect of -Jodine imparities ur-~n tl~e elec,tri-oal condu--ti---ity --f Ii-quid selenium showed that Ird ne corresponds to th-3 maxiLmum field effect. The ar add;fi,3.a -." ~~C-~% .. I I d enenden:!e - f the e I e,:~ rri.--al co-ndu,, t.' v i~y ~.,,n the elec tric f iold strength 1i I agrees with FrenkE-' s f-r-mula f,-r fz 0 v rm, and is foond to be I - -elds > it / - an extrapollaticn, ~f ~nl data of the analo-ous effect in amorDhous selenium. 0 - The experimenta" i-e-zults are given in -31.1a,-rarr.-s and tables. Fig. 3 shows 0 Card '/6 E 1 e --, t r I c -a C c, n d u -, t1 y ~,f L'quid Seienium S/!81/'60/'002/011/016/'042 ~n Stror.- Electric Fieid B0061BOcz6 the typical course -,aken by ihe E-dependence -f the relative chanoges of resist'vity ZARIR shere 6R is the field -induced decrease in resistivity of T-11". n d 11Gis the retiist. 'v,'Ly it. a f`eld that is smaller than t h P c r i t i ~~,u L r iI d ,; r 'N it ~; E ~ 0. T.1i e t, e mp e va t u r e d e p a lid a rL; e C, f 6 R/ R01 .9 in F~C. 4. flfumer'~;~atl data c-n the temperature and field de- penden~,:t r~f AR/R, fc,--- different ic.dins- con,~entraticns are given in tables. It was fou%d that-the resistivi-ty of liquid selenium decreases very much in strcng ele~_-tric f-i"elds fmaximum: 12-14~'~). The field effect decreases with increasing tempe7arur-? under ctherwiss equal conditirns. The critical f i e i d i, s0 :G in arder'COC-1 ad jelenium', the field effect in- c;reases mr(,notcni :,ally rj th tj,~~,f eas~lig temperature. Th;_-- temperature de- Per.3ence Is dist_'Ln:-,:_y m-arked w'_zh_'n 7hs range, These results indicate that 'Liqu'-d seleniuai has ark r-t,,-p"_ and not a p-type cciaductivity, The maxim,_~.m of the rela~-ive change Ir. resistivity observed with a 0.3% iodine additinn is related to tLe ion dependence c'& the structure of the Impurity :-;-jmpiexes. Y-u, V. Ii"Savskiy and S. G. Shullman are thanked for discussions. '~-. F. I:-,ffe and 11. K. Shid-iovskiy are mentioned. There -are 5 figures, 1 table; and 16 14 Sov-_et., 1 US, and 1 japanese. Card 2/6 8 643 21 Electrical Conductivity of Licuid Selen~ium S/181/60/002/011/016/042 in Strong Electric Fields B006/BO56 ASSOCIATION: Inst-itut -Dolu-provodnikov AN SSS.TZ Leningrad (ins'-i+u'ue of Semiconductors of the AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: June 10, 10~60 Legend to Fig. 1: 1) Furnace; 2) Specimen, T) Thermocouple; 3) Potentio- meteri'4) Ferroresonance stabilizer; 5) Differential amplifier; 6) Direct',- current bridge; 7) Kil'ovoltmeter; 8) 17-h-voltuage rectifier; 9) Trigger- pulse generator; 10) High-voltage pulse generator; 11) -Low-voltualge rectui- fier; 12) Oscilloscope. if 6 86432. S/181/60/002~/011/016/042 3006/B056 8 614.3 2. S/1 E3 601002101110161042 3oo6x3o56 w ta w pppp cl w w bo tA LZ ,~ 1 ~; ZrI 00 C-~ w V~ LO to w En U).P.J~ vi 000 Lo -ww C% C, c0 a c0 2143A S/120/61/000/002/029/042 2 2-7, 1 M E210/E594 AUTHORS: Komarov, G. V. and Regell, A. R. TITLEa Simple Method of Recording the Peltier Effect at the Boundary Between a Solid and a Liquid Pha~e PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1961, No.2, pp.160-161 TEXT: A. F. Ioffe (Ref.1) predicted and W. G. Pfann et al. (Ref.2) and J. M. Bardeen and B. S. Chandrasekhar (Ref.3) confirmed experimentally the influence of the Peltier effect on the movement of the boundary between the solid and the liquid phase of some metals and semiconductors. It was found that in the case of an instantaneous change in the direction of the current after establishing the boundary in the equilibrium condition, the initial speed of movement of the boundary will be vo = 2Pj/qb where P is the Peltier coefficient for the boundary between the solid and the liquid phase, j is the current density at the phase boundary, q - specific fusion heat and 6 - the density of the material. This phenomenon enables controlling the speed of Card 1A Simple Method of Recording S/120/61/000/002/029/042 E210/E594 growth and, consequently, the quality of the produced crystal and also determining,_ the magnitude of P for which it is sufficient to measure the initial speed of movement of the boundary until it changes appreciably under the influence of the temperature gradient. The previous mentioned authors observed the movement of the phase division boundary by means of a microscope and they recorded the position of the boundary at time intervals between 5 and 40 sec. For a more objective and continuous recording of the movement of the division boundary of the phases, which enables obtaining more accurate values of the initial speed,.the authors of this paper carried out the experiment described. For the observations they used bismuth, which has a considerably higher Peltier coefficient than other metals and also, due to its low fusion temperature, the experiments can be carried out in a glass ampoule. The glass ampoule (Fig.1 A), 10 to 20 cm long, about I cm diameter,with molybdenum leads, filled to about half with bismuth, was placed horizontally into a cylindrical furnace 11 with aslot at the top for illumination and observation , The temperature gradient was in the axial direction so that a phase boundary was Card 2/ 11411 Simple Method of Recording S/12o/61/000/002/029/o42 E210/E594 obtained which was perpendicular to the axis of the ampoule. The image of the phase boundary was projected by ;the microscope M and the mirror _t3 into a dark chamber. The meniscus at the phase boundary enables arranging the illuminator and the microscope in such a way as to obtain a mirror image in the microscope from the solid phase without any light reflection from the liquid phase. It is also possible to have an opposite distribution of the light and shade. Inside the chamber there is a drum (I with a film It placed into the jacket K with a horizontal slot parallel to the drum axis. For obtaining a sharper image, a cylindrical lens ,n is fitted into the slot, The slot with the cylindrical lens is fitted in such a way that from the field of view a strip is cut out which is parallel to the axis of the ampoule and will consequently be perpendicular to the phase boundary. A uniform rotation of the drum by means of the motor and the reductor enables obtaining on the film a graph of the movement of the phase division boundary with time. An example of such a graph is shown in Fig.2; on the length (vertical)axis the magnification is 220 times, on the time (horizontal)axis the time markings denote 1 sec Card 31~ IV" Simple Method of Recording S/12o/61/000/002/029/042 E210/E594 intervals. The microscope has a focal distance of 2 cm, giving a magnification of 100 times (magnification of the projection 220 times), length of the photocamera I m. For a film sensitivity of 65 rocjr (GOST) units, clear pictures can be obtained for a film speed of 2 cm/sec, so that a movement of the boundary could be recorded with an accuracy of 5 11 along the length axis and an accuracy of 0.1 see on the time axis, which is higher than the results published by the earlier mentioned authors, A further advantage is that graphs can be produced more easily. There are 2 figures and 3 references.- 1 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION2 Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut (Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute) SUBMITTED,- January 11, 1960 Card 24909 S"' 1,31 /'k-1 1,003 /0'36 " "()-I -7 B 102 I/B 2 G 1 J" nn,~ A.i E z~ r f lwa s x~ 1 tin, filirs upor, the vaiu~ cf I r ~j i c i e .1 c a, ro. 6, 1961, lol,3-1"67 4 J f -I n f i m s- ~r e n e r d' i v e r v -~i-d r:,- ancmu7 ies observabl e in r ma rla'!?rials~ Studies 'MAe or rall'irlur'. e surface levels and ot'-.~r i'rn~ rist, c. ar enlargemen-. of the hiole con~, -x r t an a c ~ e p r chara c t e r. Scanlon and Z f ' ':1 ~ ~ _L ha-.7,2 main-~aired the impossibility of oba4nir.,u a i- Hal' ~~cnszarlt ~.n tellurium 'i'ms ~which is aasilv M rgle crystal s'~ . The authors of che present caper ~;trange result by c~,nducting a new inves-igation, C~ are .-uresen~ed ~iere, The initial material was -wice resub~ imated in vacuum and subjected to zone .-P 9 - /1, , 1, / S ' 6 9 0 0 0 0 b/ 7z ~ 02,1BI, 0 1 r r~, er cw The impurity concentr,Lticn Vas 'lr~' nnanhz,3 of sip--n of 7he btainA by spurtarJng in vac~.u,.,m ~an- -d f ir, o c T r - j 1:1: -cn,;ta-nr :i und .171ometer circua' in .-opra'urp -Ai iie ai r a rccm e.- n i 11 r r,,:,P-n and uth,?n steadily C-r T, n1!c-,-.-.-.:7,i!:--i-1net al"clvi-d fields up to 3600 oe to be 'T (-n 1-1. and !.'a chick Te films. is scow- I A . nrfj, ~T 71 .v e r e d r a w Pfcr 9 (T) was almoSt- i-n. o,, ail f,.Ims ( il: drcpped slight' i ly on neating r, q1I filie~; found to be considerably lower compared with e.- ~cr 7: z i e T e i was, at most. equal to 70~;() cm"llcoul, H.. Ti lues 1 -ie corresoondina ? va- if --urve I IF-1g, 1a), taken from a 24909 S/181/61/003/006/006/031 Effect of defects in tellurium films ... B102/'B201 thermally untreated film is extrapolated, = +250 0C is found for the temperature of the change of sign of R H' It may be assumed, however, that the linear extrapolation is not justified, and that film I exhibits no change of sign of RH at all. A thermal treatment of the films 12000C, 1 day) sufficed to attain a change of sign at 1500C (Curve II); a second thermal treatment yielded a change of sign at 1170C (Curve III). On the 144 thick film (Curve IV prior to, Curve V after heat treatment) the temperature T was found by extrapolation to be =!110 0C, whereas on a 1.14 thick filmothe thermal treatment practically had no effect (Curve VII). If only carriers of one sign are assumed to appear in Te films, the mobility may be calculated from R H and ? . While in massive Te, between -t-200 and -1000C the hole mobility is between 1500 and 2500 cm2/v-sec, it is not larger than 500 cm 2/v-sec in films. Numerically, the following values were obtained: Card 3/1 24909 S/181/61/003/oo6/006/031 Effect of defects in tellurium films B102/B201 0 N Sample T, C N n(T 0 B(I. 01 Te single crystals -40 1.85-1015 1-56-1o15 1.46 (Ref. 3) 0 7 300-4 film (11) +150 1.45-101' 1.27-101 1.05 300-p film (111) +117 6.1 -io 16 7.7 '101 6 1-34 14-4 film (V) +110 2.17-101 7 6.9 -iol 6 2.03-4 n(T) is the ratio between impurity concentration N and carrier concentra- tion; B denotes the mobility ratio. B2 if +1. Ya.Ye. ~Td Pokrovskiy is mentioned. 0. D. Yelpatlyevskaya is thanked for assistance and discussions. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 5 references: 1 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to English-language publications read as follows: Ref. 2: W.Scanlon, K.Lark-Horovitz.Phys.Rev. 72,530,1947; Ref-3: T.Fukuroi.RITU,4, 353,1952; Ref. 4: T.Sakuroi, S. 11Aunesue.Phys.Rev.,81,;, 921,1952. V Card 4/161' 24910 S/181/61/003/006/007/"031 7 0 0 B102/3201 AUTHORS: Yin Shih-tuan and Regell__,__A. R. TITLE: Some anomalies of the electrical properties of tellurium films with selenium impurity i""'RIODICAL; Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 6, 1961, 16a6-169o TEXT-. An anomalous change of the electrical conductivity and of the Hall offect with an extremum at 0.1 at,'.-%Se has been observed on cast tellurium ~anples with selenium impurity. This anomaly is most likely observable also in films of the same composition. This assumption has been checked hy the authorfi; relative results are presented here. Te films with up to 0.5,, Se were sputtered onto mica backings by Vekshinskiy's method (2000C" in thicknesses of 1-2p. As is shown in Fig. 1, the results are fy~jical of these films. Here, curve III shows the Hall constant R H (4--i Cri /coul) as a function of the Se concentration at +200C; curves I and 11 show the resistivity (7, ohm-cr.,L) change at +20 and -1000C, respectively. The hole mobility in the samples was calculated by formula Ca-rd 24910 S/181/61/003//oo6/007/031 Some anomalies of the electrical ... 3102,/E2CII u = ac H ; its Se-concentration dependence shows a distinct maximum V< at C).2at,,J. The data were poorly reproducible; under the same production conditions rhe samples displayed deviations of ? and R H by the 2 - 3-fold; the qualitative character of the oscillations, however, was conserved. Despite 'he little accuracy of results it may be stated that the electri- -al properties of these films display certain anomalies that deoend on their composition. This may be explained by effects of the complex forma'ion of impurities in tellurium. The rise of the Hall constant at 0.2,-11' selenium corresponds to a diminution of the hole concentration due ~c diminution of tne number of structural defects. This circumstance is also decisive for the increase of the hole mobility and the decrease of resistivity connected therewith. Te single crystals with Se impurity displayed a resistivity minimum and a maximum of the hole mobility at u.1 at-.,, Se, a result that differs considerably from that obtained for f 1 imo. T%is deviation (as regards the amounts' can be exl-Ilained by the of measur-2 -lent s and by the effect of the chain szr-,:.cture, .!Q-'Cill is due to the Se impurities, upon the structural defects of the fiimls. 0. D. Yelpatlyevskaya. is thanked for her assistance and J4 SCUS~ior_. -d (/03r 4043 0 32071 S/181/61/003/012/005/028 B102/B108- AUTHORS: Regel', A. R., Chudnovskiy, F. A., and Shullman, S. G. TITLE; Influence of uniaxial plastic deformation upon the electric properties of n-type germanium PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 12, 1961, 3589 - 3592 TEXT: The temperature dependence of electrical conductivity and the Hall effect of plastically deformed n-type Ge single crystals (2.6 ohm-cm at room temperature) were measured between 78 and 300 0K. Plastic deformation between 1 and 63% was brought about at 8500C by means of a press of the Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography AS USSR). The specimens were deformed in vacuo (5-10-2mm Hg along the [111] direction at a rate of 1.7-10-2mm/min. The deformed specimens were cooled, ground, and etched by means of CP-4(SR-4). The Hall constant, the resistivity, and the Hall mobility were determined as dependent on temperature and degree of deformation. The conversion from n-type into p-type Ge which Card 1/3 32071 S/181/61/003/012/005/028 Influence of uniaxial plastic ... B102/B108 was observed with increasing deformation is ascribed to the introduction of acceptor centers that are easy to anneal and that form an acceptor level at -0,1 ev from the upper edge of the valence band. The donors of the initia.-, n-type Ge are compensated by the acceptors already at a deformation of-,5~a. Temperature dependence of the Hall mobility has a maximum at weak deformations (n-type Ge) which is shifted to higher temp- eratures as deformation is increased. At large deformations (p-type Ge), the maximum is shifted to lower temperatures and vanishes at deformations of over 63%. Electron mobility in slightly deformed (up to 2%) samples is mainly influenced by scattering from impurity ions. The decrease in mobi.-'.ity is ascribed to introduction of defects (vacancies and inter - S"Itial atoms). X-ray studies showed that for deformations greater than 20% the crystal structure starts to become polycrystalline. For defor- mations of above 30% up to--63%, the temperature dependence of the mobility may be described by/Lt-T-1/2. This dependence may be explained by scatter- ine, of holes from the crystallite boundaries. Defects loose their im- portance when deformation is further increased. The authors thank A. A. Sum,atokhin for assistance. There are 3 figures and 8 non.-Soviet reference& Card 2/3 S~2071 181/61/003/012/005/028 Influence of uniaxial plastic ... B102/B108 The four most recent references to English-language publications read as foll--wss E. S. Greiner,* P. Breidt, I. N. Hobstetter a, W. C. Ellis. J. met., 1 81319 1957; A. G. Tweet. Phys. Rev., 12, 1245, 1955; A. Seeger. Solid State Phys. in Electronics and Telecommunications. Acad. Press., London, 1960; W. T. Read, Phil. Mag., Ad, 775, 1954. ASSOCIATIM Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTEDg June 28, 1961 r1ard 3/3 V 32074 S/181/61/005/012//008/028 1 B 02/B108 AUTHORS: Yin Shih-tuan, and Regell, A, R. I TITLE1 Electrical properties of amorphous tellurium films and the influence of impurities on the crystallization conditions PERIODICAL- Fizikalverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 12, 1961, 3614 - 3620 TEXT: The electrical properties of amorphous films of pure tellurium and of tellurium with 0.5 at~. I and 0.1 atc. Se were investigated. Resistivity was measured by means of a P.3G8 (GZS-8') megger, the thermo-emf by means of a galvanometer or an 3M-3 (EMU-3) amplifier. The films were condensed in vacuo (-Ab1O"5mM Hg) upon quartz backings (at -40 to -500C) with silver electrodes, The change in resistivity with changing backing temperature and 'time of deDosition was measured (Fig. 1). The effect of absorbed -1- -2 molecules on the crystallization of the films was studied in air (10 10 mm Hg). oxygen and argon (normal pressure). In argon, air and vacuum the films were found to crystallize at +100C in less than 5 min. In oxygen, crystallization at +50C took also less than 5 min.. For tellurium films Card I 32074 S/161/61/003/012/008/028 Electrical properties of, B102/B108 with 0.,1 at7o Se the T(t) and Q(t) curves were similar in shape, the singular-Lties were, however, between 300 and 400 min. Crystallization took place also at +100C, Resistivity was by 2 orders higher than that of pure tellurium. The ~)(t) curves of films with 0.5 at% I differed considerably from the otherst Q decreased almost linearly with time and, after a change in direction, remainedconstant, At the initial moment, Q is by almost tw~ orders higher than Q of pure amorphous tellurium. At OOC crystalliza- tion occurred suddenly after a few minutes (salient point of o(t) curve); at lower backing temperatures the transition was smooth. The thermo-emf a was found 4. Conductivity was ~-o increase with temperature (-150 to 000, hole-type. The amorphous films showed hole-type conductivity, Con- clusions- 0 and I impurities acceleratecrystallization and shift the crystallization temperature. Se has no influence on rate and temperature of crystallization, but changes the electrical properties. Argon ~as no influence at all. The difference is ascribed to differences in chain formation and orientation, From a, hole concentration and/mobility were estimated for amorphous telluriumt jol7cm-3 and L!j0--2cm2 v-sec, 0, D. Yelpatiyevskaya is thanked for help and discussion. M. I. Aliyev (Tr Inst, Fiz, i mat. AN Azerb. SSR, 2, 27, 1958), A, A~ Bashshali4yev 71 Card 2/4 S/~81/61/003/012/005/028 Electrical properties of ... B102/B108 (ibid., 9, 42, 1956), A. N. Gubanov (ZhTF, XxVIIt 2510t 1957), B. T. Kolomiyets, T. F. Nazarova (FTT, 2, 174, ig6o) and I. Z. Fisher (FTT, 1, 192, 1959) are mentioned. The're are 4 figures, 1 table, and 13 referencesi 6 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. The three references to En.-lish-language publications read as follows: G. Haas. Phys. Rev. 72, 1711, 19,17; T. Sakurai, S. 1,11unesue. Phys. Rev. ft2, 5, 921, 1952; fi. Scanlon. Phys. Rev. 6, 72, 530, 1947. ASSOCIATIONs Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Seiniconductor~ AS USSR, Leningrad) WBIMITTED: July 1, 1961 Card 31A KOMAROV, G.V.; REGELI , A.R. A simple method for recording the Peltier effect at the boundary of the solid and liquid states. Prib. i tekh. eksp, 6 no.2:160-161 Mr-Ap 61. (MIRA 14.9) 1. Leningradskiy gosud;rstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut. (Thermoelectricity) S/058/62-/000/0()8/075/134 A061^101 AUTHORS: Lange, V. N., Regell, A. R. TITLE: Some properties of tellurium - sulfur and tellurium selenium systems PLUIDDICAL: Re"erativnyi zhurnal, Fizika, no. 8, 1962, 25, abstract 8E187 ("Uch. zap. Leningr. gas. ped. in-ta im. A. I. Gertsena", 1961, v. 207, 5 - 11) TF,(T: Te-Se and Te-S systems possessing a specific molecular chain struc- ture have been investigated. It is apparent from the-cited dependences of the electrical properties of Te-S alloys on composition that an increase of elec- trical conductivity, of carrier mobility (holes), and a drop of the Hall effect are observable in alloys with an S content of-- 0.05 - 0.1 at.%. The presence of two "special" points, wherein the properties change similarly as above des- cribed, has been discovered for the Te-Se system. The first point is detected at Se concentrations of - 0.1 at.%, while the other shifts toward the region of high imp~irity concentrations In alloys prepared from purer Te. The anomalies Card 1/2 Some properties of... S/058/62/000/008/075/134 A061/AlOl observed In the electrical properties are related to the formation of local structural defects (vacancies related to chain discontinuities), which is c6n- -1.0 - firmed by anomalies in density and hardness. 0 Yu. Allshevskiy [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] I Card 2/2 S/181/62/004/004/034/042 B102/B104 t ri, 0! J, Iblova, id. and IWL!,el A. R. Uicrohardnesj of 6ermanium of different conductivity Fizika tverdo6o told, v. 4, no. 4, 1/062, 1053-1055 .EXT: '."he fact that the mechanical properties of solids are con- siderabl,y ciian6od when impurities are admixed may imply that a relation e-i.-ts botween free-carrier concentration and plasticity. This would be of special interest in semiconductors wheae small amounts of impurities (lo-1-10-5 alter the carrier concentrations by several orders of Ma6nituae. ~Iicrohardness was chosen as a plasticity characteristic. T!ie medsurementus aere made with germanium of different resistivities usin6 a OPIT -3 (.t?;,!T-3) apparatus. The most probable values of microhardness were determined by statistical averaging. Since microhardness of Ge is anisotropic, all measurements were made on the (111) faces. Six n-type and one p-type specimen were investigated; the resistivities were between 3-10- 3 and 35 ohm-cm, the dislocation concentrations between Card 112 S/1 81/62/004/004/034/042 ,dicrohardness of germanium of ... B1 02/B1 04 103 and 2.105cm-2, and the free-carrier concentrations between 1-4-10 14 1 Q -3 and 10 cm . The resistivity dependence of the microhardness H(~) was measured for these specimens after polishing or grinding the surface. H(~) ,-ias in all cases a very weak function: When q was varied by almost D orders of ma6;nitude, H varied by only-7;L For the purest specimens H was alliiiosL constant (-925kg/mm2) for q*~ ohm-cm, when I was reduced 2 to 0.003 ohm-cm, H decreased to 870 kg/MM T. A. Kontorova is thanked' for discussions. There are I figure and 1 table. il 'J, _~ G C I AT 101. institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad) December 3, 1961 ED Card 2'/2 RE^ELP A.R Change in current carrier mobility in metals and semiconductors caused by melting. U-kr. fiz. zhur. 7 no-8:833-835 S 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR,,Leningrad. (Electric conductivity) (Metals at high temperatures) ABLOVA, M. S.; REGELI, A. R. Microh&rdness of germanium with various conductivity values. Fiz. tver. tela 4 no.4*-1053-1055 Ap '62. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Institut, poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Ioningrad. (Germanium cry-stals-Electric properties) GUBANOV, A16ktifiridr- Ivrinovich; HEGELI, A.H., doktor fiz.-Illatem. nauk, otv. red.; ZAYCHIK, N.K., red.lzd-va; KONDRATIYEVA, M.N., tekhn. red. (quantum-electron theory of amorphous conductors] Kvantovo- elektronnala teorila amorrnykh provodnikov. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSRP 1963. 249 p. (mia 16:11) (Semiconductors--Electric properties) (Quantum theory) LIKHNITSKIY, M.I.; REGELI, A.R. -, daktor fiz.-matem.nauk Prospects of the application of Hall e.m.f.-transducers, Vest. AN SSSR 33 no.6:53-55 Je 163. (NIRA 16:7) (gall effect) (Transducers) KuRiihuvy G.V. RLGELI A.R. ; --- - - - I . I- - -- Conditions for the onset of fluctuations in the soli5-1-iquid interface in bismuth. Fiz. tver. tela 5 no-3:773-777 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy im--titut imeni A.I.Gertsena i Institut poluprovodnikov A14 SSSR Len-ngrad. (Bismuth) (Grystallization~ - ZOLYAN, T.S.; RLC.E[,', A.R. Electric conductivity and thermo-P.M. of U20~? inSthe solid and liquid states. Fiz. tver tela 5 no.9:2420-24 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad. F,hGhLI A.R.; .1"AGM11.1 B.G. Temperature del---ndence 0 f 7he --ffect of a sLrong elecitic field - - - c in polycrystalline selenitoa. Fiz. tver. tela 5 no.10:29914-2921 0 163. WIRA 16:LL) 1. IriaLltut p-luprovodnikov AN SS~~R., Leningrad, i Jnstitut, fiziki AN Az. 33ft, ~aku. 5/16 1 /63/0051003,13-, 11 /046 B1 02/33 1 SO A U T 1-134' S~omarov, Q. V. , and Rc:~el A. R. TITLE: Conditions for t"e vibra~.-Joi of the solid - liquid interface I in bismuth PEhIODICAL: Pi,;zika tverdc);--o tela, v. 5, no. 3, 19"3, 773-777 t~ 0 TEXT: The movements of the bismuth crystallization front in various tem- perature distributions was investi:-ated ir. an exoerimental arrangement n - slit-1-ilar to that used by Pfann et a!. (j. Electronics, 2, 597, 1957). CrjstaL1-6z-t=11 fixnt vibrations were found to be related to the temperature gradient. in t he experiments tiris was varied between 10 and 100 deg/cm. Vibrations occur ill the gradients exceed 40-60 deg/cm, becoming complex and irregular, .-,,-ith rising amplitudes, as the gradients increase. When the gradient is reduced, regular vibrat-Jons (period .3 sec, amplitude -154) are established at 60 deg/cm, and at cLO deG/cm they cease. When it is raised,regular vibrations do not start until '00 deg/cm, becoming irregular again at hi~;her gradients. At constant gradient regular vibrations can be maintained ~`or hours. First The authors consider the Card 1/2 /63/005/003/011/046 Conditions frr 2102/B-160 possibiliLy of' t ",,e ctffect n~- r0sui t Of interaction between the 01 main thermz-` I -'; due to t"-- gradient and the additional minute flow due to periodic 6oli~""cat~on -nd melLin~' at the front.. Approximate calculation snov--s tl=t the additional temperature gradient is S."lialler by aimost t-ao orders of -,&.:,nitude than the basic artificially maintained one. The vibrations c-~nnot therefore be attributed to this interaction. Two ot-er -jossible explanations failing, the authors finally that it mio-ht be due to increaoed convective flow with rising te.mnerature -radient, .-;hi-c- would cause a chan-eover from laminar to turbulent motion for the licuid at the front. This,in its turn, would cause the constant supply of heat to the front to become variable. There are 5 fi,-'-u--es. AS30CIATION: Lenin.-raadskiy josudarstvennyy peda=ogicheskiy institut im. 0 A. I. Gertsena f-enin-rad State Pedagogical Institute imeni ~~ - 0 - A. !. Qertsen); institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (institute of SemicGnductors 'IS UISSIR, Leningrad) TIPT %'j) October 1, 1962 Card 2/2 S/08 65/0 1 4/OC)-,/C)l 3/1013 R. I 02YB 186 AUTHORS: Re~ell, A. R-.,-Patyanin, S. I. TITLE- Electrokinetic effects in liquid mercury PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 14, no. 1," 1963, 122-127 TEXT: The anomalous effects observed in thin samples whose thickness is comparable to the mean free path of the carriers are ascribed to the fact' that only a part M of the carriers is elastically reflected at the inner surface of the sample, the rest (170 being diffusively scattered. Therefore in a thin boundary layer (-,3X) the mean free path and concentration of the carrier are smalle; than inside-the sample.. Pikus and Fiks (Fizika tverdo.go tela, 1, 1062, 1147, 1959) have shown that electrokinetic effects can appear in liquid conductors of small cross section for which (1-~) ~ 0. These effects were investigated by the author for mercury at room temperature, emphasizing,especially 1) the electrokinetic mobility a of the mercury surface measured in a capillary system, and 2) the TIg level difference in two alike capillaries through one of which, however, a current was passed. The capillaries were Card 1/3 S/0,99 '171,~. / U'j I V '/..) 13 Electrokinetic effects in -DI02/BI86 evacuated to -~10_3 Mm C' a nd provided with a seal '104 3ivisions/cm~ U . e ~ I 'Platinum electro-les were alopted in order to kee-) do-.,in the Peltier effect to a miinimumi. The electrole temperature was measured by iron - constantan couple to an accuracy of -2-10 _)o C ani the Hg temperature could be very accurately fixated by the Hg level, ( -400 divisions/ NO. On the current being passed through one of the capillaries the level displacement rates were of the order of 10-) and 10- cm/sec. These observed velocities are equal to a. The number of diffusively scattered carriers was Y~ L,cy dQL X letermined from the relation (1-0 p 2 + p 2 L is the O.1en4 Vt 0.8nenX VR a,. I c )'Ilary leri-th; the Hg resistivity; R t~he resistance of the capi'lary; d the specific gravity of Ilig; V the potential; -et the viscosity of Hg; e,n,X denote the charge, concentration and mean free path of the carriers; is a function of the electroosmot4c pressure characterizing the level d i splacement; .The temperature of the boundary layer of Hg was determined from T = T t + V2 ln(r o/ Iro )/2n ALpR, where Tt is the Hg temperature in the Card 215 S1108916310141001,1013/013, Electrokinetic effects in ... B102/B186 case of thermal equilibrium, r 0 and rp are the external and internal capillary radii (r -10- 3 -2 10 cm) and A is the thermal conductivity p 22 -3 -7 of glass. With n = 8.4-10 mm and 3.7-10 cm it is found that a = (2.5+1.2)!10-3cm 2/v. sec and (1-~.) (2-4�1-4)'10-' (T 20-30'c). From the elecLrokinetic mobility it was found that (1-9,) aq/0.1enX2 -2 -2.1-10 . There are 3 figures. SU311.11ITTED: August 15, 1962 Card 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AP011769 S/0181/64/006/001/0"134/0331,. AUTHORS: Komarov, G. V.; Regell, A. R. TITLE: The cause for oscillation of the solid-liquid phase interface in bismuth SOUICE: Fizika tverdoro telaj v. 6. no. I., 1964p 334 TOPIC TAGS: bismuthj solid-liquid phase, solid liquid interface., interface oscillation ABSTRACT: In their former work (Frr, 3) 773, 1963) the authors described the conditions at which the solid-liquid phase interface assumed an oscillatory motion about some zone of equilibrium. Such oscillations exist only at relatively high temperature gradients (about 50 degrees (G)/cm). It was later observed by studying particles of bismuth oxides floating on the liquid that convection currents originate at some moment as the temperature gradient is increased. These turbulent currents alternately melt and solidify a layer at the interface, thus causing the oscillations of this zone. kSSOCIMON: Gosudarstvenny*y pedagogicheskiy institut'im. A. I. Gertsena., Len- ingrad (State Teachers Institute) Card ]I-.b IZZZ~- ACCESSION LIZ: AP4034923 S/0181/64/006/005/2414/14-29 AUTHORS: Rogelt, A. R.; Taliyev, B. G. TITM: Influence of cadmium, tellurium, iodine, and salfur impurities'on the electrical conductivity of selenium in strong fields SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 5, 1964, 1424-1429 TOPIC T-A.GS: cadmium, tellurium, iodine, sulfur, electric conductivity, selenium, electric field ABSTF-kCT: The electrical conductivity of selenium with cadmium, tell iUM, iodine) and sulfur impurities was studied at electric fields of 3 x-2z v/~m in a temperature range of 20-160C. The percentages by weight of Cd and Te were 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5. Pure selenium and the impurity were melted 4n evacuated and sealed glass and quartz ampules at temperatures of 340C and 650C J. respectively. During the melting the am7oule was mechanicallyvibrated. After 3 hours it was cooled to 180C and held t6re to allow crystal formation. The substance was then removed from the ampule and crushed, and test specimens were produced in the form of plates 6 mm long, 5 mm wide, and 0.3-1 mm thick., The plates containing Cd and Te impurities were annealed at 160 and 180C for Card 113 ACCESSION NIR: AP4034923 30 min and for 2 hrs respectively. The specimens containing iodine and sulfur were prepared sinilarly. The method uso'd for measuring the electrical conductivity was the same as the one described by the authors in an earlier work (FTT,, 5, . 2914, 1963). The results of the experiments showed that the conductivity increased initially with the increase of the impurity (it reached a maximum at 0.3% for Cd and 0.151M for TO and then fell. From the e*xperimental results the authors determined the factor P in the formula C- = GO e 13 ~_D' for the conductivity given by Ya. 1. Frenkell (Sobr. izbr, trudov, 2, 217. Izd. W SSSRV Mr.L., 1958). The values of p for various temperatures are shown in Fig. l'on the Enclosure. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad-(Institute of-Semi- conductors AN SSSR); Institut fiziki-Azerb. SSR, Baku (Institute of Physics, Azerb. SSR) SUBMITTED: 251,1ov63 DATE ACQ: 2%~y64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: S4 M NO REF'SOV: 010 OTHER: 006 Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP402642o S/0181/64/006/004/1001/1005 AUTHORS: Regal's A* Re; Tagiyev, B. 0. Effect of bismuth impurities on the electrical conductivity of polycM TITLE: talline selenium in strong electrical fields SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, ve 6. no* 4. 19641 1001-1005 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor selenium, bismuth, pulsed field,, Frankel fwmulaj, impurity affect, electric conductivity, electric field ABSTRACT: Measurements were made with pulsed fields up to 40:L04 V/cm in the teirnperature interval +20 to -130C. The choice of bismuth as the impurity was based on its use as a coating of selenium in the preparation of the latter as'a rectifier on an aluminum base. Results of measurements show that bismuth impuriv~ ties up to 0.1% byweight increase the electrical conductivity of selenium, but tha' further increase causes the conductivity to decline. Bismuth impurities dimi'nish the ooefficient P in Frankel's formula or - (foe The observed 4 effects in a strong field; for pure selenium and bismuth-doped selenium, agree 1/2 i;ACCESSION NRs AP402842o rather well with Frenkel's theory through a wide range of electrical field and of temperature. The effect of bisauth impurities., as with heat treatment.. is expressed cl-defly in increase in electrical conductivity of the selenium, and the dependence of this effect on the strength of the electrical field is rather weak. The authors conclude that the effect observed in bismuth-doped selenium is associated primariiy with change-in concentration of current carriers and not with~: change in mobility. Orig. art. hasi 5 figures. ,ASSOGIATIONz Institut poluprovodnikov AN S=, Leningrad (Institute of Semi- conductors AN SSSR)j Institut fisiki AN Azerb. SSR.. Baku (Institute of Physice !AN Azerb. SSR) SUBXMEDs =ep63 DATE ACQs 27Apr64 RM 1 00 "SUB CODEs HC NO REF SM 014 OMRt -010 r a 4' A CCESSTCrl NRt AP40449 73. per d nim ia 4:1 y 6f, Lt T12 t'~:aj 2 t6 ~ al - 3 A Jo. W M 'Z? ,26 ja 4f a:,:a s n Z. aI Lne S e e n _n s-_l_,CnZ A. it. nce -;';7,. zhur. -0.5.Z,71-476 Lenincrb ZOLYA" S' A. !-I-. , -~ _n ana-- LlectroCOndUCLivity a n d rm c- e - 7! - f. 'r.V 4 o L~e in the solid a-rill 1-1quid states. F-iz. tvor. tela 6 no.5;I520-1-11524 .~ I ily 1 ~-,4. (MIT, 1 17: 0) M, 'ux I 1. Institut poluprovu--nikov LIT, SSSIL, Lcningra,--. XCMAROV, G.V.; REGELI, A.R. Cause of oscillations in the solid - liquid interface in bismuth. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no.1:334 Ja 164. (KRA 17:2) 1. GosudarstvenW pedagogicheskiy institut imeni Gertsena, Lenin- grad. REGELIP A.R.J. doktor fiz.-matem. nauk; KOLENKO, Ye.A., kand. tekhn. nauk Thermoelectric cooling and its practical uses. Vest. AN SSSR 34 no.5t86-92 )+f 164. (KRA 17:6) na u ca- es -r A r Cl 11 ~l -C3 A'rl 5 (MIRA 1828) i2i -'-RYrAlT-*l"SEV , V. L, , , 1-1 -and. teldm. nauk; RECD", A.R., dokt,-:- --Lauk Joint research on semiconductors. Vest. AN SSS~-- '15 no.5:86-A-8 14Y : '05. (MMAL 181:6) KOMI~d*?W, G,V.-, __1 A.R. E-ffcct of the orientation of a growing bisimuth cr-jstal on, the Peltier coefficient for the solid--liquid interface. Fizz. Tver, 7 no.c- !,~86-1489 My '65. (MIT-L-A IS.'5) 1, Leningradskily gosudarstvennyy pedagogiciieskiy irstitiA iEp-n*L t z .1 ~er~-sena i Tnstitut poluprovudnikc~,r AN S3,911t. Leningrad 54865-65 w14803 cmsm NR: AP AC G'DR, Poland, Rumania, USSR, -and. Czechosl6v'alda. Proble M zation and coordin atio n are cons idere d. dailv bth hich _y . e _cOmmissionj w Iso provi es the guidel ines. for the mutual effort. efices,. lachoslo.vak Academy of.sci in addition'to the general management' on of all the activities, also, ovej~sees.'a complex.of ~studies zone structure and transport. phenomena. Research. is carried out in several countries and coversthe. following areas- optical and.magnete optical pherio'filena in semiconductors, . transp'e rt'PheTiornen- aiii-stronig magnetic fields, - the effect of strong alloying. on~ changes. in zone atructure .'zone structure and transport in amorphous and liquid semiconductors,, band recombination processes. Research into the physical properties. of se m'icondu'ctor compounds,_:-' is under the auspices of the Polish Academy of, Sciencesi ~ Which:has; made significant contributions in tha area. Iniies tigati n~ of electron 0 n se d tAcade phenome .na o miconductor surfaces ard directe by'the e My t Science .s. 'Re's e-arch'is conducted in sev'e'ral.dikect: ons of b6f~'scl--... I- ard 2/.5 F-Vfr 1 /EVIT (m) /EWP e VT(z) E .7 NR: AP5006914 Card 1/3 L 45187"65-,. ACC,3SBION DR: AP5006914 A73MITMD.- 160ct6k ENC Im ]REP SOV:' 007 , 004f : - . , CrV3/3 -7777- 7 L 8592-66 EWT(m)/EWP(b)/EWP(t) IJP(c) JG/JD ACCESSION NR: AM19897 mi/018i/65/007/008/2567/2569 M '; ~ ... V Y, ~' 1, 13/. AUTHOR: AndreyM A. A.; R%el 1, A. R. TITLE: coe cl-&7 in 119HId allqyj~bf the Ng-TI system SOURCE: Fiziks tyerdogo tela, v. 7. no. 8, 1965, 2567-2569 TOPIC TAGS: Hall coefficient, mere alloy, thal3ium containing allcy., liquid property, chemical valence ABSTRACT: Th reconcile the disparity between the experimental data on the -Es,11 effect in liquid metals and the predictl= of the theory of free electrons, the authors performed on the Ng-Tl system the experiments made on Hg-In by N. Cussack and P. W. Kendall (Phil. Mag. v. 8, 157,, 1963). The measurements were made with -Iternating current in the same ampoule, to avoid errors due to the size effect. The calculations were made relative to pure mercury, for which the Hall constant was taken to be R - 7.6 x 3.0-5 cm3/Coul. The results are illustrated In Fig. 1 of the Enclosure and confirm the quasi-crystalline model used by Cussack and Ken- clall to interpret their results. However, the authors indicate also another pos- sible interpretation of the phenomena, wherein the results can be attributed to variation of the valence of the heavy-element atoms. Confirmation of this inter- pretation calls for additional experiments. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. Card 1/3 L 8592-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5019897 ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR., Leningrad (Institute of Semicon- ductors AN SSSR) stmmTTED: ogApr65 ENCL: 01 BUB CODE: - SSp M NR BEF SOV: 000 OTHER: 002 Card 2/3 L 8592-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5019897 7. 0~~ qC ENCLOSURE: 01 80 tog zo *9 60 89 fog 90 4~ to T1.1n. at. % rL Fig. 1. Hall coeffici ent in the Hg-Tj1 system (left) as a function of the T1 concentration, and comparison of the effects of Tl and In on the Hall /EWp(i)/T/FWP( )/ZWA(h) AT/WH, L 1346-66 VOITM/Ewp(e 11F.WT(M) b :;AGCESSIONNR: *qA< AMHOR: At o-wth4~wtical scl d ev A.Aj.'kV Leoces) of physic TITLE: Conference on band structure, optical, and eleotridol- pvpertien of liquid and amorphous semiconductors SOURCE: AN SSSR. Vestnik, no. 8,'1965, 70-72 TOPIC TAGS: electronic conference, semiconductor. band structure, sesicanductivityl semiconducting material, semiconductor research, glass, tellurium, selenium, semiconductor a3loy ~ABSTRACT A Cnfere*n-c eon the Electronic Band Stj~icttjre, -Opij[~il and El~~ ic Properties Of Semiconductor LiQuidS and AmorabMs SWida -was held on 4-7 Ma `V, y In Prague, under the sponsorship of thp-ti e 'of Solid State jns tut Ph ysics, Czechoslovak Acad=y of Sgiences4e Wesearch data.werediscussed on electronic processes in amorphous- ermanium, seleniumi and tellurium gi liquid semiconductcirs and metals; aMd chalcogenid RUss ~,Both-Western; i participated in discussions, i Card 1/~ L 1346-66 AGM.I.SION NR: AP50M"Vi Ya. Tauts ~dz_echoslovalda) and R ania) presented papers- on amorphous germanium, in which they outlined the first experi- !mental data on direct optical observation of the energy band structure. I iData on the edge absorption coefficient hinted on the conservation'of the energy band-structure, which Is also characteristic of crystals in substances with near-order atomic arrangement. In the papers on liquid alloys of the mercury-thallium system A. A.-, Andreyev and A. R. Regell (USSR) noted considerable deviations of'the-eil perimental Hall constant from thetheoretical value. From th e measure- ments of the Peltier effect at the phase boundary in bismuth, A. - R. Regell deduced a difference in properties near the surface and in the.bulk of a mol-.: ten crystal. In a complex study of optical, photo and electrical properties of. chal6ogenide glasses, B. T~' Kolomjyi R) showed the presence of, localized enqxgX levels -and.* evaluated the activation energy. Card 2,43 Card 31 ~ t:r. L 00765-66 EVIT (1)/T jjp(c). GG ACCESSION NR: AP5oi2562 UR/0181/65/00T/005/1486/~3489 3 AUTHOR. Komarov, G. J.%e~'. TITLE: Effect of orientation of a growing 3z_,~.=_ttArystal on the Peltier coeffi- cient for -the interface between the solid and liquid phanea i SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 5, .1965, 1486-1.489 TOPIC TAGS: Peltier effect, bismutb,_!Zry _gtpl groy~h., phase transition, tbermo- ielectromotive force ABSTRACT- The authors measuredthe coefficient of the Peltier effect between the solid and liquid phases of bismuth by a method proposed originally by A. F. Ioffe i ployed later by others. A description of the method (zhTF v. -6, 478, 1956) and em and of the apparatus was given by the authors elsewhere (FTT v. 5, 773, 1963; PTE V. 2, 100, 1961). The values of the Peltier coefficient obtained in this manner showed considerable fluctuations which did not diminish when very pure bismuth was used. These fluctuations are attributed to the different orientations of the bis- Muth crystals grown from the melt. To check on this assumption, the Peltier coef- ficient was measured with the current flowing in a direction suchthat the bismuth solidified. This made it- possible to determine the orientation of the growing crystal by x-ray means. The results showed that the Peltier coefficient depends on.-.-.. 11 Ca,d V2 L Of 765-66 i-ACCESSION NR: Ap5oiP562 the orienta 'tion of the growing crystal and is a function of the angle between the direction of the current line and the trigonal axis of the crystal. The values of the thermo-w-emf coefficient are calculated for the solid and liquid phases of bis- muth at the melting temperature. In the case of the solid, the values were 120 10 or 70 � 10 4V/deg in the directions parallel and perpendicular to the axis. For the liquid, the emf coefficient was 45 � 10 VV/deg. This differs greatly from the value of 2jiV customarily cited in the literature. The Peltier effect coeffi- cient fluctuated between 18 and 34 VV. The authors propose to investigate the in- fluence of impurities on the Peltier effect in a separate paper. "The authors thank A. I. ZaslavsM, ar gd,Ahe members of his laboratory for the labor-consuming work Pe-rfo-r-me-d -indeie;fi&dng the orientations of our samples." orig. art. has: I figure and 8 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogichgskiy institut im. A. I.. itu 0 iL Gertsena nitud b~) "Iffshitut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR.' Lenit ~State Ped o icglInstitul Lening ad _I ~is eStoP~Seepl !nduct s%tSSAM c or ad%Cnstitute of Semiconductors AN SSSR suBmiTTED: 14Dec64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: SS NR REF SOV: OTHER: 005 005 2/2 L 04232-67, EWT(1)JnFr(ni)/EWP(w)/T/EWP(t)/LVI C-* -.---T-.JR/0058 ACC NR-- AR6031875 /6 61000 /006 /E01 5/EO 15 AUTHOR: Ivoninakiy, V. A.; Regell,,.A...R. 41 TITLE : Electroihermic properties 'of a Bi2Te 3- Bi Se system in thiliquid state 2-3 SOURCE: Ref. REF SOURCE: 1965, 183-192 zh. Fizika, Abs. 6EI18 Uch. zap. Lenningr. gos. ped. in-ta im. A. 1. Gertsena, v. 265, TOPIC TAGS: bismuth telluride, bismuth selenide, bismuth system, conductivity measurement, thermal emf measurement, thermoelectric Q factor !ABSTRACT: The conductivity and thermal emf of a alloys of the Bi Fe 3-BI 2Se3 system of various composition were measured in the temperature Ange of room temperature up to 800-900C. The thermoelectric Q-factor of liquid melts is evaluated, and it is shown that it can reach a value of n=::L 0. 8. An evaluation of the forbidden zone width yielded values of 0. 1 to 0. 15 ev. The conductivity jump (hiring melting was 1. 3-5. 5 for the investigated alloys. Anomalies in the temperA- Wre dependence of a in the vicinity of the melting temperature were detected. [Translation of abstract] S[T1',' CODE: 09, 07/ C 1/1 -- -- - --- mob ANDHEY0,11 A.A.; RFGEL', A.R. Hall effect in liquid alloys of the system fig - Tl. Fiz. tver. tela 7 no.8:2567-2569 Ag 065. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad# L 08322-6? EWT (m)_/E1W1P (w)/'E'.-/P (t)/ETI IJP (c) JD ACC H1R:,1i16033734_ ____S_O__WfdE_CODE: UR/0058/66/000/007/EO13/EO13 ~AUTHOR. Ivoninskaya, Z. N.; Regell, A. R. iTITTE: Investigation of temperature dependence of resistance and ItIiermoelectromotive force of bismuth-cadmium and bismuth-tin alloys of eutectic composition 7E911 ISOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika Abs IREF SOURCE: Uch. zap. Leningr. gos. ped. in-ta im..A. 1. Gertsena, Iv. 265, 1965, 172-182 TOPIC TAGS: b_f-muth alloy, cadmium base alloy, tin base alloy, meltinE point, electri( conductivity, temperature dependence, eutectic mixture,,- electromotive force ABSTRAC"L': Mea:-.urements of the electric conductivity and the coefficien of thermoelectromotive force a have been made at temperatures ranging from room tempf-ature to 500C, for the following systems: Bi-Cd com- pounds (40, 45 and 50 atomic % Bi), Bi-Sn compounds (38, 43, and 48 atomic % Bu), ..nd pure components of these systems. The measuring meth- od is describe-., Anomalies of the temperature dependence a near the melting point as a function of the heating speed of the system, are discussed. anslation of abstract] SUB C&7E: 09, 11, 20/ Card I /I n8t ACC NIR: 5 SC)IJ11" C(-) '1/01,~; -/6b '000/008/1025/1025 AUTHOR: Ivoninskaya, Z, N. A. 11. TITLE: investigation of the 'kemperatu-P z-(-Iationship between t-he resistance and thermoclectromoLive force ol' ;inuth-cadi-nium and bismuth-tin melts of eutectic composition SOURCE: Ficf. zh. Aletallurgiya, Abs. 8JI65 REF SOURCE: Uch. zap. Leningr. gos. ped. in-ta im. A. I. Gertsena, v. 265, 1965, 172-182. TOPIC 'I'AGS: temperature dependence, thermoelectromotive force, bismuth cadmium melt, bismuth tin melt, eutectic mixture, electric conductivity ABSTRACT: Measurernents were made of the electric conductivity and the coefficient of thermoelectromotive force in Bi-Cd (40, 45, and 50 at. 10 Bi) and Bi-Sn (38, 43, and 48 at. % Bi) systems, as well as of the pure components of these systems at temperatures ranging froni room temperature to 500C. The measurement procedure is described. Anomalies were detected in the changes of the coefficient of thermoolectromotive force near tile melting point, as a functi of the heating rate of the system. [Translation of abstract] [NT] Card 1/1 SUB CODE: 11/ UDC: 669. 765173:537. 3 l ACC N': AR7000863 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/009/E034/E034 AUTHOR: Komarov, G. V.-; Regell, A. R. TITLE: Oscillation of the crystallization boundary of bismuth SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 9E277 REF SOURCE, : Uch. zap. Leningr.- gos. ped. in-ta im. A. 1. Gertsena, v. 265, 1965, 163-171 TOPIC TAGS: oscillation, '/crystallization, crystallization boundary, bismuth, temperature gradient ABSTRACT: An analysis was made of the flow of the crystallization boundary of bismuth. The test equipment made it possible to control the temperature gradient from 10 to 100* /cm and to observe the behavior of the solid -phas e- liquid phase interface by recording the shift of the crystallization boundary with time. Oscilla- tion diagrams of the interface are presented for various temperature gradients. For the temperature gradient below 40-60 deg/cm, the crystallization boundary is stable and there is no pulsation; for the temperature gradient above 40-60 Card 1/2 ACC NR~ AR7000863 deg/cm, the interface begins to display an oscillation motion which becomes more complex as the temperature gradient increases ; following which the oscillation amplitude increases. The introduction of small tin additions into bismuth does not affect the nature of oscillation of its crystallization boundary. The origination of pulsations of the crystallization boundary is associated with the interaction of heat .0 flux q in the melt, caused by the temperature gradient and the additional flux Aq-,! produced by the periodic hardening and fusion of small sections of bismuth. Other possible interpretations of the phenomena observed are given. P. Parkhutik. [Translation of abstract] [NT] SUB CODE' 20/ Card 2/2