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RAYTSEV, M.; SAVIN, A. From the cook's notebook. Obahchestv. pit. no.7:31 J1 162. (MIRA 15:10) (cookery) RAYTSIVA, M.K. Methods of determining fermented sugars in sulfite liquors. Gidroliz i lesokhim.prom. 13 no.2:6-7 16o. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Hauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidroliznoy i sullfitno- spirtovoy promyshlonnosti. (3ulfite liquor) (Sugars-Analysis) . RLAYTSEVA, M.K. Effect of the temperature conditions of hydrol7sis on the alcohol- forming capacity of yeasts. Gidroliz.i lesokhim.prom. 13 no-5: 12-13 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Rauchno-issledovatell-skiy Inatitut gidroliznoy i sullfitno- spirtovoy promyshlennosti. (Yeast) (Alcohol) - TF---Z ev A. M.K. r Yout ledimentaflob In Conflnuoug IsfutimiAtIon Of ~hydrolratee. M. Ya. X21jurJtnyy, suld V. A. Utenkova (All-Unlon Sci. R 1~149irymdroclysis - i anti Suffitt Alc. Ind., Leningrad). MArobidoliya 24 34"2(19M)-Yeast sedimentatino, Is slower in tter~i than In unfiltered mashes. Factors Influencing the rate e m include cell count, supr coven.., and inotion in th al Up to 20 g,11. the yeast is my to hold In suspension an (here is not touch o~dlment, whether the mash %ms rdtred. 'ornot. Sedimented yeast ferments m slovily and 'elds I less ak. than suspended yeast. WooIMd0hy&ulyzates=ld be fermented it a t content of 15-20 g with syste- etT..2f 3etwMenst. Julian F. Smith 7~ j-, 77~ KALYUZHNTY, M.Ta.;-RAYTSETA, 14.1.; BOLONDZI, G.V. Continuous fermentation of wood hydrolyzates prepared with ammonium and calcium bases. Gidrolis. t lesokhim.prom. 13 no.7:10-12 160. (MMA 13: 10) 1. Nauchno-isaledovatellkiy institut gidroliznoy i oullfitno-spiritovoy promyshlentooti. (Hydrolysis) (Permentation) L -2118946 EYrr(m)AYJP(J)AwP(t) IJP(c) TD/,,Pq/jG/px ACC NR: AP6008051 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/166/004/0891/0893 JI-1 AUTHOR: Boldyrev, V. V.; Oblivantsev, A. N.; Raytsimling, A. M.; Uskov, Ye. M. ORG: Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Siberian Branch, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Institut khimicheskoy )-inetiki i goreniya Sibirskogo otdeleniya Aka- tu Naql,4r Pbysicp,-T(xnsk Poly- demii nauk SSSR); Scientific Research Insti tc_&f -e technic Institute (Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut yadernoy fiziki pri Tomskom politekhnichei-korn institut) :TITLE: The mechanism governing the effect of preliminary irradiation on the therm-'; al decomposition of alkali metal permanganates ~SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 16, no. 4, 1966, 891-893 .TOPIC TAGS: thermal decomposition, radiolysis, manganese compound, permanganate ABSTRACT: It is an accepted hypothesis that the acceleration in the thermal decom-4---- position of irradiated perynanganates is caused by radiochemical processes which form radiolysis products. The present study was carried out in order to find out which of these products can act as catalysts and how the mechanism of this process UDC: 537.57 + 541.17 ;Card 1/2 IL 21189-66 WC NR: AP6008051 scan be interpreted It is shown that factors which increase the concentration of electrons Or-L604= ions in the permanganate lattice cause a decrease in the ,rate of thermal do~composition (e. g., the introduction of manganate ion into potas-: ~sium and cesium permanganate crystals by cocrystallization from aqueous solutions), ,The solid radiolysis product catalyzing the thermal decomposition of irradiated per- ~manganates is thought to be Mn02 and the acceleration effect results from the com- : ,:bination of the following factors acting in twoopposite directions: the accelerat-~ ling effect of Mn02 and inhibiting effect Of MT104=, both of which are formed during ;the radiolysis of permanganates. The paper was presented by Academician V. V. 'Voyevadskiy on 7 June 1965. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. 1;SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: l1May55/ ORIG REF: 010/ OTH REF: 011 1,Fard 2/2 kan,. riauk' A Alekseye~,14 7,(,Z-T';OV , N' Y'. -:A, S. -etserzent; 0 1'ed. ~,-i aly Vysshaia iS-10) ~,.35kovski7t sta2' 41 sT.jav,-,4 (for K.i-fej-). 2. Le- I!Jly-an)va (fc,7 Freoi)rfzrnskiy), Yu.P.; ULIZIKO, frinimali ucI,z,3tiye: FALIKEVICII, E-.~;.j Y:-,GC;.--(,V, A.V.; !7?',KFGTSA, V.A.; .~-;VZYKO, L.Ya.; M.A. VASILIYEV, Yu.-".; If.*!. 1. Obtainin.;- in-uricat". thin-w-iled titan,um parts by casting in shell molds. 'ITII-all.L ~,L;o spiavy no.9.270-273 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Titani=a founding) (Shell molding (Founding)) I T 7~e-- qn-roxfma%bon, C,~, -n n . -- , t, k~-- -.11 ~),~ ~~-rtcmaa!.r, in ~Pe L ) .!?, ~ I IN - 1~ I All SSSR -1164 no.1:51-43 S 165. 1. Dnepropptrovsk--y --zz. ;kogo. Sub:rftl-.--d Yo-br-;ary D7erzh:nc RAYTSIN, V. Several methodological problems in comparinz and planning >wrlmrsl living standards. Biul. nauch. inform.1 trud i zar. plata 5 no-9:30-35 162. (MIRA*15:10) (Cost and standard of living) PROLOPCHU, A.Ya.. wof., BONDAROVICH, A.G., RAYTSIFA, K.Ze The tuberculosis bacillus in the elctron microscope. Report No.4. Sbor.nauch.rab.Bel.nAuch.-issl.kozhno-ven.inst. 4:43-46 '54 (MIRA 11:7) (MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS) PROKOPCHUK, A.Ya.; RAYTSINAP M.Z,,. Electron microscope analysis of red blood in acute lupus erythematosus. Sbor.nauch.rab.Bel.nauch.-issl.kozhno-ven.inst. 6:271-275 '59. (MIFA 13:11) (ELEGTRON MICROSGOPY) (LUPUS) (BLOOD--EXAMINATION) 4 U-.','~I.--I,/General I-Ji-olo y. Cytuow -y Abs J :ur ,, f Zh; i r- S i (.1 . ) "10 13, ic-158, 5?1-)75 Author :Bly,.k-her ';. 1,., Vorontsova 11. Inst :Not 7iven Title :On the ..3~ole of the Nervous SYstem in tl~e 'Re- mil-ition cf t~ie Fitotic .!e-oroduction of Cells ZAuthor's reoort read 27 of 1"iay Ic55). ub Bytil. :osl:. o-va i-s--)y-t.. )ri-rody. ("td. biol., -0?, 110 Ab-~t-.,.-c- Cu-c-ins the two va - i nerv:)s of r,-,ts c-au-;es mAthin 30 minutes a diminution of the number of I-litoses in ti-ie cry~,ts of t'le un-.-)er ~octicn of the small intestine (tae e noi-iber of -,,-1e crrt is 4.~': againjz mitoses in a sin -~ O.P 6.0 ~ 0.2 in con'-rol). The ir~7itation o-' -oeri---.jhe.raI terrainals of -U'te cut va-i nerves b-r Card 1/2 u8a3vFb-="Clcgy MA T=dcola. cb..M.~Po.u. Prpu.' V-7 jow I A'f Zbw - K"" ft 1~1, IM, 171286 Altlov Pmkopcbuk A.ys.) CbarAmrU*vs RarWyl~b Y~-A-, TsOlAshaTa A.D.# Hugo 300"rovleh C., UvA S.yu., beleautle PW"anb Dortaw"Vr..1 JU TIUM UtQu 7be go-c4l"d cm"OA Wooses t4rites am iwpbhs.. "Mof D-144 Tftsbmss wltb ItUbt-U... Orla hb Iab. -Uom. r"Ot. kasma-va"fti. 1"T' 5, 307-30 No abotmt Q.rd 2/1 PEVZNER, Ye.S., RAYTQIN.A,-H.Z. Trending eczema with birch kozhno-ven.inst. 4:36P,170 (ZMXA) (BIRCH) buds. Sbor.nauch.rab.Bel.naucho-isel. 154 WLRA 11:7) RAY"I'S MA) --. S. fiepa-rative regonerat-icn --f ir. guinea pigs and --)nkays aft.-tr the adm:Lnistratlcr. u," syneotroll. Trudy MOIP. Otd. biol. 11: 10-1-56, '64. (MIRA 18:1) 1. ;* r~.,:LvItip, lrlsLituLti eksperimentallnoy -.01,11 c cf a n --(-)r, or, *,Iw~- mi "Al c uct" V~ ty of Lriaa r-pithelium of ',ho -:ra] I intt-Sqt-lne in ral~s. Bi~!I. -ksp. biol. med. c5 n(,.":lCjc'-113 "tr "3. .-iboratorii rosta 4, a t-a ek -~i e r ime rI n r.-: --Ioz: 'j, 1,va RA,YTSINA, S.S. Physiological regeneration in mucous membrane of the swIl intestine in hypophysectomized rats. Biul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 65 no.5:132-133 S-0 160. (MIRA 13:12) (INTESTINES) (REGENERATION (BIOLOGY)) (PITUITARY BODY) i(AY t L; I N., I., .. 7~.,A,riol.,,)gic nature of atrophy of an in"ured testicle. Dokl. AN S~F,H 164 no.1;223-226 S '65- (KIRA 18:9) L. Inst--'I-u+, eksperimentallnoy biolog-'i AM SSSR. Submitted llavx~mber 14, 1964. I - ; Card 1/2 RAYTSINA, 4:.S.; FAriu,rINA, L.M.; KASHILNTSEVAI, V.N.; PrJnIrral uohastiye*, KONDAI'07, Yu.1. Regenera-ive hy perLrophy of the pancreas in monkeys. i-rist. i embr. 49 no.10:43-48 0 165. (NMIRA 1F:12) I. Laboratorlya rosta i razvItiya (zav. - Prof. L.D.Uozrier) Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii IMN S,'~.R, Moskl!B, (for -Ray-sina., Farutina, Kashintseva). 2. Zavedwyushc! 'iy pi-,omnikom 1-stl~uta eksperimentallnoy patologii i terapii ANN SS,"R (for Ko~i,,'akov). Subr-AtLed F--br. 29, 1964. RAYTSINA, S.S.; KASHINTSEVA, T.N. Reactive inhibition of mitotic activity in the corneal epi- thelium of hypophysectomized rats. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.4: 949-951 Je 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut sksperimental'noy biologii AWT SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.N. Bakulevym (HYPOPHYSECTOMY! (KARYOKINESIS) (COMM) ;,IYTSINA, S.S. Physiological regeneration in the mucous membrane *of the small intestine hypophysectorratized rats. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 51 no-4:120-114 Ap 161. (MIRA14:8) 1. Iz laboratorii rosta i razvitiya (zav. - prof& L.D.Liozner) Instiul-Uta eloperimentallnoy biologii (dir. - prof. I.N.Mayskiy) AIMN SSSR, Moskva. Predstavlena deystVitel'nym ch-lenom MI SSSR N.A.Krayevskim. (PITUITARY BODY) (REGIVEFATION (BIOLOGY)) (11MESTINES) RAYTSINA, S.S. RAganerntion of trsticles in criatnte nevito nnd certnin mammala, Biul.MOIP. Otd,biol. 63 no.2:169-170 Mr-Ap 158 WRA 11:7) (REGEUMTIolf (BIOLOGY)) (TEST ICLIA) RATTSINA, B.S.; ABRIKOSOV, A.I., akademik. ~ Regeneration of testicles in cristate tritons. Dokl.AN SSSR 92 no.6:1233- 1235 0 '51. (MLHA 6:10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Abrikosov). (Testicle) RAYTSINA, B.S. Regeneration of the spermatic cord in mammals. Biul.eksp. biol. i med. 42 no-9:51-51P 5 156. (MLRA 9:11) 1, Iz laboratorii rosta i razvitiva (zav. - prof. M.A.Vorontsova [deceased]) Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii (dir. - prof. I.N. Mayakiy) AMN SSSR. Predstavle" daystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR M.G.Khlopinym. (SPARKATIC CORD. physiology. regen. (Rua)) (REGRURATION, spermatic cord (Rae)) ~ 't- RAYTSINA, S. S. : Ma.ster !-led Sci (diss) -- "~xperimantal-morpnologica,'t investi- gation of the reparatorv regeneration of the testis in caudate amphibia and i-iiamma I s ". Mosco-w, 1956. 14 pp (Acad Med Sci USSR), 200 copies (KL, No 6, 1959, 146) L. 1 IL'IlL. ," . .1) . I I -jff, tinctallic Lble in Hydrochloride l-'--lia 11 7hur. Fri, - K' -, 22, l.o. 1, 194-l-. . I -)~ I I.- - , ..., - 2 -, on Jci. - s im S. Ordzhor,ikidze, CI :e,--ii-co 7.zmaceutiCaj T t. I-I'l.r., All-UrL p- -cl949-. BOGHKOV, N.P.; RAYTSINA S S Effect of diet and sciatic transaction on physiological regeneration in the mucous membranes of the small intestine in Triturus cristatua. 44 no.8:99-101 Ag '57. (MIRA 10.11) 1. Iz laboratorii rosta i ra2vitiya (zav. prof. L.D.Liozner) Institute eksperimentallnoy biologii (dir. prof. I.N.Kayokiy) Akademli meditsinskikh asuk SSSR, Kooky&. Prodstavlens daystvitall- nym chlenon AMN SSSR prof. N.N.ZhukoYym-V&rezhnikovym. (YOOD, effects, on small intestinal mucous regen. in Tr1turus cristatus Ohis ) ) (MVIS, SCIATIC, plWaiology, off. of section in small intestinal mucous regen. in Triturus cristatus (Rus)) (INTISTINS, SKALL, physiology. regen. of mucosa in Triturus cristatus, off. of food & section of sciatic nerve (Rus)) I , / , , ! ; - ~,- -) -> f I BLYAKHSR, S.L.; YGRONTSOVA, K.A. [deceased]; RAYTSIHA, S.S. Role of the nervous system in the regulatiln of mitosis. Biul.MOLP. Otd.biol. 62 no.2:110 Mr-Ap 157. (MLRA 10:8) (KARYOKINICSIS) (NKRVOUS SYSTAM) - I-AY111SIS) A.B. [Wiic-Ij, A.] (Rija); USTMOVA, A.O., Otiga) Rapid determination of sugar in the blood and t:.e cerebrospinal fluid by the toluidine method. Lab. delo. no.1:33-35 165. OJI;~~, 12: 1) RAYTSIS, T.A. Self-cleaning pressure filter for pumping stations. Prom.onerg.11 no.5:23-25 Mv 156. (MLRA 9:9) (Filters and filtration) 417 UMAksinewl" AIV 3LO& Machinery.' Hoisting Eydroelectrical Plants *The Problem or Standardizatim of Hoisting MachIn- ary fer Looks of Hydraulic Structures," T. A. Rayt- ale, Mw; 3 pp "Gidratakh Stroi" So Article attempts to satisfy me of the most impor- tant requirements of contemporary*bydrotoobnIcal amstructims. Author presents various illustra- time shoving disadvantages of present eyet.010 and advantages to be gained by placing subject equipment m a standardized basis. FM _6M7 011 USSR/Engineering Hydraulic Engineering, Apr 51 Gates "Device for Automatic Tightening of Repair Gates," T. A. Raytsis, Engr "Gidrotekh Stroi" No 4., pp 40, 41 -suggests gates with new device for realizing auto- matic initial pressing of gate against the opening to be closed. Design is based on use of gate wt, vhereas tightening force amounts approximately to 20% of initial wt. Instead of usual method of set- ting the gate on the sill of opening, new device 197T59. WR/Sagiaeering - Hydraulic Engineering, Apr 51 Gates (Contd) provides for hanging the gate on upper edge of opening, thus eliminating necessity of having the sill. 197T59 ROT"SYN, E.A. _,_. Standards for macaroni products. Khleb. i kond. prom. I n0-5:15-16 kv '57. ()r:,aA io: 6) 1. TSentrallnaya naiichno-issledovatellsicaya laboratoriya makaronnoy pror.;vshlennosti. (Kanaroni) LEVAET,Grigorly Yefimovich; RAYTSYN,--Genrikh Aleksandrovich; NIKOLAYEV, 1.A., prof., rqtsenzent; PUTILOVA, I.N., red.j FAVWVA, N.N.$ red.; GRIGORGIIUK',L.A.,, tekhn. red. [Laboratory work in general chemistry] Praktikum po obshchei khi- mii. Pod reda I.N.Putilovoi. Moskva., Gos.izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola " 1961. 277 p. (Chemistry-Laboratory manuals) (MIRA 15: i-jJq FIII'll-OVA, J,N.~ MARCIIENKO, A.F.; NIKOLIIKIY, K.K.; I U _AkYI~SYNJ_P!~.A. ; RAZU'-'."-V, L.D. ; FUTILOVA, I.N., otv. red.; CHESITOKOVA, T.V., red.; CHURAKOVA, V.A,, tekhn. red. (corrosion and means for preventing it in underground metal communication structureslKorrozida i zashchita metalliche- skikh sooruzhenil sredstv sviazi. [BylI.N.-Putilove i dr. Moskva, Sviazlitdat, 1962. 175 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Electric lines-Underground) (Electric lines-Corrosion) -tor of C-nc Z! o c - I a S v- .!~ndidate o--F' Chemical _-`c-iences, Dotserz T T T To ..pecialize the Te~Azoing of Chemistry (Prepodqvani-ye khifrtii PrIbli.,"it, k spetsial,nosti) Y; rl: R T C.111 Vestnik v,,issi~ey shkoly, 191)~?, Nr -, pr 9-1,14 (V_3_;F,*) A B S) T A ("I The author~j stress the necessity of a complete revision in chemistry teaching methods in vuzes and vtuzes. Though the teaching of' chemistry has i1rDroved, there is still a tendency to consider this a secondary science. The theoretical part of tire chemistry program must be unified, but the choice of practical laboratory tuition must be left entirely to the in- dividual chairs of higher schools. 'here are " references, 2 of which are Soviet and 2 American. ASSOCTATTO:': Moskovskiy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut svyazi (The Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Communication) Card 1,~l PUTILOVA, I.N.; MARCHENKO, A.F., NIKOLISKIY, K.K-; RMSD, G.A.- RAZIMV, L.D.11 CHESNOKOVA, T.V., red.; CHURAKOVA, V.A., tekhn. red. - (Corrosion of metal telecommunication structures and pre- ventive measures] Korroziia I zashchita metallicheskikh - sooruzhenii sredstv sviazi. Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1962. 175 P. (Electric lines--Corrosion) (MIRA 16:3) (Electric lines-Poles and towers) MISKIN)VA, T.A.; _UMUJ6_ ~.A.. Influence of the solvent on the kinetics of the reactions of some fatty acids with sodium. Dokl. AN SSSR 110 no.2:238- 240 S 156. (MLRA 9:12) 1. Moskovskiy elektrotekhnichaski7 institut avyazi. Predstavleno akademikom A.A. Balandinym. (Acids. Fatty) (Sodium) KOLESOVY Svyatoslav Nikolayevich; krVEM1SKAYA, Lyudmila Andreyevna; KHARIN, A.N., prof., retsenzent; HUSTAMOV, Kh,A.y prof., retsenzent- RAYTSYTI G.A., dots., retsenzent; LOVTSOV, V.M.y dots., retsenzent; LIKON'LS7-V, N.N., dots., retsenzent; FUTILOVA- I.N., doktor khim.. nauk, prof.., red.; VAKUSHENKO, Ye.N.., red. fLa6,).-atory work in genaritl chamistryl Praktik-Lun po olb- shchei kialriii. lzci.2.., perer. i dol- Tashkent, Sredniaia i vys.,-.I.ala shkola, 1963. 186 p. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Zaveduyushchava kefedroy khimii Moskovskago elektro- tekhnicheskogo instituta svyazl(for Putiloval. FUTILOVA, Iya Nikolayevna; ld,.V24T, Grigoriy Yefinovich; HAYTSYN, Genrikh Aleksandrovich; 1-aNKOVSKIY, Mikhail Abranovich; K;,OaO'., Ivan Vasillyevich; LOSEV, Boris Ivanovich; STUKOVNIU~ N.D... red. (Gourse in general chemistry] Kurz obshchei khirii, [By] 1.1l.F-utilova i dr. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1964. 444 p. (VIRA 18:1) 1.1-Ni'VI"Grigrol-i'a )ofimovich -,.AyTsYf,.A ~ 6onrikh Alekotmdrovich; Al AV , --- -- - * [Laboratory work in ceneral chemisti-j] FrakLikIM jO obshchei khimii. Izd.2., isp. i dop. Pod red. I.11% Futilovoi. Mloshva, Vysshaia slLkola, 1963. 270 p. (MDU 17:6) RAYT5yN, I-.* prepodavatell New apparatus for those who are studying electrical engineering. Prof.-tekh.obr. 17 no-3:25-26 Mr '60. (MIRL 13:6) 1. -Hemeslennoye uchilishche No.9, g.(;heljabinsk. (Alectrical engineering--Audio-visual aids) 22 (1) AUTHOR: Raytsyn, TI TLE: A -",evice for Demonstrating the Bump of Current N (Pribor dlya demonstratsii broska toka) PERIODICAL: Professionallno-tekhnicheskoye obrazovaniye-, 19"J9, Nr 3, p 22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: To demicnstrate the phenomenon of a bump of current, a visual training device has been constructed (Fig 1). It consists ol an incandescent lamp, 2 foil safety fuses which do not work simultaneously when the device is switched on, a switch, the slider of which slips over 4 lamellas, 2 alarm lamps connected 4n carallel w4th each fuse. ',7hen the switch is operated, the slider gets off the dead lamella and closes the electric load circuit causing the fuse to blow out. At the time, the alarm lamp ignites thus demonstrating visually the Dresence of current in the circuit. The construction and operation of the device are described in detail. There are 1~ diagrams, 1 photograph and 1 circuit. Card 1/1 RAYTSYN, I., prepodavatell Electrical easistant of a teacher. Prof.--t--kn, obr. 20 no.5, 3.3-15 MY 163. (XIMA 16;7) 1. Remealennoye uchilishche No,9,, Chelyabinsk. (Machinery.. Automatic) R 1% Y-'., YN , I , , F. re ava te 1 ' 9,~arch nnl finds, Prof.-tekh.obr. 21 no,3:9-11 Mr f64. Q/J'lA 17:4) 1. Gorodskoye pro fe ss Iona Pno- ~-k! iniche sk oye uchillshche No.2'), g.Chel,yabLnsk. RAYTSYN, I.,prepodavatell Apparattiz for demonstration of changes in the size of the r-agne-Lic field. Prof .-tekb.obr. 19 no.3:23-2.1+ 'Ir '62. (,MA -15:4) 1. Chelyabinskoye remeslennoye uchi-lishche No.9. (Physical instruments) A- ~.)/ /~ -/V, --z -. RAYTS" Laboratory exercises in electric engineering. Prof.-tekh.obr. 12 no.1:17-19 J 155. (MLRA 8:3) 1. Prepodavatell remeslennogo uchilishcha No.9 (g.Chelyabinsk). (Electric engineering-Study and teaching) (Technical education) ROTSYN, I.Z. (Chelyabinsk) -- ---- ------- - - --- - Instrument for demonstrating the effect of an induced resistance on the current and voltage in an alternating current circuit. Fiz.v shkole 20 no.4:76-77 Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Electric currents, Alternating) TALASHEV, A.A. , gornyy inzh.; RAYTSTII, M.D.. gornyy inzh. International conference of the working group of experts of member-countries of the Council of Mutual Economic Aid. Ugoll Ukr- 3 no.10:47 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) (Coal mines and mining--Congreases) 0 e a 0 0 -0 41 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 46~'040 'jM;G so 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 a 1 6 4 4 If it o M if Aj f: fil JI B X A X V JI If is It 3: At 36 31 36 P 31 Is 0 At 9 it 00 Is -a ~.O 0 0 Foulsion breaker. N. F. RAYuk. Sell 2. No~ 9-1(). "f3 MWO. -The rMuMon br%~AVcr C"nss..ts .1 "Ilms 13 in. 10119 and 5 and 3 in. wide, the latter bring -00 0 0 if cmcentrically placed in the former. The emu"m is 6 Pit-,rd through the jacketed 'P&CC formed by the 2 tubes n J d J'fcAm Is PAMed in countenvirrent to the oil through the 0 it nwr tube, The rmulsion is warmed to too' as it jus%es I., tuntge. where the crude oil sepi. from The water. 00 A. A. It-hilinek .00 BIDS 0 0 0 0 41. "00 .00 0 at 0 0 1"'0000 Its- 0 1; LiffIATUNI CLAIIWPCATM* 8. P cIdw 113-Or 0 4 . '; -I .-_ - - 4%1 1-.4 A D U S AV -0 ,oaod Kcs CT it at PALO nI its 01 0 4 0 0 0 * 0 & & 0 0 0 0 // P 0 0 0 0 0 K) DYSEWERY perati=il Experience of the Cabinct for Intestin-al Infections of the Urited Clinical Hospital", by C,F. Rayuk and Ye.A. Chernysheva, Sovetskoye Zdravookl-raneniye Kirgiz1q_j_WY-_r,_MaY- Jun, 1-957, pp 52-54. Of thu intestinal infections, dysentery is at present the focal point of attention of piLblic hz:alth organs, medical practitioners and scientific institutions, "The clinico-anatcuical concept of dysente- ry" has recently been expanded by Soviet scientists. It is attributed ~-,t forms of intestinal infcctions Which, not- to th,~ atypical and lip withstanding the f%ct th%t they are c-aused. by dyGenteric rod-shaped bacterium of the Sonne strain, had previously been considered as ha- ving a different etiology, But the atypic-ol, eroded forrils of acute, and especially chronic dysentery are the ones responsible for epide- mics. Thes,! diagnostics, however, render considerable difficulties to a practising physician, especially under infirmary-polyclinical con- ditions. Card 1/3 - 18 RAYT-Y!", TovLl: i-farkovich; SEp-vBRYjkjISKIY,, A.Ya-. red. [Analog coml;uter systems in autoratic control] Analc- govye vychislitelInye ustrolstva v avtcr.atike. Moskva, El.ergiia, 1965. 87 p. (Biblioteka po avtoriatike, no.138') Vurr~A 18:5) -ainirg wadle Fitch. t t na A I 165. KORZHENKOP L.I.; SHVE'1'3, V,13.; RAYUK, V.F. Eluvial soils of the Urals as founda'Aon for structures. Trudy NII prom.zdan.i soor. no-4:5-20 161. OARA 150) (Ural Mountains-Soll mechanics) RAYUK, V.F. Experimental study of the function of bent retaining walls. Trudy NII prom.zdan.i soor. no*4.-58-65 161. OMA 15:5) (Retaining walls) RAYUK, V.F~ & Experimental determination of aoil pressure on flexible retaining walls. Osn.., fund,i 3 no*2.-8-10 161. (MM 14:5) ,Retaining walls) A rJ-w r-7w.irm in q.,MT -p-m-14 V~ -4 ".W _Wlm ?--M P S.". ~j 11 -W .14 n -14-d J.. 1-.:n p i J. -4.4) 1 ."m W. -14-16 _. -4 -01) tv"WVX" A A '"t VT p vm,- A4.z.-t-n. ."q. f.- tq==, P.-I .". . t tat.., J. -14--d mua , Jr., I TW -1 -1 -M t- Itr"- J. ..A~jd j., 1;4-tp.;.Tw -0 -h -Ttr "TT2 .r a r A W IT. P-L" v I At Ma *4 1 lut J. flnvl" "M mn a .6 .40" 2rr -M-&, -Ut -T-ti.. p A21114"a -13 /A -171~ J- U-TV-9 M M-A J~v - n 2.-d" mt -ut A WIM- qs At -3-14 pn.44.1 tt-IT44=12 m P ode 9W.3. X=X 11 I'll" J" ... -W 40 A-M 4- .q, J. n-ttdd. m -M) rM."It -Z In low -.9" MlArrTb. swn n"l-M WS-1A -n-0- m j. --Tin -M -0 IWIVW~;% w -TV V_ _T_r.. on j- .-isi -y4 'U-P p ID StM-10 ... 1-9 .1-C Tqnnj -J%c BTM-q"g T -0 to. r-1) -S q-"j~nUd V -1 -Ife .9 ."1 ICE Pd. .1d -Inz qnft-na_ .d-,0 4-1 -ICE --nr--qid ak[ r Li P.. 7.m. 09,q.j v -r lz -"W --t-n X Q"- I- -i c j 17 2 !. *, -UT:.- -, T 3 , I . L . '34032 RAT.;",E~25, A.L. ItSTalr-,ianovskiy Den"' ( 0 r1i'lote Lel-torlye Dl.,,,c Staltanovtsev. Kombinat fli'r!,tsn.,,ry Pere ko-oll) Tekstil. ?ror~stl 194c.), No. 10, S. 4o-41 SO: LEPIC)?131 ZF:7JlR-'-TlALf'7,'j:S 3'7*. Y. TiL. 41, !~T37-1,rl IW~Q . - . I -Tal - I - .: - .-I . , I- ~-. - ~- '.-~ RAYUNETS.A.L. Increasing the length of tire cord. Tekst.prom.15 no.9:11-13 S'55- (Tire fabrics)(Cotton spinning) (KLRA 8:11) RAYUNM, A. L. Wetting agents for the wet twisting of cord. TekEt.Drom. 14 no.10: 47-49 0 154. (MLRA 7:10) (Cotton spinning) (Wetting agents) ~, , '.' - , , T , "s T! . - . L! - , , it. i . 23156 in T,-aktiki ~)rf-Az-iorjstva ;vrto*:corjzi. tellk~; ', i 1 - 19,45, Uj. 7, c. 21-23 FU : L -, ~'- I ". S :*)D. 31., 1?49 ACCESSION NR: AP4018290 S/0144164/000/001/0086/oogz AUTHOR: Benin, Y. L.; Ra ushkin, Y. A.; Rozhanskiy, L. L. Y_ TITLE: Calculating the external characteristics of a static electromagnetic frequency doubler that has a complex load and with an allowance for its higher harmonics SOURCE: IVUZ. Elektromekhanika, no. 1. 1964, 86-92 TOPIC TAGS: frequency doubler, frequency doubler characteristics, frequency doubler characteristics calculation, electromagnetic frequency doubler, static frequency doubler ABSTRACT: The proposed method is based on approximating the principal hysteresis curve by thiis hyperbolic sine: H =ash PB, where a. and p are coefficients that describe the quality of the core materlal. The resistance, primary and secondary leakage fluxes, hysteresis and eddy-current losses are Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4018290 neglected; the second and fourth harmonic currents in the d-c reactor are assumed to be practically nil. With these assumptions, two approximate eqaations are developed which link the instantaneous values of the currents and magnetic fluxes of higher harmonicB, and their respective phase shifts. The equations were solved on a "Strela" digital computer for a practical frequency- doubler case. The external characteristics thus obtained were compared with those experimentally arrived at and exhibited a much better agreement than the characteristics computed by rziethods already known. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, ZO formulas, and I table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: llApr63 DATE ACQ: 23Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: GE, EE NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 001 Card 2/2 RAYUSIEM, V.A., inah. Design of a static electromagnetic frequency doubler with optimm parameters for operation with a complex load taking fnt- accoLmt upper flow and current harmonies. Izv. v7s. ucheb. zav.; energ. 7 no.6:23-31 Je 164 OMIRA 17:8) 1. na--Ikovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni Lenina. Predsta7lena kafedroy elektricheskikh stantsiy. 80) SOV/105-59-5-15/29 AUTHOR: Rayushkin, V. A., Engineer TITLE: Calculating the No-load Operation of a 1requency Doubler (Raschet rezhima kholostogo khoda udvoitelya chastoty) PERIODICLL: Elektrichestvo, 1959, Nr 5, pp 66-67 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the secondary winding of the frequency doubler, the 3mf of the even-numbered harmonics are induced. The spectrum of these emf contains the second, fourth and higher even-numbered harmonics. The relationship between them depends, to a great extent, on the intensity of the feeding voltage and on that of the premagnetizing current (Ref 5). A relatively simple and practicable method of an analytical calculation. of the no-load process of a frequency doubler which permits the fourth harmonic to be considered is given here. In principle, it is not difficult to consider the higher harmonics, but their influence is usually unimportant. The calculation given here neglects the effective resistance and the fluxes of dis- persion force of the primary and secondary windings as well as the hysteresis and eddy-current losses in the cores. Be- sides, it is assumed that the choke connected to the circuit Card 1/3 of the premagnetizing winding offers such resistance that SOY/105-59-5-15/29 Calculating the No-load Operation of a Frequency Doubler the current with double frequency is practically missing in this circuit. It is assumed that the main magnetizing curve is approximated by the formula H - a sh P B, a and P being coefficients characterizing the quality of the magnet material composing the cores of the frequency doubler. This form of approximation permits the main magnetizing curve at a relative- ly weak nonlinearity to be expressed with sufficient accuracy in an analytical form. Formula (1) is given for themagnetic state of the core at a stabilizing idle running where the secondary winding of the frequency doubler is open. This equa- tion (1) is solved, and (2) is obtained. Only the second and fourth harmonics are considered, and formula (31, is obtained. The 9 , 92 and 94 contained in it arefound with the aid of the method of the least squares; formulas (4), (5) and (6). Figure 2 shows these functions in form of a diagram. The analysis gives the following results: 1) For the investigated range of the parameters 9 1 and h0, the amplitude of the fourth harmonic of the output voltage of the frequency doubler can amount up to 40~4 of the amplitude of the second harmonic. 2) At Card 2/3 an unchanged feeding voltage, i.e. at an unchanged 9 1 value, SOV/lo5-59-5-15/29 Calculating the No-load Operation of a Frequency Doubler the fraction of the fourth harmonic at the output voltage of the frequency doubler decreases with an increase in the pre- magnetizing current. 3) In the range of 91 - 5.5 - 6.5 at ho = 300 - 500,a maximum of 92/"l is present. This maximum is equal to 0-43 - 0,44- From formulas (5) and (6), the ef- fective voltage value at the output of the secondary winding of the frequency doubler can be determined: formula (7). - The relations put forward here were tested on a frequency doubler of electrotechnical steel E421 and the tests carried out confirmed that the fraction of the fourth harmonic at the output voltage increases with an increase in 0, at an unchanged ho. There are 3 figures, I table, and 8 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. Lenina (Kharlkov Polytechnioal Institute imeni Lenin) SUBUITTED: December 20, 1958 Card 3/3 BENIN, Vladimir Llvnvich, kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; RAYUSHKIN, Undimir Alek3eyevich, stqrshiy prepodavatell; ROMANSKIY, Lev Lazarevich, dotsent C,-ilculation of the external characteristics of a static frequency doubler feeding a complex load with consideration of higher harmonics. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; elektramekh, " no.l-.86-92 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Kafedra elektricheskikh stantsly Khar1kovtikogo politekhnIcheskogo inst~Ltuta (for Benin). 2. Kharlkovskiy politeklinicheskiy institut (for R4yiishkin, Rozhanskiy). RAYUSHKIKA, R.I. Root diseases of the tea plant in the upper Angren Valley. IZV.UZ.SSR no.11:102-104 156. (MIRA 14:5) (Angren Valley~--Tea) RAYUSHKINA. R.I. Fungi causing root rot in fruit seedlings. Izv. Ali Uz.SSR. Ser. biol. nauk no. 3:51-57 157. (MIRA 11:G) (Uzbekistan--Yungi,Pbytopathogenic) (Fruit--Diseases and ae3ts) (Root rot) RAYVC, M.N. Treatment of chronic cholecystitis using arpenal. Trudy LSGMI no.69:179-183 161. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Kafedra, propedevtiki vnutrennikh zabolevanly Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsinskogo instituta (zav. kafedroy chlen-korrespondent, AMN SSSR prof. S.M.Ryss). (ARPENAL) (GALL BIADDER-DISEASES) MFLIK-GAYKAZYAN, V.I.; BAYCHENKO, A.A.; VORONCHIKHINA, V.V.; LIVSHITS, G.L.; SOROKA, V.I.; IRAYVICH, I.D.; KHARKHARDIN, P.P. Emulsification of flotation oil reagents under industrial conditions and evaluation of the dispersion properties of the obtained emulsions. Koks i khim. no.3:9-13 164. (MA 17:4) 1. Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (for Voronchikhina). 2. Nikitovskaya ugleobogatitellnaya f-ibrika (for Rarrich). 3. Gorlovskiy koksokhimicheskiy znvod (for Kharkhardin). LIVSHITS G.L., inzh.; RAYVIGH I.D., inzh.; BARISHPOLETS, V.T., kand.tekhn. jVT)n-;-a1 Y7, nauk; KORYAKOV-Z B.A., kand.tekhn.nauk Increasing the number of flotation cells in the existing industrial *as of coal preparation plants. Ugbl' Ukr. 5 no.5:19-21 MY 161, (MIRA 14:5) 1. Nikitovskaya tsentralfnaya ugleobogatitellnaya fabrika. (Flotation) (Coal preparation plants) KANEVSKIY, V.P.j LEVIII, S.T.; LIBMIAN, M.L.; LIVSHITS, G.L.; RAYVICR, -I.D. SHKITIR, V.I. Concentration of slurries in a centrifugal force field, Koks. i khim. no. 3:15-18 161. (MIRA 14W 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut (for Kanevskiv. Levin, Liberman). 2. Nikitovskaya TSentraltnaya ugleobogatitellnaya fabrika (for Livshits, Rayvich., Shkitin). (Coal preparation) IV RAYVICHP M.A. Detormination of dust in furnace gaaes. Sbor. mat. po obm. .11 IV opyt. NIUIF no.12:8-9 159. (KRA 16:12) ,e~ -- " 1. Shchelkovskiy khimicheskiy zavod. L 55115-65 PmEssioN NR: Ap5o1671T ASSOCIATION: none. -00 kj- ac, suBm=: o4oct62 EML: 'SUB COM. let LCard--2/2 RAYVIDY V,V, Repeated epithelization of skin wounds in axolotls. Trudy KirgNOAGE no.2:29-32 16~. (MIRA 18. 11) 1. 1z laff3dry gigtologii (zav. - prof. A.A.Braun) KirgizBkogo g,c,aiid;m-sLvannogo meditsinakogo Instittita. ZEMLYANAYA, G.P., RAYVID, !J.V. CompFirative study of the healing of penetrating defoots in the webn in represintativen of the lowest and highest vertebraten, Trudy KirgNOAGS no.2.'32-34 165. (MIRA 18sil) 1. Tz kafedry glatologii (zav. - prof. A.A.Braun) Kirgizekago onudarstvennogo meditninskogo inatituta. i iz kafedry b1ologil av, - dotsent C&P.Zemlyanaya) Kirgizakogo zhenskogo podagogi- N cheskogo Institute. imeni Mayakovskowo. re of ths thyr-cid ~,if!nds ir, wethers of the Gisigar t tu t.,--Zed. Trudy KirgNOAGE rlc.2--~5-77 t65. (MIRA. I,3 hLeedry vistologii (zav. - prof. A,A.Braun') Kirgizakogo meditsiriskogc instituta i kafedry razvedeniya .Z.,v.r. - dotsenl~ ~13.Ijarpykhanov) Taizhilskogo salls~-.-Ahozyaystven- ncgc insti tuta. RAIVID, V.V. (Frunze, Kirgizskaya, SSR, u-1.Dobonbayeva,11W,,,dh.8) Stages in the post-traumatic regeneration of the skin in lower and higher vertebrates; comparative histological analysis. Arkth. anat. gist. i embr. 41 no.i2:64-74 D 161. WIRA 15:3) 1. Kafedra gistologii (zav. - prof. A.A. Braun) Kirgizakogo gosudarstverulogo meditsinskogo instituta, g.Frunze. (SKIN-WOUNDS AND INJURIES) (REGENERATION (BIOLOGY)) METAL'NIKOYS Mikhail Dmitriyevich; RAYVID, V.Y.,zed.; SMCHEITKO, F.Ta.. [War with invisible foes] Voina a nevidimymi vragami. Lenin- grad, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry, Leningr.otd-nie. 1960. 79 p. (MIRA 13:5) (]BACTERIOLOGY. HZDICAL) CHERVYA.KOVSKIY, Hikolay Yakovlevich; LIIJMO, S.I., red.; RAYVID, V.V., red,; RUI"A, H.S., tekhn. red. I [Short manual on emergency diagnosis and treatmnt of internal Idiseases) Kratkoe rukovodBtvo po neotlozhuoi diagnostike i terapii -rnutrennikh zabolevanii. Izd,4,, perer. Deningrad.] Gos. izd-vu med. lit-ry, Leningr. otd-nie, 1958. 209 p. (MM 11:10) (NOICIN3, 3XTXRNAL) CFMVYAKOVSKIY, Nikolay Yakovlevich; LIT 0, S.I., red.; RAYVID, V.V., red.; RULNVA, M.S., tekhn. red. i[Short mnual on emergency diagnosis and treatmnt of internal diseases] Kratkoe rukovodBtvo po nootlozhuoi diagnostike i terapii v-nutrennikh zal)olevanii. Izd.4., perer. [Leningrad] Gos. izdqa med. lit-ry, Leningr. otd-nie, 1958. 209 p. (MIRA 11:0 (KOIGIMB, M3RNAL) i x BHLOSHAPKO. Pavel Andreyevich, prof.; MM, Semen Mikhaylovich, prof.; RAYYID, Y.Y., red.; LIYSHITS, D.A., [Maternal welfare in the Soviet Union; 40th anniversary of the Great Octobar Socialist Revolution] Okhrnna materinstva v SSSRI k 40-letiju Yelikol Oktiabrlskoi sotsialisticheakoi revoliutsit. Clo3ning,red] Goo. izdrvo mod. lit-ry Medgiz. LenirWradskoe otd- nie. 1957. 20 P. NIRA 11:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSH (for Beloshapko) (MATERNAL AND INFANT VELFARE) I J UM/Medicine - Skin, Regeneration Nky 1948 Medicine - Burns "The Regeneration of the Skin of a Frog After a Btlrr~,' V. V. Rayvid, Inat of Itrperimental Mod, Aced Bel USSR, 4 pp -Dok Ak Nauk SSSR- Vol LI, No 4 Reports subject experiments. Burns of various depths ere inflicted on different parts of body and re- 4 generative processes observed. Stresses differences between regeneration in -m-le and amphibians. Submitted. 25 Feb 1948. 691 77T39 -ji I 7.L 1 " -1 . 7 . in the _~-:piuermds of "hite Molic~, with Intert,.dned z',-rlikh Adenocarcinoma," D A N S-R-7-R, ~,'! , lNc, 1, 1 , 1 ;5 -, RekonstruVtsita roki Kuxtni. LReconntruction of the Kuban river ,7. (Vodnyi transport, no. H, p. 17-1h, wan). DLC- HE561.R8 Rechnol transDort SSSR v novoi stalinskol latiletke. fRiver transportation in the -yea 'j. CMo s kva U.S.S.R. In the new Stalin fi7a r plan -7 Rechnol transport, 1946. 31 P. SO: Soviet Transnortation and Communication. A Biblio&raphy, Library of Congress, Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. - r 1 - :- , f ' - ' I . _. _' I ".' f - I . - . I -111117. ~ !IC- , , () - _-:~ - -nF- . ! "-,l( i:-- *':I,,, c , la. -E '_*CLIFTO . lk~ 1, .1. . . !,1! 1 !'~' t' I - r . - *_-I_._._I'- li.`-t:~ i, . 1-i-al-i-a' r A -~. 1~:- r, I*,"TT, ir,.J' I i '; ~11: *~' ` 5" -1 .' '. ne 53, (1 (_;tc):-,~ ~ 171-.-- -nil I nylrh Statey, " . -, -1 9L-9) ,-j )';' ~_ ~; . ~ 1~ , I I . .40 -~ I 1 7, 1 J,