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A Six-dimensional Riemannian Manifold, Its POL/45-18-4-7/8 Applications to Meso-electrodynamics, and a Systematizatio~ of Strongly Interacting Particles one-parameter group of gauge transformations is used, inter- pretable as rotations around a distinguished point (cf. Podolafiski (1950)). In one wa~,.thg Minkowski space may be defined-as a subspace with x x = 0. The author postulates: Physical laws have to be covariant only under transformations mapping the immediate neighborhood of x5.x6 - 0 upon itself. In the other way, the six-dimensional qpace is understood to be a four-dimensional manifold of such'ellipsoids so' that the four-dimensional manifold of the points P interpreted as the "Minkowski subspace"; in other words: The law,s.of physics have to be covariant only within the following subgroups:' all transformations in the Minkowski subspace and rotations about the symmetry axes of the ellipsoids. Due to these definitions the author con- cludes: A charged field is to be interpr ted a 86 a six-vector whoop only non-vanishing components are y9 and T . The electric charge (bosons or fermions) is a unit spin within Card 2/4 the electric surface. Geometrization of the electromagnetic V/ A Six-dimensional Riemannian Manifold, Its POL/45-18-4-7/8 Applications to Meso-electrodynamics, and a S.-,-stematization of*StTongly Interacting Particles field shows that any surface of rotational symmetry (to account for gauge invariance) and with a distinguished point (to account for the privileged role of the points forming the Minkowski subspace) introduces a curvature into the six- dimensional manifold. The third component of the isospin is interpreted by a rotation in the electric subspace,, Pions must be ps-scalar as this interaction is the most simple with a ps-scalar meson-field. It is furthermore shown that the strongly interacting particles possess three types of intrinsic momenta in the electric subspace, and that the electric charge is a resultant of them. A particle may be characterized simultaneously by two different spins: a space-like spin and a time-like si~in. The nucleonic charge is contributed by the isospin t1, the baryonic number 1 and the time-like spin (for nucleo rrl~).After a systematization of strongly interacting particles and discussion of the time- like spin, the author investigates the problem of rest masses Card 3/4 of heavy particles and concludes: The particle structure in A Six-dimensional Riemannian Manifold, Its POL/45-18-4-7/8 Applications to Meso-electrodynamics, and a Systematization of Strongly Interacting Particles represented by a three-dimensional rotator in the time-like space, but oriented in such a manner that its rotation takes place only In the plane (5.6). The sense of this rotation is such that it defines a left-handed (right-handed) screw for particles (antiparticles). There are 2 tables and 4 references. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Theoretical Physics, Jagellonian University, Krak6w, Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences SUBMITTED: March 13, 1959 Card 4/4 RAYSKI,-J. The left-handed neutrino and the universal Fermi coupling. p. 127 POSTEPY FIZYKI. (Polskle Tovarzystwo Fizyczne) Warszawa, PolwA Vol. 10, no. 2, 1959- Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9., no. 2, Feb. 1960 (tnel. T~"t.-Gry Of Ilulde AIY5-c~ ,j_tj Mbs Jour 0i, T4 82756 9S_00 P/0,15/60/019/003/010/010 B022/BO7O AUTHOR: Rayski, J. TITLE: Non-linear Equations for Spinor Fields PERIODICAL: Acta Physica Polonica, 1960, Vol. 19, No. 3, PP. 409 - 411 TEXT: The present paper is devoted to the problem of determining a plausible type of non-linearity for spinor fields. The author recalls that at the present stage of development of theoretical physics gravitation plays a distinguished role. Being completely amalgamated with geometry, the theory of gravitation is free from arbitrary and simplifying assumptions to a degree surpassing by far the other field theories. And just the equations of gravitation are non-linear, and the form of their non-linearity is well determined. This fact is cited in favor of the opinion that the linear equations constitute only the first approximations valid in the limit of weak fields; this gives a hint regarding the problem of determination of the proper form of non-linear field equations since there may exist an analogy between the type of non-linearity encountered in the equation of gravitation and in the Card 1/2 82) 7 56 Non-linear Equatiuns for Spinor Pields P// 045/60/019/0C,3/01o/010 B022/BO70 equation of other fields. Since Lagrangians for different fields have to be added to the Lagrangian of gravitation, there should exist some relationship, some analogy, between the two Lagrangians, otherwise, their union -mould be artificial, says the author. Since the curvature is expressible in terms of Christoffel symbols and their first derivatives, the analogy between the Lagrangian of spinor fields and the curvature may consist in the fact that there exist some analogs of these symbols and the Lagrangian for the spinor field is the same function of these analogs as the curvature is of the Christoffel symbols. The author finds that the procedure would be to replace the derivative a ~O in the Christoffel symbol by -mr4T~L according to the two concepts of velocity for spinor field Ir 4 V, particles, and a subsequent transition to the densities X The plausible form of the spinor field Lagrangian obtained is aT 7!1 where 6C)c is the coupling constant of gravitation and k is another con- 0, stant with dimension lcm~iin natural units h = c = 1. There are 2 non-Soviet references: 1 US and 1 Dutch. Card 2/2 'i 111 r, Al ~;~% . RAYSKI, Jerzy 1j' I Conservation laws and fern-equiTalence in general relativity. Act& physica Pol. 20 no.7:509-515 t61. lo Institute of Physics, %Tagellonian University., Krakowo RAYSK:L'-' J -- I 1 0 Conservation laws in general relativity. Bul Ac Pni -at 9 no.l: 33-37 1610 1. Institute of Physics, Jagellonian University, Cracow and Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. Presented by L. Infeld. (Relativity(Pbysics)) RAYSKI., Jerzy Localization of energy and quantization diFFII'Mr."gravitational 'field. Acta physica Pol 21 nc.2:99-109 F 162. 1, Institute of Physicsp JageUonian University,, Krakow. 78 i CY / i P/045/621/021/0' C12/0-'DI/007 B137/BI02 ayski, Jerzy C the gravitational L~.-tiizat-)n ~,if enerjy and quantization ot T I I d ER.*~,DICAL: Acta Phys:ca Polonica. v nei 2, ',",62, 9r" - i09 ~..XT: -ntroducinjy a one-parametric family of space-like m;nimal hyper- surfaces in -eneral relativity a time coordinate is defined so that one and only one hypersurface of the family goes through every point of the Ma'111foll All infinity the hypersurface goes over into a hyperplane The quao;--inertial frames of reference, defined by those families of hyper- slirfac~s, corre~ioond to the inertial frames of reference in special re:a- tivity under the following restrictions: The manifold must be singly- conne-.,ted, the metri-I must be sufficiently regular and must become flat suff!~;i_Ently rapidly when going to infinity in space-like directions, T~',-s means a concentration of the sources of the ~ravitatiorai field in a lini-,e domain and also a spatial restricti,,)n of the gravitati-oral- wave ,ackets. A family of space-like minimal hypersurfaces is defined by a 33781 P/045//62//02 I /_`021100 1 /0-37 1 B137 B102 on! r Lhe j%r;tmieter can be considered to be a t1me 1 1 ri Class of coordinates constitutes a natural "'al n n E, r t _a 1Ind rectilinear coordinate systems In ~)rder er ve the :onservaL4 on laws for energy and momentum. the author de- f ine3 enerC_y-momentum as generators of infinitesimal translations of quasi-planar coordinate systems Energy and momentum defined in this way pGssess a covariant meaning and are strictly lor-alizabie in general rela- ''Vit"', A canonical formulation and also a quantization of the gravila- .2onal field is obtained, where the La~rangian contains an arbitrary func- ,--,n cnly cf tte space coordinates but not of the time coordinate This means a clear seDaratijn of stationary from dynamical effects. The field is derived. ~o which further of the gravitational -, L Hamillt-.nians for electromagnetic. spinor. and other fields can be added Tr.e cpjan-lizati--jn of the gravitational field is relatively simple when faklng advantage of the quasi-inertial coordinate systems, As a conse- quence of the q.~ant:zation, the existence of gravitons becomes a physIcal rea'---t.." There are 3 non-Soviet references.. .1SSC,-]'_1`AT1G,1 !Inst-Itute of Physics of the Jagiellonian University 33781 P/045/62/021/002/0-31/0-07 Localization of energy and .. B137/'BI02 SUB.,,'.ITTED: June 28. 1961 0 bard 31/3 x U,'f '7. 1 ,Tir -y A profirim, of piar' ization of the grani tatirnal- fi,~Id ~ t r, physila I)CI 2il r,-.1:129-134 Jl 164~ 1. In3tittil,3 -X Tliftoretictil Physics, Jajifillonlan ~Iriivf-rnity, K ral- ~ ~,4 , RAYSKIJ, Jerzy Two kinds of neutrino. Acts, physics Pol 22 no-5:429 N 162, 1. Institute of Theoretical Physics,, Jagellonian University,, i Krakow. RAYSKI, Jerzy 111~1 , - ~ AL note on quantization and Interpretation of geDeral theory of relativity, Acta physica Pol 22 no-5:431-433 N 162. 1. Institute of Theoretical Physicss Jagellonian University,, Krakow. RAYSKI, Jerzy Unified field thecry and modern physics. A~~ta physica Fcl- 27 no.1:89-97 165. 1. Department of Theoretical Physics of Jagiellonian University, Krakow. Submi. tted Tj ine 9, 1964. ve r ri C, Ar, Vp i )9 lhy3'~-s cf pa, in HAYS 3F. I ,H., mpr inz. The problem of deep quays in the seaport combine Szczecin-Swinciiiscie. 1~ Tech aosp morska 15 no.3:SuPD1:Bilil techn BPBM no.12:45-46 mx, '65. 1. Main Port Laboratory of the Design Office for Maritime Constructions, .A-mikl. RAYSKI, Ryszard, mgr inz. Ferryboat harbor in Swinemande for transportation purposes, Poland-Sweden. Tech gosp morska 14 no. 7:Suppl.:Biul techn BPBM no. 9;29-31 11 164. 1. Main Seapor' %aboratory, Design Offficrs of Marit'Llne Construction, Gdansk. ACC NR: AF?000004 SOURCE CODE.- UR/0070/66/011/006/0933/0935 ~UTHOP: Sysoyov, L. A.; Timan, B. L.; Gershun. A. S.; Rayskin, E. K.; Konvisar, L. V.1 Komar', V. K. OPG: All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Monocrystalz, Sctntillators and Extra Pure Chemical Kqtorials (Vsosoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatelinkiy institut monokrJata13zv, stsintillyatsionnykh materialov i osobo chistykh ~himicheskikh Veshchestv) TITLE: Groving cadmium sulfide crystaln for ultrasonics amplification SOURICE: Kristallografiya, v. il, no. 6, 1966, 933-935 TOPIC TAGS: single crystal growth, semiconductor single crystal, cadmium sulfide, ultrasonic$ amplification, photosensitivity, dark current, amealing, crystal orientation ABSTRACT- Conditions were determined for growing CdS monocrystals w-ith optimum properties for ultrasonic wave amplification. F4uipment was designed for groie-ng crystals from a malt under inert gas at several hundred atmospheres presslire, roving ;the container with the crystallizing material through a high temperature zone. The :cadmium and sulfur to be used contained about 10-j4% oxygen and about 10-5% of other iimpurities; cadmium was used in excess, and most of it was removed by zone :purification, Dark resistance and photosensitivity were increased --nd therrAl strosses- iin the monocrystal were removed by annealing in a bed of fine crystalline CdS pow~ler I L(~a-r d 1 UDCs 548.52 ACC NR- AF7000004 :undor 112S at atnosphar c pressure for 24 hours at 13230K "rrr ar. ealinz t.-'6 da-rk d could be changod by j05'0~ t by ,resistance was 5 x 10 ohm- cm an i o n T 1he quAlity of the hexagonal CdS crystal of wurtzite structure gro-,,T parallol to tn5 C- axAs deponds on its orientation with respect to the melt: surfa-, 3s terminatinj_- in a .Cd atoms lead to the desired monocrystal; 3 atoms result In defectiva polycrys-Lals. Orientation can be determined by exan.1-iation of the piezoelectric effect and ~_-ha type of atell pits of the base planes (0001) and (OOCF1). Optimum growth was obtained with a temperature gradient of 3-5 degrees/mm at the crystallization fronL; crystal. Gro,,,rth at :10-12 =/hr. Examination of a CdS crystal grown under these conditilons showed It was ~suitable for amplifying ulttasonic waves. It was established the -increased. noise ,level at ma-xim= P7.plificatio'n was not associated with transmission of ths ultrasonic 1 ,waves through the crystal. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. ;,'SUB-CODEs 20/ sm DATE: igjui64/ cRiG REFs 001/ OM FMS 003 1 ACC NR-. Jill'/003529 ( A ) SOURCL' COD,~-: Uq/0363/67/003/002/0390/0391 AUTHOR: Sy~;oyov, L. A.; Payz;kin, 1E. K.; Gur'yev, V. R. ORG: All.-Uni-on Sclontific Research ln~~tituta of Singlo Cryst'als, Mharko--r (Vre--oyuznyy nauchno-i~;slodovatol'skiy ins,titut monokristallov) TITLE;: Moasurement of the moV(Ang -ooints of zinc and cadmium sulfides, Selonides and tellurides SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izventiya. Neorganichaskiyo materialy, v. 3, no. 2, 1967, 390-391 TOP1C TAGS; zinc sulfide, cadmium selenide, cadmium sulfide, cadnivvi telluride, zinc compound, nelting point I ABSTRACT: 'hie authors checked earlier therimogra-ohic measurements of the nelting and cryst-allization points of ZnS, 70o, ZnTe, CdS, CdSe and CdTej using a tube comDres- sion furnace at Dressuras of 10-20 leln/n2 of argon. An E-PP-09-1/10 multirange record- ing potcntiometer with scales from 0 to 1,70 mV and a -orecision of 0.05% was c~mployed. The ii,,elting points were determined to within "�100C. Use of the refined data viade it possible to grow high-quality single cry.5tals 'fron the molt. 161easuremoryt of the mol-tin- points of ZnSe, ZnTo and CdTo at different pressures shows only a slight rise of the molting point with increasing -pressure and indicates the'. the specific Volume of the i;iatorials decreases upon their crystallization. In conclusion, authors thank Card ---. -- I./2 UDC: ACC NR: tz/00a529 V. M. Andrcycv for providing various samples of starting materials. Orig. art. has: I table. SUB CODE: 0?/ SUBM DATE: 06Jur,66/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 004 Card 2/2 1. RAISKIN, I. A., ENG. 2. USSR (600) 4. Cranes, Derricks, Etc. 7. Combined use of cable scaffolds and tower crane. Biul. stroi. tekh. 9 no.20, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. 1. TRAYSKIii, 1. A. LNG. 2. UsM (600) 4. Scaffolding 7. Combined used of cable scaffolds and to er crane. Biul. stroi. tckh. 9 no. 20, 152. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January 1953. Unclassified. RAY A IN, I.A., inzh. Construction of the "28000 rolling rill at the Orek-Khalilovo Iron and Steel Combine. Prom. stroi. 38 no.8:4-8 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Nachallnik k-nipleksa stroitellstva stana. "2800". (Orsk-Kh,alilovo-Rolling mills) RATSKINA, M. Use equipment to full capacity. Fin. SSSR 37 no.8s20-23 Ag 163. (KRA 16:9) (Chemical industries-Industrial capacity) TRET'YAKOV, Mikhail Nikolayevich; RAYSKIE, I.G., red.; ZHITNIKOVA, O.S., tekhn. red. [Electronic relays and their applications'. Elektronnye rele i ikh primenenie. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 173 p. (Biblioteka po avtomatike, no.87) (MIRA 17:4) SAMOYLOVA, Z.T.; HAYSKINA, M.Ye.; KHODAS, I-I.Ya. (Moskva) Significance of disorders of the heart blood supply in the mechanism of death from myocardial infarct in dogs with atherosclerosis. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 7 no.4: 22-26 R-Ag 163. (VIRA 17:9) 1. Iz kafedry patofiziologii (zav.- prof. S.M. Leytes) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniva vrachey. RAYSKINA, M. Te. H.vocardial metabolism. Uap. sovrem. biol. 33 no.2:173-201 Har- APr 1952, (CIXL 22:2) 1. Moscow. RAISKINA, M.Te. Iffect of extracar(liae nerves on the heart Part 3. Favlov's reinforcing nerve. Biul. eksp. biol. i mod. 37 no.6:16-24 J1 54. (MLIRA 7:8) 1. Iz kafedry patologichaskoy fixtologii (zar. prof. A.M.Ch&rnyy) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershonstvovaniya vrachey (dir. V.1. lebedeva) (Heart, innervation. reinforcing nerve regulating force of cardiac contractions) I Ntl ~ 'S K I N I IN) T - ~. USSR/Biology - Physiology FD-2259 Card 1/1 Pub 17-10/20 Author Rayskina, M. Ye. Title The electrocardiogram and the cardiac muscle content of glycogen and high energy phosphorus in experimental hypertonia Periodical Byul. eksp. biol. i med. 3, 36-40, March 1955 Abstract Investigated the change in the functional capability of the heart in hypertonia in relation to the cardiac muscle content of glycogen, phosphocreatine, and adenosine triphosphoric acid and compares this data with changes in the electrocardiogram. Tables; graphs; electro- cardiograms. Six references; 4 USSR, 2 since 1940 Institution: Chair of Pathological Physiology (Head-Prof. P. D. Gorizontov) of the Central Institute for Improvement of Doctors (Director - V. P. Lebe- deva), Moscow Submitted July 5, 1954 by S. Ye. Severin, Member of the Academy of Medical Sci- ences USSR RAYSKINA, M.Ye., kandidat meditsinakikh nauk (Moskva) Ilectrocardiographic changes following stimulation of the great cardiac nerve. Klin. mad. 33 no-9:57-63 S '55. (MLRA 9:2) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheakoy fiziologii (zav.-prof. P.D. Gorizontov) TS~ntrallnogo institute, usovershonstvayaniya vrachey (dir. V.P. Lebadeva) (BRART, innervation, Pavlov's reinforcing nerve, off. of stimulation on BCG) (KMTROCARDIOGRAPHY. off. of stimulation of Favloy's reinforcing nerve of heart) w ncy PhQ!tomttloo of the heart in car [Re B. ina (Centrd Post-OnJuale Med. last-- MO'-.tlb! ; M, ByuU. Msiqt. Bid. iMrd. 39. Nlc~. 0, 404LIMF 4 ecr6k of ph sphocrea ine was found a, No sharp 4 t WuMdency. Mirldn RAYSKINA, M.S. Metabolism of phosphorus compounds In the heart by means of radioactive phosphorus. Report ao.l: Intensity of phosphorus metabolism in the myocardium of a dog. Biul.okep.biol. I med. 41 n0.3:46-49 Mr 156. (MLRA 9:7) 1. Iz kafedry patofiziologii (zav.-prof. F.D.Gorizontov) Ttentrall- nogo Instituta usovershenetvovantya vrachey (dir. V.P.Lebeaeva), Moskva. Fredstavlena daystv-itellnym chlenom AMN SSSR S.Ye.Severinym. (MYOCARDIUM. metab. phosphorus, daterm. with radioactive phosphorus in dogs) (PHOSPHORUS, metab. in myocardium, determ. with radioactive phosphorus in dogs) (PHOSPHORUS. radioactive in determ. of phosphorus metab. in myocardium in dogs) RAYSKINA N 3 --SAMOYLOYA. Z.T. Effects of I.F.Favlov's accelerator nerve on coronary circulation. 42 no.6:3-7 JS 156. (MLRA 9:9) 1. 1z kafedry patologichaskoy fiziologii TSentrallnogo institute usoversheastvovaniya vrachey (dir. V.P.Lebodeva) I laboratorii patologicheskoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. V.V.Parin) Institute terapii AMN SSSR, Moskva. Predstavlena deystvitelfnym chlenom AME S.SBR A.L.Kyasnikovym. (RIART, innervation Pavlov's accelerator nerve, off. of stimulation on coronary circ. in dogs. BCG) (AlACTROCARDIOGRAPHY, off. of stimulation of Pavlov's accelerator nerve on coronary circ. In dogs) BONDARNITKO, M.F.; RAYSKIKA, Effect of PavlovIe accelerator nerve on myocardial proteins. Biul. eksp.biol. i med. 42 no.8:39-42 Ag 156. (KLRA 9:11) 1. Iz kafedry patofiziologii (zav. - prof. nogo instituta us over she na tvova niya vrachey Predstavlana dystvitelln7m chlenom AMN SSSR (KYOCARDIUM, metabolism. proteins, eff. of stimulation of nerve of heart (Rua)) (RIM, innervation.' Favlov's reinforcing nerve, eff. myocardial proteins (Rus)) (KUSCIA PROTEINS. metabolism, myocardium. eff. of stimulation nerve of heart (Rue)) P.D.Gorizontov) TSentrall- (dir. V.P.Lebadeva), S.Ye.Severinym. Favlov's reinforceing of stimulation on of PavlovIe reinforcing Z~.T"' KHODAS, M.Ya' -)f rena` 'ne, noradrenzlin-- and acetyl&.oline on he Olyg--~n halance of the heart. following a ligation of r-he sorsriax-y artery. Pat. fiziol. I eksp. terap. 9 naj-,16-20 165. (MIRA 18zq) 1. Kafedra patologicheskoy filziologii (zav.- prof. S.M. Leytes*- 'r4ent,rallziogo 1nstituta usovershenstvovanlya vrachey, Moskva, -~ K I N A - ~ - . : t ; , ,-,.; I I, .; ; ~!l m -r- ~ I ~-l ~ ~ y ;- V' ~ - ~ , V. . Y ~l . ; 1, . I ~L ~,. - 11 Measurewent ar.2, dynamic recording of :,he P,-- C-, ia in-vivo experimert.5 by .',-c- potentiometri~: me*-',od, 'in no.3.49r-499 '65. ' ' I t~-,#~4~ , , ingt'llut terapil AMN SESR, K-,skva. Sub,rittted Cc". 5, 1 .1 yc- -ICN; C.- L-'T n MI, ~L 53710-65 WOW64/058/003/0346/0366 - ACCESSION M AP5017146 7- AUTHOR: Moscow) TITO: Biochemical paths of regulation of cardiao 'activity by the ziervotts system SOURCEt Uspekhi sovremennoy biologut V* 38, no.~ 39- 19649 Y#6-%6 ,cardiovascular syBteml, nervous system TOPIC TAGS: biochamist;7t cardidlogyl . 'Abstracts The present-day status. of xese4rch~-on the biochemical mechan- ' isms c of the regulation of cardiac-,a tivity' by the nervous system its ' arious, experlmental~work in v previewed with particular attention to which aspects of changes in the metabolism of the heart arising on introduction,~ :of acetylcholine or catecholamines were investigated.' The action of ace-! Aylcholine on the heart is discussed from-the standpoint of results obtained by Kh. S; Koshtoyantst et al., to the.effect that an groups raction of a Ge 0 ~parttcipate In the inte' cetylcholine with off tor e'lls in ,-Athe'myocardium. The correctness of theassumption by W.' Raab of an 02- iBaving effect or acetylcholine, o'n-the heart Is disputed,in vi ew of the i:- author I a own experimental results demonstrating that a negative 02 balance ' [in established in the myocardium under the action of acetylcholine* n t that Inhibition of the4eamposition of lySo on -I the LA 9 -- - - CqM-4 I ACCESSION NR: AP501n46 TO lmyocardium under the action oi,acet7icholtne' tikes plea*-:In0 eii4ative, .(respiratory) rather than anaerobic stageor Sty-cogen witabolieu-S ASZOCIATroNt nono :' SUBMITZED: 00 - SUB dODtt US EMCL: 00. No P"'Ww 0 36 3-:- 02=2 09 . . . . i Card RAYSKINAI M.Ye.1 doktor med. nauk (4 Acid-base equilibrium within the organism and its disorlers while under di*Ahesia. Trudy TSIU 59:11-26 163. (MIf,A 1'1: 9) 1. Kafedra Patofiziologii 'ISentrallnogo institut"a u3overshenstvovaniya vrachey (zav. prof. S.M. Leytes). !IJAVISKA A, :-,.Y,~ ~ ; L~;, '."'YLOV.4 , 'Z. .'F, ; Effect o~' cn tLe `a--ance ,' Farm. -i tck3. -~7 ri,-..':451--.'54 JI-Ag 164, ( M TRA 17 -. i '- ,)' 1. Fafedra ratcfiziologii (zav. - prof. S.M. Lcytes) TSentrall- nogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey, Moskva. RAYSKINA, M.Ye. (Moskva) Biochemical pathways for the nervous regulation. Usp. sovr. biol. 58 no. 3:346--366 N-D 164. (KRA 18il) 77AY'S.K.-LN'n', M. Y,,~- i :;A!-VY!J I m p c) r - r, it n c e .0 If Ql i 3 0 1- r Z~ the jeath mechan-i2m rvLrinil s-V- t kin. infar ion. Trudy ina 4' Kafelva i ,istwershenstw)-tan-'pa RAYSKRIA M. Ye. - KHODAS, M. Ya., SAM01MVA, Z.T. SiMifi:~an,:z- of blood supp'Ay disorders of the hea--t in -the m(!--.hnn1:;m of dwitr. during , the acute stage of myocardial infar--4-, Kardiojogiia 3 no."'z-45-50 J-1-Ag,16.1 (MMI 3-70) 1~ 1z kafedry ( 7av~ - prof~ S.M. LeTtes) TSentrallnogc instituta uqcver5'nenstvovnr1J1~u in-ar-,hey. KHODAS, M.Ya. (Mbskva); SHMELIOVICH, L.B. (1-foskva); RAY.IKD-.'A, M-Ye. (Moskva); S2,10YLOVA, Z.T. Nbskva) Determination of oxygen tension in the myocardium by po- larography. Pat. fiziole i ekspe terapo 7 no,2:73-76 Mr-AP'63- (MIRA 16:10) 1. Iz kafedry patofiziologii (zav. - prof. S.M.Tey-tes) TSentrall- nogo instituta usavershenstvovaniya vrachey. (I]EART-14USGI,E) (OXYGEV nT THE BODY) RAYSKB-.'A, N. ye.; SAMOYLOV, Z.T.; KHODAS M. Ya. (Moskva) Few data on the effect of adrenaline and noradrenaline on the supply of oxygen to the heart. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 7 no.2:39-26 Mr-Ap'63. (MIRA 16z10) 1. 1z kafedry patofiziologii (zav. - prof. S.M.Taytes) TSen- traltnogo instituta usovershenst7ovaniya vrachey. (HMT-BLOOD SUPPLY) (OXYGEE III THE BODY) (ADRENALD,'E) . RAYSKDTA,jIin,- Yevgenlyevna; GRODTTSKIY, D.E., red.; BELICHIKOVA, Yu.~-. - -- i-6kiii.-te-d-.I-- [Biochenistz:v of the nervous regulation of the heart]Biol-.hi- vdia nervnoi reguliatsii serdtsa. Moskma, 'Vedgiz, 1962. 318 p. (MIRA 15-9) (NERVES, CA:MIAC) C1101M, Abram Farkovich (deceased]; BlAUMERELID, L.A.; KitASOVITSKAYA, S.E.; USPENSKIY, V.I.; GORIZONTOV, F.D., prof., red.;.~~INA, .,-red.; BELICHIKOVA, Yu.S.p tekhn. red. [Pathophysiology of hypoxic conditions) Patofiziologiia gipoksiche- skikh sostoianii. 2.izd., posmertno perer. Pod obshchei red.P.D.Go- rizontova. Moslcva, Medgiz,1961. 342- p. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Ghlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Gori- zontov). (ANOMIA) (OXYGEN-TIMAPEUTIC USE) RAYSKIRAJ, Me.; SAMOYLOVA, Z.T.(Moskva) Nervous influences on the blood coagulation rato in experimental arteriosclerosis. Pat.fiziol.i eksp.terap. 5 no.1:40-46 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy fiziologii, (zav. - chlen-*korrespondent A141 SSSR prof. P.D.Gorizontov) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershen- stvovaniya vrachey. (ARTERIOSCLER06LS) (BLOOD-COAGUIATION) (NEWOUS SYSTEM., SMAPATHETIC) PLATSKINA, H.Te. Creatine phosphate in the heart ih cardiac insufficiency. Biul. okep.biol. I wed. 39 no.6:40-42 Je '55. (NTAA 8:10) 1. Is kafedry patologicheskoy fiziologli (sav.-prof. P.D. Gori- Sontoy) TSentrallnogo inatituta usovershenstyovaniya. vrachey (dir. V.P. Labodeva). Moskva. OffOCAIRDIUM. metabolism. creatine phosphate. in cardiac insuff.) (CRVATI H9, phosphate in mWocardium in cardiac insuff.) (HXM DI SNASIC, insuff.,nVocardial creatine phosphate in) USSR/'Medicine Cardiovasular System Card 1/1 17, i0/19 Author Rayskina, M. Ye. Title The presence of creatin insufficiency phosphate in the heart during cardiac Periodical Byul. eksp. biol. i med. 6, W-42, June 1955 Abstract Investigation has shown that the creatin phosphate content varies (decreases) during pathological conditious of the heart. Author also found in her own experiments with experimental hypertension in rabbits that both the creatin phosphate content and the glycogen content decreased in the heart muscles while the content of adenosin- triphosphoric acid remained unchanged. She concludes that cardiac insufficiency is related to a sharp decrease of creatin phosphate in the heart. This is in agreement with the generally accepted findings of other authors, but not with that of A. Wollenberger who claims that cardiac insufficiency is related not to a decrease in the forma- tion of phosphorus compounds in the heart but to decreased utilization of the energy of phosphate bonds. 6 references, 1 USSR, 2 since 19~1, graphs, table. Institution Chair of Pathological Physiology (Head Prof. P. D. Gorisontov) Central Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians (Dir. V. P. Lebedeva), Moscow Submitted 5 July 54 RAYSKIIIA. M.Yo. Studying cardiac metabolism of phosphorus compounds with the aid of radioactive phosphorus. Report 110-3. Effect of Pavlov's reinforcing nerve on the rate of metabolism of high-energy pho phorus compounds under normal and pathological conditions of the he:rt (with SUMMAZY in English]. Biul.ekep.biol. i med. 44 no.12:62-65 D 157. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz kafedry patofiziologii (zav. - prof. F.D.Gorizontov) TSentrall- nogo institute usovershenstvovanlya vrachey (dir. V.P.Lsbedeva). Moskva. Predstavlona deystviteltnym chlenom Affli BSSR S.Ye.Severinym. (HEART. innervation. Pavlov's reinforcing nerve, off. of stimulation on myocardial ATP & phosphoreatine (Rue)) (MYOCARDIUM, metabolism. ATP & phoBphocreatine. off. of stimulation of Pavlov's reinforcing nerve (Rue)) (ADERYLPYROPHOSPRAGE, metabolism. myocardium, eff. of stimulation of Favlov's reinforcing nerve (Rua)) (GOIWZYM. phosphocreatine in myocardium, eff. of stimulation of Pavlov's reinfording nerve (Rua)) RAYSKINA, M.Ye. Affect of extracardiac nerves on the heart. Part 2; Iffect of sympathetic nerves on the functional state of the heart, Bjuj. ekep.biol. i med. 37 no.4:17-23 Ap '54. (MMA 7:7) 1. Iz kafedry patologichookoy fixiologii (zav. prof. A.M.CharVy) TSentrallnogo institute. unoversbenstyovaniya vrachey (dir. T.F. Lebodeva), Koskya. (HICA , physiology, *off. of stimulation of sympathetic nerves) (SYMPATHITIC NARVOUS SYSTAM, physiology, *off. of stimulation on heart) RAYSKINA, M.Ye. Iffect of extra-cardiac nerves on the heart. Part 1. Zffect of the vague nerve on functional state of the heart. Bjul.eksp. biol.1 mad. 37 no.2:22-28 F 154. MBA 7:6) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheekoy fiziologii. (zav. prof. A.N.Charnyy) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (dir. V.P. Lebadeva), Moskva. (HMRTv physiology, *eff. of stimulation of vague nerve in dogs) (KERVIS, VAGUS, physiology. *eff. of stimulation on heart in dogs) RAYSKINA, M.Ye; CHARNYY, A.M., professor, zaveduyushchiy. Iffect of morphine and morphine-hexenal narcosis upon the heart in dogs. Farm.i toks. 16 no-3:15-21 My-Je '53. (Ml-RA 6:7) 1. Kafedra patologicheskoy fiziologii TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenst- vovaniya vrachey. (Narcotics) (Heart) ILAYSKINA. N.Ye; GHAIWYY, A-14.. professor, suveduyuuhchiy. Xffect of morphine and morphine-hexenal narcosis upon the heart in dogs. Farm.i toks. 16 no.3:15-21 My-Je '53. (W-RA 6:7) 1. Xafedra patologicheskoy fiziologii TSentrallnogo inatituta usovershenst- vovaniya vrachey. (Narcotics) (Heart) RAYSKINA. M.Ye. Metabolism of a high-enerrZr phosphorus compounds in the heart. 5 no.2:83-97 Mr-Ap '59. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Chair of Pathophysiology, Central Institute for Postgraduate Medical Training. Moscow. (MYOCARDIUM. metab. ATP & phos~hocreatine in exper. animals (Rua)) (ADNNYLPYROPHOSPHATE, metab. heart, in exper. animals (Rus)) (COEITZYMS, phosphocreatine in heart in exper. animals (Rus)) hAYSKINA YE. M. USSR (600) Heart Metabolism of the Cardiac muscle. Usp. sovr. b101 33 No. 2, 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August -1951, Uncl. 2 RAYSKINA, M. Ye., Doc Med Sci -- (diss) "Effect of the vegetative nerves on the exchange of matter and on the function of the heart under conditions of normal health and of pathology." Moscow, 1960. 22 pp; (Ministry of Public Health USSR, Central Inst for Advanced Training of Physicians); 250 copies; price not given; list of authors' work on pp 21-22 (15 entries); (KL, 25-60, 138) SAMOYLOVA, Z.T.: RAYSKINA, M.Ye. (MoBkva) Hamobarostat an apparatus for maintaining arterial pressure at a constant level. Pat.fiziol. i skop.terap. 3 no.6:65-68 N-D 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Is laboratorti patologichaskoy fiziologil Instituta terapil AHN SSSR (direktor - daystvitellnyy chlon ANN SSSR prof. A.L. YTasnikov) i Imfedry patofiziolopit (zaveduyushchiy - chlon-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. P.D. Gorizontov) TSentrallnogo institute. usovershonstvovaniya vrachey. (CARDIOLOGY equip. & supplies) (BLOOD PRESSM) RAYSKWA, M.Ye., Energy pattern of the heart. Zdorovle 4 no.11:3-5 H 158. (m ART) (141RA 11:11) RAYSKINA, M.Ye. (Moak-ve) Xffoct of the augmentor nerve on a diseased heart [with summary in Sngliahl. Pat.fiziol. i ek-sp.terep. I no.6:2D-27 N-D 157. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy fiziologii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMU SSSR P.D.Gorizontov) T6entrallnogo institute usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (dir. V.P.Lebedeva) (HURT, innervation, reinforcing nerve. off. in pathol. cond. (Rua)) (',Rl(;OIIIYF,V, 1l.; Klff LOV, V. ; IUMIT, IL. , mekhanik. Preventive maintenance of equipment. Mulc.-elav. prom. 25 no.9:27 S '59. 041RA 12:12) 1. Odesalmye oblastnoye upravleniye khleboproduktov (for GrIgorlyev. Krylov). 2. TSekh Kuybyshevskogo mellkombina, (for Rayakiy). (Grain-handling machinery-Ktintanance and repair) RAY~~IY . kandidat podagogicheskikh nauk (g. Stalingrad). The program on the "fundamentals of industry" needs to be revised. Politakh. obuch. no-5::16-24 My 157. MRA lo.-6) (Technical education) :UYSKIY, Boris Fedorovich; AGAFONOV, A.Ye. red.; KREYS, I.G. _U - --,- 1 .9 1 --- ekhn. -r6df. (Technical and work training of the senior grade students] Politekhnicheskaia i trudovaia podgotovka uchashchikhsia starshikh klassov. Moskva, Uchpedgiz, 1963. 166 p. (MIRA 17:3) Olen 00: elp 000 few 002 W#sc &W64ALM SO *PON$ TW 51 u la id 0 16 9 n IN IN .1 1. 04 Oto 0- CP ky 0 n IT. V4101 b-s- -A.." Jal)v al PUT V-l I - ji "Inm ual jaVw palM "am w. vasodsom aql to qi!uw aqj tuoij paivjaqq jo jvoK (pajwqwa 001 p ino %) L(vp u-,l jol PUT (limutm . it .-jaO 001 jo ino 9t) akwp uaAaw jUj g.9r, - )o wnjuxadmn poolvql pK W!PMW OU -JaUUMM QAljWPSDA I M ftnW[nUUOB V!PtUOO)O Muodcud sp nvajam m patuaw sanjuadat" Awl in an. vDdia -JcwWw jwtj cn 0 .91 PUT k4-;- -ql Iq -C),,6,n.qjo -isMusai v iv baiwopi ap ut 090 P-)WU!UlMV Uaql VqXUW DIP PW SJOUP JO 1110 UaTOJj QJaA WdlUnj 09 JO NOOMOdmv M.M00 puv O)wwd jo saaqv uo (I L7, -d ImAx 1-jryy J, N`u(mOA O r~ U, atu 39 9-ml )o 1"" Qql tulop ino MUV3 "Uat '6961 '96-0 'dd I& '6W[ "mg 91) "pW10-1 OJOW0AW j0 VTWUW aql UO Ism j0 IVjja Oul Wa - JIMOmom wa vendom anawplt l I ies w v oo 00 r w #--I 0 0 0 a 0 a w RAYSKIY., D. M. "The Effect of Frost on the Conidia of Phytoplithora infestans de Bary," Sovetskaia Botanika, no. 2, 1939, PP. 93-96/ 450 SOB SO: SIRA SI-90-53, 15 Dec. 1953 C . (~ kj t G. ff ~ A Is SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD I / 2 PA - 1693 AUTHOR RAJSKIJ,G. TITLE NoT~esoi the Theory of Bilocal Fields. PERIODICAL turn.eksp.i teor.fisj~l,fasc-4, 705-706 (1956) Issued: 1 / 1957 In connection with the remarks made by V.A.ZIRKOV, Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis ~O, 425 (1956) on bilocal fields the author points out that the bilocal eQuations of his theory are always compatible with one another, and that their apparent "incompatibility" can occur only in the case of the mechanical use of its formulae without taking their limits of applicability into account or if the denominations for the field quantities in six- or eight-dimensional systems are confused. The quantities of the bilocal field are functions of two types,76- and r,, of variables; here T,, denotes the center of the particle, and r the in- terior degrees of freedom. With a FOURIER transformation it is possible to go over from x to the variables p,,~& , which represent the energy momentum four-vector. T~'e bilocal manifolds and the bilocal fields are limited by the 2 2 following conditions: p r 0(1), p + r,,- 0(11). On this occasion the e 4" units e - h - 1 - 1 are used, where I renotes the fundamental length; all quantities can then be looked upon as dimensionless. The field quantities T, which contain only 6 independent variables, must be distinguished from the quantities defined in an eight-dimensional manifold. The quantities 9 and T RAYSKIY I -Inzh~ Autoclav- with nle!-trical beating. Obf3hchestv. pit. no.9 32- 33 S 161. ("'CIRA 1/,M) (Autoclaves) -RAYSKIY, I. Miraculoue propertiee. Obshchestv.pit. no-1:51-52 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Rachallaik laboratorii alektrotekhniki i elektroniki TSentral'nogo konstruktorBkogo byuro torgovogo mashiaostrO70ni7a. (Electric cooker7) F A Y~1-1 I" Quantiim reciirocity. c: shn. rcd. 2 t i j TC rUr T SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Uncl. Poland/Physics - Quantum Mechanics Feb 52 ;'Quant,im Electrodynamics in the Formulation of Re- cir-rocity," I. Rayskiy, inst imeni Copernizas, Torun, Poland "Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XXII, No 2, pp 194-igg In accordance with Born's concept of nonlocaliza- tion and reciprocity (cf- Proc Boy Soc, Edin- burgh, A 92, 4-o, 1949) and further developed by Y-,zkawa, (Phys Rev, 77, 219, 1950) writer analyzes nonlocal spinor field '~(X,r) depending on 2 types of variables Xand r., assuming that this field is expressed by Dirac's eq in X Received 20 Nov 50. 207T79 RAYSKIY, I., inzh. Autnmatic electric water heaters. Obshchostv.pit. no.2:39-40 7 159. (MIRA 120) (Water heaters) RAYSKIY, I., inzh. Protection from Oranning dry.w Obshchestv.pit. no-3:43 Mr '59. (MM 12:4) (Electric cookery) RAYSTLIY, I., inzh. Coffee-making apparatus. Obahchostv.pit. no-7:33-34 JI 160. (MIFA 13:8) (Restaurants, lunchrooms, etc.-Equipment and supplies) RAISKIY, Igor' Dmitriyevich; GIAZUNOVA, V.V., red.; KIHAKOZOVA, N.Sh., - red.; ELIKIPA, E.M., tekhn. red. (Electric elements of automatic vending machines] Elektricheskie elementy torgovykh avtomatov. 14oskva, Gostorgizdat, 1961. 159 p. (MI11A 15: 6) (Vending machines) I V I :,; , L.G.p 111 ch; I rotsevzont; "V red. ri-acrical study of electrical equipmentl ~:rakLichezkie u0 elektrooborudovaniiu. V0,A.Val .7zd-vo Fi- 17: F) hovaia promy,-hlarmost' , 1964. 135 p. VYSIIE-LESSKIY, A.!.., prof.; CHUKAYEV, D.S., prof.; KULUOV, N.S., prof.; SENATOV, I.G.J. dots.; ITIABOV, V.I.; NUJGODOV, Ye.V.; GOROZILANKIN, M.G.; GAN, dots.,kand. teklm. nauki retsenzent; RUSKIY I.D_,,,_dots., retsenzent; LIEIUL-EVA, 1U., kand. tekbn, nauk, re- tsenzent; SHCHEGLOV, V.P., kand. tekhn. nauk., retsenzent; RULO1-:ETKD!Y F.I., inzh., retsenzent; BAUL111, V.A., red.; ELIKINA, E.E., tekhn. red. [Equipment of public food service establishments; electrical, re- frigerating, and sanitary equipment] Oborudovanie predpriiatii ob- shchestvennogo pitaniia; elektricheskoe, kholodillnoe i sanitarno- I , Gos.izd-vo torg lit-ry tekhnicheskoe oborudovanie. Moskva 1961. 447 p. (MiRi 15:3~ (Restaurants, lunchrooms, etc.--r-quipment and supplies) ': 1, v ~-. I 'I-IJ~ I RAYSKIY,, I.1bW "' ~ I Indicating a6-llivoltmeters with photoelectric regulators. Priborostras- nie no.5:25 MY '57. (mi-,RA 1o.-6) (KIlivoltmeter) ~~YSKIT, Igor' Dmitriyevich; N1KC,1-AYEVA, red.; MEDIIL13H, D,~,., tekhn. red. [Automation In public eating establishments] Avtomatizatsila na pred.Driiatiiakh obshchestvennogo pitaniia. Moskva, Gos- torgizdat, 1963. 230 P. (MIRA 16:10) (Restaurants, lunchrooms, etc.) (Automation) AKULOV, L.S.; ACIIILIDIYEV, U.I.; VOLOSOV, G.D.-% GORDON, L.I.; GRI21, G.V.; GROMOV, M.A.; KIRILLOV, A.Ya.t LIFSHITS, N.I.; MTTROPOLISKIY, A.V.; 4g~~KJY, qIRNOV~ V.B.3 FAYVUSOVICH, A.Kh.; MDOROVA, tju.; TSYPIN, I.M.; CHEKHOVICH, D.I.;ISHKOVA, A.I., red.-. KISELEVA, A.A., (Handbook on equipment for commercial enterprises and public food. service] Spravochnik po oborudovaniiu d1la predpriiatii torgovli'l obshchostvannogo pitaniia. Izd.2.9 dop. Mosktra, Gos. izd--ro torg. lit-ry 1960. 333 p. (MIRA 14:10) tRestaurants, lunchrooms, at~:.--Equipment and supplies) AKUIA)V, L.S.; ACHIL'DITEV, U.I.; VOLOSOV, G.D.; OORDON, L.I.; GRIN. G.V.; GROMOV, M.A.; KIIUUOV. A.Ya.; LIFSHITS, N.I.: MITHOPOLISKIY, A.Y.; RAYSKIY, I.D.;- SMIRNOV, V.B.; FATVTJSOVICH, A.Kh.; F3DOROVA, I.Y,1.; T5211T, I'A. -- CHMOVICH, D.I.; ISHKOVA, A.K., red.; SUDAK, D.M., [Handbook on equipment for cormnercial enterprises and public food servicej Spravochnik po oborudovaniiu. dlia predpriiatii torgovli i obshchestvannogo pitaniin. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo torg.lit-ry, 1959. 322 p. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Inzhenerno-tekhnichoskive rabotniki Upravleniya torgovogo oborudovaniya i TSentrallnogo konstruktorskogo bTuro torgovogo mashinastroyanlya (for all except Ishkova, Sudaki. . (Business enter rises-Equipment and supplies) (Restaurants, 1nnIfIrooms. etc.--3quipment and supplies) In Lne 3'~eppc-l L:.., e AjtL~.,. Terr sk and th 7:1 j;! RAYSKIY, H.I. - -~ (Legal medicine; for students and physicians] Sudebnai4 meditsina; dlia studentov i vrachei. Moskva, Medgiz, 1953. 466 p. Off-RA 7:1) (Medical jurispradence) .U'YSKD' i-'ikhail ivanovi,-~h fRaislkyi, 1-'; 1.], zasl. deyatell nauki; KURDYUMOV, A,F., proi. fed,; A,D. [Hitshtein A.D.1 tekhn. red. y Y Crledi~~al jurisprudencel SLidova medytsyna. llyd.2., vypravlene; pid za- hallnoiu red., 1 z prymitkaray A.F,Kurdiumova. Kyiv, Derzh. med. vyd-vc! uits:i, 1961. 4341 P. (MIHA 14:12Y QEDICAL MUSPii-IUDENCE) .'-T , . I . ? KAYJ yi MONASTYRSKIY, A.G.; SOLOVIYMV, A.N., doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; FIDOROV. N.S.. retsenzent; RAYSKIY. N.I., retsensent; ZELUKINA, O.P.. redaktor; BLIKINA, MX-;-Vel~~kijv redaktor [Laborator7 exercises in textile testing] Laboratornyi praktikum po ispytanitu tekstillnykh materialor. rsd. 2., Ispr. I dop. Pod red. A.N.Soloyleva. Koskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo Minister- stva promyshlennykh tovaroy shirokogo potroblenita SSSR, 1953. 253 P. (MLRA 7:10) (Textile fabrics--Testing) MONASTTRSKI-1, A.G.; SOWVIYEV, A.K., doktor tokhnichookikh nauk, redaktor; FEDOROV, N.S., reteenzent; RAYSKIY. N.I., retsenzent. ~, -- -, , ~ - , '' ~ 7 _ ~ , [Laboratory manual on the testing of textiles] Laborstornyi praktikum po ispytaniiu tekstilInykh materialov. Izd. 2., ispr. i dop. Pod red. &.N.Solovleva. 14oskra, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. Izd-vo Ministeretva promysh;- lennykh toyarov shirokogo potrebleniia SSSR, 1953. 253 P. (MLRA 7-7) (Textile fabrics--Testing) "ITTJ)VIDOV iik'olay Nikolayevich; 1UYSUT, N.I., retsenzent-, SOKOLOVA, V.Ye. , rodaktor; NMMSOVA,-U-.t-.-T-Fe=n cheekly redaktor. [Problens in cotton spinning] Zadachnik po priadenitu khlopka. Izd.3-e perer. i dop.Mosk7a, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo Minister- stva promyshl.tovarov shirokogo potrebleniia SSSR, 1955. 195 P. (Cntton spinning) (HLRA 8: 11) UNIAhOVA, S.I., Vrach;' RAYSKIY, N.S., Yrach; TAATAKOVSKAYA, I., red.,; SOKOLOVA, A.Y rbd, [Longevity] Dolgoletie. Tashkent, Gos.izd-vo "Sredniaia I vys- shaia shkola." UzSS-q 1961. 84 P. (MIRA 14:11) ILOIlGEVM)