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RAIKC77, Sclence 7orevinners of a-inTin in R,,ssla; from t1le history o:' Russi7n nntilral science; 1 -0 N los,'..-va, Izd-vo Akaderaii nank S3SR, 1 51. (Akademllia nauk SSSR. Nauc~uno-noplalliarnaia - Monthly ja,~iL of Russinn Accessions, Librqry of Congre-3s, May 1952. Unclassified. Ilkvy -- -D2 --i,. hllec~r7 of the vc4,ld P-dld ACel. Cf Y'3:3: !SoLltb]~r list OL 4,, Wo. 9o 26 PW,"T7, 13. Ye. Science Russinin evol.liti~mists be'or- Darwin, Katerial on the history of the evolutionary idea in Russia Moskva, 1-.d-vo Ak.-Ii-mii nank SSSR. Vol. 1. 1952 Mon th IdgLt gf I-Russian Accessions, Library of Conr-rss, August, 1?5--. UNCLAS-317F=-D. R~-YXOV, B. Ye. Tserd-ovskiy, Lev Serienovich Un-laio-.m w3rk of L. S. Tsenkovskiy; history of Microbiology in IfIbissia. 11-likrobiologiia 21., N 110. 3, 1952 Monthl List of Russian Accessions) Library of Congress, September 1952. UNCIASSIFIED. 1. RAEOV, B. -F-- - 2. USS,~ Wo) 4. Bi-olo:,-ists 7. "L. S. TSen'ko,,:3ki.-I, the ~ ounder of the Russlnn school of rilcrobiolo~lsts; 1822-1887.11 A. I. 11.114-AaLkin. aevie;;e-! by B. Ye. Raykov. ICIR-robiolo-iia 21, no. 6, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Librar-. of Congress, March 19,13, Unclassifi d. itAIK-- , ~;. Y --. B Outline history of L~ussian biology ("Russian biolcgists-evolutionists Frior to Darwin." Reviewed by 1. .4. Dogell, Forf. I. I. Sokolcv). Priro.,a 41 No. 1, 1952. Yonthly List of hugsian Accessions, Library of Congress. November 1952. Unclassified. Category: USSR/General Division. History. Classics. Personalities. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol.,, No 9y 10 MaY 1957Y 34878 Author Raikov B. E. Inst not given Title From the History of Zoology in Leningrad State University. Orig Pub: Vestn- Leningr. un-ta., 1953., 4, 73-86 Abstract: A short outline of the history of zoology in Leningrad university (from 1819). Characteristics of the activity of a series ofp-o- fessors of the university (S.S.Kutorga, X.F. Kessler, N.P. Wagner., M.N. Bogdanov, V.M. Simkevich) who played a significant role in the development of a native zoology. Card 1/1 -6- R&YKOV, B.Ye. V.I.Shmankevich and his works an the influence of environment on an organism. Trudy 5:245-272 153- (MLRL 6:7) (Shmankevich, Vladimir Ivanovich, 1839-1880) (Ecology) RAYKOV, B.Ye. ~ - A.A.Keizerling, Russian geologist and evolutionist. Biul.MOIP. Otd..Peol. 29 no.1:75-82 Ja-F 154. (MLEA 7:4) (Keyserling, Alexandr Friedrich, 1815-1891) 1-1/5 RAYKOV, Boris Yegenlyevich 917.631 .Z9R2 RAYKOV, Boris Yegenlyevich Akademik Vasiliy Zuyev, yego zhizni i trudy (Academician Vaaily Zuyev, His life and works) Moskva, Akademkniga, 1955. 350 p. il.lus. maps. At head of title: Akademiya. Nauk SSSR. Institut Istorii. Yes- testvoznaniya i Tekhniki. Bibliographical footnotes, RAXKOV, B.Ye.; SOBOLI, S.L., dekt,)r biologicheskikh nadg, redakt~m:,; BRAI- MISITIT, V.A., redaktor; SMIRNOVA. A.V., tekhnicheskiy red-qkr,-,r. [Rusaian biolugist-evolutionists be-fLct, jaterialB for tbj~; I history of ideas on evolution in Russia) rlisakie bi-,I-ogi- evollutsionisty do Daxwina.. Materia17 k istoril avoliutsionnol idei v Rossii. Mosk-m, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. Vol-3. 1955. 644 p' (Rulle, Karl Frantsevich, 1814-1858) (ZA 8:4) ZUYSV. Vasiliy Fedorovich. akademik; RAYLOV. B.Ye., recialctor; FIAT, INA, G.A., rodaktor; SHAPOSHNIKOVA, A.A., redaktor; GARNEK, V.P., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Pedagogical works] Pedagogicheakie trudy. Red.. vstup.statlia i kommentarii B.Z.Raikova. Xoskva, Izd-vo Akademii pedagog. nauk, 1956. n6 p. (MLRA 9: 10) 1. Daystvitellnyy chlen Akademii pedagogichaskikh nauk RSFSR (for Raykov) (Nature study) LIVOV. 8.D., otvetatvennyy redaktor-, VIKMV. S.D., redaktor izdatellstva; BIRYKH, X.Yu., tekhnicheakiy redaktor LValarian. Viktorovich Flovtoov, his life and work; on the fortieth annivereaz7 of his death] Talerian Viktorovich Polovtoov, ego zhizal i trudy; k sorokeleMu so dnia smarti. Koskva, Izd-vo A-kademil. nauk SSSR, 1956. 330 P. (MLRA 10:2) 1. DaystviteLluyy chlen Akademii pedagogichaskikh nauk (for Reykov) 2. Chlen-korrespondent 10kademil nauk SSSR (for Lvov) (Polovtaov. Valarian Viktorevich, 1862-1918) 1 RAYKOV, Boris Taygonlyevich; RD(SKIT-KCRSAKOV, Mikhail Nikolayavich; redaktor; MAKRUSHIE. V.A.. takhnicheskiy redalctor [Zoological excursions] Zoologicheskis qk*wsii. Izd. 6-os. ispr. i dop. Leningrad, Goo. uchabno-podagog. Isd-vo KInIsterstva pronve- shchaniia RSYSR, Ioningiadskoe otd-nis. 1956. 694 p. (KUU 9:7) (zoology) RLIYKOV~ 'I.Yp. K.A. Timiriazav at Petersburg University. Vop. i takh. no,l:?32-234 156. (WAA 9: 10) (Timiriazav, Kliment Arkadlevich, 1843-1920) RAYKOV, B-Te. (Leningrad). Karl Baer's unpublished speech. Yop. ist. est. i tekh. no.4:181- 184 '57. (MM 11:1) (Baer, Karl Maksimovich, 1792-1876) Ivevila. -r;r (I.IHA IIE:c-l) EYLER, Leonard [Euler, Leonhard j)-- KIAEA~J.N.; KOPELEVICH, Yu.Kh.; LUKINA, T.A.; S?'IRNCV, V.I., akademik, rea.; SUBBOTIN, M.F., red.; RA*fY.(;'l Bje., prof, red.; SUSHKOVA, T.I., red.iz -va, BOCHEVER, V,T., tekhn. red. (Letters to scientists] Pislma k uchenym. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 395 P. (MIRA 16.6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Subbotin). (Euler.- Leonhard, 1707-1783) RAYKOV,. B.Ye., prof., otv. red.+-,XISU&V,, I.A.,-prof., red.; 'ITAH Vy S.D.Jq red. lsd-va~ KCNDRAT"YEVA, M.N., tekhn. red. (Soviet hydrobiologists M.V.Rylov, G.M.Yeresh9hagin, &A A.L.Bening; from the history of hydrobiology In the 20th century] Deiateli sovetskoi gidrobiologii V.M.Rylov, G.W.Vereshchagin, A.L.Bening; is istorii gidrobiologii v XX ,~eke. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 85 p,. MIRA 116:7) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut istoril yestestvoznaniya i tekhniki. 2. Zoologicheskiy I-nstitut AN SSSR (for Kiselev). (Rylov, Vlacheslav Mikhailovich, 1889-1942) (Vereshchagin, Gleb Orlevich, 1889-19") (Bening, Arvid Liborlevich, 1890-1943) RAYKOV, B.Ye. V.M. Shimkevichlis lettero to A.P. BDgdanov (1881-1890). Test.LGAU 17 no.21r122-134 162, .1 (MIRA 15:12) (SHDAtKMCH, WADIMIR MIKHAILOVICH, 1858-1922) (BOGDANOV, ANATOLII PETROVICH, 1834-1896) MANOLYLENKO, Kseniya Viktorovna (Ryazanskaya); RAYKOV, Me., prof., zasl. deyatell nauki, otv. red.; BAKHTEYEV, F.Kh., prof., retsenzent; BOBROV, Ye.G., prof., retsenzent; KANAYEV, I.I., prof., retsenzent; KONOVALOV, I.N., prof., retsenzent; BELKINAY M.A., red. izd-va; AREFIYFVA, G.P., tekhn. red. (A.F.Batalin, the outstanding Russian botanist of the 19th century]A.F.Batalin, vydaiushchiisia zusskii botanik XIX veka. Vzoskva, lzd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 130 P. (MIRA 16:2) (Batalin, Aleksandr Fedorovich, 1847-1896) LUK124A, Tatlyana ki-kadlyevna; KANAYEV, I.I., prof., reteenzent; MIKHAYLOV, V.P., prof., retsenzent; RAYKOV, B.Ye., prof., otv. red.; KARFEKIKA, L.S., red. izd- , BOCHEVM, V.T.Y ii7 - tekhn. red. [A.F.Protasov, Russian academician of the eighteenth century) A.P.Protasov - russkii akademik XVIII veka. Moskva, Izd-vo kkad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 186 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Protasov, Aleksey Protasovich, 1724-1796) DMEMIA, Nina flikolayevna, i(AYKOVI B.Ye., prof., otv. red.; EPfflTM4, L.V., red. izd a-, R6KNAY V.A., tekhn. red. [K.F.Kessler and his role in the development of biology in , '~ ssialK.F.Kessler iego roll v razvitii biologii v Rossii. lu i Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 139 p. (MIRA 15:11) (KESSLER, KARL FEDOROVICH, 1815-1881) ~BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH) RAYKOV, B.Ye. Correspondence between Aleksandr Onufrievich Kovalevski-i and Anatolii Petrovich Bogdanov, 1872-1894. Trudy Inst. ist. est. i tek-h. 41:112-167 ;61. (MIR-A 15:2) 1. Deystvitellryy chlen Akademii pedagogichaskikii nauk RSFSR, (Kovalevskii, Aleksandr Onufrievich, 1840-1901) (Bogdanov, Anatolii Petrovich, 1834-1896) H~YKOVY 3.Ye. (Lenii,grad) V.A. Vagner, mhhe founder of Russian "zoopsychology"; on the 25th anniversary of hils death. VopAstzest~ 1 t--kh. no.11:14E-14.~- 161. (,'a?,;- 14-:11) (Vagner, Vladimir Aleksandrovich, 1849-1934) (Psychology, Comparative) RAYKOVV B.Ye. (Leningrad) The house where K.M.Baer lived and died. tekh. M.10:-U7-119 160. WrRA 14:3) (Baerp Karl Ernst von, 1792-1876) RAYKOV, B-Te. istgor of darwinism in Russia. Trudy Inst-ist.eBt-i takh. 31:17- 9 1 1 . (MIRA 13:8) 1. DeyBtvitellnyy chlen Ak-ademii pedagogicheekikh nauke Nvolution) RAYKOV, B.Te. First zoological atlas in Russia. Trudy Inst. ist. est. i tekh. 24:255-2183 '58. (MIRA 11:8) , 0 ~ , " %i - l.Deystvitellny7 chlen Akademii pedago icheskikh nauk. (Zoology--Pictorial works~ RAYKOV, B.Ye. A . 1. From the history of Darwinism in Russia. Trudy tekh. 16:3-33 '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Evolution-History) 'tAYKCV, Boris Yevgen~,yevich, prof.; FOLYANsKIY, Yu.I., prof., otv. red. [Grigorii Efimovich Shchurovskii; scientist, naturalist and educator] Grigorii Efimovich Shclmrovsk-Ai; uchenyi, naturalist i prosvetitell, Moskva, Nauka, 196". 71 p. (MIRA 18:--) Yu.I., prof., retsenzent; KANAINV, I.I., prof., retsenzent; BLYAEHM, L.Ya., prof., doktor biolog.nauk,; VIKHM, S.D., red.izd-va; ARONS, R.A., [Russian pre-Darwinian biologists - evolutionists; materials on the history of the theory of evolutiox in Russia] Russkie biologi - evoliutsionisty do Darvina; materialy k istorii evoliutsionnoi idei v Roseii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk BSSR. Vol.4. 191~). 678 P. (MIRA 12:10) (Bioloi-,ists, Russian) (Evolution) IW_ RAYKOV,_Boris Yeva~,n'j vich; SffAPOS=OVA, Antonina Anatol'Yevna, red.; POLYANSKIY, YU-r-17-w-anovich, prof.. doktor biolog.nauk, red.; TAKHONTOT, Alaksandr Aleksandrovich. prof., red.; TARASOTA, T.T., (Ways and methods of studying the natural sciences] Putl i matody naturalisticheakogo prosveshcheniia. Moskva, Izd-vo Aked.pedegog. nauk RSFSR, 1960. 483 P. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Izdatel'stvo AkBdemii pedegogicheskikh nsuk RSM (for Shaposhnikova). (Science--Study and teaching) LOVITT, William Vernon, 1881- ; RAYXOV, D.A. [translator] [Linear integral equations] Lineinye integralInye uravneniia. Perevod a angliiekogo D.A.Raiko~,a. Izd.2. s prilozhaniam stat'k A.G.Gellfonda "0 roste sobstvennykh znachenii odnorodnykh lntegrallnykh uravnenii." Moskva, Gos.izd-vo tokhn.-teorst.lit-ry, 1957. 266 p. (MIRA 1Z:3) (Integral equations) OUPS ,*--(aikov, D. A. Harmonic a Commutative Sr -wiffi-Me-17-dar measure and the theory of characters. i` (1) right -tivarkint, (2) positive, but not identically + for all "counlablY Open" mts and (4) finite only for Fill). Tiav. Illst. Math. SU 0945), tffiir,.4ia Adoff 14, 80 pp. , i~ - "coul ltably open" sets. A set A is "counta-bly optin' English simimary) Hiis inemoir presents a systematic seff-containeff develap- ~ l -w (.and is necessarily open) if A=EA"i here: U~AXc ' nivia of flie rharacter theorv for .conantitative topological for asuitable neighbollim I U..of the group-id.. t1ty, n en ' " 161-111ollic anillysis of -)ecial refereocc to thl with q , 1 s iou pniti6ted M eaSUM m is assunied-t ci be defined In r , , g p complex functions defined on such a group, thatiii tlleir S_ Jim Borcl-field. gckratcd-by sdch, sets. A nic' ure_witll,~~ a ' - ' Fourier-like integral represen ta t ions in terms-of groijp~ . .-tltcw is called prop here,a f laar measure. C propj~r~,- i. Th charaCters. Many of tile YCRIIES, or close analog-bes, are -to ties Haar m6sure, includin its essential imi 9 queness a 'ad be tound iti the literature, partictilarly in the work rjlf . the releima rubini theorem, am developed without assum'- ___ _ _ _ " ses A. Weil EUillt6gration dans les groupcs topologirlues et t6~e~ aCfs e4.W m ing G -to be commutatiVe (wntmry-to wli _F applications, Actualit6s Sci. bid., no. 869. Hermann, Parii ' the remainder of the work). The absolutely integrablecoth- " " 1940, in particular, pp. 94-123, 140-146; thesc-Rerv. 3, 198]. -a '. 6ormed ring R --with plex: functions - on G condtitulte _ ii i ulfand Mld D. Raikov [C. R. (Doklady) Acad. aMtipli Unless rete,~. c0 R mtion. G is~dm nvoli3ition. as drig 217I.A.- E. URS-S(N.S.) 28, 195 198 (19,10); these Rev.~2,- h. s no unit. The maximal ideals M. irtR correspond o ,ne ije- * _ - ~wgal FProc. Nat. Acad. Sci. LT. S. A. 27, .348-352'(19-11); -U_9te thAmcters-x 6f.G : the horri6midiphism, determined 1) diese Rev. 3, 36], M * I ruin EC. R. I(Doklady) AcadSci. ven1by_v-4ffx(g)'x (g)dg,44ere Xm ~ is the. asso~iatcd AI Is ki URSS (N.S.) .30, 484~-488 (VMl);_these_ReV. 4 316] an~f charactei. The following proposition's are found to be cquiv~_,_ Raikov CC. 1~. (Doklady) Sci. URSS ~O alent- (1) R~ is semi-simplc; (2) G has a sufficierick of chaF-f-.1, 589-591 (19-11); dwse R'cv. 2. 317]. The pres an rs. -s n ct from the goup- icte (in tile C se that for any aiitin, inih-pundclitone (ilic atiflior wports that Weil's book was iden.tity. there is - some. character for which .1) x(g), itot receivc(l iii Moscow until 19-15) ainjilIg at It 1jigh tlegisce (3). the "Foifrier representation'-' fx(g)x(g)dg (for furicilons: - - (if lillificatioll. of all characters X) haa ihe uni que- .3 d cfined:On ih~ family X - jqqir;-tl witl The ceiltrA objvrt of Sludy is a Itopo gr(,up G I , if X, vail d only .!less property, vanishing or all i-i,_an ;t (,J111plt:l(-ly :1,1,14iVC Ilivatir'. 2): Which is fiefitird on a. 11most evenwhem on. G. The chinicters x,of courw.. coa-i- ' 1 (01 1(k)'Of -.-Oly Ovirartt-ri.-q-il family of wis and i%hich 'is -_,-- stitute -a commutative f.-rottp X which Can be to.P0hVzcd~*-,__ 5ource; i:.14,Air. '.1 C.11- t r, R vieTin, ~13 -No V011 KOV, on the cotopledon of topoloiq~d'ffou 'NA'fi M u Acadb~LMRSS.S6r.~,M~tb~tizvmt4Akad.-Nau R 10, 50-528 (1946). (,. n9 S umn), The-'auth6i gives clawled J- o f topologicat kidiip.--Thebasic to- an arbitrAiry . - nFppt 14 ~th#. t*- a, ~ athily,,of:_Oirwise ovLr-. ofa-funnel~- defiqcd"to, pping .,,sets ...whk mc u es sets la immi-on such'that.-A ar i right, (thit ~~ts'-M lik~!A~ 1~~dd an' , bi r trant ''ies4ribed :ndghborhodd'. 0_.-`o( .. the y, p. ' ' I t -ele (tyliht" " 6 h - an set d 4_6 small: on h -fi. itrari uc t f allfu'fi& 4i-ittid Ls io'dc~n~, t~e-- unneb_- it gMupjfsiAp c f the. Nhil -s' 'el-'-'- d! d, an time.. -at" ..... .,an to-*intrcx idd' V46diveri-.1 - , * ~ so n 9. ppgs iW jty~groupjs, - ' Ypc (P,A ~ , ~ This J641ii6iame 4s AfO _0 ed- wo pwr I 'i G X -TM 'ndWn reaUk4likh. Wk 0 yky [Prk..,: Loiido~ Af~&~ Scic:~ (1) tsj~~ 19S-41, (ts"8~)J, is vnth 401~ ik lid; i1L)'. y IJ. cet Hathemat Sour ic~kl Re P, No.-, -7, Vol r D. -A. Ralkov, To the theo Y d 1 -1; with invo U-! tioa. cx.(Dt)kLid,k)Acad,-Sci.-:URSS-(N.S,Y440387-~"~, 39011946). An operation x--4x* in a normed ring A is An."inviolution'!, =X provided (a) (x+y)*-x*+y*, (b) (hx)*- (c) (.,C*)* (d) (xy)* =y*x*. The set Hof elements x such that z' -x is a real normed linear subsp.1ce of R. if (x*x+e)-t exists for every x, then R is calliA "symnictrie." A nuinber of funda- :mental results of GO.And and Neurnark [Rci~ Ninth. [Nllat~ -1473 Sbornik] NS. 12(AY,497-213 (1943); these Rev. 5, :J7 are extended to'the. case of -a s`ymnietrk~ring with' a- con.. tinuoua involution.~ A linearfunctiolial,foo.'11 is said to be posittive. in 'case jwi) ~0. - An- ilivrilitidit is "e&'qLntial" provided, for every r, there exists,a I' itive fauch that MM f(x*x);dO. An essential involution is continuous and, if, R is symmetric, a continuous involution is Lswntial. A ring. with an essential involution is without radical. A special case here is the gro up ri ng of a loc. .ill coirto ct group y -61-10S (1947); these- [Segal, Trans. Amer. lklath. SoL. 61, Rev. 8. 438]. A necessary and sufficient condition for a ring with continuous. involution to tv s~iritrietric is that sup AXOX)-Iim.~.~ OW4.1111., -. wit f - is,'positive and erL f(e)-l. An example is given of ahring' which is not sym-, metric but which possesses an essential involution C.*E,, Rickars (New Hawn, ('01111.). Vol:- Source: Mathematical Reviews*- LOOMIS, lomn H.; RAY1OV, D.A. [troasiatorl [An introduction to abstract hormonic analysis. Translated from the English] Vve&enis..v abstraktnyi garmonicheskii aniliz. Perevod a angliiskogo i primechanlia D.A.Raikovs. Moskva, lzd-vo inootrannot lit-ry, 1956. 251 P. (KLRA 10:7) (Harmonic analysts) RAYMARK, '.ark Aronovich; BAY'K'Ov redaldor; AKHIAMOV, S.N.. takhnicheskiy redaktor ClIormed ringB] -tormirovannye kolltsa. HoBkva, Goo. izd-vo tekhniko- teoret lit-ry, 1956. 487 P. (KERA 10:4) (Rings (Mathematics)) 7_7 71-7 V :9 1V? Z~_ 'Raiko ~Bundfes o f hi~irpianeslinjli!uar s jkkad;~_ ]Slab SSSR _(N.S.) j 11 (1956),, 7% 162p.- C ;nl An my-,-space --is,a vector sPaci*k i6d - . '~%rit _'k pe aces e-suc E ktliiat if family of hy enubsp then any hypersub~space c Iontairung their izitcrw8o'n also belongs to.e, -and hE(E f-S) =~ (0).~,A fiyp~rplane is,a kt x+E, (E e C), A family, of'hyj~erplahes is centered it each finite subfamily has a non-void intersection. A bundle S is a maximal centered-family. No-W. ~e naiurafly di Istiquislies a class X' of lillear functionals I 61f-x. Each'S defines' a. linear functional * oft X1. By ~ m eans nf such concepts- Smulian's theoredi on -the doublo' pqhir Of a weaW' y compact convex set,- and the re-dewer's dekription of the I X1. locay convex t pa ogies in , associa - vnih X (and thus aLw Mackey s earlier result) ~an- be easily obtained It is observed, of course, that -each L-spare- gives nse tD one of Mack Ioy's linear sptems (X-.i,) and. conve MIY. - Los cam;).. k rens Atigeies, RAYKOV. D.A., prof.; HARICUSHEVICH. A.I., red.; PONOMAREVA, A.A., [Programs of pedagogical institutes; mathematical anal sis for physics and mathematics faculties; major: Mathematicsi Programmy pedagogicheskikh institutov; matematicheskii analiz dlia fisiko- matematicheskikh fakulltetov. Spetsiallnost' - matematiks. Moskva, Gos. uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo R-va prosv. RSFSR, 1957. 12 p. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye vysshikh i arednikh pedegogicheskikh uchebnykh zavedenii. (Mathematics--Study an d teaching) TRIKOMI. F. [Tricomi, Francesco G.] ; RAYKOV, D.A.[ translator]; AGRANOVICH, M.S., red.; KLIMEITKO, S.V., [lectures on partial differential equations. Translated from the Italian] lektsii po urovneniiam v chastrifth proievodnykh. Ferevod a intallianskogo D.A.Raikovs. Moskvs, Izd-vo inostr. lit-r7. 1957. 443 o. (MIRA 11.2) (Differential equations, Partial) AUTHOR; RAYKOV,D.A. 42-5-12/17 TITLE: on a Property of the Kernel Spaces (Ob odnom svoystve yadernykh prostranstv) PERIODICAL: Uspekhi Mat.N auk, 1957, Vol. 12, Nr.5, pp.231-236 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A countable-n ormalized space Z is called a kernel space in the sense of Gellfand if every on E weakly absolutely convergent series of lin ear functionals converges absolutely with respect to a certain ' norm 9x Il n Theorem: If a complete countable-normalized space E is a kernel space in the sense of Grothendieck, then it is also a kernel space in the sense of Gellfand; i.e. if for all xr_-E there holds: 00 (X) (x) oo 4iE El then all -f-i are bounded with and we have respect to a certain norm 1:x~- n OD 4, OD (where ia the norm of fi in Em, !1! m m This and simi lar results have been delivered by the author at Card 1/2 On a Property of the Kernel Spaces 42-5-12/17 the Third Union Congress of Mathematicians in Moscow 1957. Three Soviet and 5 foreign references are quoted. SUBMITTED: March 18, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Topology 2. Kernel space Card 212 AUTHOR D.A. RAYKOV 20-5-lo/67 TITLE -TW'-I1-Mi6t1*e and the Projectiye Boundary Values With Completely Continuoue Projections. (Induktivnyye i produktiynyye predely a vpolne nepreryvnymi otobrazheniyami.- Russian) PERIODICAL Doklady A.kademii Kauk SSSR 1957, Vol 113, Nr 5, PP 964-986 (USSR) ABSTRACT J. SEBASTIZO I SILVA (Rend.mat.pura e appl., 11, 388 (1955)) investi- gated two classes of locally conyex spaces which comprise most of the analytical, differentiable and generalised functions used in present analyses. The paper under review reports on additional pro- perties of these classes and also lists some properties of the pro- jectiye boundary value of an arbitrary inverse spectrum of the locally convex spaces (with respect to the completely continuous projections). First of all the following concepts are defined in the paper under review: Inductive boundary value, complete continuity TI" ret-ular sequence of locally convex spaces. Following J.SEBAS A0 9 SILVA, the inductive boundary value of the regular sequence of normed spaces is called a space (LNN). Theorem 1: The inductive boundary value of an arbitrary regular sequence of locally complex spaces is the boundary value (LN*). Theorem 2: The factor space of the space (LNw) with respect to its closed subspace is the space (LN-W). CARD 1/2 20-5-10/67 The Inductive and the Projective Boundary Values Witzi Gom.U.Leuely Continuous Projections. Theorem 3: The closed subspace of the space (LNK) is the space (LN*). Following J. SEBASTIZO E SILVA the projective boundary value of that sequence of the normed spaces which forms an inverse spectrum with respect to the completely continuous projections is called a space (M*). Theorem 11: The projective boundary value of an arbitrary sequence of locally convex spaces which forms an inverse spectrum with respect to the completely continuous reproductions tiLthe space (im) Theorem 21: The closed subspace of the space (MA-) is the space (W. Theorem 31: The factor space of the space (M*) with respect to its closed subspace is the space Oy*). The distinct dualism for the spaces (M*) and (LNA) as determined by SEBASTIZO Z SILVA therefore also is valid for their factor spaces and subspaces. Some additional definitions and theorems are given. (No reproduction) ASSOCIATION: Moscow Fedagogic Correspondence Institute (apparently offers corre- spondence courses only - note by the reviewer). PRESENTED BY: A.N. KOLMOGOROV, Member of the Academy, 30-10. 1956. SUBMITTED: 30-10. 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CARD 2/2 RXJTU~ D. A., "Completely Cont-Inuous Spectra of Cornrey Spaces," I'rudy, t. 7 (Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society, v 7), Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 1958. D 413. Basic results given in this article were presented at the December 3, 1957 session of the Moscow Mathematical Society. The article contains the following sections: Introduction; 1) Preliminary information and agreements of a general character; 2) Preliminary information on projective limits; 3) Preliminary information on inducive limits; 4) Spaces of type (S); 5) Spaces type (S); 6) Spaces of type (S); 7) Preliminary information from the theory of duality; 8) Conjugate mappings; 9) Duality of classes (S) and (S); 10) Nondegenerated spectra; references. AUTHORs .Raykov, D.A. (Moscow) 20-119-l'-12165 TITLE: On the Complete Continuity of the Adjoint Operator (0 vpolne nepreryvnosti sopryazhennogo operatora) PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii Naukf 1958Y Vol 119jNr 39 PP 446-449 (USSR) ABSTRACT. Let X be a locally convex vector space over the real or com- plex number field. Let be A,BC X ; A is called completely bounded with respect to B, in signs A j B I if for each E>O there exists a finite FCA, so that ACF +4B. A is called strongly completely bounded, if there exists a bounded BC:X, so that Aj B. Locally convex spaces in which each com- pletely bounded set is strongly completely bounded are called spaces of the type (N). Locally convex spaces in which each bounded set is completely bounded are called spaces of the type (M ). 0 Theorems If the mapping 'PI is adjoint to a bounded mapping f of a space X of the type (M ) into an arbitrary locally con- vex space Y, then is J'compYetely continuous. Theorems If q1 is adjoint to a completely bounded mapping%p of an arbitrary locally convec space X into a space Y of the Card 1/ 2 On the Complete Continuity of the Adjoint Operator 20-119-3--.--165 type (N), then T' is completely continuous. Theorem: Each metrizable locally convex space X is of the type (N). Theorems The inductive limit X of a sequence of spaces X n of the type (N) with homeomorphic embeddings X n--vX n+1 is a space of the type (n). Theorems The space D' of the distributions of L. Schwartz (Ref 61 is of the type (N). There are 7 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 2.French, 1 Czech, and 2 American. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut imeni V.I. Lenina (Moscow State Pedagogical Institute imeni V.I. Lenin) PRESENTED: November 4, 1957, by A.N. Kolmogorov, Academician SUBMITTED: November 4, 4957 I Card 2/2 16(1) AU THOR: Raykov,D.A, SO11142-14-1-20127 TITLE: '--?Ta-Fk-,;-f--Co-m-p--l-'eteness of Locally Convex Spaces (Priznak polnoty lokallno vypuklykh prostranstv) PERIODICAL: Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk,1959,Vcl 14,Nr i,pp 22.,3-230(USSR) ABSTRACT: The author gives a mark of completeness of locally convex spaces. As a -,onclusion there follows immediately the theorem of K6the Z-Ref 2-7 on the completeness of inductive limit values of sequences of locally convex spaces. Furthermore with the &'~d of the mark, the completeness of the inductive limit valueg with weak completely continuous imbeddings is proved kespecially the completsness of inductive limit values of sequences of reflexi-e normed spaoes). The mentioned mark is a special case of a criterion of completeness for topological groups which is obtained by strengthening a theorem of Vilenkin-Grayev Z-Ref ---7- Partly the results overlap with results of Makarov Z-Ref 6 Sebasti&o e Silva f--Ref 4~7, and Grothendieck f-Ref 10_7~ There are 10 references, 5 of which are Soviet, 1 Brazilian, 2 French, 1 German, and I Italian. SUBMITTED: October 22, 1957 Card 1/1 D,A, (MosW-a-j 2xpoaemlal Ilaw for spaces of continu-~,u--3 linear mappin--,~,. Mat. s-bor. I - m 67 rio.2,.279-302 ~7a 165. , (MJP~A 18:8) --,.RA,YKOV,,.D.A. .J.L. Shmullian's worka on linear topoloagical spaces. Usp. mat. rlauk 20 nc..2:135-147 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) RAYKoll, ii-I. Fj,eCj jrj~V,-! '-l C!Jr.,.,JX 3paies -)' im:forli "e-t- s*,)r. 63 no.',: ~j I i 111RA Ili - i,a-*-,--5*-)) ., r. I &,j e ~ "ll I , , n 1) RAYKOV,..,D,Ao Some properties of completely bounded linear operators. Uch. zap. 14GPI no.188tl7l-191 162. (MIRA 160) (Operators (Mathematics)) RAYKOV, D.A. (.'.Ioskva) Teaching the fundamentals of mathematical analysis Jz secorAkry schools. Mat. v shkole no.5:25-30 3-0 163. (MIRA 16:11) LEVIN, V.L.; RATKOV, D.A. Closed graph thearems extended to uniform spaces. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.5-931-983 Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Predstavleno akademikom P.S.Navikovym. (Topology) -~L ~110 4~'N MOROZOVA, I.Ye., red.; fUtYUCHKOVA, V.N., tekhn. red. [Vector spaces]Vektornye prostranstva. Moskva, Fizratgiz, 1962. 211 p. (MIRA 15:11) (Vector analysis) BOUHBAKI, Nicolas, pseud.; FRACHKOVSKIY, S.N.[translator]; .1mov, D.A., red. - [General topology; basic structures) Obshchaia topologiia; osnovnye struktury. Pod red. D.A.Raikova. S predisl. P.S. Aleksandrova. Moskva., Gos.izd-vo fiziko-matem. lit-rY, 1958. 324 P. (MIRA 14:12) (Topology) BOUziBAKI, Nicolas, pseud.; KiACHKOVSKIY, S.P. [translator]; RAY'KOj -, --- D.A., red. [General topology; groups and spaces related to numbers) Ob- shchaia topologiia; chisla i sviazannye s nimi gruppy i pro- stranstva. Pod red. D.A.Raikova. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo fiziko- matem.lit-ry, 1959. 2/,7 p. NIIIA 14: U) (Topology) PHASE I BOOK EXPIDITATION SOV/4328 Gellfand, lzrail' Moiseyevich, Dmitriy Abramovich Raykov, and Gencrgiy Yevgenlyevich Shilov I Kcm,m1tativnyye normirovannyye kolltsa (Commutative Normed Rings) Moscow rizmatgiz, 1960. 316 p. (Series: Sovremennyye problemy matematikil 5,000 copies printed. Ed.: S. A. Vileakina; Tech. Ed.: S. S. Gavrilov. PURPOSE: This book is intended for mathematicians (students in advanced courses, aspirants, and scientific workers) engaged in functional analysis and its applications. C'WE-RAGE: The book deals with the theory of commutative normed rings and its ripplientions to analysis and topology. A report by I. X. Gellfand and M..A. Naymark entitled, "Normed Involution Rings and Their Represents- "Ions", wh-ich may serve as an introduction to the theory of noncommuta- ,ive normed involution rings, is presented as an appendix. The following personalities are mentioned: L. A. Lyusternik, V. I. Sobolev, r,C.TMjjta,~jVe Normed Rings SOV/4326 A. IT. Kolmogorov, S. V. Fomin, A. Zig3mnd, P. S. Aleksandrov, B. A. Fuks, P. 110tialmosh, L. S. Pontryagin, Umb) and F. Khausdorf. There ar,~~ 87 references: 38 Soviet, 23 English, 13 French, and 13 German. TAKIF OF CONTE! ME. Preface PART I. 8 Gh.1' General Theory of Commutative Normed Rings 11 Concept of a normed ring 11 Maxima' ideals L 16 3- Abstract analy-tic functions 25 4. Functions on maximal ideals. Radical of a ring 28 5~ Space of maximal ideals 36 6, Analytkc functions of a ring element 46 7. Ring Y of the functions x(M) 52 8~ involution ring 57 RAYKOV, D.A. I - I R nroblen In findine an extremal locally convoix toj~;)lrj, ca space. Uch.zaP.IZPI 138:107-113 '5 8. (MIRA 1-3:5) %.Topology) DnONN, B.N.; RAYKOV, D.A.; MODENOV, P.S., red.; OSTROUMOVA, R.P., [Analytical gaometr7j Analiticheskais geometriia. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo tekhniko.-teoret.lit-ry. Vol.2. 1949. 516 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Geometr7, Analytic) RAYKOV, D.A. ~Co .=Pleteness characteristic of locally convex spaces. Usp. mat. nauk 14 no.l.-223-229 Ja-F '59. (MIRA 12:3) (Topology) MIYAND, Izraill Koiseyevich; RAYKOV, Dmitriy Abramovich; SMOV, Georgiy Tevgenlyevich'f'TILMMIXA S.A. 'red.; GATRIWV, S.S., r 9 1 (Commutative normad rings] Xommatativnye normirovannye kolltsa. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-ry. 1960- 315 P. (Rings (Mathematics)) (MIRA 13:7) Bulgaria Country Category Plant Diseases, Diseases of Cultivated Plants. A'br Jour.. ~;rf. Z*-.'.1'.-Fic1ogi'jz No. 11, 1^56' 14N,49-04 Khristov) Al. ;'r Institute Sainntiflo Hosehroh Inst. of Viniculture and Title The Posalbility of Controling Woorotio Spot D18- ~mae in Grapes by Chomloal Means Ori.r. Nb,:LozarF3tTO i vinarstvo, 10,57, 6, No. 5, 18-19 0 Abstract : By treating grape auttlngB and seedlings before storing In 0.25 and 0.5% 90V-1iGan as wet treat- ment, they weze fully protected ag.-tinst infeationi With neoratia apot disease, whilo the Untranted control had 15-50% Infection. Thia study wa3 made at the Soientific Reseerch Institute of Viniculture and Vitioulture in tho Olty of Pleveni P.M.Shterenbergi vitioulture, Fleven, Bulgaria Card- 1/1 PERMERlY, Ivan Alekseyevich, dotsent, kand. tekhn. nauk,- NOVOPASHIN, A.A., dotsent, kand. tekhn nauk, retsenzent; RAINY a I F.I.t retsenzent; BERG, L.G., prof., doktor khim. nauk, nauc yy r--eZ.---' ZHMOVICH.4 S.V., I dotsent, kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; DMMA, I.A., tekhn. red. (High-strength Perederii's gypsum;-its technology and characteristics] Vysokoprochnyi gips GP; ego tekhnologiia i avoistva. Kpibyshevskii inzhenerno-stroit. in-t, 1960. 197 p. NIRA l4s6) 1. Glavnyy inzhener luybyshevskogo gi sovogo kambinata (for Raykov) (Gypsum5 RLYKOV.I.B. Division and reorganization processes in infusoria Trachelocerca phoenicopterus Cohn (Holotricha). Zool.zhur. 34 no.4:747-759 il- Ag '55. (KWA 8:9) 1. Kaf edra zoologii bespozvonochrorkh Leningradskogo gosudarstven- nogo universiteta imeni A.A.Zhdanova (Infusoria) ---X~;~RPTA 1=9A Sec-5 V01.11/3 Gen.Pathology.etc.11ar58 854. TtiE VALUE OF SOME HISTOLOGICAL FDCATION METIJODS IN UV MICROSCOPY (Russian text) -Buchman M.P. and Ralkoy 1. B. Dept. of Invertebrate Zool., Zhdanov Univ., Leningr&d---Zft_.0M9C_.=L. 1956, 17/3 (233-238) Tables I Illus. 30 The infusoria Bursaria truncatella and Spirostomum teres were used. Tbe fixatives of Carnoy and of Bouin (if picric acid is substituted by alcohol) are indifferent for UV of 250-315 rr4L. whereas sublimate. Regaud. Zenker and Champy cause an in- tenxive UV-absorption. Hydrolysis of the nucleic acids with trichloroacetic acid strongly reduces absorption but, since sublimate. potassium bichromate and osmic acid are fixed to the protein substances of the cell it has no effect when these fix- atives are used. Paraffin embedding has no effectj whereas celloidin-paraffin In- creases absorption. Removal of celloidin by alcobol-ether does not result in nor- mal conditions, as some c*Uoidin remains bound to protein particles of the ce1l. (L 51 ---------------------------- _777-77-," :7 f j -4 -Lzithi-mruonuin-,trAcrieLo"vApoenicop~-a Nudele idds 2 ivr --Lenill- -Zhd t6-lU ,St 11 ti te u B 26 A (A z 6 . a . . ; n r x V a ov, ~ j . - DoMady Akad.. JYauk S.S~S R. gd i Ifi h f h k - der- stoc era. cuinn. o t s showed caus e 4bOvd spec ble.baso We properties ot the cytopb4M,~ t~specjaUy the a - t d e hkh t h ib l l 6d i lo t f e e es w Subs o t e r onuc e a s ca gmu . 'The -granules are concd. ~ mainly itear the- motor - fibrils -outalfis, muth. dwiYrib6puctele The micronuclew ~ L (DRN),-as dq the chsomatin granuI6 of the complex macro- ' emelitirirtg*initosts nucleus; DRN6pp~us,rilso,intbe-spir & - d i t f i i ll DRN i d h h n me ne o tu tos s a s cone . itt c rom ap aq somes:, Ribonucleic acid appeari to be iYaWized in the 6oinplex macronucleus. hf;'Kosolapoff USST' -7C i. 2,,, 1953, PC276 Ur th r ia j.1 i.-st Tuclous Struct Are -,7.t -a!, ~ are - fj, 'Ic~ TI-icir l:'*-'-l-'zI'l '10 1.5, ::os C'- , cc, u c.:L Dr th _ cGI -it~: si It c'- --'y 'C SCV - 'Inve G: , - St c n c r o I - ( 'uclei f clukls cc cl ci witli each 01-A, 1:a t . cr is fr 51 L~l 1/2 cyt,al-ry- rnd cytcj.r,, - ..0 _y. 7-c ~~ - _ j, jq~r,8., tr)c. X'Lls ri r.. 1-1 c c u:~'e 1 Tl 'L-.l rs 'ho- rr--sul-'- ~,f c:.dc:jtosjs. -,Iit'i -,is, o:- 1. ~ W- -e__: _ixis .rith 27~c'i cli-,7ision al,.cL tjjc:-. ~,ccLjzs c,.,-ly raircly, i:-. .Ic caso of ill.-Lusoria is s1fastitutod ,)y rc.-I - ~~turc. -CC2- ti., c1c r U !,.LLts. 2/2 RAYKOV, I.B. Nuclear apparatus and its reorganization during the fission cycle of the infusorians Tracholocercs, margaritats. (Xahl) and T. dogieli, sp. u. (Holotricha) [with summar7 in English]. Zool.zhur- 36 no-3: 344-359 Mr '57. (MLRA 10:5) l.Kafedra zoologii bespozvonochnykh Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A.A. Zhdanova. (Infusoria) (Fission (Biologyp IT RAYKOV, I.B. Conjugation in the holotrichous infusorian Trachelocerca phoenicopterus Cohn. [with summary in English]. Zool. zhur. 37 no.5:781-800 My '58. (MIRAL 11:6) l.Kafedra zoologii beepozvonochnykh Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universitsta. (Ciliata) AUT90R: Raykov, I.B. SOY/20-121-6-37/45 TITLE: Cytochemical Characteristic Features of the Nuclear Apparatus of the Holotrichous Infuaorians Loxodes Stristus end Loxodes Mngnus (Tsitokhimicheakiye osobennosti yedernogo apparata revnoresnich- nykh infuzoriy Loxodes striatus i L.magnus) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii neuk SSSR, 1958, Vol 121, Nr 6, PP 1079 - 1082 (USSR) .ABSTRACT: The macronuclei (Me) of some lower infusoriens, Trachelocerce, e.g. (Refs 1-3), distinguish themselves from the Me of most of the ciliate by a very small content of desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and by their inability to divide. When an infusoris is di- vided the Me are distributed among the daughter enimels. The micronuclei. (Mij Pre mitoticelly divided, then a part of them becomes a formation of the Me and completes their number. No in- crease of the amount of DNA can be proved in connection with the development of these formations(Refs 1-4). This tvpe of reor- ganization processes is similar to endomixis and is also describ- ed for the fenus Loxodes (Refs 5-7). It is the task of this paper to investigate the Loxodes nuclei cvtochemically in order to be Card 113 able to compare them with the nuclei of Trachelocerce. Based upon Cytochemicel Cherecteristic Features of the SOV/20-121-6-37/45 Nuclear Apparatus of the Holotrichous Infusoriena LoTodes Stristus rn~ Lo~odes Magnus the results the author draws the following conclusions: Trache- locerce rnd Loyodes Pre not relpted. They belong to different branches of development of G.mnostomets (Ref 8). Nevertheless, strict-ire and development of both genera show an eitroordinery similarity. What is similar is: The low content of DNA in the Me, the locking DNA-synthesis rnd the lack of env symptom of endomitosis in connection with thelia-development. These dif- ferences in the structure of the nucleus are hardlv of env im- portrnce. The fact that Me are not able to divide is due 'to the seme cr,;ses in both types: The mentioned lack of synthesis and the inaUlity'of chromatin elementBACLto double. In the case of Lox6des.-and Trnchelocerca the Me sre obvi6usly diploid, where- as in 'the case of most infusoritne they ere ~olyploid (Ref 4). The similaritv of the structure of the nuclear apparatus in the case of thi shove mentiped types points to a high primitivity of the described-type o~f mearo'nu-clei as'w*ell as to the primitivi- ty of'the nuclear reorganization processes which accompany the division 6f the mentioned infusoriens. There are 3 figures and Card 2/3 17 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Cytochemical Characteristic Features of the Nuclear SOV/20-121-6-37/45 Apparatus of the Holotrichous Infusorians Loxodes Stristus and Loxodes Magnus ASS)CIATION: Institut taitologii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Cytology, AS USSR) PRESENTED: February 19, 1958, by Ye.N. Pavlovskiy, Member, Academy of Sciences USSR SUBMITTEDi February 12, 1956 Card 3/3 RAYKOV, I.B. Cytological and crtochemical characteristica of the nucleu-s and fission and the holotrichous infusorian Geleia nigriceps Kahl. TSitologiia 1 no.5:566-579 S-0 '59. (HIRA 13:2) l.IoLboratoriya taitologii odnokletochnykh organizmov Instituts. taitologii AN SSSR, Leningrad. (CXM NUCIZI) (FISSION (BIOIA)GY)) (INYUSORIA) RAYK0VJ. I. B. "Cytology of Free-living Protozoa" Report to be submitted for the 13th Annual Meeting and First International Conference on Protozoology, PROTOZOOLOGISTS, SOCIETY OF: Prague, Czechoslovakia., 22-30 Aug 61 Member, Laboratory of the Cytology of Single Cell Organisms, Institute of Cytology, Academy of Sciences USSR, Leningrad RAYKOV, I.B. Some stages of conjugation of the holotrichous ciliate Trachelocerca coluber Kahl. TSitologiia 5 no.6:685-689 N-D 163. (KIRA 17:10) 1. Laboratoriya tsitologii odnokletochnykh organizmov Instituts, tsitologii AN SSSR, Leningrad. AL-E-K_'-',TDHOV, V.Ya. F,.r:-,f., BRODSKE', V,'Ya,.- iKIOI;Sli'EYT,. A.A,- VWK11TIl": Yu.i~.~ GAYI SKEOKI, 7-.S.,GC)'-'00iCHMJKC;, Yu.L.; V.A., ZHINKE:., L.'4, ; ZAw'ARZDI*, A.A.: ZALKIND, S-Ya. : ZBARSKIY, I-.i3.; KAMM`SM, Z.S,; KOI%I~SARCHIK, Ya.Yu.;' I-EVE., S.V~; RkRAKFCVA, I.,.; NASPATISKI-f, V.F~- NOSEEVICII, T.11,; NIKOL'SKIY, N.N.; PESMOV, ,,'.A,; FOLENOV, A.A,; FOrIANSMY; Y,,,!.; iOZEIITAL' D.L.; RbTffUJTSEV P..P.- TIT017A. L.K.; F:,-:T,'E", ---,A., KHEYSIII, Ye.N.; C~DIIIOGlffADSKAYA, 1,.A.; TROSHIN, A.S.., ot'j. red-, MMSELI t!"ll, red.; MIKFAYLOV, V,2F., red.; NEITAKH S. A. red-t PARIBCK. V. P. red, ; FOIZ All, SKR , Yu, 1, ; red . ',"AYKOV, I.B., red. [!.Ia!-.ual on cvtcijgy in tw,-, vo-ILaMes] Ruko-.-o_Jstv,3 pr, tsiroligii v dvukh -.omakh. ',!Oskva, Nauka- Vol-1. 1965. 571 p. (11-IIHA 16. 2) 1, Ak~!de.,,iya nauk SS&R, Institut tsitolor-ii. RAYKGV, I.B. Ultrastructura of the nuclei in the ciliate Nassula ornata. TSitologiia 7 no-5:675-678 S-0 1 65. (14IRA 18:12) 1. Laboratoriya tsitologii odnokletochnykh organizmov Instituta tsito'Logii AN SSSR, Len'~ngrad. Submitted Dec. 11, 1964. RAYKOV9 I.B. Nuclear apparatus and division of Remane114 granulosa Kahl - and Remanel-la rugosa Kahl (Holotricha, Gymnostomatida). Sbor. rab. Inst.tsit. no. 3:20-34 163. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Laboratoriya tsitologii odnokletochnykh orgaiiimov Instituta tsitologii AN SSSR. 41 RAYKOV., I.B. -" " - TziNdorians of, the mbsopeamori of the Usnrl B,7 (Sea of Japm). Zbol. zhur. 42 no,12z].753-~1767 163 (MTFU 17 V7 ) 1. Thstituta of -,ytology, A-~ademy of Sciences of -~hc U.S*S.Re, Len in grad . _~', -r,,I _ -.-.",~v I.: . -I'n"rstitial zelenctskaya no.2:172-185 fauna of In litterc.-I o-' DalInF---- Bay (cLs -.t,-,-n i --rt c, -' *",., :~ l-.u==n Coast) . T---14--rI '60. (":I:A 1A.: ') (Z,--len,--tc':a-YzL Ba.-Irfuscria) RAYKOV, 1. B. "The Chromosomal Apparatus of the Infusorian Macrorilicleus.n pp. 63 Institute cf Cytology AS USSR Laboratory of Cytology of Unicellular Orgqnism Il Nauchnaya Konferentsiya Instituta Tsitologii All &SSR-1 Tezisy Dokladov Cytolo of the- -= Mecond SclenUric conference o? the Institute -o?- Aca emy of Sciences US13R, Abstracts of Reports)$ Loningrad, 196V2 88 pp. JPRS 20963L K1C-YSSIN,Ye.,1-1.; RAYKOV, I.B. Cytology of protozoa at the First International Conference on Protozoology in Prague. TS4'ologiia 4 no.1:93-98 ja-F 162. 15: 4) (PROTOZOA-CONGRESSES) (GYTOLOGY) * I UTKINY I.A. [deaaasedj;_~A~~Wy I B. Tenth International Congress on Cell Biology. TSitolo iia 3 no.3:371-374 MY-Je 161 ~CYTOLOGY-CONGHESS!Z) ~11411RA 14:6) au. k re on .-,n tp,.i wear -1 ln "uel Carl, e r v av tcm,~, khan! -he sk iy inst! ACC NRt INVENTOR: Raykov, I. Ya. ORG: none TITLE: Intake manifold for in-line four-cylinder internal-combustion engine. Class 46, No. 175349 SOURCE. Byulleteh' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 19. 1965, 111-112 TOPIC TAGS: internal combustion engine, intake manifold PSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been icmued for an intake manifold for in-line four-cylinder internal-combustion engines, having a common intake chamber and separat Intake pipes (see Fig. 1). To ensure uniform mixture feed (air) to the cylinders, all the pipes are of equal length; this is ELecomplished by connecting that portion of the chamber facing the block to the first and fourth cylinders, and the opposite portion to the second and third cylinders. Likewise, to balance hydraulic resistance in all pipes, all the pipes have an equal number of bends whose radii of curvature are also equal. For free overflow into the opposite pipe during backfiring, the pipes of the Ccrd 1/2 uDc: 621.43-225'.12 ACC NRt-----APTO"00 souRcE cou: tm/o4l3/66/000/022/0134/013 INVENTOR: Raykovp I. Ya. ORG: none TITLE: Inlet pipe for internal combustion engines. Class 46, No. 188T93 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 22, 1966, 134 TOPIC TAGS: internal combustion engine, engine component, engine fuel system ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for an inlet pipe for internal combustion engines, which contains a distributing pipe leading to multichambered carburetors. To increase the uniformity of the fuel/gas-mixture distribution to the cylinders, the pipe has two vento located alone the axes of the carburetor's mixing chamber. In one of these vents is located a cylindrical insert which with the pipe wall forms an annular channel for the concentrated distributicn of streams of the mixture passing through the channel and insert. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. (WHI SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 06Feb64/ Lqard 1/1 UDC: 621-434-036-91 S/890/61/000/002,/006/007 A059/A126 AUTHOR:: Raykov, I.Ya., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: The influence of fuel spraying on the wear of the cylinders of in- ternal combustion engines SOURCE: Moscow. tlauchno-issiedovatellskly institut avtomobillnogo trans- porta. Ekspluatatsionno-tekhnicheskiye svoystva i primemeniye av- tomobillnykh topliv, smazochnykh materialov i spetszhidkostey. no. 2, 1961, 41 - 51 TEXT: Wear of the cylinders in internal combustion engines can be effec- tively reduced by the use of high-velocity air flow in the mixing chamber of the carburetor at the moment -when it encounters the fuel, in particular with engines involving a low-speed crankshaft and partial load. One of the chief causes of rapid wear of cylinders found when the speed of the crankshaft is reduced is in- sufficient spray of the fuel in automotive carburetors with invariable flow-pas- sage cross-a3ctional. area of the diffuser. The life of the cylinders in engines without austenitic cylinder sleeves can be considerably prolonged by using high Card 1/2 S/890/61/000/002/006/007 The influence of fuel spraying on the wear of .... A059/A126 velocity of the spraying air in the formation of hot fuel mixtures, by 20 to 25%, on an average, and by about 10 to 15% In the case of cylinders with wear-resist- ant aust-enitic sleeves. Automotive carburators should be evaluated exclusively according to their duties and economic characteristics, but also with a view to the reducibility of wear of the engine cylinders. Requirements of the carbure- tor which take into account the possible wear of the cylinder should be made ob- ligatory. Professor I.M. Lenin, N.V. Brusyantsev, S.G. Koltypina, and MAMI are mentioned. There are 8 figures. Card 2/2 FG'.YKGV, K., inzh. (Bolgariya) From abroad. Avt. dor. 28 no-5:30 My 165. (MIRA 18:11) RATITV, Tol7a (Moskva) Notes of a naturalist. IUn. nat. no.11:37-38 N 158. (MIRA 11-12) (Starlings) M C,ERASIK~V, M,.; D.; RAYK('V, Kr.; L. Use of bitumen emulsions in road con3truction in Bulgaria. Avt.dor. 27 no.1:23-24 Ja 164. (MT-RA 17:4) AML037981 BOOK EXPLOITATION S/ Gudkov, Aleksandr Ivanovich; Leshakov, Pavel Semenovich; Raykov, Leonid Gerasimovich External loads and aircraft strength (Vneshniyv nagruzU i prochnost' letateliny*kh apparatov), Moscow Oborongiz, 1963, 479 P. illus., I biblio. Errata slip inserted. 3,500 copies printed. 1OPIC TAGSt external load aircraft strength, aircraft, helicopter, aerodynamic 1 .0 -heating, aerodynamic flutter, aircraft vibration, fatigue strength I :PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book is devoted to external loads acting on a flying ,apparatus (aircraft and helicopter) and the strength of its design. The book gi a ve !basic attention to the actual problems of the strength of modem flying apparatuses$: amic loading, service life and fatigue strength of strzictures strength at high :flight speeds considering aerodynamic heatingj, etce Besides presenting the*theo- retical problems, the book describes the experimental methods of invesVgating structural strength. The book is intended for engineers who work in ddsign,, testint,, and the use of aircraft. It can also be used as a textbook by students in aviationz ,higher educational institutions. Card 1/2