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USSR BORODIN, V. V., KOZOKINA, S. M., KONOVALOVA, V. V., MAYOROVA, V. A. "Algorithm for Lexicographic Processing of Texts" Izbr. Tr. Vses. Mezhvuz. Simpoz po Prikl. Mat. i Kibernet., GoT'kiy, 1967 [Selected Works of All-Union Interuniversity Symposium on Applied Mathe- matics and Cybernetics, Gorlkiy,,19671, Moscow, Nauka. Press, 1973, pp 359 365 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V770, by the authors). Translation: Problems of organization of a machine dictionary capable of performing a broad range of linquistic tasks is studied. It is suggested that the dictionary be based on list structures using the apparatus of grammars with a finite number of states. It is considered that the most acceptable form of operation with an automatic dictionai,y is the method of standard programs. With this purpose in:mind, a set of operators is given for writing the program. The most typical tasks of lexicographic analysis performed by computers are formulated in terms of the operators. 1/1 PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 112 029 UNCLASSIFIED. JITLE--HETEPOGENEITY OF DEFORMATION DISTPIBUTION DURING CREEP AND EXTC-NSION -U- YE. A, _AUTHOq-(03)-RY8ALKO, F.P., GUSEV, KONOVALCIVA, :.-.-COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ":';,SOURCE-- I ZV. VYSSH. UCHEB . ZAVED. Fl Z. 1970t 13(2)t 66-9 ,:.:" ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 S USJ EC T AREAS--MATERIALS -;:-TOPIC TAGS--ALUMINUMt PLASTIC DEFORMATION, METAL CREEP* TENSILE STRESSP --~POLYCRYSTAL ~::,CGNTROL MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~:PROXY REEL/FRAME--1994/1781 STEP NO--UR/0139/70/OL3/00-1/0066/0069 CIRC ACCF-SSION Pill,--AT0115610 L I 2/2 OZ9 U-NCL ASS IF I ED PROCE-SSMG DATE-230CT70 CIRC ACCESSIGPli N9--AT0115610 ~~ASSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) 04P-0- ABSTRACT. BY IJSI~IG THE STATiC mETHOO, rHE TY OF DEFUAMATION DISTRI.3UT10, QUANT. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HETEPOGENEI DURING CREEP AND STATIC TENSION OF POLYCRYST. AL (91),ePE-RCENT PURE) 14ERE DETD. DURING CREEP THE HETEROGENEITY OF T14E DISTRItiUl'InN OF THE MICRODEFORMATIONS ACCORDING TO THE DEGREES OF DEFORMATION IS CONTROLLED BY THE ELONGATION PROCESS AND, IN CONTRAST TO STATIC TLNSION, 15 ALMOST INDEPENDENT OF THE GRAIN SIZE, THE TEMP., AND THE ACTING LOAD. OURING THE CREEP PROCESS THE HETEROGENEITY OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF MICRODEFORMATIONS AT LARGE DEGREES OF DEFORMATION DEVELOPS MORE .-.,,,INTENSELY THAN DURING STATIC TENSION. fACI~ITY: URAL. GOSUNIV. 1M. GURIKOGOP SVERDLOVSK, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR urc BMTKORNOV, A. I BOOOMMOV, 11. 1., GURIVCMJK$ I -I., OVALTHMIKO, M. S. ONOVALOVA, Ye. S., and PAMMO, Yu. B., Institute ofTi6blems of Mater al Sc~ences Ukr SSE Investigation of the Form, Durability, and Abrasive Ability of Grains or Refractory Compound Powders" Kiev-, Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, No 5, MaY 71, pp 65-69 Abstract: The results are presented of an Investigatio.11 of the form, strenrth, and abrasive properties of powders of fused titanium and niobi= carbides and calcium boride, in comparison with certain data on synthetic corundum. The results show that the deviatlon from Gmin isomtricity of niobium carbide is larger than that of titaniwa carbide; that the strength of niobium and titanium carbides with a grain size of more than 250 /1 is higher than that of calcium boride and white synthetic corundum grains, while at smr.Mer Grain sizes the opposite is true. The co-,.riyounds considerea here ray be ordered with res*pect totheir increasing abrasive power, begi" with mthatic corundum: EB-Ilbc- TiC-CaB6 1-1-18 1-36 1.88. 7777-7- 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 ~~TITLE-VIXCOSES AND VISCOSE FIBERS FROM LOW SUBSTITUTED CARBOXYMETHYL ~..CELLULOSE -U- '.AUTHOR-(03)-YASHUNSKAYA, A.G., KCNOVALOVAY,:YE.M., t4OrILEVSIIY YE.M. ~tbUNTRY OF I'NFO--USSR .,"SOURCE-KHIM, VOLOKNA 19701 My 24-7 DATE PUBLISHED------70 --SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS ".'-~T.CPIC TAGS-RAYON, CELLULOSE RESIN, CARBON DISULFIDE, SYNIllETIC RESIN :.CONTROL MARKIf4G--NO f-EsrpICTIONS* ~--UNCLASSIFIED OCCUMENT CLASS PROXY REEL/FRA,4E--1984/1821 StEP ND--UR/04183170JO001001/0024/0027 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0100395 LIN amma I a milummommomammiffilliumni 2/2 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 ACCESSION NO--AP0100395 -7A8STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. VISCOSE 11 F13ERS PREPO. FROM A CM-CELLULOSE (It) WITH A LOW DEGREE OF SUBSTITUTION EXHIBITED SUPERIOR FILTERABILITYt WHICH REDUCEO THE CONSUMPTION OF CS SU8Z DURING XANTHATION, INTRODUCTION OF A SMALL NOo OF [I GROUPS AFFECTED THE STRUCTURE AND THE PHYSICOMECH. PROPERTIES OF I FIBERS. THUSt THE PHYSICO-4ECH. PROPERTIES OF I YARN MARKEDLY DETERIORATED, ALTHOUGH THE STRUCTURE AND THE PROPERTIES.OF A CORD FIBER WERE ESSENTIALLY UNCHANGED, -.':~:'...WHEREAS THE STRUCTURE OF A POLYNOSIC FIBER DETERIORATED.AND ITS :RESISTANCE TO'ALKALI DECLINED. UNCLASSIFIED USSR KONOVALITSEVA, 0. T. and PUCHKOVA, A. P. "Organization of a Library in the TAAM-23 Translating System for a Con- figuration of the MLisk-23 Computer without an Operational System and with an Operational System" Naterialy Mezhvuz. Konf. po Mat. Obespecbeniyu Avtomatizir. Sistem Upr. [Materials of Inter-University Conference on Control System Automation Software), Moscow, 1973, pp 174-181 (Translated from,Referativnyy Zhur- nal Kibernetika, No 10, 1973, Abstract No 10V668) Translation: Two approaches are presented to the realization of the operator of the LIBiZARY procedure of ALGEK algorithmic language. The operator is used to access libraTy subroutines. The first approach to realization is related to development of the TAAM-23 translator for the ALGEK language! for the Minsk-23 computer configuration without an operational system and consists in the use of the interpretation method. For this, an interpreting system (IS) is developed, allcrwing the necessary program to be called to a defined point in the operational accumulator, itn posi:tion, contTol shifted to a certain standard subroutine and return aade to the main program. The second approach to realization of the L1BPWW procedure opera- tor involves development of a version of the TIAM-23 translator from USSR KONOVALITSEVA, 0. T. and PUCHKMA, A. P., Materialy klezhvu2, Konf. po Mat. Obespecheniyu Avtomatizir. Sistem Upr., Moscow, 19-113, pp 174-181 ALGEK for a configuration of the Minsk-23 computer with an operational system. In this case, the compilation.method is used,. 2/2 USSR UDC 8. 74 AYNBERC, V. D. MOLOSTV0VA, L. V., RUMYANTSEVA, G. D., SABSOVICH, L. "Expansion of the Library of Standard Procedures of the TA-111 Translator" Tr. TsNII stroit. konstruktsiy (Works of the Scientific Research Institute of Structural Parts), 1971, vyp. 20, pp 5-7 (from RZh-Kiberaetika 1,11o 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9V616) Translation: A list of developed standard procedures of the TA-114 translator is presented for: 1) formation of matrices and algebraic operations on them; 2) printout of files using the alphanumeric printer; 3) exchange off-Lles in ready-access memory with the external memory of the computer. It .is noted that reference to all the developed procedures is made using tile standard procedure operator pN(ql, q 21 .0.0 qn) where N Is the library number of the standard procedure, 3nd q,,, q2p .~.p q. are its a;.,,tual param!tern in place of which the identifiers of t1je variables jind filen, the nuirbers and -arithmetic expressions can be substituted. All of these described procedures are formulated as standard programs in the IS-2 system, 4ind the TA-lM translator is uged without auxiliary sFapinr, subprogran-ji. They are vritten on the magnetic tape of the translator library and find broad applicatiou, increasing the volume of the ready-acces and external memories used, facilitating the program- min& process in ALGOL and reducing the solution time of the problems. 1/1 USSR UDC 537.312.62 OVODCHENKO, V. A., DMITRIYEV, V. M., KOMAREVSKIY, S. K., LL TIONOV, N. F. SINonisotbermal Superconducting Bolometer. II" Tr. Fiz.-teklin. in-t nizk. temperatur M USSR (Works of tile Physico-Technical Low Temperature Institute of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences), 1970, vyp. 9, pp 72-84 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 4, Apr 71, Mistract 4D463) Trans]Latlon: The concept of creating a nonisothermal sunerconducting bolo- meter arises directly from the statement of tile problem of thermal conduc- tivity for an ordinary (isothermal) superconducting boloweter considering non- uniformity of the temperature distribution along its sensitive element. 110,7- ever, along with the useful effect used, the understandiug of the fact of simultaneous existence of sections with different superconducting states in the s--n itive element of the superconducting bolometer iinplies significant complication of the problem which in this statement is very simple for ordinary bolometers. In some practical cases the sections of the sensitive element in the intertr4diate state make an insignificant contribution to its total electrical resistance, and analysis of Ole operatipn of the supercom- ducting bolometer can be greatly simplified If only its superconducting and 1/2 77-4-- USSR KONOVODCHEITKO, V. A., et al., Xr_Fiz.-tek-hn. in-t nizic. temperatur All USSR, 1970, vypo 9, pp 72-84 normal sections are considered. This problem was investigated earlier by the authors. This paper is devoted to solving the most general stationary problem of thermal conductivity of nonisothermal superconducting bolometers and development of a method of graphoanalytical investigation of its character- istics. A system of equations for determining the current coordinates of the boundaries of the sections of the superconducting bolometer with different states of the superconductor was obtained as a result of solving this problem. A number of special cases of solving the s stem are investigated, which along y with fLaving independent value, also turn out to be very iiseful when writing and developing the program for its complete solution. There are 2 illustra- tions; and a 4-entry bibliography. 2/2 0= 7~ USSR UDC 539.4:624 CHERKASHIN, A. V. I'Study of the Operation of Elements of Walls of Laisge-Block Buildings Under the Action of a Horizontal Load" V sb. Vses. soveshch. "Proyektir. i str-vo zeismostoy-R. :rdani.,L i sooruzlill 1971 Conference "Design and Construction of EarthqpInke-F'roof Buildings and Structures," 1971 -- Collection of Works), Moscow, Mil, pp 94-97 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 3, Mar 72, Abstract No 3VI:217) Translation- Preliminary results a.-e presented on actual static tests of the partitions of four-stury buildings in Yalta 'that were made of large blccks of cut limestone. The partitions were loaded with a horixonzal Force in the plane of the building in the upper level. The displacement off,the partitions was of the displacemient are determined at four points along the height. Graph,, given as. a function of the le-el of stresses for two p8irtitions located or, the first and second stcries of the building. It is pointed. out that complete pro- cessing and analysis of the reSUltS,1S Still inCOMDICte and final results will be published later. A. S. Arkh-ipav. Oftud on: USSR UDC 539.4:624 POLYAKOV, S. V., KONOVODCHENKO SAFARMLIM, S. M., GUNINA, R. S. "Study of the Strength of Brick Masonry of Various Design lypus" V sb. Materialy k Vses. sovesTich. po proyekttr. i str-Vu seisnostoyk. zdaniv i soomzh. (Materials f~rom the All-Union Conference on the Design and Construction ~of Earthquake-Proof Buildings and Structures -- Collection of Works), Moscow, 1971, pp 115-119 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 3, Har 72, Abstract No V1224) Translation: The results of tests of bri6k. masonry of calcined clay brick, ordinary and patterned (with grooves on the side spacesland also of silicate brick, ordinary, hollow and wavy (with a wavy surface) Lve given. The normal ial adhesion to the masonry was studied on samples, columns of dirrien- and tangent A. sions 25 x 25 x 30 (and 22) cm. The samples: of calcined !)Pi& viere tested under static and pulsation (10 11z) loads. The samples of silicate brick were tested only under static load. A rise in the stjenj~tb of adhe4iion to the masonzy w-as noted -for pattermed and wwiy brick. Tests for central campre~,sion were conducted on samples of masonry of dinensions 38 x 64 x 120 cm of clay ordinary and pant- terned brick with reinforcement and without reinforcement. The strength of --he reinforcement of the masonry was much higher than the theoretical values calcu- lated by the formulas from the construction noms and regulations. The bearing 1/2 NOR-11- -'POLYAKOV, S. V. ,et al, MaterialX k Vses. soveshch. p2 proyektir. i str-vu seismostoyk. zdaniy i soo-ruzh., Moscow, 1971, pp 115-119 capacity of the masonry under the action of et transverse load was determined on masonry samples of dimensions 38 x 64 x 120 am. The samples were anchored in a force field and were subjected to the simultimeous action of horizontal and vertical compressing forces. Dynamic tests of the saWles were conducted on a seismic platform. A. S. Arkhipov. 2/2 _614 UNCLASStFIEU p IG 906E S S 11, -_TLE OF DIFFUSION KINETICS Of CHEMICAL REACTIONS MIXTURES-OF SOLIDS -U- ,-.,AUTHOR--KONOYUK :,:.-C,0UNTRY OF INFO--USSR "_SOURC E--DOKL. AKAD. NAUK BELORUSS. SSR 1910rp l4U2+r 137-40- DATE, PUBL ISHED ------- 70 AREAS--CHEMISTRY DATE--23OCT70 IN PO(iDERED TOPIC TAGS--CHEMICAL REACTION RATE, REACTION KINFUGSP KINETIC EQUATIONo, -SOL I DSTATEt DIFFUSION COEFFICIENT CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTtONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/1138 STEP NO---UI/OZ5OfTQfOL4rt-t()OZ/OL3-r/OL40 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0119992 UNCL A SJS I FiEf) 2/2 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSTNG OATE-Z30CT70 'C'IRC ACCESSION NO--AT0119992 -EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PATE OF CAEM. RI:AcrioNs .-ABSTRACT/ I INVOLVING POWDERY SOLIDS IS LIMITED BY THE RATE GF (,lIFF(jSlON THROUGH THE LAYER OF SOLID PRODUCT WHICH FORMS ON GRANULES OF ONE OF. THE REA'JENTS AND WHICH PHYS. SEPS. THE REACTANTS. KINETICS OF SUCH REACT[ONS ARE USUALLY DESCRIBED WITH THE AID OF THE JANDER EQUATIU:,.. THIS C-OIJAT16U WAS LATEWIMPROVED BY GINSTLING AND BROUNSHTEINI AND MORE RECENTLY BY CARTER. A KINETIC EQUATION' IS DERIVED STARTING WITI-i TH~ FICK EXPkESSION FOR DIFFUSION INTO A HJLLOW SPHERE FROM A POINT SOURCE. THE DERIVED EQUATION IS TO BE GENERAL-ANU CAN BE EXPRESSED IN FURMS SIMILAR To THE 3 EQUATIONS MENTIONED FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. THESE EQU4TIONS CANP THEREFOREi BE COMPARED. TABLES ARE GIVEN COMPARING RATES OF REACTEONS C41-CD. ON THE BASIS OF EACH OF THESE REAC'riONS* CONSIDE!,ABLE DIFFERENCES ARE NOTEDr PARTICULARLY AT LOW DEGREES OF CONVERSION. THE CONCLUSION IS, THAT THE EQUATION OF JANDER IS RATHER CRUDEO, THAT OF GINSTLING AND -%,,iBR0UNSHTElN IS MORE ACCURATEs AND THE EQUATION OF CARTER IS RELATIVELY T FOR THE CASE STUDIED, FACILITY: IIELORUSS. GOS. UNIV. T14E BES MINSKI USSR, ~414. LENINA, UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 621-395-347 KOBLENTS, Ya. G., GRUSEVICH, S. I.,:IwNbVSKIIY G. and GORYACKVA, L. I. "Fast-Acting Selective Mixers" Moscow, Blektrosvyazl, No. 7, 1971, pp 30-35 Abstract: The mixers discussed in thii3 article refer to the cir- cuits used in automatic teleT)hone lines of the decade type. They can be made to operate speedily througgh the use of quasi-electronic techniques, semiconductor devices and hercons (hermetically sealed contacts). With such instrumentation, the lines are better utilized and there is little delay in establishing contacts. This article presents the basic technical data of such mixing circuits, indicates the connections and switching procedures, and explains their operation with the assistance of block and switohing diagram Fast-acting selective mixer equipment has proved its worth under test conditions in the telephone 'Lines between Leningrad and .1.1os- cow. It is asserted tliat, in addition to using fast:acting -mixers, existing lines should be modified to improve the efficiency off in- dividual operators' equipment. In the information center o-'-' the Leningrad lines, for example, two racks of the 'Last-acting mixer circuits have improved the uniformity.of calls on the operators with a 1CO increase in information supplied. Oti 1 UR 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Sec.tion---ki Electrical, Derwent, ~'70 242238 FULSLOMMMU emmming COMPRENr has, Wo coils Ymnd ourthe.jmgmetic coca. The holding coil provides a bio~sn6ugh magnetic field for supporting the sakLag:coatacts. 71bal de~energising coil is also oWated by a pulse. Both coils have independent amoporq-turas and their on and off operation-can,be.adjusted so that the contacts sake and brake without beaLt- ation. The component is applicable to-the telt.- phony. 8.1.68. as 1208072/26-4.. I.D'.KOPTSKV at al. (16.9-69.) Bul.15/25.4.69. Class 21d. Int.Cl. H04m. Koptsev, L D.; Koblents,- AUTHORS: -K=0v'jk 19820292 USSR UDC 546.48122t548:537-311-31 GALUSHKA, A. P., DVIDYUK, G. Y-E., DUBOVOY, V. K., and KGROZENKO, I. D. institute of Nuclear Research of the Academy* of "Invesligation of Nonuniformity of Specifia Electrical Conductivity of Single CdS Crystals" Moscow, Neorganicheskiye Materialy, vol. ~fNo 5, May 73, PP 750-754 Abstracti This article considers the naturo of nonunifo= distribution of the specific electrical conductivity of single OdS crystals and the effect of nonuniformity on the Hall mobility of electrons. Sinr,,Ie OWS' crystals, obtained by the method of zone sublimation, were used in the iw%restiv ,,ation, A nonuni-forn diStrihition of fast recombli&,tion s-centexs, is evident in singleCdS crystals which leads to nonunifori-,t distribution of the succific eleertrical conductivity over the length of the specinen. The mobility of conductors determined in such specimens from the data o-1P Hall effect can be dgiificarctly -different from that of actual Hall mobility ~k X, In deterr.-Inirz.:g the mobility of conductors in single CdS~crystals from the ex-perinental data 1/2 GALUSHKA, A. F., et al, Neorganicheskiye Haterialy, Vol. 9, Ila 5, MaY 73, PP 750-754 according to the Hall effect, it is alvrays necessary to take Wo account the nonunifornity of distribution of the specific electrical conductivity in the specimen. In specimens with nonuniform distribution of the recorribi- nation centers over the entire length of the apecizen the denondence of nonuniformities of the distribution of specific electrical conductivity and of g Lennity of short exposure will be will ba higher at hi h on the :Ln4 -g_. temperatures (200-350'yx) than at lower ones, The lowering of tumiperature results in decreased nanuniformity, 2/2 11C) USSR UDC 53-071.08+53-001.89 KOPAS, N. F.P GALUSHK&, A. P., KONOZENKO, I. D. "Radiation Resistant Gamma Dosimeters based on CdS Single Crystals with Compen- sated Admixtures" Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 5, 1972, pp 59-60 Abstract: Gamma-dosimeters based on single C'dG crystals with compensated ad- mixtures are described which permit measurement of the Y-radiation intensity of 60cc from 0.1 to several thousands r/sec with an error not exceeding �5% to an inte- gral dose of 10 r. The increase in radiation stability of the y-sensitivicy of the CdS single crystals is achieved by alloying them during the growth pro- cess with admixtures: 0.05% Ag and 0.12 Ga (by weight). The admixtures are added to the initial CdS powder. The structural design and the basic charac- teristics of the y-dosimeters are presented. The sensitivity of the y-dosimeters as a function of temperature is plotted for three different intensities of the y-radiation (70, 420 and 1,600 r/sec) with a crystal voltage of 0.1 volts. By comparison with the CdS crystals without admixtures these single crystals have several times less dependence on temperature. USSR U100 537-311*3~&514.28 VI1Lr2.TSKIY, V.L., VARENTSOV, M..D., YEBITSYAN, G-N., Sa!&NnK, A.K.i STARCHIK, M.I., KHIVRICH, V.I. "Effect Of Certain Factors On 7he Processes Of Formation Of Radiation Defects In Silicon And Germanium During Gamma Irradiation V ob. Radiatsion. fiz. nemet. kristallov (Radiation Physics Cf Pon-Metallic i takhn.," 1970, pp 22-44 (from Crystals--Collection Of Works), Hinok, N RZh--Elektronika i yeye primenenLye, Va 2, February 1971, Abstract No 2826) 41 Translation: The kinetics are studied of the buildup of radiation defects in Si and n- and p-type Ge during Ga=a irradiation. The affeat of -the charge otate and temperature on the formation of recombination centers Is considered as well as the effect of dosage, the intensityof Gamina irradiation, concent, ration, preliminary irradiation and other factors on the f6rmatiion of radiation defects. 32 ref. V.B. USSR UDO 621.~82 .BRAILOVSKIY, YS.YU., JW "On The Participation Of Doping Impurities In The Formation Of Radiation De- feats In Gallium Arsenide V ab. Radiatsion. fiz. nemet. kristallov (Radiation Physicu Of Non-Metallic Crystals--Collection Of Works), Minsk, IFNauka i tekhn.j" lQ7O.. pp 91-96 (from RZh--Elektronika i yeye primenenlys, No 2, Fsbzuary 1971,-Jibstract No 2B~6) Translation: The effect is investigated of,Co6O Gamma irradiation on the electrical propertieo of single crystals of n-type GaAs, doped w;ith Te and non- doped, and single crystals of p-type GaAs doped with Mo, 111i, Co. lbo rate of' introduction of defects and the enerjW position of the in the forbidden band are determined and anneuling of the defects Is conducted. It is shown that in n-type GaAs the atoms of the doping impurity To do not pmrtiuLpsto in the formation of radiation defecte responoible at room temperatoro for a change of the concentration of carriers and convorsely in p-type, GaAs,the kind of doping Impurity hae an effect on the type of radiation defects* 5 ~11. I tab. 6 ref. Su=ary. 6.9 USSR 537,311.33:5116.48.221 GALUSHKA, A. P., DAVYDYUK, G. YE., and KQNOZ_LNKO. 21-1 D131 InGti- -tute of Huclear Research, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR "Influence of Heterogeneities a on Certain Properties of CdS Single Crystals" Hoscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskiye Materi- aly, No 9, Sep 73, pp 1506-1510 Abstract: The technology used today for growing binary compounds A-2B6 does not permit producing large ideal si~igle crystals of these semiconductors. The experiments conducted by the authors involved use of CdS single crystals grown by the atathod of zone sublimation. The authors found that the heterogeneous distribu- tions of conductivity in the CdS single crystals grown by this nethod are due to the heterogeneous distribution throughout the mass of the crystal of fine traps associated vith the natural de- fects in the lattice. They studied the influence of intensity of exposure on the mobility of carriers and the distribution of con- ductivity. The article contains 4 figures and ll~bibliographic references. USSR UDC 0619:616.988-43:6305.22/.28 TOLSTYAK, I. Ye., BAKU~-IENKO, MI. D., CRECHETKIIIIA, N. P., ;jO. 10 P A and t OhMAVENKO, A. A., Ukrainian Scientific Research institige of ~-,~er!~,ien*a Xed. Veterinary , icine "Epizootiology of Food-and-~Iouth Disease Variant A2211 Moscow, Veterinariya, 140 5, ~IaY 71, pp 45-46 Abstract: The history of foot-and-rwuth disease variant in thr-- Ukraine can be separated into two periods: the pre,vaccination peVic whan the ftZhtl against the infection consists primarily of veterinaax-j sanitation measures, ard the vaccination period. characterized by widespread use of aluminuvi hydroxide forma-ldehyde vaccine from lapinized A22 viru.,;. Stiu, active IMMU- nization of animals in the Ukraine was required. The development of the disease in recent years (1966-!90"9) in various regions of the Ukraine is re- viewed. It was concluded that the establishment of immvne zones for cattle, using the above vaccine, might solve the foot-and-mouth:disease problem for all animals within a given region. 96 USSR UDC. 8.74 D0VGOP0LYY, V. G., KALAYDA, Ye. I., KONOZENKOVI. MASUBITS, G. Ya., NMTIN, A. I. "Principles of Adjusting an Operational System for a Variable Set of Equipment, and the Number of Solvable Problems" Kiev, Konstruirovaniye i vnedreniye novykh sredstv vychisl. tePhn.-- sbornik.(Designing and Introducing New Computer Facilitie5--collection of vorks), t. 1, 1971, pp 91-94 (from RU-Tibernetika, NO 7, Jul 73, abstract No 7V639) Translation: RaDid and effective alignment of an operational system for a certain set of equipment and the necessary nimber of -roblems to be p handled is one of the most urgent and most c(mplicated problems of systems programming. This paper describes-methods of solving scne aspects of this problem; these procedures have been used in developing an oper- ational system for the "Dnepr-2" computer, An operational syatem of modular structure was used as thebasis of these methoda (see Ye. I. Kalayda, V. 1. Konozenko, G. Ya, Mashbits, A. I. Kikitin, "Konstruiro- vaniye ivnedreniye novykh sredstv vychisl. tekhn.", t, a, pp,94-96). USSR KALAYDA, Ye. I., KONOZENKO, V. I., MASHBITS, G. Ya., NIKITIN, A. I. "Some Problems of Systems Programming Arising with Modular Organization of an Operational System" Konstruirovaniye i vnedreniye novykh sredstv vychisl. t