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24 July 1972 810CHL41CAL A51-CM; OF TVX -!N~LkIGICAL EFFZAT 010 A W'1-Mf.QVFNCY MILSM MZ,!TkOX&CNCT1C VIMD (At-ticle -If thr 1~sfturr or 0 -b(2st~, . ti A-i~. Y."6. M2, W"T'.itted "I July -971. rsle jil,t-atur~ tintn (I. V. C_nrdno, A, S, Pr', Yo. A. 1111,710COV, etv) ind~-ta a biological -ff-ct of ,Inctromagnetic fields of difrrr*ot- O-quency rant~os. The tjiochami~:ai macttanisz* oii lottich the morphoLogical and r,itt tiorinl diaord.Le ori4.isw, --I-er the t-rroct or an *i~t- tro.agnetic fOuld are based linve t-"n inadequately studied. Moonwhilo, such dat.t arn -xtr~~4r nPcessary it vn~ is to under- stitnd the primary meclianj=x or interaction of alertro~aaretic objects, t9 find --votiieds or lrarly diap,-, nosto nd d valop ways, to standaxniz- t-hem., The -tasK or the pryxvitt art irle av to explait, th,, p5e- siblia biochemical muchnnisms of the rtjon of a pulsod low- frequency elpetromolnotic fioll! on orrani%m. T1%r talectioil of precisoly tluit frequPticy ranre f.-Lr !study was t. the one kiand, by the Incroaoixig 49-- ~*f the #nerliy or a pulsed electrofflWatic field Vit a low fr"quency (5-50 k)4z) iii vjr~vus h branches at industry, science. and t--ai.nearing and, a" the other, 2' with a practically compl ete absence of data on thp charWer or its biaLoGical effect. Pulsed el-e!--tromagnatic fields with sn intensity of 24 and 72 kA/m (a freqc:ency of 7 kHz. a pulse lorjr~th of 130 milliseconds, and an intarruxZ** interval of 10 seconds) were used in conducting tilf- in"sti&A-tions. Th: character of the effect or pulsed *je,ctromaenetic fields . traced under conditiosts or multiple 11 ffect (25 X.0- sionst daily exposurerar) kiours, arAd an Intensity (1) or 72 kAlm) and chrontc affect (1.5# 3 and 6 month&* d4tity exposure for 1.5 hours. and an Intensity of Z?k kA./m). L It USSR C) I T1.. In vo % 1. 1 Io t I m, nw"'. von.luct".1 08A 480 md~f- white rats. "d or the correelp a di " arinds f ff At the ,I n n . V , . 't p a C-Lectroftw` I; Lie I L ,,, : sfct'fer 'th'a",,hron. I-Ida, a lid It I,,. ,and m. f. :, ic irra 'fiati"n Was cl)IWI-ldrds In tlt~l brain* liver, 1%4-art u end skeletal III cl a detormi Its tions were =4d* of a compley or indi-torm I, . ,,%IjLr ctr tt- ~_tato or the co-rbaby- drate-energ,y and nitrDgen m-tobalism, t%*,t is, th,,no tyrr, or mot~hbolism whi%;Ii are the basis of tho vlt~l activity of the or- gant am, Simultaneously, a study was maae of the stato of n hu.- her of enzymatic processes which permit deternininG the intimate m.~chavlams of disordors it, tho-~ types of w,t.bplism. All the obtained data weru provoosod statiaticalir ~M. L. Rolon'kiA)l in connection with whicht in tho stat-t vf the factual o,arer- i"It the readings of changes of the mtudi~d inditatars will ro- la~e only to shifts which are reliabLy determined (fkt P t~- 0.05). Ae thr investigation,, Aht:ntcd, rne actim or a j1uls4,d vl~ctroft~(tnetjc rield cause., well-exprem5ed ;hatw.b in th~ car- IjnhyfIratv-enet,j;y t~.vtaboljxm or the D:'Ca1t1_-=- In all th4 in~03- tinated -reans a roduction at' tho levt-LCcf ~rro.rci- pounds qdtuoain~ trip.&2==pborjv acid AT7!' and croAtine pho4- phate in ubsorved. Una-r th- ffor or -Itiple acti= o,( a pulaed el.ctro..Fnetic fi-kd (72 kA/n) th. Lvvel of th, 1^tter decj:c ... d Vy 17% on the averatra in the braia tissue, 4y4 in tho Liver, and 301~ its the skeletal musclas. t:j"_1vr conditions of thronir rffcct or a pulsed el~ctromngnetic field (24 kA/m) the reductioni or creatin. Phosphatp was 23.6. ~5.4 and 26.4~, in the brain tissue, 29.3. 59.1 and 4o.&.4 in the heart. and 39-9. 44-9 and 29,^ in tho skeletal. muscles in the c=--exponding inveziti- gated pericKis of t-5. 3 and 6 months. Th^ crratine phosphate content was tastorod to the level of t-he c=.=z-at values silly after a period of 2 monthb from conclusi-= of the action. Its lmraLleL with decrease or crnatin. pbosphate in all those arranas inciudinr the livers thore was decrease of the ATP content of tho same order or mornitudo. "i-,.t1taneously, an ac- citmulation of ita daphusphorylated derivatives (ABP And AAP) waIt detected. In the liver the levels at the Imttor incroased b) 156 and 120~ respectivoly. in th~ brain tia-s.4- by 20.4 ~M,l 66.,-4, and in the heart by 57.6 and )6',C. Such shifts could occur either as a result of intonnification of ATP expreruliture in various re- actions or when thrre in disti.Irlmnev of proccases connectetj wisit the formation arid accumulation of energy in cho zacroergkc bonds of the ATP. Investigation or tht connection of the processes of oxi- dation with phoaphorylation pemitted earablishing a consider- able isolation of those processes in all the invostig4ted or- gans during both the toutiple and the chronic ffect or a pulned 2 USSR UDC 546.185 K0L0DT4ZM,_Q--j., KALYAGIN, G. A., and GOLOLOBOV, Yu. G., Institute of Organic Chemi try, Acad. Se. Ukrainian SSR "Reaction of Chlorophosphates With Metallic Derivatives of Malonic Esters" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 43 (105), No 8, Aug 73, pp 1859-1860 Abstract: Diethyl chlorophosphate reacts with sodium, potassium, or lithium derivatives malonic ester via 0-phosphorylation, yielding diethyl (carbo- ethoxypropenLyl) phosphate, b.p. 120-122*/0,05 mm, n20 1.4472, dZO 1.1650. D 4 ............. ..... ................... ...... USSR UDC: RADENKO, L. A., !VXiOVA, L. V. , KALININ, 0. 1-1. ,KAXIIIIIIIII, A. L. , DYAZM=--a.Y. Analysis of the Motion of Argref;ates of Celts in a Fresh-Water spong V sb. Probl. kiberneti-hi (Problcmls of Cybernetics-colle(Ation of works), . 25, Moscc-,i, 'Tauha", 19'(2, pp 119-127, (from RZh-KLibvrnetIk-,, No 6, Jun VYP 72, Abstraci No 6 W599) Tminslation: Pm attem-pt is =de t1o fire, ectimates of Vic! priiicip~-! parx- eters of ccll mct- ons on the bac' s of nathematical. proce:ming of individual traJectorics of finite ag-reCatcs in a fresh-imter spongo. Authcrs ab- stract. 72 USSR UDC 547-785-5-556.3 KOLOD EL N.,1 SDIO11.10vil A. It., ZIOLTIKOVAY N. N., and POZZILARSKIY, A. F., '-116'stov State University, Rostov-on-Don "Intramolecular Nitrogen Bonding in a Series of I-Substituted 2-Aminobenziuida- zolf", Riga, Miimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh SoyedineniY, 5, t Y .1973, Pp 71-715 Abstract: Compounds of the type 1-aryl-2-airdnobenzinddazol (I) form., in addition to the intermolecular bonds, intrazolecitlar nitroGen bonding which occurs in the o-position of H-aryl radical and leads to the formnation of dibenz fa,g] imidazo (2,l-C1(l,2,4,j triazines (II-V as follows: R 01' A'ti~N The ring closure occurs smoothly in concentrated If POI the prefience of IfSO 3 ~ e 4 results in the fo-Tr;ation of 5- and 6-azobanzij-.iidazols. A methyl group in the .-he rin -nt m-position on the N-aryl radical facilitates I ig closareo Elene aa an-slysisly IR data, physical constants, and inolecular weights are given. 1/1 I-A big UNCLASSIFIEO~ PROCESSING QATE--090CT70 JiTLE-NITROGEN CONTAINING BISHETEROCYCLII~ SYSTEMS. It. NArURE OF THE TINFLUENCE OF THE 2, BENZ IMIDAZOLYL RADICAL -U- AUTHOK-(05)::_~LuQlYALUaAjh N., SIMONOV, A*M*v KOLUDYALHNYY, YU.V.p A, ~].`Oslpovt O.A COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -KH114. Gf=TEROTSIKL. (2)9 Z38-44 .SOURCE SOEDIN. 1970t DIATE PUBL15HED----70 .,.SUBJECT AREAS--CliEMISTRY "'-,'TOPIC.TAGS--lR SPECTRUM, UV SPECTRUM# BENZ I M I DAZOLE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UiNCLASSIFIED HETLROCYCLIG NITROGEN COMPUUND, -,-:,PROXY REEL/FRAME-1983/1169 STEP NO--Ult/0409/701000/002/0238/0244 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054070 UNCLASSIFIEG 2/3 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-09OCT70 GIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0054070 .:-Ai3STRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE QUATLRNARY SALTS ESP. OF 10ARYLt 3,(3ENZIMIDALULtZ,YL)BENtIOLOAZOLLUM UNDERGO RING ')PENING REACTIONS WITH WEAK BASES ISUGH AS NH SU03 IN PYRIDINE) AT ROOM TEMP THE SALTS WITH A FREE NH GROUP (I.E., WITHOUT THE 1,ARYL SUBSTITUENT; REACT SIMILARLY. NO YLIDE FORMArION WAS FOUND. THE RING OPENING ~PRODUCTS DEFORMYLATLD BY HEATING. THE UV AND IR spEc'rRA OF VARIOUS ..SrARTING CG14POS.t PRODUCTSr ANU INTERMEDIATES WERE RECORDED. A CH SUB2 GROUP aETWEEN THE TWO 1141DAZOLE RINGS INCREASES STAOILITY. THE R1.14GS BARE THEN OPENED ONLY lN THE PRESENCE OF STRONG BASES AT ROOM TEMP.; THE .PRODUCTS ARE RECYCLIZEO IN ACID MEDIUM. THE PROTGNIZATION CONSTS. OF PK -SUBA I AND PK SUBA2 OF MODEL COMPDS. WERE MEASURED IN MECN. THE FOLLOWINGIVALUES (7-7.5 HIGHER THAN THOSE MEASURED IN WAVER) WERE ''OBT'ArNELTFUK*N-i(itiMEfHYLB'E-.NZL*i4-rDA'ZUL'#2-#'Y*LISUBSrLTOI'ECYCO14'1YD'5. (COMP., PK SUBAlt~PK SUBA2, AND M.P- GIVEN)-' 1141-DAZOLE, ll.ttbr 5.31~r-; BENZIMIDAZOLE9 9.91, 5.019-; PYRAZOLEr 9.59,t -#91-20EGREC-S; INOAZULE, 8.809 -v 171-20EGREES; FOR Nt(Ltl4ETHYLaENZIMIDAZOL12PYLjMET~iYLENE SUBSTITUTEU COMPOS.: IMIUAZCJLE# 13-73, 9.25, 1501)EGREES; 3ENLIMIDAZOLEt L2.56, 9.21* 165-60EGREES; PYRAZOLEs 12.271 4.29v 1.09.5-10.00EGREES; INDAZGLE*.12*03# 4.72t 167-8DEGREES; FOR SUBSTITUTE0 BENLIM10AZOLES: 13.22,-,-*' N#,PRP 13.22r-r-. THE QUATERNARY SALTS WERE PREPO. BY MELTING AT 140-50DEGFLEES EQUIMOLAR AMTS. OF NtALKYLOENZIMEDAZOLE WITH 2,CHLORO OR 2v (-CHLOROMETHYL)BENZIMIDAZOLE. UNCLASSIFIED 019 'UNCLA SJFIED' PkOCESSiNG DATE--ogoc-r70 --;ClAC ACCESSION NU--AP0054070 ABSTRACT/EXTRACI-THUSt THE FOLLOWING DERIVSO OF 'RE PREPD. (MoP. GIVEN) N, (BLNIZ 1141 OAZOI.,2, YL 0, PHEll'YLENEDI AM INL WE :':.;NrMEvNvF0RMYLv 207-80EGkEf:S; NyME, 226-7uEGREES.; P41PH, ')-6b-9DFGRELl.'>; SIMILARLY, N,PH AND NtLTtN' i'Pli4lz,tlpMETI-IYLBEtiZIMIDAZOLI 2 vYL tfjv PHENYLENEDIAP-1 INES, M. 183-41)EGREES AND 2ZZ-3DLGRE-cS' KLSP., r%'U(E OBTAINED* NYMETHYLoNtFORMYLiN PRIMEj(lil4E;THYLBENZII-IIDAICIL,Z,,YLP METHYLEPIE)#OtPEHNYLtNEUIAMIN-E, M. 164-50EGREES WAS PREP0. UNf; 1. A SS I F I E: 0 UDC: 539.3:534.1 USSR KOLODYAZHNIYY, A.P., KRASOVSKIY, V.L. and KU611ER.ENRO, V.M. ItTe'sts of Reinforced Cylindrical Shells for Stability Under Bending" Dnepropetrovsk, Sb. Resheniye Nekotor, Fiz.-Tekhn. Zadach (Symposium on Solution of Certain Physical-Technical Problems), 1972, pp 49-52 (from Referativayy Zhurnal-Mekhanik-a, 1973, Abstract No 2V294 by V.V. Kabanov) Translation: A device is described for testing shells under pure bending on a universal compression machine, inspection test results are given for nonreinforced shells fabricated by spot welding out of KH18N9N 6teel plate. These test results agree with known 4ata. Brief information it; also included on strain gage tests of a shell reinforced by stiffeners. It is pointed out that at the instant of total loss of stability the iwiplitude of- compressior stress is 1.3 time the amplitude of tension stress. USSR UDC: 620.178.7 KOLODYAZHNYY,-A. V., SMELYANSKIY, V. A., Khar1kov "Experimental Study of the Stress State of an Elastic Beam under Transverse Impact" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 7, Jul 73, pp 116-118. Abstract: Results are presented from experimental study of stresses and dis- placements in an elastic prismatic beam under transverse impact by a solid body. A method of experimental study of the stress state and the influence of wave processes on the parameters of the stress-strain state of the elastic system under transverse impact are presented. 98 - USSR UDC 546.185 I. and GAYDAMMA, S. 11. Institute of 0--2- SAMARAY, L Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences Ukralnlan SSR "Anionotropic Conversion of bis(Trichloromethyl)chlorophosphazocarbonyl Chloride" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 41, No 8s Aug 71, P 1872 Abstracti bis(Trichlcromethyl)chlorophosphazohydride reacts with oxa-lyl chloride to give bis(trichlorometbyl)ci~-loropliosphazooxaly1 chloride. The 0 latter decomposes on heating to 120 to give caebon monWde and a mixture of isomers -- bis(trichloromethyl)dichloroisocyanatophosphorus and bis(tr-icblox- nothyl)chlorophosphazocarbonyl chloridog UV spectra indicate mobile equilibrium of the isomers in the mixture, which is characteristic of tau- tomeric systems. 116 USSR UDC 632.95 PROTOPOPOVA, G. V. , RAYDALOVA, L. 1. *.,,,K_0b()VfAZ1MYY 0. 1. , SAMARAY, L. 1. T, and DEPYCACH, G. I., Institute of Organic CliemistrYT-1cademy of Sciences of L the UkrSSR "A Pesticidc" USSR Author's Certificate No 253483, filed 25 Nov 68,. published 8 Apr 70 (from RZh-Khimiya, No 3, 10 Feb 71, Abstract No 3N553 P) Translation: N-(O-alkyl-S-alkylthiopliosphono)-,S-etliyl.urethanes have LD50 170 mg/kg for warm-blooded animals and have sysrem-ic and contact insecti- cidal and acaric4dal action. Most toxic for houseflies is M'30)(013s)- (P(O)NHCOSC2H5 (1); 0.01 mg per fly, this compound wits 921'. fatal (the corresponding figure for chlorophos Is 53%); for weevils Df the rice and cereal type, most toxic is (C1130)(C2115S)P(0)N11COSC211r which was 100% fatal at 0.25 mgldm2 and 100% lethal for aphids at 0.005 mi;/dm2. Compound I is most effective for avstemic action on aphids. In field ex-peri-ments on controlling beet weevils, compound I in a dose of I kg/ha was nearly as effective as heptachlor at 2 kg/ha, and is at least as persistent in Its effect. Compound I at 0.14 kg/ha was nearly as effective a;,afnst beet aphids as rogor all 0.3 kg/ha. ___46 LWR UDC: 547.26,n8 Sfil"Y, L. I., KOLODYPMM 0. VISEMMKIY, O.Ve. and IUMMCII, G.I. (Deceased) Institute of Or99tMr1T e stry, Kiev, Academy of Sciences Ukraimian SSR "Isocyanates of Phosphoric and Thiopbosphoric Acids. III" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimiip Vol 40, No 4., Apr 70, PP 750-754 Abstract: Isocyanates of phosphoric acids react with hydrazoic acid to give N-azidocarbonylphosphamides. The latter readily enter into oxidative imination reactions with phosphines and phosphites to give corresponding phosphazo, compounds. Isocyanates of phosphoric acid eract with E-caprolactam on beating in a benzene solution esters int arbamoyl-F.-caprolactame. 1--ijocyanates of dialkyl- to give N-phosphonoc thio- and dialkylphosphoric acid react with alcohols:(mercaptans) to ~glve N-phosphorylated urethanes and thi*lurethanms possessing high in- secticidal activity, both systemic and contact. N. Iv LIPTUGA took part in the mrke USSR UDC: 547.261118 SAMARAYY L.I., O."X.) and DEMCH, G.I., (Deceased), Institute of Organic Chemistry, Kiev, Academy of Sciences.Ukrainian SSR "Reaction of Amides of Pentavali'nt Phosphorus Acids With Phosgene" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Kbimii, Vol 40P No 4k Apr 70, PP 754-758 Abstract: The interaction of amides of dialkylphosphoric and dialkyl- thiophosphoric acids with phosgene gives a mixture of prod-acts, viz. isocyanates of the corresponding acids and adduct's of the amides with hydrogen chloride. The direction of the reaction of phosgene with amides of pentavalent phosphorus acids is discussed. Two possible re- action schemes are suggested,, with the likelier.scheme being one in which the initial event is the formation of an 0-acyl derivative of the amidophosphate. This is confirmed by the results of a study of the interaction of phoagene with dialkyl esters of N-monoalkylamido- phosphoric acid, which show that acid chlorides of alkyl esters of N-alkylamidophosphoric acid are mainly formed. An exception is di- ethyl ester of N-methylamidopho3phoric acidt which is phosgenated to give diethyl ester of N-mothyl-N-chlorocarbonylai,midophoaphoric acid. USSR 'UDO 547-2611!8 SAI-IARAY,L i. KOLoRY~ZM=,.jq. I., and DERKACIK, G. I., (DECEASED), Institute of 049-a'51-c Chemistry, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR "Reaction of Pentavalent PhosDhorus Acid Amides With Oxaly! Chloride" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 1~0, No 51 I-lay 70, :)p 0, c. 18 Abstract! Diesters of N-alkylanidophosphoric acid react with oxaly! chloHde to give 2,3-disubs'-Uituted phosphaoxazolidine-L,,5-d-;-ones._. The interact-fon of diethyl ester of N-isot)ropylazitido-,Jhosphorac acid (R--C,H,~, RI=4so-C3H ) -.-iith oxal-y! chlorid; gives, along with 2,,5- dione,-,the acid chlZride of ethyl ester of N-isoprop-ylt:-midophozizDhori-r, acid. Phosphaoxazolidino-4*5-diones are hydrolyzted by urater t o 141- alkyloxaminic acids and allcyl phosphates and react with alcohols to give N-phosphorylated oxaninic acii1s. UNCLASS! FTE PR"U"CESSIN'li 6ATE--131-jOV70 -T_ITLE--IS0CYANATES GjF PHOSPHORIC AND T 111 OPHO 5 VHLIR I CACIDI _U_ ~`_AUTWGK- (04) -SAMAR AY, L.I., K(ILJDYAZHt4YY, 0.1., VISHNEVSKIY, O.V., DERKACH, G. I -ITRY OF INF0--USSR C~W :~:SOUkCE--l1i. OBSHCH. KHI';Ii. 1970, 4014) 7,50-.~4 DATE PUBLfSHED ------- 711 SlY8J E C TAREAS--tHEMISTRYP BIOLOGICAL AND~ MEDICAL SCI FENCES TAGS--ORGANIC-PhOSPHURUS COMPOUNDt AMIOE, PHOSPHOIWS SULFIDEs INSECTICIDE, ORGANIC ISOCYANATE CUNTKOL MAI~KING--Pl'i ~;_:STRICVIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLA SSI i: IED PROXY ~:,EEUFRAME-3002/1486 STEP C[RC ACCESSION W)--AP0l_'J3b.3 OJOV70 212 61,9 UNCLASSI FIED'. PRUCESSPNIG DAITE--i3 CIRC ACCESSION NQ--AP0128363 ABSTR ACT/ EXTRAC F~--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ADON. 01: 1 MULE NH SOB3 IN FT SU32 0 TO- R- SUB2 P (0) NCO GAVE (OVEKN IGHT THE FOLLOWING AMIDES: SHIJAW 0,14 MICROFICHE. FACILITY: INST. ORG, KIHIM., KIEVr USSI~. i I- LL-LJ USSR UDC 547.279 TKALENKO, V. G., ANMARSKAYA, A. P., KOLODYAMM. Yu, V., SADEKOV, I. D., MINKIN, V. I., and OSIPOV, 0. A., Rostov-on-the-Don State University "Synthesis and Physical Chemical Properties of Aromatic and Heterocyclic Derivatives of Tellurium. V. Investigation of the Complex Formation of TeC14 With Schiff's Bases" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 43 (105), No 9, Sep 73, pp 1943-1947 Abstract: Novel complex compounds of TeC14 with benzalanilines and 0- hydroxynaphtalanilines have been synthesized. On the basis of IR spectro- scopic study of these complexes the conclusion was reached as to the lo- calization of the coordination bond in azomethine molecules. It has been shown that the equimolecular complexes are energetically more feasible and their structures have been discussed, The heats of complex formation reactions are correlated with the substituenL constants in the aldehyde and aniline (aO) nuclei of the azomethine molecules. USSR UDC 547.7;85.5'821.07 POZHARSXIY, A. P., KUZ'MENKO, V. V., KOLODYAZHHYY. YUI V., 3DIONOV, A. M., Rostov State University, Rostov-na-Donu "Relative Reactivity of the Pyrindine and Benzimidazole Systoams In the ChIchibabin Reaction" Riga, Xhimiya C;eterotsiklicheskikh Boyedineniyo No 9, 1972, pp 1252-1263 Abstracti Some (or 7 )-pyridiyl and 1- CZ (or r)-pyridylethyl- benzimidazoles were synthedized and their reactivity to methyl iodide and sodamide was studied. The results are discussed from the point of view of basicity, the magnitude of the dipole moments, the mutual effect of heterorings and the distribation of electron density in them, calculated or estimated from the relative position of tho chemical shIfts in the para- magnetic resonance spectra. The benzimidazole system. enters into the Chichi- babin reaction appreciably more easily than the pyridine system. On the basis of the paramagnetic resonance spectral data for bases and cations of pyridine and benzimidazole it is proposed that this phenomenon arises from the high degree of polarizability of the O-W bond of the bencimidazole by comparison with the 0-N bond of the pyridine on their coordination with K&NH2 . The protonation point of compounds I and II 1/2 USSR PCZHARSKrY, A. F. , et al., Xhimiya Geterotsiklicheajdkh SoTedinenly, No 9# 19?29 pp 12524263 a 0.0; 6 a... the nature of the interaction of the imidasolle and pyridina rings In N-pyridyl- benzimidazoles and the reaction of B-pyridylbenzimidazoles to sodium amide an discussed. The procedures for synthesizing a number of the indicated compounds, the method of measuring the ionization constants, taking the para- xagnetic resonance spectral performing ithe quantummechanical calculations and determining the dipole moments are described. 2/2 rln- 'C1tOV37U--- diEKICAL-,ABST. '0~ 1002b Ititroge bihcterocyclica~7,.e 1. r Ole m0 0u . m"iieva Dip' Ments airstrtil of I-pyridylpy A & A.; Kolod3razhngi yt ilLpl; Q-Si v A.; 3 1 11 Grvbt, 1. L. Kro hina, N. F. (Rostov- Dona Univ., Os ov-vn-;Doa, - USM) Kkim. ; Geteioillkll. 'Soedin. 107-07, 71), 45-9 (Ruw). The 4ipole moments of I-pyridyl- pyrazoles and their amino derivs. were detd. in C611i at 25* with 5 X 10-3-2 X 1Q` mote fraction. Comparison of expd. R Rk -N IV and vectorially calcd. dipole moments slww3 410t. I-pyridyl pyrazoles, and 1-(3- or 4-pyridyl)&atninopyrazolos have 11011- planar configuration; the planar'angig betwtep the pyrazole and pyridine rings was caled. For, the planar trans configuyation is,assurned due to'intrarnol. It EL/FRME -A.PO100370 bonding. The following data were obtained (R. ELI, RI, posi. tion attachment of pyridine ring, and planar, ansde between Ovo rings given): Me, H, Me. 2, %*;. Me. 11, Me, 3, 8,1*; Me, H. Me, 4,,0*; Pr, Et, NH2, 3, 661; Pt;CHI, Ph, NH.", .3, 56"; p- MeCHi, H, INHi, 3. 86*; Et, Me .1 j NH:, 4, 0"; Nte, H, Cl. 1, 'Ill. 2, 0'; Et, Me, ANH2, 00; Me, H. NH,, 2. 0'; PhCI1j, Ph, 2, 0'; Pr, Et, NH-, 2. 00; p-H2,N'CdH4, Fl, Nlito 2,0-3. S. K. Banerjce 19841796 01,9 UNCLASSIFIED PkUCESSING DATE--090CT70 ;,_TlTLE- NITROGEN CONTAINING BISHETEROCYCLIC SYSTEMS. 11. NArURE OF THE ---INFLUENCE OF THE 29BENZIMIDAZOLYL RADICAL -U- ~_A.UTHUR- 10 5) - KO LUD Y A ZHNA YA p S. N. S 1.40 NO VAM. KOL ODY A LH?lY YY U. V OSIPOV, O.A,,, BRENs V.A. ,~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR "SOURCE-KHIM. GETEROTSIKL. SOEDIN. 1970, (2), 238_4t~ ,DATE PUBL 1,SHED--70 ."'SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ~jI1PIC'-TAGS--IR SPECTRUM9 UV SPECTRUM, HETEROrYCLIC 141TROGE-N COMPOUND$ -.~..-'~,BENZIMIDAZOLE -CONTROC MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :,.-.DOCURENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO RE-EL/FRAMC-L963/lL69 srEP NU--UR/0409/'VO/000/002/0238/0244 -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054070 ILLN IFIED PRUCESSING DATE--090CT70 019 UNCLASSIFIED C ljtC ACCESSION NU--AP0054070 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-1U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE QUATERNARY SALTS ESP. OF J.,ARYL, 3*(BEN7-IMIDA7-UL,2,YL)BENZIMIDAZOLIU.4 UNDERGO RING OPENING REACTIONS.WITH WEAK BASES (SUCH AS NH SUB3 IN PYRIDINE~ AT R0014 TEMP. THE SALTS~..WITH A FREI: NH GROUP (I.E., WITHOUT THE 1,ARYL SUBSTITUENr) REACT SIMILARLY. NO YLIDE FORMATION WAS FOUND. THE RING OPENING PRODUCTS DEFOR14YLATED BY HEATING.. THEUV AND IR SPECTRA OF VARIOUS STARTING COMPOS., PRODUCTSs AND INTERMEDIATES WERE RECVROED. A CH SU82 GROUP aETWEEN THE TWO IMIDAIGLE RINGS INCREASES STABILITY, THE RINGS ARE THEN OPENED OZ IN THE PRESENCE OF SrRONG BASES AT ROOM TEMP.; THE PRODUCTS ARE RECYCLIZEO IN ACID MEDIUM. THE PROYCINIZATION CONSTS. OF PK SUBA I AND PK SUBA2 OF MODEL COMPDS. WERE MEASURED IN 11ECN. TH~ FOLLOWING,,VALUES (7-7.5 HIGHER THAN THOSE MEASURED IN WATER) WERE OBTATUECI'.'FU'W'N*tt-#'t"#METHYL-BENZrKrVXZUL'O!Zi-Y'L*I'SUBSTIl'Ut'Et)"C014PO75- CCOMP*., SUBAI#--PK SUBA2# AND M.P* GIVEN): 'IMIDAZOLEo 11.46-t 5.34p-; BENZIMIDAZOLE, 9.91t 5.01,-; PYRAZOLEY 9-59v -#91-20EGREES; INDAZOLE, 118.80, -* 171-ZOEGREES; FOR No(19METHYLBENZIMIDALCI,pZtYLt#4ETHYLENE SUBSTITUTED COMPDS.: IMIDAZOLEt-13.73* 9.Z5v 1500EGREES; BENZINIDAZOLE* .'12.58# 9.21v 165-60EGREES; PYRAZOLEP 12-279 4.29t 109#5-10.ODEGREES; INDAIGLEt.12.0-3i 4.72, 167-89EGREES; FOR SUBSTITUTED SIEPIZIMIDAZOLES: L3.22,-P-; NoPRo 13.22#--*-. THE QUATERNARY SALTS WERE PREPD. BY MELTING AT 140-50DEGREES EQUI140LAR AMTS. OF f4vALKYLBENZEMIDAZOLE WITH 2jCHLOR0 OR 2v KHLOROMETHYL)BENZIMIDAZOLE. o 19 PROGESSPG DATE--09GCT70 u NCLASSIFIED. -.-'C.lRCiA:CCESSION NU--A-P0054070 '-.AB'STRACT/EXTRACT-YHUS, THE FULLUAING DERIVS. OF N, ( BENZIMIDAZOLiZ, YL I idt PHENYLENEW AMINE WERE PREPI), (11.1). GIVENII NjME,N,FORMYL, 201-80EGREES; %,ME, Z26-70EGREES; NtIllip 268-901-GREL-S; SIMILARLY, NiPff ANU NvC-T,-%' 2,Ylll,PHENYLC-NEi)IAIil,~IES, M. 183-4f)EGRELS ANO 222-30LGRE*~':S, RESP. ;;fzkE OBTAINED. N,METHYL-tN,FURMYL*N Pkl,'IlEo(19MEfHYLBENZI~IIDAZOL,2,YLt METHYLENE),O#PEHNYLENCUIAMit~tE, 14. 164-5DEGREES WAS. PREPD. USSR UDC 547-551.4-t-541-49 GARNOVSKIYj A. D. KOLODYG~HN ALIYEVA, S. A. , JTtOIUHIXA, N. F, , GRAINDBERG, T , 'V, 0. A. tand PRESNYAKOVA, T. M.1 Onffi Rostov-on-Don State University and All-Union Agricultural Academy imeni K. A. Timiryazev "Complex Compounds of Metals With Nitrogen-Containing Ligands. XT_X. Complexes of Tin Tetrachloride With 1-Pyridylpyrazoles and Their 5-Hydroxy(amino) Derivatives" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Xhimii, Vol 40, No 5, May 70, pp 111 1120 Abstract: Continuing their study of compleXiAg in syster's with -Several donor centers, the authors studied the interaction of t~n tetrachloride with 1-(cL,,6 or r-pyridyl)pyrazoles and their 5-hydroxy and amino derivatives. The dipole moments of the resul- tant complexes were determined and their Ift speotra ssudied for f solving the question of the configuration and tautomer- DurDoses 0 Ism of the ligands. A O&Aparativo study was made of the IR Spectra of ligand and complex molecules in order to establish the locaniza- tion site of the coordination bond. UNCLASS.I F I E 0 P AOCESSING DATE--04DEC70 .-112 -016 'EN CONTIINING BIS HETEROCYCLIC l,:TITLE--NITR0G SYSTEIISm IV. SYNTHESIS AND STRUCTUIRE.OF S*HYOROXY,AMINOiltBENZAZOLYLPYRAZOLE4v -U- ~'__'.AUTHOR-(05)-GARNOVSKIY, A.0s, KOLO AZHNYYt YUsVot'GRANDSLI DY ~ALIYEVA, S.A.# KROKHINAt NeFoo`w';~" OF.INFO--USSR GETEROTSIKL. SOEDIN. 1970,' (5)p 660-3 _..~~'DATE PUBL ISHED - ----- 70 ._SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TAGS--HETEROCYCLIC OXYGEN COMPOUNDt PYRAZOLEP THIAZOLEP DIPOLE MOMENT, ORGANIC SYNTHESISt MOLECULAR STRUCIURE9 IAYDRAZI14E ORGANIC CatipouNol HYDROXYL RADICAL, AMINE DERIVATIVE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :..DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY FICHE NO---FD70/605012/EOZ STEP NO--UR/0409/'70/000/005/0660/0663 IRC -ACCESS ION NO--AP0140304 2/2 01.6 UiNCL ASS IF I ED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140304 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. 5tHYDR.DXY,I?(BENZAZOL,2,YL)IIYKAZOLES (I ) WERE P9EP0. I.;'/ REFLUXING A MIXTo OF 0,05 MOLE APPI,.OPRIATE HYDRAZINE AND 0.05 MOLE RCOCHR PRIlliEl CO SUB2 R PRIME2 OR PHCH SUB2 C(:NHICHPt4GN III IN 50 ML TERr BUOrl, 5 14LI-I SU62 Os AND 5 ML ACOH 12 HR. THUS PREPO. WERE THE FOLLOWING I (R, R PRIME-It R PRIME2t Y, PERCENr YIELD, AND M.P. GIVEN): Pfii Ho OHj 5, 73t 20IDEGREES; PH# CH SUB2 PHr OHt S-* 76, 165DEGREES7 CH SU62 PH, PH, OH, Nfit 63v 2Z4DEGREES; AND CH SUB2 PHP PHt OHt NCH SlJ&2 REFLUXING EOUIMOLAR AMTS. 2PHYDRAZINOBENZOTHIAZOLE, fit AND'30PERCENT HCL IN ISO PROH GAVE 60PERCENT 5,AMlNOt4,PHENYLv3vBENZYLTli(BENZTHIAZOL,2,YL)PYRAZOLE (1) (R EQUALS CH SU82 PH, R PRIME1 EQUALS PH, R PRIME2 EQUALS NH SV92, Y EQUALS S), M. DIPOLE MOMENT AND IR STUDIES SHOW THAT I EXIST BOTH INT HE CRYST. FORM AND IN SOLN.'MAINLY IN HYDROXY AND AKXNO FORMS, WHICH ARE ROSTOV.-NA-OONU STABILIZED BY INTRAMOL. H BONDING. FACILITY: GOS*.-UNIV., ROSTOV-ON-DONr USSR. UNCLASSIF-IED '_-1/2 015 UNtLASSI FIE6 PRdCESSING ')ATE--20N0V70 TITLE-01PUE MCMENTS CF STEREUISOMERIC UETA-CHLOROVINYLAUPE"RY CHLORIDES ~. _U_ ~ ,AUTH0k-(03J-K(JLGDYAZHNYYt YU.V.t GARNOVSKIYo A.D.v 0KHt.L1lY5l'lqv O.YE. C-01UNTRY GF INFC--USSR _-.'s,GURCE-r,6xL. AKAD. NAUK SSSR 1970? 1 1b), 1322-3 (PHYS, CH,:M) b AT rz PUL ISHEC;------7C; `0 .SU6JECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY s ~TGPIC TAGS--DIPOLE MOMENT9 ISOMERs VINYCCOMPOUN0, ORGANGMERCURY COMPOUND, ChLOPLINATED ALlPHATIC COMPUUND., DIELECTRIC PROPERTY -.CC*NTRGL MARKI&G-NO RESTPUCTIGNS :,POCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ..,PROXY REEL/FRAME-3005/0215 STEP NO--UR/0020/*70/191/00o/1322/1323 ~_S 1 r-N --'LiQ--AT0 1324-8 7 212 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 .C,IRC AICCESSION N0--AT013Z487 -.-ABSTRACT/EXTkACT--(U) (,P-0- AdSTRACT. THE FOLLOWING DIPOLE MOME14TS [IN .; D) INERE CALCO. FRCM DILLECe DATA IN C SUB6 H SUB6 AT 2til)EGREES: CIS ~,:-CLCl-.:ChHGCL 2.92; TRANS ISOMER 1.8L; AND 1-'l MIXT, OF THE ISOMERS (m. 789EGREES) 2.79. SINCE ThE VALUE OF THE DIPOLE MOMENT IN T[IIS MIXT. IS TO THAT OF THE PURE CIS FORM, THIS METHOD IS'UNDERSIARBLE FOR -..-:~IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES. FACILITY.* ROSTOV4-NA-00NU GOS. UNVI., 1-Ras T ov -CN-DCN USSRs ............ 0 U-14CLAiSl FIED P-ICES-Sl%- TTO - 'F AKFOLRGANIS-1 PEPTIO HYDROLASeS -U- ,,,,TITLL--INVLST IGATICN 1, ','AUT!iC,FA-(t)4)-TSIPERf-.,*VIC,40 LOSEVAl, A.L., KOLOWEYSI(At 4. V LJSF'iK~~Vt 'A. V TRY- 6--U S.S; UN G ..~SOURCt~--UKPAYNSIKIY liI0KHl,'lICHN1Y lHORNAL, 1970, V'.X 42v N-k 2v RP 227-233 Al I EPUBL 15~'EO ------- 70 :.SUliJECT AREAS-BIJILOGICAL A.,4v MEDICAL SCIENCES PEPTIDE HYDROLASE9 FUNGUS* STREPTOMYCES, ~-,-:,PACTEIN, PEPSIN, TRYPSIN CC-:i TiRJL 14ARkING-NO RESTRICTIUNS DUCLINAENT LLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -PRJXY REEL/FRAME-1938/1531 STEP NO~--UR/030017010421002/0227/0233 ClqC ACCESSICN NO--AP0106284 WN'LASSIFIFO .010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--020CT70 CIR'C ACCESSION Nj--AP0106284 -A3STRACT/FXTi,',ACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ARTICLE DEALS WITH BRIEF PEVIEW 01- WORKS IN WHIr-H THE AUTHORS STUDIED THE COMPLEXES JF PEPTID HYDROLASFS,~PRODUCED aY STREPTOMYCES GRISEUSt ASPEPGILLUS FLAVJS, A. SPERGILLUS.ORYZAE. THE METHODS ARE DEVELOPED OF 1)[STINGUISIiI"IG THESE COMPLEXES AS WELL AS OF STR. GRISEUS IN THE CRYSTALLINE FORM. ALL THRCE NG Tn BOPERCENT nF ARE CAPABLE OF SPLITTI' IN THE PROTEIN MOLECULE UP PEPTIDL LINKS LIKE "PRUNASE". THE'PHYSICUCHEMICAL PROPERTIES ARE INVESTIGATED'OF THE OBTAINED ENZYMIC PROTEINS: PH OPTIMUM OF ACTIVITYf STABILITY, EFFECT OF METAL IONSo EOTAi SOME DENATURANT FACTORS.' STUDYING THE EFFECT ON SYNTHETICAL SUBSTRATEr THEIR ENZYMIC COMPOSITION WAS INVESTIGATED; THE PROTEINASE ACTIVITIES ARE FOUND OF THE TRYPSIN TYPE AS WELL AS OF PEPSIN (IN THE CRYSTALLINE PROTEASE OF STR. GRISEUS); A SERIES OF PEPTIOASE ACTIVITIES9 LEUCINAMINOPEPT:IDASE.:v CARBGXYPEPTEDA.SE, AMINGTRIPEPTIDASEq VARIOUS DIPEPTIDASES, GLYIC.ILE GLYCINIC, GLYGILE I LEUCINIC AND OTHERS IS FOUND. THE.COMPLEXES 4ERE SEPARATED BY THE METHODS OF IONIC EXCHANGE CHROMATOGRAPHY, GEL FILTRATIbNt DISC ELECTROPHORESISt SOMETIMES BY SEDIMENTAT11; THclp N CON-SIDERABLE HETEROGENEITY IS OBSERVED (FROM FIVE up ro EIGHT COMPONENTS). THE SEPARATION OF SOME PROTEINASES AND PEPTIDASES IS ~-...~~CARRIED CUT ON DEAE CELLULOSE PROTE'INASE ASP. FLAVUS IS DISTINGUISHED AND--STUOIE.Dr IT IS SHOWN THAT THE PRESENCE OF METAL AND THIUL GvRJUP 1014S -JS OF NO IMPORTANCE FOR MANIFESTATIWOF ITS ACTIVITY, ........ .. r 010 UNCLAtSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--020CT70 NO--APO106284 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-IN THE COMPLEX FROM ASP. ORYSAE PROTENASE IS FOUND OF THE TRYPSIN TYPE WITH UNUSUAL PROPERTIESI HYDROLYZING BENZIYL AqGININE METHYL ESTER AND BENZQYL ARGININE ETHYL ESTERt BUY NOT SPLITTING TOSYL ARGININE METHYL ESTER AND HAVING NO AMtDASE ACTIVITY BY BEAZOYL ARGININE .--,PARANITROANILIDE. EXCEPTIONALLY HIGH CONCENTRATION IS FOUND OF -,-:AMINOPEPTIDASE HYDROLYZING I LEUCILE GLYCILE GLYCtNE. 'CL;liss 1~ I c- USSR UDC: 621.375.432.3 KOIDGRINON', -A. G. "Graph-Analytic Calculation of an Emitter Follower" V sb. Poluprovodn. pribory v tekhn. elektrosvyazi (Semiconductor Devices .in Te icall Electrical Communications--collection of works), Moscow, "SvYaz"', 1970, PP 55-63 (from RZ~--Radiot.ekhnika,, Xo I, Jan 71, Abstrrr-.ct No IDUO) Translation- The author analyzes the amplitude- frequzn cy (frequency) , phase-frequency (phase) and transient respoitses of an umitter follower. Circle diagrams are used to establish a new property of the circuit -- the presence of a maxinim passband in the case of % less-tahn-c-ptimum fee(foack parameter. Parameters are determined which corre-_p~-_rid to the maximiLm passband, minimum phase distortions and ~ijaimum overswing of! the transient response. Six illustrations, bibliography of seven titles. Pesuw.6. USSR KOLOKOL'CHIKOV, V. V. ."Quasilinear Theory of Moment Viscoelasticity" UDC: 539.3,r6+532-135 V sb. Uprugost' i neuprugost'. Vyp. 1 (Elasticity and Inelasticity--col- lection of works, No.1), Moscow, Moscow University, 1971, pp 211-220 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 5, May 72, Abstract No 5V431) Translation: A quasilinear cubic theory of moment viscoelasticity is con- structed on the basis of a number of hypotheses. This theory is a gener- alization of the momentless quasilinear theory. The equations of state contain 54 singular secondary relaxation kernels. Integral expressions are derived which g1ve the relation between the secondary kernels of creep and relaxation in general form. it is shoim that if the spherical- parts of the tensor of force stresses and the strain tensor have no effect on shear prop- erties, then tbe nwtber of secondary singular relaxatirn. kernels decrea:5es to 45. In the secondary kernels, 6-singularities are isolated, -;. --. the cubic moment theory is broken do~.m into four component theories: regular moment viscoelasticitz.-, =_='. viscoelasticity with regular second-ary in- fluence functions of two arguments, principal moment -i-iscoelasticity, and moment cubically nonlinear elasticity. L. Q. Papernik. 1/1 USSR UDC: 539-376+532.3-35 KOLOKOL'CHIKOV, V. V. "Concerning Isotropy of Materials With Memory" V sb. Uprugost' i neuDrugosts. Vyp. 1 (Elasticity and Inelasticity--col- lection of vorks, No 1), Moscow, Moscow University, .1971, p 268 (from F-Zli- -Mekhanika, No 5, May 72, Abstract No 5VII51) Translation: The author considers materials whose stress tensor is a func- tional of the strain tensor and of temperature. It is asswned that the stress tensor is, generally speaking, nonanalytically dependent on defor- mations, i. e. isotropic materials are considered whose stresses do not Ith respect to powers of deformationi3. decompose into an integral series w-1 fhe author studies a special class of isotropic materip-Is having so-called elastic (strong) isotropy. Expression of the stress tr;~nsor In termrs of t.-e strain, tensor for materials having elastic Isotropy i's by definition for!.T.- -invariant for the following transformation of the strc-.--*n tensor ciito new quantities E~ 2j vhere the matrix of transformation C.0 is or-thogcnal and depends on tire and coordinates. -1/1- - - - - - I I __ - --- 123--- L USSR UDG 6'21 .771 :621-783 USTDUNKO, V. A.~ KOI OY M W. P., KRYLOVSKIYO A. P., SUM1121TOV, V. M., M, TKACW3 A. V., V* ."Rolling of Sheets Plated With OKh23N28M3D3T Steel" Dnepropetrovsk, Metallurgicheskaya i Gornoriadnaya Promyohlennost', No 5, Sep- Oct 70, pp, 81-82 Abstract: A description is given of new technological process of rolling cor- rosion-resistant sandurich sheets plated with OW3N28M3h3T (B1943) complex alloy steel. The sheets are used for manufacturing containeraq for stocking and trans- porting highpurity acids. The chemical. compositions of. the baoic rietal (20K steel) and the plating metal are given. Data on the strength proporties of the two steels are also given. The shearing strength along the ~eldi g plane sub- stantially exceeds the minimum GOST 10885-64 value (15 kg/mm ). The high ad- hesion strength of the layers was confirmed by bending teats. The results show the feasibility of using this technology for the mass production of large-size sheets with a plating layer which i3ompletely oatisfy -bhb requireements of GOST 10885-64. UNCLA'SSIFIEO PFtdCESS!tNG DATE--18SEP70 JiTLE-A COUPLE THEORY OF SMALL ELASTIC PLASTIC DEFORMATIONS -U- CAUTHOR-KOWELCHIKOV, V.V. -~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR i.SOURCE--MOSKOVSKII UNIVERSITETt VESTNIKt~SERIIA I MATEMATIKA, MEKHANIKA, -JAN.-FEB. 1970p P. 76-84 2 5i -,',DATE- PUBL I SHED------ 70 :SUBJECT AREAS--MECH.t IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR ~_TOPIC TAGS--PLASTIC DEFORMATION, ELASTIC DEFORMATION,, POTENTIAL ENERGY, 'STRESS LOAD "CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -UNCLASSIFIED OCCUMENT CLASS -PROXY REEL/FRAME--1984/0LZ0 STEP NO--UR/0055/70/025/000/0076/0084 CIRC ACCESSION NC--AP0054916 U-NCLASSIFIFf) 212 025 UNCLASSIFIED PRncEssING DATE-13SEP70 .~..CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054916 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A COUPLE THEORY OF SMALL EL4STIC PLASTIC DEFORMATIONS IS PROPOSED. THEOREMS OF MINIMUM POTENTIAL ENERGY, SIMPLE LOADING AND ELASTIC UNLOADING ARE PROVEi UNUEE - S111PLE LOADING, THE EQUIVALENCE OF SOME THEORIES UF COUPLE PLASTI 'CITY At4D THE -COUPLE THEORY OF SMALL ELASTIC PLASTIC:DEFORMATIONS IS ESTABLISHED. 'CL --- ----- -- USSR*' UDC: 51 LOV A. KOLOKO "On EstimatinS the N=0--er of Iterations for Direct Algoritimis of t1he Method of Truncation in Tntegral Linear Programming" ekon. --odeley. Ch. V sb. Mat.- -an-al- - - - - - 1 (Mathematical Analysis of Economic Models--collecticn of Part 1), Novosibirsk, 1971, r~p 137-i64 (fron RZh-Kibernetika, Eo 1, Jan 72, Abstract No IV851) Translation: The author notes that up to the present only one rarer (Kh-Mat, 1970, i2v46711 has been Dublished dealing with the theoretical estimate cf the nin-aber of iterations in the method of truncation. In this paper an estimate from- below is found for the maximiri number of iteraticiis for one of the dual algorith--s The completely integral alGorit~z. of Gomori. In the present parer, direct algorithrris of the method of truncation are investigated which c-we their origin to Junge Mh-Mat, 1966, qvigo; 1969, 6V356). A general dezcription is gi-,ren of the investigated class of algorithms in which individual algoriUzs are distinguinhed from one another only by the rules fer selecting t-he guide coltxmnan~l the gerjf:-rating line (tne line froM which truncation 13 constructed). 112 -------- ---- --- UDC: 51 Y-OLO~'-CTC"!' r '07! pp 137-164 Proof is given for the siL-.ple leruma 2. Let n,. nj be whole n=-.b,:irs (I :~-- 2). Xj are whole numbers (I -: 1. 12. .... 1, ni Ther the greatest common diViI.CT(n,, ..., nj)=t GCD inp On the bctsix of this lema, the invest-igatic-n of simplex tables in direct alre'cr--'U~ns reduccs to a study of simpler simp-lex tables (where the greates-c co-,iron denomilrator in each line for all elements excert the free term is eauel to 1). Only proble=s with two non-basis variables are studied further. The finiteness of direct algorith=s is proved for these troblems, esti!,lLates are given of the n=:ber of -4teraticns from above, and -rrcofs are Fiven for the methods of selecting the problem and the algorithm for which the estimate is attained. Yu. Finkel'shteyn. 2/2 USSR UDC: ~12.25/.26+519.3:330.115 KOLOKOLOV A. KHLYUK, V. I. "On Two Direct Algorithms of Linear Whole-Rumber Prol5rau-mi-tig" V sb. Optimalln. Dlanirovaiiiye (Optimwri Planning-collection of works), Vyp. 16, Novosibirsk, 1970, pp 33-46 (from RM-Ziberftetika, No 7, Jul 71, Abstract No 7V622) Translation: Construction of finite direct algorithit"s of the cut-off method has been a more complex problem thazi the constiuction of finite two-way algorithins originating directly from the work of Goniori (Eh-Mat 1959, 7256). It wasn't until 1965 that Young first j,1jrrjpo,~(!d such an algorithm, but with a very complex rule for selecting the generating raw and a no less complicated justification of finriteness (WhMat, 1966, 9V190). Simplified versions of the algorithm were given by Young (ItZh- 1969, 6V356) and Glover (RM-Mat', 1969, 6V357)~ This paper takes up the consideration of two direct algorithms for whole-number linear programming. To simplify the direct algorithm, finiteness is proved 112 KOWKOLOV, A. A., KHOMLYUK, V. I., Optimalln. planirovaniya, Vyp. 16, Novosibirsk, 1970, PP 33-h6 under a simpler rule for selecting the generating line than in the above mentioned papers. Two numerical examples are given.~ Me results of a computer experiment on solution of small problems are presented. Yu. Finkel'shteyn. 212 36 )0 Apr 71 FMCTEMMIC3 139. U33?. dvaboalf Folit4t pitt$3 R010MV A 3 er'! 4.0 npo-ts.-~ Actility r A F-eal Ut* Sow"o-sqys, rroblemy Klb.rnetlki - Stornik (M-34irn rrObler-O of Zjte~%Iel Collection or Vor"). Precow, 1970. Op Ab,,ThIs.;aP4r is devoted to modeling the processes Of the -Sulotint actt~ltf f -, .t A oa' i r -", nt,i -t.i- a Is ccri. IrIll,d -4 . pu 1:. si.aper. is used as the tlqnentar; ur-It of a~t. 11, ,'Iron ha I I sl.t~, .),,cact-i.tia WhIM 1- !"-11-41. the r -z. rd U.- zu~.Stj-' thp model I-aztss" %h# of AdAptatl"I A-Inthtip" %I -4"b"'d to T~ a d~c,ais. 1~ %I- of j~o--t.d vy .0 LI.11~111U-nurc~ 1, t- .., .~---=Mt inn. M;-. z., -Camplim'I"a 1. . I-ron .14 Xam--t: I 1 .1 t--41- of t.~ t1w if~at 4ation; 2) Introduction o( ragative ree*back. Zt appears thst " thv W4$& or Ad"Unz Mu""I e- -4,1 4 &.~.txmc~ V,-,Ator or P.2.6 inteftes fa ri 1/2 U338 Y=KZLOV. A. S.. Ot &I.. froblow7 Xlbernatlkl. Uw~lk, 110T0. go 462-267 ladder mWork of nourons wulah Poweats Ow DmZmr%l of wzd~%&%Ing &atIvltj - tht it. the passage f rule. b.t.lw# %long It. ?/a USSR UDC 621-371.029-55 BENED=TOV, Ye. A., GEMMSEV, G. G., YEZHOVt It. I. , IZOROBK-OV, I ~ -tags. , MALYSIME V, 2J . K. , EATIYUGIII, S. 11. , MITYLK01T , X. BAZOITOV, Yu. A., CIERNOV, V. A., BEITIKOVA, N. F., BEIREZIN, Yu. 1,11., BUUN, G. V., KOIOKOLOV, L. Ye., and PEREMATOV, Yu. K. *Results of an Experiment in Shortwave Radio Pi~opagation" Moscow, V sb. X Vses. konf. po rasprostr. -radio.voln. Tezisv do1d. 'adio Sekts. 3. (Tenth An-Union Conference on the Propagation of 111 Waves; Report Theses; Section 3-collection of works) "Nauka," 1972 PP 73-76 tfrom.RZh--Radiotekhnika, Ho 10, 1972, Abstract No 1OA367) Translation: Results of experiments on investigating the charac- teristics of wave propagation in the decameter range (5-7-19.0 Ia-lz) are analyzed; the communications took. place betir-.en the follo-ving Dheric stcttion in Gor1kJy and magnetically adjacent points: an ionos. two science research ships in the Indian Ocean. In particular, the possibility of communicatien over the Peterson beam was estimated. Two illustrations, bibliography of orie. If. So 1/1 USSR UDC: 537-521 KAGAN, Yu. M. LYAGUSHCMNKO, R. I., MILCUTIN, V. M. ,and MIRzfRi*4,~-M"-_ "Investigating the Electron Distribution Function in Hg+Ar and Efg+Kr Mixtures" Leningrad, Zhurnal Teklhnicheskoy Fiziki, vol. 41, No. 4, April 1971, PP 714-719 -his article were of the ener- Abstract: The measurements made in 44 gy distribution of electrons in the positive column of discharges in gases mixing mercury vapor and inert argon and krypton. L;uch measurements are of practical interest. Because difiriculties arise as the result of intense noise, in making these measure- ments the authors used a tracking probe through which the ef- fect of the space potential variations on the measurement of the distribution function can be eliminated. The measurements were made in a tube measuring 35 mm indiameter with an incandescent cathode. Curves of the distribution are plotted. A comparison 1/2 .... . ....... --- - ---- ----- KAGAN, et al, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, Yol. 41, No. 4, April 1971, pp 714-719 was also made of the experimental distribution functions and the functions calculated from the kinetic equation. The estimates made indicate that elastic collisions of electrons and the mer- cury atoms are negligible compared to the elastic collisions with.the inert gas atoms. The authors are so5ocir-ted with the Lening"rad State University, imeni.A. A. Zhdaziov. MIRIM USSR UDC 537-525 546.292 KAGAN, YU. M., QJRA~OLOV, N. B., and MILENINI V. M "Electrical and Optical Measurements in Moving Striations in Ne- on. Leningrad, Optika i Spektroskopiyat Vol 29, No 6, Dec 70, pp 1041- 1044 Abstract: The article describas results of a study of the elec- trical and optical parameters of;moving striations in neon. Such studies permit quantitative elucidation of the pattern oIC excitation and ionization in moving striations with allowance for the specific character of the electron distribution. An ear- lier article by the authors described a method making it pos5i- ble to measure the energy distribution of electrons in moving striations. The present article uses this method to measure the energy distribution of electrons in different phases of moving striations in a neon discharge in a tube with a 2#5-cm radius at a pressure of 0.75 torr and discharge currents of 120 and 200 ma, with the strata length 17 and 18~cm respectivelyo 92 USSR Magre-zohydrodynamics -Ji)c 533-933 KAGAN, W. X. , KOLOKOLOV, N. B. , MILENIN, V X. , I'll `ZA3---Y.0`J, A. M., Leningrad-ZT~ate University. 1111easurement of the Energy Distribution of Electrons in a 1-11asma in the Presence of Noise" Leningrad, Zhurnal TekhnicheskoX Fiziki, ifol L~G, No 5, June 1970, PP 1319-1321 Abstract: Serious difficultics cauood by fluqti.~atoions in the discharge for plasma- diagnostics generally and probe in particular are exanined. It is noted that the aensitivit-y and, in certain cases, the applicability of the probe mcthad are considerably limited by ~he intensity of dis-charge noises. he effect of noises on a technique using modulat On of th-a Drooe current to study electron distribution is said to be a m3kiinrr of the signal of the second derivative on the one hand and a distortion of the shape of -who di6tribution itself of the other, due to oscillations in the potential of the space where the probe 1/3 KADAIT, YU. M., et al, Zhurnal Tekhnicheslcoy Fiziki, June 1970, pp 1319-1321 Vol 1,10, IN-0 5, is located. The " tGrac Icing" probe method is proposed .-Po.- naas~ar- -ion of electrons in tho -Dresonce o' ing the energy distribut L noise. The authors showed earlier that to obtain the real averaged distribution function in the presence of periodic plasma fluctuations the variable component of the potential of the moasur- ing probe must "track" the space potentials. The following pzin- ciple was used for measurements in a plasma in the presence of oscillations: a reference probe at the potential of the float.- ing probe was placed close to the measuring probe. *."he ch-a-445-c -In the floating potential of this probe caused by oscillations of the plasma is transmitted to the circuit of the measi)-ring probe, In the experiments described, an emitter follower with the follow- ing characteristics was used; input resiatanco 1 rm, outpii-V re- sis -.11ance 5 w , tranumissior. band 30-600,000 11z. Tbo S-:~-4-3 spectral analyzer was used -'U-o analyze the SDeCtrun and the anzpli- tude of the noises. The energy distribution of electrons in a =ercur7-argon mixture at a mercury vapor pressi.:re of 2.5 'jo-3 torr Pnd an argon pressure of 0.6 torr,was mea-wared for a dis- charge current of 100 ma. The spootrum of o3cillations between 2/3 - 92 USSR KAGAN, YU. PIL., et al, Shurnal Tekhnichos!~Qy Fiziki, Vol 40, No 5, June 1970, p-P '33 9-1321 the measuring probe and the ground before and after inclusion of the emitter follower is given, It was .7ho;m that t-he applica- tion of the tracking probe method makes it possible to measure the distribution function in a plasma in the presence of noises when the use of the ordinary method leads to orronoous results. 3/3 USSR UDC 547,U5+543.422.4 CHISTOKLETOV, V. N., and PETROV, A. A., Leningrad Terhnological Institute imeni Lensovet "1,3-Bipolar Addition to Unsaturated Compounds: X-N'V. Dipolarophilic Activity of Organophosphorus and Organosilicon Unsaturated Compbunds With 1,3-Bipolar systems" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol XL, No 12, Dec 70, pp 2618-2622 Abstract; Since any conjugation will increase dipolarophilic activity of multiple bonds in the reactions with 1,3-dipolar systems; it was attempted here to establish the effect of arganosilicon and orgariopliosphorus substi- tuents on dipolarophilic activity of multible bonds, using the method of competing reactions. It was shown that in the case of diphenv1nitrillminei the Time of addLtion increases with increasing electrophilicity of the doublia botid of the cani- pounds investigated. The &-axide of berl[zonitrile, the variation in d1- polarphilic activity in the dipolariphiles studied is inadequate for their activitj in reactions with diphenyinitrilimine. T7 -:0 17 I E PROCESSINIG DATE UNCLASSIF TITLE--l.t3,DlPOLAk A0DITIQ.'%l TU UNSATURATED COMPOUNDS. XXIII. REACTIONS OF 'ALPHA,BETA,UNSATURA.TED PHOSPHINES, vilTH DIPHENYLNI TR ILIA114ES -U- ~,~AU.THOR-(03)-KO,LC,,KDLTSEVAt I.G.o.CHISTOKLETOV, V.N., PETROV, A.A. :COU4TP,Y .0 FINFO--USSR .SOURCE--lH. BOSHCH. KHIM. 1970, 40(3) 57 -8 -DATE PUBLISHEG ------- 70 ,.-,SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ~--TOPIIC TAGS--IMINEP HETEROCYCLIC NITROGENZOMPOUNO, ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS CO MP OU ND ORGANIC AZOLE COMPOUN07' BENZ.ENE' DER IVATI VE t 0KGANIC SYNTHESIS, CHEMICAL REACT ION MECHANISM :,-CONTROL ;4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :DOCUMENT CLASS--UP4CLASSIF [ED PROXY REc_L/FRA4E--3002/1366 STEP ND--UR/0079/TC)/040/003/057it/0578 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP012BY67 f: 01 212 017 UNCL ASS I P I ED PROCESSING DATE-13NOV70 ~C%IRC ACCESSION NO---AP0128767 ._.-.A.BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. REFLUXING AN E(JUI;40LAR MIXT. OF PH SUBZ PCH:CH SU32, lt5lDIPHENYLTETRAIOLEI AND ET SU8.-~ NI.HCL IN MESIrYLENE 3''Hiq GAVE 66PEkCEINT 1, 1-1. 235-70EGREES. PH SU82 PC' TRIPLI: BOND Cli AND PHNNN:CCLPH WITH ET SU63 N-C SUB6 H SUB6.GAVE AFTER'l DAY AT ROOM TEMP. ~.-.AND I-Z HR UN A STE-AM BATH, 96PERCENT ll,(R EQUALS Ifl, A. Z44-50EGREES, ~S[.MILARLY WERF PREPD. If (R EQUALS MEI,.N. 243--50EGrEES, AND 11 (It .~EQUALS PH) 14. 150-2DEGREES. lit R EQUALS H ANO 3PFRCENY AQ. KUH GAVE -73PP-RCENT PH SUB2_PiO)CH:CHNPH,'4--CHPH (111) 11, 214-15DEGREE-S. SIMILAkLY TO I WAS PREPD. 50PERCENT PH SUB2 P(O)(CH SUL32) SUB2 NPHN:CHPHr M4 ~184-50EGREESt WHEN PH S032 PCH:CH SUBZ AND DIPKENYLNITKILEMINE WERE -_..ALLOWFD TO REACT IN THE PRESENCE Or CONTRULLED AMTo OF H SUB2 0. lit ~,WAS 14YORGGENATED OVER RAINEY NI IN ETCH TO 66.9PERCE14T PH SUB2 P(OJ(CH SUa2l SU82 NHPH (IV), N. 132-401GREES. REFLUXING- PH SU81 P(O)CH:Cfl SU32 WITH PJINH SU82 ANO PHNH SU32 2hGL 5 HR GAVE 50FERCE.NJ IV, M. 132-40EGREES. REACTION OF PH SUB2 PCH:CH SUB2 WITh PHC(:L:NNHPH A14D ET SUG3 IN AT 20DEGREES 3 HR GAVE 60PERCCENT 1; WITH 2 MULES,P1.1 SIJBZ PCH:CH SU62 THIS ROSE TO 83PERCFNT, WHILE AITH 2 MULES ET ~SUF13 N IT ROSE TO DECREASE OF P~QPORTION OF ET $U83 N OR its EL1011NATION CAUSED A SHARP DECLINE OF THE YIELD. THIS SUPPGKTS THE kEACTION MEChANIS111, IN WHICH THE-PRIMARY PRODUCT IS.V. FACILITY~* LENINGRAD. TEKHNOL. INST. I.M. LENSOVETA, LENINGRAOt USSR, UNCLASS11- -U BIOLDGY Agriculture UWR uDc 633-311:631.53-027.3 ur In ad KOWWLIrSEVA, L. 3, arxi FROKOFIYEV, M. K.p Tashkent Agr4cult al stiTute a .-U6hkoh" 3 666WIcal Institute IThe Effect of Ultrasound on the Germination of Blue Alfalfa Seeds" Noscow, Selektsiya i Semenovodstvo, No 1, 1971, PP 59-60 Abstract: Trea' ;1ment of "hard" alfalfa seeds -with ultrasouM i's simpler and more effective than mechanical, thermal. or cnemical methods of inzreasir_-,.t1_,e ger- mination rate and ensurizig even stands. "Hard" seeds differ fror, orainarl ones in possessing a tow;h coat that prevents water or air fron enterinS, thus~ delaj- ing germination for a long time. Four varieties (Dostta6dykskaya, RakAmallskAya, Tokmanskaya mestnaya, and Semirechepkaya meutnaya) war* exposod from I to 10 min to ultrasound (1.6 to 2.75 w/cm 11, and then grown u2ider different soil and climatic conditions. Tihe effects of ultrasound were vai,iei. One varieLy (Tok=kskaya mestnaya) required a long period of exposw,o and high intensity, awther required a long period L-it a lower intensity (Bostandykskaya), while the other two (Bakhmallskaya ard Semirechonskaya mestnaya) "quired batn a brief exposure and low intensity of ultrasouni. Exposures for 10 minutes or more were injurious to all the seeds. USSR UDC 621.039.3 KOLOKOL'TSOV N. A., HINENKO, V. P. NIKOLAYEV, B. 1. , SULABHRIDZE, G. A., 1YAK" S-.-x. "Constructing Cascades for Separating Multicomponent Isotope Mixtures" Moscow, Atomnaya energiya, Vol 29, No 6, 70, pp 425-429 Abstract: At present, there is a great deal of interest in separation of isotope mixtures and consequently in the theory of builifing separating multicomponent cascades, with the requirement that isotopes of intermediate mass as well as those of extreme mass be separated. Nothing that the dif- ficulty in designing these cascades is that the concentration of inter- mediate-mass isotopes tends to be a maximum inside the cascade, the authors discuss systems of continuous profile cascades for separating isotopes of intermediate mass, and the simulation of these cascades by actual flows consisting of constant-flow sections. The five steps r4iquired for this simulation prociess are outlined, and the modeling of a continuous profile cascade for the separation of tungsten isotopes, in theJorm~of the gaseous compound WF6, is given as an example. USSR UDC 619:616.9-022.7-t636.2 +636.3 +636.4t 636-52/.58 ISLAM6V, R. Z.; IOGANSON, T. N.; KOLOIMIN G A ";44~ "Dogs as Possible Sources of Brucellosis on Swine-Breeding Farmsit Tr. In-ta Krny V. Datol. KRZSSR Oelorks of Institute of Regional 1970, Pathology of the Kazakh 33R, No 20, PP 17-20 (from RZh-58. Zhivotnovodstyo i Veterinariy , 110 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4.56.632) Translation: Enizootiological analysis of a swine-breeding 0 establishment tiireatened with brucellosis was performed. It was concluded that at such a focus, dogs might be contaminated with Br. suis and apparently can transmit the latter to susceptible BOWS. USSR 'UDG 619:616.9-022.7 +636.2+ 636.3-1-636.4 +636.52/.58 REI,=SOVA, M. M.; KOLOII~ G. -A.- "Problems of Brucellosis Lpidemiology in Connection With Brucella Migration" Tr. In-ta Kravev. natol. KazSSR (1:Torks of Institute of Regional Pathology of the Kazakh SSR, No 20, 1970, PP 10-16 (from RZh- 58. Zhivotnovodstvo i Veterinariya,.Yo 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 1~-5d-631) Translation: Migration of the goat-sheen form of brucellosis to cous was observed in some zones of the Kazakh.HeWblic where Cows and shoop and goats use.comon seasonal:pas~vi,es .9nd water supplies. In such cases, foci of~an enidemic natW,a tire forned, which cormlicates the fight against the infection. 1/1 Acc. Abstracting Service: Ref. Code; j046372 INTERNAT. AERGSP~Ap NO 2,10 E ABST J-Y,~j A70-25190 Use of the Monw',Carlo rMthad to c3lculate the risk of exceeding a 2iven dose of, War flare protc4a (Primtrienle o dlia, vychlsfeniia. riska prevy1hunlia zodannoi inetoda Monte-Kad dozy protonow solnechnVkh vipythelcl. V. L. Gedrozov, V. L. G. , Kuzn and V. A. SAOich, 4Z'4u.,nj1 Vychisfitellnoi Marentatik; _K4W, Vol. 10, Jan.-Feb- 1970, p. 247-250. 10 reft, In Russian. Calculation of the radiation hazard prese ted to Wace vehicles n by proton fluxes from solar flares. usin the Monte Carlo method. g An estimate is made of the pro4ability of eymeding I given dose! of of the flares in limeis simplated solar flare proton-c- The distribution n tages of the S. a computer. At appropripts' 5 Imulatiob the a techn;que.% of importance sampling And analytical averaging are apWiad. A.8,K. REEL/FRAME 537 USSR UDC: 621.391;2:621-371.1(088-8) YTJSMCOV31 N. F., KOLUNENTSEVA T. I. YAROSMIKO, V. V. 3 "A C~rcle and Channel Synchronization Device for an Equal-Accessibility of Multiple-Channel Radio Communications System 'SSR Author's Certificate No 259136, filed 3 Oct 67, piiblished 23 Apr 70 (from RZh-,Radiotekhnika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No LA258 P) Translation: This patent covers a cycle and channel synchronization device for an equal-accessibility multiple-channel radio commun-ications system. The device consists of a phase discriminator, cadence pulse shaper, oscil- lator, cycle synchronization si&nal decoder, channel distributer, selector and multiplexer. To ensure independent synchronization of one receiver or a group of receivers simultaneously from different transmitter signals ar- riving with different tim delayn, the de-vice. incorrorateo th.2 following modules: 1) an independent synchroni-ation =dule connected b(;'.~t-.Feen the cadence input and the output of the cycle synchronization siffnal decoder, the cadence and tria r inputs and the interne-diate output of -he chamnel ge distributor, the cadence input of the multiplexer and the input of the phase discriminator, and connected by its:commutated inputs to the outputs 1/2 USSR YUSI-TKOV, N. F. et --I., USSR Author's Certificate No 259136 of the oscillator and cadence pulse shaper; 2) a phase storage :wdule con- nected between the selector out-out and the cadence inDift of the channel distributor; 3) a series circuit comprised of a contr~i P,,Lise shaper, a counter of decorrelated cycle synchronization signals and a generator of autonomous cycle synchronization signals connected betureen the output, of the.cycle synchronization signal decoder and the trigpr input of the channel distributor. USSR UDC 541.12&+662.222 MO, A. G., KOLOMEYCHM, N. KOROBEYNICHEV, 0. P., VIKTORENKO, A. M., TERESHCHF-% Novosibirsk "Mechanism of the Effect of a Catalyst on Condensed Comtustion Systems" Novosibirsk, Fizika goreniya i vzryva, Vol 8, No 4, 1972, pp, 511-517 Abstract: A study was made of the mechanism of the effect of a catalyst on the combustion of condensed systems based on ammonium percblorate. Results are pre- sented from studying the catalysis of the combusion of ammonium perchlorate and mixtures based on it using an optical microscope and a scanning electron micro- scope. Data are also presented from the studies of the effect of the disperse- ness of the catalyst on the combustion rate of ammonium perchlorate and the model system of a=onium. perchlorate and polymethylmethacrylate. The data con- firm that the catalyst operates very efficiently in the c-phase (the presence of sinks around the catalyst particles in the case of copper oxide). The forma- tion of a skeleton of catalyst particles (in the case of Fe 203) protruding 10- 20 microns above the burning surface must also lead to an increase in the effi- ciency of its effect near the c-phase surface (as a result of an increase in the effective concentration of the catalyst in the vicinity -of the gas phase by comparison with that which exists at distances greater than 10-20 microns from the c-phase surface). If the distance from the c-phase surface to the flame 1/2 P USSR KOROBEYNICREV, 0. P., et a!., Fizika goreniya i vzryva, Vol 8, No 4, 1972, pp 511-517 area is 50-100 microns, it can be considered that the catalyst operates effi- If the flame area is 10-20 microns from the fuel ciently near the c-phase. surface, the c-phase (which can include the skeletoa of catalyst particles) is in the flame area. 2/2 USSR UDC 621.362.2(088.8) BEYLIN, A. Yu., DUDKIN, L. D. ZYKOVA, N. P., WLOIrEYEIS,,.. N. V. MhZUR, V. A., TARTAKOVSKIY, D. L., KIIANIN, M. A. "A Thermocouple" USSR Author's Certificate No 227428, Filed 6 Jul 67, Published 20 Jan 70 (from FZh-Electrotekhnika i energetika, No 8, Aug 70, Abstract No 8A127 P) Translation: The proposed thermocouple eontains a P-branch of germanium tellu- ri6e, a commutation bus of iron, and a commucation substrate. A mechanical mixture of tungsten and tin telluride, or tungsten and lead telluride is used as the commutaCion.substrate. This is to improve mechanical strength and reduce power lost in commutation. USSR Tjil,~' 62.3.644:666.$-2 Yu. D., an': r.-3Z2,zXiN,3, R. U., Ylinistry o h USSR f Healt, I Ab- -ior '"ables o' "Excerience in Reducin- tho Level of General Vibra'-ion at the V ~a~ a Reinforced Concrete Plant" eloscow, Giv--vexiaI A Truda i Prolessionalinyye Zabolovamlya, 1.1o 2, 19?4p,, 44 Abstract: The -vibration table8 u5ed in shaping articles irta-~e of concreze --u- ~e,:L the workers to general vibraLions far above permiss; ie levels. `-e au--ors s,,;c- .-b ceeded in loweripg e -1 evels to the point, where -elbraLiol-z coul-i not 0 recorde with a Iii-I gauge or felt by the workers. Thay did this pl.Lc~n:r by supported. indIvidually I~tted concrete or motal slimbs uxidiler each tai~;Ie. 71 A1 KOLOICYETS, Ye.V.3 TYASTO, 1-5, 1. Effect of "small" solar flares hi coenic rays Olurinit r=Lmum f solar activity. Gcommg. i aer. 1 no.4:507~-X-' 11. "g '61. 0 OMRA 14:U) 1. Kaza "-,skiy gosudars-bve=Ty univarsitet i LeninLpadslioye otdeleniye insti-Wtzi zemno-go mapetimma, ionosfery i rasprostrazieniya radiovoln AN SSSR, (Cosmia rays) (Solar radiation) USSR UDC 661.183.123 KOLOMEYTSEV, 0. P., and KUZNETSOVA, N. N. "Synthesis and Characteristics of Large-Lattice Ion Exchange Resins" Leningrad, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol 45, Vyp 9, 1972, pp 1978-1992 Abstract: The particular resins considered are the N-substituted methacryl- amides: N, N-dimethylaminoethylmetliacrylamide (MIUDIA) and N,N,N-t rime thyl- aminoethylmethacrylamide iodide (IDIAEMA). The yield and strength of the resins are functions primarily of the amount of "seed" material and the concentration of the monomer. The ion exchange capacity for the resins in O.lN HU and O.IN NaCl vary from about 3-5 meq/g. Cycles of regeneration reduced values to about 3.5 from the initial range of 3.5-5. Copolymeriza- tion of MIUDU or IT14MM with N,N-hexatnethylenedimetacrylamide may produce a weakly or strongly alkaline auion exchange resin particularly useful for the adsorption of the ions of organic compounds. USSR uDc: 621.372.822 KOLONEYTSEV, V. A. "Distribution of Steady-State Temperature in a Wavegaide With an Absorbing Film of Magnetic Material on the Inner.Surface" V sb. Vopr. elektron. tekhniki (Problems of Electronic Teclinoloor--collec- tion of works), Saratov, 1971, pp 74-81 (from RZh-Radioteklinika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6B136) Translation: A heat source function is analyzed. An investigation is made of the conditions of the effect of absorption inhomogeneity on heat field distribution. Recommendations are givenfor effective use of film resistors In a rectangular waveguide. Resumg. USSR um 621.372.822 AEKMrEL'SKIY, Yu. S., KOLOIEYTSEV, V. A. "Heat Field of a Rectangular Waveguide With an Absorbing Film on the Inner Surface" V sb. VoDr. elektron. tekhniki (Problems of Electronic TechnaloEzr-collec- tion of 7o-rks), Saratov, 19"11, pp 82-102 (from RM-Radiotekh-nika, No 60 lun 71, Abstract No 6B135) Translation: Computational relationships are found for d,~,termining the heat field of a rectangular waveguide with a thin microwave Dower absorbing film applied to the inner surface. An investigation ir~- vade of the process of heating of the waveguide during the transmission of pulse power through it. Three illustrations, bibliography of:seven titles. Resu~6' USSR uDc-, 621-382.2 KOLObOMEV,._L F. , POSTNTIKOV, I. V. , 141L tMAN, S. 1. _&pow ~G~liu~n Arsenide 1,fixer Diode With Schottky Barrierit Elektron. telklinika. Nauch-tekhti. sb.:Polu-oravqdn. -uribojjr (Electronic Tech- nolo&.r. Scientific and Technical Collection. Semiconductor Devices), 1970, VYP- 5 (55), pp 3-11 (Trom RZh_Elektronika i yeye PriireneniLre, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6B217) Translation: Design calculations and measurement results are giver, for a microwave mxer diode with Schottky barrier. The derign of the semaconductcr diode is based on an epitaxia.1 planar structure with gold - arsenide honeycomb contacts. The operations used include epitaxial growth, ion plasma application of a protective film, photolithal-plaphy nnd electrocher.-aca" and vacuum deposition. The parameters of the result1knt sf:!ini conductor diodes are also presented. Resum6. 1/1 USSR KOLOMIETS. V. G. . MUMITDINOV, T. M. "Averaging in Systems of Differential Equations with 16ndon Parameters" Analit. i Kachcstvcn. Metody Toorii Differents. Uraviwniy jj'uialytic and Qualitative Methods in the Theory of Differential Equations -- Collection of Works], Kiev, 1972, pp 118-124 (Translated fron, Reforativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 3, Moscow, 1973, Abstract No 3 V103 by M. Benderskiy). Translation: A study is mide of the system ;=I,-v (!. X1 Fs (0). i~y ,V. X, Yt 6)), wliere x~R-% y~Rfr, wC-P. 0- is a probability spice. Together with this sys- tes, a study is made of the degenerate system j=Y x, y, a)), x.~conit, (2) to which (1) is converted where 0. If the solutioji of system (2) y = f (t, x, c, w) , f (0, x, c, w) c is knohni, then (1) indicates that dx1 1/2 W = EX (f. X, 1(t, X, C, o), w) = r-F (t, x, c. 1a)). x KOLUMIETS, V. G., MUMITDINOV, T. M. ,Analit. i Kachestven. Metody Teorii Differents. Urevneniv, Kiev, 19112, pp 118-124. d:u Y di (3) and Z(t, x, c, w) have even distributjoii In the case when F(t, x, c, w) with respect to time with probability 1, the theorem of R. 7. Khas'minskiy on averaging can be applied to analysisuf systen (5). If only F(t, x, c, w) has an even mean, the authors apply a theorem which thwy proved varlier Concerning partial averaging (see Abstract 3 V104) to analysis of system 2/2 USSR KOLOMIETS, V. G.. , MMITDINOV, T. M. "Partial Averaging in Nonlinear Systems of Differential Equations with Random Functions" Analit. i Kachestven. Metody Teorii Differents. Uravneniv [Analytic and Qualitative Methods in the Theory of Differential Equations -- Collection of Works] , Kiev, 1972, pp 125-134 (Translated from Roferativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 3, Moscow, 1973, Abstract No 3 V104 by M. Bendershiy) . Translation: A study is made of the system X=EX(t, X, Y. W) i=zy (I's. Y, (a), xV (())=Y0- 1 where ARm,y0n, is a point in the probability space, XO') is an M- dimensional (n-dimensional) vector function. It is assumed that for function X, the strong law of large numbers if fulfilled: X CO) d, X% (X. Y) up" 0 1/2 KOLOMIETS, V. G. , MUMITDINOV, T. M. , Analit. i Kachest-ven. Metody Teorii Differents. Uravneniy, Kiev, 1972, pp 125-134. with probability 1. Suppose x(t, w), y(t, w,) is tile solution of (1), while C(t, w), ti(t, w) is the solution of the partial averaged system, i. C., a system which is produced by replacement of X with X0' It is proven and any L > 0, we can indicate an c > 0 that for sufficiently small 6 > 0 0 ~cjuation such that where 0 < E < in the interval 0 < t < Le the L (2) is fulfilled i~'X(t, x, y, col) and Y(t, x, y, w) are evenly limited and satis- fy the Lipshits condition. If the solution C(t, w), TI(t, w) is evenly a5yinptotically- stable, foiinu- la (2) obtains with all t. > 0. 2/2 % 32 WX-L AS' I Ft k ~ROCES$ING DATE--20NOV7u T ITLE--PkE5Ei-,VA f IGN OF THE VAGUS NERVE 16A '.~ASTRECTQMY -U- AUTH0k-(03)-MASYUK0VAj YE.Mor TSEKHANOVICHt T.I.i KOLOMINA, 1.0, CF INFG--L~,SR -43 uCE-KfilmURGIYAv L970v %R 6, PP 39 -OATE FU6LISHc-0----7G -,-.SL-dJE-CT-A9EAS--61CLCGlCAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TAGS META60LISM, -PIC. -DIGESTIVE SYSTM SLJRGERY,, JEJUNUM, PRUTEIN CARBCHYCRATE METABOLISM PARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS -.'DGCUJ4F-i-iT. CLASS-tiNCLASSIF [ED :,:PROXY REEL/FRAME-302/1769 STEP NO-UR/0531/70/OOC/006/0039/0043 ACCESSIGN NC--AP0129137 UNCLASSIFIED 212 022 UNCLASST FfED ORGCE~SING DATE--ZONOV7C CIRC ACCESSION NC--AP0129137 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ISSUE CARRIES THE RESULTS OF EXAMtNiATION OF 82 PATIENTS AT REMOTE PERIODS AFTER GASTRECrOMY; IN 18 CASES DURING THE OPEqATICN THE POSTERIOR CHORD OF THE VAGUSS WAS PIAE SE R V ED .THE OPEhATIONS wERE PERFORMED VIA ThE ABDOMINAL APPROACH? THE CONTINUITY OF THE CYASTRGINTESTINAL'TRACT WAS RZSTORED WITH TiiE AID OF ESOPHAGOJEJUNCSTOPY. THE RESULTS OF CLINICAL EXAMINATION OF PATIENTS, AS AELL AS STUDIES OF THE PROTEIN CAR6GHYDRATE METABOLSIM, ANO THE FLbtCTILNAL STATE CF TI-E LIVER IN PATIENTS AFTER GASTRECTOMY HAVE SHOnN THAT PARTIAL PRESERVATION OF THE PARASY14PATHETIC INNERVATION IS CONDUCTIVE TO A 8ETTEK COMPENSATION OF THE LOST FONCTIONS. FACILITY: KAFEDRA GCSPITAL.I.NCY KHIRURGII rOM5K0G0,MEDITSlNSKOG0 INSTITUTA, UNCLASSIFIeD 112 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE---040ECTO TITLE--INVERSE CORRELATION BETWEEN THE FUNCTIONAL ACTIOTY Or- AN ANTICOAGULATING SYSTEM AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF A NEOPLASM IN THE ORGANISM ~AUTHOR-03)-KUORYASHOV9 B.A.s KALISHEVSKAYA, T.M., KOLOMINA, S.M. ~-COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--VESTN. MOSX. UNIV., BIOL*t POCHVOVED. 1970, 25(2)1 16-43 PUBL ISHED ------- 70 _~~-SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOP IC TAGS--NEOPLASM* BLOOD COAGULATIONt. F [3R I NOLYS IS ANTICOAGULANT DRUG, :~-RAT,.MOUSE, NERVOUS SYSTEM DRUG, CHLORPRO14AZINEt HEPARINs DOGP r REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM CARCINOMA, Z.ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~~-PROXY FICHE NO----FO70/605008/009 STEP NO--UR/0444/7(J?025/002/0016/0043 CIRGACCESSION NO--AP0139983 UNCLASSIFIED oil -212 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0139983 A13STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AS THE GROWTH OF NEOPLASMS APPEARS TO BE ACCOMPANIED BY A STIMULATION OF THe BLOOD CL,0TTrJNG MECHANISMt THE EFFECTS OF ANTICOAGULANTS AND FIBRINOLYTIC AGENTS JON TUMOR 13EAIAING RATS AND MICE WERE INVESTIGATED. BLOOD ANALS+ SHOWED A 3-4. FOLD INCREASE IN FIBRINOGEN CONTENTt A DECREASE IN FISRINOLYTIC ACTIVITY (0-2PERCENT VS. 10-IZPERCENT IN CONTROLS)v AND A SHORTENED CLOTTING TIME. TREATMENT OF TUAOR BEARING MICE WITH HEPARIN OR FIBRINOLYSINi ALONE OR IN COMBINATIONt 010 NOT PRODUCE A CONSISTENT REDN. IN' TUMOR GRA114TH, -VER,. ACTUALLY PROMOTING GROWTH 'IN SEVERAL ANIMALS. HO~;E BLOCKING OF THE VEGETATIVE NERVOUS SYSTEM WITH CHLORPROMAZINE DURUNG ANTICOAGULANT AND FIBRINOLYTIC TREATMENT LED TO A SIGNIFICANT REGRESSJO~j OF TUMORSo THUSI ~DAI.LY ADMINISTRATION OF 2000 UNITS HEPARIN-KG AND 8000 U411's FIBRINOLYSINIKG AFTER TUMOR TRANSPLANTATION PRODUCfD AT 51-96PERCENT DEPRESSION OF TUMOR GROWTH IF THIS TREATMENT WAS SOPLEMENTED BY THE ADMINISTRATION OF CHLORPROMAZINE., A SIGNIFICANT DECREASE IN METAsTASES WAS ALSO OBSD. CHLORPROMAZINE ADMINISTERED ALONE PRODUCED A LOWER AND LESS CONSISTENT REGRESSION OF TUMORS, HISTOPATHOL-4 STUDIES CONFIRMED THE BENEFICIAL EFFECT OF THE COMBINED ANTICOAGULANT CHLORPROMAZINE :.-TREATMENT. THIS DRUG COMBINATION WAS APPLIED WITH SUCESS TU THE TREATMENT OF A DOG WITH SPONTANEOUS ADENOCARCINOMA OF THE MAMMARY GLANDS. UNCLASSIFIED and the outer surface pf, the hisli ar-aj 4~pivat !channels 3 and :4 of right -and I;ef c I~and tbre~ The 11;1'ue layer joins 'hub, and crP m jO, if the JbI sh~uLd be broken, the two par_tts Wjlj:not Purn !61~li:tz:iv'j to e3cil other. 5.67. as 1154030125-127, A-dd to 16515.7 ROIA)III ;C'v 6 s.v. (31.10.61) But. ZV4?L$I.68, tClasis 'L VC. I ii :Tim i '7 ;p : . , : "'44a. U; t., 11 , -.-~ ~ z ~ -, ~ - z- - - - -37M I- , : ; V ~ ;; :. ~ :2 :i , ~ 'T ~ - I,.-,... - I . ; ~ i .; . L ILI Ll- LIll". "ILliff U."Illf"Ll, It "i 1'FT 1:1 , : ~ 1 11 ~7 , - _7 TT sak U KOLOMMISMI Ya. Chelove-K Sren71YMe-YWAh7 Among People), Moscov, lklodaya &vardiya, 1973, 240 pp, 100,000 copies printed Conclusions There is probably an unwritten law that stipulates the time that must separate the publication of fundamental works from the publication of popular Dooks in a given area of science. Nat long ago I saw Popular Nue-lear Fhysics in a bookstore. nm6ine) it is already popular! If such a law does exist, the book you have just reand clea--ly violatee it. It ,tas written hot on the traces of experimental rose-arch on group psychology. It inc!"des accoants of works on the reports of vhich the "ink is not yet y." Hence it is pointless to search for a systematic -,r~--sentmtion of all tile dr basic questions in the book. After all it is not yet clear just unhich of the problems of otar science are the basic ones. Me book ratl,~&r contains things w u.1 that strike me as important and interesting. Another psychologir:,t o d have -,I to nti()n certain vritten an entire-ly different book. I hwre 'probably failf wf. points and of course I have not been able to nwa all t*fvl scielqtiSts whose r-es-e-arch findings have beccme a part of the book in one unty or another. T%ere is jet one more doubt that does not let me rest: v-,.,ts it worthwhile to oprin the doors of the psychological laboratovj for everyone to see? In n psychological wisdom? 11hat if the readers get the USSR KOI.OMINSKIf.. Ya., f-blodaya gvardiya, 1973, 240 pp idea that they know everything and begin experimenting on one another? 1 hope that this will not happen. After a" people do not take oat their own appendix just because they have read a popular book on surgery. An no one vill perform heart surgery on their friends after seeing the movie based on the story by Nikolay blikhaylovich Amosov. But man among people is always a psychologist. And if olar talks haye helped you to glimpse something new in such age-old and conventional phenomena as human interrelations, if -they have prompted you to think upon your place among people, if you have decided that group psycholoL7,,y is an, important thing then the author will consider his mission fulfilled. Contents L,,&e Chapter One. How Albert Einstein took pity on Jean Pinget ................ 5 A living library ............ 4$ .....I .................................. 5 Into the darknesn of another's mind ................................. 15 'Me Kinnbrook affair ................... 0......... I ................... .19 Chapter Two. Society under a microscope ......... ............ 24 Can psychology be asocial? ............................... ............ 24 Microstructure of society ............................................ 25 The psychology business .............................................. 29 215 Kinds of groups ...................................................... 31 - 100 - USSR KoLam-MKIY, Ya., Molodaya -.vardiya, 1973, 240 pp The group and the collective ......................................... 44 Chapter Three. Me psychology of choice ........ .................. 10 Live models ......................................................... 48 Concerning the very first choice ..................................... 51 Who is to sit with whom or holf 7B almost discovered sociometry ....... 53 14hat is sociometry? ................................................. 57 Choice in action .................................................... 59 Psychological table of ranks .... ................................... 64 Second coordinate ....................................... I........ ... 68 Secret assignment .................................................... 74 What is equal status? .............................. I...... I ........... 76 Caution -- nan! .......... 006# ......9 ............................... 82 Chapter Four. Face to face .............................................. 85 And you, my friends, no matter how you sit ........................... 85 Three in one... rocket .............................................. 90 "Stars" and leaders ............................................ 0 ... 99 School for ... leaders ............................ .......... 107 Chapter Five. The effect of the group ................................... 1-16 The debate concerning conformity ................................... 116 3/5 Substitute group .................................................... 122 USSR KOLOmmm, Ya-, Molodaya gvardya, 1973, 240 pp Through the prism of purpose ...................... 126 Cerebral attack ....................... * .............................. 138 A group that heals ................ ................................. 144 Chapter Six ............................................................... 152 Yura Volkov agrees with George 3and ................................. 152 Who am I? ........................................................... 155 Varadoxes of realization . .................. *, .................... 1 6--e Fat or thin ........................................................ 166 Who is who? ............... I ......................................... 170 If I were the czarina or once more concerning pa-rudoxes; ............. 1T5 Chapter Seven. Secrets of charm ........................... 184 "What" and tl~ffiy?" ....................... .............. 184 The secrets of "tele .. ........................ .......... 01. 191 Polar profiles ....................................... ............. 197 Deciphering the code (or the first "and all the sane") ............... 205 Equation with four unknowns (or the second "and all the same") ...... 211 Chapter Eight. With the "Smaller brethren" 4.4.0-1#4 ................ *.. 21.8 Between Charybdis and ScyLla ........ ....... 2 IL8 YA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . .. .. . ~u wn ffimlwi~ I" i n coba USSR KOLOINIIISKIY, Ya., Molodaya gvardiya, 1973, 240 pp Rings with feet .................................... ................ 219 "Alpha" and omega . .................................................. 221 Nor do they live by bread alone ..................................... 225 In place of a conclusion ................................................. 236 urger~ USSR KOLOMIYCHE I.,-'-Director, Kiev Scientific Research Institute o 3 aryngology They Hear Again" Kiev, Pravda Ukrainy, 17 Feb 70, p 4 Abstract: In this brief press interview, the director of the Xiev Research Institute of otolaryngology highlights the progress made in recent years in the surgical treatment of otosclo-rosis Zheari'ng 2 restored in 96% of the cases), drug therapy ot claronic otitis, and advances in tympanoplasty, including:the use of prostheses. Men- tion is made of the efforts by Professor V.~I. Rodin of the Donetsk Medical Institute to restore hearing by transplanting auditory.ossicles. The long-term results of 55 such operations are awaiting evaluation. USSR uDc.. 621.317-362.023(o88.8) VDROIITSOV,'Al, H., KOLOFaycmm, G. N. "A Waveguide Bolometric Hea(V USSR Author's Certificate No 270014, filed I Apr 68,-,published 13 Aug 70 (from fZh-Radiotekhnika, Ho 1, Jan 71,.Abstract No IA317 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a Vaveguide bolometric head which contains a section of wavegaide and a vire filament. To increase paver measurement precision, a longitudinal slot is made in the vaveE7,aide wall, and above this slot are turns of the wire filawat which is wound over the waveguide and insulated from a dielectric film. Resumk". -j M I =11 ~ ff P, 119, Iff l/Z 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 TITLE-EVALUATIGIN UF THE METHOD]), OF SURGICAL TRLATMENT OF PEPTIC ULCER -U- .---,AUTHOR-(012)-KGLOMIYCHENKOI M.1.9 BOYKOVlIYA*P* Cr SSR ~UNTRY OF INFO--U ..~~:-,SQURCE-KHIRURGIYAt 19709 NR 61 PP 16-23 DATE PUBLISHED--70 SUBJECT AREAS-BICLCGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-SURGE:RY-,--DIGESTIVE SYSTEM0 ISEASEv STOt4ACHv DUOUENUM ---"CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS -,::DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIE0 REELIFRAME--3002/1771 STEP NO--UR/0531/10/000/006/0016/0023 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0129139 wd 4; 2/2 020 UNCLASSIOIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT7C `-CIPC ACCESSICN 110--AP0129139 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ARTICLE GIVES AN ASSESSMENT OF DIFFERENT METHUDS OF SURGICAL TREATk.ENT OF GASTRODUODENAL ULCER ON THE BASIS OF CLINICAL DATA FOR THE PERIOD BETWEEN 1969-1969. RESECTIUN UF THE STOMACH IS DEEMED AS THE'MAIN METHOD OF SURGICAL TREATMENT OF GASTRIC PEPTIC ULCERS BASING UPON THE RESULTS OF 542 OPERATIONS FOR GASTRGOUODENAL ULCERS. BILLROTH-1 MODIFICATIONS AND ELONOMIC RESECTIONS ARE CONSIDERED AS JUSTIFIED. IN DUODENAL ULCERS 'AS A RULE, IT IS NECESSARY TO RESECT ThU THIRDS OF THE STOMACH, TliIS GUARANTEES FROM THE ORIGINIATIGN OF PEPTIC ULCER OF THE ANASTOMGSIS. IN LOW LOCATED DUODENAL ULCERS GOOD RESULTS WERE 06TAINED IN~RESECTICN FOR EXCLUSION. IN SUCH INSTANCES VAGOTOMY IS ALSO INDICATED. SELECTIVE GASTRIC VAGOTOMY WITH DRAINING OPERATIONS MERIT ATTENTION# HOWEVERt THEY REQUIRE FURTHER CLINICAL STUDY9 ESPEC14LLY AT REMUTE~PEMGDS. FACILITY.4 KAFEDRA 08SHCHEY KHIRURGII KIEV. MEDITSINSKOGO IN~TJTUTAo 111trog0a .00AP011W USSR WC 632.95 FOKINI A. V-1 KOW10MC Al FV I STUDNEVs YU. N., and WKZNj A. I. "Process for the Iteparation of the -Rhodanine Ethyl Esters of Carboxylic Acids" USSR Author's Certificate No 350-783i filed 30 Jul 70t published 20 Sep 72 (from ReferativW 2-hurnal -- Dinlya, No 11(II)o 19?), Abstract No 111J579P by T. A. Belyayeva) Translationo A process is described for the prep3=tloa of the fl-rhodaalne ethyl esters of carboxylic acids by the reaction of trimethyl- JS -zhodane- thoxysilane (1) with an acyl ha2ide at 0-1200 In an ozVmic solvent. For example, 7.2 g of FCICHCOCI are added 8,8 g of (I)o heated with the simul- taneous distilling of tri-methylchlorosilane-and yieldIng 9.6 g of the -rhodanine ethyl ether of fluoroehloroacetic acid. The boiling point is 109-110OC/I ams the n2()D is 1.4821, dZ;O ic 1,4180. ~,4 g of the trimathyl- chlorosilane Is added to a sunponsion of 5.3 g of KSCN in 35 ml of acotonep stirred at about 200 for two hours# to which is added 2.6 g of ethylene oxide. The reaction mixture is allowed to sit for I hourl the excesq ethylene wdde is removedl the mixture is filtered and 6.3 g of KClCHCCC1 is added to the filtrate. It Is then allowed to sit for I hour at 200, 8.3 g of theh-rodane tp USSR FOXIN, A. V., et al., USSR Author's Certificate No 350783, filed 30 Jul 70, published 20 Sep 72 ethyl ethers of monochloroacatic acid is separated. The product has a boiling point of 119' at I M. n2OD of 1-5125 and a'dZO of 1.3857. The following AF compounds were also prepared, The numbers given are the boiling point In OCAM 0 20 or the freezing point In Cl the n2OD, an4 G4 I YeC(O)CHSCHqSCN, 72 3/1# OCH Me 35 6l i.4765g 1.1891, 2.4-cl2c03 240)OC'f2P~ CC13C(O)OCH2CH2SCNP 44- 5# CF3C,(O.)OCH2ML2SCN, 93 - 4/9, 1.4174, L.416 01, CF3CF2CF2C(0)OCH2CH2SCN9 84 - 3p -0 -; and PhC(O)O%C%SCH, 137 8/1, 1.56311 1.19609 2/2 Jamul USSR UDC 632.95 GOLUBEVA, R. N., GRANIIII, Ye. BLIENM, N. K., F FADEYEV, Yu. N., VRUBLEVSDYA, L. S., VARSHAVSKIY, S. L., KOFMAN, VIKHAUSKIY, K. N. "A Method of Making Derivatives of Aryl Esters of B-Isothiuronium Ethanesulfonic Acid" USSR Author's Certificate No 337381, filed I Aug 63, published I Jun 72 (from RZh-Khimiya, No 9, May 73, abstract No 9N522P by T. G. Chekareva) Translation: Compounds of the general formula R03SC1H4SC(NH ) -NH-H~A W (R = aryl unsubstituted or substituted by Cl, No2, M~; A = Ci or an organic acid radical) are synthesized by reacting Ch2=CHS03R (II) with salts of thiourea or a mixture of thiourea with inorganic or organic acids. Example. Solutions of equimolar quantities of II and thiourea hydrochloride in butanol which are saturated at 60-90*C are heated at 80-900C for I hour, cooled, and filtered, giving I with a yield of 85-96%. Evaporation of the mother liquor gives an additional quantity of 1. The overall yield of I is 95-100%. The following compounds of type I (A - Cl) are synthesized (given are R and the melting point in *Q: Ph, 165-6; 4-CIC6H4 (18), 1/2 USSR BLIZNYUK, N. K., et al., USSR Author's Certificate No 337381, filed 1 Aug 63, published 1 Jun 72 144-6; 3-ClC H 168-70' 2 4-Cl C-H3, 1,57-9; 2,4,5-Cl3CO 1 178-80; 2,4,6- C2-6 -C13C6H21 182 ~Lcomp.)'; 4-NO2 6 41 155-8; 3-MeC6 It 16M. Saturated aqueous solutions of equimolar quantities of la Q)2,4-Cl2C6H30CH2COONa are mixed at 90-100*C, cooled, and filtered, giving compound I (A = 2,4-C12C6H30C1'2COO-, R = 4-CIC04), melting point 134-5'C, yield 99.5%. in concentrations of 3.1-25 mg per liter compound I suppressts the growth of the mycelium Botritis cinerea and Piricularia orysae by 50-100%; in concentrations of 0.25-1 mg per liter, compound I suppresses the growth of spores of Botritis cinerea and Piricularia orysae by 8-1002, and in a concentration of 0.1% the chemical suppresses rust of the wheat strain Puccinia graminis f. tritici by 42-582. 2/.2 USSR UDC 547-341 and SHCHENNIKOV, V. S. FOKIII, A. V., KOLOMIYETS,_Atj,~ "Reactions of Phosphorus Pentachloride With Netones!r Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, vol 42(1o4), vyp 4, 1972, pp 801-802 Abstract: The reaction of PCl th ketones forms 2-(chloroalkenyl) phosphoro- tetrachlorides in addition to Zhe'lgem-dichloroalkanes and chlaroa]Aanes. The yield of the former can be increased with an excess of I'Cl - the yield of the latter two is increased somewhat by increasing the temperaKre:~ and reaction time* Thus, in thane reactions, the phosphor7lation of the chloroalkene is the first step in the rjecondai-j rearrangement. She reactioan in the PC1 5-ketone system may be outlined as follows; BC(O)CII, PCI, RCCIXIIj HCCI=CII.--L PCIZ, RCCI~C111,cf; 111CCI~('11cf. LI -.1-ch USSR BABII, V. V., BLIZNYUK, N. K., DENISENKOVA, R. N.,,jK1.O,~.11,YffS.,Aj..Fk, STRELITSOV, R. V., FILIN-KOLDAKOV, B. V, "Method of Fighting Undesirable Vegetation" USSR Author's Certificate No 303058, filed 20/04/67, published 5/07/71. .(Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Mimiya, No 4, Moscow, 1972, Abstract No 4N703P by T. A. Belyaeva). Translation: In order to increase the herbicidal properties of a-(2, 4, 5- tricholorophcnoxy)-propionic acid, it is suggested that it be used as its benzylester, which is more active than the other est4irs of this acid and has very low volatility. USSR UDC 547.27+547.562 FOKIN, A. V., KOLOMIYETS A F., SHCHENNIKOV, V. S., and STUDNEV, Yu. N. "Reactions of 2-Aryl(Alkyl)thioethanols With Phosphoric Acid" Leningrad, Zhurnal Organicheskay Khimii, Vol 7, No 7, Jul 71, pp 1406-1407 Abstract: Reacting phosphoric acid with 2-aryl and 2-alkylthicethanols in oolutions produces good yields of respective simple etbers. A mixture of 0.1 g-mole of aryl or alkylth'Loethanal, 50 ml toluene or xylene, and 0,5 g of anhydrous phosphoric acid is refluxed under a Dean-Stark. trap as long as water is being produced. The reaction mixture is then cooled, dissolved in 50 ml benzene, washed with.sodium carbonate until neutral, dried and vacuum distilled to yield the desired products. USSR BABIN, V. V., DENISENrKOVA, R. N., UGRYLZIOV, YIP,. P., SUCTIEGLOV, Y13. V., BLIZ',MK, N. K., STREWTSOV, R. V. and KOLPIIIYETS,,,4~ F Northern Caucasus Scientific Research Institute of'PhytopathoL6__ All-union Scientific Research Insti tute of Phytopathology, Moscow, Ministry of Agriculture USSR "Herbicide!' USSR Authors' Gtrtificate No 250603, filed 14 Jun 68, p6blished 26 Jan 70, (from RZh-Khimiya, No 20 (11), 25 Oct 70, Abstract No 20 1.1601P by N, B. VSEVOLOZI-ISKAYA) Translation: Compounds of the general formula- /Ti-CL-21ZC0I'I3CCI,,2C (0)(17 Sn]3u2 (1) (it = Cl or Me) are not inrerio~_v in herbicidal Ac Ivj ty to butyl esters of the corresponding a.ryloxyalkylcarboxylic acids. For example, mustard plants in the six-1-caf phase. were sprayed with aqueous solutions of I in a does o'L 50, 100, 250 and 500 g/ha (calculated in acid equivalent). The dose at which the weight of aboveground portions of the plant declines 50"'a was 53.g/ha for I (R = Cl), whereas that for the butyl ester of 2,4-D was 61-g/ha. USSR um 62i.373-531.3(088.8) GDLUBCHI XOV, A. M. , LACAfflOVICH, Ye. F., Donetsk ~Scientific Research and Design and Planning Institute for Automation of Mining Machinery "A Multichannel Overlapping Pulse Generator~' USSR Author's Certificate No 265182, filed 6 Feb 68, published 12 Jun 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 1, Jan Tl, Abstract No IG281 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a imLltichwinel over- lapping pulse generator which contains a master multivtbrator and output cells based on flip-flops with transistors of opposite conductiyity type. The device is designed to give a predetermined -time ovt~rlap of "he output pulses. Connected to the collector of the NPH transistor in each outDu-. cell of the generator are the input- of a coincidence ctrcuit for moving the signal on to the following output channel, and the Inpur, of a coiraci- dence circuit for quenching the signal in: the preceding channel; the second inDuts of the corresponding coincidence circuits are c~wnected togethcr and tied to different legs of the multivibrator, the inputs of the coinci- dence circuit for moving the signal being connected to the leg of the Dmltivibrator which determines the time of overlap of -ffie pulses. USSR UDC: 621.374.32 MEL, A. K. LAGUTIOVICII, Ye. F. ,Donetsk Scientific Research Institute and rla~ning in the Automation of Mining Machinery for Desi "A Computer Which Retains Data. in the Case of Interruptions in the Power supply USSR Author's Certificate No 250,09811 filed. 5 MV 68, mublished 1) jan 70 (from. RM-Avtomatika, Telemeh-hanika, i VYchislitel'n ra Tekhnika, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No IIIWO P) Translation: This Author's Certificate Latroduces a comru-,er which retains information ihen there are interruptions in the power su-pply. The device contains an. end-around counter in which each digital iDlace consists of a flip-flop based on two transistors of opposite conductivity type and ,, Mag- netic core with rectangular hysteresis loop. The de-irice a1so cQntains a read-out pulse shaper. To irnprove resistaxice to interfere:5ice, the collect-cr of a gil a sendcon- the n-p-n transistor for each digital,place is connected thr u,; ductor diode to the outnut of the read-out pulse shaj.-,er. A single ce 1 , in the counter is activated at each, instant. Corr-- to the activat~,d state of a cownt-er cell is the state of 1.,ositive maCi,f,,ti7ation of the con-a, while negative maLm~etizution corresponds to the deactivated state. M-ese states are retained when the povrer supply voltage is discannected. Otie illvstra-rion. N. S.