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elm r
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t A A-q r a -'o 'mw I ~r t -V
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24(5) -36 6-12/6'
AUTHOR. a a)-
R shb
TITLE t The Effect of Resonance Excitation Tra nsfer in theTheory, of-
the Large.Radius Exciton (Effekt rezonansnoy perledachi vozbuzh-
deniya v teorii eksitona bol'shogo radiusa)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal',eksperimentallnoy i 1eoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
v 1~36, Nr 6,: pp 1703 -1708 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: There are two possible mechanisms for describing excitor-
displacement in a crystal. The first is by Frenkel'(Ref,l)o
assumes res onance'-int, eract ion I and consists in principle in,'the,
fact that,when excitation vanishes at. one point of the crystalj:.
It, occu,rs,~ at another.point,. the width of, the,exciton zone~and,
consequently, also the the exciton remaining
group velocity~of
finite if
the overlapping integrals tend.towakds,zero. The
-second mechanism (according to-the%large.ra'dius exciton theory
developed~by Wannier and Mott:(Refs.2,3)) consists in an:
electron +.hole displacement; electron and hole,are.considered
,to be quasiparticles obeying a' given dispersion law which-.
describes the structure of:certain,electron-and hole-,zones
(Or groups). The electron zone tends towards zero if, the ex~-'
Card.1/2 'change.integrals determiningAhe,width,,of the:electron-a- and
The Effect, of Resonance Excitation.Transf er' in the SOV/56-36-6-12/60-
Theory of th e Large Radius Exciton
hole zone' disappear# 1he first of thes'e-mechanisas is in the'
following described as resonance mechanism, the second as
exchange mechanisn~. Wannier and Mott did not:take generation-
annihilation effects into account in their theory
the present paper annihilation,: terms are introduced into t he
Aheory ofAhe large radius exciton, and the concluuions re-
sulting herefrom are investigated. The author investigates
is dielectric and constructs its electron wave function by means
of the orthogonal system of Wannier's quasiparticle functions;
notation system by Wannier is~employed. Under certain simpli-_
-tions, the author,goes over to a continuum a-d
fying assump n
obtains an i,ntegro-differential equation containing a non-
relativistic contact term. Its
solution is briefly discussed and
.,the contact.term.for plane waves with'the quasimomentum k is
explicitly writtendown. The author thanks S., I. Pekar
for disou si g thi work. There are'13: 5 of which
3 n S references
are Soviet.
ISSOCTLTION: Institut fiziki Akademii nauk:.Ukrainskoy SSR (Physics*;Institute
ofthe Academy of,Sciences, Ukrainskaya,SSR)
SUBMITTEDt September 8, 1958
d 2/2
--- --- sm-w _M
'Some, Problems of, theLumi.nescence of Crystals SOV/53-67-1-5/121~.
impurities.~.'Tablell gives data 1; for benzene naphdialene,
anthracene, na acene, hexamethyl benzene,: hexaethyl, benzene,
and,W -iso-cyanine for the longest-wave intensive bands, of,
eigenabsorption (Refs 11-17).. A more detailed account is givens
of them luminescence phenomena on.crystals containing im-
purities. Among others, the investigations carried out by_
V. Ye.Lashkarevand Yu. IM. Karkhanin,(Hef3' 33042) on semicon-,
Octor erystals:(CuM concerning excitation na a result, of
energy transferby.alectron-hole pairs are discussed, and
numerous data are given in a table concerning spectra of
impurityarystals. The data were obtained from publications by
A. F. Prikhotlko, M.,T. Shpak~~E. V. Shpollskiy, L. A. Klimova
E. A. Girdzhiyanskayte and A. V. SolovIyev.
The~next chapter contains data on the luminescence of crystals
at'low temperatures. Numerous~cry3tals have particularly bright
luminescence at low temperatur w casestound
es, which as,in most
to be impurities. However, also so-called "pure"
crystalsjV.-A'. Arkhangellskaya, P.,P..Feofilov, Ref 56)
occasionally show,bright.luinineseence and have cert,
ristic 'features in their spectra. rllhe first estlgam.
characte inv
Card.2/3 tions of molecule crystals at low temperatures were carried out
Some Problems of the Lumin Iesc ene-eof Crystals SO'1/53-47 -1 -5/12
Card 3/3
The.Properties of Semiconductors With a Loop of. B/181/60/002/06/31/050
Extrems. I. Cyclotron and Combination Resonance .,BO06/BO56
in a Magnetic Field That Is Perpendicular to the, Loop.Plane
theoretical investigation of the absorption of,radiowavea:in semicon-,
ductora extreaua loop. Formulas :are derived for the determina'-...
tion of the frequencies and intensities of transitions :and it is shown
that, in consequence of spin-orbit coupling, transitions with variation
~of spin (which are the Lorentz force) have a considerable
intensity. In part I of,the paperp which closely follows the lines of,
Refi 1, and takes overresults obtained there as well as the terminology
Vitroduced, the wave functions and the energy spectra are studied.
Extrenum loops~occur both when the energy 1(ivels on.the symmetry axis in
the ~_Upaoe are not split by spin-orbit interactionp and also when such
a splitting occurs (in a wurtzite lattice the former cae eapplies to the
joints K 9 K and the latter to P A,
p 4' 1 4" 1 21 P1 PV 51, 69 59 61
The'author confines his investigations to the first,case. Part 2 deals
with a perturbation-theoretical investigation of the transitions,
occurring under the influence of an electromagnetic wave, part 3-
cyclotxon-combination resonance and paramagnetic resonance are
investigated for the following limiting casest a) Low temperature, low
Card 2/3
The Properties of Semiconductor* With a Loop of, S1181,16010021061311050
Extrena. I.,Cyclotron and Combination Resonance Boo6/BO56..
in a Magnetic Field That Is Perpendicular to.the Loo Plane
carrier concentration, weak magnetic fields,-b) high'temperatures, weak
magnetic fieldep o) strong magnetic fieldep d) paramagnetic resonance
absorptionj it is shown that the paramagnetic resonance is negligibly,
small. The author thanks S. I. Pekar for discussion, and 1. 1. Boyko for
taking part in the calculations. An appendix deals with the determination
of.the effective mass of the carriers. There are.1 table and
22 referencess,13 Soviet,.8 American,and 1 Japanese.
ALSSOCIATIONt -Institut fiziki ANUISSR, Kiy*v (Institute of Physics of the
AS 'UkiSSR, Kiyev)
00 S/16i/60/062/011/004/042:
AUTHORS: Rashba,' B." V
I. and Romanov,.
TITLEs* A.Photoelectric Method Used to Discover. the
Inhomogeneity of a Semiconductor
PERIODICAL. :.Fizika 'tverdogo'tela,,, 1960,, Vol. Not 11 pp~ 2689 26~2.
'TEXT i A knowledge of the depth inho ogeneity.of.'semiconductors,is of
importance for a number of:problems as,. eg.~ for the diffusion of
impurities. The authors have developed a method for determining the
fidepth,dependencell of.the carrier lifetimes First, it is'shown
theoretically that by studying the frequency~dependenceof the complex
amplitude of photoconductivity (especially:of T the depth
inhomogeneity of,.-f.may,be found and studied, for T
f f (W W arc tan
delay of:..thelphotocarriers
with,respect to the
where (0) is, the phase
exciting light.-The theoretical solution of the problem,is,restricted to
small-gradients of -r(z). For the purpose of experimentally verifyingthe.
..above-described.ruies, s6me.,Ge specimens were examined. Fig,1 shows -r - (W)
Card 1/4
ege, d:to Fig.1t, Frequency dependence of the effective duration of photo,
conductivity for Ge specimens with unilate;rally diffused nickel;
exposure.. from the nickel-oontaining side, b) ex o.-;~are from the n'dF
' without-nickeld..
Legeiiftd to Fig.2: Freque
nay dependence of i for a hyperlinear homogent
Go specimen which is alloyed with Sb; a) -r (ca) when exposed to weakly
modulated light; b) T (W),with additional weak exposure from the same
(fro Q side; c) eff
(w) with the same exposi;re from the rear.~
e f
properties of B102/B209
where f
1 ezp (if/h) and f exp (i q/Ti) Wi
2 th '1~ M.ih 7
one finds.
E 0.
) e n_ e 7
l L
b-i 2 1A
t dp N2
e~ 0
kXcy) 2F .
, ~5 and Are. e series lof-h/i, which
s e of systems of -equations for the.dete rmination, of-f- and Seti ng
and exp(:~
0 one obtains the,fo llowing solution of. thelzero-
r sys
a L
V~l .6- a.
Ra v I
T 51~ cf b an I el s t a
TLE s C' cc T C, q'i 11 cry
FERIODICALi 3 riot 6, 17 ,14
V :~A
TEXT e;ort oz, t lie v 'o t mez;i ion"-d n t n e Wds
Vourth A I - U ni o n C .3 r. -fc., r e r. ,t r, S r- n I r: 11 n, 11
W h I C. lj I
T b i. ~ i o n 0--,tober,22~ 1960.1 The pTej,~nt s 1. udy i s 1.
60), -ab re i i had v ~ih:wt tha*
~by ll,i hb a t JTT,~.JI., '22 e
the existence of lplli-c.-bit interal- t ; 31. may , !-~!ad to t h -p p ~D c ~,p 4;x ar C p
O-f a now:, a: of b ar-d -?-ect.ron, --~~zonarce.'. Whig= can t
the electr.,nn, of the h-f:field ard' a change o f ~ t? le-0 t ror. i p S.
It -Js thus de- 6 i gn cm ned r6'so rise ir. s i ti
CA fid --s c bi n'arco which may a
ductors wi th ext.-eiv Lo3psl(cf. Rer.2: Rashba, Sheka, F77 :--,. 2 ,
1959). A taeorv of t he -, 6 m b i r. e d resonance of band electrotis i a C ~`l
herefor --rys*~alt3,-x:,I.h.:zinoblende-4.ype luttice., and the angular'deperden~:3
resonance i s c a -ated. ~Theresujts 11 u. ii t t o a marked ar.,sotrcpj c f
Z;ard l/. 7
Sp 8 1 /6 1 A
B I 022/~B201
Combined. reaonan.e,pf oand
tile intent;ity .)A', the resonance eflect.~ Thp-'~.frequoncie's of t h ~c -,,T Ir, el
i-esonance prov-~ tvo~b-~ 1~near comb ina: ti ons -of the
and of _thet cy---Aotrcr r--.zopance- It '-,I il - possible to
extent of tand ap', (whillh is .-e ~:ated to the abserce ai'
center) -from measTirerv~ n1,,.,3,, of - the ty of- the combined
f 'd
Crystala witb nversion. center d,-sp"Aay.a.Ltwo ol d,~gen. ra,-.y o' Ii. e- in s
i a the entire ic- spar-, P- 11 e.. crystala wl thcut ~ an inversion
no iuch band Jege,:erac, y, In the. I -t t er -c ry ~61 s , h -~wl- ve~- , t~ e:re e a.- 3
0. g. near the centcz of the -Brilloi-ir. zone a s=al but f inite cit,d
v r nc 11 -i ly pir-orbit ~nt r r iu which is iard.y. maazurab",
e ge e e F- X
In the aw-.horslopInior,, a, study rf th;,--com:~.-red resonance would, makc. t
to find a 'Usable of. measuring the parame,,.er3 of the
possible method
relativisric band diver&ence. The ~,rj4-itul i considered I here S.
~zFa gr Hamiltonian is f4rzt det~rz.:.:ed and
WIS) belong toth, ce oup T Th
examined for thp, sy s t Bq concerned. It is pu. in the form H H -I.., wherc~
j2, g i,;
ftqr-t1-.e Mass.
H A -T-0 and Hi A V2m*', m-* is t:.c 6
C ~r "e, mass: :)f the -ee c-.e- -n, is I Pauli a t r I x
1 e ~Ilez 0 1~
ned reso ,02/3201
nance o-P band ... B
t s
its elemen a-re explicitl iven, by
y 9
Bc 3) B*
-2B(tjj =
Cos 2(D Cos 29 sin 20 Cos 9Cos~ 0sW IB)
1 3
in 21D sin 19,sin 219,
Bam I s
B B(223)
sinO(2c s"E) sin'E))],
[sin 20 sin 0 (1 -1- c 310) ico'
Bov s 20,sin 28].
4 V21
or the case A A ee ~fr tran itions
concerned.-: s:may be s n OM with a
change o.- the orbital quantum number. by 0,':1l andt2~are.possiblein.the
combined reso
nan the angular.. diagrams of combined resonance
ce. Using (31)
W ard 5/7,
24915 S/1811611003100610121031
Combitied resonance of band B 1021,3201
are then eximined. Por the individual perturbation operatorsi the,dist'ribu-
tion of the various transitions in the combined resonance according to
theltypes of angular diagr1ams :is represented as-followst
+ +
I - 2
1-+ izt-2 I I:L- 2 4--oi- 1-1-1
It I~ i~ I
IV I--& II I-* /::L* I 1 1-61-1 t 1, 1.-4-2
1 2
~Finally, the intensity of,t- he combined~resQnance is.examined,:namely, 1,
for a' nonde
generate electron gas, 2,11 for of low.concen-
trat on, and 3,1 f or, a., rate one of high -,c onc entra tion. The crit a
i genex. eri
for the application of.this,4.,heory are finally.disciissed briefl.Y~ There:
table and 8 references; 4 Soviet-bloc and'4 non-Soviet bloc. I
C ard 6 7
AUTHORSS Rashba, E. I. and Sheka,. V. I.
-type InSb,',
TITLEi Combined ~.resonance in n
v 3,:, no. :1870
PERIODICAL: Piz .ika:, tverdoso, lea 6 .1961, 1863~
TEXT: The -lecture:delivered on
present paperformed the subject of
ference on Semiconductor-:
October 22, 1960 at the Fourth All Union
Theory:held at Tbilisi. The paperAs in continuation of an earlier
732, 1961) in which.a.,report was.given on
(Ref 1- PTT, III` 6,:1
the investigatiorfs't3f the combined resonanct of the:band carriers in
There . it was d that
crystals having zinc blende type of lattice... assume
of the-band is reached,atl - O.:,This, for example is the
in n-type InSb-to:which the results of Ref..:.l are applied with a
view particularly td.'estimating the~intensitly_of.the combined resonance
in this lattice. Pirst, the Hamiltonian of the band electrons and t
determination of varioua,constants are discussed.- Nex4-, the intensities
of the combined,resonane Ie an&,the paramagnetic resonance are compared.
Pi 2 shows'the scheme of the electrontransitions in InSb for the.
Combined reso 24930~ B102/B214
nance in....
combined resonance (A), the cyclotron resonance (B), andthe paramagnet Ia.
n e (C). The dist een the nearest levels with opposite
resona a ance betw
a is 1/V. 2m /gattimes smaller than the diet
quantum numbers
the Landau, levels.. The ratio of,the intensities'of combined and paramag-
a c.ree.
is determined by-the.formula 7)
netic resonance cz d' Aj C
E 1
Od (
,i 5-
m M*
0 1
In InSb WYM 0.013, -0.33 6! 17 and
The owing special cases are now investigated.
electron gas. a) High temperature,,XKM
r 2
(01 &A
holds. The intendity of the combined resonance is always substantialiy
higher than that of the paramagnetic resonance. b) Low temperatuxe,X)>
-intensity, ratio is,given by,:,
Card 2/
24930 S118IV6110031006102'7103iI
Combined resonance in.,. ,BI02/B214:
The intensity of the combined resonance is always higherthan that of
the paramagnetic res onance. The table giv~es the intensity ratios ~or a
degenerate electron gas' for maximum valuesof the coefficients B cxjoj4j)*I
Finally, the results -ly discussed and,compared with t1ros e of
are brief
Bemski. The authors thank K.~B. Tolpygo for discussions. There are
3 figures, 2 tables, , and g,references: 2 Soviet,-bloc and 7 non-Soviet-
bloc. The most impo rtant references to English-language
read as followas L. .
M.~Roth, B.,,Lax, S. Zwerdling. .Phys. Rev., 114,- 90,
1959', H. Welker, H. 'Weiss, Solid State Phypicst 11~ 1, 1956; G. Bemski,
Phys. Rev. Lett.,.A, A2, 196o.
.190 9A 210
210 3A O.M
150 45,
AUT~ORS I Broude, V. L. and Rashbav:E. I .
Exciton 'abso u a s
-TITLE: rption~in mixed molec I r crystal
PERIODICAL: Fizika verdopo,tela, v. 3,'no. .7, 1961, 1941 1949:
.TEXT, Tlie.authors attempted to develop a simplified theory of the'.
light. Molec t I In rjrevious
bsorption-in ular mixed crys a s.
papers the authors had developed a theory of the
--'lighlt inmolecular crystals for.thb case that the impurity absorption
lies near the regibn of exciton absorption of t h e solvent cryst
xperimentally the abso llin
They also studied rption spectra of c s' -e
ry Va
solutions of.the deutero-substitutes of benzene. The results of these
studies are utilized in this paper. -The authors consider a.drystalline
kinds to be
substitution solution. They assume molecules of different
T)resent in afixed the lattice sitesi; i denotes the, kind,~
n counts the unit cells, and the molecules:.thereinp-N is the number:of
~-s confi e them *lves
cell in% the The u o- n se solutions of
3 crystal. aith to
n -~,-h c h o r, e or se-i t are,subs'. 2. opes; i-r
molecules erai *a t om; ituted by
Card 1/.8
Exciton absorption B102/B202
a (2)
E= Dtjfj] I all I h;j,
is obtained where is the-relative:concentratio, 'ofAhq coin
n ponents
1)1 vrith tHe.normalization c on d i tion f 1. Heie
14 D i f al~ ncc sites contai ~m lec les of-,
and D. n o u
T3 -
e :17nd it, 911 th rs s cli~of- 'he kind'j. :Them system ~of equations
c e u
th _k
ej E)'ai.
tot ~-'jb, if Wifl.
As~derived there.~roM., a b follows from: and m, the
OY fio
orthogon.Elity condition- ~i.:e., :,,the excitation amplitude in molecules:of
he,distance of. th,
different kinds -is:inversely proportidnba 4~0 eir terms
S/05 61/074/001/003/003.
B1 17YB212
Fourth Confaren on
K. B. TolDY901
USSR and also his role in.l.the.':edudation.of young.scientists
A. I. Gubanov, G. G. Taluts, ~,V. A. Myamlin,reported on.interesting papers of~,:'.
foreign participants read at.the International Conference on Semiconductor
PhyBiCS. This conference took placeAn Prague1rom August 28 to,September 2,:
1960 and~about 600 persons from. 24 countries took partin it. Most of the pa-
pers submitted, for discussion I dealt with the investigations of optical proper
L,:o:t of semiconductors: S.J. Pekar, M.,~S. Brodin, B. Ye. Tsekava "Optical.
anisotropy of,cubic crystals', additional:light waves in crystals,, and their
experimental iientification." R..F. Kazarinov, O.,.V. Konstantinov: "Doppler.
shift of absorption'lines of exci tons. Yo. F. Gross B. P. Zakharchenya,
V. Konstantinov- "Inversion effect of a magnetic field in the absorption
spectrum of excitons of the CdS crystals." A...A. Demidenko: "Micro-theory,
of the Frenkellexciton with and without taking into account,
cubic crystals." V. S. Mashkevich: "Electromag netic waves in a m edi um,hav-
ing acontinuous energy spectrum,(taking.into' 'account spatial dispersion).t'
V-1L. Strizhevskiyt-I'Analysis..of various properties of d'ispersion'and ab-
sorption of light by an exciton in crystals." V. T.,Cherepanov,.and V.,S.
Galishev: "Anisotropy ofquadrupole-type~absorption of-light by an exciton
'in cubic crystals$" Ye.'F..~Gross, A. G..Zhilich, B. P. Zakharchenyaj A . A.
Card 219
Fourth Conference on
Kaplyanskiy:-"Effect of~a magneticlield and-a.~crystal deformation on the
exciton ground state of.Cu 0 1! A,4oskalenkO "The energy spectrum of
excitons in non-deformable ion crystals V.` M. Agrynovich: "Theory of
exc.itons in molecule c ry s t al s, I. G. -Zaslavskaya: I!Calculation of the
energy of excited :exciton,'states.during an intermediate bindingo" S. V.
Vonsovskiy P.,S._Zyryanov., A. N.',,Petrov,.G. G. Taluts: "The effect of elec-
tric and magnetic fields.on,the,form of exciton absorption lines." L. E.
Gurevich,j. P. Ipatova.-, "Theory of, long--wave absorption of light by crys-
tals.11 V M. Agranovich and V. L. Ginzburg:."Dispersion of X-rays in crys-
by forming excitons.11~.L.. N.,Ovander: "Raman effect in crystals~.11
E. I. Adirovich: "The.Exciton as,a wave for phase transformation.,' Z. S.,
'Kachlishvili-,"Elastic,,s,,cattering of~a.non-localized exciton on impurity
centers. ~A. S. Selivan6nko:.,"Calculation of the dispersion cross section
of free lattice defects-of a.molecule crystal." A. A. Voroblyev:
"Self-absorption and-addi ti onal ab sorption in.ion crystals and the energy~of,
the lattice." V. M Agranovich, . Ee:I.. Rashba, . I. B. Levinson, I. M. Lifshits.
L Kaganov, VeJ.Perello A.:G..Zhilich,. S. I Pekar, S. A. Moskalenko,
L. N.~Demidenko, V. L.Bonch-BruyuYlut, Lv,,K part in the di SCUSSionL. The
follow ing references were.quoted:-Ref.2: Ye..T.~ Gross, A..A Yaplyanskiy,
Card 3/9
Fourth Confere on,, B1 IWB212
Fizika tverdogo tela ~2,_ 379 (1960); Ref.3i I. S. Gorban', V* 5. ~Ttmofeyeyo
:boklad na XIII Vsesoyuznom-soveshchanii po spektroskopi,i, Leningrad, iyul'
1960 g.-; Ref . 6 tV. M. Buymistrov, SO I#' Pekar t, ZhETF L21 1193 (1957);
Buymistrov, Ukr. fiz.:zh. 5,.Prili 1. 21 .(1958). 'The following papers..
:dealt with the analysis of.the band structure;of semiconductors: 0. V.
Kovalevs, PDegeneracy of.electron energy levels in a crystal." T. I. Kuchert,
" alkalimetal chlorides." F. M.':Gashimzade, V. Ye. Khartsiyev:.
I'Analy'sis of, structure of.several s ,emiconductors.," Ye.j.
Cheglokov,~V.,,.A. ChaldysheY:, -.",Symmetry of the solutions for Hartree-Fock
equations for.crystals.1.1 A. Ye. Glaubermano A~ M. Muzychuk, M. A. Ruvinskiy,
I..:V, Stasyuk:."Problems of the.aultiple-electron theory for solid and
liquid semiconductors.". A. I.`Gubanov: ".Various theories of amorphous semi-
conductors.." L. D. Dudkin: "Problems of,the chemical bonding of.semiconduc-
tof compounds of:transitio.n metals.." A~.,D..Chevychelov: "Energy spectrum
of the eletron..forla:polymer-chain,model."::The.following persons took part.
inthe discussions: I. B. Levinson, K. B. Tolpygo, N..N.. Kristoffell,.
P, N. Nikiiforov? E. I. Rashba, S. I. Pekar., A..Ye. Glauberman,.E. L.
Nagayev,;V. M. A ranovich, The following papers dealt with transfer proper-
ties: G Pikus, G. L..Bir, E. S. Normantas: "Theor of the deformation
Card 45.
S/0 53/61/0700 1 /00 3/60 3
Fourth~Conferen cIe on B117/BM
potentialand the~dispersion of carriers-iri semiconductors showing a degen-
erate band.11 Ye. P. Pokatilov.- "Interaction of1ree electrons with ultra-
sonics in-silicon andgermanium.". V. L.,Gurevich, Yu..A. Firsov: "Theory
of the electrical:,,conductivity of.semiconductors in a magneticlield on in-
elastic scattering.": A.J..Ansell.m, B. M. Askerov: "Thermomagnetic phenom-
ena in metalloids a strong magnetic field.11 L. E. Gurevich, G 'M
Nedlin-, "Contribution of..electrons to~--thermal conductivity due to entraine
ment.of phonons. 11 1. Ya. Korenblit:1 ..".Galvanomagnetic phenomena in Bi Te
2 ~3:
F. G. BakEht,: "Faraday effect at free carriers,in Bi Te exposed to a weak.
2 3
magnetic field.'.1-G.-;I. Kharust I. M., Tsidill.kovskiy;.,"Anisotropy of photo-..
magnetic effects.~in cubic crystals." N. P. Keklidze: "Several electrophysi,
cal. properties of.germanium:and siliconat low temperatures." V. B. Mat
AfEntrainement of ions by,, semiconductors." I. M. Dykman, P. M,
rical conductivity-and thermionic emission in semiconductors"
Tomc.huk.- "Elect
P. M. Tomchuk: ."Variational method for determining the electrical conductiv-
ity and taking,into account also the Coulomb interaction of carriers." Sh,'
M. Kogan, V. B. Sandomirskiy.,','Theory.of the external emission of hot,elec-
ivity of germanium in
trons from semiconductors.',' Y. A. Chuyenkov: "Conduct 1
Card 5/9
Fourth Conferenc .e on B1,10212
in strong electric fields at::lowl.temperat Iure6.11 V. P. Shabanskiyt, "Non-
equilibrium processes-in.impuri,ty semiconductors." O..N. Krokhin, Yu. M.
Popov: "Slowing-downtime of non-equilibrium carriers in semiconductors."
The following persons took:part in.the discussions: V. A. Chuyenkov, G. L.~
Bir, I.,M.,Lifshits, G. M. Nediin, 0. V. Kons:tantinov.. M. 1. Kaganov,-F. G.
Bass,:V. L.,Bonch-Bruyevich, I. M.- Dykman, E. I.Rashba, Z. S. G,ribnikov.
The following papers dealt.,with resonance andoscillation effects:-I. M.
-~"Phenomena of the mobility of
Lif.3hitz V M. Nabutovskiy, A.~A. Slutskin.
charged quasi-particles nearsingular points of isoenergetic surfaces oi- or-
bits." M. Ya. izbell-,"A new resonance effect" and "Quasi-classical quanti -
zation near particular classical Orbits and quinta oscillation's of thermod
namic quantities.". E. I...Rashba, I. I. Boyko, V. I. Sheka; "Gyclotron and
combined resonance and.susceptibility.of.various semiconductors." V. I'.
Gurevich, V. G. Skobov, Yu.: A. Firsovt ."Giant oscillations.of.sound absorp--
oy 1 "Paramagnetic re sons. with arbitrary,
tion.11 M.- F.. Deygen, A. B. R tsin nce,
sizes of astatic magnetic field in electrons semiconductors."'
V.~ Ya. Zevin: "Theory:o,f:the,spin-lattice relaxation of~electron localiza.-
tion centers.4n non-metallic crystals.-" Yu. V. Chkhartishvili.: "Electron
center'in KCI+NaCl.crystals.11- The followi g persons
spin resonance at:the F-
took part in.1the discussions; :V.,,.L.~..Bonch-Bruyevich, I.. M. Lifshits, K.,B.~
i 6. Fourth~Conference~on ... Bl.17/B212
-Tolpygo, V. Ya.~.Zevin.,~The following papers~.were devoted to the~.theory of
local centers and polarons -K.:K.~Rebane,~O.J S .,"Method.of,m6ment
in the theory of electron oscillation transitions.",, V. M. Buymistrov.-.I'Val~
iational principle for the transitions,:probability.1' S.N. Tyablikov, N.
A. Moskalenkot "Application of,,field-,theoretical methods to theltheory ot
multiple~phonon'transitions.11. Yu.. Ye. Perlin, A..Ye Marinchuk, V. A.
Kovarskiy:,"Application of the perturbation theory of Wigner-WeiSkopf to the-
..problems of electron-phonon interaction in~crystals." A. M. Ratner, G. Ye..,
Zillberman: "'Theory of luminescence of crystals having luminescent impurity
centers." A. A. Tsertsavadze: "The mechanism of light absorption by F-cen-
-Chebant "Theory of.
ters and excitons in,alkali-halide crystals." A. G.
thermal.ionization:of Fl-centers."~~D.J._.Abakarov, Yu.,M. Seidov: "Theory
of the-susceptibility of polaron,gas..',', V. L.,Vinetskiyt "The ground state
A. Chernenko: "Electrical conduc-
of the:bipolaron.11 R. R. DogonadzL A*
tivity,of semiconductors,:with a short.length of path.of the carriers." The
following persons.participated-in the.discussions: K. K.-Rebane, E. I.
Rashbai N..N. Kristoffell, B.' K. Tolpygo, M. I. Kaganov, S ' I Pekar Yu.
Ye. Perlin, A. M.~Ratner,.M. F. Deyken. Only.a few.papers de;lt with the,
theory.of the c ce. K. B.,Tolpygo: "Far-reaching Coulomb forces
rystal :latti
Card 7/9
Fourth Qonf erence, on..... ., B1 1 ~7/B12,1' 2
in the dynamics of homeopolar crystab of-the'diamond'type.11 V.* S. Oakotakfy,'
A. L. Efros: "Theory of crystal lattices having anonrcentral interatomic
interaction.11 B. Ya. :Yurkov:." Theory of the Iannealing of radi ative defects."
M. Ya. Dashevskiy, M. S. Mirganovskayat "The growth and structure of
~A Sb'mondorystals.11 'The following persons,were mentioPeds T. I. Kucher'
and Z..A. Demidenko. The following devoted to the phenomeno-
papers were
logical: theory of semiconductors.-J. ~A.Mutrskhulava-."Analysis of.local,
trapping cefiteis by continuous exbitation of the.,semiconductor withlight."
E. I. Adirovich: "Kinetics of impurity photoconductivity and a new method,
of.determinirg the*,effective cross sections of local centers." Yu. V.'
Gulyayev: "Szatisties.of electrons and holes in semiconductors showing dis-
locations." V. M. Fridkin: "Phenomenologicaltheory of the photoelectret,.
state of cryitalsill. G M Guro: "Energy structure of,.a surface layer formed
by spacelchirgis in semiconductors." Yu.,I. Gorkun:."Effect of current e-.
lectirodes'on'magnetic resistance." ju. A.,Vdovin, B. M..Grafov, V. A.
'Levich: "Properties o o-p ase boundary lectrol~te
Myamlin, 7. G. f,~the~tw h e,
semiconductor." ~The theory of semiconducter devices was tre ated in the:fol-
lowing papers:.,V.-. M,.,, Val I.A-Perlovj. A.'.V1. Kr4s-ilov p. M. Y.e. , Lisogorskiy. and,
V. L. Aronov: "Parametric diodes. Calculation of parameters." D. A. Aronov,
~Card 8/9
Fourth-Conference on B117/B212
P. S.. Kara geor giy-Alkalayevv-11A, possibility to,*explain,the Inverse,current.
increase with increasing potential 'ina semic6nductor'diode.11. M. I
Markovich, N. M. Royzin: ",Effect of the:geometry,of,the transistor base on
its'Junction characteristics'..'. A. L. Zakharo.v-..'~Theoretical analysis of
current-pote,ntial characteristics of the.injection into the blocking layer.'.'
Yu. S. Ryabinkint "Electric,.field in semiconductors between junctions, accord-
ing to-the type of,conductivity" and "Effect of the'diffusion of carriers,
~on the-trans fer -~ coefficient 'of the,:pin-fie ld transi stor V. A. Chuyenkov
was mentioned. The:,following persons took part in the discussions: Z. S.
Gribnikov and V. B..Sandomirskiy..S. I. Pekarnoted in his final speech that'
great.success has2-been.achieved in'the research of semiconductors. In the
participants'name he thanked the members of the organizing committee from..,
Tbilisilwhich w.ere:under the direction of. A. _~I. Gachechiladze (deceased), for
the excellent preparation and organization of.the conference.,A resolution,
by the,conference noted a strong trend toward,centralization.of investiga-.
tions on semicondudtor..theory in Moscow,'Leningrad band Kiyev and stressed
the need of extending this.activity~to republic capitals and other cities.,
it was recommended to conference in Kishinev in 1962. There
are 20 referencest 14,Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloc.
Card 9/9
ity absorpti ~'B
Anomalous impur on near 104/B201
-d m
impurity absorption will 1* inish as f if an optical transition to
the edge of the exciton band.with,a given polarization of light is
if such a. transition, is I I
forbidden, or will grow,as~E a owed, Thus,
the Ioefficients of these relations are sharply dependent upon E, and so
are the polarization relati'ons; for itself is 'a function of, the,
distance 2f between the levels of~the molecule of the solvent and the
impurity molecules. Thus~'-thecharacteristics of impurity.absorption
permit conclusions to be drawn regarding.the structur's of exciton bands.
Objects.suited for these investigations are molecular crystals, in which,
the molecules of thesolvent do not~differ from the impuri molecules
except by their isotopic composition. Sclutions ofordinary naphthalene
(C H.) in 6ctadeuteronaphthalene,I(C D and in tetradeuteronaphthalene
.10 10 8)
(,~,C D H and fi-C b H ) have been studied. Thesepreparations were
10 4 4 10 4 4
supplied to the,..authors -by Professor A.'I.'Shatenshteyn, and had been
prep red in: his laborato at theInstitut fizicheskoy khimi,:im L. A.
a ry
Karpova (Institute of Physical Chemistry imeni L. A. Karpov). The
naphthalene concentr tion amounted to,some percents. The effects observed-
a A.
are in agreement with those theoretically predicted by E. I. Rashba
Card 2/4
S/18 0210041004102vI 42
On the: theory B102
o c-de e... X
't n t rafisi tJ on. The 'physical n tu re of this effect is the same as.of
exci 0 a
lie e
the anomaly in imuul-ity absorption i n, molecule crystals near t xcillon
bands %Opt. i.
SSSR, IL 1084, 1961).
Z, 5681 1957; M Under
sevpral simplifying assumptions and considering the exciton as a 2
quasiparticle .
moving as a vhole. in the field of t he
e 41-
if also the z~~'re~uency difference between exciton band and "for -sp ctrumll
is neir'ected. "3/2
c F2 n/v 4- 12mlEl/1,; v i a the unil-cell volume.
3/2 2 121n~2/3
The rasaltinZ7 Si r. c e
relations a ~o I ..
r 0 ex' 0
-3 f
is of:the order of. some ev.,
s f
d ~Ej, of some V
rders 6
4-j o magnitude. Though for the Klott exciton f