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-45. D1T(m)/EPF(c)/EKF0) RM_ 1,63841 510N .11R.- AP5020-516 UP ACM, /0323/65 /000/004/0037/(~U a,, so ye (Engin or); Blokh, G. ~rooctor of'chomical .r f encas o essor) TITLE: ~Nulcanlzation of ethylene;-propylene rubbei~ with organic peroxides SOURCE., IVUZ. Tokhnologiya legkoy-pror-7ohlonnosti., n 4 1965- 57-62 0 TOPIC TAGS: vulcanization, e thylone, propylene., peroxide, rubber, zoolite AB'Tluc,r -Vulcanization of othylene-propylenorubbor mixtures (saturated with carbon 'black or ica gel) with'di-tort-butyl peroxid (I), tort-butyl powdered sil 0 (II),-or.tort-wbutyl perbenzoato (III) has been studied in va hydropei-oxiele por and in liquid phase. Direct introduction.into the reaction mixture of these organic peroxides Is not recommended bocause,of their high volatility, low decomposition temperature, and tendency to,cause premature vulcanization. These shortcomings can be-6vercome by using zeolite-as a carrier for the above vulcanization agents, Kinetic~.of adsorption and desorption of I, II, and III on zoolites of the type HaXj 116A. CaX., CaA, and ItA (X 11a20j*A3 -203 *2,5 SiO2 j lattice size 13 R, or Cao-,AL. .5 SiO~Plattico~eize 10R.; A~= Na -A' -8 SiO., lattice size 4 20 203#1 /2 r d 3) 307~ AL.1TH0aS: Gitis, S. S., Rgpchinskaya, S.. Ye. TNU i Rea c t- i o ns of Aromatic Nitro Coavounds. V. Re-etHerifica'.40r. -Dinitropiienol klkyl-.and Aryl Ethers of 2,4 PERIODICA'As 'hurnal 6b3hchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 8, pp 26-:69-2648 (USSPO ABSTRACTt As Gitis and coworkers had previoasly stated (Ref 1 ',,he zabstit tution of one alkoxy-group for another in the alkyl ethers of 2,4-dinitrophenol takes place in such a -vay th-at e alkoxy group is displaced which exerts a highe.- repat~ve in- ductive effect. It suggested itself to d tect this phenomenon her composed alkyl- and aryl ethers. it was the zur- also in oth pose of the present paper to obtain, by re-etherification, t e corresponding alkyl- and aryl ethers of 2,4-dinitrophenol, ard:,, to-establish an order of the alkoxy- and aryloxy-gr~~ups in~de~. e ntheses in- ndence on their electrodonor properties. The sy. p dicated "hat the glycol ether can only be obtained rom the pheryl ether:, the allyl-ether frox "he phenyl- and 61Y_"Ol ethe-, the benzyl eth*er fro= the.phenyl-, glycol- and alkyl ether. Card 14/3 Dinitroanisole i s formed from Dhenyl-9 glyccl-,.allyl-7 a n d Reactions of Aromatic Nitro Compounds. V. Re-etherifie.'ation of Al';Iyl- and-Aryl Ethers of 2,4-Dinitrophenol benzyl ether. Furfuryl. ether can be. obtained from all ethers and also from th,e primary Asoamyl ether of 2,4-dizAtro_- phenol. The following gradation order of the alkoxy- and aryl' oxy-groups can thus be established according to.the irtensity of the substituting effects primary iso primary is -C -CH H90~. 5"i 10~ 5 11 O_C4 n.-C H C 0~ CH CH C ~H2 -CH=CH CH -CH 0 3 70) 2 5 30>0 2- 61'5'~" 2~. 2 2 >C6H50- From'2,4-dinitrothioanisole, neither 2,4-dinitroarisole norm to glycol- or phenyl ether could,be obtained, unexpectedly. In all,_ cases, only the unchanged 2,4-dinitrothioanisole resulted, which can be explained by the different relationship of oxygen and nulfur to the electron in the groups OCH and SCH In this- 3 3* way, the carbon atom (in 2,4-dinitroanisole) to.which the methoxy group is,bound, really becomes~a positive atom owing X to the electr6acceptor effect o the nitro grours. T h e rr; are Card 2/.~ v vulY 11, 1-958 A C, 4., Z,~, "Al" _Y Af!~ tlefisletn"ng doe. AFInsIO; _;Z.~A_Iellr~"".-.~~ fit a 0. ender dtiver Hru;4. od is 09 192- q4 at Yv- ins et s a bf constant and df scalar putvature at Ii.A blatIL' 4841947), 755-781 i 2M,,yhp`also. hitrod e no o f 0 Rig uced ILI' et RV: R IF ocing,more general Aan the .1 ormer. In Maj -V?f3~ e 4uthpt li 4tai RtrOdq= ve 'ed 'special typea N lw6in$ of WhIch 6 abbw-Mention Fintler spaces may be characterised. In the treatment, these hypersurtaoes the element of suoport is taken in W aL ditecticin of the unique tnmversal to the h VDer=- F_ ates. Hyp~rplanes'are defined by.the condition ifiat the '.~eCtOL 1 1:471 J It trafisversal rs'should be Parallel (~vith respe~ 0 trC o the Me of theInI64ditio space). Necessar y ang Cient. conditions for, the - eAstence of such -hyper- bl"esite fcnind-' these conditions may th used to alitl*lgh between, sokes i of 'zero projectl~e c atur6 ~7 d spices of constant curvature. t~ndltfoins that the 'hietn -C of the 11 )IOL'Uti be IMMMV and of consta nt ROM (Durbdn MOM 0 Adla csgi A. Kurven a4.Hyperffichea ini Finsle -hen Flungarica Acta Maxh~ 1, no. 4. 21-27 (1949). C+ Consider an arbi=rY curve: Y-Y'lx'(s)3 (a=l, -. n. 0 on a hypersurface in an n-dimensional 1"' Finsicr space; then - the curvt.: has n- I invariants (i,e-, curvatures) p~; (putting~p.-'- 0) as a space curve but is-~-2 invariants,;,7' (putting g;! 0) as a curve an the hv T- pe surface. In order to find the relations between these systems of invariants, the authori.considers the two intrinsic orthoa.. A onmi it-pies I- consisting of, the tangent and it-l'normals as,a space curve and 1~. ((a 1)-'ple ka'as: a curve on the hypersurface and k-surface which the* n relations k- cj, to ho' d - good; c,,,=' cos k; t)..Cornpanng:_ 0 two systems 0 Frenet formulas for to and. k,,. the author. derives the relations between the,two systems of invariants, P's and ju's, in terms~~of!'6~ and their derivatives. These- relations, contain formulas.which can'beregarded as gener- alization',of the Dartv)uxrehitions ~for the rnotioti of. the aei,- It should b~ remarked ~ that 0 moving trihedra of A 5n-f the author uses as the absolute diffemntial'on the hyper- surface the one induced I orthogonally. from the absolute differential in the -space, follow-ing~ %). Varga CDeutsche Mah. 6. 192-212 (041); these Rev. 8, 2311., At the end it i's shown that some well-Imown, ~ geometrical theorems also a geodesic line on (e.g.. a geodesic line in the space is the hypersurface. etc-) can'be derived easily from th m, relations. There are some misprints.. A. Kawaguchi. t L F do ToUst nfte System Von Differeii- F\W t fit iegulLtU UtrUMUMMUM YUDL - e r 4 (05~), 276493., "' " fiffer6tialinva f' can be expres any fiant o a'space se I as -ahq~fl&p` ot the.el~ffien ts of a paitiWar set of such - - a "co~iokte" Wvidihii:: t6 set sei of Mier- is c~IM . , 6tki inv~~nts. The problem consi&red in this paper is the"Adermination of such a 'complete set for a regular, ' T ctMr oA ement of A Carian spne: are Oies of. - ~sj ... -~a) 'and..the fundamen -structure, is ' by wfuh~tion'L(x, u) which is positive homogeneo~' ,v 4 !, f of 16 r1rscde&ee in ujhi4uthor constructi a system o ce-=d-d'fine's norm e ' " e o rhi f thew tensors th tefikrs in teim~ of thes6. 4iTive 'b~ he t; 4 set 61 ' ` 4hidN etb6i.~At nsors hjh6r, rlint cova d eny - 461.iTi. 116ti.-lec., of --- . diffeiiifial - ifi~aflafits, -Th too 'b C m- ~'uhfortunafely definitio of thw terisors Are . , ~e~ t6liilude'1n,,a~bflef review., y 4- ~ofqr (Seattle. Wash.l.- NTT SZJLDECZKY-KARDOSS, Elemer; ZSEBOI~, Zoltan, dr.; RUSZNYAK, Istvan, dr.; ANTALFFY, Gyorgy, dr.; BIHARI, Otto, dr.; CHOLNOK.Y, Laszlo, dr.; GRUBER, iozsef, dr.; HAY.,Laszlo,.dr.; T-E3ZI'YUS, Lorand,dr.; MAGYA.U, Andras., dr.; ORTUTATY, Gyula, dr.; PERENYI, Imre, dr.; PETRI,'Gabor dr.; POLINSZKY, Karoly, dr.; RAPCSAK,__AEdras,- TORO, Imre,,dr.; ZAMBO, Janos, dr. Peace to the world! An appeal by the Committee on Science of tne National Peace Council. Term tud kozl 6 no'.6:241 Je 162. 1. Orszigos,Beketanacs,Tudomanyos Bizottsaganak elinoke (for Szadeczky-Kardoss). 2. Orszagos Beketanacs Tudomanyos Bizottsp-ganak titkara (for Zsebok). 3. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia ~elnoke (for Rusznyak). 4. Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem rektora (for Antalffy). 5. Peesi-Tudomanvegyetem allamjogi karanak-dekanja (for Bihari). 6 Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem rektora (for CrivInaky) . 7. Kdapesti Muszaki~Egyetem.rektora,(for Gruber)* Marx Karoly Kozgazdasagtudomanyi Egyatem rektora Budapest (for Hay). 9. Kosauth Lajos Tudomanyegyeteni rektora, Debrecen (for Kesztyus). 10. Agrartudomanyi.,Egy,?tem rektora (for Magyari). 11. Eotvos Lorand TudomFinyegyetem rektora (for Ortut ay 12. Epitoipari:es Kozlekedesi Muszaki Egyetem rektor,a (for Perenyi). 13. Szegedi~Orvostudomanyi Egyetem:rektora.(for Petri). 14. Veszpremi -Vegyipar.i.Egyetem,dekanjal(for Polinszky),, HUIGARY 11/1 PEREDY, Sandor; MONATII, Lajos; RAPELIUS; Karl (Leipzig); CALLEUBERG., 'Waldemar (Leipzig); LIPIT,-dei1Ii-(FTiha);- FREIBERGER, Rudolf, dr. ing. (Praha); SCEEML., Gerhard, dr. ing. (Tarlsruhe); MIKULSKI,,Jan,~ dr. ing. (Katowice);.FRATZSCHER,, Wolfgang, dr. Ang. (]Drezda); BEIMEK, Istvan; CUKOR, -Oyorgy; SAGI, Marton; SOVARY,- Emil; NAGY,,Csaba (Roman I%pkoztarsasag);,ELEFTMiESCU M. (R 1 .1 aman Nopkoztareasag); KOVAC49 Istvan (ItoM&nL*pkoztarvasag); LAZAR, Peter, dr.; MEJRO,, Cz , prof; (Varso); KOKOVAY, Janos, dr.; SCHAEFER, Helmuth dr ing. Rarlarahe); BORBAS, Nandor; GRUHN, Gunther,.Dipl. in;. (Lrezda); SZOO, Bendeguz; GYORI,-Attila; MOLNAR, Lanlo; REOZEY Guntav,ldr, Determination and.application of Specific power utilization indexes. Ipari energia, 3 no.1/2:15-22 Ja-F 162, Koho- e: Gepipari MinIsiterium IpargazdaBagi es Uzemazerve- zesi Intez te. for P~redy). 2..Obndai Hajogyarl(for Monath). 3. orsoagos,EnerglAgazdalkodasi Hatosag tfor Benedek and Reczey). 4. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademta:K6zg&zdas>udom&nyi Intezete (for Cukorand Sagi). 5. Eromu Tervezo'Iioda (for Sovary)..6. Konnyui-,, pari,Miniszterium (for Kokovay). 7. Voros Cailla Traktorgyar (for Borbas).:.8. Kobarqat.Muanyaggyar (for Szabol. 9. Koho- es Gepipari Miniszterium' Energiaosztaly (for MoInar) . o I Ig it v 13 Is u %; u a .1 11 Jd a he U Is h L v a u to Oro r- R- A A A _ P - 4 It_ I -,.L-k X1 -CC PP U A. W 41 00 wt Ste$ A~ lacer*14% _C4. .00 00 11000 19- 00.m 04 so 0e It AWMI d .00 low 00 .00 so 00 the" fit) 00 in (1) 0 tjW Jn.p .00 see :Soo .41ALLLTCKAk UTISATU41 CLAIINFICATIOX got) 8 00 ~161(141 -it *-t Got 00 4 49 F I v I I-$-- I - 0 9 71 AV -0 it, 1 1, ', 11 a U if W Ig Ma (IL IIII* 0 iv M a a It 0 dM41 I .,Tloeooo:oooooooooooOo:oooo~olegoooooooooooooooooi :900OW0000000000600 _clolooo 0000*00000000 - jo- -,- I KORLEAKOWSKI, Junusz,. M4,..~ister 9 F, 'rrc_daurv~, awi suiiLN, Jan, of t-ho'.qlrrobioiogy Labff~alzf~j'i ct~~urdct '41krobiolo- ~1,1 c zn a) , Pt, th Iii ti t ri lo CA", 1 ni 6 (XI i t1i k a j;~tyz j, tryc zilt) , X,.! Akademl a %!ody-zna, Naclical Acaclomy Direc to r! Prof. Di,. ri ci u I tu r a I p o r im an ~a I ~ to S a a r C. V r - S. HC RSUN5) and th e Ag f"icas Rolniczo Zaklarly Doswiadczalno) f Di to r - ;?:- o Dr. both ir, i~rakow r I a 'I'wbarettlo .1% -ring, in Du cA.~i," r ~r c b a,~r i 3 Oc(.Li i -a r.-, a %v,- Uilr) I i n e d Xc vr. a I$e toy, naryjg_~, Vo 1. So il~~$ 2, 7 2- 57 4. 7 AL. t r c t: Au tho r3l Fmglt sh slxv~-z'ary t Dt 0, -1 a o'% myco umt fj r1 a Wberculactls ~igol.--tdd tron Ii '.-.A t f f rom tube rcm lo a A-s in all -:;asos the air i an -typo was C,.,trl~' A detail,~4d chareocurtst.--c of* tho, isialav~,A a i r ~str, !ns j S t~ 1) t: tl rj u.' the 11 refvrenoas, three 'j) ar" in h a r; ~l ve Ln .iprman. ?OIAIjD/Phar!-mc.)Iz).-- and T,.)xicolo..~-y C q- -.tra4 -9 uItituberculatic Dru- Abs Jbur r c Bircil. 14, 1953, 6642); AuLlior Illst '110 -,:)"Ults of a Stucly ol" t1w Luhibit;~ry Effc:c--- T40 (So~aw, sal- )f brIDLICaliCylol", ci"~) )a Drui~ Rcsistc-.--ic-z Tu~-)ermlosir, Pub Gruzli--.) 1956, 24, io -39. ;ract lbs' stuey -w-~Ls me, 0 f CIO ScI-sitivity of tuburcle 'bacAli (T3) t -1~ isoiriicmid (1) st.rci..)t~DZlycin (II in a treatricit with T4(;,. Thirty--,vc patients were Z.;-r sc-rvnti --m Omrizvg the ci~ursc .;f trc-t-lent. V.-. bnctz!ri"A frori tho t;pu-*t-.v,;-.i, k to I) anci W) vas ljL'.ic'l (t-ac mt1lic.,ris ar v'- After the, trcat; wiich lastecl 2-5 T13 liure in thQ sputc~ -'aticift-, The nutl';~-)r tZl -~t in this rict.%~~ c 2 rd i ~tl. P/053/62/000/006/007/009 , 1010/1210 /J, 3 A LRIH 0 R S BaZa: 71P.Claw Rapior, Andrzej TITLE:, Technology and properties of.-electroluminescent cells with a solid dielectric. !PERIODICAL: no..6, 1962, 324-328 Pr eglad-Zlektroniki, TEXT: .77ilectroluminpscent cells called KEL where the luminophores were a suspension in solid dielectric material. The -best - results were obtained.with epoxy-plaxi, but since it Ws difficult 1 pidian 3,hardened with anhydride of. to obtain,.Z plitalic acid a m;-=fac_ w s employed. The t of' ffie '"'cells ture Is described, , A table gives technological and. material details of 9 types of cells. The effect of aging has been inves- 0 a/Soo during 3 monthe, for ,tigated for frequencies from 50 500 ~ 4-1 5 .." , . 1. - --., I'-;-- %- '. Ku- Q oil j2 j Eg g2 *31-f j a t' ~Al K"3 Will s v gg 14, A. i- .1 PS I " ' :Is za- Eli MASLEIRIIKOV, M.M., professor; RAPIPORT, M.S., dottsant; RODUVICH, S.S.. I ; - .- -- I, --.- - . . . -. z ~. - - - - 69'j23 S/141/60/003/01/017/020 E192/ E58~ .AUTHOR: Rapoporm, V. 0. TITI I"crea e o tr magnetic Radia in a Dis z. T 10 iu s c 0 tion persive Tt'e d in d= spers t t I)i m Mov -g e um I 0u ion in %I W PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, l960; Vol 3, Nr ll~pp 148-150 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The paper is concerned,with the problem of the instability of a medium consisting of molocules (quasi-elastic dipoles) which move in a non-dispersive r-e0ium. In order to determine the coefficients dest. -4o,ing. the increase (or attenuation) of the electromagnetic waves the author employs,ttering equation derived in an earlier work (Ref 2). For a system of two media, one of which is, -Stationary,,and has a permittivity tensor eq, and a medium which moves-along.the axis x with, cons tant velocity v and has a permittivity tensor Ei'i the scattering equation is written as (see Ref ..Card l1tt T