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I AFc'1';JM1 lot K PA"CC NIC, S. "Aw. 01ficti tict% of soil nnd stonp. i- - 376. ", A Ff- , ;rr '-f. , - U; I . , k, ~ . . I ,, , , ) . 0 137-58-5-9361 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Nletallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 80 (USSR) .AUTHOR: Ra koc h, G. M. TITLE- On the Operation of the im.S.M.Kircov Electrolytic Zinc Plant in Chelyabinsk (0 rabote Chelyabinskogo elektrolitnogo tsinkovogo zavoda ini. S. M. Kirova) PERIODICAL~ Tr. soveshchaniya po metallurgii tsinka, 1954. Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1956, pp 134-1,39 ABSTRACT: The rated capacity of the plant has been exceeded by more than 150 percent. The extraction of Zri in 1953 C01IStitUted I I 1 %6 of the extraction of. this metal in 1940, 'rhis increase Nvas due to the following factors: Introduction in recent years of the sys- tern of separate roasting of concentrates, increased tempera- tures of the leaching shop; an increase in the final acidity to a tevel of 4-6 g/I in the process of acidic leaching; intensified operation of the section (or the filtration of thickened acidic pull),, placement into operation of a section for filtration and drying, and discontinuation of the employment of external sumps; introduction of separate and expanded processing of Waelz C rd 1 '2 redox oxides~ better control of the operation of solution and , .-. WV~'Tll ~ VU-1, -T~11~47w`~IAM~-'--,~.-, - --- ---- ACA I- (Zinc--Metallurgy) (Chlorine) I -- . I qi=lp - I'll - - - .. 0 1 -;~"'("-T "'r~- 1~ I .. "In-/estigatien of temperature and humidity gradients of air layers near RAKOCZINE WAGNER, Magdolna 1- - --RAKOCZINE WAGNER, Magdolna 1; 3055-66 ACC JNR: 0602oV-.6 SOUR E CODE: AVC -'4 Rakoczine. 4 AMer Yagdolna. AUTHOR ORO: none TT Parameter f a s or the indirect determin tion of the frequency valUes for maxini= Lemperature SOURCE: Idojaras, v. 69, no. 3, 1965, 163-167 TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric temperature, climatology, parameter, meteorologic observatio ABSTRUT: The. probability of a niaxi-mum temperature occurring d uring a given period was found to be a function of the following parameters: Monthly mean maximum tem-perazure, Yearly means of the monthly abso- lute maximim tem?erature, and the Lowest maximurn temperature. The values of these parameters for six meteorological observatories in Hungary were presented and a chart was prepared for the forecasting of maximum-temperature frequency calculations. Approximations made with the aid of this chart gave accurate resultsy especially in cases 1 where the temperature r-axima.were higher than the average maximum ' ~emperatuz es for 'he regions concerned. Orig. art. has: I figure, 4 formulas, a~;nd 5 tables. WIL91 SUB CODE: 04 SUBM DATZ: none ORIG REF: 004 UM REF: 001 L- SOV REF: 002 Card ---------------------7 4 6i"g- , (90i ~KDU the a steno 01 Ul Rj" -from ~-The rata of desorption of SCh Ins. of vuloo comms. was lavesilgaud. It - wai low in the 20-400%, soln. This Phimaomena a is attributed tQ a fOrtrAtIOU Of S V411itt-SUI(MaL IOU 80 4, tiod-, Which reach" it max. at Dq wing the Insw min. In desorption velocity was obeerved o n%-r --atthlstemp. Inthe2do-WOUMInU3.1119P bility Of S501 sure range the ph6om=n persists. ;L~ "j, the gXI&Ute L n ).S.'-piL te 101 Za'A o M ChQMtCZFAY.:XO.'. III, '-xon; tip" m a marked decrtO" ki- 38 ~bazv*lod Akb6ut 400/# conm- At rate X~ trititah - of The. Ow~cwe in -Ommlwtd ~ uw ,bo cWgbiM: SCI& , en*wy ty, in ihe vuo(~Kr of Iht "dom 1% tlftkke that it b- , 6'O tivial conAlum kmnklg wi- med th An m p Y bast%iphurle DOW AL3006,;., -concontrallmThe pfts"Ure Chi Khoo k re, tho~ stability of thft vlllt o6, whtc _ v slightly, InfIllinced by I erj~g pressv.*o. ow p x Lant Fm. .4 r tJ rin of t E* on A04. Of r-lIture"! .~e C5 k4 tat r t tho Kcf.-S f. CS glow 0 R-I~YGL.L-Y' 7. 7' V7 J- Ck A Oliiiii 4 viii. I;; I 9~-) I, x tX i pi pe. J n6s may. )c mmed fur mi-maring ~ Al -Ohtinc 11 l4itlill llow:ng iiiiiough'the liinc In I "Ida it S MAI or in .cas urmi -it tit t 60 lient ')its of jinttrse&i6n f, tile rill x and min raoiu_ Pd. 0 Ahe angle- Mirtior for. irscn%ur:tlg'llKtT re~,__ Will, tk -ttli)e dillereallO -4 tin prk,%su A conSU deliknilvnt on gcolll ti of 2c 2r rmfitii to diameter. may be derived from thr dilref- ential, pr-_-,;surc. The. volij - flo*ing Ornligh file. vlbmv~ mn y lid-, deterinincit by tile - C~l ii-: Ali 2 2 wlkh' & bevfi deriv theore'tical m0 n `\;;irl ic (1, by, eti ily, aircifients Vich correct result.S., _uicas 21-f . (10~'s not thcorvIii ally deriml 'iticasilrolt-, Ilia per. wit I Ifiv 0119WIP9 Al RAKOCZY, Tibor Measuring liquid quantity mtreamin in a pipeline by man of an elbow pipe. Epuletgepeszet 6 no.1:1-6 157. I A U S iiako6on, V.C. , _En.~-ineer TITLEs Investigation of the Compacting of Core Mix by the Sand- blasting Method (Isoledovaniye uplotneniya sterzhnevoy smesi peskoduvnym apo3obom) ki~RIODIGIL z Li toy. noye Proizvodstvo, 1958, No. 4, 15-19 (USSR). IQSP~iAGTt The one theory L Ref. 12 Accepted abroad, considers that the t,,,&,Jor factor influencing the non-uniform density of core mix in cores made by the sandblasting method is the kinetic ener.-y of the molding sand stream. The other theory - sug- .6ested by B.S. Chernyak Z-Hef. 22 and accepted only in the USSR - explainsthe phenomenon by thedifference between the input (P,) and the output (P ) prcs-ure of the.air strea-zi, passing through the immobile molging Z;nd mass in 4 core box (sc shown in Fibure 1). However, both theories are open to doubt. 1".1-.e Foundry Laboratory of A'.V'AU imeni Bauman carried cut !.,r, experiment from which it was concluded that the den- s.?nin~; of the core mix in a core box in influenced both by the. kinetic eMergy of thc. surd-air stream and the pree&ure drop 1; and the desiLn of core box and the number and loc,~tion Of i:;put and output bores determine -rhich a." the two factorc Card 112 I TW-114-17! 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 41 1 0 4T0 of .4-P ~Vmlpls ki It 11 to 14 IS 4 IS 411 IF a Jf a at IF A P9 It U AS M x a v a 0 0 41 a at 4, S; -.4 VA.J -,A I A L-1. Aa J 0 4. 1 1 -v A -of -00 V!:~mwmW POOMMOM Ow ins ow liked 1 00 group 01111 m11M= is m Wr Sumitomo. n',, c- -00 oos . e increaft the Ur UK pimp Swer be to lkwo4tinjog I - - comfg. Summit then 7 C atom% art amO as mulwasts air dinvels. 00 .00 *0 see 00 &0 42 400 00 a 00 s0@ COO 010 1110o :010 Ste-ILA "TALLU044CAL LIVIIIATUNI CLOSINPIC410" n met 414., cis flivo &JAiAlf 141002 j. 0.. 4.4. 6111112OU $Stijl 00 "1 JAI A, 10 A w IS, 0, 8, to The 6,146 gown a a ag I 1 11 0 9 a 0 0 st 0 0 0 0 *10 0 0 0 0 0 T v i .,. G. RAKOGON, Vladimir Georgiyevich, kand. teklm. nauk; OIJXV, G.M., Ikand. ?.'7EIKES~, 01i~a, Dr, ~.%CZ,%T,. G Ul HOLLAND, Rolland, Dr: Capital City Pe'erf d1or 3 1 Ward (chief Physician: BACH, T:,-"- B ledica Y "I'andor Street 1Eospital, -,~ef -ahys-cian: Bela, Dr) and Prosectura (chief .a"iolou physician: BRAUbi, Sandor, Dr) (Fovarosi Peterfy Sandor Utcai Korhiaz. B- Ront-rcn Gsztaly es Prosectura), Budapest. Ca:; e of Hype rne phroma WitUi Perforation Tnt the Colon." Budazest, urv3si I-etilap, Vol 1C8, No 7. 12 Feb 67. Pages 312-315. r'- ase of hype rnephroma is reportea -'Ct: [Authors' Hungarian smmmaryj c L 4. tzrior nto the descandin involvlnt7 parforation of the g colon. The per- loration -Into the colon -was diagnosed in -'.he living,patient ard the diag- nosis confimed later by the autopsy. There are several reports of r--foration by renal tumor into the small inlestines althou-h these are -ie literature involvim~ perf ration into ra re; only on(.- re- )Ort was found in t; 0 the colon. -rot-.Pr interesting aspect of the case is the fact that, in spite 01~' nassive hemorrhage, the patient remained in a state of polyglobulia. 5 Eastern European, 7 Western references. FIKOTITZ, ion-o, Dr; Yc-a'Ical E-ducatio'n, Depart- ment of ld~~.,gyogyaszati Tanszek). "The Diagnosiz~ -Of Budapest, 0 1, 21 "a y 63, paires 966-969. A b so t. ra. cl t, T- i,- au t- r c~ c- excludes sciat. Aca from 4' , 0 sk the list of JIS -.6! all conplaints to di injuries. 'I'he, movItly of the t~-,o diseases are discussed 7. in det-ail and ---, t "pr 5,7, r ele-,ation of the gastro- onemius musc' e, a 7 rcflex hammer, is offered as a too! in the ol" ociatic neuritis. 9 Western, 2 Hungarian I- ----- - RAKOS, Gyorgf, dr. Electroencephalographic examination of children with conf-enital yo szemle 16 no.9:257-262 s 163. heart defects. Ideggyofr yetem IT. 1, A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Eg sz. C,7e=ekkUni)ra- Jannk (Igazgato: dr, Petenyi Geza egyetemi. tanar) koziemenye. 01EART SEPTAL DEFECTS, ATRIAL). (HEART SEPTAL DEFW,%tS, VENTRICULAR) (DUCTUS ARTERICCUS) (AOPTIC 5-M-10SIS) (AORTIC COARCTATI011) (TETRALOGY OF FALLOT) (EISEMIJENGEP C014PLEX) (IFA-,',T DEFa;!'.;, MIGEINITAL) (ELECTROTICEPII.,'LLOG,--.A.-FY) (BRAIN DI-'-A&ES) Dr; Vedical UtniverFity of Budapest, TT. Pediatric Cli.---c rr:iOs",udo=-ny-J Egyetem, U. sz. Gyermekklinikal (director:,. professor) "Electroencephalographic &camination of Children With Congenital Heart Defect. Budapezt, Taeo~-.-vo-vaszati Sze-.1e, Vol XIV, No 9, Sept 63, pages 257-262. A -ract- ''u-1hor's Hunu iration has been conducted "s-- arian stt=ary] EEG exam L1% ri th 1 hear', defect. Among.40 non-cyanotic children congenita 'with card" t4on and cl* cIally. intact nervous system some de- d-ac compensa 7-ni vatior, ~as beer. found in only one child, who suffered fron coarctatio aortae. Of the 40 children with a cyanotic type of congenital heart de- fect, cerebral damage has been indicated by the E33 in 13 cases. No connection has been found between hematological data and EM- Abno=zality. More than the average nuziber of deviations were found among those child- ran where severe mental retardation,or dyspnoic-cyanotic attacks with suddenly increasing hypoxia were present. 1 .-=garian, 9 Western re- ferences. RAKOS, Laszlo,-.dr- Zxperiences and observa~---*ms concerrdng cbsta,Lrical care in the countries liberated from colonialism~ 111epegesmegugy 43 no.12:376-379 D 162. ko-_-Iameny a.Hanoi Orvostudomanyi Egyotom Bach-Mai korhazanak (igazgatc: Tran 11un Tuoc egyetemi tanar) Szuleszoti es Nogyo.cryaszati Klinikajarol -(tanszelcvezeto: Dinh Ilan Thang egyetemi. tanar.) es a Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem II. sz. Noi Klinikajarol, (igazgato: Zoltlllyl Imre dr. egyetemi tanar). (OBSTETRICS) (G)MECOLOGY) ,- iif - - - T'PAWIFFI~- - ;j.- ~~r ~~ 0