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,-. ~ F ? -, i j - o ~ I ~ R,kDOTNOV, B.A., IM-h- I I.- - . , - -- --- - - I 837h1 S/056J60/038/004/034/048 Boo6/BO56 AUTHORS: Davydov, A. Rabotnov, N. S.J Chaban, A. A. TITLE: Rotational Energy and Moments of Inertia.of Nonaxial Nuclei PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy iteoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 38 ,No. 4, PP- 1311 1315 TEXT: A~ S, Dav.ydov, G. F.-Filippov, and Y. S. Rostovskiy developed a. theory of the rotational states of nonaxial nuclei (Refs. 1,2). They showed that the ratios of the energies of all rotational levels to the energy of.the first excited spin-2 level can be uniquely determined if the corresponding ratios for the second excited spin-2 level are known from the experiment. It was further found that the relative probabilities of electric quadrupole.transitions between rotational levels may also be determined from these ratios. These results were obtained on the assump- Itions that a) the inner state of the nucleus does not change during its rotation (adiabatic approximation), and b) the main moments of inertia ofthe nucleus can be expressed by the parameters A and y: Card 1/3 83 1 ~7 Rotational Energy and Moments of Inertia of S/O 6 60/038/004/034/048 Nonaxial Nuclei Boo67B(~056 I, Asin2 2'Ei/3), i 11293. This formula corresponds to the hydro- dynamic nuclear model. The authors therefore described this approxima- tion as hydrodynamic. The authors now investigate the question as to the manner in which these results change if the simplifying assumptions are abandoned. The rotational states of nonaxial nuclei with arbitrary (three) main moments of inertia are investigated in adiabatic approxima- tion. It is shown that in general the rotational energy ratio may be ex- pressed by two parameters: by f, the energy ratio of two spin-2 levelsi and by 1, a parameter depending on the character of the collective mo- tions causing nuclear rotation; E (2)/E,(2)> 11 a a a ~0(2). 2 1 2 3/11 In the following, the energies of all rotational states are expressed by the dimensionless E: C' = E/Ej(2). Thus, the following relations hold for the spin-2 and.spin-3 states,as, e.g., r"(3) =.l,+ t, F-1 .(5) - 4 + f7 E2(5) = 1 + 4~. The energies of other rotational levels cannot be given as functions of alone, but they are functions of i and it. For the spin-4 and spin-6 states, the corresponding formulas are given. With Card 2/3 83741 Rotational Energy and moments of Inertia of S/056 60/038/004/034/048 Nonaxial Nuclei BOO YB056 formula (5) the following inequalities are given for and '(3 54 3 Q < 4 3) and O!~-54 f!~63 ~ -1 k 3) these in- equalities result from the demand that the roots of the equation 3 - 1(1 + oX2 be.positive and real. Fig. 1 shows the X 2 + ltx 0 possible values of the ratios ij(4) and 620) for different values of -ters and which are defined by (5); Fig. 2 shows the same the parame f for Y6). The experimental points are plotted in each case for a number of heavy nuclei. The numerical experimental data taken from Refs. 4-8 are given in a table., There are 2 figures, 1.table, and 9 references: 5 Soviet, 3 Dutch, and I US. ASSOCIATION: MoBkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: November 19, 1959 Card 3/3 's TC/ASD- ------ /BD 'ACCESSION NR: AP3003125 W0056/63/044/006/1950/1952 AUTHOR: Usachev L. N.; Pavlinchuk, V A Rabothov, X. 'TITLE: DoterTiination of the fission threehole?ro~ M 'experiments on the (dp'pf) arid (Gamma, f) reactions SOURCE Zhurnal eksper. i.teor- fi ild* Z~ v, "s po,-6, .1963 1950-1952 iTOPIC TAGS- fission.thrasholds,,douteron induced fission..: gamma induced fission iABSTRACT: The experimental -data- on thin energy dependence of,the-.cross sections lof the reaction (d, pf) on the nuclei U~sup 233), U.'sup 35, and Pu sup~239, at excit4-,'~ ation energies lower than the nautron.binding energy in the compound nucleus.. are. is fully~ o lintarpreted under the assumption that wh n the~fission'channel pen the. fission width is much larger than-theradiation width, in agreement "with estimates i made by the Bohr-Wheeler formula-. It is shown that the converse assumption , (fissi M- width much smaller than radiation.%Adth)~ which was actually used.previously in such !an analysislLleads to fissionthreshold values. that are lower than the.true one& by~'-.'- Iseveral hundred keV. It is rioted that 0 det6rmine,tha threshold necessarl to know much more accurately the energy dependence of the barrier penetrabilit Y.9 'which furthermore can be different for diffare thresholds. All the considerations' nt. Cadvanced in the article should also be applied to thresholds determined from the. rj v L 9106-65 E5D(0/AFW1/RAZM(-t-)/6ZD--__. ACCESSION NR: AT4048278 B/0000/64/000/000/0001/0004 AUTHORS: Bondarenkot 1. I.Z Kpznotsov*, V. F.; He _sterov, V._G Pavlinchuk, Rabotnov, H. 8.1 Smirenkin, I G-R.; UsAJ=1=v, 11. TITLEs Effect of the *nor gap in the channel spo6t gy rum on the fission process a SOURCEz Vliy niY6 onerget,icheskoy shcheli v spektre kanalov na protoess doloniya,jqj'#) C1_,0,q TOPIC TAGSt nuclear fission, fission cross section, fission pro- duct, fission noutront angular distribution# uranium, plutonium A13STRACT: The experiments reported-constitute a later stage of a study of the fission process (Yu. A. Blyurkina at al., Atomnaya energiya, v. 15, 64, 250, 1963), and are intended to clarify further the nature of the previousiy~observed correlation between the irreg ~KE:lo 5-r- ACCESSION NR: AT4048278 ularitica in the energy dependences of the fission characteristics. 111io angular distribution of t~o-cross section of(O) of the fission 233 235 239 of U U and Pu by neutrons with energic3 between 0.08 and 1.25 MeV was measured by,a procedure described alcewhere (V, Go Nesterov, Atortuiaya enbrgiya 16, no. 6, 1964). The data ob- itained on af(O) confirm the earlier results of the authors (V. Go Nesterov et al., Atomnaya energiya 10, 620, 1961 and 11, 248, 1961) and sho%4 that the correlated increases and decreases in the asym- metIry (00)/af(900) corrospond:to abrupt changes in the angular CIf I idistributions'.of the fission fragments. The various irregularities Jin the angular distributions at different fissioning-neutron ener- Igies are interpreted as being,connected with the opening up of new ~fiasion channels. In particular, the change in the character of af(o) when U235 is fissioned by neutrons with En < 0.3 MeV is due to the opening up of fissio-L'channels with k - 2 (k -- projection iof total angular momentum of the compound nucleus on the fission iaxis).. It is also shown that, in contrast to earlier notions, new 2 ~ACCESSION NR: AT4048278 ;fission channels can open'u, a p at en rgies up to the excitation energy ,at the saddle point (E* -',2.5 MeV),!,~here the energy gap of even- ieven nuclei is noticeable larger.(-'21.7 MeV) than in the equilibrium istate. The presence of an energy Igap in the level spectrum of the transition nucloua.U236 can likewise explain the observed decrease, tin the number of secondary fission neutrons near 2.2 MeV. Other lexperimental data are interpreted in light of tliese'results. orig. .!art. has: 3 figures ASSOCIATIOU: None ~SUBMIT=Ds 00 ENCL.- 00 ~SUB CODE: NP NR REX SOV: 004 1 OTHER: 007 L20o46.-6_,; ACCESSION NR: AP5001270 on the energy in-the range.of,' the.,order.:of 1. Hev as, compared with, the'.. exponential. growth of fission' width in'-. the- region E* 5 7~.7 ~je V,. In ire a tigation also- led to-considerably,higher values of p hot o f i a s.L on thresholds-than those accepted--he'retofore; :futthermorep the :fLosio'n barrier at quadrupole photoabsbrption Is. 0~6-1,0, Mev .-lower than the barrier of dipola_photofission.~_, On-comphring the results of. the (, and (y,f) reactions, it' can be- said that the first.-rise in, ,fission: in ~the.( reaction correaponds::-to channeling'of-even parity.while the second correspondv~to'Ichanneling at odd parity* these results are in agreement.: with:., the structure of fission Ichannel-!--` B hr1f the d stance-'be.twee'n the rotational bands",.--, ing Presented by 0' 0 o f ~ even and odd: 0 ar i ty 41 6.-.1. 0: Mev :,Wfith such, an arrangement of: fission,channeling, :the-Bohr-Whe ele: v: formul.adescribes I- tative y the'experimental damfor.average fia-sion-,:widths o1treaction o.1--ithia-ni formula$@ ASSoCIATION: none Card 2 /3 LLISIA&U0, 015M ~w -c ~r m)/EVIA (h)_ !ACCESSION NR: AT5024113 UR/3158/65/000/012/0001/0012 Rabotno N. S.; Smiienkin.'G~ N.; Soldatov, A. S Usachev JAUTHOR: yj~ Kapitsa,-, 3*7 7.-7,-,WVenyuk,, ATITLE: lngdlar -ghot6fladicn anisotropy and pam;ity .-of 'the ground -state,of Ijluto- ~nium-239 jSOURCE: Obninsk. Flziko-energeticheskiy institut. Doklady, no. 12, 1'965. Uglovaya lanizotropiya f-otodeleniya i chetnost' osnov'nogo sostoyaniya plutoniya-239,-1-12 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear fission, plutoniumt ground state$ bremsstrablung 'ABSTRACT: -The angular distrib-utions-of fragments -resulting from the photofission of PU239 were measured by y quanta -of the bremsatrahlung of a microtron in the ,range of limiting energies of E =5.4-7.9 Heve At E =5.4 5 65 and 5.9 Hev, lanisotro ic angular distributiomn"sof,the form W(a) sin a w4ere* observed, P The maximuin anisotropy, which corresponds to b i, ~-0.192, was recorded at E Max a =5.65 Hev. Comparison of the results with data on the fission of FU236 by neutrons, 1 239 Ipexmits*thq determination of fhe:parity of the ground state of PU relative to Card 1/2 ; I !L, - * I " I ~' A - A - t- FLA30TNOV R. D. r AV1'o r "U,;4 -;,r 1, FRO" 100' TO TW.' HELTINC POI?.T, V.E. Mfl'RY!Tv3V t.~D Pt.30TN-,v. UCIZUYE: 7A*isli, G'D:; 6T 3-A TT-T-. -UN I VM . V . 1, %"1 R 0 tJ 03 0 V 1, , F I ~ I L t 17 4, 1, 7 - 7 9(19 4 4 ) A n a ~p. is descriped that allows a sizuItancous drAn. of t. amal cond. ' (ettl,firi. degreo sce.) and oleo. cond. k (om./o;Ija)of MeA. p 6, mls to.13C(o Values are river- for / Xard k -if polyarye.t. Cu between 324o (0.840 and 25.11K 104)and 970*(0.73ft an4 IOAIX 104)1 :of polycryst. Bi betweej 9.:.2(0,0289 and 0.656KI04) end 228:0 (0.0266 and 0.316 X 10 ), of a single Pb ery3tal be~weon 132.0 (0.0852 and 3.27 X 104) and 2, t'.0 6 (0.0792 and'2.12 x lo4l of polycryst. Pb botween 117.0 o (0.0816 and 3.U X 104) and ? ;.E!* '(0.0724. aiA 2.133 ,~104) of polyc.-76t. C6 be,-Yj--E-n 119.6* (0.229 on-I 8.442 X 104) and 262.6* (0.217 and b.4&i ,- 104), of a sinrle crystal o" Zn b tween 121.1w (0.337 anti 12.019 )L 104) and 27't.l" �0,266 and 'i-M X 104). of' polyurysto Zn betve~:n continued.on next card (Gontinued) COS" closor to the meact compn, S I this MV :indicate wtiptenoel at lower tempo.) of coapda, even "ricrer in 3 than S312P mid their in- oreasing.dissoon. at higher tmys. The 5 compds. liated are also Indicated by the singular points on the d. isoconcentrate,, and.. even more strikingly, on the o d/ - c) z our7el here# the first /. 00isPdA. are indicated by discontinuous jumpsp SI6 by a sharp peak (0.85.7 too % 1). (2 The system Be I in C32 was investigated In.the MV, at a total conen. So I - 0.007 g. atow/I. The is'o- comentrateo reveal 3 oompds.t 30312 (UM OwPd*)9 sharp PGO Of Cr , discontinuous jump of 0 4/ a xj SeI2, shaT ain. of o- ~ sharp min., of 6 d1axj Ssl,~# aharp peak of C' discontinuous jump Of 6 dV6 xa The often asserted oompd- 36212 is Ast,:-Mealed IV the isoeoneentratesp pe"ibly, this. alleged amp-4. 'As"but a stoUhlo_ (CiontInned) ---------- IT . ." . RABOTNOV, T. A. I t -111., . ~ I . . .1 L - -1 - I ~I , . . IL . RAPOT"OV, T. A. RABOTNOV, T. A. USSR/Scientists,- Shennikov, P. Biology Yar/kpr 49 "The Sixtieth Birthday of k. P. Shennikovqn Ye. M. Lavrenko, T. k. RabotAov, 91 pp "Botan Zhur" Vol XXXIV, No~2 Shennikov was born in a village Vologodsk District. Entered Natural Sel See of Petersburg U. Headed Varlous Research Studies on meadows in Simbirsk and Vologodsk districts. Since 1925 he has worked at Bot Inat imeni V. L. Konarov, Acad Sci USSR. He is director of "Borok" Biol Sta. Received doctor's degree in biology in 1935. Has been awarded various honors and medals, and was made a corresponding member of Acad Scl TJ6SR 1D 1948. A list of 73 works by him is appended. PA 2/50TIC8 RABOTNOV) T. A. RABOTNIOV, T. A. Met drologigal e Abst. Ramenskil, L. G., TSatsenkin, P. A. and Rabotnov T A. X Toprosu a sellska"Otlaist- Vol. 5 . No. 1 /Ionnot Itlitnatologil. EOn the problain of ig-r-icuit~ttc~i~Wawlogyj T'sespiti;nud Gtarra- JSM 1954 06;Achinvol S.S.S.R., 1-malita, 84(5):501-502, Scpjjoct, 1032. DLC-A rume invtsligation of climate in relation to agriculture Is pr rho topics mquiring Part 1 Special study are: the effect of, radiation, of the atmosphere ann-ridKe 2lueo" and soft en. Climatology and vironniefit upon Olant, growth add t1evt1opment; the relitionship or the In(Ilvidijal clinlatic B1.0011matology voriables and their geographic -distribution to agriculkilril ~ kcglodi; the itticrothwies of - localities; thAnges lit *either efid forecd-iting possibilities t cr' * Id f mstihg arid cliftude of) Yie ore, arnelideatioiti - fa gdditionj A the Indicators Psed. bk agricultlintl cliffuitology sluJuld bd biologicaily stad ec9l - fly b~otnd.6c, totripletely indeptntlefti of calenclar dates. ~.S~bjecf*. AOW ='dIOiwbjj~-L1.L.D; .77. doktor biologichaskikh nauk, otvatetvenuyy redaktor; SPId-WIN, I.M., reUktor; N111FOROVA, A.N.. tekhnicheekly redaktor [Use and Improvement of hay flolds and pastures; a collection of articles from foreign periodical literature] Ispollrovanie I uluchaheate senokoiov I pastbtahch; aboralk parevodov in Inoatran- not. pariodichaskoi literatury. Otv. red. T.A.Rabotnov. Noskya, lzd- vo inostrannot lit-ry, 1956. 474 p. (KLRA 9:11) (Pastures and meadows) 'iOIN. I.V.; AGABABYAJI, Sh.k.; 4AAQTAUZ4.; IARINA. V.K.; 1ASMENIO, A.F.; LYUBSUTA. A.F., VIMMY. S.D.. redaktor; ISAJEOV. N.A., takhnicheskty reddktor [Forge plants of meadows and pastures of the U.S.S.R.] Kormovye rasteniia vanckosov i postbishch SSSR. Fad red. I.T.1mrins. kooky&, Goo. lad-vo selikhos.lit-ry. Tolo3. [Dycotyledons (Gersulaceae Compositse) Conclubions and discussions] Dvudollmys (geraniovyo- o1ozhnotavetriye) obabehle vyvody i sakliuchenita. 1956. 879 P. (KLRA 10:3) 1. Doystvitellnyy chlen Vaesovusnoy skadomil Sellskokhosyayetvannykh nauk im"Al V.1.1mains. (for Imrin) (Botany) (Yorage plants) F-- . - I C A TIEO "j I Y Ileadov Cult1vation.. L A i'S. JOUR. UhRiolq> F0. 1959, 110. 1.0814 AUT"CIR ?.&~)otaov, T. A. 11~1 Nature .1avastIgators. TIT".1", Ihe PAncipal Foims of Vi!xiability in Meadow Vaptation. I -t. prirody, ri PLI GPLIB. By,4. Hook, umva, iopy Otd. biol., 1957, 62, 1 No. 5, 93-103, A ~5) TR CT Sow pmbloxs ars discussed of the seasoma variability ofil ";ow vegetatdoa.Azsc~ciet ria mea- ad with maz1a activity, va - 'I -biiity mdt~r tas A-afl%mnce ot tho, changes in the condi- tions: of tba 1,-mvth as thri reault. of the vIltal activity of: the plants, !%ad variabilit)r coDzeated w ith -the life eyeAe of tho,pleixts. Tba basia Lsthodz in the eontrol of the varlability of' M4"ixdow ragetatioa- should be direated at ttia accaleration of the xreplaOem6nt of less valuable P.'Li---It e0munities ~dth' the mravaluable ones wid with a ocatinuous praservabion of the most valuable ones. This can I-,ei achieved by: 1) the areatioa of faTorable,and RABOTNOV, T.A. AUTHOR: Raliotnoy, T. A. TITLE: Trh ~Change of the Composition of Grass on a Spring-Flooded Meadow in Response to the Introductionof Heracloun Silpiricua L. (Izueneniye sostaya travostoya poymennogo luga pri vnedrenii '6orshchevika si7birskogo (Heracleum si7tiricum L.)) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akadenii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 121, Ir 4,,Pp- 750-752 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In autumn 1953 several meadow plants were resowed on a meadow in the spring-flooded area of the Oka river (district of Moscow); among these plants was Htracleus silsiricus L. The author do- scri7bes the state of the plant societies on the meadow and their development in the years 1951-1957. The o'btained results sake it possilele to draw the following conclusions: 1) Heracleus silairicus L. reproduce successfully 1by seeds an the mentioned type of meadows. 2) If a sufficient quantity of seeds which are lacking in the cenosis is availalble the composition of vegetation. may lie altered also without a preceding change of environment. The productiveness may remain unchanged lout the intruder will Card 1/3 according to its increase in quantity restrict the other coa- SOV/20-121-4-48/54 The Change of the Composition of Grass on a Spring-Flooded Meadow in Response to the Introduction of H*racleun Silpiricum L. ponents or even displace then. It is true, however, that the; favorable influence of the intruder upon the crop yield.of some types will be smaller than its.negative influence on other types. The intensity of influence exercised by the intruders depends on their number. The biological properties of the type are very important. Most.of the types exercise their influence by a change of environment: Withdrawal of water, competition with respect to nutritive substances, screening off of light, secretions into the soil, the air, etc. 3) The rooting of the Heracleum sibiricum L. germs and their rapid development show that the vegetation area of the meadow, at least of the ex- perimental lot was not completely covered. This is a widely- spread phenomenon..L. G. Ramenskiy (Ref 1) distinguished 4 degrees of saturation of plant cenoses. The period during which anyone of thesecomponents is lacking should be taken into account, further the intensity ofcolonization of the area of cenosis by that type. In the meadows of the spring-flooded area the insufficient saturation of cenoses is a periodical phenomenon. Card 213 Plants, the seeds of which do not remain viable in the.ground W SOV/20-121-4-48/54 The Change of the Composition of Grass on a Spring-Flooded Meadow in Response to the Introduction of Heracleum Sibiricum L. may not be present in the meadows during a longer period although conditions are favorable... There are I table and 1 reference, I of which is Soviet. 'ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut kormov im. V. R. Villyamsa Vsesoyuznoy Akademii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk im. V. I. Lenina (Scientific Research Institute of Herbage imeni V. R. Villyams of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences imeni V. I. Lenin) PRESENTED: April, 14, 1958, by V. N. Sukachev, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: April 13, 1�58 Card 3/3 1T. 0' YIY 15(? 1-istitnt korrnov I:oy obl~--.qti. st~,.ntsiya J.Pir, 010 (pa,stul'as 8n-d (Botan-y-TEr H. (maim MTM) I (PASTOUS AND MUMS) RABOTEOVY T.A. KONYUSHKOV, N.S., red.; RABOTNOV,--T-A.., red.; TSATSENKIII, I.A.., red.,- R - - T. A. . . ............. ..................... 2 str ( -,0413 1945 . ; 1 . *)."l"".r.,T`0',' V, I-, , -.1. 55 FiCado 5C1 UR, SJOIAll 1.12 OWN, -Vaus ... ........ ims RUAR11OV, Yu. N. PA 12/49T42 7 Stress Analysis Creep Creep for Machine'Partsw YUO N. Itabotnov, Inst of Mech, Acad Sci USM, 12 pp Iz Ak Nauk SSSR., Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 6 Treats subject under-following headings: (1) Oon- stant speed theory (a) theory of cousbant speed of plastic deformntion; (b) theory ofoonstant speed of deformation; (2) consolidation theory; (3) aging theory;.(4) PAre bending;,(5) thick-valled tubes. Submitted 18 Mar 48. 4W 12149742, RABOT'licV, Yu. N. -ri~~ ~,- I ~ If ;; ""L 0 _l Pa. 150T17 RAL30TNOV YU. I N..$ USSR/Engineering - Awards Sep 49 Literature "Award of Prizes by the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences USSR to Scientific Workers of Institutions of the Department of Technical 'ciences j p "Iz Ak Hauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" flo 9 Prizes of 7,500 rubles each were awarded at the 14 Jul 49 meeting to: A. A. Illyushin,, Corr Mem Acad Sci USSR, Inst of Mech, for work on supersonic flow of ga3i Yu N Habotnov 'Dr Physicomath Sci, Inst of Mech, for hiw,work, "Slow F~w in Solid Substances",- V. M. Fokeyev, Dr Chem Sci, Inst of Petroleum, for his-vDTT, "Viscosity of Stratified Petroleums*; and N. N. Rykalin, Dr Tech Sci, See for Sci Development of Problems of Blec Welding and Electrothermics, for his work,, "Thermal Principles of Welding, Part I." Pa. 15OT17 iul-Florl`l~'Olll Yu. '. ". RABOTHOV, Yu. 11. USSR/kathesistics Stress and Strain J=VPeb 52 "Stress and Strain During Continuous (cyclic) Load," Yu. N. Rabotnov, Moscow, Inat or Mech, Acad Sci USSR "Prik Hatemat i Mekh" Vol VI, No 1, pp 121, 1n Basic assumptions are that relations between stress and strain are similar to theory of small elastic- plastic deformations. Rat io between stresswA strain is nearly linear and ratio of dissipated energy to max elastic energy is,very snall. The area of hysteresis loop does not depend on stress. Received 19 Nov 51. 20:3M A/ U 8 r.4- ' ~6. XhuLov, A. hl. Robaloo Yu~ ok~d Qhuri 1 8-6 -1 HAV61 creep (in Russian), riatentil testing *1 CIO 7,46- 1 13--hener.* Bbornsfk,'AW. lw~,WH 17,163-170, IM. I CreLp e~perimen tx with'copvtr are destuibod and data ob~ tained are COInp3red with the prtdictl~r~ of w0 theoriez 'the, mi D r 0 A h 6u hRrile a n j fec g. venport, . C., J. oppl. . creep theary of 4 EL 11 ! 55 A-135 Po lAtech 14 9 A IWS ay a ; J 19471 , . - ,. ., ;, , , , p pp , . band tho theory of afWeket 6mlMlited by second aut4or bi his.-, to Vu N , PriU. Afal MeW 12, previous papem 11taboti v, ~53, JD IS; RabArov, I& N., lrt-~ Akad. Nauk SSSR Old. kkA l Nauk p. 780, INS1. The gem.'ral mathernatical wqresdon Qf theory is ,(t) + K(t - r)cr(r)dr where author accepts (without giving -y pbyal4 explaution :for his choice) f(e) - Ae and K(S - r) k(l~- t)-P(c4 1C 4 :and A am constants, cb~lmcteristla for a given mat,""). Tosts are carried out ln.the.ttb:ip'er4tUrG range from.170 io 1-5 ...- -M.