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' , I I it U4 u is to :1 v a 25 it v a b z If 34 m J6 v m )p a; 41 v a 41 ~c 0 C K I u v L X-M-U k.C41141 ' A -00 00 no compmMn d ft udbuft (INMeftm nesu 1 ' M. Pywmk*w, Vsea"". lea. rdbwb. i Mak- -' - - " 37-9) Oar r K s 00 00 a , 1. . 19' o (me &wmb. ITJW. Wo RA lj -00 ** a down, USIH w I~m f.w 'IJ%40' td d d dA -00 0 e. r at - &m . obtabomed. wwe with bruff4w. IUV . ; 3..U% hydeem 1% edw. wAute Rowidn of emm. 14.#M% lefty 31 : ISO is. 1.1s.24% twy- no p"A "fa and 2.JQ57,, of un- ; 0 kWWn WAhOSUCVS. TINOW aw". (4 eo""OW41. zoo 00 00 3 zoo 00 ago so a 00 400 too rA* ,$a. 1. ETALLUQOKAL LITINAU41 CL&IINicAllow moo -4. 0- cad Cad C.V &%I - - u - ; An L f I Od 0 an ~ ' 0 a I w 0 2 a a 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 004 o 10 0 0 ts, 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 4 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 9 * 0 % 0 * 0 - - - - _'_ -L V 0 9 V V V 1 a y I i*A a a 11 a 13 M ks is -11s 21 W-W-T 16 V A R of If U 14 a If a AA N CC WfA A i ~q p, - a - 00 -90 soC dhod" man 41 of basom w ftb" Naas. ink Kd*kinl w . as#. -00 No. JU, 47-M is a. I over WWW~4 (AW7).-Tbe WMAW The WW k IbM 4 . "k 11,1(h MA " etbrr cut. mal t ith d d b W e wi . . Moa water "'t. Wall WO& am. ww est TW..Qdwt of The 416" Olt- - dFkd -W ftwtkaulted' pnwtiom I law 2, imad. in water. I 'of pyridint haws wW "hwategs load. is voter sold etbw wd Id. ill a sk. Taw 3rd kwtim b the water-sol. Milvdisr. The . up of pAwances obk we =4 ppid. 41b haelke is by pk-rk- wM W am Wed. by AVA-muNwir, wW. The Tbr Illebmt is f the 2 wi 0b i i i m . er o ssal n r . 5th frowtkon is and procedum of sonlYsew am dnwribed. S. Joffe j, too ;Zoo 400 4*0 zoo a zoo , =Al-__~. &ETALLURGICAL LITIRAT40111 CLASUPICATION l salami i. M, oft mUllIaImC;__ 431431 4w O.V Ali 1-1 11 1 ee 1 1 1 do a J IS 0 o 0 v*,Aqp=6wjw --!q 11* o M "A 1 - w w - w - ! ft If a a 4 41 a a , I - 4 1-1-t PNOM641 A-* peoffarlat Mat- Mod" 1 p -90, 101M 1, 1. . 7")(ION).-A modified Polio Simi Wu d im drWI b d i . r-n c deq, MbOkydj4w-' s. Tbw pbal It is claiand that = 1 it* culmAydrates in 40 fl S J ) o e . , 6 bro. see Sea Sea so* see age ! I gum ww4mw too 1k x latcoo *it esv Got W am All too u 11 Aw 0 All; r I w , , , so I a lie 9 0 s W 0 9 AD 6 :1 9 *TO 000049 00 0 41 0, 49,0 49 O .... ..- *,I!.** see 00 00*0 99000 -twv_w_w_u.w am a -W EW-M-W OF 1111111110111111- W-- W. -W w W-- w 1 4 1 Is I I v Q 11 11 U M is is it a is is 31 so .U is k 0 a p 41 48 a 43 M a A e . a 0 a v I K L A a P 4- t I I-- , I I 00*901 A ISSIS ..D peopf"Ift 1.02. j . of.. 000 0 0 .00 00 111111dibborks Mkodoiso 0041 fe. Udkik-howk. Ph.M 000 r . ##..'I file .1o,11I..And A. t N f o j o. . eet.. itsorniju-t NOCIN411, low 3114Yn, TbesugAr. '00 or-sled knovom were brW lw 3 disys W-wor the sinity" sea '"Ve Maslit. It is -whitird thAt (6 do, 00 6 not wwve S& a suw see v1pts. ijklimle that Malior wid might 1w a pource W citric dcid f f" i '00 ~a n tnalsh.oorka. See 411001 see see '00 I 111TALL L GIC&L LITNRATWI CLASWPKATME use wee 141140111 -1 -iii -A,$ I U 41111", 411i - I l 1 ' * " ;A S . . - 1.1 - -A 1- 0 so O 0 0 0 ! 9 III&t I a 0 90 4 so so .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - '~ 094 - m 5 1 E m I A I N I I z a I A Ad m cr 0 a! 1 1 psoclitts AND PACOM-10 moll T ?I w 6OA sea aided go km so cassm" moos 90 A 4 2 04 - ).- "Iww (1 pystak 3 wt " O.S. of Ishocco do dmWW somp 060 d.. sma Ma. Irm td*M ad lahm" I t1w P goe . A. gee Deis ay, L14 I Go see OP" :m 17 so , so= ;60 tog GO an 1 -41 4 ' a if a is I; ; 0" ; j a, I ; j ; I w : 0 a * 3 6 v 0410000100 0 0 goo so 66066060090e00000 '01 66666000060066 041 0 40 0 of 00 of a 0 0 V_~ 6 '1' 14 71", if 'o IS "t, k. to "ll"L131% ..6 "Ltl A xSect of ~ mpak "W mft Off 99mv OR cant "so by lavives of 18110UM Plablim. M - P. l'YAttilt%kil. COMPO'. 008 reoed. acad. iti. V. M.S.S. 29, Lvavv~ uof Xi(vlidma rmtirii and tof S. x1aufa were iltrfi, filrd toy VtOll atilt lh(h. and 1114' tw(ifol" 114fituel"KI'd ill so 4 so I Atilt days tfw ld.Avts "etc ruled fly ~otllfiux its tile 4trit uvt I **or F %Ai&SmCI. Thvy with see I so '31~1 which had bewn kept in owirl I)MY, C-illing tile vititv Acid in tile vmuml,o V11f, that in * typii-Al wife, u1 use so N. thju,-a wimo: imp water, Z-2; KCI. K lartrat--, p1; K K rul"ArAtor, PC; K Nkict ulAtv..'A;7'. I 00 " Similar results are rettPrilcd hir '21 wrici vach with N. a semi 10.0 - Ole U l4imia and N. rm3bra. It is concluded that the iisciva.- in cl.ttiv acid in tutwco leaves (luring curing ii at the expense goo to - o'f tile Inalic acid. Willifitan a** lee 'Ir lot ago life too ties IF a -i7l too A, too ls~~ Ol t, 1o, 11 i-914UW_'_1 il,_-IT I I Q* 0 A 0 3 6 9- 4Wt-- 0 oil 00 0 0 'go 0 0 6 0 '00 ffi~ 0~ 0 o * * o0 0 H *is * 0 6~ 0 0 0 to to 0 k 1% m IS m I, to I, U 0 6, 1-, a W A L 0 L.-I 11, A I L A k r a11 1 it I a k I AA LL IV U it to b i C%~;, Effad a# mimal salts coa @wrap of citric acid by leavolo of micods" rumd" and miceasam &UCS. M V. I ni kil. Compt. reird. aidd. oil. 1'. R, S. S.*~2974-e C.T-, (Iff-IM(tris EnKli'll), -A trchniqur injilAr to Ill,- aliim~ IN-ing foll6wed, but using mineral 11. cullOwtv.,; (I I When the leave-. of S. ruitiora ate kept in MKCI, sol". fol :,11 00 or -4 lots, they devivaw comidtoraldy in ptotrui, varl,l)h)-alratt, -00 and eN;XViAlly in InAliC Acid tHIt iln*tCZW grill3tly ill eijFiC 800 Vitrio- at-ill i% to mich an rairml as caruml 1w rejOwd with. Ml M91CIreven after'24lay curing. (3) If NaCl Ir"Inwin during 24 hm i% added to 24lay curing lh~ rttilting ill-. 3 'ma- in Inalir And itlerea.-W in citric 261 will lomAd to pme- see 00 locally rqual los of dry mativir, prutrin,. rarim)hYdratus see and ni-oline. Willainan 00 00 s logo &JR.St A MITALLURGICAL 1,179111ATUOI CL.SWIC.Tic. la.. goo at 0 a a w a I a - - - --1l AV j# good ga WS l(Utf lit., 90 n I ft ,ale* so 0 000 00 9600 000000 dig** 09469 0f0 0 4 0 sli low 0 00 0 000 0 0 0000 000*00 00 00 11110 69400 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *1'/' -2, Medicine- Nalic Acid 0 aWse of Funarase for Determining Nalic Acid," H."P. -Pyatuitakiy, A. F. Yurlye", Chas IALb, An-Union Inst of Tobacco and Nicatima Chair or,Chem Krasnodar Pedagogical Inst ?9 Vol Jffy, No 3 Detailed quantitative research for deter-inin pLuc. acid, based on conversim of the acidinto fusarase which is obtained in the fokm of funarate *,of:mercurous oxide, van mW on vegetable materials-P particular on the leaves- of tobacco. Obtained 63/49T43 UW/MediCine FUMarase (Cantd)~, Hay/~un 49 following data: Green Ltobacco contains from 5.5 td'13.8% mali.6 acid; 4nred:~Aobacco, from'traces .to 8.8%. Green m&J&orka L, contains 11,00;L cured,. makhorks, about 5%. Submitted 1 5 M4 48 44 tz- to E_ aftagm tht rmts Ot tn! V'L'T" ------- o osy y cids a x! .-w - ----- 77" LOGINOV, A., kand.pedagog.nauk; KOVACH, S.K. (g.Satanov, Khmellnitskoy obl.); BAYEV, S.Ya.p uchitelf.; POPOVA, A.N., uchiteltnitea; W/TLI111 0. T. ; YEWL ' YAZ;DVrl , T. I. ; jDU1K1T2K1X0-~; LAMSHCHIM, 1I.A., uchitell; CHISTYAKOV, V.M., uchitell; LENSHIN, A.S. (g. Novosibirsk); NOSKOV, V.I., (g.Feodosiya); HUD', K.A., uchitallnitsa; VASIK, Me., uchitelf; GAFONEVKO, I.M. Editor's mail. Khim. v shkole 15 no.3:73-78 My"Je.160. (14IRA 14:7) 1. Pedinstitut, g. Ulan-Bator (for Loginov). 2. Ordzhonikidzevskaya arednyaya shkola No.5, Stavropollskiy kray (for Bayev). 3. Nikifo- rovskaya,shk-ola seltskoy molodezhi, Tambovskoy oblasti (for Popova). 4. Pedagogicheskiy institut g. Krasnodara (for Zamulin.. Yemell yanova, Fyatrxitskiy). 5. Srednyaya shkola No.8, g. Vinnitsy (for Yaroakichuk). 6. Srednyaya shkola sovkhoza "Spartak" Saratovskoy obl. (for Chistyakov). 7. Srednyaya shkola No.14 g. Stalina (for Rud'). 8. :hkola 110.569 g. Moskvy (for Vasik). 9. Pedagogicheskiy institut, g. Novozybkov (for Gaponenko). (Chemistry-Study and teaching) I KRAY12V9 S.I.,,,-_-ffKj'ILITSKIY- N.P.; SELIUKOVA, M.N. I PYATRITSKIT. H.P.. SELTUEOVA, M.N. Zffect of nicotinic sold on repain and bydrachronle acid secretion in the gastric juice In dog [With BUMM7 in Inglish]. Top. pit 17 nods'.20-224 Je-Ag 058 (MIRA 11:7) 16 Is kafedry blekhtall (say. prof. We?. Pyatnitskly) Kubanskogo maditsInBkogo Institute, Krasnodar. (GASTRIC JUICH. acidity & pepsin content. off. of nicotinic acid In dogs (Hue)) (NICIrTINIC ACID. effects, on gastric juice hydrochloric acid pepsin contents In dogs (Rue)) I T - ' Trf n" 71 T -7, ", 1 '71 , , 1. .. . GARBUZOVP A.G.; PYATNITgU,..Nj.; PISKUNOV, A.K. (Moskva) USSR/Himan anC- Animl T-7 Abs Jour Ref 2,hur Biol., tio 14, 1958, u-:> 65350 Author Pyat nitskiy N.N. Inst Title Gl-micrulonaphritis as an Li-flic-irm-tory Process Orig Pub Arkhiv patoloeii, 1957, 2.9, 11-, 12) 60-65 Abstract In exTerimental nephritia produccO. in rabbits by the iii- jection of nephrotwdc sommi, the adsorption of trypan blue and microbial bodies injected. into the bloodstrean vas x)-'U- observed i;, the renal tubules. , reduction in termarature, rather thaa hyperthernia, was cl&t;ccted in th- cortical 1--yer of V,,c ki(Imeys. The absence of these fundamental siols of i-.,..-Llamrztion provides ~j:roiLnds for denying the inflarm"Itory nature jf ,;lomerulonephritis. Card lp - I . . I . ~ I I I v ~ . . . I . 0 4 . k . 6 f S 4 0 0-6 0 111 0 6 0 oleo 1, 010:0 G .4-0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 'I .: 11 ts " L 1 .1-1 L )Lt-v. J.-V 2 AA 0 ~CC 00 -M A-, b stI- L 4 1 so -00 !be effect of chroak lojections of morphime on the nitrofivisous bOWWA of &IBL -00 'l'YAtXtTZKII AMD 1'. IN. FUDOR016% 7kur. expd. Dial. Ated, 11, -rh~ -, babrice of the (fox is unaffictrd by chrimic injections tif u-ni-aty! X of utomitine. 1.00 Dt i, wry rapidly devrif-4i uArratice, After thiq tMermter hml 1wen r.twMishni the on ..f thr morphine h6vtioti lirings alk,ut is tirpt N 104tim. S M.-Moul III -00 -00 .00 .00 800 =00 moo 600 ::09 see 1100 a a '1 0 a 9 do6 9 9 11 to a is a a a 69 'it IT Iffflan" one -0041000000000 0004, 00 00010000000000000111000 a 100W000000000000000 0416,00000090000000000*700" S PYATNITSKIY, N.N.; BYKOVA, V.P.; tino) T.E. (Moskva) Experimental model of glomerulonephritis induced without the administration of external protein agents. Arkh.pat. 23 no-5: 27-30 161. (MIRA 14:6) Iz kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - deystvitelInyy chlen AHN SSSR prof. I.V. Davydovakiy) II Moskovskogo meditsin- sko& instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova i otdela eksrrimentallnoy biologii i patologii (znv. - prof..I.K. Yesipova Instituta eksperJ,,nentallnoy bTo"logii i meditsiny Sibirskogo otdeleniya AV SSSR. (KIMIEYS-DISEASF.S) (PIWCARPINE) BITSADZE, Z.R.,; PYAT14ITSKIY, N.11., dotsent Results of plastic surgery of the ureter using the tuba uterinai experimental study. Urologiia no-3:35-39 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz kafedry.operativnoy*kh:'Lrurg:Li i topograficheskoy anatomii Nav. - Prof. G.Ye. Ostroverkhov) i kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. I.V. DFtvydovskiy) II Moskovskogo meditsin- skogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova. (UREETEROPLASTY) (FALLOPIAN TUB&S-TRUSPLANTAION) STARKOV, P.M., prof., red.; AKOPOV, I.E., prof., red.; KOSTIN, A.P., prof., red.; 1-YATtjT:TS.KTY., N.P., prof.., red.; LATYSIIEV, V.A.) I - - - . ,dots., red.; AGAITYANTS, Ye.K., kand. med. nauk, red. [Materials of the 14th Conference of Physiologists of the Southern R.S.F.S.R.] Materialy Konferentsii fiziologov iuva RSFSR Krasnodar., Vses. fiziologicheskoe ob-vo im. I.P. Pavlova, 1962. 406 p. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Konferentsiya fiziologov Yuga RSFSR. 14th, Krasnodary 1962. 2. Kafedra nomallnoy fiziolu'gii Kubanskogo meditsinsko, instituta, Krasnodar (for Aganyants). 3. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy farma-kologii Kulminskogo meditsinskogo instituta, Krasnodar (for Akopov). 4. Zaveduyushchiy "r-lafedroy --riziologii zhivotnykh Kuban- skogo sellskokho2:yaystvennogo instituta, Krasnodar (for Kostin). 5. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy anatomil i fiziologii Krasnodarskogo pedagogicheskogo instituta (for Latyshev). 6. Zavedu-.%n1shrhiv kafedroy bi-okhimii Kubanskogo meditsinskogo institut-ap Krasnodcr-l- (for Pyatnitskiy). 7. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy normalInay fizio-- I logii Kubanskogo weditsinskogo instituta, Krasnodar (for Starkov). -US S R 11"'Itter 0( tho 111magan Cedar AS a Source 01' I~Zli. C. MV 11yatnitskil. N.~ P. Pyutvdtskff, and V. I. Krasu,nikov. Uc)W"& ZaPiSki KrWagdar. Gosudarsf_~ -32, Pedagog. Pnsl. 19S3, No~ 11, 128 Reffif4f. Zhur., Xhim. 1954, No. 3255B.-NetalLi of the Himulay ced 31 4" "Tascs'ttl pleasant acidic taste, with a weak rosin do,-, . co-t. 150-250 mg. % of vitamin C. A prOu. of. the needle ext. And the conditions for cultivatioP of the cedar are described. E. WlerbldcL- e j I- nw. PYATIIITSKIY, P,P, FYATNITSKIY, P.P., starshiy nauchrWy sotr.; SAZOY,,OV, V.V., red.; LEVINA, rX_.,_t_ek1m. red. [Answers to questionis on the Agricultural artel statute and col- lective farmers'-wages] Otvety na voprosy po ustavu sellskokbo- zi4stvennoi artell i oplate truda kolkhoznikov. Mosk7a, Izd-vo M-va sell.khoz.RSFSR, 1960. 182 p. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Institut'Gosudarstva i prava',AN SSSR (for Pyatnitskiy). (Collectivo farms-Law and legislation) (ColloC41Ve farms-Income distribution) I--- Q" PYATNITSKIY, N.P.; PYATNITSKAYA. I.N.; RAKITINA. S.F. Method of quantitative determination of pepsin and hydrochloric acid in a small Favlov's pouch in dogs [with summary in Maglish]. Biul.eksp.biol. i med. 44 no-9:10-15 3 157& (MIRA 10:12) 1. 1z kafedry biokhimit (sav. - prof. N.P.Pystnitakiy) lubanskogo moditsinmkogo Institute (dir. - prof. V.K.Suprunov), Krasnodar. Predstavlens daystvitellnum chlenom ANN SSSR V.N.Chernigovskim. (GASTRIC JUICS, soidity & pepsin in Pavlov's pouch, determ. (Rum)) (PWSIUS. determination in Pavlov's pouch (Rue)) I.S.; =T, I.B.; GEDYK, F.K., Inzhener, retsenzent; PTATNITSKIT. P.K., ispolnyayushchiy ob"yazannosti glavnogo redaktora ECalculation tables for semi-finished products used in the machinery industry] Tablitsy dlia polacheta raskhoda materialov; v pomoshch' normirovshchiku pri podechete vesa mashinostroitelf- nykh materialov. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. Izd-vo xamhIno- stroit. i sudostroit. lit-ry, 1954. 254 p. [Kicrofilml (MLRA 7:10) 1. Uralo-Sibirskoye otdoloniye Kashgiza kfor PYatnitskiy) (Machinery industry"Table's, calmifitions, etc.) ! -. -- --,, - 1~ / I - - - - . T I I- I I . -_- I i- I k I - - - --- FVTI!,IT'3l,rf, F. F. KA 17'i"'T'Ev, N. PAVLOW, I. V. ?.,'ATjTSI'IY. P.?,, Agrt~ulturil L'a-.-is ~,nd Legislation "Quentiors of colLective farr~j Ind land law". Reviewed lb~r Kal-andadze, A., Ivi AN SSSr., Ot:.~.. C'mn i prav--i, No. 1. 1952. LA~ont!-,l-- List (-,-f liussivin Accessions, Li:Drar-jr o .' Con,;ress, August 1952. Unclassified. 11". ~*,. i,4,, 5.r,r'i3 -I WRI - IATNITSKI I, S. S. I Breeding oak. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 19.r,-4. 147 P. USSR/Forestry - Biology and Typology of the Forest. K-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 2, 1958, 5861 r Author Pyatnitskiy., S.S. Inst Khar1kov Agricultural Institute. Title Hardiness, Longevity, and Reproducibility of Steppe Forests Orig Pub Zap. Khar1kovsk. s.-kh. in-ta, 1955, 10, (47), 3-14 Abstract The explanations of the.lesser longevity of steppe forests as compared with forests of the forest zone should not be considered exhaustive inasmuch as they do not take into ac- count the growth phase of the trees inrcalculating the en- vironmental influence. By analysis,with the cambiuals change in productivity it has been established that forest plants on the steppe have a quicker phasal development than those of the wooded steppe and the forest zone. The tree's vitality here depends more upon its phasal development Card 1/P 914 ~No- 2 4t cu, arlkov J,.vr-, I - e s o the fie n, s "AL- ru S -T Cf of ~ne geril's r id - n;.turu c-, t W -fe 1, 3 C).r -er 4 been r, re s n-z~ t i-me- it:-s ar ou b s I SFC.C OF. n-, r 0 SO of c~--~r on pollin;-lu L -7 h z;c ":z Ou" to C- 1,e C sorle, alf t lic 7, A., -,Co~~io .-I I i 0.% wa s -V 12 (i r, a,', .--t . a S ;, E: C pe ~f C' I.;"W s tr, b i Biol. 1"Too L r t !-it; -A I oft-S , , , t U 1 i r V i OW AL, V % 0 322 ~T. 7~ -'T T with U-&I yiZI,~1,1y 4t,, p,,.)p I. i- C I 0115v Cf thi- !.!I -s re,(~n!~ec con-ze :-r, lri~ f r 61 lit -beur iL-g of hy bIr i' ~-; u au C, f:3 w;a i. r it is~ emphasized 0--t. hyb~rids betwt~cn e,;ak te:3 W4:- The ca--s cjeve'IoLt;-d b-,, the ziuthor ie fnAt. at tle ac". of ~- t i a-~-- t, 1 -,~- Timi-vaze- Is oak, i'mildrov's 0, u K a nd v S oa -C 1 n c. second generation thercz. is usuillj seyar;~,.tion of cha~ract(-.ristics. cf I f t,,-e artificially produced o.--Ak i-oybr.-S the caks of' TImIrvazE;v arxi of rIuI;~I.TICFI'2 fcr uxarm.)Ie 7 irit n3c-ly s k 1PctcsyntI,-.E;siS place- much more ~ orids~ tli~iu in initiai forms i i cyw vj~j w FEDORENKOY S.I., otv. red.; BYALLOVICH,, Yu.P., nauchnyy sotr... red.; VORDBIYEV, D.V., red.; IZYUMSKIY, P.P., nauchnyy sotr., red.; KOBEZSKIY, M.D., red.; KUCHERYAVYKH, Ye.G.,- red.; LAVRINENKO, D.D., red.; NEDASHKOVSKIY, A.N., red.; PYITNLT3XIY.,~ red.; SAKHAROV,, N.P., red.; SHCHEPOT.IYEV, F.L.~ red.; MASLOBOYSHCHIKOVA, A.S., red.; POTOTSKAYA, L.A., tekhn. red. [Sheltered zone of the Dnieper) Zashchitnaia zona Dnepra. Kiev, Izd-vo UASKhN, 1962. 191 p. (ICRA 16W 1. Kharkov. Ukrainalkyi naukova-dos]Adchyi instytut 11sovohe hospodarstva i agrolisomelioratsii. 2. UkrainBkiy nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut lesnogo khozyaystya I agrolesome- lioratsii (for Byallovich, Lavrinenko, Izyum*4y). (Dnieper Valley~--Windbreaks, shelterbelts, etc.) iooooooooooooooooooo,:ooooooooooooooeoooo:oooo: i*090000009000000000:000060900ootooooooo~0000 -two to t A I. M 00 000 00 o r 00 ow 000 00 009" W:1,11 Y-N-IBA lirsatu slonle pb AjAiq "Imri -tIv Us 11! (pixop Al 4)i imAidu A-Mjjorqd a j si ems o wt opq sea j4s loasniminr aq i sm qmx4sp *-Is. q.L 1 3 tu*Ji OW434100000 P "PhRMPIP 4PGPA 00 00 t ' It 04 of Of u 0 i 01 Is 'I It R rvIs q 11j Ib It Is. - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- -------- -------- ----I------- ----c 111wilff"T"i ~Jmdm 19 It It &1 0 As 0 a 0 4 1., a a ilt ..a jkt, &;IVIN) t. of ."fists ..0 I.c t.rIfs r 00 of 00 96 1 rrmdO, 01* P. 11. itaftaw room:mp~ . mrw I= M.ftaW rnw -00 U&Siw'. mm"Now) WK mi-aaam Eft". WN) ~Tbt 00 41m"am tompow" &WrikwA lb Owth~bmw ve -00 so to"&. Gfumitimis ImtIe cut bw a dW*n dft. -00 kr&U)r to at -AAmMw md bbWw &*W. Tbir is Cut by t" -100matiar dibm Ow .00 0: in*W ohm F by me P~Glytic pirs w". ubkb bw =be. m. K 00:0 im to- 00 h"m a pok d Me"" ftserIm. Si z -, mor"d W" hwuhhub 00 to give wtwwlw Md. Ste" sm.whamew am 00 kmmtfi immierte int Wait, dm bhow ~. probe* as halmmidli, is Omni skimme. noMr. findw. bwpf. cummu, tutommFm dwymbay ad pbmmdw. Cbm. see eqwfim Ow tk O"COM aft aim. 1U c#" cdw- mg tin ~db is ad mmmwft Ori"d boa a book won mb, obw Cgs% is lewd im emm mummakhm is an WW 4MM nvU. A UOPS OmMli. of IS -911111W WON1111 WMM 1111 INAMOM to PrIVANO Imembb. D"awthim of the other ktimevirme Ime- cam dirpowo cd thir Owid are gbm. a. U. smdm*b 00 Mi too 9-$&A ONIA1.1.1010MAL LITIGAIUSE CLAIMPOCOTIMS ISO. sivell.- - 7 - . . ...... I goo Id"099 -0 141#091) .10 0.1 aft I a.. Ail sea 0 61191113 *01 o ; 9" 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 'a a 0 Me 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 '4 0 060 00000000 i0 0 0 0 0 00400006 6 40 0 0 0 0 NNW sm d "W'" Mill ow an of Amb d do &OWN" d LIOL - A Kyduvu- - I/ V'4 N. . 1 1, p 1.4 PIMA,. alk.41r. glA- %111040 r writ U%ril, jkVd th" VMO~Jm fiftind III Jrjw-fkl m the A1141C III l1kiNjOlk I.-I A" anglr -4 ir" T4 ro'. -bq 11JU10j"Aft,l III, 14,w light. %I.foAIt Q-1 a pA;ww.If Ifir AtAd, lwi, PYATHITSKIY, S.S., prof. Lmothods of Investigating natural regeneration by seed in Ukrainian steppe forests east of Dnieper] Matodike Issledo-, vaniia eatestvonnogo memennogo vosobnovlenile v lemakh, levo- bereshnoi, losontepi Ukrainy. Sost. S.S.Piatnitakii. Kherikov, 1959. 38 P. (NIELA 14:2) 1, Sel'skokhosysystvannyy Institut Imni T.T.Dokmehayeve, 2. Chlev,-korrespondent Tsesoyasnoy akmdemli obl'skokhosynystvan- nykh na~klm. T.I.Lenina (for PYatnitakly), (Ukraine--Reforestation) .-6 ~,L 24821-66 EWT(d)/E'tiP(e)/Pg(-R)/Wp(-T.)/EWP(J)/T/~~p_(k~/FWP(h) EWP(l)/ETC(m). WW1WWJ1. SOU'WE.C-QDEI UR1038116!;1000100610068100761 j. AGG NR: AP6006956 AUTHORSi Savorovskiy, W. 8.1 Verameyenkp, S,.V,j Pyatnitskiy,,.V. Is ORG: VNIINK9 Kishinev TITLE: Some special construction features of an 41trasonic defectoicoRi DUK--J& SOURCE: Defektoskopiya, nos 6j 1965P 60-76 TOPIC TAGSt defectoscope, ultrasonics, fiber glass, electric circuit, electronic equipment/ DOK-12 defictoscop ABSTRACTr The special features of an ultrasonic defecto .scope DUK-12 are discussed. The devicg is.used to investigate the phyi3ico-mechanical character- isti,;s of fibs r-glassl parts and their acoustic characteristics in laminated 7-Th st.nictures* Re-BY55-ek diagram of the instrument is shown in Fig. on the principle of sound wave reflections from the specimen at ultrasonic fre(..ancieso Some of the operating characteristics of the instrument are: 0.8 Mcycli frequency., minimum area for defeat-identificatio'n, 20 m2 area,,operating voltages of 24p 36, and 220 volts at 50-cycle frequencys weight 19 kg. The G ard 1/2 UDGs 620.179.16 L 24821-66 0 ACC NRS AP6006956. Fig.l. Block diagram of defoctoseope DUK-12, J 1 - synchronizer;.2 ~- radio pulse generatori 3 - tirA- bass generatoi; 4 - ultra- sonic scanner (a --smitters b - receiier)j 5 spec 6 -receivirl 7 cathode- ray tube; .8 - automatic defect recokerl 9 - autc_. matic acoustic contact V j signal indicator, receiver and scanner -of the defectoscope are discussed in some details The, receiver consists of three unitat radio-Pulsis ampli i a detector , and a video- amplifiers Orige arts host, 4'figures. . .SUB CODEt 1w MM DATEs':02Sep65/~ ORIG RM 006/ OTH RV s Card.2/2 ACC NRt 91601110 ... Monograph- ------- UR/ Savorskiy, Nikolay Semenovich;_Ep!~sk~ly, V~a~ ~zir losifovich; Veremeyenko, Stanislav Vladimirovich Ultrasonic flaw detection in structural glass plastics (Ulltr"vukovaya defektro- skopiya konstruktalormogo stekloplastika) JAningrad, 1965. 23 P. Illus." bibllo, Series note: Leningradskly dom nauchno-tekhnicheekoy propagandy.. ProizvodstvenM i opyt. Seriya: Elektrofiz 1cheskiye I elektrokhInIcheskiye wetody obrabotkl metallov. TOPIC TAGS: reinforced plastic, ultrasonic inspection, 12 flaw detector ultra- sonic flaw detection, Z111- PURPOSCE AND COVERAGE: This pamphlet describes the DUK-12 ultrasonic flaw detector developed at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Non-destructive Testing and Quality Control (VNIINK), Kishinev. It serves as a flaw detector and thickness gauge of glass fiber reinforced plastics used for structural Materials, The minimum surface is 20 M2, the thickness range Is 3 to 30 um, power source requirement is 200 v, operational frequency is 0.8 Mc, and the screen in 120 in diameter. The DUK-12 was approved for serial production at the "Elektrotoch- pribor" Plant, Kishinev, as the first Soviet device for quality control of glass fiber reinforced pLutics. ard uDc 678.5..677.52i:62o.179.16 L 22003-66 arr (Q/E7WT.(m)/EV(c)/E7dP ~v)/WP (j )/T/a1.P(k)/WP (1)/ETC (m) -6 IJP(C). ACCESSION NR: AP5024509 14WIRM UR/0191/65/000/010/0044/0052 678. 06-419:677. 521. 019 avorovskiy, N.-S AUTHOR: Pyatnitskiy, V. I.; S TITLE: Recent means of flaw detectid in certain fiberglas structures Ilk SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 10,, 1965, 44-52 TOPIC TAGS: fiberglass, ultrasonic flaw detector, nondestructive test, qu~ lit control, ultrasonic inspection, x ray an a y alysis ABSTRACT: A number of nondestructive methods for detecting flaws in fiber quality control. The ultraso'ni are evaluated to determine the best means for echo method may be expediently used.for inspecting glued joints and for quality control of different bulky stru tur'es.' Vibration control methods are recommend- c ed for checking the,quality of gluing metal, wood and concrete structures with fiberglass and other plastics. The ultrasonic shadow method is recommended I for quality control of small articles and mass production items. Thickness of material at any point in the structure.can be determined accurately by the ultra- Card 1/2 WWWAL L 19299-63 DIT(1)/MS AFFTC/ESD-3 TF ACCESSIOITNR: ARPM56o S/0169163/000/008/D022/DO22 7 i SOURCE: RZh. Geofizika, Abs. 8D143 'THOR: atnitskiy. V. K. Ab ~ T.ITLE: On the -interpretation of curves of horizontal gradients of magneti anomalies CITED'SOURCE: Tr_ geof It. imineralln.'sy*r-Y vY*P. 47.1-1962,, 145-152 TOPIC'TAGS: magnetic anomaly,.vertical gradieit, horizontal gradient, magnetic field-,vartical component TRAIISLATION: The direct 'oroblem, of calculating horizontal gradients of the mag- and A T) for certain,labaped bodies (infinite netic field (vertical component . cylinder, pole, sphere, strata with infinite:strike) is examined. A-table of values for some.charpcteristic points of curves of the horizontal gradient for the bodies under consid6intion is given. -Considered is the problem of determin- ing the bedding depth "d,:.thickness of the sheetlike bodies according to the i Card 112