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RM KHUDOSOVTSEV, N.M.; PAKv V.S., akademik; BORISHENK09 K.S.; PYATKIN, A.M., PYATKIN, K. D. K. D. PY A'ITD-T, K. B. PYATIM!, H. D. w S/081/62/000/OQ4/063/087 B150/138 AUTHORSt I filarkhilevicho K. I.p Abritalin, V. L., Pyatkin, I. I. 11 Varkhilevichp KO I,, Abritalin, V. L, TITLEt Inveitigation of the process for treating a high-densitivity panchromatic aerial film. I - The operating conditions for treating aerial film in a manual developing apparatus. II Increasing the photosensitivity and uniformity of development 'by cyclic development of aerial film. III Sensitometric Investigation of the method of "hungry" development of aerial, films. PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khi ract miya, no. 4, 1962, 457, abst ' -i. kinofotoin-tal no. 351 960, lio-116; 41,429 (Tr. Vses. n. 1 117-119; 120-125) x TEXT: The literature on the development of aerial films is reviewed in connection with the requirements for airial photograph interpretation and ,P.5 to establis h the dependence of resolution.on the range of.contrast. The,'~. ~ Card 1/2 S/081/62/000/004/063/087 Investigation of the process ... B150/B136 appropriate length of aerial film and the devel;ping time are established~ for a developing apparatus with manual rewinding. A method is suggested for cyclic development by-continuous winding of the film from one spool to the other. It produces excellent results with regard to increasing the photosensitivity of the film and the uniformity of development. A sonsito-~ metric~investigation is made, of a method of development which-increaaes light-senaitivity and includes repeated stee ing of the film in the develop~r'lv..45 with subsequent holdingng between glasses. ~Abstracterls notes Complete f': tranelation-1 ~0; ~USSR Microbiology. Hufnan zind Animal Pathogens. F Corynebact-.ria. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 5623. Author ; Pyat,'tin, K. D.; !CM-imovaj No D.; Markova, N& So Inst :Not gFven. Title :Changes in Forms !.M Diphtheria Bacilli. Orig Pub: Mikrobiol. zh., 1-!M, 20, No 1, 44-48. Abstract: Three changed miM type cultures and four cultures isolated Irom patients were studied; of these, three-oilif4tures were yeast-like forms, three coccoid: seventh was a V-shaped form with lemon-yellow Aigment. All the cultures were transferred zvAery 7-14 days to lysates ob- tained from FYivivifflococcus aureus, Streptococ- cus gravis type of diphtheria bacilli. In one Card 1/3 r- 7 USSR Microbiology. Human and Animal Pathogens. F Corynebacteria. Abs Jour; Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 5623. Abstract: case on the Staphylococcus lysate and in six cases on the diphtheria lysates, capsulated forms were observed, possessing proteolytic properties. They did not ferment lactose, gal- actose, or starch; in media with glucose and lactose, traces of acid were formed; they did not agglutinate homologous sera, were not patho- genic for animals, and were not antagonistic to mitis and gravis type diphtheria bacilli. After. 13-14 passages on the indicated lysates, a trans- ition of the capsulated form to thread-like and then to typical diphtheria bacilli morphological forms was observed. At the same time their pro-. Card 2/3 60 m I-PYATEE', i-. D. "On the mcMo(Is of lalhoral.ory of typhoid faveri-n paratyphoid and dysenter-y," Trudy Krymrk. red. in-t-a im. 3'alina, Vol. XII, 1041.3, 10.0-2-1 SO: U-3950, 16 June 53, (Latopia, 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey. go. 5. 1949). I -I PYATKIN, Kirill Dmitriyevich;,.IVANOVA, T.I., ##d.; CHUCHUFAK, V.D., -- ~Mllr;PRNYZ, A. L. v tekhn. red. PY."l-l"I"P K. PA 16TI43 USSR/Medicine - Spirochatosis May 1947 Medicine - Epidemiology "A Case of Leptoopirosis in the Crimea," K. D. Pyatkin, V. Yo. Laskin, E. M. Sultanoknya, L. To. Besprozvenneya, 2 pp "Gigiyena i Saniteriya" Vol XII, No 5 Detailed discussion giving epidemiological data. Concludes, emong other things, that the most probable sources of water fever are rate and horned cattle. i rifr43 AUTHOR: Pyatkin,, S.A. 106--58-3-10/19 TITLE: U _L;~ter --a the Editor. (P-islma v redaktsiyu) PERIODICAL: Elektro&vyaz*, 1958, Vr 3, pp 65 - 66 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Comment oil IlAn Approximate Method for the Calculation of the blutual Relation between Frequency and Tratisfer Character- isti_-s of Radio Circuits" - Elektrosvyaz~,)195?, Vr 1. Conclusions drawn by the author from Ea. ? and the initial formula W h(t).cos wtdt, are considered un r rmula for the e:~Tression o~ the t ue. Fo transfer processes is developed from- the freque.-Licy characteristic and vine versa. There are 2 figures av-1 1 Soviet reference. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress .Card 1/11 1. -Radio circuits-Charact*ristics 20 'Mathematics-Theory SOV/72-58-10-9/18 AUTHORS: antsev, P.G. TITLE: Contactless Method of Automatic Stabilization of the Temperature of Electric Furnaces (Beekontaktnyy sposob avtomaticheskoy stabilizatsii temperatury elektropechey) PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika) 1958, fir 10, pp. 35 - 36 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the industrial manufacture of endless glass fibers the regulation of temperature of the platinum-rhodium melting- pots is performedby means of an electronic control-millivolt- meter ofthe 3VW -47 type. The millivoltmeter controls the autotransform,er of the AO& 10/0,5 lype by control mechanism OR -1. The electric furnace in which the glass-melting pot is installed shows constant heat balance at stable temperature conditions. Any change of temperature of the pot in accom- panied by a change of the power consumption. Thus, also constant temperature of the electric furnace can be obtained by stabilization of the supply voltage which is supplied to, the terminals. NlIsteklovolokna, together with kafedra elektrooborudovaniya Moskovskogo aviatsionnogo instituta imeni Card 1/2 Ordzhonikidze (Chair of Electric Equipment of the Moscow Contactless Method of Automatic Stabilization SOV/72-58-10-9/18 of the Temperature of Electric Furnaces Institute of Aviation imeni Ordzhonikidze) have developed and tested a contactless scheme of automatic stabilization of the supply voltage of the furnace (Fig 1). In figure 2 the time course of voltage at the terminals is given. Auto- transformers of the UNF-1 type with electric drive and an automatic regulator of the _0'V -01 or')90, -12 type, respect- ively, (Fig 3) can be used for the purpose of stabiliz:Lng the voltage. There are 3 figures. Card 2/2 PYAn.Pl, Ye. M. I -vr- ch ".V., Ilauc"Inyy -.i':; PY~':-I':, Yo."., vell Ro~nrls -~Ft 'or th,; ecter-in-tion of b-~-'Ies in in cattle. Vptc-rin:,riin- 36 nzo.:-:?7-7~ A- l 5C veteril-.- naya Ft,-,-,tf:-1 .1,n (for (cattle-Diceases ancl, T,,r,,ts) (To:.-w-da) FYATKO, V. (Stavropol') L 0807o-67 EW IP~ (y) E7.-JP (k) IVP (h) 1EdP (1) ACC NR, AP60342119 SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/66/000/005/0242/0243 AUTHOR: Pyatkov, I. F. :ORG: Siberiah Branch, Win of A ricultural Mechanization (Sibirs.kiy filial.,VNII ~Z;io--kh--07yaystva) .TITLE: A device for makIng thin-wire miniature thermocouples SOURCE: Pribory i telchnika, eksperimenta, no. 5, 1966, 2.42-243 iTOPIC TAGS- thermocouple, temperature instrument, thermoelectric sensor A11STPUICT: A device is described which welds thermocouple wires together in a sodium chloride solution., The wires, twisted together at one end, are cla=ed vertically to a holder which can be moved toward the surface of the salt solution by meansof a screw mechanism. One conductor of the power line (220 v a-c) is connected to the holder mid anotherto the solution. When the wires make contact with the surface ! t :of the solution,an electric arc is created which welds the wires together. A special iswitch cuts off -the power automatically. The welded function is cooled by dipping it into the solution again.' Welding time must be established by testing the device at a current insufticient for arc formation, The junction in smooth and the strength of the wires is not significantly affected. Orig. art. has: 2 figuree. SUB CODE: 091 SUBM DATE: 27Aug65/ ORIG REF: 001/ ATD PRESS: 5102 PYATKOV, K.K.; BUKHARIN, A.K. (Kyzyl Kum--Folds (Geology)) Ipw F PYATKOV,.-K.IC.; BUKHARIN, A.K. PYATKOV, T.F., mashinist AW to operate a train with an inoperative generator and exciter in the diesel locomotive. Elek. i tepl. tiaga 5 nN6:34-35 Je 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Depo Kartaly Yuzhno-Ural.skoy dorogi. (Diesel locomotiveb.-Repairs) (Railroads-Rolling stock) A~,-A., atarshiy dessinator FTK 9-- (Precast concrete) (Apartment houses) I I AUTHORS: Kozin, Yu.V. and Pyatkovskiyp P.I, 127-12-22/26 TITLEs Sleeper-Padding Machine (Shpalopodbivochnaya washina) PERIODICALs Gornyy Zhurnal, 1957g No 12, p 68 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The Inatitute "Giprougleavtomatisatelyall has designed a highly- efficient sleeper-padding machine for tampine the ballast under the railroad sleepers during the construction and repair of railways. The machine, a self-propelling mechanism moving on rails, and driven by a water-cooledo 90 hp Internal com- bustion.5-cylinder carburetor enginejha apacity of 200 sleepers per hour.' Its orking speed i: a5.130 kn/hr and its transport speeds are 18 :nd 33 ka/hr. The total weight of the machine in 10 tons. At presentq the Dnepropetr(wok Locomotive- Plant in completing the manufacture of an experimental RR sleeper-tamping machine. The now machine will be tested early in 1958 and upon completion of successful tests will be mass- produced. The article contains 1 photo. ASSOCIATIONs "Giprougleavtomatisatoiya".., AVAIL&BLEs Library of Congress, Card 1/1 POPKOV, Ivan Fedorovich, kand. tekhn. nauk;.-EYATLIN, A., retsenzent; (Inland navigation) VLADWIROV, Njkolay Petrovich; SHICHEPETOV, Ivan Alekseyevich; BELOGLAZOV, Vasiliy Ivanovich; PUSHKALREV, Leonid Vasillyevich; ZERLOV, S.A., inzh., retsenzent; AGAFOV, A.D., kapitan, retsenzent; FIATLIN,,A.A.,kapitan, retsenzen-L; BAYULIN, P.F., kapitan, retsenzent; 1410SBUE, S.V., kapitan-nastavnik, retsenzent; POROCHKIN, Yle.N.) red.; MAKRUSHINA, A.N., red. [Sp.ecial sailing directiorr) for the Volga-Kama and Don River basins; Moscow Canal, Volga itiver from the Ivankovo Hydraulic Development Complex to Bertyull, KgynA R4ver.from.the city of Perm to its estuary, Vol-q-Don Canal, TSLmlyansk Reservoir, and the Don River from the Wxilyansk Re--ei,oir to the city of Rostov] Spetslotsiia'Volzhsko-Kamskogo i Donskogo basseinov; ka- nal im. Moskvy, r. Volga ot Ivanlkovskogo gidrouzla do nas. p. Bertiull, r. Yama. ot g. Perm' do ustlia, Volgo-Donskoi. kanal im. V.I.Lenina, TSimlianskoe vodokhranilishche i r. Don ot TSimlianskoge vodokhranilishcha do g.Rostov. Moskva, Trm sport, 1964. 288 p. (MIRA 17-.10) PAKHO-MOV, V.B., kand. tekhn. nauk; NAUMOV, A.I.,, inzh.; SHELMANOV V.S., inzh.; KONSTANTINOV, V.P., inzh.; KOSTRI, A.M., inzh.; SEMENOV, YU.K., Inzh.; FYATLDi, A.A., kapitan; VAGANOV, G.I., kand. tekhn. nauk.;-MflRiDb~,- A.A.9 inzh. KHODUNOV, M.Ye., kand. yuride nauk; SAPOGOVA, A.Ye., inzh.; SGYUZOV, A.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; VASILIYEV, A.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; ALEKSEYEV, V.I.p red.; KUSTOV, L.I.,, red.; VITSINSKrf, V.V., red.; BORISOV, I.G., red.; SOLAREV, N.F., red.; ANDRIMIKO, V.I., red.; SUTYRIN, M.A., red.; GOLOVVIKOV, V.I., red.; ZOTOVA, V.V., red. (Manual for the navigator of a river fleet] Spravochnik su- dovoditelia rechnogo flota. Izd.2., dop. Moskva, Transport, 1965. 423 P. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Gorlkovskiy institut inzhenerov vodnogo.transporta (for Pakhomov, Semenov, Vaganov.. Vasillyev). 2. Moskovskiy rech- noy tekhnikum (for Naumov). 3. Volzhskoye ob"yedinennoye rechnoye parokhodstvo, (for Shelmanov. qaDogova). L. Mirister- stvo, rechnogo flota (for Konstantinov~p~15vi~idov).5.K&74M'skiy port (for Kostin). 6. Moskovskoye rechnoye parokhodstvo kfor Pyatlin). KAZAKOVaIT, Dmitriy Antonovich, prof.. doktor takhn.nauk; AVEMIN. Stepan Gavrilovich, prof.. doktor takhn.nauk; IKOV, Antonin likolayevich. doteent, kand.takhn.nauk; XSEV, Mikhail losifovich, dotments kand.tekhn.nauk; ZWOVIOH. Tyacheslay Grigorlyevich, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; KROTOV. Gavriil Aleksayevich. dotsent. kand.tekhn.nauk; LAVROV, Vladimir Nikolayevich. kand.takhn. nauk; LNUM, Kirill Mikhaylovich. assistent; IPYATLIN. Mikhail Petrovich. dotsent. kand.tekhn.nauk; STRUIN, 73'~da-ftt; J3U INSKIY, V.A.,; SLAVOROSOV, A.Kh., red.izd-ve; ALADOTA, Te.I.,,; KOROVANKOTA, Z.A., [Mine surveying] Karkshaiderskoe delo. Moskva, Ugletekhisdat, 1959. 688 p. (MIRA 13:11) (Kinesurveying) ABRAki,l"'S'.1., kand.tnkhn.nnuk-, AV12SHIN, S.G., prof., doktor teklui.nauk; ANNOSOV, 1.17., doktor .-min. nau1c; AhDRIYEVSKlY, Y.D., lagh.; ANTROPOV, A.N.. lnzh., AYANASIYEV, B.L., inzh.; WIGMAN, Ya.V., inzh.; BIA)KHA. Ye.Ye., irzh.; BOGACHEVA,. U.N.. inzh.; BUIRINSUT.Y.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; VASIL'Y"KV, P.V., doktor geol.-min.nauk; VINOGRADOV. B.G., inzh.; GOLUBLY, S.A., inzh.; GORDIYENK0, F.D.. inzh.; GUSEV, N.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; DORCKH111~ I.V., kand.geol.-min.nauk; KAWKOV. G.S.. inzh.; XASATOCHKIN, V.I., cloktor khim.nauk; KCROLEV, I.Y., inzh.; KOSTLIVTSICV, A.A., inzh.-, k'RATKOVSKIY. L-Y.. inzh,; KRASHIMINNIKOV. G.F., prof. doktor geol.-min.jieuk: MOW, L.A.. inzh.',- LEVIT, D.Te.. inzh',; LISITSA, I.G., kand.tekhn,,nax&; WWIIKOV. V.A., inzb.; MATMEV, A.K., dote., kmndgeol.-min.navk; HEPURISHVILI. G.Te., iznh.; MIRONOV, K.V., trizh,; MOLCHANOV. I.I., 1-7,nh.; NAUHOVA, S.N.. starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik, IMIPMW. V.Te., inzh., PAVICV, F.F.,.doktorAekhn.uauk; PANTUIOV. P.R.. doktor geol.-min.nauk-, POPOV, V.S., inzh.;..PTATLlN,0'.,M..Fq-, kgnd.tekhn, nauk; RASHKOVSKIY, Ys.r..,' inzh.; ROKANOV. V.A.. ~riof., doktor tekhn. nauk; RTZHOY, P.A., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; SELTATITSKIT, G.A., insh.; 03RANSKIT. N.A.. inzh., T~WTTIYNV. Te.Y., inzh.; TITOV, N.G.,doktor khim.nauk; GOKAREV, I~F,, inzh.; TROYANSKIY. S.Y., prof.i doktor geol.- min.nauk; FXDOROV, B.D., aots., kand.tekhn.uauk;PZD0R0V. V.S., lnzh. (deceased]; KHOKEIROVSKIY,, A.S., prof., doktor gool.-min,nauk; TROTANOV- SKIY, S.Y., otyetstvennyy red.; TERPIGORN, A.M.. red.; KRIKUNOV. L.A., red.; KUZNEfSOV, I.A., rr-d,-. MIR011OV, K.V., red.; AVERSHIN. S.G.. red.; BURTSIV, M.P., red.: VASILIYEV, P.V.. red.; MOLCHANOV, I.I.. red.; RYZHGV, P.le, red.; BALANDIII. V.V.. inzh.. red.; BIM, I.M., iand. tekhn.nauk. red.; BURP111113KlY, V.A., kand.tekhn.nouki red.; VOLKOV. K.Tu.. inzh., red.; VCKW'YW. A.A., inzhe, red.; ZVOYAREV, K.A.,'prof. doktor tekhn.nauk. red. (Cnntintmil nn ndav+. e-mvAl ABRAKOV. S.K.-,r (continued) C&2,d 2. ZDANOVICH, V.G.. prof.,dnktor tekhn.naukired.; IVANOV. G.A.. doktor geol.-min.nauk, red., KARAVAYEV. U.M., red.; KMOrKOV, G.V.. kand.geol.- min.naukg red,; KOROTKOV, M.V., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; KAMVEM. A.A.. doktor geol.--min.nauk. rcd.: OMELICEMMO, A.N.,kmnd.tekhn.nauk,red.-, SENDERZON, E.K.,kand.geol.-min.nauk, red.; USHAKOV, I,N., dote., kand. tekhn.nauk, red.; TABLOKOV, V.S., kand.geol.-min.nauk,red.; KOROLNVA, T.I.,; KA~IIALKIIIA, Z.I.. red. I zd-va;,, FROZOROVSKAYA. F.L.,; NADY-1145KAYA. A.A., (Mining; an encyclopedia hindbook) Gornoo delo; entsiklopedicheskii apravochnik. Glav. red. A.H.Terpigorev. Moskva. Goo.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po ugollx.,of proLVshl. Tol.2. [Geology of coal deposits and surveting] Geologile urollnykh mostor-ozhdanii i marksheiderakoe delo. Redkolegila to=A S,Y.Troianskiyo 1957. 646 p. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Chlen-korres ondent Ali SSEM (for Uravsyev) Mal goolory-Dictionaries) L 33115-66 ACC NR, AP6024083 SOURC". C66i:~;-:---W/-0144/66/000/002/6233/0236.1 AIMICR- .~&~V lov. A. S.: t1mn. A. Api Holchanov. Vo Do; Kranyu , 14. pas Agranovs!!Ix K.. Yiio: Borger. A. Ya.; Greyor. L. K 6; Yesakov, V. Fo; Uller, To* Vol Ke Abrvutln, K9 I.g Teiiijivi-, H* Toot T~ratmnn V. Oransidy, -T!5-F-Rrn-.--G-.'B.;* Sinollnikov, Ye. M.; Avilov-Karnaul&-o-7-,-T.-N.--l-Ngu-SN, A. Gas ORG: none- -//6 TITIZ: Oa..Do Dron (on hit; 70th birtliday) SOURO."I IVUZ. E'laktram')&anika, no. 2. 1966. 235-236 TOPIC TAGS: electric onginnering porsonnal, circuit breaker AT13TRAGIN Orip Borlsovich Dron was born In 1896 in Klintsi. In 1920, he graditat-ri from thn physlcs-rktth faculty of Kharlkov.Tecimc!logic.,Il.lnotitutoo Us becam ft pro- fossor in 1930. Ile defended his dociorfs thesis In 1*6' Duirifig the second. world war, lin was in the navy. After donDbilization in 1950. Engineer Colonel Bron vmnt to work towili-Ing at the Laningad Industrial Corrognndence School* He becam the fiend of tlin Chair of Theoretical Etazos of Electrical Technology In 1958. lie is eloarIV associatod vith scientific and development work. and has cooperated closely in flits area ifith the Lenin Vad "Clektrosils" plant since 1946o His work has been in the aroai of ~park-davqdng and hi&-Vm--rJ-L1Rktt breaker@. lie has publidwd over 11#0 r 'cientifia works and 19 Invention#* LJHW oB conc: o5, o9 SM DAM mw C d 1/1 i I IT I 1_71 Ul rig VIP 'P., "Rif Ell t; ;*;L a if IP4 I KHODAS) M.Ya. (Moskva, Krasnopresnenskaya nab.d.1/2,kv.163); nATN1-V-.KALA.,__2g.Kh.; ZHIDOVETSKAYA, A.S. Neutralization of heparin by protamine sulfate during artificial blood circulation. Klin.khir. no.7:59-62 J1 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Laboratoriya iskusstvennogo krovoobrashcheniya (nauchnyy rukovoditell - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. B.V.Petrovskiy, zav. - koktor med.nauk G.M.Soloviyev) Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta eksperimentallnoy khirurgicheskoy apparatury i instrumen- tariya na baze gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki. (HEPARIN) (PROTAMINES) (BLOOD-CIRCULATION, ARTIFICIAL) 'y 120-5-31/35 AUTHORS: Presnov, V.A., Pyatnichuk, G.K. and Synorov, V.F. TITLE: An.Instrument for the Measurement of Electrical Conductivity and Hall's Constant in Thin Semi-conducting Layers. (Pribor dlya izmereniya elektroprovodnosti i postoyannoy kholla v tonkikh sloyakh poluprovodnikov) PERIODICAL: Pribory i Teldinika Eksperimenta, 195?, no-5, pp. 119-120 (USSR).. 'ABSTRACT: The instrument (Fig.1) can be used for rqid measurement of .electrical conductivityand Hall's constant for given areas on thin specimens deposited on slides of gla.3s or other dielectric material. The slide 3 with the deposited samples 4 is kept in position by the cam 2 on a moveable table 1. The table moves., on a lath along the guide 7. The fixer 5 keeps the table and, consequently, also the sample in the required positions. A panel 8 on a moveable table has current, compensation and Hall electrodes 6 attached to it. This.panel is kept in place by springs 13 and is,ipoved by means of the lever 9 and cam 10, perpendicularly to the plane of the specimen, and keeps the direction of motion by means of the four rods 12. The elec- trodes can move freely along the bushes,.pressed into the panel, under the action of bronze springs 11. The scheme produces the (;ardl/3 necessary control of contact pressure on the specimen and the 120-5-31/35 An Instrument for the Measurement of Electrical Uonductiv ity and Hall's Constant in Thin Semi-conducting Layers. i)anel can be raised when the table 1 carrying the.specimen is moved. The simple construction of the electrodes means that one can have a collection of electrodes made from different materials and having contact surfaces of different form and size, and that one can deposit on their surface various coatings. When working with verythin layers one can put end pieces of soft metal (e.g. indium or tin on the ends of the electrodes to protect the layer. The distance between the electrodes on the panel can be varied depending on the size of the sample. The samples were deposited on slides 23 x 80 mm in arga, the surface area of the samples thems6lves being 23 x 50 mm---. After the deposition, the latter surface i~ divided by means of a standard pattern into sections 23 x 4 mm. with gaps of 1 mmbetween them. The device is sus- pended between the poles of an electromagnet on two pivots 14, connecting the device with a platform placed on the windings of the electromagnet. Provision is made for the control of the position of the device between the poles of the electromagnet. The device lies in a gap of 25 mm between the poles of the electromagnet. Brass was used for the metallic pwts and organic uard2/3glass for insulation. Measurements were carried out (Ref.1) of 120-5-31/35 An Instrument for the Measurement of Electrical Conductivity and Hall's Constant in Thin Semi-conducting Layers. the properties of thin layers ofseparate elements obtained by evaporation,in a vacuum and also of thin layers of bina y speci- mens obtained by Vekshinskiy's method (Ref.2) from elements of ~group III and V*of the periodic table. By a comparison of the distribution of electrical properties along the length of a specimen, and the distribution function of concentration of the components calculated from Vekshinskiyls formulae, it is possible to obtain the dependence of electric properties on composition in a wide range of concentrations of the binary alloy. Fig. 2 shows the results of measurements of specific resistance of a thin layer of variable composition of indium- antimony. There are 2 figures and 2 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION: The Siberian Physico-technical Scientific Research Institute TGU (Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy nauchn,o-issledovatel'skiy institut TGU) SUBMITTED: April 1, 1957. AVAILABLE. Library of Congress Card 3/3 PYATN V 1, L, A, ~ XOIVU~V) 8 a 0 6 ~ XAUNIOV ~ Ye. N. et al. 11 I I 0 A 4 L g_" - j s W 0 a III# ITJDIJ r, I, 12-A if a J6 v if )v 10 11110 job bu 0 0 a it 4w At age 0 1w -1 1. 6 A I I & 0 1 4 , , so ATM IT~ W ' 44~ 00 , 410 Af 00... set. !-00 ;_00 -00 000" asildetloo of miliphatk Skabok. it, Ft'N" , 1 o N -00 .,_ . 4461#1 l w. Ault Al lilt 4MY.A. 1 -so "MAOrd lit IttA,, Am W.1,111VIh- At W., the ill- -00 0 j Vb phtadus 4-1 It, Ole volluitle* the All 7 goo i M, ,,Alr,l with I'IAI,, With an vIrcifillYte till 5 so 0~ letup. 1.1v 2W. maul at,-. Collett. ki.trJ7. atup.,,4q. clu., 0 00 he yi,.I,i of p"4,&,ajc aci%j wa-A 46%. en.imy cwl- t d, id P i 0 wi , c Av utyr ~urnplkni, 41 it". hr,..N. u# m-W. ' 1; N 00 V1 in. and %611 .1, of oil 3", ill 0.04 asup., -1, lailled In Yi 0 0 00 SI&I.VAI. as earlity :'.0 he. 1114, LO, ' il 5 too 0 W , e "I. 1.1vak-sw sew ww% $*!pd. stwilt; 001 plan MuSO.. 'M saint. wa, sitrrvif: letup. wa- not mer 00 00 20"; fatio 1 6; c d, It 10t 11.1111 anitCul. cut,; 'L d I Are* it mvi nc Its. rialoula , Jialvll~ ' " lit- aea' T "" T" l 431" ct .,"I iii e i ;00 v d, Il i Viv OVI , K.4mNi. J It L in** . _ Lim, hf~ it Is 0 00 rloo 00 00 f :see tifew.14.0t ctailificitTIC. :goo 1A all t It 11 th; too 0 o so 0 I it of 0000000 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 00 000000 0000*0000 49 0 0 0 0 00 so,* 0 00 0000::oee 000, Soso 00 0 0 0 IS