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PYATAKOV, GEORGIY LEONICOVICHI, MENDANT. N15 i35.21 I I -P91 I KARIkKINY F.F.; HODICIIEV A.F.- PUTIY G.P,i- WiSOV, Aa.; UYATAKOV L.V - RP-UTSEP A.P. [Rautsepp, A.); BIJIG011RAVOV,. S..I.; GIU,CHIKJIO, A.M.; DRUZHININ, B.N.; SHUER40, D.I.; BPUSIII, A.F.; LOYKO, P.G.; CIIERIIAKOV, B.A.; SHORNIKOV, F.M.; SOPIN, P.F. Remarks of the members of the Conference. Torf. prom. 37 no-5: 22-28 160. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Ivanovskiy gosudarstvennyy torfotrest (for Karakin). 2. Sverdlovakily torfotrest (for Rodichev). 3. Gosplan USSR (for PutiY). 4. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy trest torfyanoy promy- shlennosti (for Basay)-.-- 5. MogiUcvskiy oblastnoy sovnarkhoz (for Pyatakov). 6. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-teklinicheskiy komitet Estonskoy SSR (for Rautsep). 7. Gwtkovskiy sov- narkhoz (for Blagonravov). 8. Belorusskiy sovnarkhoz (for Grechikho, Shukhman). 9. Yaroslavskiy sovnarkhoz (for Druzhinin). 10. Bobruyskaya mashimo-meliorativnaya stantaiya (for Loyko). 110 Gipromestprom-Gosplana RSFSR (for Chernakov). -12. Ilezhkolkhotnoys torfopredpriyatiye, "Volosovskoyell Lenin- gradskoy oblasti (for Shornikov). 13. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut torfyanoy promyshlennosti (for Sopin). (tat industry) -J, alM /60/000/005/040/051 AUUMNS I I I VV ti-I V V.. tbyurc,. A.V., -Mi -ro WILS t - PY 74 -7100 V~-Amf PRUODtCALt Pribory I keperl...t.. 1960, No. 5. pp. 167 _ 151 TIM?, Th. a- al.ct- at.,. ... Pa. type tMW-100 (Par. 3). dx1t,.po pli;: -.. be.regmrd*d . a further d4volopment ,.;:rc:o be aP. ty Y3M6 100 tu-'- 100). In V.rtLtul.r. 3 the 64614 voltage MPPLI.. h... the .... thre. stags.. i.e. Ia. 75 ad 100 kV and the lease. operate with the -* number or amp:ro-turms. However. the Dow microscope is provided with Improved V:..r supplies. All th. Vi.. Lane.. of the 'I ere sappll d from current t-bilis.r. hich or. based on ingle-stoge circuit in wh!cb the woodas of the amplifier tubes :r:,C-d tr . a t.bilia.d 1. this way . iner. f:,thr 1. r.... at Lt ty :C the I..* currents ... ..hi-d. Lo the at bility ... s.curod by employing u.:.tub s. %3rp.o 6H13C (61.138) ad Cr_19C (63185). Th us. or the new card 1/14 -a-.- tio, ~r ' am numb;W.e sw::.::hiw,ioa' :;.trot of the lame currenti. which r7 ro v Lou rating couditio., of the Ltr ... up.. The maim. - 1 (220 V) is first statilia.d, by Gas" tags sort*.-aoam:ct~d f.rrareso ... t (Fig b:!4&rL**,.typ I . ful It, or If- to . :r- .t:bilt..d supply Th; supply ouxc.. f "h:"l ;:dpr Id,d wi .. :**rc:4,.Lt. e control. which is ..hi.v.d by m.... . f G"tt:lop:aLtch... C-truction.Lly. the switch.. to block., each consisting of 3 wafers. VAcb wafer to provided -.-.t. end has an IndeponAent control knob. The P ' ; L .:.. . rovLd ng the supply to th:fstig-t.ra a.. solved a MmaV, am - 3);Lel at ad ,.a -nub:r or -G:r (?ISc . 9 .. mean r t, rn 11L.Z 300 NA. i us d far .11 the stignaturs. 5 potentiometers corresponding to the number Card 2/4 of the otigustor coils srs~~ommoetod in Grim. across the otabillmor output. Th..wo11t:ga.o *1r-y.r*,-tor; to 1. from these pot utio too h r t me o :'two tars As we" low. the change of current in on. less tar doom not cause &my variation of the current in the :112- -rk urr*:1 central,,:tLg store !l!;Qr Th:,d .t::,th:.c d md::t It to. high , It A. the t r the a" alcroacope to done in th . a... or .. in the old on., except that instead of the four control tubes. type (7451i 6XIS). ly too as tubes. type 6slas. are ..ploy.d. hit. ,h:. 4. ro -.*,r I. b ... d .. th. ,.be trp. (6.,48S '.:t4a. .' 6r'1' (6p3S). There or* two versions of the high- the voltage refer At the t.:rb:.p my a- discharge tube. type Cr-1101C (SG-2013). .. the r.feronc. "are*. The circuit ror c -w.tiRS a goa-dischargo stabilia*r IN she" in fig. 3. 1 t w.: found that th : Iattder.tjp;L..r stabillsor was quite satisfactory tt r.- %y. mt.117 Card 3/44 hot the a.. tar ....... fitted with the "!I d*lll*y.d 8t.bill..d supply .-we-.. he. . r ... I. t~:. 1. 4 There are 4 rig_.. ad 3 Soviet*s. r A. SUDMTTn. J-17 4. 1939 Card 4/4 SOV/126-6-2-23/34. AUTHORS: Pyatakova, L. L. and Gol'dshteyn, Ya. Ye. TITLE,: Influence of the Character of the Interaction of Aluminium. 7 Nitrogen, Boron and Titanium on Certain Properties of Steel (Vliyaniye kharaktera vzaimodeystviya alyuminiya 7 azota, bora i titana na nekotoryye svoystva stali) PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i blet.allovedeniye, 1958, Vol 6, Nr 2. pp 347-353 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The aim of the work described in this paper was to establish in the first approximation t-he character of the interaction in steel of boron, nitrogen and aluminium and.. the influence of their interactions on the properties of medium alloy steel. The influence was investigated of the sequence of introduction into the liquid steel of nitrogen and boron on the character of their interactions and thus on certain properties of boron-containing steels. The range of useful application of titanium in such steels is outlined. For the experiments two basic and one reference group of castings were made; the metal was smelted in a.50 kg electric furnace with an acidic bottom. Prior to tapping the metal was deoxidised with aluminium.-., Card 1/4 Each variant of the castings was produced by the SOV/126-6-2-23/34 Influence of the Character of the Interaction of Aluminium-, Nitrogen, Boron and,Titanium on Certain Properties of Steel fractional method. Enrichment of the steel with nitrogen was effected by introducing chemically pure sodium cyanide (in sealed iron capsules) into the liquid metal. The metal for producing the first group of castings was prepared in such a way that the boron was added to the nitrogen-enriched steel, whilst the castings of -the second group were produced from metal into which nitrogen (NaCN) was added after the final deoxidattion of the steel and after the boron has been i-ntroduced. The boron was introduced in the foim of a Q' 16 ferroboral. The tuhird,reference group,of castings was cast in the same way as the second group. The chemical compositions of the investigated steels and the sequence of introducing nitrogen and boron are entered in Table 1, p 348. In Figs. 1 and 2 the influence on the hardenability of the "Steel 30" of boron and nitrogen additions is graphed;. in Fig.5 the influence of nitriding on the hardenability ,of the boron-containing steel 45R is graphed. In Figs.3 and Card 2/4 4. micro -structure photographs are reproduced. Fig 6 ghows fractures of the Steel L~5R after over-heating at 1~75 C SOV/126-6-2-23/34 Influence of the Character of the Interaction of Aluminium, Nitrogen, T:oron and Titanium on.Certain Properties of Steel and subsequent heat treatment. The impact strength values are entered in Table 2, P 349. On the basis of the obtained results the following conclusions are arrived at: 1. The combined influence of boron, aluminium. and nitrogen on the properties of the steel depends to a considerable extent on the sequence of their introduction. into the steel. 2. The established dependence of the influence of boron, aluminium. and nitrogen on the sequence of their introduction into the steel is due to differing mechanistas ,of their interaction. 3. On introducing boron into liquid steel after deoxidation with aluminium, boron nitrides no longer form (or form in insignificant quantities), since the nitrogen which is dissolved in the steel is combined in stable aluminium nitrides; this ensures that the boron is maintained in the solid solution and exDlains its influence on -the properties of the steel. Card 3/1~ 4. On introducing or absorbing nitrogen in boron- SOV/126-6-2-23/34, Influence of the Character of the Interaction of Aluminium, Nitrogen, Boron and Titanium on Certain Properties of Steel containing steel a partial or a total removal of the boron from the solid solution takes place due to the preferential formation of nitrides (carbonitrides). 5. The lower inclination to over-heating of boron- containinE steel in presence of titanium can be explained for the first stage of over-heating by the fact that the titanium carbides are braking the growth of the austenite grain, and f or the range of high temperatures by the fact that it influences the boron distribution in the boundary zones. There are 6 figures, 2 tables and 18 references, 9 of which are Soviet, 8 English, 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinskiy tra'.ktornyy zavod, Chelyabinskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Chelyabinsk Tractor Works, Chelyabinsk Polytechnical Institute) SUBUITTED: November 28,1 1956 Card 4/4 1- Steel--Properties, 2. Aluminum--Metallurgical effects 3. Boron--Metallurgical effects 4. Nitrogen--Metalluraical effects 5. Titanium--Metallurgical effects S/277/63/000/001/007/017 A052/A126 AUTHORS: Lyakhovich, L. S., Pyatakova, L. L. TITLE: Some specific effects of boron on structural steel properties PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otdel'nyy vypusk, 48. Mashinostroitel'nyye materialy, konstruktsii i raschet detaley mashin, no. 1, 1963, 7, abstract 1.118-53 (In collection: "Novoye v metalloved. i tokhnol. term. obrabotki stali". Chelyabinsk, 1962, 48 95) TEXT: The effect of B on annealability, austenite grain size and the tendency of steel to overheating was studied. it is pointed out that micro- alloying with B raises the annealability of structural steel. B can be used as a substitute for a number of alloying elements and also for improving the pro- perties of carbon or low-alloy steel grades in a low-tempered state. When using B-containing steels it is necessary to take into account the negative effect of B on steel properties (tendency to grain growth, overheating, stony fracture, reduction of notch toughness, etc.). There are 32 references. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 S/137/63/000/001/014/019 A0061AI01 AUTHORS: Iskhakov, S. S., Shitov, A. P., Miroshnikova, K. Ye. TITLE: On the mechanism of the effect of some elements upon the properties of carburized steel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 1, 1963,*50, abstract 11283 (In collection: "Novoye v metalloved. i tekhnol. term. obrabotki stali", Chelyabinsk, 1962, 7 23) TEXT: The authors investigated the'Si-Mn steel system containing in %: C 0.15 0.24, Si 0.80 - 1.30, Mn 1.5 - 2.00 with admixtures of V, Cu, W, B, T1.1 Cr and Mo. The steel-is intended for the production of gears. The effect of. alloying elements upon martensite transformation was studied. M. is most strong-: 1y reduced by Mn and Cr; less by Ni, V, Mo, andis almost not reduced by Si and Cu. Due to alloying with Si (1-0 - 1.3%) it is possible to prevent, during carburizing, oversaturation of the surface C layer and t6 obtaift a fiecessary depth of the carburized layer at an optimum C content (0-85 0-�%). Si-Mn Card 1/2 S/137/63/000/001/014/oig On the mechanism of the effect of... A006/A101 steels have a martensite transformation temperature as high as 300-to 3650C. Admixtures of Mo, V, Cr (0-5 - 0.7%) or B (0.001 - 0.002%) to Si-Mn steel secure., high roasting ability and satisfactory properties on large-size parts, up to 45 kg/mm2, 100 mm in diameter. Si-Mn 'steels have ab 132 - 167 kg/mm2, cs- 122 -1 grain size is 2.9 - 3.2. 10 - 15%,-~ 53.5 - 66.6%, ak 10.3 - 13.8 kgm/cm2 Additional alloying of the steel with V, Cu and Mo prevents grain growth, strengthens the'grain boundaries and increases roasting ability. Alloying- affects the failure resistance of the steel due to its increased ductility (in martensite state). Grade 17cr 2 M (17SOaM) steel, developed on the basis of the investigations, offers high fatigue contact and operational strength. The use of this stbel instead of 12X2Hq (IMMCh) steel yields savings of about 70 rubles per 1 ton. There are 12 references. L. Koblikova [Abstracter's note; Complete translation] Card 2/2 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1703 Golldshteyn, Ya.Ye., Candidate of Technical Sciencesp L.S. Lyakhovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, L.L. Pyatakova, Engineer, and G.M. Trusenev, Engineer Mikrolegirovani e staii 45 dobavkoy bora (Boron Additives for Micro- alloying of ~5 Steel) Moscow, AN SSSR, 1956. 13 P. (Series; In- formatsiya o nauchno-issledovatel'skikh rabotakh. Tema 1, no-I-56-217) 870 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: USSR. Gosudaratvannyy komitet po novoy tekhnike, and Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut nauchnoy i tekhnicheskoy In- formatsii. Filial., Exec. Ed.: A.I. Okuneva, Engineer; Ed.: L.M. Gopman, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: V.A Ponomarev. PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientists and engineers working in the field of metallurgy. Card 1/2 Boron Additives for Microalloying (Cont.) SOV/1703 COVERAGE: The booklet gives the results of an investigation of the properties of boron-containing 45R steel developed by the Central Laboratory of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant in cooperation with the Department of Metallurgy of the Chelyabinsk Polytechnical Institute. At present, this steel finds wide application in the manufacture of critical parts of 3-80 tractors. Active participa- tion in the investigations was taken by ToNlIChERMET (Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy),pand this organization was responsible for introducing 45R steel to industry. There are 5 references, of which 3 are Soviet and 2 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: None given. This book is divided Into the five following sections: (1) Composition of the Steel .4 (2) Hardenability 5 (3) Mechanical Properties 8 (4) Characteristics of Quenching Crankshafts of 45R Steel by Means of High Frequency .11 (5) Conclusion 14 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress G0Jad Card 2/2 6-1 -59 129-58-5-8/17 A 1 J 12111 U R.0" Pyatakova. L. L., Engineer and Z-1-i-J'zhig"'ina, 0. Do ~TITLE: On the Influence of Boron-on the Grain Size of Stee! (K voprosu vliyaniya bora na velichinu zerna stali). TTMIODICAL: T-Jetallovedeniye i Obrabotha Lletallov, 101-8, Nr 5, pp 27-30 + 2 plates (USSR) ABSTRACT: Miost authors arrive at.the conclusion that the addition of 0.001 to 0.005% boron increases the effective size of the austenite Zrain -and increases its tendency to groi.-ith. Vinarov, S.M. (Ref-3) points out the variable influence of various quantities of boron on the E;rain size. Corbett, R. and 'Hilliams 7 A. (Iron A--e, ITO-15,1945) expressed the view that addition of boron does not brinr- about increase in the size of the caustenite grain. IVerlY little is published in literature on the influence of boron and of the, conditions of preli=inary.deoxidation on the dimensions of the auster-it-e -rain. Kaf e~'-Ira 1,Letallovedeni-a C1_,PI (T-Uetallur3-y Chair of ChPI) and Tsentral1naya Laboratuoriya ChK9 (Centi~al Laborato,_,y of the CIM) carried out studies of tl-,c- inf luence of ,ra_ricus quantities of boron and of preliminary ferro-'U-itaniLua on tlie size of the austenite Grain which is Card 1/3 obtained in the case of_heatin:~ of boror, containin- steel. On ~the Inf lue~-Ice of 1~oron on the Grai n Size of Steel 129-58-1-8/17 A me!-l.- of 5`6cel L35 (Ref -5) micro-alloyed -.'.--ith boron has been cast and investigated. The. sacitin- :i_-3 done 4- in a 6 ton electric arc furnace wivh an acidic to_;:ton, -rain v The influence of boron additions on the aU34-p S4-in,:,- size vas st-aiied durinn- fractio-ral ca of :ael~s 1v-i`-h various quantities of boron. Af ter reachi::,,-, -~.-hn_ de-sired chei-Acal coiaposituion the metal vas tvapjed into a 5. =,I ton ladle. Afte-r tappin- off the sla alua-4nium (0.31 1--g per Cj ton) and 13% ferrotitaniu:n (2 kg per ton of 7aetai) viere introduced, From the, lzLrge ladle the metal was poured into a smaller castin3 ladle of 600 R:G, at the bottom of v.,hich ferroboral was placed -containinc, 6,756a BEI, 1~.85rj; Si, 5.48%, A!, O.OG-% C, O.OIL419o' S, rest Fe. Prior v0 introduc:Ln,7 boron into the metal in the small ladle, additional deo:cidation was effected.usin,~ 1 hr- of alumini-w-m per 1 ton of metal. From 'the small ladle in[~ots we_iGhin- Q'O kG vere cast. The chemical co:apos--zLt,-,cn of one of the investi.-ated nelts is.entered in Table 1, Det-nils are U-ini; to the -;n also Given of tne tests rel.,-,4 fluance of -Dreliminary deo:!_'idation of boron containinri--, steels Card 2/3 lerrotitanium on the Grain size of the austenite, The C)-r. Hrp Trf1mr~nnia nP 'Inron nn lilhp Grnin fli~:o nf Steel 129-53-5-3/17 results confir-a the L~reant influence of micro - addit ions of boron on the brotrth of the -raill siz2 durin,- - heatinL^.- of cast and forGed steel. The temperature of the of an appreciable of the austenite Grain durinZ,, heating of boron cuntaininG steel can be increased by p-reliminary deo.-lidation and deCasification of steel by Means of ferrotitan-Jum, The results con-firm that state has an luence of' levrerinZ deformation in the hot the temperature threshold of the growth of the austeiAte grain. The experiments have shourn that a non-unifor.n.-ity in the grain size is a characteristic feature of boron containin6 steels, particularly in the as---ast state,and this is attributed to the non-uniform distribution of es of boron alor_~S -Uhe i:,rain boundaries. s7,all quantiti it I is necessary to ensure -a fine E_xain strucz-o-re, boron containinG steel should contain residual titaniun -to be .introduced after deoxidation -i'.,ith aluminiura. There are L~ figures, 2 tables.and 6 references, of which are SoYietand 3 EnGlish AVAILABIZ,,: Library of Congress, Card 3/3 1. Grains (Metallurgy)-Effects of boron 2. Austenitic steel- Metallurgy 3. Boron-Metallurgical effects T I %,I --fv,:, .-~ it ~~ I Winww.JL - -- ---- - - -- - -- -- --v Ko- - --- - --- ~ ~--- E. I t -7~ , --- - - I - - --- --7- -- --- ---- ---- --- I ~ MWIII.iov) L.A.,; PYATENKO, V.I. Effect of anticoagulants on the blood lipid level in coronary atherosclerosis. 25 no.7:31-35 J1 161. (141FA 15:1) 1. Iz g ital Inoy terapeyticheskoy kliniki (dir. - prof. P.Yee Lukomski II Moskovskogo dit in k go instituta imeni N.I.Firogova. CORONARY HEART DISEASE (LIPIDS) (ANTICOAGUIANTS (1,2DICINE)) 0- L 14159-66 EWT W ACC NR: AP6001313 SOURCE CODE: UR/0248/65/000/009/0026/0032. AUTHOR: Tsarapkin, L. S.; F2aadkova, N. A.; Labzina, N. G.; Alekseyeva, S#- Pyatenko, V. S. ORG: Institute of Nedical Radiology. MN SSSR, Obninsk (Institut seditainakoy radio- logii AMN SSSR) TITLE: A study of the processes of cell restoration after primary cytogT etic In- n juries SOURCE: AMN SSSR. Vestnik, no. 9, 1965, 26-32 ,TOPIC TAGS: radiation damage, cytology, ionizing radiation radioprotective agent,~.i: mitosis ABSTRACT: Irradiation induces potential injuries in chromosomes that are capable of restoration. Irreparable injuries take place at the time of chromosome reduplJ_,.___.._,. cation. The nature--conservative (impaired) or semiconservative (normal)-of the chromosome aberrations varies with the type of fracture undergone~by the chromatids" in reduplication of the chromosomes. The type of chromosomes formed after redupli- UDC: 612.014.482.4 [612.014.24 612.6.03:~ Card 1/2 L 14159-66 ACC NR: AP6001313 cation depends on a number of conditions, e. g., the irradiation dose. The conser-, vative type of chromosome formation is a reversible phenomenon andthe transition to the normal, semiconservative type occurs mainly during the first mitosis after irradiation. The results of tests of five groups of chemical compounds for their radioprotective or radiosensitizing effect on pea seeds and shoots are briefly de- scribed and tabulated. Mast of the agents were able to accelerate or inhibit the spontaneous processes of cell restoration when used after irradiation. The authors' also tested the effect of various concentrations of oxidized oleic. acid on unirra- diated and irradiated cells of Ehrlich's ascites carcinoma. In unirradiated cells, ,an increase in the concentration of the acid up to a certain point, increased the number of cells with chromosome aberrations., Irradiated cells also exhibited a re- lationship between the effect and the concentration of the acid. orig. art.,has: 2 figures, 3 tables. SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: OSAnW.: ORIG REr: ow OTH REF: 013 Card2 -2, KOGAN, B.I.; KALIZHANOVA, Ye.G.; SALITINA, L.V.; SOLODOV, N.A.; DMITRIYEVA, O.P.; Prinimali uchastiye: UKHANOVA, N.I.; PF.RVUKHINA, A.Ye.; KAZANTSEVA, V.G.; ULAROVSKAYA, V.D.; VLASOV,,K.A., glav. red.; LIZUNOV, N.V., otv. red.; PYATENKO,__Iu.A., otv. red., SALTYKOVA, V.S., otv. red.; SLEPNEV, Yu.S., otv. red.; .FABRIXOVA, le.A., otv. red. PODOSEK, V.A., red. izd-va; GOLUB', S.I., tekhn. red. [Rare alkali metals (lithium, rubidium, and sesium); a bibliography on their geochemistry, mineralogy, crystal chemistry, geology, the analytic methods of their determi- nation, and their economics]Redkis Wwhelochnye metally (litii, rubidii i tsezil); bibliografiia po geolthimii, mineralogii, krlstallokhimii, geologii, analiticheakim metodam. opredelenlia i ekonomike. Sost, B.I.Kogan i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad uk SWRP 1962. 327 p. (MIRA & r) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR..Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kri- stallokhimii redkikh elementov. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Vlasov). (Bibliography-Alkali metals) "I , y J A . . I T-f . A . -- 1171-ht~ Or7stall~- stry alj4- la, ntrLll-) gzr -.>f 11- Physical Chemistry. Crystals B-5 USSR Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 3, 1957, '(269 Author Pjntaao, Yu.A., Bokiy, G.B., and Belov, N.V. Inst Academy of Sciences USSR Title Radiographic Investigation of the Structure of Chkalovite Orig Pub Doll. All SSSR, 1956, vol 1o8, No 6? 1077-lo8o Abstract Radiographic nethods (X-ray gonioneter and oscillation method, using Fe-K_,, Cu-K,.., and M6-K_ radiation) have been applied to the investigation"~f the structure of Chkalovite Na (BeSi 0 The crystals are rhimbic ;~;j) 2 ~~* (pseudotetrago with ttice parameters: a 21.1, b 21.1, c 6.87A, !_ (exper.) 2.66, Z z 24.; the space group notation is F2dd. The structure va-s determned by the interpretation of the P(uw) and P(vw) projections and cross-sections P(uvo),and F(uv-v') (assuming the struc- ture to be analogous to .!.",-cristobalite and using crys- tal structure analysis); ~he results were refined by the Card 1/2 38 ---- ------- USSRI Physical Chemintry - Crystals B-5 Abs Jour Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 3, 1957, 7269 application of successive approxinations In carrying out a,Fourier analysis. The structure of chkalovite appears to be derived from that of /' i-cristobalite. The filling of 2/3 of the total nwa-ber of Lavsov polyhedra by Na atoms and the substitution of 1/3 of the Si atoms by Be atoms lead to a tripling of thea and b periods in chkalo- vite compared with the edge lengths of -:-cristobalite. This leads to a small displacement of the atomic coordina- tes from their ideal positions. Card 2/2 39 BORODIN, L.S.; BY'KOVA, A.V.;KAPITONOU, T.A.;. PYATMTKO, YU.A. Recent data on zirconolite and its niobium variety. Dokl. All SSSR 134 no-5.'1188-1-191 0 160. (NVU 13: 10) 1. Institut mineralogii, geokhimti I kristallokhimii redkikh elementov Akademii nauk SSSR. Nedstavlono j%kademikom N.V.Belovym. (Afrikanda ifeelon-Urconolite) 3(s) AUTHORS: Aleksand=ov, Y. B., Pyatenko, Yu. A. SOV/20-124-1-51/69 TITLE: X-Ray Mcamination of Some Metamict Titano-Niobates (Rentgenometricheskoye issledovaniye nekotorykh metamiktnykh titanoniobatov) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 19 PP 179-182 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Among the-complex oxides of Y, TR, Tip 11b and Ta, two isomorphicl series of.rhombic minerals can at present be designated: a. the euxer-ite-polyera--eseries and b. the priorite-blomstrandine series. The two series have a very closely related chemical composition, which, however, is often hidden by the large compositional deviation of particular members. The formula AB2X 6 expresses the compositionp where A - Y,and TR as we 11 as! 1 Th, U and Ca; B ~ Nb, Ti and Ta; X -~ 0 and OH. The position-i. of themineral in the series is determined by the components of B. The primary basis for distinguishing the minerals of this series, aside from a few significant chemical differences, is tht morphological characteristic (Ref 1). The possibility of member! Card 1/3 ship in an isomorphic series for these minerals is contended in X-Ray aamination of Some Metamict Titano-Niobates SOV/20-124-1-51/69 the literatures This, contention instigated the authors' X-ray studies of these minerals. For this purpose, 18 samples were used (from the Mineralogy Museum, AS USSR, the Moskovskiy geologorazvedochnyy institut - Moscow Geologic Prospecting Institute, and the authors' own collection). The place of single minerals in this or that series was verified. All the samples showed a completely similar diffraction pattern with the exception of an isometric phase (Of the CaF2 structural type or its derivatives) derived by roasting metamict euxenite, poly and blomstrandine at 11000. The complete reflection which th- pattern showed was well indexed on the basis of the rhombic cell. The parameters for these samples are given in Table 1. The results of this study confirm earlier conclusions in regard. to the.restoration of the original structure of euxenite by roasting at 11000.(Ref 4). Thus the lines of the rhombic phase found in samples roasted at 11000 are characteristic of the minerals concerned. The rhombic phase itself corresponds to the structure up to the metamict breakdown. The unity of structure and of chemical composition signifies that all the studied minerals belong in the same isomorphic series. On the basis of priority, the names euxenite and pol~~ were kept for the, Card 2/3 whole series. The X-ray diagram of samples roasted for one hour X-Ray Examination of Some Metamict Titano-Niobate.s SOV/20-124-1-51/69 is a reliable diagnostic means for determining the minerals in question. There are 1 table and 5 references, I of vrhich- is Soviet". ASSOCIATION:, Institut m-ineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Crystallpehmistry f Rare Elements, Academy of Sciencesi USSR) PRESENTED: July 30, 1958,,by N. V. Belov, Academician SUBMITTED: July 30,1958 Card 3/3 Sojr47S-4-2-23/36 AUTHORS: Pyatenko YtI.A. ajqd Aleksandrov, TITLE: On the Recrystallisation Texture of a Metamict 1411neral (0 taksture reRristallizataii metamiktnogo mizierala) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 2, pp 248 249 + I plate (USSR) ABSTRACT: It was found that certain specimens of one of the polycrases, Y(Ti,Nb) 2(0'0H) 6' both those with faces and those without, gave, after annealing at 5000 Laue photographs with sharp spots., This is unusual as attempts to re-establish the monocrystallinIty of a metamict mineral usually fail. The sharp spots here, however, are due not to a single crystal but to an axial recrystallisation texture. This was confirmed by the lack of change when the spec:*Lmen*was rotated about the texture axis, here perpendicular to the beam. Lauegrams show the symmetry Cl (line symmetry -perpendicular to-the texture axis). The texture ax1s must coincide with one special direction of the crystallites. The texture axis was measured as Cardl/2 t1 5.50 and t 2 5.1 kXin agreement with the cell SOV170-4-2-23/36 On the Rocryistetitivation Texture of et Motntniqt Mineral dimensions a = 5.551 b = 14.621 t: = 5.19 IcX of the orthorhombic cell of polycrase obtained by indexing the powder photograph. In this way it was confirmed that it is in prin,;iple possible to index the X-ray diagrams of annealed specimens- of the etuxinite polycrase series using the morphological values of ,a:b:c as annealing (at 1100 0) re-establishes their former structure. Texture formation is seen as one of the stages passed through by minerals in metamict breakdotin. There are 3 figures and 2 references, I of which is Soviet and I English. ASSOCIATION,- Institut mineralogii, geoldiimii i kr-istallokhimii redkilch elementolur (Institute of the Mineralogy, Geo- chemistry and Crystal Chemistry of Rare Elements) SUBMITTED- August 29, 1958 Card 2/Z 24-7100 77125 ~SOV/70-4-6-26/31 AUTHORS: Pyatenko, Yu. A., Pudovkina, Z. V. TITLE: Concerning the Crystal Structure of Narsarsukite. Brief Communications PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, vol 4, Nr.6, p-929 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The structural study of Na2(Ti,Fe)(O,OH) Isli4o 101 crystals by X-ray diffraction methods confirmed their, tetragonal symmetry, a = 10-72 A, c = 7.99 A, and 4 molecular weights per unit cell. The space group proved to be I 4/m. Determination of the atomic coordinates and precision of the 14 parameters (by ,interatomic vector synthesis and electron density analysis) is still in process. The structure as a whole is formed of two types of chains. (Ti,Fe) atoms, each developed by 6 0 atoms which form an octahedron, are linked into infinite chains along the fourfold rotor. The (Ti,Fe)O octahedra are linked laterally by Card 1/2 MM." rings of 4 tetrahedrEly coordinated Si atoms. One 1: Z Concerning the Crystal Structure of 77125 Narsarsukite. Brief Communications soli/7o-4-6-26/31 vertex of each two opposite tetrahedra in the ring is up and of the two others down, and the 0 atoms at these vertices, being shared by the rings above and below, link.the rings into infinite quadruple chains.along the same fourfold rotor. The spaces be- tween the two types of chains are occupied by Na atoms situated at two different positions. In both posi- tions Na atoms are in body centers of trigonal prisms formed by the adjacent 0 atoms. There is I figure; and 2references, 1 German, 1 U.S. The U.S. reference is: B. E. Warren, C. R. Amberg, Am. Miner., 19, 546, ASSOCIATION:. Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Crystal Chemistry of Rare Elements (Inst1tut mineralo ii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementovi SUBMITTED: September 25, 1959 Card.2/2 PT-- b Pa= I =T4 EUMMUTION SC7/5740 Akae-cmiya umik SSSR. Institut mineralogii, gcokhImii I kriotaLLolthimil reAkjkh elc=ntov Voprozzr mineralogii, geo!xbimii I genazisa r-,otorozhd--niy radk1kh elc=ntov (Problerz in lline-ralou, G2ach-cmintry, cnd Deposit For--ation of Ram Elc=nts) 1:occow, lzd-vo Al SSSR, 1950. 253 p. (Series: Its: Trudy, vn. 4) Errata printed on the inside of back cover. 2,209 copies printed. Chief Ed.: X. A. Vlasov, Corresponding Academy of Sciences V-7"M; Reap. Ed.: V. V. LyaZiovllch; Ed. of Publishing Rmse: L. S. Taranov; Tech. Ed.: P. S. Ka3hina. A POPOSE: This book Is intended for geolcC;iata, =IneraloGlatv, and patrographarl. COVMO : This is a collection of 23 articles on the for-mation, gcoloG7, mirm-ralogy, potro.-raphy, cnd geochomistry of do-posits of ram elc=nts in Silborla, and 13ovict] Ceixiral Asia. Tho distribution and eharseterintics of rare ole=ntu found In tb--ac arcas an vell as ac= quantitative and qu&lltat- tive =thods of lnvoatiga~lug tbo rocks and mdwralm in whicix they am f=d, card 116 3( ProblCM3 in 'UncraloCj- (Cont.) or vith u'aich th--y Pro vzzoaiat--cl, are dircuzv2d. Tvo zrticl= in ccc-1c=ic:. in-~-,3ti~,ntion of tha ya:xibilitica of indautrial. cztr=tion azd utilization of cclenium-, tellurium, r-ni Vlo jarvonalitic3 are -ntio=d. Each articla acc---- .Lz,=icd by references. C-=;~_- =TRY Ccrm=h, A. A. Peculiarities in t1y) Diatribation of Earo M-.aatc In Polyrztall1c Deposits of tha Zr--,4nc;Zo=k- neGion of nudzyy Alta;7 Sewnilay, 76. 1. On the Coatcnt of Lit.Uvm and rtubidi= In 111marala of Jul=lina of t1-1- 1'(rM=1DrjU7 11assif 20 !!ad--Iz,r, S. T., and S. R=zrzato-r. On t1i3-C-cochc=istr,7 of Gelnniv= and Tellurium in the Ore Doponits of Al=alyk 214 Gorolzhrwa, V. 11. On the Content of Rb=i= in n34bdanites of the xosits Card 2/6 A 41 Prob'-'= in Mneralogj (Cout.) SOT/5T40 ITA-I'll-CZ ATM =--IAA7Z Ycs'l:am, Ta. n., r-td 1. 1. Ll--OcanLo. 2javchlora of the Virhnamo E Its Paraa:pncetic t-socciations, and tl,-- Fee-aUariticm of Its CL=dcal C=position 33 Zhabin, A. 0., G. N. lli!;LbltAlra7,- ana 111. Yo. Xc-zatorm. lVxr,--n*tlc- Acnoclations of Accoacorj l3m-rala of R= Elarznts in ramoutact ranitizad Mazeite Intruzive rmaka of tl:o Vic~ncvrjc r--=tain3 51 Zhabin, A. G. On tb-- So;amtion mLi-- of tha Ilimr-als Hiobltm, "UmmAta, and tho naro Earths in th3 G.-anita Pc~--atita of t!i-- Blyv--Nvzkaya rAw Tk Sc-=nov, Te. 1. Galzirconf= in Allmlina Peozatites 85 Koridm, V. I., Yu. A. I~ratcnlcop rand A. V. Bykava. On BrItba2ite of tba Alknlino Books -Or-uO-dttz,-j-zRm-.%zv& 90 Card 3/ 6 tWNMAZINIQMWM~W tW Or, A.) L7r:.~ '=.Lch, V. V., r--A- A. D. CA tLa C-Izzztor C: tt7 of Acco:coml I:L---zc34 i:t C=nit3 1:=zifa V. V., Cr4 V. 1. ca VI-2 02 141to %Zcoozaa on V17 Ccztont C-20 ACC:D."=.-j 1:1=3rals in Cz--4-t:ICJ no V-, =d 0- YO- rz-^X:2-Z--'%X'G7a- D10==7 C: ia Ta:~".tlya V.Cnt:)At'2 I?.-= t%l rj"'-.Sl't3 a Z~7w, V. IT., cA As V. rx3torln. TbA- Yo. r "vzzr- a 7,::--13 C-2 colnot - -~:a tn C.;ztCL Zl- C~allc:vz::ip Dopolto 0-2 In tt3 C-M C=4-7 CD c:;-_Z3 C? zz. CIM-a C.? :Ilzo I=z~:3, 11, V. Cz--!)tio Tr,33~ 0. zito md 0.-1 Vicol= d7.1 V=tal = M2 Card 31 P.Loblc= in I!ineraloZ7 (Cont.) Zhuhova, A. S, On tha X~roblem of Ga=tic T-,T2a of C2r.=-d=-:-~Laz-j=5 Dapozlits 174 Ti'z'., -.)=n~La7t 1. P.J, and R. P. Ti n- o=nlzrma. Con' =t Rocks of tbo 11~"sif, Vaoir Genaris aml V= Peculiarities of Diitri- butiop In Taem of Rare Katal 111na-ralization 3.83 Volochl=vich, K. L. On tb-- PiWolem of tho Structural Position of th3 Cornoaltaysidy Rare Ifatal Province 203 1==01-33 OF =Tv-L=1M'2-7G CiMS AM N-=-= I--b6d---,ra, S. 1. Rational I*athod of Qjantitativo Dotarm-ination of DiscetAmated BLrylllum in G-raicen Ores 209 Rodloricrt, D. A,, S, 7, Sobolev, B, P.: ZQlot=vv, and To. V. Vlasova. On AccidLntal Errors of Quantitative MmoraloGical An~lyoia of Oro $lir-,a and Concentrates 21k card 516 --- -~ i S/192/61/002/006/003/OG4 D228/D304 AUTHOR: F7atenko, Yu.. A. TITLE: :derived from the cubic type CaF2_ CeO 2 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal strukturnoy khimii, v. 2, no,. 6, 1961, 746-748 TEXT-, ~The author discusses certain structures derived from the cubic type CaF2_ Ce02, a problem, whose conception Iwas some- what augmented by his discovery in previous research of the mineral calcirtite-Ca Zr Ti 0 Accordingto N. V. Belov the general ~is5tY2 formula for t pel~f derived structure is M4X8_x; the deriva- tives include pyrochlore-type minerals with an equal number of cubes and octahedra when x = 1, and Sb20 As 0 Y 0 and other struc- tures, in which octahedral forms aN so~e3ly' d~vHoped, when x = 2. Calcirtite, however, has a tetragonal symmetry and is the first CarcL 1/4 S/192/61/002/006/003/004 Structures derived from 0. D228/D304 non-cubic representative of this class. It forms cubes, octahedra, and heptahedra (Abstractor's note: Literally "hepta-apices"), which are respectivel- )ccupied by all the Ca atoms, all the Ti atoms, and 4/5 of the,-;~, atoms. The essential.features of the de- rived structures examined by the author include:.- The preservation of the three-dimensional 9taggered sequence in the distribution of the Pauling polyhedra; the equivalence in the number of filled and .vacant pollyhedra- thedeformation of the ideal Pubic packing of the anions which, however, does not alter the~cation coordination-num- bers; the tendency for the ratio p of the number,of cations to anions to lie within the limits,1/2 4 p 4.2/3; and the relatively high valency of,the cations. A new formula--(M-M"... )4X,, and not A2B2X7-'- is proposed to explain the formation of a particular de.- rived structure. All Pauling octahedra are empty in the new struc- ture, the number of occupied cubes and heptahedra amounting to 8 and 64 resl;ectively. Such a structure is considered to be character- Card 2/4 S/192/61/002/006/003/004 Structures derived from D228/D-AO4 istic of those compounds containino- an excess of ?-coordination Zr :-t-cr.1s and cations with a valency of -c 4. The compound (Zr,Ca )408-XI formed in calcinating ZrO 2 in the presence of small quantities of CaO, may correslond to one of the theoretically possible structures. Hence, the stabilization of cubic ZrO represents the formation of 2 ,an independent structure' only formally related to the,fluorite-; cerianite type, to which the high-temperature modification of ZrO 2 beloncrs. In conclusion the author notes that Oja Zr Ti 0 --the 2 2 2 16 synthetic analog of calcirtite--has not been distinguished in the cubic-ZrO2 region of structural diagrams for the system CaO_ZrO2_ TiO12 in previous research. There are 8 references: 5 Soviet-bloc a.nd'3 non-Soviet-bloc. The referenc 'es to the Enelish-language publications read as follows. A. E. Van Arkel, Physica 4, 286 (1~)24); L. -4. Cou&anow et al, J. Res, Mat. Eur. Standards 54, 43 Card ~1514 AUrHOR-. Pyaten-k-o Yu..A. SOV/70-4-2-10/36 TITLE: On the Crystal Chemistry and Certain Peculiarities of Minerals of the Pyrochlore Group (0 kristallokhimjii nekotorykh osobennostyakh- mineralov gruppy pirokhlora) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 2, pp 20-208 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Pyrochlore minerals are cubic with he general formula A2 B2X71 where A = Na, Ca, Th, U, TR B = Nb, Ta, Ti and., IX = 0, OH, F . A cations a5e somehimes deficient by (for example) replacement of 2Ca + by U + (primary deficit) or 2- 0 by OHl- (secondary deficit). The metamict state is characteristic, one of the peculiarities leading to this state being anion defects. The structure is related to that of fluorit -'/ as are also the structures of CeO 25 ThO and UOV Regarded as linked polyhedra fluorite is, 2 made up (doubled cell) of 32 CaF8 cubes linked by their edges. If some of the F (or 0) atoms are removed, half- of all cubes are deprived of two.opposite corners and thus turned into compressed octahedra, this gives the idealissed Cardl/4 SOV/76-4-2-10/36 On the Crystal Chemistry and Certain Peculiarities of Minerals of the Pyrochlore Group structure of pyrochlore. The symmetry becomes Fd3m instead of the Fm3n, of fluorite. Each cot-nor of any polyhedron belongs simultaneously to 3 polyhedra (a conmion point of two cubes and two octahedra -- the number- of cubes and octahedra being equal). Hence. to a nation at the centre of a cube belong 1/4. 8 = 2 anions W I and for a cation in an octahedron 1/4. 6 - 3/2 X. This gives for the whole structure a formula A lix7 differ,entiatlng between cubes and octahedra, A cube BOctx 2 2 7 In CaF2 Paulingils rules on the local compen5ation of valency are fulfilled. Removing some of the ;:tatlons leads, to a different level of stability. Belov has :~hoini tbif~' anion pattern of pyrochlore to be halfway between the all- cubes structure of CaF 2 and sonarmonite-.arsenolite where all polyhedra are squashed octahedra. B1A pyrochlares need not be exactly halfway between these, depending on Card2/4 SOV/70-4-2-10/36 On the Crystal Chemistry and Certain Peculiarities of Minerals of.the Pyrochlore Group the 0 content. It is thought that there.are usually more octahedra than cubes in pyrochlores, Removal of 0 dis- turbs the continuity of the close-packing of the anions. +4 +2 Substitution of U for 2Ca makes the structure still s stable. If there 4, +11 +3 les is U+ Th or TR the mineral. are often metamict. X-ray diffraction distinguishes various.: types of pyrochlores, particularly by the number of reflexions. blicrolites and pyrochlores show most reflexIons and are often non-metamict, pyrochlores giving a CaF 2 type of pattern but with more reflexions. There is a somewhat closer resemblance to CeO2 As the relative scattering of ,the cations is large in comparison with the total scattering power in pyrochlore there is the peculiarity that all strong reflexions have even indices.. Other reflexions indicate the degree of order in the structure. For full order the space group is Fd3m and for full disorder Card3/4 Fm3m In X-ray photographs from many annealed metamict SOV/70-4-2-lo/~6 On the Crystal Chemistry and Certain Peculiarities of Minerals of the Pyrochlore Group minerals groups of lines with odd indices are weakened or even disappear and there is a transition to a smaller cell a = 5.1-5.2. This is observed sometimes on annealing orthorhombic metamict minerals (for example, euxanite). There are 2 figures and 5 Soviet I references. ASSOCLTION: Institut wineralogii, geokhiniiii 1--ristallolchimii redkikh elementov (Institute for the Mineralogy, Geochemistry. and Crystal Chemistry of Rare Elements) SUBMITTED: October 6. 1958 Card 4/4 m TIKHOIfF,IIKOV, I.P.; KUKHARCHIK, M.V.; YYAT3911KO, Yti.A. fil ------ - SHUKHMAN, Z.; SHTAMM, V.; SHLEYMOVICH, S.; KAUffKCV, P.; RALITSEVICH, V.; FYATENKOV, V.,, POTEMIN, I.; SOKRATOV, Yu. There are a2_1 conditions for building strong and good e2eva- tors. Muk.--clev/. prom. 2Tno.8:i8-19 Ag 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Zamestitel ,upravlyayushcheko trestom TSentroeleva- t6rmellstroy (for Shtanm). 2. Nachallnik sektora organiza- taii stroitellnykh rabot Gosudarstvennogo, instituta. Prm- zernoproyekt (for Ralltsevich). 3. Starshiy inzh. TSentrall- nogo konstruktorskogo byuro tresta Spetselevatormellmontazh (for Potemin). 4. Zamestitell nachallnika proizvodstvenno- tekhnicheskogo otdeleniya tresta Petropavlovskelevatormell- stroy (for Sokratov). -rely; M ouw -M