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T', A ITSS R/Mudicinu - Feredity, Mechanism Medicine - H-reclitt-j Apr lq-@-8 "Plienocopies of MutationF, Unlike 11atural Solection," Yu. M. Olenov, K'. Galkovslraya, A. D. Pu-,hnit-,yna, Cen X-Ray, Radiological &nd Cancer Inst, L pp "Dok Ak NaW.- SISSR" Vol LX, 1110 3 Analysis of data collected on wide distribution and freauently observed mutations F-howed phenotypic analogies but there was lack of similarity even In individual populations. SuIbmi t t ed by Acad I. I. Shmal I gauz en 10 Cc '1 1947. PA 77T82 PUS'll!"VIINAf A, D, "Phenotypic Mutations, Rendered Harmless by Natrual Selection,ti Dok. AN, 60, No. 3, 1948. Mbr. Central Roentgeno-Radiological & Oncological Inst., -c1948-. OLVENOV, Yu. M;PUSIETITSINA, A. D. Roentgon rays ennsitivity of the embryonic central nervous system In mammals. Doklady Akad. nauk SSSR 84 no.2:405-407 11 May 1952. (CLIS 22:2) 1. Presftnted. by Academician Ye. N. Pavlovskiy 13 February 1952. 2. Cmntral Ronntgennlogical and Radiological Institute, Leningrad. Ef -I c -Ir -1 RL s sc X FUSHNUMNA The action of hormones ov Orradiated organs. L. A. Kaslichmko. 'alld, di- and triethanol amine. The authors found 5 monoethanol amine complexes of Cd with the coordination indices of 1 - 5 and three di-and triethanol amine complexes with coordination indices of I - 3. The instability con- stants computed according to Deford, Hume and Tatsimirskiy are shown by table 3. The increasing content of ethanol radicals has no influence on the stability of the complexes. There are 4 figures, 3 tables, and 13 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kishinev State University) SUBMITTED: October 26, 1958 Card 2/2 MIGALS., F.K.; PUSHIIY.AK,-A.B. Complex compounds of cadmium with ethanolamine, diethanblamine, and triethanolamine. Zhur. neorg. khim. 5 no.3:610-614 Mr 160. (MIRA 14;6) 1. Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Cadmium compounds) (Ethanol) n., OT-7-7T-,@', 7? T S! !" K A V-- -;nd G 71,01*MS Taken by t1he Protein nrd other Nitrw-en Compounds in -,le lleget--itiw, of 03--,nts.fI -t nr-S@rted at the 'Ah Interrv-tinnfil. Bioche-iistry Congress, .-,osr!ow, 13-1@ IC61 PUSHOVSKly. R.V. [Soviet military science] 0 Sovetskoi voonnoi nauke. Moskva. Voonnoe izd-vo, M-va obororq SSSR, 1953- MI P- (MIPI 11:4) (Militar7 art and science) S 071/1 2C n/4 6 AUTHORS: Kotov, V. I., Obukhov, Yu. L. and Pushtarik, V.A.- TITLE: On the Theory of.a Cyclic Phasotron with Radial Sectors PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1959, Nr 5, pp 19-22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An analysis is given of the free oscillations in a cyclic phasotron with radial sectors in the ideal case. The analysis is an extension and a generalization of the theory given by Cole, Hoxby et al. (Ref and Symon, Kerst et al, (Ref 6). Formulae are derived which may be used to calculate the geometric parameters of an accelerator (angular apertures of the sectors, frequencies of free oscillations etc.) and also to determine the permissible range of values for the mean field exponent k. The magnetic field iii a cyclic phasotron is determined by the function given by Eq (1) which is taken from the paper by Symon et al. (Ref 6). The equations of free oscillations in such a field are of the form given by Eq (3) which are taken from the paper by Kotov et al. (Ref 7). Eqs (3) are solved assuming that t'Lie instantaneous Cardl/2 orbit consists of a circular orbit of radius el in the.-. i6@ 6 -5 3 @ 9 SOV/120-59-5-21/46 On the Theorv of a Cvclic Phasotron with Radial Sectors positive and in the negative sectors, while in the P2 interval between thein it is a straisht line (Fi.- 1). It is also assumed in the solutions of Eq (3) that the local field exponent on the orbit remains constant within each sector and is equal to the mean value of the exponent (along the orbit) for the given sector. Under these assumptions the equations of motion are of the form given by Eq (13). It is shown that a change in the mean field exponent has a much stronger influence on the frequency of radial oscillations than on the frequency of vertical oscillations. There are 1 figure and 9 references, 3 of which are Soviet, 1 German and 5 English. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute for Nuclear Studies) SUBMITTED: September 2, 1958 Card2/2 21 SOV "qo--, AUTHORS-; Yotov, V. I., Puahtarik, IV. nl@ TITLE, On the Influence of the Space Charge on the Yotion of Particles .Ln Accelerators PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya,. 1959, Vol 7, Tir 3, pp 268, 272 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In references 1 and 2 the influence of the space ch-arge of a particle beam in an accelerator upon the free oscillation of particles is investigated, the shielding effect of the chamber walls and of the iron of the electromagnet not being taken into a,:@count@ Taking this influen;;e into accounT, for which piirpose only the horizontal chamber wall need be con- sidered, the authors without derivation write down th@: equar. tions for the vectorial and scalar potential, the component's of the electric and magneti,@ fields, and, finally, the formulas for the variation of the frequencies of the free sc-L illation@ From the analysis of the last-mentioned formula o it follows thai the screening effect for the nonrelativistic case amounts to only 10-201/a. In the relativistic case , on the other hand, it may play a decisive rpart. There are 5 referenc--es. 2 of which are Soviet. Card sov/62-59-9-9/40 AUTHORS: Levehin, V. L., Mamedov, Kh. 1., Sergiyenko, S. ft., Pustillnikova, S. D. TITLE: Fluorescence Spectra of Aromatic 1@ydrocarbons of the Diphenyl Series and Their Oxygen- and Sulfur Containing Analogs PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, Hr 9, pp 1571-1578 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Petroleum fractions of high molecular weight can be analyzed with fluorescence spectra, but the spectra of the individual components of the fractions are not well enough known, so that there is a lack of comparative information to interpret the spectra. It is the aim of this paper to carry out further in- vestigations in this field. The authors investigated the spectra of the hydrocarbons of the homologous series of biphenyls start- ing with diphenyl itself. The further compounds extend the aliphatic chain, introduced between the benzene rings, to pentane. A type of compounds was also investigated in which one CH -group of the aliphatic chain is replaced by oxygen or 2 Card 1/3 sulfur. The table shows structure and properties of the nine Vo- sov/62-59-9-90/40 Fluorescence Spectra of Aromatic Hydrocarbons of the Diphenyl Series and The Oxygen- and Sulfur Containing Analogs compounds investigated.-The fluorescence spectra of the com- pounds solved in isooctane were recorded at room temperature and at the temperature of liquid nitrogen. The spectra were examined with a quartz spectrograph of the ISP-66-type. The synthesis of the substances investigated is described. The spec- gures 1-8. tra of the individual compounds are represented on fip The influence of the elongation of the aliphatic bridge makes itself felt by the stron.- splitting up of the spectral bands. The spectrum is markedly more intense at low temperatures and may be used for analyzing the substances, The luminiscence spectrum changes considerably when an oxygen- or sulfur atom is introduced. At strongly markedr-electron bonds between the two benzene rings, the spectrum is shifted toward the longer- wave range at low temperatures as compared to spectra at room temperature, There are 8 figures, 1 table, and 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskij gosudarstvennyy universitet im, M. V. Lomonosova Card 2/3 fizicheskiy fakulltet (Moscow State University imeni M. V. sov/62-59-9-9/40 Fluorescence Spectra of Aromatic Hydrocarbons of the Diphenyl Series and Their Oxygen- and Sulfur Containing Analogs Lomonosov, Physics Department) Institut nefti Akademii nauk SSSR (Petroleum Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: December 20, 1957 Card 3/3 ;@ i I u, 1 @ 1 :7. - @ I - i- I . TUMAS,Ye., inzhener; PUSHTORSKIY,Ye., inzhener Loads and dimensions for city bridges. Zhil. kom. khoz. 5 no.2:18-21 155. (KLRA 8:6) (Bridges--Specifications) FUSHTORSTIY, YE. Streets "City roads!' Reviewed by D. Aronovich, Ye. Pashtorskiy. Zhil. -kom. khoz. 2 no. 3, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, L-117 1952, Uncl. PUShTORSKIY, Ye. T 1-1@31-'@iC!Pctlyj 1n, Reinforced Concrete lrefabric-i@.(.,! reinforced concrete constructions for min'cipal brid@!es and Zhil. overpasses. 2 -kom.khoz. 2, No. 7, 1952 1. Month! List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, NrTPml-@--r - 0 19 5A 2 Unc 1. FUSHTORSKIY, Yevgeniy Ivanovich; KUZNRTSOV, I.A.. redaktor; AVRUSHCHMO, @ , re"kfo:'r 1z -datel'stva.; ZHCROV, D.H.. tekhnicheskly redaktor (Principles of city bridge design] Osnovaye printsipy proektirovanii& gorodskikh mostov. Moskva. Isd-vo Ministerstva, kommunallnogo khoziaistva RSFSR, 1956. 338 p. (MLRA 9:7) (Bridges) FUSFTORS'N",', Ye., I-and.tokhn.nauk Larp-.-span relnforced-con,@rete hridgr-s. @,vt.dor. 24 no,12:5-7 D 61. (I-illiG, 14:12) (Bridges, Concrete) GIBSMAN. Ye.Ye., redaktor; DZRUNKOVSKIY, N.N., redaktor; YEGOROV, P.A.. inzhener, redaktor-, NITIROPOLOSKIY', N.M., professor, redaktor; PUSHTORSKIY, Ye.l., inzhener; ROYER, Te.N., inzhener; TULNVIiN-.T.T-, dotsent; KURDYUMOV. M.D., inzhener; OSTROVIDOV, A.M., inzhener; KROPOTOV, I.I., inzhener; VOLKOV, V.P., dotsent. [Handbook on the planning, construction and operation of city roads, bridges and hydraulic structures] Spravochnik po proektirovanii-a. stroitel'stvu i ekspluatataii gorodskikh dorog, mostov i gidrotekhnicheskikh sooruzhenii. Pod red. E.E.Gibshman, N.N.Dzhunkovakii, P.A.Egorov. Moskva, Izd-vo Ministerstva kommun l1nogo khaziaistva RSFSR. Vol. 1. [Bridges] Mosty. Pod red. N.M.Nitropol'skii, 1953. 984 p. (MLRA 71) (Bridges) (Tunnels) (Retaining walls) itif al@b o"l* rumn Neff. shall., r IMI, No. S, WO I lost. Pettokum, 194 DO, VIA).-Tiftils were iii"dulyi:p@tylow with mokcalar weight a "'Ital. Mods wm p""Y*4 with dietillste sad midual ails having vbccWty 113-11W a at aO*C. The polyiwhutykne It" m&AW eftt on flattenine of vismsily-lem"Pe"lure cvyv*. 7% effect of in. cre3sing molecular weight of the polyi-obutyltne Is Ow Ilit Wrild a.1-1 -1@1, r thr .([,Cg dk'C'. 36 2. 1) 2 5 0 1 av. ai. goo inum wom wbm 10% b.. Xamlown, = Sock SSW" an Wmbw S04 at Coosa. room at* ffam th. WOO 11 0~ %th OWL VOL VA.UUU M V- sow tomam Nowtonam- gM 2% al valid. &ad memo amobw Imparato Tbo addjuva do MA it. IL CLANK& (14 mmtM)' 0 0 0, 41 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 1 .4 0 0-6 oil I A S 4 1 t 10 11 12 13 W 11 16 17 U V IS 19 11 W L$ M a M V M X 41 -71 0--W-Vr A @ It r.-P-L-f-A-ft I I L A-#--PZq-V deu L., J,, -ILI 11, @11 44 CC M- -1 i6 I -JL-iPi-A- -k-F. -&-a j t 1 1*0 L"-" 'RI!3- I Itt 1 ..0 0 4@@P t a v! @ .P. f 4110, it 2603. LOW TE.MPLUMIE PROFSRTIES OF OILS CONTAINING VISCOUS ADDITIVES. *0 Pushtoy, N. G. (Nort. Khoz.. 1948, (3). 49-66). Tests aere nado, -041 using polyisobutylons (P.I.B.) with molo wt 6000-30,000 (up to 12.7% for the lower mol. wt P.I.B.). and Voltol (up to 10@;). Blands were prepare. with distillate and residual oils having viscosity 13-200 c.s. at 50'C. Viscosities of blends were determined dow. to -400C. '00@ z also pour points and temperature at which fluidity wa.-s lost uAder 406 a heau equivultout to 26 om. water. The P.I.B. ties marked -ffect an *0 flattening of viscosity-tomperatura curve. In the case of a medium 40 i3cosity oil (10 c.s. at 100"C.) this increases in vi:ooaity by ;coo approx. 76QO times at -206C. but additivo-contnining blends of 00 similar vi3coolty only increase in vLicoslty by 600-900 times. To 400 V 400 .20 avoid marked of fect on pour point and loss of fluidity the amount of additive should be -0- 2%. The effect of increasing mol. wt. of the P.I.B. Is to Increase the viscosity of the bland and accentuate Me Lhe other offeats. Non* of the P.I.B. blonds (even when containing Joe as much as 10% of 30,000 mol. wt polymer) showed anomalous viscosity too r effects. their floa remaining Nowtoninn. but such effects were !i@ observable with bleuds containing 2@4 Voltol, and clearly marked 1 2; Ate ILA 411ALLU116KAL LIT94ATWe CL4111PSCATION use see 1.30.0 LP (W. G.c as 14336W 4114111 QK a.. AS$ U is AV G LI: , - - -,f, -, . . q T 4 W I - Y 1 11 X 0 F--r-M 14 L 11 14 0 N a I W a 9 to a It CP It a a 11 0 M 11 at It a 000 0 090 0 0 0is 00 1400 61, 00- is - 4A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 It 0 0 0 Plimmov, 1, V, rThe Scw-terl--g of a Fast Mectron Beam of 1-2 MV," Zhur. Eksper. i Teoret. Fiz., 9, No. 3, 1939; "Emission of an Impulse Tube over a Voltage-Range of 1 to 3 MV," ibid. --@71 T 11, 1. Is the modern machinery for fish preservation suitable to our industry? p. 24. MIORSKO RTPA-tSTVO. (Udruzenje morskog ribarstva Jugoslavije) 111jeka. Vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 1956. So. East European .'.ccessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 -j@!Lig,, I - 0'j-'L, ! @;., -@.! k . .1 @) ; Givcu Nar.-a CO 141 tl-y. Yugoslavia /-not given/ /not given7 Belgrade, Vaterinarski glasnik, No 6, 1961, pp 525-527. "Examination of Shallfishes in Our Country.6 @'YUGOSU,VIA I. PUSIC FAffiliation not given.] "Life in the Sea." Belgrade, Veterinarski Glasnik, Vol 17, No 4, 1963; pp 361-363. Abstract : General discussion about phytoplankton and its vital role hence role of all factors affecting phytoplankton such as sunshine and other metereologic phenomena. The obscure enzootic in fish in the Northern Adriatic in the Summer 196Z (centering in the Kvarner channel and affecting principally Dentex vulgaris C.V., Box salpa L. and Cantharus lineatus) is speculatively considered due to natural climatic or physicochemical stasis rather than primarily to pathogenic bacteria or viruses or chemical poisons. Two references: Yugoslav, Italian. L, I I PUSE!, ". "Binary :--;-uposeA of i:alo--enated siliciLmi, titandum, tin, arsenic, aInLL--.10n',I, and bismuth, with v-iried or@@nic ccm.rodnds." D. 469. (Prirod-n. Vol. 18, no. 8, ISV53- ZaFreb.) SO: Month1v List of East Euro,-)ea-n Accessions, Vol. 3, no. 3. Library of Congess. Ihrch 1954. Uncl. FUS I E, 1.1. Smi1janiu-, fusin, ff. "Refractiva Index of Some Organic Compounds at Various Temperatures and Its Temperature Coefftcient." H p. 271 (GT-AS:' , I?:, Vol. 18, No, 5, 1953j '3Pr)jra(1.). SO: Monthly 1421 of-East ZUoq2!W Accesgions, Vol. 3, No. 3, Library of Congress, 11arch 1954, Uncl. ;71 If- @ 1 - . ,L% -. . heat o-F' cc=-buBt-- cn e--d- heat- 31P fc-mation of @:ipc@wrldv. Glas Flem dr 19 nn.9,:53'L-54^i 17-. 1. - z -ick-u hemiju i elektroheniju Tebidokog fzakultc-@,,- - .i .nvod a fiz- V':'.-mrnitct-- u 13cograclu. - - -4- 9 6 0 @6 0 0 0 0 0 "o-* 6,41 0 0 , * , , 1 11 I'll I -111ilt4t% It It U If a f a It is a :7 a It 1 0 x 0 0, A I L C 1--f AA,-If,-CC CC, (kiq- I I J.. Is v 6 '1 43 a L a A A 00 -00 0 00 'MO AISM Of OWUM WVW XONSO&M. N-.&-X)Wn &nd 0. 1). %fiviA t-00 I 101aA.mik Armim;ktV DruwAtwu (B.I1.Sw.,rAi.' 14 71 i-se Y-o-hotv). 1037. 5. 131 13,S). --fln Nerbi4n.] K" Not. thip vt, . 0 @-Gq 9 It. 8, 00. 09 11@ zoo eo-, zoo *0 got 90 0* Z zoo CLASSIFICATICK 00 1- SL fTALLVPuKAL LIUOZATf@RE Uz- t:00 - va-0. 1w0 9 - I w 4 Im I' IV It N it K It X W IT It rf It OF KLO A I :.A @ 0 0 10 0 0 a 0 0 Gio 0 IS 0 6 0 4 0 0 0 4 : : 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 @ 0 469 0 9 0 0 0 a es 41*10 000 9 So _: : 40 oee 00 0 41 -f- A -j- L.. ski, a -U, P I; x 971W AlWp of Sd*m wft AkukUm ((*wnik rArmWbq lhvwA&w KW,.,i. IM, S. 137-138).-lin Serbiam) 4 -1). U.N. X 00 00 'ip 001 4-r 0 d., 9,% Ittlet tie 0 0 0 0 wo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w w izoll 0 00 0 wo 00000000*000 0 49 0 a w qp - - - @ T-I A& r rt W U e , N d 0 1). %cid J@ Ray. Hm Md. Ahm., this Vol., coo .00 F-Vv-@In- An 10 n 1 !14 w 0 vie 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0000000000600*61 .@- -. a: A '@ r. , I . ,. I IT' ', L.IC :!"-' Lk-' .!C' @-v:.I.,uati)n of -,'j-)d -)roducts uith hi-achlorar,.e -..-.d ." f. " , i ;- - I i !@,-i - J ,- , II 1 0 34, 1)5h. , ; -t-S;I*-- -1 -@) ; - ;**Goes* 0. 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 111 0 0 0 ult T f ? @ 40 1 8 - !, 11 11 11 4 It 16 1118 11111 0 0 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 9 e 11a 1311115 hVIII11@1911 IJU ma J 611 Is 0- -6-0-0-w- III V 41 it as o A A L C L-J 1-n-L A. L It P F9 1 t V VA .L-L-1-1- AA cc cc u , of .00 *0 4 PAPIR-&S ROMDATICHNDEA - PAPER AND PRIMM. : -00 o -00 Vol. 2 - 1950 so No. 9f Sopt. :@00 os, oo 00 -00 00 -00 so.", free 00 00 00 440 0 L: 1,1-i 00 00 00 COO ,80 400 200 t vo 1 s :::00 A S v SL AITALLOCKAL LITERATL;QE CLASSWICATICO- :,Zoo u A. KD, Ls It IN -0-0 @ N tt M U If It tt It K K&O (I 1 114 000000 00000 0 0*0000000000000: 0 0 0 6000600000 0 0 oi SCHULKR. Dezso, dr.,; BALOGH, Xaroly, dr.,; PUSKA, Ivan. Induction of ezperimental pulmonary hemorrhage in rabbits. GyermekgyogyaBzat 7 no.2:57-62 Feb 56, 1. A Budapesti Orvost. Iffetem I, Korbonctani so Kiserlei Bakkutato Intez. kozl. igaz. Balo Jozeef dr. egvetemi tanar. (LUNGS, hemorrh. exper., induction by epidural blood inject. & pathol. in rabbits (Hun)) (HXKCRRHAGN, exper. lungs, induction by epidural bload inject. & pathol. in rabbits (Hun)) PUSKAILER, Jozef, Dr. Bronchoseopic therapy of irritating cough. Cask. otolar. 5 no.2:103-105 Apr 56.' I. KM-otolaryugologicke oddelenie, Banska Bystrica. (COUGH, therapy, bronchoscopic method. (Cz)) (BRONCHOSCOPT, in various diseases, cough, ther. use (Cz)) -- U:!7--@ T @-,T Z" .j. Development of the High Tatra is secured. p. 161. iGUSY SLOIFENIS-Ky. Bratislava. Vol. 31, no. 6, June 1954. SOURCE: East European Accessions List. (EF.A.L) Librarj of Congress. Vol. 5, No. S, August 1956. - -'L, , J. New orginization of the tourist and travel trade. p. 97. KttAMY SLOVEN-SKA- Bratislava. Vol. 31, no. 4, Apr. 1954. SOURCE: East European Accessions List. (Ea-kL) Library of Congress. Vol. 5, No. 8, August 1956. FUSKAR, A. New ascents in the High Tatra, simner 1954. p. 351 KRASY SLOV--P,%SKA no. 9, Sept. 1955 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Source: EAST EURG:--EAN ACCESSIONS LIST3 VOL. 5, no. 7, July 1956 j-3@20-56 -. P_VTW--- -- !JP(c)--- M JU -'-'U _j Q_ ACC NR, AP5024307 UR/0023/65/000/003/0487/0489 -W AUTHOR: Lipmaa, E.; Puskar, J.; Alla, M. TITLE: Investigation of nuclear Overhauser effect by the method of internuclear double magnetic resonance SOURCE: AN EstSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-matamaticheskikh i tekhnicheskikh nauk, no.3, 1965, 487-489 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear magnetic resonance, nuclear spectrometry ABSTRACT: THE INTERNUCLEAR double resonance variant (INDOR) of the'Overhauser effe-c- was used for the determination of INDOR magnetic resonance spectra of ethyl cinnamate. The equipment included a spectrometer incorporating a two-sample fast stabilizing spin generator and a drift eliminator. All lines of the AB system investigated, in- cluding those having no energy levels in common with the perturbed line, were stron- gly affected by the perturbing field and showed the Overhauser effect. Thus it ap- pear..s that in this case the utilization of the INDOR methodology of the Overhauser effect study proposed by Kaiser (J.Chem, Phys. v.42, 1965, p.1838) for the elucida- tion of the mutual arrangements of spin-system energy levels does not always lead to a definite, single valued answer, Other advantages of the INDOR approach to the Over- Card 1/2 1. 1 032,0@,6 ACC NR: "5024307 hauser effect utilization in magnetic resonance spectra studies are noted. These in- clude its high selectivity, enabling the investigation of closely situated lines, Poo- sibilities of getting information on the structure of molecules and solutionsand its value in sensitive spectrometry of carbon -13 nuclei. The orig. art. has: I figure. ASSOCIATIONt Institut Kibernetiki ANHstSSR. (Cybernetics Institute of the EstSSR). SUBMITTEN 12May65 ENCL.: 00 SUB COD.H: NO REP SOVt 002 OTHERz, 008 Card 212 IN FUSHKAR, R.G, [Rwhkar, R.H.1; CHERNEGA, L.G. [Cherneha, L.H.) Utilization of the local sources of raw materials for the manufacture of sulfuric acid. Khim. prom. (Ukr@] no.2:70- 72 AP-Je 163. MIRA 16:8) BAR11A, K.;-PUSKAR, V. On the mechanism and principles of so-called arborization phenomenon of cervical mucus. Cesk. gynek. 26 no.9:704-706 N 161. 1. Ustav pre lekarsku chemiu lek. fak. UPJS v Kosiciach, doc. veduci prom. lekar inz. K. Barna. (CERVIX UTERI)