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OSORGINS A.V.; LkVROVA, I.V.;-FSHRNTTSYNA, I.F.; VYSKUBOVA, M.M..; SEMITINOV, M.N., red.; ROROKINA, Z.P., t9kh. red. [Problems in the comprehensive development of transportation in the virgin and fallow land region of northern Kazakhstan] Voprosy kom- plekenogo razviti-is. transporta v raionakh osvoonlia tgelinnvkh i zale-.hnykh zeriell Severnogo Kazakhatana. Alma-Ata Izd-vo akad, nauk YAzal--hskoi SSR, 19~7. 107 P. (Akademila nauk Kazakhakoi SSR, Alma- Ata Institut ekonomiki. Trudy, vol. 1). (MIRA 112-3) (F.azakhatan--Transportation) 7 PSHP6NITSYNA, A. issuscitation of the newborn after severe asphyxia by means of an apparatus for artificial respiration. Akush. i gin. 32 no.6:33-37 N-D 156. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Iz 1-y gorodskoy klinicheakoy bollnitsy imeni N.L.Firogove (glavnyy vrach - zasluz hnnyy vrach respubliki L.D.Chernyahov) i akushersko-ginekologicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. I.F.Zhordenia) lechebnofo fakullteta II Moskovskogo medit-Inskoy Institute imeni I.V.Stalins. (ASPMIA NSONATORUK, ther. resuscitation, use of apper. for artif. reap.) bSPIRATION, ARNFICIAL. appar. and instruments (Rr use in resuscitation in as9hyxia neonatorum) PSHENITSTILk. Permealbility of the 7ascular and connective tissue structure in hypertension and its modification under therapy. Zdrav. Ka.zakh. 17 no.1:14-19 '57. (MIR& 12:6) 1. Iz kafedry propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolezney (zav. - prof. II.A.Brener) Kazakhskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta in. V-14-Molotova. (TISSUES--PM4F,UILITY) (HU-OTMISION) (SLENP-THERAnUTIC USE) M.F Caked Sci -- (diss) "Fenetrability Of Vascular I ASISU Structures in Hypertonic Disease and Eephritis.', Alma Ai Ata, 1958, 16 pp (Ka-~akh S-Late LIM Inst). 400 copies. (la,, 10-589122). - 43 - ?R)Kvicri 'K0, f)-F- 24(T) 3 PHASE I BOOK mrorTATroN sov/i36s PlaterlaI7 X Vaeacyu-moZo saveshchan'_-a po spektroakopii. t. 1: Holokul7arnaya Bpe;ctzca~~ply& (Papers of the 10th All-tralon Conference on Spectraacc;7. Vol- 1: Polecular S;ectros4opy) IL-vov) Izd-vo L'voTakoga zdv-ta, 195T. 499 p. 4 000 copies printed. (series; its, Pitychnyy zblrnf,,. 7p. W) Additional Sponsoring Agencyt Akademira nauk SSSR, Komisslya p0 spek-trockopli. Ed.- lazer, S.L.; Tech. Ed.: Saranyuk, T.V.; Ed4torial Boards la.-rioterg, O.S.. Acadazician, (Reap. Ed., Do ... **d). Ne;orent, B.S., Doctor of PhyzlcAl and YathemAtIcal 3010:2ces, ftbellnhviy, I.L., Doctor of Ph7s&cal mid KathematIGAI 3010=64, V.A.. Doctor of Phyaloal and Mthematical Sciencea. KornttRUU, V,a., Candidate of Tea_tmical Sciencesp fty4kiYo S-M-# Candidate or rh7slcaa an4 Mathematical Sciences, Klizw75ki3r, L.K., Candidate of Phyalcal ard Xatl'.e=Atlc&l Sciencts. KUlyanahuk, V.3.. Candidate Of Fh,7514&1 Lmd VatherAtical Sciences, and 01subtrum, A. Yo., Candidate of Physical AM mathematical Sciences- card 1/30 Savinov, B.G. Use of Infrared Absorption Spectra In Determining the Characteristic@ of the Products of Vitadn R Synthesis 265 Belyy~ M,U, Optical Method for the Determination of the Composition of Coziplexes In Solutions 2eT BoSomolow, 3.0., M.P. Grabonahohikova, and X. Ya. LIVIAvk. Anslysix of Phenol-naphthalene mixtures by Means of Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra 270 Using, K.I., and A.G. SLryuk. Group Determination of the Naphthalene Hydrocarbon* by Means or Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra 2T2 Shabadaab, A.M., V.P_MczLLtsjAa~&nd V.M. XhIshava. Spectrophotc~eMa Methods of Phase Control in Processing Acetic Anhydr1de 2T5 Usporent, B.S., K.P. Vasil*vsld7, and N.A. Wim. qualltatlv* AbdOrptIbn by means or water venar Near Inrr SHABADASH, A.W,; PSLW--UTjM.-V,-P-;_KHIMWA, Y.M. Spectrophtometric method for vapor-phase analysis of the acetic anhydride production.' Fiz. abor, no,3:275-277 '57. (NDU 11:8) 1 Goewlarstvennyy nauchno-Issledovatellskiy i proyektnyr institut p;ovVshlennostl plastiaheakikh mass, (Acetic anhydride-Sj?ectra) (Spectrophotometry) PSHENITSYNA, V.P.; SHABADASH, A.N.; MIMI, T.V. Association phenomena in solutions of phenol formaldeh7de novolak resins of orthoregular structure. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no,3:65o-652 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut plasticheskikh mass. Predstav-Leno akademikom V.A. Karginym. PSHENITSYNA, V.P.; SHABADASH, A.H. Spectroscopic analysis of the products of condensation of para-substituted phenols with formaldehyde. Plast.massy no.3:57-59 164. (MIRA 17:3) C-i L 08799-67 E14T (m)/Sip (j) JPW ACC NRs AP6030852 SOURCE CODE: UR/0191/66/000/009/0042/0045 jAUT'HOR: Chibisova, Yet I.; Kovarskaya, B. M.; P~!henitsyna, V. P.; Puzakova. Z. A.; !'Kaganova, Ye. L. ---------- ORG: none TITLE: Degradation of unsaturated polyesters SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 9, 1966, 42-45 TOPIC TAGS: polyester resin, pyrolysis, oxidation, polyester plastic, phthalic anhydride, synthetic material ABSTRACT: The kinetics of thermal and oxidative de&R~A~~j,~ns of polyesters based on ethylene glycol and maleic anhydride and on dichlorohydrinpentaerythrite and maleic- and phthalic anhydrides were studied. The kinetics of thermal degradation were studied in the 200-400"C range by following the pressure drop in the.system and ky IR spectros- copy. Oxidative degradation was studied in the 180-2401C range and at an initial oxy- gen pressure of 200-500 mm Hg. The low values of the activation energy of thermal degradation in all polyesters indicate that the process proceeds via a complex mecha nism. The involvement of the free radical:type intermediates in the thermal degradati~ is suggested. The IR spectra indicate that thermal degradation in polyesters involves the cleavage of the C-0 bonds of the ester. groups. The IR spectra showed that the UDC: 678.019.3 : [678.67416415221448t Cord 1/9 1 I.SZ-70 A 17h I Cnl)f It It D I It nA L o8799-67 ACC NR, AP6030852 0 products of the oxidative degradation of the polyesters contain acetaldehyde, formalde- hyde, benzaldehyde, and maleic anhydride. It is concluded that the oxidative degrada- tion mechanism in polyesters involves an attack of oxygen on the 0-carbon of the styrene-group and the subsequent formation of hydroperoxide-type*intermediates. Un- saturated compounds were also detected in the products of oxidative degradation of the polyesters. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBH DATE: 00/ ORIG FXF: 003/ OTH REF: OOS Card 2/2 not PSIOTITSYM, Ye.A. Rupture of a large umbilical vesael in membranous attachement of the umbilical cord. Akush.i gin. 34 no.3.'103-104 MY-Je 158. (HIM 11:6) 1. Iz Iloginskogo rodillnogo doma (glavW vrach P.M.Kurchin). Zaveduyushchays, rodilInym otdeleniyem Noginskogo rodillnogo doma. (LABOR. compl. rupt. of large umbilical vessel (Rug)) (IJBILICAL CORD, blood supply rupt. of large vessef during labor (Rue)) AUTHOR: Pshenko, A.M., Engineer 28-b-4/40 TITLE: Unification and Normalization of' T-~-trZl~en-'S -d Eeans of 4. an Automation (Unifikatsiya i normalizatsiya priborov i sredstv avtomatizatsii) PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya, 6, PP 13 - 15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article treats the present position and future develop- ments in the Soviet production of instruments and automation devices. Thus far there were no fixed limits for dimensions, fits and tolerances, threads, etc., and denigners were free to choose these elements. This has led to a great multiplicity of devices identical in purpose but non-interchangeable. This is illustra- ted by the examples of the plants"Komega", "Energopribor",-the Moscow plant "Manometr", the Chelyabinsk "Teplopribor", the Ufa Plant of Low-Voltage Devices, the Tomsk "Manometr", the plants "Elektropullt" and "Illmarine". Instances of non- compliance to state standards which cause difficulties in assembly are cited. There is no standard for drawings, and this handicaps the specialization of plants, for when a new instrument type is to be produced, the amendments of drawings take so much Card 1/2 time that it takes I to 1,17 years instead of normal 3 months Unification and Normalization of Instruments and Means of Automation 28-6-4/40 to get the unit into production. The Special Designing Bureau for Standardization and Nor-ruali- zation of Instrument (SKB Standartizatsii i normalizatsii pribo- rostroyeniya) created in 1957, will issue "Basic Design Norms" based on the state standards and the experience of leading plants. The normalization experience of the radio, shipbuil- ding and aircraft industries will be utilized. AVAILA13LE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Industry-USSR 2. instrumentation-Standards 3. Automation-Standards 28-58-2-1/41 AUTHOR: Pshenko, A.M., Engineer TITLE: A Knowledge of Standardization -for Every Specialist (Znaniya standartizatsii - kazhdomu spetsialistu) PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya, 1956, Nr 2, pp 3-6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author outlines the present state of standardization in the USSR (8,000 All-Union state standards apart from the standard specifications of the individual republics and normalls" of separate industry branches) and points out the results of the lack of coordination and special knowledge of standardization on the part of technicians. For instance; 2,918 transformers of different design and size have been developed, while 70 would have been sufficient. Mentioning that in the US, Germany, Britain, Czechoslovakia and other countries, standardization is being taught in technical schools, he says that it is time to add an obligatory stan- dardization course to the programs of the Soviet medium and higher technical schools. The necessary special literature (which does not yet exist) must be provided. Practical or- Card 112 ganizatory sudgestions are made. A Knowledge of otandardization -for Every Specialist 26-58-2-1/41 The editor suggests that workers of scientific institutes, technical schools, scientific-technical societies, industry, sovnarkhozes, and the 10inistry of iligher.Education express their opinions on this subject. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Technical standardization-USSR 2. Industrial standardization-USSR V ,'1 ,i;- I.- ~. - --!;, 1 -- PSIIEBKO, A.M., Inzh. _____OOIU=nification and standardization of instruments and equipment used in automatic control. Standartizataiia no.6:13-15 N-D '57. -BA 10:12) (Automatic control--Standard J/)Z--ff 1