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PSHENICHKIN, P. A... and VOLKOV, D. I., "Anomalous Tbmperature Dependence of Paramagnetic Susceptibility of Some Mn-Alloys. " report presented at the Symposium on Ferroelectricity and Ferromagnetism, Leningrad, 30 MaY-5 June 1963- O'Clu V'J 0 ev 5 aD.-L).O S p5l er I I Ilois T,,~,l e '02 J'a 0. 're-fe C tioll O,aT ol 11, 0l ~-fz- a qo, eTtie5 e el:l C er. P,3e-r, 'rot txTL '01 e lo ae u B.T 50 0 If, lo 'es 0 a lies S. I u nale 1250 vlel-6 r 0. rj. u Orla. ,-, tye t es*9 e g e ef'~'s T 101:i i-at Go e -00 0.~ 9 ~c, 'Ise 'r 0.8. 'a~:L.TI5 , " Ca t, e -r e I'S O.Ce. e tior~ j):9, CIA "L oe el -r0 er te -,Ies -re C 0 G', e ce 0 i0l 0 -to .,e 3/056/62/013/002/002/053 Temperature dependence of the B102/3104 as from 22,'j' between GNand roo--,i temDerature. They s'hoT; a salient -ooint at room temperature, and go on linearly up to the point. Th e inclination of these straight lines is the greater, the hicrher th--e concentration. Resistivity maxima occur at these critical temnerazures. ad 91 . I'M show an abnor.--al behaVior of Illoys containinE 82.5 a. crrous with the temnerature. The exDerimentai results can be ex-olained by.assumin-- that conduction electrons participate in the exchanE;e inser- action. There are 5 figures. --Y) -'-SSOCIATION: 1-illosicovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (~;oscow State U-.,-,ivers4 SUBliTITTED: January 8, 1962 Card 2/2 ZELITTS011, V.V~; PSHRUCIl"KIII, P.A. Study of the magnetic :,haranteristics of vanadyl salicylall- 21-hydrox-Tanilinate and it- I-chloro- and 5-bromo derivati7es. Zhur. strukL. khim. 5 rio-5-, -14-718 S-'] '64 (MIRA 18a1) 1. Moskovskiy fiziko-tekbx,ologichc5kiy institut i Moskovskiy gosudarstvenn~7un-'-"fersi'Ue'v imeni M.V* Lomonosova, VOLKOV, D.L; PSIM14IC11KIN; P.A. Paramagnetism of manganese-antimony alloys at high temperatures. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 11 no. 4:513-518 Ap 161. (MIRA 14-5) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. (Mang-anese-antimony alloys-41agnetic properties) (Metals at high temperatures) VOLKOV) D.I., PSHIENICHKIN, P.A.; BUBLIK, II.I. Anomalous temperature dependence of the pammagnet-c. suscep- tibilility of certain manganese alloys. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 17 no-5:698-702 My 164. (KIRA 17:9) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni --o--onosova. x 7-Y Mi. "On the Statistical Relationshin Between Circulation Types of the ti P Northern Hem, isT)here, Geographical JotLrnal,, Acad. Sci. USSR, I TO . 91'rans* 9~,015,19837 inst. of .---iqther,-atics -srid 7.echanics, ,'~cad. I-ci. UzIbel- "-:"SR, Taslikent. KUZY'UMIN, M.;- P9HMIGHKO. P-.: PMLIMAN, V. Whou has no control. Sov.profsninxy. 16 -no;lz: 17-13 (MI" l3t6) 1. Profgruporg brigady platnikov tretlyego uchastka stroitallstva Baiakleyskogo teementnogo zavoda, g.Balakleya, USSR (for Kuzy=in). 2. B-rlgadir ~mmpiekanoy brigady vtorogo uchaetka stroitelletva Ralaklev-kogo teementnogo zavoda, g.Balakleya, USSR (for ?iLlmvs&~P,~-143- Korreepondent zhurnELla "Bovetskiye profsoyuzy" (Balakleia-Cement industries)' 1. 'q1'ExH' M.A., PSNENnVXAYA, A.1). 2. USSR (600) 4. Dnepropetrovsk Province - Calves 7. Practice of leading farmers in raising calves on the collective farms of Dnepropetrovsk Province. Sots. zhiv. 15 no. 1:45-51 1953 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -April 1953, Uncl. GOVORUKHIN. A.P.; PSMICEWATA._.A.X.;_..jKMAfA, T.V.; ZATTSEVA, M.B.; Prinimali uchastiye: KAT-A KOV, N.V.; PLAKSINA, A.I.; DOLGOSHOV, V.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik. PORTNTAGIN, I.I.,; ROGOYSEAT-A, Te.G., red.; BUMINA, N.J., Wroclimatic reference book on Orel Province] Agroklimatichaskii spravocktnik po Orlovskoi oblasti. Leningrad. Gidrometeor.izd-vo, 196o. sri P. (HIM 13:11) 1. Kursk. Gidrometeorologichaskaya observatoriya. 2. Upravleniye gidrometaluzhby tsentrallno-chernozemnykh oblastey (for Govorukhin. Pshenichnaya. SmelaYe). 3. Institut geografii AN SSSR (for Dolgoshov). (Orel Province--Crops and climate) GOVORUKHIN, A.P.; SKRUYA, T.V.;-~ICHHAYA, A.M.; DOLGOSOV. V.I., nauchnyy sotrudnik; ZAYTSWA, M_.1F.__;_RRDO5MIHA, T.G.. red.; VUDIMIROV, O.G., [Agroclimatic manual for Bryansk Province] Agroklimaticheskii apravochnik po Brianskoi oblasti. Leningrad, Gidromteor.izd-vo. 196o. in p. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravlaniye gidromtoorologi- cheskoy sluzhby. Upravleniye gidromteorologichaskoy sluzhby TSentral'no-chernozemnykh oblastey. 2. Institut geografii AN SM (for Dolgoshev). (Bryansk Province--Crops and climate) GORCKHOT, D.I.; GOVORUKHIN, A.P.; SKILATA, T.T.;_FMMNICHNATA,__A~M.; ZATTSETA, M.B.; Prinimali uchastiye: KALASHNIKOY. N.Y.1 PWSINA, A.I.. PMBTAGIN, I.I.,; ROGOTSEATA, Te.G., red.; YOIKOT, N.Y.. [Agroclimatic reference book on Tambov Province] Agroklimati- cheakii spravochnik po Tambovskoi oblasti. Leningrad, Gidro- mteor.izd-vo, 1959. 123 P. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Kursk. Gidrometeorologichankaya observatoriya. 2. Upravle- niye gidrometaluahby TSentralino-Chernozemnykh oblastey (for Gorokhov, Govorukhin, Smalaya. Fahenichnaya, Zayts*eva). (Tambov Province-Crops and climate) GOVORMIN, A.P.; S)WAYA, T.V.;_P YA �gSBJ~Q~,_A.M" ZAYTSEVA. M.B. Pritimali, uchastiye: KAT-ASBIUKOV, ]9.y.; PLAKSINA, A.I.; DCLGOSHOV, V.K., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik. FWMGIN, I.I.,; MIROMMO, Z.I., red.; VOIKOV, N.Y., [Agroclimatic mann 1 for Lipetsk Province] Agroklimaticheskii spravochnik po, Lipetskoi oblasti. Leningrad. Gidrometeor.izd-vo. 196o. 94 p. (KIRA 14:1) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye gidrometeoro- logichaskoy sluzhby. Upravleniye gidrometeorolo--icheskoy sluzhby TSentrallao-Chernozemnykh oblastey. 2. Upravleniye gidrowtsluzhby T;Sentralino-Chernozemnykh oblastey (for Govorukhin, Smelaya, Pshenichnaya, ZaYtseva). 3. Institut geografii Akademii nauk SSSR (for Dol.-Oshov). (Lipetak Province---Crops and climate) KAPLAN, V.; PSHENICHNAYA, E. Testing the carbamide content of feed m-Ixtures. hek.-elev. prom. 29 no.6:21-22 Je 163. (MM 16:7) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut zhivotnovodstva Lesostepi i Poleslya UkrSSR. (Feed's-Analysis) (Urea as feed) ZHnUDICOV, Aleksey Petrovich, kand.okonom..nauk; PSHKNICHNAYA, G., red.; TREBUKHOV, N., [Wages in collective farms] Oplata trade v kolkhozakh. Kostromokoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1958. 76 p. (MIRA 12:2) (Wages) (Collective farms) BELOZEROV, Potr Ignatlyevich; PW _A~AYA, G., red.; TROPINOVA. Z., Lvegetation of Kostroma Province and its utilization] Rasti- tellnost' Kostromokoi oblasti i so ispollsovanis. Kostrom, Kostromskoe knizhnoe izd-vog 1959, 72 P. (KIRA 14:1) (Kostroma Province--Botany, Mconomic) VESELOV, Nikolay Afanaslyevich; JAATVEYEV, Vasiliy Matveyevichp zootekhni PSIMIICHNAYA, G.N.,-red.; PANKPATOV, A.I., tekhn. red. [Loose housing ofeattle; from experience of the "Shuiskii" State Farm] 13espriviaznoe soderzhanie skota; iz opyta raboty sovkhoza "Shuiskii." Ivanovop Ivanovskoe knizbnoe izd-vo, 1962. 53 p. OAIRA 15:4) 1. Direktor sovkboza *Sbwakly*, Sorod Ivasm, Iyawmakays. oblast' . i.' ,-or Veselov). (Ivanovo Province-Dairy barns) IMMLIK. V.V.; nTROV. Y.G.; DIJNAYZVA. T.H.; PSHWHIGMUYA. L.A.; MEDVXDZYA. M.S.; GWSHKO. N.Y. f- Charactoristics of the natural foci of tularemia in forest shelter- belts and ways of controlling them. Vop.kraev..ob. i ekapparaz. i med.zool. 9:140-152 155. (ULNA 10:1) 1. 1z otdela parazitologii i meditsinskoy zoologii (zav. - eked. Ye.N.Pavlovskly) Instituta epidemiologil i mikrobiologii imeal X.F.Gamaleya (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii maditeiiiskikh nauk SSSR prof. G.V.Vygodchikov) kkademli meditsinskikh nauk SSSR Stavropol'skogo protivoopidemichoskogo instituta (dir. T.N.Ter- Tartanov) Ministeretva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (TUIARIMIA) (WIMRIAKS, SHEWEROLTS, XTC.) i'll'Ni'l-,11INAYA, ;..F. kK~-,7t)v); f:,KCJRDKhODli',O, TI.F. IlKly'?,v) ~ 1 3 s Is c f in-~e ' 1 r geril In ar. ~ ~ * - .' T -, .lr-q -1 --- ~, .. - - I c d v _ ~.,)mm- ' z -. Prob I. kiLb. nc,. 20-2-6 1 -.2?3 16-, -1 ~ (MIRA l8i4j' BRAYCh'EVSKIY, M.Yu.; PSHENICHNAYA, L.E.; SKC)RL'W.'F.CDIKO, E.F. Jn-,o--matior re+-ri-e-val im ti-,-3 field of arch-a-cological literature. NTI no.8:13-16 163. (KRA 1611o) P&MCHMA9 L.A*j and GLUSHO, N.V. MEDVEDEVA, X#S., DUNAYEVA, T*No, PMROV, V.G., OCHERUK,. V.Ve, "Peculiarities of the Existence of Nutural Nidi of Tularemia in Shelter-belt Zones and the Means of Improving Health Conditions in These Nidi", Problems of Regional, General and Experimental Paresitiology and Wdical ZoologY, Vol, 9, 1955. Division of Parasitiology and Medical Zoology, Inst, Epidemiology and Microbiology imeni N. F. Gamleys, AMR USSR Sum. 1305 Icarj L 17IQ9,65 MCI ACCESSION NRI AP4046662 2: .2t, s convolutlcii_'%~ m ealftco jig.. $3 AT 01 ~ . /3 Card PSHENIGHM) B. P. (Kiyev) Computations for the design of power trangmission uystems performed by electronic computers. 7-hur. vych. mat. i mat. fiz. 2 no.5:942-947 8-0 162o (MIRA 16:1) (Power transmission) (Electronic calculating machines) OCHKUP, A',~.; IFSHENICHIM, G.A. Uging the effect of gamma-ray reflection for estimating certain. metals in ores. Vop. rud. geofiz. no.5'104-108 165. 0 (MIRA 18-9) A.P. C- M- L Cd 0 n,~ Ord...-onii Joze mine, a n o PSTMNICI.Mry~ G.1.7 kaplt&a 3-go rang& Lec-atre &nd seminar method of Dolitical studies. Mor. sbor. 4? 38-42 32L 164. (MJRA 18-7) .-l. ~ .- T 4 . r "'-" i -- ) -., , . ~ , .n7, ri. ... 4 w " j - ^ontLivirwo line for, ~-ut,.---'ng and 3tampirig Magnetic ...'i of po-4or transfor-mars. Energ. 1 elektxotekh. A -L- 1---- - (MIRA 17-.10) pr~)j.-,, C-11% t636-~ . KRIVSHIN, Aleksandr Pavlovich, kandidat telffinicheakikh nauk; PSMIGHM Gennadiy Ivanovich, inihener; VOSIXIMSKIT, N.I., remo-rr 0:81 - redaktor. [Repairing motor road rollers] Remont notornykh ketkow. Nookwa, Hauchno-teldm. izd-vo avtotranep. lit-ry, 1955. 49 P. (Road rollers) ii Y, Ino--~!lcgic-11 form cl, Old a~.7, nscacl a Lo -is .1-r! sulfi(,e ores in the p.7ri tic ~opp~ c 'la Do n I T'-Izh. Urala no, p,cl . i skop. FSHENICHNYY, G.N.; SH&DLUN, T.N. -Banded and schistose textures of ores in the Gay deposit of the Southern Urals. Geol.rud.mestorozh. no.6:74-93 N-V 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Gornogeologicheakiy institut Bashkirskogo filiala AN SSSR, Ufa i Institut geologii, rudnykh mestorozhd#nJy, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii AN SSSR. (Gay region (Orenburg Province)-Metamorphism (04010gy)) (Ore deposits) -7: r 1. Conter of riiniru,, roanarch. flast.upl. 8 no.6:8,f3si.9b Jo '59. (,,JRA 121:10) Giinirq; r~-search) . PSBINICHNyr, I.D., TRqyis, T-V- Hydraulic conveying of lump coal in plast4-c-vispous sludge. Ugoll 35 no.7:48-53 Jl 160. (NM 13:7) (Hydraulic mining) FROLOV, A.G., doktor tekhn. nauk; TRAYNIS, V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; FSHENICHM, I.D., iuzh.; CHAPLIN, B.N., inzh. Hydraulic haulage of lump coal in a stream of coal alurrr. Ugoll 34 no.6:5-9 Je '59. (MM 12:8) (Hydraulic mining) (Mine haulage) USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Sensory Organs. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol... No 9, 1958, 41791. Author -2zbgjjLqhxLvy,__L,_P. 0 Inst Stavropol Medical-T-nstitute. Title The Influence of the Corneal Receptors of the Eye in the Development of Experimental Keratitis, Orig Pub: Uch. zap. Stavropolsk. med, in-t, 1957, vyp, I., 137-14Z. Abstract: No Abstract. Card 1/1 150 USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Sense Organs. T Vision. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 22, 1958, 102293, Author Pahenichn P Inst :-St'dv5opo V cal J~s u Title The Significance of the initial Functional State of the Central Nervous System and Receptory Appa- ratus of Animal Cornea in the Development of Experimental Keratitis, Orig Pub: Uch. zap. Stavropoltsk. med. in-t, 1957, vYP.l, 143-150. Abstract: Keratitis was induced in rabbits by way of burning the cornea on the background of ether narcosis or in combined application of narcosis and anesthesis with dicaine. The observations of the course of keratitis were accompanied by measuring the To and Card 1/2 1o6 PqPFMTC;jDPfy, I.P. , Cand Ved -ci -- (diss) "Role of the nervoas system in the development, courseand 51t~--4 of ev)erimental keratituis." Tomsk, 1956, 1"i pp (Tomsk Statte 114ed Inst) 250 copies (FL, 29-~8, 137) - 126 - PSHEITICHNYY, I.P. (Khabarovsk) "Hyperleukocy-tic reaction" of the blood to the administration of caffeine and bromine preparations duriiw- the course of the inflammatory process. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 1+ no.3:71-72 My-Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Iz ke-fedry p.-,+ofiziologii (zav. - prof. V.A. Chepurin) Stavropol*- skogo meditsinskogo instituta i kafedi-f patofiziologii (zav. - kandidat, meditsinskikh nauk L.B. Turbina) Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (INFLAM1-1ATION-EXPERIMENTAL) (GAFFEEINE) (BROMIDES) (LEUKOCYTOSIS) PSHENICHNYYj I.F. Dynamics of changes in the blood leukocy-tes in dogs with different types of higher nervous activity. Zhur. vyo. nerv. deiat. 10 no* 3:435-442 MY-Je 160. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Laboratory of Experimental Genetics of Higher Nervous Activityp Pavlov Institute of Physiology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Koltushi, and Chair of Pathological Physiologyr Medical Institutep Stavropol'. (TEV]PERAMENT) (TAUXOGYTES) FSHENIGHNYI , I..Pl. Nature of the course of infla=atory reactions of the skin in dogs with different tykes of higher nervous activity. Vest. derm. i ven. 34 no.7:8-13 160. (MIRA 13:1-2) .(NERVOUS SYSTE24) (IRFLA14MATION) (ALLERGY) ~7j j7-T I r' I '~ "ff "The Use of Organic and lvd-neral Feitilize-rs"; dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (awarded by the Timiryazev Agricultural AcadmW., 1962) (Izvestiya Timiryazovskoy Sellskokhozyaystvamoy Akademiis Moscow, No. 2, 1963, pp 232-236) PSBRIICIDIYY, I.F.; BUI&XIN, M.I. (Khabarovsk) Attachermt to the electrocardiograph for continuous registra- tion of heart rhythm on the kymogram. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 6 no.6%72-75 N-D162 (MIRA 17:3) 1. Iz Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. PSIOIICHNYY, I.P. .... FXfect of caffeine and bromine preparations on the course of an inflammatory process (experimental keratitis) Trudy Khab. med. inst. 23 no.2:57-60 262 iMIRA 16:12) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. V.A. Chepurin) Stav-ropollskogo meditsinskogo institu'u-s. i kafedry patologicheskoy fiziologii Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo insti- tuta. PSHRIICRIYY, I.P. (Khabarovsk) Method of inducing the oculocardiac reflex by cmpression of the eye with increasing intensity. Pat. fiziol. eksp. ter. 7 no-5-.74-75 S-0163 (MIRA 17:2) 1..Iz fiziologicheskoy laboratorii ( zav. - dotsent I.P. Pshenichnyy) Khabarovskogo pedagogicheskogo instituta i iz Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. PSIMICHI MY, I.P., kai d. med. nauk Trophic effect, of the cervical s3mpathetlic and trigeminal nerves on corneal temperature. Oft. zhur. 18 no.4.-237-238 163. (MA 17-4) 1. Iz kafedry patofiziniogii Stavropollskogo meditsinskogo in- s tituta. PSYMICHNYY, I.P. Physiolcgical characteristics of the eyeball-heart reflex in gradual compression of the eyes with increasing force. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 65 no.52703-710 165. (MIRA 1815) 1. Fiziologicheskaya laboratoriya (rukovoditell - dotsent I.F.Fshenichnyy) Pedagogicheskogo instituta, Khabarovsk. L 2163-66 7ACCESSION NR: AP5023671 uR/6-2Y9T67s/060/009./0020/0024, 612.178.6. !AUTHOR: Pshenichnyy, I. P. TITLE: Physiological characteristics of the oculocardiac reflex in response to slight pressure oa the eye SOURCE: Byulleten' eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny, v. 60, no. 9, 1965i 20-24 1TOPIC TAGS: physiology, cardiology, parasympathetic nervous system.-cardiac. rate, ,autonomic nervous system, nerve stimulation, reflex Omm Hg 1ABSTAACT: The author used a specially-designed device to apply pressure (30 'for 30 sec) to the eyeballs of 100 healthy subjects, and observed,four types of ,changes in the cardiac rhythm:- (1) decrease in 38; (2) increase in~33; (3) increase-.,- followed by decrease or vice versa in 13;,(4) no changes in 16. Since these reach tions differed in direction, the author does not regard the mean changes in dardiaci-11,_ ;activity as statistically significant. He joes-not consider pressure on the eye:~ i division of the:autonomic~nervouq`- :specific'stimulus for excitin the parasympathet c 9 1 Caid. reflex ~'-sp. b1cl. i med. 6~~- n a o 1- 9 ACC NR; V," 0035411 SOURCE CODE: UR/0137/66/000/009/AOID/A010,~ AUTHOR: 11-Unkc, V. F.; Fumanav, V. I.; Kozlova, A. G.; PshenichnyY, I. V. !TITIS: Wetting of the alloys TiC-ZrC and TiC-VC by liquid nickel !SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 9A66 :REF SOURCE: Sb- P(Yverkhnostn. yavleniya v rasplavakh i voznikayushchikh iz nikh tverd, Ifazakh. Nal'chik, 1965, 397-4o4 ITOPIC TAGS: nickel, liquid metal, titanium alloy, carbide, metal surface, surface property, resistivity, hardness ABSTRACT: The contact angle 0 of nickel on sintered sampleswith compositions TiC-VC ! s.nd TiC-ZrC was determined by the lying-drop method at 5 x 10--5 mm Rg, the electric ~resistivity p at 290K was determined by the eddy-current method, and the hardness was* lalso determined. in the composition range 60 - 90 mol.% VC the value of 0 for TiC-VC I is 0 radY i.e., these alloys are completely wetted by the nickel. A LvxJx,=. p > 250 pohrrcm is observed at a VC content of 75 m 0l.%. In the TiC-ZrC system, the plots of p vs. composition and of e vs. composition have a character similar to the TiC-VC al- I ,loys. The minimum values of 0, and accordingrly the maximum valuee- of p, are observed in alloys with 4o - 6o moi.% ZrC. The wetting by nickel of isomorphous carbides with cifoic lattice of metals of groups TV - V.improves with increasing p and with decreas- ing radius of the metallic atom. The value of 0 decrer-ses linearly to zero with de- creasing free energy of carbide product-ion. As the free energy of carbide production Card 1/2 uDc: '[699.295'784 + 669-241: 532.64 ACC NR.1--ARO'03 54 L L I increases on going, from VC to ZrC in the VC - NbC - TiC - ZrC series, p decreases linearly and 6 increases. In the wetting of the carbide, the principal role is p1wfe& by the chemical interaction between the metal of the carbide and the liquid met"al. 3 illustrations, 4 tables. Bibliography., 1~ titles. M. Krasheninnikaw (Translation of abstract] STM flnn'p- 11 CounLry : US311 Cate6pry: Forestry. Dendroloby, Abs Jour: RZhDiol., No )-1, 1958., No 48723 Author Pshenichnyy, I.Ye. Inst Title Reproduction of the Plane Tree fron Seeds in Crimea. Orig Pub: Lesn. kh-vo, 1957, No 9, 8o-81 Abstract: A survey of the plantations of Platanus orientalis L. in Crimea (1956) showed its ability to reproduce by self seedinG. The seed reproduction of the plane tree is observed -in the Yaltinskiy Rayon narrow ra- vines with shallow alluvial soils, along sLell moun- tain rivers (the article describes the process arA the bioloGy of renewal). The two-year experimentts on growing the plane tree by a*wing (in Crimea) Card - 1/2 K-14 I-SHENIM-7, I.Ye. Remarkable plane trees in the Crimea. Biul. Glav. bet. sada no.31:115-116 '58. (MM 12: 5) l.Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskly institut lesnoge khazyaystva. (Crimea--Plane tree) PSHENICHIM I.Ye. Plane trees in the Crimea. Biul. Glav. bot. sada no. 38:22-31 160. WIRA 14:5) 1, Botanicheskiy sad AF Ukrainskoy SSR, Kiyev. (Crimea-Plane tree) I PSHENICHNY-Y,- I, Y . - .- _e- Cand Agr Sci - (diss) "Basic plantain crops in the Crimea." Khar'kov, 1961. 23 pp; (Ministry of Agriculture Ukrainian SSR, Khar'kov Order of Red Banner Agricultural Inst imeni V. V. Dokuchayev); 300 copies; price not given; list of author's works at end of text (12 entries); (KL, 5-61 SuP, 198) I - --PS-HENICHM., I.Yu. [Pshenychnyi,, LIU.) Growth and development of plane trees in Crimea. Trudy Bot. iada AN URSR 709-67 160. (MIRA 14:4) (Crimea-Plane tree) CH.URILIN, M.A.; PSIIENICfiNYY, L.V. Features of the spatial distribution of endogenic mineralization in relation to intrusions. Razved. i okh. nedr 27 no.10:15-22 o 61. (YJR& 15:3) 1. Zapadno-Sibirskoye geologicheskoye upravlenlye. (Ore deposits) FSHENICHNYY MA , gornyy inzh. Improving the frilling equipment in open-pit mines of the Vakhrushevugoll Trust. Gor.zhur. no.1-.72-73 Ja 163. (KIRA 16 -.11) 1. Vakhrushevskiy trest ugollnoy promyshlennosti kombinata Sverdlovskugoll. (Karpinsk regic.-n,,Boring machinery) KUTUZOV, Boris Nikojayevich; PSIMIICM.'I'Y, Mikhail Andreyevich DOKUCHAYEEV, M.M., inzh.., retsenzent; DWIDYUK, G.P... kard. tek,hn. nauky retsenzent; BYKHOVSKAYA) S.N.D red. izd-va; FRONRIA, N.D.., tekhn. red. (Blaster in open-pit mines]Vzryvnik na otkrytykh gornykh raz- rabotkakh. MoAva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 154 P. (MIRA 15:9) (Blasting) (Quarries and quarrying) Foreign bod-iles ip the salivary dat~Ls and glando. Stomatolop-i'la 42 no.4:4~-48 Z~1-4163 (KTPA r, otdelenky-a ( 7.zav. V'.-.ini'C,skcjy c?blastnc)y k-lirtichaslkoy bollnitsy inten-I Pirogag'a (glaviiyy -,,-rac-h Yu.I.Qstrovski-y). p~sjj - N I c jj 1-.4 X ~' N - F AUTHOR: Gorin, F. I., Engineer. 94-3-20/26 TITIE: An All-Union Scientific Technical Conference on Economy of Fuel and Electric Power in the Engineering Industry (Vsesoyuznoye nauchno-tekhnicheskoye 8oveshchaniye po ekonomii topliva i elektroenergii v mashimtroitel'noy promyshlennosti) PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1958, Vol 13 -NO-3, pp- 33 - ~5 ~UssR) ABSTRACT: In December, 1957, there was held in Moscow an All-Union scientific donference to exchange experience in the economy of fuel and electric power in the engineering industry. The con- ference was organised by the Scientific-technical Society of the Engineering Industry (Nauchno-tekb-nicheskiy obshchestvo mashinostroitellnoy promyshlennosti), the State Inspectorate of Industrial Power Engineering (GosudarstvennaL~a inspektsiya po promenergetike) and the Power Inspectorate of the Ministry of Power Stations (MBS). The conference was attended by 475 representatives of industrial undertakings, power suppliers and power directorates of Councils of the j~ational Economy, design- erection and other organisations. Eighteen reports were read. The representative of the Leningrad Polytechnical Institute Cardl/4 (Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut), Candidate of 94-3-20/26 An P-11-Union Scientific Technical Conference on Economy of Fuel and Electric Power in the Engineering Industry Technical Sciences V.Y. Shakidzhanyan gave a report entitled "Problems of Economy of Fuel and Power in Engineering Works". The chief engineer of tlie Leningrzad Wrov Works, A.M. Slutskiy, reported on the works' experience in the economy of electric power. The assistant chief power engineer of 1GPZ, V.N. Ovechkin, described various measures, including a new method of gauging metal wheels which gave great power economy. N.V. Burakov, an engineer of the Chelyabinsk Kirov Works, gave a report about the use of secondary power resources. The chief power engineer of the Gorkiy Automobile Works (GoAovskiy Avtozavod), N.F. Pshenichn y, described how losses of heat, electricity and ~~Uo-mpressed air had been reduced. Dotsent of the Moscow Power Institute,I.M. Zavadskiy, reported on the dynamics of the main economic indices of power economy. Dotsent of the Moscow Power Institute, V.V. Sbazonov, indicated the main lines of development of industrial gas-turbines and heat supply installations. Candidate of Technical Sciences, BT.I. Trekhov, of the Works imeni Likhachev, reported on the ionaf-use of t--hermal and electric power in new engineering processes in his engineering C;ard2/4 94-3-.20/26 An All-Union Scientific Technical Conference on Economy of -Fue! and Electric Power in the Engineering Industry factory. The chief engineer of the State Inspectorate of the Ministry of Power Stations, G.V. Serbinovskiy, gave a report t-gineer Yu.Ye. Zalesskiy on electricity supply in Europe* , fi- _' of the Power Department of EnergogiproavtoDroma s~`oke'on modern methods of electricity supply to engineering works. The following contributed to the discussion: Engineer X.P. Korel'- sk-;kh (Izhorsk Works), Engineer I.P. Nakhodkin (Kharlkov Tractor Works), Engineer L.Yu. Ostrerov.:..(of the Kiev Works 'Leninskaya Kuznitsal), Engineer G.Ya*.""'L'evichev (chief power engineer of the Baltic Works), Engineer G.Ya. Nalbandyan (power engineer of the Riga Lampworks), P.K. Aksyutin (head of the sub-department for planned distribution of fuel of Gosplan of the USSR) and N.M. Chumakov (head of the State Inspectorate for Power Engineering and Power Inspection). A brief account is given of each contribution. The decisions of the conference related to competitions in power economy, the use of secondary power resources such as exhaust steam and the heat of condensate, the organisation of centralised energy supply to industry from large economic power Card3/4 stations and the organisation of centralised repair of electrical 94-3-20/26 An All-Union Scientific Technical Conference on Economy of Fuel and Electric Power in the Engineering Industry equipment. Gosplanms requested to increase the output of lightweight heat insulation, static capacitors, motors of the low-power synchronous, multi-speed and enclosed types and other equipment. The size of the journal, Promyshlennaya Energetika, should be increased. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 17 I FSHS'-"CHNYY I- -T.,-acn (VinniLs) Sialography in the diag-ricsis and trepatznrent of sialolithiasis. Probl. chel.-lits. khir. no-1:148-150 '65. Classification of qlalollthiasis, lbi-o.-'351-152 (MINFLA 18: 10) PSIENICHNYY, N.F. Converting the Gorkiy automobile plant to natural gas. Gaz. prom. 9 no.3:18-20 164. (MM 17:9) PSH3NY(;Ht[YY. Nl~oa Ivanovych [Cora is an important aource of grain) Kukurudze - vazhlvvyi rezerv vyrobnytstya zerna. Iryiv. 1956. 82 p. (KIAA 10:4) (Cora (Kaize)) PSHENICHNY'Y, N.I. [Pahenychnyi, N.I.], dotsent; LUCHKO.9 O.S.f agronom Agriculturist and acientiot. Nauka i zhyttia 10 no.3:29 Mr 160. (MIRA 14:8) (Bogdanov, Sergei Mikhailovich., 1859-1920) PSHENICHWY, U.I. [Psheriychrqi, N.I.]. kand.9e1's1-okhozyayf3tv9unvkh nauk A learned agronomist. Naulm i zhyttia 9 no.8:37 S 159. (MIRA 13:1) W.sow, Stepan Mikhailovich, 1796-1859) PSIMIMUrTy, IT.I. [Esh*pAe~- ~.], kand.sellslc,3khozyasrstvennv-kh nauk, - - -'dotsi - -, Organizer of agricultural research. Nauka i zh.7ttia 8 no.5: 416 Mv '5 8. (MIRA 13:4) (:Barakov. Petr Fedorovich, 185,8-1919) Country : USSR M Category: Cultivated Plauts. Conmrcial. Oil-Dearing. Sugar-DearinL; _bs Jour _"=iL;ioI_, II-.o 22L, 49055 Author :_Yshenichnzy.- N. I. Inst : Kiev HydroLuelioration Inst. Title : Cultivation of Perilla at Kiyovshchina. (Short Com- rminication) 1~ub: Tr. KiyevsE. L.,`.dronclior. in-tan, 1-956, 5, 165-167 Abstroct: From field tests which were carried out in 1950 and 1951 at the Uchhhoz of the Ukrainian AcadoLW of Agri- culture, optim-n! sowing times, methods and norTa for perilla have been dotexTained for the forest steppe Card 1/2 bs jour: RZhDiol.., No 11, 1958, No. 49055 region of Kiyovskaya Oblast. A noticeable influence of sawing tL.-Cs. i--ythods and on the oil pro- duction of )erilla seeds has not been detected. -- D.D. Valdmistrov Card 2/2 M-131 Country : USSR m Category: Cultivated Plants - Cormercial - Oil-Dearing Sugar-Deari.-Lig . Abs Jour: RZIiPjiol., No 3.1, 1958, No 49057 Author : PshenichnYY N-T- Inst T- -Ki-ev Hydrome-1-i-or-5-M-ron Inst Title On the Cultivntion, of a New Oil-Dearing Crop of the Cole-vort, Cr=ube abyssinica Hochst. Or G A.:ub: Tr. Kiyevsl.^. Gidrom-lior. in-ta, 19%, v-, . 5, 169-173 Abstract -Data on the morphology and biology of Crc-mbe abyssinica- Hochst, and also test results on sawing times and rcthods arc given. These tests were carried out in 1950 and 1951 at several localities in the Mrainian SSR. It is concluded that colewort Card 1/2 M-133 Country : USSR III Category: Cultivated Plants. Comercial. Oil--i)CarinG- Sugar-DeariMC; - , d joi --: ro 1:.; :.%)~X,, I~Io 49()57 cultivation -in the forest and forest-stoppc areas of the Ukraiman SSR is expedient. -- ri.D. Vakbnistrov is Card.. : 2/2 -PSHENICMM, Nikon Ivanovich (PsherychrWip N.I. 9 kand. sell skokhoz.rutuk, GURENKO, V.A. lHurenko, V.A.], red. (Increase the production of pulse crops) Zbillsbyty vyrobmytstvo zernobobovykh kulltur. Xyivq 1961. 48 p. (Tovarystvo dlia posbiyrennia pol-ityebiUkh i naukovykh Mcrainslkoi RSR. Ser.5, noel)* (KIRA 146) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Ukrainskoy Akademii sellskokhozyaystvemiykh nauk (for Likhvar). (j,egumes) PSHENICHNYY, Nikon IYAnO-vlch[Fshsnychnyi, N.I.], kand. sellkhoz.nauk; BRATCHIK, V.M., kand. sellkhoz.nauk, otv. red.; GURENKO,V.A. (Hurenko, V.A.], red.; MATVIICHUK, O.A., tekhn. red. [Growing forage beans in the Ukraine]Vyroshchavannia kormovykh bobiv na Ukraini. Kyiv, Tovarystvo dlia poshyrennia polit. i naukovykh mmAn' URSR, 1962. 35 P. (MIRA 16:2) (Ukraine-Broad bean) PUMICI-CH-Ma-Mikon Ivanovich- kand. sell skokhoz.nauk; LITVIN, S.G. [Lytvyn. 3.H.1, kand.sellskokhoz.nauk,; GURESHKO, V.A. [Hurenko, V.A.]. red. [Increase the production of protein-rich forage plants] Zbil'shYMO vyrobr~,~tstvo kormovykh bilkovykh roslyn. Kyiv. 1960. 39 p. (Tova- ry8tvo dlia poshyrennia politychnykh i nan1covykh 2naul Ukrainalkoi M. Ser.69 no.Zl). (miRA 14:1) (Legumes) DYAC.HUNKO, Konstantin KorneyevieN,?SRUICHM,.,,)[.I.,-,, [Pshenichnyi, 11.I~1' I oil I alkohoopodaralkikh'na'a,--r's-d'-.-;""-YR-MC"Mg V.P., red, (Agriculture of Ukraine is on the rise] Sil'alke hospodarstvo 13krainy na krutonm pidnesonni. Kviv. 1958. 34 p. (Towarystva dlia poshyrennia politychnvkh i naukovykh snan' Ukrainsikoi RSR. Ser.3. no.13) (MIRA 12:2) (UXTaine--Agriculture) M BASOV, Iven Ivarovich-, pBlIENICHM.-H.I., kand.sellskokh.nauk-, red.; MOMKO, (Prospects for the development of agriculture in the Ukrainalkoi RSR. Kyiv. Tovarystvo dlia poshyrennia polit. i naukovykh znant Ukrainalkoi RSR, 1958. 23 P. (MIFLA 12:2) (Ukraine--Agriculture) PSHRNIGHNTY. Nikon Ivanovich I -- - -riorghum-is a drought-proof, high-yielding forage plant] Sorho - posukhostiiko i vyiokovrosheins kormo*a kulturs. K~riv. 1956. 30 p. (Sorghum) (MLRA 10:4) ~,Aikolp _A _1 MA SHK Isakovna; RIPINA, -y,- _Jko W#vIq-h; RGH 0, LIubov' _jrAAWIGR= _a -- - ;0 - '. Mariya Ivanovna; BURDI-,"Wi.. redaktor; POPRYADUKHIN, K.A.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Descriptive geometry; lectures with practical instructions, problems and assignments for correspondence eutdonts] Nachertatall- naia geomntriia; lektall a metodicheakimi ukazanitaxi, zadachami i kontrolgnymi zadanliami dlia studentov-zaochnikov. Pod obahchei, red. N.H.Pshenichnogo. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo "SovetakEkia nauka,N 1956. 242 p. (Hum 10:1) (Geometry,-DescriDtive) PSH3NICHM, P. ------ 3xpand correspondence instruction of financial enTlo7ees in every way. Fin. SSSR 19 no.5:38-42 Yq 158. (MIRA il.W 1. Direktor Teesoywuogo zaochnogo finausavo-kreditnogo takhuikuma. (France-Study and teaching) PSIDINIG-MM, P. Higher standard for the correspondence instruction of financial personnel. Fin.SSSR 20 no.3:4&-51 Mr '59. (AIRA 12:7) 1. Direktor Vaesoyuznogo zaochnogo finansovo-kreditnogo tekhnikuma. (correspondence schools and courses) (Finance--Study and teaching) PSEENICMM, P. flew developments in the correspondence school s3yetem. Fin. SSSR 21 no.12:54-56 D 6o. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Direktor Veesoyuznogo zaochnogo finansovo-kreditnogo tekhnikuma. (Correspordence schools and courses) (Finance-Study and teaching) PSIMTICHNY%', P. Finance IMI)rove the 'Personnel management of finance organs. Sov. fin, No, 11 lqr12, Yonthly-List-of' Russian 'Accessions-, Library of Congress, March 1.952. Unclassified. PSH-,NICHITYY, P. lqus3ia - Of ~'icials and 7z.iployees I Improv!-t the p-rqonnel rla nary ement -,f finance organs. Sov. fiiln. :.'0. 1) I~rZ C, Monthiy List of Hus3ian Accessions, Library of Congress, Narch 1)52. Unclassified. Pshenich-,V,y, 11. -5. "Changes in the or -aw= of yollrL%-,, large I~orneii cattle ~mder the rf tr-~iningpll, S~orn-',.J. TI-Lx1mr, Vol.. VY Isstic 7., P. 3-91.7 - Mblio-: (A- ite-s. 11 53, (Le opis 'Zhurnal 'Tiyldi Statey, -,To. FSRENIGHNYVY, F. [Pshenychnyi., P.J,, prof. Contribution of chemiszry zo stockhreeding. Naaka i zh-.,-ttia 12 no.3:38-39 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:U) PSHEITICHITH, P. , podpolkovnik zapasa Their exploits are immortal. Voen.vest. 43 no.11:17-19 N 143, (kM 16:12) PSHENICHNYY, P. Indifferent attitude toward a serious matter. Fin. 33SR 37 no.7:85-86 J1 163. (MIRA l6i8) (Finance--Study and teaching) (Correspondence schools and courses) P. D. L u ..evii-n,i of S. I. Shteynan's 3-ook, 'How, 'o Create a :,ecord-Brealdn.r- Karavayevskiy Ferd"', Aigrobiol., 4, 1949. Dr. il-ricultural nbr. Kharlkcv Zootechnical Instu.,-cl 49-, 1- .49 "-~--oblems of drlib,~-ratcl-.- cUinacted nai-intc of -?airy cattle." Pj,,-~-njc,,my, P. D. (P. 4?0) SO: Joiiniall o-f Gener.-a T-,olop-; (Zhimnal Obshchei Bliologii) Vol. X, I.-To. 6, 1949 PSEMICHNYY, P.D. Principles of controlled breeding of agricultural animals. Zh. obab. biol., Moskva 13 no. 3:169-181 May-June 1952. (CLIG 22:4) 1. Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Aniisal Husbandry and Kharlknv Zontecbn1cal Institute. PSHENICIMY., P.D. Transformation of feed protein and heat production in farm animals during ontogei6y. 427-1+31 N-D 162. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Ukrainian AcadeirT of Agricultural Sciences. (VETERINARY PBYSIOLOGY) PROTE-0 METABOLISM) -SVECHIN, K.B., prof., otv. red.; KOLESNIK, N.N., red.; PSHENICHNYY, P*D akademik, red.; TUGAY, L.N., kand. sel'Ono. uk, Ye.G., kand. sellkhoz. nauk, rod.; FEDIY, Ye.M.J. doktor biol. nauk, red.; MAZUR, V.N., red.; POTOTSKAYA, L.A., tekhn. red. [Biological principlips underlying increase in the meat quality of farm animals]Biologicheskie osnovy povysheniia m-iasnykh kachestv sellskokhoziaistvennykh zhivotnykh; ma- terialy konferentsil. Kiev, 1962. 164 P. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Kiev. Ukrains'ka. akademiya sillslkohospodarslkykh nauk. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Ukr. akademii sel'skokhoz'Y'Aystvennykh nauk (for Koleanik). 3. U-krainskaya akademiya selsk-r-ho- zyaystvennykh nauk (for Pshenichnyy, Svechin) (Stock and stockbreeding) 1. PSHENICImM, P. D., Prof. 2. USSR (600) h. Feeding and Feeding Stuffs 7. Feeding farm animals cotton ca"-% and -oarse meal. Sots. zhiv. ih No. lo, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. 1 -SHIMITIMNI P. D., Prof 2. usm (6oo) 4. Horses 7. Valuable study on the history of Russian animal husbandry (History of RussJ&n horse breeding, V. 0. Vitt, reviewed by Prof. P. D. Pshenichnyi), Sov. zootf-kh, 6 No. 1, 1953 9. Monthly ~List ~f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Ma'y -1953, Uncl.