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S I I-,
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S/048 0702A/06/03/017
AUTHORS, Spivak, G. V., Pryamkova, 1. A., Sedov, N. N.
TITLE: On the Formation of the Electron Optical Contrast in the
Observation of "Hollow:Spots" in Emitters
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya,
1960,, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 640-646
TEXT: This is the reproduction of alecture delivered at the 9th All-
Union Conference on Cathode Electronics from October 21 to 28,759 in
Moscow. Contrast problems of emissionoFLnd of quasi-emission (mirror-type)
electron optical systems were investigated. In the first chapter, the
authors describe the influence exercised by the normal and the tangential
'component of,the electric field on electron kinetics, and in the second
chapter they deal with the mechanism,of formation of the contrast. The
formation of "hollow spotsl*ue to local potential differences of the~re-
flecting electrode is explained, and the fact that the microfields of
these, electrodes can be investigated at.any temperature is shown to be the
most importantproperty of this type of electrodes. The influence
C,ard 1/3
On the Formation of the Electron Optical S/048/60/024/06/03/017
Contrast in~the Observation.of "Hollow Spots" BO1q/BO67
in Emitters
exercised by "hollow spots" on the resolving,power of an immersion ob
jective is briefly dealt with, and~in the following the local.micro-
fields on emitting surfaces are discussed in detail..Here, "hollow spots"
observed by.the authors on polished, well activated diodes consisting of
copper-aluminum-magnesium alloys and on rather smooth L-cathodes (Ref. 1)
are described.By comparing the secondary electron emission 'images and the
..,thermionid emission images'the authors observed that the former are caused
by the roughness, and the latter by the inhomogeneities of the work func-
i.e., by the "hollow spots". The formation of-the contrast in oxide
cathodes was investigated in detail where the formation of the mirror
image, the thermal image, and the photoemission image were studied. For.
this purpose, the combined electron microscope shown in Fig. 4 was used.
It:waq found that the geometrical relief of the cathode surface, the
"hollow spots" and.the electric microfields play an important part in the
formation of contrast. In the final chapter, some typical cases of the
formation and the inversion of the contrast by superposition of micro-
fields are discussed. There are 5 figures and 10 Soviet references*
Card 2/3
SO[ 100-3-8-1~/18
A'UTFIORS: Spivak, G.V., Dubinira, Ye.L., Sbitn_fl~ova, I.S.,
Pryamkova I.A. and Vinogradov D.P.
TITIE: bevelopment of the kkthods of Electron Micro scop,y -for
the Observation of the lvl'icroteometry end the EmisSLIDn.
-todov tek-
Gentres,of Thermionic.Cathodes (Razvitiye Enf- e-
tronnoy mikrosk-opii dlya nablvudeniya mikroL;eometrii i
tsentrov evissii t~-rciokatodov)
PERIODICAL:. R~tdioteldmi'L-Ia i Elektronika 19,581 Vol 3, 8
PP 10'~? - 1083 -1 plate (U33R).
ABSTRACT: The article reports the rasilts of, th e ob serv is of
the electron-microscopy pictur-as of th-e k1tistrib tion 01,
the emiszdoa~i.n a number of tbermionic catliodes such as
an oxide cath-ode, an L-cathode. e
or an impr gnated cathode,,
The,observatLons were carried out:at magnif ica tions
-rangzLnL- from 150 4 000. Durin6 the inve sti::;-ca tio-ats -1
was found tIh__--t the spacecharge has.a si~jiificant cffectl
on the.formation of electror,7-wicrosco-oic ima_'-~;es in
o ary-electron emissi n
oarticular whe n employinb the sec nd P..
technioue. The space charge produces a deceleratins
field 11.hose effect can be intc-i-preted by irrjeans of tv, 0
space-charge lenses. The first type..-:)f lens is a a c r c. -
-at -',-.e
Card,1/4 lens and is p~ luced bg the char,e in ta, p&rt Df
cment Df the L-'e-17hods of :2-!cc tron L -icr-o sco-p,-, for t-he
i o, n o Ir' t e~ Lli c r o e o r e t r ~v a n C to I e 3-:- -i s S i E n-, r e s .0
i o ni c CO, tlio de s
c a o d e fro,:~ ti, e i -~ t is Lt 0 -L co Ilduc
emission cur;-,:, uea
away. The second 1 e n is a' Liicro-leris a nd its ef fect.
bevomes si~Tnificant in the individual eialission centres.
s--,a-ce charge i i
The effect of tile llu2tr~Aed IDy the
oto, -.ranh a vas obtained at
photo,~,raphs of
cur.Le.--,-'.- de-nsitv ~Ut~ I,-e -scree
8 2
4 X.10 A/cm i! 1 e -Ph', o -t o rr a-,, h 1 b a s t P- n a t a
f 1.4 10-1,A/cm~; _i n bo t h cases, t- e an:Ddel
density o C
voltage was 10 k-V Pho tuo~-.raph Ic v:as donee at the c,=,reat
de,ns J ty. o -F .1'.4 x.- 10- A/cm,~-. but the catt-iode vias rernov~~d
rom the focusing electrode by a distance. of ?5 1,- F
U e s e T,,, i c t ur e s , it follo-.,.,s that the space cher-e resull,
in a chan;z-e- of the f ocus l,er--F--tll of the system. It V~as
'-~,e inve~zt`r:-at4,-~n~- -la- `h~-- c o, a - r a s,
a -o found durL. L- U
U -or-, B--, .
ral-hs is de-- Cle nt, o n - tl:e !--,! I Cro -.etrv
in 'he ohou -o Z
of th-,e investisated surfaces. The contrast is further
de-n-enden-t on th-ef dif.-fe-rence in the secondary emi ssion
coefficients of vorious -.--rts of the cath3d!,:~ and on the
-ent of the Methods of El -ctror Mi croscopy for the Observation
Developf. U
'D Cthe blicrogeometry ond the Emission Centres of Thernionic C,-thod~c
local electric fields at the cathode surface. The investi-
'Eation ofsthe relationship between the m4crogeoirittry of a
cathode and its emission pat'~ern (see picture) vras effectec.
b Mr/57 tZTP pe vihIch vias ~ f 'tted with
y means of the 4, microsco I
a special adaptor unit. The ,)ictures obtained by this mear-sl,~
are shown i n the -photoGraphs of ki--ures 2, 3 and 4. The.
photographs of Figure 2:G;ive the patterns of an.oxide
cathode having comparatively.large non-uniformituies at the
surface; Photo_~zraph -2a ref-rs to a cold ctithode, while 21-b
is for a heated, activated cathole. Yigure 3a sho--s t-he
h J
attern of an I-cnthode,
sccondary-emission p~L Thile Yj- -ire
3~'b gives the thcrmal-emission pattern
U of the. sarne cathode.
-s the le rl
Figure 4a. shov pattern of a pressed cathode, ta-
by means of the secondary emission. rigure 4c shovis tt-h:,
same cathode but at ar, increased.temDerature v7hile 4b cor-
responds' tothe term-,er-Ptu-re at vrhich the thermal emission
c=ences. Figure-4-d represents the thermal-emission
-e ir
pattern of the pressed cl-,,.tho-de. All th ,vestigations
were C - O.L 1o 5 For the
arried out at a pressure Cr
pur-nose o~- ottaininc~ mac'nific--tions of tl-e.ord.~r of 2 000
Development of the 27-t-hods of Electron Microscopy for the 0bz;crv::,IU-i','II
of the MicroE,,eoraetry and the Emission Uentres, of. Thermlorlic uathode.E
UnI to 4 0001 strobosco-oic, electrostatic electron micro
scope k type ES1.1-50) v.,as used. By means of 'his i na`rumeat
the rjuls~-:emission picture of an L-c7,tliod_~ vas obtnined.
The resultinC 'photo,7,raph J_s shx.,.-o_ in FiCure 5- Th e a u t h o r
tude to 11. A. Br uable --rivice.
U eir 8rati uk for val.
There are figures aad -8 ~referencesj 't Of which are Siviet
I:j and 1 -wr c n ch.
S-CCIATIOn: Fizicheskiy f al, a x 1, t e t
NloskovskoLo GosudarstvennoFo.a-nivc-rsi-te*.a i m.
L. V . L A.'o C S
Omor~o,sovp_ Physics Department- Uate
Univers-itj ~rneni 14.V. Lomonosov)
20 10!:~8
SUBi-JITTE, D: januar-'r
Electron microscopy 2. Cathodes (Electron tubes)--Physical,.
uard 4/4 properties 3. Thermionic emission--Analysis 4. Electron
S/058/6 1/000/0 12/055/083
A058/A 10 1
AUTHORS- Spivak, G.V,, Pryamkova, I.A.
TITM., Development of an electron-mirrormethod for.visualizing domain
structure is ferromagnetics
PZRIODICAL.-, Referativnyy zhurnal. iFizika, no. 12 1961, 383, abstract 1-2F685 (V
sb "Magnitn ~ov% Novosibirsk, Sib. otd. AN
struktura ferromagneti
sssR, 196o, 185 - 189)
TEXT, There is described a glass model of a direct electron mirror in which
In contrast to earlier models (RZhFiz, 1956, no..9, 25667) the reflected and the
primary electron beams are not specially separated. The primary:beam passes
through an aperture in the scre-en, approaches the investigated object, is reflect-
ed ands after being focused, hits the screep. This makes it possible to increase
thema~nification and sensitivity of the instrument.' With the aid of,the describ-
ed.electron mirror there were observed domain structures in different ferromag-
netics. A metallic model of the direct electron mirror with electron-optical mag-
nificationr\j250-is also described. Problems are discussed concerning formation
of images of domain microfields in the mirror.
::[Abstracter's note-, Complete translation] N. Sedov
Card 1/1
A I-ras, E. Pry-amkova, I.A. a,-id
UTHORZ - SDivak, G,V.
Z~Ieludcv, i,.S.
TITIE'~ Obsr-rvations of the Domain Structure of Barium T it anat,e by~
Means ofax., i~lectron Mirror Ttablyudenii domennoy
-u.kt -t arI -Lriye 1
tT r y tit, bL pr pomoshchi e1c f1rannogo
PERIODICAL-. Kristallo-~rafiVa, 1959, Vol 4,11r. 1, pp 123 125
J_ p, i,USSR)
ESTPACT. IT has been shown that it i s possible to obtain by means.
of an I ;~.-ectren mIrror a qualitative representation of
the dom-ain structure of a ferroelectric with a mag ,ni fi-
The me-hanism. of-
n -of i-~.p ~:o severa h-ndred t. ime s.
imaoe formation differs'from. that in optical polarisation,:.~..
mic-roscoi, . Earlier devices (Ref,2) used a ma-netic
field for the. "magnetic contrast effect" but -this caused....,.
instability, An .-lectron beam from a ;::,u-a. is. accelerated:
by 0-0 -1l,V and -Daszes through a hole in. a fluorescent.
scresen to the specimen where it is reflected, The system.
is roughl,-j anaiogous to that 'off_an ordinary microscope
vith.- iiacldent. illumiziation supplIed through the -eyepiece.;
Spivak, G. V. , Pryamko-1Ta,, i. A., igras, E. SOV/48-23 6-15/28
Card 1/2
On the InN-eStigation -~f the Domains of FerromaTpletios and
Ferroelr-nf-ri-~s '11-Y Means of P-n Electron Mirror (0 nablyudenii
domenov fo:7rr-magnr=t-'Lko--.7 i segrietoelektrikov pri pomoshchi
e-lektronncgo zerkala)
~L.- 1--vestlya fikadeatli nauk SSSR. Se r.'~,ra f.-;ZIe,heska7a5 1959,
Vol 23, ITr 6~ P 729-1733 fUSSR"
in the introduotior. the advant age a offered by the electron
P.g. the fact that here the sbject -is not bombarded
with e!eGtr*.U.S and a considerable resolving power exists, are
enumerated.The working methods vrith electron mirrors have
already been dealt with by "he authozs in papers published at~
an earlier date (RefL; I, 2)s while othr--rs investigated the
vi) iwer. The iY-wflueni,-e exer~~Jsed by the sti-ang maero-
reso, --g pL
field upon the weak mi-rofields oif the dealt with,
and mado- to the &fcrementioned papers. Further,
the mechard.Em --f c~nt-rast; f-)mriation is dealt with in the intro-
duction. The se,:ond.. parr (teals with the investigation of the
stinictlxre nf e-ozains of mon?~crysta'-'--- of ferromagnetics in~the
eler;tron mirxor. in this :~onnecti-:~n, tbe investigations carried
Or, the Investigation o'. the'Doutains of SOV/48-23-6-15/26
Ferroeleotrics by Means of an Electr:in Mirr-.r
out by the authors in `055 (Ref -Q re mentioned, in which the
possibility of obtaAr-tng a magnef-c contrast was pointed out.,:
An instramt~nt of this oonstruotion w- th axial symmetry is shown.
by j igare 1 To t be ,act that. the el.eetron5 move very slowly in,
the x-ange (if Te.L.Lectiiag electrodes, the high degree of sensitiv-
i4V Of this me-thod is ascribed, be~-.ause the electric and
magnetic mlarofie-,ds are very. weak. Figures 2-5 show examples
o-f. micropj,-;tUTeeq v.-I z,, first ordinary structural pictures
com-Daved with electron-opi.-Joal. Images of the domains, and
funrthe-r, pi-,%tnree ..take-n. in warloLis magnetic fields are compared.
The i-aireatigationof the structnre of the domain in ferro-
magnetiss is finalLy dealt w-ith and Ls supplemented w-
examples. Finally, Porther development was investigated and
found to be promising. There are 9 figares and 7 references,
3 of which are So--let.
ASSOCIATION: Pisichesk.-Y fak-ali'tet Moskovskogo gos. universiteta im. M. V.
LomonoBID (Physir~-al
-Ta Depaztme nt c, fths Men so w State University
Ime-n-i M. V. Lomonosov)
'AUTHORS: -22/28
Dubinina, Ye M. Spliak, -2 7_6
Prytimkova, 1. A.
-TITLE- The Obtaining of Images in the Pulse Principle. in the
Emission Microscope With High Resolving Power (0 poluchenii
izobrazheniy v impul snom re zhime v~ emissionnom mikroskope
vysokogo razzi-esheniya)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akadpmil nauk SSSR. Seriya fizi-Cheskaya, 1959,
Vol 23, lir 6, pp 762-764 (US-:,R)
ABSTRACT: In,the introduction to this paper it is shown that by
investigating.pulsed emisslonlin an emission microscope, it is
possible to investigate the conditions on active cathodes in
pulsed operation. Images of the- emitting cathode in normal
".operation are compared with those In pulsed operation. The
impulse increase exercises considerable influence upon
resolving power. The work described was carried out by means
of the industrial eleiatrostatic microscope ESM-50, which has.
an immersion object with 150-fold enlargement.The block
scheme of the current- supply Of the instrument is shown 0~ig
and discussed.,As,examples, two pilctures (Fig 2) of the Cathode
Card, 1/2, In, steady alid in pulsed operati on are shOwn; the pictures we re
The Obtaining of Images in the P~ilse Princ-fpl- S07/42-27 6-23/28
o rr
in the Emission 14icroseope Wi th High Reso.1 rl n-
not found to.dii'fer. A further investigation carried out on
:an L-cathode also showed no e3sential differences. Finally,
the possibility of using pulsf-d operation when investigating
the domain structure in ferromagn~-tics and ferroelectrics is.
shown and a stroboscopic arrangement is des-cribed by means
of which Images of,the domain structurA- with higher
resolving power were attained-There are 3 figures and 3
Soviet references,
'ASSOCIATION: . -ogo goi uni-,rers~ tet im. M V.
,.Fizicheskiy fakulltet Moskoirsk
xLomonoso va (Physics Department of Moscow State University imehi
V. Lomonosov)
Card 2/2
I v
Vzezoy-,:znoye soveshchaniya po aagnitnoy str,;kture ferrozagnetilkov,
tnaya rtn,~',:tura ferromagnetilcov; materialy Irsecoy-U=060
sav~_Lihch_-niya, 10.- 10'.iYunYa 1958 9., ii-aznoyarsk (i4agnetic
Ctn.,ctuve of Ferroma~netic Substances; INaterials of the All-Union
Conf f,~-~nce on thi_,.,.'a,,:,natic Structure of Ferrcmma,- Ctic substances,
Held in ~--.rannoyarslc io - 16 June, 1958) Novosibirsk, Izd-vo
d. - YU41 SSSR, 196o. 249 p. Errata slip Inserted.
Sf_birskoSo ot
1500 cople3 printed.
Spon-_-orin'g Agency: Akademlya nauk.ScSSR. Institut fiziki Sibirskogo
otdeleniya. Komaisslya po magnetizmu pri Institute fizilci metallov
0 i~ N., .
Rezp. Ed.: L, V. Kirenskiy, Doctor of Phys1cal. and Mathemiatical
Sciences; Ed.: R. L. Dudnik; Tech. Ed.: 'k. F. Mazurova.
PIPRPOSE: This-collection of articles Is Intended for researchers in
ferromagnetism and for metal scientists.
Card 1/11
Maznezulc Str-~~Cture (Cont. SOV15526
COVSRAG:~: The col lection cont ins 38 scientific artlcle9 prezented
at the All-Union Conference on the Magnetic Structu-3 of Ferro
fna',.,natic Subztances, held In.Kraonoyar0k in June 1953. The ma.-
to.-Jal contalnL danta on the ragnetic structure of ferroragnetic
ri:aLerlals i1nd on tho dynat;i1cs of the structure in relation to
1,1c l'ield chan,~,co, elastic ntroooe-1, zind temperature. Ac-
coz,&InE to the, Foreword the study of ferroi;iagnetlc material I had
a :;ucce-3ful' beginning In the Soviet Union In the -19--'Ols, was
nub,;aquently di!3contlnued for many year3, and. wra.3 resuried in the
19501o. No pcroonalitiers are mentioned. Reforencas accompany
individual articles.
Forewora 3
Shur, -!a. S. (Institut fiziki metallov A14 SSSR Institute of
Physics of v~etals, AS USSR, Sverdlovsk]. On the Magnetic
Structure of Ferromagnetic Substances'
card 2/11
Z7,ruc~.u--e (Ccnt.)
~Ic ?.-ope,~-Je.3 of Ferrites
5eva [Physics D e pa r tim en tof
V. r. dN . M. Ka zant
.T ". " -Atur'3
UnIvIo%s,1:I 3.ql,.Alll 1,3.510%1~vljo
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b U AT No is: --- V771r
I An 1 t it rw 0 is 0 1 9 6 9 a 4
~Cr I? It Ov of ill 'IF It 4, It a IF It x KW n I !to to 3 -
I . . I In
09 6090 :10 090 o 0o 0 0 o 0 ooe .11
0o '8900 10 000 o Go o 0 o 4e, 00- ,0 IS 0 0;1
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a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 tit AN **_;I _~;;
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A__L_j U 13 1 1 y Z - I fi-_A_ .
-L-L-C N I L L -A_21 1.0 ..11 1- DE41
GOA The ufiUstim of wasm in the cliernicai wood produ et a
indamy, A. A. Prymni"hilikv. Irkh"OkI 9. No
0 1940. 11.
furan-coing by-products of the chern. wmxl-prcwlucts in.
dutry, wltZ;h were previouily usedonly af~ fuclor vilvent%. .00
so$ are now procestied to produce furan. svl%-An aft4 2,5-
008 dititethylfuran. frorn which ascrics of nrg. cottilwk. c;~ir
produced. The furans arc pregid. in the pure ,title -00
fractional di%tu., combination with
so the product.
inK with wairr the first runnitiV- from the di,,tzi~_ "f the 2 800
crude ale-and -water mitt., I lien treating %everal titn" with
00.3 it cono. 041
-ilkali anti fractionally di,tg. -boiling mixt. with
b. &4.2-;tS,5". thit with Ntc()tl b. 51.5-51fi*. coo
000 C, M-ro-
09v coo
2 ar 0 0
tot 0
%,Iasi C". '7.(
Is AV go
0 U evOLD 049 111''C"Iff Ill W a III, it n 11111
Of 0 0 0
00 0
000~00 0000001000000000
., 00000 0 000000000000000 0 600-9090091keloost Goal
- - - . . a
a ~69 0 a 0 0 a
0 It It it 14 Is M If DID 0 a 7111011 Uum" 40 Dimwit If .3 . age
I it 0 -&-A-A-JL-L -1- V 4 a OL M tt 11 . I s
tit -a ?.Q
00 9
00 Asestreps 4d 24modipVtorion. A. A. 11 ankititilitiv
Ind 1. L. Cksis.: J ApOW C".
00 V,,,.b. 146QW); cf. C. A. 34.
h. M., % uj,* L-902 ftsirms with NWAI
all itiNut" hich hw,
c 'rhis mint. in the -410
0 torsp so WMW IMUS a teirstory Morg"ic milt.. It.
r1.2". dkv&, iiiii a ' - - . Mdu. with critical
tip viln. te". room tmo., OW 1.411111- to tha Presirtive
00 J -j c4 a vidbeirtia mt.. of vism . I is dWd. at 58.13--MV
Tho mintA. oevitcaretiodow
mV 1JM. I Aws sma farm op")triple tisisto. coo
si ft Itirthylaicetatc. 111"hyl ethyl 11i'C'm-r propi"Itakir- !r Mee
A. A. I'migmay
Ito, ofillijo$Ksi 1,001611kop flialwKslop
f lq'~.
'1111061 '10 'iffid do
0 0" 0 0 0 0 0 so* St 0 0 0 0 0 We 0 00 0 0
00 00 0000.0 goo 00 of 0 0 0 & 0 & a 0 ~0~
0 00 0t a 0 00 00
J) v 1) u 0 v jo w---
'A 6 t- A- 6.-A-J, L-L R b P. 9 S - L U -Y--~--L-A Z-AA 10 CC W.11-i's I
.!9~4; , I I ~ i
Separotion of Inethyl iwpropyl ketane A. A 1'r y.,
00's 7"t
US,S R~ 69.002. A-tc. .3t,
M'fall p".100w... luffivili'lliv
1 -1 Ct 1'~ 14' 1. ;A p41 It m 14 1144- 1 F: 1, w'? I 1711
. so
a.. 1~1
r F
U 0 AV .1 At
tv f. it t. ad it a F1n to 140 A I's a
00 0 0 0 9 0 40 0 0 910 0 0o O's 0
-: :I: : : * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 Is0 a tie 0-0, c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PUSS I I*OX. r(rwrrxTl0w SOT14V73
-UU, 8th, 1959
8~01.hmiyv P0 Ir-Anests
listody iYumire.toontmvo -1111; cmt~rtmlj sov"Ahch-ly, (K-tholm far
ImmAneseence Amlysis; M.t~rl~l. of it, 8th Conte
-) Kt~k, I.-A-
'AN pMR# 1960. 14T V. 1,000 copies prIntel.
Sponsoring Agencyt Akm 0-lya nmLk BeLomaskoy S:,n instttut rttiki.
Oeneml Rd.4 1. A. Borlsell.h; Ed.: L. Ti-fey-; T"h. Xd.t
pumbri This c.11-tion of mrttclis is Intea-lei for cheolota sed rty-
icists Interested in molecular Ittmimnoenct, snd for scientific 1--r.
-I cc ... rue.,I ith Of this &.d rul.t~d pbenvc,- In
re.enrch I. tf. life cl-c.
CCYM=: Tk. c.ntira 28 ;.,!r. rc.I -t the Eighth Can.
L..iresctoce IhIch took p1sce 19 4 - 195) (plao.
fl-M, a, oetat"
or -L gi-ni. The.. stall- mra
vith the development of cav lumizeactnce methods for qu-tItntive
-d qu.Uts,tive cte-ca Wd Kith the applit.tion. of lurd.
ae.t- in medic.1 -d bL*Icgtcl ro.,nrch. They U.-.. luol-4.
cence wthodn for --be detpmiratlon of urmium# mroury, ~;rextu.,
auml ~., bomn# mend other elemrt., mt well na 1-1nesc- wthiia
for the diagnosis a- skin -cir the detection of griro virus,
pthog-aic microargaci.w, ~td. Tb- stricturnI dc.i#,, or "-, In.
strucents for Imaine"erce winlysin is d-cribed. The cinfemoto
at com..-l Ith ."vUes 0. the ;bo,pborcace.m of ory.--l
phospbares. The- to . distus.ion a.' the contributions at Borl,t
p-mimllst. in nal.cul" to the couri, of the Im- and
Ibalf prec~dlng tl-, c.,Xeremc.. The srti.le. of V. K. Mt,,y-
(1. 75) sai or v. v. Patrikeyev (P. 79) M~ b- snnotat,,l bcnuse
of their Impo rt,~*. No porsamUtles are memtiomed. Reforonte.
__~b,,-P"7 -st of,thearticle.. - ... ., I - - I - , - - - .1 1
BoLhrol-tcv, T.. A. Testing th~ Fluom.."mce Prop-rtles of ~ .
45 Isocy-Ate. 5
JAU-Uciou Scientific Research Institute
cheRical Fles;tntaj. Dyes for Flucrescen" Microacapy TI
(Ins-it.t Lhisal Lve-I
D. Zeltn.kogo AN S3ZA (Institu-,e of 0"gan't Chouls-try i=nl
1D, Zelin.kiy AS =SR)j. Prep~.tion -1 APPUAtion. of
Orsege-Fled 11
Om-le-5 L=ag-w 75
ftlia author reporta on his sytthesi. of an, orj~ncie 1~minophom
lumW~re hieh exnibit. - orsrAc-ml fte-r
rro-m to ~It-iolct light. The w. lu~i.oph- h- It possible to use Itmtl-c,r- In d,focto~cop7 I. the
sleotri. -4 ele"romic uc=-tub~ lr.,Iu,try for the do-
ta~ttan 0f 1.1" 1. %be ..11. Of CIMS PMI.CtS, -',I is, I.
-4 *Lzplzr &.d core saasttlvt thm the standAni
sethoix of ~vs;octrocc_try.j
-d;. r. KLt-y.1_j1~,-it,,te Or Org-ic
Chemistry Lw-ni K. D. 2~.Ilnikly AL COZill). li. Atl-i f
'Ith L=--escent ~d %bst-ces 79
ng Swd
th. dl-A. a farther 1~_I-ac-t~,
. .
that Inv . mth~ll "Ine sm4 dvd with n luninoocent sub.
sta-e to atull -A Irifta hr4,r.; hylrc-~-'~~ctric J- con.
t~tivn vork. ',tm muthorn clo.Lm -J,- thl~ ~-.ho~l L"
case Into vide ua, in the MSH ~l otter cc-trIes U~ re-
C,.t rear..]
lo-o- (M.c- S-.,t. U.Ile-Ity 1-11
: L~novo,)J. Utilizntla. of Mtr-iclct R.ys 1.
P~;e rChrom~togm-,hy.
fl~llu kn %-ZR (1-tit.te ~f my-,tc~ Aa
or Adoorl-t I or, t!,~ of Cellul-
Mt. ri
cs~a 6110
- - i . ~ I . -,~
- I f~ , '~ .1 , . . , - ,
I . .
V, T
1* JO Wt-;-4 V -~WA-r-W"WY
V- ".'Mrz -1-W Y-P 1-1-1
-TT-9 '-Tv-tvz
jo 1~1.puy ---I
T~'~y tzw~a Lln P- -.1-1 -~J.Pvv
-IL "i-ta
tt -M TI
TT Al-A q2TP boj%w-.wd qj
On ;a *-.3jo V- IT4
Ct ..T~ju. jTn-. pq uZ IMI-VW3
I, -j-V -WA
T.-P"Tn lxwftx 101.1 :'P3
'AW-PTU-,H -.~G P.Ijowdg
lj .1) d
AA T1ltDq.jA
Clec/m's WIIIIYL=~Lm ucke I asm
IM. Manufacture 'at l0wrattury w .a-re and *"Ipnt*nt from hme-realatind
Illass- A. S,1 I'm V-6 I'll N I KU.N171L.Sirk, KfF111".. 7. %0. 11, it), Ileat v"iwttn
$I.%- (