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--PROTOPOPOVj S.N.; TATUR9 S.K.9 prof., doktor ekooom. nauks red.; KOCIWOV, red.; POSHESHULINv I.P;, tekhn. red. [Accounting for reconstruction works] Uchet vosstanovitellrqkh rabot. Pod red. S.K.Tatura. Moskva, Gos. fin. izd-vop 1946. 93 p. (MA 14:8) (Construction industry-Aceounting) PROTOPOFOV, S. N. Bukhaalterskiy uchet v podryadnykh stroitelInykh organizatsiyakh (Bookkeeping in contract building organizations) Moskva,, Gos. lzd-vo Lit. po Stroitel'stu I Ark-hitekture, 1953. 398 P. Tables. N15 611.91 -P9 P%. ',up OPO 11, 1 S. III. Accountancy Bukligalterskiy ucinet v podryadnykh stroitelinyRh orj~anl-zatsiyakh. Moscow. Gosudars-It-ionnoe Izdatellstvo Literatury po Stroitellstwi i Arknitekture, 1~53. pp. 3,19; 23 x 14, LXI-li-l Z', T, `31 PROTOR,)POV, S. III. Social Science Analysis of the economy activity of construction nrojects and Imilding organizations. Aoskva, Gostinizdat, 1)52 Monthl_y List of Russian Accessions, Library of Oqpgreas, jime -1953, 'Uncl. PROTOPOPOV, S N N15 748.1 .Pq ME BETRIEBSANALYqE IN DER BAUWIRTSCHAFT. BERLIN, DIE WIRTSCHAFT, 1955. 379 P. TABLES. TRANSLATION FRONTHE RUSSIAN: "ANALIZKHOZYAYSTVENNOY DEYATELINOSTI STROYEK I TROITELINYKH ORGANISATSIY", PIDSODW, 1952. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL FOOTNOTES. PROTOPOPOV, S. U. PROTOPOPOV, S. N. OFCANISATION UND PLUTING Df FAUL:WESEN (VON) D. I. MjKSHTEYN, S. N. PPOTOPOPGV, --,E. D. SYRTOVA. BERLIN, DIEWIFTSCFAFT, 1954. 271 P. TABLES. TRANSLATION FP01Y THE RUSSIAN, "ORGANIZATSIYA I PLANIPJDVANIYE STP.OITELISTVA," POSKOW, 1951. BIBLIOGRAPETCAL FOOTNOTES. fV5 661 .B91 Annliz Idio7..lql-stvemnol -lei-te2lnosti- stroek i stroitr~lln-,,k:i o-:7nnjz7tsjj of tl-,- econc-mic -etiv4117 of b-.1,7-14-2- -7. 10';P. 3 20 7: Z 4~ n 7, SO: MonW~,- TArt o-,' Pussinn Acces,~J-ons, Vol. 6, "To. 2, lY 1953 BUKSHTEYN, D. I.; PROTOPOPOV, S. N.; and SYRTSOVA, E. D. Organizatsiya i Planirovanie Stroitelstva (Organization and Planning of Buildings) 2106 p,p Published by GGSFINIZDAT, Yjoscvw, 1951. 1 EUffOPUPGV,ZJU.,---TIM&ZYKV, S.P., nauchan red.; GERASIHOVA, G.S., red.izd-va; KAUNOTA, G.D., [Accounting in capital construction] bukhgalterskii uchat v kapitallnom stroite stva. Ixd.2., dop. I perer. Koakvae Goe.izd-vo lit-ry polyt strolt., arkhit. I stroit.mterialang 1960. 270 P. (MIRA 14:1) (Construction Industry-Accounting) PIqCTOI'U0Vj S. N. Bukhgalterskii uchet v podriadrrylt, stroitelrWkh organizatsiiakI fAccounting in contract construction enterprises/. Moskva, Gos. izd. lit. po strait. -I arkh., 1953. 399 p. SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 7 No. I April 1954. PRO"ITIC-L-C-1y, 11 . ",f. A aaH7 Irliozi a iitve an oi d,: ;.a: e1 I no-t i s t,-re'r-_ i , tro., te-I ' zi~;hh or sli- (-!-a "-~ s--' a c~* the ecoziumy activity of c,mitruction projects and buildirkg organizatuions). '.'o skva, Gosfhaizdat, 1952. SO: Monthly Liqt of Russian Accessions, Vol 6, No. 3, Ju--ie 1953 FRC)TCPCPC,V, 'I!ld V tY Cf Of '7 2 --dat ~ticn Hf)971rl--RQl2F7 1. ,,,ns*lr:.icticn industfY TROTOPOPOV. Ser qy Niko a evich; GRINSHPAN, Sh., otv. red.; RYBALICHENKO, R., . izd-va; LEEEDEV, A., tekhn. red. [Analysis of the administrative operations of construction projects and organizations] Analiz khozisistvennoi doiatell- nosti stroek i stroltellnykh organizatsii. Izd.2., perer. Moskva, Gosfinizdat, 1956. 231 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Construction industry-Accounting) -ZROTCjPG'rOV, Sergey '.ikolaye~ricla. T RUSSIA(1923- Calculation of fixrd capital in constr~zction agen!Aes qr,5686.B7R85 1(,,46 1. Construction industry-Accounting. 2. ConstructIon indiistry-Rtissia 1. Frotopopov, Sergy Nikolaevich. MALYSHEV, S.P~; PRMPOPOV, sj~ . Quick-acting secondary device based on eleatric-contact method, i tekh.inform. no.!.'43-45 '63. (MIRA 16,4) (Electronic Instruments) PROTOPOPOV, S. P. Patogenez I Lechenie Dlitelno Ne Zazhivalushchikh Ran (Pathogenesis and Treatment of Delayed Healing in Wounds), 184 P-, Moscow, 1950- USSR/Medicine - Wovocain Block Apr 51 "Anesthesia of a Nerve by 14orocain in the Light of N. Ye. Vvedenskiy's Parabiosis Theory," S. P. Protopopov, Inat Surg imeni A. V. Vishnevskiy, Acad Med S~i USSR "Khlzurgiya" No 4, pp 7-19 Studled physiol aspects of. transmissi'on of natural stimuli through nerve parts blocked by novocain. Made comparative evaluation of different methods of blocking (chamber method, painting with novocain gradual infiltration of novocain, intraneural method) and physiol evaluation of natural elec discharges 186T71 USSR/Medicine - Novocain Block (Contd) Apr 51 under pathol conditions (inflammation). Describes methods of blocking and shows results on the stimuli in graphs and oscillograms. Physiologically, anesthesia is analogous to parabiosis. PROTOPOPOV, S. P. -, KLYACMOD. V. R. - Combined endocrine and tissue therapy of bronchial asthma. Klin. mod., Moskva 29 no.7:78-80 July 1951. (CIAL 21:1) 1. Prof. Protopopov. 2.0f the Institute of Surgery imeni A. Vo Vishnevskiy (Director -- Prof. A. A. Vishnevskiy), Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow. PROTOPOPOV, S. P. 1`11knlai Evgenl-vich Vvedmnakii significance of his works in clinical surgery. Klin. mod., Moskva 30 no.4:65-69 Apr. 1.952, (CLML 22:2) 1. Professor. 2. Of the Institute of Surger7 imeni A. V, Vishnevskly (Director -- Prof. A. A. Vishnevskiy), Moscow. PROTOPOPOV, S.P.; ARSHINOVA, M.N. Basic problems In the scientific research act..:,Ity of the A.Y.Vishnov- skil Institute of Surgery of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Vest.AMN SSSR no.4-W-25 153. (KUU 7: 1 ) (Surgery) PROTOPOPOV. S.P., professor; GOLOWOV, V.D. Report on the Fifth Plenary Session of the Board of Directors of the All- Union Scientific Society of Surgeons which took place in Moscow, December 24-27. 1952. Xhirurgiia no.6:84-91 Je '53. (KI.RA 6:8) (Surgery-Societies) PROMP(jeol ~-P VISHNrIVSKIY, A.A., professor, otvatetvam7y redaktor; PRIOROV, N.I., professor; zamestiteV otvetstvennogo redaktora; 14OLWOM, S.F., radaktor; GOLDVANOV. V.D.. professor. redaktor; GABERLAND, M.I., tekhniche&,Iy redaktor [Anesthesia in surgery. Transactions of the Commission on Anesthesia and of the Yifth plenum of the Board of the All-Union Scientific Society of Surgeons] Obezbolivamle v khirurgii. Trudy problemnol komissil po-obezbolivanilu I piatogo plenum& pravlonlia Vessoluzno- go nauchnogo obahchastva k-hirurgov. Moskva. Goa. izd-vo med. lit-77, 1954. 247 P. (MLRA 8:1) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademil meditsinakikh nauk SSSR (for Viabnevskiy) 2. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii maditainakikh nauk SSSR (for Priorov) (Anesthesia) (Surgery. Operative) FROTOPOPOV, S.P., professor (Moscow) jm~,% i, - *Therapy of ulcers of the lover extremities.0 R.F.Akulova. Reviewed by S.F.Protopopov. Whirargiia, no-7:84-85 Jl '54. (MLRA 7:10) (ULCERS) (AKULOVA, R.F.) .-ur~-evy 2ub 1212-11/n; 11cr : Protopopov, S. P., Pro' ssor fe - i t 1 e : Important problems of present day surgery Period.ical : Vest MW SSSR, 1, ':-1-1, Jan/Mar, 1955 FD -1769 bntract : The 26th jUl-Union conr,ress of surgeons was held on Jaruary 20-27, 1 5 2,500 people attending. Representatives of 1~i foreign ccuntries att-ende,"7 the z2etings. Some of the most important problems presently facing surGery in the Ul,~'SR were discussed. All sDeakers emphasized that surgery in 'uhc WSIF. reflects to a fairly full extent the physiological teachings of' I. P. Pavlov. Materialistic trend in various sciences provides a basis for favorable devel- opment, of m-dicine in 6eneral and surgery in particular. "Protective stinu- lation" was recommonde(I for most postoperative cases; this includes encourag- ing word from medical personnel, supervised gymnastics, early or early postoperative removal from confinement to bed, occupational therapy, oxygen therapy and the like. Use of "protective stimulation" is more often in surgical cases. Caution was voiced in the use of -me(Lic--en-tous oleep. PROTOPOPOV, S.P.,profesaor To all medical personnel. Yeltd. i akash-no.1:63 Ja 156 (NLRA 9:4) 1. Zamestitell direktora instituta khirurgii Iment A.V. Vishnevokogo ANN SSSR po nauchnoy chasti. (PIROGOV. NIKOLAI IVANOVICH, 1810-1881) PROTOPONY, S.F. . . - -- ~-'WtY'~, , First 4;ongrevs of Surgeons of the R.S.Y.S.R. Bkoper. khir. 1 no.5: 63-64 5-0 156. (KLRA 10: 2) (APPZNDICITIS) (UIBS--DIMASIS) FROTOF M V, S.P.,professor To all medical personnel. S.P. Protopopov, Zhur. nerr. i psikh. 56 no.1:80 156 1 . (NLRA 9:4) 1. Zamestitell direktom Instituta khirurgil Imeni A.Y. Vishnevskogo ANN SSBR po rauchnoy chasti. (ACADMT OF MJDICAL SCIJWCBS OF THE U.S.S.R.) PROTOPOPOV, S.P.,professor (Moskva) Problems of hypothermia in surgery. Vest- AMN SSSR 11 no-1:48-58 156. (MI-RA 9:5) (BODY TAKFARATURN hypothormia, controlled) (bU,HGARY, OPIRATIVN b7pothermia in) PROTOPON-VI-S.P., professor I - Surgery of the large vessels: according to materials of the igighth Session of the Vishnevskii Institute of Surgery of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.5-S.R. held on Now. 13-14, 1956. Vest. .kAii 356R 12 ac.2:65-71 157. (VIRA 10:101) (BLOOD UbSELS-SURORY) PROTOP professor (Moskva, D252. Novopenchanaya u1., d.19/10, J~mdamontals of lower extremity thrombophlobitis; compound therapy [with summary In Inglish. Page 1571. Vest.khir. 78 n0.3:3-11 Mr 157. (MLHA 10:6) 1. Is Instituta khirurgii Im. A.T.Vishnevokogo Akademit meditain- skikh nauk SSSR (dir. - prof. A.A.Vishnevskiy) (LZG. din. thrombophlobitia, ther. (Rue)) (THROMBOPEMITIS, ther. logo. methods (Bus)) - ~ I- I i i~~ P.-I.--' r- L; li- ~'-' q ! I PROrOPOPOV, B.P.. prof. Plenary session of the administration of the All-Itussien Society of Surgeons, Krasnoyarsk. 1957. Vast.AKN SSSR 13 no.1:87-90 '58. (SURGIRT) (MIRA 11:2) PROTOPOPOV, S.P., prof.; KRYKSKIY, L.D., kand. med. nauk. Tenth'session of the VishnevBkii Inctitute of Surgery of the AcadenW of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Test. AMN SSSR 14 no.2:73-81 159. (NBA 12:4) (IMART-SURGIRY) (SURGIRT, PIASTIC) I -1,G, 6 , t-,~W'OPOI~U~l S.P., prof.; PFI( '. , .y I . K- . I I .. 1: 1 .:,-, 1. Surgicni tociiniquo In acuto 27 no.1l.-70-7/, t! 163 C : r - uc,: : 1 ) PROTOPOPOV, S.P., prof. (Moskva) Second All-Rues-'an Congress of Surgeons. Khlrurgiia 19 no.8:138-143 Ag t63. (ICRA 17:6) VISIDIEVSKIY, A.A., prof. Taureat Leninskoy promii; PROTOPOPOV) SOPS, prof*, '---i zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki RSFSR; ARSH1210VA , ft..-,-kand.ried. nauk Ch the 60th birthday of Professor N.I.Kralkovskii. Sovet. med. 27 no.9t148-149 S163 (MIRA 17:2) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Vishnevskiy). PROTOPOPOV, Sergey PeIM3d_qh LYUSTIBERG V.F., inzh., ved. red.; KHIMCHENKOP N.V.,, kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; SORDKINA, T.M., tekhn. red. [Electronic device for determining residual austenite in steel]Elektronnyi pribor dlia opredeleniia ostatochnogo austenita v stali. Moskva$ Filial Wes. in-ta nauchn. i tekhn. informatsii, 1958. 9 p. (Peredovoi nauchno- tekhnicheakii i proizvodetvennyi opyt. Tema 33. No.F58-92/4) (MIRA 16:3) (Steel--Analysis) (Electronic measurements) (Austenite) Bapay, s.P. zasl. dayatell nauki RSFSR doktor med. nauk I ----V f 1, prof otv. red.; BAZHENOV, P.S., zaal. vrach RSFSR, red.; IVANOV, S.S.0 zaal. vrach RSFSR, kand. med. nauk, red.; KOKIN, M.K., zaal. vrach RSFSR, kand. med. nauk, red.; TROFIMOV, K.A., red.; TSUKANOVA, Ye.P., zasl. vrach RSFSR, red.; SHIPEROVA, R.Ya., Aa9l. vrach RSFSR, kand. med. nauk, zam. otv. red.; ANTONOV, V., red.; KUZIN, N., tekhn. red. (Problems of practical medicine; from the prectice of medical institutions in Orel Province] Voprosy prakticheakoi meditainy; iz opyta meditsinskikh uchrezhdenii Orlovskoi oblanti. Orel, Orlovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 335 p. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Zaveduyushebiy Orlovskim oblastnym. otdelom zdravookhraneniya (for Trofimov). (OREL PROVINCE-MEDICINE--PRACIIE) FROTOPOPOV, S.P. Dermatoplasty by the implantation method in extensive burns. Eks khir.i anest. 6 no.1948-51 161. (MIRA 14:10) IBOUPJIS AND SCALDS) (SKIII-TRANSPLANTATIOR) PROTOPOPOV, 5.2. ~ prof. International'Congress on Mebology. Vast. AMN SSSR 15 no.9:65- 67 '60. (MIRA 13:11) (VEINS) PROTOPOPOV, S.F., prof.; UIUMOV, K.B. Anesthetizing properties of the benzoic ester of diethylp-l-op-th-mol. Akt. vop. obezbol. no.2:219-225 159. (MRA 14:5) 1. Iz Instituta khirurgii im. A.V.Vishnevskogo AMN SSSR (direktor - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR, zasluzhenryy deyatell nauld FsFSR prof. A.A.Vishnevskiy). (ETHANOL) IIIVYDOVSKIY,I.Y., otv. red.; YEGOHOV,B.G., red.; KR,1YHTSKIY,N-A-, red.; 1PRIOROV, U.N.. red.;,PROTOPMY.--5-,P,, red.; (aI- GOROVSKIY, I.M., red. GRIGCROVSI:IY, I.G., red.; LTTJEOY- SKATA. N.I., tekh. red. [Problem of trnums; trananctions of the 11th session of the General Meeting(f the Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R.] Problema trsv%v; trudy XI sessii obEhchago sobraniia AkBdenii meditainskikh nauk SSSR. I.V.Davydovskii. Red. kol. B.G.Rgorov i dr. Moskva, Goi3.izd-vo med. lit-ry. 196o. 175 P. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, Moscow. 2. DeyBtVit8l'- nyy chlen AKN SSSR, ( for Davydovskiy) (TRAUKATISM) (BURNS AND SCALDS) (RADIATION SICMESS) 0/ PROTOPOPOV, S.P. Nervous factor 'in veins of the l(wer (VARIX) the pathogonesia of var1co3e dilatation of the extremities. Khirur,viia, 36 no.6.115-119 ja 160. (MIRA 13:12) (NERVOUS SYSTEM, AUTONOMIC) VISHNEVSKU, A.A.9 prof., zasluzhennyy doyatell nnuklp 0".Tvdej VITEBSKIY, Ya.D.9 zamestitell oty.redvi ARLMP D.A., prof.a red,g tROTQPOf!~P,-,-~f.; zasluzhenxzv~ de~yatell nauki RSFSRD r~d-. (Mosk7a),- MUKOVSKIY.. N.I.9 prof.9 red. (Mookwa)) KOVALESKOp D.G., prof.9 red. (Leningrad); MITROFANOVA9 V.P,,v [Transa'-%tions of the Interpravince Conference of Surgeons from the Urals and Western Siberia, 1959; complications of peptic and duodenal ulcerq acute intestinal obstructiong problems in thoracia surger7~ osteoartioular tub6rDUlOBiOq and some otber problems in surgery and urology] Truc~r Mezh '~Iastnoi nauchnoi konferentaii 9 khirurgov oblastre-I Urals, I Z& i Sibiri; oelozhnaniia iazvennoi boleani zheludka i dvenadtsatiperatnoi kishki, ostraia kishechnaia neprokhodimoaVp voprosy khirurgil organov grudnoi polostiq kostno- sustavnogo tuberkuleza i nekotorye drugie voprosy khirurgii i urologii. Kurgan, Izd-.vo gazety "Sovetskoe Zaurallep" 1960. 483 p. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Mezhoblastnaya nauchnays, konferentsi-ya khirurgav oblestey Urals, i Zapadnoy Sibiri., 1959. 2. DeystvitelOnyy eblen AM SM (for Vishne-vakiy). 3. Chien--korrespondent AMN SM (for Arapov). (SURGERY-CONMESSES) '-* PROTOPOPOV, S.P.p prof.p zasluzhennyy deyatell nauk RSFSR; KRAKGVSKIY, prof . (Moskva) International Congress of Phlebologists in Cha~bery (France), May 6-8, 1960. 25 no.1:152-154 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:3) (VEIIE-DISFASES) rk6T61 Pe-I PC, ~," I" /~ PROTOPOPOV, V.A.. Inzh. --: Circuit for warning singals. Ibiergetik 5 no.12::21-22' D 157. (Electric substations) (MIRA 10:12) pROT,Op.OpI,O.V.,,_V.B. (Leningrad); ALEKSEYEV, N.I. (Leningrad) inv--stigation of flange couplings for flanged pipes. 3troi. trulboprolr- 10 no.9:14-16 S 165. (MIPA 18:9) F-RC,TOPQ.LOV,,,V,_B., Inzh. Elastic helically wo7.;rd gaskets for Bteampipes flange couplinF!:- Elek. sta. 35 no.12:11-17 D 164. (MJRA. 18:2 ) ACC NR: __ AP6013489 SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/66/000/002/0037/0040 AUTHOR: Degtyarev, Yu. G.; Kazarinova, M. I.; Protopopov, V. N. 114 ORG: none TITLE: Fast neutron -spectrometer using Si surface-barrier detectors and Li6F SOURCd Pribory i tekhnika'eksperimenta, no. 2, 1966, 37-40 TOPIC TAGS: spectrometer, neutron spectrometry, neutron bombardment ABSTRACT: '~euq~n spectrometer has been developed whose sensing A semicondu4o4~ element is a thin film\of Li6F sandwiched between two layers of n-Si. Neutron bolff- bardment of the film yields the splitting reaction LO + n -s. T + a + Q, in which the combined energies of the triton T and the.a-particle equal the neutron kinetic energy plus the reaction energy Q. A section of the sensor is shown in Fig. 1. Allowing for the loss caused by the g6ld foil, the authors used a figure of Q - 4.6 Mev for thermal neutrons and 4.7 Mev for those above 3 Mev energies. The preamplified pulses from each counter are summed, giving an output of about E + Q, and this out- put is connected via an expander to the spectrum analyzer; with tRe expander, any desired portion of the energy spectrum can be observed. Amplitude spectra of tritons, et-particles, and neutrons were obtained for bombarding energies up to 3.2 Mev. De- I Card 1/2 PROTOPOPOVp Vladimir Pavlovich; ZHELFMAYA9, T.0 red.;- ZEIENKOVA, Ye., tekJm.reds [Heating furnaces] PechrVe raboty. Kiev, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry stroit. i arkhit.USSR, 1961. U5 P. (MIRA 3-4:6r (Purnaceq) 4 FROTOPOPOV, Vikt.--jr Pavlovjr~b, 188C~-1957 (Selected wo"k-3" t-rudY. Ki~-,.-, lza--,~~ I-. -'I 1961. 5`~ 5 '7 p . 1 ". ~ . -'% i , - STAPAROV. G.T.; PROTO reinforced Sinki= concrete wells using hydraulic earth removal with the aid of centrifugal pumps. Rats. i Izobr. predl. v stroi. no.3:115-117 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Wells) (Centrifugal Pumps) (Excavation) $ V . ~ . 1~ see JIC ~0- 0 1~1 a /X~F~ PROTOPC?OV, V. P. ussR (6oo) TechnoloI7 Minimum technical knowledge for furnace-mtin. Kylv, Derzh. vyd-vo tekb. lit-ry, 1950. Monthly List of-Russian Accessions, Librpry of Congress, June 1952, Unclassified. PROTOPOPOV, V.P. (Kiyev) Determining the efficiency of heating stoves. Yod.i san.tekh. no-7:23-26 Jl 157. (MIRA 10:11) (stoves) PRDTOPOPOV, V.P. (Ki7ev) The GOST 3000-4,- method of testing heating stoves needs a revision. Vod. i san. tekh. no.12:24-26 D '58- (MIRA 11:12) %'Stoves-Testing) S/137/61/r/ /011/02~/12-~~; AC6O/A1O1 AUIHOR- Protopopov, V.. S_ TITLE,. Peculiarities of the operation of high-tonnage open-hearth furnaceS PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, no. 11, 1961, 37 - 38, abstract 11V225 (V sb.: "Novoye v teorii i praktike proiz-va martenovsk, stali". Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1961, 249 - 252, Discuss, 332 - 334) TFX-T: Described is operation of two-trough open-hearth furnees of Y". operating on low-manganese pig iron. The main characteristics of the furnaces are presented, The furnaces are heated by a mixture of coke and producer gases (75% of all furnaces) and by a mixture of coke and blast-furnace gases with tar car- buration of the burners. The productivity of two-trough furnaces heated by a mix- ture containing producer gas is 5% higher for the actual time than that of the same furnace heated by a mixture of coke and blast-furnace gases only. The ref- erence fuel expenditure for the smelting time taking into account the losses of (25% of the coal in the course of gasification is 111.2 and 107.5 kg, and in one- trough furnaces - 151.5 kg. The durability of the crown in two-trough furnaces is 15 - 20% lower -than that in small furnaces, and the durability of t.he hearth Card 1/3 S/13V6 1100010 11/023/123 Pecullari~ic3 of the operation of... A0601AI01 Is higher, The down-time of large furnaces for hot and cold repairs for 1956 constituted 6.8W6 and that for small furnaces - 7.38%. A comparative Investiga- tion was carried out. for the quality of the metal smelted In one-trough furnaces and furnaces in tKe grades. axle, 10 TP , 2OTP , 20 X, 40X , 40 XH (10tr, 20tr, 2oKh, 40yh, 40KhN) and others. It was concluded thence that the smelting of alloy grades in large furnaces Is possible and represents no diffi- culby. The degree of reduction does -not deteriorate, the steel is obtained with low 02 content (0.002 - 0.005%). The steel 20Kh and )WKh smelted in large fur- naces have a compact grain structure. The mechanical characteristics are con- sidera"bly higher 'than those demanded by the technical conditions. There is no metal spoilage from the liquation square and no spongy centers. The quantity of nonmetallic impurities is practically the same (0-005 - 0.006%). The ingot Sur- face in both cases is satisfactory bLo is somewhat worse in metal smelted in -'.wo- trough furnaces as result of the fact ttiat the founding is carried uut from the top directly from a large ladle. The total metal output is the same. The oti-r- put of the first quality was lowered by 1.14% for -teel 40Kh, and by 0.24% for sseell 20Kh or. account of the surface deterioration. The unsatisfactory surface of the metal wben poured from the top and the Impossibility of intermediate dressing be- Card 2/3 S/ 137/6 1/00o/0 I 1102~'1123 Peculiarities of the operation of... A060/A101 fore the rolling for finished grade make it impossible to produce axle steel in two-trough furnaces. The specific cost per 1 ton of steel produced in large fur- naces in 1958 is lower by 5 rubles 64 kop. Compressed air is fed into the gas caissons through injector atomizers in all open-hearth furnaces in order to in- tensify the burning of the fuel. Since its pressure is low (2-5 - 3 atm) the quantity of injected atmospheric air is low (1-5 - 2.5 thous. m3/hr). At the present time an analogous feeding of high-pressure steam (9 - 10 atm) is being tried out in two furnaces. The steam ensures the sucking in of atmospheric air in the quantity of 6,000 m3/hr and besides, lowers the pressure of the gas mix- ture under the caisson by 5 - 6 mm water which Is convenient for furnaces having producer gas. Yu. Nechkin [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card Y3 nTP(~n1-y's . kand.tekhn.nauk Tonsiometric differential pressure gauge. no.1:92-93 Ja 163. 1. M046vokiy onergetichookiy institut. (Tqpsiom~ters) Teploonergetika 10 (MIRA 16:1) (Pressure gauges) PRO u "Investigating the Resistance of Friction and the Coefficient of Wall Temperature Restoration During the Motion of a Gas Through a Circular Pipe at a High Subsonic Speed," by Doctor of Techni- cal Sciences B. S. Petukhov, Candidate of Technical Sciences A. S. Sukomel andEngrV. S. Protopopov, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Teploenerget I o 3, mar 57, Pp 31-37 The article describes the method of investigating the resistance of friction and the coefficient of wall temperature restoration during the flow of air through a round tube at a high subsonic speed. The authors present data on the coefficients of resistance and the restoration of temperature &wing stabilized motion and in the initial portionof the tube In a turbulent boundary layer. SO V/ 1) 6- -1 _2 -4/ _2~~ 1200 AUTHORS: Krasnoshchekov. Ye, A., Candidat-e of Te3hiii-c-ni ~~clences, and Protopopov, V. S., Engineer TITLE: Heat Transfer in the Super-Crit-ical Region Durin.-5 the Flow of Carbon Dioxide and Water in PiDes PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1959, Nr 121, pp 26-30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: There is increasing interest in heat exchan-o"e unde-r super-critical conditions, Published work indicates that existing formulae for calculating heat exchan--e-, obtained under conditions far removed froL~: the critical region, are not valid in this region. Therefore, -t-be authors made an ex-perimental investigation of local heat exchange during turbulent flow of carbon dioxide in a pipe in the super-critical region,. The testus were made with various heating conditions at pressures of 100 and 90 atms, using a un-i'Lformly-heated tube through which the carbon dioxide was pumped, in a closed circuit. The experimental equipment is briefly described and is illustrated in Fig 1. The actual test section consisted of thin-walled copper tube 6.70 mm internal diameter and 670 mm long, heated electrically, Arrangements were Card 1/6 provided to measure flow rates, temperatur,--~s and SOV,11'96- '50- 12--'- /20 Heat Transfer in the Super-Critical ReFion Durin- the Flow of Carbon Dioxide and Water in Pipes pressures. During the course of the test's t'lae mean calorimetric temperature of the carbon dioxide in tiie section', and the wall temperature, were varied from test to test in such a way as to reveal most clearl~Y tl-h" influence on heat transfer of changes in tilre physical parameters, and in particular of the specific heat at constant pressure with temperature. T'lliere a_-_ zliiree typical cases of chan6e of specific hea-L across, clie tube section: (1) if the wall temj ')eratu--e is less than that correspondin6 U--o tho :ftaxifflum specific at, the given pressure, the specific heat rises steadily frora the centre of the flow to the wall; (2) if the .--Elean. calorimetric temperature is greater than tilat -_~orrtjs- , .he specific I,eat-, ponding to the maximum specific heat U - of the liquid falls steadily from the nucleus of the flow to the centre; and (~) if the temperat-ure of greatest specific heaL lies between t~ifz.~ mean t;r;raperuti.ire and the wall temperature, there is a maxiijium Ln the Card 2/6 specific 4at beti,,ieen the nucleus uf flow aric" tLe wall- SOV/96-59-12-4/20 Heat Transfer in the Super-Critical Rej~-ion During- :1-he Flu; f Carbon Dioxide and Water in Pipes All -three -typical cases occurred in the tests. Forty five -tests were made,, of which J? were at 100 azias and 8 at 90 atms. The Reynolds number ranzed from 4 x 104 to 3 x lo5. Analysis of the experimental data throws light upon the nature of the chan6es in heat- c' transfer coefficient along the length of the tube. The changes correspond neither to the chan~,e in specific heat taken from the mean temperature of the liquid nor to that taken from the wall temperature, but to an effective specific heat which may be obtained from Eq (1). By way of example, experimental curves are plotted in Fig 2 for a test corresponding to the third case described above. In previous published work expression (2) has been recommended for calculations of heat transfer in the super-critical region, but it does not fit the present experimental results. The analysis of the results was therefore combined with that of data on heat transfer in water, in order to obtain more general and reliable relationships. Data relating to 360 experimental points were worked out. They Card 3/6 included the present authors' 111 points o)tained Vr 66,~'_: 4' SOV/96-F-9-12-4/20 "I Heat Transfer in the Super-Critical Region Duri,-.6 the Flow of Carbon Dioxide and Water in Pipes with carbon dioxidel and data of the All-Union Thermo- Technical Institute and the Power Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR for water at pressures ranging from 227.5 to 280 atms. As was to be expected, -the application to these data of formulae derivea for conditions far removed from the critical -,,,ave a '-,great scatter of results. However, e,,~perimental resulbs for water and carbon dioxide at super-critical pressureB are described by the usual formulaevalid for turbulent flow below the critical region, provided that the wall temperature is appreciably less than that correspondin to the maximum specific. heat. With this stipulation, the previously published expression (3) the least scatter of experimental points (� l(Ylo),, The expression requires no further correction when the wall temperature is below the temperature corresponding to maximijin specific heatl but in the other two typical cases of heat transfer the change in physical properties of the liquid across the section of the flow has -reater effect. r3 Card 4/6 In these -two cases the influence of the chan- CD e _L 11 VK 66554 SOV/96-59-12-4/20 Reat Transfer in the Super-Criticai Region Durine, Ujo Flow (if' Carbon Dioxide and Water in Pipes specific heat, viscosity and thermal conductivity can be allowed for to a first approximation by simple modifications of expression (4). This is illustrated in Fig 3,where the ratio of experimental values of the Nusselt criterion to those calculated by expression (4) are plotted as functions of the ratio of the specific heat given by Eq (1) to the specific heat corresponding to the mean temperature of the liquid. It is shown that experimental data an local heat-transfer during the heating of carbon dioxide and water in the super-critical region are satisfactorily described by three expressions. They correspond to the three conditions of change of specific heat across the section of flow, and are expressions (3), (5) and (6). Their ranges of validity are stated. Graphs of the experimental data and curves corresponding to the three expressions are plotted in Fig 4. It will be seen that 90% of the experimental points lie within � 20% of the recommended relationships. These relationships can therefore be used for heat Card 5/6 exchange calculations during the heating of water and ~K 66554 SOV/96-59-12--4/20 Heat Transfer in the Super-Critical Region During -Uhe Flow of Carbon Dioxide and Water in Pipes carbon dioxide in the super-critical region. If the changes of physical parameters across the section are smalil the formulae (3), (5) and (6) are reduced to the usual expression (4), which is valid for regions far removed from the critical. Further experimental work may indicate a need for more accurate expressions. There are 4 figures and 9 references, 5 of which are Soviet and 4 English. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy eneri-5-eticheskiy institut (Moscow Power Institute) L-r Card 6/6 KFUSNOSHCHEKOV, Ye.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; PROTOPOPOV, V.S., inzh. Heat excbange during the flow of carbon dioxide and w&'Aer in the supercritical area. of paramters of state. Teplo- energetika 7 no.10:91,-. 0 160. (MIRA 14:9) (Heat-Transmiss ion) PROTOPOPOV, V. S. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Study of heat transfer in turbulent motion of carbon dioxide in tubes in the super-critical area of parameters of aggregation state." Moscow, 1961. 15 PP; (All-Union Power Board, All-Union Order of Labor Red Banner Heat Technology Scienti- fic Research Inst imeni F. E. Dzerzhinskiy); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 5-61 sup, 192) KRASNOSIHCHEKOV, Ye. A.; KURAYEV, I. V.; PROTGFOFOV, V. S.; VON FEN Qt teat transfer to " r--,pozt Ba)mIttail TDx 2nb,