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j1 A Ti CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Zooparasitology Parasitic Worm G-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Mal., I-Io 6, 1958, 24358 Author Prokopich Jan Inst Title Results of Relmintholog.11cal Investioation of Hedgehogs in Czechoslovakia. Orig Pub Vest. Ceskosl- spolec. zool., 1957, 21, No 2, 97-111 Abstract In 1954-1955 86 Erinaceus eutopaeus europaeus and 37 E.e. roumanicus were dissected; 120 hedgegogs (95%) were in- fected by helminth,5. The difference in nutrition of hosts notwithstanding, the helminthofauna of both species were found to be similar- 3 species of cestodes were iden- tified: Rodentolepis erinacei, R. steudeneri (evidence is given favoring species independence), mattevotaenia parva; 5 species of nematodes: Spirure, rytipleurites, Physalopte- ra clausa, Crenosoma striatumo, Capillaria erinacei, Euo-o- leits tenuis; and two species of skreben: Prosthorh5mchus formosus, Nephridiorhynchus major. Card 1/1 PROKOPIG11ti-Th.- [Prokoplev, T.1 ~- 1:101ninths of shrews of the gneus Sorex in Czechoslovakia [with nurmw,ry in Engliahj. Zool. zhur. 37 no.2:174-182 7 158. NUO. 11:3) 1. Biologicheskdy inBtitut Chek-hoslovatskoy All, Otdel parazitologii. PrV,n. (Czechoslovakia--Worms, Intestinal and parasItic) (Parasites--Shrews) PROKCTITE'7, LN' . ; 37, 'L . "Techmical standardization imralms ~he or-;fania~ticn c;-.' nm~liction." p. 9 (Lel,-a Pronlf-shjcnost, Vol. ,,, fic). !.',I, ')' ' '54%fl.1a, -.. ~ I ~ I I Vol. 7, Na. 6, uJune 111L' ,,monthly index of East 'European Accessions (7-EAI) LCI "/ Q. PROKOPIEV, N. - "Making a correct schedule for the work shifts and d'-scovering the rrserve_~ in the pro- duction" Tezhka Promishlenost. Sofiia, Bulgaria. Vol. 8, no. 2, Feb. 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jun 59, Unclss R .,Ck~L'zMOSLOVAKIA/Zooparasitology - Parasitic Worms. G-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1958, 10055 Author : Prokopich- Inst Title Study of Helminthofauna of the Genus NeoWs. Orig Pub Vest. Ceskosl. spolec. zool., 1957, 21, No 1, 44-64 Abstract On dissection of 46 "kubor" �-emp f N. fodiens helminths (18 species) were found in 85%; of 17 N. anomalus 3 were invaded by 4 species of helminths. The disproportionate infection in these 2 species of hemp is evidently related to their different biology. The following changes are introduced into cestode classification: to the genus Coro- nacanthus Spassky, 1954, Hymenolepis anacetabulata Soltys, 1954 and C. spasskii sp. n. are transferred. In the genus Vampirolepis are included V. t-ridontophora Soltys, 1954, V. summven8is sp. n. and V. magairostellata var. soltysi (Soltys, 1954) H. magnirostel-lata (Baer, 1931) form Card 1/2 - CL-ECHOSLOVAKIA/Zooparasitology - Parasitic Worms. G-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1958, 10055 44 soltys, 1954). A list of 19 helminth species found in hemp is furnished (2 species of trematodes, 10 cestodes, 6 nematodes, I species of skreben (?) ). Card 2/2 USSR / Zooparasitology- Parasitic Worms. G-3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 20, 1958, 91061 Author Inst Not given Title The Helminthofauna in Shrews of the genus Sorex in Czechoslovakia. Orig Pub: Zool. zh., 1958, 37, No 2, 174-182 (res. Eng.) Abstract: During the examination of 811 shrews of three species (Sorex araneus, Sorex minutus and Sorex alpinus), 42 species of helminths were discovered (in the common shrew there were Ill speciesi. The specien Vigisolepis barbas- colex Spassky, 1949, belongs among the varieties of Vigisolepis spinulosa (Cholod- owsky, 1906). It Is unusual to discover the Card 1/2 28 USSR / Zooparasitology. rarasitic Worms. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 20, 1958, 91o6l Abstract: young cestode, Schistometra conoides, aoting as a parasite during its sexually-mature stage in birds. Apparently the intermediary hosts of this cestoide are Insects which serve as food for birds and insectovores. Photographs are given of rarely encountered nematodes (Synthi- manthus rhobalocephalus and Sobolyphyme soricis) together with a list of parasites grouped accord- ing to their hosts. -- M. Ye. 1-1. Car-d 2/2 '~C GLUKOV, B.A.; ALEKSBIW, V.N.; TOTSKIY, A*N.; KOINOV, V.A.; AZARIVICH, G.M. PROKOPOTICH, A.Te., red.; IUNOV, N.A., red. izd-va; G3RASDIOVA, B.S., iekhn. red,; UVAROTA, A.F., tekhn. re4 [Modernization of universal drilling machines; instructions] Moderni- zataiia univerealinykh sverlillnykh etanko'v; rukovonashoble mate- rialy. Pbd red. A.M. Prokopovicha. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1958. 214 p. (MM 11:7) 1. Moscov.. IkeperlmentallWy nauchno-leeledovatellakty inatitut metalloreshushchikh fftankov. (Drilling and boring machinery) PROKOPIEV, N. Analysis for utilization of labor productivity according to classification. p. 7. (TEZHJXA PROMISHLENOST. Vol. 3, No. U, 1954) (Let us improve the quality of machine production.) SO: MONTHLY LIST OF FAST EMPEAN ACCESSION, (EEAL), LC, VOL. /,, NO. 9, Sept. 1955, Uncl. PROKOPIEV, N. Oruanizati-n and Payment of Labor (Waves) of Multiple Apparatus Operation( 0 (Servicing) Multiple Machine Operation. The Bulrarian J!eavy Industry, 5:19;MaY 55 PROKOPIEV., N. The public review respecting the organization of production and labor, and the normalization of labor wages is success- fully terminated. Khim i industriia 34 no. 1: 33-35 164. 1. Glaven spetsialist v Komiteta po khimiia i metal-drgiia. 01 . ROKC)PISV 11 1.~~ Tlic way --,Ie Conducted investigat ions into Tf?cllnical Stand=,diz::itioll of Interrupted Apparatus Processes TE7.HKA :P(Dl,-"SHL;;N03T ( 'Teavy Tnr3usty) Issue M; 47; Novenber 1955 PROKOPIEV, N. Organization and payment for work In servicing several machines. p. 18. SO: Monthly List of East European Accessiong (EEA.L), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955, Uncl. v& (tk MOO BrO. COSPI, AN, Varig, Coss so =- poswons for the conatuctton of siphou brkks wem-simestdoed to deteratine their thermal stability and ormIty A composition containing kaolin hati the gmtest s=ty ='Iow porosity; one containing - DobFoviLa - clAy had a lower stability but the *an* porosity. R. R CLAMXS. SOURCE CODEt ~ ACC NR, A117002865 A/0149/66/660/006/0134/ai3 MTHORS: Prokopinskaya, S. G.; Panchonkop Ye. V.; Strug# Yes M, ORG: Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Department of Metallography (Mo3kovskiy institut stali i splavov. Kafedra metallografti) TITLE: Aging process kinetics in copper alloys with titanium and aluminum additives SOURCE: IVUZ. Tavetnaya metallurgiya, no. 6, 19669 134-138 TOPIC TAGS: metal aging, M-1 copper copper base alloy,'aluminum containing alloy, titanium containing alloy, solid kinetics, aluminum, copper, metal heat treatment/AVOOO aluminum, ABSTRACT: Kinetics of copper alloys containing 1.5% Ti (1), 4.3% Ti (II), and 1.5% Ti + 2% Al (III) was studied by analyzing the curves of hardness, the microliardness, and specific electrical resistivity after aging the specimens from 0.25 to 8 hours at 350, 400, and 450G. The alloys were smelted in a high-frequency furnace under cryolite. The charge consisted of Cu-Ti alloy (114.2% Ti), Al AVOOO, and Cu M-1. After forging at 800-900C and cold rolling into sheets 1 mm thick, the alloys were quenched from 9200. in water, and then aged. The aging temperature range was select- ed to avoid the slaw process at low temperatures and overaging at high temperatures. It was established that aging of III results in less hardness than in the case of I Card 1/2 UDG: 669.016.2 aai ACC NRs or II. To obtain maximal microhardness the optimal temperature is 400C. The data are summarized graphicaUy. It was found that the breakdown of the supersaturated solid solution begins in the boundary zones of tho grains. With increased tempera- , tures and aging times the breakdown spreads through the whole granular system. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE: U/ SM DATXj l6mov65/ oRiG REF3 oo3/ OTH REF: 003 Card 2 L 37651. ACC NR, EWT(M)/T/EWP(w)/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) jH/JD SOURCE CODEt AUTHORS: Strug, Ye. M. (Member of metallography dept); Panchenko, Ye. V. (Member of metallography dept); Prokopinskaya, S. G. (Member of metallography dept) ORG: Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Department of Metallography (Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov. edra metallo rafii) TITLE: Study of the aging process in Cu;.Al-Ti alloys SOURCE4 IVUZ. Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, no. 6, 1965, 126-127 TOPIC TAGS: copper base alloy, copper film, metal aging, metal heat treatment, titanium containing allay, aluminum containing alloy ABS'MACT: The effect of aluminum on the aging process of copper alloys containing 1.'S% Ti and from 0 to h% Al has been studied. The alloys were smelted in a high- frequoncy furnace, and the ingots were forged at 800--900C and rolled into plates 1 mm thick. Tempering was conducted by quenching from 920C in water, followed by aging from 15 min to 30 hours at 350, 400, and 450C. The experimental results are shown in Fig. 1. Addition of 2% Al facilitates the aging process. Higher Al content!- slows it down. These results are contrary to thoso reported by U. Zwicker (Metall, I V-11, NO-1, 1957; Z. MetalLkunde, 53, 11, 1962). while the behavior of the alloys onj varying the electrical resistance conforms to findings of Ye. G. Nesterenko and N. V.1-- 1/2 uw , 669-35 L 37651-66 ACC NRt AP6016336 Ilea Fig. 1. Hardness of alloys containing 1.5% Ti, + 98.5% Cu (1), 1.5% Ti + 2% Al * 96.5% Cu (2)0 1.5% Ti + 4% Al + 93.5% Gu (3) &a a function of a" tiaw at 450a. -min Chuistov (Fisika metallav i mt&Uoved*n1ye,, to 9, To 3p 1960; tol2p V*5# 1961) Orig, art. bass I figure. , SUB CCU$ 07/ SUEN DATEs OlJul6h/ ORIG W 1 003/ OTH REFt 001 FROKOPISHIN.P.M., assistent (Stanislav (obl.), u1. Pervomayskaya, d.5,kv.5) Incidence of endarteritis obliterans in Stanislav Province. Ilain. khir. no.10:49-52 0 t62. (MMA 16:7) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav,-prof, S.A. Verkhratskiy) Stanislavskogo meditainskogo instituta. (STANISLAV PROVINCE-ARTERIES-DISEASES) ...,PROKOPISHIN, V.I. [Prokopishyn., V.I.] Work of the Cherkassy Pharmao-y Administration -under new conditions. Fariateev.zhur. 17 nool+:50-52 162, (MMA 16:0 1. Aptekoupravleniye Cherkasskogo oblastnogo otdela zdravookhra- neniya. (CHERKM PROVING&-PHA24AGY) PROKOPISHIN, V.I. [Prokopishyrr, V.I.) ~ are improving pharmaceutical services for the povalation. Farmatsev. zhur. 16 no.6&61-63 161. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Aptechnoye upravleniye Charkasakogo oblastnogo otdela zdravookhraneniya. (CMRKABSY FROVINCEP-MGSTORES) - PROKOPIV--Y--M..--- Activity of nonspecific airtiby-aluronidaee in the blood of children with toxic dyspepsia. Pediatriia no.4:24-28 '62. (MIRA 15:4) 1, Iz detakogo otdeleniya (zav. - prof. S. I. Ignatov) Llvovskoy oblastnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach N. I. Besedin) (ANTIHYALURONIDASE) (DYSPEPSIA) PROKOPIJEVIC, Jovisa, inz. Some current vroblems in the field of scientific reasearch, and especially in transportation. Zeleznice Jug 19 no. 2: 1-12 F 163. PROKOPUMVIC, N. Yugoslavia (430) Agriculture-Plant and Animal Industry An analysis of the cost of wood production. p. 245. SUMARSKI LIST. Vol. 75, no. 7. JulY 1951. Zast 31aropean Accessions List. Library of Congress, Vol. 2. no. 3, March 1953. UMCLASSIFIXD. 71 HGKOfl.TEVIC, IT% "Further details on clifferential site rents in forestry. (P. 278) Vol. 77, no. 6, June 1953. SO: East zkwopean Accessions List, Vol 3, No ~`, Aug 1954 Tlie transmissivitly of a~senlc glass In the 15 is to 26 range.. -0 .0 T. -vi'M ---ties Fine Mcclianics, Prague'. 0erhojJ6,'J. Phys. 9, 270 (l959j(1F' Ed.1kri).-Mie transsaissivity measurements were examd, to 25 p., a max. was found at 17.18 p (582' C, n ) with 2 adjacent absorption regions, and about : transmissivity from about 6 to 12.5 p. A. Kremh-l . PROKOPBC,Hiroolav Growth of Prague children from birth to 18 zonthr, of age in conparisou with children of some foreign large cities. Cesk. pediat. 15 no.51-427-435 MY 16o. 1. Ustav hygieny v Praze 12, ved. odd. doe. XUDr. 7. Janda, reditel, doe. XUDr. K. Symoa, ved. ukolu KUDr. V. Xapalin. (GROWTH) CIZKOVA-PISA,ROV-ICOVA, J., Prof.;PROKOPIG, M. Dr. Se.,,VANOGKOVA, M. Contribution to ~he physiology and pathology of menstrual bleeding in young girls. Gesk. gyn. Z51393 no-1/2:52-62 Mr 160. 1. Detska klinika, prednosta x)rof. dr. J. G izkova-Pisarov ic ova, odd. h-yg. deti a dorostu, prednosta doe. dr. Yr. Janda, LIUKT v Praze 12 a Ustav bygieny, prednosta doe. dr. K. Symon. (KESTRULTION) (PUBAM) F?OK')l-jv. ---- [The Ukraine after 56 years; recollections of tra-iels] Po 56 rokakh na Ukraini; spohady z podorozhi. New York, 1964. 64 P. (MIRA 18:7) PROKCPOV, A.;_KIMOV, G., inzh. We are preserving forest resources. Grazhd.av. 15 nb.10:38 0 158. (MATRA 11:11) (Aeronautics in forestry) sov/84-58-ic-4,(/54 AUTHORS: Proko o Commander; Ylmov, G., Sr Engineer TITLE: We Are Preserving Our Forests (Be-rezhem lesnyye bogatstva) PERIODICAL: Grazhdanslcaya aviatsiya, 1.958, Nr 10, p 38 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe the teahnique used in aerial pest control and applied in the forested and mountainous areas of the Crimea. Since the faresth preservation measures were begun in 1949, the serviced area in3reased from 18*T9 ha to 23,436 ha. Dusting is done at the rate of 200 ha per ho-~ir ftom an An--2 plane (which exceeds the plan), and pest control became 95 - 99% effective. There are 2 photographs. Card 1/1 PROKOFOV,, G.P. (MoikVii) Alternating directiOr method for 575-4em of equationa. Zhur.. v-ych. mat. i mat. f.47- 4, nO-51-930- 934 S-0 '64. (MIRA 17;12'1 GODUNOV, S.K. (Moskva)j ZABRODIN., Aj. (Mosk7a); PROKOPCJVJq G,P, (Moskva) Difference formula for two-dimensional nonstationary problems of gas dynamics and the computation of thb flow of a branching shock wave, Zbur. vycb. mat. i mat. fiz, 1 no.6:1020-1050 il-D 161. (MIRA 1617) I I i i 61 -7 --- -I' -- I- I I . 5 1 ,- ril U108 S/208/61/,,101/006/005/013 B112/B138 AUTHORS: Godunov, S. K., Zabrodin, A. V., Prokopov, G. P., (moscow) TITLE: Difference scheme for two-dimensional non-stationary problems of Gas dynamics and calculation of a flow with a shock wave that runs backward PERIODICAL: Zhurnal vychislitellnoy matematiki i watematicheskoy fiziki, v. 1, no. 6, 1961, 1020-1050 TEXT: In this paper, the authors continue investigations of difference schemes for non-stationary problems of gas dynamics (cf. S. K. Godunov. sb., 1959, Al, no. 3, 271-306). In order to solve the system p dr dy -'I- pij dy dt -;~- riv tlr di - 0, pii dx dy + (p + pit'2) dy dt -~ pit v dx fit ~ 0, (2-2) pi, dx dy + puv dy dt + (p + pvl) dx dt ~ 0, Gard 113 Difference scheme for tv.-o-dimensional ... P (e + ~~) dx dy ' pu (c + -L -+- tl�-~! dy,11 - 2 p 2 ) .V208/6 1 /u,01 /006/005/0 1., B112/BI38 ,,, + _L + dx di ~ 0 + pv ( p 2 ) the authors use the follovring difference scheme (2.2), n +3/2, n +'/',, t fIL-1-3/2 III-F31:t IIL J-3/2 fit +31113 nt-L_3/2 I h + v -"/2 Aa it Ph, h ni-11I lit-1/2 M_V., il h_ + h_ Card 2/3 -3n08 3/20 61/001/006/005/013 Difference scheme for two-dimensional ... B112YB138 Discontinuity disintegration is calculated using the scheme b~ T P-'-' + P"+'!' Pn-"' + P'+"I' 2 2 PK- P~ Pn+'/s + Pn-1, ~,an un+'/, - Un-9/, (3.3) 2 2 - Un+l!, + U,sj + P~+11' - P"-.!, UK. 2 L'an It is based on the formula p - (7 1)qe. The stability condition of the scheme is derived. In the latter part of the article, the authors use nets which are moved in accordance with the floy, Cases of axial symmetry, in particular that of a sphere, are considered. I. G. Petrovskiy, 0. M. Belotserkovskiy (Prikl. matem. i mekhan., 1960, ap no- 3, 511-517), and A. A. Dorodnitsin are mentioned. 1. M. Gellfand, K. A. Bagrinovskiy, G. N. Novozhilov, V. V. Lutsikovich, and K. A. Semendayev are thanked for assistance. There are 15 figures and 3 Soviet references. SUBT-1ITTED: May 7, 1961 Card 3/3 'A -11 A ".1 .1 T It AI I Its It f0 .1 L 4 it r 09 00 00 00 00 or _40, Urlsin at natural see In the northwestern Part at the .0 0 $arth Caucasus. A. pl.4on"itt. Naltopol G-r~ I . .00 ..,;. S. R. No. 4j'S, 1414 600=2) - A It,-I IM-11101I.-Il mituitt CO, 3.1-211 7. CO 0.2 11.14, L'11, 72 -j 00 !1_51. CJI,. 4.1v o, 0.9. N, S.:1% and Crave A. A. IMAMIV 00 a I a I L A021AW)RUK&L UltO411,011 CILAMI'l(AMM via., J.I U a '71 AA IV a CW0 1 v j, III Or it IN Or III 0 0 0 0 ff 0 0 0 00 0 4 a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 1701--tio-S-0oif 0 0 0 000 16 0 0 0 00 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 q BELINSKIY, S.B.; PROKOPOV, I.F. Using pyrite cinder in the cLry method of removing hydrogen sulfide from gas. Koko i khim. no.1:54-56 '59. (MIU 12: 1) 1. Novo-Lipetekiy metallnrgicheskiy zavod (for Belinskiy). 2. Kaliningradskly kokaogazovyy zavod (for Prokopov). (Gas purification) (Hydrogen sulfide) SOV/68-59-1-15/26 AUTHORS: Belinskiy, S.B. and Prokopoy, I.F.___ TITIE: The Use of Spent Pyrites for Dry Cleanimcg of as from 11ydrogen Sulphide (Primeneniye ogarka dlya sukhoy ochistki gaza ot serovodoroda) PERIODICAL- Koks i Khimiya, 195.9, Nr 1, pp 1--4 - 56 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The use of spent pyrites instead of bog ore for cleaning of coke-oven gas from hydrogen sulphide was investigated. In view of satisfactory results (see table) the method was adopted on the Kaliningrad Coking Works. The method of preparation of the absorption mixture is as follows: spent pyrites are mixed with sawdust in a proportion of 1:3 by volume and an addition of d.5vt? by weight of powdered hydrated lime is made. Then the mass is screened on mechanical screens which removes large Dieces of spent pyrites and sawdust and mixes the componen-ts. Bulk density of the mass 0.5 - 0.6 t/m3. When charg029 into boxes the mass is wetted with water to a moisture content of 30-45%. During operation, humidity is main- tained by the introduction of steam into the gas stream. Pressure drop of the freshly prepared purification mass amounts to 30-35 mm H20 per box. uptimum absorption L;ardl/2 temperature 26 - 30 0C. During 10 months of operation SOV/68-59-1-15/26 The Use of Spent Pyrites for Dry Cleaning of Gas from hydrogen Sulphide the mass absorbed sulphur in an amount of 61~6' of its own weight and continued to absorb hydrogen sulphite to 68-?0% of its content of the gas. It is concluded that the use of spent pyrites is more economical than bog or6 and is re,,.ommended even in cases when they must be imported from other regions. There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATIONSt Novo-Lipetskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (Y--- V-,) - Lip-~~,ZkiY!4etallurgical Works) and Kaliningradskiy kokscgaz,,)-,qy zavcd (Kaliningrad Coking Works) Card 2/2 --PR,OF.-(- P f7V 1, 1, P , '.:i ka .--n ti(iu obser-%ratirri cX Au J es 7,k-,r Is dise as e -, r. e-4-: ne. -7e ter ~'nar-T --': I-- Afl rf,-.12.335-36 D f64. kv- .~ .13~A -;o;-, FROKOPOVI I.P. Swine influenza control. Veterinariia 39 no.11:44-46 9 162. (MIRA 16:10) ZAYDELI, L.; YERSHOV, B.A., assistent; DEDKOV, S., starshiy inzh.; BOGDANOV, (g.Krasnojarsk); MAKKOVEYEV.(g.Krasnoyarsk); PUZANOV (g.Krasnoy&rsJ'>, MATORIN, I.; ~ROKOPOV, LT. (g.Vinnitesi) Continuing the discussion on centralized preparation of technical specifications. Mashinostroitell no-8:38-39 Ag '62. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Nachallnik otdela modernizatsii Kuybyshevskogo institute. NIFTIMASh (for Zaydel'). 2. Severozapadnyy zaochnTj politekhnicheskii institut (for Yershov). 3. Upravleniya glavnogo mekhanika i. energetika Vserossiyskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Dedkov). 4. Nachallnik konstruktorskogo byuro otdela glavnogo mekhanika zavoda "Gomsellmash" (for Matorin). (Machinery-Specifications) - - - - - - - - - - . , ~ I. . . . . . . . . . . . C?- - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . - - - - - f- -w-w-w-w- qvw-w-w-qvw- W- IF IF -W v 0 w a - 1 - -0 .-V w Ia ,, U 6 1 -4 4 4 0-6- 0 0 o a I . It It 11 w 11 Ilt lf Is Is . n . , . n F I a 1 01 :11 Asks Jim by age 41 au Mai!* 4 K a .1 . 9 1 AA 0 CC MIt 1 4 11 0 0 A I - . - !! * 0 1 porous rubber two 00 a t.14 ."Alrd. I % 1,3 =90 in S&In. In ht ujial jngTvh,,ntq. findy diffilittl(fistr1l 't 'we' "blained husks whiCh lla~ 00 f to incandr-rilec I., rell"Wr %.iialile hy.1r,warl-m, 00 00 alot I first -11', "illict), I1* 4 0 is goo 2 soo coo ` PP 009 . 400 bee boo 610 ILA .11ALLUROKAL WINAIL41 CLAIIWICATPOW Ilt- Cleo igloo.) .11 U., 00, - - - m m & %v age I Ar P a n 1, 0 a a it q a O e 0 0 0 0 0 fe 4 e ,--PROKOPOV, Leonid Dmitr ;-FILIN, A.G.p red.; NIKOLAYEVAj L.N. 11- ~-iyff ~CJII --te-khfi-.-r-e-d. - [Repair of pneumatic and vacuum windshield wipers] Remor~tu pne-w- maticheskikh i vakuumnykh stakloochistitelai. Moskvag Nauchno- tekhn, izd-vo M-va avtomobillnogo transp. i shosseinykh dorog RSFSR, 1961. 60 p. (MIRA 14:7) (Automobiles-Equipment and supplies) PROKOPOV, N. (g.Uzhgorod) ;..-- Student's desk combination. Prom. koop. 12 no.8:1-4 Ag '58. (MIRA 11:9) l.Predsedatell pravleniya arteli "Peremoga.ff (Desks) L 8160-o66 EWT(m)/T~2/bW(f) ACC NR, A?5025066 SOURCE COLE: UTV0286/65/000/016/M16/0117 't, j( A. I.; Btwaakay A AUTHORS i !NPLtA,.Xj6; PodoILIM. - - -r Roy!nko V. I.; ~~I ORG: none ale TITLF i n r f r i t l C c1 ti i Cl N b 6 IX one a e o erna con us t r a n nes. ass .4 on eng o. y , BOURM Byulleten' lzobreteniy I tovarrWkh smakov, no. 16, 190, 116-117 TOPIC TAGSo internal combustion eng air cleaner I'%. L1 4, jr t~ AMTRACTs This Author Certificate Waseots a cyclone air cleaner for internal com- bustion engines as per Author Cartificate'No. 125974. The cleaner contains both cyclones and contact type air cleaning elements. To improve the W alsanW and dirt capacity of the unit (set 71j. 1) a reflector Is placed between tbs oyclow exits and the air clealf elements. T =a,' 4U43.6 COW . PROKOPOV, P. Yr.. 29137 IspolIzovanis Tra0vyanoga plasta V sevooborote, IzveBtiya Akad. Nauk BSSR, 1949, No. 4, S. 87-3-10-Bibliogr: 39 Nam SO: Latopail Zhurnallnykh Statey,, Vol. 39, Moskov, 1949 P6 Pa~,-;, and u u is ar., "The gat'lerir-,E and cG' -T T - "o1. 7, no. CCt- 195'~', Sofiya, Bujgan.--La.~ P. 110 ' So: monthly UsL of East European Accessions, Vol. 2 1.'o. 7, July 1053, Uncl. USSR/Cultivated Plants.- General Problems M-1 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1, 1958., No 1412 Author : P. Ye. Prokopov Inst Not GOM - Title Utilization of the Grass Iayer in Field Crop Rotations. Orig Pub Sb. nautch. tr., Inst. sos. s. Kh. AN BSSR, 1956, issue 4, 3-23 Abstract On tenacious turfpodzolic soils the districution of flax on. the grassy 2ayer - and in case of the grains.~ that of barley and winter crop rye - has achieved the best results. The bes-11, forerunners for allocating crop rotation in the second field of winter rye are the grass layer and its rotation which is utilized for sowing flax and grains. Allotting winter rye as the third crop in rotation after grasses when not using the rotated grass stratum for vetch-oat mixture and winter rye, shows relatively low crop yields. For summer wheat in field crop rotations, the distribution after potatoes, fertilized with organic fertilizers', or after a two-year crop rotation of the grassy stratum, utilized for the crops of flax., is recom- Card 1/2 USSR/Cultivated Plants - General Problems Ab4 Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., 110 1, 1958, iio 1412 M-1 mended. For crop cultivations of flax and grains, the ad- dition of mineral fertilizers, especiaXly fo the phosphate- potash type, is indispensable. Card : 2/2 PROKCPOV, P.Ye. ~ ~ I - Grasses in field crop rotations of the white Russian S.S.R. Zemledelie 4 n0-7:49-55 Jl 156. (KIRI 9:9) (White Rassia-Rotation of crops) (Grasses) USSR/Cultivated Plants - Grains. 14-2 Abs Jour : Ref Z-hur - Biol,, No 20, 1958, 91593 Autl-ior : Prokopov, P.Ye. Inst : Belorussian Scientific Research Institute for Agriculture Title : The Allocation of Grain Crops and Flax in Full Grass Fiel Crop Rotation. OriG Pub : Dyul . ilauchno-Tekhn. inforn. Belorussk. n.-i. in-t Zer.-.led. 1957, 1-10 1, 3-6. Abstract : The harvest of annual crops depends on the order of their rotation after the plowinG of the grass bed (1951-1954 tests at the experimental base of Ust'ye). Winter rye and Vneat, barley and fl--x were sova oil the grass bed. The Gowing of barley and winter rye gave the hi&jiest yield. Good results were obtained by putting the second winter rye field in field croD-rotation with the grass layer Card 1/2 USSR/Cultivated Plants - Grains. M-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., ITo 20, 1958, 91593 0 turned and using this for flax rand spring gmin crops. A layer used only once in the year which produces -, ricl, gr--ss harvest is a pvI preceding crop for flax. Winter ieneat on black fallow (!Ave a hiller yield than ma a grass bed. -- G.F. Kayko. ", Card 2/2 - 13 - USSR, Cultivated Plants - F-z)ddo*--3. M Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 12, 1958, 53668 Author Prokopov, P.Ye. List AS USSR Title Study of Preceding Crops for Corn in Field Crop Rotations in Tiirf-Podzolic Soils. Orig Pub Kukuruza v B98R, Minsk, AN SSSR, 1957, 147-152 Abstract The best crops to precede corn in field crop rotation at the "Ust'ye" Experimental Station in 1955 were the following: potatoes ranured with organic fertilizers - the yield of corn green stuff was 262-354 centners per hactare; a grass layer used for two years - the yield of corn green stuff was 206 centners/ha and the retiirn from the grass layer used for spring crops was 268.2 cent- ners/ha of the green bulk. Winter rye sown over non- Card 1/2 USSR/Gultivated Plants - Fodders. m Abs Jour Ref 2-hur Biol., No 12, 19518, 53668 40 fallow preceding crops without organic manuxing, proved to be a less valuable predecessor even when fertilizers for the corn were used. The direct spring application of fertilizers under corn, sown after the winter rye, proved to be less effective than their after-action when applied under potatoes. M.A. Novoderzhkina Card 2/2 64 - .F-R-CKOPML,Patt-Yafimay.ich~-CHIMMSKIY, K.G., prof.,; TORKAU.0, I., red.; K CHITS, G., (Technical principles of crop rotations on turf-Podzolic soils of the White Russian S.S.R.] Agrotekhnichookle o9novy polevykh sevooborotov na dernovo-podzolistykh pochvakh BSSR. Minsk, Gos.izd-vo BSSR. Red.sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1959o 325 P. (MIRA 14:21) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN BSSR (for Chizhevskiy). (White Russia--Rotation of crops) BESIAAN, Ignatiy Ivanovich; ZENIN, Sergey Mikhaylovich; PROKOPOV, P.Yle. ~ _ red.; RABINOVICH, A., red.; KALECHITS, G., - - (Experience in mastering crop rotation in the Stalin Collective Farml Opyt osvoeniia sevooborotov v ko-lkhoze imeni Stalina. (Dzerzhinskii raion, Minskoi oblasti). Minskj Gos.izd-vo BSSR. Red. sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1960. 50 P. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk BSSR (for Prokopova). (Dzerzhinsk District (Minsk Province))--Rotation of crops) SHEPIPEL', V.I., glav. red.; PROKOPOV,-.P.Ye., red.; STRELKOV, I.G., RULLAINOV, V.S., re-J.; LAZARCHIK, K., red.; LESHCHILOVSKIY, P.., red. [Methods for improving the fertility of turf-Podzolic soils,, Pri-&T.At~,Wvyshenila pladorodila dernovo-podzolistykh pochv; sbornik nauchpykh trudov. Minsk, Urozhai, 1965. 217 p. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Belon;sskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut zemle- dehya. PRQKOFOII,_~ Green fallows in Vatte ibissia. Zemdedelie 27 no.4%6-l-, -'r, 169 OMIRA 18:4) I * Chlen-korrespondent All BSSR. PROKOPOV, P.Ye. [Prakopau, P.IA.1; IVANOV, D.P. Scientific activity of the academicians and corresponding members of the Department of Agricultural Sciences of the Academ7 of Sciences of the White Russian S.S.R. for 1961. Vestsi AN BSSR.Ser. biial.nav. no.2:133-139 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN BSSR (for Prokopov). (WHITE RUSSIA_-AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH) "FIAUC 6008139 UR/0000/65/000/0000/0007/0017 AUTHOR: Dyban, Ye.P, Candidate Of technical sciences); Prokopov, V.G,; Stradowskilf, ---r-M-TI-cademician M.V.; Shvets, AN UkrSSIR) ORG% None; 90 TITLE. Problemsof hydraulic resistance of air flow through porous media SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Techeniya zhidkostey i gazov (Flows of liquids and gases). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 7-17 TOPIC TAGS: porous metal, gas flovo hydraulic rersistance, differential equation,'- porosity, gas viscosity, flow meterp metal powder# Reynolds number/ RS-100 flow motel .1 IV V A13STRACT: This work is an experivental investigation of the adfloWthrough porous media. The study is aimed at the determination of flow and hydraulic resistance coef- ficients, and their dependence upon the state of flow and the geometrical characteris tics of the porous structure. A theory of similitude approach, considering the two ba sic physical factors, -:viscosity and inertia - leads to the differential equation dp/dL =0~ V + A.O.V2 r. r-IT suitable transformations and integration of (1) over the porous sample thicknes gi y + GfIg (2) where F,p - dynamic viscosity & dendity ? of the gas and; I L 26h76-66 ACC NRt AT600813-9 y = Tav . PAL.Gf) (3). In the above expressions: Ps PI - P2 - pres- sure fall across sample; average specific density of gas; g - gravity constant; v - filtrat v Gf I ion 9 1 flow; v - velocity of gas;O( - coefficients of visco- sity and of inertia. 'e o' a The experimental apparatus consiste ff cAHn and dry regula- ted-air supply with p:rovisions for temperature%ressuAInd low asurement. Low ra tred by two GKF_ ja~~ ~meterM d a rheometer in series; hig tes of gas flow were measu %.dawn rates - by double diaphragms and a R -100 flow meter. perimental samples were disks of steel powder, 5 mm thick. and 50 mm dia. with porosities of 20.5, 37, 42.5 & 55.75% All samples had particles of the same shape and granulemetric distribution. 7be expe- riments confirmed the theoretical expressions. For the experimental coefficients(X& thefollowing expressions were derived as functions of the porosity P t M = 7.22 P-3181,10 17 (M-2) (4) 1.26 P6 ..35,1013(m-1) (5) The porous medium friction coefficientv)~, is shown to be representable by A,= 2 - 2/Re (6) where Re is the Reynold's number, Directions for further research ire recommended, Orig. art. has% 5 figures, 12 formu- las. SUB COM 20#11/ SUBM DATEt 15May64 Ca rd 2/2 ORIG RUt 001 OTH REPt 002 GR I SHKO V.1 ad imir 1-67':-'Vi~- 11, L,' 1, rl-L*6 . PlItOK(ROV, Vasii,.,; 4L JjFa,jojj.j.-~,kl TLU'V 1. F. In Z h [Device for preparing reed s.1abo, tne PFT-v ver4i~--! press; from pra:~Li-es ~.,f the Kta2podar Bran-h -,f the Furp-1 Coils t-u 2-on Resear..-Ji infTir~aTel usiarlovka Clia izgC)-!~--V-1e- KN ! ni.-'a ka.7,yqn.Jt-,vy-kh vert--;.Kallnym pressom P -- - iz, opyta,:-c-; M-,skn-a. G%-- 'M JRA -PeG" stro-'nzdaT. P. me1rhard-zatsif 1 2. fi'lia-Is i S F 1 E CIC - I a S a ~~Ta-.ha- -a Gristlvo), icy bazy Krasnor,&Tskog- 'l L ial rj. Nau.-Irnr;-~ s e I insti4 it a se- 'skt PROKOPOVY V.K. Designing flanged 4oin-cs. Trudy UPI -ir,.23--:41-48 164. B I ) O'c' -RA 17: 11) PROKOPOV, V.K. Deformation of a circular plate with three rigid supports under the action of concentrated forces. T--my LPI 252.- 107-113 165. (MIRA 18ig) PROKOPOV, V,rr, -- -- ----- P.F. Fapkovicl's general orthogonality relation -f'c,,r a rectangular pinLe. fIrikl. mat. I mekh, 28 no.2,-.3.51---.5 .1 MY-Ap,64. (M ~ Ff A 1`7 ; ,-, GRIGORIYEV, Nikita Vasillyevich; FROKOPOV, V.K.9 kand. tekhn. nauk# retsen- zent; DOKUCHAYEV,, A.N.,-kdW-.--UUE.--fiAuk, red.1 SIMONOVSKIYp N.Z., red. izd-va; PETERSON9 K.M.9 tekhn. red. (Nonlinear vibrations of elements of m6chinery and structures] Ne- lineirqe kolebaniia elementov mashin i sooruzhenii. Moskva, Goo. naucbno-tekhn,. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry#1961. 254 p. (KMA 14 18) (Turbomachines-.Vibration) BARM, I.B.; Balancing of flexible Shafts. Trudy TAPI jio.210:97-103 160. (KIRA 13'.11) (Balancing of machinory) 11, S1 1 24/61/&~;/'Z) 3/`J2 -V CUL d NO -736o A005/AI05 AUTHOR: Prokopov, V. K. TITLE: On the problem of the restrained torsion of a prismatic rod PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, no. 3, 1951, 5, abs-.ract 3V29 (Nauchno-tekhn. inform, byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-t, 1959, no.-S), 62-68) TEXT: The author considers a rod of arbitrary cross sec,~ion in case that one of its cross sections is forcibly plane. It is presumed that the prob"lem of free torsion of the rod is sclved. For normal restraint stresses, the eY.1)onentk-j_ law is assumed. The functions entering into the expression of the stress func- tion are determined from the conditions on the outline of the rod cross se,:tion which correspond to the statical boundary conditions on the lateral surface. The spacial cases of elliptic and. rectangular sections are nonsidered. The latter case with large aspect ratio of section leads to the formula obtained by 3. P. Timoshenko. V. Marlyin [Abstractor's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 PROKOPMMO, F. Conference of active vorleers in sanitation.. Zdrav. Belor. 5 no.10:76 0 159, (BARA~OVICHI DISTRICT-SANITATION WORMS) (MIRA 13:2) I i I I J,~ PROKOPRSKO, L, K. Estimating the fatigue strength of locomotive springs. Trudy 14IIT no.110:151-180 '59. (MIlLi, 13: 4) (14atals--Fatigue) (Locomotives-Springs ) 1,4 i cr;k fa t en VOLOSHIN., A.I.; BOGOYAVLFITSKIY, K.A.; AKHTYRCHENKO, A.M.; TURIK, I.A.; ZHIDKO,, A.S.; LYALYUK, V.Sw; GARAY, L.I.; OMPRIYENTO, V.P.; STARSHINOV, B.N.; BABIY, A.A.; SAVEWV, N.I.; Prinimali - uchastiye: TORYANIK, E.I.; VASIL'YEV,, Yu~'S.; SHEMELI, T.I.; SENYUTA, V.I.; BONDAREI-10, I.P.;'AMSTISLAVSKIY, D.M.; ANDRIANOV, Ye.G.; SERGEYEV, G.N.j-, ZAMAKHOVSKIY, M.A.; LYUKIMSON, M.O.; IVONINJ, V.K.; TSIMRAL, G.I.; SENIKO, G.Ye.; KONAREVA, N.V.; SOLODKIY, Yu.L.; LUKASHOV, G.G.; TARAZOV, D.A.; GORBANEV, U.S.; SUPRIJH, I.Ye.; TIHHOMIROV, Ye.I.; KONOMMO, P.A.; PROKOPOV, V.N.; GULYGA, D.V.; PIJSKANOVSKIY, S.T.; PONOAAREVA, K.Ye. Effect of the length of coking on coke quality and the performance of blast fu-rnaces. Koks i khim. no.12:26-32 161. (14IRA :L5:2) 1. Ukraintikiy uglekhimicheskiy institut (for Voloshin, Bogoyavlenskiy, Akhtyrchenko, Turik, Zhidko, Lyalyuk, Toryanik., Vasillyev, Shemell). 2. Zhdanovskiy koksokhiadtheskiy zavod (for Ghbay, Senyuta, Bondarenko., Amstislavskiy,, An"inov,, Sergeyev, 'Jamakhovskiy,, Lyukimson,, Ivonin., TSimb&1)* 3. Urallskiy nauchno-loi3ledovatellskiy institut chernykh metAllov (for Onopriyenko, Starshinov, Babiy~, Sen!ko., Konarefa, Solodkiy). 4. Zavod "Azavstall" (for Savelor, Lukashov, Tarasov, Gorbanev, Suprun, Tikhomirov, Kononenko, Prokopov, Gulyga, Pliskanovskiy., Ponomareva). (Coke) (Blast furnaces) ')'24cjj S/056/60/038/03/04/033 0 B006/BO14 AUTHORS: -Nemets, 0. F , Prokopets, G. A. TITLE,: Inelastic ScatterinPof Protons and Deuterons by Mg 24M PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol- 38, No-.39 pp. 693-696 TEXT: As confirmed 1y investigations of inelastic proton scattering by Mg 24 (Refs, 8-10), ~he foimation of compound nuclei also plays an important part in addition to direct interaS,tion in the energy range 7.3 - 18 Mev. Experi- ments at 7-5, 8.9, and 15 Nev showed (Refs, 11-13) that direct interaction predominates. Little attention is drawn by previone authors to the ranges of small angles; howdver, just these small angles make important contributionE (Ref. 13)- F.or ihi s reason, the authors of the article under consideration carried out a detailed investigation of the angular distribution with special regard to small angles. The investigations were performed on the cyclotron of the Institut fiziki AN 'USSR (Institute of Physics, AS UkrSSR). An ionization chamber eerved as spectrometer. The experimental setup is Card 1/3 82406 Inelastic Scattering cf Protons ,.nd De-UtPIVOYM-, V 05 6/ 60/0 38/03/04/03 3 by Mg 24 BG06/BO14 schematically shown in Fig. 1. The statistical errors amounted to 15 per cent for large angles and to about 25 per cent for small ones. At angles smaller than 12.50 in the case of deuterons and smaller than 150 in the case of protons thq results are,qualitative in nature on account of the background. A free maghesium fo~f.l (thickness: 1-4 mg/cm 2) served as target. Pig. 2 shows the angular distribution of inelastically scattered deuterons (13.6 Mev), -and f6r comparison, an experimental (Ref. 139 curve 4) and two theoretical distribution curves (Refs. 2,,6; curves 2,3), The peak at 200 is in agreement with the theory established by 141amasakhlisov and Kopaleyshvili (Ref- 3)- The angular distribution was studied in the range 2,5 - 1400; a comparison between experiment and theory reveals that:h,inelastic scattering the 1 ~ 37-Milrb level (2+) of the 1.1g24 is excifed (dire t 'interaction) , Fig- 3 de- monstrates the angular distribution of 6~8,Mev protons inelastically scat- tered by Mg24; for a comparison, see a theoretical curve (2) for direct interaction with the surface (2.2 P 0 + P7 and a theoretical curve (3) for electric interaction with the surface (1 2, a = 24-7-10-13 cm), and ex- perimental data (aurve 4, Ref. 8). The results are not in good agreement Card 2/3 Inelastic Scattexing of Prutons aric: Dauterons S/056/60/0313/03/041/033 by Mg 24 B006/BO14 with theory. The results obtained for small values seem to indicate an un- known interaction mechanisT,-,;'however, the results are qualitative in nature in the small-angle region: A comparison with theory discloses that the direct interaction is the most essential one. In conclusion, the authors thank M. V. Pasechnik for his interest in the experiments, and Yu. A. Binlkov- skiy for preparing the target. There are 3 figures and 15 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCI'ATIONs Institut fiziki Akademii nauk USSR Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR) (Physic-s-institute of the PL. SUBMITTED: August 22, 1959 Card 3/3 - FROKOPOVA, K.; MUNK., P. Behavior of solution. Pt. 3. Coll Cz Chem 28 no.4:950-956 Ap 163. 1. Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czechoslor7ak Academy of Sciences, Prague. VASHKO, A.,~,j ~0K0NVAD__;_K0L0M_IYETS, B.T.; FAVLOV, B.V.; SHILOV, V.P. Absorption spectra of glass of the system As2S3-"*Is2 Se3 Opt. i spektr. 12 no.2:275-277.F 162. iMIRA 15:2) (Arsenic sulfide--Spectra) (Arsenic selenide--Spectra) TRISHEVSKIY) I.S.; SKOKOV, F.I.; PROKOPOVA, G.I. Cold bent angles and channels. StandartizaLs-lia 28 rc.8:516-57 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:11) PROKOPOVA, H.; PELZBAUER, Z. I rUcroscopir st,idy on, the intrinSic norpholcgy of 2uspan.,'.ed poIrvin~,I Phlorldfk partirl,oa, Chem prum 15 nc,-1:30-32 Ja 165. 1. inst-ibite of Macr amole r. ular Chemistry of The Cz)cho,'31(,-Ia'-, Academy of Sciences, Prague. FROMPOVA, L.V. (Odessa, u1. Hoskovslmya, d-32. kv.8) Diagnosis of acute appendicitis in children, Nov.l-.hir.arkh. no.6: 74-79 N-D '59. (MBA 13:4) 1. lafedra detsicoy khlrurgii i ortopedil (saveduyushchly - prof. M.L. Dmitirlyev) Odeaskogo maditsinskogo inatituta. (APPMICITIS) Vy 7 GUBARSTA. Oltga Tefimovna; PROKOPITXT,-,S.f.. red.; NAUMOV, K.N., [Preferential development of heavy industry and the creation of an abundance in consumers' goods] Ptaimushchestvennoe rezvitie tia- zheloi industril i sosdanie isobilita predmetov patrebleniia. Moskva, Izd-vo TM i AW pri TeX OW. 1960. 77 p. (HIM 13:5) (Russia-loonomic policy) VINGOVSKY,Ikgan; PROISOVA,Alona Wateria In the light of old dissertations at the Charles Uni- versity in Prague. Cask. psychiat. 55 no.5;256-300 0 159. 1. Psychiatricka klinikEL v Plzni. (HYSTIRIA hist. ) I BOOK EXPLOITALTION SOV/3935 Pronin.. Boris Alekseyevich, Cendidate of Technical Scj_enc,~s, Docer-r-1 ---------- Klinoremennyye i friktsionnyje peredachi i variatory (V-Belt and Friction Trans- missions and Variable-Speed Drives) Noscow, Mash-iz, 1960- 533 p. Errata slip inserted- 7-000 4~oPies printed. Reviewer: N.A. Spitsin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed.: Ye.A. IvanovY Candidate of Technical Sciences; Tech. Ed.: A.F. Uvarova.; Managing Ed. for Literature on General and Transport Machine Building (Mashgiz): A.P. Kozlov, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for designers., engineers, and scientific vorkers in the machine industry. It can also be used by workers in rubber products plants and students and instructors of schools of higher technical education specializing in machine construction. COVERAGE: The book contains information on constant-ratio V-belt drives and variable-speed transmissionsY including V-belt and chain-drives and friction transmissions. Pulling force, belt life.. and transmission losses are analyzed. Calculation methods and material on the design and construction of variable Card--l-/-6- V-Belt and Friction Transmissions (Cont.) SOV/3935 speed V-belt drives are presented. Also discussed are constructions and de- sign principles of variable-speed chain drives and variable-speed friction transmissions. No personalities are mentioned. There are 91 references: 71 Soviet. 12 German, 7 English, and 1 French TABLE OF COWLIENTS: Preface PART I. V-BELT DRTVES 3 Ch. I. General Information 5 1. Arrangement of a drive; characteristic features 5 2. Types of V-belt drives 8 Ch. II. V-Belts 10 3- Constructions and materials of belts 10 4. Manufacture of belts 16 5. Belt size and testing procedure 17 6. Mechanical properties of belts 24 Card 2/6 PROKIN. L.A. Method of removing higher divisions of the central nervous system in mamallan fetuses. IFiziol.zhur. 45 no.12:1497-1499 D 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Yrom the Laboratory for Comparative Ontagenesis of tho Central Nervous System, Institnte of Normal and Plathologic Physiology, Moscow. (GVIVM NMVOUS SYSTSM) ---~ NIN, L.P.. lnzh.; SHUMTATOVICH, L.I.. insh. Selection of current lWotection for rectifier transformers. Elek.i tePl-tia9ft 3 no.9:27 S 159- (MIRA 13:2) (Electric current rectifiers) Ollectrio transformers) FRONIN, V.I. Practices in borin,- inclined boreholes oriented toward tbo coal seam. Podzem.gaz.ugl. no.4:40-41 159. (KRA 1):4) 1. Glavpodzemgaz. - (Coal gasificatiou,,Underground) (Boring) 8/181/60/002/01/11/035 9'',2700 B008~BO11 AUTHORS: Nasledovo D. N.9 Fronina, M. P.. Radautsan, 3, 1. TITLE; Some Optical Properties of Solid Solutions of Indium Arsenoselenides and Indium Arsenotellurides It -P I PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 19609 Vol. 2# No. 19 PP- 50 - 51 TEXT: The authors found a varying solubility in the systems InAs-In 3Te3 and InAs-In2Be3 (Refs. 192), which is explained by struc- tural and venergy factors (Ref- 3). When studying the forbidden zone in alloys of the systems considered, they determined,6E values for dif- ferent compositions, according to the absorption edge. The method's ap- plied to the synthesis and homogenization of the alloys had been de- scribed already earlier (Refs. 1-3). The absorption spectra were re- corded with the aid of the infrared spectrophotometer OKC-14 (IKS-14). Fig. I shows the absorption curves of InAs, In 2Be 39 as well as 41nAG.In 2Be3, and 21nAs.3In2Be 3* The longwaye absorption edge shifts Card 1/2 Some Optical Properties of Solid Solutions of 3/181/60/002,/01/11/035 Indium Arsenoselenides and Indium. Arseno- B008/BO11 tellurides regularly from one binary component to the other. This is indicative of the fact that the width of the forbidden zone of the alloys has inter- mediate values between AE - 0.3 ev and AE - 1.2 ev. Fig. 2 shows ab- sorption curves for InAs, InAs.In 2Te 39 and InAs. 3IA2 Te3 . Also in this oasep the absorption edge shifts regularly from InAs 'Wo In 2Te 3' Re- sults of optioal measurement confirmed the possibility of obtaining_ substances in which the width of the forbidden zonep compared to the AE valuee of the binary initial components, has intermediate values. The authors thank N. A. Goryunova for her discussion of results, and B. V. Pavlov for his aid in measurements. There are 2 figures and 6 reference-8: 4 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheokiy institut AN SSSR ( ainglad Institute of PhIsics and Toohaology, AS USSR). Moldavskiy filial AN 58SR (Moldaviya Branch of the AS-USSR) SUBMITTED: May 11, 1956 Card 2/2 COUNTRY CZECHOSLOVAi-1.1A. _ CATEGCRY 1 Physicai- Chemistry. Gases. Liquids. Anorp, hous Bodies* ABS. JOUR. RZKhim., No. 1 1960 ITO 75 AUTFOR Prokopova, H.; Vasko, A. )TITLE Pass,--bloness of Aroenical Glass Within thu, ' Ramr;e fron I,- "' to 25~k 10RIG. PUB. : Ces]":osl. cas oP. fYs., 1959, 9, No 1, 1~.1-112 ~,APSTRACT - : Arsenical glass which has AS2S or AS2S5 as a com-pon ent, is pas-able within Le range of 16- - 20~_. The rivximal coefficient of passablonass is 30'~'- At 25Vx. a new range of passabloness be,Si (long-,~ I n rave range), S. Shushurin CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Optics. K Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Fizilca, 110 3, 196(), 7059 Author : Prokopova, H., Vasko, A. Inst Title Transmission of Arsenic Glass in the Range frorm 15 to 25 Microns. Orig Pub Ceskosl. casap. fYs., 1959, 9, No 1, 111-112 Abstract See Referat Zliur Fizika- ig6o, No 1, 1972. Card V1 - 127 - KC r~ CZECHOSLOVAKIA/General Problems of Pathology - TumDrs. T-5 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol. No 3, 1958, 12709 Author : PuymEm, V., Dolezhelo-a, V., Prokopova, S., Rikhterova, Ye. Inst : Not given Title : The Effect of Antileukemic Agents onLeukemic and Leuke- moid Changes. Orig Pub : Chemotherapeutica, I. Farmac. sympos. Praha, 1956, 31-33 Abstract : A study of the effects of 6 mercaptopurine, myleran corti- sone, Cormound 604 tgamm -methoxyphenyl-alpha, beta-dichlo- rocrotonlactone) and Compound 604 Br (gamm-n-methoxyphe- nyl-al-pha, beta-dibromocrotordactone) on mice of AKR and H strains that had received transplants of leukemia LPAK- VUFB and sarcoma 180 has shown that 6-mercaptopurine and Cmd. 604 interfere with the development of leukemia; 6-mercaptopurine also decreases the weight of the leukemic Card 1/2