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"Ooze I I I I 1\ MERAW womb li~ttk V,i T,T IN4 ~l hl~ ()v C%b Ffth L-15 o-66---~,vl.(ml/ET4P.(J)Iff.,t7C~m)-6 WW/jWD/RM ALC NR: AP600097i- -----iOUiCi DEI MFOid 6X/060JOW0657/005-1 AUTHOPS: ~V. D.; Vasillyeva, E'. A.1 Se7rgoyeva, V. A.; Demin, G. Kozlova ~r~coro~vYe.~F.; Kuchina, F. G.. .......... ORG: none ITITLEt A method for obtaining foam p1nntle. Men 3c), No. 176391 ounced,by lVladimir Scientific Research Inotitute for-Synthetic Resins (Vladimirskiy nauchno- licaledovatollokiy inatitut aintetichookikh smol)l SOURCEi, Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarrtykh znakov, no.'22, 1965, 57 TOPIC TAGS: plastic, foam plastic, polymer# resing epoxy, catalyst ABSTRAM This Author Cert~fioate presents a mptho4 for obtaininE a foam -plastic on the basis of epoxide resin0and aromatic polyamideollin the presence of an emula ifier with the aid of a gas generator. The reagents are thoroughly mixed, foamed, and hardened by heating. To lower the foaming nnd hardoning temperature, organic and J-norGanic acid catalysts are added to the reaction mixture. The organic catalysts are formic and acetic acid and the inorganic catalysts are phosphoric acid and perchloric acid. The catalysts are usea in proportion of 0.2 to 3 wt parts per 100 wt part of resin. Freons axe used as foaming agents. 11/ SUBM DANZI 31Oot63 6'7 / "k , VINOGRADOV, A.P., akademikt red.; KONSTMITINOV, X.M.p kand. geol.-mineralog. naukp red.,- PROKHOROV, Ye.I., red.; MAZELI, Ye.I., tekbn. red. (Transactions. Selected reports by foreign acientistal Trudy. (Izbran- nye doklady inostrannykh ucher7l:hj Moskvap Izd-va Glav. uprav. po ispoll- zovanilu atomnoi energ. pri So~ete Ministrov SSSR. Vol. 8. [Geology of atomic raw products]Geologiia atomnogo syrlia. Pod obahchei red. A.P. Vinogradova. 1959. 520 p. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Vtoraya, mezhdunarodnaya, konferentsiya po mirnomu ispollzovaniyu atonnoy energilq Zbeneva, 1958. (Uranium ores) (Thorium ores) Tlf- 0~- T ov ) ye , t AUTHOR: Pone GiLven. 2- AT 41~-.--; TITLE: Defense of Diss~i--tati,)ns (Za-'rshita Xssertatsiy) ' (Jwnuary - July 1997) (Yar-fa-,' - 1.1'uIr ',95-" , SA-e-Lion for Litera--re and Languages (Otdaieniye literatury i yazyka). PERIODICAL: Vestn4-k AN SSSR, 101~7,, Vol. 27, Nr 12, pp. 128-129 'USSR) ABSTRACT: At the Institu'e for Yfori-I Li'.erature imeni A. M. Gorlkiy CI-nst-4tut mirc.-Voy litctratury imeni A. M. Gor1kogo)., Appli3ations for the --egree of Candidate Gf Philology: M. Borb-aeulov -Kirgiz So-,,iet Dramaturgy (Kireizsk--ya sovetskaya dramaturgiya). Ye.. I. Prokhcrov - The Problem of the determination of t Of Gogoll Artisti c Prose (Probleme, ustanovleniya kanonieheskoge tek5ta khudozhestvennoy prozy Gogrolya). At the Iristitu~,e for LjMu:~sticEj (Inatitut y&zykoznaniya). Applicationt3 for the deCree of Do-,tor of Ph-L'lolcgy: Dl. N. Kolyadenkcv - The Structure of the simple phraGes in the hlord7inlan LanEuapges (Tho Senterce and its main Parts) (Struktura proatcgo pr,~diozheniya ,, mordovskikh yazykakh) (predl1ozheniye i yego glairnrie chleny). R. G. Pictrovskiy Card 1/3 Formation of the definite article in the Romance languages Defense of Dissertations, 30-12-44/4-5 (January July 1957) Section for Literatare and Langiiage (0 form-krovani'L oprodelennogo artiklya -,r romanskikh yazykakh~, F, V. Sr,vnTlypm, Affix Azerbaydnhm-i literary ianguege (Affiksallnoye glagolc- obrazo;aniye v azerbaydzhanskor- literaturncm yazyke). Applicatione for the degree of Candidate of Ph-jlology: Z. G, AbduIIrvp,r - The Cases and their functions in the lvx-,.,qA,n darginskom literaturnom yazyke).. 0. M. Asoyev - Otvr.33:!-.-.e ncw.:3.4, adjectives and Equivalent Combinations of Words in the Modern Prench Lancuage ?S-Lozhry*'ye JLmena pri-la.-atellnyye i ekvivalp,ntnyyp im slovosochetaniya -.r sovremen-icm frantsuzskom yazyke). N. V. Podol~skaya - Toponomy of the country of Novgorod according to Novgor3d manvscripts and writin6a of the 11-15 centuries (Tcponimika novgorodskoy zemli po dannym novgorodskikh pislmennykh pamyatniko-., veko,.,). N. V. Churmayeva - The History of the di3arp,~!arance of the difference in C,3nder in the Plural iv the ~rLoo of Wordri that Charge according to Gondiar in thre Russian Lan~ua~o Card 2/3 (Istoriya utraty rcdovykh razlichi.y vo 7 Defense of Dissertations. .C.1- 12- A 41.1A q (Januar.y - July 1957) . for Literature and Laripliae-- u sicv, -Lzrrenyayushch-'khsya pc rodam, -; rueskom y~L7yk-- , AVAILABLE: Librafy of Coneres3 1. Utera-t-ara.-U&SR 2. IaAguagav Card 3, /3 PROKHOROV. Ye.I. (Moscow); TUMANOVSKIY. R.F. (Moscow). Standardization of printing and publishing terminology. Poligr.proizv. TIO-7: 10-13 Jl-Ag '53. MRA 6:9) (Printing Industry--Terminology) (PabliBhers and publishing--Terminology) " ' T 1, "~ .4 1., TIP ". 'a,; PROW014, '-, i.~ 4~! - A - --fl4-IjJ* I ~'I , , "'. ~n d~f 'I - I ; o - ' -,-,6 1 , - .. 3-- ., . -. , . l,!):1) LLVITIN, F.I.; GOLID311TEYN, V.D.; KIJDISH, E.A.; PROKTIOROV, Ye.P.; FRADKIN, V.A.; avilisomfiYA, 14.M. Technic and evaluatiop of the results of tuberculin tests. Probl. tub. no.7:9-16 163. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Iz kafedry tuberkuleza (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. A.Ye. Rabukhin) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaiii.ya vrachey. LEYMIN, F.1.; GOWDS11TEYN. V.D.; PROKHOROV, Ye.P.-, V.A. Persons w4lh Tubronar Tuberculin reactions in el tuberculosis. Trudy TSIU 63:96-63 163. (kIF-A 17:9) 1. Kafedra, tuberkuleza TSentrallnogo ins'Ui%uta ueovershens-- vovaniya vrachey 111 Klinicheskaya bollnit.s.,i Moskva. OLENEVAY TA.; PROKHOROV, Ye.F. Therapy with antibacterial preparations and corticosteroid hormones for patients with tuberculous pleurisyy pneumopleuri-37, and polyserositis. ProblAub. 38 no,7a24-29 160. (MIRA 14si) 1. Iz kafedry tub,,-~Akuleza (zav. - prof. A.Ye. Rabukhin) TSentrall- nogo instituta usovershenatvovani~m -vrachey (dir. M.D. Kovrigina) i im tuberkuleznogo otdeleniya bolinitsy Mihisterstva putey soob- shcheniya imeni Semashko (glavmyy vrach A.A.Pot.-nubeyenko) (ACTH) (ADRENOCORTICAL HORMOUS) (LUNGS-DISEASBS) I, r 1 i,(,, in/rl - 13 AU711G.1 5 Shol7n%In,L.D.; lLikitinu,T.H.; Y Fllippova,T.76; Yu.A. TITIZ: V-,[-,notio proportion of rnm,-illoy film forood In Lon bocliardr3ont rituport, srcorl All-Uniall ijYr,.rc)qiuM On tho Mysics of TbIn Forror-mntic Fllr-i hnjj ,it9% 10-15 SC;JfL"F. AN 3311n. Irveatiya. Soriya fizichookaya, v. 20, no. 4, 105, 634-638 TOPIC TAG3r forro=aSnet1c thin filn pornalloy, rnncti. propn.-tZ AL-37,11M Iac work wag ur-Jortakcii in vi(,,v of tho, ercrdira uio of thin films In 01coll-onics n.A V.0 "or vcv anci Lcttor filn pro,-irAtion tc~clhniquas. filtz-1 by ien bc-_-~Y-dr,nl. li7:a R of diatinativo ffc~turcs und Oa..-,r, ar-A T.11,.VMItir,%, lTzi. AN tho Gplva% rr---). vrL~ry tl-.4-nq in Lovl co-r~!-_ir~ CZ t, -.1 cc~~--,=-ition 02 V1,3 fil_-i ~-~A V-nt 0* thq ri7utt~~zzd ratarial. C,-i c-1 c'jjcztiv7,--) to Vin Ica torinl- qu:i itt Viat inirt Cas at tc!~_i j in Uvj dIBc',.ar:;0 b_-cc_--i In -Card - 1/3-. L "'( 'C: AFZ011 4-4 7 . 1~- iir ita pi-,! irtinn. in t)-.o pmwinnt a of films O.C r1r: -;I I w7 t~-ra pril, -irrl In glfv n-, in;n, 4 t-c- , in An Vi~ orit-atin-, 11old van T'-'-.-.ry't-. C'_' 1t t:~' t rr. t C'1 n.-n 1'1'r.:!3, liracco%trl with qrirtz, nl- a IwAn hy lrs;tta atchlr'-" all r~-k r"'It. T113 vtit~,tra!':, i. i ln7- I r% thn nj%:,aratv!i arl thr-ri fa rth,!r alc by d i- i n nil I rj~ 'I I Tor vc T tt, lo th" a T flhn On A Al. of vo~;r rkr, '1.1ty, b,it on alv~i 1--v to films a d " v " ac;l f~1-1 ::J.l--j' 1; 1 sr v, c, tha prc,-r c-0,z','1 c,' rf.'Alar to i':Ir C..,L J It y -alvo L 5M2-615 Acr- r7i: Ar-5011-147 cur to -tf, 'Orig. str-C. for -111tatialln. 111-1 c3nln,nL~o 0 mr E'VLf 00 at:-.) Lill, Ec SPIVAK, G.V.; SEELYAKIN, L.B.~ NIKITINA, T.N.; YURASOVA, V.Ye.; FILIPPOVA, T. F. - ~!jRtHOR I -Lu-A. Qj Magnetic properties of Permalloy films formed by ion bombardment. Izv. All SSSR. Ser.f12. 29 na.4r634-638 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) ROSHCHIN, I.V.; NIFONTOVA, M.V.; PRO1UiORQV,.Yu.D.; BAMOVAIM.D.; KUBLANOVA, P.S.; ILYASOVA, SAT.; BULYCHEV., G.V. Hygienic characteristics of the dust factor, and health of workers engaged in cleaning boilers of electric stations. Uch.zap.Mosk. nauch.-issl.inst.san.i gig. no.E:64,70161. (FURA 16:7) (LTJNG.q--DUST DISEASES) (BOILERS) ----------------- - ----- T~' V C-V/e )-c V / ~1& - e---, Cr-togory : USSR/Nuclear Physics - Nuclotir Reactions C-5 .Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizike., No 3, 195-,', No 6073 _M Author : Artsisovich, L.A., lindrienov, A.M., Bvzilevokaya, O.A. y n rok r r U U -.Filippov, N.V. I E RRY. Title ~?~O_ ~1 f" -Th-ves =1ga so DischErges with Iligh Currents Orig Pub ! Atom. onarglya, 1956, No 3, 76-80 Abstract : A brief report on the results of an experimental investigation of high-power pulse discharges with high rates of current rise, A study was nrade of the pulse discharges in 112, D21 Ile, Ar, and Xe at initial gas pressures from- 0,005 mia Hg to several mil i- motors. The maxinun, current in the discharge was 105 to 10~ arip. The dischcrgo was fed with a voltnge from 20 to 50 kv from a capacitor bank rnnging in rating from several tons to 400 microfarad. Thu re o of current rise in the initinl dia- charge pbaso wco " x 10~ -1.5 x 1011 rrp/sec, end the durtition of the current rise from zero to maximum. value was 8 --- 17 microseconds. The discherge tubes used were porcelaim cylinders 60 -- 100 cri long end 20 -- IN) cm in diometer. The intensity of the magnetic field was moasurod at various points of the dis-- cherge, as was the grs pressure. Card 1/3 Category : USSR/Nucloar Fhysics - Nuclear Reactions C-5 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizike, No 3, 195*1, No 6073 The discherge oncillograns Pre characterized by a sharp discontinuity in the voltage and a break in the current, oc- curring at a certain instant of time. A grnph of the depon- dence of the time intoraval7'prior to the first such singular- ity vs. the mess of ges M in the discharge tube is given for various gases (H2'6D 21 He, Xe) over a wide range of m-~sses (approxir-ctely 10- -- 10-3 zjc The resultant points fit quite well on the curVo ` -,'MlN' L. . These date. are in good agreement with the values of"r calculvtod using the theory developed by M.A. Loontovich ans S,A. Osovets (Abstract 6074). The singulerities on the oacillograms Pro connected with crm- pressions of the plasna colium. The maximum speed of motion of the plesme ranged fron 1 x 106 (at high gas densilties) to 1.2 x 1o7 cm/sec for discharges in H2 and D21 with an initial pressure 0.01 mm Hg. At the inbtant of the maximum compression, the energy of the heevy particles renches values corresponding to a temperature of approximetely 106 degrees, and the pres- sure in the central zone is on the order of 50 atmospheres. Card s 2/3 I I Category : USSR/Nuclepr Physics - Nuclocr Reactions C-5 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 3, 1957, No 6073 The corresponding electron energy is on the order of Bavarnl electron volts. Ideas are suggested concerning tho processes occurring in a high power pulse discharge. Card : 3/3 DEUCHLV, V. F. and MOK11011OV, Yu. G. "Investigation of the Neutron "Emission Arising in a Gaseous Dischar~;e vith a Current of 160 KA." (Work carried out In 1957); pp. 81-86. "The Physics of Plasmas; Problems of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions." Vol. IV. 1958, published by Dist. Atomic Energyy Acad. Sci. USSR. resp. ed. M. A. Leontovich, editorial work V, I. Kogan. Available in Library. j-~ AORLANGFVY A. M., BAZIIEVSKAYA, 0. A., BRAGINSM, S. I.J. BREZHrJEV, B. G.y P(.rjjfx.'1iw, 1. M., MOMORGV, Y. G., FMIPPOV, N. V., FILIPPOVA, T. I.A and M~ABROV, V. A. 'Txperimental Investigation of High Current Pulse Discharges." paper to be pres,,:inI;oI e~t 2ad UN Intl. Conf. on the peaceful useg of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1 - 13 Sept 58. PROKHOROV, Yu,D, Experimental data on the combined effect of CO and SO 2 on the body. Uch. zap. Mosk. nauch.-issl. inst. san. algo fa no,9a77-81 t61 (MIRA 16.11) )t PROKHOROV, Yu. G. Contribution to the problem of registering plasma ener& losses. Dol-d. AN SSSR 134 no.5:1058--1060 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Predstavleno akademikom L.A;,Artsimovichem. (Plasma (Ionized gases)) ACCESSION NR: AT4025319 6/0000/63/000/000/0274/02a2 AUnIORSs Pr6khorov, YU. G.; Demichev, V. F.1 Matyukhin, V. D. TITLEs Measurement of time variation of plasma energy SOURCEt Diagnostika plazmy* (Plasma diagnostics); 9b. statey. Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1963, 274-282 TOPIC TAGSx plasma research, plasmoide plasma source# plasma tem- perature, discharge plasma, plasma heating ABSTRACT2 A system, called "thermal probe,* has been developed to measure the time variation of plasma energy. It consists of a plati- num foil 6 microns thick, heated electrically to 1,000-15000, the incandescence of which is registered by a photomultiplier with maxi- mum sensitivity in.the red part of the spectrum (near 7,000 1). The spectral sensitivity of the foil-pluo-photomultiplier system, with the foil electrically heated, in sufficient for the registration of CWd 1/1-1 ACCESSION NR: AT4025319 a slight change in the foil temperature such as is produced by the heating of the plasma. The instrument is calibrated by discharging a capacitor through the foil. The thermal probe was used to, measure the plasma energy in slow (millisecond) and fast (microsecond) pro- i cesses, as well as to estimate the efficiency ofthiarmal insulation I of the plasma column in a toroidal system with longitudinal magnetic 1 field ("Tokamak"). It was also used to measure the energy of fast plasmoids obtained with the aid of a coaxial plasma gun. In the latter case such a measurement is preferable because the usual calorimetric method determines only the integral energy of the plasmoids occurring in one discharge, without giving the energy in individual plasmoids. The use of the thermal probe in conjunction with other methods (electric probe, millimeter waves transmitted through the plasma, etc.) makes it possible to determine a large number of parameters of plasmoids produced in a single discharge. Another feature of the apparatus is that there is no direct electric connection between the plasma and the recording apparatus, which can;' Card-.--.- AT4025319 ACCESSION KR: be located away from the plasma. The thermal probe can also be used in chambers with high initial vacuum. orig. art. hast 6 figures, 3 formulas, and l.table. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTEDt 190ct63 DATE ACQs 16Apr64 ENCL: 03 SUB CODEs HE NR REP SM 000 COM MUMS 000 84827 90D0 2- Y01 S/020/60/134/005/010/023 B019/BO60 AUTHOR: Prokhorov, Yu. G. TITLE: The Problem of Recording PlasJEnergy Losses PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 134, No, 5, PP. 1058 - 1060 TEXT; The radiation pickup used in the work under consideration for estimating the heat insulation of a plasma in a toroidal chamber with a strong magnetic field meaeures the amount of energy on t9e chamber wall. The pickup consists of a d~c.-heated platinum foil (1500 K, 61A.), its radiation being studied by a photomultiplier aAd an oscilloscope. Fig. I is a set of diagrams depicting the current 1 9 in the gas, the voltage of a circulation Ucirc' the derivative with time 19, and the pulses sent out by the radiation pickup. As may be seen from the diagrams, energy is liberated both with weak and strong magnetic fields. With reduced Ho? how- ever, the energy liberated on the wall increases. The energy curve has a Card 1/2 84827 The Problem of Recording Plasma Energy S/020/60/134/005/010/023 Losses B019/BO60 smooth character. Fig. 2 is 2a set of diagrams depicting the energy WO; contained in the gas per cm of wall surface, and the energy W1, which is adsorbed per cm 2 of wall surface, In the instant, when the current in the gas is almost vanishing, W 0 and W 1 do no more coincide. This divergence may be either explained by a calibration error, or by the fact that various amounts of energy are absorbed in various parts of the system (particularly in the diaphragm).. Energy is found to be set free on the chamber wall at large H 0values, when the plasma temperature attains some tens of thousands of electron volts., This energy is liberated by qlectromURngtjg waves. The author thanks L. A. Artsimovich, ld,_A._Leontovich., and A. M. Andrianov for their continuous interest, and V. S. Mukhovatov for assistance given in the experiments. There are 2 figures and 2 Soviet references~ PRESENTED: May 10, 1960, by L. A. Artsimovich, Academician SUBMITTED: May 10, 1960 Card 2/2 YU. G. jai' 8 ; 'I fill % 'JA Ll 0 ANDRIANOV) A. N., BAZILEVSY-kYA, 0. A. and RROKHROV, Yu. G. - --- - - I A.- -- -- - - - "Investigations of a Pulse Discharge in Gases for Current Stren&th of 500 KA" (Work - 1954,1956); pp. 185-211. "The Physics of Plasmas; Problems of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions." Vol.. II. 1958, published by Inst. Atomic Energy, Acad. Sci. USSR. reap. ed. M. A. Leontovich, editorial work V. I. Kogan. Available in LibraL-y. FROKHOROV, Yu.S.. Igornyy inz1hener; KOSTYUK, G.I., garnyy inzhener. ~ * , Reinforced concrete scraper platforms. Gor. zhur. no.8:75-76 Ag '57. (MLRA. 10.-g) 1. Tebyazhinakoye rudoupravleniye. (Mine haulage-Aquipment and supplies) 0 0 0 -0-W -W- 1 4 1 4 1 1 10 It U 13 M It If It Il to jo 111 a a a AVX)01031 Ulf Jib k V ISM4114. Ulf W -3 r0 a I f v If 1.1--A -I- Ah N CC 0 all I S d 2 k ms .-o Pecef --I.1 W t-1. 'V, -40 00 1a'"941110" Of 1111M2 LIM 10011`04 42 Mn. thick, p"peted at the jhCrjkW&bjI I nt. -00 0 VILY. PRIAH-jameAp A. HNIAMILITA. D.Oft 1931, No. 9, 1..3:1.- -1.811ge qualltitF": .1 nmfi.'20-M7j.,-.1 Fiade at this plant havt lately, been rrJectril as unsuitable for the pur. jkWk- for which they were lotentled. 00 a The steel was prepti. In a 51)-ton 64%ic olmn-hrarth furnace frmn molten pig and map 15 45%. with tbr mkIn. of Fe oft: 3 10% 0 ird the WL of tuctal. Afnare.3.".0% OW mw litnestoCK 8A-125/9- Most of the "IS .00 00 4miked ftemuse of daws and blowholes. A list of instructions is viven aiming to elinli. nate blowholes, surface alckfation and other ddccu caused in lik- m4ting and nollitig. C 1-iriew insirmilions, when followed closely. savv Ims. results and Ivil to Conxidrimable foe im1truvvmenta in the quality of the ImWuct. Nuturrouts tabk-x, griphs, thairsom slid microllfsphs am given, S. I., MALM)MMILY zo 0 so a ago go pas 0 U00 A ~18 L A -111AWAPOICAL LITIMA TIJAII CIL.SSIFICATION 0 .8111, C4I all 11~ j7 0. m-C lot "' 0 r--j-r-T 41no UOAVIO III* tv lilt am MAI its nact 19111404 I'm 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 j0 so 0 00 0 004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :0 6060 0 0 0 a 0 90 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 *:'* 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 og 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 4 6 a 0 61/ 1 "7 0 g0 Tu OffKt of the terapers- -4 the raw of pauriag 00 yu. V, Prok- tm quab" wl m6wm4ub- 00 &)(11914).-A hightf PD-ing SW 4. No. -38- ict-mms thr nitr 1"'S . ilterftws tbt tOtch. P"X1 'f I tj 10. tj a" iliclu")w. and atims a c0&'% N161' [I., i 14 . I . tructure. Tlw txvt j~wina truip. outing h" lba Caw. It, W. RAIIIIIIA1111 .4w P --00 00. 002 ZOO, 2to 0 a tsoo t:oo pt EL.WFICATIC. 0 444, It It :14 41 0 0 0 it Ot K o00 00 00 0 'CT Is r, 1, 0 gi 0 09 Of Vixator for surgical theraD of trcchariter'c h4 !ractures. Ort. trawn. i protez. 23 no.10:61-63 0 162. (M'.RA 17,10 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy khirurgii Novosibirskogo meditsinskogo instituta (rektor-. zas-luzhennyy deyatell nalAi prof. G.D. Zalesakiy)' J otdeleniya tramatologii i ortopedii Navosibirskogo fnstituta tra-vmatologi-4 i ortopedii (~ir-- dotsent D.P. Metelkin). Adres avtorat Novosibirsk, ul. Frunze, dom )), Institut travmatolog---', i ortopedii. PROKEOROV Yu.M. (Novosftbirsk 99, ul, Lenina d. 17, kv.10); KOKORIN, V.M.; .~-) Mukts~ I.Ya. Treatment of fractures of the femoral neck. Ortop. travm. i protez. 26 no.1109-42 N 165. ~MIRA M12) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy khi-r-urgii k.zav.- dotsent M.F. Ponomarev) Novosibirskogo meditsinskogo instituta i travmatologicheskogo otdeleniya (zav, I.Ya. Munits) 1--y klinicheakoy bolln-It5y Novosibirska. PRO1910ROV yu.M. (?,,Ilovosibirsk 99, u1. Ifmina, d-17, kv.10) Surgical treatment of trochanteric fracturen of the rem',L-- ~ I. Ortop., travm. i protez. 25 no.6:57-58 je 164. 041RA 18:3) 1. Iz kafedry fakulitetskoy khirtirrii (zav. - dotsent M.D. Ponomarev) Novosibirskogo meditsinskogo instituta i otdeleni-va ortopedii i travmatologii (rulcovoditell - prof. Ya.L. TSivIi.a.1) flovosibirskogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedii. P-RWHOROV,-.YU.M. (Novosibirsk 99, u1. loenina, d. 17, kv. 10); STRUSEVICH, A.V.; SHABPJTOV, A.M. Morphological examination of a medial fracture of the femoral neck after internal fixatio., with a metallic pin. Ortop., travm. i pro6n. 24 no-3:23-27 Mr 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy khirurgii (zav, - dotsent M.D. Ponomarev) i kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. V.M. Konstantinov) klovosibirskogo meditsinskogo instituta (rektor - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. G.D. ZaleBskiy). MOKHOIROV~ YU*mO Late results of plastic surgery of a scalping wound of the penis and scrotm. Urologiia no.5*.63-464 162. (MIRA 15.,12) 1. Iz fakulltetskoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - dotsent M.D. Pononarev) Novooibirskogo meditd nskogo instituta i Dovolenskoy rayonnoy boVnitsy Vlavosibirskoy oblasti. (PI211S,c3URGERY) (SCROTUM- -SURGERY) (SKIN GRAFTIFG) PROHMV Yu.K. (Novosibirsk 99, ul. lenina, d.17j, kv.10) -7===-; - Determination of tj~a length of the mail in treating fractures of the neck of the femur. Ortop.,travm.i protez. 23 no-5:71-73 My 162. (Mim 1r:11) 1. 1z kafedry fakulltetskoy khirurgii (zav. - dotsent M.D. Pono- marev) Novosibirskogo meditsinskogo instituta, (rektor - zasluzhe dayat. nauki prof. G.D. Zaleaskiyj i Navosibirskogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedii (dir. - dotsent D.P. Metelkin). (PINUP...-FRACTURE) (121TWAL FIXATION IN FRACTURES) PROKHOROVI Yu.S.; MALAKHOV# YA.A. Pneumatic pusher for charging deep holes in underground mines. Gor.zhur. no.2t69 T 163. (KMA 16 z2) 1. *vokogorskoye rudoupravleniyej, g. Nishniy T"- (Blasting-kuipment and suppliesi 65'65 -4) Z, 300 f ajp(b 'Ba -'-ACCESSION M4, AT500433,4, - 25 W2/ okhoiciv YU I vi &'-b Qtmde4:nu%bGr-' :-'-zv0 Vr POW -SS SOMM: Sit icheekly ins :tittit': Trudy -v,--71 A964 Sborn rabot 0 1!teorii: veroyabiq0tey (C01166ti~M, of papers on the. theory of probabilur TOPIC TAGSt Yaxkov prcaess,.opffmal-.aoAtrol 4~6`i'-,`IMSTRACT:: The author treats two probleins of control of Bromian motion by control- :the rate of drift: wider. an 01inertiall assumption. GivenH*>Op he is to choose (0ift): imAa>0 aaaA to- kan" Oi,.i ""~AnAma jrf+-l 4. 'A'(+-) w4+Mvs Ac?L3SSIOl---BRls-_ AT500.43 ITT- IIJ6 1* ,e"!' �a EuMs 00 -60 COOS , ' ' 4' i boo. NO REP SM 02 " j f""~ . I j PROKHOROT, YU. V. 37155. 0b uailennom sakone bol'shikh Cbivel- Doklady akad. Nauk SSSR, g~vaya seriya, t. LIIXp No. 5, 19490 a. 607-10 SO: TAtopiat Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol 7, 1949 oa In--t n3ndr.-j i)E,., rcc- (,,i' uandid- FrVs c !~ccv3 sc is~-erLi~ui:,n "or th c, -1ptliemaltiCal 'ci-(,.ncE,.s). -ce-riber 101.2 S 0 Tanvf~,- -Dc L; , USSR*thezatics - Asymptotic Upw ion fty/Jun 52 "Some Refinements of Liapounoff Is Theorem," Yu. V. Prokhorov "Iz Ak Nauk, Ser Matemat" Vol XVI, No 3, pp 281-292 Shows that the familiar asymptotic expansion holds for a vide class of discrete distributions Vx). They form in a certain sense a "general case - am discrete distributions. It is shown in an example in case of s particular discrete non-lattice distributions the function F,(x) cannot be accurately 21T%9 a ted with accuracy over OG 1 ) in functions Tnlo= n x) vith limited derivs. ReceiveTq8 Dec 51. Submitted by Acad A. W. Kolinogorov. 21 C USSR/Mathematics - Statistics, Distribution 21 Apr52 "Local Theorem for Densities,' Yu. V. Prokhorov "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXXIII, No.6, PP 797..800 Considers a sequence of chance (stochastic) quanti- ties xi, which are independent and identically dis- tributed; also the convergence of distributions functions. Studies the problem concerning the con- ditions for which the probability densities Pn(x) of the so-called normed sums converge to the density Of the ordinary normal law (bauss'). Gives the necessary and sufficient conditiond for subject convergence. Ac- knovledges indebtedness to Acad A. N. Kolniogorov, who proposed this problem and who submitted the paper 29 'Jan 52. 223T66 ---~Ax%jy , Y11, V. ABymptotic behavior of binomial distrihitioa. Uup.nat.rv-uk 8 no.3:135- 142 My-Je 15). (MLU 6;7 (Probab 11 it ies ) V01- 15, No- 3 &Mb 1954 Anslyale l ' ' ~ ~ unctionat s In fw Prokofov, Yu. V. Probabifity dlstTibution spaces. Lspehi Matem. Naitk (N.S.) 8. no. 3(55), 165- 167 (1953). (Russian) The author considers sequences of probability measures V on the Banach space B of continuous functions on a compact interval. A convergent sequence is one which converges to a measure P on every set whose boundary has P measure 0. A set of measures is compact if and only if to every.e>O corresponds a compact B set on which all the given measures have values ;_,- I -,!. Using this fact, the author remarks that one can obtain simple proofs of the convergence of distri- butions involved in a sequence of stochastic processes to the corresponding distribution of the limit process, if the finite- dimensional distributions converge. As an example he re- marks that a theorem of Donsker [Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. no. 6 (1951); these Rev. 12, 723] can be obtained in this ]~a OM/Mathematics Theory of probability Card- 1/1 Pub.. 22 6/49 Autbon s Prokborov, Yu. Tit" About a local boundary theorem on lattice distributions Perlodical Dok. AN SSSR 98/4, 535-538, Oct. 1, 1954 Abstract I A necessary and sufficient-condition for a successive application of the so-called local. boundary theovem to the problem of distribution of a sequence of incidental.quantitiesfn is derived; (the tn4 K, where K is a constant). Five references (1931-1949). Institution :Mathematical Institute im. V. A. Steklov of the Acad. of Scs of the USSR Presented by :Academician A. N. Kolmovorov, June 26, 1954 PROKHOROV, YU.V. I------- ---- - . Functional analysis methods in limit theorems of the theory of probability. Vest.lan.un. 10 no.11: 46 11 155. (MLRA 9:3) (Probabilities) !4 yk) SUBJECT of probability CAU 1/1 PC - 146 .1UTHOR PROCHOROV Ju.7. TTTLE On ths sums nf random -ia-riables with the same diatribution. PERIODICAL Doklady Akad. Nauk 12~, 645-647 (1955) ravtowed '7/1916 Lot V 12 ..... . f, bo a sequ9nae of indA-pandent random Tariables with the same distribution function F(x). Let tuxthor be a n - E, + ~2 + ~n Fn(x) - Pr to