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26o96 R./oo8/6.:)/-3c~o/,,-*6/1-3~)8/loo8
Some problems of experimental inveatigatic.-na A231/A1205
overall aerodynamic forces on the rrodei~ and fj Inzt.ailatIc-a for measuring tne
heat transfer on the model surface. At present, th6 last two problems -were not
yet studied. The shock tube was also equipped with an inEtlaj.latlion measuring the
propagation velocity of the shock wave serving as a reference valua. T-his install-
latipn was described in Ref. 3 fI. Jakab, A. Zaharesa-i and L. Damitrescu: Metod~
pe=u masurarea vitezei de propagare a undelor de poe. Studil p! ceroetiri de
mecimic'a aplicat~s XII, 1 (1961), belng in publication]. There are 8 figures and
13 references: 6 Soviet-bloo and 7 non-3oviet-bloc. The last five references to
the Engli2h-language publicP_1.,_!,,n_= -read as fc--lowsa Ref. 7*. Ch-E. Witteliff, M.
R. Wilson and A. Hertzberg, Thie ~1-ailored int-arfaae! shoak tunnel. Jou-naal of she
Aero-Space Science, 26, 49 April (19c,~9)_, Ref. 10: j. Gordon HaIl-, Shock tubees.
In6titute of Aerophysics Univereity of Toronto, UTTIA Review, 12. Part. IT, May
(1958); Ref. 11: B.D. Henehall, On some aspects of the uee 'of shock tubes for
aerodynamic research. R. & M- 3044, London (1957.)'3 Ref. 12z B.D. Henshall,
Some notes on the use of resistance ter-mometers for the measurement of heat -,rans-
fer rates in shock tubeE. A.R.C. Tenh-n. Report C.F. 408, London (1959)~ Fef.
13: B.D. Fenshall, Experimental r=_Eu,1tE from the N.P.L.. hypersonic sho-ak tunnel.
N.F.L. (Aarc) 372, Februa_ry (1959).
SUEMI-TTEDt may 12, 196o
Card 3/3
RIC,3816, O/CO:~/XA/O 14/-, 18
Pr_030povisi, E.
The measuring of me,~haniaal vibnations and shocks by oapaoitive
Studii yi Cproatkri de Meaanit,~ Aplicata, no. 4, 1960, 1019-1025
TE(T - This paper has bean worked out in 3onne--tion with, the measuring
of aemdynsmlo prpjss~jr5s and foZICess in ttia zhook tube of the Aerodynamical
Laboratory of the institutul de msc~niolm' apli*at9'6 (Institute of Applied Mecha-
nics). The author first Etudies a measuring airaiutt (Figure 1) and recommends
a new s_chj~me whiloh Improves and Simplifies tha The cirsuit (Fig-ure
1) can not be used in cafe of vibiations, i~lnab an inoreaze of
,e-n 14_M_3 constants car, be ob-
the time ~2onst~~nt T = RO the signal. HjgJ1
t!~ined by the airouit (Fig-are 2), without Inc--easing the oapaoity. This, the
capaoity C(t) will be- loaded by the anode battsi~y of thG eleet_~onia tubs, as-
semtled as a cathodic repeater, which guarenta:es a very high input resistance.
The equiv_,Clent cirnuit (Fivrj~ 3' can b--~ us-d for. the eztabllishment of the equa-
Card 1.16
RAK",8/6-0/000/0,34/0 V-Vo
The measuring of meohanloall vlbratlonB .... A125/AI26
pi b + %'b + Rk 10) eb EO +Iueg (1)
I I + R i + Rk(LO (2)
-cTtTp- g 0 Y 0'
6g (R 91() - N'd (3)
of the renommended a=%ingam-ent. From the integral equation
-C1 f yt + (R + Rk + T~7 --F P-ReR'k \ 10 + p eb EO ?RN (4),
R + R ) Rk + + Rk
k k
obtained by eliminating Ib in (1), (2), (3), the author dedijoes the solution
q = q CIO .. n (-t/k-o) f u (t) qn exp WTO) dt.
0 +;: 7= I PXP
n=1 0
Card 216
i 4/b 18
The measuring of mechanical vibrations .... A125/A126
On the basis of this result he examine3 two cases, i.e., u(t) as a periodic funa-
tion, and u(t) as a function with transitory cha-raoter. a) The general case of
a periodic function: Supposing u(t) to have tha shape of
U (t) = Y, Ok s in kpt. (12)
the voltage v at the plugs of th-~ airouit will be expressed by
yin kpt _T7-C sin kp
v - PN R (I dt k
d"I 12 i L ,. p2k2
-2 2 2 + 0
k p
and on the tasis of (12) b-y
TO 2 51 /p, V ~~GkRl - U(t)
and v = cxRI T- (16)
TO Tr /k aTP' iy~-tl
M 0 dt
Card 3A
The measuring of mechanical vib-rations ... A125/AI26
The voltage v is p:z-3;=r-tIona1 either to thc, ninction or with the derivative of
"he function, depending on thq tlm-,: cone"ant To, whinh is greater or smaller than
the pariod of the phenomenon. b) Transitonj fiinetion! Supposing u(t) to be'.
it 0
u(t) -lot 0 the vrjltag~r w.411-1 be expressRd by
Y =oLRI exp 7C- (17)
and is proportI onal to the signal, if To!~' T, with a relatively U, eat error
1 - exp exp T/~r (18)
(_ I?-o 0
T being the useful measuring -duration. The relation (18) can be used for the cal-
culation of the necessary time of the input circuit, in function of the admissibla
error and duration of the necessary time. To increase the time constant, the
circuit (Figure 5a) can be used, but the signal obtained is sm-aller since it is
divided by R. and the input resistwice R. Replacing the resist-:ir by an electronic
tube (Figure 5b), the circuit allows the extension of the method in the field of
card 4/6
The measuring of mechanical vibrations .... A125/A126
low frequencies up to 0.1 cps. At high frequencies-the method is limited only
by the frequency band of the amplifier or transducer used. The results have
been used in the development of an apparatus measuring the pressure on the shook
tube of the Institute of Applied Mechanics. A membrane-type transducer was used.
The measuring circuit was coupled to an "Orion~ 1,538" cathode oscillograph and
the time intervals were measured by an"Orion' 1, 152 "`.impulse generator.-. There are
6 figures,Lohoto,and 4 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The
references to the English language publications read as follows: 1-1. Heteny, Hand-
book of Experimental Stress Analysis. Ed. John Wiley, New. York, 1950; P. H.
Morse, N. Pashbach, Methods of Theoretical Physics. Me. Graw Hill Book Co., 1950.
SUBMITTED: December 30, 1959
Figure 1: Measuring circuit.
Card 5/t f
R/00 'colooolcozllo 1 3/0 14
Procopovici, E.
Capacitive transducers of very low inertia for the detection
of shock waves
PERIODICAL: Studii ii Cercet9ri de Mecanieg Aplicati~, no. 5, 1960, 1293
TEXT: The author accomplishes a general analysis of the conditions
in which capacitive pressure transducers for the detection of shock waves
are operating, and recommends a new transducer with a very short response
time. Pressure transducers represent dynamic systems of the 2d order, fox
which the response time is determined by: rr ~'~6/Wo, (2). In case of tem_
perature transducers which can be represented by 1st-order systems, the
time during which the temperature is completely diffused by the active la~--r
of the transducer is given by; "Cd = ~'2, (3), in which /0 - is the specific
mass, c - the specific heat, k - the ermal conductibility, and S - the
thickness of the metal layer. The first system is characterized by tIL%-fol-
lowing sensibility and natural frequency: S1 4-S- = &, (4) and coo = &,(5),
4P K Y11
Card 1/8
Capacitive transducers of very low inertia... A231/A126
in which Lp - is the pressure effect, A - the active surface, K - the elast_
ic constant of the membrane, M - the membrane's equivalent mass, andcoo -
the fundamental pulsation. The product of these two equations:
Sid) 2 = A, (6) is a value which characterizes the mechanical quality of the
. 0 R S1
system. The separating power is expressed by P = F, (7), in which S is
p p
the ampl7itude of the membrane's displacement [Abstracter-s Note:,O~ in the
denominator of Eq. 7 is probably a missprint and should be 8p]. Re rela-
tion M _21 ' 1 (8) formed of the Eqs. (2), (4), (5) and (7) shows
A PSp T2-Tr;TZ I
that the main characteristics of the transducer performance is the mass per
unit of active surface. The electric system consists of a plane parallel
capacity: C 2~L, (9) in which e - is the dielectric constant, the in-
terstice between the armatures, and A' - the surface of the fiy-.ed armature.
For small values of the interstice, the relation can be linearized:
C = eAl 1 (10~ and the error due to 'the non-linearity can be cal-
culated by (11). The sensibility of the electric system is
Card 2/8
Capacitive transducers of very low inertia... A231%1-0
S2 = S = S1 - S2 Z: -C, (I
~,Oy = 7, (12) and of the entire transducer: T
The dynamic performance of the pressure transducer can be improved by re-
ducing the mass per surface unit. This reduction, however, leads to a re-
duction of the membrane rigidity. For theproduction of a higher frequency,
a solution was selected by which the elastic constant of the system does
not depend on the mass of the surface unit. The solution consists in tran3-
ferring "he function of elastic support to the dielectric medilm. The rao-
bile armature consists of a metal layer, several microns thick, (eventually
thermal insulating) deposed on the elastic dielectric which is compressed
by the pressure effect. The compression of the dielectric brinL-,s the two
armatures nearer to each other, thus achieving the capacity variation,, The
nP W = QE
frequency is given by: M is the di-
0 Mm+ d , (14) in which E
electric's elasticity module, the diefectric's thickness, Mm - the met-
al layer's mass, and Md - the dielectric's mass. By using as an elastic di-
electric a small film of 50 microns and an aluminum film of 2 microns, a
0.7 me/sec natural frequency can be obtained. Table I compares the charac-
~eristics of the recommended transducer with that of classical transducers.
Card 3/8
Capacitive transducers of very low inertia... A231/A126
The transducer with a mobile armature consists of an aluminum 1:7. i` x-d or,
a dielectric support, is used to detect the shock wave in an installation
designed at the I.M.A. (Institute of Applied mechanics) To check the re-
sponse time of this transducer, the signals produced by the transducer under
the action of the shock wave have been oscillographed. For this purpose,
the transducer has been installed in a special electronic circuit (Fi-. 7)~
The response time was 3.5 /t3ec. The signal front is pzeceded by a front
of a low slope. The appearance of this front can be explained by the fact
that the warm armature has a great b dimension in relation to the cold ar-
mature, thus the shock wave acts directly on the dielectric. The capacity
variation is partially due to the approach of the armatures and partially
to the variation of the dielectric constant with the mechanical stress. If
the variation law of the dielectric constant in function of the mechanical
pressure is linear: e = Vd+ eo, the material has an E elasticity module
and the brake thickness SO can be expressed by: e = E(l - (PISO) + e . the
EA e A E co+C
capacity by C = IL + =n A , The sensibility will be S2 in
)EA F . To-
which C 'IT and Co There are 6 figures. 3 photos, I table and 10
Card 4/8
Capgcitive transducers of very low inertia...
references.: 2 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloc.
most recent English-language publication reads as
'!Small Barium Titanate Transducer for Aerodynb-mic
ure.raents'! Rev.,Sci. Inst., 29, 3, 218, I-larch, 1955.
SUMITTED: December 30, 1959
Card 5/8,
The reference to the
follows: W. 71. 71-411marth,
or Acoustic Pressure Licas-
T411 de traductor S,
- I
1~ ObservatU
M Ce '7MIX -
0 2 21 cuplai ICUSUC
h b defavornbil
011 b,
0 0
6 12.2 h constructle
hS , b 3 b SIMPIA
AIP, Procopovici, E., and Du-mitrescu, L.
TITLE: 'Jeasurinr, aerodynamic pressures in the shock tubr-
PERIODICAL: Studil 11 cercet9ri de mecanic~f aplicattf,
tic. 1, 961, 185 - 194
TE."'!": i~fter briefly analyzing the main problems re,~arding the mea-
SLI-,,*e,:6nt of aerodynamic pressures in the shock tubo, the authors
press--nt a method as well as an apparatus develo,~ed at the institu.-
de mecanic;~ aplicat,~ (ILLA) (Institute of Applied
.or m~,,asuring the pressure in the shock tubcI con~itructed at ihe
Eased oil irives tigat ions conducted at tiiis Institute, the
advantaijerjus presf~~.ire indicator proved 1:c; t-,Li~ tvp)-
pressuro tranoducer. T'he pr:~.,Isu~.,c ir.6.1
a sur%rey
tir,ie of 2-3 To avoid dif-L"icultie-1, j. I., i- -rc, I i t W -_--i s
bU411 on tile rjasis of the d-c polarizing c r c u J LLL s- 4:),~,-!nn
Fig. 4. For measuring the pressures in the shoclc tube, an installa-
Ca-rd 116
-eaouring, aerodynamic
/0 0 8/6 It 1!0 00/1-. .0 1 /0 1 0/0 1
D2 37/D31,-; I
tion was deveinpnfi , thl- --!7,ram of which shown in, 'C !ig.
The clectronic n,1--nal P~- the turansduc-r, 'installed in the
civc,.tit, is amplified and applied to the ver-
J. na I d-ators of a ct-ttio(3o o.,,cillograph, ,vhere the pro-
duced i:-;%j,,d is pnoto,,.7raphr.~(]. A aucond eyolt-1,em is uo,~,d for
by 4-
.he U-1, prassurc transducer ci-ainst the release
o tLe ~`m,,_ 2his s-_I.-em consists of a membrane. contact
Atc~,, operated by a shock uave which is propa-:nACed throueb a Ole-
4'1 e
ction channel vvhose length may be va-cied ir. Guch a viair th,-_-~
n-F tl,,-, -ii-n-al should vrel-I place the ima~.;c on th-e os-
cillo;~rra,A-Is screen. The transducers used are of Lhe clas,.~ical
ZYpe .,!i'h an elastic membrane. The damping of the nat-_=l v-ibra-
tions is ac,lommlisi-led b.7 an air 1;~yer locatrA ti:;--- !--embranc-
and tk.- tramqdu,_~er'~i lid. The _OrCOSLZI?~2 tr~:-nsm-i sz~ _2 cm i s rc.--. I i,,.(2,d'f by
an orif-;C~-.
'ith a c;:A_:,,r f*.i-~,,.i.f~,-,!-~U-.-.--'~,.--, 11" tr,:Aad. C-irciu'A is
a Oh -Iiii-
ccomvlishe~d by anc.,
ced by the input 11) 11 Z i b 0 o t-- 11 r hL!. I f (-) f t h e
~Iard 216
RXO0Y86110001O01XO1 0/011
Measuring aerodyn mic...~. D237 D301
6R9C tube. A switch peimiisl~,the.selection of the type of operation.
The upper limit of the-fr6quoncy,.band transmitted is 50 kc. To
measure the -pressures,at-diffe,rent points, an assembly consisting
of 6 channels of the type described above was constructed. During
the experiments conducted-with only one channel, an "Orion" type
1538 cathode oscillogrfiph wad.used.-Fir-st, a number of experiments
were the.reproductive ability and the stability
of the method.' A detailea,C':d~lysis of the results obtained pr*oved
that the stability and-t_he~ r6broductive ability of the measurements
were excellent. The calibration of the measuring installation was
accomplished-by a.dynamic:,calibration in the shock tube itself.
The results of the experiments are shown in Figs. 10a and b, which
give the calibrat 104 cur~,.~ in. ' of a transducer used with
a solid dielectric. Thib..:curve presents a linear connection bet-
Ween the pressure and the'',-diptlection of the 6pot on thescreen.
There-are-11 figures ,and 10-references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-
Soviet-bloc. The four most recent references to the English-langu_
age publications read a6 fbilows: I. Hall Gordon: hock tqbes.
Card 3/6
Measuring aerodinamic ... D237/D30,
Utia Review, Institute o;f Aerophysics University of Toronto, 12,
Part I., II., May 1958f. Y.T. Li: High frequency pressure indica-
tors for aei~odynaiaic problems.1N.A.C.A., TN 3042; W.W. Willmarth:
Small Barium Titanat6 Transducer for Aerodynamic or Acoustic '~res-
sure TMeasurements*Rev.-Sci. Instr.,'29, 3, 218, March, 1958; and
I-Miklowitz: The Propagation of COMDressional 'Waves in a Dispersi-
ve Elastic Rod. Journ.,App.,Mech., 2~, 2-, 1957.
Fig. 4.
rig. 4
Card 4/6
'~Zsl. (4100 RLUV8-59-1-12/24
AUTHORS: Mane&, V.., Procopovioi, E.
TITLE: An Extension of the Solution of the Torsion4roblem of Some Turbine BladeOjo
PERIODICAL: Studii si Cercetiiri de MecanicK Aplicata, 1959, Nr 1, pp 203 - 20) (RUM)
ABSTRACT: Studying the bending and the torsion of some turbine blades, Jan Polasek
and Ladislav Spacek [Ref 1] give the solution for only a special type of
blade shape, obtained by the transformation:
z l + ~-p ) T - ?- -- 1. -
_12 1 , 0' - 0)
if one obtains the Benoullits lemniscate, which is also treated
by N.I. Aesulishviliy [Ref 2). The authors first consider the function.,-
z1 1A C1 ~ i + 2< )T' 0 4 ~~ 1., (3).
which transforms the unity circle into a symmetric biconvex shape, having
the dehydral. angle equal with irjr, and the chord equal with cl, and
accomplish then the transformation-
z = (z 1 - zo)m'
Card 1/ 5 In case that m = 2, the Ox, axis is transformed into a parabola (Figure 1),
An Exteriiion of the Solution of the Torsion Problem of Some Turbine Blades
Inserting y, m 0 in (4), they obtain!
2 2
x 0( - ---1) , (5)
and y - 2 ~ (A xl) (5"),
After eliminating they derive the equation of the parabola:
y2 2
X 4 ~ 2 (6)~
the shape of which is depending on the value selected for The c-,
chord of the symmetric biconvex shape is bended and becomes a paraboia
arc, thus the obtained shape has the chord "c" and the "f" rise given by
the formulae:
cl -I/ (a1 - 20( )2 + 4 2
f c1 1 (8),
2 -2a)3 +-4~ 2
In case of thin shapes, the parabola arc AB represents the shape skeleton,
which allows the evaluation of its curving by the relation (8). Tne
Card 2/ 5 corresponding coordinates of the leading and trailing edges can be deter-V(
IM Extension of the Solution of the Torsion Problem of Some Turbine Blades
mined by the relations (5) and W), by taking for the first x, = c,
and for the latter xl - 0. The resulting shapes have a more evenly
distributed thickness along the chord. The tracing of the shapes can
be easily accomplished by using the polar coordinates. Choosing the
point P(xo) named modeling pole (Figure 1), It can be established that
if Z1 - ZO = 91 eir 1, then an the base of the used transformation
(4) z is: z ;h? ei 'C' - (z z )m - P M eim Tl. Thus, the vector
radius P of e point N. L from plane "z1" corresponds in the '?zl'
plane the vector radius p' -- 9 m . the angles having the relation t' -
2 'r 1. The profile can be grapLcally constructed with all these
elements. If m ~> 2, the real axis of the z, plane is transformed In a
curve which can be determined in the same way. If m - 3, the Ox, axis
is transformed into a folium of Descartes. Shapes with rounded trailing
edges can be obtained on the basis of the transformation (3). A smaller
curved radius at the trailing edge can be obtained the smaller X is.
Using the transformation (4) in a similar way, shapes of different
curvings with rounded trailing edges can be obtained. An approximate
method given in [Ref 51 is being used for the solution of' the torsion
Card 3/5 pIroblem of turbine blades having a shape mentioned in subject article,
80~ ARLTIV8-5 9 - 1- 12/2 4
An Extension of the Solution of the Torsion Problem of Some Turbine Blades
Starting with a complex function of torsion:
f (P + 1 (10),
the authors deduce
' da (12)
( Go
2 0(
_ k
Z (E)) 1 z k
cos n 0 + r)
sin e)
which lead to: 2 -
C k
( + 'CA
and n
k 2
+ '(D(
) 06).
2 1,
The torsion rigidity [Ref 2] expressed by:
D h (D + I)
in which: 4 0
D k '1r 00
2 2
+ ~
0 4 n
Card 4/5 and
An Extension of the Solution of the Torsion Problem of Some Turbine Blades
k4 14 d 'r (19)~
4 Z (TI)
The complex effort is determined by the known formula and the angle of
specific twisting by the formula: Mt
For the practical solution it has been observed that the function
I z (e)1 2 can be represented graphically. ~ z (T )14 necessary for the
integration of (19) is also graphically traces. The recommended problem
can thus be completely solved. In the present case, the integral equation
(12) can be analytically solved, which is reduced to -the sum of D-iler
integrals of the first species.
There are: 3 sets of diagrams and 7 references, 3 of which are Rumanian,
2 English, 1 Russian and 1 Czechoslovakian.
SUBMITTED: October 9, 1958
Card 5/5
Transversla deformation of a bar submitted to an axial shock. P. va.
(STUDII 51 -.LRChTAR! DE ~IECJUIICA APLICATii. Vol. 8, no. 1, Jan/Mar. 1957.
Bucuresti., Ruman:LpL)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EUL) LC. Vol. 6, N0.12, Dec. 1957,
Electric analogies of mechanical vibrations. P. 473. Acridemia Republicii
Populare Romine. Institutul de Mecanica -~zlicata. STUDII SI CE~RCEfA?I DE
~TUNICA APLICA7.A. Bucuresti. Vol. 6, no. 3A, July/Dec. 1955.
So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956
Proper transportation of bacon hogs. P. 15
GOSP-DDARU ISESNA (Polskie Wydawnictwa Gospodarcze) Warszawa, Poland.
Vol. 10, no. 12, Dec. 1958
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EE-AI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 9, Septenber 1959
Quality of bacon raw material. P. 15
GOSPODARKA MESNA (Polskie Wydavmictwa Gospodarcze) Warszawa, Poland
Vol. 11, no. 4. Apr 1959
Monthly List of East European Accessibns (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 9, Sept 1959
PRODA"VO-LA, N. 01-0, lQi9
1. D. YCKACII.Ti.!SK~T] , 3t,fik'Lo .1 roran-(), t:0. lf)~
; . 1. 4 /1 :
(Gv6l) 6-01 '(OT) 't_) f OT"-I.-'I:, .,-, I
. , I v -1 o' r, -. -,! -~ - . , ,
'i ~! % , , - - ~ 4
Evaluating our historLcal patrimony.
P. 123
Vol. 4, no. 2, 1955
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL), W, Vol. 5, no. 12
December 1956
Evaluating our historical patrimorW. p. 113. Academia Republicii
Populare Romine. ANALEIS. Bucuresti. Vol. 4, no.,2, 1955-
SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) library of Congress.
Vol. 5, no- 9, Sept- 1955
The U.D work timers. Priborostroenie no.10:25 0''64.
(MUO. 17: 11)
~_'Ly ~121_ 11 1:"i'0
PnoijAs (L). D(Owk ghm (DOW) KIdz to Ruzukulm Mpwk
---piwd (Deam.) Kickx; in Rumania.]-Bid. Itif. Grdd. boc Cluj, xiv
(1.931), 3-4, pp. 240-243, 4 figL, 193-5.
a The nt,"llm of old Ono (Pinsw itylvearis atul A audriaro) iron in the
park of the Cluj Agricultural Academy were found by the writer. in
collaboration with the late M. N1. BrAndiA, to be iimeked by Dipledid
00 9 ?1.wa (R.A.M., xiv, p. 65], usually dewribed as a saptophyte but anum.
oil ing in the present cam a definitely patbogenk form sasociated with a
rather heavy needle fall. Green needles may contmet infection as long
as they are attached to the tree; the external symptoms consist of
brown spots, darkening to black, mostly oftr the baw. The fungus
00 j chters, through the stomata anil first infects the resin dact$, whence it
00 mpidly lwmrAtfs die entire Jmf. The olivacroun conidia art, borne on
00 otallm longer than thentselves and measure 28 to 41) by 12 to 161,
(mrK-tlv 32 to .38 by 121 to 141s). Besides die leaves the tips of the
*0 101 branches are liable to infection anti con"urnt sh(Ading.
A brief note is also given on a dimorder of P. sylvestris involving %hed-
ditig of the young shoots, on which the leaves form thick tufta at the
tips and turn yellow.
40 is is 'jVm
00 0 0 0 00000 0
0 0 0 910 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0
a 0
PRODA171, I.; URSAN, 6n. 1; 1.
x~ z ~, - .--
'n - . . - ; . -1. : - - -. a: - - ~
... I - -- ..- I.... - - - ~a - --..
-.1 ?,
Rmanian moit. rt:v. 1~ `:,-
BUJGIN, I.V., : BASIN, I.Sh., inzhener; FRODAN, K.F., Inzhenar.
60perating electric commmication system and radio service in
the district." A.P. Afanas'ev and others. Reviewed by I.V. Buly-
gin, I.Sh. Basin, K.F. Prodan. Vast. oviazi 16 no.9:32 S '569
(MLR& 9:11)
1. Glavnyy inzhenar YIyevskogo oblastnogo upravleniya avyazi (for
Bul,ygin). (Telecommmicvtion) (Afanas'ev, A.P.)
Effectiveness of wet drilling in prevention of silicosis in miners.
Rev. 1glena microb. epidam., Bucur. no.4:15-22 Oct-Dec 54.
in miners, prev. with wet drilling)
silicosis in miners, prev. with wet drilling)
%1s of environmental factors in etiology and patbogenesie
of rheumatism; rheumatism In the leatbar-goods and shoe
Industry. Probl. reumat., Bucur. 3:81-93 1955.
rbeum. in leather-goods & shoes Indust. workers.
in workers of leatber-goods & oboe irdust., etiol.)
PRODAN, Laszlo; MAGYAR, Jozsef
Experiences in the manufacture and application of plastic heels.
Bor cipo 10 no.4:117-120 Jl 160.
1. Rakospalotai Bor- es MawWagfeldogozo Vallalat (for Prodan).
2. Szigetvari Cipogyar (for Magyar).
Conductance and viscosity of the system Na5P30IO - ZnS0 - H20-
Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;khim.i khim.tekh. 5 no.2:340-342 ~62.
(KRA 15:8)
1. Chernovitskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, kafedra fizicheskoy
(Sodium triphosphate) (Zinc sulfate)
Physicochemical analysis of systems consisting of sodium tripoly-
phosphate, the soluble salt of a bivalent metal, and water. Dokl.
AN BSSR 5 no.10:442-447 0 161. (MIRA 15:3)
1. Belorusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni V.I.Lenina.
(Systems (Chemistry))
8tudy of cadytium tripolyphosphates 'Cased on I.-he
properties of the system Na5?-,O',,--, - CdS04, - H20, Ve3tai Ali b3S',,.
,116r. fiz.-tekh. nav. no.400-55 162. (MMA 1,34-` )
5(2) SOV/78-4-7-35/44
AUTHORS: Prodan, L. I. Prodan, Ye. A.
TITLE: An Investigation of the System Sodium Tripolyphosphate - Zinc
Sulphate - Water (Issledovaniye sistemy tripolifosfat natriya-
sullfat tsinka - voda)
PERIODICA`L: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 7,
pp 1663-1666 (U-QSR)
ABSTRACT: In the system mentioned in the title, a precipitate is formed
30 minutes after mixing of the components within the range of
concentration of 0-05 - 0.35 mol% at 200 and at 500, which
consists of short prismatic crystals of Zn NaP,O.
2+ 5- 2 "' 'o.gH20 (with
a ratio of Zn P3010 ~ 1 : 0 or 1 : 1) or (at a ratio of the
ions mentioned of 2 : I or I : 2) of long needle-ohaped
crystals of ZnNa 3P 3010, 12-5H2 0. The ranges in which these
precipitations are formed are independent of temperature. The
formation of insoluble five times substituted zinc tripoly-
phosphates according to reference I and an amorphous variety
Card 1/2 of the bisubstituted zinc tripolyphWsphate according to ref-
An Investigation of the System Sodium Tripolyphosphate - Zinc Sulphate - Iffater
erences 5 and 6 was no'. confirmed. There are 3 figures and
22 references, 6 of which are Soviet.
SUBMITTED: April 149 1958
Card 2/2
PRODANP L. I.; YAHMOLENKOp M. F.[IAmolonka., M. F.]
Sparingly soluble copper, nickel and zinc tripolyphoaphates. TeBtal'
AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh. nav. no.3:63-67 '61.
(MIRA 3-4: 10)
(Copper phosphates)
,(Nickel phospbates)
.(Zinc phoBphatea)
I PRODAN., Laszlo; MAGYPR, Jozsef
Experiences with the manufacture and application of plastic
heels. Bor cipo 10 no.4:117-120 J1 160.
1. Rakospalotai Bor- es Muanyagfeldolgozo Vallalat (for Prodan).
2. Szigetvari dipogyar (for Magyar).
PRODA11.1 M.) ing.; TOTOLIGI, D., ing.; DAIIGIU, C., con-C.; 1-Y-11BULESCU, D., ing.
Technical and economic considerations on the opportunity
of automation introduction in a vegetal oil line. Ind alim
veget 13 no.1:11-16 Ja 162.
1. Sectorul proiectari al intre rinderii "Automaticall I
Bucuresti. (for Prodan, Totolici~-
2. Institutul de stiinte -:cc,~:~~-.Ace "V.I. Lenin", Bucuresti
(for Danciu, Barbulescu).
Exam'-nation of the melting of the NaCl -- M - C&C-1 2 -Bac-"2
Salt alloy. Sbor. trud. LUMT no.229:177-188 164.
.: i " ~ , ! , ,
!1!101 it," ~ - . I . ! ~ w ~ I : ~ T., I .
.l.. --- n, ~ i f-jr welded rail jr;~rfs pr--r'cr--E:d b- ~he .,-- -s-oe- ---
, r. f I , ` y I ?~_ , c;.
rier:tric cintrict welding. Sixor. trud. LllZH'l no.229,21-S2 164.
(MIRA 18i8)
Methods of measuring impact energy in testing metals for impact
endurance. Zav. lab. 27 no. 12--1513-1514 161. (IIER-J- 15-1)
1e Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. M.1. Kalinina,
AUBERT, 11. , prof.; STOCIU, L. , dr.,* PIIODAI,'--E- I dr.
Considerations on some rarely encountered ectopic aur.-iczLl----- rh -
.1 Uli= -
Med. intern. 14 no.8:909-916 Ag 162.
1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica I medicala., I.M., Timisoara.
"Isn't t1w correction factor too high?" Put' i put. khoz. 5 no. 1:30
ja 161. - (MIRA 14:5)
1. Starshiy dorozhnyy master st. Petrovskoye Selo, Severo-Kavkazskoy
Harvesting in good time is a means for controlling weeds. Zemledelie
4 no-7:110-112 J1 256. (KLRA q.-9)
l.Akimovskaya nauchno-iseledovatellskava stantsiya makhanizataii sell-
skogo khozyaystva.
(Harvesting) (Wood control)
-- e~,- -
How to destroy Russian centaurea. Nauke, i pared. OP. v sel'khoz. 7
no.5#.23-24 Vq 157. (KUU IOW
1. Starshiy nauchnyy sotrudaik Akimovskoy opytuoy stantaii mekhani-
zataii sellskogo khozyaystva.
(WeeeL control)
AUTHOR: Prodan.L T.K., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
TITLE: Unusual Phenomena in Nature (Neobychnyye yavleniya
v prirode)
PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1959, Nr 2, p 127 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author and A.A. Krivtsov, the book-keeper of
thekolkhoz imeni I.V. Stalin in the Genicheskifit"-
rayon of Khersonska* oblast I, asked the editors of
tais journal to explain the phenomenon of cylindric
and conic snow rolls of various sizes formed by the
action of the wind. The editors answered that this
rare phenomenon has also been observed in the Ant-
arctic by Amundsen. It comes into being when, at
an air temperature slightly above 0 C, new friable
snow falls on the solid surface of old snow that had
been subject to thawing. The wind tears tufts off
the new snow and whirls them across the plain. Here-
Card 1/2 by cylindric and conic snow rolls are formed.
Unusual Phenomena in Nature SOV/26-59-2-52/53
Individual snow rolls of over 1 m in length have
been observed but are extremely rare. Generally the
rolls are very small. There are 3 photographs.
ASSOCIATION: Akimov skaya opytnaya stantsiya - Zaporozhskaya ob-
last' (Akimovka Experimental Station - Zaporozhlftftya
Card 2/2
PRODANO T.K. Cand Agr Sci -- (diss) "Weedy plants of the southern
steppe of the Ukrainian SSR and basic agricultural engineering
I)- measures to combat them." fK-iev7,1957. 16 pp. (Min Agr UkSSR.
Ukrainian Acad Agr Sci). 100 copies.
(KL, 8-58, 107)
PRODAN, T.K., kand.ssl'skokhozyayf3tvenrqkh nauk
1- Z.-.--,-.
Unusnal natural phenomenon. Priroda 48 no.2:127
1. Akimovskaya opytnaya, stantaiya, Zaporozhakaya
(Akimovka District--Snow)
7 159.
(MIRA 12:3)
Heterogeneity of the seeds of Salsola ruthenica, 11jin and their
morphological characteristics. Agrobiologlia no-5:151-152 5-0
156. (KLU 9: 11)
1. Akimovskaya, opytnaya stantsiya mekhanizatsii sel'skogo kho-
(Salsola) (Seeds)
Problem of active relaxation in the muscular activity of man.
Vest. LGU 17 no.9:134-137 162. . KTRA 15: 5)
.PRODAN, V.V. (g.Ishim)
Work practices in laying water pipelines un4er railroads. Vod.
i san. tekh. no-1104-35 N 160. (MIRA 13:11)
(Water pipes) I
AUTHOR: Prodan, Ye. A. SOV/78-3-12-24/36
TITLE: Investigation of the System Sodium Tripolyphosphate - Nickel
Sulfate - Water (Issledovaniye sistemy tripolifosfat natriya
8Ulffat nikelya - voda)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal.neorganicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 12,
pp 2757-2763 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The interaction reactions between sodium tripolyphosphate and
nickel sulfate in aqueous solutions were investigated by
measuring the.e.lectrical conductivity and the viscosity of
the isomolar and heterogeneous mixtures. The limit of the
heterogeneous regions in -this system was determined for the
concentration range 0.05-0-35 mole% of salts at 200 and 500-
Precipitation occurs at concentration5 above 0-15 mole %. The
amount of precipitate was determined by -the method of I. W.
Tananayev. When the ratio of Ni2+ : p 05- = 1 : 1 the amount
3 10 2+ 5-
of precipitate is maximal, and with the ratios of Ni P 3010
I : 2 and Ni 2+ : P 05-
3 10 ~ 5 : 2 no presipitate appears. The
Card 1/2 precipitate in the heterogeneous region consists of needle-
Investigation of the System Sodium Tripolyphosphate - Nickel Sulfa-.e - Water
like prismatic crystals with the uniform composition
Nilla 3P3010* 12H20. Amorphous impurities were not found in these
crystals. Using the method of Thilo (Tilo) it was found that
the compound produced is not Ni 2NaP 3010 but the compound
Ni5 (P3010)2' 17 H20' It was found that NiNa3 P3 01C12H 20 is
produced when the ratio Ni 2-4- : P 05--,3 : 2. This compound
3 10
dissolves in sodium tripolyphosphate to form Ni(Na 4P3010)2*17
H 20. The formation of.this compound was confirmed by measuring
the electrical conductivity. The determination of the viscooity
at 2QO and 500C appeared to be a simple and easy physico-
6N~-ical method for determining unknown compounds. There are
6 figures, 2 tables, and 11 references, 7 of which are Soviet.
SUBMITTED: August 16, 1957
Card 2/2
Role of chemical and crystallization processes in reversible
topochemical reactions& Dokl. AN swR 136 no. 3:651-653 -Ta 161.
(MIRA 14z2)
lo Belorusaki7 gooudarstve=yy universitet imeni V.I. Lenin&*
2, Akademiya nauk BSSR (for Favlyuchonko).
(Crystallization)' (ChemiCALI reactions)
. . . . . ........... .....................,
*Crystallization reactions in the thermal decomposition of tolid materials.0
Report to be subndtted for the 5th Intle Symposium on the Reactivity of
Solids (IUPAC)I, Munichs West Germany, 2-8 Aug 1966
Inst for General & Inorganic Chemistry, AS BSSR, Minsk.
Conductance and viscosity of the system Ha5F30lO - ZnSO~ - H20-
Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;khim.i khim.tekh. 5 no.2:340-342 62.
(NIRA 15:8)
1. Chernovitskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, kafedra fizicheskoy
(Sodium triphosphate) (Zinc sulfate)
Investigation of the sodium tripol7pbospbate-nickel oulfate-water
system. Zhur.neorg.kbim- 3 no.12:2757-2763 D 158. (MIR& 12:1)
(Sodium pbospbates) (Nickel sulfates) (Systems (ObemiBtry))
5(2) SOV/78-4-7-35/44
AUTHORS: Prodan, L. I., Prodan, Ye. A.
TITLE: An Investigation of the System Sodium Tripolyphosphate - Zinc
Sulphate - Water (Issledovaniye sistemy tripolifosfat natriya-
sullfat tsinka - voda)
PERIODICA1* Zhurnal neorganichaskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 7,
pp 1663-1666 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the system mentioned in the title, a precipitate is formed
30 minutes after mixing of the components within the range of
concentration of 0-05 - 0.35 mold at 200 and at 50', which
consists of short prismatic crystals of Zn 2NaP 3010,9H20 (with
a ratio of Zn 2+ : P 05- , 1 0 or I : 1) or (at a ratio of the
3 10
ions mentioned of 2 : 1 or 1 2) of long needle-shaped
crystals of ZnNa 3P 3010* 12-5H2 0. The ranges in which these
precipitations are formed are independent of temperature. The
formation of insoluble five times substituted zinc tripoly-
phosphates according to reference 1 and an amorphous variety
Card 1/2 of the bisubstituted zinc tripolyphWsphate according to ref-
An Investigation of the System Sodium Tripolyphosphate - Zinc Sulphate - Water
erences 5 and 6 was not confirmed. There are 3 figures and
22 references, 6 of which are Soviet.
SUBMITTED: April 14, 1958
Card 2/2
Categox-f: USSR / Physical Chemistry
Thermodynamics. Thermochemistry. Equilibrium. Physico-
chemical analysis. Phase transitions. B-8
Abs Jour: Peferat Zhur-Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 29953
Author : Pamfilov A. V., Prodan Ye. A.
Inst :not given ------------
Title :Investigation of the System Tripolyphosphate of Sodium-Copper
Sulfate - Water.
Orig Pub: Ukr. khim. zh., 1956, 22, No 4, 427-433
Abstract: Determination, at 20 and 500, of specific electric conductivity and
viscosity of the system Na,.P. 0,, -CaSQ~-H,;,O in the concentration
interval of salt mixture 0-05 - 0.35 m01.% (at different ratios of
salts). The fornation ,ms discovered, and the boundaries of occur-
ence were determined, of the compounds Cus4P?OO ).A, CuNaF~O," , Cu.
(Na,tP20,j.-,. Of these the last mentioned is described for the first
time. Inaccuracies have been found in literature data.
AUTHORt Prodanf Yu., Scientific Worker of the State Institute of
'-A-0t-r-6n-o-m-y---Tm-eni Shternberg
TITLE: Attention, Here Comes Sputnikl (Vnimaniye, id8t sputnikl)
PERIODICALs Znaniye - Sila, 1958, # 1, pp 11 - 12 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author describes the methods and instruments utilized to
observe the first Earth satellite at an observatory headed by
A.S. Sharov, and attached to the Astronomical Institute imeni
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
F"LYUCHOKO, M.M., red.; PRODAN, Ye.A., red.
(Heterogeneous chemical reactions] Geterogenn7e khimiche-
skie reaktaii. Minsk, Nauka, i tekhnike, 1965. 200 p.
(MIRA 18t 11)
Figures of thermal deoomposition on mercury oxide crystals.
Dvk:L. AN BSSR 9 no.9-.585-587 .9 165. (MIRA 18:11)
.L. Belorusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. tzeni Lenina.
Subm-Itted April 8, 1965.
0 _~ ~lYejll.A
Thermal stability of natural and synthetic zanganese ca~rbonat,~-a.
Dokl. Al' BSSR 9 Yio.6:379-382 Je 165. (MIFA IF,;9)'
1. Imtitut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimli All BSSR.
PRODAN, Ye.A. [Rrodar, 1A.A.1; PAVI,YTJCHF90, M.P,I,.-Pau1iur-herJ-.a, M.M.'~
Effect of the solid product of the reacticn on t~4 zeshanism
undarly-4ng the -,-he-mal d6compos-ttion of --admium carbonate.
Vestel. AN BSSR, Ser. fiz.-,-~ikh. rav. no.4v42-49 t62. ~MM~. -18,;4j
0 tile r and' -~eccort',GsWOD
reactione proceedin,~ wi-th the rar'ui;npat;-3n of solird,,;.
BSSR 7 no.II-.7U)-/63 It- tt")3-
t obsi"Ci1c'y ~133:10
PRODAN, Tu,, nauchnyy sotrudnik
Attention, there comes the SputuikI Znan. sila 33 no.1:11-12
Ja '58. OKIRA 11:2)
1.Gosudarstvenny7 actronomicheskiy institut im. Shternberga.
(Artificial satellites)
A(-)O 1/A 16 1
A U ~ ~-', _', i - ~x
Prodan. Yu. T.; r-~ Ikova, T. T., and NeAterov, V, V~
TTU~E Results of prell!:Anary InvestlFations of the zenith telescope of thq
Moscow Ob3ervator(. GATSh
PFRIOT)ICAL. Referativn3rf zhurnal. Astronnni-11ya I (reodezlya, no. It, 1961, 17,
abstract 4A215 ("Tr. 14-Y ',Arnmetr konferentall SSSR, 1958".
Moscow-Leningrad, AN SSSR, 11~6,C, 276-283, DIscus, 283, Engl. summar-j)
TM-. A new home-made zsnith tele3ocpe _~T,/1-180 (ZTL-180) was mounted In
GATSh in 1957, The pavilion and foundation of the instrument are described, as
well as small changes made In its design to eliminate some defects. The observa-
tional. program Includes 1P) pairsmand 25 zenith stars the visual magnitudes of
which are w1th1n the range from 6.5 to 9TO. Observations are conducted from
dawn to dawn, The results of determining the main instrumental constants are
described. Periodic and m1cri-7-meter advance screw errors were Investigated by
means of a special ocular with cobweb filaments; scale division of Talcott
levels was determined on a Hildebrandt testing device by A. S. Vazillyev's
methods . the valu6 of one tAcrometer s~,rfjw r,-volution was obtained from observa.-
Card 1/2
,, -
1 - 1, ir
3/0 --d5162 11
Results of prel.1minar-1 investigations AGOI/A101
tions of wide scale pairs. Tt is noted that the inlrestlgatlon~3 carried out.. as
well as the first nbser~iatlons with the fristmim-ant, revealed Its gmd qualitles.
The root-mean-square errors In .",np determInation of latitid-2 turnei to b~,
equal to + 0"16.
N Andreyen6,i
[Abstractor's note: Cornplete -,.r8ns1at1nn1
Card 2/2
UUM r,, z; a
Value of the screw of tibe oczALar mi,- ar cf the zer,--
telescope at the Moscow Obsei-vatory. Scob. GAISH no.1134:33-3r)
164. (MIRA 1-17.- 8')
PRODATNI, '? -,~. 1.
'lariations of the latitude of Moscow during the International
r hy
ieur) sical. Year and Intornational. Ceop~ysical Cooperation by
obse-.iations with the Moscow zenith telescope. Soob, GAISH
no.134:3-16 '0'-1+. (MIRA 17:8)
Brief news. Astran. tair. no.49-*37-38 Jo 162. (MIRA 16:6)
FRODAN, Yu.L , brigadir autochnoy kompleksnoy brigady
New equipment calls for new work organization. Ugol' Ukx.
5 no.12:33-34 D 161. (MBA 14:12)
1. Shakhta IfKommird-at-Novayall tresta Oktyabrlugoll.
(Coal mines and mining-Tabor productivity)
Determining the value of an ocular micrometer screw revolution
in the ZT-180 zenith telescope. Astron.tair. no-193:17-19
Jy 058. , (MIRA 12-.1)
1e Goandaretvennyy a9tronomicheskiy inBtitut im. P.K.Shternberga.
(Micrometer) (Telescope, Zenith)
nual: ZZZ2.
C;oda. VIll r=-J.~I SUZ-oty I dolzaty.
?~.-c~--czltollnyye rc.-aLlItnty 1,zleirmiy chirot i (Lvlz~niya polyiL'Iov
tcy D~~to. of Latitudo Variationr and 1:1-;-rationo
Of the Eczthls Polco; Collfct,2d Articlea. ro. 1) I-oacow, Izd-vo All OOCR,
lciz:-,O. ;~ p. Errata a:~ip inzerted. 1,000 copies printed.
PU=5ZE; Tais collcction of articles ic intonded for aatronorzra, C--or%ysicists,
otLcr czct-ntista concerncLl vith the problem of latita(l-, variations and
tail-. z-'.:;ration of th~-. Earth'a
CCV-,I=: Part I of the colloction ecntaina pralirlinary results of latitude
olc)--=-V~ticna froz, 1957.5 thror'-'h 1959.0 r-d- at IGI atationa in tbz
includinZ now otation3 in Sitcria. Part !I conciGto of articles
d;-*crIbin5 now inutrwn-snta, obc~.,rvational prog-.ama and r-,thodo, and pro-
ccdu--,-o of processing t1w latitude obac,.vational data. With the laroar nurber
of stations and tbc usa of nev in.-trur--nta it is anticipated that the final
resUta vill provide a =re comprehensive study of anomalies and inBtr=cntal
B.~-,ta of Latitu-4-
in 'poaBiibie prt-rica3li. -,a par-
azy-, =ntic=cd. albrtrc-cts and rc-fereneca follo-w cach article.
S. V., L. D. 1~ortina, N. R. A,-.rL-cycr.'M. 1--titude
at th-- ':ain Aatronc-lc,.il 01;n=vatr~ry of tll.-a Acadcrri
cf Scicrno5 Ze-alth-Telescoln)
xnd, 0. V. Cl-., pru-nova.
of 'Talcott rnirz mll t'Z:2 rolLa-a Cra-rl!:-,-,te-cal
of tha Musinian Acaaczy of Sciences (zeics
A. Obznrvaticzs of Drk.~~it Zc~t~'. Stara at the Poltava
Uzccrv,-',ory of tba U~xalnian Acadc=j of Sciencea
kzci:,o zenith-Tclescope)
Card 2/5
Dilta of Latituda Variaticzw (Cont.
of RIEZO-to
2r,"; --70VI V. 1. 1 and i. 17. Korbut, II:n D2tex-,Armtlon
Varlation3 Frcn Pcxallel Ob.-~z-rationr, With %~,.,o Zenith,Ialcucoj-30
I ^ Ccnj.,~,rinr Obnervationo With TzO
It. ". Pr~iliminarj 11cmulta a,
Talorcopco of thc Kitab Latitud.2 Otation Dn-inr, th- Fcrio-l 19.5 57-5-
T. 1., 0. 1. ZI-11-lZol, a, V. V. I:C Ot ,arO7, M-d Y . I P-
r~2z--Its of Prcceasing Glocermtio-no With ti~-IG3-ccwzcnith
z;coj~2 DazinC: 1958 47
'~I- I., cmd V. A. Th,2*ry and 2--thod of proccuoing
Zenith Tube [1,72] Gbrerjationz- 56
1. M., r-nd 'Ch. 1. Potter. Lict of Stara an the pulkavo
.P::otc~;rambic Zenith Tube (FZT] Pro~-rs-- 68
A. A., ardYe. P. Fccllorov. On the Ouestion of -tvaluatin.-
tna Accuracy of Latitude Obsemations 75
Card V5,ruznaya
Trudy 2_14-y ::.y;,-,, L7--~O n-.ya
(Tr:ras~cctio= c: t""1,-. Lst--' 02 th-2 ".-ld In rAYOV
27-30 If,ny 19.-58) ali-2 incc:Irted.
1GOO copica printcd.
S-'-~:-anorinG ilw-cacy: td=-_'c:i!y_ na'_-
Res-P. 'Ed.: M. S. Zvcrc;.'
. Co- _n,- Acr c.. Scicrcc-3 M. of
PdolishinG Eou5o: N' T_'C:-.-. :".
Vne bc6c is intt~2d,.:,11 for 1~-:; ar'l
tho~;e interested in aitr=_t:-icnl
cq;z~~=E: This :?-Xcjl-_qcatiQa -lr~~:-cnts th~~ of tlw~ l4tla
Conferarce of the U55-11, huld In 19~-3. It incluLz; 27--rc--lorts
and. 55 scientific :~~zrs 2prnzeatca at th~- -.~lc.-=V =stin,3 of the Coafcreace
Transactions of the 14th Ar;trc~::ctric:iZ (Cont.) s(YI/5721
and ~t the n-,~cial 3cctio=1 t'-,!! ra-lolutionr
cAc--,,'cd by the Ccmf,-r~:.-,cc, the cc. --Itica c-I th--
I ana
th~ list 0: 1-n D-,:,Uih ia
ggivcn at the end o~ c~ch r-:7ticic. ca-zicleu.
Thn of the -which
su:,~rriccd the Dr,,-="ticn of thir, 1-1:blic--ticm, C.,:Drarses than?r, to the
of the cccrctaziat: V. 11. V=illycv, 1. G. Kolvchinskiy, A. B. One-
gim, and i1. I. Potter.
Addrasa by A. A. llihhaylov, Chaii7man of the Azstron~lcal Council -f the
Acadc=y of Sciences USSa
REPCM3 0:1 T-M, ALT.R.C-=MCAL CC"- AND ST.13,CC:=;:I:Z3
MFW-%WIC'.1 0*1 WC21' BY VAP-1003 M'-Sa7u-210:TS
Ca=-- --,~---6
Tr4nnintLr-la of the 14th AstrcrnatriaU (Cont.) Sr,./5721
iunafyeva, A. I. Syrter.W-AC ElMra of Star Declinationz Cbtslaed
Fr= M. A. Gr-~,--hevvs Obaervations
K. S. DficlLratfloa Systew Obtained Frcm Le-titude Cbuerirs~
ye. 2., Yu. I. F~mdan and 1). N. PoncrAerev. The List; of
St5z,; of L"'It. fcr Cbservatioaq va Merldlan ~'irzleq
Ye. Ya. The Fmlblem of Bin---y StA.XB in the AGK3
'2.w-nv, M. S., Fnd G. M. Timeahkova. Nev Progr=v four Merldl6a
T.Fl=zi==,7 G. K. Flezure~7ree V*rtiasl Ciz--,le
Dr%:-fa. V. K,, and N, A, Chernega, Phctosrs:,pb~ the Dtvialms of a
Parenteral infection of the argasid tick Cmithodoras papillipes
by Rickettsia prowazeki. Trudy Ukr. resp. nauch. ob-va paraz.
no.2t6l-63 1~63 (MIRA 1723)
1. Dnepropetrovskly meditsinskiy institut epidemiologii, mikro-
biologii i gigiyeny.
POSPE'LOV, G.L., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; LAPIN, S.S.; BELOUS, N.Kh.;
starshiy nauchnyy sotradnik; XALUGIN, A.S.; KUKHIM, A.S.-, GAMTM,
IMIKOV, I.V.; BARDIN, I.P., ak9demik, nauchnyy'ied.; GOHBACHEV~
T.F., nauchnyy red.; YEROYBEYEV, N.A., nauchnyy red.; NEKWOV. N.N..
nauchnyy red.; SKOBNIKOV, M.L.. nauchnvy red.; SMrMOV-VNM, S.S.,
nanchnyy red. (deceased]; SMUMILIN, S.G., akademik, nauchnyy red.;
NIKOV, V.B., nauchnyy red.; CHINAKAL, N.A., nauchnyy red.;
SWWZYUK, P.Ye., red.toma; SOKOLOV, G.A., red.toma; BOLDYRR7. G.P..
red.; VOGMAN, D.A., red.; KASATKIN. P.F., red.; KUDASHEVA, I.G.,
red.izd-va; KUZIMIN, I.F.,
(Iron-ore deposits of the Altai-Sayan region) Zhelezorudnye mesto-
rozhdeniia Altse-Saianskoi gornoi oblasti. Vol.l. Book 1. (Geology]
(Continued on next card)
POSM'OV, G.L.--(Continued) Card 2.
Geologiia. Otvatstvennyi red. 1.P. Bardin. Mosk-va. 1958. 330 P.
(KIRA 12:2)
1. Akadamiya nauk SSSR. Mezhduvadomatvennay~ poetoyannays komisslys. po
zholazu. 2. Postoyannaya mezhduvedomstvennaya iominslya po shelezu
Akademii nauk SSSR (for Pospelov, Shapiro, Sokolov). 3. Zapadno-
Sibirskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR (for Vakhrushev,Pospelov.) 4.Zapadno-
Sibirskoye goolo.-ichaskoye upravlaniye (for Sakovich). 5. Krasnoyarskoye
geologicheakoye upravleniya (for Pan). 6. Zapedno-Sibirskiy geologo-
razvedochnyy treat Chermetrazvedka (for Prodanchuk). 7. Sibirskiy geo-
fizicheskiy treat (for Pipar). 8. Veasoyuznyy geologicheskiy nauchno-
issledovatellskiy inatitut (for Dodin). 9. Gornaya ekspeditsiya (for
Kitropollskiy). 10. Gornoye npravleniye Kumetskogo metallurg.kombinata
(for Lukin). 11. Tomskiy -nolitekhnicheskiy institut (for Zimin). 12. Si-
birskiy metallurg.institut (for Korell). 13. Treat Sibneftegeofiziks (for
Derbikov). (Altai Mountains--Iron ores) (SaYan Mauntains--Iron ores)
iua oil)
14 ~-v
0 .4
Polishing varnish coating with polishing and burnishing pastes. RUM.
i der. prom. no.2t26-27 Ap-Je 163. (141RA 17-2)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mekhanicheskoy obra-
botki drevesiny (for Prodanenko). 2. Mukachevskiy mebelInyy kombinat
(for Verbyanyy).
Finishing furniture by thermoplastics. Buz. i der, prom,
no.2%48-51 Ap-Je 165. (WW 18t6)
7 n -Ilj 1 :i k i y
Lq.3 t . 1, t 11101rj~ h'-
Improving the performance quality of flow-coating varni 5hin
machines. Bum. i der. prom. no-4s13-15 O-D '63.(ERA 17-31
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mekhaniches-
koy obrabotki drevesiny.
Improved technology of wood priming. Der.prom. 9 no.12;3-4 D 160.
(XIRA 13:12)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledovatellsidy Inatitut mekhanioheakoy
obrabotki drevesiny.
(Wood finishing)
Nev nethod of improving the quality of lacquer coating films. Der.
prom. 9 no-7:8 Jl 160. (MIRA 13:7)
(Lacquer and lacquering)
Mixing dyes for wood. Der. prom. 8 no-11:4-6 N '59.
(MIRA 13:3)
l.Ukrainskiy nauchno-isele4ovatollekly institut mekhanicheskoy obrabotki
drevesiny. (Stains and staining)
PRODA1401 A.
"Chordoma and EcchordoEis Physali-phora."
p. 303 (Izvestiia, Vol. 2, 1957, Sofiia, Bulgaria)
Monthly Index of East European A-cession (EEAI ) LC. Vol. 7, No. 11,
Nov. 195"
"Concerning Tumors of the Mesot;,eliun ir. ',,~,nnecticn 'with Cases of c.--' -.~-.e
Ovax-y and Mesothelioma of the Pericardium.P
P. 313 (Izvestiia, Vol. 2, 1,057, Sofiia, -ulgaria)
M.Onthly Index of East Euro;)ean Accession (E;EAI) LC. Vol. -1, No. 11,
Nov. 1958