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CZ/8-52 (92 )-10-17/3-9 Sulpho-laneo II. Hydroxy Derivatives of Sulpholanes rates of reaction oJL-' the epoxidR IV and the bromohydrine VIII with liquid ammonia at -33u0 is given. The h7droxy- sulpholane VI was also prepared in high yields by the reaction of the chlorohydrine V with liquid.ammonia. Details of the preparation of the various compounds, their percentage composition, melting points and yields are quoted. There is 1 Figure and there are 10 '-referen- ces: 3 German, 2 Belgian, 3 Czech, and 2 BriLlish. ASSOCIATIONtKatedra organicke/ chemiet tf&tematicko-fysika'lnf fakulta, Karlova universita, Praha (Chair of Organic Chemistry, Depaj~tment for Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Pragu e Card 3/3 JT9w `~:Z-w -Fit -,7, C O;U 11 T R Ily C; A -f 2 G 0 R Z ltB3. --o. '-'I - .. JOUR. AIFTHOR T TTL!,' OR I PUB. B':' RACT .IT A PROCHAUAV Milos ~'~~ana d five-membered rings. Gheu listY 57 Tr~=~~ei no.6:629- 635 Je 163. L Ratedra. organicke chemie., Prirodovedecka fakulta~, Karlova, universita.. Praha. CZEC.'-IOSLOVAKIA HE,ML, J.; P=CHAZXL*-dS.L Gynecological Department and OXS CAbbreviation not explaineq/ Okreeni Institute of National Health (Gynekologicko-porad- nicke Oddeleni a OXS OUNZ), Rakovnik, Director (Reditel) Dr J. PECRA. "Epinephrine in the TrehIment, of Lumbalgias and Sacralgias.11 Prague, Casopis Lekaru Ceskych, Vol 105, No 31, 9 Aug 66, p 845 Abstract: Treatment of 73 women and 78 men showed that epinephrine is a suitable drug for the treatment of muscular fibrositis, mainly lumbalgia and sacralgia; subcutaneous pain, affliction of body parts outside of joints, and perineural afflictions are affected only to a very limited extent. No references. comparing prestreseed a 9 no.11:416-4ig N 16:L. p7o ~ A.- A new 7.-nt*,,o.-I for liftir,..~%- e~:ud -lent. 211 1-56 -1-raha, Czecho-31ovaki" -nropean !,i!3t Llbrar.,!r of T atiu,-,r 957 PROCHAZKA, M. TECiMOLOGY Periodical: ZELEZNICAR. No. 12, Dec. 1958. PROCHAZKA, M. Safety on railroads. p. 270. Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 3 March 1959 Unclass. PROCHAZU j M. "Derailment of passenger and freight trains." p. UO. ZELEZNICA.R. (Yiinisterstvo dopravy). Praha, Czechoslovakia, No. 6, June 1959. Yonthly list of East European Accessions (EMU ), LC, Vol. 81 No. b, August 1959. Uncla. PROCRAZKA, MiIoslwr Problems of safety of railroad transportation. Doprava no.11., 370-371 162. 1. Ministerstvo dopravy a spoju. .T, 1~1 PROCRAZKA, Miloslav Causes of accidents. Zel dop tech 10 no-11:323-324 162. . i.. I i,-, ZINNERMANNOVA, H.; PROCHAZKA, M. Isomerization of (4-uble b~onds em-d addition of a--Icchcl --c ansat.---ated slal-fones. Coll Cz Chem 30 no.1:286-296 Ja 165. 1. Institut fur organische Chemie, Karlsuniversitat, Pragiia. Submitted August 24, 1962~ PROCHAZKA,_"slav.. inz. Earthwork in winter constructions. Tmz stavby 11 noollt 401-406 Nf63- 1. Vojenske stavby, n.p., Praha. Z/0039/,64/023/006/033.3/033.9 ACCESSION WR: AP039418 .AUTHOR: Prochazka, Kiroslav (Engineer, Candidate of sciences) TITLE: Electromagnetic light waves in communications engineering SOURM Slaboproudy obzor, v. 23, no. 6, 1964, 313-319 'TOPIC TAGS: electromagnetic light wave, message transmission. long distance message transmission, laser, gas laser, solid state laser ARSTRAM: The article discusses the basic problems associated with the use-of Jizhtwaves for the long-distance transmission of information. The questions of igenerating, modulatingsand detecting light signals are pointed out. The authors .points out that continuous-duty generators are best suited for this type of commu- ,nications. Gas and solid state lasers belong to this category. Inasmuch as alter-!:- nating currents with a frequency of light cannot be generated, the radio signal ;carrier frequency can be effected by a modulation current signal. The chief problem In the modulation of electromagnetic light waves, which would permit the .use of high frequency carrier wave-9, is the wide bandwidth of the modulation. The 'Card ACCESSION NR: AP4039418 frequency of an electromagnetic wave in the red part of the spectrum is given as approximately 4 x 10-14 cycles, i.e. 400 tegacycles, which means that a 1% modula- tion band represents a bandwidth of 4 x 10 ma, which is dufficient for the simul- taneous transmission of one billion telephonic messages. Modulation methods based on subcarrier frequency have amuch better chance of success. YarW experiments with modulation of light waves by subcarrier frequencies have already been carried I out, and a modulation of 10 gigacy-cles has been attained. A light ray was modu- lated by a 2.8-gigacycle subcArrier with a modulation band of 5 mc and with a modulation 'Lndex of 200 watts. The effect of atmospheric and meteorological condi-li tions upon light-wave transmission is discussed. The application of light guides Or optical pipelines for light wave transmission of information is mentioned. Examples of.a bunched and hollow light guide are given. A critical estimate of Iemploying light waves for message transmission in the foreseeable future is pre- sented. Orig. art. has: 8 figures, 1 table, and 6 equations. ASSOCIATION: Vyzkumrq ustav pro sdelovaci, techni1m A. S. Popoval Prague (Research! Institute for Communications ErAgineering) SUMaTTED: 3OJan64 A:TD' pRESsi 3073 ENCL 3 00 SUB CODE: OP, EC NO REF SOV: 000 OMER.: 006 i. Card__2/j?_. - W . wyl U IV, 7 1.396.6 62 ' 769. Aerial gan and its gra#61 detennination Abat Electrical Engine ring M I PRnl~r_k. sachriciiien- tioa 13 : , - seo 'k 453-5 fechn, ' 3 , , A Tramlated fro M March 191574, Kratke Yiny [Prague] 2 No. 4 77 N, . , m- (1951) the paper explains in sim ~e lern-s the inte .. , p s Telecomm-micationa 1 lion of the Poyn W." ting vedor, Wbulates theoretical gains (relative to an Isotropic ra, diator) of single dipoles with variota excitations, and outlines moth or estirnaling pin tiy p1mimeter integration of -a - function derived from the polar diagram. assuming 1 14 :"the latter to haw a simple form Of symm". I F F ROBERTS A7/ &R396.676 I [if :1 wriu) for P.),A)ZI4 c amn t,f n 1,,j - 3455. ~ivvft~ Oh-o" 1,:, -'M ia I G rorm fir a rid whose lciil~tll of Ific, vy of vaii .ii LL ,W;IV9 a YIA Ed i I h a, cc mp 1-,:z,. "i-I-I -.ri 1. 0, Q,,Illtu bn:~ a PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 803 CahaY Vladimfr, Engineer, and ProchAzka, 141roslav, Engineer Anteny (Antennas) Prague, SNTL, 1956. 462 P. 3,500 copies printed. Reviewers: Stra'nskj, Josef.. Dr.,.Engineer, Corresponding Member of the Czechoslovak ...Academy of Sciences, and Befia, Josef, Dr.,Engineer; Ed.: Major, Rudolf; Tech. Ed.: Appl, JiH; PURPOSE: This book is a textbook for institutions of higher learning. It may be used also by technicians in research establishments and in factories of the electrical equipment industry. COVERAGE: The monograph deals with the theoretical principles of transmitting and receiving ante=as and of antenna systems, and discusses several antenna types and constructiorm fro the point of view of practical design, calculation and measurement. The book is based on information acquired in the course of several years experience In the theory and practice of ante=a design. For technical reasons it proved necessary to omit any treatment of the following subjects: cara:;:I~- Antennas 803 the fundamental relations of the electromagnetic field and the propagation of an electromagnetic field along a conductor; descriptions of certain types of antennas rarely encountered in practice (for example, polygonal antennes); grounding systems for a symmetrical antennas. In the chapter on impedance relations. in azitenna conductors, the authors limited themselves to a simple enumeration of current methods of calculation. In composing the book, the authors have'tried to include the richest material accessible in the domestic (Czech) and foreign literature on.the subject since in Czechoslovakia there has not been enough experience in microwave work. As far as standard symbols are concerned., the designation of time and space vector magnitudes caused typo- graphical difficulties. The time vectors and complex numbers, therefore, are indicated in normal italics. The space vectors are given in half-thick italics. The technical terminology follows the provisional plan for terminology standards worked out by the Ministry of Machine Building. In several cases, where it was found that a given term was already in wide use, this is not so. The author thanks the electrical engineering editorial staff of SNrL for their help in preparing the book for publication. No personalities are mentioned. There are 159 references of which 13 are Czechi, 10 Soviet, 19 German, 1 Swedish, 6 French, and 109 English, including 1 translation. In addition, another Soviet source is cited in the preface. Cart=2~~ PROCHAZKA, M. PROCHAZKA,, M. Miniature direction kv. antennas. p, 5 Vol 4. no. 1. Jan. 1956 SDEWVACI TECHNIKA TECHNOLOGY Praha, Czechoslovakia So: East European Accession voi. 6. no. 2, 1957 PRXHAZKA, _.M. "What a builder of radio receivers should know about antennas." P. 93 (Sdelovaci Technika, Vol. 6, No. 3, Marc)) 1958, Prabal Czechoslovakia) Monthly index of East European Accessions (EFAI) IL, Vol. 7, No. 9,, September 1958. PROCHAZKA,, M. "Facts about cubical antemas.11 P. 127. SEDLOVACI TECHRIKA., (Ministerstvo strojirenstvi). Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7j No. 4, Apr. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEA1),, LC, Vol. 8, No. 8., August 1959. Uncla. 41798 .3/194/62/000/008/086/100 D413/D308 AUTHOR: ProchAzka, Miroslav TITLE; An indirectly illumina ed aerial system PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika no 8, 1962, abstract 8-7-120 a (Czech. pat., c1. 21a4 46~02, no. 98119, Jan. 15, 1961) TEXT: A simple solution is proposed to the problems of separating the differently polarized waves of the transmitted and received signals in the aerials of radiorelay stations. The known solutions are described. A description is given of the system to be patented, which does away with their disadvantages. -This system contains no waveguide bendst and its features are adequate broadbandedness only slight screening of the reflector surface, and the convenient use of a feed from behind the reflector. The primary reflecting surface 4 of the system (see Figure) is formed of an auxiliary para- bolic re'flector, which is connected to the main reflector 1 along their common axis by the dielectric waveguide 1, itself provided with the excitation device 2. LAbstracter's note: Complete transla- Card 1/2 An indirectly illuminated aerial system tion.j Fig. I j i 3 3 S/194/62/000/008/086/100 D413/D308 - k 11 Card 2/2 28898 Z/039/61/022/011/005/006 700 J)291/D304 AUTHOR: Prochfizka, Miroslav, Engineer, Candidate of Sciences TITLE: Miniaturization of antennas PERIODICAL: Slaboproudk obzor, v. 22, no. lit 1961, 675-682 V TEXT: The V'zkumnj fist4v sdelovact techniky A.S. Popova v Praze y (Communication-Engineering Research Institute A.S. Popov in Prague) studies methods for reducing the dimensions of antennas for the V11F and SHF band. This article surveys possibilities of miniaturizing antennas and antenna arrays and critically evaluates application possibilities. There are three methods for reducing antenna dimensions: (1) To sdect and apply a suitable inductivity and/or capacity that changes the current and voltage distribution along a linear antenna in a way which necessi- tates a shorter conductor for the required electrical effect; (2) To surround. dipole or loop antennas with a magnetodielectric medium; and (3)'To find such array arrangements or feeding systems which have a Card.1/4 28898 Z/039/61/022/011/005/006 Miniaturization 0291/D304 maximum directivity factor in a given space. For evaluating miniatur- ized antennas, the following parameters are tested: (a) broad-band capa- city; W impedance properties; (c) directivity factor; and (d) anten- na efficiency. The'results obtained in antenna-miniaturization tesUs can be summarized as follows: (1) Capacitive shortening is most advan- tageous, especially for large reduction of antenna dimensions (10 - WYO, since the real component of the input impedance is increased which, in turn, results in jhcreased antenna efficiency and improved broad-band properties. In cases where the dimensions of the capacitive load are a hindrances a combination of capacitive and inductive (L-C) shortening should be used. The inductivity should be applied at the current maxi- mum rather than at the ends of antenna conductors. The highest antenna efficiency (i.e. gain factor nearly equal to the directivity factor) is achieved with capacitive shortening or an LAC combination with prevail- ing capacitive shortening. In the practical design of such a shortened antenna, impedance matching must be solved by suitable transfornation =6 conpeasation. An antennas reduced to 35%, has a very good gain and Card 2/ 4 2'_ 3 Z 39/61/022/011/005/006 Miniaturization ... D291/D304 can be used for'~JV reception.. (2) Since.electromagnetic waves are shorter in a magnetodielectric medium than in free space, also resonancc! and anti-resonance occurs at shorter distances when electrical dipoles are placed in a magnetudieLectric material (sphere). The Q factor of the shortened.antenna,is considerably increased and the real components of the input impedance are considerably lowered. Both the efficiency and gain factor depend on the-magnitude of dielectric losses and can be calculated with thV aid of electronic computers. However, it must be considered that them otherwise regular dipolar radiation pattern is se- verely dissipated ih certain critical cases. Antenna miniaturization with the aid of dielectrics is only seldom used, with the exception of few applications in the field of centimetric waves (dielectric rod antcn- nas). (3) Several efforts were made to redu ce the size of antenna arrays by appropriate spacial arrangement. It was found that the miniaturization is always accompanied by a large increase of the Q factor (very small bandwidth) which results in so-called supergain an- tennas which are, so far, very difficult to realize. In conclusion the author states that antenna~ainiaturiziition is always a great problem Card 3/4 28898 Z/03 9/61/022/011/005/006 Miniaturization D291/D304 since it is always accompanied by a certain reduction of the bandwidth. Some progress can be achieved when linear antennas or dipoles are shortened by applying a capacitance (or L-C combination) or the prin- ciple of reducing the speed of wave-propagation in a magnetodiclectric medium. Another, indirect method to reduce antenna dimensions is the utilization of semi-conductors (e.g. tunnel diodes) installed directly into receiver antennas. There are 10 figures, 2 tables, and 6 referen- ces: 4 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The referenccsto the 2 English-language publications read as follows: Ch. Polk: Resonance and Supergain Effects in Small Ferromagnetically or Dielectrically Loaded Biconnical Antennas. IRE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation, v. AP-7, 12% 1959 Special Suppli R.F. Harington: Effect of Antenna Size on Gain, Bandwidth and Efficiency, Journal of Research (Nat. Bur. Stand) v. 64D, no. 1. ASSOCIATION: Vpzkumn~ fistav pro sdyovact techniku A.S. Popova, Praha (Communication-Engineering Research Institute A.S. llopoy_ in Pragu ) SUBMITTED: June 20, 1961 Card 4/4 FROCHAZKA, Niroalavq inzap C.Sc* Conditionn of television reception vith an indoor antenna, Wel tech 10 no.8:288-289 Ag 162. CZECHOSLOVAKIA PROCHAZKAO MI GERWi* J*Vj SMISEKg M IsInstitute of OrgAnic Chemistryg Karlova University, Prague - (for ?)z 2* Institute of Physical Chemistrye Czeclwslovak Academy of Sciences, Pragme - (for ?) Prague,, Collgetion Qf Ciechoalpyak Qaieal -Comiuni- .Me No 3. March lgbbv PP 1315-1322 .qLtLo 8Oxdbioyclo(3#3vO)octanese" BEHIIN('I'r,, Jo-4of, BALOUN, JR-10011"l; PROCHAMA, RtroslRv Some experienc,~~s of the Hutne ~tavby National Enterprise, Kosice. Pozemnl^stavby 13 no.4:1~2-134 '165. 1. Hutne stavbj National Enterprise, Kosice (for Behuncik and Baloun). 2. Mlinistry of the DO Ming Industry, Prnpue (for Prochqzka). Microbiolor,j CZEMOSLOVAnA CZ/0064/66/011/005/0337/0346 A UT HOR :Prochazka, 0. ORG: Institute of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology, Prague TITLE. Preparation of conjugates of 19S and 7S globulins of anti- tularem-A'.c sera for use in determining t1he specific fluorescence of Pasteurella tularensis SOURCE: Folia microbiologica, v. 11, no. 5, 1966, 337-346 TOPIC TAGS: tularemia, bacterial dlbeasc, bacterial antigen, rabbit serology, fluoresconce ABSTRACT: Conjugates of 19S and 7S globulins from antilcularemic sera W-th fluorescein isothiocyanate were used to detect Pacteurella tuZar- cnS113. Serum was obtained from rabbits 7-10 days after immunization. Expari.mental results showed that the 19S globulin fraction had a weak .-r.,.Uaofluoresceace reaction with pure cultures of Paataurcl4a tular- ansio, althou,-Ih it contained the most agglutinating antibodies. The 7S 'fraction (with a low agglutinin content) produced more intense fluores- A. A. cance. it was concluded that agglutinating antibodies may not be the carriers of fluorescence. The immunofluorescence reaction did not show 1/2 striking differences between various virulent strains of PaateureZZa ~u4aransia. orig. art. has: 2 figures, and 4 tables. [W.A. 501 41 L 6 2/2 ACC NRz AP6032917 SOURCE CODE1 CZ/0064/66/011/005/0337/0346 AUTHOR: Prochazka, 0, ORG: Military Institute of Hygiene* Epidemiology and Microbiology, 1 Prague TITLE: Preparation of conjugates of 19S and 7S globulins of anti- tularemic sera for use in determining the specific fluorescence of PasteureZZa tularensis SOURCE: Folia microbiologica, v. 11, no. 5. 1966, 337-346 TOPIC TAGS: tularemia, bacterial disease, bacterial antigen, rabbit,, ABSTRACT; Conjugates of 19S and 7S globulins from antitularemic sera with fluorescein isothiocyanate were used to detect Pasteurella tular- ensis. Serum was obtained from rabbits 7-10 days after immunization. Experimental results showed that the 19S globulin fraction had a weak immunofluorescence reaction with pure cultures of Pasteurella tular- ensis, although it contained the most agglutinating antibodies. The 7S fraction (with a low agglutinin content) produced more intense fluores- cence. It was concluded that agglutinating antibodies may not be the carriers of fluorescence. The immunofluorescence reaction did not show ~Card 1/2 ACC NR: AP 6-32~Y7 striking differences between various virulent strains of PasteurelLa tuLarensis. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 4 tables. [W.A. 501 SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATEt 12Jan66/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF; 0141 SOV REF: 006 Card BENDAO R.; MYSKA, V.; PROCRAZXA, 0 CERVA, L.; HRONOVSKY, V.; DUBANSKA, H. - Experiences with the fluorescence antibody method in the diagnosis of human herpetic keratoconjunctivitis. Cesk. epidem. 14 n0-5: 257-265 S 165. 1. Vojensky ustav hygiony, epidemiologie a mikrobiologie, Praha a II. ocni klinika fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi Karlovy Univer- sity, Praha. NN T AUTHORt lProchazkat Otakar (Lieutenant colonel; Engineer; Candidate of sciences) ORG: (Vojpn TrIU t a and Pragae - Fluorescence of staphylococci and some m-thods of their ounpression SOURCEs Vojenske sdravotnicke listy, no. 6. 1965, 268-273 ITOPId TAGSt* bacteriolog7, fluorescence, bacteria, bacterial antigen, formaldehyde, :'diagnostic modicine AB~TkACTt The fluorescence of st+hylococci (and of other bacteria) -my interfere 1. with the Amunofluorescence meth2!~Vor the diagnosis of infections caused by bacte- .:.rial Agens. I-lisleading positive results may be found. Some methods for the sup- pression of fluorescence of staphylococci in the system Stapbylococaus pyogones .,Pasteurella tularensis are described. Formolization of the preparation using a zrdnimn 5% concentration of formaldehyde and a 3 hour residence tima removes the fluorescences Papain gives good results only in pure cultures. Trypsin acts well .but cannot be used because it suppresses also the fluorescence of the homologue antigen* Origo art* hass 7 tables, fjpr4%7 rSUB CCOEt 06 SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 005 OTH REFs 013 Card 1/1 -7'C- UDC: 5%,851.252,o95(:6i2.ol4.445).og~.8z 199/X, PROCRAMA, Otakar, podplukovnlk Inz., CSc. Staphylococcal fluorescence and some methods for Ito evpres:3Jlcr;- Voj. zdrav. listy 34 no.6:268-273 D 165. 1. Vojensky ustav hygieny, epidemiologie a mikrobiologie v Praze. 7 'ACCESSION MR: APS011902 CZ/0064/65/010/002/0077/0084 AUTHOR: Franek, J. (Frmek,-Yu.); Prochazka, 0. (Prokhazka, 0.) 'TITLE: Detection of PasteumtZa ltu&zrensis by means of fluorescent antibodies SOURCE: Folia micmbiologica, v. 10, no. 2, 1965, 77-84 TOPIC TAGS: Pasteurella tulafensis, fluorescent antibody, ant.Lgen, serum, tulare- mia, diagnosis ABSTRACT: The authors investigated various factors 'involved in using the immuno- !fluorescence method to detect PdsteurelZa tular-ensis and studied the sensitivity, :specificity, and reliability of the reaction under experimental conditions. Various 4 virulent and avirulent strains of the microorganism were used to iununize fowl, NAct qPrum with re~zner_t to qnecificitv and hrillance Cird 1/2 L 6155.8-65 SION HR: AP5013802 ACCES com- after boiling for 2 hours the basis of the reaction is the --all indicate that scent antibodies with surface antigen. The authors consider the "Ibining of fluore - .- -C -1- ;~ aAi-F-ntinpr antigen REHACEK, K.; PROCHAZKA, 0. Activity of the section dealing with the morphology of polymars. Chem listY 58 no.9:1133 S 164. 1. Research Institute of Coating Materials, Prague. ,,-MHAZKA 0 Stimulation of antibody formation by bacterial lipopolysaccharide. The influence of repeated doses of lipopolyeaccharide on antibody formation. Folia microbiol 6 no.3:157-163 161. (EW 10.8) 1. Department of Microbiology, Institute of Biology, Czeeboalovak Academy of Sciences, Prague 6. (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) (LIPOPOLYSACCHARIDES) (BACTERIA) PROGHAZKAJ, Oldrich, inz. Tall oil reain., r,. zuitable raw material for orcduct~'cn of wrapp ng pAper size. Paniv a ceiilosa 20 no.2:46-49 ~ 165. 1. Possarc, Center ' tj-ie "Ieveroceske Stesti. PROCHAM,P.; EM,, P.; KOLDOVSKY2 0.; NOMMEK, M.; ROKOS, T. The activity of cf-- ml-qla:~e in homogenates of the pancreas T rate during early rpmnqtnataa develnrmeni6 Ph7siol. Bohemo.slor. 13 no.3,2288-291 1. Institute of Microbiology and Institute of Phy'Oiolog7,. Czechoslaml: AcadeW of Sciences, Pragiie. ROKOS, J.; RIGIU. J.; PROCELML. -F. ~~?" -- ~- 1. Investigations on production of chlortetracycline by Actinomyces aureofaciens 1. Fol.blol., Praha I no.4s214-219 30 Aug 55. 1. Biologichookiy Institut GhSAN, mikrobiologlya. Praga, (CHWRTBTRLCTCLIHN, prep"sration of. technic) ROKOS, Josef,- RICICA, Jan: PROCIHAMA, Pavel -.- -11 115111W~ Investigations on production of chlortetracycline b7 Actinomyces aurenfaciens. Cesk. b1ol. 4 no.6:333-337 June 55. 1. Biologicky ustav CSAV. mikrobiologie, Praha. (CHLORTETRACYCLINE, metabolism, Actinomyces aureofaciens, binsynthesin) (ACTINOMNES, aureofaciens, biosynthesis of chlortetracycline) PROCHAZKA, P.; FDKOS, J.; BURGER, M. "Effect of chlortetracycline on the pancreatic lipase" Ceskoslovenska, YLikrobiologie. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 3, no. 4, 1958 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 7. July 59, Unclas MALEK, P.; ROKOS, J.; BURGER, M.; K010j, J.; KRATKOVA, X.; PROCHAZU , P. Effect of chlortetracycline on eX2ymes & its practical significance. Cas. lek. cesk. 98 no.9:262-266 27 Feb 59. 1. Ustav klinicke a experimentalni, chirargie v Praze, reditel doe. dr. B. Spneek. Biologicky ustav CSAV v Praze. reditel akademik I. Malek. Detska Interna, Thomayerovy nemocnice v Praze, prednosta prim. dr. 1. Kratkova. P. M., Praba-Irro, Budejovicka 800. (CHLORTNUCYOLDNE, eff. on pancrentic n1pha amylaae & lipase, eff. of citric acid (Cz)) (AMASAS pancreatic alpha anqlase, inhib. by chlortetracycline (Gz.)) (LIPASMS I inhib. by chlortetracycline, eff. of citric acid (Cz)) (PANCREZ, metnb. alpha aaVlase & lipase. inhib. eff. of chlortetracycline, reversal by citric acid (Cz)) (CITRATM, eff. citric acid on inhib. of pancreatic alpha amylase & lipase by chlortetracycli (Cz)) KUBAT, Z.; ROWS, J.; PROCHAMA P - LIEBL V. Interaction of corneal polysaccharides with basic macromolecule5. Cas. lek. cesk. 103 no-33:909-913 14 Ag 164. 1. 1 ocni klinika falculty vseobecneho lekarstir-i Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta prof. dr. E. Dienstbier, DrSc.) a Mikrobiologicky ustav Ceskoslovenske akademie ved v Praze (reditel akademik I. Malek). PROCIIAZKA, P.; ROKOS, J.; ZASTAVA, V.; KOLC, J. Localization and uptake, of chlortetracycline in thle panc-reas. Cas. lek. cesk. 104 no.27/28:743-744 9 JI 165. 1. Mikrobiologicky ustav Ceskoslovenske akademie ved v Praze (reditel akademik I. Malek) -a U3ta-,r klinicke a experimentalni chirurgie v Praze (reditel prof. dr. B. Spacek, Dr3c.). KUBAT, Z.; ROKOS, J.; PRWHAZKA, P.; LIEBL, V.; NOMIEK, M. A contribution to trr problem of electrostatic bonds of the macromolecules of the .-orneal stroma. Sborn. lek. 67 no.6: 190-198 Je 165. 1. 1. ocni klinika fakulty vseobacneho lekarstvi Universit Karlovy v Praze (prednosta: prof. dr. E. Deinstbier, DrSo.L a Mikrobiologicky ustav Ceskoslovenskej akademie vied v Praze (reditelt akademik: 1. Malek). ROKOSP J.; HAHN, P.; KOLDOVMI 0. -, n2qLAZ-U,2- The postnatal developsent of lipolytic activity in the pancreas and small irrbastine of the rat. Physiol. bohemoslov. .12 no.3.-213-219 163, l.--Institute of Micrdbiology and Institute of Physiology, Czechoslovak Acadexq of Sciences, Prague. (PANCREAS) (INTESTINE, SMALL) (LIPID META]BOLISM) (CORTISONE) (ANMALS, NEWBORN) (MILK) MALEY.1 P.; ROKOS, J.; KOJEGKY, Z.; KOLC, J.; ~~OC~~KA, P.; ZAK, F. The special role of tetracycline antibiotics in the prevention and therapy of amte pancreatitis. Rozhl. chir. 42 no.3:174- 180 Mr 163. 1. Ustav klinicke a experimentalni chiru;rgie v Praze, reditel prof. dr. B. Spaeek DrSc. II vnitrni klinika lekarske fakulty FU v Olomouci Biologicky ustav CSAV v Praze, reditel akademik I. Malek. II patologickoanatomicky ustav lek. fak. KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. V. Jedlicka. (PANCREATITIS) (TETRACYCLINE) (LIPASE) (ENZYME INHIATORS) (CHLORTETRACYCLINE) MALEK, P.; ROKOS, J.; KOJECKY, Z.; KOLC, J.; PROCHAZKA, P.; ZAK, F. The special role of tetracycline antibiotics in the prevention and therapy of a=te p4nereatitis. Rozhl. chir. 42 no.3:171+- 180 Mr 163, 1. Ustav klinicke a experimentalni chirurgie v Praze, reditel prof. dr. B. Spacek DrSc. II vnitrni klinika lekarske fakulty FU v Olomouci Biologicky ustav CSAV v Praze, reditel akademik I. Malek. II patologickoanatomicky ustav lek. fak. KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. V. Jedlicka. (PANGREATITIS) (TETRACYCLINE) (LIPASR) (ENZYME INHIBZTORS) ((;HWRTEnACYCLINE) Cntdmt of acid W fruit and Wt H. A_ S,dIA60~ mid St , PrechAzka (tstav hyg,, tlsyj &-avin-'s ~,Zt Mt'Jlod.9 Of acid (1) were coin~Niretl =d over UO tabulated Wg. formi Car ~s Gf f tent of I in 29 kin, adt Ilever aelles Mg. r4sit thgt in the fresh Wt C4 SI2 I -Af tllj~ conttat I and 9(l) CZECH/14-51-4-5/48 AUTHOR: Procha*zka, Miroslavq Engineer TITLE: Facts About the Cubical Quad Antenna PERIODICAL: SdL'flovael' Technika, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 4, pp 127-128 (Czechoslovakia) ABSTRACT: The "new" Cubical Quad antenna has been much dis- cussed but there is a considerable amount of ineXact information'about it in circulation. In order to check some of the exaggerated claims, this type of antenna has been subjected to a series of tests in the A.S. Popov T.notitute. A simple construction of the test aerial was used* The type recommended in foreign literature proved to be subject to secondary influences so that the theoretical maximal potential could not be reached. The question of measuring the antenna's plus and minus deviations belongs to the most difficult ones in the whole field. For this reason, all claims about the sensational gains ob- Card 1/2 tained with these "new types" must be taken with V-.1, Facts About the Cubical Quad Antenna CZECH/14-Si-4-5/48 reservation, all the more so when the measuring is done with simple instruments. The present article registers results of tests done under relatively favorable conditions in a well equipped scientific laboratory. Its purpose is to pacify the technical public whose great interest has been aroused by sensational information from predominantly foreign literature. There are 4 diagrams, 2 gfaphs, 2 tab- les and 4 references, 1 of which is American, 1 Czech and 2 German. Card 2/2 PfiCCHA:Z Kftj CZECHOSLOVAM/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and H-28 Their Application, Part 4. - Synthetic Polymers, Plastics. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, 110 7, 1958, 23246 Author S. Prochazka Inst Title Gluing of Glass and Ceramics with Epoxy Resins. Orig Pub Sklar a keramic, 1957, 7, No 3, 72 Abstract The epoxy-resins "Upon 1001" wid "Epoxy 1200" are used in Czechoslovakia for gluing glass and ceramics, as well as glass and ceramics with metals. "Upon 1001" is saUdified by heating to 2000 20 min., "Epoxy 1200" is solidified with 4% of a solidifier at about 200 in 24 hours. The ter, sile strength of porcelain glued together with "Epoxy 1200" is usually 200 kg per and in some cases it is above 300 kg per Card 1/1 '9R C Y-A c cc r 46imis Ito Us grmler tendewy Un TAY All -N, l st r: far me3wremout of v can ac ce 4 d tsar I Wntevid ca and H fav V. -t -Ontered inate a theroul ciondUcTMIEFU . Wls detd.-ov disks of 24 04t.'ail 6 im, O&V The temp. gnLdfent is tacasumd by ~P(Alv- '. ,. spcdmen' surfa iccum;v =ents.plated on IbL Ax U61 A . . . ................. Z )12721 C-0 8/08 62/000/021/038/069 BI 71 YBI 01 AUTHORS: B&rta, Rudolf, Procha"zka, Svante, &bek, Franti-eek TITLE: A method of producing refractory concretes PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 21, 1962, 347, abstract 21K367 (Czechosl. patent 99958, June 15, 1961) TEXT: Refractory concretes, including also the light-weight concretes, obtained by addition of loosening or foaming agents, can be prepared from ~ mixture of crushed aggregate, such as corundum and mullite wastes, with ~ cementing agent. The crushed aggregate is mixed either with H 3 PO 49 or with its solution or a solution of its salts *. Alumina or Al(OH) 3 is also added. The mass consolidates at 50-3000C. Example 1: composition of' the mass: mullite (0-5-0.2 mm fraction) 40%; ditto (0.2-0.1 mm) 25%; ditto (.0.1-0.06 mm) 8%; ground alumina 4%; 60~6-solution.of H 3P04 14%. H3 PO4 is added to the dry mixture of aggregate and alumina and the product is vibrated. After several hours, the set mass is heated to 80-1000C in a form or after its removal therefrom. Example 2. Composition of the mass: Card 1/2 s/o8lj62/000/021/038/069 A method of producing refractory ... B171/BI01 fused corundum (0-2-0.1 mm fraction) 43%; ditto (6.06 mm) 4W6; H3PO417%. The mixture is poured into a0form and consolidated by drying at tempera- tures rising, from 50 to 120 C. After its removal from the form, the mass is fired at 170OPC. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation Card 2/2 BARTA, Rudolf, prof.,Anz., doktor technickych ved; BARTUSKA, Milosj&v; HLAVAC, Jan; PROCHAZKA, Svante - High-corundum materials for electric inmilation and electronics. Sbor chem tech no.3, part D,425-431 159. 1. Katedra technologie silikatu, Vyaoki vkola chemicko-technologicka, Praha. 36535 ~Ss/081/62/000/006/061/117 -va 0 B149/BIO8 AUTHORS: BArta, R., ~roch zka. S. L_ ___ TITLE: Highly refractory concrete with metaphosphoric acid as a binder PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 6, 1962, 435, abstract 6K414 (Stavivo, v. 39, no. 8, 1961, 282 - 283) TEXT: Results are given of an investigation of highly Afractory concretes (RC) with metaphosphoric acid as a binder. The composition of the mass for RC in givent filler 50 - 65%, aluminum oxide hydrate 5-15%, 45% metaphosphoric acid 5 - 15%, additives 35 - 5%. As additives,*substances are given which have an effqot on the strength, setting and other proper- ties of RC, e. g. kaolin, highly dispersive fractions of the filler, alumina, etc. With a corundum filler mass, the temperature of the beginn- ing of deformation is 1750 0C, the cold compressive strength after drying 2 0 2 is 60 k9/cM , after baking at 400 c it is 160 k9/cm , after firing at 17501~ 2 230 kg/cm The mass is resistant to thermal shocks of cooling from 200CPC Card 1/2 S/081/62/000/006/061/117 Highly refractory ... B149/B108 0 to -30 C. This property is relatad with the dispersivity of the filler. The properties of a mass in which mullite was used as filler are also given. [Abstracter#B note: Complete translation. Card 2/2 28117 Z/013/61/000/002/004/006 D006/D102 AUTHOR: Procha/zkag Svante, Enginf~er, Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Some considerations on the technology and economy of ultra- fine grinding /V PERIODICAL: Sklar a keramik, no. 2, 1961, 61-64 TEXT: The development of neu ceramic materials calls for much 'inor par- ticles than are required in conventional fine ceramics. Ultra-fine grindirg faverage particle zize about 1 micron) for instanceg made possible the de- i - velopment of Kitaygorodskiy2s Mlicrolite CM 322~ The article evaluates four mill types, namely the ballv vibrating, colloid, and fluid-ener7 mills (micronizers), as to their fitness for ultra-fine grindings (1, In she majority of cases, dry ultra-fine grinding in ball mills is not practicable because moot materials after reaching a certain degree of fineness tend to adhere to the drum walls. Wet grinding produces better results especially ,.-.,hen smaller balls are used. According to Soviet experiences, replacement of the balls by rollers can increase the mill output up to 30/'a'- ?2) Vibra- ting mills are more economical than ball millsq but the current models have Card 1/3 Come considerations,... W 28117 Z/013/61/000/002/0041/006 D006/D102 a maximum capacity of only 200 liters, requiring frequent recharging. Aisc- ,a.c3ording to Soviet informationp vibration grinding is accorapanLed b-Y a sonsiderable abrasion of the mill material (l.ull. of iron was fourd in a fused-carborandum charge after 120 min) and the mills require ccnoi6eraLle mak'atenance and repair due to the fatigue of the spring material. In the USS'R vibration grinding was applied to the production of high-frequency seramiCs. Here the main advantage is that the mixture can be prepared in a dry state, Economically, vibration grinding is advantageous for prepara-, tion of smaller material quantities. However, there are still great in- used reserqes in the current types of vibrating millsq whichg if fully -atilized by proper improvements, could raise their specific outprat. 113) Due to their energy consumption almost double that of ball mills, and % 2 'L other urdavorable factors, colloid mills should be used only in cases in -7hich ball mills cannot be used at all or only with difficulty. Most pro- -tising is the use of colloid mills for casting-slip preparation.. (4) The ~zeohoslovak ceramic industry does not yet use the fluid-energy millc, Tests with a Berc laboratory-size fluid-energy mill produced promising r(---- sults. It was found that this mill type could reduce considerably r.apital and operating costs as well as floor space, The main obstacle to the ir.- Oard 2/3' ~A Some considerations... 26117 Z/013/61/000/002/004/006 D006/D102 troduction of fluid-energy mills in the Czechoslovak ceramic industry is the lack of up-to-date equipment for continuous and economical production of press masses from ultra-fine mixtures. (5) Research is currently being conducted in the USSR and at the VyzkumnSr ustav mechanizaoe a automatizace (Research Institute of Mechanization and Automation) in Nov4 Mesto nad V"om'on electrohydraulic disintegration by high-voltage discharges in li- quids. Although the potentialities of this principle cannot yet be judged, it seems that this method might be suitable for grinding of very hard ma- terials. There are 5 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Vyzkumne pracovis"te na"rodnfho podniku Jiskra Tabor (Research Laboratory, Jiskra, National Enterprise, Tabor) Card 3/3 PROCHAZKA_,_Ia v~ iuz.; MISKOVIC, Vladimir, inz, Examination of the sintering kinetics of the Cu-Pb system on modela. S~or VST Kosice 2-65-80 162'. 1. Ceskoolovenska akademie ved, Laboratorium hutnickej technologie Slovenskaj ak~demie vied, Kosice. nut EXCERPTA MICA See 15 Vol 9/6 Chest Dis. Juno 56 Pro chirurh. INbu I(: bVI., 1;")k;y, Praze-x;-~.. jentoinie. CavernosloniN HOZflL.-l*L'BEHK.1935, -no.~tomv. .A report on 33 cavernou6 pulmonary tb patience treated by cavet -76, failed Vro, result unknown 12T~, Skin flap 24r,, improved 24'ro, died 30 and 11WOele graftings for closure or frainage bronchus were without obvioui vf1frct. The beot and most lasting results were achiqved in apical segment of lower lobt. caviijeo and in patients younger than 3U yr. old. We failed in patients with billate- ral pi,ocesses and in old people with persistent drainage bronchus, All 33 patients wel-e rallowed-up 3 to~~ yr. Today we prefer resection. Prochizka - Prague (XV,9( EMEK, A., Dr.; PRQ9 V. , Dr. Seizures In children. Cesk. p-midiat. 11 n0-11:811-813 Nov 56, 1. 11. detska klinika fakulty detskebo lekarstvi v Praze, prednosta prof. Dr. J. Houstek Detake oddelani OUR v Kutne Hore, primar Dr. V. Prochazka. . (EPILEPSY, in Inf. & child incidence of seizures & unconsciousness. statist. (CZ)) TROCHAUn', V. Kosice Conference on the quality of a--gricultural machiner-v, :Lmolements, and J- spare parts. p. 147. ((Mecbanisace Zpmedelstvi, Vol. 7, No. 7, Apr. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovalda) SO: Monthly List of East Furopean Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl. PROCHAZKA, V. "Building non-flying maquettes.0 p. 244 (Letecky Modelar) Val. 8, no. 12, Dec. 1957 Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4., April 1958 " il*_ _~ 'i elfA 1~_104 01 a. 4~0.1 IF" 011 ON on 04 I'lAw- -ft L M4 J343, MCLKOD VACUUM Mk-.rER WITHOUT RUBBER TUBES. Prochaaka, V. (Chem. Obsor, 1945, vol. 20, 12-131 Commmic. coal Frague, 19489 vol. 4, 371-373). 00 00 o it - u Ss IV 0 is:; 0 ill i? Do 9 IF a R u V! U'n It x 0 see 0 *1 ! '-D : '00 A A 00 00 .90 ISO r of 00 00 a -1 1 Ir III LIN IX4 An L 1 9 ~W 0 0 '0 0 * 0 0 0 0 so* so 0 L0 4 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 * * * 0 0 *0 wee 0-we ? 1.0 1101 0W. 71 .0 .01 474 - 004 a --L a L - f-AL 'Q I -! .1. 11.1 1---- . 41 pp.p " ' ' - 1452. ftwJtMQN (TECHN1..0a) 1N GAS ki-ALYSIS. ?rochazka V and hlijLa, Fh__e__e_9_~jabs rbent J. (Chem. Listy, 1946, Vol- 40, 260-263). for C02 in gas mixtures in 40A &q. KUH. Of a number of standar,1' 1-00 0 types or absorption apparatus, only the Hotepol tube ensures 00 full absorption from d a flowing at the rate of I litre 000 pd* hour. HA 00 Ah ;jj T A "TALLUSIGICAL LITERATURE CLAWFKATIGN 1 2 t3* SITIN IV. woo %SM#J -1, 0.- 4" -a", 9 A V ZA An I Sa ?w IM c d3 a 0 1. . 1119 Rot Iclin KIN 41 U - Aw 9 0 0 0 0 41 IN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 A 4 It 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 -I.-L - -' i F ;I T 7 U ; 0 4 UT-t%IAmLJ!wA- 06, 00 u b w ftbft. V. P-66 -3 - 19" 00"'S , w all-slow to 00 then r tubbe. 00 Its remvok wilb rho dem the a WMW' wwb AN ONVON to convem"Ie for b"m Tur am povwe Aw &a ud*t-ta d the in um c4~ bmmcb. A toneuk for culibm- don Is eft". Low" i2,: 4-1 a S &V a It 19 9 a It $I I 4u* 0 loco 40 00 0 0.04000 0*60's 140 09 111;~ 11911ralad let 40 .900 too -- -xiu! OOA "r-- TOUTIVE 149rHOD AA DETMMINATION Of hLi4ENF. IN WXY,' UVEN GA'S. Prochazka, V and Klima, J. (Wive, May/June 1950, vol. 30, W-191.). An apparatus was designed for deteraining 008 00 & benzene in coke oven gas by adsorption on activated carbon and & tentative method in proposed. The sensitivity and 0* .3 correction factor were *valuated by using known rim6unte of ae, benzene. The correction factor of 0.6 ml is coraidered an accoptabhe owing to -; wi4a axl;,grimentat rnn,;ft busn.t.-ti..' content In gas. During industrial evaluation tests In coke oven plant lastlag twenty four hours, the active carbon method was compared with the freezing out method and found to give peactically identical resulta. 4W. 11~4 1, - ---- -- sic., 01). t U a At 00 -U V--r x C1 a it K MW 1 14 a S S FW 0 X 9 1 If 00 0 413 0 3 9 T U K It vr Cf I-arch 61 C~ llonthlv -i5t of East Zur PROCHAZKA, V.; CEKAN, Z.; RATES, R. B. On terpenes. Pt. 151. Coll Cz Chem 28 no. 5: 1202-1210 My 163. 1. Research Institute for Natural Drugs, Prague, ard Depart- ment of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. ITICW ClEaPPau-uncQ of carvc-n ncr,=i-.t irn raines tmr are oiczacl aztp-:- fires x e=pL-sinns. it Iris f-un(I C.-T "- Doncilde reucts vilth tho J,ml and dccj not dfZappear 67 adscrTrim ,n -r difflolm rjx-ou&l It. Cc=P-I= c3rYM--n cccP,-4mncs on rho .919-feco o.' vie acal act as cxygen aarrier-i to the ocal aubGtance and to the carim mcn=jCe. This explanaLlon Is hood un the fact that wet cral r--m-qQs a-arbon wnaxt-la raster Man d-v., V4 that air ojCD~Sed In 5"ed ghlss tubes FIWI Coal 15 =cd up ar4 p ~Cty gc~fde- Itritf- f cqL corbon In clz~5c J E;~ ~~i; t4zo rv~rv LT.", -,id C_-r j,_fjfj *=.e wum as L.-I 'Llic m,~~tlvl ry "cr%nt C-11S 'S Vicy -Tre-t 1-.Inc hr at 2o w 25 gas is Su2pb= ta-,V-,e =h as allica &C4 - vibicb '1~4 0, surface-acti" oc..j,=ljcn 1.1 "Tricd OUAI In ,,%,C.l c=mnds ecripam-Bda are S~Z ~dc: 'to strulta--= a d, In C to u2pbarAl, prealpttated Midiud Nrthl- chicrids Is ','OtwrAtllW yjde P114 uA zr~ev Lr",s rcr bLiTium era , '20M 11, -'jolghta of the 0 rd 5'-, C-n . 1;,Jtatl= IndicaTAS tartx-. -7- 3UT96 i I POE The pmcels -,I IfFillfig M ih autz,cij- -Z pani Na and J112 j~art Nlr-'~ v-ith H (ini tat pr-ssurt mm fl-'r '-, !Irs rr;ts ~ LH la qt4wlt. y,z;,'z sto virly and ~t U-cr-o-ca-, alys'. Can be use'l L j t:rL4.Uk-, Cherical Pr---ducts Tneir pplication- Rlewnts. (r/ides. I/Iiner-I :-cids- 3--sc-5, Salt's . Jcrur: Ref Zlur-lqlJ-i,-,., -,,TD 3, 1959, 2-3042. .',uthor Petru, F., LInjok, D., and -Frochazlm V Inst T-i tlc L-Auntrial Scale 11rcduct-irm of Scandiwm, and Scandium Com =ids. Orig !~~b: Chem Pruwsl, 1, 1%) 5, 230-232 (1957) (in Czech vith English caid Russian su.-miarics) -bsi- r--ct: Live stearr, is pr"scd Into a mixture of 850 Rg of the residue reraining after the 1-:jrocessi-,IG of Zin- wald tungs-I.-en-ate and 1700 liters conc -IICI until the volume of the mixture renches 2500 liters. To each 1000 liters of the solution thus obtcincd 120 liters Cani-d. 1/2 / S-,? CZEC.'LiGSLOV,*,Kr,/Cl-iorde-,tI Tecllr-io~o:;y. Chemical Producta and 5.1-heir .LL'.cation. Ele-L'Ients. Oxides. Miner 1 Bases. ;opp C. Salts - Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim., No 8, 1959, 28o42. of technical &-rande H SiF (27 300 Be) are added, after 2 P I - ' which Vie mixture is re.LL,.ed for 4-5 hours with wet [s-atur_-tcci/_ stearn, filtered, the filtrate is evapornated, and the residue is chicd at about 40 0; 5 1:9 of Sc con- centrate containinr about 40't) SC203 are obtained. The product is ground in a b--ll mill, sintcred at 6000, mixed with activated charcoal (6:1 ratio), and chlori- nated in an tubc pac'Aod .,,ith silicon (length 1 m, 0. D. 60 mxi, I. D. 50 Ta.,,) placed in an clectric Aamace hea- ted to 1000-11000. fhe process used in the 1,roducticn Of Scandium oxide and of metallic Sc from ScCl3 is des- cribed. Elinch. Card : 21/2 ' J4- CZECTOSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technology - ChemicEa Products and H-22 Applic:ation, Part 3. - Treatment of Natural Gases and Mineral Oil, Motor and Rocket Fuel, Lubricants. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 7, 1958, 22730 Author : 'Inzdimir Frochazka Inst Title Production of Pure Methane from Natural Gas. Orig Pub Sblrka praci vyzkuma. ust., 1957, A8, No 17-26, 35-46. Abstract A method of producing considerable amounts of CH4 from(-n natural- gas was developed. The natural gas contained W: C02 O'll CAa - 0-21 02 - 0.2, W2 - 4.2, qn42n+2 -0.2, CH4 95.0 and S compounds - 0.029 g per cub.m. Activated carbou, metallic Ca and the method of repeatecl condensation were used for the purification. C02, satura- ted and unsaturated hydrocarbons, water vapor, 02 and other gases are eliminated at the purification. Card 1/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/CL-amical Tecbnology - (temical Products and H-22 Their Application, Part 3. - Treatment of Natural Gases amd Mineral Oil, Motor and Rocket Fuel, LuIbricants. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimi~-e~, No 7, 1958, 2-2730 The amalytical met;hods used for checking the purity of the produced CH4 are described. Card 2/2 PI- A ZI A (TLECHOSLOVAIKIA Chemical Technology, Chemical Froducts and F~22 Their Application, Fart 3. - Treatment of Solid Combustible Minerals. Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Khim., No 14, 1958, No 47976. Author Bohumil Sule, Vladimir Frochazka. Inst - Title. Gas Determination in Ges Carrying Coals. Grig Pub Sbirka praci vyzkumn. ust., 1957, A8, No. 17-26, 47 - 59. Abstract A modified method of Peters end Werneke was applied to the determination of gases physically combined with coal; its wain distinguishing feature is the application of a bell mill with inclined shaft. A sample of fresh coal in a sealed glass flask is put into theball mill; after the air in the mill has been punDod out, the mill is started. The glass splinters improve the milling considerably, and four hours later the coel is a very fine powder of the grain size below Card 1/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Ohermical technology, Chemical Products and 2 2 Their Application, Par', Treatment of Solid Combustible Minerals. Abs JUur Ref Zhur - Yhir,, No 14, 1~58, No 47976 0.001 mmi. The separated gases are removed with a vacuum pump and analyzed efter their volume has been measured. 1-5 sc-riples Cf b;own and regular coels of Czachoslovakic were studied by this method. The methri proved to be suitable for systarriatic determination of gas cortents in gas carrying coal sem~,s, wUch allows to take meas-ures for thoir degasing in proper time. Card 2/2 ----------- CZECHOSLOVAKIA Inorganic Chemigtry. Complex C Compounds. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 19, 1958, 63979 Author : Petru F, Prochazka V, Hajek B Inst : Not given Title : On the Chemistry of the Rarer Elements. III. The Extraction of Scandium in a Compact State. Orig Pub: Collect. Czechosl. chem. communs, 1958, 23, No 3, 367-371 Abstract: See RZhKhim, 1958, 28159. Card 1/1 Metal hydrides. II. Reaction of' allali metals vith hydrogen at higher pressures and temperatures. Stanislav Landa, Fraritisek Petru, Jiri Mootecky, Jaroslav Vit, and Vladimire Prochazka (Vys. skola chem.-technol., Prague) Chem. listy 52, 1357-9(1958); df. `Czech. 86,722) (C.A. 52, 67-3270--?G, 11'P-H, and LiH were prepd. in quant. yieLds by hydrogenating in a 2500 ml. Stainless- steel rotating autoclave 10 g. atoms of K. Na, and Li, resp., in the presence of O.-I%---WS2 (prepn.6cf. C.a. 50, '('(1d) or MoS2 (prepn., cf. C.A. 50, 1-3854d) at 120 at,m. and 140-150 . Local overheating destroys the activity of catalyst. In case of KJ and Nadi (not Li11) it is necessary to heat at the end of 2500 and 3500, resp., to obtain a stable product. The hydrides prepd. are pure enough to be used in the synthesis of complex hydrides. Jiri Plir,,CL 80,108 Z/009/60/000/04/004/041 J420060 E112/E253 AUTHORS: VIt, J., Procha'zka, V., and Petru', F 71 TITLE: About Lit ium- and Sodium-Aluminium. Hydrideil 1960 Nr 4, PP 183-187 PERIODICAL: Chemicky prfLmysi, I ABSTRACT: The authors have studied ~he preparation of sodium- and lithium-aluminium hydrid 'Ifrom. lithium9or sodium hydride and aluminium. tribromide, according t reaction: 4 LiH - AIX3----~' Li (AlH4) + 3 LiX (X = Cl, Br)~ A critical survey or existing methods is given and reasons for discrepancies in yield and quality of product are analysed. It is held, that these can be accounted for by two main factors: A) presence of traces of moisture in the reactants and B) inactivation of the surface of lithium- or sodium hydride. The inactivation is explained by lack of solubility of lithium chloride in the reaction medium, which may lead to sedimentation on the surface of lithium hydride. As a result of these considerations and their own preliminary studies, the authors have given preference to aluminium. tribromide as a starting material for their synthesis. Aluminium tribromide has also better solubility Gard 1/4 characteristics in benzene, than aluminium. trichloride . Z/009/60/000/04/004/041 E112/E253 About Lithium- and Sodium-Aluminium Hydride In preliminary preparative studies the two compounds were prepared as follows: 1) The lithium compound was produced by reacting a solution of aluminium tribromide, dissolved in benzene, with lithium hydride,' using diethylether as reaction medium. 2) The sodium derivative was synthesised from alumi-nium tribromide in benzene and sodium hydride using tetrahvdrofuranel as reaction medium. The mixture of benzene and tetrahydrofurane are the subject of Czechoslovak Patent 89.103 (15.3-1959). Diethyl ether has been found unsuitable, because the sodium aluminium hydride is decomposed in its presence. The importance of completel-d anhydrous conditions is again emphasized. If thes; conditions are adhered to, the addition of reaction catalysts can be dispensed with, It is pointed out that particularly in the preparation of sodium aluminium hydride the presence of free bromine, which could be formed from oxygen and aluminium tribromide, has a very deleterious effect on yields. It is therefore essential to carry out the reaction in an atmosphere of nitrogen, which had been Card 2/4 previously freed from traces of oxygen. The authors have E') 3 6 ~ Z/009/60/000/04/004/041 E112/8253 About Liihium- and Sodium-Aluminium Hydride studied the separation of lithium and sodium aluminium hydride from the respective reaction mixtures and have also studied the solubility of sodium aluminium hydride in a mixture of benzene and tetrahydrofurane. They have established that the solubility of the product was 4.5 grms in 100 cc of the solvent consisting of two parts by volume of tetrahydrofurane to one part by volume of benzene. Sodium-aluminium hydride was obtained by crystallisation from this mixture in colourless tetragonal crystals of up to a few mms in size. The crystallography is described in another Czechoslovak publication. The authors warn against the danger of explosion at the final drying of sodium IIX aluminium hydride in vacuo. As a result of small-scale trials the authors then describe larger experiments, based on approximately 20 molar proportions. Experimental details and sketches of equipment are provided. The starting material, lithium hydride and sodium hydride were prepared according to Czechoslovak Patent 86.?22. Aluminium, tribromide was prepared according to Inorganic Syntheses, Volume III, page 30. The drying of the solvents is des- Card 3/4 cribed in great detail. For the preliminary drying an 8036,:-z Z/00,9/60/000/04/004/041 E112/E253 About Lithium- and Sodium-Aluminium Hydride alloy K-Na (60% to 4C%) is suggested. The final drying is carried out either with lithium aluminium. hydride as such, or with freshly prepared Grignard reagent. The yields of lithium-aluminium hyd-ride and sodium-aluminium hydride were 89 to 92% and 88 to 93% respectively, A table illustrating some reactions of sodium-aluminium hydride is given, Acknowledgments are expressed to T. Bart-ovsky' and VX/" P. Henge for their assistance in carrying out the here-described experimental work. There are 4 -figures, I table and 33 references, 19 of which are English, 2 Soviet, 5 German, 3 French, 3 Czech and 1 Belgian~ ASSOCIATION: Katedra anorganick6 chemie, Vysoka gkola chemicko- technologicka, Praha (Department of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Chemical Technology, Prague) SUBMITTED: December 15, 1959 Card 4/4 %st I-AAA. anA sMiijin aluminum h kit, sad. 00. JrA=WAX- 1 Ckx- PrAx 3 h V d a C Pet vs. 4k ( 5gi 4 r(6Wml. was owlydrol Onto 0 , 183 7(19W) -E A ro (2000 with the same vol of of ~ed allka Al ml . , Jr. d ure press yield) was sepd. by dista. in a N atin, at reduce Utto 15W mi.) preleicusly chied with Na-K alloy and 41std. l t M 0 2 i h 0 W - . e1 o .1 m0 H was boiled 0.5 hr. w t from From this Wa. Ste'.) was Lttd lo (20 m tdl!-t 16tO UH dwly rtmained In at. it goin. was It Until IM mi A~ . dm ped a soln. of jUBts fit CA preN. as f4a)ws: 1000 mWdl. . fr-, Nall ww.pouxed into 1067 g. melted If M. dl AlBro and A brairn-violet colbeof this solm was removed, g by a short bbilin'gwith LiH or NaH. When 1/s of the AlDrs soln. had been added to the LIH sola., an addal. am MI. of RtzO was di3td. frium MeMaBr into the reaction mixt. dur Ing addn. of the r-glaing AlBr4 soln. The reaction mixt was then cooled add cientrifuVA. From the oepara~T soln. solvent was &U. ad the water bath at atm. pressutre. Cryst. LiBr was nuiloved and the remainder of the solvent, was distd. off at 90'and 10-20 ram. Hg pressure. AIV drY N. 'ne Opemdons were carricki"6ut in an atm. of yield was 135-140 g jofpurity