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UZLOV, I.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; P41PODIKO~_H.V-. Character of the distribution of residual stresses in all-rolled railroad wheels. Trudy Inst. chern. met. AR URSR 18:30-31 '62. (NIRA 15:9) (Car wheels-Teating) (Strains and stresses) UZLOV, I.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; Methods of determining residual stresses in all-roLled railro&d wheels. Trudy Inst. chern. met. AN URSR 18:22-29 1062. (MIRA 150) (Car wheels-Testing) (Strains and stresses) PRIKHODIKD, G. - With all the heart. Prom. konp. no.12.-36 D 156. (W-u 10:2) 1. Zamestitelf prodsedatelya pravlaniya artall. imeni Zhdanova, g. Krasnodar. (Krasnodar--Retirement) PRIKHDDIKO, G. (g. Krasnodar) Story about our comrades. Prom.koop. 1? no-11:32-33 9 '58. (Kiasnodar-Affici-evoy'; Inditstrial)- (MIRA 11.011) PRIKHODIKO, G. (Krasnodar) -000=-. A progressive expert. Prom.koop. no.2:36 Y '57. (JURA 10:5) 1.Zameatitell predsedatelya pravleni7a arteli invalidov im. Zhdanova. (Trimaskin, Pavel Semenovich) PRIKHOD9KO9 G.s, zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR Hight level of medical services in a hospital. sots.strakh. 5 no.1128-9 N t62. 1. Nachallnik khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya pri No.2 Moskovskoy zheleznoy dorogi. (Hospitals-Ztaff) Okhr.tnida i (MM 15z12) d~~oy bollnitse BASALAYEV,, A.A., polkovnik meditsinskoy sluahby;.PPIKHODIKO, G.F., podpolkovnik meditsinBkoy sluzhby; IVARKIN,-P.K., po-,polkor-mik meditsimkoy al-uzhb7 Cases of tonsillitis of adenoviral etiology, Voen.-med. zhur, no.2-.48-49 165. (MTRA 18:11) S/19 62/000/003/061/0066 D271 YD3 01 AUTHOR: Prikhod'ko, G. G. TITLE: Operational frequency stabilization of high frequency oscillators with junction transistors PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 3, 1962, abstract 3-7-180g (V sb. 'Materialy Na- uchno-tekhn. konferentsii. Belorussk. resp. pravl. Nauchno-tekhn. o-va radiotekhn. i elektrosvyazi. K 100-letiyu so dnya rozhd. A. S. Popova.1 Minsk, AN BSSR, 1960, 77-94) TEXT: The influence of the supply circuit of the junction transis- tor on the frequency stability of oscillations is studied. The main reasons for the lack of frequency stability of transistor oscilla- tors are: DeDendence of the device transit angle on the supply cir- cuit, dependence of the outpUt capacity on the collector voltage and dependence of the feedback factor phase on the input current. -Frequency stabilizing methods, not using quartz crystals, are con- Card 1/ 2 S/19 62/000/003/0G1/066 Operational frequency stabilization ... D271YD301 sidered. It is necessary to choose the transistor so that the'work- ing frequency does not exceed 0.2f . It is of advantage to use common base arrangement. Thi-s ensures also the maximum frequency stability with temperature variations of reverse collector current. It'is necessary to choose trancistors with a small capacity of the col-lector junction, little dependent on Ei. Coupling coefficient of the circuit should be small. Optimal coupling between the transis- tor and the tuned circuit makes it possible to increase freq,,icncy stability by more than 30 times, and temperature stability by 5 times, or more. The application of phase correction in the f(!cd- back, circuit is recommended in order to bring the oscillation fre- quency nearer to the resonance frequency. This correction makeo it pgss'Lble to increase operational frequency stability by 10 times or more.- A T-type equivalent circuit of the transistor is usecl in the analysis. Such substitution brings satisfactory agreement with experiments, at frequencies up to 0.2 f . 9 references. Z-Abstrac- ter's note: Complete translation..7 Card 2/2. USSR/Htman and Aninal, Physiology (Nonml and Pathological). T-4 Blood Pressure. Hypertension. Abs Jour ; Ref Zhur - Biol.,, No 16, 1958, 74818 Author : Prikhodlko, G.M. Inst : Ukrainia-vi Scientific-Rescarch Institute of Clinical Medicine. Title : Sone Data on the Spread of HiLji Blood Pressure luwnE, Workers of Rai-lway Transport. Orig Pub : Materialy po obmenu nauchn. inform. Ukr. n.-i. in-t klinich. meditsiny, 1957, vn- Ij 132-134- Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 - 68 - Perovo Moskovskoy oblasti) Treatment of microtraumao. Yelld. i akush. Z5 n0-2:51-52 7 160. (KMA 13:5) (BANDAGES ANDBANDAGING) BUGOSLLVSKAYA, T.V., dots.; FRMODtKO -, G.M., dots; MAInTYLOVA, M.I. Kharlkov). Effect of reserpine on the course of nephritis and on renal function during the disease. no.l: 20-22 Ja-F'61 (M-IRA 16:11) 1. Wedra terapii No.2 (zav.-dots. T.V. Bugoslavskaya) Ukrain- skogo in-stitutiL usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i 12-ya gorboltnitsa (glavvrach - r. Kirichenko). t T, r! yp:~rtcni(- 4 u Ir L, Khar"r-,ni., in,A. Khar'*Kcv, 10"C. ~7,-,ort at it n .- - (Fji, ne,7nie of Canc!'A-te in "erlical, "ci~-nce-;) SO: Knizhnaya L-tnpi~~', 1:70 ly 10r'(. ACC NR, AP6013862 SOURCE COVE: W6073/6_5/0:~ 1 /011/ 1164/1 67 AM iOR: Klhimchen~o, Yu, I Ui'herg, Z F. ; PrIkhod lko, G. P. Ye. 1. Kabakchi ch A. P. ; Na- 0 RG -Institute of Physical Chemistry im, L. V. Plc~arzhevskiy, AN Ur'.rS:R ('.7nstl":ut TITLE~, ~ffq~~t~ of gamma irradiation on the structure of epoxy resin and metallopoly- mers SOURCE: Ukrainskiy kbimicheskiy zhurnal, v. 31, no. 11, 1965, 1164-1167 TOPIC TAGS: gamma irradiation, irradiation effect, epoxy plastic, metallopolym~'r material tibSTRACT: Infrared spectroscopy in the ralge of 600-2000 cm as used to determine 60 1;', the effect of Co gamma radiation on ED-5'--'epoxy-diane renins" and on metallopolymers froin these the rev-ins, a new band (corTe6ponding to carbonyl groups) was found at about 1720 cm-1 which increasro nub- stantially in intensity as -the irradiation was continued. At the same time, the inte- -1 band decreased. This is thought to be due to the gral intensity of the 915 cm opening of epoxy rings with the formation of carbonyl groups: UDC: 621.039.55 1/2 ACC NR: AP6013882 -CH- CH, Clf,-Gf- \ /' + \ // -v v 0 0 A dose of 4-1018 rad was found to docrease the content of epoxy groups by 23-211% in the ED-5 resin. Introduction of colloidal copper and lead leads to d greater reduct- ion in the number of epoxy groups (40% for 1% copper, 55% for 6% copper, and 60% for 5% lead). This suggests that during the irradiation, the colloidal metals cause an increase in molecular weight at the expense of the opening of epoxy rings. Orig. art.! has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 07)kk SUBM DATE: 30Jun64/ ORIG Rm 005 2 KHIMCIIENKO, Yu.I.; ULIBERG, Z.R.; PRIKIDODI.K.O.,.G.J.; IVANOVA, Ye.I.; FABAKCHI, A.M.; MELESHEVICH, A.P.; NAT,*ISOII, E.M. Effect of (-irradiation on the structure of epoxide resin and metal polymers based on it. Ukr. khim. zhur. 31 no. 11: 1164-1167 165 NIRA 19:1) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii imeni Pisarzhevskogo AN UkrSSR i Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR. L 0072h-67 hWT(M)/WP(J)/T IJP(C) IMM W C,_ Ap6o24845 soum, com uR/oo?3/66/o32/004/0366/0370 Ye. Kabakohit A. M.; Me-l-eshevichp & P.1 Natansong F. W.-__ OAGI Institute of General and Inorganto Chemistry* AN UkrSSR (Inatitut obahchey 1 3 neorgahichaskoy khWi-AN UkrSSR) TITLE: X-ray diffraction study of ED-5 epoxy-diane resin irradiated with C060 gamma rays and of meta3-lopolymers based on it SOURCES Ukralnskiy khimicheskiy zhurnalt v9 32t no# 4g, 1966*9 366-370 TOPIC TAGS1 metallopolymer materialp epoxy plastiop resing irradiation effeetp gamma irradiation ABSTRACTS The effect of gamma radiation on the molecular structure of ED-5 epoxy-,- diane resin and 1~4etallopc ers~t3repared#rom it and c9ptaining from I to 6% copper.ani 5% lead was using a URS-50 IdiffractometeiA%nd a scintillation method. : The irradiatien of purified uncured ED-5 resiiD and its mixtures with colloidal metals was,carried out on a UK-70 000klnitl~ith a Co6O activity corresponding to 70 000 g-eq of Ra). A distinct structure appeared in the resin as a result of the irradiations under the influence of the high-energy radiationg the highly dispersed copper was found to accelerate the ordering effect in the resin. An appreciable increase in the ~aegree of crystallinity was produced 4 the irradiation in the binary system ED-5 + 6% AUTHORS Klochkov,.V.1 P.; Shpigany A* A.; U19berg, Z. R Prikhod0ko, G*_E*; Ivanova, UDCs 621 L 00724-67 ACC NRt AP6OM45 copper. The combined influence of gamma radiation and colloidal lead on the structur-1 ization of ED-5 and the Interaction of the latter with the metal were much less pro- nounced than in the case of the system containing copper. Orig* art, haB1 5 figures# I tablep mid 2 formulae. SUB COM 11/ SUBM DATES OBJu164/ ORIG 004/ OM MF1 002 Card 212 afs 9 W WW W W I W 12 it W It I& I? Is I, X 1 11 11 a 14 6MOMPNIN 1, W D III v 0a OZO r IF a 14 1 a V V I I ZAA 0 M W Et k F Q A I IU I' --SO PIN zko - 0 Determiastim of sodium salts by th* motbod of H. 1111calter, V. 1,&nup-ptc., J. APPhad Cke". (U. S ', It 14. 4113 41KIL011 -A nuh6csaim - ~ I -* 0 *0 ir i tiler method (C. ~. 19. 641) fr detn. ( -is italts I. v.-, .Na'1fSW),. pptS 11 -* 0 lewl 1) Tj Co. of sald KJf0h0,, u4n. should 2k- uwd far 1) R mg. of %;,I. the ppt. thottid SO a be iuhed 3 tinics with ice water, instead o( with 30% ale. and shavild be di4%Wvvd in f 06 lict. 2,); -00 ISOI SO L.-O 0 1 8 " 1 1 6 r ~ 9 1 i AS IS ?too ta 0 A 4 -L A .1 VALLUPGK.L Llff#41111111 CLASSIFKATIO bi, U IN At S -T V J-6 I V 'It An I jow0 1 if a. q jj a I It ,In ,c a it Iq ig K n tr at at It t It& IS go** Is00 0 o 0 0 0 00 Is a* IS IS IS * 0 0 IS 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 040 SO 0 0 IS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0IS 48 0 0 0 S A I a 1 16 11 11 11 M Is 16 It is it a )I a n, x zi A A a ~x r Q, it 10 v a. Y--&- T-.L AA 0 M 9p a pp, SWubUity of "UM caybOOSIO 844 sodium sulfst* is Pot :0 at warims tompentures. G. V-Vx=qvKo- J. A PpIwd i 00 11932).- Soly. data an given for concm,,. of NaOff frunt 5 tj to 14W. it a 43 'A a x I'll t-2-1. 4. S ol I ence of sodium hydroxide wm I I' -S 5 H I S. A 3 .00 ~1% and for trtm~. fr,,rtt so* =00 00 00 r zoo so 1 W IF Ou 00 00 00 6i! A I a S L A Ot IALLuprICAL LITtQATWIC CLASUMATICO cf, 00 t~ a.( .3.. 00 N--&T 0 4-9 1 W U ft A- 03 IS: IV IV it ON K K d K U K ft U tr x WAS M 1 :14 IN A3 0 VM44 '41 t * 6 I : : 00 0 0 0 0 0 9 * f * : : : : : : : : : : *0 : : : : : : :, A I I la 1, q at 14 it w it to If x I (Ila 2JUJI A JL_j_A_ )I Q X Y-2- AA 0 P8 I K60-b Ko polik"junx by the inothadol him it, H % it I, IV ItrJ411A.121 lKlalimc It-fall it$, ~e I Not I,Y tilt 1-1111-1 IJ 0 is reliable, IF W-W if U P w .1 w I x &v u48 - 1, 4 e 1 4 1 o (romot-TI14411. lltl,, ..1 1, 1.. it-- ..I Ali * m"I Iq 1 1. 19, %. At 61 111' 1 -011 00 I ww 041 ass use a I A its 0 r -11- rt It v it It d It St It it El it [j, Ij n I %a AA L 9 1 ow o "o 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fo 0 4,0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 60*868069660*60009 000000000000000000 & 09 oooooooooooooooooo:oo00000000000000400:1::::o I o T2, 4. ~ 11 - ArA ac DlYGOl At a 0 CPO as TLNxi, UG"Wj, ai AT a Aftol.LS met IN-70maill InvolfrollW139 v I SS v oo-- OW .9.3 up tq P-opd pou -m rt"Vnw3 so OU *(tli'i'P)13HP-("*I*P)909'Hamdpampoitt 90 al Ort. 30 WH 18 09 Cliq in 'Panadsa s: I,)jj .(M?-= 39 *Irtm aqJ vq..q P. vg .99 0), 0o WH~/ 0 w C)" Supwd l(axop-act .0% wn.) 00 V T 'ICV'tllt '61OW VISAIV113 Sn"A P42"mI3 aqn~ v qv"; j!v Ajp q;Fa paqw 40S P" 04 M PAV P 'ITPU 'Pmfnba uv 'dMvj woo 1, zu"W Aq 7 0 0 no 10,09-1ml)(a 'W".V -6,04,7 PfA SPOAM ja Wp,,,PW PaWn 06 of 0- D0 so 00, s0- 00" 00 F 10 N A a Y- I v 0 1 x I -I T ADO a 64 c1 " it 11111461191 a Ij 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 big 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 6 4111, 0 'd If 4 )"t a if In a id a is rji,ji Nil mi) mis Joy 11mv .1 41.) ",L's If 4 If it A 11- L A-A-P- 9 X.-Al ~ 1- -11- T A 00 -F-lR-1 K 1`1 AW, -00 00 CaWytk Fed"m 61 dIAGIfift fma kYdl&iwk add. 1 .0* N1* 0. Kharmandar"yan and Q-Y-4VAhdk, gle 8 K"- ZA-- 0- Wi-Afth-'160 W71 (in ~ 71) -00 ('=)'--OPUMHW r"WIS all 07.K C1 wwC ObtalaW b 0 cat&IYUc decDrnpn. of IS-2D% HC1 at 370- and at & spgcf .3 of 30 1. Per hr. with a contact U,&Ill, ~. b 9 y pptg. a nalt. of nitmtes of Cu. Co. M. and Bi on fir-4,y and heating at Moo 'a " elec- own- Mk catalYst is i9med ith SO. and CO. Rlaw goo 00 cIe 0 AITALLU*GKAL LITINATtA CLASUPOCILTIOW 3,4 131131 CHO I. A --- ~, ;0 u 5 AV 10 ul- to *, In 41 In it, If it 19 00, 40 A VI " A, 1 8 ow 0 1 v 0 0 a 011A 0 a a 00 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 '6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so of 00 00 00 197 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 a 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 *1* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4' 0 0 so si PRIKHODIKOY I... traktorist; DREKHUN, A., traktorist; BREKHUN, M., traktorist 'You need know-how to raise a crop. Jell.nekh. no.3.-7-8 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Co3lective farms) FRIKHODIKO,-I. (Leningrad) Mechanization of the production of bode. Prm.kosp. n*.9:8 3 156. (Bode and bedsteads)' (KWA 9: 10) PRIMODIKO I.A,, kand. tekhm. nuu), Effect of the products of alkali deccrposition of and invert sugar on the coloring, viscosity and fi-Iter- ability of sugar solutions. Pishch. prom. no.2-:49-53 165. Omm% 18:11) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy imstitut pishchevoy prmiyslillennosti. BUMIN, N.A.; PRIKIIOD'A9,J-A.4-,FURS, V.S. Variants of technological flow sheets for the processing of Ukrainian kieselguhrs for the manufacture of filter powders. Trudy KTIPP no.24:55-58 161. (~aRA 15:6) (Ukraine-Diatomaceous earth) (Filters and filtration) BUZYKIN, N.A.; PRIKIIDDIKO, I.A.; FURSv V.S. Flow system for the processing of Ukrainian kieselguhrs for the production of filters powders. Sakh.prom. 35 no.3:48-50 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Kiyevskiy tekbnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti. (Kieselguhr) A. PIII'rIIOD'V0) 1. A.- "Developunnf, ol" .'I'chinirie for Obtainin,r, ,i 7~ tall I n,(-- Si.1-:3T, from Domentic ~'ujar anc.~ J.'lin of Hip,her UL;'*R, Kin'/ --'l _L ~' Me of Cnndidptr- Mlikwjan, Kiev, 91~.' (Dissertatiow For `et- of Food industi-y imeni A. I. u of Tec'r-nicall Scieric,,s) 'To SO: Knizzluiaya Letopis' , . 26, J,,--ie 1955, c;)w -1~9IKHQDLKOj_j.A. Effect of pectins and their alkaline decomposition products on the saturation coeffl4SOnts of sirups. Trudy KTIFP no .22:27-34 160, (MRA .14:3) (Sugar manufacture) (Pectin) GORB, T.F.; FOLYACHEIKO, M.M.;. FRIKHODIKO, I.A.; LUGOVAYA, L.N. Investigation of the suitabilit7 of Ukrainian kieselguhre to the needs of the sugar industry. Trudy XTIPP no.21:23-3p t59. (MIRk 14: 1) (Kieselguhr) (Sugar manufacture) IJPJAK, doltor tekhj,, nauk; BAFABANPI, M~T,, kr?.nd. tlekhn. nauk; J~ karn~`. teklut, naiik; PEYHODIVO, BOBRf)lJTllK L.11.)., t--khn. Reeearv.h work in the department of tile p c~ducticn ter:hnology sugary subst-an-.,es the. Kiev Te-!lr&.olcgl,:~al lratitute CS 1--he Fred Industry; on the wassi-on of the 35~1-11 apml.versaz~.~ of thp departme-rt. Fishob. prc.,rn. no.2,216.-225 165. (14TRA 18-11.) L. Klvevrkly insU*.'Ait pisljohr~--voy nosti.. GRISHCHZENKO, I.I. (Hryshchenko, I.I.1, prof.; STMIISLAVSKAYA, N.G. [Stanislavslka, N.H.), zasluzhennyy vrach USSR; CHERNIN, M.S.; PIUXWDIKO, I.A. [Prykhodlko, I.A.], ordinato.r (Kharikov) - - Expediency of u3ing present types of anesthesia in gynecological operations. Pod., akush. i gin. 23 nc.0':39-42 161. (MLiA 15:4) (AITESTILESIA) (GYIrECOLOGY) r 12-9 A F 0 -1M kindidat ,ek--"In-'6heBki'r-: t e:-', i -, i i c h e a k I Lch = auk ; P~M I N ,L, C I de t t -4 '~ i s PHITTOD'KO, 1.F., inz-ftener. Exnerimental investigation of f-.rcL:, )nrwneters duri-i- tKe rc,!--Jnp [Tynadjl TSN~-IVIAS of wide-flariged beari models. F no.,41:IR-54 J6. (M LRA 1 (RoLling (Mcchnnlt~q) 365 AUTHORS: Pobedin, I. S., Cand. Tech. Sc. and Prikodlko, I.F., Eng. (TsNIITMASh). TITLE: Mechanisms for marking blooms and slabs. (blekhanizmy dlya kleymeniya blumov i slabov). PERIODICAL: "Stal'" (Steel), 1957 14o.4, PP-333-340 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Various methods and schemes of mechanisation of marking blooms and slabs are described and illustrated with diagrams. It is concluded that the most suitable is the use of machines marking the metal on the roller table after shears. The machine should have a mechanised change of markings. The design of TsNIITMASh (Fig.8) is recommended for the purpose. There are 8 diagrams. B., kand, tekhn. nauk; PRIKHOOKO, I,?., Inzh.; STRYANOVICH, V.L., inzh. Universal flying shears. Test. mash. 38 no.1:42-47 Ja 1. Tftntrmllhoye konstruktarokoye byuro Hinisteretva mas- -astro- eniya i Tftxitral'Wy nanahno-Iseledovatel'skly inatitat tekhnologii i mashinostroyemiya. (Shears (Machine tools)) DR02b, V.G.; PRIKHODIKO~ I.F. New roll stands for shape mills. Metallurg 5 n0-5:31-35 MY 160. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy insitut metalloobrabotki i mashinostroydniya. (Rolling mills) FOBEDIN$ I.S... kand.tekhn.nauk; PRIKHaDiKo. I.F., inzh.; REVUNOV, V.I., inzh. Slippage of strips in the rolls. Stall 2-2 no*3.-2.46-248 Mr 162 OHIRA 150) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliekiy institut metallurgi- cheskogo mashinostroyeniya. (Rolling (Metalwork)) 8/137/61/000/007/023/072 Ao6o/Aiol AUTHOR: Prikhodlko, I. F. TITLE: Rolling of met-al sections with increased precision PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no, 7, 1961, 7, abstract 7D44 ("Tr. Konferentsli: Tekhn. progress v tekhnol. prokatn. proiz-va". 8verdlovsk, Metallurgizdat, 1960, 401-417) TEXT: To roll metal sections with increased precision in planishing and preplanishing stands, it is recommended to use rolls with L/D - 1.75 and for precise rolling dimensions L/D = 0.5 - 1. At such L/D the elastic deformation of the rolls is considerably reduced. Stands of a new type without frames are described (the rolls are positioned in massive cushions shackled together with bolts). In such stands the elastic deformation is mainly determined by the bending of the rolls. Roll changing in such stands takes a long 'time and there- fore is carried out by changing the stands. In Sweden, while rolling a wire of 5.5 mm diameter a precision of 0.1 mm was attained on such stands. A. Bulanov [Abstracter."s note: Comple-te translation] Card 1/1 s/13-3/60/00()/009/00--'~~"I-).I AOr-4/AO12'9 AUTHOR- Prikhod'ke, I.F., Engineer TITLE; New Designs of Rigid Stands for Rolling Mills PMIODICAL..- Stal', 1960, No. 9, pp~ 81.9-824 TM. The rigidlty of rolling mill stands can b,; achieved by inorgasing the rigidity. of its parts, by decrea3ing the number of parta which have to carry the pressure of the metal on the roll and, especially, by eliminating any gkDs between these parts. Based on a type produced by SKF, In the TBIS-M., S.P. GranovSki. and B.I. Kozlov designed prest--e!,sed stands for tha 100 type Mill of the Rlckle and Hammer" Plant, for the 3,50 type mill of the Stalinskiy T etallurgichess-kiy zavod..-(Stalino Metallurgical Plant) and fir a high-sp,--ed wire m rolling mill (Reffs. 3~,A).--In-the 300 type, the upper and lower supports are connected with thick bolts on both sides of the rollers, with a force surpas.- sing 'that exerted on the roll neck during rolling. By applying this previous load, any gap between. 'he antifriction bearings mounted in this machine and rhe connecting elements is"eliminated. in determining the load Po working on the bolt, the following formula was appliedz C b Card 1/3 S/133/60/000/009/006/Oi5) Ao54/Ao2g New Designs of Rigid Stands for Rolling Mills where V = the force of prestressing the. bolts, kg,- P = the load working onj the connecting pax~ts; Cb = the r-4gid1ty of the bolt; Cp = the rigidity of the connecting parts (Abstracter's note: the subscription b stands for d ~,~,Olt) and p (part) is the translation of the original A (detal2)). For prestre~Esed stands V is generally equal to (1.2 - 1.5) P and the relation CD/Cb is 6-io. Under these conditions the load on the bolts increases only by 10-6 % and if the pressure oscillations do not exceed 10-20 % which can be obtained lr~f Improv.- hr v_,v, th%~ defor- Ing the heating conditions of the metal and tne rolling tec-iolo mation of the suoPcrt system can be regarded as constant. Tfle waxirw)a i load c-n ~ e zvappo:t5 for the mill in question was 24 t, and 12..6 was applied rjre- th str-=s-z each 'bolt- 1rhe slearance bpitlqeen the rolls on prestressed stands d15-- pends on it5 deformation, on the clearance in the antifrl-,zional bearing-- and between the bushes and ziapports, Wh.Gn t.-,C- dimensions of the variouB parts ai-e chosen adequately, the total alearance will not exceed 0.3-0.5 murr. w-11-tch is se- veral times lower than for conventional Etands. In the TsK&W. a new type waE also designed for the universal finisning stand of the 350 type intermed-1 ete shape mill of the Stalino Metallurgical Plant, fFig. 4), a description of w'-VLJ-ch Card 2/3 S1133160100010,09100610j5 A054/AO29 New Designs of Rigid Stands for Rolling Mills is given. The maximum load working on this type of stand was about 20 t, the prestressing force applied on the bolts was 16-5 t, the clearance between the rolls could be eliminated with an accuracy of 0.02-0.05 mm and was kept at this value during operation. The prestressed stands, the prestressing process car- ried out with winches, plunger and oil pressure, furthermore some American, Swedish and Western German mills of similar design, the experience gained in the production of spring steel strips and round steel products on the new types of mill are described. There are 5 figures and 7 references: 1 English, German and 3 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: VNIIMETMASh Card 3/3 nwIN, I.F.; GRITSUK, N.Y. Trends in the development of guide equipment. Metallurg 5 no-3:17-22 Mr 160. (MM 13:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy naucbno-isoledovatellakiy inatitut metalloobrabotki i stroyeniya i Magnitogorskiy metallurgichaskiy kombinat. (Rolling mills) PRIKHODIKO, I-F-; MIN, V-P.; IVANOV, Yu.G. Wear-resiatant materials for the manufacture of roller bearings for the equipment of rolling mill fittings# Metallurg 5 no.8:27-31 Ag 160. (MM 13:7) 1. Voesayuzrqy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut metalloobrabotki i mashinostroyeniva. (Rolling mills)' (Roller bearings) Ilk 18-5100 0 -1,", /'l 4 , -, - 60 3 - 123 J_ AUTHORS: Fedin, V. P., PrIkhod Iko, I. Grits'.-i1c, 11. F. TITLE: Concerning Trends in the Development of' Guides and Repeaters PERIODICALi Metallurg, 1960, DIr 3, PP 17-22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Bef~ore 1950 rolling mills were equipped with slider- types only. At preBent rollet-type 1:,uldes ar-~- added to the above. Existing guid(~s are classii'ied accordinv; 0: position in stand; (2) design of cz~rade units.; (3) type of fr1_'_ctj_on between strip and elemnents. Roll pass design has a considerabitJ effect on the design of entry guide units. Delivery ,,uides prevent bendincr of' strip ei-,do arid secure correct entry Into repeater. In rol."Ling oh, pe.! and vallo, 111-der-type Ll,uides are used. ThIs !_::1, justif'1i.ed lby 11-h~-. sijriplicity of' ,3 well a-, for'~~ir--n such guides. In Sovlet a. U - , roller 6LIide,,, vilth one palr, of (OLic1h as entry Card 1/5 boxes wit.1i roliers set on fl,-jt sDr'n--;) are popular. - L ~,, Concerning Trend,- in the Devel(Tiflurlt, of Guides and Rcpe;-~-,.tei-3 e") Simil:-u, des arc, ii,-, at mills of Mapnlil Chelyabinsk, "llallceyevo, Sta-liao, K-,ivol~r "Serp i Molot." Metuallut7gical 'Chell,a*b`;,-,-..~,!.y, Malceyevskiy, Stalinskiy, K~~ivorozh.,Aciy molot" :~av-o(ly). it., I v- r., eas,r (jt!pendability, IL'urc-C.'. In pl-tli~-!,ru, StrIp i~ollevs. For ,,imple sit.,Np L~ es (vounds and squares) funnel-t,~jpe guides ave recommiended, a.s designed by N. F. Gritsuk (see Fig. 2). Card 2/ 5 iii thO., Vuldeo and, P/- Z Fig. 2. Recelvilw,' fullnel; (1) bol; Cunnel; Card 3/5 setting bar; (4) clamp. Coric e rning Trends In the of, 7 6! Guides and Repeatera Card 11/5 S. V. mc-relcln the 1.ule of were eventUa.11Y modernized at Malceyevo Me"'alluvil;-Ical Plant uDon the proposal of V. F. LaL;an6icly and 1K. V. Ki.tchevskly. Roller straightene--; set beh-m.11, t"), Vvovi tvihmitil,' Th,-, III,!. and prQ10 I'll I GY the clux-ahiLit..; f-11' mU-1-ri 1-i V~ P,-- this connection rc;llers, froi,,i ray aiLdl Iron with chlllc,~d surface as wi--11 Crc,~m low medii,mi carbon Stec.~l Twith 8iii,face 1b:j T.-.*,1-114, Ts-1 arid Ts-2 hard-alloy electrodes; are u:,ed. Thes--- rollers are reconditioned by repeatue(d harci-iacin~,, directly -1-ri th~c shop. Rolle r - L~jpe t-!,uldes act~ part I-cula veccmim(~ndc -d i'or f',"fL. -tands of' rolliru,,- , mill; for metals and alloys v; I i i c i iaj,(~ vevy scratch.lrij,. 1L,,_,J Cow arid rod avi-, of Concei,nlnj.~ Trend-u In thf- D-veiopirwnt of GUIdus I-Lrid flepeatei:-.; ASSOCIATION: SOVL30-60-3-12//~.D Therefore., sli&-,r-type. entry Lruides are preferred. Their wear resistance Is increased bir 7.5 to 13 5 times by chroniZln,r,,' or boronating, work surfaces. In this respect, the authors recommend a study Of t~ie experience Of Such advanced countries as the UnIted States and Sweden. There are 6 figures. All-Union S(~ientll`lc Research Institute Of.* Metallur.,ical Machinery and Ma-,rnituoL~orslc Metallurgleal Conab-Ine (Afl.-IIIMETMASli) Card 5/t; EYT 2 f L 39728-66 T" 1ACC NR- AP6007189 SOURCE CODE: Ul'/017(;/6"3/oici/002/022-~/'C)227 AUTHORS: Levin, Ya. A.; Prikhod1ko, I. M. (5 ORG: none TITLE: The temperature of a.thi n body under a periodic change in the heat ~r~sfer! coefficient and in the ambient temperature EOMCD.- 1nzhenerno-fiziche_3L-iy zhurnL1, Y_ 10,. no~ 2, 1066, 22c;-?2_7 TOPIC TAGS: heat transfer, temperature distribution, periodic coefficient, heat transfer coefficient ':ABSTRACT- The heat transfer to a thin body under a periodically varying heat transfer coefficient cc and ambient temperature tc ib investit-,ated. The analysio is carried out in two steps. Firat, the solution ii3 fiDi3nd for thc! firgt period of i the oscillation in c( and tc. To thia end, Lhe cin-vos of rx (1r) and t,(r) 11r,r) japproximatod by straigfit linou. 'flit? aecond atep tri the calexi-ation consistf3 of determining -the temperature of the thin object at fhe end of zaij period of the oscillating ct and tc. To do this, the propertieu of second-order inver8e ;sequences are used. This leads to the equation !--Card -UDC: 536.244 L 3972-M6 '-1P6007189 ACC im. tab," + fal(l + b) I (I - 0). b e x p + a, (xi - T 0 + a till -exp(-kal, -ci))exp -kfu,(-r, -T,) +(13 (T3+ + an (rn - -vn- e x p kEL2 (T3 - T I)X X ex -rP -1 + Un (In P k T2~ + (LA (r4 13) ex p h an (-n This solution is applicable to regenerator fillings, turbine blade.,,, t-nd )Lh~r i~'- n 1~ ~body problems. Orig. art. has, 7 eqtiaLionn wid -1 fi&ntro. ~SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: ~May65/ ORIG REP.- 002 ,Card 2/2 PRIKHODIKO, I.S., ilah. Designing and constructing C0014ng towers. Prom. stro'. 4-1 no.8: U. - 44-46 Ag 164. (MIRA, :L7-.I:L) SOV/124--58--3- 3466 Translation from: Referati%-nyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 3, p 126 (USSR) AUTHORS: Khrapov. M. M. , Korole%, A. A. , Pobedin, 1. S. Prikhod'ko, 1. F. TITLE: Experimental Investigation of.Force Parameters During the Rolling of Models of Wide 7,,ffanged Beams (Eksperimental'noye issledovaniye silovykh paiarrietrov pri prokatke modeley shirokopolochnykii balok) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Prokatn, stany. Nr 8, Moscow, Mashgiz, 1956, pp 38--54 ABSTRACT: Total and specific pressures as well as the torque required in the rolling of shaped products consisting of wide--ilanged beams measuring 75x75 mm were measured on the laboratory mill TsKBMM-23 at the TsNIITMash (Central Scientific Research Institute of Technology and Machinery). Carbon pressure sensors were employed in the measurements. The results of the measure- ments are substantially at variance with calculated data (ref. V sb. - Prokatn. stany. Nr 8, Moscow, Mashgiz, 1956). Card 1/1 K. N, Shevchenko VOLKOV, Oleg Mikhaylovich; PRIKMDIKQ, Leonid Leonidovich; MAKAROV, V.M., red.; KOMNOV, A.S., red.izd-va,- LELYUKEM, A.A., tekhn. red. - [Fire prevention measures in the operation of electronic calculating machines] Pozharnaia profilaktika pri ekspluatatsii elektronnykh vychislitellnykh mashin. Moskva, Izd-vo M-vo kommun.khoz. RSFSR, 1962. 50 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Electronic computers) (Fire Drevention) PRIKHODIKOI I.G.0 inzh. SVA-;----. 2 Se propelled draining unit. Stroi. truboprov. 6 no-3:31 mr 161. (KIRA 14:3) (Drainage) (Pipelines) PRIKBODtKO, I.M. Temperature fleld of a plate with a heat-transfer coe ff4Cien- ar-I A. 6 environment temperature varying with time. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; av.tekh. 6 noJ-.21~27 163. (KMA 16:10) 133-1-3/28 AUTHOR: Prikhodlko, I.P. and Levshin, B.A., Engineers. TITLE: On the Designing of Blast Furnace Skip Hoists (K proyektir- ovaniyu skip o vykh pod"yemnikov domennykh pechey) PERIODICAL: Stall, 1957, B0.2, PP. 584 - 586 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a criticism of the paper by Ya.F. Chelltsov and G.A. Dubrovin (Stall, 1956, No.9). There are 2-figures and 2 Slavic references. ASSOCIATIO.N: Giprostall AVAILABLE: Library of Congress uard 1/1 ~ -'- - - ~ - New machine for ch:Rngina ad:- tuyert!~ in A b1ast furnance. Me -t i gornor,ud. prcm. no.5-~13-11, 5-.Cj 10-1. fMIRA 18.7)' FFIKEODIKOp I.S., inzh, Using large slabs to cover industrial buildings. Prom. stroi. 42 no.5:44-45 165. (MM4 18; 8) GVOZD.EV, A.A., prof., doktor takhn. nauk; MMAYLOV. V.V., prof.; DMITRIYEV, S.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KAIATUROT, B.A., kand. teldm. nauk, starshiy nauchzWy sotradnik; TABBNXIN, W.L., inzh.; KOSTYUKOVSKIY, M.G., ksnd. tekhn. nauk; VASILITEV, B.F., inzh.; pri uchastii kand. tekhn. nauk O.Ya. BIM i inzh. I.S. PRIKHCODIKO; TEMKIN, L.Ye., inzh., red.; PVTROVA, V.V., red. tekhn. red. [Instructions for designing prestressed reinforced concrete structures] Instruktaiia po proektirovaniiu predvaritellno napriazhennykh zhelezobetomWkh konstruktaii (SN 10-57); utverzhdena Gosudarstvennym komitetom Soveta Ministr'ov SSSR po delam stroitell- stva 14 oktiabria 1957 g. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-r7 po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1958. 239 Pe (HIRA 11:5) 1. RuBsia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudaretvennyy komitet po delam stroitelletva. 2.1aboratoriya teorii shelazobatona i armatury i Laboratoriya predvaritellno napryashennykh konatrukteiy Hauchno- iseledovatellskogo instituta betota i zhelezobe'tona Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitek-tury SSSR (for Oyozdev, Mikhaylov, Dndtriyev, Kalaturov). 3. GosudarstvenW institut tipovogo proyek~irovaniya i tekhnicheskikh issledovaniy Glavetroyproyekta (for Tabenkin, Kostyukovskiy, Vasillyev). 4. Deystvitellnyy Alen Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Gvozdev, Mikhaylov) (Prestressed concrete construction) PRIKHOD I KO Av D. The chemical stability of rhenol plastics. V. The cause of different behavior of resi A. D. Solco or DO ns in 2Zi-dj and other reagents p ff. S. Zarubi anaK Prikbodlko. J. Applied Chem . (U.S.S.M 13* 1687-98(iq French, 1698)(lgzrl-- Resins prepd. from 5 mols. of PhOH and 10 mols. and 6 mols. of HCHO were treRted with 25, 50, 75 and 96%, H0040 lop 20 and 30% ILCI, &OH of various conens. and water. The resins did not change in wt. in 20-30% HCI, in 25-50% H2SO4, nor in 70% AcOH. No change in wt. was observed in resins (596 mols.) tre,-.".ed with 30% CaCl soln. nor exposed to air contg. 62-70% moisture. These equil. points could F e-'J-19iifted by thermal treatment to the region of more concd. acids, or by an addn. of water to mora dile acids. Prolongation of press treatmont of resins decrea3ed the free PhOH content in resins end increased the water content. Thereforep.,the formation of resins was accompanied with sepn. of water (polycondensation). The behavior of resine in acids and CaC12 was conditioned by the water vapor'pressure over these solns. Thusp resins In solns. of high vapor pressure swelled; In solns. of low vapor pressure, they lost wt. A.A. Podgomy V1JLIKH, A.I.; PRIKHODIKO, L.D.; MAKCVFTSKIY, M.I. Preparation of unhydrous lithium hydroxide and ox-ide from c;njstic lithium monohydrate. Prom.khim. reak. i osobo chist.veshch. nc.2- 23-26 163. (MIRA 17:2) SOV/1313-50---3/50 C, AUTHORS: Lukash G. Gr~rbanev, Ye-S, Prikhod`k-Zlo) I. D. G-alyga- D.V. ------------- TITLE: A Study of the Movement of Materials in a Blast Furn-:ice Usine Rad:1eact-4-.-e Indicait,,,-rs (Izu~;Leniye dvizherli-ya materialov v doi.-.ennoy re;s-hi s pomoshch'yu rad--;, Oak 'CivnYLL indikatorcv) PERIODICAL. Stal'', 1958~ Nr 8,; pp 682 -- 687 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The a1io,,e, irivest-igation ,fias carried out usiriE radioactive ph~~sphc.r.~s and cobalt xhich were enciosed in lumps of limestf.~ne. --oke and steel shellS, (Figure 1) on 6io furriace--, 0-oeratins v.,i1-.h a 1O(Y1'0' burden (3TIo' of fluxed sinter. CaO/SfO- = 0.0). Rad-icactive specimens were introduced into the furnace thrc,--LCh a pipe (F-iF-.,ure 2) at the~followii.-- distances frorn the inurall: 110, 460, 860~ 1 3?011 2 2~O and 3 1,1;0 mnm. The rate of descent was deiermined eii;her the al.-,pearance, of radioactivity in the iron (samples were taken at the beginn-inL:-, middle and the erid of the casting) or us-,-nF, ccii-aters en,-,losed in Vlater-cooled probes Rigui-e 2) wh-ich could b,:D introduced at various furnace le-,rels (F-Jgu--e 3). VhE el-pe-riment-al results axe Liven .n Tabl-es 2-4 and Fiezi-res 5~ 6 ar-d It fourad t.,:--+,-; Uardl/3 ;"0 A Studi of ~Ihe Llloveme-t of 11- !7 1~, ijsin~~ Radioactive Ind~ to _3 1 undell normal o-,~r-,:~ in; colicIiuioris, burden materials descend at, a r~tt~~ on tl---e perinhery arLd at ~-:t maximwa ove.-. ~-Iie -f :combustion ol" coke in front of tuyeres. Lican rate2. o-f descent of materials in the -ser .-J.cii v~wry U furnace e ess ~I - Under certain conditions he maximum rate ol' d;--'.~,_,ent --an ar)r)ear in the central zone; 2) the distri'_-.ation of the maximum. rate of descent alonC the furnaj;e height-. was as follows: up -to 10 m/h in the top part, in the middle part of the stack up to 4-5 m1h and in the bcttami third of -the stack up to !_~.5 m/hi 3) deviations of the path of materials fron, vert;~zl could not be determined by the set-up used in the experimeritusi 4) the a,7tual deviations of the paths of the individual burden coinpoo.ents ---an tak-e place not only towards v.,idening of the stack but also towords zones -,,iith a maximum rate of descent; 5) the most economical operation of the furnace was shara,3terised by the following distribution of niean relative -i;-eiocities of the descent materials Qard2/3 SOV/133-52-8-3/30 A Study of the Mo-.,-ement of Eate-rials in a Blast Furnace Radioactive Indicators Distanc-= from the inwall of 0-200 400-1 000 1500-2000 cen;cre the Mean relative velceity. 80 100 95 85 MM/Min 6) t1le overtak-5ng in tirte of coke by limestone during the des.;ent frow. the sto,.-.k level to tuyere level is about 10 - 30 min. The maxin'ium overtaking relates to sectors with a minijmum rate of descent. There are 4 tables and ? fig-ures. ASSOCIATION: Zaved "Azovstal"T ("Azovstal"' Wcrks) Card 3/3 1. Blast 2- Radioisotopes-.-Appl-'Lcition!- LUKASHEV, G.G., inzh.; GORBANEV, U.S., inzh.~,; ]~RIKHODIKO, L.D., imzh.; GULYGA, D.V., inzh. Studying the flow of materials in blast furnaces by means of radioactive tracers [with summary in English]. Stall 18 no.8: 682-687 Ag '58. (MIRA 11:8) 1.Zavod "Azovetall." (Blast furnaces) (Radioiaotopes--Industrial applications) STAMHINOV, D.N., kand.tokhn.nauk) LEDEDEV, A.Yu., kurxI.tokhnriauk; LUKASHOV, G.G.P inzh.; SAVELOV, N.L. inzh.; TAPASOV, D.A., inzh,; SUPRUN, I.Ye., inzh,- TIKHOMIROVJ, Ye.N., inzh.; SINITS-WIY, V.D., inzh.; GORBANEV, Ya.S., irzh.; PR.IKHOD;KO, L.D.., in2h. OpeIration of a blast furnace wit1i a capacity of 1513 M3- Biul- TSIIGHM no.9al.6 '-60. (MIRA 15;4) (Blast furnaces) SOKOLOVSKAYA, V.Ai---.PRIKHODIKO, L.F. (Dnepropetrovsk) Treatment of chronic cholecyatAtJA and cholecyntoangiocholitio. .'I*.',I Vrach. d4o no.2:63-65 F 161. OAIRA -U,.3) '(OALL BWDEI~-DjSFJSES) OBRUGHLY, Vladimir Afanaslyevich, akademik; OBHUCHEV, S.V., ctv. red.; PRIKYOD'KO L.I., red. [Popular geology] ZanimatelInaia geologiia. Moskva~ Nauka, 1965. 342 p. (MTU, 18:10) 1. Ch-len-korrespondent MI SSSR (for Obmichev, S.V.). (k)/EDIT (m)/DIP(e) /DjT(t)/ETI 1JF(c) JD/JG L 37704-66 EW _WCC NRI AP6017098 64) SOUICE 'CODE: Uit/0226/66/000/001/0017/0022 AUTHOR: Prikhodsko, L. I. ORG: Kiev Polytechnic- .'Institute (Kiyevskiy politeknicheskiy institut) TITLE: Investigations of conditions for obtaining materials on the basis of.boron and aluminum nitrides SOURCE: PDoshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 1, 1966, 17-22 TOPIC TAGS: boron compound, aluminum compound, nitrogen compound, powder metal sintering, aluminum nitride, boron nitride compound, -ze-erieta- jeF.51,5r'P?AJC_4 ABSTRACT: The conditions for obtaining B--Al--N sinters by sintering BN + Al and AlN + B powders in a nitrogen atmosphere were investigated. The investigation supplements the results of an earlier investigation by L. I. Frikhod1ko (Izvostiya KPI,, Seriya meklianiko-teklinologiches[Wa. 1~65). The dependence of the density, porosity, and the fraction of reacted aluminum as a function o'L the sintering temper- ature and pressure was determined. The electrical resistance of the specimens was also determined. The experimental results are summarized in graphs and tabl (see Fig. 1). Materials of highest density are obtained from V, AlN and B powders.1 The obtained specimens are porous (no shrinkage occurs during sinteringT-andhave a Card Ek= L 377oh-66 ACC NRt AP6017098 -43 N.MP Fig. 1. Dependence of the electrical resistivity on the temperature: 1 - AlN; 2 - BN; 3 - 50% B + A114 (for nonporous specimen); 4 - 501%' B + AlN; 5 - 50% Al + BU. 0 higher electrical resistivity than pure boron or aluminum nitride. Orig. art. has: 1 table and 6 figures. SUB CODEz 11/ SM DATE: 20Mar65/ ORIG REF -. OU L 05902-61 ENT, (c) /0HP (k) /EIP (h) 12.-IT (d) (1) TJP (c) R H ACC NRz AT6016339 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/3183/65/000/001/0014/0021 ~AUTHOR: Prikhod1ko, L. S. (Engineer) !ORG: None TITLE: A statistical method for adjusting the durability of automobile assemblies 1with regard to road conditions SOURCE: Kharkov. Avtomobillno-dorozhnyy. institut. Av-tomobillnyy transport; mezhvedom- stvennyy respublikanskiy nauchno-tekhnicheskiy sbornik, no. 1, 1965, 14-21 ~ TOPIC TAGS: automotive industry, vehicle engineering, vehicle component, highway vehicle data, durability, statistic analysis, reliability engineering 14 ABSTRACT: A statistical method is proposed for correcting the service life of assem- blies in automotive vehicles depending on operating conditions, using the engine as a representative unit. A formula is derived for the total energy expended by the en- gine during its entire service life with regard to the specific rotational velocity of the crankshaft. This formula is used together with an expression for the energy ex- pended by the engine per revolution of a wheel of the vehicle under specific operating conditions to derive a formula for the service life of the engine with regard to op- erational conditions in terms of the mathematical expectations for the distribution series of torque and specific rotational velocity under average and specific operat- ing conditions. This formula is used together with data for distribution oil specific Card ACC NR: AT6ol6339 rotational vellcity and percent utilization of torque developed by the engine in the GAZ-51 vehicl~.J with a useful load of 2.5 tons under various road conditions to deter- mine maximum range before overhaul and service life adjustment coefficients for the engine under specific operating conditions with respect to average conditions assumed as unity. The results are tabulated r various types of roads. The data agree satisfactorily with present standards set by the Mini.~try of Highways and Automotive Transport RSFSR. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 2 tables, 16 formulas. 0.4- - SUB CODE: 13, XF/ SUBM DATE: None/ ORIG REF: 008 kh Card ACC M AT01634o ISOr tM/3183/65/000/001/0033/0038 c5E CODE: jp JD AUTHOR: Prikhodlko, L. S. (Engineer); Selyunin, V. M. (Engineer) 7 ORG: None TITLE: A mobile laboratory for studying working conditions and wear of automobile assemblies SOURCE: Kharkov. Av-tomobillnodorozhnyy institut. AvtomobilInyy transport; mezhvedom stvennyy respublikanskiy nauchno-tekhnicheskiy sbornik, no. 1, 1965, 33-38 TOPIC TAGS: testing laboratory, wear resistance, automotive industry, radioactivity measurement ABSTRACT: The authors discuss a mobile laboratory developed by the Kharkov Automobile Highway Institute for studying the effect of road condition on the operational in- dices of straight and articulated trucks. The GAZ 0. -51 truck and LZK trailer were used to house this unit. -The unit has two functions: 1. to determine the parameters of automobile assembikorking conditions by mathematical statistics; 2. determine assem bly and parts wear 8y the radioisotope method. Electric pulse transducers are used for registering information of assembly working conditiono and the signals are re- corded by an oscillograph. Parts wear is determined by registering the level of radi- ation in the oil given off by the wear particles of irradiated parts. Diagrams are L 05903-67 ACC NRt AT6016340 given for the various components. The average test run for the mcbile laboratory is 1500 km. The results from such runs show that all equipment is reliable and enough data are obtained to warrant statistic processing. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB COLE: 13/ SUBM DATE: Nonel ORIG REF: 002 kh L47-rd ACC NR, AR6035423 CODE:- UR /0137/ 66/000/009/100 3/ 1003 AWHOR: Prikhod'ko, L. I. ................. TITLE: Prospects of producing materials with special physical properties in the aluminum--boron--nitrogen system SOURCE:, Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 9114 REF. SOURCE: Vest. Kiyevsk. politekhn. in-ta, Ser. mekhan.-tekhnol., no. 2, 1965, 59-63 TOPIC TAGS: boron, aluminum, nitrogen, metal alloy, nitride, crystal lattice structure, melting point, hardness, resistivity ABSTRACT: Boron and aluminum are isoelectronic atoms and when nitrides are produced* they can-form the tetrahedral ion configuration sp3 by acceRting one electron from the N atom. The produced ions with configuration.B - 2s'2p,', Al - 3s13p3, 11 - 2s'2p3 can, as in the diamond lattice, form tetrahedra. In the AM compound, the Al atoms can be replaced by boron and this results in an alloy vith high melting iemperature, high hardness, and high electric resistivity. Resume (Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 11 Card UDC:';-6 USSR / Farm Animals, Cattle (Small) Q-3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1958, 7183 Author : V. I. Oryel, G. I. Smolina, T. Ye. Shilina, N.V.Zhma- kina, Prikhodlko, j'r ve,'-seyeva, O.S. Shir- yayeva, A---S7e-r-geybva. Inst :Starvopol Agricultural Institute Title :The Effect of Full Value Protein Feeding on the Thickness of the Wool of Soviet Merino Ewes Two to Twelve Months Old. Orig Pub: Sb. riauchno-issled. rabot stud. Stavropol'sk. s-kh. In-t, 1956, vyp. 4, 79-81. Abstract: With biologically full value protein feed the active growth of wool in young ewes occurs at the age of 2 weeks to six months. Card 1/1 19 ZIL I BWARB 3 M. 1. . kand. tekhn.nauk. 5 JRR~MJOD 1 9 M-Indshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik. Diffusion zinc plating. Trudy NIIKH324-MSH no.28:95-123 159. (HIRA 15:6) (Zinc plating) UVkROVA, Z.A.- PRII-aiODIKO, L.S. 2--=-- - -- P,hysical and biochemical characteristics of the ripening and storage of millet. Trudy Inst. bot. AN Kazakh. SSR. 12:161-168 162. (hqRA 15:5) (Kazakhstan-41illet) L A6112-66 ACC NR: AT6022899 SOURCE CODE: [JR/3183/66/oooiOO2/0025/0031 AUTHOR: Prikhod1ko, L. S.,(Engineer) ORG: Kharkov Automobile-Highway Institute (Kharlkovskiy avtcmobillno-dor6zhnyy institut) TITLE: The effect of roads on the working conditions of automobile components and their service life SOURCE: Kharkov. Avtomobil'no-dorozhnyy institut. Avtomobillnyy transport, no. 2, :1966, 25-31 TOPIC TAGS: h iABSTRACT: The author studies the effect of road surfaces on the working conditions iof automobile components and their service life. Tests conducted at the Kharkov :Automobile-Highway Institute show that the parameters of loading and high-speed work- :lng conditions of automobile components conform to the Charlier-Chebyshev distribu7 .tion law and that loading cycle parameters are governed by discrete random value dis- !tribution laws. The random nature of parameter variation under operating conditions indicates that there are definite relationships between parameters which may be ex- I I ipressed as correlation equations. GAZ-51 and ZIL-16h vehicles were used to determine :the relationship between the average operating speed, engine rpm, torque at the Card 1/2 L 46112-66 ACC NFti AT6022899 driven wheel, shifting, clutch operation, braking and engine operation smoothness for 100 kin runs. Correlation equations are given for these relationships. The close re- I lationship between the given parameters is confirmed by a correlation coefficient and r correlation ratio of 0.6-0.85 and 0.14-0-78 respectively. Four classer, of road , are considered. The service life of automobiles travelling on first class roads is assumed to be 1. The author uses a method proposed in the literature for determining the theoretical service life correction factors for continuous operation of automo- bile components. These factors are 0.77 for second class roads, 0.615 for third class and 0.54 for fourth class. A comparison of theoretical and expe..-imental data shows close agreement. It is found that the parameters of working conditions are the determining factors in evaluating durability and reliability of automobile assemblies. Correction factors with respect to given operational conditions can be determined from the absolute values of these parameters. Such factors can be also determined or new automobile designs, providing that parameters of the basic components under ioperating conditions are known. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 3 formulas, 2 tables. 'SUB CODE: 1*4-*W SUBM DATE: None/ ORIG REF: 003 Card -PRMODIKO, M.A., inzh. Centrifugal compresbor with small productive-,diLpacity and relatively high degree of compression. Izv. vys. ucheb.'igav.; energ. 5 no-9:94-102 s 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Leningradskiy korablestroitellnyy institut. Predstavlena kafedroy sudovykh vapomogatellnykh mekhanizmov. (Compressors) SALIKHODZHAYEV, S.S... kand. ined. nauk; PRIKHODIKO, M.F. Some problems of industrial hygiene and silicosis in mining for tungsten in Uzbekistan. Med. zhur. Uzb. no.7: 31-34 J1 163. (MIRA 17-.2) 1. Iz Uzbekskogo nauchno--issledovatellskogo instituta sani- tarii, gigiyeny i professionalinykh zabolevaniy (dir. - dotsent A.Z. Zakhidov). PRIKHOD IKO M F Pneumosclerosis resulting from the complex effect of dust and gases. Borloa s sil. 5:313-316 162. (ML~A i6'5) 1. Uzbekskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut sanitarii, gigiyeny i professionallnykh zabolevaniy. (FUIIAOIURY FIBMSIS) PRIKHODIKO, M.F., Out-of-town session of the Academy of Pledical Sciences of the U. and of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences' Qomaittee on the control of silicosia, devoted to problems in labor hygiene in tho coal and ore- raining industries; prevention and treatment of pneumoconiosis. I-led. zhur. Uzb. no.9:81 S 1611. 15:2) 1. Iz Uzbekskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta gigiy--ny, sanitarii i profzabolevaniy. (ACADEMY OF SCIEM-L OF THL UZBEK S.S.R.) .(FlINERS-DISBASELS AND HMENE) PRIKHODIKO, M.F.; SAGATOV, B.S. X-ray therapy for mycosis of the 2-3 year-old children. Med.zhur. Uzb. no.11;21-24 N 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Iz Tashkentskogo kozhno-venericheskogo,dispansera No.3. (MYCOSIS) (X RAn-THERAPEUTIC USE) (SCALP--DIS WES) PRIMDIKO, M. F., Cand Med Sci -- (iies) "Data fort,roentgenolo.-i-cal study of' ailicosle." Tanl*ent, 1958. 18 pp (Min of Hoalth U7,SSR,, Tashkent State Illed Instb Uzbek Sci Rea Sanitary Inst), 200 copies (KL, 17-58, 112) 9~2 A fill, Is Ad a ft U *Nadi WO GassX411 P a -2 --1 AA 0 1~ I . 3-4,144 Win Ent n &Ala in the open field NACI rowkific A ANO. &67) ~,,-~01- W Iliatirow the activity 4 Asagoibuse, whereas Na.So. stinnoldited their multipticathioL 041 ic and the saiL DI N fticil wad Just as treat " that In the check pipts, Msbidiusid Hy in the Upped IkWUMS- pajorotridam" devt 0 the 14ACI ", rjpmw .( cellulaw was also stimulated by tortistios ),Aaacrobid: as well=. dc'C'timpoz. o the SM With SaIL Nitriiicatiou stm stishplated in the "Is tftAttd with Nisow. but not tCl. The alky. 44 the x)ibs abdo increased bemuse ol in tbadid, treated with No the saft Uratorieut and subsequent leaching by rain water, Jorrx .00 001 40 0 .00 H! it, 0 9 COO wo ""00 AITALLUMMAL LITTRATUNI CLASUPWATIO 00 ."403 -A I solo" M., (lot 04 0.. is. U 15 AT 10 AS oi at it go of if It ii Via a' A f a ad a I ad AN a a 6 jq~T;401 41 a 00 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 41 6 0 L 12660-62... ASD(d)/AS(mp)-2/ASD(m)-3,,'.kEDC(b) -JDIJCYIMX ACCESSMH NIft:. AT4046116 S/000016VOW002/0023/0026 AUTHM.' Vulikho-A. ~ilh 41 L,D. Prikhod1ko;.M. 1. Bhko"tdkiy'- TIM: Preparation of anhydrous Ifthium hydroxide and oxide from lithium ,hydroxide monchydrate 2rouy~-shlennosti. USSR.' Goaudarstve komitet khimicheekoy i neftxanoy y*shlennost' khimicheskikh reaktivov i osobo chiaty*kh veshchestv (Industry of Pronr chemical reagents and extra pure substances); 1nfor=ts1anny*Y byulleten no. 2. Moscow, MEA, 1963, 23-26 TOPIC TAGS: lithium hydroxide, lithium oxide, anhydrous lithium hydroxidej tanhydrous lithium oxide., thermal decomposition, vacuum melting, vacuum dehydration, corundum crixible, _mpositio of lithium carbonate and tithium hydroxide ABSTRACT; The thermal deco n manohydrate in a vacuum was inigentigated on a large scale, and the conditions ,for obtaining anhydrous lithium hydroxide aud lithium oxide from the monohydrate were established. Among all the crucible materials tested, corundum was found to be the best for this purpose. A horizontal vacuum electric furnace with a steel retort and Silit heaters was used, with a VW-2 oil vacuum purnp. The ptocess was Cold _11- j ;,61 60-65 ACESSION NR. AT4046116 A'carried out in,t7m.stages: first, the water of hydration -was removed b heating y :at 300-350C in vacuo (600-650 MM HS) and the anhydrous hy8roxide was obtained, which. is a,porous product with- a structure similar to that of the initial mono- hydrate. In the second stage" the complete dissociation of lithium hydroxide is obtained at a gradually increasing temperature (up to 900-1000C) and a gradually decreasing pressure (down to 1 = Hg), Vie resulting lithium oxide is a solid Icake, which separates readily from the corundum crucible. The weight is only 1-2% ;lower than the theoretical yield. No traces of the product could be detected out- !side the crucible. Thus, by removing most of the water from UOH at a temperature jower than 900C, when the vapor'pressure of UOR is still Imr, loss of lithium ox- lide can be avoided. Chemic4l analysis shcraed that the reaction product contained ;98-99%.Li2O, less than OAVAI, and-less than lX-LijC03 (the initial lithium !hydroxide contained M% C02)'. ASSOC IATION: None: SUBMITTED: 27Hov63 M-WL'. 00 SUB CODE: W W, NO MY SOV: 003 OTHM: 012 2/Z card n PRIKHODIKO.I.S.; KLYSHEV, L.K. I - - L Nitrogen metabolism of pea seedlings as related to types of t,~,- ibstrate. Trudy Nazakh.SSR 20~.106-182 164. (MIRA 18~1) L 37654-65 ml(b) Peb 61V ACCESSION NR: AR5008607 S/0169/65/0001001/CO15/GO16 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. IG73 :.AUTHOR: Kukhtikova, T. I.; Koz'loz, A.V Hamontov, V. N.; Erantsuzova, V. I Prikhod'ko, L. V. ,TITLE: Working characteristics of seismographs of some stations in Central Asia !CITED SOURCE: Tr. In-t seysmostoyk. str-va i seysmol. AN TadzhSSR, v. 12, 1964, 133-195 k1 TOPIC TAGS: ig~lsmoim-,' seismograph TRANSIATION: Some shortcomings in the determination of the parameters of the seis- intic apparatus of the network of seismic stations are noted. There was found to be a wide diversity in the parameters for the stations of Central Asia. The bulletins giving seismograph parameters nowhere indicate the accuracy of their determination. the SK -and MG1_1 se-i*mG rap4s-, is th~.t ot th4--accuracy-of determination of the parameters plays an important role in determinations of their dynamic characteristics. For example, a 10% error in determination of the parameters can cause an error in the detenrination of magnif- &0tion YY2uP to 30%. The "Byulleten' seysmicheskoy seti SSR" contains some data L 37654-65 -ACCESSION NP: AM008607 on the parameters of seismic apparatus. These data are given in a form, quite unsuitable for computation of the dynamic characteristics in a broad range of frequencies. It is extremely irrational for the computation of the characteris- tics to be left to each interpreter. It is proposed that apparatus data be published in the form of detailed tables. Such work already has been done for 14 stations of the general type in Central ALsia for the period 1955-1959 and for the expeditionary stations of Tadzhikistan for 1955-L962. Computed data aTC pre- sented in tables. A. Rykov SUB.CODE: ES E14CL: 00 A c, rh!i V a C tr;r" ot,ationa of I f3 M ..l PRIKHODIKO;l M.S. Det,--nninirvg the degree of rea-~tion f)f a -entripetal Olllaine fox, off-design opez-ating coriditi.)rw. TnAdy LKI - no-38.I297- 203 162., (HIRA '-,6L7) 1. Kafedi-a eudavykh irspcvogeLtel.'nylc-h mekhanilmor i pax-.)irykli T r i. .ads.-hin Lr-.nincrrad!ok7:~g,) 1,.-rablest Atellnog-D inst-ituta. (Steam turbinp!-: I II; ax, -1 r f2, ) A '65 (A) SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR; Prikhod'ko, M. S. (Candidate of technical sciences, Docent) ORG: None (3 TITLE: Loss analysis with rate of discharge in centripetal turbines under nominal conditions SOURCE: Energomashinostroyeniye, no. 2, 1966, 15-18 TAGS: turbine design, turbine disc, turbine stage, centripetal flow turbine ABSTRACT: The author studies the effect of radiality and degree of reacitivity on losses with rate of discharge under nominal conditions in centripetal turbines where the angular emergence of the flow from the working wheel is determined as a function of the basic parameters of the stage. Analysis shows that lowest losses correspond to definite values of the ratio between velocities x and the angle of emergence u2. These losses can be assumed to be optimum in designing the exit part of the wheel. The pro- posed formulas,' pay be usbd to determine conditions for nominal aperatian in designing the stages of.Ebntripetal turbines and exit turning vanes for given geometric parameter and cascade blowthrough factors ~ and T. Analysis makes it possible to explain the effect of the basic parameters V (ratio of the average diameters at the exit and inlet uDc: 621.438.oo4-17 PRIKHQama,m.~S. Optima conditions for the performance of centripetal turbine stages. Trudy LKI no.34:173-186 161. WIRA 15:3) 1. Kafedra sudMkh vspomogatelInykh mekhanizmov i parovykh mashin, (Marine turbines) -----PRILUQ-D IKO, -M.S.., inzh. Experimental study of a centripetal tWbine stage vith d~$ v&lues. Izv, vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 5 no.10;64-71 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Leningradskiy korablestroitellnyy institut. Predstavlena ka-Cadroy sudov7fKh vspomogatelInykh mekhanizmov. (Turbines) S/143/62/000/010/001/004 D238/D308 ,;.JJ,L HOR: Prilchodl.ho, Engineer TITYE !~Kpcrimcntal invejtigation of a centripetal turbine Stage with Values ul > 1 cl P~;'RIODICi-,L: Ivvcstiya v%jsshiI:h uchebnylch zavedeniy, Energetika, no. 10, 1962, 64-71 TILCT: Experimental results are analyzed for a turbine stage Tvith values 11- > 1, ul being the peripheral speed of the cl working disc, c-L the efff-'ectivc velocity.ojl*stream, leavi%,~ the nozzle. The gconctrical characteristics of the stage were: entry diameter of the v;rorking disc dl = 122 mm, width of the disc blades at the inlet bI = 5.2 mm; ratio of the working disc diameters at the inlet and outlet d2 0.435; radial crap between nozzle systarri and disc 6; number of 'blades in the nozzle zc = 23. The turbine was Card 1/3