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Transactions of the Institute (Cont.) SOV11316 Novikov, I.I., and L. I. Dautova. Study of the Equilibrium Diagram of the System: Copper - Nickel - Silicon 274 Dem.lyanlkov, I.G. Rapid Method of Quantitative X-ray Spec- trum Analysis 282 Kalinin, S.K., E. Ye. Fayn., 1. G. Grinman, and G.B. Zhilinskiy. Spectroscopic Determdr-ation of Rare Earths In MInerals 288 Grixman, I.G., S.K. Kalinin, V.L. Marzuvanov, and E. Ye. Fayn-- Study of Electric-are Output for Spectrum Analysis 296 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 616 TM/rj 4-6-59 3011/137-59-5-10733 Tranz1ation fr,:)m~ Referativnyy th-amal, Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 5, PP I all - 182 (USSR) AUTHOR Prezzriyakov, A.A. TITLr_ On Some Problems of thi! Interaction of Components In Binary Stractural Diagrams PERIODICAL-, Tr, in-ta yaderm. 'Liz, AS KazSSR, 1958, Nr 1, pp 175 - 186 ABSIFACT., The author discusses tl-,,e dependence of the type of structural. diagrams on- the position of its components in Mandeleyevis periodic table. Interactions of the copper sub-group -Ilements (Cu, Ag and Au) with elements of *,.be 11 - 1V parlqds of -~he periodic system were Investigated. The region corrIjasponding to the solidus line was taken as the basis of the stru,~Wral dl.agr--,r,, On the abscissa axis, characteristic- DOintS wera projected corrc-~- pondIng to the region of transition of the Alloy from t1he 11craid Card 1/2 to the solid state, The line obtained with th7~~ part!~_Ular voinl. SOV/13-1-59-5-1071-43 On Some Problems of the Tnteraction of Components in Binary Struciturall plotted on it was-na-med "the characteristic etinictural diagram" . SiucI-i cha~ra~-- terlatlc,2, aarranged correspondingly to the order of els-ments Li the Mendeley,7-r table, indicate the regular change in the structural diagram type in conn.ection with the position of elements in the periodic "able. v L.V. Card 2/2 PRBSNYAKOV, A.A. Theory of slip cones. Trudy Inst.iad.fiz.AH Xazakh.SSR 1:187- 196 '58. OUR& 12:2) (Deformations (Mechanics)) (Rolling (Metalwork)) S011/137-59-5-10788 Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal, Metall'-~rglya, 1959, Nr 5, P 189 ~USSF) ATJTHOR- Presnyakov, A.A. T' 7= On the Connection of Plasti-n: PropertleA Metal. Systi_mms With Their Chemli~ai and Phase Compositions PERIODTCAL~. Tr_ Innta yadern. f1z,. AS KazSSR,19,15-8, Vol 1, pp 197 - 21.6 ABSTRACT~ Data are given, generalizing the research of a number of autho-rs into the plast-ICI-11-Y of various metals and alloys, On account. cf the considerable difference in T., the comparison of the plasticl.- ty of various metals and alloys ;ias carried c;u-, at h.:,mc1c-qv-1s temperat-ares over the entire range. Investig-tions into the temperature effeat on the plaztii:Uty of a serie5 of pure metals show that the plasticity changes depend on the st-.~Ucf:ure of the crystalline latt1ce.. Plasticity decreases ;~-Onz derably with- higher alloying of metal-based solid solutions In cubic lattices, The transition from binary solid solutions to more complex ones is corvi~cted with a greater plasticity Card 1/2 decrease than In the cas,~ of binary solid solutions of similar .907/137-519 -55- 1-0788 On the Connection of Plastic. Properties of Metal Syztems With Their Cbemical and Phase Compositions alloyirg. Components wh1oh produce saturat,~d solid solutions of Low con- an .,h ,~-entratlon with the ba5e;, red,-ice- rr.,e+.~il p! astielty to a higher degrGe th ~ aj cciuonentS contained in large amolinfs in solid solutions of cast metaI5 and alloys, Changes in the pla-sti~Aty f~,f natura.i Industrial alloy3 depend 07, tI-e ~ff=ct of the alloving connect-Bi with ahanges in the -;ryEtallline lat-t--ce of the metal and. c-f the structural faotcr. z F. Card 2/2 SOV/137-59-5-10979 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 5, pp 218-219 (USSR) AUTHORS., Presnyakov, A.A., Chervyakova, V.V. .. .. .. ...... .. TITLE: tility cf Binary ~1-(~i Alloys in Cast State at High 0n the Duc Temperatures A PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta yadern. fiz. AS KazSSR, 1958, Vol 1, pp 234 - 236 ABSTRACT. During static tension tests of Al and Its alloys a minimum of 1-K was observed at 1000C; higher test temperatures caused an increase in Y . At 4000C the value of T for all the alloys was of the same order as for pure Al (85 - 100%), During dynamic tension tests, the minimum of ductility shifted toward the side of higher temperatures (2000C). At - 5001C a se--on- dary temperature zone of reduced ductility appeared, It is stated that the minimum of ductility observed in Al-Cu alloys at 100 - 2000C is regular for all solid solutions with a hexa- gonal-centered-cubic lattice. Card 1/1 L.Ye, 51529 16) C) 0 SOV/139-59-5-11039 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, 1959, Nr 5, 0 221 (1'J3"i,'! AUTHOR-. Presnyakov, A.A., Sakharova, N.S. TITLE., An Investigation Into the Microbardness of Some Cast Alloys on Zinc and Tin Base'A Y1 PERIODICAL, Tr. In-ta yadern. fiz. AS KazSSR, 1958, Vol !, pp 237 - 2113 ABSTRACT-, The author investigated the microhardness of the following alloys: Zn-Al ( --- 5.5% Al), Zn-cu ( --- 3% Cu), Sn-Pb 38% Pb), Sn-Sb (--- 10% Sb), Sn-Zn ( ~_- 9,116 Zn) and Cu-Ni 9N, Ni) . The alloys were studied in cast state prior to and after homogenization and also in the deformed state after annealing. The spread of microhardness values was taken as a measure of the segregational heterogeneity of the solid solu- tion. It Is pointed out that for systems with limited solubi- lity of components in the solid state, the microhardnes:3 meth(cl, can be used to determine thq composition of the alloy where the secondary phase appears. It is asserted that heterogeneity of, Card 1/2 the cast grain according to the composition in Zn anci !"In illr,1,7, SOV/137-5-9-5-11039 An Investigation Into the Hicrohardness of Some Cast Alloys on Ziric and Tin Base can not be completely eliminated, neither by extended homogeneization Dor by plastic, deformation with subsequent annealing. It is noted that a conS4 derabl- dxi growth occurs in extended homogeneization of Zn alloys (3600C, 250 hrs) .til samples of monocrystalline cross-sections are obtained 8 mm in dia'-. meter). The possibility Is admitted of applying the microhardness method for controlling the chemical composition of alloys. L-Ye, Card 2/2 61530 13,0'r/137-559-5-1 1048 -Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 1), p 224 (1,SS~- AUTBOF3~ Presnyakov, A.A., Mironenko, Yu.P. J TITLE- on the Ductility of Some Zinc-Base Alloys Jn Ca5t Sta, PERIODICAL, T-r. In-ta yadern. fiz, AS KazS9R, 1958, Vol 1, pp 2411 248 ABSTRACT It was established thut Zn and Zn alloys containing_ .-ip Al have two temperature zone-e of brittlenessliand two zonE,:3 of higher ductility. In Zn the first zone of britltlenesz and higher ductility during static tension Is losated in r?nge_= of 20' - 19,00C and of 1500 - 1300C, respectively. Nring dvrani., tension it Is located within the ranges of 200 - 1000C and of 1000 - 1800C~ The second zone of brittleness ard higher ducti-L-it-y of Zn was observed at 2300 - 37000 and of 3700 - 4100^, respCctiV-_-.- ly, in the ease of static -tension and at 230 0 - 370,`:t7 and 25.00 - 400CC during dynamic ten-clon- In alloying Zn wLt-ti aluminum the first zone of brittleness (equal for. static and dynamic ten5ion', 1S shif ted toward the lower temper-atiire range (200 - 75"-~) andi Card 1/2 the second zone of' lower ductility corresponds to temn,~rat~;r-- I00001V ~l N N ~-% r es 'Y Q ~, - 1 .0 . I ~-- i ~ %NNMNN- I-v- Iff I s c xl~ % 1 0 occl OV\ *ht M*~i- ree I (* if 4 6) f Vk(A